During our stay in Bandung, we toured nearby volcanic craters and Computer Club swam in hot spring pools We attended The Wesley College Computer Pa Ujo's Angklung performance and a Club, something unique in Wesley's variety of traditional culture Ball history, got off to an enthusiastic start Lancaster, Binns and Fairweather staged an impromptu jam session at the this year with many students eager to Bandung radio station, while the rest of learn to use the Digital PDP-11/04 us danced with the locals Greg Ralph, computer donated by the Parents' not one to be left out. rendered his Association, speech of thanks in reply to the kind words of the locals.

Departure time from Bandung to Yogyakarta was at 5.00 am The twelve-hour train journey enabled most N. Roberts, D. Parker, T. Stranks, and K. Manning. of the boys to catch up on some lost sleep At Yogyakarta, we dined at the house of Prince Hadinegoro, brother of Earlier this year the club put on the Sultan of Yogyakarta, It was a several very successful displays in the typical example of an old Javanese Library The Library also gave us money aristocratic home filled with many to buy. for the Library, several books priceless antiques, Yogyakarta is dealing with Wargaming These books well-known for its silver works and batik are very informative, and we would like factories and during visits to these to thank the Library for helping us to places much money was exchanged. On Working with the Visual Display Unit clear up any false ideas on Wargaming an all-day tour we visited Borobodur that may have arisen due to ignorance and the Dieng plateau and were With help from the masters Next year the club hopes to put on impressed by the magnificient concerned, Mr. Smith. Mr James. Mr, more displays and even a sample Borobodur temple, even though it was Campbell and, later in the year, Mr Wargame for those boys interested. under restoration at the time We also Gowdie, the computer has been Unfortunately, the club is very limited in made a visit to Mr Sutherland s foster available to students during most size, but any queries on Wargaming will child and examined Foster Parent Plan's lunchtimes and after school. During be gladly answered. operations in the poorer areas of Yogya these times, one of two systems is available; either MONECS BASIC and The trip from Yogyakarta to Bali COBOL or DEC BASIC, MACRO and was made by means of a Garuda Fokker Editor, with many programs having F28 We landed at Bali initially on one been written. wheel, but Mr. Ismail attributed this to the skill of the Indonesian pilot. With some expansion, the Chess Club computer will be able to teach all boys The President of the Chess Club We struck the first day of rain for the of computer logic — vital this year is Eugene Lim and the the whole trip in Bali, After settling in knowledge today. Vice-President Richard Bigelow, with our beach huts, most boys took the Mr, de Rozario being the opportunity to have a swim in the surf at master-in-charge the infamous Kuta beach. We were This years Chess Club is the engaged in many tours on Bali mostly biggest since it was formed at Wesley, It to visit temples. Because of religious customs many boys had to dress in operates at lunch times during the week sarongs We also attended traditional Wargaming Club for members to play or to watch. dances, including the well-known Kecak During inter-school competitions (Monkey) Dance The day-tour to Turtle Wargaming is the in which this year, the Chess Room was used for Island was the highlight of our stay in scale models are used to simulate, as playing games after school, as well. Bali; in fact it was the only day not accurately as possible, conflict, We entered three teams in the marred by rain Again when the time enabling military historians to form a schools' competitions and they were permitted, boys took the oportunity to wider picture of strategy and tactics graded as an "A" grade team and two trade with the locals and many goods prevalent in the period under "B " grade teams. were acquired at bargain prices. consideration. By actually replaying a An inter-house Chess Competition battle, a fuller understanding of the took place during second term. Each We departed from Bali on Sunday, problems facing the historical house had a reasonably strong team, 3rd September, after meeting Mr. Kane commanders can be built up than if one at the airport, and flew direct to Sydney, relied only on books for information. Martin Giles and Chris Jenkin The flight to Melbourne was in a Jumbo, Also, if you have your own theones of Mr. Ismail talked our way through how Hitler could have been defeated in Customs again. 1942. for example, you can actually play out the campaign to test the theories. Despite the impression that might This is the attraction of Wargaming. have been conveyed we did learn The Wesley Wargaming Club has something from the tour Some of the matured rapidly. Now in its second year, more common phrases used were: more complex military problems are being studied We have also, more for Terlalu Mahal — too expensive relaxation than anything, branched into Terima Kasih — thank you a fast-growing type of Wargaming, the Fantasy Wargame, This brings alive the Kepala Plastik — plastic head battles in Tolkien s "The Hobbit" and (used to annoy illegal vendors). "Lord of the Rings ".