.6£2 S $2'OO 'PER AN.'JUM, IN ADVANCE. WffEN DEL1VERISD BY CARRIERS $2,50 REV. S.H. ROSECRANS, f).D,~ EDI'fORS TRM - 'SiNG-LE COPIES FIVE CENTS. VERY REV. E. PUaCOEc"L. ~ , , • ~ YOL. XXIL~ C INC INN A T i. tB H I O. SAT U R DAY. NOV E M B E R 19. 1853. '~NO. 48 ~IO[D .the Pittsburgh Catholic.) glory ofiiGt'Jd and advantage to our holy religion. evil with good. Be del'ermined to do everything EUROPEAN NEWS. , THE RIGHT REV. M. O'OONNOR, Fervently wishing that our anticipations may in yOilr power to ,infuse the~e virtnes into the A telegraph dispatch [i'om Bucharest, says, • IT O B1SHOP OF ERIE. be realized,. permit'ns to assure you, Right Rev. young whom God bas commItted to your care. two Russian steamers and eight gun boats B v a~d dear Sir:-We, the Catholic: dear Sir, that"we s'hall ever cherish a ~l'ateful and as you value the 'Blood of Christ, shed for forced the passage 'of the Danube, and en- RIGHTf the ,Ndiocese • of Pittsburg,. h h aVlUg . b e~r d recollection of the "b I essmg. we enjoyed under them, guard agamst. any mc . I"matIon to btlar er countered a bris, ll'l'e,~ from t h e T ur k'IS h f ort., la.lty ~ur rise and deep concern, of your appomt- your pastoral, care, and to offer up our prayers their eternal 'welfare, either for your own or for The Russians had 'o'ne 'Colone'l, three officers, 'wltb Ptl newly erected See of Erie. and con- to the throne of ~Grace for your spiritual and their worldly advancement. ' and tw.elve sailors killed" and upward's of forty ent to le I f h 1 d I t I . !D t ontemplated remova rom t at 0 £ temporal ha,ppiness, hoping that the Almighty Wherever Providence may ea me, tms wounded; but they succeeded in setting fire to s~qu~n , ~ were unwilling to believe, even the disposer ()f''events wiH grant YOR long life to shall ever remember you witb a lively interest the fort by shells. PltLsuUIgbTty , of the consummatIOn. 0 f suc b ~n ar- continue your, a";"I' e a d'Vocacy 0 f genume . Ch'ns- in your temporaI an d eterna I we Ifare, an d pray- F rance h as ma d e f u II prepal'at'Jons." lor a Jan d probaeDl I:nt until painfully convinced of It, by tianity, and to disseminate the blessed truths in g the mv:r of all g~od gifts to exten~ to you expedition to Constantinople, but no orders wil'! rang cen't de par lure from amongst ~s: of ORr h()ly'Faith' in the discharge of tbat sacred his favors With a plentIful hand, I remam, be O'iven to march unless new circumstances yOw~:n " l'Ie cGmpare our pres~~t p~SIltOn, and mi~istry which ' yell are ,~al led on ~o fulfil, an~ Your servant in Christ, afis~, which in the opinion of the Emperdt, will b Deral , a~pect of CatholICity m Western whIch yotlr tale.nts, le3ll'llIng and VIrtue so emI- t M. O'CONNOR, render such a movement necessary. t e ge IvatIia, ' wilh what they were some few nently qual'ify, yoo !() adorn. Humbly reques- Bishop of El'i~. The FlI'ench Minister at Constantihoj:ile h as Pee;~s~n'Ce; . w'h€n: yell ll:ssumed th.e government ting ~our. pr

AFFAtRS OF ST, tOUIS' CHURCH. \ject to the free administr~tion of ecclesiastical lime to return to peace, and to make the vine- the face of the Church; but ~he re~ , ilEG[stON oli' 'rI:l:E APOSTOLIC NUNOIO!! authority. The Bishop who sends tbither the yard of the Lord tlourish in uuion, in charity, of this rests entirely on yourselves. P slblhby 'rhe Trustees of St. Louis' Church visited ministers has the right to prescribe the mode and in humility, without which it is impossible Buffalo, Oct. 26, 1853.. C. BEnINI, the Apostolic Nuncio on the 22d inst., and 'pre- of collecting such contributions, and of distrib- to please God. The congregation of St. Louis Archbishop of Theb sented a memorial containing the details of tbeir uting them, so as fully to accomplish the sa· Oh~rch, by adopting the course indicated, Apostolic N~~" alleged grievances, cred intentions for which they were given. whtch alone is just and indispensable, wi ll give CIO, 'l'he Nuncio delivered the following answer He has, also, the right of making such changes a nuble proof of faith and charity, and a sin· KOOSE BAY OOAL.-Mr. Troupe E ' in the course of Tuesday, the 25th inst. or modifications in the rules governing such cere desire for order and peace; will crown all on the Washington, on 'her dowD\~ardn~\neer To THE TRUSTEES OF ST. LOUIS' CHUROH, matters as may become necessary from time to my efforts with the most happy success; and the U mpq ua, ga\·e as (t ~pecimen of Koos to e t BUFFALO. time. The Oanonical prescriptions which guide t~ey will have a very large ponion in the hene- COfl.1. 'l! e are no judge of coal, but if We ll:! ay Genllemen:- I have read, with great !'I,tten- the Bishop in his actions are on the other hand dtctions which the Oatholic Ohurch and its be permltle~ ~o "venture an opinion about it ay tion, the Memorial which you handed to me, well known-they pl'event the possibility of visible head bestow on her zealous and obedi- would say It IS of good quality. It has bWe relative to the unhappy difficulties existi!lg or ~buse, or provide ~n .efficacious remed,y for it. ent children. But if they refuse, ,I can only, p~·onOtlDced. by-some the best coal that has been which did exist, between some members of fhese very prescnptlOns, not only give the see in them persons faithless to their duties, dlscovered.1O ~regon. We think it lightert~:n St. Louis' Congregation and . . their Bishops, ~isho~ po weI' b.ut they impos~ on h!m the oMig.a· ~ho make use of their priviltlges not to edify the ml)st bttummous cord we have Seen It n Deplorable indeed is the ('ondltlOn of that con- tlOn 01 remedymg abases whtch mtght occur 10 'ID the Church of God, btlt to destroy :; who, used on the Washington, on her trip· frOll:! ~hs gregation. Instead of enjoying in peace the the admitlistration, hGwever legally acquired, by placing obstacles to tbe free exercise of :Bay., The bed, Mr. Troupe informed us wh e comforts of relioion, practising it, and honor· of ,pro;pertubot,~, an t.e lInrc. - .avmg :en ttons, aR tea o~e mentlOne .c.o n tn. utlOns, to your Elasto'l' and Bishop, but as to tbe temporalities Oonsldelabl~ I?sses 10 stoCk ~ad b~eD e~pe lt· the free discharo- e of tbeir duty, ia another, and direct and immediate fl.ction, should conform . we had always the c0ntrol, subject never~heless enced. Mt. rh?mpson stal ted. wltb. ?tteen a quite different thing. iI seught tin vain, fvr Conseqnently, [ 0.eclare tbat those who refuse to the yeady inspection of the Rt. Rev. Bishop hu~dred bead ot . slaeep, about one.totrd,01 some proof of Bishop Ii)u@eis' consent to the fail in tlt eir duty, and by thas hindering the Rnd Pa-ster, (and at allY time within the fiscfd WhICh,. up to the tillie he left them, had dted. Act of Incorporation prarured on the 2d De.' Bisho::> in the free er:ercise of his holy ministry, yeflr,) over the amount expended and received, H~ estlmates, that one-half of them would get cember, l838-nearly ten years after the ori- they become responsible ifor all the sad conse- and which the Pastor always found it. correct. thtoug h.-Tmws. f ginal gr~nt .. Bllt even supposing ' ~hat he gave quence~ th'lt may resliH. ftt·lll'thermore,.1 can- As to the annulling of our Act of i ncorporation, FRO,M WA~HI~GTO.~ TERRITORy.~~ur file~rt~. it, certalO tt IS that LJe -neither cC!Hlld no\' ought not belteve th at any law of the stnte Will pre- there is n0t the least shadow of thought as we The Gol'3Ji1n~wn contatll httle ?f lOtele,t. Ab to have consented te anythinO' incompatible vent your confonninlT to the discipline of YOUI' believe that ternporalities haove nothing to do cultural afiatl's were prosperlDg, and the paper -.vith the basis ef that grant. }10 €lne could by, church; on the cont7-,1.I'Y I know that the spirit with Spi'ritualities. alluded. to :ol1gl:atulat~s Its re~d e rs on the t~. subsequent 'rights., no matter how obtained, of justice which so stron~ly characterizes the If your Excellency thinks tbfl.t by havimg an- flux of lmmtgratlo,n, amlt the ~apld Improvem e nl~ justly destroy rights enjoyed previoQsly by th e legislation of this country, will never make the other interview (the Rt. Rev. Bishop in person along the. coast lbe, followtllg fish s.tory tS a ministers of the Ollurctl according ta tlID.e ,rules accomplishment of its dltllies impossible to otllted by lnm. All thilt these 1(1 our last interview you told me that Y0U had examtned before secret conststones, stretcite lter ductive. Only tl.e offering- of the faithful are' may receive i-a the church shall be used for the nothing more 'to say, and that the aForesaid sev,en feet long, ted on black bread an~ Wl , to be ,received and distributed, whether these ,coNgregation d up. what ~ew, attack of bilious cramp cholic, from deaux is given up to the cultivation of the Vl11e, dispose ourselves for death. But again Gou thmgs. we had, and they were t>ven can'led which he had parti ally recovered; but ow in g lind Ihe peasants grow no corn; conseque?tly rtqllired no more of us th an this; and we were down IOtO th e court ; for we expected to leav'e to his most ardent zeal to attend to the wants they are ob li ged to come ~v~ry Sunday mto left quietly in our dungeon, and even allo wed the very next day. . The officer, I~owev:er, who of his flock, he left his sickbed in Tip Town too the towns to buy bread. ThiS surgeon then to go out on the platform of the fort to get some had been charge~ Wit h the executIOn of t.he or- soon, to r.epair to. the congregation of Prairie ersuaded th e vine-~re sse r s tl:at o~r presence fresh air. Opposite the towel' in which we der, made a mistake. In.s tead of .comlDg to dUt" Long,: Bu.t,_ alasL. Almighty God was fn the place would raise the pnce of bread, ~nd were confined, there was a very high house in- take us, he went to the pnsons .of tne palace , pJeased to" oraer., ol.henvise. Aftel' travelling tl us expose tbem to the danger of starvatIOn, habited 'by a good Catholic, the father of six and fetched some of our comp~Dlons, w.ho had R?me fou of. -miles·-on.llOr-sebac.k, in company with He intlamed tbeir passions by means of these children. This m,ln had a pries t concealed in ' bee n transferred to tbe Carmelite convent ;. tbu£ hiS liHle nephew,. about twelve years old, he be­ representations, so that they agreed to assem - hi s house, who said Mass every day. At a the .very persons who had been removed from came faiBt,and fell from his horse to the around