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Special-Commencement.Pdf STUDENT LIFE | THE FINISH LINE 1 CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2011 STUDENT LIFE THE FINISH LINE CONTENTS SECTIONS FEATURES 02 NEWS 18 SCENE 11 5 TO RECEIVE HONORARY DEGREES Overviews of each year, honorary degree Places to go during graduation weekend. Find out about who is receiving an honorary degree. recipients, speakers of 2010-2011. 22 CADENZA 19 NO RESERVATION? NO PROBLEM 12 FORUM The Cadenza staff reflects on the past. Forgot to reserve a table for that big family dinner? Student Life seniors share final words of Scene can help you out. advice. 26 SPORTS Coaches say good-bye to their senior players. 22 A REVIEW OF FALL 2007 Everything you watched your freshman year. 2 6 19 22 26 Editor in Chief: Michelle Merlin Online Editor: David Seigle Associate Editor: Alex Dropkin Desigh Chief: Mary Yang Managing Editor: Hannah Lustman Copy Chief: Lauren Cohn Cover page photo by: Matt Mitgang Senior News Editor: Chloe Rosenberg Copy Editors: Michelle Aranovsky, Sarah Cohen, Stephen Senior Forum Editor: Daniel Deibler Hayes, Rebecca Horowitz, Robyn Husa, Lauren Keblusek, Inside photo by: Senior Sports Editors: Sahil Patel, Kurt Rohrbeck Maia Lamdany, Nora Long, Marty Nachman, Rachel Noccioli, Student Life Archives Senior Senior Editor: Davis Sargeant Lauren Nolte, Courtney Safir, Jordan Weiner Senior Cadenza Editor: Andie Hutner General Manager: Andrew O’Dell Senior Photo Editor: Matt Mitgang Advertising Manager: Sara Judd Copyright 2011 Washington University Student Media, Inc. (WUSMI). Student Life is a financially and editorially independent, student-run newspaper serving the Washington University community. Our newspaper is a publication of -WUSMI and does not necessarily represent the views of the Washington University administration. 2 STUDENT LIFE | THE FINISH LINE news FRESHMAN YEAR Construction, championships, Lionel Sobehart | Student Life Lionel and controversy This school year started with students Other notable performers were Stars, at Kayak’s Coffee while many students protesting the Student Technology Fee who played at the first WUstock, and were dismayed to find that the University rate hike. As the year progressed, tensions Cascada, who gave a brief performance would not allow presidential candidate and cooled as Student Technology Services that disappointed many. A student got then- U.S. Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), to backed off and wireless internet gradually tasered by WUPD while resisting arrest at speak on campus in the run-up to Super became accessible around campus. the Gargoyle, overshadowing Girl Talk’s Tuesday. This incident sparked the cre- October brought racism and other concert there. ation of the Student Civic Initiative, which forms of discrimination to the forefront WUPD had its hands full this school aimed to increase campus involvement of campus as a student’s car was vandal- year as multiple robberies occurred over with politics. Students turned out in record ized with a slur. Student groups continued winter break in the Myers and Hurd numbers to vote on Super Tuesday. Above: to lobby for a sexual assault prevention houses. Many students became more An internet war also came to the Uni- The men’s coordinator, but were successful in estab- conscious of their surroundings after a versity as hundreds of students battled basketball lishing one for the LGTBQIA community. freshman was mugged at gunpoint on the over the Danforth Campus in a massive team wins As a result of these tensions, Connect 4 South 40. game of GoCrossCampus. Other websites the National was created to address discrimination on Several influential professors changed such as Facebook were in the spotlight for Champion- campus. roles at Washington University. Professor gathering personal information of users ship title. The 2007 The school hosted several famous and Richard Smith stopped teaching Introduc- and selling it to companies. win was the highly controversial speakers throughout tion to Human Evolution to become the Several construction projects were first for a the year. Then-Attorney General Alberto dean of the Graduate School of Arts & completed or neared completion this year. Washington Gonzales spoke at the 560 Music Build- Sciences. Popular accounting professor The 560 Music Center debuted in a sea of Universiy ing, and his $30,000 speaking fee sparked Tzachi Zach left the University to teach at controversy as a cappella groups protested men’s team. protests led by the College Democrats Ohio State University. their off-campus relocation. The Danforth and other groups. Other notable speakers November saw upheaval in the engi- University Center would be ready in fall included Newark Mayor Cory Booker, au- neering school as Dean Mary Sansalone 2008. Several departments from the law thor Alan Lightman, political pundit Paul came under fire from faculty and students. school and Arts & Sciences would begin Begala, Loveline’s Dr. Drew, actor Peter Sansalone resigned in February 2008. moving