Annual Report 2018-2019 St Richard’s | | Southlands ANNUAL REPORTRegistered & ACCOUNTS Charity 2018-2019 No. 10492011 page 10

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Chairman’s report 4 Looking Forward 28 Our future plans 28 Welcome from our Head of Charity 5 Structure, Governance and Management 30 About Love Your Hospital 6 Our Board of Directors 31 Patient benefit 8 Dementia Rest Stops 8 Charitable Funds Committee 32 Paediatric Audiology Room Refurbishment 9 Maternity Bereavement Suite facilities 10 Financial review 33 Hydrotherapy equipment 10 Paediatric Diabetes Away Day 11 Grant Making and Reserves Policies 34

Investing in staff 12 Funds and Risk Management 35 Do not Attempt CPR (DNACPR) Training 12 Statement of Trustee’s Responsibility 36 Promotional Materials for Worthing Pride 13 Staff Conference 14 Independent Auditor’s Report 37 Pharmacy Development Support for Leadership, Culture and Staff Feedback 15 Statement of Financial Activities 39 NHS70: Celebrating 70 years of healthcare for all 16 Balance Sheet 40 Special “thank you” for Western Staff 17 Reconciliation of net income/(expenditure) Firewalk 18 to net cash flow from operating activities 41

Community Supporters 20 Statement of Cash Flows 42 Grateful patient stages sing-a-thon to thank staff 20 PZAZZ sings in support of St Richard’s Hospital 20 Notes to the Accounts 43 Mayor of Worthing supports maternity bereavement suite 21 Administration details and professional advisors 55 Staff Supporters 22 Urology Consultants take on multiple challenges for patient care 22 Physiotherapy staff saddle up for cystic fibrosis 23 Nurse goes crackers at Christmas for dementia care 24 The National Elf Service comes to Western Sussex! 25

Corporate Supporters 26 With a little help from our friends… 26 A very corporate Christmas! 27 Local nursery raises thousands for bereaved parents 27 Brighton FC brings joy to young Worthing patients 27 page 27

ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS 2018-2019 3 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Chairman’s report

Welcome to the 2018/19 annual report for Love Your Hospital, the dedicated charity of Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

As I reflect on my first year as Chairman mothers going through an incredibly for the Trust, it’s been a time of difficult time, are just a few examples. successes and challenges with a real focus on working hard to maintain our Since joining, I’ve also had the pleasure, CQC rating of ‘outstanding’, and to keep of taking part in the annual Staff consistently delivering even better care Conference, which is proudly funded to the communities we serve. One other by the Charity. Our keynote speaker, notable success has been the fantastic Matt King OBE, shared his experiences support for the Charity from individuals of hospital care following a sporting and groups, including staff and families accident which left him with paralysis who have used our services and the from the neck down. This had an wider public across . incredible impact on staff who were moved by his story. Turn to page 14 to Like all NHS providers, we face the read more about the event challenge of maintaining and improving quality of care at the same time as The support from local people, having to make significant financial businesses and community groups is savings. By working together with crucial in helping LYH to continue make staff, the Charity has been able to help a real difference in our hospitals. I’d like continue to strengthen the delivery of to take this opportunity to say a heartfelt care by funding upgraded equipment, thank you to everyone who has given new facilities and helping staff reach their time and commitment over the last their potential through attending training year to support patient care now and for and conferences. the future.

It’s crucial that the funds received to support our hospitals are invested wisely and over the coming pages you’ll see a selection of the many wonderful examples of how charitable funding has improved the overall experience of Alan McCarthy patients, their families and our dedicated Chairman staff. Providing hydrotherapy equipment to aid patient rehabilitation, arranging an away day for young diabetes patients to take part in fun activities and gain confidence in managing their self-care and our new maternity bereavement suite providing a private space for


As I write this, I inevitably cast my mind back over the year and look at what we have achieved, what has worked well for the Charity and where we can learn from things that may not have been as successful as we anticipated.

This is my fourth year as Head of downward turn. However, the Charity Love Your Hospital and so much continues to strive to generate as much has changed during that time. Today as we can for such a vital cause. we have strengthened our identity and face different challenges and The Charity is often remembered in the opportunities from those we’ve wills of those whose lives are touched encountered historically. by the great care they receive, and our income benefitted from a significant This was also a year of anniversaries as legacy in 2019. Making a gift in your will effective care and a much more we celebrated not only ten years as LYH is a truly special way to support LYH comfortable environment. and Western Sussex NHS Foundation in the longer term and ensures we can Trust, but also 70 years of the NHS. At continue to spend money where it will This has certainly been a momentous the heart of every NHS charity is the make a difference to patients’ lives . year and we have had cause to celebrate difference it can make to patients and and to contemplate, but overall it feels this will never change. As a team we also pushed the as if 2018-19 was a year of consolidation. boundaries holding the Charity’s first As we go forward more aware of the This milestone saw us all as a nation ever Firewalk at St Richard’s Hospital challenges ahead, we do so with the come together to support our NHS where more than 30 people walked support of the local community, our and also saw the challenges that face across burning hot coals to raise funds patients and our staff to ensure thatLYH the NHS as it continues to deliver the for their local hospital. Luckily nobody continues to raise vital funds to support nation’s healthcare. Closer to home needed the services of A&E! Investment even more projects that make a really big Western Sussex NHS Foundation Trust in our lottery saw us attract more new difference to local patients. saw increasing patient numbers against players and we joined hundreds of other continued staffing constraints. NHS charities as nationally we celebrated the 70th Birthday by holding NHS 70Tea. Against this backdrop the need for The community got behind us and baked NHS charities becomes all the more cakes, drank tea and celebrated this apparent and I am privileged to lead this milestone birthday whilst raising funds. Amanda Tucker small, but dynamic Charity team who Head of Charity work tirelessly to raise funds and deliver All this activity meant that we had support to our outstanding Trust. the funds to support more than 160 applications for funding and these During this financial year, the charity ranged in value from as little as £11 sector overall saw the number of people to fund aromatherapy oils for our giving reduce from previous years, with complementary therapists working with those giving to hospitals and hospices cancer patients to as much as almost down by 3% on the previous year. LYH, £50,000 to support the refurbishment like many other charities are noticing this of the paediatric audiology room at with our donated income seeing a slight , providing more


About Love Your Hospital SHOREHAM- BY-SEA

CHICHESTER WORTHING Littlehampton Bognor Regis

Love Your Hospital takes its fundraising seriously and values its donors and their privacy; as such we take care to obtain signed written agreements between the Charity and any commercial participators or professional fundraiser that we work with. The Charity also adheres to the Fundraising Code of Practice and has a robust Information Governance policy.

We are signed up with the Fundraising Regulator, which ensures that we monitor and report on the following: • whether a professional fundraiser or commercial participator carried out any fundraising activities on behalf of the Charity • whether the Charity, or any person acting on its behalf, voluntarily subscribes to recognised fundraising standards or scheme for fundraising regulation • any failures to comply with the standards or scheme • the number of complaints received about the charity’s fundraising • how the Charity protects the public, including vulnerable people, from unreasonable intrusion on a person’s privacy, unreasonably persistent approaches or undue pressure to give.

During the year there were no failures to comply with the Fundraising Code of Practice, however the Charity received one complaint which was dealt with in line with our complaints policy and can be viewed at complaints-procedure



CHICHESTER WORTHING Littlehampton Bognor Regis

We’re committed to: Our funding can:

• Providing specialist medical equipment • Help speed up test results • Transforming hospital spaces • Reduce waiting times • Enabling staff to reach their potential • Limit the need for local families to travel further afield for treatment

Every year we raise more than £1 million We manage over 170 individual funds so to support hospital projects which fall the community can support a ward or outside of core government funding area of care close to their heart



For some patients and their families, the hospital can be a challenging setting due to the busy, unfamiliar nature of the environment. Patients with a dementia often become bored and restless when in hospital so it’s important to provide opportunities for physical activity away from the ward.

In response to this need for stimulation, Clinical Matron, Frances Usher-Smith, worked with the Trust’s estates team to identify existing spaces that could provide seated ‘rest stops’ for patients to enjoy during accompanied walks around the hospital. Funds for the project were provided by 26 members of staff, known fondly as Five areas on each hospital site were the ‘hospital hikers’, who climbed Ben “The well-being of the person with identified as suitable locations offering Nevis in May 2017 raising more than dementia and their families will be the possibility of displaying large wall £16,000 for dementia care. In honour enhanced and being able to go on walks murals behind the seating to act as of the challenge two of the wall murals with designated rest stops will reduce ‘wayfinders’ creating recognisable are of Scotland’s iconic mountain with boredom, agitation, deconditioning and markers that help dementia patients dedicated charity plaques located by distress. We want those with dementia and visitors locate key areas. They can the large men statues at St Richard’s to have a calm place to sit and to Hospital and in the corridor between reconnect with old memories. A huge also encourage certain behaviours that the Washington Suite and Spice of Life thank you to everyone involved for allow patients to stay calm and happy. Restaurant at Worthing Hospital. making this project a reality.” Local scenes were selected to promote a Frances Usher-Smith, Clinical matron feeling of familiarity including Goodwood Race track, West Wittering Beach and West Dean Gardens Church.

8 LOVE YOUR HOSPITAL PATIENT BENEFIT Paediatric Audiology Room Refurbishment £37,268.87

The paediatric audiology team at “Before the refurbishment, we felt the uncertainly around Worthing Hospital sees approximately providing timely testing and having to rebook to get accurate 30 children every week for hearing assessments, resulted in a negative patient experience and assessments. After evaluating the was frustrating for staff too. We are now able to comply with national guidelines for ambient noise levels, lower the risk of space where tests are conducted, misdiagnosis and can apply for UKAS accreditation for our they highlighted the issue of ongoing paediatric service.” disruption to ambient noise levels due Anna Hollingdale, Head of the Audiology Department to noise from adjoining rooms. This resulted in the team often having to pause the appointment, increase the the needs of a modern clinical diagnostic length of the assessment time which department, the new paediatric impacts other patients, or increasing audiology room is a fully isolated the risk of misdiagnosing a child. There floating design and significantly reduces were also challenges in fitting hearing structure-borne noise and vibration aids with external noise interfering with which could affect any testing within validation tests. To remedy this, the the room. To improve patient comfort, team requested a new sound-proof a fully silent air conditioning system has room to be able to provide accurate, been installed, complete with fresh air uninterrupted testing. Designed to meet intakes and temperature control.

ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS 2018-2019 9 PATIENT BENEFIT Maternity Bereavement Suite facilities £5,912.76

Before the Maple Suite opened its doors at Worthing Hospital, there wasn’t a designated safe haven for mothers who had just given birth to a stillborn baby or whose baby only has a few hours to live before they passed away. Staff had identified that approximately 40 families needed this provision over the course of a year and felt it would also help them to provide high-quality bereavement care to patients during an incredibly difficult time. “Experiencing a stillbirth is so distressing for families and the To provide this much-needed facility, staff and local families staff involved. We wanted to create a quiet, homely and dignified came together to fundraise for and support the project. space to enable families to spend quality time with their baby The suite also needed facilities such as a microwave, kettle, without being disturbed by a busy labour ward. Sadly, the room dining table and chairs, towels, bedding and a TV to help is in regular use, but we’ve already had some incredible feedback offer a home-from-home environment, which the Charity from families who have said it has made such a difference.” was only too pleased to provide funding. The suite now Juliette Phelan, Maternity Matron for Worthing Hospital provides a private entrance away from the delivery suite, with its own delivery bed, bathroom and sofa bed.

Hydrotherapy equipment £203.78

Hydrotherapy pools at our hospitals provide a vital form of rehabilitation for patients. The warm water offers relaxation, freedom from pain and a brief escape from the ailments that restrict movement on dry land. Clinical hydrotherapy helps to lessen the load on joints and can be used to improve joint range of movement and joint stability in a calming “We see approximately 90 patients a week with a range of environment. An important factor in this type of therapy being conditions from post-operative patients, patients following effective are the swimming aids used to enhance treatment fractures and with long term conditions such as osteoarthritis and results and our team at Worthing Hospital requested new and inflammatory arthritis. These floats and woggles will swim floats, water woggles, and an ultra-flexible fluorescent be used to assist with exercises and provide resistance to foam noodles which bends into any shape. The buoyancy of strengthen muscles.” the water combined with these swimming aids is a great way Katy Chandler, Physiotherapist for patients to heal more effectively and enable them to get back to a more normal way of life as soon as possible.

10 LOVE YOUR HOSPITAL PATIENT BENEFIT Paediatric Diabetes Away Day £459

“The diabetes residential trip is the highlight of my daughter’s year. She learns a lot about the effects sports activities have on her blood sugars by carb counting and tracking temporary basal rates. She always has an absolute blast and comes away so happy, feeling a real sense of being part of something special.” Cat Mears, Parent of diabetes paediatric patient

Type 1 diabetes is a serious, lifelong To support this transition, the Paediatric condition where a person’s blood Diabetes Team at St Richard’s Hospital glucose level is too high because their arranged a residential weekend away body can’t make a hormone called for 20 young patients aged 8 to 11 years insulin. For children with the condition, old at the Christian Youth Sailing Centre there can be additional challenges in Chidham, accompanied by members around living and managing diabetes of the diabetes team. This weekend in a healthy way and struggling with enables the group to gain confidence feeling different from others their in canoeing, sailing and building camp own age. Often young patients need fires, but also in tracking their insulin help with skills to manage their own levels before and after taking part in diabetes effectively. activities and to gain confidence in their own diabetes care in a safe and relaxed environment.

ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS 2018-2019 11 INVESTING IN STAFF Do not Attempt CPR (DNACPR) Training £240

The palliative care team at Worthing “I cared for a lady who had a diagnosis of terminal cancer, but Hospital currently care for approximately didn’t have the mental capacity to make a decision about a Do Not 160 patients a month. Not every one Resuscitate order due to having Dementia. As she was nearing of those patients wants to receive the end of her life, I discussed the subject of resuscitation with the attempted CPR, so it is important to lady’s daughter. Initially, she was worried her mother was being respect people’s wishes and to make ‘written off’ due to her dementia, but using the tools I had learnt on the DNACPR course, I was able to listen to the daughter’s sure that they are offered a chance to concerns and sensitively discuss the severity of her mother’s make choices that are right for them. condition and the impact on her quality of life after resuscitation. After having an in-depth conversation the daughter agreed to the When someone’s heart and breathing DNACPR form being completed.” stop because they are dying from an Oonagh Callaghan, Clinical Nurse Specialist advanced and irreversible condition, CPR will subject them to a vigorous physical intervention that deprives them and those important to them of a dignified death. For some people this may prolong the process of dying and, in doing so, prolong or increase suffering.

Providing DNACPR training means that staff are equipped to have timely and sensitive conversations with patients and their families around resuscitation ensuring that the patient’s wishes are met and improving their experience at a difficult time.

12 LOVE YOUR HOSPITAL INVESTING IN STAFF Promotional Materials for Worthing Pride £378.83

On Saturday 15 July 2018, Worthing became that little bit brighter when a sea of rainbows took over the streets for the town’s first ever . Nearly 4,000 people attended to show their support and amongst them were colleagues from the Trust’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Network. The network was formed The funding provided enabled the group to represent the views of gay, lesbian, to host a successful stall at Worthing bisexual and transgender people, with Pride whilst wearing colourful garlands membership open to all staff, patients and head dresses and handing out and visitors who identify as lesbian, gay, WSHT flyers to encourage applications bisexual or transgender. for paid apprenticeship, volunteering and employment. Rainbow flags were also proudly flown at St Richard’s and Worthing Hospitals for the entire month of July.

“Worthing Pride was a hugely successful and inspiring event celebrating everything the Trust endorses about being inclusive. The event brought all Worthing communities together and we received wonderful support from those watching the procession with many shouting “We love our NHS!” Working in partnership with Love Your Hospital is important as it enables us to work collaboratively and invests in our LGBT communities.” Nikki Kriel, Workforce Manager for Human Resources



The seventh Staff Conference, with the theme Patient Experience, was run over two days in 2018 at Fontwell Racecourse with more than 492 colleagues in attendance. Keynote speaker Matt King OBE gave a captivating talk in the morning describing the moment a rugby tackle changed his life forever leaving him permanently paralysed from the neck down at the age of 17. Matt shared the challenges and triumphs he’s faced since, including his positive and negative experiences of hospital care and received a standing ovation from staff inspired by his story.

The Trust’s Chief Executive, Marianne staff should always expect of themselves Griffiths, gave a state of the nation and their colleagues. Delegates were address, followed by examples of invited to attend two workshops and excellent care presented by Patient access the market place with more than Experience Matron, Katrina O’Shea. 25 Trust stalls. LYH also hosted the Chief Nurse, Nicola Ranger, headed up Charity’s first conference workshop table discussions to help develop a new advising staff on how to successfully Patient Charter for the Trust, in order to apply for charitable funds to support determine which behaviours and actions patient care.

“The funding from Love Your Hospital provides more than a venue, coffee and lunch. It enables staff to learn from prominent speakers inside and outside the Trust and, more importantly, it provides a forum for staff to step outside of their busy day-to-day lives and share their collective wisdom on how to improve the patient experience at Western Sussex.” Val Fish, Head of Learning and Development 14 LOVE YOUR HOSPITAL INVESTING IN STAFF Pharmacy Development Support for Leadership, Culture and Staff Feedback £7,022

The Pharmacy department at Western The background work around a Sussex employs 245 staff across collective understanding and agreement many roles and services and manages of the culture aspired to in the Pharmacy a medicine budget of £50m per year. department led to a series of half-day Senior managers identified a need workshops delivered in October 2018. to help staff connect their role and Specifically for senior managers, they objectives to the overall strategic plan focused on their role in implementing a and identify how their work was making meaningful way for staff to understand improvements within the department. the core values of a department Feedback from staff focus groups, which and feel inspired to work towards were steered by an external training shared objectives. company specialising in accelerating the achievement of strategic objectives through people and culture, helped “Since attending these workshops, it has really helped me to to develop a collective understanding understand my connection to achieving our departmental within the department of working strategic plan. The sessions on our culture and core values were towards a shared purpose. invaluable and such an integral part of what we do on a daily basis, both personally and professionally. Since these sessions, I have felt inspired and confident in sharing this with my team to ensure they also have the same connection, purpose and understanding helping them to make improvements on a daily basis. I feel privileged to have been part of this work.” Alex Hand, Technician Team Leader for Clinical Services ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS 2018-2019 15 NHS70 NHS70: Celebrating 70 years of healthcare for all

Seven decades ago, the National Health Service was launched with the objective of making healthcare available for everyone. In that time, infant mortality has decreased, cancer survival rates have increased and our life expectancy has steadily risen too. The 70th birthday of the NHS landed on the 5 July 2018 and provided a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the achievements of one of the nation’s most loved institutions. More importantly, it also gave us the opportunity to say a special thank you to our extraordinary NHS staff.

