
Who wrote most of the Letters or Epistles to the early Christians? SAINT PAUL

Which of the Apostles betrayed ? JUDAS

What announced the birth of Jesus? ANGEL

Who was the one non-synoptic writer? SAINT JOHN

What is the last book of the ? BOOK OF REVELATION

During which Liturgical season do we pray the "O Antiphons"? ADVENT

Who does the prayer "Memorare" honor? MARY

What is the period of time between the Christmas season and the Lenten season called?

What did Jesus perform at the wedding Feast of Cana? CHANGED WATER INTO WINE

Who was the Apostle who doubted that Jesus had risen from the dead? SAINT THOMAS

Who is the visible head of the today? POPE

Who was the first person to see Jesus after His ? SAINT

What apostles were present at the Transfiguration of Jesus? PETER JAMES AND JOHN

Who was the first native born American to be canonized? SAINT ELIZABETH ANN SETON

Who is the Patroness of the Americas? OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE

What is the oldest liturgical feast of Mary in the Church? THE ASSUMPTION

What Bishop of Philadelphia established the parochial Catholic Schools? SAINT JOHN NEUMANN

Which of the four Evangelists is the patron of physicians? SAINT LUKE

Who was the "Beloved Apostle?" SAINT JOHN

Under what title is Our Lady Patroness of the United States of America? THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION

On what solemn feast did Gabriel, the Archangel, appear to Mary? THE / MARCH 25

Who translated the Scriptures into Latin? SAINT JEROME

Besides his Gospel, what other book of the was written by St. Luke? ACTS OF THE APOSTLES

What town was the place where Jesus grew up?

According to Tradition, who owned the tomb in which Jesus was buried? JOSEPH OF ARIMATHAEA

What color are the priests' vestments during Ordinary Time? GREEN

On September 29 we celebrate the feast of the Archangels. Name one of them. MICHAEL /GABRIEL/ RAPHAEL

What does the name mean? THE ANOINTED

What does the name JESUS mean? GOD SAVES

How many of the tell the story of Jesus' death and sufferings? ALL FOUR OF THEM

What do we mean by the Paschal Mystery? PASSION, DEATH, RESURRECTION, ASCENSION

How many books are contained in the New Testament? TWENTY SEVEN

Name one of the two Gospels which contain the Infancy Narrative,MATTHEW /LUKE

Jesus is like us in all ways except _ _ SIN

St. Luke wrote the book in the New Testament known as - / ACTS OF THE APOSTLES

Jesus prayed, healed, and taught through the power of whom? GOD, HIS FATHER

The Gospels are found in this part of the Bible. NEW TESTAMENT

Sometimes called the Apocalypse, the last book of the New Testament is known as REVELATION

Whom does John's Gospel describe as the Way, the Truth and the Life? JESUS

Jesus taught in the form of stories called _ _ _ _ PARABLES

The doctrine, based in Scripture, that states that Jesus had no human father is known as THE VIRGINAL CONCEPTION/ VIRGIN BIRTH

Which Mysteries of the include the Annunciation? JOYFUL

What do we call the cycle of feasts and seasons celebrating the events of the life of Jesus and His presence in the Church? THE

What do we call the season of preparation for the Solemnity of Christmas? ADVENT

What does the word "Epistle" mean? LETTER

What do we call the Holy Spirit's influence on biblical authors? DIVINE INSPIRATION

Which book contains the inspired Word of God?. THE BIBLE

What is another word for "precursor?" FORERUNNER/HERALD

Which saint was a prophet, preacher, and cousin to Jesus? SAINT

Luke's Infancy narrative is written from whose viewpoint? MARY'S

Matthew's Infancy narrative is written from whose viewpoint? JOSEPH'S

Which Gospel was written first? SAINT MARK

In which book of the New Testament do we find an account of the early history of the Church? ACTS OF THE APOSTLES

Where in the Bible can we find the life and teaching of Jesus? THE GOSPELS

What do we call the guidelines for Christ-like living found in the ? THE

What prayer commemorates the Annunciation? HAIL MARY/ANGELUS

What do we call blest persons, places or objects? SACRAMENTALS

How many books are there in the whole Bible? SEVENTY-THREE

How many books are there in the ? FORTY-SIX

What is the date of the Solemnity of the Assumption? 15

On what day did Jesus die? GOOD FRIDAY

When did Jesus give us his body and blood for the first time? THE /HOLY THURSDAY

What does the word "Messiah" mean? ANOINTED ONE / CHRIST

Who was the precursor who prepared the way for Jesus? SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST

What prayer did Jesus use to teach the Apostles how to pray? THE OUR FATHER

Name the writers of the Gospels. MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE, AND JOHN

What does "Synoptic" mean? LOOKING AT TOGETHER/ SIMILAR

What is another name for a "Gospel writer?” EVANGELIST

What great Jewish feast did Christ celebrate with his apostles at the Last Supper? PASSOVER

