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Friend and Family Search - Results Onlineraceresults.Com Test 2005 - Friend and Family Search - results NAME DIV TIME ---------------------- ------- ----------- Sophie Walker F70 Jill Kohla F46 Diana Bruckner F70 Justin Laughlin M38 Ruifang Li F43 Micah Sterling M26 Gianna Terra F9 Meredith Linde F25 Carter Wilson M9 Karen Vicsik F35 Darin Parks M42 mike webster M37 Jiyu Kim F8 Jed MacArthur M38 Stryder Lafone-Demaroi M8 Ed McDevitt M40 Don McJunkin M68 Kristina Wilcoxson F23 Debbie Eichelberger F35 Jay Tippets M35 Jennifer Hart F39 Angela Upton F31 Autumn Warrington F37 Ashley Henkle F36 Nicole Martin F29 Tracy Hansen F61 Samantha Lucero F44 Whitney Shaw F28 Joanne Sorensen F73 Julia Brabant F32 Lisa Thorson F32 Julia Ostrander F15 Nate Muniz M26 Andreas Muschinski M51 Kathryn Ferrel F19 Jon Collis M39 Marina Griffin F9 Justin Bartsch M13 Kaitlyn Blackburn F14 Charlie Heathwood M9 Wyatt Schroth M12 Helen Wright F73 Ylann goresko M13 Lynne Ferguson F43 Lindsay Fetherman F26 Cindy Worster F49 Sheri Nemeth F57 Maximillian Mosier M13 Jasmine Szabo F15 Christine Nelson F35 Min Kim F18 Misty Hildenbrand F27 Deb Hargens F62 Kristi Wade F45 Alys Brockway F48 Audrey Russell F37 Lula DeMars F11 Roger Lapthorne M58 Denise Ashford F53 Carol Finlayson F56 Keith Elliott M29 Linda Ward F59 Catherine Williams F20 Rachelle Fuller F42 Amy Hood F12 Sarah Mooney F16 Beth Brady F58 Rodney Glenn M52 Jacy Kruckenberg F39 Jeffrey Machell M53 William Kohnert M17 Stephanie Ayers F26 Judith W Warner F66 Katie Gann F19 Ginny Page F70 Jennifer Chavez F28 Catherine Trippett F54 Magali Lutz F42 Chandler Flynn M18 Neil Luckinbill M51 Madison Church F16 Julia Wiggins F34 Elsa Russell F15 Janice Baker F63 Garrett Stelzer M34 Kate McRae F56 Crystal Schulte F31 Josh Knebel M17 Leslie Wirtz F47 Anika Knowles F11 Meghan Kostishack F36 Megan Ringoen F18 Olesja Gudovska F25 Lauren Burgess F42 Jenya Kaufman M26 Emily Taplin F25 Laurie Ronholdt F48 Diane Miller F53 Julia Ward F10 Jamie Byther F10 Generated September 24, 2021 at 12:21 AM 1/464 Test 2005 - Friend and Family Search - results NAME DIV TIME ---------------------- ------- ----------- Marcel Kalbermatten M17 Jonathan Nelson M39 Susan Rosenthal F57 William Stokes M29 Colton Harr M26 Henrita van Wyngaarden F45 Eugene Brown M33 David Manak M27 Lisa Berman F51 Alison Shaw F33 James Barron M36 Elyse Myers F26 Kathy Keefe F59 Andrew Smith M25 Jessica Seufert F53 Joe Durlin M28 Emily MacCormick F35 Emma Osborn F11 Jennifer Berggren F33 Anna Neumeier F32 Jack Cochran M64 Andrea Kroening F43 Annaleiz Palacios F18 Katherine Myers F41 Paul Gasser M47 Kelly Nordini F45 Joe Janes M42 Ceilia Little F57 Kiera Laput F5 Jason Olson M42 Eric Ohlson M47 Elisabeth Starr F28 Mary Beth Callaghan F59 Tanya Gonzales F64 Melissa Lucero F23 Katrina Tyler F32 carol babb F59 Stephen Schafer M43 Andrew Monaghan M44 John Bridges M65 Scott Lazaroff M48 Kathryn Roberts F27 Meghan Bannwarth F23 Kady Martin F75 Nicholas Saindon M12 Michael Smith M40 Rachelle Talbot F19 David Miller M56 Bianca Seivley F22 Michelle Albertus F49 Ron Lester M57 Samantha Silver F26 scott howell M37 Katie Schneble F31 Navneeta Kaul F27 Sean