News from Spring 2016 Marden Parish Council 01622 832305 Alison:
[email protected] and Erika:
[email protected] Letter from the Chairman of the Parish Council Finances Parish Council We have undertaken a thorough review of our financial situa- tion and have concluded that we need to increase the amount Dear Resident, of money we can collect from residents to be spent in Marden. Spring is hopefully around the This is called the Precept (collected by Maidstone Borough corner, and as you will see Council on our behalf as part of the Council Tax) in the next below, lots of events are financial year from April 2016. We need to do this in order to happening throughout the ensure that the Parish Council stays on a sustainable financial Spring and Summer in our footing and to maintain the existing level of service. This means vibrant village, including the that a Bank D tax payer will see an £8.35 per year increase, or Queen’s 90th Birthday 69p per month in the next financial year. celebrations. Parish Council Elections – A big welcome to any new residents who have recently Thursday 5th May 2016 moved to the village, and if The Parish Council is up for re-election on the 5th May, and if you haven’t received a you are interested in becoming a Councillor and feel you have ‘Welcome Pack’ from the Parish Council containing essential something to offer the village, please contact Alison for more local information, then please email or call the Parish Office.