into Seigle Hall over the summer. Sarsgaard and comedian Margaret Cho. Politics played a large role at the Univer- Construction continued to break Inflatable couches debuted as Lupe sity as it was selected to host the 2008 vice ground as the University planned to tear Fiasco headlined fall W.I.L.D., and George presidential debate in November. Chelsea down Umrath Hall over the summer, in Clinton came to the festival in the spring. Clinton led a question-and-answer session order to make room for a replacement for STUDENT LIFE | THE FINISH LINE 3 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CLASS OF 2011! And thank you to the graduating student workers of the Washington University Libraries. The Libraries are honoring you by adding a book in each of your names to the Libraries’ collections. Your name will appear in an electronic record in the catalog. We appreciate your contributions and wish you success in your future endeavors. 4 STUDENT LIFE | THE FINISH LINE the Wohl Center. SOPHOMORE YEAR In the world of sports, the men’s bas- ketball team captured the school’s first na- tional championship title for a men’s team, Debate, and the women’s volleyball team captured its Division-III-record ninth national election and championship. The athletics program was ranked first in Division III and seventh in an ill economy all divisions. For the first time in school history, the University led all schools in the The year began with the opening Director’s Cup as the women’s track and of the Danforth University Center, field team took third place at nationals, the Washington University’s new LEED highest in program history. The women’s Gold-certified sustainable student cross country team, who took third, and center, and Seigle Hall, a new law the men’s soccer team, who took sixth, and undergraduate building on the also matched their best finishes at their west end of campus. On the South respective national tournaments. The 40, construction began on two new men’s tennis team defeated UAA archrival buildings, the new Wohl Center and Emory University for the first time in new Umrath House. program history. Soon after students arrived on Sustainability rose to the forefront of campus, then-U.S. Sen. Barack the campus debate as groups like Green Obama (D-Ill.) announced via text Action led the charge for greener facilities. message that then-Sen. Joe Biden Bear’s Den introduced metal silverware, (D-Del.) was to be his running mate in the presidential race. One week and the sustainable garden created by the Evan Wiskup | Student Life Burning Kumquat took root. Green Ac- later, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) tion’s Sustainabilitree joined the ranks of surprised the country by picking various artwork done on campus, includ- Sarah Palin, the little-known Repub- ing the bubble wrapping of Bowles Plaza lican governor of Alaska, to be his Joe Biden and Sarah Palin debate in the 2008 and the bed outside of Olin Library. running mate. Mother Nature continued to fluctuate Palin was transformed into a vice presidential debate. Students had the op- throughout the year as the University was celebrity almost overnight, ensuring portunity to volunteer for the debate and attend blanketed in more than six inches of snow that the vice presidential debate on the event in person. The University hosted two in March. Classes were not cancelled be- the University’s campus in October cause of the snowstorm. A 5.2-magnitude would become one of the most ex- presidential debates in previous elections. earthquake rocked St. Louis in the middle citing moments in the year’s historic of April, surprising many members of election cycle. the community. Squirrels were reported to In the weeks before the media Howard Dean, Rudy Giuliani and between Biden and Palin on matters have attacked several students this year. stormed campus, the University saw Joe Lieberman. of domestic and foreign policy. Dance Marathon broke records as other a surge in political awareness and A large crowd of students gath- After the debate, the general con- successful student-led events such as Relay activism among students. Student ered behind a stage set up outside sensus from politicians, pundits and for Life, Diwali, Lunar New Year Festival, Union allocated $55,000 for student Graham Chapel, where MSNBC students on campus was that both Thurtene Carnival and Carnaval continued programming related to the election. filmed live news coverage and candidates had argued well, and that to unite the community. Students from all ends of the politi- episodes of “Hardball with Chris Palin had succeeded in proving her The Student Union executive board was cal spectrum canvassed dorms and Matthews.” knowledge of national and interna- elected mostly unopposed and encoun- area houses to register voters, while Several students entered into a tional politics. tered the 2008-2009 budget controversy Bon Appétit started selling political heated argument with some non-stu- Following the debate, students upon taking office.
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