THE TM 911 Franklin Street Weekly Newspaper Michigan City, IN 46360 Volume 35, Number 44 Thursday, November 7, 2019 A Placeby Williamin Halliar History Lt. Julian Turner talks to the media on the bridge of the USS Indianapolis. All photos by Bob Wellinski. Much has been written about the commissioning homeland. Their youth belies their dedication to the of the U.S. Navy’s new warship, USS Indianapolis, job at hand. Because of the captain and offi cers, the Freedom Class (LCS 17). This story hails from a crew understands the long tradition of ships bear- proud Hoosier who stood in the cold and rain with ing the name Indianapolis, and the even longer 8,000 other patriotic Americans in Burns Harbor, traditions of the U.S. Navy, itself. They appreciate lending our cheers and our hearts to the birth of their place in this continuing saga of history. this ship bearing the name of our capitol city. USS Indianapolis (LCS 17) is the fourth U.S. Here, too, is the story of a young captain and an Navy ship to bear this proud name. The fi rst (ID even younger crew who bear the responsibility of 3865) was commissioned in 1918 and served as a a ship worth more than $400 million to defend our Continued on Page 2 THE THE Page 2 November 7, 2019 November 7, 2019 Page 3 THE 911 Franklin Street • Michigan City, IN 46360 Navy ship commissioned, but protect the delicate electronic 219/879-0088 • FAX 219/879-8070 %HDFKHU&RPSDQ\'LUHFWRU\ it is truly a historic moment equipment required to run e-mail: News/Articles -
[email protected] 'RQDQG7RP0RQWJRPHU\ 2ZQHUV email: Classifieds -
[email protected] $QGUHZ7DOODFNVRQ (GLWRU to do so on the shores of Lake and control this modern ship.