Love Your Hospital joined the hundreds Whilst on the wards, Mr Loughton took of other dedicated NHS charities across time to hear more patient stories, meet the UK in marking this very special with staff and learn about their work occasion by inviting our local MPs to help caring for patients. After chatting with us hand out our charity goody bags to patients and their families, Mr Loughton patients. In Worthing we were joined by joined the midwives for their 70th the Conservative MP for birthday tea party while looking at the and Shoreham, Mr , who memorabilia including old style uniforms visited elderly patients on Broadwater and historic photographs. Ward and mothers with newborns on Beeding Ward chatting and laughing At St Richard’s Hospital we had the with staff along the way. Lucy Ortom pleasure of welcoming the MP for from Angmering had given birth to her Chichester, Mrs Gillian Keegan, who second child, Noah, by caesarean section visited elderly patients on Middleton earlier in the morning. Speaking to Mr Ward and young patients on Howard Loughton about her feelings on the NHS Ward. Handing out the charity’s goody she said: “I had quite a quick procedure bags to patients and hearing about as we had to move swiftly, but I couldn’t their experiences of care in hospital, have got through this delivery without Mrs Keegan also took time to pose for the support of the midwives and photos with staff and talk to them about surgeons. We’re both here and doing the reality of working in today’s NHS. well because we have access to great Kerry Brunnen, Children’s Play Leader healthcare.” at St Richard’s Hospital said:

“I’ve met a number of patients who remember a time before the NHS was there to provide free healthcare to all. They described a world where infant mortality was high and people died from preventable diseases. It was an important reminder of how much our NHS has done to improve the health of all of us and how we must always treat it as a vital and precious service.” Mrs Gillian Keegan, MP for Chichester 16 LOVE YOUR HOSPITAL NHS70

Special “thank you” for Western Sussex Staff

“We were thrilled to welcome Mrs events across their neighbourhoods to Keegan to Howard Ward to celebrate celebrate the health service’s significant this very special occasion. She spent birthday. It was a wonderful day and we time with the children and their parents thoroughly enjoyed ‘raising a cuppa’ with which was a real treat for everyone.” both Mr Loughton and Mrs Keegan on this milestone occasion. Each patient received a goody bag from As part of the NHS70 celebrations LYH with a slice of cake and a piece and to recognise the hard work and of fruit kindly donated by Nature’s dedication to patient care of all Western Way Foods. As part of the national Sussex staff and volunteers,Love anniversary commemoration, we also Your Hospital provided funding to included a ‘Big 7Tea’ pack to encourage gift 1,000 sharing hampers to all teams the local community to hold tea party and departments from the Trust. The hampers contained tea, coffee, hot chocolate and biscuits to give staff a real boost and show them how very much they are appreciated.

“Love Your Hospital really compliments the work that hospital staff do by raising money to make sure they can give patients even better care and those extra special things that make people’s stay here at Worthing Hospital much more comfortable. I want to say a big thanks to Love Your Hospital for making a great difference to patient care.” Mr Tim Loughton MP for East Worthing and Shoreham ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS 2018-2019 17 FIREWALK Halloween Firewalk a scorching success! Total raised: £3,867.40

Our supporters have taken on many a challenge for their local hospitals over the years, some more hair-raising than others, but the Halloween fundraising event Love Your Hospital put on in November 2018 was definitely a very ‘hot’ topic.

Held at a carpark at St Richard’s Hospital, On the evening of the firewalk, our one-by-one confidently crossed the 28 brave souls came face-to-face with a charity firewalkers took part in a coals, with some even dancing across 20ft scorching fire pit. Their challenge? mandatory, but fun motivational training and cheering! The event raised £3,867.40 To walk straight over the smouldering session with specialist firewalking for LYH and gave our firewalkers a coals… in their bare feet! company, Time For Change. The training huge sense of pride and achievement. is based around proven psychological Speaking at the event, Head of Charity, Firewalking is the practice of walking methods to increase confidence and Amanda Tucker, said: “We’ve had an over a bed of hot wood embers and self-esteem, release doubts, amazing response to this firewalk event. coals reaching temperatures of over breakthrough limiting beliefs and It’s not only empowering for those who 800 degrees and has been practiced as transform fear into positive action took part, but also a really unique way a test or proof of faith by many people directly before walkers make their to raise money for our local hospitals. I and cultures in all parts of the world, way to the hot embers. want to say a heartfelt thank you to our with the earliest known reference dating brave firewalkers and everyone who back to Iron Age India c.1200 BC. Done More than 100 supporters arrived to has been involved in making this truly correctly, participants navigate over the the cordoned off car parking area at remarkable event a great success.” fire bed without experiencing any pain or St Richard’s Hospital where LYH had injury at all. Halloween stalls with a raffle, ghoulish Special thanks is owed to NJS for games and scary snacks for sale! They supplying and constructing the spectator made their way to the viewing platforms platform, Actavo for providing crowd to watch the walkers up close and catch barriers, Sainsbury’s Chichester branch the action on their smartphones. The for Halloween decorations, Chichester firewalkers themselves, who were mostly Hospital Radio for broadcasting a members of Western Sussex staff, lined spooky playlist and Western Sussex up ready to take their turn and, after a Volunteers for manning the LYH stalls. quick pep talk from the instructor, they

“I wanted to raise money for Love Your Hospital and this felt like a really unique way to support the charity. The training was very good, light-hearted and kept us all completely focused on the task in hand. As we walked over the fire beds, I was surprised that I didn’t feel any heat or pain whatsoever. I’m so very glad I did it!” David Jones, Director of Facilities & Estates 18 LOVE YOUR HOSPITAL FIREWALK

“When it was my turn, I was nervous and thinking, ‘Am I really going to do this?’ but afterwards I felt absolutely brilliant. I would 100% do a firewalk again! Not only did I overcome my fears, I was able to support the Trust’s charity too. A win/win all round.” Val Timlick, Head of IT Applications ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS 2018-2019 19 COMMUNITY SUPPORTERS

“It was a celebration of song, but of life too. My life was saved Grateful patient stages and I wanted to show my heartfelt appreciation to the nurses and doctors who gave me a second chance.” sing-a-thon to thank staff Pat Davies

In 2017, Pat Davies became terribly unwell at home and was rushed to Worthing Hospital A&E. After being transferred into isolation on Castle Ward, she was diagnosed with sepsis and pneumonia. Desperately ill and very close to losing her life, Pat spent many weeks on the ward and slowly began to improve thanks to the dedicated and skilled team caring for her.

After returning home and finally getting back to some normality, Pat wanted to show her immense gratitude for the friends, family and members of the local community, including life-saving care she’d received. In a bid to Singers Rechoired, Ovation, Pat’s People and The Gruffs. raise awareness of sepsis and vital funds The singers entertained patients, staff and visitors with hits Total raised: £1,225.86 raised: Total for the staff that helped return her to from Abba, Cyndi Lauper and Julie Andrews. There were even good health, Pat and her partner Don surprise performances from two local schools, St Mary’s and decided to stage a sing-a-thon event in Chesswood. The event raised £1,225.86 and Pat was able to the Penguin Foyer at Worthing Hospital. meet the Castle Ward team again and thank them once again On 23rd January 2019, Pat was joined by for saving her life.

PZAZZ sings in support of St Richard’s Hospital

The Pzazz Singers are a vibrant singing group made up of Western Sussex staff who exclusively support Love Your Hospital. Performing rock, pop and show tunes all over the South East, the group rehearse every Wednesday evening in the Kaizen space at St Richard’s Hospital. Over the last 12 months, Pzazz have put on a series of concerts including two Winter concerts in December in the lead up to Christmas. On Saturday 28th July, the group united with the Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus for their special ‘Glitz & Glam’ singing “This was a very special and exciting evening of singing from Total raised: £3,500 raised: Total extravaganza event at the Bognor Regis PZAZZ Singers and Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus on their first- Theatre. The night was an overwhelming ever joint venture of its kind. Both choirs are conducted by the sell-out success and overall the group wonderful Marc Yarrow and we were delighted to finally have have raised a fantastic £3,500 to provide found the right occasion to come together and perform some of patient property boxes on wards. our arrangements with over 100 voices.” Jan Simmons, Strategic Project Support 20 LOVE YOUR HOSPITAL COMMUNITY SUPPORTERS

Mayor of Worthing supports maternity bereavement suite

On 18th May 2018, Paul Baker donned the iconic robe and chain of office at ’s annual meeting as he was inaugurated as the new Mayor of Worthing for the coming year. As is customary, each Mayor selects local charities to benefit from awareness raising and fundraising throughout their tenure. Cllr Baker picked ‘communities’ as his theme and chose to support Love Your Hospital in aid of the new maternity bereavement “We were delighted to be able to open a space within our hospital’s suite at Worthing Hospital. maternity department and it was certainly lovely to see our local families assist with the funding of such a personal space. On behalf

Total raised: £5,000 raised: Total With his priorities of assisting in building of myself and the Mayoress, we hope that the families that use the communities, working with community space, albeit under emotional and upsetting circumstances, can find associations, neighbourhood groups, the suite homely and as comfortable as possible.” and promoting volunteering for the good Cllr Paul Baker, Mayor of Worthing of everyone in the town, the Mayor and Mayoress, Sandra Baker, arranged a series Love Your Hospital, maternity staff and of fundraising events. These included a local families who had also fundraised special dinner at Giuseppes restaurant to support the suite’s development, as in Worthing, a sing-a-long screening of Mayor Baker cut the ribbon to the new Mamma Mia, a Christmas collection at suite and expressed his heartfelt thanks Tesco in Durrington, to a swimming gala to all involved. The £5,000 donation for local children and culminated with a was received in May 2019 and has been charity ball to celebrate the total raised recorded as income in the 2019/20 for all the Mayor’s chosen charities. financial year.

