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'; , \ ' Yankees Clinch . 21st. 'American League f'ennant: , - -- 7.15 p.m.-Hank Snow' . Serenade. PRESENTS S.30 p.m.-Laymen's Hour. NUTCRACKER SUITE 10.00 p.m.-Western Hit THE. DAILY' . NEWS P'arade. available .1 10.45 p.m._Baine Johnson (Price 5 Cents) Charles Hutton'& Sons· News.' ST. JOHN'5, NEWFOUNDLAND, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2'4, 1955 :..-_-------------:------------------Vol. 62. No, 204 .. ----'--------------.....;..-1... , Service By Mid '56? 1·, . i .. ' Solution Reached, In Carson.'. Problem:' , . Govt. To .Bu·ild New Breakwater Sox Fall , After Last Half MilUon Extra To· Ditch Try New York Yankees dindle( tbelr 21st American -League ,... nant }<'riday nlgbt with a Sol Tit- latifal, Berth Luxury Ship tory over Boston Red Sox. '. I. OcL Thc Yankees captured the pen nant aft~r the Rcd Sox delaYI • [ 15th. New HurJ·iculle thc clincbing for several hours 11,' x OeL Will laldilg the !i~st half of a' day·night . l.!Jth, Expert's Report do\'!Jlc!l~ader 8-4. The win math ematically eliminated the CrevI 0 ' land Indians. arrlv· Thc Yankees took a two·run lea. i. in lhJ (irst on Gil McDougald'. N~!IVAB~p lY!~or~~d !~~~~c /I JAN ET" homer and Joe Collins' grounder, scoring Irv Noren. They increased :::,: Friday decided to build a new breakwater at a cost thc lead to 3-0 in the fifth as Eddll eL :I, KILL S \,( ahout $500,000 in a further attempt to enable the Robinson's pinch. single .co~1I ~al OeL Bob Cerv. sailinl :\cwrollndland harbor of Port aux Bas~u~s to handle . The Red Sox ralUed 10 the m· the gO\'ernment's $11,500,000 ferry WIlham Carson.· enth to chase starter Don Larsell. I Oct. After Eddie Joost's single taUle4 After a meeting among three cabinet ministers and 100 Dick Gernert, a former player sailinl C~R president Donald Gordo~, the ~ailway ch~ef said with the Kentvill·J Wildcats of thl there is a "reasonable chance' the big ferry Will start Halifax and. Distric~ league. Be JI OcL liefer Whitey Ford safely endell '\'. hI, runnill" into Port aux Basques by mid-1956, when the the inning with Ted Williami bit brcak\\~ater is to be complet.ed. MIAMI, Fla.-AP-Hurri- ting into a double play •. : Nov. The Carson WaS d11e to start ----------- cane Janet, leaving an esli· r\lin~ betwecn'North Sydney, N.S. wat~r. Mr, Winters satd this will mated 100 dead and thous- JENSEN HOMERS '. 101h. The Sox threatcned again in the I. (Bat ,..'."."l~ r ort aUX Basques last sum· beCouncil, done bylvith the a Nationalview to determln·Research an d s Ilome 1 ess on B arb a d os eighth when Jackie Jensen hom :IIcr.r"r th~Bul fedthc eraCNn-op~raUng I gOI'ernment- her ins whether further works tn addl· in the Windward islands, ered but Ford stifled the rally •. IAN ,:ldtrd her Ncwfoundland port of tion to the breakwater arc nec' caused northwest storm In Ihe opener Yankee starter (".11 to Argenlia when doubts arose "'Inters to warnings on islands off the Tommy Byrne was no puzzle to H.ami!· e!;~~:.)'. d~cllned mak~ Norman Hyland and. Gordon O'Brien, President Manager of the Council of Canada, arrived ." 10 whelher the original port " " an~l Fi~heri~s· Ihe 50S, who knocked him out and Drunto, r{)uld handle the Carson safely the Gwyther report" public, but hc South American coast as she here yesterday and will lour fishing centres in this provinc;e. Members o[ the mlcl. Fi5h Trades Association continued on Jim, Konstanty to at Oel. d,,;pite $280.000 worth 01 gOI'crn· sail! it indicatcd the dredglns had prowled westwnrd ori a ser score six rllns in the third. 'l'lVelve ment dredging and $6,000,000 In not caused material deterioration were on hand to welcome them as thev arrived at 'forbnv Airport. Left to right' are:-J. B. Lewi5, Eric I. 6th. nrw docks. in the harbol', as challled by op' pen line course Friday, men batled for Boston in the lilg Hamil inning with nine r~aehing bast on Works llinlst-"r Winlcrs-whose position mcmbers o! Parliament. SIorm warnings wenl Ull Ol'er the Harvey, Mr. Hyland, 1'111', O'Brien, and Jan~cs Grieve. -- aronto, .1enscn'~ homer, four singles Ind rl"lllI"tmcnt handled Ihc dredging Hc said th~ breakwater will CX; ])ulch·owned oil Islands of Bonaire, ll. Ocl. anll lI'iII do the same for the nell' tend ca.1 about 500 or 600 fect Curacao and Aruba, and over Ihe -... - -.--------. -.--.---.---------. four wulk~. t 20th. bl"c;ll;water-!aid Ihe oHicials ..ri· from the we;;t side of thc harbor at I'aranague peninsula on the eusl 5 . G . 