Timanus, 1904-07 (Sl3j)| R09 Serie3 13 Boxes 7^-89 Timanus Administrative File Headings

10. Health Department. January 1906. 5 items.

11. Invitations. 1905 - February 1906. 1 1/2 inches.

12. City Engineer. February 1905 - February 1906. 1 inch.

13. City Engineer. October 1905 - February 1906. 20 items.

1'*. City Sewerage Commission. September 1905 - February 1906. 1/2 inch.

15. Inspector of Buildings. September 1905 - February 1906. l/k inch. .16. Miscellaneous Public Improvements. July 1905 - February 1906. 20 items.

17. The Centre Market Commission. February 1905 - January 1906. .10 items.

18. Building Laws Revision Commission. April 1905 - January 1906. 1/2 inch,

19. Department of Health. March - October 1905. 5 items.

20. City Engineer. May 1905 - January 1906. 30 items.

21. Department of Health. February 1905 - January 1906. 30 items.

22. City Solicitor. October - January 1906. 3 items.

23. Commissioner for Opening Streets. September 1905 - January 1906, -10 items.

2k. City Comptroller. October 1905. 1 item.

25. City procurement of good3 and services; Department of Public Parks and Squares; Complaints; Commissioner of Health. June 1905 - February 1906, 1 inch.

26. City Engineer. October 1905. 3 items. 27. Purchase and use of City tug and ice boats. May - November 1905. 10 items.

28. Complaints concerning City railroad crossings, July - December 1905. 10 items. 29. Cruiser Fund Commission; information requests; Merchants and Manufacturers' Association; Charity; and fublic Comfort Stations. October 1905 - January 1906. 3A inch. 30. Commissioners for Opening Streets. June, October 1905. 5 items.

31. Harbor Board. May - December 1905. 10 items.

3'-. Photographic portrait of Timanus; Mayor's thank-you notes; Thomas 0. Hayes "Municipal ilevs" article; and assorted requests for permit3JNovember - December 1905. lA inch.

33. Albion Athletic Association. November 1905. 1 item. . Contributions and support for Russian Jews. November 1905. 1/2 inch.

37. General information requests. December 1905 - February 1906. lA inch. .

3fl. Establishment of overhead crossings above 3 & 0 tracks in City. November 1905. 20 items.

39. City Jail. September 1905 - May 1907. 5 items. Uo. Request for aid. November 1905. 1 item. Ul. Burnt District Commission. April 1905 - February 1906. 3A inch. k2. Police Department. November 1905 - January 1906. 20 items. 1*3. Complaints concerning; City streets. July - November 1905. 15 items.

M. Recommendation. November 1905. 2 items.

U5. raving of City streets. July - November 1905. 15 items.

1*7. Reception for Prince Louis of Batfcenberg. October - November 1905. lA inch.

U9. Jones' Falls Improvement Association. August - October 1905. 30 items,

50. September 1906 Jubilee, February - September 1906. 1 inch.

51. City Solicitor. November - December 1905. 20 items.

52. City Sewerage Commission. July - November 1905. 5 items.

53. Board of Fire Commissioners. September - December 1905. lA inch.

5^. Turnnike Companies transfer"of^rights to City. October 1905 - February 1906, 1/U inch.

55. Inspected of Buildings. April - December 1905. lA inch. 56. Miscellaneous Public Improvements. November 1905 - January 1906. 20 items.

57. Annual reports. 190U-19O6. h inches. 5<3. City Solicitor Legal opinions regarding pending ordinances; street paving; drinking fountains; and construction of fire engine houses. November 1905 - January 1906. 1/2 inch. 59. City Engineer. October 1905. 2 item3.

60. Request for information. December 1905. 2 items.

61. Transmission of greetings. December 1905. 2 items.

62. Referral to Finance Commissioners. December 1905. 1 item.

63. Board of Public Safety meetings. September, December 1905. 2 items.

61*. Architectural design of City Hospital. September 1905 - January 1906. I/I4 inch. . Consolidated Gas Co. of Baltimore. December 1905. 10 items. 66. Paving of Patuxent Street. June 1905 - March 1906. 30 items. 67. City Construction Contracts. December 1905 - January 1906. 10 items. 68. Construction and improvement of Sewers. July 1905 - January 1906. 10 items.

69. Department of Charities and Corrections. June - December 1905. 20 items.

70. Commissioner of Street Cleaning. August 1905 - January 1906. 1/U inch.

71. Inspector of Buildings. April 1905 - February 1906. 30 items. 72. Recommendations on behalf of Board of School Commissioners Candidates. December 1905 - February 1906. 1/2 inch. 73. Superintendent of Lamps and Lighting. November 1905 - January 1906. 10 items. lh. Inspector of Buildings. November 1905 - January 1906. 20 items.

75« General information request. December 1905. 2 items.

76. Travelers and Merchants Association. November 1905 - January 1906. 5 items.

77. Electrical Commission. May 1905 - March 1906. 1/2 inch.

78. Hopkins Park Commission. September - October 1905. 1 item. GO. Money owed by Mayor's office. November 1905 - January 1906. 10 items.

81. Board of Trade, President's office. November 1905. 2 items. 82. National Board of Fire Underwriters. December 1905. 2 items.

83. Land offered City for sale. December 1905. 3 items.

8U. Permission request for storing oil. December 1905. 1 item.

85. The Baltimore News. October 1905. 2 items.

86. Bnoch Pratt Free Library. November 1005. 2 items. 87. Information requests regarding City officials and positions. October 1905 - February 1906. fa j£jl , 88. Maryland Society of How York. January 1906. 2 item.3.

89. Meetings and Conventions. October 1905, January 1906. 5 items.

90. City Engineer. February 1905 - ?06. l/U inch.

91. Request for Recommendation. January 1906. 2 items.

92. General information request1. December 1905 - January 1906. h items.

91. Transmission of information. January 1906. 2 items. 9^. Superintendent of Lamps and Lighting. September 1905 - January 1906, 5 items.

95• General information requests*and paving of streets and sidewalks. October 1905 - January 1906. 15 items.

96. Superior Court of Common Pleas. December 1905 - February 1906, 5 items.

97. Comptroller. December 1905 - January 1906. 5 items,

98. Commissioners for Opening Streets. January 1906, 2 items.

99. Anti-Snoke League. December 1905 - January 1906. 5 items.

100. Department of Charities and Corrections; Office of the City Engineer. October 190U - December 1905. 30 items.

101. City Council. February 1905 - January 1906. 10 items.

102. Water Department. October 1905 - January 1906. 3 items.

103. Invitations. January I90C. k items.

IOU. Recommendations for position. January 1905» February 1906. 5 items.

105. City Engineer. April 1905, January 1906. 2 items.

106. ffaryland Institute. November 1905. 2 items.

107. Public Improvement Fund. April 1905. 1 item.

108. Baltimore City Legislative Delegation meeting. January 1906. 10 items.

109. "Merry-Go-Round." January 1906. 3 items.

110. Request for Employment Recommendation. January 1906. 2 items.

111. City Library. April 1905 - January 1906. 3 items.

113. B & 0 Railroad - Baltimore Belt Line Railroad. June 1902 - February 190U. lA inch. llU. "Baltimore: Pa3t, Present and Future." January 1906. 10 items.

1.1.5. UApboLXeMow*. #U&tQGAat Requests for assistance and Aeytatlovw; misdirected letters; assorted proposals; and general information requests, October 1905 - January 1906. 1/2 inch.

116. Comnlaint concerning Steel Railways. January 1906. 3 items.

117. City Engineer. July 1905. 10 items.

118. General information request. January 1906. k items.

119. City library; sundry expenses; police dept.; permit requests; and street naving. August 1905 - January 1906. l/k inch. 120. Railway tracks asi City streets. January - June 1906. 1/U inch.

121. City r'.nrineer. January 190b. 1 iten.

122. Topographical Commission of Baltimore. July 1905 - February 1906. 30 items.

123. Municipal Art Society. January - February 1906. 10 items.

12U. Appeal Tax Court. January - February 1906. 15 items.

125. Superintendent of Public Buildings. October 1905 - January 1906. 1/U inch.

126. Hopkins Park Commission. October 1905 - June 1906. 30 items.

127. City Council. January - October 1905. 10 items.

123. "Committees for the Improvement of Baltimore." November - December 190U. 1 inch.

130. Female House of Refuge. October 1005. 1 item.

131. Baltimore Conventions. August 1905 - May 1906. 10 items.

132. Bay View Asylum. October 1905. 1 item.

133. Reform activities. January, March 1906. 2 items.

131*. Remission of fines. January - February 1906. 10* items.

135. Maryland National Guard. October 1905. 1 item.

136. Prohibition of Railroad tracks on St. Paul St. January 1906. 2 items.

137. Union Railroad Company. January 1906. 2 items.

138. Frederick Ave. Improvement Assn.; recommendations for employment. January 1906. 5 items.

139. General information request. January 1906. 2 items. lUo. School H0C> at Ramsay and Pulaski Sts. Janaury 1906, 2 items. lUl. General information request. January 1906, 1 item. l'*2. General information request. January 1906. 1 item. l^. Suggestions for improvements. October 1905. h items.

I'll*. National Board of Fire Underwriters. February 1906. 3 items.

lH5. The Children's Fresh Air Society. June - Sentember 1905. lA inch.

I't6. Suggestions for improvements. June - October 1905. 3 items.

IU7. House of Delegates. January, March 1906. 3 items.

l'i(i. The North Baltimore Improvement Association. February 1906. 3 items. lhO. Knickerbocker Trust Company, New York. February 1906. 2 items, 150. Harbor Boardr February - July 1906. 30 items. 151. Insurance Companies. February 1906 -January 1907. 20 items.

152. Recommendations for employment^. February 1906. 5 items. 153. Collector of Water Rents and Licenses. February 1906. 2 items.

151*. Invitations. February 1906. 1 item.

155. House of Refuse. May - August 1905. 15 item3.

156. City Engineer. October 1905. 1 item.

157. City Engineer. September - October 1005. ** items.

15B. City Engineer. October 1905. 2 items.

159. City Engineer. October 1905. U items.

160. General information request*. September 1905. 5 items.

161. City Engineer. July 1905. 2 items.

162. Inspector of Buildings. July - August 1905. 5 items. 163. Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad Company, August - September 1905. 3 items. l6U. City Engineer. August - September 1905. 1* items.

165. Inspector of Buildings. July - August 1905. ** items. 166. Industrial Commission for the Encouragement of Manufacturing Plants in the City of Baltimore, flligust1905 . 1 item. 167. Maryland Institute for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts. April - September 1905. 5 items. 168. Installation of fire hydrants. August 1905. 2 items.

169. Water Department. October 1905. 2 items.

170. Inspector of Buildings. July - September 1905.

171. Repair and Improvement of streets and sidewalks in Burnt District. May - .September 1905. 20 items. 172. City Solicitor. October 1905. 1 item. 173. Supervisor of School Building. September 1905. 1 item.

IT1*. City Engineer. May 1905. 1 item. 175. national Regatta and the Light Street Bridge. July - August 1905. 5 items. . City Engineer. April - July 1905. 10 items. 177. FireOaarm Telegraph; and Condemnation of buildings. April - June 1905.

178. Board of Fire Commissioners. April - August 1905. 5 items.

179. Electrical Commission. April 1905. 5 items. 180. Inspector of Buildings. April - May 1905. 5 items.

181. Construction of Eastern High School. June 1905. 5 items.

182. Inspector of Buildings. June 1905. 3 items.

183. Board of Liquor License Commissioners. July 1905. 2 items. iBk, Assorted meetings. April 1905. 10 items.

185. Electrical Commission. February 1906. 2 items.

186. General information request. February 1906. 1 item.

187. Baltimore Charter Commission. March - December 1905. 10 items.

188. Municipal Hospital Commission. November 190U - January 1907. 10 itema.

189. Complaints regarding condition of streets. May 1905 - February 1907.

190. Superintendent of Public Buildings. Rpril 1905. 1 item. 191. Commissioner of Street Cleaning. Arpil 1905. 1 item.

192. Commissioner of Street Cleaning. May 1905. 1 item.

193. City Engineer. March 1905. 1 item.

191*. City Engineer. March 1905. 3 itema.

195. City Engineer. February - March 1905. 3 items.

1%. Erection and Inspection of City buildings. February 1905 - May 1906.

197. City Engineer. December 100U - January 1905. 5 item9. 251. Requests for information and publications; applications for nositions; "Characteristics of Baltimore"; proposals and solicitations; and other general subjects. January - December 1906. 252. Transmission of correspondence. March 1906. 1 item.

253. ^ree Public Baths Commission. February - December 1905. 20 items.

255. Street Lighting. March - December 1906. 1/2 inch. 256. Death of Arthur P. Gorman. June 1906. 3 items.

257. The Newsboys Association. February - December 1906. 10 items.

259. General information request. February [1906?]. 1 item. 261, Maryland Electric Railway Company. June 1906. 5 items.

262. Invitations. February 1906 - April 1907. 1 lA Inches

26k. Money owed creditors by City employees. February - November 1906, 5 items. 265. Telephones and telegraphs. February - November 1906. 10 items.

2CG. Requests for employment. January 1906 - April 1007. 1 inch, 2C7. Invitations. February 1906 - January 1907. 2 1/2 inches.

269. General Information Requests. February - July 1906. 1 1/2 inches.

270. General Information Requests. August 1906 - April 1907. 1 1/2 inches.

271. Bonding of City Employees. February - September 1906. 10 items.

272. City Engineer. February 1906. 2 items.

273. City Construction Bids. U items.. February - December 1906. 27U City Markets. February 1906 - March 1907. 1/2 inch.

275. Com-olaints regarding City Streets. May 1906 - April 1907. lA inch. 276. Comments and opinions relating to proposed ordinances and resolutions, submitted by various City offices. April 1906 - April 1907. 1 inch. 277. Authorizations for Erection of Signs. February 1906 - February 1907. 30 items. 278. Street Improvements. February - December 1906. 20 items.

279. Appointment of Constables. February 1906 - April 1907. 30 items.

200. Charitable enterprises. May 1906 - January 1907. 20 items.

2Ql. Mayor's letters of recommendation. February 1906 - April 1907. 30 items.

282. Work performed upon the . April - May 1906. 10 items.

203. Tonopraphical Survey. February 1906. 1 item.

20U. Arrest and imprisonment of George Bryant. February 1906. 1+ items.

285. Committee on Grade Crossings. February - May 1906. 10 items.

286. House of Representatives.. February - March 1906. 3 items. 287. Department of Charities and Correction. February - April 1906. 3 items. 280. Court house construction. February 1906 - March 1907. 1/U inch.

289. Proposed firenen*s monument. February - March 1906. 5 items.

290. Police Department. February 1906 - January 1907. 10 items. 291. Electrical Commission. February 1906. 3 items.

292. Electrical Commission. January 1906. h items. 293. Repairs and improvements on Lexington St. June 1906. 5 items.

29k. Sunday closings of theaters and saloons. February 1906. 2 items.

295. Harbor Board. February - June 1906. 10 itemB.

296. Mary E. Garrett South St. lot. February 1906. 2 items.

297. Robert P. Skinner, American Consul General, concerning American child in Marseilles. February - March 1906, 5 items. 298. Privy wells. January - February 1906. 2 items.

299. Requests for Employment. February 1906 - April 1907. 1 inch.

300. Complaints. February - August 1906. 1 inch. •„;

301. Complaints. August 1906 - January 1907. 1 1/2 inches. 302. Sewerage Commission. February 1906 - May 1907. 1 1/2 inches.

303. Erection of poles. April 1905 - December 1906. l/k inch. 30U. Fire hydrants. January - May 1906. 10 items.

305. Transmission and receipt of printed material. February 1906 - March 1907. 1/U inch. 30f>. Construction of City School building. January 1906 - January 1907. lA inch.

307. City Improvement Association Resolution. February, May 190G. 2 items. 303. City Library. June 1906 - January 1907. lA inch.

309. Hank requests for City business. January 1006, January 1907. 3 items.

310. Assorted ordinances. February 1906 - February 1907. 20 items.

311. Lubor matters. February - August 1906. 5 items. 312. Denartnent of Public Parks & Squares. February - Aufmst 1906. 5 items.

31^. Assorted Conventions. March 190u - Anril 1907. 1 1/2 inches. . Leaves of absence for City employees. July - November 1906. 5 items.

317. Department of Health. February 1906 - March 1907. 1/2 inch.

319. Construction of New Eastern Female High School. March 1906 - January 1907. 1/k inch. 320. Department of Public Parks and Squares. January 1906 - February 1907. 321. Appeal Tax Court. January - December 1906. 20 items.

322. Repair of Jones' Falls Wall. May, November 1906. 5 items.

323. Maryland Investment Co. Investment offers. March 1906. 2 items,

32U. Bids for paving materials. January, May 1906. 5 items.

325. Social events. February - March 1906. 3 item3. 326. Department of Lav Authorizations for ur.e of Iceboat F.C. Latrobe. March 1906 - January 1907. 10 items. 327. Chances of City Street names. March 1906 - January 1907. 15 items.

32fi. Health Department Complaints. February - June 1906, 15 items.

330. Department of Law. February 1906. 2 items.

331. City Jail. February 1906. 2 items. 332. Sheriff of Baltimore, retention of informer's fees. January 1906. 2 items. 333. Park Heights Improvement Assn. February 1906. 1 item.

33U. Department of Education. September 1905 - "larch 1907. lA inch.

335. Harbor Board. February - March 1906. 2 items. y.lC. Collector of Water Rents and Licenses. March 1905. 5 items.

337. City Engineer. February - March 1906. 10 item3. 330. Simonnon & Pietsch, architects. March - July 1906. 5 items.

339. Inspector of Buildings. March 190(1. 2 items.

3^0. Renting of additional space for City offices. February 1906. 5 items.

3'tl. Building street numbers. March - April 1906. 3 itens.

3!»2. Complaints re~ardin~ City streets. March - April 1906. 10 items.

3!''J>. Hmoke nuisance ordinance. March 1006 - January 1907. 20 items.

3'»'i. Union dues owed bv City employees. March 1906. 2 items. 3^5. "St. Paul Street bill," House of Delegates. March 1906. 2 items.

3^6. City Fireboat construction. February 1906. 2 items.

3^7. "3elt line project" of the Pennsylvania Railroad. [March] 1906. 1 item.

3^8. Sons of the American Revolution. April 1906. 3 items.

3^9. Railway routes. March 1906. 1 item.

350. Department of Public Parks and Squares. March 1906 - March 1907. l/k inch.

351. Appointments with Mayor. March 1906. 2 items.

352. Transmission of bills. March 1906 - April 1907. 20 items.

35^. Insurance bid. March 1906. 1 item*

35*'. Requests for permits. April - May 1906. 10 items.