ble on Whitsunday, to the number of near three given signal we used to . mount upon the plat- Patl preCisely because they coul~ not stand the sp~echless, from, whic·1t he never recover~d. He thousand, in or4er to burst open the doors of form, and tbe windows of the upper story of damp of that fortress even dun~g the w.arm died is fo.rty-eigb t hO tH·S. His fun eral took the convent and massacl'e u~'. The mayor of the house of this conrageous servant of God weatb~r, were now sent ~ack agalll to the same place on the 29'th inst., at Se, Mary's Church in Bouro' who was a good Ch J'l stJan, and two of bei ng openeu, we were able, in spite of ollr place ID th e depth of wmter. . The~ suffered Tip Town, attended by. the Rev. Father Battes, wbos~' uncles were priests who had refused to gaolers, to unite ourselves to the Holy Sacrifice greatly from the cold and the urles; the Pastor of \'Vaterloo, and' Rev. Father Lier­ take the oath, discove red this plot, .but which was being celebrated before onr eyes; water filtered through the vaults in such abun- mann, Pastor of Cen.treville. :8'oth of th e Rev. conscious that he had no means to bIDder Its we here found ab und antly the strength and dance, that some of th em were even obliged to gentlemen celebrated Mass · i~r the repose of execution, inasmuch as all the guard he had consolation of whic h we had need. ~eep [hell- umb.reHas open over .thelr beds, their Rev. brother; w,ho, only,the Sunday pre­ at his disposal for our defence ,d id not amount During our two months' sojo~rn at Borde3ux, ID orde r tbat their beads at I~ ast might be kept vious, stood at the. same' holy altar, ofiering to more tb an a dozen old soldiers. He came the room of the prison over Ollr own was occu- dry. Meanwh ~l e, ~ot k~owmg wha ~ had, betn up thah-same, accept-able sacri,tice fo r the salva­ to arou se li S, therefore, at midnight on the eve pied by Federalists; for the. most part worthy done, WP. remain ed III dally expectation of our tion of aU Ch ri stian sou·ls . It is the intention of Whitsunday, anu begged us to make al.l pre- people of the hown, who had endeavored to take removal; we had no change of linen, for the of hi s · parisiJ oners to ereet· a ,suitable monu­ parations for embarking as quic~dy. as possible, no part in the ty ran ny of the two Robespierres . gaolers would not allow us to go down to the men t to ', th eir deoeased Pastor. May it for that he should lie in despair If any harm Among th ese gentlemen was the lord of one of cour~ to re-open our boxes. At last, after> a please the Almighty Goa to . grant him peace should bappen to liS. We d esc~n~ed the G~- th e parishes of Medoc, named De Vormesel ; fortmght's delay, we v.:e~·e r e - e mbark~d. for and bappiness, fo r,. his t n~ ly sincere and ardent ronde to Blaye, where the mUD IC lpal authol'l- he had been a member of the popular com mis- Blaye, not, howevel', to J OID our cOmpalllOllS at zeal in tbe discharO'e of his most laborious and ties, fearing to expose us to the dangers we had sion, and had been found concealeel in the house ~ati, but were again taken. to the ci~adel. Th!s difficult mi ssionary'" duties. RerJ'lfiescat ,in pace. already incu: red t~ ere , se.nt us o~ e r to the f?l't of the constitutional curl-j. When brought to tJlne we were not lodged In the pnsoll,._. but I-l1 - Sltepne1'd ref.' tlw V0.lley,. Pati which IS an Island 111 the \'Iver, opposite prison, he was placed in our room, because the the story above that occupied by the soldi.el's, to the town. Here we were lodgeu in damp other was too full. He was a deist and philos- in littla boarded rooms, wit hou t beds, sheets,- La te advices from St . .Petersburg say' that dark rooms,. to wh ich li ght was aumitted on ly op he.l', and maintained that all religions were 01' bl ankets, and we had to pay even fol' straw, COUI}(. Neeseh:ode is very anx~lIs for fUI,ther tbrou"h SDia ll slits in walls fifle en feet thick, equally good. He used to compare them to OUI' rooms had no cei ling, and were immediate­ negoliations. _ anu ~hich 'were full of r at~ , mice, and fleas. forms of dress; saying that each people was ly uncleI' the tiles; but there were -places, It was repol'6'8d at Paris ,that Nicholas had Tbey gave us the same bread as was distribut~d free to choose that which seemed best to tbem; so that by purcbasing from the soldiers · what abdicated in favor of. th e hereditary Gi'and to the so ldiers;. a mixture of bran and flour. A for tb at God -paid no more attention to dirl'er- wood they cou,k! spare, we were enabled,to have Detke.; and, though the. r-e por.t doubtful, it boat' brou .O' ht our rations fr om Blaye three ences of worship than to changes of fashion; fires, Happily we were able to perform all oUJr had a favorable etrec t on the money ma'rket. times a we~k; and at the same time wine, meat, and th at, provided He was served and adored, exercises of pi ety with tolerable tranquillity, anu other eatables, were brought for those who He took no heed to th e particular manner in and even succep.ded in hav ing the holy sacrifiee eIN CINN AT f' ! MARKET . . ohose to buy them. They gave us also mili· wh ich th:s might be done. I had frequent of th e Mass; fol' some ch:witable soul-s at B. .. r­ BUTTER AND EGGs.- FO·J' pri'ine ,roll butter there ·is tary beds, sheets, and blankets, which had evi-conversations with t·his poor man. I asked him deaux had contrived to send us all ~ th a t was ne­ a cQ lltillu ed good demand at-firm prices. with an in ad ­ dently been used for soldiers suffering from the whether he, when he was master of a large cessary for th at purpose. Every morning, equate supp ly; but ordinary and fa i ~ desc riptions of itch, for several of our number were preSently house, was indifferent to the cond uct '01' his Ih erefor e, ahout four o'clock, while the soldiers rol l and solid ~ re le gs inqui red for, though i" pr ices there is no change. \¥e quote the latter 14~ Liic ; allil attacked with thi's malady, Fortunately there servants; and whether he allo wed them to wait who guarded us were still as lee p, we got up in pI'ime ro ll 17c. p.rc kers m'e paying' 14a15c per lb. was a pretty large bundle of hay here, whe reby upon him according to their own fancies, with- sil ence, and one of our uumber, in th e name of The dtJ rnand is abou t eq uutly divided hetw een ship­ we were enab led to mise our mattresses from out any regard to his wishes? Whether a all th e rest, offered to the God of strength and pers a"d cir.y dealers. Eggs ar-e bri'll gin!! 15a16c pel' doz~l1. and 359 the damp ground. However, spi te of these dis- ruler was indifferent to the laws which he had mercy the hea~enly Victim. Reeeived d unillg th e week 382 brts fi~k in s and kegs- butter; ·e>q.orted same . time 12 brls advantages, we enjoyed here very tolerable made? Whether a general all owed each regi- At Bordeaux we had been allow~d a pound alld 2280 ·I4c, and :;>erhans a fJ'aehon ehared by two; and we were able to say our of our imprison·rneEt. F ighting for the ttue made to supply tb e place of butter, DuriBg over, New No .1 L"rd so ld to mil nu faBtur,es to -the prayers in peace; but at the end of a fortnigbt religion of Christ, we could desire noth· the Lent of l'i94,', I ate, more than si x.~y of exte nt DC 800alO()O brls· at 9 1-40 , bu,yer fiuding_br l".; alld ;:l00 brl s so ld at SIL/2'c , rkg. in cln ded:;·yesterday a came yet another ehan ae. i'l'lg belter or more noble tban to die in sucb a th ese herrings ; and the unwbolesomeness. -.of round I·)t of (co unw'y) No 1 so ld for.-deli"el'.yAhis 'fallien and Isabea~, tbe represen tatives of cause . Our Divine Mastel', having assured us the food corrupted my' b ].ood, and produced so month at 9c, brls includ ed. . tbe peop1e, had succeeded in causing tb e party that those who g.ene rously give up th eir lives bad a SO l'O in my fo ot." tb at. I . was pyevented . The market to- day remaine·d qui et,. . buyers not (J.f, Robespi erre to, triumFlh at Bord eaux; they .&ncNfortunes in orde}' to remain faithful to Him from walki ng for ·a considerable time. being di ~ pose d to operate at cnrraid he, I'0co rdillg tn capacitv of p,-cl;ages .. ~otl1Jng but the boa~d s to.lie uppn';':and,!at fi.r,st ~ el s , M.j de V() rmesel each ,day. grew: more and "are you here too, yon ?" this is "'ery astonish - RET11; 11.1'1' GOl'll 450, . . r CATHOLIC :::= 'utholit. ~f;Itflranh- b..~'\)' 5ionorate which that poor beart is tossed to and'fro ia this ed~tors will have gone into eternity and their LECTURE ON THE CATH~ ~ ~ 1"~ " changeful life ]' How from the deptlis of that 'newspapers have been swallowed by oblivion. ING OF AMERICAN HISTOF.Y\~P~. heart, its· sweetness gushes up and is ditfm;ed The men will undergo the penalty of their false· By THOMAl!-.DI ARCY McGE%. O.F\FICE.~JlfO. 170 Sycamore street, above Fifth. abroad,j'n soeial· li fe, rendering sweet: the nre· hoods and dishonesty; the papers will have On Wedne3drryyevenfng of last week . · CiNCI'~~A'l'l, SATURDAY, Nov. 19, 1853.. 'side chat of- tbe family circle, ioyous the n;Jeet· been consumed in wrapping up tea and coffee, &. Nixon's Hil.1l WRS crowded , to bear ;~81!11~ 'ing of neighbors and.friends! and old hams, qlilent Edi~or,of the' Aine.riean"Ce!t· H' eelo. EEAST 'OF THE, IMMACULATE CON. , . . . . ., d ' . . 18 them ; But not only-ought It to· leaven all our words "et qu idquld chartls amicitu1' ine!>tis;'" was' a"-lopte In view- of, the ' cbJarges . e CEP'1'ION~ 'th cha I't d h I 1 't hI' I b There is a good time coming. Wain a little. Oatholics of. being "foreigners" and "I' t against m 1 B l -' e'l -' L't f t' J)' wl . r y, an c eel' u.neSSj I 8 Oll Q a so e ~ .. n ruders" --,-0 tile e ove"" , e1'gy, an"", az yo . tle · . U~~ . '. • ~_.... o.... _. --- A dId "- ·· . W d' . t tl D' seen III Ollr actIOns. TillS IS natural. (I'll menca; . an Ie Nfl ertook to sho c,ese 0 f , Czncznnatz: . e eSlre 0 see 1e IOce· . 11.1 ' th d' fA' lV, that . I d dd '[h' C th I' He who feels strongly, or rather belIeves firmly li'o. NOv;,ELTY. e lscovery 0 .menca, a.nd Consequent! al s,an,. N atlOna, an ; we a WI · J9Y, a 010 .. . ' tl d t h I h Y I v . 1ft. I I t C t' f tl ' and conceals hiS feellDgs, reSists, whether for a The decision. of the Nuneio in the St. Louis' >e a van ages w 10 lave fblt owed thatd' +.:. estlVa 0 tue mmacu a e ·oncep IOn 0 Ie d 1. Ch h fB er-y, are due to the Catholic Religion. Whlsecov.