Perhaps one of the most poignant engagements the Mayor attended throughout his tenure was the official opening of the maternity bereavement suite which he had committed to supporting. On 27 February 2019, the Mayor and Mayoress were joined by

ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS 2018-2019 21 STAFF SUPPORTERS Urology Consultants take on multiple challenges for patient care

Consultant-led inpatient and day surgery for urology patients undergoing treatment for disorders of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, prostate and reproductive organs are provided at both St Richard’s and Worthing Hospitals. The care provided is of an extremely high standard So, a group of urology consultants came country lanes. There was high drama with the department seeing more together to combine their love of cycling when one bike suffered a mechanical than 150 outpatients every week. and running to raise funds for upgraded failure, but was promptly back on the medical equipment, diagnostic tools road after a little TLC. A tea shop stop However, urology consultants and facilities for the department. They along the way perked the team up and felt strongly that further set themselves an £80,000 target and finally, after many hours slugging it out improvements could be made to kick-started their efforts by entering a in the saddle, a celebratory pint was provide even better patient care. team into Vélo South, a 100-mile road enjoyed afterwards! cycling event starting at Goodwood Motor Circuit and winding through the This gallant effort inspired Surgical Care highs and lows of the South Downs. Practioner, Rob Hains, to run his greatest Sadly, the event was cancelled due challenge to date by pounding the to adverse weather conditions, but, pavement in the Great South 10 Mile Run undeterred, the team decided to on 21 October 2018 around Portsmouth stage their own 100-mile cycle ride and Southsea. Suzie Venn, Clinical around West Sussex with consultant Director for Urology and Consultant urologists Simon Woodhams and Barny Urological Surgeon, took part in the Chappell, and Consultant Oncologist Chichester 10K on 3 February 2019. Ashok Nikapota entering the Brighton So far, the team have raised more than and Hove Tri, the biggest closed road £18,000 and show no signs of slowing triathlon on the South Coast, as training down with more fundraising challenges beforehand. On 7 October 2018 the in the pipeline! group set off, tackling steep hills and

Total raised: £18,025.62

“As a group, we are keen to raise funds to allow us to improve the services we provide to our local population. It will enable us to purchase new equipment to improve diagnosis of urological cancers and other specialist urological conditions such as blood in the urine or patients at risk of prostate cancer.” Suzie Venn, Clinical Director for Urology and Consultant Urological Surgeon 22 LOVE YOUR HOSPITAL STAFF SUPPORTERS Physiotherapy staff saddle up for cystic fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a life-threatening genetic disease primarily affecting the lungs and gastrointestinal tract. As exposure to germs are especially dangerous for people with CF, they stay in ward rooms to reduce the risk of cross contamination. This can become an isolating experience and make exercising a challenge which is important for easing CF symptoms and improving patients’ overall health.

The Paediatric Physiotherapy team Physiotherapist, Dan Geere said: “We came up with a great idea to provide were overwhelmed by the support we physiotherapists with transportable received from our colleagues who took exercise bikes that would enable the time out of their busy day to join us patients, who would otherwise not be and do a stint in the saddle. Patients and able to visit the hospital rehabilitation visitors to St Richard’s also spurred us on gym to exercise in their ward rooms. by popping a few coins in our collection bucket to help us reach our target.” In their bid to raise funds, the team staged two seven-hour static cyclethon Exercise is particularly important for events, one at Worthing Hospital on people with cystic fibrosis, helping to 8 August 2018 and another at St Richard’s slow down the decline in lung health, Hospital on 21 September 2018. strengthen the heart and generally improve overall health. Head of Colleagues from across the Trust took Children’s Physiotherapy, Debbie turns to help the team reach their Wilson said: “We had such a brilliant goal of cycling 140km, representing response from patients, visitors and staff the distance from Worthing Hospital throughout our bike ride. Many people to St Richard’s Hospital and up to stopped to find out about the challenge Brompton Hospital in London, where and make a donation.” cystic fibrosis patients are often referred for additional treatment. Team Lead

Total raised: £2,472.57

“Getting physical is an important part of treatment for people with cystic fibrosis. Lung function is negatively affected and exercise helps to slow this decline. Our new exercise bikes will be instrumental in enabling this and helping patients to live a more normal life.” Dan Geere, Team Lead Physiotherapist ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS 2018-2019 23 STAFF SUPPORTERS Nurse goes crackers at Christmas for dementia care Total raised: £484.49

Sarah Munday is one of our dedicated dementia nurses at St Richard’s Hospital. Every Christmas, Sarah and her family turn their house into a winter wonderland and local residents come out to admire their handy work.

This year, Sarah decided to pop a Sarah said: “We started decorating the donation box in her front garden and ask house about ten years ago after moving the community to make a contribution from Bognor into a bigger property. One to support dementia care. Amongst year, we decided to go away to Australia the thousands of lights and decorations for Christmas and returned home to were candy canes, reindeers, icicles and complaints from locals that we didn’t a 6ft Nutcracker figure, not to mention stay to do up the house!” With the help the numerous Christmas trees inside. of her husband, Ruben, and daughters Lucie, 17 and Jennifer, 19, Sarah put up so many festive lights, local fisherman claimed to be able to see the decorations illuminating the night’s sky two miles out to sea. The fundraiser achieved £484.49 which provided activities for dementia patients to use while in hospital.

“It takes us three weekends to put everything up inside and out, but Christmas is such a magical time of year that we believe it’s truly worth the effort and we wanted to support the hospital’s charity too.” Sarah Munday, Dementia Nurse 24 LOVE YOUR HOSPITAL STAFF SUPPORTERS The National Elf Service comes to Western Sussex! Total raised: £258.05

When we asked staff to take part in when it came to getting in the spirit of our first ever Festive Fashion Day on things… there was even a knitted ‘twin’ Wednesday 19th December, we didn’t jumper worn by two members of the expect to see such a colourful array Worthing pathology team! As Christmas of Christmas attire! From Santa hats is a time of giving, each team member to sparkly socks, our colleagues from donated £2 towards their own charitable across St Richard’s, Worthing and fund. Here’s our pick of the best Crimbo Southlands Hospitals didn’t hold back outfits from across our three hospitals…

ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS 2018-2019 25 CORPORATE SUPPORTERS With a little help from our friends…

To mark the 70th Birthday of the NHS, Food restaurant in Worthing held a very special evening in support of patient care at Worthing Hospital. A fabulous four-course meal with champagne was provided for guests who included patients, staff, the Mayor and Mayoress of Worthing and members of the local community. Chief Executive of the Trust, Marianne Griffiths, addressed attendees thanking them for coming out to support “our wonderful NHS” and sharing a few stories of Food’s owner, Andy Sparsis’, fundraising antics which have included wearing a cheerleaders outfit complete with wig and pompoms as he flung himself off the end of the town’s pier!

Diners were then treated to a journey back to the 60s with live music from The Vox Beatles, one of the UK’s leading Beatles tribute bands, playing a set bursting with the early days of the Cavern Club, Beatlemania, Sgt Pepper and The White Album, which got everyone on the dance floor. Bringing an end to a fantastic night of birthday celebrations, Love Your Hospitals’ high end raffle saw winners walking away with a magnum of champagne, a hamper Total raised: £2,304 crammed with delicious goodies, a luxurious meal for two and a London Eye experience.

“We’ve got some of the best hospitals in the world, not just in the UK, and I think local business has a big role to play in supporting those facilities. We can work in partnership to support the children, patients and the great staff working at our hospitals.” Andy Sparsis, owner of Food restaurant 26 LOVE YOUR HOSPITAL CORPORATE SUPPORTERS A very corporate Christmas! Local nursery raises Brighton FC brings joy to thousands for young Worthing patients bereaved parents

Each year, Brighton players and coaching staff arrive at Bluefin Children’s Ward at Worthing Hospital ready to spread a little Keydell Nurseries in Horndean have festive cheer with gifts for our young a reputation for having one of the patients. This year was no different with biggest and best Christmas shops and manager Chris Hughton and players from

displays in the south. Each year, they £4,490 raised: Total the Brighton and Hove Albion Men’s create wonderful winter wonderland and Women’s team carrying sacks of showroom displays brimming with tinsel, goodies through the ward and leaving a trees, garlands, ribbon and an impressive lot of smiles in their wake. Players Markus lighting area. In fact, the displays are Suttner, Pascal Groß and Laura Rafferty such a spectacle that people from far along with their team mascot, Gully, and wide come along just to admire took time to talk to patients and their the festive-themed rooms. Visitors are families and happily posed for pictures encouraged to make a donation to the with excited staff too. It was a wonderful nursery’s chosen charity and this year, demonstration of how a special visit like LYH was delighted to be selected. An this at Christmas can really lift the spirits added attraction was Santa’s grotto with of everyone in our hospitals and we look hundreds of children visiting the centre forward to welcoming the team back over the festive months to reveal their again next year. gift wish list and receive a present! After collecting customer donations, Keydell presented LYH with a cheque for £4,490 in aid of the maternity bereavement suite at St Richard’s Hospital. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who donated and to the nursery staff “Visits like this are hugely important, and this has always been an event for going the extra mile to on the calendar that the players and staff have looked forward to support their local hospital. doing. It’s a difficult time of the year for the children to be here, and if the players and staff can put a smile on their faces by giving out a few presents, then it’s very much a worthwhile thing to do.” Chris Hughton, Brighton FC Manager

ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS 2018-2019 27 LOOKING FORWARD Our future plans

In a climate of economic Love Your Hospital remains optimistic We are overwhelmed by the generosity uncertainty, the third sector because we are reminded on a daily of our supporters, and in many cases like all others, is feeling the basis just how much the NHS means moved to tears as you tell us your to the West Sussex community. A personal stories, which demonstrate impact. Charities have seen the perfect example of this was the level that you chose to support the charity as proportion of people giving of support and praise received during a result of the outstanding care you or money, either by donating or July 2018 when the NHS celebrated its a loved one has received at the hands of via sponsorship, steadily decline 70th birthday. This milestone provided our amazing colleagues. between 2016 and 2018 (69% a chance for us all to reflect on how to 65%) and to compound that much it had changed and progressed This year, we have focused on increasing further, public trust in charities since its arrival in 1948. However, as we the understanding and the ease of has also decreased significantly. look to the next decade and beyond, access to charitable funds. This has the greatest challenge for the NHS and resulted in significantly reducing the Organisations across the sector its associated charities continues to be amount of time it takes for our staff to are now operating in a much the increasing number of people who receive financial support for purchasing more challenging climate than seek care against a backdrop of staff and medical equipment, improving hospital previously experienced. resource constraints. facilities or investing in their ongoing professional development. In 2018/19 LYH exists to make a difference and we the charity received 191 applications do this through using the donations we for funding and we can proudly say we receive to fund projects that make a real process 98% of all of the applications we difference to patients. The projects we receive within the timeframes set. support are over and above core NHS expenditure and, without our support, may not have the chance to reach fruition. Whilst income generation will always be a key driver, we only want to maximise our income and become more financially sustainable in order to ensure we can fund more of the projects that provide the utmost impact on patient care.