357. Suggestions for improvement of St. Paul Street. [March] 1906. 2 items.

358. Communication with James E. Godwin, House of Delegates. March - April 1906, 2 items.

359. Barber Asphalt Paving investigation. June 1906. 3 items,

360. Request for donations. March 1906. 2 items.

361. B 4 0 Railroad. March 1906 - May 1906. 5 items.

362. Protests Concerning flying of Irish flag over City Hall. February - March 1906. 10 items.

363. Commencement exercises. March - June 1906. 1/2 inch.

36U. Recommendations in behalf of Board of School Commissioners candidates. January 1906 - April 1907. lA inch.

365. Complaints. March - October 1906. 1/2 inch.

367. Invitations. March - April 1906. 3 items.

369. Sewerage Commission. March 1906. 2 items.

370. Requests for Contributions. April 1906 - January 1907. 1 inch.

371. Department of Health. March 1906. 3 itent3.

37?. Manufacturer's Record Publishing Co. March 1906. 1 item.

373. Appointments and Meetings. March - July 1906. 20 items.

371'. "Plan of new Baltimore docks." March 1906. 1 item.

375. Conventions. October 1905 - March 1906. 5 items. 377. Frank C. Wachter, U.S. Congress. March 1906. 2 items.

370. Invitation to piano recital. March 1906. 2 items.

379. Appointments and meetings. March - June 1906, 5 items.

380. Invitation. March 1906. 1 item.

382. Increase in wages for day laborers working for City. June - September 1906. 1/1+ inch.

383. Complaints. March - August 1906. 15 items.

30U. Maryland National Guard. March 1906 - May 1907. lA inch.

387. Requests for Municipal information. March - April 1906. 15 items.

388. Burnt District Commission. March - May 1906. 10 items.

389. Locations and erections of drinking fountains. March - May 1906. 1/2 inch.

390. Department of Legislative Reference. January - February 1906. 20 items.

391. Department of Legislative Reference; Disaster Relief Activities. April 1906 - January 1907. 1/2 inch.

392. Department of Charities and Correction. February - January 1907. 3 items.

393. Fire and School Department Loans. January - April 1907. 5 items.

39l*. Recommendations for naming of Battleship. April 1906. 5 items.

39?. Sewerage Commission. April 1906. 10 itenr,.

396. Legal Suit/against City. April 1906 - January 1907. lA inch.

397. Board of School Commissioners 1906 annual renort; Harbor Board. April 1906, January 1907. 3 items.

399. Board of Kstimatcs. August, October 1906. U items.

1+00. Location of Railroad tracks. March 1906 - January 1907. 15 items.

1*01. Complaints. January - March 1907. 1/2 inch.

1*02. Donations to "Fresh Air Fund." July - August 1906. 20 items. l+l'i. Complaints. May - June 1906. lA inch.

1*15. Department of Law. April 1906. 2 items.

Uln. Ccrrnlaints regarding dynamite blasting. February 1906 - March 1907. 20 items.

U.17. designations and appointments. February 1906 - May 19n7. 1/1+ inch.

1*18. Application for School position. May - June 1906. 10 items. . Grading, paring, and curbing City streets. February 1906-January 1907. 1 1/2 inches.

1*20. Grading, paving, and curbing City streets. August 1906-February 1907. 1/1* inch.

1*21, Appointments and meetings. April 1906 - April 1907. 30 iteas.

1*22. United Railways & Electric Co. June - September 1906. 5 items.

1*23. Sewer Complaints, April - May 1906. 1/1* inch.

U2U. Maryland Cruiser Fund Commission. May 1906. 20 items.

1*26. Storage of oil and gas. November 1906. 3 items.

1»27. Circular letters & replies. June 1901* - July 1906. 1/2 inch.

1*29. Sewer construction. May 1906 - March 1907. lA inch.

1*30. Proposition from training "Mechanics in tile." May 1906. 5 items.

U31. Requests to open pavement. April 1906 - February 1907. 20 items.

U32. Commissioner of Street Cleaning. January - August 1907. 10 items.

U33. Various inspections. June - September 1906. 5 items. l*3l*. Erection of street lights. August 1906 - January 1907. 10 items.

1*35. Suggestions for improvement of ; Support for erection of a "Union Railroad Station." October 1906 - January 1907. 20 items.

1*36. City Contractors. June 1906, 3 items.

1*38. Removal of gas lamps for sewer construction. December 1906. 5 items.

1*39. Pensions for widows of deceased firemen. June 1906 - January 1907. 5 items.

UUO. Construction of an artesian well for Riverside Park. April - September 1906,

Ml. Collection of Water Rents and Licenses. June 1906. 5 items.

1*1*2. Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. June 1906. 3 items.

1*1*3. Knights of Columbus. March - May 1906. 5 items.

1*1*1*. Mayor's Congratulations. June - December 1906. 5 items.

1*U5. Annual Report of Superintendent of Lamps and Lighting. December 1906.* 1 item.

1*1*7. Improvement Association resolutions. June 1906 - April 1907. 10 items.

1*U8. McDonogh School. June 1906 - April 1907. 10 items.

1*1*9. Dismissal of City employees. April - August 1906. 5 items. 1*50. United Railways Co. June 1906. 3 items.

1»51. St. Paul Street Boulevard Construction. October 1906 - January 1907. 30 items*

U52. Appeal Tax Court. February - May 1907. fc items. U53. Canton Company transfer of land to City. May - June 1906. 5 items.

1*5^. Grading, paving, and curbing of City streets. August 1906 - Arpil 1907. l/k inch. U55. Paving and paving materials. May - September 1906, 20 items.

U56. Sever construction. June 1906. 3 items.

1*57. European trip of City Engineer. July - August 1906. 3 items. b58. Requests for remission of fines. June - October 1906. 5 items. U59. Laying of drain in Lexington St. June - July 1906. 5 items.

1*60. Comptroller. June 1906. 2 items.

U6l. Inspector of Buildings disallowance of motion picture projector use. April 1906. 1 item..

1*62. International Exhibitions. July 1906. 5 items.

U63. Sewer grating3. July - October 1906. 5 items.

U6U. Union Railroad Company. January 1906. 5 items. U65. Erection and placement of signs. July 1906. 5 items.

1*66. Paving and curbing City streets. July 1906 - February 1907. 5 items,

U67. City newspaper advertisements. June 1906 - February 1907. 10 items. 1*68. Grading of Charles Street. July 1906. 2 items.

1*69. Construction on Cedar Avenue. June 1906. 2 items.

1*70. Water Board. July 1906 - May 1907. 3 items. U71. Landscaping of Public Parks, June - November 1906. 5 items.

U72. Damages to City lamp posts. August 1906. 5 items.

1*73. Light St. bridge. July 1906. 2 items.

hfk. Letters of Introduction. February 1906 - April 1907. 1/2 inch. 1*75. Detention hospital for the Insane. June - September 1906. 10 items.

U76. Department of Law. May - August 1906. '3 items. . Department of Public Parks and Squares. March 1906. 2 Items.

U78. Maryland Department of Game and Fish Protection. June 1906. 2 items.

1*79. Use of City Sewers by Canton Company. July 1906. 1 item. k&Q, Request for names on street lamps. July 1906. 2 items. 1*81. Baltimore Sanitary Contracting Co. June 1906". 2 items.

U82. Canton Company transfer of land to City. April 1906. 2 items. U8U. Paving around hospitals. July 1906. 1 item.

U85. Paving of Franklin Street. October 1906. 2 items.

1*86. Grading of Windsor Avenue. July 1906. 2 items.

U8?. Request for storage permit. May 1906, 1 item.

1489. Procurement of goods and services. July - December 1906. 5 items.

1*90. Various improvements in the Annex. May - September 1906. 13 items.

1*91. Paving of City streets. June - July 1906. k items. 1*92. Complaints to Inspector of buildings. May - June 1906. 5 items.

U93- Copying of Maps and Portrait. April - May 1906. 3 items.

U9h. Water Department. August 1906. 3 items. U95. Erection of school buildings. February 1906 - January 1907. 3 items. 1*97. Commissioner of Street Cleaning. June 1906. 2 items. k99* Electrical Commission. October 1906. 5 items. $01. Maryland Senate bill to create a Baltimore Paving Commission. January 1906. 2 items. ^02. Commissioner of Street Cleaning. May 1906. 1 item.

503. Wharfs. July 1906 - January 1907. 1/U inch.

50U. Requests for permits. June 1906 - March 1907. 20 items.

506. Paving of Police and Fire Alarm Subways. June - August 1906.

507. Proposal for licensing all wagons usin« City streets, August 1906. l.item. 508. Directory Boards for Court House. August 1906. 1 item.

509. Inspector of Buildings. July 1906. 2 item3.

510. D, M. Newbold building construction; and requests for City improvements. Augu3t 1906 - May 1907. 20 items. 511. Construction of drain for engine house. July - August 1906. 5 iteas.

512. Enlargement of the U.S. Customs House in Baltimore. August - November 1906. 10 Items. 513. Paving of private alley. July 1906. 2 items.

515. Inspector of Buildings. May - August 1906. 5 items. 516. Conveyance of street beds to City by Kennedy Estate.

517. Requests for Contributions. May 1906 - March 1907. 10 items. 518. Charges for map vork and publication. August 1906, 10 items.

520. Rquest to open pavement. May 1906. 1 item.

521. Sale of ad space for Official Handbook of Building Lavs. September 1905.

522. Board of Public Safety meetings. February - April 1907. 10 items.

52U. Hydrographical branch, U.S. Geographical Survey* ca.1906. 1 item.

526. Building permit for Fulton Ave. Presbyterian Church. August 1906. 2 items.

527. Complaints concerning overhead vires. July - August 1906. 2 items.

528. Permit to build a vagon/sied. February 1906. 3 items.

530. Inspector of Buildings. July 1906. 1 item.

531. Request for avning permit. July 1906. 1 item.

533. Assorted requests for permits and permission. July - September 1906. 5 items.

531*. Request for erection of street light. August 1906. 2 items.

535* Request for vork permit. August 1906. 2 items. 537. Appointment of V. Thomas Kemp to Consulate of Peru. August 1906. 1 item.

538. Request for a public telephone Pay Station in City Hall. June 1906. 1 item. 539. Superintendent of Lamps and Lighting. September 1906. 1 item.

5U0. Damages from flooding of Gwyn's Falls. October - November 1906. 2 iteas. 5^1. City Engineer. August - November 1906. 5U3. Removal of fences. December 1906 - March 1907. 5 items.

5U6, Electrical Commission. September 1906. 2 items.

5^7. General Information Requests. September - October 1906. 3 items. 5*»8. Department of Health inspection of luA B» Clay Tlmanus. September 1906. 5 items. J 5^9. Maryland Institute for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts. March 1906 - February 1907. 5 items. 550. Baltimore Fire Memorial Committee. September - November 1906. 1 1/2 inches.

551. Military organization's expressions of Thanks. September - October 1906. 2 items. 552. Suggestion for uniform asphalt sidewalks. September 1906. 2 items.

553. Water Department. September 1906. 3 item3. 551*. Central Business Men's Association. September 1906. 1 item*

555. Claims against City for accidents. October - December 1906. 5 items.

556. Burnt District Commission. September 1906. 3 items.

557. Overhead Wire Complaints. September 1906. 1 item.

558. Beverage Commission. September 1906. 2 items.

559. Establishment of a parental school beyond City limits. September 1906. 2 items. 560. Transmission of building htyi> . September 1906. 3 items. 561. Inspector of Buildings. September 1906. 1 item. 562. City interest in the Valley Railroad Co. September 1906.

563. Complaint regarding insufficient water pressure. October 1906. 5 items.

56U. Baltimore City Jail renovations. September 1906. 2 items. 566.*1 Several information requests. September 1906. 2 items.

567. Board of Police Commissioners Special Fund. October 1906. 2 items.

568. Raising salary of the Principal. October 1906. 10 items. 569. Removal of Superintendant of Clifton Park. October - November 1906, S

572. Request for building permit. October 1906. 5 items. a,, 571*. Sale of school buildings. May, October 1906. 3 items. 575. Request for census information. October 1906. 2 items. 576. City Water Supplies. September 1906. 2 item3. 577. Request for electrical connections. August 1906. 2 items.

578. Request for sever connection. October 1906. 1 item.

579. City paving contracts. September 1906. 5 items.

580. Outfall sewer and Northern Central Railroad Co., et al. September 1906. 2 items.

38l. Alledged overcharging for private alley paving work. October 1906. 10 items.

582. Heating of City offices. October 1906. 2 items.

583. Timanus membership in assorted societies. October 1906 - April 1907. 30 items.

58I4. Commissioner of Street Cleaning. October 1906. 1 item.

586. Regulation of commercial signs. February - October 1906. 5 items.

387. Request to open pavement, November 1906. 2 items.

$88. Baltimore City Jail Wicker Shop. November 1906. 5 items.

389. Topographical Survey and regulation of buildings. November 1906. 5 items.

390. Opposition to the conversion of Ft. McHenry from a military base to quarantine site. October - December 1906. 5 items.

391* Proposed monument to Charles Carroll of Carrollton. November 1906. 2 items.

592. Water Department issuance of permit. October 1906. 1 item.

593. Misdelivery of express package. November 1906. 2 items.

595. Proposed monument to . December 1906. 3 items.

597. Request for permit for banners. January 1907. 2 items.

598. Employment of city musicians. December 1906. 2 items.

600. Carnegie donation of $500,000 to Baltimore for construction of branch libraries. November 190b - March 1907. 20 items.

602. greetings and complimentary gifts to Mayor. December 1906 - March 1907. lA inch.

603. Death of William T. Malster. March 1907. 5 items.

60U. Grading and widening of Light Street. December 1906 - February 1907. 5 items.

605. Delivery of paving materials. December 1906 - February 1907. 5 items.

606. Annual Report of the Board of Managers, Maryland School for Boys. 1906. 1 vol. 607* Opposition to speech of Senator B. R. Tillman by the Colored Baptist Ministerial Union. January 1907. 2 items.

608. Annual Report of the Commissioners for Opening Streets. 1906. 1 vol.

609. City printing contract. January 1907. 3 items.

610. City use of Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad poles. August 1905, 1 item.

611. Labor union communications. Janury - February 1907. 3 items.

612. Mayor's congratulations. April 1907. 2 items.

617. Meetings and trips of the Harbor Board. September 1906 - April 1907. 5 items.

620. Roadway to Hampden reservoir. January 1907. 5 items.

621. Request for establishment of $ab-postal station. January 1907. 3 items.

622. Union League of Maryland speech, ca.January 1907* 1 item.

623. Electrical installations on City tug boats. February 1907* 5 items.

62k, Location of the Union Soldier's and Sailor's Monument. March 1907* 1 item.

625. City antitoxin and vaccine virus contract. February - April 1907* 30 items.

626. City Fire-fighting equipment contracts. February - April 1907. 20 items.

628. Electricity rates charged City agencies. March - April 1907. 10 items.

629. City garbage disposal contracts. April - May 1907. 10 items.

Note: Files£63oJandJ631Jwere originally unnumbered. Numbers are assigned to them for purposes or description and access.

[630.] Recommendations on behalf of Board of School Commissioners candidates. February - March 1907. 1 inch.

[631.] Mayor's letterpress copies of correspondence to City Council. October 1906 - June 1908. 193 pp.* 1/2 inch. bahool, 1907-11 (S14J Mahool Administation Files RG9 SlU Boxes 90-121

1. Problems with Mt. Royal water pumping station. June-August 1907. 30 items.

2. Burnt District Conmlssion. September 1906 - October 1907. 1/1» inch.

3. Removal of Light Street bridgeway by Baltimore, Chesapeake & Atlantic Railway Company. May, October 1907. 3 items.

1». Regarding Mayor's speeches and addresses. May 1907 - April 1908. 5 items.

5. Assorted circular letters issued by Mayor. May 1907 - February 1908. 30 items.

6. City taxation and attraction of new industry. June 1907 - January 1908. 1/k inch.

7. Comptroller. May 1907 - May 1908. 30 items.

8. Board of Fire Commissioners. June 1907 - March 1908. 20 items.

10. City Council. May 1907 - May 1908. 30 items.

11. Baltimore building at the Jamestown Exposition. August 1907 - February 1908. 10 items.

12. Department of Education. June 1907 - February 1908. 1 inch.

12A. Department of Education. July 1907 - May 1908. 20 items.

13. City Engineer. May 1907 - May 1908. 1 1/2 inches.

13A. City Engineer. October 1907 - May 1908. 1 1/2 inches.

13B. City Engineer. April - May 1908. 1 inch. lU. City Solicitor. June - September 1907. 1/2 inch.

Ikk. City Solicitor. October 1907 - March 1908. 1 inch. lltB. City Solicitor. March - May 1908. 3A inch.

15. —

16. Recommendations and applications for City positions. May 1907 - February 1908. 1 1/2 inches. l6A. Recommendations and applications for City positions. February - May 1908. 1 inch.

17. Commissioners for Opening Streets. June 1907 - May 1908. 1 inch.

18. -

19. Commissioner of Street Cleaning. September 1907 - May 1908. 1/U inch. 20. Water Department. June 1907 - June 1908. 1 inch.

21. Harbor Board. June 1907 - May 1908. 1 inch. t 22. Sewerage Commission. April - September 1907. 1 1/2 inch.

22A. Sewerage Commission. October 1907 - March 1908. 2 inches.

22B. Sewerage Commission. March - May 1908. 3A inch.

23. Erection of City Monuments by Wyatt & Notting, Architects. June 1907. U item*.

2k, Investigation of Bay View Asylum. ca.June 1907. 1 item. 25. Topographical Survey Commission. August 1907 - May 1908. 20 items.

26. Black Children Charities. July 1907 - March 1908. 5 items.

27. Department of Public Parks and Squares. May 1907 - May 1908. 1 inch.

28. Inspector of Buildings. May 1907 - May 1908. 1 inch.

29. Health Department. May 1907 - February 1908. 10 items. 30. —

31. Superintendent of Lamps & Lighting. June 1907 - April 1908. 1/2 inch.

32. Board of Supervisors of Elections. May - November 1907. 10 items.

33. Appeal Tax Court. June 1907 - April 1908. 1 inch.

31** -"" -Mi- 35. Water Department, November 1905 - March 1906. 10 items. (Timanus administration, file). 36. Referral to States Attorney. November 1905. 1 item. (Timanus administration file). 37. Canton Co. complaint concerning sewer construction. June 1907. 2 items.