- lessed VI'rg'lu Mary, celebrated· ih this Diocese goo . or OJ. ad. .reason.' the promptings of nature. urc" uffalo) affair, was no_novelty to those nc . f B' . Catholics are the ' " "oldest settlel"'''' 6 a· lb' I 't H ence, R e IIglOn, piety, and reverence for holy w h 0 k now an~. t Illn.g .O Iblical or· Ecclesiastical · • In this wI~r' 1h eCsornl~lgd sOCemUl 1j·a".t' 0"' Bl'opao-anda things, will appear in our outward actions, if HistorY'.. The· whole matter is-coIDflFessed into count)'}''> a·nd I?p.otestants arc the SfirangerSand e aCle oDgreg Ion L" 0 " • h b h II b . guests. . d d d b t't t.~, our Lall e deep, and unshackled by manner· a nuts € y Bmgham, the Protestant Rector d oes not, III ee , cornman, u I e:;t;uvl'~S us . Th . . , f H . E W'e can. not analyze the Lecture; but I' . H I'd f ObI' t' W Ism. e Church has prOVided for thiS mam... 0 avant, III . ogland, in his celebrated work d t h h . . f ' nor. to 0 b serve It as a 0 I ay olga IOn. e c . • . . . mz A er' 008 ow t e spmt 0 our C' . 1. Id . h b . th fi ttl ,estatlOn of Illtel'lor piety, by the malllfold pr.a().· "-, (UJ ntiquities of the Clwistian Chllll'chl' ded· , bl' h . IDclUnati news. SolIOU . W,IS to . a amou!!:. e r8 Q comp y . •. . d J paptJfs we pu IS their comm t · h I I. f th ~S· d C t' tlces of her beauttful ceremolllal. Temples, al" !Cate to" onathan, Lord Bishop of Winches· . . "' . en s. These WIt t 1C counse,r 0. , .e acre ongrega IOn, ., . " d Jmurnals, professmg to be neutral in rei' . -,,' t 'f tb F t f tars, Images, pictures, holy water, are· the lan.·, ·ter, an published in Vl08-22- ana l'epub· . IglOO, 00 d weSOUl'lh 1 · .,oso ·a onwi e easso 'h h'hh CI h h h lished1846',; byBohn,London. .~ubltshed(mostofthem)copiousreportsi CI;ristmas, Ciwumcision, or. New Year and guage, Wit w IC t e lUrc .teac es- er.chil· 1 h Gavazzi's Lectures. o. dren to express the emotions of nature ilIumi-ned " ave but ona thing more to observe con- .Epiphany were not. observed in this Dioce$.e We beo-in with the Reno?" of th G . by faith; and we ha'/e little confidence, if ' not cecning the power·of bi

as festivals of p.recep.t;. and we fear, from the I'n' tIle SI·ncel'l·ty., at '''n'<0<>."t" I'n' the ~Il.ood sens·e of alld that is, tbeir author,ity and coneerll! in dis· Think of such an emanation from a paper' (hel'a peculiar circumstances and the industrial pur· once had a charact,er for intell ectuality.I those Catholics" who pride themselves on using ppsing of the reVeI'lUeS of, the ohu·rch. I in· suits and occupations of" our beloved flock, that From the Gazette 01 Thlll d N these exteriorities as . little as possible. In tend not here to enter upon>;. the discourse of <'S ·ay, OV . IO, it would be too much to requil:e of them to THOMAS D'Ancy McGEE.- Thisgentlemaniecl Catholic cOllntl,iss, like Italy, every fami·ly has eoclesiastical revenues,. (,which has its proper almost two houl's last night, at Smitll and N,jxour~ keep four feasts .of precept within .the term of Its. little altar; with the lamp..:, bul'lling before the P I ace in . tbis work herea-fter} but only to sug. Hall , to addvery crowe Jlouse . 1:1 'IS Iecture \ Us thirty days. . It is true that two of those festi- M'.adOnM.- 'fhe Cl'OSS is planted along the high. gest now, that it was part of the bishop'S office ~e:~hs!:~~Ot~~nt;~fi ' ~~,~I~ I Ylf:l~t::~~"Jnthl~sd;~~!~~n:y ¥als will, in 18b3~4, fall on Sunday.s, but tlli-s d d h d d' America as a Catll?lic achievement. .To SIIOW r ar ways, an pictures E}f the saints are fastened to .an care to see t e~ managed an Isposed of d llOW wl'lj not always so happen - absur any suc.h claim i.s, it wou ld only be llece5Sar .. . . the. tl,unks of tnes, in the fields. 011 the crest to the best advantage. The Councils of Anti· for the Met hodIsts toclUlm the inventioll oftheslea~ F. or .~he presen.t, therefore. Wie de. e.lare the' ·.of the mOlll'liain, the symb()j.()f our~ l'edempti-on oeh (c. 24 and 25) and GanoD'ra (c. 7 and 8,) engllle, as a MethodIst triumph, for which Melhodi sm M d b f was to have all the credit, if Watts had happened obll~atlOn of heanng • ass-an a staldnmg .re:n ·gr.eets the traveller's eye, and children gather have several canons to this purpose, that all have been a member of that denomination 1'~0 serVile worh, tralls-feN.ed to the Sun. . a!., w.~thm , flowers in. the forest, to set before the print of the incomes and oblations of the church shall claim wou ld be. scouted by every sensible mall~sridi~ . t" 0 b t d t I ti t II cu lous; yet It IS preCIsely what the lecturer I.bor,~ !lie . c,lave ; . ll . w~ Irec, .w.ler-e, ' is .. a- a the Blessed Virgin hidden in the depth of the be dispensed at the will and discretion of the through nearly two hOllrs to establIsh. / pra.ctlcable, that. Iihgh, Mass he.. sang III the almost unvisited glen. And this, not because bishop, to whom the people. and tlle souls of We have no time to speak further of the leclur b h E If d though it was exceedin~ly slJg'gestive of tOp ics, Itw;;. VarIUUS, C urcl.les. on t e 1Cast Itse ,an we "the people are ignorant and superstitious," as men are committed. 'l'hose called the Apos· receIved by the audlence with Incessant and un. exhort the faithful to. a~J.H·?ach to the Holy infidel travellers fl ippantly say, but because the tolical Canons (c. 31 and 34) and Constitutions bounded applause. Sacraments and seek to galll the Plenary In· people believe, and, in expressing the veneration (lib. 2, c. 25,) speak of the same power. And All this might have been written before Mr, dulgence. toward God, and those whom God loves,spring. Cyprian (ep. 38, at. 41) notes, that all who McGee lectured at all. His thesis is given '1'0 reward the piety of the devout clients of ing from tbeir faith, seeks not a cautious Ian. received maintenance from the church, had it and, by an unjust comparison, refuted. H~ ' the Blessed ImmaGulate Mother, who will assist guage to disarm the scoffer, OJ' to escape the • episcopo dispensante,' by the order and ap' arguments are not met-nay, not mentioned, at the . sol~mn Higp. .. ~ass,i{l . the. Ca,thedral,:ve miscGnstruction of the caluminator, but speak pointment of the bishop. He did not, indeed, The comparison so triumphantly instituted s~all, at ItS cl?se, ~IV' e. the , Ap~stoltp BenedIC' right ollt.w,ith.. s-p.ofl,taneou$,.in the always dispense with his own hands, but by is unjust. Mr. McGee did not claim the dis· I100n; as au(horlsed In our facuJ.tles by , the HGly, modes tbat natu-lie dictates~ p.roper aJ:lll istants, such as his Arch·Deacon and covery of America as a Catholic ach ievement, &e. J ·· B., Abp. Cin. the Whl'ch d t b be use C 1 b s and I b II "11 d t-1 S0 ollg!lt it to be, R,eligion, ought (0. fiU ' not lJ.>'/Vconomus , " some canONS or er 0 e ca 0 urn u sa e a appene to ol)ly the h i ghway~, but also the byw,ays of life. ODe of, the. clergy of- ev·erY', church ;. hut those be members of that denomination;" but be· RELIGION IN E..VERY. DAY LIFE. It oug!?t to p erv.ade, not only our hearts, OUI' officers. w.ere only ste.wardsunde.r him, b(1)th of ' cause Lhey happened to be actuated find guided 'Catholios ought always to be characterized thoughts, and our afI'!'c'tions , but all'our outward his apPQinting, as St. J'eromll (Ep. la. ad N.e· in their great enterprise by their religion, II h-y the firmness oUheir. faith. God has granted actions, per.lDl,)ating, controlling, vivifying, them potinulill)' observes, and also, accountable to Watt (not Watts.) had been in1pelled to his in· them infallible certaiQty _of the tra(h, of wh at all. him as the. Supreme Governor of the Church. vestig;:ttions of the properties of steam by his tt)ey believe. They ought therefore to consider ~ , Whence Possicii'us takes notice of the practice Methodism, then Methodism might fa irly boasl th.eir r~ligion, not as something apart from. their .Ar. LlrTLiN P ATIENCK. ef St. Austin, that though neither seal nor key herse.1f the In other of the, sleam engine. 'fbe daily temporal occup.ations,. to be thought of on "Bide your time,'" has been said in· prose was ever. seen. i11. his hand, but some of bis GazeLte will Jive long enough to become beavier S.undays and holidays of obligation, but- as an and verse a thousand different times,. 813 a max,. clergy were alwaY$· his admiDistrators, yet he and duller than it is at, present, before it w.ill see el'ery day ,concern. It. should be a leaven to .. im of w.orldly wisdom. As sucb, it is p~culi· had his certain time to audit thein accounts; so Mr. McGee tri pping so,jn his logic,lIS q~ioktn the whole . mass of their ordinary ac· arly applicable to Catholics in this coulltry and that all was still nis ac:t, . though administered to be refuted by ii. t-ions, a salt to give savor to all they do, or say., in,&gland. The Ga(holics of this country, and and d ispensed by the hands of others. And The lecture was "unfair." · Of course. It pI'think .. "Whether you eat 01' drink, or what- of England, have the mortification of seeing the tbis was agreeable. to the prirnitiv.e rule and is not fair to state bi~t01' i cal facts, and disturb soever you do," says the Apostle, "do all for the press and public sentiment noh. only agaiI),&t practice of the Apostles, to w.hooe- care and the dreams of a· man w,ho has imbibed false· glory ,of GDd." them, but agains,t tbe!Ij.on false grounds. Tl •.ey custody the people's oblations and things con· views of history. It is un-fair·, t@ convinoe Ihe· It; is a defect oLProtestant customs, toe easil:y < are forced to see themselves attacked and vitu·· sec rated to God, weJ:e committed; .they chose Editor of the Gazette that he has no accurate .iipbibed by ,us. wh@ are in daily. contact with perated, on accou·n.t of .sentiments w·hi~h th-ey Deacons to be. their assistaD~s, as bishops. did knowledge of the annals of even, his own coun' Protestants, to separate ReligionJrem,coIDnlQn repudiate and abhor. They s~ek, in ".ain, to afterward, still retaining powel', iD theif own try. Don't do it any morc, Mr . .lVI.cGee. life. From.. the..lower, and less dignifi~d sects defend them:;elves, because the press is closed hands to direct "nd reguIate them in. the dis· The "Local" of the Enquire?' is more fair; . w.hich make religion a thing to be." g9t," when against them.. No editor is willing to lose sub- posal of.. th,e public cbal-'ity-, as Prime stewar.ds iand if ihe lecture was too long to report, we do . tbe imaginatio.n is eXlljted by_the tumul~ and en· scribers by: admitting their statements into., his of <%d's ,I~~ven:ue aDd cbie: ~as t er8 of· ~is not blame him for suppressing it, so long as ~e thu$ "revi-vals" and" Camp, Meetings," columns, mij.Cb less by espousing their cau~e, ~ousehold. -Bmgham, Antlq. of the ChriS' does not misrepresent it. Of course, be lB . ~ the .more refio.ed and .intellectu41 bodiEls. that . so as to mal'ie a statemen\ of the truth. 