AND A VOCATE . ~ "IN NECESSARHS UNITAS, IN DUBIIS L1BERTAS, IN OMNIBUS CARITAS." .6£2 S $2'OO 'PER AN.'JUM, IN ADVANCE. WffEN DEL1VERISD BY CARRIERS $2,50 REV. S.H. ROSECRANS, f).D,~ EDI'fORS TRM - 'SiNG-LE COPIES FIVE CENTS. VERY REV. E. PUaCOEc"L. ~ , , • ~ YOL. XXIL~ C INC INN A T i. tB H I O. SAT U R DAY. NOV E M B E R 19. 1853. '~NO. 48 ~IO[D .the Pittsburgh Catholic.) glory ofiiGt'Jd and advantage to our holy religion. evil with good. Be del'ermined to do everything EUROPEAN NEWS. , THE RIGHT REV. M. O'OONNOR, Fervently wishing that our anticipations may in yOilr power to ,infuse the~e virtnes into the A telegraph dispatch [i'om Bucharest, says, • IT O B1SHOP OF ERIE. be realized,. permit'ns to assure you, Right Rev. young whom God bas commItted to your care. two Russian steamers and eight gun boats B v a~d dear Sir:-We, the Catholic: dear Sir, that"we s'hall ever cherish a ~l'ateful and as you value the 'Blood of Christ, shed for forced the passage 'of the Danube, and en- RIGHTf the ,Ndiocese • of Pittsburg,. h h aVlUg. b e~r d recollection of the "b I essmg. we enjoyed under them, guard agamst. any mc. I"matIon to btlar er countered a bris, ll'l'e,~ from t h e T ur k'IS h f ort., la.lty ~ur rise and deep concern, of your appomt- your pastoral, care, and to offer up our prayers their eternal 'welfare, either for your own or for The Russians had 'o'ne 'Colone'l, three officers, 'wltb Ptl newly erected See of Erie. and con- to the throne of ~Grace for your spiritual and their worldly advancement. ' and tw.elve sailors killed" and upward's of forty ent to le I f h 1 d I t I . !D t ontemplated remova rom t at 0 £ temporal ha,ppiness, hoping that the Almighty Wherever Providence may ea me, tms wounded; but they succeeded in setting fire to s~qu~n , ~ were unwilling to believe, even the disposer ()f''events wiH grant YOR long life to shall ever remember you witb a lively interest the fort by shells. PltLsuUIgbTty , of the consummatIOn. 0 f suc b ~n ar- continue your, a";"I' e a d'Vocacy 0 f genume. Ch'ns- in your temporaI an d eterna I we Ifare, an d pray- F rance h as mad e f u II prepal'at'Jons." lor a Jan d probaeDl I:nt until painfully convinced of It, by tianity, and to disseminate the blessed truths in g the mv:r of all g~od gifts to exten~ to you expedition to Constantinople, but no orders wil'! rang cen't de par lure from amongst ~s: of ORr h()ly'Faith' in the discharge of tbat sacred his favors With a plentIful hand, I remam, be O'iven to march unless new circumstances yOw~:n " l'Ie cGmpare our pres~~t p~SIltOn, and mi~istry which ' yell are ,~al led on ~o fulfil, an~ Your servant in Christ, afis~, which in the opinion of the Emperdt, will b Deral , a~pect of CatholICity m Western whIch yotlr tale.nts, le3ll'llIng and VIrtue so emI- t M. O'CONNOR, render such a movement necessary. t e ge IvatIia, ' wilh what they were some few nently qual'ify, yoo !() adorn. Humbly reques- Bishop of El'i~. The FlI'ench Minister at Constantihoj:ile h as Pee;~s~n'Ce; . w'h€n: yell ll:ssumed th.e government ting ~our. pr<tyers aII'd episcopal b~nediction, we • ••• been 'fecalled, and his successor appointed . .Yf tb's neW diocese as lts,tirst B.lsbop, we are remaIn, wlthl pro{ound ~'espect, RIght Rev. dea.r POPE PIUS' AND THE CZAR. It 1s1'6po'1'ted that tbe Czar bad said he would °t kl w'llh astonishment , at tbe faol/orable con- Sir, Your faivhfuHy attached, and etfectionate rather 'baCK out than fight. ' 8 ruCt which on all , sides. , presents ,rese. It' t() us; flock. Ambassadorial recalls are becoming ep.ld e- rrhe combined ljleets'f 0 F rance an dElng an d tra~ we justly attribute ·the gratify'ing 'l'esalts of Signed. ' 011 bebalf of tbe meeting, mic, and we are likely to have more of them have come to anchor ~n the ilea of Harmora; an b retrospection, to JOUI" untiring energY '!IOd: ,'IN. 'G. MURPHY, Chairman, when kin';,.doms, or rather courts, take their which has 'caused mucn surprise at Constanti- ,8ucI und er the /I'u ida:nce of that'Supreme 'Bemg 'G. n:.. B. FETTERMAN, Sect'y. part in th ~ coming struggle. The French Em-' nople, and the Porte is said to have declared ,zea , . '" h I ..l If< "- iI h II ,to wbose serVice Y'tlU ave (evoteu your va u- peror has withdrawn cis Ambassador rom that the movement d f tile ileet was w 0 y un- bl 1'( 'I'D M""8"'n£:< N G MURPHY AND Naples, under the pressure of an insult to some mtelliQ"ible, lmless as the allies 'of 'iJ.'m.