38. Transfer of Harford Road bed title to City. August - October 1907. 1/2 inch.

39. — 1*0. —

hi. Consolidated Ga3 Electric Light and Power Co. June - October 1907. 20 items.

k2. Paving of York Road. June 1907. 2 items. l»3. Paving of Wilkins Ave. June 1907. 5 items.

Uk. — « l»5. Construction of the Boulevard. May 1907 - October 1908. 1/U inch. 1*6. City Markets. June 1907. 3 Items.

1*7. - 1*8. Correspondence regarding Mayor's proposed "anti-doa ordinance;" general information requests. June 1907 - June 1908. l~l/2 inches.

1*9. Request for leave from City employment by Maryland National Guard members. June 1907. 3 items. 50. Mayor's request for cooperation between City agencies and Public Service Companies. May 1907. 3 items. 51. Badges for Mayor's office. May - September 1907. 5 items.

52. Transfer of cannons to Ft. McHenry. May 1907. 2 items.

53. Complaints concerning paving material. June 1907 - January 1908. 20 items,

51*. Appraisal of Baltimore Sanitary Company property. June 1907. 1 item.

55. Reservoir sites. May - June 1907. 5 items, 56. -

57. Board of Municipal Engineers. August 1907, 1 item. 58. Establishment of playgrounds. May 1907 - April 1908. 30 items.

59. City Library. May 1907 - May 1908. l/k inch. 60. Conventions. May - June 1907. 5 items.

61. Revocation of various permits. May - September 1907. 5 items.

62. Paving of Light Street. June 1907. 1 item.

63. Construction of Edmonston Ave. Bridge. October 1907 - June 1908. % -*~*js.

6k. Ft. McHenry; Naval Reserve. June - December 1907. lA inch. 65. Request for return of original "Star Spangled Banner" to Baltimore. June 1907. 2 items. 66. Design and erection of Cecilius Calvert statue; harbor piers. June 1907 - May 1908. 1/1* inch. 67. Electrical Commission. June 1907 - May 1908. 1/2 inch.

'68. /Numbering of new houses. June 1907. 5 items.

69. Police department. June 1907 - June 1908. l/k inch. 70. Superintendent of Public Buildings. July 1907 - May 1908. 20 items. 72. "Uncle Sam" Song. June 1907. 2 items.

73. Submission of the "Street Paving Loan" to the electorate. June, October 1907. 3 items. Ik, Safety gates at railroad grade crossings. March 1905. 2 items. (Timanus file), 75. Request for copy of city building code. June 1907. 1 item.

76. Complaint concerning street conditions. June 1907. 2 items.

77. Maryland Prisoners Aid Assn. resolution. ca.June 1907. 1 item.

78. Sewer pipe material. June 1907. 5 items,

79. Transfer of cannons from Ft. Delaware to Ft. McHenry. June 1907. 5 items.

80. Complaints regarding city streets. June 1907. 2 items.

81. Claim of City Surveyor for office rent. April - June 1908.

82. Opening of Mondawmin Ave. August 1907 - April 1908.

83. "Streets in Process of Condemnation." ca.June 1907. 2 items.

8U. City Collector. June 1907 - May 1908. 5 items.

"85. Hiring and dismissal of Major Jas. W. Galbreath by Harbor Board. June 1907. 5 items. 86. B & 0 Railroad placement of tracks. June 1907 - May 1908. 2 items. 87. Dispute between Board of Police Commissioners and Sewerage Commission over office space. June - July 1907. 5 items. 88. Dredging near Baltimore Copper Co, Wharf. June - August 1907. 5 items.

89. Pictures and photography. July - August 1907. 5 items.

90. Conditions of public school buildings. June - July 1907. 5 items.

91. — 92. Location of new businesses in Baltimore County. July 1907. 1 item.

93. Transfer of Belt Street road bed title to city. June - July 1907. 2 items.

9^. Laying of cement sidewalks. June 1907. 1 item.

95. Storage of fire engines and competitive tests, July 1907. 96. Clarkeson, Brooks & Co. proposal for establishment of steel mill3 in Baltimore. June - July 1907. 2 items. ?7. Complaint8 concerning erection of slaughter nouses near parks. July - December 1907. 20 items. 98. City bill against County Commissioners for Anne Arundel County. June - July •' 1907. 5 Items. : r^rv)-. 99. Encroachment of U.S. Customs House building "by City. July 1907. 5 items. 100. Protest against Camp Meeting. July 1907. 2 items. 101. Transfer of Mura Street road "bed title to City. June - July 1907. 2 items. 102. Appointment of Ward Constables. July 1907. 5 items. 103. Alteration of the Topographical Survey Commission. July 1907. 2 items. 10V. Claim of Maryland Pavement Company against City. July 1907. 5 items. 105. Complaints concerning poisons in drugs. July 1907. 1 item. 106. Repaving of St. Paul Street. July 1907. 2 items. JL07. Sidewalks on Erdman Ave. July 1907. 3 items. 108. Charity and Charity Organizations. June 1907 - February 1908. 1 inch. i09. Dumping of Garbage in the City. June - August 1907. lA inch.. oio. ^ x :

111. Repairing of Fremont Street. July 1907. 2 items.

112. "— ...

113. — ';.•• .•;..._ llU. Paving and Grading of Horth Ave. July - August 1907. lA inch. 115. ^German Street propositionn of Eep. Frank C. Wacbter. July 1907. 1 item. 116. Supply of electricity to City. July 1907. 15 items. 117...—.

118. Complaint concerning Railroad crossing. September 1907. 5 items. yA.^S/tdr y/fff, H9. Paving of alley between Tovsen 8s Richardson Streets due to bealth naxard. July - December 1907. 20 items. 120, Builders Exchange resolution. July 1907. litem. "121. Hemoval of United Railways S Electric Co. -electrical poles; requests lor_l_. permits; inter bill complaints. July 1907 - April 1908. lA Incb, 122. ^- 123. Municipal Hospital Commission. August 1907 - April 1908. 20 items. 12h.;, Cleaning City alleys. July 1907 - February 1908. 10 Items. 125. Location of deceased immigrant's personal effects. July 1907. 5 items. 126. Merchants and Manufacturers Association and promotion of ^Shore trade. June 1907 - February 1908. 1/k inch. 127. Cleaning and Paving private alleys. July - December 1907. lA inch. 128. Assessments for paving private alleys. July 1907. 10 items. 129. Donation of Beverdy Johnson portrait to City. July 1907. 5 items. 130. Proposed location of branch offices and factories in Baltimore by outside firms. July - October 1907. 5 items. (/^(S-rL"u 3/l£fa 131. Complaint regarding improper drainage. July 1907. 3 items. 132. Maryland Home Coming ¥eek festivities. August 1907 - April 1908. 30 items. 133. Mayor's invitation to various associations to hold conventions in Baltimore. September 1907 - May 1908. 5 items. 131*. Bemoval and disposition of garbage from City. September 1907 - March 1908. lA inch. 135. Establishment of animal drinking fountains. October 1907 - January 1908. 5 items. •'••.'• 136. Problems with Franklin Turnpike Boad. June - September 1907. lA inch. 137. Xabor regulations for City contractors. August 1907 -April 1908. 5 items. 138. Opening of Covington Street. August 1907. 3 Items. 139. Grading and paving of 28th Street. August 1907. 5 items. 1^0. Use of City docks Toy melon growers. August 1907. 5 items. lUl. Stabling of horses in City. August 1907. 2 items. lU2. Dispute over paving costs for private alley. August 1907. 5 items. lU3. Fresh Air Fund donations. July - September 1907. lA inch. iM. Establishment of athletic field for Baltimore City College. June - October 1906. 10 items. Aeptwi^^- 1^5. Complaints against Street Cleaning^ September, August - October 1907. 5 items. 1U6. Release of inmate from Maryland School for Boys. August 1907. 1 item. lH7. Lighting of Gordon Avenue. August 1907. 2 items. lU8. United Railvays & Electric Co. request for apace on O'Donnell'a Wharf. August - October 1907. 5 items. . *.

1^9. Opening of 31st Street and objection from United Railvays & Electric Co. -August 1907 - January 1908. 10 items. ^ -

150. City purchase of property on Hunter Alley. Jlugust - October 1907. lA inch.

151. Dispute over paving for Ho. k Engine House on Roland Ave. August - November 1907. lA inch. •_;••.

152. United Teamsters of America request for pro-union measures. September 1907. 2 items.

153. Paving of Fulton Avenue alley. August 1907. 10 items.

15^. Frederick Ave. Improvement Assn. invitation to Mayor for engine house opening. September 1907. 2 items.

155. Proposed Sculpture Exhibition. September 1907 - May 1908. 20 items.

156. Paving of James Street alley. April - September 1907. 5 items. -

157. John S. Fulton request not to be appointed to the Public Bath Commission. , September 1907. litem.

158. Jail Board appointments; Warden's 1907 Annual Report. January - October 1907. 5 items. '.-

159.. —•"•

160. Frank Brown meeting vith Mayor. October 1907. 1 item*

161. Lighting of private streets. May - Hovember 1907. lA inch. L

162. Advertisements for The Lav and Customs of Riot Duty by Byron 1». Barge. ca.1907. 2 items.

163. City appointments to Maryland Institute. September 1907, May 1908. 3 items.;

1&*. Account of the national Prison Congress held in , 1907. October 1907. •1 item. .-.•-•. •'-•~:,:-:

165. Criticisms of City'-S ^T,1a inspection procedures. September - October 1907. 5 items.

166. Municipal Art Commission. October 1907 - Kay 1908. 1/2 inch.

167. Assessments for paving private alley. October 1907. 10 items.

168. Purchase ofvfcnd for City use. October 1907. 3 items.

169. Paving materials used for -work on 22nd Street. Uovember 1907 - May 1908. • 20 items.' 170. - J.71. $1,000,000 Park loan. October 1907. 20 items. 172. Release of inmate from the Fe^Le House of Befuge. October 1907. 5 items. 173. Oaths of office taken by appointees. October 1907. 2 items. IJh. Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad reqeust for lights on Palls Boad. October .. 1907. 2 items. 175. Bequest/qy cash primisary note. October 1907. 2 items. 176. Water service to Hudsto Alley houses. October 1907. 2 items. 177. Complaint concerning condition of Fifth Street. October 1907. 2 items. 178. Special Fund of the Police Dept. October 1907. 2 items. 179. Complaint concerning flooded cellar. October 1907. 3 items. 180. Commission for the Improvement of the Bailroad Facilities of Baltimore. July 1907 - January 1908. 20 items. 181. — • 182. Qualifications of James W. Eovard, Consulting Engineer. October 1907. 1 item. 183. "Wages of Baltimore police, 1850-1907. September 1907. litem. l81». Forest Park Improvement Association resolution. October 1907. 1 Item.

185. ^ .,;/ '".-''-':::'- 186. Bequest for employment. November 1907. 1 item. 187. Maryland Prisoners Aid Society. November 1907 - January 1908. 10 items. 188. Atlantic Deeper Waterways Conference, . November 1907. 5 items. 189. national Drainage Association Meeting. November 1907 - April 1908. 10 items. 190. Water Board meetings. November - December 1907. 10 items.

191.' ;*-./•>•..;;•• 192. Grading, paving, and other improvements for Light Street. November 1907 - February 1908. 1/2 inch. 193. Drainage conditions at Scott and Stockholm Streets. November 1907. ^ items. • 19W:-Damages to buildings from sewer construction. November .1907. 2 items* 195. Complaint regarding City sidewalk extensions. November 1907. lA inch. 196. Proposed transfer to city of strip of land running along the Beisterstoim Turnpike. November 1907. 5 items. 197. Commutation of prisoner sentence. November - December 1907. 10 items.

198. Appointment of 8th vard constable. Hoveaber 1907. 5 Items.

199. Baltimore Chapter of American Institute of Architects request for examination of proposed Building lav. November 1907. litem.

200. Dredging of areas near harbor piers. November 1907. 5 items.

201. B & 0 Railroad Grade Crossing Commission. May 1908.

202. Merchant complaints concerning obstructions caused by street vork. December 1907 - February 1908. 10 items.

203. -—

20U. City purchase of Tventy-fifth Street lot. Hovember - December 1907. 5 items.

205. "Mayors Right of Veto" from Clerk's Manual, ca.1907. litem.

206. Paving of IGonig Street. [November 1907. 5 it ens.

207. Complaints regarding condition Ferabill Ave. Bovember 1907. 5 items.

208. Complaint regarding Lyceum Theatre sign. December 1907. 1 item.

209. Complaint regarding condition of Westvood Avenue. December 1907 - May 1908. 20 items. V

210. Contributions to Monongah Mine disaster relief fund. December 1907 - February 1908. 3 items.

211. Report of the City trustees for the City for St. Mary's Industrial School. December 1907. 1 item.

212. Donation of cannon from Ft. Hamilton to Ft. McHenry. December 1907 - March 1908. 20 items.

213. Complaints regarding condition of Leadenhall Street. December 1907 - January 1908. 5 items.

2lU. Construction vork performed on York Road. December 1907 - January 1908. .20 items.

215. Recovery of money from Egyptian Bank; grading and paving of McComas Street. December 1907. lA inch.

216. Proposed construction of Baltimore Civic Center. January 1908. 15 items.

217. —

218. Complaints regarding polluted stream in Walbrook. January 1908. 10 items.

219. TTransmission of inmate information to Poor's Asylum of Halifax, U.S. January 1908. 1 item. 220. Bequest for peddler's permit. January 1908. 1 item.

221. iComplaints regarding condition of Monroe and Presbury -Street intersection. January - March 1908. 20 items. ^

222. Request for private use of public sever. January 1908. 1 item.

223. Opening of Seventh St. January 1908. 2 items.

22k * Complaints concerning condition of Auchentopaly Terrace. January 1908. 3 items.

225. Bequest for City custody of the temporary Court House. January 1908. 5 items.

226. Central Business Men's Association Resolution concerning City Dock. January 1908. 2 items.

227. "Endowment Fund" check for $25. December 1907. 1 item.

228. Proposed transfer of Brunswick Street road bed to City. January - March 1908. 10 items.

229. Bequest for permit to play street hockey. January 1908. 2 items.

230. Bequest for remission of automobile fine. January 1908. 5 items.

231. Proposed Francis Scott Key Memorial. January - April 1908. 10 items.

232. Proposed widening of Holliday Street. January 1908. 1 item.

233. Proposed widening of McCulloh Street. January - May 1908. 10 items.

231*. Actions of the State legislature relating to Baltimore. February - April 1908. litem.

235. Complaint concerning condition of Park Ave. and Lennox Street. February 1908. 1 item.

236. Proposed widening of Holliday St. February 1908. 1 item.

237. Proposed creation of State Shade Tree Commission. February - March 1908. '• 5 items.

.238.; /—..;"-.

239. Bequest for construction of street gutters for Delwood Ave. August - September 1907. 5 items.

2l»0. "Bequest for improved mosquito control. "February 1908. 1 item.

2kl, Grading of Beisterstown Boad. February 1908, 2 items.

2l»2. Proposed acquisition of Beisterstown Turnpike Boad by City. February - April 1908. 20 items.

2U3. Drainage at Wyman Park. February 1908. 5 items. 2hh. FroposliiPeonvertible bonds. February 1908. 5 items. i A 2k5. Proposed City Annex legislation. Jtorch 1908. .10 items. --- -->_ 2k6. Proposed Polytechnic Institute. January - May 1908. 10 items. 2U7. Proposed public playgrounds athletic league. March - April 1908. 5 items. 2U8. Ordinance authorizing fire insurance. March 1908. 1 item. 2k9. Appointments to Board of .Managers of the Industrial Home for Colored Girls. , February - May 1906. 5 items. 250. Bequest for City to bear expenses resulting from accident. March 1908. 1 item. 251. Automobile Club of Md. resolution offering City use of cars. March 1908. 2 items. 252. Sale of City stock. March - April 1908. 5 items. 253. Bequest for vater connections on Belle Ave. March 1908. 2 items. 251*. Proposed extension of Howard Street and related damage estimates. March 1908. 2 items. .. • 255. Complaints concerning Windsor Mill Boad. March 1908. 5 items. 256. Drainage of Annex property. March - April 1908. 10 items. 257. Ordinances related to^miD/quality. April - June 1908. 5 items. 258. Chelsea, Mass. request for aid in recovery from fire. April 1908. 3 items. 259. — 260. Corruption charges against City Commissioners J. Arthur Tfickham and James B. - Marine. April - May 1908. 261. Complaints regarding excessive noise from street musicians. April 1908. 10 items. 262. League of American Municipalities. May 1908 - . 3 A incn. 263. Complaint against granting of permits for flower selling on streets. May 1908. 3 items. 26H. "City Solicitor. May 1908 - . 1 lA inches. 261»A. City Solicitor. June 1908 -April 1909, 1/2 inch. 265. PoliceDepartment. June 1908 -May 1909. 1 inch. " •-.--.- 266. City Engineer. May 1908 - . 1 lA inches. 266A. City Engineer. July 1908 - May 1909. 1 lA inches. 266B. City Engineer. June 1908 - . 1 1/2 inches.

266C. City Engineer. December 1908 - May 1.909. 1 inch. ; - -

267. Commissioner of Street Cleaning. August 1908 - April 1909. 1/2 incli.

268. Commissioners for Opening Streets. May 1908 - May 1909. 1 lA inches.

268A. Commissioners for Opening Streets. May 1908 - May 1909. 1/2 Inch.

269. Dept. of Health. June 1908 - April 1909. 3A Inch.

270. Water Department. May 1908 - April 1909. 1/2 inch.

270A. Water Department. November 1908 - April 1909. 1 inch.

270B. Water Department. June 1908 -April 1909. 1/2 inch.

271. Inspector of Buildings. May 1908 - . 3A inch.

271A. Inspector of Buildings. March - May 1909. lA inch.

272. Children*s Playground Association; Public Athletic League. May 1908 - May 1909. 1/2 inch. v

273. Sewerage Commission. May 1908 - . 1 lA inches.

273A. Sewerage Commission. September 1908 - April 1909. 1 inch.

273B. Sewerage Commission. October 1908 - March 1909. 1 lA incn.

273C. Sewerage Commission. February - May 1909. 1 inch.

271*. Superintendent of Lamps and Lighting. June 1908 - May 1909. 1/2 inch.

275. Harhor Board. March 1908 - May 1909. 3A inch.

276. Consolidated Gas Electric Light and Power Company. May 1908 - March 1909. J-A incn.

277. Proposed Druid Bill Pari sculpture garden. May - June 1908. 5 items.

278. Police Department. June 1908 - March 1909. lA inch.

279. Department of Education. April 1908 - March 1909. 1 incn.

279A. Department of Education. February - May 1909. .1/2 inch.

