Copyrighted Material
Index Note: page numbers in italics denote illustrations Acestes, King 44 and Ascanius-Iulus 48–9, 242, 465 Achaemenides 13, 50, 466 and Augustus 54, 88, 90, 235 Achates 166–7, 410–11 character 137, 442–3 Achilles and Creusa 48, 84, 90, 100, 414, Aeneas as 40–1, 54 465, 472 Buchan on 416 death, desire for 410–11 death of 103 and Dido 51, 125–6, 169, 176, 178, and Hector 33, 89, 103, 273 442 as hero 410, 480 and Evander 37–40, 50, 60 and Patroclus 62, 477 flight from Troy 41–2, 51, 327–8 Pyrochles as 182 genealogy of 49 shield of 19, 31 as gigantic monster 102 wrath 33 Greek historians 47 Achilles, as first name 376–7 invisibility 43 acrostics 22 and Juno 237, 406–7, 409–10, 415–17 Actium, Battle of 68, 160, 188, 394, 402 and Lavinia 48, 72–3, 162, 218 Adam and Eve 199–201 and Paris 43, 137–8 Adams, A. 368 pietas 42, 63–5, 72, 137, 257, 395–6 Adams, C.F. 360, 368 and Priam 137 Adams, J. 356, 358–9,COPYRIGHTED 367–8 prodigies MATERIAL 58–9 Adams, J.Q. 359–60, 364–5, 368, 382 religious authority/leadership 54–7, Adcock, F. 467 59–61, 65 Addams, C. 339, 340 as Satan 143 Adolph, J.B. 207 shield of 40, 60, 66–7, 69, 86, 160, 225, Aelian 42 394, 405 Aeneas tears 147–8, 237, 410–11 as Achilles 40–1, 54 underworld 189–90, 240 American reception 378 and Venus 69, 167, 178, 221, 414 and Antenor 138, 144 as wolf 94n17 aphasia 412–14 see also Anchises; Turnus, killing of bbindex.inddindex.indd 553131 99/12/2013/12/2013 66:22:49:22:49 AAMM 532 Index Aeneas Indiges cult 46–8 African Americans Aeneas legend 3, 13–14, 18, 37 Aeneid and 378, 390 developing 44–6, 51 civic life 374 historiography 46 culture 7–8; aural 377; sports 376–7 synthesis of 49 education: classical 7–8, 380–6; Aeneid 1–3 Hampton-Tuskegee model 380–1 J.Q.
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