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Want to look better? Skin Care - acne & anti-aging Electrolysis - permanent hair removal Natural Cosmetics - GROUPS IN DC & N. VA FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED! For Homosexuals trying to Our children have special needs and One of Skin Rejuvenation Clinic lead chaste lives call: them is you! Visit Children’s Choice at Dupont Circle 202.299.9288 (240) 426-5589 (cell) or for more information (301) 946-3636 ext. 4 or call Elizabeth at 202-393-0550. WE’LL DO IT!! Help an infertileinfertile couple couple experience BECOME MAID SERVICE BONDED & INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES the joys of parenthood AN EGG Home and Office Worry Worry DONOR Cleaning VERY LOW prices!! Deliveries-errands We also • Are you worried or anxious most of the time? We need healthy women do parties Move-out/in cleaning Weekly, bi-weekly, • Do others tell you that you worry needlessly or worry too much? between the ages of 21 and 32. monthly cleaning • Are you so agitated that you can’t enjoy your life? Compensation begins at $5,000! (202) 215-3012 • Are you so on edge that your health is affected? DC, MD & VA If you are interested in • Do you suffer from shortness of breath, palpitations, difficulty making a difference, please call sleeping, excessive sweating, or abdominal distress? (703) 698-3909 or contact Liz at [email protected] If so, you may have Visit our website and apply online Generalized Anxiety Disorder. at If you are between the ages of 18 and 65, you may qualify to Confidentiality assured participate in a research study in which you will receive investigational medication and study-related physical exams at no cost. This study is located near the Foggy Bottom Metro station and requires 9 visits over 12 weeks. For information, call (202) 994-CARE The George Washington University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution. 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