'rheytlan Church. Beok II, Ch. V; Sect. G.: See- slightly mistaken as to the "object of the Ilbink religion an affair of Sunday, and not, to mus.t suff~r on under. a consciousness, that also Ch. IV and V: of BG)Qk Y: eaker'" which was to show that Catbolics. he ,profane.d Dy; .admixtUI "bide your u Jus'!:!> UCOND0NO~ PR>INCE, OF J;\PlI.N," by mad delivel'ed an address last eve 'ling before the · hf f b . I II db' " Th d . ." PL'I I th J h M h & C B I' . Yre· comprehensive volume on all Religion, by such He said h" 1V0u ld never acknowledge nor teach hi! . ~cence, is saddened by"its contact. , main. • save il~ history, for a theme, for. the de. barbarous and not happily chosen names as ch ildrP'll bto ble lievte t1)~t they wereI UPOfll th~ sOil of · . . '" . ' . . .. Amenca y t le to eratLOE 0r llny c ass 0 mel. ~y~o Ang, thl$. faJse VieW of RtlJlgI.!?n 15., ~om()tJmes, cryers. of human weakness, and gulllbllity.- - J flCO, Fugurundono, :N obunango - or such were the original discoverers and exp l orer~ and .c'~II. unllonsciously ,im.bibed by; Catholigs.. Catholics And that"time is coming soon. The other is, aw k~ard sentences as this, in t;~M" Preface,- izedl:s of. Admer~ ?~ I Ifuan~tcdlaSsst miglltt c!a~~\~~~o;lll?t ~ . . . ", .. ' . an prece el\Ce Itl 11le 111 e a tes:, ll en . . sOnJ.ellmes le.arn .. to lo,ok "upon thelr,,:falthy, as .a when the. GMhehcs that suffer sball have run "for, what good WIt! all the systems of error pecu l'l-ir cla.s~ of. people that came under th.e title of restraillt upon,., their amus.eme,nts " an impedi. throu2:h t b~ shifting scenes of- their. mortality, w.hich have been ~oached in the world from Ca~holics, and ~hey ~ere not, he contended, llltrnderi .' . . .. ' . ~ " and pretender" In thiS country. ment... to.theLr . p1',Ogress 1ll ,bus!DeSs.. They,con· and have bees. present.ed ' and (,(i0d grant it !) the days of the serpent, ti ll the hour of Anti· The original disc-ov.eryor 'Americh was tqe result of . " . . . C th I' ffi t· tl tid' g to tbe dl;cov, cede-tll-at ItS to them . ll'k$.ome duties must be accepted, ,a~ the, great Judgment Seat. Then. christ, do us, if we have not the truth ?"- or a olq,e Qr , 1e mov.emen e~ 111 d d • . • r- , . • ~ er.y ,of th~ N~w Worlel sustallled, . comphj';,d WIth, and the:y comply wlth them hur· in".the, midst .of"unq'lalified delight, they ., shall th.e. heading o( a chapter- "He (the Emperor) dil'~c~d by Catholic infl.Qence and Cathu!1C mot l T~ . dl' 'd • b 'd f th · d l r , tl . f h' fl" A'd t . . 1 • • d h' , by goud Pllpists~.suc.h as they were at thIS day ... , fIe y ,:In. 0\, er,.o. e 1.1 0 • em, an .a ease le.e, le. recompense 0 tell' suos ll'lng§. rul mee s, recogDlses, anu IS overJoye at IS son,' only" systemat.-ic attemp~ to ChriRtianize and clvlh7J- again. th~.• triumph of. Er~rnal Trut.h: they shall forget w.ould lose a treaslHe of more tban ordinary the aborig,ineesof thiH:ou.llI.ry was made by Cuth~I~CS: . f R J . IT' d . The great dispoverer. Christopher ColumbuS 11m Now; a fa 1se v~e:w , o e igl0nr·· as .. an1j . lhat, they ever suff!;.red calulP)1Y • . They may va ue. 0 be convlDce . of thi S, we recommend self was a most devou.t Calh~lic-IslLbella, of Spal~ . one who .refle.cts a moment can easily p!}Tce ive,. never .(Jall down .on their cal ur)lniatcrs, as Laz~' to all to. procure the book, read it, and., w:»..s' a .Catholi,c--=lilld ey~ry one of those concernedl: . " h I A r' .' that so lemll·llilll slllllil'lle scene in moderll hlswry, Religion is-...the means toconduc.t us to the tnd rus, could not pass•. the .. " ·great. gulf" . between lor t emse ves. ,ew slIght blemishes of di8~overy i> j;rAliDeric\l, W>!,~'e Catholics. III thisrespecl of our being7.""'to the"hig4est happifi~ss of which him and Dives, to .ask Jhem whether. tbey are sty Ie, betraying a foreign origin, are amply ex ... . Raller\slll1, ofSCOtlUlld, Irvi/lgJ'I.escott, B?ucroft,:~~ . I '" d '. d ·b· . . all the ,0the.-modern,) tOJ'ian s, dif\ , them lD!UStiC '. h our nature .Is,,,capab e• . -"'II as,w.e are. ne,ver nGt now430~villced oCthe truth oLCatholic, doc.· PlU te y:.passages ot .rare beauty, and genu me. fa;lillg ~o )wt;ee lh.c nlo.t, and the religIOn whlc so in" this life. as.. wbeI),>o ,engaged in the trine, and the sDu1}dness. of Catholic .int.eo-rity ; . eloguj)nce, as well as sound instruction. slWported and instiga.ted thil\>dis~Q..ery; b t tlace . f ' b ' . r 11 th ttl b I '11 ' " h fO II I j The chiAfoojoot of the s ~a!.. ~r-s~m~Q to e 0. ce to pursUIt 0 Uill,,ol"ll'l,, ~pp!BesS, It 10 ow,s -Ij. le uU ley ,WI ~ enJo.y ,orever tee steem.o . a r t18 th,e disc'lvery progress ana prosperity. of. AIl)en pl'acLice of ~l i giSlll.. , i~ all~ ou\,;,aQtions is. our good and noble, ~&" a compensatioR.,for the evil , e;:.Cappi, the annalist of modern.Italy, rec the infl.uence ~;1(i .. "p:eratioJl 0f\he ·: Qath~ljc . relig!~n." p'leasantest elIlp\Qy.ment, R~].igLon ,. oug.~t.thel:e· opinion , of'lthe imperf!?ct and. erring.; .and fol', lntes, that ,wben . Pius VI visited Joseph n, in, 'fhe C()m~ei:cial \\t is .a., vt:ry. "eDI,erprISiOg fpl'e to be can:iecl i·nto,allIQu,. bU$~ness and. all ,ge.t, in "the. to, l'l'&n~s . of. sweetness. th!J.t j ' I}!,lA~ate , Aus.tJ;i.a,.be was received with every demonstra· sheet ;.:!\e.pqrts all law ca~es, lawyers' speeches, Qt\r I'€creatio.ns. It ough t, ,to ti,l,l all Ot1-l;, aff.e.c, . \hem.; ,the exi9ten<;e· eveu, of the liars anq.calum· . tion,.of . resp~ct, but. at the same lime the ci~'cu . . woman's rights oil'.atio.i'lagraph nearly hlllf of whI ch IS· · fii~tors.. w our hopes and plans. No one canlelliil·hebaau· . We say; then, to.Da'thQlies .sme With t Ie At London there had been great I' uctuations in LECTURE OF THOS. D' ARCY : M.CGEE, AT SMrrH ., ANn, day ev.enmg. finest q.ualitv. of timbeld(,ll" b.Hildi!l.oO' 01" fencing. British funds, under the influence, Q,f.! tbe con- N N1S HALr. LAST NIG'HT.-T. D. MCGEE lectured ••• ..... --- ' . f T b C I I d b I['oe tho Catho li : Literary I)lstitute, last night, on The Crusader af Nov. to, notifies its readers is an,island twenty miles ih length just flicting advlces rom' urkey~ ut 6nso s c ose e or I 0 . fA erican Historv" The 1 u at 64u94,t1 being' a matertal ad vance. Bank "The Catho ic pelllng 0 m . . that it is about to unite with the .I?i!J.iJbu'I'fJ/~ below the town heavil.Vf wood'ed.; w~leJ'e any ~ hall was densely crowded, and the lecturer. was· .. . stock is q\loted at 209a213'.: Sugar was firm. greet~d with immense applause. He ,claimed that Catholic. We hope ItS talented editor w~1l be a quantity of; rails may be had for . the cutting. Coffee was in ,rather better demand. T6a was lhe discovery and earlY,settlemeBt.of.t111s cou~try, as partner to tbe union. But the great source of pl'osp.erity for Hastings less active, ba.t, prices were unchanuoed. Rice well as the merit of be1>l1g lhe only commulllty th~t . • •• ~ u civilized a native tribe, beloug~d to the Cathohc THOS. D' ARGY McGFE, ESQ: is its immense wated'" power-being the celc' sold more freely, Scotch pig iron is quoted at Church and people, and, that to say they. we:e d r II f I ,,{T '11' R' '768 6d per. ,ton .. , 'fallow was firm at 57s,for P. tl strangers, or their cree d a. s traug.~ one on liS SO.I I, . Tho~ •. D'AI'CY McGee, Esq., of New York, brnte la sot 1e .,erml IOn Ivel'. These ;x.. C. on the spot'. 'I'bere, was no change in the wasan audacious falsehoou. He clted Protestant hls- will' lecture at Fayetteville, Brown County, on falls, between fi,fty, and sixty feet in height, rate of interest. torians, Bancro[t, Irvtng and Prescott, in support of h I f' his position, and installced Colum~us, De Soto, Mar~ Thur~day, 24th November, at 3 .. 0'clock, P. M. ave a ,vo l1m.e 0 ,,,",atel' 1"assing o,v,er tme·w -suf- GENERAL INTELLIGENCE:-The Baltic" brings quelle, Las Ca~as, and ~ther . CalhoIJcs, as the founders. Persons from the city w,ho wish to be present at , ficien,t in. .the dryest season" to ru'l'l an incalcul. one h undl'ed and seventy· four passengers, of civilization 111 AmencR,. bl fl' W ' 1 b among w hom are Governor J,(;)nes oti-Tennessee. We regret ollr inability, from want of space, to gl'v;e , the lecture, will hav-e to leave on Wednesday a , e amount 0 mac itraery., . 1.t 1 t e great d C I P II d f '1 L'.. Ph'l d I h' M M G an o. ow.e a.n ., ami y; 01" I a e pia. the full report we had pnepared ;, for '1'. ·c ee was aflernoon, at 3-. G'c.lock, on Little Miami Rail- facilities afforded by this country for wool L' I Sa d truly eloquent, calm, and dignified, and delivered a . d h v: The l\.l'abia arrived, at lYerpoo . tur ay lecture the perusal of whieh cou ld not fail 1'0 be road, stop at Rodrigues"Uilited States Hotel, growmg an t e .,ermilJion with its rocky bot· afternoon, the 29;th ult. gratifying to 'al\ who can appreciate a polished and at Westboro, ovel1 night" and proeeed to, Fay;- tom ·and clear water so admir3@ly adopled for. The news from ;, ~ he, Eastern difficulties has eloquent discourse-even those \~h~ c~nnot. agree again becomc m,vstified, and various rumors willl his deductions, and differ from hun.lll beber. , ettev,i.Jle in the mor,ning. washing the fleece, there must soon be large u " and counter TUlillors had been circulated, among - --.-....-- -- . • e. , woollen factories erected on this stream. Every IhelTh the ·follow,ing. which appeared to possess SOCIETY FOR 'fHE PROP AGA.TION OF' Some time since a notice appeared in some flf possible advantage is here possessed, th e falls fl reasonable, share of authentioity . . THE FAJ'fH. tbe papers tbat a man named John Galvin had being but a mile from Hasting;s whe~e, as I A dispatch, from. VIenna ann~unced that an The Pastors of such churches thloughout given information .of .Fran~ McDonald, wbo was have said, ther.e is one o€ the best landings in armistice between the B:ussian,.and Turkish for­ the 'diocess of Cincinnati, as have established found dead near CIDCll.lllatl: If this notic should 'the w.est and thus giving an easy access for ces had been agreed upon;.. for , an, in,definite in their respective congregations the Society for meet the eye of J,ohn GalvlD, or any person who h' t t th 'r th ~r . . . d period; and this news caused a materiaLad,van- . J h -s Ipmen s 0 e Cl' ,les on e. ISSISSlppl, au ce in French and English funds ~ the l;'ropagation of the Faith, aFe ren.