What nationality was Jesus? JEWISH

Who is referred to as "The New ?" JESUS

Which Apostle was the "doubter?" SAINT THOMAS

The virginal conception of Christ and the role of Joseph in the life of Jesus are recorded in which Gospel? SAINT MATTHEW

The only Gospel beginning with a prologue, referring to Jesus as the Word made flesh, was written by whom? SAINT JOHN

The Sermon on the Mount, which describes the Beatitudes, is found in which Gospel? SAINT MATTHEW/ SAINT LUKE

Jesus referred to His Father as - ABBA

Judas betrayed Jesus for the sum of - THIRTY PIECES OF SILVER

Jesus was arrested as he prayed in which garden? GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE

Who was the woman to discover the ? SAINT MARY MAGDALENE

Name one non-synoptic Gospel writer. SAINT JOHN

What action did Jesus perform to teach his Apostles that they must serve others? WASHING OF THE FEET

What is the greatest truth of our faith? RESURRECTION

Who is the only Gospel writer to describe Mary's Annunciation and Visitation? SAINT LUKE

When is the solemn feast of the Transfiguration? AUGUST 6

When is the Memorial of the Presentation of Mary? NOVEMBER21

Name a saint who was both a deacon and a Roman martyr. SAINT LAWRENCE


What archangel protects us in times of temptation from the devil? SAINT MICHAEL

Who is the patroness of South America? SAINT ROSE OF LIMA

When is the feast of the Birth of Mary celebrated? SEPTEMBER 8

When is the feast of Saints Simon and Jude? OCTOBER 28

Name the cousin of Jesus who was the son of Elizabeth and Zechariah. JOHN THE BAPTIST

Give the special name for the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures. /PENTATEUCH

On what day of the Liturgical year do we celebrate Jesus' entrance into ?

What term means a special agreement made between God and his people? COVENANT

Who was Abraham's wife who accompanied him to the Land of Canaan? SARAH

What Old Testament person was sold into slavery by his own brothers? JOSEPH

On this saint's feast day the Church blesses the throats of people. SAINT BLAISE

This Archangel announced to Mary that she was to be the Mother of God. GABRIEL

What month is devoted to Mary and the Holy Rosary? OCTOBER

What is the practice of passing down the stories of our faith from generation to generation? TRADITION

How many letters did John write? THREE

Name one other apostle besides John and Paul who wrote an Epistle JUDE / PETER/ JAMES

Whose Gospel is known as the Gospel of Mary or the Gospel of Joy? LUKE

What occupation did Jesus have before he began his public life? CARPENTER

About how old was Jesus when he began his public life? THIRTY

About how old was Jesus when he died? THIRTY-THREE

What feast day celebrates the arrival of the Wise Men?

What saint introduced Forty Hours in the United States? SAINT JOHN NEUMANN

Which month of the year is dedicated to the holy Souls in Purgatory? NOVEMBER

Which Archangel defeated Lucifer and protects God's people from evil? MICHAEL

Which Archangel was a companion on a long journey with Tobit? RAPHAEL

What holy day is celebrated on December 25th? CHRISTMAS

What amazing Philistine soldier was killed by the young ? GOLIATH

What evangelist also wrote the Book of Revelation? JOHN

When the Jewish people asked God for a King, who was consecrated the first king of ? SAUL

What is another name for the Canticle of Mary?

What name literally means "God saves?" JESUS

What name literally means "I am who am?" YAHWEH

At what event did Jesus make his Apostles priests? THE LAST SUPPER/HOLY THURSDAY

What three-day celebration is the culmination of Holy Week? THETRIDUUM

What special title is given to any holy person who has been canonized by the Church? SAINT

Name the Bishop of Philadelphia who established the Forty Hours Devotion and began the building of the Cathedral/Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul. SAINT JOHN NEUMANN

What saint started the first Catholic school in America and also started the community of the Sisters of Charity? SAINT ELIZABETH ANN SETO N

Under what title of Mary do we honor twenty of the mysteries and events in the Life of Jesus and his mother? OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY

What do we call the short stories of the Kingdom of God that Jesus used to teach the people? PARABLES

What season of the Church Year is a preparation for Easter? LENT

What book of the Hebrew Scriptures contains the prayer songs of the people? PSALMS

Who is called the "new Adam?" JESUS

Who is called the "new Eve?" MARY

What Solemnity celebrates Mary conceived without original sin? IMMACULATE CONCEPTION

What feast day gives us a special opportunity to pray for all the souls in Purgatory? ALL SOULS DAY

What Solemnity celebrates the ? EASTER

What feast day celebrates that each of us has a special protector from God who helps us on our way to ? GUARDIAN

What solemn feast day is celebrated on January 1st? SOLEMNITY OF MARY

What feast day is celebrated on September 8th? BIRTHDAY OF MARY

What Solemnity is celebrated on December 8th? IMMACULATE CONCEPTION

What Holy Day reminds us to pray to all those in heaven who constantly intercede for us? ALL SAINTS DAY

