AND ADVOCi\TE "IN NECESSARIIS • UNITAS, IN DUB lIS LIBERTAS, IN OMNIBUS CARITAS." ez TERMS--$2,00 PER AN~UM, IN ADVANCE. WHEN DELIVERED BY CARRIERS $2,50 SINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS. REV. S. H. ROSEORANS, D. D.~ VERY REV. E. puaCELL. 5 EDI'I10RS • Vo1.XXIL~ · CINCINNATI, H I 0, SAT U R DAY, J U N E 25, 1853. ~NO.27 OPENING OF THE PROVINCiAL ° SYNOD OF The choir af priests was led by the LEINSTER. Rev. Mr. Duhne, I Ireland during the three last ~enturie~; but,. Carlow College; the Rev. Mr. Harold, thanks such force that they cannot hope to enter Heaven Cabinteely; to high Heaven, to the growlllg SplTlt of liberality themselves, the Rev. Mr. Wood, Donnybrook; the Rev. Mr. if. through their fault, allv ransomed The Provincial Synod of Lelnster, convened by his Mul- aronnd us, and to the indomitable en.ergy and fide.lity child of laly, Iris:,tolVn; the Rev. !lir Cavanagh; the Rev. of the Lord is lost. The p'astor, then, Grace the Archbishop of. hdr clergy and her people, she IS no longer III Dublin, was ?pened on Mr. Hogan; t.he Rev. Mr. Bell, and a must with his dying breath be able to repeat, in the Thursday in the MetropolItan Chnrch Mr. Lyons, Car- pro.trate condition. Look aro.und y~u ; see WIth all the low College. her ove~­ language of the Redeemer himself, "Patel' ex eis quae solemnity aud splendour prescribed flowing and devoted people, With their nobie Catholic by.the callons for The Very Rev. Dr. O'Connell, diJi~ti mihi non pel'didi ex eis quanquam," for, asSt. so interesting a caremolllal P. P., Irishtown; hierarchy ri~ing its mit~e~ .head untarnished, and befittIng an event of and the Rev. N. Roche, P. am i ~st Chrysosl.(lm obsllrves, he wili not merely be called uch high importance P., St. Michael and St. the gratulation of the clvlhsed world, and to the spiritual welfare of the John's acted as deacons at confilllng upon in judgment to answer for all his people taken ~aithful. From an early the throne of the arch- our view to the glorious spectacle now hour of the moroing large bishop: before onr together, but "pro omnibus slngillatim ," as if person­ - llUmbers of the laity eye, around the festiv.e al tars-wllo can behold commenced to assemble in and The Rev. Mr. Pope bore the .this ally responsible for every soul in his diocese. Yon about the church, anxious episcopal cross. be~nteou~ array of thIS army ofyeac~_people, to witness a scene of so The Masters of the Ceremonies levltes, must see what addilional weight all this has from the grand and sacred a cbaracte:, were-the Rev. Dr. p1'1ests, bishops-around the Pnmate s salllted and so. calculat~d to re- Woodlock and the Rllv. Mr. Mulligan. tbrone, value of every soul of men; and that you may better mind them of the most and not exlaim with the sacred page-"Qufm glorIOUS perIOd Of. theIr coun- The Very Rev. Dr. Flanagau, pulchra understand this, estimatA, if you please, the value of try's history, ere the darkness P. P., St. Nicholas tabernacula tua, Jacob., et tentoria tua, of persecutIOn. sh~do~v- Without, and Chancellor of the Chapter, Israel!" even one soul, then let the balance be produced. Let ed the land-when the prelates aud Ihe Very [Num. xxiv., 5]. You all know that your and other dl!l'nltn1'1es Rev. Dr. Yore, 1:'. P., V. G., and Precentor, pastors are earth and oceall throw forth all their treasurp,s-Iel of the national church were occupied here assembled according to apostolic laws w.ont .to. assemble In .coun- places in the sanctuary, as did also and the all the splendors of the starry heave os and all the glo­ cH to ~ODcert meas~res the Very Rev. J. time-honored usages of the , . for malntaJlllng the punty of Grant, Archdeacon of Glendalough. in pro­ ries of material creation be collected on the one hand,. the faith, propagatlllg It amongst vin~ial ~ynod, to discharge the important the people, and en- The choir having chaunted the canticles ~utie.s of and let the soul of the I~ast of those little ones be ba­ acting regulatlOus for and pray- then IJlgh charge; and when we see theIr !he better ~anage~ent of the Iers prescribed, the Archbishop was mItred lanced against it, and tell me which is of the greatest church. These reflectIOns, disrobed, and then head" arou~Id our venerated ~rchbishop, legate combl~led Wlt.h the f~ct invested with chasuble and stole of crimson or the valne-that which is one day to perish, or that which that many ye~rs have. pa~s£'d and gold, Apostolt/) See to the ever falth/ul church of Ireland, away sl~ce a p~bltc Sy- varions cftremonials being observed in is to survive tlie wreck of worlds and live, lille God, nod was held III the investiture. we all recognise, with increased DUbl.lll, Invested the Imyresslve. cere- He then proceeded from hope and affection, immortal? 01' if you still doubt, let llie blood 1D0niai yesterday the 'episcopal throne to the the sacred, unbroken chain which, of Car­ wI~h t~I~ strongest lllterest III the altar, to celebrate from the day of vary be thrown into the scales, and then minds the grand high mass of the Holy her first conversion to the decide which of our Catholtc cItizens of all. clas~es, W~lO Ghost. The rev. faith. has ever connected is of greater value-objects of material r:reation looked Dr. Laphen acted as deacon, and the church of Ireland to destin­ for many d.ays WIth glad antiCIpation to Its the rev. W. Meagher, the Catholic or universal ed one day to perilh, or the immortal celebratIOn P . P ., sub-deacon. When his church, and binds her.millions image of the . A pllvate co.nference of the Fathers grace turned to father ransomed by the blood of his to the congregation, all the bishops, of Peter, through wInch incarnate Son 1 was held at the Presbyt~ry ~n the mornlllg~ ~vhen ar- clergy, and a ransomed world ~s ltnked And tho pastors of the church of Christ people rose anri T~turned the salute. The for ever to the throne are responsible·· rangements were m~d.e lelatlve to the ordel and pro- bishops la of t~e Redeemer. Foul·t~en for all ? Undoubtedly. No wonder, id aside theil' mi~ .. es and assisted at the centune~ have. ro!led theil, that they· cedu~'e of the councll, and the follOWing officers were mass, ous by sInce our fathers, first lll­ assemble here with tremblillg erving, with the others present, all the rules structed In the Chnstlan allxiety to study how appomted '.- law, a~andoned for ever thelT they may fitfully perform the of the choir. The Kyrie Eleison, the Gloria, Credo, Pagan templ duties of their tremen- · Secreta~',es-The ~ev. ~r. Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Sanctus, es. and, entering Into the sanctu~ry of a dous charge. "Pervigilant qllasi and Agnus Dei, were chaunted by the choir. divine religion, sw.ore rationem pro omni­ Woodlo~k. Promotel~AlChdeacon Hamllt~n. Cere- The bishops cternal fidelity on its sacred al­ bus vestris reddituri ;" alld they mOlllaru--The received the incense lfl'om the deacons, tars; al!d, thallks Immortal consider 110 pains or . Rev. 01. Woodlock, canon, and the without mitres to the God of our fath~rs, labour too great to SeCllre to all Rev. and the received and O'uve the kiss of we their descendants, after her children the near-· JamAs Mnlligan, C. C., Metropolitan C,lll~rch. peac~ in the the storm of centUl'les, iug glories of immortality. True, The Very us~3;1 manner. Durnig "th9 celebration are'her~ assembled around.these she wonld wish to' Rev. W. Meyler, P. P., St. Andrew s, the of the Rolemn Mass same Catholic al~ars secure to all her children a Very prescribed for this great occasion, to which they clung competent share of the Rev. Dr. Yore, .V. G.; and tbe Very Rev. 01'. the sight presented WIth such desperate fidelity. blessings of this life; but she O'CoDne.lI, in the church was, perhaps, one of And ill the me~ting of this feels that her children" P. p., Iflshtown, were chosen to attend the most imposing, day we have a proof of the are princes born, not for eurthly thrones, the meetlllgs edifying, and magnificent ever continuation o!, that kind, but born {OF­ of the ~Yllod on t~e .part of ~he chapter. beheld in a temple p~o~ecting P.rovidence which the thrones of heaven; and hence hei' . Sl~ortly after of worship in this country. It has so long glllded the destInIes maxim eternally' t~n ~ clock the, cleI~y,. r:anons, was truly inspiring to look of tins portIOn of thc is, with the great St. AugusliD, "Nnllamajores dlgOltanes, pro:'lllclals, upon the high altar, re- chnrch of Clmst, and seems to hold divitire, and members of relIg'I,ouS 01'- flacting in itR polished marble out to us are- nulli thesauri, nulli hOllures, nulli mundi dersassel~bled In the the numerous lights newed pledge that whatever may be the hujus sub­ grouI~ds of the Presb~tery, when that bUl'lled around-the revered convulSIOns stantia quam fides Catholica."--S. Aug -("That a plocesslon was formed Archprelate offering of states or empires, whatever may be the a\\ In accordance WIth t~e . ca- from it to the Most High the glorious vicissitndes the collected riches of the earth, that nons: Mace bearers sacrifice insti- in the temporal destinies of nations, or even all ilA vaunted or vergers, followed by rel~glOus tuted and ordained by His Beloved of Chris­ glories, Ilor the splendour of its accumulated in mmor order~: the regular Son--the sainted tianity itself, in other qnurters of the globe, treasu­ . cler!l'y of the dIOcese prelates kneeling within the sanctuary, His pro­ res, are to be compared to the simple posseSSion pre~eded by :heu cross and and behind tection will e ver be continued to ns, and His promise of hablt~d. In the costume .of them the white-robed priest, the varied genuine Catholic fuith.") S. Aug. And to'pectJve o~d~rs-the Dominicans costumes of verified in our favor_"Behold, I am with you secure , the Frall~ls, the regular clergy, and, stretching a.way· all the triumph of this only saving faith her prayer cans, the Augu.tHllal~S, th~ members to the open days, even'o the consummation of the world." And, and ~f the SOClet.y portals, the dense crowd 'If the prostrate and adoring her exertions would be to break down and remove all of ~esus, the Grand Carmsht:s, the dearly belov d, what should be our gratitud~ when DIs~alced C~r- people, uniting their fervent prayers with the mounds of separation which ages of Ignorance or lD.ehteB, and the melllbe~s of the CongregatlOn.o/ those of we rpfie )t that so Illany other nations, once enlIghten· ~alllt their zealous, indefatigable pastors, to the Father misrepresentation have accumulated, thus to reunite Vmcent de Paul. Next III of ed by the cheering rays of , order came the prolesslonal all, to enlight~n and direct the have sunk the too long divided streams of Christianity, cr."ss of the ~hurch, conncil about to be again into the shades of idolall'Y and supel'8tition, and fioat bor ne by a sub-deacon, vested opened, and to bress its labours. or the ark of religion triumphant over Without mample, and At the conclusion have exchanged the faith of their fathers the mingled waters followed by tile students of All- of the muss, the rev. Mr. Esmonds, for the ever With this view, so congenial and Hallows College, and S. J .. came forth varying cod .. ' 'If ambitious innovators that so dear to every clergr of all orders, chantlllg from th£'sncristy, and having ascended this has Catholic breast, instoad of cndouvouring 1~1 ~ h~mns and psalms pl·escl'lbed. the pulpit, he been vdl'ified in countries which once formed to "el'arate They were all at- proceeded to address the vast congregation the fair- citizen from ciliz~Jl, Ohristian from fellow-Christian, bred III surpltc~s, as follows: est portions of the Chlll'ch of Christ, soutans,. an? ~aps. After those "Obey your prelates and in countries in and man from his fellow·man, by came the 1'8rocillal be subject to them, for which the faith was planted by the hands teaching men that secular ~Igllltanes ~nd clergy, and they watch, having to give an of the Apos­ most inconceivable of hUll1an crimes tbe v~ry rev. the secretanes account for your souls." ties themselves-nay, more, that ill that aud follies-to of the uynod robed ~n -S Puul to Rom. "And behold once favor"d hate each other in the name of n common surplices. Th~y I am with you all land ennobled and consecrated by the Saviour, a \Vere fol\o~ed. by a sub-deacon 111 days, even to the consummation presence of the martyred God of charily-her anxious vestments beanng the archiepiscopal of the world."