McArtor M32 Brittany Baum F24 Brittany Cooke F26 Lynn Johnson F72 Christa Boettiger F18 Terry Gentry M48 Kristina Langan F48 Roger Williams M56 Richard Linville M67 Sam Lambert F19 Darci Amundson F36 Amanda Hayes F24 Max Fisher M11 Dan Eakin M34 Jade Ditzel F21 Peyton Biggers F12 Race Heimer M3 David Hale M42 George Birks M66 Margie Musgrave F79 Kelly Markline F41 Devon Michelle Jones F36 Jennifer Ward F32 Melissa Kovacs F41 Kim Coupounas F48 Noah Mollerstuen M12 Yves Clouzet M31 Gayelynn Schankweiler F68 LORI POTTER F39 Ben Tebockhorst M41 Kimberly DeClaire F35 Guillermo Moratorio M30 David Boggio M50 Brian Philofsky M42 Brian Baker M30 Brian Stevenson M39 Kristine Chapman F49 Gabriel Rodriguez Pach M23 Mary Anne Eckert F80 David Walters M64 Alan Young M49 Rachel Ducey F18 Dewey Long M70 Kim Cunningham F48 Lindsey Taylor F24 Generated September 24, 2021 at 12:21 AM 2/464 Test 2005 - Friend and Family Search - results NAME DIV TIME ---------------------- ------- ----------- Phil Yowler M29 Jim Elliot M52 Ben Dormody M10 Christopher Johnson M32 Jeremy Ware M23 Colleen Quinley Lee F56 Rich Dissly F49 Evelyn Keller F52 Rose Van Camp F29 Kira Sobota F29 Sullivan Nasif M8 Steve Walden M50 Madeline Henry F11 Jim Gillman M53 Kimberly Sepulveda F47 Vicki Hand F48 Robert Hofer M63 Anne Reidy F55 Cory Gilchrist M44 Ron Williams M58 Laurie Wilcox F56 Emily Soder F15 John Hess M29 Grace Kim F60 Leah Ward F24 Timothy Coughlin M44 Denise Steele F52 Dimitar Vlassarev M32 Jason Donow M49 Santiago Campos M9 Missy Salzer F45 Lizzette Villanueva F46 Tim Patz M52 Lisa Miller F40 Travis Hubbard M33 Kristen Wagner F39 Olenka Dubchak F30 Enrique M Leon M34 Linda Stark F49 Abigail Beaver F34 Spencer Cone M11 Mary Goss-Crowson F58 Robert Lash M60 Alaa Ahmed F37 Angela Clifton F56 Justin Cotsamire M37 Julie Kellaway F45 Mark Wade M37 Ginger Tanner F36 Tania Nevarez F53 Josephine Schultz F11 Joe Mikoni M55 Patricia Bolshoun F50 Laura Pond F25 Jackie Ashley F58 Sachiko Kleinkopf F51 Vicki Larson F58 Rebecca Stone F15 Michael Patel M16 Genevieve Schawe F35 Chris Howe M35 Joseph Oss M27 Mike Metcalf M47 Travis Peavler M31 David Skaggs M72 Rithik Gangopadhyay M13 Alek Laudel M16 Catherine Pearl F63 Sally Egan F66 Noelle Wilson F44 Jarrett Berl M25 lori kinczel F54 Ethan Kniss M12 Rachel Carande F24 Art Umble M56 Ailie Fasnacht F41 kai neff M9 John Litchenberg M41 Michael Lucyk M25 carlos hernandez M53 Elise Neff F19 Prashant Gupta M28 Jacob Fellure M37 Teresa Baier F50 Veronica Aguirre F32 Hugo Wendling M41 Brian Neville M59 Mary Jo Resman F50 Michael Reynolds M42 Jean Housepian F55 Danielle Caddell F25 Jesse Hutchens M34 Elan Rubin M10 robert garr M32 Stiano Quadracci M14 Morgan Martin F14 Paul Lyttle M28 Jennifer Randolph F224 Dan Ernst M60 Mary Sznewajs F40 Generated September 24, 2021 at 12:21 AM 3/464 Test 2005 - Friend and Family Search - results NAME DIV TIME ---------------------- ------- ----------- berlin babcock F10 thomas barrett M67 Johnathon Intolubbe-Ch M26 Jason Little M38 Nicole Storm F40 Kris Nicholas F48 Deann Geertsema F48 Jean Booska F34 James Fox M37 Tiffany Welch F40 Beat Stelner M64 kelly carlson F34 Lucy Pao F47 Cyntia Jayabalan F27 Ryan Doner M20 Allie Olson F29 Justin