Contents Customer Service Information 2 Medieval Studies 3–11 Trinity Medieval Ireland Series 6–7 Dublin City Council Series 12 Early Modern Studies 12, 14 Local History 15 Modern Studies 13–23 Irish Legal History Society Series 8, 14, 20 20th-Century Studies 24–31 Media Studies 28 Science 29 The Making of Dublin City Series 31 Music 32 Folklore 33 National University of Ireland Publications 33 Select Backlist 34–5 Order Form 36 2 7 Malpas Street Dublin 8, D08 YD81 Four Courts Press Four Courts Ireland Tel.: International + 353-1-4534668 Web: Four Courts Press Email:
[email protected] Well our 50th anniversary year (2020) didn’t go exactly to plan . and for a myriad of covid reasons our schedule of publications fell somewhat behind. So as we head out into a new year, with a little more hope now perhaps, some of our ‘friends’ from last year are to be found among an exciting new list of books for 2021. We embark on our journey this year in the company of Adomnán and Columba, and meet along the way William Marshal, Prior John de Pembridge and the swashbuckling Captain Cuéllar. After a sojourn along the streets of medieval Dublin we visit the Elizabethan Quadrangle at Trinity College, before surveying the final stand of the rebels on Vinegar Hill. We chart the rise and fall of the Orange Order during the Great Famine, examine the lavish contents of country houses, and chronicle the remarkable career of Teresa Ball, founder of the Loreto schools. Along the way we review the changing fortunes of Henrietta Street in Dublin, the politics and political culture of the long eighteenth century in Ireland, a new history of the city and county of Limerick, and we hear harp music from around the world.