-Mllt., incarnate God, and where his blood bathed wish would 'be cross, and sup- xxviii 20 the earth, to collect all that had ever fallen from the porte~ at either side by the. name of a Redeemer has almost ceased to be ad­ pen of ig­ ~co.lys:t with lighted tapel's. 'L\S 'I b"hold both clergy and laity norance, prejndice, or passion-all that had Next III order came assembled this ored, his cross has ceased to reign, ever been the dlgllltanes o.f the secon~ ,order day in such unusual numbers while in its stead whispered to mortal ears by of clergy .. the promoters aronnd these altare, I the desolating crescent has triumphed the demons of the abyss of the .coun~ll, the p:ovll.~lals have selected two texts deeply for centuries -and collecting this aggregate of the reltglous interesting to both, for amidst the ruins of Christianity and of infamy into onevast orders who assisted In thedelIberatton" the first points ont the duty the degradution fUDeral pile, on which I would of tbe Synod, of uoth-of you beloved of on I' common humanity. With chain down the many­ and th~ de.acoll and sub·d~acon f~r the people, to obey; of them, these facts belore headed monster of religious mass. These the rev. prelates, ~o watch ns, what should be our acknowledgment bigotry, and invoke the ecclesl~~tJcs were robed.!n the". altar and guide; and the to heaven, spirit of Christianity vestments, second text gives ample aecnrity and, let me add, what should to descend from the bosom of the dea~on III chasuble of .crllI~son tissue, to al" as it promises be our mingled senti­ the Father to set fire worn to be with them all days, even to ments of respect, admiration, to the pile and rid the earth of a over alb, amICt, and soutan, With c!lIctnre al~d the consummation and gratitude to the me­ nuisance odious to st?le of the world; ~nd here allow me mory of our fathers, who, God and rn inous to man-then over one shoulder, the sub-deaC?ll 1Il dalJllutlC to introduce with a fide lity unrivalled in might we expect my reflections by a kind of domestic hi- the annals of the Christian to see onr country emerge Jrom the Without stole, WOl'll over alb and cIncture. Next storical world, huve, through ages .. loom ill which ca tI b' I . tJ 'd f . .'elucidation A tradition had long floated of peril and deso unwonhy passions have depressed me Ie IS 10p~ In Ie 01 er 0 promotIon, weanng among our latioll "reserved inviolate and hand- her; then should rural population around a branch of the ed down to ns the , ,. , , we ali breathe a purer air, redeemed, red COp? and Plam cloth of gold mitre; they were at- Boll' sacred deposit of our holy fait.h ?__ regenorated, of Allen in a retired part of the county Kildare and in this tribute emanCipated from all the littleness of t~llded oy their chaplains, mitre-bearers, and train- to the of grateful acknowledgement is it par:y, und all effect that during the long' persecution conse: not evident that combine with our heaven·commissioned bear~rs. They. were followed by the ar~hiepi s copal 'luent the first place is emi"ently due to the prelates to raisc to the forced introductioll of what some call memory of those our people to bappiness here and to crozle~·bearer In red cope, ~ho pr~c eded h~s Grace tbe the reformed leal'lled and saillted prelates, who immortality religion amongst our people, a Oatholic from age to age hereafter. With this resolve and cheering Mchbl.ho~, suppol-ted at e l~her ~Ide by IllS .att?ndant bishop have been selected by a kind "lid ever hope, let us lay concealed, like another Athanasins, in the guardian Providence remember that we are. rapidly traversing p:lests, H,s grace was attll'ed III the arcillepl8copal to guide the destinies of this in­ the adjoilling bog hid there by day coming forth ocean of time, and when the eternal hills burst OD Violet B.outan and rochet, over which he wore by teres ting portion of the church of Christ ? Yes dearly cope 01 e" a rich night and t1{ence riding ronnd tile country flir and our astonished view, and the Lord Jesus, prince of In Hlllnso~1 an d go Id '. t" d 'tl d Id ' beloved in what other countrv shall we find sdch un- llm~e WI 1 eep. go near, consoling, instructing, and '. pastors, appears ill the glory of his Father, may we ceo IS ~Ilte was of whIte sattn encouraging his shaken constancy, such unpurchaseable fid elity, and sliver tIssue,. faithful people. Such was the tradition such all receive from his hund a nev~fadillg wreath *corated With the cross, and set as in early indomitable attachment to religion and the apostolic of with precious stones. life I had often heard it, though some .fiected immortality. he processIOn havlllg been formed, incI'e- see, combined with such unwearied, heroiC devotion moved along the dulity as to the fact when behold! about When the sermon concluded the Archbishop, passages at the rere of the church twenty to their people as in the long line of saintly preiates who vestry to th and through the years 81'0 a poor m~n digging turf in the had previouely resumed the vestments adapted peopl b I t · f tl out h . d Th ' , Ileighbor- who since the days of ou" great apostle have so suc- for en the ex jrlOr 0 h ~~ k ~rn I SI e· de l hood unexpectedly discovered, '" the session and WOI'll in the procession, descended vout:nd . e~se ves about six or eight feet cessfully guarded the church of Irelaud on t en . ne~s III t1e most e- below the surface, the crozier and from Ihe se- from the throne and placed himself before the d respec. ful manner as pectoral cross of a ductions of innovation, and have thus preserved alt~r, It passed along to the Catholic bishop. This seemed to establish to her and, at the invitation \Jf the deacon, all prc gran entrance In front, where it the tru th in all its integrity the rich inheritance her primeval ",>nl. proceeded up to th entered the have and of the tradition and proved with mute but knelt, his O'race intoneu the antiphon "ExauJi, corated d. e ' It h' I . . II d' affecting faith I No wonder that the great Rom;n Pontiff Be- " granD ~ .ar, w IC 1 W'I~ flC 1 Y e- eloquence that in the 10llg night . which was "subsequently chaunted by' the an ,/11 plesented a brllhant of persecution your nedict XIV., who, almost In our own days, , choir. and dazzlIng appear- prelates, true to their sacred duty, had uobly has iua- They also chaunted the 68th Psalm, "Sulvum sio~e. t. shoul~ be ml'ntlO.ned "watched diated the church of God by the splendour of his me tha~ while the proces- over vour fathers, as having to give an account BU­ fac," at the end of which the bishop removed their was III molton the cho11' of peri 01' !earuing, shonld direct liB to bear of pl'lests chaunted the their souls" How intere.ting and in eternal mitres, and the archbishop recited the sweet hyml~s to the Holy Ghost how affecting to remembrance their exalted zeal and piet), their solemn in­ gm. and the Blessed Vir- think of tl~e scenes that th;n took place heroic vocation "Adsumus." The congregation Stella.""Vem Crealor Spi!;itus" and the" Ave Maris protected by attachmen't to religion and theil' nnwe~I'ied pastoral all knelt, WI tl . ' . the sacred shades ' , and the beautiful Litany of the Saints had take tl of night-scenes like those in the solicitude, which. as he was chaunt­ Ien Ie 11' ela~s, )1'1est2'1 and .students catacombs of old, where observes , has raised them to ed by the full choir. Before the conclusion was rem~ l the primitive Christians col- honor and glory before God and of the I'~t aces a olte to. t ~em, t 1e .entlre scene lected aronnd their persecuted the universal chnrch. Litany his grace look his pastoral culated l'Ia.y pastors to receive the -"In memoriam revocatis (quae staff and bJessed ~rand anti st1'1cklug, emlllen~ly cal- Bread @f Life and the fuerit majorum ve­ the connClI with the sign of the Y pledge of immortality; thus strorum religio et pietas, quae quantaque the cross. A short grea~~s~xCltetiln ever Catholt~ breastdfe~ll1gs. of priest and people became episcopalis prayer having been said, the Jaldstool est gratitui~; f one heart in their attachment solicitudo, qnae quidem illos gl

who are models of every virtue, edify tbe world dom. The sacrifices thev have made and are :==tee the system to its own. caprices, and,. if they tended apostles of !reedom confiscated the pro-· J ' e to launch out lnto ntow expenments.--- by the purity and perfection of their lives, and daily maki?g to give a g~od religious and liter· CO:'b O , • • ~erty of tl~e nuns, It was necessary to employ 'fhink of it!. t? ~ system. of education ~hlch illustrate in all their actions the true spirit of ary education to the children of tbe poor are force to. d~lve tbem from their peaceful abodes. . 10reS relll1lOn 10 Its teach lOgs, a system 10 the the gospel of Jesus Cb rist. It is not necessary above all praise: without fear of being contra­ Were SimIlar boons proffered to our relwious hands~ of a 0 new L'egis I ature every year---w!t'1 1 in addressing YOll, who are so well acquainted dicted, we may assert, that the modesty, the tbey would reject them without hesitation" and early a new superintendent, new laws, Dew with these institutions, to enter at any length purity, ~he attachm~nt to religion, and the many would esteem it the !!reatest calamity to ieave ~irecLOrs, and gener::.lly a new teacber--·to such into their merits. You ~1I'e aware that the pious otller VIrtues which distinguiSh and adorn the their happy cells. The reason is, that God has system we are to entrust the nature of our ladies who retire from the vanities and delu­ females 01' Ireland are due under heaven to the promised much peace to tho~e who love Hia. \ildren. Wbo cau comfortably build his sions and corruptions of the world into these zeal and piety, and good example of our reli­ law (Ps., cxiii., J 65); glory, honour, and peace ~ouse on sucL a foundation of rolling pebbJes religious houses, devote themselves assiduously gious communities. Is it not then a matter of to everyone that worketh good (Rom., ii. 10); and floating sand! to every exercise of piety and to the performan­ great glory to the people of Ireland to reflect rest to those who bear His yoke and deny them-. "We can also, sbow from tbe confessions of ces of every work adapted to secure thpir eter­ tbat, in the midst of their wretchedness, they selves, carrying th eir' cross (Mat., xi. 29, and. its warmest fritnds, that tbe system is radically ~al salva~ion. W bi!st worldlings are engaged have been able to found snch institutions and xvi. 24). A holy lady writing from a convent defective. The fact they see, but seem not to see 10 revelling and frIvolous amusements, their to bring them to perfection? tv bel' father, Louis XV., King of France, says: the reason of the defect .. In 1812 Pbiladelphia prayers ascend night ar.d day like sweet incense Bu.t, alas! the merits, tbe devotedness, and --"I am filled with consolation; I have reach­ was autborized to establIsb publiC schools Jor to tbe throne of the Lonl, and brinD' down on a the virtues of their pious inmates, are not suf­ ed the summit of happiness. Everything that the poor. h was seen t~lat there was­ guilty world the mercy of heaven~ 'God onlv ficient to protect them from the envy and ma­ was around me in the court promised pleasures, thing defective. in tbe bU~lOess. .A commlltee knows how often the fervour and perstverance lice of the enemy, ever anxious to disturb the but I could not enjoy them; here, on the coo.­ was appointed 10 1816 to InqUire IOtO the weak of their petitions and the sanctity of their lives happiness of man, and to excite feelinD's of bit­ trary, where everything appears destined to oints of the system. Th ey rtopert that many IHlVe saved society from imminent destruction terness and bigotry against the good ~nd vir­ a!fiict n3ture, I feel the purest delight, and ever ao not attend at all during the year, though aod preserved wicked and corrupt cities trom tuous. This is illustrated in the proceedings since I entered this abode I cannot but ask my­ $2'-' CUD were spent to educate tbem. But Ihls the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah, which would reported by the public press to have taken self every day where are the austerities with. is ;~t the worst: such was tbe character of not have been destroyed if a few just men had place in our legislative assemblies within this which it was pretended to fright,en me ?". these scbools that, "Such as were absent suf­ been found in them. They make a special pro­ week. 