C.. _THOLIC TELEGRAPH, AND ADVOCATE. ========================~~~~~~.~~~~~============~ "IN NECESSARIIS 'UNITAS, IN DUBIIS LIBERTAS, IN OMNIBUS CARITAS." ".i foi. XXVII. CINCINNATI., OHIO, SATURDAY, MARCH ~7, 185 8. NO. 13. - . ation, '.' Behold you guide! confide in me,:- poor?" I do not mean iiJ re;:pect to its influ-I thonght f'lmiliar to theologi LOS, which reO'ards (ltatyolic QtcIeyntpy anh ~hbrrmte. counsel and equity; ismine,-I lead in the way ence as tendioi? to separate them from that ?er as a kind of' image o~ ' the Most Holy Trin­ of justice, in the midst of the paths of judg- which to them is most vitally essential-their Ity. As the Daughter of the Father, the Mother P!ll~ TED AND PUDLI SilED EVERY SATURDH >lORNING BY mf\ut." This boasting is vain! If the gnid- religion. Here, God kno ~ s, it is sad enough. of the. Son, and the Spouse of the Holy Ghost, J 0 H N P. W A L S H, ance of the State in regard to the poor, be at But I mean its influence as a system of relief she shadows furth in herself, faintly of course P bl' 7' Establishment any time good, it is so because of the indirect to the state ofp ~verty. Are our public schoo's because she is a creature, but nevertheless trul 'I til< Oltholic TeLegraph Printing and u 15 ""!] ~ I v' , " Oh' influence of the Church of God. It is so, in pre·eminently schoo l ~ for poor children? 'To ~ Ie relations of the Three Divine Persons. She 170 Sycamore Street, Cin(lin.nati, 10, spite of its own mercenary spirit and policy. secure their establishment, this was theargu IS as it wcre :i still translucent lake in whose Jt $2 oOp'" a1tn:um" JJW'" WI_'C_n(!clivel'ed by 0'<1' carriers, $250 But notwith:;tanding the presence and in- menL-this was the boast. Has the a~gun~ent bosom won ~ erful. attributes o~ ' God, and far dis- tC. v l ra h and Advocate being published wi th my direct influenoe of' the Church in this country, proved to .be sound- the boast been Just!fied tant heavenly heights, are mirrored with faith- ~proM.Tbe Olt.lOtholn '..,~ n l~~ir eco Oln~~e theud offiit ctoial thOrgae pnatrOll of th}lgee Di oocf ethese oCatholicfI,oui s' IV hat has the State system oIYained for the poor? by the practical results? Facts will answ, I' ful distinct ness. IVe know more of God's ville, Istro~ "{ of Keu tucky. In the first place, has its realized it obj e (Jt~ in this: que, stion! Facts now stariug upon u.s ill m.ercy, .of' His condccens. ion, of His intimacy IIl6rgy and III Y t MARTIl! JOHN, Bishop of L ouisville. ~ 1 Vh I lJ f H regard to the adyancement of its own power: the very aspect of almost every schoo v 0 Wit I ::tIS creatures, 0 IS characteristic ways LOUlSI'ILLE,Au g. 6,l S53. __ -in regard to tbe, low political purpose of can Irsten to the names, mark the residence-, because of' the li!,ht which He has made t~ " C A.TnOJ.1C TEJ.1WUAPH AND AnVOCATE."-You are •• b . d ' b h d d d I . i\I tl h Id I I P UDl,t S nE~O F b), ' hm) "pprobutionuf yourpape l',andto state strenlJ:thening ItS Ownlllterests yprostratlOg un. 0 servet e re3s an arrogant emeator Sllne on l ' ary, lanwes ou ese lave known, authorized t l?t '"the Ol' ''an of my di ocese . May the Divino all distinctions in reli"O'ion? Has it proyed it- onhe pupils, and.. not confess that, in manv and we bave come. also to understand better that,! adop 1 aSour l ab o~' s \Vith s u ~ce s :~d Your most devoted h ProVldcllce crOwny tA.,il-ish op ofCleveland. self the instrument of unity? Has it pro- di~tricts, the poor are compal"atively driv n t at we either knew or might have known in friend, - . duced a feeling of brotherhood among the youth 'out, and that the institution has become one other w.ays. Thus Gud' s perfections in him- Olthl)lic Te!e!]