Catholic By.The Callons for the Very Rev
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AND ADVOCi\TE • "IN NECESSARIIS UNITAS, IN DUB lIS LIBERTAS, IN OMNIBUS CARITAS." ez TERMS--$2,00 PER AN~UM, IN ADVANCE. WHEN DELIVERED BY CARRIERS $2,50 REV. S. H. ROSEORANS, D. D.~ EDI'I10RS SINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS. VERY REV. E. puaCELL. 5 • Vo1.XXIL~ · CINCINNATI, °H I 0, SAT U R DAY, J U N E 25, 1853. ~NO.27 OPENING OF THE PROVINCiAL SYNOD OF The choir af priests was led by the Rev. Mr. Duhne, I Ireland during the three last ~enturie~; but,. thanks such force that they cannot hope to enter Heaven LEINSTER. Carlow College; the Rev. Mr. Harold, Cabinteely; to high Heaven, to the growlllg SplTlt of liberality themselves, if. through their fault, allv ransomed the Rev. Mr. Wood, Donnybrook; the Rev. Mr. Mul- aronnd us, and to the indomitable en.ergy and fide.lity child of the Lord Jesus is lost. The p'astor, then, The Provincial Synod of Lelnster, convened by his laly, Iris:,tolVn; the Rev. !lir Cavanagh; the Rev. of hdr clergy and her people, she IS no longer III a must with his dying breath be able to repeat, in the Grace the Archbishop of. Dublin, was ?pened on Mr. Hogan; t.he Rev. Mr. Bell, and Mr. Lyons, Car- pro.trate condition. Look aro.und y~u ; see her ove~ language of the Redeemer himself, "Patel' ex eis quae Thursday in the MetropolItan Chnrch WIth all the low College. flowing and devoted people, With their nobie Catholic diJi~ti mihi non pel'didi ex eis quanquam," for, asSt. solemnity aud splendour prescribed by.the callons for The Very Rev. Dr. O'Connell, P. P., Irishtown; hierarchy ri~ing its mit~e~ .head untarnished, am i ~st Chrysosl.(lm obsllrves, he wili not merely be called so interesting a caremolllal and befittIng an event of and the Rev. N. Roche, P. P., St. Michael and St. the gratulation of the clvlhsed world, and confilllng upon in judgment to answer for all his people taken uch high importance to the spiritual welfare of the John's acted as deacons at the throne of the arch- our view to the glorious spectacle now before onr together, but "pro omnibus slngillatim ," as if person ~aithful. From an early hour of the moroing large bishop: eye, around the festiv.e al tars-wllo can behold .this ally responsible for every soul in his diocese. Yon - llUmbers of the laity commenced to assemble in and The Rev. Mr. Pope bore the episcopal cross. be~nteou~ array of thIS army ofyeac~_people, levltes, must see what addilional weight all this has from the about the church, anxious to witness a scene of so The Masters of the Ceremonies were-the Rev. Dr. p1'1ests, bishops-around the Pnmate s salllted tbrone, value of every soul of men; and that you may better grand and sacred a cbaracte:, and so. calculat~d to re- Woodlock and the Rllv. Mr. Mulligan. and not exlaim with the sacred page-"Qufm pulchra understand this, estimatA, if you please, the value of mind them of the most glorIOUS perIOd Of. theIr coun- The Very Rev. Dr. Flanagau, P. P., St. Nicholas tabernacula tua, Jacob., et tentoria tua, Israel!" even one soul, then let the balance be produced. Let try's history, ere the darkness of persecutIOn. sh~do~v- Without, and Chancellor of the Chapter, aud Ihe Very [Num. xxiv., 5]. You all know that your pastors are earth and oceall throw forth all their treasurp,s-Iel ed the land-when the prelates and other dl!l'nltn1'1es Rev. Dr. Yore, 1:'. P., V. G., and Precentor, occupied here assembled according to apostolic laws and the all the splendors of the starry heave os and all the glo of the national church were w.ont .to. assemble In .coun- places in the sanctuary, as did also the Very Rev. J. time-honored usages of the Catholic church, in pro ries of material creation be collected on the one hand,. cH to ~ODcert meas~res . for malntaJlllng the punty of Grant, Archdeacon of Glendalough. vin~ial ~ynod, to discharge the important ~utie.s of and let the soul of the I~ast of those little ones be ba the faith, propagatlllg It amongst the people, and en- The choir having chaunted the canticles and pray- then IJlgh charge; and when we see theIr mItred lanced against it, and tell me which is of the greatest acting regulatlOus for !he better ~anage~ent of the Iers prescribed, the Archbishop was disrobed, and then head" arou~Id our venerated ~rchbishop, legate or the valne-that which is one day to perish, or that which church. These reflectIOns, combl~led Wlt.h the f~ct invested with chasuble and stole of crimson and gold, Apostolt/) See to the ever falth/ul church of Ireland, is to survive tlie wreck of worlds and live, lille God, that many ye~rs have. pa~s£'d away sl~ce a p~bltc Sy- varions cftremonials being observed in the investiture. we all recognise, with increased hope and affection, immortal? 