Contents Customer Service Information 2 Medieval Studies 3–11 Celtic Studies 6 Early Modern Studies 11–13 18th- and 19th-Century Studies 14–16, 18–19 Local History 17 Dublin City Council Series 20–1 20th-Century Studies 22–5, 29–31 Legal History 26–8 Media Studies 32 Literature 32–3 Italian Studies 33 Music 34 Art 35 Folklore 36–7 Theology 37 National University of Ireland Publications 37 Select Backlist 38–9 Order Form 40 02 7 Malpas Street Four Courts Press Four Courts Dublin 8 Ireland Tel.: International + 353-1-4534668 Web: Four Courts Press Email:
[email protected] Welcome to our 2019 catalogue … This year we present some 40 new offerings for your delectation. From medieval households of God (p. 9), to leisure pursuits in the country house (pp 18 & 19), from Gaelic Ulster in the Middle Ages (p. 3), to the Caribbean in the eighteenth century (pp 14 & 15) we range far and wide across time and space. In our list this year, close studies of Moygara Castle, County Sligo, Carrick, County Wexford (p. 10), the Egan Irish harp (p. 24), the writings of Standish O’Grady and J.G. Farrell (p. 32), the Irish Red Cross (p. 30), the Museum Building of Trinity College Dublin (p. 16) and Dublin City University (p. 31), rub shoulders with works on the archives of the Tholsell Court (p. 20) and the Irish House of Commons in the seventeenth century (p. 28), Dublin’s twentieth-century buildings (p. 29) and life at University College Galway (p.