\lested te knows him, pJease addl1ess 0 n P. Walsh &- I . . . t' 'th th '1 d d Ii . 'l4 ". • • a so openmg II commUDlca IOn WI e ral roa Another dispatch state t at ' a ;, sallsfactory make known as early as possible tbe number., of Co., 1-'1,0 S!ca~ore street, Cmcm~atl, Ohl?, and to Prescott, and Lake St. Croix and tbe great diplomatic note from the four powers was an copies of the Annals tbey require :' the Pastors John GalvlD Will hear of somethmg to hiS ad- lb' . th "'t f St'll t I its way to Constantinople, bavin2: been, prf20 0 commence espers. hostilities until" the, 1st N.,vemLer ; ,this again Th e pastors 0 f t h e severa1 c h urc h es were h • ••• • , country during low water in the Minesota River, ILk ke A h d Ii ST. CALASANOTIUS SOOIETY. - The regular peprcssec t>Je·st.oc mar', t. not er espatc this Society has been establisbed, are likewi se monthly meeting of the Teaching me-rnbers of thereby saving a distance of: twenty five miles. stated that the. Turkish· forces, had cr0ssed the requested to . forward, as speedily as possible, this society will be held in the basement of the A good road V'J ill ,soon be completed from this Danu0e,' great force. and had oocupied Kala­ the amounts collected in their congregations, to Cathedra1 on next Sunday afternoolJ (to·mo.r- 'point to St. Pauls so tbat the merchandize may fat, wi~h tbe in.ten tion'of attacki,ngJhe Russians; , Rev'd. D. Whelan, who has been appointed the row) immediately after V esper-s. ,.be conveyed to that place when the boats may tbis account says that six·thousand Tutklsh in- fantry and cavalry bad, already· crossed, and general treasurer, and who desires to make up From the Pittsbllrgh Catholic, ?e unable to ,(}r(;)ss tbe bar at low water. A more were still. c.rlilssing Jhe river in,barges .lead- his accounts fur the present year in the early MR. EDIToR:--Having read your excellent· large ware house has been erc:cted three story ing their·h0rses, 8wimming ", and that part of tbe ensuing month. remarks on "I::lecret Societies/' &c., I.would r,e· hiO'b where the highest prices are paid for,pro' the Russians wer.e cOJaeentrating, ar0und Nala-

, ... , speclfully invite y,ou.r attention to the following dO'" tb t tl C f d' f tl fat to attack them, though offered ·no.resi-stanC'6 ST. PHILOMENA'-S, CLERMONT C@, inquiries~~ - - uce s~ a, leo almers. can ~spose 0: Je to them while crossing. , (a) Is a CathGlic. actually exeomumnicated productIOns of their land w,l~hout IDconVeDltnCe Another report says the Russian fOl'ces .had This chnrch was visited on Thursday, 10th when he become-s a member., of, ao¥.of, these or delay. We have also a store, bl acksmith retired on the. approach of the TU1,kise, forces. inst., by the Most Rev'd. Archbishop, accom­ c~ndemned i ~s; ~r, is be.only\ thre~teI}ed shop and lumber·yard,. wher,e buildings, mate· ' The Lundon"Times has a dispatch, from Con. panied by the Rt. Rev'd. Dr. Baraga, who, at With expommUnICatlOn. (b}He xe~mmuOlc;:ted, ,rials can be purchas.ed c.h-eap),r than, if flp~ted stantinople under date"oi-tbe 22d ud-IJ., stating the Archbishop's reqlJest, administered Confh,­ what are the effects of such a pUDls hment. f' St PIN t' ' 11 I that the Austrian Envoy had submitted ~o the B .. .. d . c rom . au s. ex spnnO' we WI lave a f f h r mation to thirty.four 'young persons, who.had .y glvmg_a pllu:'!.,an satlSlactol'.y,answel' to. . " . Sultan"the draft 0 a n·ew: note· F(;)Dht e conle- the above, you" witli ! .l',bo~e, do. some servjce to CatholIc ,; the lot IS pUllchased ' and It rence of the.foUJ' powers, whicli,llAd ,been accep­ been well instructed in English, French and some Catholics wbo. have al;:eady j?,ined, aOll will go ahead. A postoffice wi1l:b~ established ted by , Ru~sia. The Times s@ .thinks negotia.­ German by Rev'd.1 Mr. N·avarron.,and Rev'd to o.ll?el's, who, . if not deterred ?y tima,ly ad- here in" a few days,and proposals- have been lions will succeed in pr.eventing:ca general war. Mr. Stehlc. It was,the first time that the New mODllio~s,. would be tempted to Jqm these se· issued for erecting a large hotel.,. A, whole Dreadfu]' riots had occuned at. Wogan, in Bisbop exercis~d this fune-tion of his Sacred Of· cret SOCieties. AN, E~uIRER. . . Lancashire, England,; on the part of- the tumont block ,lros been approprIated .for the CatholiC operations arul the, colliers, by whom much fice. We trust that a sBecial grace w·as at­ We take much pleasure in replying to ,the church" In. the spring a grist mill is to be built property was destl'.eyed .. The troops had to be tached (0 his ministra,\.ioas i.n.fav.or..of tbe youth i\bove qq.cstions of an "EnqlJ.irer/'· on the falls ,of the Vermillion and a saw·mill on called to quell Jhe distulp atricJ( Brenan, Clllcinnall" i., full to uate 25 turesqlle scenery, the manufacturer finer WaleI' I dent that he will he there, and.Jlid in,the,ce.t:e--

St, lUal',y's Female Academy, Fayetteville &, l'IiIt'OI'd OmnibuS and Patrick, ' E nnislnllen, Londonderry, Lurgan, Mona- DYE'S GANKIN~ Somerset, Perry County, Ohio. •. U. S, lUaU Line. ghall Omag!h, P.ortadown, Jno. S. Dye, M _ _ _ P ~lJSl: , Oonducted by,SISLeIS of ihe OHler of St. DOlTIlmcl" The subscrIbers having the contI act ror themai1 between Roya l ' Baul!! of Ireland.- Dublin. Engla nd.- S. East CaIneI' 3d.",nd Walnut Oln IOlll'iI MIlfOld and Hillsboro, dally between Ml lfold and Fay­ Messrs, "'Iynll, Ha',ifax, Mdls &. Co" Banker s, L. on- sells Exchange ou uhl the pnnclp~l Clt;,nn.\]. ettevIlle, and tll-weelaClas, An l, to shure a h pubhcpatronage, antl will at finest CONGOF.S. a nd ENGLISH B B.>: ' ~F lem puoctuali ty as if the persoll sending it was- preseIlt, brought to this market; also the 1'1 I t f govern the same tIme enueaVOI to meTit the same. 'fi~ n ASTt attentIOn. A mlld an d materna sys em 0 - sep,1 B J. & w. BOYLE, t'ayettevi lle, Brown co., O. and a r eceIpt re tul n~d by n ~xt mall, Apply to, d S lies N m ent, as (ar as may be compatible with the StflCt~St WILLIAMS & GUION, ,an ' hu ans- tle latter a new variety I attentioll to regular diSC ipline w~ l be observed '1 hc l\fT. ST. MARY'S COLLEGE, NEAR Ei\fi\IITTS­ 40 Fulton St., New York, ,to be found In tbis city. J, W '~YSI improvement of the pu,pils, as-also their domest~c BUR G, Fledericl< Co., Md, The annual' session of studlCawll1g, (which are optIonal THE CANADAS AND WESTERN S'l'A TESI ' RElllOVAl.-Dr. Bonner has r emo v~ The religlOll professed a.lld taught 111 tl~ls I~shtu- >tu el~es~) ea~h $'lU pel annum, a)](l for German and Span- By Tl' & Co's Line. a nd office to the South Side of Seventh 81 tbn is the Cd.tholic. AU , t h e young LadleS Without I S ~'li:ls~~gi~~~~:;~ ~f~~~;5u~';{~~nt~~I~~atc hful cale and NOCH TRAIN & CO., Pl'oprietovs of the Bos- door West of Plum, N o , 1-89. I exception, will be expecte d to attend the pubhc rel1- ~overnment of theil Professols ancl TU tOls, a nd [olm but E ton a nd LIverpool Ll1Ie of P >t ckets, he re by g ive RemUallceS to E1Igiand,.§Ciiiiii) gious exerCises of the Academy. one famil y With them. All are instIllcteel in theeloctnnes notice that they have made extenspo'.e anangements w ltb The scbolastic year commences on the first of Sep- and tra,neel to the practice of tbe CatholI C religIOn . II'clauti. I Yo:.ths not quahfied to enter on the Collegiate course, are Westelll RaIlroad COTporatlOll , 10 C90neGI10n w.tb the Pel sons desirous of sending home money' m~ tember and termll1ates.. sometime III the beginlllug. admittedlllto the PleparatOlY Depaltment. .Rall10ads 111 the Western States, al1d Steamboats 0)1 the 1 fi dEl d I 1 d , "" of July, with the public exhibition, 'Ther€' wvll he ,' nu 27 J0HN MoCAFFREY. D. D., PRESI DENT. Lalort of the ir proficiency,.&c., will he sent to their, 1 been removed to its old location :No. 12 East Buffalo N Y. 22, to I&lngston, C, W ,22,50, Co lu mbus, O. oct 8-Gw C p,a1'ents on guardians. Front Street, betw.Ae n Main a nd S) cam ore Sts., over 24, to Montreal, O. E. 24, VIa VeIl.l1ont allll Rail- )oalls. To TOlOntr., C. W ., $-'23, to Hamilton O. W" 23. NE~ TERMS, [PAYABLE IN ADV.ANCE.l K e nnett & Dudley's Tobacco S tore. ST. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE, .,clS" 5, 1853. J. B, STOOKTON, S ec'y, to Cleveland, 0 . 23,5.0 , to Saw]u slry, O. 2::l,50, to Dunlurlt, dET, PERR~ r.OUNTy I O.-Tl,I]lS InstItutIon, conduc FOR" BOARI\IN G. N . Y., 22, to Tolello, 0., 23,50, to DetJOlt, MICh., 24, to Fathels of the OHler of St. DomIlllc, Was oIlel] Board and Tuition per session of five months, in­ Dl·~J • .}, (iuinn, CincinnatI, 0., 24, to Clll cago, 111.,25, to St. LOUI S, JYLo ., reception of)stndentson the first lVlondayOfSeptel cluding Orthography, R eading, Writing,. Arithmet-­ O FFICE A.ND RESIDENCE.-SOUTH SIDE OF SEVEN~H STREET 28. to Mllwuulnc, WIS. 25. s)'stem of cd;ucatlon WIll compnse the vanou~b BETWEEN RACE AND ELM; (N o. ] 23) Cl1ilcilen under twelve yeml House informs us pel' . HI-.st01Y, and the usc 01 tho Globes,pel sesslOll Sewlllg_ancll\1arking, per seSSIOn, ..•• , • .•• ". 4,00 OFCINC INNATI-E LRE ANDMARINE. nAl'ITALSTOCK,$]OO,OOO teu.mel or t he na.mes 01 the pre·pai:U passengels embalkel1, Boanl, &c., &c., (as above) wlth t UItIon In thee1 Theabove with English G,r.ammar & Geography, 6,00 InsUles pToperty of all tlescnption&against loss ordam we pubhsh theh names III the BO:::.ton PI lot, and also si.'Cs , MathematICS, and PhiLosophy, persesslOD by Fire. Also, against the pellls of the Sea, or InlandNa­ notifyeaGh purchasel 01 ple-paid cCItIficaLes . cltJlel 111.· Fr.el1ch, German , Italian, and Spamsh, cache! Gther branches at the same pnces as for those who vlgatIon . rec.tly or through QllI agents. pel seSSIOll, board at the Institution. BOARD OF DIRECT.QRs.