Vergil's Aeneid and Homer Georg Nicolaus Knauer
Vergil's "Aeneid" and Homer Knauer, Georg Nicolaus Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies; Summer 1964; 5, 2; ProQuest pg. 61 Vergil's Aeneid and Homer Georg Nicolaus Knauer FTEN since Vergil's Aeneid was edited by Varius and Plotius O Tucca immediately after the poet's death (18/17 B.C.) and Propertius wrote his (2.34.6Sf) cedite Romani scriptores, cedite Grat, nescio qUid maius nascitur Iliade Make way, ye Roman authors, clear the street, 0 ye Greeks, For a much larger Iliad is in the course of construction (Ezra Pound, 1917) scholars, literary critics and poets have tried to define the relation between the Aeneid and the Iliad and Odyssey. As one knows, the problem was not only the recovery of details and smaller or larger Homeric passages which Vergil had used as the poet ical background of his poem. Men have also tried from the very be ginning, as Propertius proves, to evaluate the literary qualities of the three respective poems: had Vergil merely stolen from Homer and all his other predecessors (unfortunately the furta of Perellius Faustus have not come down to us), is Vergil's opus a mere imitation of his greater forerunner, an imitation in the modern pejorative sense, or has Vergil' s poetic, philosophical, even "theological" strength sur passed Homer's? Was he-not Homer-the maximus poetarum, divinissimus Maro (Cerda)? For a long time Vergil's ars was preferred to Homer's natura, which following Julius Caesar Scaliger one took to be chaotic, a moles rudis et indigesta (Cerda, following Ovid Nlet.
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