01' if you still doubt, let llie blood of Car nod was held III DUbl.lll, Invested the Imyresslve. cere- He then proceeded from the 'episcopal throne to the the sacred, unbroken chain which, from the day of vary be thrown into the scales, and then decide which 1D0niai yesterday wI~h t~I~ strongest lllterest III the altar, to celebrate the grand high mass of the Holy her first conversion to the faith. has ever connected is of greater value-objects of material r:reation destin minds of our Catholtc cItizens of all. clas~es, W~lO Ghost. The rev. Dr. Laphen acted as deacon, and the church of Ireland to the Catholic or universal ed one day to perilh, or the immortal image of the looked for many d.ays WIth glad antiCIpation to Its the rev. W. Meagher, P . P ., sub-deacon. When his church, and binds her.millions to father ransomed by the blood of his incarnate Son 1 celebratIOn . A pllvate co.nference of the Fathers grace turned to the congregation, all the bishops, of Peter, through wInch a ransomed world ~s ltnked And tho pastors of the church of Christ are responsible·· was held at the Presbyt~ry ~n the mornlllg~ ~vhen ar- clergy, and people rose anri T~turned the salute. The for ever to the throne of t~e Redeemer. Foul·t~en for all ? Undoubtedly. No wonder, theil, that they· rangements were m~d.e lelatlve to the ordel and pro- bishops laid aside theil' mi~ .. es and assisted at the centune~ have. ro!led by sInce our fathers, first lll assemble here with tremblillg allxiety to study how cedu~'e of the councll, and the follOWing officers were mass, ouserving, with the others present, all the rules structed In the Chnstlan law, a~andoned for ever thelT they may fitfully perform the duties of their tremen- · appomted '.- of the choir. The Kyrie Eleison, the Gloria, Credo, Pagan temples. and, entering Into the sanctu~ry of a dous charge. "Pervigilant qllasi rationem pro omni Secreta~',es-The ~ev. ~r. Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Sanctus, and Agnus Dei, were chaunted by the choir. divine religion, sw.ore cternal fidelity on its sacred al bus vestris reddituri ;" alld they consider 110 pains or . Woodlo~k. Promotel~AlChdeacon Hamllt~n. Cere- The bishops received the incense lfl'om the deacons, tars; al!d, thallks Immortal to the God of our fath~rs, labour too great to SeCllre to all her children the near-· mOlllaru--The Rev. 01. Woodlock, canon, and the without mitres and the received and O'uve the kiss of we their descendants, after the storm of centUl'les, iug glories of immortality. True, she wonld wish to' Rev. JamAs Mnlligan, C. C., Metropolitan C,lll~rch. peac~ in the us~3;1 manner. Durnig "th9 celebration are'her~ assembled around.these same Catholic al~ars secure to all her children a competent share of the The Very Rev. W. Meyler, P. P., St. Andrew s, the of the Rolemn Mass prescribed for this great occasion, to which they clung WIth such desperate fidelity. blessings of this life; but she feels that her children" Very Rev. Dr. Yore, .V. G.; and tbe Very Rev. 01'. the sight presented in the church was, perhaps, one of And ill the me~ting of this day we have a proof of the are princes born, not for eurthly thrones, but born {OF O'CoDne.lI, P. p., Iflshtown, were chosen to attend the most imposing, edifying, and magnificent ever continuation o!, that kind, p~o~ecting P.rovidence which the thrones of heaven; and hence hei' maxim eternally' the meetlllgs of the ~Yllod on t~e .part of ~he chapter. beheld in a temple of worship in this country. It has so long glllded the destInIes of tins portIOn of thc is, with the great St. AugusliD, "Nnllamajores divitire, . Sl~ortly after t~n ~ clock the, cleI~y,. r:anons, was truly inspiring to look upon the high altar, re- chnrch of Clmst, and seems to hold out to us are- nulli thesauri, nulli hOllures, nulli mundi hujus sub dlgOltanes, pro:'lllclals, and members of relIg'I,ouS 01'- flacting in itR polished marble the numerous lights newed pledge that whatever may be the convulSIOns stantia quam fides Catholica."--S. Aug -("That a\\ dersassel~bled In the grouI~ds of the Presb~tery, when that bUl'lled around-the revered Archprelate offering of states or empires, whatever may be the vicissitndes the collected riches of the earth, that all ilA vaunted a plocesslon was formed In accordance WIth t~e .