'l'hat speakers unacquainted with Ire· ( Proyarb's Life of ~ad. Louisa of France). Let, fered less by tbeir inattention than man~ of fl:sbion of cbastity, that they may resemble tbe iand, or who never visited a convent, and whose then, pretended phIlantrophy exert itself in fa­ tbose whose morals have been thus undeslgn­ unspotted Lamb of God and His undefiled notions of a religious life were probably formed vour ot real victims of oppression, but let those· edly injured at tbe count,}' expense." Not the mother; and, purt in body and spirit, may have upon prpjudices imbibed in childbood, or the who feel themselves contented and satisfied re­ worst yet: 'In every VieW, ~herefo~'e, of ~he the privilt'ge of singing the canticle which none misreprtoselltations ot enemies, should complain main unmolested in th: enjoyment of the only existing plan of public educatIOn, wlLh whICh but virgins were aJJowed to sing (Ap., xiv. 8.) of what they did not understand, cannot be to pure happmess that IS to be found upon the your committee are furnlsbed they are reluct­ Tbe renounce all dominion over the things of us a matter of surprise. Such men perhaps earth. . antly and sorrowfully ?ompelled to declare, tIllS earth, that tbey may be like unto Him, are acting upon motives of benevolence, and it As far as tbe religious sisters are concerned that from its first establishment to the present who had not whereon to recline His divine may be expected that, when tbmgs are put to they will be little inclined either to notice or to time it has, in their opinion, been not only in­ head, and may aspire to the reward promised them in a proper light, they will be assessible resent the insinuations aud dark hints thrown juri;us to the charflct(;r of the rising generation, to those who leave the 1hings of this earth for to the force of truth. But, whilst we are rea­ out against tbem; but t·he.. C:'lLbolic body can­ but a uenevolent fraud upon tbe public bounty.' the gospel. "And everyone that hath left dy to make allowances for false impressions not look on With so much lDdIfference. 15 there The patrons .of this system ,forgot that ~du­ house, or brethren, or sisters, or father or moth­ and prejudices, our astonishment and regret are not a seri~us charge levelled against them ?_ cated mind wllhout relIgIOn IS educated vice: er, or wife or children, or lands, for my name's not to be concealed, when we consider Lbe con­ ~s not theIr sense ot honor and integrity im­ and that mind can only be stimulated to seek sake, shall receive a hundred fold and shall duct of a high dignitary of the Protestant es­ pugned? Are they not reproached with be­ its improvement by sometbing higher, deeper, possess life everlasting" (Matthew, xix. 29.) tablishment, who, baving been for nearly tbirty ing, like the Pagans, condemned by S1. Paul and more earnest than iLselt. Now tLey are But it is not the mere externfll things of earth years a resident of this city, in ' the enjoyment for the want of affection? Fo/', if what is sta­ reminded of it by the failure of the experiment. that they abandon; they also renounce their of the ample revenues left by our Catholic fore· ted be true, tbat is,.if the relil1ious ladies in the "This testimony to the inadequacy of the own wiiJ, and subject to others, that fathers to this see, and well acquairited by his n~s b.e incarcerated a~do detained against system which we are reviewing is so much the they may imitate with greater perfection our position with the advantages comferred upon their will, It mnst necessanly follow that their strollger from the fact that the Christian system Heavenly master-"Unl~ss," says He, "you the poor by the 'eligious cummunities of Ire· parents, their brothers and sisters are devoid of is praised in cont.rast wit~ it by the same com­ become like lillie chiltlren in hun.iJity and obe­ land, did not hesitate to renounce his past pro· all feelings of affection, and have cooll y submit­ mittee. I start lD q uotlDg farther from the dience, you shall no enter into the kingdom of lessions of liberality, and to become tbe assa:il­ ted to see their .relatives detained in prison and same report at the very next sentence where Heaven." Concealing under the simplicity of ant of virtuous and pious ladies, who hold a oppressed, leaVing the task of raisinD' bis voice left off: It is a consolation, however, to reflect, a child the efiulgence of His divinity, He was creed ditr~rent from his. His desire to estab­ in their favor and of callinl)' for their" liberation tbat Guring the last eight years, in the course submissive to lVlary and Josepb, and to give us lish freedom of thought and religious liberty is t? the principal Prolesta~t dignitary of this of wbich almost $2uO,UOO have been spent a more perfect model for imitation, He became so consistent, that he would impt:du those ad­ city. And what are the grounds for thus in­ upon a scheme of public instruction so uselessly, ubedient to the death of the cros~. Pag'lnism mirable ladies from following the vocation sulting and wounding the feelings of the most tbere have been in successful operation numer­ was ignorant of these lessons; virginity, pover· which they have received from beaven--devo­ respectable Catholic families of Ireland, who ous ~chools for the free education of ty, humility, obedience, were never praised or ting themselves in peaceful retiremeut to the are happ.>: to maintain r~~ations of intimacy with cbildren, superintended from the most praise­ practised by the sages of antiquity. It is one salvation of their own souls, or sacrificing their our religIOUS communlLles, and to ~ee their worthy motives by respectable citizens; and of the most noble privileges of Christianity to time to the promotion of edllc.ation, piety, and children educated and received iu them? Read tbat in these institutions many pupils of eharity have introduced and propagated the knowledge virtue, and exercising all their infiuenr.e to ad­ over the speech attributed to this diD'nitarv, and have had their minds inbued with sound morals, of such sublime vinutos. is not tbe profession vance the general welfarc of their sex. you will be obliged to conclude thatno o;e, un­ and been otberwise fiLted for the proper dis­ of them a spectacle worthy of God, of men, and But these ladies, forsooth, are incarcerated less he were blinded by wounded vanity, or led charge of tbeir various dutits in future life.-­ of angels? ~hould we not be tilled with admi­ and detained wi\hin the convent walls against astray by a diseased imagination, would 'have But lor this reflection, the prospect wou ld in­ ration when we see the frailty of human nature their will! In reply to this pretension I might ventured to propose penal legislation upon the deed be gluomy ; for in these bent:!volen tlabors, assisted by grace thus able to triumph over it­ say, nlleged grounds. A boy, he states, was sever­ it is hoped, a redeeming principle bas been es­ sdf and every eartbly attraction? Could any Istly-That the greatest possible care is ely beaten in some educational establishmeut, tablisbecl, the happy etfect whtreof may yet be man endowed with Christian feelings think of taken to give all candidates a full knowledge 01 and his parents were obli(Fed to ca~ on the po­ mllnifested." maligning or persecuting such exalted virtue a religious life and its duties, and that they are lice to interfere in the m~tler. W~y are not -----1_.H.~.__ ----- and sublime perfection? Yet, to the confusion not admitted to boly profession until they -have the names of the persons given, that we might PallZ, by tlte Grace of God and of the Apostolic of tbe world und the disgrace ot those whu lire served a noviciate and a period of probation, understand the bearing of the case 01' test its See, A?'(:MisltlJp, &:c., Primate of Ireland. agents in the work of dar~ness, the poisoned which, often times are extended over three accuracy~ for it may be a story f~bricated by To the Catholic Clergy and Laity oCtbe Diocese ofDubhn. shalts of calumny have been often directed Y"ars. somt' deslgnmg knave, and palmed on the sim­ We are taught in the inspired pages of Holy against those w hose Ii ves shed lustre on the 2ndly-That it is strictly prescribed that no plicity of the narrator. But eupposinD' it to be Writ that our life is a continual warfare upon Christian name. one shall be professed, unless previously ex· true, wlJ'at has it to do with conve~ts? 'l'hc eartb; and his own experience must convince Nor is it to be imagined that our religious amined by the bidhop of the diocese or his de­ neiX:t ground is taken from anotber story equal,· every individual of tile human race of the truth communities, whilst att('nding to their own puty. Iy important as that referred to. A lady, it of tuis ductrine. But if all hav(1 to encounter sanctificatiun and a piring to an unfading crown, 3rdly- -Tbat the severest censures of the appears, had the misfnrtune to lose her faith, difliculties and trials, this is in a special mannpr are idle members of society, and careless of the church are fulminated against those who would and becoml' a member of a dissentinD' sect. tbe portion oj the disciples and follow ers of Jesus interests and wants of others. No one but a sacrilegiously pretend to force anyone to be­ After some time, touched by the "race ~f God Christ, who, not being of tbe world, nor parti­ stranger to these institutions could fall into such come a religious against her will. And, and tbe stings of remorse, she ret;rned to the· cipating in its condemned and perverse maxims, a mistake. There is no work of humanity or 4thly-'l'bat, even after profession, permis· true church, and, by performing penance, am: are the objects of the hatred of the world and of charity iLl which they do not tnke a part. sion to retire is sometimes granted. Sucb ply repaired the scandal she had given. It oftbe children of darkness. "All those," says Many of the ladies who devote themselves to cases are rare, beca use the to)'ce of COil' seems that some of her dissenting conntxions St. Paul, "who wi&h to live piously shall sufrer religion occupy themselves in the care of the science is powprful with the true cbildren of were so anxious to bind bel' to her errors,. persecution;" and our Divine Redeemer, before sirk and the dying; you find them in the cabins God, and because the greatest precautions that tbey wished to remove her from all in- · He ascended to His celestial kingdom, prepared of tbe poor, administering reliet and pouring the are taken by the CatholIc ch urch to preserve tercourse with Catholics, and had even paid. His disciples by bis prophetic admonitions to balm of consolation into the afflicted heart, or the liberty of the individual before profes· her passage to some place in England,where meet with patience and resignation the trials by tbe bed of sickness, preparing the departing sion; but the occasional relaxations referred she ~ould have no oppurtuni}y of following. preparfd fur tbem in their pilgrimage throu.O'b soul for a happy eternity. W hen the cholera to show how little disposition there is on the the dictates of her conscIence. The lady, it this valley of tears. "Your enemies~" sflid I~e, was ravaging the land, tbey were in our bospi· part of the ch urch ,to exercise coercion or seems, declined this kind offer in a letter to . "shall de her you to be afflicted, and shall put tals night ,lnd day iuhaling' the contagion of the restraint. However, omitting all these con· Dr. Whately, and prepared to return ' to the ~ou to death, and you shall be hnted by all na· pJace, and performing the most laboriouG offices siderations, let me ask, does the author 01 bosom of the Catholic church, rather than. tlons Jor my nilme's sake"- (Mat., xxiv. 9.) in service of tbose stricken by pestilence. A this charge forget that the conv('uts . are in receive the assistance graciously promi~ed to We need not add that the persecutiolls inflicted dignitary of the church establishment who has the middle of our most populous towns and her. Now what was there wrong in all this, by ragani5m and a false philusophy on the first now become the assailant of the~e devoted fe­ cities; that their dool's are open to all; and or what had religiOUS communities to do. dlscl~les of our Lord, and tbe affliction and op' males may not be able to apprt::ciate their hero­ that, if any of the inmates think fit to leave with the case at ali ?