280. Hambleton & Co. printed busine^ C*rC*Ws. June 1908 - May 1909, ..-,-•.-:-'-'i; 1/2 inch. .•:•:.. • .. V •

;.2c^.'''''"''Qpp6sition'''''to proposed use of Ft. McEenry as an immigration station, June

'•,.:•'.•.'•• 1908. 3 items. :::

282. Appeal Tax Court. June 1908 - . 1/2 incn. 283. Department of Public Parks and Squares. May 1908 - Hay 1909. 1 inch.

284. .Proposed City purchase of Philadelphia Boad property; Topographical Survey .Commission. June 1908 - J&y 1909. 1/2 inch. ":,'*

285. City Solicitor's approval of ordinances allowing erection of electric signs. July 1908 -May 1909. 1/2 inch.

286. Electrical Commission installation of telephones. July - August 1908. 5 items.

287. Assorted conventions, celebrations, expositions,and meetings; letters of introduction. July 1908 - May 1909. 1 inch.

288. Mayor's order forbidding City employees to work on Sunday; City Library and enforcement of various ordinances. March - May 1909. 1/4 inch.

289. City Markets; Comptroller. October 1908 - . 1A inch.

290. Sewerage Commission. June - July 1908. 10 items.

291. Architectural Commission. September 1908 - . 1/4 inch.

292. Collector of Water Bents and Licenses.' Dog ordinance. June 1908, May 1909. 4 Items. J

293. Assorted charitable organizations and cases. October 1908 - February 1909. " 20 items.

\ • - -

\ • - 294. Concerning various Ordinances and Resolutions. May 1908 - May 1908. 1/2 inch.

295. Proposed railroad grade crossing Ordinance. June 1908 - April 1909. 20 items.

296. Merchants and Manufacturers Association. June 1908 - April 1909. 10 items.

297. Directive allowing City employee members of State Militia to ohtain leaves of absence. June 1908. 2 Items.

298. Board of Fire Commissioners. June 1908 - May 1909. 1 inch.

299. Correctional Institutions. June 1908 - March 1909. 20 items.

300. Conventions of the Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association and national Mvers & Harbors Congress. June - December 1908. 1 inch, ,

301. Laborers and Labor "Unions. July 1908 - April 1909. 1/2 inch.

302. Bonding of City employees; audits; National Good Roads Commission convention; Department of Finance. June 1908 - Hay 1909. 1- 1/4 inch.

303. Supervisors of City Charities; various charitable organizations. July 1908 - - May 1909. 3/4 inch.

304. Complaints concerning dogs^ Erection of Public Bath Bouses and Comfort *" Stations. July 1908 - May 1909. 1/4 inch. 305. Condition of Gvynn's Falls bridge; proposed "Union Station" for railroad passengers; Commission for the Improvement of the Bailroad facilities of -Baltimore. June 1908 - May 1909. 1/2 inch.

306. ^

307. Ppopsed removal of Revenue Cutter School from Curtis Bay. December 1908 - / February 1909. 20 items.

308. South-East Baltimore Improvement Association request for resumes of City work done in that section during 1908. December 1908 - January 1909. . 20 items.'

309. Italian Earthquake Sufferers Fund. February .:..

310. City Engineer. May 1909 - . 1 inch.

310A. City Engineer. May 1909 - . 3A inch.

310B. City Engineer. *• . 1 lA inches.

310C. City Engineer. December 1909 - May 1910. 1/2 inch.

311. State legislation providing for an increase in the minimum per diem laborers Trage; Water Department; City Solicitor. May 1909 - May 1910. lA inch.

312. Sewerage Commission. May 1909 - . 1/2 inch.

312A. Sewerage Commission. May 1909 - . 3A inch.

312B. Sewerage Commission. December 1909 - May 1910. lA inch.

312C. Sewerage Commission minutes. April ~ December 1909. 3A inch.

312D. Sewerage Commission minutes. December 1909 - May 1910. 3A inch.

313. Commissioners for Opening Streets. May - Uovember 1909. 1 inch.

313A. Commissioners for Opening Streets. February 1909 - February 1910. 3A inch.

313B. Commissioners for Opening Streets. - May 1910. 1 inch.

311*. Commissioner of Street Cleaning. June 1909 - May 1910. 3A inch.

315. Department of Health. June 1909 - May 1910. 1 inch.

316. City Council. June 1909 - May 1910. 3A inch.

317. Dog Ordinance and prevention of hydwptab^J application for and revocation of various permits; Collector of Water Bents and Licenses. December 1909 - April 1910. 20 items,

318. General information requests from other Municipalities; City Library. September 1909 - April 1910. lA inch. 319. Department of Finance; City taxes. April 1909 - March 1910. 1 inch. "

320. General -information requests. August 1909 - April 1910. 10 items. 321. jaectrical Commission. May 1909 -- April 1910. 1/2 inch.

322. Board of Fire Commissioners. February 1909 - May 1910. 3 A inch.

,323. ---.;•;••:;.'• •/';;"::-;•.,„•

32k. Earhor Board. May 1909 - April 1910, 1/2 inch.

325. Inspector of Buildings. June 1909 - . 1 inch.

325A. Inspector of Buildings. Aigust 1909 - March 1910. 3A inch.1

325B. Inspector of Buildings. January - May 1910. 1/2 inch. '."•'"<•:• 326. General information requests; permit requests. June 1909 - May 1910. 1 inch.

327. Department of Public Parks and Squares. July 1909 - May 1910. 3A inch. 328. Department of Education. June - October 1909. 1 inch.

328A. Department of Education. December 1909 - May 1910. 1 inch.

329. Assorted Charitable organizations and cases. June 1909 - May 1910. 1/2 inch.

330. Topographical Survey Commission. July 1909 - May 1910. 1/2 inch.

331. Water Department. May 1909 - April 1910. 3A inch.

331A. Water Department. Kovember 1909 - May 1910. 3A inch.

331B. Water Department. April - May 1910. 20 items. ,

332. Erection of street lamps. May 1909 - March 1910. 1/k ±nch. 333. Audit of City Departments. May 1909 - April 1910. 3A inch. 33U. City Solicitor approval of Ordinances authorizing the erection of electric signs. May 1909 - May 1910. 1/2 inch. 335. B & 0 trac* on Wicomico Street. May 1909. ^ items.

336. Appointment of Ward Constables. August 1908 - May 1910. 1 inch.

337. Bonding of Commissioners *or Opening Streets. May - July 1909. 20 Items.

338. Bailroads and railroad stations. May 1909 - April 1910. lA inch. 339. Suggest ions for Municipal improvement; municipal information requests; Bev Charter Revision Commission. May 1909 - May 1910. 1 inch. -"-' 3^0. Appeal Tax Court. June 1909 - May 1910. 1/2 inch. Jones Falls Improvement Commission ; Municipal Art Society; Architectural Commission. August 1909 - April 1910. 1/2 inch,

342. League of American Municipalities. April - December 1909. 20 items. ""-"

343. General information requests; assorted conventions; letters of introduction. June 1909 - May 1910. 1 1/4 inches.

344. Department of Education and Public Athletic League. May 1909 - Araril 1910. 1/2 inch. , •• • ••••;-"•

31*5. Bambleton & Co. business newsletters. June 1909 - May 1910. 2. inch.

346. Merchants & Manufacturers Association. May 1909 - March 1910. 1/4 inch.

347. Wages paid to City Contractor labor. July 1909 - May 1910. 1/4 inch.

348. Construction of High Pressure Fire Service System. May - Octoher 1909. 10 items.

349. Construction of Baltimore Polytechnic Institute. January 1909 - May 1910. 1/4 inch.

350. Concerning the sale of Hew Orleans property "by the Board of Trustees of the McDonogh Educational Fund and Institute. May - July 1909. 10 items.

351. Board of Visitors to the City Jail. June 1909. 2 items.

352. formation of a Committee to investigate the Condition of the Valley Bailroad\ of . June 1909 - May 1910. 1/4 inch. •

353. Supply and use of natural gas. July 1909 - May 1910. 1 inch.

354. Railroads and railroad grade crossings. July 1909 - May 1910.

355. Inter-department Ao+ification of underground vork in City. Octoher 1909 - May 1910.

356. Utility services for Court Bouse and City Hall. Octoher 1909 - May 1910. 1/4 inch.

357. Beceipts for election returns. August, . 2 items.

358. Assorted vaterway conventions. Octoher 1909 - May 1910. 1/4 inch.

359. International Aviation Contest. Octoher - December 1.909. 1/2 inch.

360. General Assembly activities relating to Baltimore. January - May 1910. •,; 1/2 inch.

SJoi'^Appeal Tax Court. - * 1/2 inch.

362. Proposed "Key Monument.1' June 1910. 10 itemB.

. Creation of Public Service Commission. June 1910. 10 items. U League of American Municipalities annual^eet*>g and assorted other

:S^t^^S^^^ -January 1911. 1 'j/2 inches.|^f

366. City Solicitor; June;!(«;. Wl^^ll/2^^^; 367. Commissioner for Opening Streets. May 1910 - January 19H. 3A inch. 368. Commissioner of Street Cleaning. May 1910 - January 19H. lA inch. 369. Health Department. May 1910 - January 1911. 3/U inch. 370. City Council. May 1910 - January 19H. 3A inch. 3T1 Collector of Water Bents and Licenses; City Tax Collector. June 1910 - . 1A inch. 372. Department of Finance. May 1910 - January 1911. lA inch. 373. City Library. June -. 20 items. 37U. City Solicitor approval of Ordinances authorizing the erection of electric signs. Jfey - June 1910. 1A inch. 375. Electrical Commission. May - . lA inch. 376 ioard of Fire Commissioners. May - November 1910. 1A inch. 377. Supervisors of City Charities; Federated Charities. May 1910 - January 1911. 1/2 inch. / 378. Harbor Board. April - May 1910. 1/2 inch. 379. inspector of Buildings. May 1910 . January 1911. 3A Inch. 380. Police Department. May 1910 - January 1911. : 1/2 inch. «av -iDin _ Tebroary 19H. lA inch. 381. Department of Public Parks and Squares. May 1910 February 382. Severage Commission. May 1910 - January 1911. 2 inches. 382C. Sewerage Commission minutes. May - June 1910. 3 items.;

382D. Severage Commission minutes. June 1910. 1 it^. ! ^ 383. Board of School Commissioners. JunT„„eO 191T oi0o - February 1911. 3A inch.

38U. '•—••••',• 385. S* « action «t— * Supers- * mections. *« - lo^er 1910. 5 items. "*£^tetenaent of W and Li^in*. »»y «•..-. *»" "*• ^ ^~ )88. Water Department. May 1910 - January 1911. 3/k inch.

389. Hours workedl>y City Contract labor.' Hay - June 1910. 20 items.

390. Public Athletic League; Children's Playground Association. May 1910 - February 1911. 1/2 inch.

391. State Roads Commission; railway tracks on city streets. May 1910 - February 1911. 1/2 inch.

392. Eambleton & Co. business newsletters. May 1910 - February 1911. 1/2 inch.

393. General Information Bequests. June 1910. 10 items.

391*. Construction of highway over Jones Falls. June 1910. 10 items.

395. Appointment of Convention delegates. June - July 1910. 3 items.

396. — '

397. Market scales. June -. 10 items.

398. Concerning showing of Jefferies - Johnson prize-fight films. July - August 1910. lA inch.

399. Municipal Tuberculosis Commission. June - . lA inch.

ItOO. Police Department Beport. June 1910. 1 item.

^01. national Tariff Commission Association convention; Death of Ferdinand Latrobe; Department of Education; City Engineer; Complaints. June 1910 - January 1911. 3A inch.

1»02. Proposed Baltimore national Democratic Convention (1912); applications for employment; general information requests; Baltimore -elections. November 1910 - . 1 inch.

1*03. Appointment of Ward Constables; consulting engineer reports. "May - December 1910. 20 items.

3*0U. "Segregation Ordinance;11 City population census; Salvation Army permits. Hovember 1910 - April 19H. 1 inch.

^05. General suggestions and information requests. September 1910 - Fehruary 1911.

lA inch. ..'.••..;./_-•' ••••••

1*06. "Segregation Ordinance;" opening and improvement of streets; sale offers to city by property owners; "business propositions; public speaking permits. October 1910 - . 1A inch.

1*07. Assorted improvement associations; City improvement loans. June - December 1910. a/2 inch. - -__=:

*08. -^

U09. Assorted Complaints. Hovember 1910 - January 1911. lA inch. 1*10. Theater inspection; Baltimore poem. November 1910. 1* items.

1*11. Construction of Baltimore Polytechnic Institute; Commission on the City _. __ Plan; Board of Visitors to the City Jail; Board of Eire Commissioners; r~ Jones Falls Improvement Commission. October 1910 - January 1911. 1 lA Inch. 1*12. •< .

1*13. City improvement loans. June - December 1910. 10 items.

1*11*. Improvement of city streets; construction of Fourth Begiment Armory. July - December 1910. 1/2 inch. hi5. - "' •. •'•'•;'

1*16. Request for city to maintain holdings in the B & 0 Valley hranch. 2 items. •••••

1*17. Use of Ice Boat for nevsboy excursion. June 1910. 2 itemB.

1*18. Jurisdiction for seaman's offence onboard U.S.S. Delaware. October 1910. 2 items.

-U19. ~~ teo. "~

\ .•-•-...- 1*21. "Bloede Ordinance^ 2&micipal Hospital Commission meetings. June - December 1910. 3 items. <

1*22. ""Bloede Ordinance.n June 1910. 1 item.

1*23. national Irrigation Congress. June 1910. 1/1* inch.

1*2U. Application for Public Athletic League secretary's position. July 1910. 3 items.

1*25. Complaints concerning city street conditions. June - October 1910. 5 Items.

k26. Committee meetings. July - TJovember 1910. 5 items.

**27. ;—•' 1*28. ~ 1*29. >

1*30. Maryland Association For the Prevention and Belief of Tuberculosis. June 1910. 5 items.

1*31. Invitations. July 1910. 2 items. '•l»32.rr^';;.:CJ4^;\:--;V;;':-';-. . ' ~"~~ 1*33. National Good Roads Convention (1910). August 1910. 1 item. . Invitations. June - July 1910. 2 items.

^35. ~

436. Transfer of receipted bills. May 1910. J. item. r

1*37. ^

^38. J.H. Mason Knox, Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. forwarded letter. July 1910. .. 2 items.

1*39. Jones Palls Highway Commission; national Good Boads Association Convention. April - July 1910. ' * Items. hhO. General information requests; complaints. -April - December 1910. 1/k inch.

Ml. *-:•'

1*1*2. Complaints; application for positions. July - Bovember 1910. 20 items.

1*1*3. Merchants and Manufacturers Association; general information requests. July 1910 - January 1911. 1/2 inch. hkk. Assorted conventions; City population census. July - November 1910. 1 inch.

W*5. Assorted conventions; promotional activities. August - October 1910. lA inch.

1*1*6. ComuLaints concerning city street conditions; property sale offers. August 1910 - April 1911. 1A inch. .V

1*1*7. Assorted conventions; complaints; promotional activities. July 1910 - January 1911. 20 Items.

1*1+8. City interest in the Valley Eailroad of Virginia; Advertisibng circulars; general information requests. July - August 1910. lA inch.

1*1*9. State Road Commission; Kevspaper matters; promotional activities. July 1910— January 1911. 2/2 inch.

3»50. Complaints; drought; assorted conventions and expositions; City Engineer. July 1910 - February 1911. 3A inch.

451. "Segregation Ordinancef" utilities; complaints; general information requests. September 1910 -January 1911. 1/2 inch.

1*52. ' •—:,•" h53. Baltimore committee endorsement of Panama Canal celebration in WasMngton; general information suggestions and requests; applications for employment; ; response to Mayor's fourth annual message. January » May 1911. 1 inch.

J+51*. v(k>mmi8sion on City "Plan. January - April 19H» lA inch,

1*55. Board of School Commissioners. December 1910 - April 1911. lA inch. . Support for holding 1912 Democratic national Convention in Baltimore. January - February 1911. 20 items,

1*57. Sewerage Commission. February - April 1911. 1/2 Inch. - -~ ~ -".- 1*58. City Engineer. February - May 1911. 1/2 inch.

1*59. City Solicitor. February - May 1911. 1 1/U inches. 1*60. Supervisors of City Charities; Federated Charities. February - April 1911.

••'.,•/"• 5 items. : . .•'•-'.'•'•••<'••." l*6l. Topographical Survey Commission; City Council; City Engineer. February - May 1911. 1 inch.

1*62. Merchants and Manufacturers Association. February - April 1911. 10 items,

1*63. State Roads Commission. December 1910, April 1911. 3 items.

k6k. United Railvays and Electric Company. February - May 1911. 10 items. 1*65. Department of Public Parks and Squares. February - May 1911. 20 items.

kS6, Hectrical Commission. February 1911. 1 item. -1*67. Protest against SPCA Hospital. February 1911. 1 item. 1*68. Complaints; Maryland Association for the Prevention and Belief of Tuberculosis; remittance of fines; Eambleton & Co. business newsletters. February - . lA inch. ; b69. Complaints; International Cotton Mills Corp. purchase of property; Greater Baltimore Committee; -promotional activities. February - May 1911. .1 inch. 1*70. Greater Baltimore Committee. February - April 1911. 5 items. 1*71. Recommendations for employment; Complaints; opposition to opening of Calvert Street through Polytechnic Institute grounds; Municipal stocks and bonds. February - April 1911/ 1*72. Complaints; assorted meetings; Inspector of Buildings. February - May 1911. 1/1* inch. 1*73. Improvement suggestions; assorted ordinances; assorted conventions. February - May 1911. 1/2 inch. -1*71*. Appeal Tax Court. January - April 1911. lA inch.

1*75. "Segregation Ordinance;*1 street improvements. April - May 1911. 20 items.

1*76. Superintendent of Lamps and Lighting. March - May 1911. 10 items.

3*TJ. Blanket permit allowing sale of Easter goods in City streets. Aprilf2911.---.

"..'•-'.'••-•; ••'! item. •••.: Vlo. Contributions to aia San Francisco earthquake Bufferers; report oitai discount* offered by other cities; Committee on Chesapeake Bay Trade; Electrical ~ Commission. April 1906 - Hovember 1909. 1 l/k inches.

VjT.9. Audits of City agencies. Jane 1909 - Uay 1910. J.A inch.

h$>0. national Conference on City Planning; The Builders Exchange of Baltimore City; Factory Site Commission of Baltimore City; City Contract vith C '* P :r Telephone Co.; Contributions to the^Conscience fund*1' April - May 1911. • _ 3A Inch. " ;

-WJl. General Correspondence. February - May 1911. lA inch.