-Isaac C OGpelan, -- - On Lh~ al 11val oJ any 01 OUI shl 1)s in the outer harbor , ~tationely.Boo]{s,Medlcinest&c,whellfurmBh I-The current expenses to be paid semi-annually WmWood, Richald Conkllilg, Saml>el H , Taft, Herury Kes· we Im111edlutely dispateh an agent on board, to gIve pie ren t:priccs_ leI', and GeOlge W .Townley. Isauc C, Oopelan, Pre&ldellt. in advance. paid passengers the necessal y lllstructlollS regardIn g thell} To tll-osc who remai n at the institutIon dunng J ames B . Stoclan Asy lum, on McFal tel est IiI the weHale of Imml g r an~s, t1lat as owneiS of GENERAL REGULATIONS. m ns t be post- pa id . land street a ver y cOlnfortah le l'esIilence 101 a small fa ml ahe only Livelpool andBo~tol1 lIne of Pacl{ets, they have No. L-No stutlent WIll be aU)).1.oI.lHeg', which cannot lali t,o give yea>, and ale dlstll1gUlshed by a led flag with. white u;-a - to be dlfected post'l'il , to the Preslelent. Some renderlllg a larg!\ boardillg school pprfectly comfort­ ld universal satisfaction, mbl~FICE~:""-ErJOCh'lFain & Co., .Nos. 37 and 38 LeWIS county, Olno.' Rm-~/. JAMES WHEELAN able. And i.lI audItion to these nnnsual advantages, J\'[r WharJ, Boston, Mass , Ne1>vand Se@ond II:uul FIU'Jli REFERENCES. GUION of thiS Firm IS now ill Llvel pool, who will 1',aln & Co ,MClchants, N,o. 5. India buildings , Wate! JOHN CAFi!I.L's Most Rev. J, B. PURCELL, Cincinnati, Street, and Passoge Office, Nos. 118 (lnd .]19 Waterloo New allll Sacond Hand FUl'uJtllie and Generall see Passengels are- promptly forw'll'ded, and PIO­ Rev. C. D, BOWLIN G;. Some-rset, th ~ t Rou.u., L1 vergool, England.. nisl1ing Depot. ~ o. 325. Western Row, bet ' tected from lIllPOS lt IOIL. 1'1'. 111 & Co, No. 121i':t. l?atllck Street, COII<, Irelal1tl. unit Kemblest. . R e v, JA~IES W HI;LA<"i'" " THE OLD BLACK, S T L\R LINE O'F PACKETS, These magnI ficent S bl ps are a ll Amelican bui It, and con- Bedsteads mattrasses wa sh stanus. Cal pets, ch. Rev, N, D. YOUNG , Salling pUllctually from Liverpool on the 1st, 6th, shucted espressly fOl Pa.cket's They ale all new tlrter"., .. • ..•.•• ,., .. "" lum. vJ,Hll w.hich the SemI nary is conn ~cte d, tile Stu­ decii" .. coming out, the ful! passage mOl;ey is relurued tailllllg the names of the Townlamu. or Vlliage, nearest p ' &' c' t t er quar t ...... clents iVl\lI be em~ lo 'yed one or ,two hours every day, in IWlthont allY dednction Pos.t To wn, anll County, toge1llel' i\7i,u1 the aduress of the'. lano use 0 ..... 1115 rumeu , p .. ... person tn whose care a letter is usually sent. Guitar ...... __ ._...... _.. ... -. • •. • ...... "Teachimg,,_onothel\V'so in thd l\IlStltU 110 II. ;, RElIllTTA.\CES TO .SiNOLAND, lREJdND For fur.ther p"rtICul"r8 the" publIC a l'e referred to N. n Those m ain ng enquJI ies for pre-palll passengers, V'iocal Music" ,_ • .• • , _ .. ••. .... , .. • ' .. , . I, ~ND SCOTLaND", are requested to fu.·m sh Lh e date aDd numbel of D,ruwing & Pa1l1tiug, _ . . ..__ . _ ...... ,,' the H i~j;tbRev~ d. Bis hop of Lon,"vdle: ~l' to . : Berson" reni1~ting money can obLain drafts at Sight, l ecelpt. PO'rIUltiler infornl!ltion apply toCO .r T us FOR. DAy.SCHOLARS, s e p :l~3 tn , F. CHA:lM13 IG 1<" SUpeTlOI'. fOI" aIlY amonnt, d\'awn direct on the follow ing- Bal,ks: Sept. 24, '53Iy. ENOCH THA IN & ge nts EN ''- MAltSH & CO .,-N. W . cor, Fourth,& Sycamore, Atheir Th" more advallced , i,er q.partel, •..• ·" CA BI.NIEa' ll'Y l1:STT1:J'RE, No,J251 FIFTH STREET N~'\ TI®NAL BANILOF IRELAND for Clncln naLi and Santlusl,y. sep24 2n'd Ji}epartment, per quaner, ... ,. , '" ,-' WM. (IflA-MSb:Y,beg$ respectfuJly tOlnf"lm theclllzells Athlon,,; Athy, Ballilla,Ba l!illasloe, B<.>:y le, Carl'iok; ManufactOl'YOf LotzC's Pat;;t NotAirFuTllUCe,ror 3rd B _ o{(Jinct ~ l!tjatl! tllbt b :$! k nep::; cuIl s t.antly 011 hanlt a geneTtll Ma· Cross,-Camck-On-Su ir, Cashel, Oas~lerea. Olfulle­ ".M...... ······ iM heatlng publla bUlldlugs,dw e ~lL!lgs, s t01 es,&c Also, H alJ: Boarders, per annum, .. .. , .. ' ...... ; .. k~ ll S8 01tm el1~t 01 Calnlle.t FUflllLur.e . made III tIre be st m a nner v ille, O lonaklity, OU ri<, Clonme!, D,fnliioh'he ;vI,ll se-ll at the I Jy.t ow",t I'l'Icc"No.2l!IIYValnut street"w-estsrll-.,abo¥6 Flltb. be paid, For fu.rther particll tl l'l!, apR t of publIC l:;a¢I."O n,l g e His WUl er'0t)lTI is now"stoc!\ eu wllh LO'lghreu, i:ollg(ord ,i\-1idcl letoll"l\1i chelsLo"... n, Mal, an assoJ'lra4-ttL 01 sofas, couches., 'Ivans, chail.s, ehz.abeth Abljobbing(lone,,,,,.th neatnessand di"-patoh, emy;, wNidl \",... 11 be opened for the F6ce~l low, Muute, NCllaghll, New"Ro'", .Rathkeale, Hosc0rn- chairs a 'ul'l)tcltlng Ch.llf:j rncu.lelG lli.lo t he; latest fann, to­ coo2· 12m AllOLPHUS 'LOU1:ll: pils -on , th ~ , filst Monday in Septem b%r-~ get beT \V I tb}~ C.eU trc tah leI; . 1I11l1u g I able~'t pcubrolt e ~ t3b l e::Zt 111011, [(oscrea, Tallow, Thulles,- Tjllperary, Tralee, WO~ 1(1 able, _\.we::iS lO~LLablcfl, alld every tiN Il g;:.m Doossary to irn,,,", Waterford, vVestport" \Vexford, WlCklow, . DRUG' S'fOREl" . Yo ' J T9IOf)~, . furnish a. btO~l! e. Call 'lnti examine l!tlh'gontls,berure you J. R-oYN'ANR , uTUg gltit cqHl ajlo thec ali)'~COlJ~eTWesr,eFn I Row ,. • • . r 22'3'F-ift Slubberee lL t Olb buy e l ~P \V i~lif' . lune 4 and Chestnu streets, Clllcllina tI. Parti'du lar attentIon paot Plumber, PR'mp and HydT~!l t l~S hal ULS'fEIl BANKING ; OOMPANY, to compoundIng physlcialH prescrlptiull-s and dJ~pensrng tween Elm and Plum, ClncInnatI, ~atbs pun .John Mt~sllnn~-Drugg i.L & A-j>othe211ry, N,W AlllIim, Armugh, !\ugllllucloy, Balhmoney,Bally­ ramily medIcines, h} the PI npl lctor himself. He hopes, 'hy . !a:rl1lsh Lead PIpes, Watel Clusets, Joll ~e ~ et constant a.pphcat:wn to bU"'I&tt:IiIi. tu .w.eJj)\ t}lu GOllfidellce (it h1anLti. All ordel8 [or t.bu c;ow.nUy lV- CO!lle£JS)lI; lh.'4lld Walnut St£, (!lllaAi/ ,O, menu, Banbricigr •.Coot . IIIH, Cavall, DUlle:.ul, Down tho Dubhe . ucl/a.. .~AIolo&a.~1I ,diS oleh '0 A THO LIe r E L ~ G R· A. P H AND ADVOCATE 7 --======~~~===- ~ion Wanted. ST. llIARY'S C(jJ.LEGE, NEW WORIi. BY THE BISHOP llIoney Remit.ted to the ObI Coull'R':-'. Inti d Mary Ca.,ily, natives of Elphln, NEAR LEBANON, MARION CO., :KY, ELEC'.l' OF "NEWARK, THE undersigned has made alrangements to tunrgmllt money dll'ect to England, Ireland, Scotland and W:a:~ es, yan I'd from Liverpool about G montbs TI· L·t I·· f d d· 1°"1 b tl In Press, an(1 to be Published about tbe l'th of N~v em· iii" _ ~al 'OI.lea ., tbey are now suppos.",1 lIS I erary n5tltntlOlI, oun e IU 0<.> , Y Ie " ~ Persons wlsl1ll1g to Tcunt money to then rrtends in anYlpa!l't eW lls II I tRW B d b t1 d ber, 1853, In one vol., 12mo., Price 75 Cents, nIpN Any information of tbem WI a e ev. ILLIAM: YRNE, a n "fiU sequen y con uct- of the Old CountrYl ~n large or small sums. do so,tin'ithe most safe and expeditIous manner, through the subscuber h, a Michael Darcy. Address In care ed for many years by the .resu·its, is now "under the b A BRIEF SKETOH OF THE HISTORY who draws drafts payable at sight, in all the pIlncinal to""' n8 v~~nKaster IIouse, Front Street, bet. superintenoance of the R~ght Rev. Bishop of Louis· OF' THE CATHOLIC CHUROH of England. Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. M(}ney may be , .~ CluCilJlllatI, 01110, or to ~IartU1 "II I II I k "bl nu t s~., dleton HamIlton· Co . . 0., or to VI e, W 10 WI a ways ta e means to provl"e a suita e ON THE lSLAND OF NEW YORK. encloseil in a letter [post·paid} f,·om any part M t he West­ I1e'~nd~~toIl' 0', or to John P. Walsh & Faculty for cal"l"ying it Oil w ith a view to promote the BY THE REV. J. R. BAYLEY, Secretary to the Archbishop. ern country to hlm,glving the name of the I.1P.JS4):n 'vho IS to receIve It, and the a{ldress plainly wnttell, wltich wHl be II, Pstreot, CincinnatI, OhiO. greatest good. Under the auspices of its previous THE subscrihers have now in press, aud will shortly forwardod without delay, by the first steamer 1.... 'Ving ilos· ore (Boston PIlot' cOPY ·) conductors, the I nstitution has been mental in pubIISll," A Bllel SI,etch of the History of the Catholic ton or New Yorl~, and a guaranty receipt given 0)' fortJard .. fpalish of Ballil1tubber, Co. Mayo, widely diffllsingthe blesSings of a religiolls education Church on tbe Island of New Yorl,," by tbe Rev. J. ed immediately. IS TuobY,.o enT 5 years since. When R B fIlOmu, landed In N E'~vollsvllle. Ind. Any In forma· throughoul Ke'ltucily and the adjoining States. The oosevelt ay ley, and invlte the attentIOn of ~he cleT· He may be seen at his resiilence, north side of }Ii_ble J " vaS In ~ t d· f·t t I 'b t t . gy aud laIty 01 tbe DIOcese and State of New York to street,5 doors west of Western Row, lleal' tbe'llew V'ffthe, '~(roIll he 1 h "fully receIved by .his brothcr and s ea Iness a I s pa ronage las een a cons an eV I- t his essay towards a general history of nhe Church 111 the ral, or at his Office on Third street, NOl1.h side, near ~1:M)i- JfbiOl will bet 'TUOhY. care of Michl. Jo)"ce, Water denc~ of the pt,blic approval. The beauty and saln· United States. opposite TItlst Company Banlt. WM. A. O'HARA. ,Jolono" Ma&, VIne, at the CatholIc Books~ore of brlty of the siination, as well as ·tbe spaciousness aud Every contribution to oar ecclesi astical bi"8tory should REFERENCES.-Most l{ev. Archbishop Pm·cell; Very E.ev 'btl. Walnu~ J70 Syc~more street, ClllclllnatI, comm0diousne.R of the Co!leg~ Buildings, are gener- be warmly welcomed, as the anuals of -the past cannot E. T. COllins; Very Rev. Edward Purcell, and the Rov r.\\,.I'h&( Bg~ton l'ilotcoJ1Y.~ . ally known. It will be the C"Oustant aim of the Faclll· but stlmalate all to gleater exertion ·i. n ad'Vanclog th. Clel'gYlnen In the CIty and throughout the Diocese .lllg .....-:- and Christopher Ledwedge,natlves ty to adopt, as fa-r as may be practicable, the nlan ulJon interests of ·the Church. ~o portion of the country OffCl'S BANKlNG HOUSE • . 1 Ma the n I bou~ 11 years ago t' a more lnterestIng subject than the Gity of New Yorlr, . \'iilI·n , d f·om J"iverpoo a ':- which it was so well alld so usefully cOllducted by I·ts ~ I ·"'t Money sent toIreland,Scotland,England, and the continent bliD, salle 1m about 6 yenrs ago, ther wCI.'e III where the early struggles of 1,at lohw. v for more than ofl>ulope, mlalge alHl small sums. by ~Ibeard fro it are noW supposed to be ln IllInOIS 0ufightened aud benevolent Founder. a cen tury, checkered by lihe Vislts o[ the herOIC mlSSlon· GEORGl> MILNE & C0., 'r.hi'l'tl ..treet, III of OhIO, at} .matlon of them WIll be thaniin in the citC\', und l"equests ty in payment w ill be strictly insisterl au, as other. cloth . $3,75 nessee, from 15,000 to 20,000 ncres, thro' the midst of "".1" bblm . StepubliSh thiS as she is a stranger and en· wise it is obvious thatlthe lllstitution (" Id not be sns- Con~,z ·iu'n Ple1tari7tm Totius Americre Septentrionalis which a Railroad is being built and rapidly advancing. eru~l.r ,vnnters 0' tained. F(])deratre BaLtill10l-1 Habitnlll Anno '52. 