There is still work to do and we are Like all charities we need to focus on reviewing options for moving our ensuring we have sustainable income application process online. We are streams, and we are delighted that also exploring how we can streamline we have this year moved most of our underutilised funds and will be launching regular givers from standing order to an online newsletter to help demystify direct debit and we will be continuing the application process for fund to invest in growing this income stream holders and those wishing to access as regular donations allow us to plan for charitable funds. our future more effectively.

Having worked closely with the Trust to If this year has taught us nothing else it align processes and governance, we are is that alongside the national support now in a position to be able to invest in for the NHS in its 70th year the public developing our fundraising by recruiting continue to demonstrate that they a new Grant and Trusts fundraiser who appreciate the place NHS charities hold will work alongside clinical colleagues to by giving what they can when they can develop and financially support projects despite the economic uncertainty that is for new items of equipment or service affecting us all. developments. As we move forward and focus our Despite limited investment, community efforts on diversifying our income fundraising remains a constant source of streams, growing our planned giving, financial support to the charity and we and enabling staff to access funds more continue to be grateful to those locally effectively we truly have something to who run, walk, bake and take on amazing celebrate as, despite a small year on year challenges to raise money for us. As reduction in donated income we know always we will continue to support each we still have the continued support of and every one of you. our community.

ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS 2018-2019 29 STRUCTURE, GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT Structure, Governance and Management

Love Your Hospital was formed The Board of Western Sussex Hospitals Accounting and registered in 2009 when NHS Foundation Trust (WSHFT) is The accounting records and day-to-day Royal West Sussex NHS Trust the Corporate Trustee for LYH, while administration of the funds are dealt the Charitable Funds Committee is merged with Worthing and with at the Charitable Trust office and responsible for overseeing the day-to- Southlands Hospitals NHS Trust. the Finance office located at St Richard’s day management of LYH funds. Hospital.

Members of the Charitable Funds The Charity’s Annual Report and Committee are appointed by the Board Financial Accounts for the year ended and in 2018/19 consisted of two Non- 31 March 2019 have been prepared by Executive and two Executive directors the Corporate Trustee in accordance of WSHFT. with Part 8 of the Charities Act 2011 and the Charities (Accounts and Reports) The governing documents of LYH are Regulations 2008. The Charity’s report the St Richard’s Hospital Governing and accounts include all the separately Document, dated 29 August 1995, the established funds for which WSHFT is Worthing and Southlands Hospitals the sole beneficiary. Governing Document, dated 19 May 1995 and the new Declaration of Trust, The following were members of published when the previous charities Western Sussex Hospitals NHS merged and amended by supplemental Foundation Trust Board for all or deed on 28 August 2009. part of 1 April 2018 until 31 March 2019 (i.e. the accounting period). Associate Non-Executive Directors (non-voting members of the Board) From 1st April 2017, the Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust took on responsibility for the operation of Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust (BSUH) under a three year management contract. As part of the Board arrangements, the Non-Executive Directors for BSUH (Kirstin Baker and Martin Sinclair) attend Western Sussex Board and Committee meetings as Board advisors but with no formal accountability or voting rights.


We share our Board of Directors with Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. This helps ensure the Charity is supporting the objectives of the Trust and that we operate alongside the Trust, complementing its core work. All new Trustees receive an introduction to the Charity explaining their role in its operation. Those directly involved with the Charitable Funds Committee may receive additional specific training if required.

Non-Executive Directors Alan McCarthy | Chairman Lizzie Peers* | Non-Executive Director Alan joined us in October 2018 as the chair of both Qualified chartered public accountant; Western Sussex Hospitals (replacing former chair, formerly an external auditor with over 20 years’ Mike Viggers, who stepped down 31 May 2018) experience working across the UK public sector; and Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals. A senior manager for the Audit Commission and for chartered civil engineer with 40 years’ experience Ernst & Young LLP; supporting and influencing in the public sector, he was Chief Executive of boards in the public sector; independent advisor Brighton and Hove City Council for five years. and director roles at national level; previously a Alan retired in 2009 before holding various non- University of Portsmouth lecturer and treasurer Executive positions including being Chair of Surrey and trustee of a national children’s charity. and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust for eight years and a year chairing Brighton and Hove PCT.

Joanna Crane* | Chair of Charitable Patrick Boyle | Non-Executive Director Funds Committee Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Chair of the Trust’s Quality & Risk Committee; and Development; member of the Association Board member of various groups including the for Coaching; retired from the civil service with Patient Experience and Feedback Committee; 30 years senior leadership and governance formerly worked in the financial services industry experience in central Government and for 25 years including roles with Credit Suisse and the NHS; currently operating an executive European Investment Bank (EIB). coaching practice.

Jon Furmston | Chair of the Audit Committee Mike Rymer | Non-Executive Director Board Secretary and Director of Internal Audit Formerly a Consultant Obstetrician and for Openreach; formerly Chief Operating Gynaecologist joining Worthing Hospital in Officer of Legal Governance & Compliance for 1992; elected Staff Governor in 2013; Chair of BT Group; member of the Chartered Institute the BMA local negotiating committee and the of Management Accountants; Trust nominated Sussex Gynaecological Tumour Group; member Non-Executive lead for Emergency Planning and of various committees including the Speciality Business Continuity. Training Committee of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. *Member of the Charitable Funds Committee

Executive Directors

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Marianne Griffiths Chief Executive 2 Dr George Findlay Chief Medical Officer & Deputy Chief Executive 3 Jayne Black (From April 2018) Chief Operating Officer 4 Pete Landstrom Chief Operating Officer 5 Karen Geoghegan* Chief Financial Officer 6 Dr Maggie Davies (From April 2019) Chief Nurse 7 8 9 7 Denise Farmer* Chief Workforce & Organisational Development Director 8 Amanda Fedoro (From April 2019) Managing Director *Member of the Charitable Funds Committee 9 Nicola Ranger (Resigned 31 March 2019) Director of Nursing and Patient Safety


The Charitable Funds Committee In the absence of the chair, the • monitoring the management of is chaired by a nominated Committee is chaired by the Chairman the funds of the Charity to ensure non-Executive Director. of the Western Sussex Hospitals NHS the proper use of the funds, and Foundation Trust. administrative efficiency The structure of the Committee • reviewing the accounts of all also includes a further nominated Meetings charity funds non-Executive Directors, a The Committee meets at least quarterly, • ensuring that the accounts of the Director of Finance, and a and minutes are presented to the Charity are examined annually Director of Organisational Trust Board. and prepared in compliance Development and Leadership with the requirements of the (the Lead Officer for Function of the Charitable Charity Commission the Committee). Funds Committee • ensuring that the accounts and The Charitable Funds Committee has the annual return are submitted oversight of the financial and functional to the Charity Commission within activities of Love Your Hospital, but the timescales laid down by delegates the day-to-day running of the the Commission Charity to the Head of Charity. • overseeing the responsible management of the Charity’s budget. The Committee’s responsibilities include: • appointing and supervising managers of the Charity funds • determining, reviewing and monitoring the Reserves and Investment policies • undertaking an annual assessment of risks facing the Charity • determining the level of expenditure which the Head of Charity can authorise and the level which the Charitable Funds Committee can authorise. Sums above these levels are to be authorised by the Corporate Trustee (The Trust Board) • ensuring expenditure complies with any terms, conditions or restrictions applicable to the fund of the Charitable Trust from which it is drawn


Income comparison 2018/2019 2017/2018 % %  Donations from individuals  Donations from individuals %  Corporation donations % %  Corporation donations  Legacies %  Legacies %  Lottery income  Lottery income  Fundraising events  Fundraising events

 % % %

Fundraising expenditure comparison 2018/2019 2017/2018  Lottery payouts  Lottery payouts  Service charges  Service charges % %  Fundraising events  Fundraising events %  Support costs  Support costs % % % % %

Where we spent your money 2018/2019 2017/2018  Purchase of new equipment  Purchase of new equipment  Building & refurbishment  Patient education & welfare % % %  Patient education & welfare  Staff education & welfare  Staff education & welfare

% %  % %


Grant Making Policy Reserves Policy Unrestricted and undesignated funds Grants are made from the Charity’s Under SORP 2015, charitable reserves allow much more flexibility, and these funds for wards and departments. These are identified as income which becomes funds enable Love Your Hospital to funds are overseen by Fund Managers available to the Charity and is to be spent support the Trust’s strategic aims. who make recommendations on how to at the Trustee’s discretion in furtherance Where possible, we encourage generic spend the money within their area within of any of the Charity’s objectives but giving. The Trustee reviews the balance the terms of the donation and the Fund. which is not yet spent, committed of funds on a regular basis. or designated. Fund Managers’ recommendations Reserve Balances as at 31 March 2019: are subject to approval by Capital The definition of ‘reserves’ • Restricted Reserves £35,000 Investment Group and the Medical should exclude: • Designated Reserves £1,478,000 Equipment Committee where • Endowment funds • Free Unrestricted Reserves £850,000 appropriate for equipment grants • Restricted funds • Total Reserves £2,363,000. and in addition to full business case • Designated funds. scrutiny for larger sums. The Charity Reserve Policy is to hold The majority of our income is classified minimum reserves equivalent to six as designated funds, for the benefit of months operational costs. The final specific wards and departments. operational reserve balance was £850,000 as at 31 March 2019. Each ward and department is expected to have an expenditure plan, which is updated regularly. The funds are closely and regularly monitored, ensuring they are spent within a reasonable period of time. In line with the Charity Commission’s guidance, a separate Reserves Policy is not required for designated funds. The policy of the Trustee is to spend these monies in accordance with the plans of expenditure as quickly as possible, unless there is a need to save monies for a major purchase. For unrestricted funds, the policy of the Charity is to hold a minimum equivalent to six months operational costs for the Charity.


