'C HOLle TELEGRAPH. .. 1 N N ~ C • II 8 A R J 1 SUN I T AS, 1 N D 'U B lIS LIB B R T AS, I N 0)( NIB U ~ CAR 1 T A II • ~' No. 5~. , , CINCINNATI, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1839. VOL. VIII. , ~ B.EAS ~' FOR BECOMING A RO~IAN , CATHOLIC; .!ld- ger and th ~rst ofter righteousness; the visible and per~ or a higher character than can be judged of by the' , -, " dd8~dto the Society of Fl'ienda. By FJ!.EDERICK petlJal symbol of the invi~ible Church-the everlast- natural man. A king is but a mall; shall we revere .~ ',:r:i , s, · Es~., of the Middle Temple, B:j.rrister-at- illg spouse of Christ,:-which the eye of-God alolle our equal, olle of ourselves? A priest is b;ut a man; , Law,. J can recognise, If the Priest be corrupt, wO,e to him. shall we ask forgiveness 'of sins of our equal, one of J' • .. Contin~ed He is not the .less the steward of the mysteries of God. ourselves? An image is but the earving of man's fiil- , WIi\\,t ' ~xpI;llat ion can be gi~en of all this? It can ' He must have ill read his Bible, methinks.-he ger,s, shall we become idolators? A church is but' only be aCI~o ullt!j'd'fo 'from the fact' that the Church must be Ji nle versed in the order of God's Pro vi- brick and stone, and wood; shall we call, holy that , instituted by pli'risl( w~,s itself an outward visible dence, who cannot' recognise in the despotic ruler, which is mere brute inert matter, of a lower nature ,symbol of aq in\yar~ , infinite essellee, and that men th e executor of God's decrees; in the unjust judge, .than ourselves? The bones of a ~ aint, though they who had received ',j.llio their hearts the meaning of ~he dispenser of the judgments of God; in the cor- l'hall one day rise at the sound of the trump of 'God, the great sym:b,ol of all, cpuld not but exhibit in every rupt priest, the spiritual offieerin Christ's household. and form for ever the glodfied tabernacle of a redeem­ act of their live's-; '!lll)all as well as great, some ex~ It is not the individual, it is the pl~ce. It is not the . ed and justified s'oul ill the conrt or the highest God, pression of tb,e mystery they had been taug~t of God. piety or impiety . of the man, it is the ordinance of are to our sensual carnal apprehensions no better than For what is the incarnation, t.he birth, the life, the God. Here, as elsewhere, is a .!'Iymbol; man, sinful the common dirt we tread upon. death of our blessed Saviour? It is eter.nity depicted man, the minister and representative oC God. ' The We: have studiously brought' every thing dOI\' n' to • u.nder the symbo'l of time.. It is infirlitude under the Scribes and Pharisees did not the less sit in the seat t,he same v,ulg'1r level; we have dOlle our best to ,symbol of finite space. It is He, the Supernatural. ' of Moses, because it was said to them, "Woe UlltO extirpate all trace of the redemption from the outward who creat.ed! nature innocent, become manifest in flesh you hypocrites!" The High Priest who ordered St. world; we have with all our might ridieuled the con­ ar,d bl~od, nllder the symbol of that nature/to redeem Paul to be smitten, waslIot tlie less th'e Priest,of.God fiding fa ith of the elder and bettel' times, we have it from the fall of sin. And from this grand mystery because he was nnjust, and a railer. The teaching done our, best, and i~ sooth with unmatched suc~ess, of ail, have flowed. /Ill. th e les8er mysteries pf the l of the Apostles, the doctrine of Christ, had impreg- to Pagal1lze every t!:lIng that the eye can look upon, Church of Ghrist, FOF when the heavens were Inated mena' minds with th is world-old doctrine of or the ear can , hear, or the hand can touch, ,anti we opened, and a vQice issued forth, saying, "This is symbols, which our modern sensuality hath wen-nigh wonder \It the result. Of old, before an arlIsl com­ my beloved SOl), in whom I am well pleased," a mys. forgotten, and wh·ich we should have utterly :lost, had menced a painting or a statue, or an edifice, he con­ tery and a symbQ.1 , were there;-the descending of the not the grace of God watched' over his Church in the fessed his sins to a priest, and pe'l{ormed penance, spirit of God uppil , Chnist, under the , symbol of a worst of times, and teserved her, now that the evil and partook of the body and blood of his Saviour. (iove, and li ghting upon him·. And whe·n Jesus