- And again, why not pr~sston which in every succeeding age the i~m, having instructed his own miniRters at that their retirement, they are protected in doing mention names and give an accurate state­ cbIldren of the Catholic Church, tbe chaste time not to approach the infected, nor administer so by the laws of the country? This gentle­ ment of the fact, that it might be examined, Spouse of Jesus Christ, have had to sufft'r from the rites laid down in the book of common man, perhaps, thinks that it must be an in­ and an opportunity afforded to some one to error and schism, fully illustrate, and place in prayer for the visitation of tbe sick, lest they tolerable burthen to crucify one's own flesb, put it in its proper light? The respected the strongest light the truth of the words of our sbould bring contagion into their olVn families; with its vices and concupiscences, and to di!:!nitary in questIOn should reflect, that un­ Heavenly Master. :Nor is it f0r us, dearly be­ but their merits have been recognized by all lead a holy life in the shade of the sanc­ less he gives the nam~s of the persons he· loved bn:tbren, to expect to be exempted from that is liberal and generous in th is country, and tuary, far from the turmoil of the world. in rHers to, tbe Cat h oJ i c~ of Ireland wi ll prob, the lot 01 our forefathers in tbe fa ith or to reo We ha\'e often beard with pleasurc that in other every walk of life individual cases of unhap· ably entertain serious doubts, not 'perhaps of fuse ~o dnnl< UUI' portion 01 the bilt~r chalice of regions Protestant cities did not hesitate to de­ piness and discontent, incidental to human his veracity, but of his discretion in examin,· afflICtIOn. We must be ready to walk in the cree monuments to the Sisters of Charity who nature, may be met with cases, however, in ing tbe truth of f;\cts. footst'eps of our Snviour, and with Him to carry had sacrificed their lives in att~nding the vic­ which the individuals would blush and shud­ Having said so much upon this subject" our cross. HavinD' renounced the world and tims of di~ease. Would to God that tbis gener· der at taking advantage of the sacrilegious you will allow me to divert youI' attention all its pomps and v"anities-havin rF received the ous spirit may grow up among us, and that the liberty which a pharisaical sympathy would from it for a moment to another matter ot. adoption of the children of Goj~ and become day may anive when the destitute and tbe sick offer them. great importance and general interest . . Some members of the holy Catholic Church, obliging shall find many institutions open to receive them, Are there not many instances in which those perhaps are not well awa, e that the gentle­ ourselves to profess tbe pun:: doctrineR even untu w here the zeal, the charity, and dtvotedness of who are engaged in the married state are dis· man who displays such pious solicit~de for.. death, we may consider the words of our Lord religious sisters may cheer and console them. satisfied, and would it possible break the bonds the nuns of Ireland, and IS so anxIOus to, as addressed to each of us individuHlly: "If 1t would detain you ,too long were I to enu­ that bind tbem? Nothing but a deep ~ens~ of relieve them from the oblig-ation of observ.-· you had bt'en of the world the world would merate the other public merits of our religious duty, and a fear of violating conscience, would ing the evangelical counsels, has not ?een, love its own; but because 'you are not of the establishments. You are we ll acquainted with induce them to carry a yoke under which they forD'etful of other members of our SOCiety, World I have cbost'n vou out of tbe world the services rendered by them to the deaf and find nothing but affliction and bitterness of but has rriven much time to the compilation 'herefore the world hatel'll you"-(John xv. ] 9. j the mute, the orphan and the widow; you heart. Tbat nuns, however, are most attached of books" destined to supply them with reli~ Admlr'lble lesson of wisdom al wavs sufficient know that they afrOI'd an asylum to many an to their state of life, and most bappy, is known gious instrucli?n; and to promote the spiritual, to console the cbildren of liU'ht in 'the warfare unprotected female, whom, preserved from to all who are acquainted with tbem. When II elfare of their souls. 1 do not refer to the which the votaries of the 0 world have never tbe contagion of vice, lht·y instruct in the arts the leaders of modern revolutions declared tbe treatises he has published under the title of ceased to carryon against them. of domestic life, and prepare to be useful mem­ religious of France and Italy loosed from their "Errors of Romanism," otherwise the errors. Instructed in this way by our Divine master, bers?f society. But, passing all these things vows, their constancy Wl>S so great that nothing of tbe Catholic church, 01' to his other pro­ knOWing that His purest and most devoted fol­ over III silence, what shall we ~ay of their suc­ could shake it. Wben Maz~ini and his sate!· ductions, in which he has employed· every ~owtrs arc d~omed to be the objects of the ha­ cessful labors in tbe cause of education? Their lites, not more than five years ago, under tbe sort of sopbistry against our holy doctrines .. {ed and .malice of a wickl'd world, we cannot seminaries for tbe inst,ruction of the higher hypocritical pretence of promoting liberty of Protestants who adhere to the leading points e surprIsed that menaces of persecution and classes can corrpete with similar estahlishments conscience, opened the doors of the convents ot Uhristia n faith, and support the views of \ penal enactments are now beld (Jut arrainst the in any country, and are esteemed and encour­ of Rome, they could not induce one single in­ the Anglican church, must admit that the· Inmates of tbe religiuus houses of thi~ country, aged by all the Catholic families of the king- dividualto leave them; and when tbose pre- tendency of tbese · works is apparently to· CATHOLIC TELEGR.APH AND ADVOCATE.

sbake the general belief in the Trinity, in replete with heresy, suited to poison tbeir un­ To be sure, if a ruffian should go iut - . 0 a the incarnation of the Son of God, and His suspecting ooinds ? As the Christian Eviden­ Protestant City and denounce tbe moth divinity. in original sin, the efficacy of bap' ces were supposed to be approved and recom­ . . e~ WI ves, Sisters, daughters of the men in th tism, and other cardinal n::axims of revelation. manded by the N ation:~1 Board, would not a OFFICE.-No. 95 Walnut st., West side, above Pearl 't. al Had St_ Paul taucrht the doctrines con tained persoll, not initiated imagine that tbe sequel commuDl y as prostitutes, he would not I' 0 IVe in sucb works, he need not bave exclaimed: enjoyed the same privilege as the work to CINCINNATI, 0., SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1853. long. But that is no reason why CathOlics "Oh! the depth of the wisdom and knowledge which it was appended? However tbat may ; should resent the like outrage on themRelve of God, how incomprehensible are His judg- be, from what we have stated it results that we THE GAV AZZI RIOTS AT QUEBEC AND S " U n!f~ss your justice exceeds that of th , ments and inscrutable His ways!" for he would have- MONTREAL. have found that mysteries had vanished, and Istly-A little treatise on Christianity, print- Scribes and Pbarisees, you shall not enter'. In· e that poor weak reason was to be tile measure ed in Dublin, free, perhaps, from open attacks Gavazzi has succeeded in causing blood to to tbe Kingdom of Heaven." of the infinite attributes of God. But these upon our faith, but well calculated to promote a be shed. The corporal blood of many Cana­ We have seen it stated tbat the Mayor of works are destined to illuminate the minds of I spirit of scepticism and infidelity. dians is now mingling its cry for vengeance on Montreal is a Catholic, and it has been pre. his OWIl flock, and it is not our present business 2ndly--A London edition of the same work, the miserable apostate, with that of the to complain of them. The work I wish to draw containing errors of a very fatal' tendency. h' hi ' tended that he ordered the troops to fire 0 · I . b 2 dl I d w Ie Je sufiered to 0-0 forth "unanointed yoUI' 'lttention to is a IItt e treatise on t e truth n y-A sequel to these works open y an '" ' Gavazzl', s f'nen d s, to gratify his Papistical ha.n Qf Ohristianity, which it would seem has been directly assailing the ouost vital doctrines of the unanealed" from their bodies in the hospitals tred. The statement is false. He is a Prolest. pr~p Ired principally for the use of Catholics. Christian religion. Tbese three works are all of Rome, while he had the name of chaplain to ant. You may imagine how complete this treatise connected and form but a whole, against which the Roman forces. Oh how that cry must ring mU~L be when it makes no mtlntion of tbe divi- I bave tbouoo·ht it m_v duty to warn you. Such· h f I In t tl ~ars Q t Ie poor wretch, when, after a (Commullicated.) city of our Lord, and never even hints at the works should be cautiously avoided, unless you IRONTON. exislence of the one holy Catholic church, the wish to expose to danger that most precious day's grimacing and excitement and lying, he Tbe foundation of the new church is solidly pillar and ground of truth, whose testimony gift of Heaven-your faith, which is the begin- counts the money, the price of his sin and of laid. Contracts for building it have been satis. being rejected, every Ilrguu:ent in favour of ing, the root, and the foundation of all justitica- his shame! Poor Gavazzi! once the simple­ Christianity would be only a mockery and a tion, without which it is impossible to please God. hearted butt of ridicule for his friar companions factorily made, and it is hoped that it will be delusion. The general character of this little We have endeavored thus far to put you, under roof before fall. Rev. Mr. Gilmore is work is rather to excite than remove doubts dearly beloved, on your guard against bigotry and of his secular acquaintances,-never les- doing all in his power to provide the means., about the truth of our holy religion; and were and intolerance accompanied with profes('ions pectable, never powerful, until among sects in­ The town is increasing rapidly and substantial. it not miserably obscure in its sophistry, it of liberality, and against attempts to curtail ferior in intellectual training to himself, he com­ would undoubtedly be the cause of much mis- your rights and enslave your minds. under the menced a career of crime! Poor Gavazzi! a Iy. Its future prosperity is still in the hanusel chief. Protestants themselves are so well con- pretence of scouring religious liberty. We are d d the enterprising company to which it is indebl' . d I b sa eath-bed awaits you-a doubtful repent- vlllce of the dangerous tendency of this tract, no.t, lOw~ver, to regret t at we have been as- ed for its existence; but they are giving an in, that some of them have declared that thHY saIled, slDce the conduct of our enemies hits ance, a complicated restitution of money and terest in the soil to seHlers and employment to would not all ow it to contaminate the hands of placed them in their true light, and removed character, a hard retractation of unnumbered their children. the mask that has hitherto concealed them.,- calumnies! the mechanics and laborers who will largely I have two copies of this work now before We can now form a just estimate of tbe cbarac- As was to be expected, the seculal'-sectarran contribute to its permanency and success. &v, me. The one is entitled, "Lessons on the ter of a man who for many years has been in- Mr. Gilmore speaks with gratitude of the gen. Truth of Christianity, being an appendix to the sidiously at work to have the management of papers tried hard to make this foul-mouthed erosity of the Catholic workmen engaged in the fourth book 01 Lessons;" published by direc- tbe education of the country in his hauds; we miscreant a martyr of freedom. He was re­ various furnaces in Lawrence and other coun. tion of the Commissioners of National Educa- can understand with what feelings he dictated presented as baving been 'it tacked by the Cath­ ties, in contributing towards the erection of the tion in Ireland: sold by Curry, &c., Dublin, the works tbat were destined to form tbe minds olics, and most tyranically forced to desist 1850. The author is said to have stated that of our children. Had be been able to form the church. Hands are every where in demand from speaking. And he himself, with an ef­ this edition, 01' rather a previous one corre- national system to the image and likeness of and there are good wages given and sure pay: sponding to it, was examined and approved in his own works, and to infuse into it the spirit frontery of which none but an apostate friar How many arf' cooped up in miserable abodes Rome. 