~ap h and Advocate is r~ comm ~,:,d e d to t.he " If H Th o . f the Covi ng ton Diocese as an mtel'os,lUg :tnd In- of different nations and religions' brought to:. of aid to the sufferinO' rich. That a h eav), .., e, is dealings with His creatures, and the Mbol.'C' 0 , d as tho medium by which ollicbl commmu· gether in its schools? If human nature has t ·, x has fallen up.on the"'peolle-the industrious fashion of his redee ning ,,0'1' ,ce, the p; s libilitic> rl.r~~~~~~ ~:fIf~ea~aci~ to them. ' . ~ """ I tG EO RGE ALOYSIU~ CARRELL, n"hop ofCovtngton. not changed, and human testimony be IJ'qt working classes-to lift the burdens of educ':,· Jf holiness, the inventiveness ot' divine love- I dlnllyrocommend t.he CatTwlic ,!ele!]raph to'theconfidence utterly fillse, a directly opposite result has been tion from artificial wealth, and help to sustain His'b trainingI H ' of. the s:lints, His guidance of th~ cor t orthe Catholics of this DIOcese . and sball feel porso- experienced. 'l'he jeer of Paddy upon the among u~ a system of ext, avagance and luxury lJ urc J, IS ID ward walk with the souls that SlIdI SUPbPlored' by the'efforts of tho clergy and laity to obtain for I . 1 b h f' 'd Z d . t II I d' I fAt " k H' II tl th" . n,1 .,g d 0 1 ~npara sl~ce 0 , . Im,~a - yo circulation. ns JOY, t e taunt 0 ater a n papL8 e e t Je era ugus an corrup- ,ee Jes? I?gs a.re . wntten upon !tanlUerease ,tJ.n.,ArchbishopnjCmctnnatt, UPJn the Catholic boy, the contempt of po- tlOn and magDlficence. , ~ 'Iary 1.lke Ineroglyplncal IDscnptlOns, e a~ ily to CI ~Ol "N AT I, Nov . 2, 1854. verty visited upon the poor boy, so common And this is the circumstance, whicll, more be deCiphered by the light of faith and the in­ in the play-ground, have tended not to 'increase than any other, darkens the prospect of State telligellt surmises of devotion. So,"by her do. Church and State Charities Compared; fellowship and mutual love; while every wnrd reform in o'ur public school system. Thl' lours, He has h .~ng abQut her a complete re- With Special Reference to the System ~ f N ew YO'rk State of Protestant insolence, slyly aimed by the power of wealth, linking itself with the instl'u- vel a ~ion o.£" the g!,eat mystery of suffering. He Charities. Two L ect"res, del-i'vered b"1 InvltatLOn of h ChI' I' f' b I' f ' d I h f t I II t d h h tile Society of St. ViI/ cent de Pa" l, N,w Y o-k, at th. self sufficient teacher against teat 0 IC re 1- ments 0 un e Ie ,an tIe sc emes 0 sec a- las I umma e In er t at pregnant doctrine, Tabemacle, Ja7L1w'ry 29th and Febr1tary 26th, 1807, by gion, is silently treasured up in the heart of rian bigotry, is likely for a long time, we. fear, that ~uffe l' illg is the only tne consolation to be L. 8ILLDIA:>' IVES, LL.D. the Catholic child to embitter his memury aOlI to make us toil and suffer under this heavy drawn from luve, where divine things are con- fix upon his mind a power of prejudice which burden of our political task· masters. But the cerned. She had no sin of her own for which the strength of divine charity can hardly over- hour of uur release will come. Patient endul" to suffer. She had no I-enulty to I a; for t4~ . come! And t)Ien, what must be the effect of ance, and firm, unflinching protest, with the fall of Eve. She. was not included in the law Wo rks of Oharity not EntTltsted to the State. this system upon the feelings' of Catholic pa- light .of common sense on our side, will ere of sin. She was in the order of heaven's pur-' (Continued from our last.) rents towards the wisdom and the patern~1 10n O' ensure it. Self-interest and political in poses, foreseen before the decree permittin cr And bow, I ask, does the government sys- character of'the State? A system which com trig;e may triumph for a season; but they can- gin. She ulso had no world to redeem. AU . I' . d pels them to give their money to support that not always stand unrebuked before the Ameri· her dear blood, the sweet fotintain and well- tern of education, as respects 1'e IglOn an ~ d f P which their consciences oblige them to con- can .people. In this land of freedom, a day 01 hea 0 the recious Blood, could not havq morals in Prussia, -differ from that of the State demn! Which tukes from many of the poor judgment is sure to overtake every oppressor; wash ed away one venial sin, nor save the soul of New York? So f3r as principle and prac- amonO' them all means of education for their and it will be a day of justice to the oppressed! of' one new-born babe who had no actual sin ~t tical effect is concerned, I answer, in nuthing.
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