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Project Document PROJECT DOCUMENT Project title: Community-based natural resource management that resolves conflict, improves livelihoods, and restores ecosystems throughout the elephant range Implementing Partner: Ministry Management Arrangements : Country: Republic of of the Environment, Sanitation, National Implementation Mali and Sustainable Development Modality (NIM) UNDAF/Country Programme Outcome: Outcome 2: Disadvantaged groups, particularly women and young people, benefit from productive capacities in a healthy (natural) environment that is conducive to poverty reduction UNDP Strategic Plan: Integrated Results and Resources Framework Output 2.5: Legal and regulatory frameworks, policies and institutions enabled to ensure the conservation, sustainable use, and access- and benefit- sharing of natural resources, biodiversity, and ecosystems, in line with international conventions and national legislation. UNDP Social and Environmental Screening UNDP Gender Marker: 2 (the project has Category: High Risk gender equality as a significant objective) Atlas Project ID (formerly Award ID): Atlas Output ID (formerly Project ID): 00108261 00108188 UNDP-GEF PIMS ID number: 5778 GEF ID number: 9661 Planned start date: July 2018 Planned end date: July 2024 PAC meeting date: TBD Brief project description: The “Conservation of the Malian Elephant” project addresses problems within the Gourma region that include illegal wildlife trade, natural resources management and human-elephant conflicts. Located in Mid-Northeast Mali, the Gourma is one of the country’s four natural regions of highest biodiversity and home to endangered Gourma elephants. Accounting for 2% of all West African elephants, these animals are threatened by the substantial surge in poaching after 2012 as well as other anthropogenic factors as unsustainable water consumption, overgrazing, deforestation, and interruption of migration routes. The project objective is to protect Mali’s elephants in key sites and enhance the livelihoods of the local communities that live along the migration route to reduce human- elephant conflict. The objective will be achieved via implementation of four components: (1) Component 1. Strengthening the legislative framework and national capacity to address wildlife crime; (2) Protecting Gourma elephants from poaching and securing seasonal migration routes and key habitat; (3) Community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) in the Gourma elephant habitat; and (4) Gender Mainstreaming, Knowledge Management and M&E. This project forms part of the GEF Programmatic Approach to Prevent the Extinction of Known Threatened Species, and falls under the GEF Programme Global Partnership on Wildlife Conservation and Crime Prevention for Sustainable Development (9071). Under this programmatic framework, with the coordination through the programme steering committee, coordinated knowledge management and collaboration of the individual projects will be assured. FINANCING PLAN GEF Trust Fund USD 4,116,055 UNDP TRAC resources USD 200,000 (1) Total Budget administered by UNDP USD 4,316,055 PARALLEL CO-FINANCING (all other co-financing that is not cash co-financing administered by UNDP) Ministry of the Environment, Sanitation, and USD 5,750,000 Sustainable Development Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries in the USD 1,464,000 framework of PRAPS project Mali Elephant Project USD 8,072,264 (2) Total co-financing USD 15,286,264 (3) Grand-Total Project Financing USD 19,602,319 (1)+(2) SIGNATURES Signature: print name below Agreed by Date/Month/Year: Government Signature: print name below Agreed by Date/Month/Year: Implementing Partner Signature: print name below Agreed by Date/Month/Year: UNDP 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Development Challenge ............................................................................................................................................... ………….5 II. Strategy .................................................................................................................................................................................. 20 III. Results and Partnerships ........................................................................................................................................................ 30 i. Expected results .................................................................................................................................................................... 30 ii. Partnerships .......................................................................................................................................................................... 47 iii. Stakeholders’ engagement ............................................................................................................................................... 51 iv. Mainstreaming Gender ..................................................................................................................................................... 59 v. Project Risks and Mitigation Measures ................................................................................................................................. 63 vi. South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTrC) ............................................................................................................. 67 vii. Sustainability and Scaling Up ............................................................................................................................................ 68 IV. Project Management ............................................................................................................................................................. 71 i. Cost efficiency and effectiveness .......................................................................................................................................... 71 ii. Project Management ............................................................................................................................................................ 72 iii. Agreement on intellectual property rights and use of logo on the project’s deliverables and disclosure of information …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….72 V. Project Results Framework .................................................................................................................................................... 73 VI. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Plan ................................................................................................................................. 79 VII. Governance and Management Arrangements ....................................................................................................................... 87 VIII. Financial Planning and Management ..................................................................................................................................... 94 IX. Total Budget and Work Plan .................................................................................................................................................. 97 X. Legal Context ........................................................................................................................................................................ 105 XI. Risk Management................................................................................................................................................................. 106 XII. Annexes ................................................................................................................................................................................ 109 3 List of acronyms and abbreviations CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CBNRM Community Based Natural Resource Management CBWS Community Based Water Monitoring CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora CMS Convention on Migratory Species DNEF Direction Nationale des Eaux et des Forêts (Ministry of the Environment and Sanitation) FSP Full Sized Project GEF Global Environment Facility GEFSEC Global Environment Facility Secretariat ICCWC International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime ICFC International Conservation Fund of Canada IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature IWT Illegal Wildlife Trade LDC Least Developed Countries MESSD Ministère de l’Environnement et de l’Assainissement (Ministry of Environment, Sanitation and Sustainable Development) MEP The Mali Elephant Project MINUSMA United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali MSP Medium Sized Project M&E Monitoring & Evaluation NEPP National Policy for Environmental Protection PA Protected Areas PADRE Décentralisation et réforme de l’État PASARC Résilience des populations aux crises climatiques et sociales PGDTE Projet Gestion Durable des Terres et des Eaux PIF Project Identification Form PIR GEF Project Implementation Report POPP Programme and Operations Policies and Procedures PoWPA Programme of Work on Protected Areas of the Convention on Biodiversity PPG Project Preparation Grant PRAPS Projet régional d’appui au pastoralisme au Sahel (Régional Project to Support Pastoralism in Sahel) SFM Sustainable Forest Management SGP Small Grants Programme SLM Sustainable Land Management STAP GEF Scientific Technical Advisory Panel UNDP-GEF UNDP Global Environmental Finance Unit UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and
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