On Changing the Policy of Regulation in Today’s School Literary Education M. Pavlovets, I. Remorenko Mikhail Pavlovets with complicated plots. The list of par- Received in Candidate of Sciences in Philology, As- ticularly important books has changed July 2014 sociate Professor, Department of Con- insignificantly, consisting almost entire- temporary Russian Literature and Read- ly of required school reading and foreign ing Practices, Institute of Humanities, books, their number having been reduced Moscow City Pedagogical University. by onethird over the last five years. The E-mail:
[email protected] scope of reading interests also proved Igor Remorenko to involve mainly foreign literature and to Candidate of Sciences in Pedagogy, have shrunken over the last five years. The Rector, Moscow City Pedagogical Uni- required reading list and the number of versity. E-mail:
[email protected] books actually read by high school grad- uates do not coincide: even philologyori- Address: 4 Selskokhozyaystvenny pro ented school students read many books yezd, 129226, Moscow, Russian Fed- in excerpts or simplified versions. Litera- eration. ture as a school subject does not create Abstract. A survey of firstyear philol- enough motivation to read the books that ogy students was conducted in autumn are referred to as national literary clas- 2008 at Moscow Humanitarian Pedagog- sics. We find it necessary to revise the ical Institute (MHPI) with the purpose of conventional attitudes toward state pre- exploring these students’ reading inter- scriptions for teaching literature, to aban- ests and getting an idea of how they had don rigid required reading lists, and to read the books they were required to read switch to a competencybased model of in school—in full, in short summaries, or literary education outlined in the Federal in excerpts.