8vo paper 37Yz Thisl"oad will bl"ing the land with ill 4 hOllls trave'l of brIO,\, No. 76 Seventh street. The scl!.ish Life in London. A TaLe of 1849, excell ent water, fin e pasturage, etc., everylhing III a ,,:'11. g,1I' 1:lleiress to the propertr of Michael Gihney, F~bnla ry, and clOSing with an · examination and the by Miss lVlas@n 12mo. doth 1,00 s word needed for farming purposes. The price we cdn­ . neare Ireland in an swer to mqumes sent to Ire- celeb,ratiell of the FOlllth of July. La'ZiJ.,.,ne,. or Duty once understood, ReLiglously Ful· sider lo w indeed; the quality of the land, or at least a f'r" livesl~ · n" he r~whic h were, by aCCIdent, lost.- TERMS PER SESSION, filled; tl[ll1slated from the French. 18mo. cloth 50; portion of it seen by us, is 2nd rate; but we advise Slab' rc~pe:l":tion respecnng the late MIChael Gibney, or ' Invariably in Advance. cloth, gilt edges, . - • _. 75 those interested to come and see for themselves., wen :~ell Anfffi~ ( ~"L be thankfully received ~t ~he G.atholIc Board, iucluding Washing, Mending Shirts Dr.. Dixon's Introdcction to tlte Sacred Scripture. convinced that none wIll regret their journey. Tb~' 'i,~~ h'Office, 170 Sycamore street, Cmcmnatl, Oh1O, and Socks after Washi.llg. Fuel and Lights, 8 vo. cloth 2 50; lIbrary style, 3,00 J. ·SCHAOHT, 01111<1 1~; R;'d Louis Fillere, Defiance, Defiance co., OLno. together WIth Tllition ill Orthography, On, Faskions. Translated from the French. • 12Yz Rector of the Cathedral, NllsIIIV"ille, Tenn, om~ Of~hchnel Leonard, son of Bernu:·d. Leonard, .~ayo, Reacliug, Writing, English Granlmar, Geo- Tlte Spmwffe,' 01· the Qu,een's Secret,. a Tale of the Times N. B. We should have stated III "the ·above notice "B.IIIllnIllore, county LeJ.tllm.lIeland.. H e IS sup· I d A ·tl . $42 '0 of Qneen Elizabeth. By Paul Peppergrass, Esq., n'ofh ~. M Y 1 A. fi t .graply an fl Imetlc . .•• . . " . , ...... ,0 author of" Shandy McGUIre." 2 vols. 12mo. cl. 1,~0 that five hundred acres of land, part of 'l'Il'is 'tTact, have 101'11 0·.110 be in or neM ",ew . Qr C n .<1y ( n orma lOll B d & [ b J ·th T ·t· . v , co,", db I b tl P tk L d oal", c. as a ove, Wi 111 IOn III use Pal,l;,'e Se·"ard,· a Tale of l'eal LI·£e. been appropriated for the build-i,ng and endowment of fafUI '-llh thanlJullyrecelve y us ro ler a'. eonar., f GI b AI b G S· I·· ~ . "- DIO' ruk;bur~e, Miss., 01 by John P. W nlsh & Co , CatholIc 0 ' a es, ge ra, eometry, urveY lllg, 12mo. cloth $1,00; cloth, gilt edges 1,50 a Catholic Ohurcll. Reference ·had at ArcHbishop lubhlO tksollers and publIshers. 170 Sycamore st., em ., O. Book.Keeping, History, RhetoriC, Botany; Wilhtoft, or the Days of James tlte FLTst. By James Purcell's. IN' (Boston Pilot copy.) or eillter of these branches...... 47,00 MeShell")" E sq , author of McShell"y'sHistQlY ofMa· DOUGHERTY &: 13ROTl'tE~ , -Boal·d, &c. ~ as above,] with. Tuition in the ryland.··. - - - 12mo. cloth 75 Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and DomeStic Liqno1"s .b· Of Neal Crlllnny, of TuUnavall, parish of,Lower Oreg· Classics, H'gher Mathematics and Philoso- NETV WORKS IN PRESS. Segars, 9·c., No '1 Wat ... stlreet. _ apl23 'e; Co A.nnagh lrel"flud. When Last hettl:d fi>olU, neal- I ..tI 50 00 I,~ 11!IOI8'mo·~thsago:wns{).tHoneyFall s ' fVl()nroe_Co.,.N . Y . PlY; or III el 1 " 1" ...... '...... , The.;J"ew of Verona. A Histoncal Tale of the Italian 5 FRIEL, MCGUIRE & CO. ,. MERCHANT TAILORS) l(II I· " ."~ John p. Walsh &, C~., CatholIC BookselieIs and TMuit.ion in French, rextra,]...... • . . . 10,0 °0 Re'Volutions of 1846- 9. Trauslated from the Italian. No. 256 Walnut St., 'fJetween Sixth Seventh, , uw_ . t Q. t· 0 [P·l t opy. j USIC, per quarler...... • ...... ,La0 wrence, or tlle Latle Sailor,. With Fine Illustrations. '9' iI,I ]'ublilhers, 170 Sycamore s ., ' nCl11na~,. 10 C .. Bed and Bedding, when furnished .. "'. . . . .• 3,00 Translatecl from the French. Have just received a large and assortment dr Fal~ and \iVinter Goods, co-nsisting of Oloths, CassimereB-, "lI) Of DaVId Murphy, paris!l of Ballihu~kel"t, Cool· Stat iOllary, [Pens, Ink, and Papel",j when fur- Dr. Lwgard's History of England, abridgecl for the use Vestings, &c., togetber w-ibh every variety of Gentlemen's 'I, garta, Co. Wexfol·d,.Ireland. He left Ireland abo~lt nished , ....•....•. , .. . , ...... •...... • 2,);0 of Schools, WIth a Contmnanon, up to the present Furn.tshlIlg Arh~es. ~ \ilyear,ago and landed in Cluebec, 'G . E. lIe was 111 Physioian's Fee and Medicines...... 1,50 tIme. By James BUlke, Esq., Banister at Law. We feel confident we can give "S athlfactioo to ·all whb I,atr. about 14 years ago. Any infor- BOGks, Paper, . a n l otiler necessary articles, are by the Rev, J. Balmes. may favor us w,i'th their pakonage, both as to 'plic-e ~l.l1a O~gaCo , N. Y., Fltndal1le?ltal Philosophy,. quality. apl23 IIIli!1 mation IVili be thankfnlly received by his brotlle-r furnished by the Agent of the Coliege, at current reo 'I'ra.nslated from the Spanish. Edited by O. A. THOMA'll SULLlVAN, GENTL'EMEN'S F,(SlIWNABLE Thos.Murphy, Colemansvillp., Hanison co., Ky., or tail plices. BRO\:vNSON, LL. D. . Boo'r MAKER, 120 Wa:tnut stleet, two doors above II by.lnhll P. Walsll & Co , Catholic .lB ool~sellers lwd For Ihose who remain at the College during vaca- JI'lte.L"iJe,Q/ St. Alplwllslts, by one of the Redemptonst EllIs&Morton'sBanlr. As he imports h is own stock rubhshers, Sycamore st .. C1II., O. I[PIIot copy. tions, tbere will be au addItional charge fa.· board Baltimorensium Provincialium et -selected with glea.tca1"e-offirstrate quality, and IiI 170 D:C~;~:IConciliol·ull' confines lll11'l Se lf to a respcc:table CUSTC?!! TRADE, he GUAR" ~1lII Ofnhchael White, of the parish of New Ross, eo. of ·"G·E"iiE·R'AI"'iiEiiuLATI·O·NS ·LO,OO l Plenari!, pro maJori OLeri Americani commoditate, AN'1'II,ES a s[:llendid. fit and An exquiSItely fil1lshed article, Walford, by his Wife Ellen White. Whell last heard " .. sllllul Collectu. ma(le for tile hIghest wages!b,y men who have wOl'l,cd lor the PI" from he IVas in :Na~ hvdl e, 'feon. Address Rev'd. 1, N" advance Will be made to Students fa I· ~Iothing lI!bssals, Brev'a?·ies, &c., French and English "Vorks, a best shops lin Europe anu Alffiellca. ' N. B. Shoes and GaiteIs'ofevery style and most complete 1(',0 iamesF. Wood, St. Patnc"'s Church, Cincinuati. 0" other expenses, unless Parents or GuardIans cle- lalge stock Just received and for sale at L01/) P,·ices- posit mOlley with the Agent of the Institution for Orders sohcited. oC29-3t MURPHY & CO: Rl1lsh. made to or(\81' And (}11 hand. july 17 this purpose. This rule will 5uifer no exception. .' JOHN 'fOBIN, L.r'rLE :(V[IAlIrI R. ROAD., Not~ee of" COpal.·tnel'slltill. tory on Seventb sLreet. east 01 81"oauway, w here ClNOlNNATI, November 1, 1853. 2, The instructIOns of Parents in regard to the '" orders wlll bethanltlully received and punctually S. J. WILCOX bas Lbis day assOCIated with 11im In E ng~ PROPOSALS will be received at this officc for the quantIty and q oality of clothing, .&c., to be f>tll"l1ished attendeu to 01' at his reSIdence, No, 224, east slde of Broau· bUSIness CHAS . A· ROXBOHOUGH. and tbe bUSiness way, a few doors soutb of Seventh, Cincin1natl, 0, feb21 "I. lOIn 10 tho Company of $200,000 -in sums of $500, and thek children, IVill be strictly adhered to, and the ut­ will bereafter be coniluctcd ullUel· the sty le anil. Mtle of oak upwards, for any period of a.rne ftom SIX months to Two most economy will be nsed. WIlcox & Roxburgh. Sept. 7th, 1853. TUDOR & FOLEY, d';lction will be made for absence, WILCOX & RI)XBOROUGH, Staple and Fan<;y Gro­ VVeste~:n Row _ A It orders attende(l to WI th punctuality. cel3 (N , E. corner 5th St. and Broau way), hope by their P" E~hl par Cent. per Annum ,Interest, payable semi· an.· !lnless in case of sick ness or dismissal. LAW PARTNERSHIP. llnowledge of lhe Busmess, Enlargrd Capital, ilnd in~ 1.,/ Doally at the CommerCIal Bank,in this City The ntmost attention wIll be,paid to the health The llnLlcrslgned have formed a co partnership in tne -4, creased facilines fol' carrying it on-to ment a COl1tlnu~ & II~ This Ihoney IS wanted for the purpose of pI@secuting Pmct1ce 01 the Law, nnder tbe uame of "ltVarden Paaldach and mOlal. of the Stud'Jnts, and no immoral youth ance 01 the patronage hereto faTe so lIberally e>:tended to -Office, No. 21 'l'h'2"-d .:'.!E.e~ , ?pp~sit.:..the Franltlin Ban~. bl! iliomaking of a Double Track, which the large aud in· will be retained ill the hoose. . S. '1'. Wilcox:... ______-,- ___ ;~ ueasmg busmess of the Company now Imperatively re- STEAM MARBLE WORKS, 5, No exterll or day·scholar will b.e admitted, un­ Oct.19.--lFiSb.. .fusa. .Rec~ivc(l by CHARLES RULE-lute-DoWRY & RULE. qrnres to be made without delay. less he have parents ill tile neigh,borhood, who will be Oornel" BrOa(looay and Fifth st'l'eets, Cincinnati, o!/:: The security to the lender .is of the most undoul~ ted "VIL{:OX ..~ ROXBOURGII, respo nsible for his good couduct. Dealer in Foreign a,l1d American Marble Toml's, Monn~ of~ character-The OapitaL Stock pllicl up is $2,658,5~1- ~ Tierces No .1 Salmon, £;i, Student~ frem a distance will be expected t" 100 Hll Bbls. No. 1 Macl(erel, ments, GJ ave Stones, Baptism:u Fount.:!, Ivlural Tables., Ilj ThaDebtofthe Compa!).y now amonnts to $467,OOO-of UIIlS, Vaces, Sta"tuury, alHl Gatden FIgures, have an 'lgent iathe vip,jnity, who will be responSible 150 Q.UI". do do do III which 8118,000 is payable .in 30 years, 100.000 in 20 150 HIL KItts No . 1Mess Mac]«rel (heads am , Constantly on hand, ItalIan, E~ptiall, and A'melican at! years, and the reSIdue on 'Ten seurs' Donds, payable for thell" bills. 100 KItts No. 1M"cl« re! (very c.hOlCe), Marble Malitle.'S; bureau, counter, piel" and centre table p~ from 1855 to 18G1. And ·as an otlset to this debt, the G', Letters, except those to and from Par~nts and 'lOU Boxes selected. Cod·fish put up ill small Boxes ex· Tops. 