0 ," . Yanks took In early lead on is Cerv's home run In the first ioDin, ~~~,,:'!;~d ,~;.,::"':: I~~ h:::~ G~~:~~;:.~;:\,~ ,,,'''; i.. "if,; ~~ r.;~~,~;'Uh:~::'~::!··~;,: now' 'e'e se' .. n 116'% Mill ion O. K; and Icored again 1n the Becond. b" n. D. Gwyther, British breakwater will be callcd In about etrated the eye ot Janet and Fri· .. · . l'.1rt cn::inecr. not~d a month. day night Ils centre was about 390· : --------------'------ ~r.\U~ ~10DEI. Oth~rs at the conference Friday miles south·southeast of San Juan, L t S h d I i Apart from the brcakwater, Mr. wcrc Tnnsport Minister Marler. Puerto Rico. This was some 1,350 a e c e u e J'ave I-In L0 an r,,, ythrr recommended Ihal a and Immigration Mlnlstcr· Pickers· miles southeast of Miami. • . 'Cillr model 01 the harbor be built ~1lI; Who represents Newfoundland 'fhe storm's serpcntine path car· . y h ,hili)' the ef!ccts IIf wind and in the cabinet. ricd ilwestwurd or 11':St northwest· E S I' A G' ,"" World News ward aboull3 miles an hour. Top 4;tpel'ls (lY t. s ood IJl!,!1f. I 1 winds were estimaled at 115 miles ..., 1 Is A·pp rov'e d',' B·'-t. ~n hour ol'cr ~ small am neal' ST. JOACHIM, Quc.-CP-One of the most fascinat- \ '--- rle) s .UOI.OTOV IN MILD MOOD Ihcextend~d ccnlre. 125. Wands miles oCnorth !:ale and force 100' Il1g. WI'ldl'f I e specl:H:I' es 111 1\orth,r Amenca,. the arm'al. of HOLD PRon;ST STRIKE milrs south o( Ihe eye.. lhe world's ouly flock of greatc\' snow geese, is behind WELLING'l'ON, N.Z. (Reuters)- . I other Islands (I( Ihe lVandward schedule and the experts say it's a good 31gn After fh'e long hours of discussion during which Eight womtn armed with salld- group ncnr Barbados were en. " . ..' .' O· ~'b I lI"iches, lhermos boltles, books and ~54 On \'cloped In .lIcnce despite call Probably a blllnpel. CIO~ ofl ., J ppositlOn lvlem ers Hal ett and Browne unceasingly b' k '1' 'td For Ban lor I'nforntation from th~m ba, the y.oun,g, slo!vlng dOWn lh~ bl.:: 1D1~ra' ~ere C"~l"y ):eal'. 111 LI.1CU' lo~g tell' nI hng. 5ta~ed a 31 011'11 Calls U.S. wcalhcr hurcau. St, Vi~cent lion, saId game ~lIpermtenlientl Juurney to th.elr. I~mter Illdeouis an probed the government on all details 01 Canadian ~~~~~j~sea ..~~~y Z::I:J~i r~il:~~ due west of Barbados . and pos: Charies Fremont FrIday.. Maryland, Virginia and North Ca· J avclin and NALCO, the Bill to guarantee a loan to workmen from pulling it down. World Arms Race; sibly Grenada to the ~oulh Ilr'erc bi~~~S1!:~s ;:r i~: n~~rn ~Vr~i~~ ~o~~~. AT "LATS be raised by Canadian Javelin finally passed through They are figbting a governmellt bHeEliAcvVeyd ntoAhMaAveGEfelt Janet 5 fu y. which is estimaled to have grown Mr. FNmoni, an authority nn Committee. Th Stageth ::1t. 10.15B'll last night,h' h t I sectionproposal of10 theclose line down because a 8IJ.mUe it is H b A slate of cm'2rgcncy wa~ t 0 100,0 00 - ha\'e arr Ived at Cap tl lC Ch ~n yp~r or~ ,\t~antiea - ree 0 er mmor 1 s w \c are necessary 0 losing money. declared on' Barbados, a 166.squarc Tourmcnte on the St. LawNncc tilE! s~ow gO?5e s ~cH!ntJflc name- the implementation of the Javelin Bill also passed. Nuclear Weapons mile Britlsb Island witb a popula. river, near this village. about 30 said In an Interv~ew the advance MORE HILDA VICTIMS tion of 200,000, Communleatlons .mlles cast o[ Quebec ~Ity.. guard began arnvng two weeks Committee Stage. MEXICO CITY {AP)-Another 10 UNITED NATIONS, N. Y._CP_Russia's Foreign were knocked 0 u t wreckage They come (rom thclr summer ago. Next business to be dealt with when the House victims of hurricane Hilda wert strewed roads and damage to habitat, somewhcre in The main' body is expecl-:!d with opens on Mo, nday will be the A. ddress·in Reply which reported Friday, bringing the death Alinister Molotov Fl"iday called for an end to the world th~ Gre'~nland sugarwilt cane, the d Inisland's th ilIichief crop,i and Ellesmere Island, and pause. allmonth. the young by the end of the is expected to occupy at least" two days. Following latesttoll from casualties' the storm were to 238.reported Tht armaments race. He also demanded a ban on nuclear dlas ctshma e B e m ons ntba SP-ENDING UP Tbe beach and tidal flats here, that the various pieces of Le!!islation will be given from Panuco, where 30 were weapons and asked the West to dismantle its foreign spa c rom rld ge town, e , bclow black, towering Cap Toul" N rJ agreement to pro v Ide cffective island's chieff city.