Ward and Department Risk Management Investments Designated Funds Love Your Hospital like all charities has The Charity manages its investments Ward and Department Funds have a responsibility to ensure it is aware of, risks by retaining expert advisors authorised signatories in place and each and mitigates against any significant and operating an investment policy Fund has a nominated Fund Holder, and risks. As such LYH has developed a that provides for a high degree of two other signatories, all of whom hold comprehensive risk register. diversification of holdings within a contract of employment with Western investment asset classes. All investments Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust The LYH risk register is divided into key were made in companies listed on a or an honorary contract. areas covering Operational, Financial UK stock exchange or incorporated in and Governance risk. This risk register the UK and therefore all investments Funds identifies all possible risks to the charity, are treated as investment assets in the The Charitable Funds Committee has the potential impact if those risks are UK. Restricted appeals to fund specific delegated authority for the requisition realised and the steps we have put in equipment or assets are held on notice and authorisation of expenditure. All place to reduce those risks. deposit or overnight on the money applications for funding must meet markets in accordance with the Trustees’ public benefit, be entirely charitable With risk comes opportunity and we are Investment Policy. and must meet the Charity’s objectives. incredibly grateful to our community Bids of up to £2,499 may be authorised for demonstrating to us how much they The Charity does not make use of by the Fund Holder but are then ratified really do love their hospital. derivatives and similar complex financial by, the Head of Charity. The following instruments as it takes the view that level of sign off are agreed: investments are held for their longer • Up to £2,499 Authorised by term yield total return. Fund Holder • Between £2,500 and £9,999 Whilst the Charity absolutely aims to Authorised by Director of Finance spend accumulated funds as quickly as • £10,000 and £49,999 must be possible in line with the priority of the approved by the Committee Trust, where plans take longer to mature • Above £50,000 approval is required we always invest funds wisely. from the Board.


Statement of Trustee’s Responsibility

The Trustee is responsible for preparing the Trustee’s Annual Report Confirmation to auditors and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and The Trustee confirms that they have taken steps that they ought to United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally have taken to make themself aware of any information needed by the Accepted Accounting Practice). Charity’s auditor for the purposes of their audit and to establish that the auditor is aware of that information. The Trustee is not aware of The law applicable to charities in England, Wales and Northern any other information of which the auditor should be aware. Ireland requires the Trustee to prepare financial statements for each financial year which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Charity and of the incoming resources and application of Approved by the Trustee and signed on their behalf by: resources of the Charity for that period. In preparing these financial statements, the Trustee is required to: • select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently. Signed • observe the methods and principles in the Charities SORP 2015 (FRS 102). • make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and Name prudent. • state whether applicable accounting standards have been Role followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements. • prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis Dated unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Charity will continue in business. • safeguarding the assets of the charity by establishing arrangements for the prevention and detection of fraud and corruption and other irregularities.

The Trustee is responsible for keeping proper accounting records that disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Charity and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Charities Act 2011, the Charity (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2008 and the provisions of the Trust Deed.


Independent Auditor’s Report to the Trustee of Western Sussex Hospital Charity

Opinion Other information We have audited the financial statements of Western Sussex The Trustee is responsible for the other information. The other Hospitals Charity (the ‘Charity’) for the year ended 31 March 2019 information comprises the information included in the Trustee’s which comprise the Statement of Financial Activities, the Balance annual report, other than the financial statements and our auditor’s Sheet, the Statement of Cash Flows and notes to the financial report thereon. Our opinion on the financial statements does not statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies. cover the other information and, except to the extent otherwise The financial reporting framework that has been applied in their explicitly stated in our report, we do not express any form of preparation is applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting assurance conclusion thereon. Standards, including Financial Reporting Standard 102, The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice). responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, In our opinion the financial statements: consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent • give a true and fair view of the state of the charity’s affairs as at with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit 31 March 2019, and of its incoming resources and application or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If we identify such of resources, for the year then ended; material inconsistencies or apparent material misstatements, we • have been properly prepared in accordance with United are required to determine whether there is a material misstatement Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice; and in the financial statements or a material misstatement of the other • have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of information. If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude the Charities Act 2011. that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact. Basis for opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards We have nothing to report in this regard. on Auditing (UK) ISAs (UK) and applicable law. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s Matters on which we are required to report by exception responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements section We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters in of our report. We are independent of the Charity in accordance relation to which the Charities (Accounts and Reports) Regulations with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the 2008 require us to report to you if, in our opinion: financial statements in the UK, including the FRC’s Ethical Standard, • the information given in the financial statements is inconsistent and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance in any material respect with the Trustee’s report; or with these requirements. We believe that the audit evidence we • sufficient accounting records have not been kept; or have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for • the financial statements are not in agreement with the our opinion. accounting records; or • we have not received all the information and explanations we Conclusions relating to going concern require for our audit. We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters in relation to which the ISAs (UK) require us to report to you where: • the Trustee’s use of the going concern basis of accounting in the preparation of the financial statements is not appropriate; or • the Trustee has not disclosed in the financial statements any identified material uncertainties that may cast significant doubt about the Charity’s ability to continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting for a period of at least twelve months from the date when the financial statements are authorised for issue.


Independent Auditor’s Report continued

Responsibilities of Trustee • conclude on the appropriateness of the Trustee’s use of the As explained more fully in the Trustee’s responsibilities statement, going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit the Trustee is responsible for the preparation of financial statements evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists which give a true and fair view, and for such internal control as related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt the Trustee determines is necessary to enable the preparation of on the Charity’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we financial statements that are free from material misstatement, conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required whether due to fraud or error. to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are In preparing the financial statements, the Trustee is responsible inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based for assessing the Charity’s ability to continue as a going concern, on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using report. However, future events or conditions may cause the the going concern basis of accounting unless the Trustee either Charity to cease to continue as a going concern. intends to liquidate the Charity or to cease operations, or has no • evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the realistic alternative but to do so. financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements events in a manner that achieves fair presentation. We have been appointed as auditor under section 144 of the We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, Charities Act 2011 and report in accordance with regulations made among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit under section 154 of that Act. and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit. Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material Use of our report misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance This report is made solely to the Charity’s Trustee, as a body, in is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit accordance with Part 4 of the Charities (Accounts and Reports) conducted in accordance with ISAs (UK) will always detect a material Regulations 2008. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or might state to the charity’s trustee those matters we are required error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, to state to them in an auditor’s report and for no other purpose. they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements. responsibility to anyone other than the Charity and the Charity’s Trustee as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs (UK), we exercise opinions we have formed. professional judgment and maintain professional scepticism throughout the audit. We also: • identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain Kreston Reeves LLP, Statutory Auditor audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide Chichester a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, Date intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. Kreston Reeves LLP is eligible to act as an auditor in terms of section • obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the 1212 of the Companies Act 2006. audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the charity’s internal control. • evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the Trustee.


Statement of Financial Activities

Year ended 31 March 2019 Unrestricted Restricted Total Funds Total Funds Funds Funds 2019 2018 Note £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Income from: Donations and legacies 4 1,218 6 1,224 571 Other trading activities 5 100 0 100 128 Investments 7 46 0 46 58 Total income 1,364 6 1,370 757

Expenditure on: Raising Funds 8 (100) 0 (100) (85)

Charitable Activities: Purchase of new equipment 9 (128) 0 (128) (346) Building and refurbishment 9 (104) 0 (104) 0 Patient education and welfare 9 (170) (2) (172) (165) Staff education and welfare 9 (165) (4) (169) (143) Total charitable activities (567) (6) (573) (654)

Total expenditure (667) (6) (673) (739)

Net Gains & (losses) investments 16 5 0 5 (20)

Net income/(expenditure) 702 0 702 (2)

Transfers between funds 0 0 0 0

Net movement in funds 702 0 702 (2)

Reconciliation of funds Total funds brought forward 1,626 35 1,661 1,663 Total funds carried forward 2,328 35 2,363 1,661


Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2019

Prior Year Unrestricted Restricted Total Funds Funds Funds Funds 2019 2018 Note £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Fixed Assets Investments 16 1,496 35 1,531 1,500 Total Fixed Assets 1,496 35 1,531 1,500

Current Assets Debtors 17 224 0 224 419 Cash and cash equivalents 18 1,218 0 1,218 515 Total current assets 1,442 0 1,442 934

Liabilities Creditors falling due within one year 19 (601) 0 (601) (765) Deferred Income 19 (9) 0 (9) (8) Total current liabilities (610) 0 (610) (773)

Net current assets/(liabilities) 832 0 832 161

Net assets 2,328 35 2,363 1,661

The funds of the charity: Restricted income funds 20 0 35 35 35 Unrestricted income funds 20 2,328 0 2,328 1,626 Total Charity Funds 2,328 35 2,363 1,661

The notes at pages 43 to 54 form part of these accounts.