'l'his statement is not accurate. The that. pervades tbem, without suspecting his in· could have been capable, tries to throw the res­ in the cities, exposed to sickness and unpleasanl book was examined in Rome, and not condemn- tentlOns, we may say, that scepticism,-rational- ponsibilty of the blood shed on the Irish Catho- ed, not because it was not worthy to be con- ism, and infidelity would have been the poison- lics and Irish priests. ' and dangerous society who could create for demned, but because there was an understand- ed fruits which we should have gathered from T themselves and their childran happy and com. ing at that time that no one should be compelled it. Time will tell whether sny seeds of those he facts are simply these: In Quebec, fortable homes if they would ~nly come and to use it in our schools, or rather that it would baneful productions have he~n cast into the Gavazzi proceeded undisturbed with his lecture avail themselves of the advantages here offered not be read by Oatholics. soil. But, as far as we can see, though there until he Cllllle to tell the outrageous lie that the to tbe provident and industrious. The second copy b,efore me, is entitled" In- is much to be regretted, we have reason to be Irish priests were the authors of Ribbonism in troductory Lessons on Christian evidences."- thankful to a bountiful Providence for having Ireland. At this juncture some young man 'fhe Archbisbup preached in the morning of London: John W. Parker: 1849. At paO'e preserved the germ of faith uninjured amongst Sunday, 5th inst., in the frame, temporary 5 of the preface or advertisement we read ~s us; and we cannot but feel grateful to all tbose arose in the middle of the church and pro­ chapel, and the afternoon in the new Court. follows-"Anol.her edition of this tract, some- who, whether offi cially connecterl or not with nounced the assertion a falsehood. Here­ house. There were none prepared tbis time what altered, has been published by the Na- the Protestant dignitary just mentioned, in the upon the friends of Gavazzi leaped upon the for Confirmation. Many went to Holy Commu. tional Education Board, under the title of Les· management of the education of the country, young man, and, instead of thrusting him out ·'Sons on the Truth of Christianity. 'fhe two have labored to keep things in their proper d nion, for which they were prepared by the Rev, 't racts d'ff'I er III a /.ew p I aces as to t h e arrange- c1 lanne, I an d , as f ar as 1D. t Ilem Iay- flor t lelr' of OOI'S as he deserved, commenced beatin",o- Pastol', Rev. Mr. Eherbard and theArchhishop, -ments of the arguments and the form of expres- position must have been one of great difficulty, him furiously. The friends of the young man ...... 'sion, but n~ in anything essential. Some per- having to contend with a personage whose au- entered the lists in his favor, and a general (Commullicated.) 'Ilons prefer the one edition, and some the other. thority was of great weight until his opinions fight ensued in which some cowardlv rascals at- GALLIPOLIS, ..... This place is still pretty much ~f a blank on Ifhe board permits the use of either of them becY He bring tbem to asense of the main cause of the disturbances in Montreal; present. We return to Gallipolis. The only he wOl~ld be liable to become the enemy of the their danger, and to true penance for their sins. means of checking its downward course is to Catholic Ohurch, and to incur the penalty laid But our prayers and petitions will be the that the Priests were most conspicuous in their establish in it a new and faithful and rigorous down in the Scripture: "He who heareth nol more efficacious if plaGed under the protec- efforts to disperse the· mob; that in fact there Catholic colony. This, with God's blessing, the Churcb, let him be to thee as a heathen tion of the Holy Mother of God, who is not on- was not the least semlilance of a preconcerted and a publican." Iy the model of virgins, and the hope and light attack on Gavazzi or his hearers." we shall do. Madame Derac, a Parisian lady, Besides the two editions of tbe little work of those who consecrate tbemselves to the ser- Tbe Montreal True WItness, tbe only English who has been here for sixty years, has partly Bust alluded to, there is another publication vice of Gud, but is moreover the special patron- sold and partly donated a lot for a Catholic ,connected with them which deserves to be men- ess of our .country, who has preserved our Catholic paper published inCanada,entreats the church. A worthy Doctor, Cromwell, of no par· otioned. It is entitled "Introductory Lessons on church and holy in.stitutions during a long people,in its number issued between the Quebec h~r ticular religion, is kindly exerting himself to pro· ,the History 0 f Religious Worship, being a and dreary. D1ght?f misery and persecution.- and Montreal disturbances, for God's sake to cure subscriptions for the building of tbe church. sequel 10 the Lessons on Christian Evidences, M~y she ~IIII contlDue to watch over us, ,lnd to keep the peace; as likewise it does in an extra by the same autbor." London: Parker, 1849. gUide us ID our c?urs? through the darkness issued after the arrival of Gavazzi in Montreal. He has already received promises to pay to In this treatise we are told that there are only anJ tempests of;thls miserable world. the amount of $600. The Archbishop, in grato two sacraments that there is no real priesthood We conclude tn the words of the Apostle- Some persons, it seems, broke tbe windows itude for what France has done for all our mis' --that the church is not infallible--the vene- "Bretbren, be strengthened in the Lord, and in of an Episcopa,lian church in Montreal,-where­ t"ation of the most Holy Mother of God and of the might of His power. Put you on the ar- upon the Catholic citizens met and passed reso­ sions, has promised $400 for the same object. the saints is compared to ~he Pagan worship of mo~ of God, th~t you may .be able to stand lutions to pay all damages and to use every ef­ .... deceased men; and almost every doctrine of the de~elts 01 the devil; for our wrest- ST. MARY'S, OR QUINN'S SETTLEMENT, NEAR ~he cburch is misrepresented and ass >l. iled. It h~.g I~ n~t. agalllst flesh and b~ood, but against fort to ferret out the authors of the outrage. WILTSVILLE, VINTON Co.-This is one of the IS remarkable too that in a work like this there p"nCipalitles a~d powers, agaInst the rulers of It is therefore certain, that the graat body most thriving places in the diocese. The min­ is no 0llen profession of belief in the Trinity of th.e ;V0rld o~ thl~ darkness, a~ainst the spirits of of Catholics in Canada had nothing to do with eral wealth of the country is ir;exhaustible.­ the .dlvlDe persons, or the divinity of Jesus Wickedness III high places. fherefore take un- the Gavazzi riots,-that their hands are not Cual, iron, limestone, salt, are found in abun­ are fundamental mysteries of to th.e armor?f God, that you may b: able dirtied nor their consciences stained by any in­ Chr~st! ~hlCh ~o~ dance, and of excellent quality. The water is Chnstl.amty. Now, let me ask, was it casually to.leslst III the"evd day, and to stand III all l ~ t (E I 10 ) terference with the ItaliAn mendicant. Weare th. at t.h I~ work . was published as a sequel to tbe t J1:\gs per. ec. - pl. v.. . . cold and pure and the climate healthy. New "Chl'lsllan EVidences," or was this tiLie assum- Ihe grace of our Lord Jesus Chnst be Wltl! glad 01 it. We would rather that Catholics furnaces are being built in various places e d as an ingenious device, or pious fraud, to in- you, bretbren, .Amen. t P ~UL CULLEN, should show an example of f~rbearance and around the church, and the Railroad from duce the CatholiGs of Ireland to read a book Archblsbop and Pl'Imate of Ireland. meekness. . Dublin, Vigil of Pentecost, 1853. Parkersburgh (and Baltimore) to Cincinnati, ~~~C==A=T=H==O=L=I=C==T==E=L=E~G~R=A~PH~==A=N=D===A==D=V~O==C=A=T~E=.======5

~n witbin a half mile of it. There will ~e Individual liberty can subsist only where Receipts. THE QUEEN v. Dr. NEWMAN.-This case has Rev. Mr Butler, Covington, Ky., for printing $4,00 d ot at Wilks ville and another not a ml e there is a sound and moderate system of action Wm Palton, Polk, 0, to Dec. 4, 1853 1,00 been finally closed by the payment of costs by of neighoor towards neighbor. The reflection Patrick Leonanl, Vicksburg, Miss ., in full 00,50 the defendant. The costs ot Dr. Achilli were ~o;Pthe church. A t~wn will be ~aid out Johu Ryan, Branchhill, 0, to Oct. I, 1853 2,00 made out at a large sum, and the Master of the that the majority is grinding him to the dust, is Rev M,r. Bennet, Kelso, la., 2,50 bere by Mr. Quinn's heirs, and CatholIcs have Thos Lyons, Fort Wayne, la, to July I, 1854 200 Court of Queen's Bench taxed them :at 1.034l. Frederick Goldcamp, Pomeroy, 0, to June 4, 1854 gathered in from Rhode Island, New York and no alleviation of the oppressed man's torture. 2,00 198. 8d. 'rhe fees to counsel, 100 guineas each ____.... a_.~ John McVaigh, Langsville, 0, to June 4, 1854 2,00 Miss Green, Cincinnati. to Jan 1, 1854 2,50 were reducetl on taxation; and in the su~ Pittsburgb, who are soon to be followed by Secular education is pOUJer, which may be Mathew Owens, to Jan 1. 1854 2.50 Patrick Consodine, to Jan I, IS54 2:00 mentioned the costs of the rule for a new trial many more. . used for evil or good, according as religion or J H Rogers, to March 25. l853 2,50 were included. Here there is not yet, but III a few weeks James Gray, to Feb I, 1854 2,50 infidelity gives ib its direction. James McCann, to Jan 1, 1854 2,50 A REGIMENT WITHOUT CRIME.-In the 88th we bope there shall be a resident pastor. At Jermiah Cronin, to Jan I, 1854 2,50 John Shafer, in full 00,62 regiment (Connaught Rangers) there is not at nt it is attended from Pomeroy. There The late abduction case in New Orleans of Bernard Tynau, to Feb 21, 1854 2,50 pres e . Miss Taft, to Jan 1, 1854 this moment one man either in the military a Catholic girl by Protestants, has called forth 2,50 were many commUDlons and ten were. con- A. Moreland. to Jan I, 1854 2,50 prisons, garrison cells, or in the guardroom; 1. .1<'. V, some indignant comments from the sectarian Rev Mr Luers, to Jan I, 1854 2.50 neither is there a single man confined to bar­ finDe d. Mrs Marooney, to July 16. 18.13 1.25 • G'. , press on the etrand Duke of Tuscany! Wm Holden, to Nov l. 1853 1,25 racks. In fact there is no crime in the regi­ e we a " Bumble" amongst us? Read --.-'-~-.. -.~--- ment.-United Service Gazette. Hav . I ---~-. ~.-.~.~--- In the list of contributors to the Catholic "Oljver 'fwist" and inquire at the Hosplta . Mazzini has arrived "safe and sound" in SOMETHING VERY LIKE A MIRACLE.--The University, in Fayettville, .James · McCloskey, , ... , England, after his "Milan insurrection." A Nortlt Britislt Daily Mail has the following, should have been, Manus McCloskey. D OURSES TO MIXED CONGREGATIONS: By few men have been hung-others exiled. It is under the title of "Remarkaole Occurrence" : John Lynch, formerly a private in the U. S. --A little girl had her left eye so completely I~~HN HENRY NEWMAN, &c. BOSTON: the puppets that get thpir brains knocked out PATRICK DONAHOE, 25 ·FRANKLIN STREET .. Army, can get his Land Warrant by calling at with a white speck that it was render­ not the wire-workers. ed Sightless. A few days since, while amusing Mr. Donahoe bas laid American Catholics ---.