Amino Acid Substitutions in Albumin Variants Found in Brazil
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 86, pp. 1821-1825, March 1989 Biochemistry Amino acid substitutions in albumin variants found in Brazil (alloalbumins/genetic polymorphism/population markers/point mutation) KUNIO ARAItt, KAREN Husst§, JEANNE MADISONt, FRANK W. PUTNAMt¶, FRANCISCO M. SALZANO11, MARIA H. L. P. FRANCO'1, S. E. B. SANTOStt, AND MARIA J. M. FREITAStt tDepartment of Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405; IIDepartamento de Gendtica, Instituto de Biocidncias, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil; ttDepartamento de Gendtica, Centro de Cidncias Biol6gicas, Universidade Federal do Pard, Beldm, PA, Brazil; and #Laboratori6 de Gendtica, Instituto de Ciencias Biol6gicas, Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Manaus, AM, Brazil Contributed by Frank W. Putnam, December 15, 1988 ABSTRACT Conventional horizontal starch-gel electro- capital of Brazil's southernmost state (30010' S, 5105' W), phoresis in four buffer systems and structural studies were while Coari (40'5 S. 6308' W) and Oriximini (1045' S, 5508' W) performed on four albumin variants, and the findings were are located, respectively, in the northern states of Amazonas compared with similar previous data. Albumins Coari I and and Para', in the Amazonian region. All of the variants were Porto Alegre I have a previously unreported amino acid from heterozygous individuals. Familial occurrence was substitution (glutamic acid replaced by lysine at position 358, established for Porto Alegre I and Oriximina' I but not for denoted 358 Glu -* Lys). The alteration in albumin Porto Coari I or Porto Alegre II. Plasma samples from the probands Alegre II (501 Glu -* Lys) is the same as that found for three were first restudied in Porto Alegre by using starch gel alloalbumins of Asiatic origin, designated Vancouver, Bir- electrophoresis in four different buffer systems as described mingham, and Adana.
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