The financial statements were approved by the Trustee and authorised for issue and signed on their behalf by:



Chair of the Charitable Funds Committee


Reconciliation of net income/(expenditure) to net cash flow from operating activities

2019 2018 Note £’000 £’000 Net Income/(expenditure) for 2018/19 702 (2) (as per the Statement of Financial Activities) Adjustments for: (Gains)/losses on investments 16 (5) 20 Dividends, interest and rents from investments 7 (46) (58) (Increase)/decrease in debtors 195 (370) Increase/(decrease) in creditors (163) 402 Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 683 (8)


Statement of Cash Flows for the year ending 31 March 2019

Total Total 2019 2018 Note £’000 £’000 Cash flows from operating activities : Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 683 (8) Cash flows from investing activities : Dividends and interest from investments 7 46 58 Proceeds from sale of investments 16 453 231 Purchase of investments 16 (479) (279) Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities 20 10

Change in cash and cash equivalents in the reporting period 703 2 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the reporting period 515 513 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the reporting period 18 1,218 515


Notes to the Accounts

1. Accounting Policies d) Income from legacies a) Basis of preparation Legacies are accounted for as income either upon receipt or The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern where the receipt of the legacy is probable and the amount can be basis under the historic cost convention, with the exception of measured with sufficient reliability. A legacy receipt is considered to investments which are included at fair value, and on an accruals be probable once there has been a grant of probate, confirmation basis. There are no material events or conditions that cast significant has been received from the representatives of the estate(s) that doubt upon the entity’s ability to continue to as a going concern. The there are sufficient assets to enable the legacy to be paid and once all financial statements are prepared in sterling which is the functional conditions attached to the legacy have been fulfilled. currency of the charity and rounded to the nearest £’000. Material legacies which have been notified but not recognised The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with as income in the Statement of Financial Activities are disclosed the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic in a separate note to the accounts with an estimate of the of Ireland (FRS 102) issued on 16 July 2014 and the Statement amount receivable. of Recommended Practice applicable to charities preparing their accounts in accordance with the FRS 102, the Charities Act 2011 and e) Expenditure UK Generally Accepted Practice as it applies from 1 January 2016. Expenditure is recognised when a liability is incurred and the liability The charity constitutes a Public Benefit Entity under FRS 102. is deemed to be of a charitable nature. Grant commitments are recognised when a constructive obligation arises that results in The significant accounting policies applied in the preparation of these payment being unavoidable. financial statements are set out below. These policies have been applied consistently to all years unless otherwise stated. Grants are only made to related or third party NHS bodies and non NHS bodies in furtherance of the charitable objects of the funds. b) Funds structure A liability for such grants is recognised when approval has been given Restricted funds are funds which are to be used in accordance with by the Trustee or by the panel of signatories who has delegated specific restrictions imposed by the donor. Where the restriction authority from the Trustee to approve expenditure up to £10,000. requires the gift to be invested to produce income but the Corporate Trustee has the power to spend capital, it is classified as an Contractual arrangements are recognised as goods or expendable endowment. services supplied.

Unrestricted funds comprise those funds which the Corporate f) Irrecoverable VAT Trustee is free to use for any purpose in furtherance of the charitable Irrecoverable VAT is charged against the category of expenditure for objects. Unrestricted funds include designated funds which relate to which it was incurred. specific wards or departments and where the Corporate Trustee, at their discretion, have created a fund for a specific purpose. These are g) Allocation of overheads and support kept separate to ensure that monies collected for each department Overhead and support costs have been allocated as a direct cost are used for that department. Where the donor has made known or apportioned on an appropriate basis (refer to note 12) between their non-binding wishes, the donation is placed in these funds. Charitable Activities and Raising Funds. Once allocation and/or apportionment of overhead and support costs has been made c) Income between Charitable Activities and Raising Funds, the cost attributable All income is recognised once the charity has entitlement to the to Charitable Activities is apportioned across those activities in resources, it is probable that the income will be received and the proportion to total spend. monetary value of income can be measured with sufficient reliability. h) Expenditure on raising funds The costs of raising funds includes the cost of generating donations, legacies, fundraising and lottery income and the cost of investment management.


Notes to the Accounts continued

1. Accounting Policies continued n) Pensions The Trustees do not employ any staff directly however there are i) Expenditure on Charitable activities pension costs associated with the recharge of Salaries from WSHFT. Costs of charitable activities comprise all the costs incurred in the o) Pooling scheme pursuit of the charitable objects of the charity. These costs comprise direct costs and an apportionment of overhead and support costs as An official pooling scheme is operated for investments relating to the shown at note 12. funds managed by Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The scheme was re-registered with the Charity Commission on j) Governance costs 29 March 2004. Governance costs comprise all costs incurred in the governance p) Apportionment of interest and dividends of the charity. These costs include costs related to statutory audit and subscriptions. Interest and dividends are held in a specific fund for each site. k) Fixed assets q) Debtors and creditors receivable The Charity holds no property, equipment or heritage assets. Debtors and creditors with no stated interest rate and receivable or payable within one year are recorded at transaction price. Any losses Quoted stocks and shares are initially recognised at fair value arising from impairment are recognised in expenditure. which is normally the transaction price excluding transaction costs. Subsequently they are measured at fair value at the balance sheet r) Judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty date. The Statement of Financial Activities includes net gains and In applying the above accounting policies, the Trustee is required losses arising on revaluation and disposals throughout the year. to make judgements and estimates. The key judgements applied in these financial statements are in determining the allocation of l) Realised gains and losses funds as restricted or designated. The key sources of estimation All gains and losses are taken to the Statement of Financial Activities uncertainty relate to the recognition of income from legacies where as they arise. Realised gains and losses on investments are calculated the actual amount received may differ from that initially recognised. as the difference between sales proceeds and opening market value (purchase date if later). Due to high market volatility, the gains or losses are assigned to a specific fund for each site and are not apportioned to individual funds. m) Unrealised gains and losses Unrealised gains and losses are calculated as the difference between the market value at the year end and the opening market value (or date of purchase if later). Due to high market volatility, the gains or losses are assigned to a specific fund for each site and are not apportioned to individual funds


2a. Unrestricted funds – Statement of Financial Activity for the year ended 31 March 2019 Comparator

Year ended Year ended 31 March 2019 31 March 2018 Unrestricted Unrestricted Funds Funds Note £’000 £’000 Income from: Donations and legacies 4 1,218 556 Other trading activities 5 100 128 Investments 7 46 58 Total income 1,364 742

Expenditure on: Raising Funds 8 (100) (85)

Charitable Activities: Purchase of new equipment 9 (128) (346) Building and refurbishment 9 (104) 0 Patient education and welfare 9 (170) (157) Staff education and welfare 9 (165) (143) Total charitable activities 9 (567) (646)

Total expenditure (667) (731)

Net Gains & (losses) investments 5 (20)

Net income/(expenditure) 702 (9)

Transfers between funds 0 0

Net movement in funds 702 (9)

Reconciliation of funds Total funds brought forward 1,626 1,635 Total funds carried forward 2,328 1,626


Notes to the Accounts continued

2a. Unrestricted Funds – Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2019

Year ended Year ended 31 March 2019 31 March 2018 Unrestricted Unrestricted Funds Funds Note £’000 £’000 Fixed Assets Investments 16 1,496 1,465 Total Fixed Assets 1,496 1,465

Current Assets Debtors 17 224 419 Stock 0 0 Cash and cash equivalents 18 1,218 515 Total current assets 1,442 934

Liabilities Creditors falling due within one year 19 (601) (765) Deferred Income 19 (9) (8) Total current liabilities (610) (773)

Net current assets/(liabilities) 832 161

Total assets less current liabilities 2,328 1,626

Total Unrestricted income funds 2,328 1,626


2b. Restricted funds – Statement of Financial Activity for the year ended 31 March 2019 Comparator

Year ended Year ended 31 March 2019 31 March 2018 Restricted Restricted Funds Funds Note £’000 £’000 Income from: Donations and legacies 4 6 15 Other trading activities 5 0 0 Investments 7 0 0 Total income 6 15

Expenditure on: Raising Funds 8 0 0

Charitable Activities: Purchase of new equipment 0 0 Patient education and welfare 9 (2) (8) Staff education and welfare 9 (4) 0 Total charitable activities 9 (6) (8)

Total expenditure (6) (8)

Net Gains & (losses) investments 0 0

Net income/(expenditure) 0 7

Transfers between funds 0 0

Net movement in funds 0 7

Reconciliation of funds Total funds brought forward 35 28 Total funds carried forward 35 35


Notes to the Accounts continued

2b. Restricted Funds – Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2019

Year ended Year ended 31 March 2019 31 March 2018 Restricted Restricted Funds Funds Note £’000 £’000 Fixed Assets Investments 16 35 28 Total Fixed Assets 35 28

Current Assets Debtors 0 0 Stock 0 0 Cash and cash equivalents 0 0 Total current assets 0 0

Liabilities Creditors falling due within one year 0 0 Deferred Income 0 0 Total current liabilities 0 0

Net current assets/(liabilities) 0 0

Total assets less current liabilities 35 35

Total Restricted income funds 35 35

3. Related Party Transactions The Board of Directors of Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (WSHFT) acts as the corporate trustee for the charity.

None of the members of WSHFT’s Board of Directors or parties related to them has undertaken any transactions with the charity or received any benefit from the charity in payment or in kind. These directors received no honoraria or emoluments in the year. No expenses have been paid by the charity to these directors.

WSHFT makes a number of clerical and transaction services available to the charity, by agreement with the trustee. These include fundraising, administrative and finance support services at a cost of £283,000 in 2018/19 and £294,000 in 2017/18. These costs are included within support costs – see note 12.

WSHFT is the main creditor and debtor of the charity – see notes 17 and 19.


4. Income from donations and legacies

Unrestricted Restricted 2019 2018 funds funds Total Total £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Donations from individuals 195 6 201 247 Corporate donations 21 0 21 20 Legacies 1,002 0 1,002 304 Total 1,218 6 1,224 571

Included in the legacies for 2019 was a legacy for £648,000.