BOTE: Files [k&2] - [500^ were unnumbered. flumbers are assigned to them for purposes of description and access. Files [MJ2] - [^95] probably were originally maintained as one grouping; the current arrangement, however, reflects the order in which the material was found.

[^82.] - [U95.] - Letters of congratulation to Mahool; applications for positions; invitations. February - June 1907. 2 1/2 inches.

1^96.] Invitations and requests for contributions to Timanus. December 1906 -April 1907. 1/2 inch.

[**97.] "Baltimore: As it was; As it is; As it will $e," Manufacturer's Becord. September 3, 1911*. lA inch. J

[^98.3 Stenographer's Transcript of the Proceedings of the City Council investigation of the Board of Park Commissioners. Hovember 1901. 1 inch.

[U99.3 Industrial Survey of Baltimore. *. 1/2 inch. v

1500.1 Charges brought by John E. Semmes against Alcaeus Hooper concerning the Board of School Commissioners. Feb.-Nov. 1910, 1 inch. Preston, 1911-19 (S15 Preston Administration RGB Series 15 Boxes 122-163

1. Schools: applications and recommendations for positions; controversary over - dismissal of incumbent School Commissionersand Superintendent of Public Instruction Van Sickle; conferences between the Mayor and the School Commissioners- May - . 4 inches. 2. Mayor's Committee of Welcome to Home Coming Troops ] WWJJ. January - June • : . 1919." 3 inches. '• *- r •• ;•?• Vv''~:~>. V'"'• "^ 3- City Parks: Department of Public Parks and Squares; Landscaping; suggestions for improvements; Complaints; procurement of loans, etc. March 1917 - ; ApriJ J9J9, 1 3/4 inches.

4. Grading, paving, and repairing of City streets: City Engineer.' Paving Commission; paving tax protests; State Roads Commission. May 1311— - 2£ inches.

5- Proposed methods to standardize and modernize City condemnation.procedures. 6. Commissioners for Opening Streets. March 1312 - October 1915. 10 inches.

7- Water Department, including construction of Loch Raven Dam. - 2 December 191 *. 3 /9vCA^5' ; 14. Commissioners for Opening Streets, including opening of Calvert Street through Polytechnic Institute grounds. May 1911 - November 1918. Jr inch. 14B. Commissioners for Opening Streets. June 1915 ~ September 1316. li inches.,

14C. Commissioners for Opening Streets. January 1316 - March 1917. 1 inch. ' 14D. Transcript of Investigation of charges against City Commissioners J. Arthur ^ Wickham and James H. Marine. April 1908 - September 1916. H inches.

14E. Commissioners for Opening Streets. February 1917 - August 1919- 2£ inches.

15. City Surveyor. October 1315 - September 1918. 10 items. 16. harbor Board including construction of Key Highway and recreation pier. May 1910 - August 1314. 4 inches. 16A. Harbor Board including construction of Light Street Bridge. November 1311 - March 1314. 2 inches. ;

16B. Harbor Board. April 1312 - January 1314. linch.

16C. Harbor Board. - May 1915. H inches.

.17- Opening and development of Green Spring Avenue. May 1911 - May 1314. 1 inch.

18. Construction of Fallsway Viaduct and roadway. May 1311 - . 1 3/4 inches. ::•;;/ j V--::v-r ...-;"• :20E. Citizen's Creed Contest- March 1317 - May 1313- 6 inches.

21B. Appointments to Various Commissions, Hay__- December ,1311. i indu -- ._- , _.,

2JC. Erection of Ferdinand C. Latrobe memorial. May 1312 - May 1314. i inch.

21D. Amendment of West Segregation Ordinance. May 1312 - November 1313- jj inch.

21£. Regarding Ordinance to Condemn arid Widen Saratoga Street. September 1312 r February 1313- 5 items. •'•—." '-".,

21J. Concerning Sunday Baseball Ordinance. May - July 1314. li inches.

23- Board of Fire Commissioners, including construction of high pressure pipe lines. May 1311 -October 1312. 1 inch.

24. Commercial promotion of Baltimore, including Factory Site Commission. June 1315 - February 1313. 2 inches.

31F- "Report to Mayor on Extension of Water Service in New Addition of Greater Baltimore." March 1313. 1 item. -

36. Charity organizations and cases. June 1311 - April 1313- 1 inch.

38. Water Department, including construction of Fallsway thoroughfare. May 1315 - . January 1313. % inch.

41. Commercial promotion of Baltimore, including regulation of rai1 road switching : , charges; proposed establishment of U.S. Armor plate plant; comraerical : relations with South America. August 1312 - June 1314. 2 inches.

41A. Commercial promotion of Baltimore, including Factory Site Commission; design of City flag; commercial relation with South America. May 1311 - May 1915- 8i inches.

44. Opposition to proposed abandonment of Ft. McHenry. June - July 1311- 20 items. :

45- Commercial and diplomatic relations with South America; Panama Canal- July 1315 - March 1313. 3 inches. r • -:: .•:-'-.:-..

47- Construction of Key Highway, including bridge work; prices charged for gas and ; electricity. September 1311 - April 1919. 21 inches.

47B. Proposed Municipal Harbor Belt Railroad, including Public Service Commission ': activities. January 1317 - January 1919- 1£ inches-

43- National Star-Spangled Banner Celebration, 3314; EAR - United Confederate Veterans Conventions. April - August 1313- I inch.

49A. National Star-Spangled Banner Celebration, 1314. May 1313 - December 1314. 3£ inches.

49B. National Star-Spangled Banner Celebration, 1914. ~ December 191k. 3 2 inches.

49C. National Star-Spangled Banner Celebration, 1314. May - September 1314 34 inches. '9D. National Star—Spangled Banner Celebration, 1914. July - . H inches.

49E. National Star-Spangled Banner Celebration, 1914. August - September 19lV ~::' 3 inches.

49F. National Star-Spangled Banner Celebration, 1314. August - December 1914. li inches.

52. Improvement of Eastern Shore Transportation facilities. August 1311 - April 1915- £ inch.

53- General Assembly matters dealing with City, including proposed extension of City limits. September 1311 - April 1314. 4 inches.

53A. General Assembly matters dealing with City, including proposed borough bill, uhome rule" bill, and investigation of City Pol ice Department. February 1312 - June 1918. 3 inches.

53B. General Assembly matters dealing with City, including proposed Senate primary bill, Child Labor Law, "Oyster bill," establishment of State Training School for delinquent girls, November 1913 - . 1 inches.

53C. General Assembly matters dealing with City, including Democratic party legislative preparation meetings, City authority over Liquor License and Police Boards. - . H inches.

54. Ft. McHenry Park, including erection of Armistead Monument. May 1915 ~ May 1917. H inches.

57H. Invitations. November 1918 - January 1319- i inch.

59. Wartime activities, including American League to Limit Armaments, League to Enforce Peace, National Security League, National Defense League. May 1915 - May 1916. 1 3/4 inches.

59A. 'Wartime activities, including American Committe for Armenian and Syrian Relief, American Relief Committee, various peace and preparedness organizations- June 1916 - January 1919- 2i inches.

59B. Wartime activities, including War Loans, recruitment, "Baltimore Fund,11 City barge construction, cultivation of "victory"gardens. March 1917 - February 1919. 3 inches.

59C. Wartime activities, including Liberty Loans, foodstuff supplies, military -training and recruitment, "Baltimore Fund." April - June 1917- 2 inches.

59D. Wartime activities, Including U.S. Food Administration, foodstuff supplies, Liberty Loans, League to Enforce Peace, proposed government proving ground. July 1917 ~ November 1918. 2 inches.

59E. Wartime activities, Including Liberty Loans, American Committee for Armenian ^nd Syrian Relief, Baltimore Fund. November 1317 -April 1318. 2 inches!"

59F. Wartime activities. Including Liberty Loans, Baltimore Fund. April 1918 - May 1919. 1£ inches. 3. Proposed Maryland Constitutional Convention. .May 1915 - November 1918. 1 inch. : Yv

61. Washington Monument Centennial Celebration. June 1915 - January 1916.;^ Indi.

62. Proposed state law allowing prohibition by local option. - January 1914. i inch. : v-V.\ ' ••;;• - '•-- • -:• 62A. Proposed City Immigrant Station and Hospital. - March 1914- l£ inches.;

62C. Proposed City Bureau of Municipal Efficiency and Research; Bureau of State and Municipal Research. - - H inches.

63. City song contest; proposed meeting of 1912 Democratic National Convention in Baltimore. - ; June - November 1915. 2i inches. 63A. Democratic National Convention arrangements. February - . 2 inches. 63B. Democratic National Convention arrangements. June - July 1912- i inch.

66. Pennsylvania Railroad improvement plans. Janaury 1915 ~ August 1918. H inches.

66A. Pennsylvania Railroad improvement plans. February - March 1917. li inches.

66B. Pennsylvania Railroad improvement plans. March - June 1917- 2 inches.

66C. Pennsylvania Railroad improvement plans, including inspection tour of railroad facilities. January - May 1917-, 1 inch. 66D. Pennsylvania Railroad improvement plans. March 19U ~ December 1918. 3 inches.

66E. Pennsylvania Railroad improvement plans. October 1917 ~ June 1918. . 1 inch.

67. City Markets. - September 1913- 1 inch.

68. Proposed extension of City limits. - January 1916. li inches.

68A. Proposed extension of City limits. February 1916 - January 1917. li inches.

68B. Proposed extension of City limits, including City delegation trip to Annapolis. February 1916. 1 inch. ..;..'•;'-• 68C. Proposed extension of City limits. April 1917 -November 1918. 3 inches. 68D. Proposed extension of City limits. October 1917 - February 1918. i inch.

68E. Proposed extension:.of City limits. October 1917 - March 1919- •*» inches.

68F. Proposed extension of City limits, including proposed erection of a Municipal Auditorium. December 1915 " October 1918. 2 inches. .69. Municipal Art Society; proposed National Forest and Park between Baltimore and Washington, D.C.; proposed Civic Center and Convention Hall. "* April 1919. finches. 72. Proposed allowance of Sunday baseball. June 195 - Janaury 1919- 2i Inches. JA. Erection of Francis Scott Key Memorial. August 1316 - December 1318. 1 inch.

-7^. Improvement and commercial promotion of Baltimore harbor. October 1312 - Jlarch ; : : 1313. 2 inches. ^ " " i

78. Widening of St. Paul Street. January 1315 - September 1318. 14 inches.

78A. Widening of St. Paul Street. January 1316 - July 1318. 2 inches.

73- Mayor's Committee of Welcome to Home Coming Troops. November 1338 - May 1313- 14 inches.

80. Proposed WW1 memorial; establishment and improvement of parks and squares, including the Civic Center and Mt. Vernon Place. March 1317 - May 1313- • k Inches. .-•..-..••;.-':,'.•..• 8^. Establishment of the Carroll Mansion Vocational School. December1315 - March •1313. k inch. 31. General Assembly matters dealing with City, including extension of City limits. December 1315 - February 1316. 14 inches. 31A. General Assembly matters dealing with City, including Mother's Pension Bill. February - November 1316. 2 inches.

31C. General Assembly matters dealing with City. May 1317 - September 1318. 2 inches.

35- Municipal Art Commission, including erection of monuments and statues. August 1315 -May 1313. 2 inches.

10*». Grading and construction of Gwynn's Falls Parkway. September 1915 - January 1318. i inch.

106. Repeal of Segregation Ordinance; Real Estate Board of Baltimore. December 1315 ~ February 1919- i inch. 118. Erection of Lafayette Monument. May - March 1913-34 inches.

121. Improvement of Mt. Vernon and Washington Places. June 1317" July 1318. 1 Inch.

132. Baltimore port promotion, Including Export £ Import Board of Trade, Board of Trade of Baltimore, U.S. Interstate Commerce Commission; U.S. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation. February - April 1313, Note: Files £500] -"[5333 were unnumbered. Numbers are assigned to them for purposes of description and access. Files £$00] - Ij>28) relate to applications and recommendations for City employment. -Each file pertains to a separate City agency, as noted in the following ooscriptioriS. ">00^ Appeal Tax Court. May 1915 - May 1318. 10 items. / 50Tj Public "Bath Commission. January 131A - March 1918. 4 inch.

PsoiT] inspector of Buildings. December 1312 -July 1918. 1 inch. rc50 3 -1 Supervisors of City Charities. July -August 1915. 5 items.

P,047j City Council.: iitay J315rW5;jie^;^fev^-::Wi4 - „_—

/505T] City Collector. November 1914 - July 1918. 1 inch.

City Engineer. - February 1918. h. inch.

£507T| City Jail. September 1915 - May 1919- 1 inch,

[508^ Electrical Commission. March 1913" - March" 1918. li inches.

]j>®3~\ F«re Board. September 1915-- November 1916. i inch.

JjloTJ Harbor Board. - July 1918. li inches.

£511 -J Health Department. -April 1917- 3z inches.

I512.J Highways Engineer. October 1915 - May 1919- 1 inch./

!j513.J Superintendant of Lamps and Lighting. July 1912-- March ,1918. 3A inch.

151^. I Bureau of Minor Privileges (Department of Franchise). May 1916 ~ July 1917- — i inch.

; ~15-\ Commissioners for Opening Streets. September 1913 ~ February 1918- 3A inch.

P^16A Department of Parks and Squares. January\19l4 - November 1918. i inch.

1— •••- ^ '•"••.'... .-•.-'. / 517•1 Paving Commission. November 1913 - January 1918. 4 inch-

I 518.] Superintendant of Pub!ic Buildings. February 191k - December 1917- i inch.

[519^ Peopled Court. October 1915" July 1918. 3A inch.

I 520.1 Sewerage Commission. • November 1912 - May 1916- 2 inches.

J~521 .J Commissioner of Street Cleaning. September 1913 ~ July 1918. 1 inch.

/522T\ Mayor's Clerk. July 1911 - July 1317- i iTich.

TJ23TJ Superintendent of Public School Buildings. November 1912 - May 1913- i inch."

/ 52^7] Department of Education. June 13\k - January 1918. H inches.

[J525-J Water Department. October 19H - April 1918. 1 3A rnches.

J52M Topographical Survey tommlssion. - July 1918. 1 inch.

/~527.J Factory Site Commission. December 1912 - April 1918. 10 items. fc S28?}Miscellaneous Applications. July"1912 - May 1918. M inches. - .;„.-;_

}529. \ Concerning Charles H. Grasty, editor of . May 1913 - November *-.• .< 1914- i inch. ;.; !0. I Reports of Daniel B. Banks, Consulting Engineer associated with High Pressure

-—' Fire Service System construction- January * November 1312- jk inch. _ _w j 531-1 Concerning agency annual reports and Mayor's messages. December 1314 - ^ September 1918. 2 inches.

J 532.1 Volunteering of automobiles for City tours during 1912 Democratic National ^~~ —)• Convention. June 1912. i inch.

) 533- Newspaper Clippings relating to Preston's Florida vacation, his bid for —' re-elect ion.and local politics. February 1915- 2z inches. feroening, 1919-23 (S16jj| Broening Administrative Files KG9 S16 Boxes iGk-Jf$ /fir^a£ft\^ir^e*~/my'/Y'

A7. Prestdn -and Fields attorneys, account with City as Special Counsels; City Auditor report on Sinking Funds- June 1921 - November 1922. i Inch.

A8. Erection of Lafayette statue. October 1919 * December 1922- 10 items.

A12. General information requests. December J919 - March 1920. £ inch.

A15- Applicat ions and recommendations for City positions. October 1919 * February 1923- 7i inches.

A17- .City assessments and budget. October 1920 - February 1923- £ inch.

B8. Port and harbor concerns, including U.S. Shipping Board allocations and sale of City tug boats. August 1919 - January 1920. i inch.

BIO. Erection of Monuments and Memorials; including Soldiers, Sailors and Marines Memorial Commission and Key -Memorial. October 1919 ~ April 1923- 5? inches.

H7- Health Department,"including Municipal Weekly Morbidity and Mortality Reports of Certain Diseases. November 1919 - May 1923. 6 inches.

H9- Patriotic and holiday celebrations. October 1919 - March 1923- 5 inches.

115- Insurance of City property and employees. September 1919 ~ May 1922. 1 3A inches.

L20. Laws and regulations pertaining to City. -August 1919 -April 1923- 3i inches.

M129-H8. "Buddie Week" celebfal'fon and military reunion. June - September 1921. 1 inch. .,.••-. ,: .

M129-179- Convention of American Society for Municipal Improvements^ Mayor's » Convention. August 1921 - June 1922. li inches.

P53- Relating to assortedSpublications, including material requested and solicited from other cities, The Municipal Journal, complimentary copies of pamphlets and speeches, advertising and promotional material; Citizen1s Military Training Camps. May 1919 ~ January 1923- 7 Inches.

§2. Minutes of Board of School Commissioners meetings {printed) - removed. •V August 1919 " May 1923. 2i Inches.

§6. City Schools, including construction and maintenance, outings, personnel, commencements, Maryland Institute scholarships, complaints and suggestions. : June 1919 - March 1923- lfoot. Jackson, 1923-27 (S17) Jackson Administrative Files RG9 S17 Boxes 176-185 fct^lUfi*ttfi**^~/%&/ L fld.ytfJ7*) ' ' - --_-.-... _?/ A5-24. City Auditor report to Mayor concerning City Traffic Court.. August - . September 1923-10 items. / ^

AlJ-ky. Raising of funds for the widening of Lexin£ton and Fayette Streets. .- April'- July 1924. 10 items. ":>::^-C^. A18-6. Formation of Association of Commerce for Commercial promotion of City. '-'. June 1923 - March 19-24. £ inch.

A18-20. Seprepation Ccunroittee. January 192k. 20 'items. ^

A18-57- Baltimore Committee for the World Court. January 1925 - February 1926. •"••••'•' 1 inch. 'v;^;

A18-58. Citizens Military Training Camps. June 1926 - April 1927- 10 items.

A18-72. Committee on Industrial Coordination and Defense. September 1926 - , January 1927. 3/4 inch.

A20-256. Baltimore Alliance meetings. September 1923 - May 1924. i inch.

20-1268. Visit and reception of Queen Marie of Rumania. August 1926 - April 1927- ' 1£ inches.

A20-1423. Laying of cornerstone of Baltimore City College. November - December 1926. 20 items.

A20-1496. BSD Railroad centennial celebration. January - April 1927. i inch. B5-21, Broadway and Locust Point Ferry. June 1923 - November 1925- i inch.

B10-1. Erection and placement of Lafayette statue in Mt. Vernon.Square. June 1923 - May 1925. 2i inches. B10-3. "War Memorial Building dedication. September 1924 - April 1927- U inches.