Badger M35 Tim Hughes M55 Nathaniel Dray M24 Kevin McFall M25 Ann Weickmann F57 Lauran Gosselin F27 Amanda Cooan F14 Peter O'Bryan M36 Gianna Nguyen F33 William Bergmann M11 Twila Alexander F45 Amy Johnson F28 Raymond Johnson M59 kristen huber F29 Charles Avila M32 Jordan Shute F28 Garrett Cobarr M26 Bo Birkeland M23 Caryn Owen F42 Evan Kneale M54 Juliann Coffey F20 Marley Gurmendi F10 Raven Popescu M19 Lenore Lund F54 Katie Coomes F26 Brian Steers M29 Leslie Shaver F29 Stacy Larson F40 Derick Beiswanger M31 Matt Wilhelmson M29 Ashley Boyer F25 Kyle Balzer M20 Caitlyn Hassler F21 Scott McIntosh M40 Janna Hansen F29 brandon graske M24 Laura Nelson F41 Richard Lorenzen M46 Karen Zaks F43 Neil Gamblin M45 Richard Crawford M51 Alexa Chrisbacher F24 Tyler Matheny M25 Shane Stricker M32 W. Elijah Sage M14 Gianna Cervone F30 Zakary White M9 Liane Sehrt F27 Ann Dickinson F54 Jack Adams M15 Jim Hill M64 Mark Vingua M31 Jan Sublett F64 Meredith Kelley F23 Calvin Dennison M73 Levi Burelson M10 Jerry McCarthy M62 Matt Duwe M27 Tim Leggett M34 Joe Smith M68 Tim Mellen M15 Angelee Sikka F24 LecClier Kelly F55 Justin Sako M44 victor t baca M67 Daniela Uribe F26 Cameron Ash M10 David Carlson M60 Theresa Shackelford F59 Gregory Papadeas M55 Aaron Hendrikson M32 Donna Hopkins F65 Matthew Laycock M27 Susan Genaro F55 Phoebe Graves F39 Shannon McCoy F26 Jason Hiester M33 Barry Schiff M53 Tim Mead M63 john wiberg M47 Stefan Peterson M46 Malanna Newell F24 Haley Reed F21 Beth Unruh F31 Generated September 24, 2021 at 12:21 AM 4/464 Test 2005 - Friend and Family Search - results NAME DIV TIME ---------------------- ------- ----------- Irma Abalos F54 Amy Norder F50 Shannon Fair F43 Stephanie Smith F25 Thomas Hopson M49 Quinn Jennings F17 Ethan Larson M22 Wayne Brant M31 Tyler Minear M29 Rebecca Gucker F23 Kate Rauschkolb F35 Kelly Walsh F51 Cecilia Taulbee-Leamin F53 Mike Gross M50 Brandon Shubert M49 Kulwant Soor M52 Skylar Taddeucci F12 Diane Talon F55 Guynna Manley F56 Heather McCreery F47 Dudley Ottley M17 Ashley Kolb F27 ben Gould M17 Kelsey Jones F26 Joseph Giglio M43 Daniel Palmer M36 Alex Stearns M17 Myron Simmons M46 David Cass M72 Minerva Marin F58 Robert Nouhan M46 Amanda Swanson F21 Emma Schick F13 Merrick Gallegos F28 Tamar Wimmer F49 Dick Lien M72 Erin Alldredge F30 Lori Long F30 Samantha Simone F27 Ina Olsson F53 Marise de Klerk F44 Ellen Parker F26 Matthew Collegeman M25 sarah roth F44 Marc Cohen M41 Lori Lopez F31 Brian Bliss M50 Preston Vanlandingham M15 Kristy Grasmick F23 Melinda McTaggart F25 reece lyons M14 Ty Taylor M10 Kami Boers F29 Kenneth Reynard M73 Greg Schafer M24 Zane Dickson-Hunt M18 Lisa Caisse F44 Kodi Kutler F43 Kelly Miller F34 Tom Snyder M9 Serene Erickson F11 anders skilbred M50 Cara Ascarrunz F23 Kevin Knopp M22 Angelina Morell F17 Susie Rinehart F43 Theodore Bosley M42 Chris Levesque M36 Samuel Hoswell M14 Faith Chapman F32 Jane Held F41 Katie Allen F34 Christopher Gard M44 Brayden Mesch M5 Heather Kohl F42 Matthew Cox M46 Sarah Safranek F22 Matthew Collins M30 Priscilla Keeling F29 David Blumer M25 Robin Prill F43 Maureen Gonzalez F22 Helen Peterson F37 Seth Magle M35 Steve Gortz M59 Jeff
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