took, day ' has passed, to a new course of triumph alid Now we have found all this to be superstitious; bu~ Peter and James and John into a high mountain apart, vi·ctory. , . .... painting and sculpture, and arohitecture are no more, again there was a mystery-the glory which the Son It was these symbo!icsacraments, the very marrolv.! and we sp<!nd our timp. in vain in quiries as to the had WiV1 the Father befo~e the world was, under the of the Gpspel, which lnforced men in all their actions ca,use, because ·we·cannot be made to see that art ne­ symbol of Transfiguration, hi~ faee sjJining as the , to express thern~elv ts by typical r~pre8elltatiqns. ver flomished except in the service of faith. Of old spn, and his raiment, white all til'/! light; alll! the old l) The early,D llri stians ' ell knew th at it was th ~ mys- tlie lowest cOIIjlDonality knew tb e Bible st6ries 'by' - huv.., l! ntier the type of Moses, its institutor, and tie'll union of the Divif1i ~ ith fl es h. and blo'od in heart, and , c(~ul~ chant the PsaljUs of D.avid, E,Iias, its res,torer, doing hom~ge to Him whose sa-I the incarnatioll ,,,hereby th~littel' was redeemed; and aOQ_ wQI'e \10." _ al5hari1 ed of Teligi-on, and were crifice their sacrifil!es' prefigured. And on ' the day lit wab this same un,ion of nTitdreatc·d and unr:reated, humble ' ellough to un de rstanil, :rh¥l Uu ty of obedi­ o,f Pentecost, there was, again a mystery-the inCU- ' jthe .natlll al and the ~u'pernfl~ural, the world of sense en?e, and t,o practise. it, and f~e,q u ~ n ted the wor-" slqn,oC th~ Holy Ghost Into the hearts of the Apos- and the world of Sp irit, whIch they could not but en- sh Ip of ttlelr God every day w!th devout hearts. ties, under the symbol of tongues ',of fire. And whatl dJla vor to embody in every action of their I.ives., Now we have 's]ilread the Gospel !.ight so SllC­ is baptism? It is the i.nfusion of the spirit 0.£ regen- I'God" who had joined ~imself to flesh' aud blooel' for cessfully that thousands, nay millions of our po'or eration into the heart, under the symbol of .water . their redemption, had, in lIke mann.er, joined his gra- countrymen, know at best no more of religiol1'cthan ~nd ,what. is the Ench.arist? It is the manifestation ces and the gifts of his Holy Spirit t@ ou~war~ ordi- they pick tip from some stroning cobbler, and ' the o,f the D.ivinityunderthe ~ymbols of bread and wine, nances, in the sacraments ef the Church; and the' more part are -proud, intrac-table, ami resolute in their to nourish and sustain the sonl' with heavenly food. worship of the faithful, thati~, their whole lives, was defiance of all teaching, and all subordilla'tion wh;t­ And what is Confirmation? It is the grac~ of 'spirit- made to, carry out in detail the divine scheme. They e·ver.'" A protestant 110 bility two centuries and' a half \lal manhood, und er the symbol of laying on of hands. jlabored,- followin g ,the Apost(llic injuncrions,-to ago, taught them the lesson of independence_ on all And what is Penance? It,is the grace of God giving make every act .of their lives a lesser sacrament; they guidance frOID ab@f e; and now they, will ~hi:Jw the health and renovation to the contrite heart, under the Ibelieved th at it was most humble and most safe in fruits of that independence, to the peril of those from symbols of Confession and Absolution. And what imatters not absolutely enjoined, to seek for graee .in whom the lesson came, 'uniess ,dle Catholic clergy is marriage? It is th,e grace of God uniting man and foll@wing,the analogy of that which was enjoined .. are successful in bringing tbem within an organiza- ' woman in a spiritual union, to make them a fitting l Hence came tho8~ . cerell1onies, for the most part coe- tion, and a discipline, which Protestantism' callnot type of. the union of Christ and his Church. And val with Christianity, which .seem carnal and' formal furnish. The wealthier clas~es are devoted to the what is the anointing of the sick? l,t is the grace of to th e uninitiatad, just as they seemed detestable and pursllit of riches~ and the wealth, which in old times God smoothing the .troubled passage out of life, under wicked to the heathens; but which, to those whose would hal'e been employed in rearing some monu­ the,symbol of an _earthly unction.
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