5. Analysis of income from other trading activities

Unrestricted Restricted 2019 2018 funds funds Total Total £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Lottery income 41 0 41 35 Fundraising events 59 0 59 93 Total 100 0 100 128

6. Role of volunteers Volunteers add significant benefit to the charity, without them we would not be able to deliver the breath of support for the trust that we do. Like all charities, the charity is reliant on a team of volunteers to assist in the running of the charity. Our volunteers perform the following roles: • Fundholders – staff who manage how the charity’s designated funds should be spent. These funds are earmarked by the trustees to be spent for a particular purpose or in a particular ward or department. Each fund advisor has delegated powers to spend the designated funds that they manage in accordance with the trustee’s wishes. • Fundraisers – there are a number of local individuals who actively fundraise for the charity by running events such as coffee mornings, sponsored walk/runs, collection tins, fundraising BBQ’s, etc.

7. Gross investment income

Unrestricted Restricted 2019 2018 funds funds Total Total £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Fixed asset equity and similar investments 46 0 46 58 Total 46 0 46 58

8. Analysis of expenditure on raising funds

Unrestricted Restricted 2019 2018 funds funds Total Total £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Lottery payouts (19) 0 (19) (18) Service charges (3) 0 (3) (6) Fund raising events (6) 0 (6) (14) Support costs (72) 0 (72) (47) Total (100) 0 (100) (85)


Notes to the Accounts continued

9. Analysis of charitable expenditure The Charity did not undertake any direct charitable activities on its own account during the year. All of the charitable expenditure was in the form of grant funding in both the current and prior year. Of the grants made, £6,000 was from restricted funds (2017/18: £8,000). Grants were approved in favour of Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust for the benefit of patients and staff.

Grant funded Support 2019 2018 activity costs Total Total £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Purchase of new equipment (79) (49) (128) (346) Building and refurbishment (64) (40) (104) 0 Patient education and welfare (106) (66) (172) (165) Staff education and welfare (104) (65) (169) (143) Total (353) (220) (573) (654)

10. Analysis of Grants The charity does not make grants to individuals. All grants are made to Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (WSHFT) to provide for the care of NHS patients and for the education and welfare of its staff. These are granted in furtherance of our charitable aims. The total cost of making grants including support costs, is disclosed on the face of the Statement of Financial Activities and the actual funds spent on each category of charitable activity is disclosed in note 9.

The trustee operates a scheme of delegation for charitable funds under which fund managers manage their funds in accordance with the directions set out by the trustee. Funds managed in this way represent ongoing activities and it is not possible to segment these activities into discrete individual grant awards. The total value of grants awarded is £353,000 (2017/18: £399,000) as shown in note 9.

11. Movements in funding commitments

Current Non-current Total Liabilities Liabilities Liabilities 2019 2019 2019 £’000 £’000 £’000 Opening balance at 1 April 764 0 764 Additional commitments made during the year 656 0 656 Amounts paid during the year (819) 0 (819) Closing balance at 31 March 601 0 601

12. Allocation of support costs and overheads Support and overhead costs are allocated between raising funds and charitable activities. Governance costs are those support costs which are related to the strategic management of a charity.

The basis of allocation used are as follows:

Time: based on the timesheets produced by the staff Direct allocation: where a cost is wholly attributable to a particular activity.


Raising Charitable 2019 2018 funds Activities Total Total £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Basis External audit 0 9 9 8 Direct Allocation Investment costs 0 4 4 18 Direct Allocation Governance 0 13 13 26 Finance administration 0 44 44 46 Direct Allocation Charity office 68 145 213 196 Time (%) Miscellaneous 4 18 22 34 Time (%) Total 72 220 292 302

13. Trustee’s remuneration, benefits and expenses The Board of Directors of WSHFT act as the corporate trustee of the charity. Their services are provided at no cost to the charity.

14. Analysis of staff costs and remuneration of key management personnel

2019 2018 Total Total £’000 £’000 Salaries and wages 202 172 Social Security costs 21 16 Employers pension contribution 29 23 Total 252 211

The charity does not directly employee staff. The Charities team and the Finance staff are employees of WSHFT, and their cost is recharged to the charity.

The average head count during the year was 10 (11 in 2017/18) and the average number of full time equivalent employees during the year was 5.97 (5.5 in 2017/18).

The employees were involved in providing support services to charitable activities.

No employees received employee benefits of more than £60,000 in the current or preceding year.

The charity considers the members of the Board of Directors of WSHFT (the corporate trustee) to be its key management personnel. As stated in note 13, their services are provided at no cost to the charity.

15. Auditor’s remuneration The Auditor’s remuneration for the 2018/19 audit is at £7,300 net of VAT (£7,150 net of VAT in 2017/18).

The amount included within the Governance costs is the gross value of £8,760.


Notes to the Accounts continued

16. Fixed Asset Investments Movement in fixed asset investment

31 March 2019 31 March 2018 Total Total £’000 £’000 Market value brought forward 1,500 1,473 Add: additions to investment at cost 479 279 Less: disposals at carrying value (453) (230) Add: net gain/(loss) on revaluation 5 (22) Market value as at 31 March 1,531 1,500

Fixed asset investment by type

31 March 2019 31 March 2018 Total Total £’000 £’000 Fixed Interest Funds 694 689 Equities 18 15 Unit/Investment Trust 819 796 Total 1,531 1,500

All investments are carried at their fair value.

17. Analysis of current debtors

31 March 2019 31 March 2018 Total Total Debtors under 1 year £’000 £’000 Debtors – Owed by WSHFT 108 151 Accrued income 116 268 Total 224 419

18. Analysis of cash and cash equivalents

Unrestricted Restricted 31 March 2019 31 March 2018 Funds Funds Total Total £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Cash held on Deposit 662 0 662 282 Cash held at bank including cash within investment portfolio 521 35 556 233 Total 1,183 35 1,218 515

The cash held on deposit are sums held on interest bearing deposits with Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) bank.


19. Analysis of liabilities

31 March 2019 31 March 2018 Total Total Creditors under 1 year £’000 £’000 Creditors – for grants owed to WSHFT (562) (736) Accruals – for grants owed to WSHFT (39) (29) Deferred income – lottery subscriptions (9) (8) Total (610) (773)

There are no creditors falling due after more than 1 year.

20. Analysis of charitable funds

Balance at Balance at Gains and 31 March 2019 1 April 2018 Income Expenditure Transfers losses c/fwd £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Material funds

Restricted funds Fernhurst Appeal (35) (6) 6 0 0 (35) Total Restricted Funds (35) (6) 6 0 0 (35)

Unrestricted Funds

Designated Funds Cancer Funds (116) (57) 13 0 0 (160) Cardiac Funds (223) (93) 5 0 0 (311) Diabetic Funds (159) (37) 28 0 0 (168) General Fund (23) (994) 373 0 (5) (649) Lottery Fund (172) (37) 19 0 0 (190) (693) (1,218) 438 0 (5) (1,478) Others (933) (146) 229 0 0 (850) Total Unrestricted Funds (1,626) (1,364) 667 0 (5) (2,328)

Grand Total (1,661) (1,370) 673 0 (5) (2,363)

Details of Material funds Name Description of the nature and purpose of each fund Restricted funds Fernhurst Appeal To provide and maintain a Cancer Day Unit at the Trust

Designated funds Cancer Funds For the provision of cancer services Cardiac Funds For the benefit of Cardiac patients and staff Diabetic Funds For the provision of diabetic services General Fund For the general benefit of patients and staff in the hospitals Lottery Fund For lottery income and prizes


Notes to the Accounts continued

21. Material legacies There were 9 material legacies over £2,000 received during the year as shown below: Legacy £ Unrestricted Funds : Breastcare Nursing Worthing 2,000 General Fund St Richards 5,000 Breast Cancer Care Worthing 23,800 Cardiac Fund Worthing 4,000 General Fund 44,635 Opthalmics Worthing 8,857 General Fund 118,828 Cardiac Fund Worthing 13,771 Legacy (A&E Fund St Richards) + Residuary (General Fund) 648,000 Sub Total 868,892

Other Legacies* 133,273 Total Unrestricted 1,002,164

Restricted Funds: 0

Total Legacies 1,002,164

The definition and structure of unrestricted and restricted funds can be found under Accounting Policies in Note 1 part (b). *Other includes legacies notified but not received until after the end of 2018/19.

The Charity has a further £308,500 in contingent assets in respect of potential legacy income. This relates to outstanding residuary legacies at the year end, expected to be received in the next financial year, less 10% for anticipated costs.

22. Commitments, liabilities and provisions The Trustee recognises liabilities in the accounts once they have incurred a legal or constructive obligation to expend the funds. No provision has been included in this set of accounts as no such circumstances existed at the year end.

23. Contingencies There were no contingent gains or losses.

24. Post Balance Sheet Events There were no post balance sheet events.

25. Controlling party The Board of Directors of WSHFT act as the corporate trustee of the charity, the ultimate controlling party.


Administration details and professional advisors

Charity name: Professional Advisors Solicitors: Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Bankers: Thomas Eggar Foundation Trust Charity operating as Lloyds Bank Plc The Corn Exchange Love Your Hospital 10 East Street Baffins Lane Chichester Chichester Registration Number: PO19 1HJ PO19 1GE 1049201 CAF Bank LTD Capsticks Registered Office: 25 Kings Hill Avenue 77 – 83 Upper Richmond Road London Love Your Hospital Kings Hill SW15 2TT Charity Management Office: West Malling Western Sussex Hospitals Kent Investment managers: NHS Foundation Trust ME19 4JQ Thesis Asset Management plc Stillman House Auditors: 3 Frederick Terrace 2nd Floor Kreston Reeves LLP Brighton St Richard’s Hospital 9 Donnington Park East Sussex Chichester 85 Road BN1 1AX West Sussex Chichester PO19 6SE West Sussex

PO20 7AJ Charitable funds received by the Charity are accepted, held and administered as funds and property held on trust for purposes relating to the health service in accordance with the National Health Service Act 1977 and the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 and these funds are held on trust by the corporate body.

ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS 2018-2019 55 07949 875 503 875 07949

Love Your Hospital Charity Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Stillman House 2nd Floor St Richard’s Hospital Chichester West Sussex PO19 6SE

Registered Charity No. 1049201 by Designed produced and