~.... -. ~ this office. herself about doors, a dove descended from a Dr. Cox says thf\t a man may lawfully marry .... under deep obligation by this elegant and beau­ . nei~hboring dwelling-house, and, as ifin search !tis own niece--but that he hau better not. We [Communicated., tiful edition of Father Newman's ce l ebrate~ OBI1UARY. of to?d, removed the speck with its bill, without could suggest to the Doctor a good rule of cauSlDg the slightest injury, so that ever since Sermon S. Tbe edition is far superior, in every Died, in Lexington, Ky., on the 11th of last theology, viz.: if a man can injure "Popery" the. vision of the girl has been perfect. point of view, to that published in England.- January, Mrs. Julia Donnelly, consort of Mr. by marrying his niece, let him marry her, if STUNG TO DEATH.--We learned from a pas­ The book has been rendered c!teap and ?o:table. Charles Donnelly, and daughter of the late senger on the down train of the L. M. C. & C. not, let him f\bstain. As to the quality of the Sermons, It IS un­ Mrs. Ellen Mullay, a highly respectable and Railroad, ~ast eve.ning,. that?n Sunday after­ -----~-...... - -- 'necessary for us to speak. We tbink that no What bas become of our correspondent "C?" connected lady from the County of Cork, Ire­ noon, an IDterestmg lIttle girl, named Maria sermons in tbe English language are equal to Wilkins, wbose parents reside near the Miami We hope he has not "dropped" us. land. The deceased, excellent lady has left a river, about two miles from Fort Ancient, while tbose of :Newman. We had though; of making devoted husband, two children and an only sis­ There were 38 persons confirmed in the playing in the orchards with two of het several extracts from them as illustrating their ter to mourn her loss; while two little babes, brothers, who were stoning a hornet's nest, was Church of the Sacred I!eart at Pomeroy on style, but want of space forbids us. 'fhe fol­ "holy innocents," almost simultaneonsly ac­ attacked by the hornets, which stung her neck, Sunday and Monday, the 12th inst" by the shoulders, bead and arms so badly' that she lowing expression of the sentiments of a soul companied herself into the realms of bliss.-­ condemned we cannot refrain from citing: Most Rev. Archbishop Purcell. died in about threp hours afterwards in the All who had the pleasure to know Mrs. D., greatest agon y.-Cincinnati Gazette, "0 what a moment for the poor soul, when They insult American Republicans who knew that she was a mod~1 Catholic, a model it comes to itself, and finds itself suddenly be­ INFORMATION WANTED of John Doucrherty fore the judgment-seat of Christ! 0 what a identify them with the cutthroats in Europe lady, a tender and affectionate mother and from 'fipperary; was in Detroit in the °beO'in: moment, when, brea~hless with the journey, called by that abused name. wife, and, without exception, beloved by all. ing of May, at which time it is supposecthe and dizzy with the brightness,. and ove.rcome In a word she lived like a saint, and, with the lelt for Cleveland. His brother William has arrived from Ireland and is anxious to hear with the strancreness of what IS ' happenlllg to DIOCESE OF CLEVELAND. blessing of God, died in the odor of sanctity. from him. Address to Western Tablet office, him and unable to realize where he is, the sin­ According to the desire of the Rt. Rev. Bish­ ner' hears the voice of the accusing spirit May sl:e rest in peace! Chicago, III. op expressed in his last pasto:al, the Rev. bringing up the sins. of his past life! which he Died Thursday, June 15th, Mrs. ANN KE­ OSBORNE'S has forgotten, or whICh he has expl~lned away, Clergy who have not yet established the Asso­ HOE, wife of Philip Kehoe, in the 68th year New Flon,' Stol'e, which he would not allow to be SIDS, though ciation for the Propagation of the Faith, are re 128 FOURTH STREET, Near Race, Cincinnati. he suspected they w~r~; when he .hears him quested to proceed immediately to the establish­ of her age. Baltimore and Phil. papers please The following articles, all of the best quality, are al­ copy. ways 011 hand, fresh ground, an(1 delivery made in barrels, detail ina all the merCies of God whICh he has ment of an association in their respective con­ half barrels, or bags :- desnised, all His warnings which he has set at Died, at his residence, near Canal Fulton, Extra Pastry and White I)orn Meal, white and yellow; gregations. One or more numbers of the An­ Wheat Famlly Flour; Hominy, [our sizes; nO~lJht all His judgments which he has out­ Stark co., 0., on Tuesday, 7th June, after a Buckwheat Flour; Oatmeal; Wheatmeal; lived' ~ben thaI evil one follows out the growth nals in English, German, or French, have been Gra)laln or unbolted Flour; Wheat Farina; painful illness of cancer, Mr. Philip McCue, at Rye Flour; Rye Meal; Wheaten Grits; and pl'ocrress of a lost soul, how it expanded forwarded to nearly all the pastors. Maizette or Corn Farina; English Split Peas; and was in sin,-how it budded forth the age of fifty-three, a long resident of the Orvis' Corn Starch; Pea Meal; White Beans j ~onfirmed Owing to the few 'copies which have been Erkenbrecll:er's and Fox's Pearl Barle;\'; into leaves and !lowers, grew into branches, county, much regretted by his wife and family Wheat Starch; Macaroni, Vermicelli; sent us,it has been impossible to iupply the con­ Purified Pearl Starch; Tap ioca. Sago, Bnd ripened into fruit,.--till nothing was .wanted and a large circle of connections. May he rest Bishopriclr's B']rg. Powder, etc. for its full condemnatIOn! And, oh! still more gregations even . where the society already Shi·ppers, Steamboats, Hotels, and Grocers, supplied at in peace! wholesale priceS-delivered free. terrible, still more distracting, when the Judge exists, with the number to which they are en­ Country orders promptly fille,l. speaks and consigns it to the jailors, till it shall titled, and it has been deemed advisa.ble to send Died at New Hall, near Chelmsford, Essex, TERMS-CASH ONLY. june25 pay th~ endless debt which lies against it!­ England, on Monday, 16th May, Sister MARY CITIZEN'S BANK-SME.

P. H, O'HARA, -::==== TO GERMAN EMfGRANl'S l'atent llIetallic Burial Case. J. RO,YNANE, druggist ~~d apoth~ca~rAerW;~;~:ll Ro:w Retail Dealer in Grooeries and Provisions, and Chestnut .streets, ~IUCIlJnatl. PartlCu tar attention paId . a large Lody of la nd in Coffee county, T e u­ THE subscribers having recently made ar· to compound.]ng phYSICiaNS prescriptions and (hspensin~ There IS 15 UUO to 20 000 ",cres thro' the midst of South West corner of Fourth street and Western Row.­ rangements WIth the Patentee IIfLins new and famIly melllcines, b) the Proprietor himself. He hopes, by e from, , J 'dl . Gi va him a call, all who are 111 wan 1 of such artlcies. nesse , R 'Iroad is being huilt and rapi yadvanClng. valuable In ventiol1, fOT the manufacture anti constant aplJ hcatIOl1 to bUSiness, tu mern the confidence of lUI'S. l",icltal'dsoll, sale of the artIcle in the West, they haVIng the publIc. . oc25 wl)lch a d al' ll bring the land wiLhin 4 huUls travel of been manufactured heretofore, exclubively In This e that an easy market is afforded for all FA.SBIONABLE MILLINb:R AND DRESS MAKER, Soutb East COTS . FRENCH BURR MILL STONE MANUFACTORY-Gen r~' :~ net Fou 1 th and VUlC streets,ClnClllll ati,respectfully SOhCl t thc East, wheTe they are supercc(lIng the use NasbVII~ 'roduce. We recomlllend this land to a ll publtc patronage. ag14 of wooden cotlins, tal{e tillS method 01 in(onn­ Ulne lJut~h ~ nl ,er BTalld Bolhng Cloths of all numbers; MIll lunds 0 PlIO wish fOI' a cheap and happy home' tead, lng the public, that they are now manufactur. Spllldles, MIll Castings; HOIsLtng Screws; Tempering do; 'glants w tl . . §econ,l Iland F1.l1'natul'e. Ing eighteen uliferent SIzes of the MODERN ~am sel 11 onsj Screcn Wne; Smut Maclunes; Plaster of Pa enll Ilt water, fine pasturage, elc, every. llng In a Counters, shelves, show cases, SIde cases, desl(s, and store SARCOPHAGUS, varying in length from 22 ns, always on hanu and for sale. exceJle ded for farming purposes. The prIce we con­ fixtures In gencTal, platform scales truc]{s, &c., ice chests, Inches to 6 % leet, WIth \Vlilth anil depth suita­ All worle sold at thIS establishment warranted of the best word nee . deed' the quality of the land, or at le"st a relligelatoTs, bellows, allvlls. and tools, WIth a geneI nl as­ ble for ~ot.hes of orulnary SIZe, and for those qualIty, and If not fOUJ1d to be such upon trial the money sider by us, is 2nd rate; bnt we advise sortment of Jurniture, stoves, &c., always on hand at the who desne srac..e for cushlOmng, or for bodies WIll be refunded. Jas. Bradford 6<: Co., No 65 'Walnut st. 101~(:lt seel~ Second Hand [i'urntture a nd Variety Store, Nos.28 a nd 30 between Second and Pearl, CIncinnati, O. jan 1 • portIon t d to come and see for themselves, well of uDusualdlmenslOHs, have several SIzes that elnteres e h .. Waterstl'eet,between Malll and Walnut strcets, CHl.C lllllati, are deeper antl WIder. This Invention now OO ·PAKl'NER:SHIP.-1'he ulldnsigned have tillS day t h0'. d that none wIll regret t elf Journey. OhIO. my29 L D AN UERSON. coming Into general use, lS plonounced ~ne 0 entered IDto Co partnership, under the name and firm of conVlllce J. SCHAOHT, .P. J. 11l001'e, the greatest of the age. These Burial C P Poland & Henry," lor the pUlpOSC of carryIng on a Rector of the Cathedral, Nashville, Tenn: Plumber, Pump and Hydrant Maker, 223 Fifth street, be­ are composed of vanous k inds of metals but Wholesale Grocery, LIquor and CommissiolJ bUSIness. pfillcipally of iron ' P. POLAND. W I ould have stated in the above notice, tween Elm and Plum, CIncinnatI, bas on band aIHl will rurnish Lead Pipes, Water Closets, Baths, Pumps and Hy­ They are thOloughly enameled inside and JOHN HENRY N · B. e ~ I d acres of land part of this tract, have lrants. All orders for the country will be executed With out, and thus madc unpeTvIous to alI and in­ destructable. They are hIghly ornamental ManufactoTY 01 Lotze's Patent lIot Air Furnace for that five hUll. r~ d for the bUildiug and endowment 01 leatness and dIspatch. mar31 heatlDg publlc buHdiugs,dwellings,stoles,&c Also. been app~'oprOlal e h Reference had at Archbishop and of a classic form-are lI ght ami portable' a Cathollc lurc. The undersigned would call the attention of Ills willie they combine the greatest strength that Registcls, VentIlators, a.n d a genelal assortment of ~~_\" friends and the public to his rcmoval from his metal IS capable of, In a gIven quantltl'. coolung and heating Stoves Man LIe Grates I ti 11, cop­ Pnrcell '~s:.-' __---~=-_:_-:-::~:__;;_~:;_~;_;:_;;-;:: (l Id stand to No. 236, one door South, to the . When properly secured WIth cement, tbey are perfectly per anil Sheet Iro\1 Ware; all of which he WIll sell at the - AORES OF LAND FOR SALE, In eautlful store formerly occupied by Eaton & au·tlght.and free from exhalatIon ofolfenslve gase&. They lowest prIce, No.219 Walnut street, westSide, above Flftb tracts to suit settlers. Kitllge as a Gun Establishment, which he has A li Jobbing done WIth neatness and dispatch. .c:::OO . fittea up expressly for the retailing of Hats and cost uo more.than good wooden cOffins,and are better than oc25-12m ADOLPHUS LOTZE 4,V ao' oining the St. Clara [German 1 001- any utileI' artIcle III use, (of whatever cost,) fOI transpoTta. Gaps of hIS own manufacture. He now feels it in his pow­ tron, vaults or onl1nal'Y Interments , as has bep.n provt:n by This landdriJ e county, WesLe m Virgiuia- 45 er to accommodate the wants of his old cu~tomeIS, who CHARLES J . RAY, ony, River, [St Mary's Landing] and act~al expenments,and certified to bysome of our most SCI­ HqUSE AND S_GN PAINTER-H2 Walnut street, below ~n DO~ O~'O have so long favored him with thelr patronage. HelutendEl, ~ entIfic men; also by the Hons. H.Clay, Dan.Webster, Lewi!