What solemn feast day celebrates Mary taken to heaven body and soul? THE ASSUMPTION

What feast day celebrates the babies killed by King Herod in the place of Jesus after the visit of the Wise Men? HOLY INNOCENTS

What Solemnity begins the Church's Great Fifty Days? EASTER

What word of praise is not prayed in public liturgy during Lent? ALLELUIA

What is the first book of the Bible? GENESIS

Who were the parents of John the Baptist? ZACHARY AND ELIZABETH

Who were the parents of Jesus? MARY AND JOSEPH

What is the liturgical color of Advent? PURPLE

What is the liturgical color of Lent? PURPLE

What day celebrates Jesus' crucifixion and opening the gates of heaven? GOOD FRIDAY

What solemn feast day is celebrated 40 days after Easter?

What feast day in September celebrates the of the Cross during Ordinary Time? THE TRIUMPH OF THE CROSS

What do we call the first day of the liturgical year? FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT

What do we call the first day of Lent? ASH WEDNESDAY

What is the liturgical color of Christmas?

What is the liturgical color of Easter time? WHITE

What saint is known as the patron of impossible cases? SAINT JUDE

What saint is known as the first and best of Jesus? MARY

Who was the cousin of Mary? ELIZABETH

Who helped Jesus carry his cross on Good Friday?

Who wiped the face of Jesus with a cloth? VERONICA

Who went with Mary on the Way of the Cross? JOHN I MARY MAGDALENE

Who denied he knew Jesus after he was arrested? PETER

What saint is also called the Little Flower? SAINT THERESE

What saint composed the prayer, the Memorare? SAINT BERNARD

How many apostles did Jesus have during his public ministry on earth? TWELVE

What mystery of our faith celebrates the Word of God becoming flesh in human form? INCARNATION

What saint founded a religious order known as the Order of Preachers and taught people to pray the Rosary? SAINT DOMINIC

What part of the Bible is known as the Christian Scriptures? NEW TESTAMENT

On what day during Holy Week do we recall the ? GOOD FRIDAY

On what day during Holy Week do we recall that Jesus showed his love by washing the feet of his apostles? HOLY THURSDAY

Under what title of Mary do we honor her appearance to an Aztec Indian named Juan Diego when her image appeared on his cloak? OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE

l 71. What saint was known for her "Little Way" of following Jesus and has now been named a Doctor of the Church? SAINT THERESE OF THE CHILD JESUS

Who was the first Patriarch of God's chosen people? ABRAHAM

What term is given to the friends of Jesus who were sent to preach the Good News and baptize in the name of the Trinity? APOSTLES

Which apostle was the first called by Jesus? ANDREW

What was Peter's name when he first met Jesus? SIMON

What friend of Jesus did Jesus raise from the dead? LAZARUS

Who were the sisters of Lazarus? MARY AND

What do we call the raising of our mind and heart to God? PRAYER

Who is the ordinary minister of Confirmation? BISHOP

What do we call the habit of doing something good? VIRTUE

What is another name for mental prayer? MEDITATION

What do we call prayers recited for nine days? NOVENAS

Who administers the Sacrament of Matrimony? THE COUPLE

Who was the first Patriarch of the Hebrew people? ABRAHAM

In which book of the Bible can the story of the First Passover be found? EXODUS

In which book of the Bible can the creation stories be found? GENESIS

What does the word "Benediction" mean? BLESSING

Who was the brother of Moses? AARON

Who was Abraham's son? ISAAC

Who sold his birthright to his brother, Jacob? ESAU

What helps us decide right from wrong? CONSCIENCE

What prayer expresses our beliefs? CREED

What do we call the words of forgiveness pronounced by the priest in confession? ABSOLUTION

Which books of the Bible tell about the prophets? PROPHETIC

Which books of the Bible tell about the events in the lives of the Hebrews? HISTORICAL

What is another name for the Pentateuch? TORAH

What is another name for the Sacrament of Reconciliation? PENANCE

Which feast ends the Liturgical Year? CHRIST THE KING

The Mass has two main parts. Name one of them. LITURGY OF WORD / LITURGY OF

What do we call the book that contains the readings for Mass? LECTIONARY

What do we call the book that contains the celebrant's prayers for Mass? SACRAMENT ARY

Which sacrament welcomes us into the Catholic Church? BAPTISM

Who was the leader of the Israelites after Moses? JOSHUA

Who was the last and most important judge? SAMUEL

Who was the greatest king? DAVID

Who was the king who asked God for wisdom? SOLOMON

Who was the father of King David? JESSE

Who was the prophet taken to heaven in a fiery chariot?

Which sacrament consecrates a man to the service of God? HOLY ORDERS

What do we call the fragrant oil used in Baptism and Confirmation? CHRISM