·key, and a 'reb:l:~st extent'of fI,e di()c~se of Phil,adeJphia, ''''' .;oh",. • . " , uistiniruished French 0 ffieers w bom he ibad de- if t'he ~ombined powers are apprehenSive 'of the 1 ' G. B. FETTERMAN. K F d' d H' 1 d h lr I vious to the formatIon () f '1 b at 0 f P Ills b urg'<l, ~L. puted~ to the reviews of ing , aT lUan. IS safety of the ,SI!I tan, an ave come t ere on y ' r~: unfinished state of the roads, and imp ~r~e()t ''COMM1TTE:!l:' OF mE !LAITY OF THE DWCESE Neapolitan Majesty can ill afford a 'I'~pture witb to protect his person, they have no use for theit syste m of public conveyance, rendered tr~vehng 'OF PITTSBURGH. such a power as France, und it is to be hoped ifleets at Constantinople, as the Tarkis'h 'Gcivern- them slow and difficult, t~-ereby . presenl.I~ g O?- "'(lentliJman,- I can only attribute to your more ami::able rebtions 'WiH soon be restored ment undel'ta'kes to guarantee the Sultan's tacles to much of -that episcopa.l ~u.pervIsI~n III 'kindness tbe language in which you allude to between the Emperor Napoleon and Ring Fer- safety; and tbe avowal of the presence of the this remote district, ' which "l'e'hglOn 'l'e; \l~ l red~ my services <in the diQCese of Pittsbllrgh. Your dinand. But there has ,peen another recall, far 41eet on this mission is an insult to Turkey, and 'nd wbich tl.e eminent PreJa-t.e tben ~ ~avIllg so own ;' z~a l, and the labors of the devoled clergy, more important, and signiificant of the feelings an indicalion of hel' weakness, which w~uld 'fxte nsive a jurisdiclion, contributed hIS best ef- whoEl P,rovidence ,sent to co-operate with me, with which Pope Pi'us regards the conduct of ,place her in a wrong 'position hefore the natIOD'S forts to discharge. Consequently, onyour conse- Me the tpue <:auses, under God, to wbich I at- the Czar, who claims a Ponti£cal throne of his of Europe. 'cration, tbe difficulties whic.hyou had to ,en- tTibute 'Whatev€r has been accomplished. So own, and, through the ,power vested in him by The rfuI-!kish Minister 'of Finance hIlS re- <counter were most discouraging and ~ppahl1g, far from supposing my own servi<:es to have "Heaven," persecutes Catholic nuns and monks signed. At that lime, the ' number' of clergy anu been of aoy peculiar value, I assure you, unaf- with untlaggin.!:\' fe,rocity. It is now stated that rbe conference at. VIenna ,churches were painfully inadeql1~te to 'su;~ply factedly, that in asking to be transferred to the It is well -known, in ,conformity with t'he have drafted a Dew proposition for fbe settle­ tbe spiritual wants of the CatholIc tpopulatIOn, 'new See of Erie, I was influenced, amongst usages of the Catholic Church, that previous to ment of the 'question between R ussia and Tur­ ,then, as now, constantly increasing, and widel.y other things, by the roDviction that there w~uld canonrzation, a.Jl particulars, relating to the life , key. 'spreading through0ut ~he land. .. be nu diffieulty in pl'ocu.ring It far more effiCIent a,nd characte'f of the individuftl so exalted" The King of Belgium is now reported to 'be With the incollVentaflCe ?od l'll'nItecl ore- .heaod fOI' the diocese of Pittsburgh. Without should be authenticated to the utm-ost possible , usi'DO' his influence in bringing about a settle­ ' sources, natumlly attendant upon sllch a situa- s'Uch a c(){!v iction seriously cntertained, I could extent of h,u ma.a t-estimony, for the purpose of ment 'of the difficulties. tion, you found,a r.p'~j~f themin the .R!m()~t ne! .5t:-IS!J·;, nne ,;:: WOl1l~: n."'t have tbougbt vf perpetu;:l record. A Polish maTtyI', who had A telegraphic dispatch fr'om Vienna, 'imller inaccessible wilds ()f a new country, toIlmg to advlsmg the step that has been tak ~n. deserved well of all mankind for his rrroral date of t,be ,2 6tb, says it was reporled there a :procure bodily subsiste~ce, ~h ile t11eir so:uls WhIle! shall be I'(eaoy to bow WIth pleasure , heroism and ~rasoend nnt pietv bad 'been selec- skirmish had taken place on the Danube, be­ longed fo r the bread of hfe, WIthout an' Q~.po.J'· t() .any dispositions t~at rna;: be madc by the ted by his Holiness fo1' the gl~l'Y of canoniza- tween detachments of the Russian and 'r~(l'kish tunity b ~i ng afierded them to -partake o(),t (;he cll1ef pastor, I feel It but l'lght to say, tl?at I tion, and previous to the 'Rct, 'comm'1lnications forces, but it was n()t believed fuat any pItched Divine banqutt.
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