'lhe Tl'~de supplIed with Mal'ole Blocl(s, or1nade til oreler. may1 D. Cllmpany own $406,400 ~f the Capitel Stock of the Col· Guardians, al"I) subject to the inspection of the Presi­ plessly 101 fa.mlly use, umbus nnd XeIWt R. Road, and $135,000 m the SpNng­ dent. 20 Boxes smoJ~e Halebut, ~HLL S~'ONE;;. field, Ait. Vernon ancl FittsbUlgh R . Road, which will 8, At the clo.e of each session, Bulletins will be ~U do smoked Salmon , FRENCH n"URR MlLL STON"E MANUFACTORY-Geo 50 HII. Bbl s. Potomac Shail. nine Dutch A11126,746,35 .·lX Shirts, six pairs of Socks, Hatlkerchiefs, '1'ow~ls, VICE~CONSOL AND CONSULAR AGK'NT. degree 01 SUlldlty, elastiCIty, and strengUl,alld the mostmu­ And 11 months of 1853 604,625,59 &c. -.t@-- - sical tOlle,assures the publiC that Bells cast at 111S founde1"Y DIvidends or Nett PI'ofits at the rate 0f Ten pel' Cent .. 11, Bills will be selqt with the semi·annual Bulle­ Having made arraneements WIth tile House of HOTTIN­ are unexcelled 111 sonorollsncss,punty,melody 'oftone, a nd GUEUR & Co ., Pa1'is,.... and cther lesponslble .Banj~e(J.·s ou the qualny 01 workmanslup,by any mantl '~actured in this coun .. jleee Annum have been made since 1847, und Fifteen per tillS. Tile amount is to be paId immediately; in case Continent, I am prepaled to remit money 111 lal'ge or small try . '01 In J852. 01' delay, 'i'llterest will be charged from date. sums to any pal t of £1'1 an-ce , SW ILzerlan.u, BelglUm, ]taly Peals or Chlme~ of any number ofbeU~, or ai·n·gle bellB of Any f~rlher mformutIion requil·ed wi.ll be .furnished on All lellers on ,t he busiuess of the Institution to be Luxemberg, Rhenish Prusslu and Bad.e;n, a particular tone or key, cast to oroel'. !pphcattOn to E. J. HANDY, Treasurer, or to either of directed,.f post-paid, I to the PreSident, Lebanon, Ma­ Persons at a dIstance f(H'wardillg me by mail the amount Bells 01 various sizes always on nand, with 'the lat~st 'Ille undersigned, I they WIsh to remIt, WIth the aildress 01 tho party to whom aBU most approved plan of yo}{es, wheels, alld springS at .. J ACOB STRADER,I rLon COIl.uty, Ky. they It sent, will recClve, by return mall, a receipt, tacheu. 'WEBB & LEVERING, No. 521, 3d door below or 2d or Exchange, aud adVIce ot remittance of 1st ot .Ex­ Further information that may be 'desired on this subject, JOHN KILGOUR, J Oommittee will be cheerfully commul1lcated by act ,l1 essing tIle subscIl- J. It GROESBECK, r of Finance. Third, Main Street, Louisville, Ky., are Agents for cha nge to address by the earlI est steamer. the College. An.ything left with them will be p"fompt­ Coilections of claIms, inhen tances J pensions, aD nUlties ber by mail or otherwise. GEO. L. HA Nl( S. R. R. SPRINGER. J . &c ., «Xc., made in the above named COllntnes. O'CONNOR &BRo'rHER,dealersin stap1eand fa11C'y dry gf.'lO'dH Iy forwarded to (he InstItntlOn. .T. F. MELINE, -no.30 FIfth street,bet ween Vvalnut and Malll,Cincinnat:i WES'l'BORO--U. S. I-Jl:O'J.':D.1:L. aug13 6111 P. LAWLER. President. mar5 3d street, 0l,poslte BUInet House. -----The underslgnedWQUld'Call the attention or iiI" -V ILL A NOV A. COL LEG E , NEW 1'1lUSJlC .BOOK! friends a!HI the public to his rcmoval from hi s I The undersigned respectfully informs the public: DELA WARE COUNTY, PA. old stand to No.236, one door South, to thE> liar he has recentiy purchased and opened for tile fiC· Will be issueil on t he lsI. 01 September THE YOUNG CAT}1 eaull!"ul stale tOI·merly occupied hy Eaton & HIS INSTITUTION is situated in a most healthy o LlC'S VOC,H. CLASS BOOK-.Publlshed wtth th'e approbation ·commodalion of the pul)lic the above House ·i!! the Kitri~e as a Gun ]}stablish111ellt, "vhich lIe ha$ T a nd bealltiful part of Delaware COlInt;" between of the Most Rev. A1Chblshop of Clncinnatl-Deslgned fOI . fitted up expressly faT the retaili ng of Hats aTI(l tOWt~ of Westbol·o, Clinton CO~llty, Ollio, sitllated Lancaster Turnpike and OollImbia Radroad, both of tile use of Cath.ollc Schools, SOCIeties and bmall Choirs.­ C~ps o flus own manufactm1l. He now feels it in h'is pow­ A collection 01 Hymns WIth apPl()pnate wonls, sUltab le on Ie HIllsborough R. Road. He wIH do all .ill I11 S which P"ss through its extensive gronnds. e:r to 8Jccommodate the wants 01 his old customer~, \vh o P·har to mal,e his house a comfortable "'ome fer those for Schoul purposes, consistm.g of selections from the best have so long favored h~m WIth t1le!l' patronage. He Intends Tile tellTIS for board and Tuition, are $ 150 per an­ CatholIC composers, D.llangcd for tyyo. and thlee vOJces, ;w Fmay honor him with their patronage. Visiters also, keeping a large assortmelJt oj RUDltrlCr Gooll:s, allJ. num, payabte half yearly in advance. Books, Sta­ with a Practlcal Course or Vocal Instruction, by W. C. respectfully solIcits a c ..ll. 0 ayelteville and the pal·ents a ud fnends of ,the pll' Peters. Royal12mo-bound 10 Clotb-Pnce 75 cent,. 1 tionary, and Pbyslcian's fees will form extra charges, JAMES ERWIN, No. 236 Main street, ~~I ~t Jhe Ursuline Convent ,n that neigh'borhood, l[f"CatholIc PUblIshers and Bool< Dealers will be snp ap3 East side, bet·ween FIfth an.-tb. as als0 the modern languages, each per annum, $15; plied at a l!belal dIscount, ' U·II t II Et very .convenient to srop at hOURS over ,gl I ~,is Music, $40; Drawing, $30 pel" annum. As a strict Heads of Seminalles and others, desirolls of introuucitlg TRACT t . vervthll1g will be done in every departlI;lent KENTUCKY LAND FOR SALE.--A observance of the duties enjoined by the CatholIc l{eli· the worl{ 111 theU' classes, WIll obllge u~ uy sending theIr of 1 022acl'cs 01 first ntte l and.lYlng in the county of Ul1 ion .ma~e the U.S. Hotel agreeable to the public. ' gion, f"rms a part of the system of educ'ation, Catho· orders e,rly. W, C. P~:T~:RS & SONS, and State 01 Kentucky, about 8 mlles from the Ohio !{iver. au6 PublIshers. corner 4tb & Walnut St., CIncInnati. ~m FRANCIS· DE RODRIGUES. lic patronage alone is solicited. 'bacli fr om Caseyville. In poillt of soil, water, timb'er, anti. sUTfaLe,tbls tract of land is infenol' to none; ItR Tich11esB of Tile Collegiate year begins on the 16th of August, Counlers Seeon(l Halul Furnitul·e. CITIZ~:N'S ,>, COLLARD & HUGHES, Pro soil and contlgnity to wa.ter transpoTtatlOn, 1'e1Hle1' it ','O J 1 anal ends 011 the 30th of June. pnetors-Maln strer.t, between Tlnnl and Fourth, em~ calculated for pTofitable agllcultul e : the SO Il and climate fixtUres i~ shelves, show cascs, side cases, desl~s , and store plo)"s over a MILLIO~ OF ))0 Lf"A l{S, and discounts free­ rerngerato;e~eral, platform scales trucks" &c., Ice chests, All communICations, etc., fOI' the Oollege, should are also well adapted to the cultivation of tobacco. 8 ly at all seasons. Money deposited is IJayable on deml.lnd There are, in the county of Union, a Catholic Pli'est, two aortment of r' ellows, allvlls., and toels, WIth a generaL as­ be directed to the Post Office, West Haverford, Dela­ with six per ccut interest. june25 Secoud Han urmtu,re, stoves, &c., always on band at the ware COlInty, Pa. churches,eigbt stations,and 700 COmmlll1!cal1tS:2-afewI~ib:l1 W'ter'lrcctd Furnllure and. Vanety Store, Nos.28 al1(130 P. TUNDY, and G61mal1 Catholics, but mostly Amencans. TLe P11est Ohio. ,between Mq..UHl,llHl Walnut streets, Cincinnati, P. E. MORIARTY, D. D., O. S. A., President. ... CARPl>NTER AND BUU,Db:R, PEARL STREET, (Mr.DurbIn) resides 111 Morganfield,the county~eat OfUl!io}l _ my29 LDANDJ.:RSON. GEORGE A. Mf:AGtlER, O. S. A ., ·lTice Pres't. Between Plum and Western Row, opposite Market Housp county. C. B. Ross. Esq .. lIving adjoining tbe lan'd, is my Agent CINCINNATl. R1Hl w1ll show it to anyone \vishing to purchase. I will FIR! AND M CITY INSURANCE COMPANY Best Congo 'i'ea. A J1 jobhing III the Cal"pellter line, promptly atte'.1ded to. gi ve a bargaIn in this fine tract of land, un'd ma1{e the pay insures pro ~~INE CITY [.NSURANCJ£ C(!)MP~-\'N7{ 'OF CINCINNATI Our" OLD COUNTRY" friends will please remember that FOT competence and abIlity, refers to- Messl s. Johnston fire;'I,o aial t\Ofall (lescliption against loss or damage by among the great variety of TEA. on hand. we have a fine & Jackson. W. P. Devon & Rockwood, and Geo. WhIte. inents easy. WILLIAM S. WALLER. octll·t: Lexihg'"to!1, ](v DUUfC;ORS 11~ t~e penls 01 theSea, 01' Inland NaVIgation Congo which we are selling at 33c. This Tea sells n Fifth street. lUlle 4 Burnel J M·- ..• Reeder, J. C. Tborp, J.P. Kllbreth, W. Euglar..... , Scotl!lud, and Ireland, foi' four or five shlllh,lgS.­ FREI'H ARR IVALS AT TBE O'KEEFE & CU. and I!.'L ·HoRlatr, E. S. Haines., George Carilsle, H.Raper, All other desenptlon. of Tea cheaper than tbe ch.apest, In C:U>N'J'U,l.L TEA S'lfO R.U-:. Secretary OFmall . E . B. Reedel:, hes:tt impoltations. Call aua tlY them for they \vill ~OOll he O'CONNOR & BHOTHER, leronin & CHIDES, OIL AND LgATHER. FORWARDING MERCHANTS . gone, J.W.TYSO'N. O Dealers in staple a'HI (allCY Dry Gf:'ods-No, 30 Fifth st., Central Tca Stclle. COl'llPl' Fifth [l1H\ WCEtellJ Row Water street b " dealers In Hules, OIL AND LEA.THER,No.2 Paul & Murdoch, steamboat agents, FORWARDING AND ceM between vValnut and Malll , CIncinnati. Skltth\o Ha' etwecn MaIn and Walnut CinCInnati 0- flnSSloN l'Itl!:RCH_-\'NTS, NO. 12 WATER ST., neal' .M.ai11c,Teceive ~ORY GOODS STORE. tbeap Skins r~~:s, blacl, and fair Bt'idleL~ather,Hog lhins ~nd forward all kinds of goods to Baltimore, Phlladelpbia EAGLE SHOE STORE, T. COSTELLO· dealer in .taple and fancy dry gonds . Fifth oroccn,Li~ ing~ a~d Upper Leather, Kip anil Calf SI

THE GREAT CONSPIRACY CASE. Mason county, which has heretofore gone elsewhere.' I MBr.evarium I R Romanum: 18mo., 12mo. & 24mo., Paris Ed. H ;vmns, an d met h od of hearing--====:::.::0 Mass . ' MBUS .-A specI'al despatch fl'om TI1C ac t ua I amoun t 0 f t 0 b acco, Ie f t over UIISO Id 111 t Ie I Issa omanum'. 8vo . sheep " ParI's ed w I th th e S even D ays Prayers, previa In her ho FROM COLU .. t' 'lh warehouses, does not exceed 1,200 hogsheads. The" glt. edg: red and black. her Pure Spouse., St. Joseph. Us to the F,. C o I urn b us says tlJe J ury IS JUs m WI a ver- advance I'n prl'ces at the begl' IIIII'llg 01' tlll'S seaSOll as " " Mechll'll ed. F un diPamenta hilosophy; by the Rev'd "" dict of NOT GUILTY as to all of the defendants. compared with the commeucement of last season is Ritnale Romanum: 18mo., Mechlin ed. Translated from the Spanish. Edited b . J. Bnllllt Kissane retained in custody on the previous fully one dollu per hundred on lugs, and Olle and a St. Chrysostom Opera Omnia: 2 vols. 4to., paper. SON, LL. l?. yO. A. BB