< miles Irom t 16 Baltimore and Ohio Rail Koad to also, keeping a Large assortmclIt of Summer Goods, and ThIrd. Orders respectfu ll y sohcited' jall J5 the Casstand other tlistlnguished Senators who have wItnessed 1:l miles from.. f more than ordinary fertihty, and respectfully solicits a call. then merits, whose lettm s, together WIth oth"'r eVlden cefl JAMES ERWIN, No. 236 Main street, Cath(1Hc Book Stol'e in Columbu§ parkersb~rg;~~1 °adapted to Mule raising The col­ ap3 East side, between Fifth and S,xth. of their worth,may be seeu at our Agent's Bunal Case De W11.LIAlI~ O'DRISCOLL, on Third i:treet nfla1 Statc, 001- partlCulal ~ u wards of 50 famdies-mostly Ger­ pot, Nu. 374Maln street, three doors above Ninth where we umhus, OhlO, has constantly on hanll a large as~oTtment of KENTUCKY LAND FOR SALE.--A TRACT intend to l{eep on hand at all times, such a'StOCK '01 all sizes Cathol ic Books, in various bi udings, at Eastern pnces ony cOllta"IIS ~ Oatholic Chnrch, attended every and ilegrees of ornament aml fini sh as will suit the most and las W Ofl 022acres of first rate land.lymg iu the county of Umon di 7erS] fled tastes. Eng1i~h, German, and French Prayer BooJ!:s, man, the Oatholic Pas.. or at eston. . anil State ofK~ntucky,about S miles from the Ohio R,ver, month bY I d er acre $2,- aud upwards, accordIng We invite the attention olthe public, and of undertalcers Beads, Pwtures, Cross,s, 'Medals, Stationary, 9-c. f baclt from Caseyville. In point of soil, wateT, timber, and Pnce. 0 I:cality. F. MELINE, surfaLe,thlS tract 01 land is infel'iol to none; its richness of partIcularly throughout theWest, to all examination of the Orders are respectfully solicited. W. O'D. i. agent lor tile a~ J. artlcle,andrequest them not to rely upon the.lepresentatlOn to qnallG!Y an Th',rd st, opposite Bnrnet House. soil and contiguity to water transportation, render it well BostonPllot ; and HAS THE" CATHOLIC TELEGRAPH" calculated for profitable agricu Iture: the soil and climate of ulld{'rtaker~ not using the article, whose interest it FOR SALE. apl9- m woulil be to f.llsrepresent them. W. C. DAVIS & CO . marcli26 """"------BELLS 'fhe subscriber, after many are also well a

unfortunate sufferers lying in the hospital of the tion of Ireland. l'he constitution of England a long and arduous, but certainly a DREADFUL STEAM·BOAT ACCIDENT' su~ Pigeon· house, so dreadfully scalded that they was a means to an end. 'rhe means was re- campaign (hear); and if he wanted areas U We deeply regret to have to state that a could not be removed :-Ellen Ward, Galway; presentation, and the end was making the per- for something more than certamty, he wou~: most lamentable and fatal accident occurred on Catherine Feeny, of Annadown, county Gal­ manent, settled, and deep-rooted convictions find it in the speech of the President of th Thursday evening on board the Times screw way; Mary Barrett, of Clare; Patrick Maguire, of the people omnipotent in the mana(5e~ent?f Board of Control on the income tax. Th: steanit!r, one of w bose boilers exploded, causing of Sligo; Mary Drawney, of Ennistymon. . public affairs. Such was the constitutIon III right hon. gentleman told him that the 0: loss of life, and dreadful injuries to a large There are others in the Pigeon·house hospI­ England. How different was it in Ireland ?-- thing which reconciled him above all othel's te number of persons, several of whom lI:e not tal; bllt in such a dreadful state that their They were told they had got a constitution in the imposition of the income tax upon Ireland expected to survive. We give the partICulars names, or the localities from which they came, Ireland, and that in the year of grace 1853 was, that equality in the fiscal relations between of this deplorable catastrophe, so far as they could not be ascertained from them. they were discussing the vast and monster ini · t.he two countries would bring about all kinds could be ascertained. At half-past eleven o'clock Dr. Doyle of quityof the establishment (hear, hear). The of equality, and that it new era was abOUlto The Times, one of the vessels belonging to Irishtown, who had been sent to render assist­ constitution in Ireland meant that the perman- begin for Ireland. He believed those words to the Dublin and Liverpool Steam Packet Com­ ance to Dr. Gilbum in the treatment of the ent, settled, fixed, irrevocable will of the peo- be true and, although there was perhaps a little pany, and commanded by Captain Ja~es patients at the Pigeon-houee Hospital, reported pIe should be thwarted, refused, and denied, ait of ministerial no meaning abont them when Collis, It!ft the North·wall yes~er~ay evening, that all the sufferers were going on favorably, trample~ on and insulted by generation after ~tte:ed,. still the.y had a.great de,,1 of meaning for Liverpool at sil: o'clock, having on board with the exception of one poor woman wbose generatIon. The constitution in Ireland meant m hIS mmd and In the mmds of those who acted 303 deck pa~sengers, chiefly emigrant.s, and life was in imminent peril. that the people should knock at the doors. of with him.. If. there was on~ t~inS' whic~1 sweet. seven cabin passengers. She also carned, as ..... parliament in vain for justite. It meant an In- ened to hiS mmd the fiscallnJustl~e whICh they part of her cargo, a number of cattle. When We have received a telegraphic despatch justice under which no human being could be were about to perpetrate, or whICh he miaht nearly opposite the Pigeon House, at about from London announcing the important intel­ induced to live except by military violence and say tbey had perpetrated, in ~he imposition" of seven O'clock, a partial explosion of one of her ligence that Mr. Sadleir (Lord ot the Treasury), physical force--a despotism which no religion- t:be income tax upon Ireland,. It ~as that. by the boilers took ulace, causing a rent through Mr. Keogh (Solicitor-General), and MI'. Mon­ ists, no race, no class or description of men removal of a pretended financIal Inequathty, and which there w'as an Immediate and destructive sell (Clerk of the Ordnance), have resigned upon God's earth-neither Turk, nor Hindoo, by making it clear that Ireland was taxed, the escape of steam. A scene of the greatest con­ their respective offices, in consequence of the nor Pagan-would endure for one moment, if same as England, they put in tbe power of the fusion and terror ensued. A nuruber of the speech made by Lord John Russell !lgainst they had the physical force to cast it off from Irish representatives to come with a loftier de. unfortunate passengers who crowded the deck Catholics on Tuesday night. them. For years the people of Ireland had en- termination into that lJouse, and say if they were instantly overwhelmed and frightfully We confess the news stated by our cotempo­ deavored to get rid of this injustice, but their would ~l\k? t~e taxes equal they should make scalded by the steam; and those who had the rary does not surprise us. We cannot imagine ?emands had been rejected with contempt and every mstltutlOn equal also. ~ h~ar): 'i'he good fortune to escape its destructive effects how any Catholic could have taken office under Insult, and they had been told that, because Chan'cellor of the Exchequer, In brmgmg for. were in the greatest alarm for their lives. The Lord J'ohn Russell after his Durham letter, 01' there were a hundred gentlemen returned to ward his bu?get, spoke of,~he income ~ax as "a condensed steam and boiling water shot up could have retained office under him after his that house by a process which called reo colossal engme of finance. He admitted that from the midship hatch and the window of tbe having denied, as he did some months since, presentation, they had the blessing of the Brit- the incorue tax was a colossal engine ~f finance, engine-room, and descended on the unfortunate that he had altered his opinions in the slightest ish constitution, which in England meant the and something more. It was an engme which deck passengers, who were gat4ered in the degree. His speech on 'l'uesday was but an accomplishment of the will of the people, but could smite not only the pockets of the people waist of the vessel. Scarcely anything could echo of his former statement, neither more nor which in Ireland meant exactly the reverse.- of Ireland, but. which could strike do~n, by be imagined more appalling than the sight less.--Dublin Freeman. The house would not expect him to follow the repeated blows If necessary, every SOCIal and which the deck presented- -men, women, and ...... _ --- hon. and learned gentleman who last spoke into political injustice which the oppression and children, rushing to every side for shelter from - - SPE1WH OF F. LUCAS, ESQ., all the topics embraced in his speech. If the tyranny of England had perpetuated for ages, the scalding steam; . others--many of t~em hon. and learned gentleman wished for inquiry break through the bonds and manacles with women-screaming in agony; the temfied In the House of ComplOns, May 31st, Mr. into the doctrines and practices of the H.oman which Ireland has so long b~en fettered, and cries of their friends. and of numbers who were G. n. Moore moved for a select Committee to Catholics in Ireland, or into the connection be- leave not a shred of the tyranny of England in search of, and apprehensive for, the safety enquire into the Eclesiastical Revenues of Ire­ tween the Holy See hnd the clergy, or between existing. to tell tbe tale of the ~ast to the future of friends, added to the bellowing of the cattle land, with a view of ascertaining how far they the latter and the laity, there was no reason generatIOn (cheers from the IrISh members). and the bleating of sheep and lambs, with were made applicable to the benefit of the Irish whiCh the ship was laden, rendered the whole why his c.Ul'iosity should not be gratified.-- SAM SLICK IN IRELAND.-At the Liverpool a scene of borror happily without a parallel in people. There was nothing to conceal or be ashamed of. banquet the other day, Judge Halliburton tbus this country. Mr. Lucas said that he found the motion they By all means, tberefore, let an inquiry be insti· alluded to the approaching exhibition in Dublin. tuted if necessary; but do not make this threat- Some years ago he had made a circuit of Ire. On the vessel being stopped, the boats were were discussing that night to be one which it lowered, and the unfortunate sufferers conveyed was extremely difficult and painful for him to ened investig?tion, whi?h, after. all, was a m~re land, not as a politician, nor as a philosopher, bugbear. to chIldren WIth, an but he went to enjoy the beauties of the ashore. Nothing could be more frightful than speak upon, because it was a motion which f~'lg~ten oc~aslOn for refusmg JustICe to the Roman CatholIcs of scenery. Give him Ireland as distinguished the appearance some of the poor creatures pre- seemed to him to be beyond all argum~nt, and sented as they were taken from the boats. On which ought to pass as a matter of course in Ireland. Frequent reference had be.en made to above all the countries in the world for scenery, examination, it was found that 33 persons were any national assembly that wished to deal just­ the oath. taken b.y the Roman Cathollcmem~ers It had more water than any country in tbe on entermg parlIament. Well, let. the subject world. It was a beautiful country-beautiful injured, many 01 them severely, and that two, ly to all classes of her Majesty's subjects.­ a boy about four, and a girl ahout three years He eJtperienced a difficulty to restrain the feel­ of that oath be br?ught forward m a r.egular in its lakes, and in the wilderness of its hills old, were dead. We were unable to ascertain ings of indignation wbich always arose in his mal~ner-~et a motIOn. be founded upon It, an? In this country he had seen the beautiful let .It he .dlscussed Itself; b?-t do not make 11 shores of the south, and the cultivation of the the names of the latter. Their bodies were re- mind when he considered the enormous injus­ ?Y: moved to the hospital at the Pigeon-house Fort, tice under which five millions of Catholics la­ an mstrument for CIVIIIJ:" and III t~e most cour· ng,t'th, but in scenery Ireland was beyond them where an inquest will be held on them this bored in Ireland through this grievance, the te?us. l~nguage, tauntlllg the IrISh ~eID:bers all. He invited those who wished to see the WIth to the most solemn obl.lgatlOns. Exhibition to come over to Ireland to see the day. abolition of which, as their mouthpiece, the mdlfferen~e Before consentmg to .stand as a candidate f?r beautiful country. He could not compare The greater portion of the sufferers were hon. member for Mayo now claimed at the it landed at the fort, where Dr. Gilburn, the resi- hands of that house. The question was not Meat~, he took occasIOn to stud;v the o~th m with Scotland, for he was of Scottish descent: questIOn, h.e had perfectly hImself but he would just say that he prefered Ireland, dent physician of the hospital, wa~ in immedi· what was generally understood as the abolition ~nd sat~sfied that a motIOn Itke the pI:esent, whICh was clear- infinitely.