B10-5 thru 12. Assorted City beautlfication projects and suggestions. March 1924 - :.•.;:.'•,•''•'. August 1926. i inch. B30-213. Allied Building Trades strike against City, including wage arbitration. March 1925 ~ February 1926. 2 inches. B30-376. Proposed Falls Road location of City Dog Pound. July - October 1926. 1 inch.

£5-10. Committee on Traffic. July 1923 - August 1925- Is inches.

1 C15-10. Erection of Baltimore Museum of Art building. August 1923 " May 1927.' ; 2i Inches. C25-2. City Council matters, Including $10,000,000 loan ordinance, sale of City property, and annual budgets. August 1923 - April 1927- 3 inches. W10.Baltimore Airport -Committee. July 1926-- March 1927- 1 inch.

W15_20a. Applications and recommendations for appointment to Board of Park • " Commissioners. January 1924 - March 1925.H inches.

W15-20b. Applications and recommendations for appointment to Board of School Commissioners. July 1923 - March 1926. 11 inches,.

W25. Concerning City employee pensions., April 1924 - October 1926. li inches. , G1 -17. Offer to City of large graphic collectiontry private collector. "^ ; J . ...

Gl-67. Proposed extension and improvement of Howard Street. September 1923- February 1926. i inch-

H20-29- Concerning conditions at Jayview Hospital. November 1925 - December 1926-'•'• i'Inch-1'

H25-14. Proposed municipal ambulance service. June 1923 ~ April 1927- 3/4 inch-

H25-15. Opening of Sydenham communicable disease hospital. July 1923-- %= October 1924. 3/4 inch- . , ;',

H25-58. Meat Inspection Ordinance. June 1924 - December 1925. £ inch-_;:

H25-354. City atmospheric pollution study. November 1926 - April 1927- 5 inch. • "• , - .

L5. Assorted local, state,-and federal laws pertaining to Baltimore- March 1923 - February 1927. 2 inches.

L10-24. Concerning medical services for City employees. February 1924 - Way 1925. i inch. : -. ; -

L10-153. Assorted state laws pertaining to Baltimore. February - April 1927. li inches.

"P30-23. Copies of Jackson's speeches and addresses. September 1923 ~ February 1927- 1 inch,

P30-287- "Old Ironsides Week." October 1925- 10 items.

R1-19- Lafayette-Mafhe Day celebration. July - September 1924. 4 inches.

RIO. Real estate and zoning matters, including racial segregation demands. October 1922 - Tebruary 1927. U inches.

R20-26. Proposed increase of City transit fares. May - June 1924. 3/4 inch.

25-38. investigation of Clifton Park Junior High School construction. July 1923 ~ April 1927. 1 inch.

S5-53. Establishment of Towson State Teacher's College- August 1923 - June 1924. J, inch.

"S5-130. tlty Collge\rchltectural \ompetition. December 1923 - August 1926- 1 inch.

W5-.- Various Harbor matters, including Harbor Engineer^ applications for employment, pollution of navigable waters, assorted improvements- June 1923 - January 1927. H inches. 4oening, 1927-31 (518} !8roening Administrative Files RG9 S18 Boxes 186-199 (Second Administration, -May 1327-May 1333), ;/j - v^ :,; ^"

A15. Applications and recommendations for employment. May 1927 - September 1929- 4 inches.

BJ-111. Concerning agency budgets^ including Civil Service Commission, and new central library building. November I328 -May 1929. 3A inch.

Bl-208. Proposed municipal dog pound, including opposition by SPCA. June - October 1929. 2i inches.

BIO. Construction of new Baltimore Museum of Art Building; erection of various monuments and memorials. June 1927 ~ January 1930. i inch.

B23-2. Construction of the -Baltimore Street bridge over Gwynn's Falls, July 1929 - June 1930. i inch.

B30-65- Construction of new main Post Office.building. January 1929 - February 1930. i inch.

Dl-427. Proposed East-West viaduct. March 1929 - February 1931. H inches.

110-^BureauJof"Archives. June 1927 - May 1930, 4 items.

E35- City personnel matters, including Current Wage Arbitration Committee. February 1928 - April 1931- 2 inches.

Gl-4. Col. Charles A. Lindbergh reception. June — October 1927. 2 Inches.

Gl-38. Removal of explosives from Curtis Bay Ordinance Depot. September 1327 " October 1928. \ inch.

Gl-285. Concerning Mayor4s radio addresses. May 1928 - February 1931- i inch. -

Gl-^93^ Restoration of U.S. Constitution ("Old Ironsides"). February - October 1929. 10 items. v /

£1-585. Selection of the ,1Star-Spangled Banner" as the national anthem. June 1929 " April 1931. 10 Items.

GI-63I. Restoration of the Peale Museum. June 1929 - May 1931- 1 Inch.

Gl-662, Proposed Chesapeake Bay Bridge. September - November 1929- £ Inch.

Gl-872. Proposed establishment of old-age pensions for needy citizens. October . 1930 - March 1931- 1 "«*.

H15-32- Extension of Howard Street. October 1928 - February 1931- 1 inch..;

,H20-1. Municipal Ambulance Service. May 1927 ~ June 1928. J inch.

, H25-38. Authorisation for appointment of meat inspectors. May 1928 - February 1930. 1 inch. .1.5. Legal matters pertaining to City residents and organisations, including Export and Import Bureau of. the Baltimore Association of Commerce. May 1927 -December 1929- 11 inches. - , - -.---.-

L10. Law Department, including General Assembly -.matters pertaining to City. June 1927 - April 1931- 4 inches,

M130-1. Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association conventions. August 1926- November 1930. 3 inches.

M130-23. B 6 0 Railroad Centennial celebration. July - November 1927. 4 inches.

M130-53- Ft. WcHenry dedication. July - .November 1928. 4£ 'inches,

Nl-7. Proposed use of daylight savings Zime in City. May 1927 - October 3930. 3i inches. :- '

N2-24. Unemployment relief in City. September 1927 ~v April 1931. 3 inches.

05-I. City zoning activities and ordinances. June 1927 - September 1930- 1 inch.

05-21. Designation of Red Cross as official disaster relief agency. February 1928 - February 1929- 5 items. *

05-36- Pennsylvania Railroad improvements. May 1928 -February 1931- 2 inches.

05-^3. Proposed ordinance for City laborers wage increase. Jiay 1928 - October * 1929. i inch. ••..-."•'

05~51- Authorization for establishment of movie theatre and bowling alley for blacks. July - August 1928. 10 Items.

05*55- Proposed City purchase of S.P-C.A. property- .November - December 1328, £ inch,

05-60. Proposed establishment of movie theatre on Idmondson Avenue. December 1328 - January 1929- i inch.

D5-63- Concerning damages and expenses arising from condemnation and opening of -,. Gwynn's Falls Parkway. January - Arpil 1929- £ inch.

O5-7O. Proposed ordinance allowing construction of row houses in Hunting Ridge. January - May 1929- 3/4 inch.

05-83. Proposed erection of parking garage at St. Paul and Saratoga Streets. July - October 1929. 1 inch.

05-112. Proposed erection of apartment house at Charles Street and "Bishop Road. December 193D - March 1931. 1 inch.

05-120. Proposed Gypsy ordinance. March— April 1331. 2 items. .. -

P30-263. Copy of Broenlng "Boost ¥eek13 radio speech. September 1330- 1 item. • -. - ."•

P33-1. Public Improvement Commission annual report for 1927- November 1328. Litem..-; ._- •R10-3. City airport matters, including Baltimore Airport Commission, and proposed aircraft manufacturing plant. June 1327 - August 1930. 5 inches.

R10-7- Protest from resident of recently integrated neighborhood. June 1927- 3 Items. ^

T5-1. Proposed installment system for tax payment. June 1327 - October 1329- •• 2i inches. "

T5-110. Assorted executive orders. May 1923 - October 1330. -20 items.

Note: Files [XIJ - \X4J have been assigned symbolic designations for purposes of description and access.

I XI. .1 Proposed salary increase for City Health Department nurses. July - August ^ J 1923923. . 1 inch.

X2 .] The Marylander, vol. 4, no. 47, containing article on Broening. March 1323 r 1 item. X3-/7 Commit tee on Airport Sites preliminary report. .November 1927 - Way 1928. r ^ 3 items. I Xk J Copy of Broening address to City Council concerning the work of City ^~ ^ departments. May 1930. i inch.

!>&-! p^(P fof^h iMkl i^iU fcofrcl /W #U^ M, Jackson, 1931-35 (S19) ^G9^19^acksoh^Adminlstrati.ve Files' boxes'200-228 "(Second Terra,U

-A15-* '.Applications and" Recommendations for employment. '•May 1931 '.'>•'••'"•' .

7-^A15-35»-' Bureau of Smoke Control personnel ;and. administrative matters.-:_ r r v ;; H^v '; ;;;: -May ;1931;~ January "1935.^34 inches^i;-^-: 'V . -;-_r. v!I•'•" /:-; ••:• %'•-;'; Al5~1306.Walters Art Gallery personnel and administrative matters. . y ' : r; . --November 1932 - October 193^. U inches. "V. -•.-_: '0•.- ' £ ."- 3^K>

; A15-3360. National Reemployment Service referals. December '1933 -' '.-.'.•"•• •-:'; \':.^ - - --S '•- •'-.- •" - .'September 193^- 3 inches. : ~"j"'j ' '•;'•'..•'-• •.."/:• .•,;";' ••--:" ••i^';;:'''. :/':'.-"^ A17-125. Commission on'Additional Tax Revenue.- August 1932—-.January - ; ^b- ; . •;' : "•; - 1933. .2 inches.v" - •*£:-...•.-- :•:••;•., ••.' • >S0&i%g^i ---' A20-139. Baltimore George Washington BirCentennial Commission. .'August -'•'.'"••:':• ?V- - 1931 >"May 1332. '3 inches. . ; / . C;^ BI-38. Concerning City revenue and expenditure, including Commission on -•^••:-i:- Government "-Efficiency arid ^Economy.* October ?i33I;^!i^0c'tpbe^1:}ii332£||2 "-/.'. -.- ' 3 inches.'./" :_ ::::' :.: • .'•' -•'"•''''/• ' •^-^•~'^' ^ -'^f/.'/c'V' *&£&&>• 7"~~. •-" . -"; Bl-38 a. U.S. Conference of Mayors.-: September 1931 - AprH 1935:>4i Inches^

: Bl-30.. ;'City budgetary matters, -including tax rates. .December .1931 - '•..:£.^ ":~"r:--. §•"• T^ay 1935. J. foot 2 inches. - ,1 : :. ^ ••'..':..''-.'. .0 '-.V'\X:V: [>^§| Dl-^76. Dedication of-new Municipal Airport flying-boat ramp. April .; " : ; : : :; ; ;; --- -:7-T:.-:;:/-iJ932. ,i3A inch. /..-/-. ' •.'-,-•'.-'•'. :-.^ •-'- '•" " &^ :-" - ^' '-' -^r • *. ." - .',*' .- . .' - '.„ _-• r-' -. -— V P'i • --- j^T- - -"- •"-'•• - "• • ""• i- .-.'- J'-i *.'*v » " •--•• •.'*.•"' "**•'; .•.'.' y *imi :*•" • -'"V,". ' "../„:. ' " ' : -. -' '-\" - . \ • r •* *"'V! *: -"~-: T ' ,>.. - • ~ v ••?.'; : - '••'(_ •' -' r -" .-,_,*"^ —. v' •',. "-'T. * •• :r~ "-" - ri- V • - ~~ T. ';.'.' • - "a •• i .{'• "-r-c * - T*.''.-"• :i*'.r •. •' :'• ;• :D1-1082. Baltimore involvement with the National Recovery Administration ; V ' _ 'v .'": arid various public works projects.- June 1933 -'May .1935-':;;;- 7 -} ':-.;''.""•'•- -;8 Inches.- •-''•' •'- • £>-:£'•-"-"'" --- ; '-'- '• • '• '{-. :'T''.':': "'.'_ -•-;' '.'-'•" % '•.•••• "' :E5-* ;' .City "Employees demoted, retired or dismissed due to badgei /i }-'yi^^ - -^'reductions. ..November 1931 -May 1935- 82 inches. • ^:/':^-:-'^-^'y^

• E50-7.'•'•-•• -'City unemployment and emergency rel ief programs. -June; 193]^. ?- '•:~ : :;•: ->.''" - :-May 193_5. 1 foot 10 inches. /,... ..-•;'-. .-'LC;- ''-::~V •.•'••"'",-'.""" '••"•' ^ >E50 -. (10 through£l6). City" unemployment and emergency rel ief prograrns.r^V^' : ; : : : ••r.~ ^:""^;" -September 1931 -.April 1933- .1 inch. \,-.y.\. r''}, ••; % S r. ^' S^ "^ ^^q ^ Fl.".-. Individual-relief cases., 'March 1932 ^^ysU935^iJ^B^JtP^g£^

^iG.l -208.-;'-% Walters Art Gallery: ^September 1931 --April 1333. 1 •Inch..'- '^:-^0^ •.LlO-2. - City legal case before the Interstate^Commerce:Co^iss^iori'" : 'v" ^ : :;^r ;? concerning port .differentials.- August 1930 ~^\\3S^\3yi.;-;^' fei-s. :'s-- • ' '•'•' x";l ^"inch, '.'.: '::-.:. :"•''• .. .. "./- - "'•'.. :';-'-.;':*-;•.;" ' • -:"" #1 ;tlOr94." ;^Genera 1 Assembly-matters pertaining :to"CityVr-ihtludtng -proposed.?rS^ '-:: "I'}--: :i ^Beer^Bill." .January -May 1933. :3 Inches. -.. 3 \.JF- >^ :-M130-53- Maryland Tercentenary ^elebrationV ; .Janqiary .-' November 193^- ';~:\}i: - V •'*•'• -:3i inches. ..V:-:^;--^.•'.^'•-•r '•:- •;•'•. '- J':vV. -v- ;"••'• " •.';'•• ^ Y,.: f:'-":. -"' '-•-•'-''i '••'•'•:••': -•

Nl. '.\':: .Assorted Suggestions. July 1931 "? May 1935-3 inches. ;."

05-29. ; Concerning Ordinance modifying Sunday "Blue Laws."-October -';-'-'.• : :i : - : " - ; 931:- May 1932.^1. inch.; ^-^; . - ;. ".y': _ .,. -,; V>, ';§ »1§ ->\' ifOJ5^(58. Proposed Widening and extension of Fayette Street. -;..July 1933^7.; d : : : ,-' '-"'''• {'&?:* - November 193^- li inches^-V:v ... \ :y-^: ^\'-- ^-^')i~-~^:^';-~'A

P35. -Assorted Jackson publ ic statements. October 1931 --March ,.1935y:,i .'''i-''\-: -.:- .; '"r 1 inch. ""-.'••; • ~ • "• • '•JY^C;': • -;.Y - ':-:: ?.! ".'• -~:' '"•. •'..• ' :'j\:"..••.'':--^-':

R15.* . ^Miseellaneous personal recommendations. .June 1931 - April 1935. -::---^''-' v "•rviV\ h inches. ?"~^'~+ •-->•• •/:- '"' : "•• "-;'.' ""-.'. •••:::.'." Y-^ ;;V:\

R20-1. ^Proposed railroad consolidation, including the B £ 0 and Western '/Maryland railroads. -September 1929 -October 1933-'-.'•'li inchesr.

R30-2. -.Commission oh Governmental Efficiency and Economy .reports on. - YCity budget. August 1931 --August 1932. dLJnch.- "-"

' R30-A. Investigation-of City departments.for waste and-corruption.yiMay -••'•;. 193] "- August I932. . 2 inches.- :'l^-'^^M^t^MM^S$

Note: -Copies of Jackson speeches are divided between page sheafs and ;:. ... Index cards. -Duplicates were destroyed in forming separate," --'•;': /•" "but overlapping,-chronological arrangements. ; - v^ -; y ^^

TsiT7] : - -Page sheaf-copies .of Jackson speeches. '^January 1931 ;-;Apri 1 ->r.^ ; : : / " ..;--C:-;- '•':-" 1935. H inches. ;. : ';;^.-; | J -; ~ '~~ r^^ ' I -":"'

JS2T1 --Index card copies of Jackson speeches--January' 1931 - April V : 1935. *» .inches. .;--,. •-- ;,..-..'•'; '_>• •%;-; lacfeson, 1935-39 (S20)| 0) (& • 7W Jackson Administrative Files Boxes 229-240 (Second- Term May 1935 - May 1939). . _ . . . . _"_

A2-8. City unemployment and emergency relief programs. November 1935 * January 1937- 6i inches.

A15-* Applications and recommendations for employment. May 1935 - May 1939. 5i inches.- -^ '

Al6. "Patronage for Negro Democrats in Baltimore City." ca.December 1935. 1 item.

A20.* -Invitations and appointments. May 1935 - May 1939. 6 inches.

Dl-11. Proposed Chesapeake Bay bridge. May 1935 - December 1936. - i inch. .

Dl-350. .Baltimore Airport matters. January 1936.- May 1939- 2i inches.

Dl-1137. Proposed unionization of City employees. July 1937 - May 1938. .14 inches.

£50. Individual relief cases, including Baltimore Emergency Relief Commission - Emergency Charity Association. May 1935 ~ :;/ February 1938. 10i inches.

Gl-144. Committee of Rehabi1itation of the Blighted Areas. May - July 1937. 20 items.'•'-.•';'

Gl-332. Proposed City aquisition of U.S. Constellation. January 1936 -_ April 1939-

Gl-978. City fine arts study. June 1936 - May 1937. i inch.

R15-* Miscellaneous Personal recommendations. August 1935 ~ January .1939. 6 inches.

r R20.•;* Jackson political campaigns. March 1935--August 1938. 5 inches.

Note: r Copies of Jackson speeches are divided between page sheafs and index cards. Duplicates were destroyed in forming separate, but over­ lapping, chronological arrangements. V

'Page sheaf copies of Jackson speeches. May 1935 - April 1939. :•'*"" k? inches.; .

Index card copies of Jackson speeches. September 1935-" March 1939. 5 inches. jlackson, 1939-43 (S21J if! ;•••>• "•'; ^ Jackson Administrative Files Boxes 241-251 (^h*^ Term May 1939 - „ May 19^3).

Al 5-" Applications and recommendations for employment. May 1939 - April 1942. 7 inches.'

A20-56.* U.S. Conference of Mayors. May 1939 - July 1942. 1 3/4 inches.

Bl-123- General Assembly matters "pertaining to City. November 1940 - January 1943- 1 inch.

Dl-49. Logan Field/Municipal Airport matters. July 1939 - May 1942. 1£ inches.

