Bibliography Prisons in Colonial India1 This bibliography covers colonial prisons in India, foremost in the North-Western Provinces/United Provinces. References for other Provinces and related topics are not researched systematically. This bibliography does not claim to be exhaustive. I am grateful for additions, corrections, suggestions. Please send those to:
[email protected] GENERAL SOURCES: Adam, Hargrave Lee (1909): The Indian criminal. Carpenter, Mary (1868): Six months in India. I: Longmans, Green, and co. (I). Carpenter, Mary (1868): Six months in India. II: Longmans, Green, and co. (II). Carpenter, Mary (1877): East India (Prison Discipline). Report to Marquis of Salisbury by Miss Carpenter on Prison Discipline, and Female education in India. Online: GIPE. Clark, Stewart (1868): History of the Central Prisons of the North-Western Provinces. Compilation of report and replies: a) Report No. 127, 1860 by Stewart Clark Inspector- General of Рrisons, North- Western Provinces, tо George Couper, Esq. C.B. Secretaгy to Government, N. - W Provinces dated Nynee Tal, the 3rd September 1860 b) Reply No. 2175А. оf 1861, from Sir George Couper, Baronet, Secretary to Government, N.- W. Provinces, to S. Clark Esquire, Inspector- General of Prisons, North- Western Provinces. Dated Nynee Tal, the 20th August, 1861. c) Letter from Sir George Couper, Baronet, Secretary to Government, N. W. Provinces, tо W. Grey, Esquire, Secretary to Government of India, Home Department., dated Nynee Tal, 25th July 1861 d) (COPY.) No. 2048. Extract frоm the Proceedings of the Right Honorable the Governor-General of India in Council, in the Home Department, (Judicial), under date the 21st April, 1862.