-Acadian Recorder. ate attendance, and rendered every assistance of the established church, but how justice could Iy demanded by the highest interests of the in his power. Colonel Savage, and the officers best be done to all religious denominations in country, to betray his duty to ber Majesty, to THE DESTINY OF ' THE NATION. and men of the Royal Artillery, also exerted Ireland--in short, how perfect equality of treat­ whom he was bound to give the best advice he Thillk you are living two hundred years hence, themselves in ever) possible manner to alleviate ment for all denominations could be established could, or to prove a recreant to the land which when the representation from the States of Bhering's the torture of the unfortunate creatures.- by act of parliament; and it was not dealing Bay and Labrador. shall greet the representatives he was s worn -to serve. from Yucatan and Mexico in the Capital of the Re. About half-past seven o'clock a party of police, with the motion in a fair spirit to assume that Allusion had likewise been made to the act public of the continent at Centeropolis, on the river under Inspt!ctor Finnamore, arrived and pro- there was only one method of settling the ques­ uf Union, and the only member of the govern­ La Plata; when a hundred states shall be bound to­ ceeded to assist the soldiers in removing the tion which could emerge from the deliberations ment who hadtspoken during the course of the gether with bands of iron, reaching from the Atlantic persons who hao. been injured to the various of the select committee when the Catholics of to the PaCific, Bnd from Guatamala on . the south to debate had read to them a Jesson on agitation, Victorina on the' north, bearing the Travel and Com­ hospitals. Ireland were willin~ to accept any mode which which be thought did not come well, or wisely, merce of half a Hemisphere: the Republic boast a Dr. Gil bum found on examination that six of still placed a badge of inferiority upon them to from one of her Majesty's ministers. Many hUlldred millions brave, intelligent, arms-bearing the sufferers could not be removed witbout im· wbich they would never tamely submit, against members of the government were pledged to citizen-sovereign", her merchan t marine control the Commerce of the two hemispheres, and dictate the minent danger, and he had them carried to the they would never cease to struggle, the full extent of what was demanded by the hospital of the Pigeon·house, where everything whICh would torment the debates of that house law of nations to the world: When every foot of motion now before the house; but they found available earth from Panama to Repulse Bay, forced tbat care and skill could suggest was immedi- session after session, and, if need be, genera­ it inconvenient to carry their pledges into ex­ by scientific culture, shall yield its utmost to the snp' ately done for them. tion, until this great injustice was substantially ecution, and at all events they would find it oort of man; the frozen poles shrouded iu eternal As soon as the accident became known to and completely removed (hear}. The hon. and difficult to reconcile their conduct to-night with gloom, revealing their hidden treasures, and putting Mr. Middleton, the agent of the company, he learned gentleman who spoke last went into a on the smile of tife, shall conrt exchange of untold their chief political antecedents. Their spol,es­ wenlth with equatorial lands; when San Francisco immediately despatched th~ Mona steam·tug to rambling and rather erratic discussion of al­ man on this occasion was the Chief Secretary with her congregated millions, guarding the golden the vessel, in order to afford any assistance most every conceivable topic of an extraneous for Ireland, and his answer to the motion was gates of the West, stretching one arm to Asia, and that might be required, and we understand character, the only part of his address which that this was a bad time to bring forward such the other to th e Isles of the Ocean, shall vie with that directions were given that no expense touched the real question at issue being that in New York the metropolis of the East, for the com· a measure. If, said htl, there was a certain merce of the world; when the Queen City resting on should be spared tbat might be necessary to which he avowed his determination to uphold amount of disturbance in tbe country-if the right arm of the father of waters, stretching her procure propel' treatment for the passengers this social injustice and po~itical wro~g on ~re­ society was disorganized and crime stalked palaces over an area, thirty miles in circumference, who were injured. It was expected that the I~nd, because h; rega.rd.ed It as a barrier agalllst through the land unchecked by the ordinary and receiving into her lap the produce of an empire, Times will be ready to resume her voyage next hiS (Mr. Lucas s) relIgIOn, and as means of de- shall lind a riv!ll in an unborn city on the mid waters operations of the law-and if the church itself of the Missouri. day. pressing its ac.tivity in that country. Now, that was in danger-theu, quoth the hon. baronet, Then will new principles in trade be evolved and Captain Geary, of the Trafalgar, City of might be a very good argument for t~e hon. her Majesty's ministers might come down and practised_Then "a fortune in five years" will not be Dublin Company's sleam·ship, on passing the and learned .gentleman, an.d no doubl it WlIS offer to compound with the malcontents, giving the rule; but a competency in twenty·five years of l'imes, kindly offered his services, but as there urged m~st smcerely; . but It .surely could ~ave honest dilligence and economy in business; not how up a portion of the monstrous establishment in large a percentage can be made and secure custom, was no damage done to the vessel, with the no other mfiuence upon the mmds oWathohcs­ order to save the remainder. That was the but how smaU a percent"ge (lan be sold at, and live. exception of tbe rent in the boiler, there was if it had ~ny .at all-than ~o induce them, equally doctrine of ministers; that was the wisdom and Snch is the rule already adopted at th"! no occasion for them. as conscIentIOusly on then' parts, to persevere statesmanship which shone out upon poor be­ CBNTHAL TEA STORE, The following persons were conveyed to Bag- steadfastly in an exactly oppesite direction to Corner of Western ltow and Fifth Street, where there nighted Ireland from the cabinet of "All the is now the largest stock and choises! variety of teas in got~street Hospital on cars and stretchers by the that of the h.onorable and learned gentleman. talents" (hear, hear, and a laugh). But the the City, for sale at ton per cp.nt in advance of the im­ police, and men belonging to the Artillery But that specIes of argument had no weight statement of the Chief Secretary, it was worthy porte,·s prices, which is firtae n per cent lovler than corps stationed at the Pigeon-house :--l'homas with him at all, and I~e could frankly assert of notice, had not been supported or followed they are sol d at allY other Tea Store on the continent. My rule is l ~ rge sales and small profits, which is daily Rathkin, county Galway, laborer; Teresa that, even when he himself belonged to the up by any other member of the governmenL­ Ring, Kilbeggan; Margaret Donnelly, Birr Protestant community, he entertained precisely verified by increasing hundreds In the biography of the late Lord George J. W. TY30N, (who was accompained by a little boy, her son, the same convictions upon this question as had Bentinclr, written by the right hon. gentleman Hl3 and 195 COrner Western Rowand Fifth Street. who fortunately escaped injury); Michael long bt!en entertained and avowed with regard the member for Buckinghamshire, the honor­ Feeny, county Galway; Mary Cummins, Bal- to it by every enlightened Protestant, l.111d by able baronet was described as baving upon one linasloe; .'Vlary M'Cormick, Drumsna, county almost all the leading members of the l'resent occasion occupied the position of a "disavowed Gal!\'ay, servant; Catherine Fitzgerald, Lough· government, and also of the opposition. , The plenipotentiary." It was true her Majesty's rea; Thumas Molloy, town of Galway ; question really lay in a nutshell. Could any ministers had, by their silence, adopted his Bridget Kenny, servant, Williamstown, counly member of that house place his hand upon his statement, but the honorable baronet the Galway; Mary Neville, Li verpool; Anne .Mul- heart.and s.ay, as an honest man and upon his member for Oxford University, the honorable cale, Williamstown, county Galway, IS so consCience If the case were hIS own, that he member for West SUrl'ey, the honorable and ManUfactorY or Lotze's Patent Hot Air FUTllace,for dread fully injured that little hope is entertained w?uld sit content .under this i.nju~tic e, or sub­ learned gentleman whci last spoke, and other heating public buiJdings,d wellings,stores,&c Also, of bel' recovery. mIt to the o.f SOCIal and political I Registers, Ventilators, and a general assortmentot h~ve s~lgm~ hon. gentlemen on both sides of the house, who ~"" cooking and heating Stoves Mantle Grates; tin, cop Among the persons conveyed to Mercer's degred,atlOn, and lllfenonty stamped upon him, considered themselves identified with the inter­ per and Sheet Iron Ware; all of which he will sell at the lowest pri ce, No. 219 WaIn ut street, west sille, above FiftbJ Hospital were--Anne Droney, from the county an.d. that he would not rather, If he had the ests of the established church in Irelaud, had Alljobbing done with neatness and dispatch. of Clare; Mary Diegan, from Rathangan, Spll'1t of a man, come forward and ~penl~ de­ disclaimed his sentiments; and now the hon. oc25·]2m ADOLPHUS LOTZE county Kildare: Jane Acton, from Westport, clare that h.e kn~w no reason why. hIS religion baronet for the second time, as far as those CHARLES J. RAY, HOUSE AND S_GN PAINTER_!l·2 Walnut street, below counly Mayo, Ann Maguire, a widow and her should subject Illm to suc.h lin odIOUS brand, independent members were concerned, stood in Third. Orders respectfully solicited' jan 15 two children, Patrick and John, the latter a and tl.1at he should do hIS utmost to have it :he position of a "disavowed plenipotentiary" CO·PARTNl!:RSHIP.-The ulldersigne ll have this day mere infant, all dreadfully scalded. speedily effaced (hear, hear)? The learned entered into Co·partnership, under tbe name and firll' of (a laugh). He frankly confessed that he be· P Poland & Henry," for the purpose of carrying 011 8 C:ltherine Kelly of Westport, Charles Cassidy ge~tleman who spoke last talked of the consti­ lieved the opponents of the motion would have Wholesale Grocery, Liquor and Commission business. of Rilbeggan, and Mary Gerraty of Westport, tullO~. .B:It he ~sked what was meant by the P. POLAND. a majority to-night. He was not, however, feh5 CinCinnati. Feb. 1st, ]853. were conveyed to the Jervis·street Hospital constItutmgcertam gentlemen whom they called JOHN HENRY disheartened; on the contrary, he was g;reatly J. ROYNA,n" druggist and apothecary coraerWestern Row where they were promptly attended to Dr: t? a b?dy which called a by repr~sentatives ~hey en.cou~aged: They were at the beginning of and Chestnut streets, Cincinnati. Pal'tlcular attention pad! fhelps tbe resident physician. parlIament, and mvestI~g them With powers of to c.ompound!ng physicialls' prescriptions and dispensln, thIS dISCUSSIOn, and not at the end of it. The family mediCines, by the Proprietor himself. He bopes, by The following are tIle names of som~ of the, government. What dId they cal! the constitu- constant application to business to meri 1 the confidence of division of to-night would commence probably tile public. ' oc25 r.