'C HOLle TELEGRAPH. .. 1 N N ~ C • II 8 A R J 1 SUN I T AS, 1 N D 'U B lIS LIB B R T AS, I N 0)( NIB U ~ CAR 1 T A II • ~' No. 5~. , , CINCINNATI, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1839. VOL. VIII. , ~ B.EAS ~' FOR BECOMING A RO~IAN , CATHOLIC; .!ld- ger and th ~rst ofter righteousness; the visible and per~ or a higher character than can be judged of by the' , -, " dd8~dto the Society of Fl'ienda. By FJ!.EDERICK petlJal symbol of the invi~ible Church-the everlast- natural man. A king is but a mall; shall we revere .~ ',:r:i , s, · Es~., of the Middle Temple, B:j.rrister-at- illg spouse of Christ,:-which the eye of-God alolle our equal, olle of ourselves? A priest is b;ut a man; , Law,. J can recognise, If the Priest be corrupt, wO,e to him. shall we ask forgiveness 'of sins of our equal, one of J' • .. Contin~ed He is not the .less the steward of the mysteries of God. ourselves? An image is but the earving of man's fiil- , WIi\\,t ' ~xpI;llat ion can be gi~en of all this? It can ' He must have ill read his Bible, methinks.-he ger,s, shall we become idolators? A church is but' only be aCI~o ullt!j'd'fo 'from the fact' that the Church must be Ji nle versed in the order of God's Pro vi- brick and stone, and wood; shall we call, holy that , instituted by pli'risl( w~,s itself an outward visible dence, who cannot' recognise in the despotic ruler, which is mere brute inert matter, of a lower nature ,symbol of aq in\yar~ , infinite essellee, and that men th e executor of God's decrees; in the unjust judge, .than ourselves? The bones of a ~ aint, though they who had received ',j.llio their hearts the meaning of ~he dispenser of the judgments of God; in the cor- l'hall one day rise at the sound of the trump of 'God, the great sym:b,ol of all, cpuld not but exhibit in every rupt priest, the spiritual offieerin Christ's household.
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