Gl-21. Proposed City aquisition of U.S. Constellation. June 1939 ~ September 1941. 2 inch. %- , t A &1-/IO — ANVV <£e* *^ c c-^We C£ \oc<4 Turner- VX^W S»cW> Gl-74. Housing Authority of Baltimore. June 1939 - August 1942. 1 inch.

Gl-260. Establishment of Leakin Park. November 1938 - June 1940. 1 inch. " -

Gl-758. List of individuals called by Mayor on New Years Day, 1943- January 1943- 2 items, £ inch.

Gl-791. Sewer and paving improvement loans. March - November 1940. 1 inch. : • K-?

Gl-800 . Report to the Public Improvement Commission on Xutute Sources of V(^ter Supply* January 1942. \ inch.

Gl-1238. Jackson biographical and personal matters. January - December. 1941. i inch.

G1 — 1373- Master Plan Committee of the Commission on City Plan. June 1940. 3 items.

GI-I63O. Concerning Jackson speech critical of the Roosevelt administra­ tion.. August - September 1940. 15 items.

Gl-1538. Commission on City Plan. September 1940 - May 1943- £ inch.

Gl-1939. Commission on City Plan. December 1940.- January 1942. 20 i terns.

Gl-2462. Proposed ordinance regulating parking of vehicles on certain streets. May - June 1941. i inch.

Gl-2643. Concerning Jackson telegrams to President urging action against. Axis powers. May - October 1941. i inch.

Gl-5050. Scrap rubber col lection drive. June - July 1942. i inch, v

Gl-5218. Baltimore Office of War Information. July 1942 - May 19I*3- 20 items. , Gl-5336. Baltimore Civilian Mobilization Committee. July 1942- __ . . ^ May 19A3. 3/4 inch.

GI-5732. Committee for Post-War Planning. October - November 1942. i inch.

Gl-5798. Committee for Post-War Planning. December 1942 - April 1943. 1 inch.

P30. Mayoral proclamations. March 1938.- September 1943. 5 inches.

P33-59. Public Improvement Commission, including proposed dam and City traffic problems. June 1942 - May 1943. 20 items.

R15-52. Industrial Survey of Baltimore. May - June 1939- 3/4 inch, t

S5-74. Proposed appointment of a Negro to Board of School Commissioners. June 1940 - May 1942. 1 inch.

S10-30. Statistics of the relief obligations incurred by the 14 major U.S. cities. April 1940 - November 1941. 4 items.

S10-1650. "Baltimore Prepares" radio programs. August 1942. i inch.

Note: Files J^R 1] through /R8J concern appointments to and recommendations for major City administrative posts.

^RlJ. "Green Bag" appointments. September - October 1939- i inch.

jtap. "City Solicitor and Assistant City Solicitor. March 1939 - May 1942. 1 inch.

KRFI- Disability Compensation Bureau. September 1939 - April 1940. 2 inches.

FR4J.* City Planning Commission. May 1939 - March 1940. i inch.

VCR5>- * Board of Fire Commissioners. January 1939 " August 1942. li inches.

>R6). Peoples Court constables. May - October 1939- i inch.

TTR;M. Board of School Commissioners. May 1939 - April 1942. i inch.

^83.* Board of Zoning Appeals. April 1939 - March 1942. H inches.

I Til.* Baltimore Civil defense activities. December 1941 - December - 1944. 9i inches.

Note: .topies of Jackson speeches are divided between page sheafs and Jnde^ cards. Duplicates were destroyed In forming separate, but bver-^r? lapping, chronological arrangement^ r ]W]J. Page sheaf copies of Jackson speeches. May 1939 - March 1943; no date. 3 inches. JW2J. Index card copies of Jackson speeches. May 1939 - June \Sh\; no date. 1 inch. - *-?M McKeldin, 1943-47 (S22J - §- Boxes 253-260 (First term, i Hay 19^3 - May 19/»7) - A4. Baltimore City Aviation Committee, including proposed Friendship Airport. November 1944 - May 1947- 3 inches.

A17. McKeldin statement concerning City finances and taxation. November 19****. 1 item.

C15- Commission on City Plan. November 1943 - April 1946. i inch.

Dl-1666. Proposed People's Court Building. August - October 1945- 5 Items.

GI-38.* Committee for Post-War Planning, Including "Baltimore Plan" for economic development. March 1943 - July 1944. 1 3/4 inches.

G1-48. Proposed negro war workers housing projects. June 1943 ~ October 19A5. 3 inches.

Gl-201. City coal shortage. July 1943 - February 1944. i inch.

Gl-402. Commission on City Plan. November 1943- January 1944. 20 items.

Gl-506. Citizens Planning and Housing Association report "A Year of Rent Control." November - December 1943- 2 items.

Gl-608. "Baltimore City PostNWar Program of Municipal Improvements" preliminary report.' September 1943 - March 1944. i inch.

GI-63I.* U.S. Conference of Mayors. November 1943 - January 1944. i inch.

Gl-743. Proposed City automobile expressways. January 1944 - March 1946. 4j inches.

Gl-1005.•Baltimore Transit Company dispute with City concerning tax payments. May - July 1944. 20 items.

Gl-1006. Central Civic Associations "Stop Blight activities. December 1943 May 1944. £ inch.

Gl-1237. Proposed slum clearance projects. June - August 1944. 10 items.

Gl-2682. Reception for Sgt. Wiedorfer, Congressional Medal of Honor winner. May 1945. 30 items.

HI. City housing shortage and slum clearance. April 1946.- May 1947- li inches.

LI. Assorted state and federal laws pertaining to City. April 1945 - November 1946. i inch. •

L2. City legal matters. May 1946 - January 1947- i inch. ; :

L10. Law Department. June 1943 - January 1946.-2 inches, f;.;:;.^ Ml. "Municipal notes," including administrative appointments; vAviation Commission; City's state legislative program; City loans; and other subjects, £ inch. . . 01. Ordinances pending approval,, including proposed five-day Municipal work week. October 1945 ~ April 1947. k inch. Ph. Mayoral proclamations. September 19^+6 - May 19V- 3/4 inch. P30. Mayoral proclamations. June 1943 ~ June 1946- 3 inches. SI0—14. Protests concerning municipal employment of Japanese. June 1943- 20 items. S10-226. Baltimore Youth Commission., Sub-Committee on Area Projects. January - December 1944. 10 items.

Note: The following files have been assigned alpha-numeric doscr iptions- and arranged in alphabetical order for purposes of description and access.

Committee on Additional Tax Revenue. November 1933 " March 1945- to- £ inch. Proposed Chesapeake and City harbor bridges. June 1944 - March 1947. i inch. (T3^1 1945 City budget. September - October 1944. £ inch.

Tj4.7^ 1946 City budget. October - December 1945- k inch. pr5 Tj 1947 City budget. September - December 1946. £ inch.

Yj6 7J - Child care centers. August 1945 - February 1946. £ inch. rT7-T] City Charter Revision Committee. September 1943 - October 1946. i inch. Civil Defense activities, including Civilian Mobilization Committee. frD May 1943 ~ July 1944. li inches. Pr9~71 Commission on City Plan, meeting minutes. May 1943 - October 1944; •*•-'• January - November 1945; January - December 1946; January - May 1947. 6i inches. pTlO 7j Commission to Study Problems Affecting the Colored Population. ',..;.'•' November 1944 - May 1945. £ inch. . . • TTI1.Tl Department of Public Works. April - June 1946. £ inch.

:^12.^ Lexington Market Authority. May 1943 - September 1945- 1 inch.--.

[J1373 Light Street waterfront improvements. November 1945 - March 1946. •-..;'-•'-'' £ inch. •

|~_T 14. .1 McKeldin inaugural ceremony. May 1943. 1 item. [ TTTI5-""-7 Mt* Vernon "Place improvements. October 19^6 - April 19^7- 20 items. -

T16.7I Municipal Stadium, including proposed alterations and improvements. C• - -* November 1937 - October 19^*6. 1* inches., -'

[T17 7\ Negro Business League. June 19^3- 10 items.

FTl8~7} Offstreet parking report. October 1945 - March 19^6. 2 items.

|~T19"Tl Patapsco River park. Marchjg2^ - February 19^6. i inch.

]"~T20.T\ Prevention of racial disturbances. June 19^3- 10 items.

TT2 1.7V Proposed City loans. February - July 19^6. i inch.

rj22.7\ "Report on Development of Civic Center." June 19^6. 1 item.

•TTZO 19^5 state legislative program of City. November 19^- March 1945. i- — /k inch.

TT24-7] 19^7 state legislative program of City. *»6 " April 19^7- /^ •••-? i inch. '•-;•

1125.^ Summer Camp for Colored Children. February - July \Skh. 10 items.

pT26rr| Veteran's Emergency Housing Committee. December \Sk(> - April 19^7- Jv •••—. _J -..4 inch..' D'Alesandro, Jr., 1947-59 (S23) \^ D1Alesandro, Jr. Administrative Files. Boxes 260 - 3'4 (records from three terms between May 1947 ~ February 1959 filed as a group).

Note: The numbers preceeding subject titles were added during processing for purposes of reference and access. '"

1. Aging and Problems of Aged Commission. March 1952 - October 1956. 3/4 inch.

2. Air Force Reserve training center. May - August 1949. i inch.

3- Airport Board. May 1952- April 1957- 2i inches.

4. Friendship International Airport. July 1947 " February 1956. H inches.

5. Harbor Field Airport. March 1951 - May 1953- i inch.

6. Airport - Heliport. May - July 1957- 20 items.

7- Air Research and Development Command. August 1952 - May 1957- i inch.

8. Ambassador to Argentina, including immigration procedures. December 1948 - January 1953- 20 items.

9- Annual Reports of Mayor, 1949 - 1951. ca. December 1950 - October 1956- i inch.

10. Architectural Review Board. April 1949 " April 1959- 20 items.

11. Armistead Gardens housing disposition. April 1941 - November 1954. 3/4 inch,

12. Art Commission. June 1947 " November 1957- i inch.

13- Assessment for state and local taxation. June 1947 - November 1957• 2 inches.

14. Audits, including Baltimore Transit Company gross receipts taxes, and off-street parking projects. December 1955 " AprPI 1959. \ inch.

15- Bainbridge Naval Training Station. August 1957 " November 1958. 10 items.

16. Baltimore Association of Commerce. January 1953 -May 1959. U inches. ;

17- Baltimore Council of Social Agencies. September - December 1956. J inch.

18. Baltimore Criminal Justice Commission. December 1953 _ January 1954. 3 i terns.

19. Baltimore League of Women Voters. May 1951 - October 1956. 10 items.

20. Baltimore Museum of Art. November 1947 - June 1952. 20 items.

21. "Baltimore Plan" of slum control.' October 1949 - March 1954. li inches.. 4- (v22. Baltimore Transit Co., including transit strike.' January 1951 - January 71 1952. 3/4 inch. 2.). Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. February 19^8 - April 1553. \ inch.

^- Baseball Celebration Committee. October 1953 - March 195**. 20 items.

Z^» • Blue Cross insurance coverage. ^8 - March 1959- 10 items.

\2G Budget - 195^. August - November 1953- ? inch.

X 7. Budget - 1955- August - November 195^- i inch.

2-tf Budget - 1956. January - December 1955- 1 inch.

l#. Budget - 1957- July 1956 - March 1957- 2 inches.

J^ Budget - 1958. June 1957 - February 1958. 1 inch.

>''. Budget - 1959- July - December 1958. J>/k inch.

$•?• Budget Director Charles L. Benton. August 1957 - April 1959. i inch.

3i Building Code revision committee. March - April 19^8. 10 items.

i'i. Bureau of Tests. June 1953 ~ February 1958. 5 items.

?i"Canton Area Council, Inc. March 1951- 2 items.

^•Catholic War Veterans of the U.S.A. March 19^8 - May 1952. i inch.

$ ^Classi f ied Municipal Employees Association. October 19^*8 - December 1958. 4 inch.

3^/. Central Payroll Bureau. December 19A7 - March 1959- i inch.

3^.Charles Center project. -April 1958 - April 1959- 1 inch.

^Cherry Hill Park swimming pool. July 19^9 ~ August 1951*. i inch.

Hf- Chesapeake Bay Bridge. July 1952 - September 1957- i inch.

£2 City Solicitor. December 19^7 _ February 1959- k inches.

P)\Wcivic Center. August 195** - May 1959- Si inches.

^.Civil Defense. March 1950 - June 1958. 5 inches.

^'/•Clement Street Caverns. June - October 1951- i inch.

% Coal shortage. Janaury 1950. 5 items.

V^Commission to study need for public first-aid station in Brooklyn area. August 1951 " June 1952. 20 items.

(^Committee on Municipal Employee Relations. October 1957 " March 1959- h inch.


jjl.General Donald H. Connolly, Dept. of Aviation Director. October 19^7 " July 1958. i*Tnch7""

p--Eugene "Bull" Connor opinions regarding segregation. November 19^8. 2 items.

. >*- Court House renovation. November 1950 ~ July 1953- i inch.

^.Department head circular letters from Mayor. July 19^9 " June 1958. i inch.

£>- Department of Transit and Traffic, including Baltimore Transit Company study. October 1957 - November 1958. 1 inch. (See also Transit and Traffic, Department of).

££.Francis X. Djppel, including demands for investigation of City Housing Authority." "April 1952 - Agust 1953- 5 items.

^'•Downtown Committee. September 19^7 - September 1957- \ inch.

>d Commission on Governmental Efficiency and Economy. May 19^7 ~ March 1959- h inches. ~- -•

5^.Capt: Alexander L. Emerson, including interrogation transcript concerning city police vice squad raids. June - July 1951. i inch.

Qo. . May 19^7 - March 1959. H inches.

fo(< Equal Employment Opportunity Commission including Fair Employment Practice Ordinance. February 1956 - February 1959- 1 inch.

^£'2- Board of Estimates. May 19^7 - May 1953- 1 3/b inches.

£/. Federal Airport Act. May 19*»S - November 19^9. ? inch.

^.Federal Communications Commission. August 19^7 ~ July 1952. 1 inch.

Ci Federal Housing Administration, including Public Housing Program of Baltimore. January - September 19^9. 10 items.

^6. Department of Finance. May 19^8 - November 1958. 1 inch.

U, George A. Finch, including charges of excessive cost for City street lighting." January - February 19^8. 10 items.

•($. Fire Department. October 19^9 " September 1958. 2i inches.

^'•Firemen's Pension ordinance. December 19^8 - October 195^- 20 items.

^•Firemen's Tragedy Fund. December 19^9 ~ March 1955. 4 inch.

"?'. Fire Prevention Week. September 19^7 " October 195^. & inch.

0 #. Flag House. April 19^8 - October 1952*. ? inch. 7/ Gen. John fleming, including Maritime Commission vessel renovation. October 1949- 10 items.

7V. Fluoridation of City water. November 1950 - May 1953- 1 inch.

?5- Food conservation. September 1947 ~ February 1948. & inch.

76. Football. October 1947 - February 1949. U inches.

77. Fort McHenry. May 1948 - January 1959- 5 inch.

•-}#. Fort Smallwood. May 1951 - June 1952. i inch.

P9- Arthur J. Freund, including protest against media portrayals of crime. Ap r i 1 *"-"":':J U&i. 1949. 5 i terns .

§P. Gas Appliance Board. May 1950 - April 1951- i inch

($1 Governor William Preston Lane, including conditions in state mental hospitals. November 1947 ~ February 1949- h. inch.

01. Dorothy S. Granger, including appointment as Bureau of Sanitation Public Relations Director. March 1950 - December 1954. h inch.

0y Greater Baltimore Committee. November 1955 ~ February 1959- 1 inch.

c/i- Hamilton Recreation Center. January - August 1949- 15 items.

P>- Harbor Advisory Board. June 1947 ~ February 1954. \ inch.

Q£. Harbor Tunnel. February 1952 - April 1959- 1 inch.

97. Health De partment. August 1954 - December 1956- li inches.

0 "Hero of Baltimore" awards. ' November 1951 - November 1958. h inch.

bft Hospitals, including Baltimore City Hospitals. April 1947 - February 1959- i inch.

—-^Vj^c) Housing, including Housing Authority of Bait imore Ci ty. October 1947 _ /\j February 1959. U inches.

tf(, Baltimore Commission on Human Relations. May 1945 _ February 1958. lj inches. ""*'"'""'"

tfZ, Self-insuranceplan for municipal buildings. November 1955- 5 items.

C£'j, Inter-racial relations. January - July 1948.

Cff] Interstate Commerce Commission, including port differentials on grain shipments. March - July 1949. 20 items.

"i- Central Bureau of Investigat'ion. August 1947 - March 1952. I inch.

^.Israel. April 1950 - December 1958. 30 items. /aa*_ cjla> f*dutu«^_ ^7- City JaJJ., including Jail Board, and proposed construction of new facTlity. May 19^7 - September 1958. 2 inches.

7Q. Johns Hopkins Hospital, including improvement of lighting and condition of surrounding neighborhood. May - September 1951- i inch.

ctf\ Jones Fall Expressway. April 1951 " February 1955- i inch.

(CO Juvenile delinquency. April 1948 - March 1949- 30 items.

[ol Dr. Evander F. Kelly memorial building. October 1949 - January 1S50. 10 items. ""**'

(&1-- H.F. Kirk, National Organization Masters, Mates and Pilots of America. July"1949- 10 items. k'y Mr. and Mrs. August Klecka, including Northeast Baltimre Protective and Improvement Association, Inc. August 1940 - October 1951- I inch.

Mf. Labor Unions. March 1947 - May 1959- U inches.


lol. Leakin Park. May 1947 - April 1948. £ inch.

/4S. Lee - Jackson statue dedication. February - May 1948. 15 items.

(09. Federal, state, and local legislation relating to City. March 1955 " December 1958. 1 incfi". ^""" "

(W- Legislature - 1950 session. December 1949 " February 1950. i inch.

l(t\ Legislature - 1951 session. October 1950 - October 1951- h inch.

ll't Legislature - 1952 session. November - December 1951. 5 items.

/0- Legislature - 1953 session. November 1952 - February 1953- 20 items.

/^. Legislature - 1954 session. January - November 1954. 10 items.

Mf Lexington Market. April 1946 - Janaury 1954. U inches.

UQ. Low-rent public housing program. April - May 1953- 5 items.

//7-Gen. Douglas MacArthur. April - August 1951. 20 items.

HS Mail to foreign countries. November 1947 - April 1948. 30 items.

//4\ Manufacturers machinery and inventory tax. September - October 1953- 3/4 inch.

IU> City maps. April - July 1948. 5 items, /2-f. Marine Hospital outpatient clinic. January 1951 - March 1952. h inch.

CP-. Markets. October 1948 - January 1959. 5 inch.

[11- Marsh Market. August 1955 - November 1958. i inch.

\lX. Marshall Plan to Aid European Recovery. December 1947 ~ February 1948. 10 items.

/Jf. Maryland Academy of Sciences. May 1948 - September 1958. \ inch.

/K?. Maryland Action Guild. November 1951. 2 items.

jll., Maryland Businessmen's European Trade Tour. July 1958 - December 1958. i inch.

{2tf Maryland Civil Liberties Committee. December 1948 - January 1949- 10 items.

l%ci- Maryland General Hospital. February - May 1948. 10 items.

Ih Maryland Historical Society. October 1948 - April 1959- 3/4 inch.

Of- Maryland Municipal League. February 1949 ~ May 1959- 1 inch.

/^Maryland Tuberculosis Association. April 1956. 1 item.

l$i Maryland Workshop for the Blind, including erection of refreshment stand. February 1949 - May 1959- 3 items.

Committee on Mass Transportation. January 1955 ~ November 1956. i inch.

(h- Mass Transportation. December 1956 - April 1958. H inches.

(%• Master Transportation Plan. June 1949 - January 1950. i inch.

' ?'- Mayor's Committee on Municipal Employee Relations. March 1953 " April 1955. 1 inch.

I?&. Charles P. McCormick. March 1952 - March 1953- 20 items.

/^f, Leo H. McCormick, including recommendations for appointment as Baltimore Director of Internal Revenue. March - September 1952. i inch.

I'tO- Committee on Medical Care of the Maryland State Planning Commission. March - June 1948. £ inch.

\l\i* Merchant Marine. March 1948 - August 1953. ? inch.

/^2-Mercy Hospital. November 1947 - October 1958. 5 inch.

/^•Clarence W. Miles, Chairman Maryland Arthritis and Rheumitism Foundation. September-October 1950. 3 items.

Morgan State College. October 1949 ~ November 1956. i inch. Iky Opposition to appointment of George R. Morrjs^ to Redevelopment Commission by Baltimore Jewish Council. June - September 1953, 5 items.

\%>- Mt. Vernon District Improvement Association. July - September 1951- 3 items.

C^y?. Mt. Vernon Place. November 1951* - April 1959- 20 items.

[{f$ Committee on Safety Requirements for Multiple Dwel lings. March - April 1956. 5 items. .--:,--.--„

/V#- Municipal Airport. May 1946 - July 19^8. \ inch.

l)V Mutual Savings Banks Tax Bill. April - May 1953- i inch.

(St- Narcotics. March 1951 - December 1953- i inch.

If*-- Nat ional Association for the Advancement of Colored People. April 19^9- 2 i terns.

in National Production Authority. August 1951 ~ September 1952. 20 items.

iPf Natual gas. July 19^8 - October 1958. 1 inch.

(>l Naturalized Citizens of America, Inc. June 1956 - July 1957- 20 items.

/x?. Negro employment. May 19^8 - February 1950- 10 items.

til. Negroes. June 19^7 ~ April 1953- 3A inch. \

/$«/ North Harford Road Improvement Assn. October - November 19511551. 10 iteitemsr ,

/3?. Thomas J. 0',_Donnel1, Municipal Director of Public Relations. May 19^9 " June I957. £ inch.

'lb. Offstreet Parking Commission^ September 19^7 " November 1958. H inches

&l' A.S. Onassis. October 1950. 3 items. <*•:• -.iy- ^.-v '-'j^rJvr l(?2-~ Ordinance No. 176, commercial rezonging of Frederick Ave. November - December 1951. 2 inches.

(6^ Ordinance No. 352, Sunday Blue Law. February 195^. 2 ite ms ,

Cuj. Ordinance No. 725, aquisition of property by Morgan State College. February 1952 - February 1953- 10 items.

'&3 - Ordinance No. 962, forty-eight hour maximum work week for Fire Department personnel. February 1953- 1 item.

Ivh- Ordinance No. 1859, increased benefits for Fire Department personnel. June - July 195^. 3 items.

'^'•Assorted ordinances. October 19^7 _ October 195^. 2 inches.

w. Civic, Service, and improvement organizations. June 1953- 3 items. /£

(7i>- Palistine. February 19^8 - April 19^9- i inch. JU cJU

('(• Parking meter ordinance. May 19^7 " March 19^8. 10 items.

(?1- Parking permits. April 1948 - December 195**- 1 inch.

l?t. Pier Parking ordinance. February - Julv 19^9- i inch.

I7Y. Patapsco River Valley. September 19^9 - May 1952. 20 items.

Pi'- Patspsco Tunnel project. March 1955 - September 1956. 10 items.

/#'. athletic fields. May - July 19^8.. 10 items.

/7? Peabody Institute. June 1950 - February 1957- 10 items,

/^' "Peace be with you" mission. November 195**- 5 items.

l^f- Peale Museum. January 19^8 - January 1959- H inches.

/^.Pennsylvania Avenue Business Assn., Inc. July 1950 - October 1951- 15 items.

[$('. Pennsylvania Railroad. Agust 19^7 - November 1952. i inch.,

/^•Municipal employee pensions. September 19^8 - March 1955- n inch.

^People's Court. October 19^7 - June 1958. U inches.

/^.People's Court building dedication. May 1953 -April 1951*. i inch.

/^-Philip B. Perlman, including Cone bequest and City request for reimbursement from federal government for interest paid on Municipal Civil War defense bonds .\ May 1952 - May 1953- 2 items.

//^.Philadelphia. February - May 1956. £ inch.

I^led Philips, complaint regarding street markers. March 1951. 2 items.


(^.Pittsburgh. February - March 1956. h items.

Bo City Planning Commission. January 1950 - February 1959- 3 inches.

'(^-Police Department, January 1955 " December 1958. 2? inches.

'^•Police operations survey. October 1953 ~ September 1956. i inch.

#/. Northeastern police station. Arpil 1956. 5 items. ' J":

/ff< Pornography and Mayor's Committee for Decency. September 195;8f"- April 1959./* inchfi^ (

l%>. Port development, including Port Development Commission, Baltimore Association of Commerce, and Commission. April 1947 - June 1956. k\ inches.

fil. The Port of Baltimore: A Re-Survey for the Maryland Legislative Council Port Committee" December 1954. 1 vol., 3/4 inch. l% -Post Office. June 1947 - October 1954. I inch.

/<# Potee Street, organizations and improvements, June 1950 - April 1958. i inch.

7iL>. Prayers. January 1951 " March 1956. i inch.

J^l. Pres i dent's Commi ttee on Religion and Welfare in the Armed Forces. May 1949 - February 1951. i inch.

"Ul'y- Office of Pjjce Stabilization. February 1951 _ February 1953- i inch.

'W'h Prisoners Aid Association. March 1948 - June 1957- h inch.

)^>f.-'Proclamations. January 1957 " June 1958. 1? inches. ycC- U.S. Public Health Service. November 1948 - January 1954. 10 items.

Tilb • Complaints regarding neighborhood of Public School No,. 2. October 1948. 5 i terns.

^7- Maryland Public Service Commission, including Baltimore Transit Co. investigation. January 1948 - December 1958. 1 inch.

2^ Committee to study Pub 1 u:^ Transit. November 1954 - January 1955- 10 items.

^'.Department of Publjc Works, Bureau of Building Construction. March 1955 ~ February 1959. H inches.

I~i0- Department of Public Works, Bureau of Building inspection. March 1955 - February 1959- 1 inch.

Q.''.-Director of Public Works. June 1947 - March 1959- H inches.

V-"^- Department of Public Works, proposed east-west expressway. March 1958 - March 1959'T inch. ^y. Department of Public Works, Bureau of Harbors. June 1955 - December 1957. i inch . " "*'

Department of Public Works, Bureau of Mechanical-Electrical Services. December 1954 " March 1959. U inches.

''Department of Pujbljc Works, construction program. April 1949- 3 items.

-Department of Public Works, Bureau of Surveys. October 1955 - December 1958. 10"items. 216a. Department of Public Works, Bureau of Highways. March 1955 - March 1959. 1 inch. 217.. Department of Public Works, Bureau of Water Supply. February 1955 - December 195T. i inch. . . ••--. ^?,:^-.^,._ '

218. Puerto Rico. April 1952* - September 1955- h inch.

219. Pulaski monument. October 19^8 - December 1951- i inch-

220. Radio broadcasts. August 19A8 - December 1952. i inch.

211. Real Estate Advisory Committee. September - November 19^7- 4 inch,

222. Real Estate Board of Baltimore. June 19^7 - February 1955- 4 inch.

223. Department of the Comptroller, Real Estate Officer. June 1956 - April 1959- 4 inch. " «-««.»««-"--.• -«. .

224. Board of Recreation and Parks, February 1950 - January 1959. 1 inch.

225- Department of Recreation and Parks, Charles A. Hook, Superintendent. August 1955 " March 1958. i inch.

226. Department of Recreation and Parks, loans. May 19^7 _ September 195^. 1 inch.

227. Department of Recreation and Parks, R. Brooke Maxwell, Director. October 1953 " Ma'rch'T9'59T'i inch.

228. Department of Recreation and Parks, Memorial Stadium. February 1955 ~ April 195§T""3/?Tnch.

229. Department of Recreation and Parks, Bureau of Music. March 1955 - December 1958. i inch.

230. Department of Recreation and Parks, Playgrounds. January 1955 ~ March 1959. 1 TnchT"*""

231. Department of Recreation and Parks, Bureau of Recreation. August 1955 ~ April 1959r"T inch.

232. Department of Recreation and Parks, Baltimore Zoo. January 1955 - September 1957. 4 mcHT~'"~~ '

233. Baltimore Redevelopment Commission. April 19^7 - June 1957 - June 1957- 4i inches.

2341. Mayor's Committee on Religion and Welfare in the Armed Forces. October - December 1950. 5 items."

235. Relocation Advisory Committee. March - April 1951. 4 inch.

23^- Rent Advisory Board report. December 19^7- 1 item.

237. Rent control. March 1949 - June 1953. U inches. P)£l Housing Rent Commission. December 1951 - August 1953- 30 items.

T-'ft- City agency job-audit re£or.t?v Ju^Y " September 1950. £ inch.

)-&-Assorted organizational resolutions. November igA7 " July 1954. i inch.

J-Hf. Employee's Retirement System. February 1948 - February 1959- 2 inches,

M2-Paul Robe son and support for accused U.S. Communist leaders. September - October' 19*49. 20 items.

P-??- Rosewood State Training School. February 1948 - December 1958. 20 items.

/~'T- Moss-Rouse Corp. and housing construction. November 1947 - August 1948. i inch.

2-^i- Rumor concerning Baltimore annexation of Anne Arundel County. September 19^7. 2 items.

,$£.. S.H.C. fire prevention club. November - December 1949- 5 items.

M7. S.P.C.A. and vivisection ordinance. November - December 1949- 10 items.

%-%• Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church. September 1950 - September 1951- £ inch.

/t*?. Safe Driving Day. November - December 1954. £ inch.

I-*^- Safe driving awards. February 1950 - June 1951. 10 items.

^<- Committee for Safeguarding City Records. September 1951 ~ April 1953- 20 i terns. "^ "*'"**"

%&. Baltimore Safety^ Counci 1 . July 1947 - October 1952. £ inch.

%Q- Highway and traffic safety. June 1947 - July 1949- £ inch.

^•S&El Salvador Consulate. October 1950. 4 items.

%&"• The Sajvation Army. May 1947 - August 1958. i inch.

0-ib Proposed Sand^ Point airport. June 1947 - June 1948. £ inch,

Appointment of Dr. Royd B. Sayers as Senior Medical Supervisor. September 1950. 3 items. ^••-.^.,

2-5$. Board of School Commissioners. June 1947 - October 1954. 5k inches.

•X-^-Harlem Park School ordinance. January - July 1958. 5 inch.

Q-School No. 37- December 1948 - November 1949- 10 items.

•N^tProposed school construction sites. August 1948 - April 1950. 4 inch. %}• Schools. August 1952* - February 1959- 1 inch.

t£) Charles R. Seal, recommendations for appointment to the Interstate Commerce Commission. January - February 1950. h items.

^Of- Secretary of the Navy. Agust 19^7 - February 19^9- 20 items.

Jte- Segregation. August - October 195^- i inch.

%C- Maryland General Assembly, Senate bills. February 19^7 - May 19^9- 20 items.

%J- Senator John Marshal Butler. December 1950 - January 1953- 10 items.

)-0&> Senator George L. Radcliffe. September 19^7 ~ January 1952. i inch.

2^'-Senator Robert F. Wagner. March 19^8. h items.

y%> Dmitri Shostakovich. March - April 19^9- 5 items.

American Silent Guest Committee, Inc. December 19^7- 2 items.

Sinai Hospital. February 19^9 ~ ca. 1959. 10 items.

v*-W-S1 urn Clearance Advisory Committee. February 19^9 _ October 1953- i inch.

?-?Y.Propased Samuel Smith park. March - November 1950. 10 items.

^•>-Smog and air pollution control. February 19^8 - November 1951- 3A inch.

>^. Simon Sobeloff. May 19^7 - June 1952. \ inch.

'Social Security program for City employees. January 19^9 ~ September 1958. 1 inch.

Proposed Social Security building. April 19^9 - June 1950. k inch.

JJty. Anselm Sodajx, State's Attorney of Baltimore City. June 1951 - August 19527^10 items.

Proposed Southern High School sites. June 19^9 ~ September 1950. i inch.

2$i. Special session of the Maryland General Assembly, 19^7. November 19^7 - January 19^8. £ inch.

)t'^- Special session of the Maryland General Assembly, 1950. September - November 19^9- 10 items.

*•#->• Opposition to St. Lawrence Seaway project. November 19^7 " September 1957- 3 TticfiesT"""" "

•Proposed reopening of St. Mary's Correctional School. January - February 1952. 3 items.

W.st. Paul's churchyard. February - March 1951. 10 items \ 2i&. Stadium loan and contruct ion. August T 947 - December 19^8, I inch.

^•-Mayor's staff. July 19^7 - September 1959- 20 items. **5r-«*f5« m st ar Spangled Banner, including the Flag House. April 19^8 - June 1958. i inch.

^i- State office building. November 19^8 - February 195^. H inches.

' Maryland State Planning Commission newsletters. January 19^+8 - NovemBer 1956. 1 inch.

Maryland State Roads Commission. August 1948 - September 1952. i inch.

-^'State's Attorney. May 1953 - January 1957- 10 items. f*'- Rev. Valley E. Stokes, Fourth District Citizen's and Taxpayer's League. October - NovemBer 1950. 5 items.

r?i' Street safety pylon report. February - April 1951. i inch.

•^'•Street lighting. March 195) - September 1952. 5 items.

treet paving. September 19^7 ~ April 1953- l£ inches.

"' "Street Sign Rehabilitation Project." August - November 1952. 5 items.

treet traffic study. June - September 1950- i inch,

&$. Commi ttee on Street Traffic Safety. December 19^9 - August 1951 , h inch.

d-^- Teamsters Union threatened strike. August 1950. 1 item.

3oA City laborers strike. December 1952 - March 1953- 2\ inches.

^--Board of Supervisors of Elections. Janaury 1955 - August 1958. 10 items.

jb/ Supreme Bench of Baltimore City. February 1959- 5 items.

-£'(• Survey of Education Department Business Division. July 1951 - November 1952. i inch.

•^" Survey of municipal personnel and operations. December 19^8 - March 1950. H inches.

Sydenham Hospital. August 19^8 - February 1951. 1 inch.

oC'Z Swimming pools. November 19^9 ~ July 1950. 10 items.

/b<#. Taft-Ellender-Wagner bill. April - June 19^8. i inch.

-&9' Commission for New Revenue of Baltimore City (Buck Commission tax program). January 1958 - February 1959. i inch,

•VC1. Special Tax Study Commission. December 1955 - September 1957- 1 inch. 3u. Taxation of state and municipal bonds. February - March 1951- £ inch.

Television. August 1947 - July 1956. £ inch.

?l J Tidelands legislation. February 1952, £ inch.

Tolchester Lines, Inc. March - May 1949- 5 items.

JH^- Department of Transit and Traffic. May 1957 ~ May 1959- li inches.

3/6- Department of Transit and Traffic Commissioners, Henry A. Barns. December 1952! '-"February 1959. 2\ inches.

"'• Department of Trans].t and Traffic, complaints. January 1955 - December 1958. 3 inches.

vs. Department of Transit and Traffic, reports. December 1954 - April 1959. 2i inches.

1ft- Traffic Court. June 1954 - February 1959- 3/4 inch.

Traffic safety. August 1951 ~ April 1959- 2 inches.

oH- Department of the Treasurer. September 1947 _ March 1959- 2 inches.

it*-*-- Proposed BIddle St. truck route. August - September 1948. £ inch.

$25 Tuberculosis and proposed hospital. September 1947 " November 1949- 20 items.

Tuna fish tariff. January - February 1952. 5 items.

P-f- "Un-American Activities." October 1947 - January 1948. 2 items.

v+G- Unemployment. August 1949. 3 items.

' The United Nations. October '1951 - Janaury 1959. 1 inch.

United Service Organizations, Inc. October 1949 ~ October 1958. £ inch.

32%. Bureau of the Census. May 1947 - July 1950. £ inch.

3&. United States Conference of Mayors. June 1947 - April 1959. 2 inches.

United States Conference of Mayors, D'Alesandro European trip. March - November 1948. 1 inch.

9^1. -'-United States Conference of Mayors, Nova Scotia Convention. April - June 1948. £ inch.

^3,3- "United States Conference of Mayors, New York Convention. January - April 1949. £ inch.

'•}[, United States Conference of Mayors, rent control. January 1947 - March 1948. £ inch. • 32y "United States Confernce of Mayors, reports. June 19^*7 - January 1955. 3 inches. i • United World Federalists of Baltimore. March - April 19^9. 2 items.

oi<. Universal military training. February 19^8. 3 items.

?&• University Heights Improvement Association, inc. June 19^9 ~ May 1950. k items.

\ 3ft. Urban renewal, October 1955 - March 195*?- 5i inches.

\JW. Urban Renewal Advisory Board. December 1952* - July 1955- i inch.

<'• Baltimore Urban Renewal and Housing Agency, Harlem Park school sites. January - February 1958. i inch.

2^-- U.S.S. Baltimore;. November 1952. i inch.

JYJ U.S.S. Constellation. December 19^9 - November 1958. \ inch.

sW- Appointment of Frank J. Valle as Mayor's Administrative Assistant. January - July 19^9- 5 items.

Walter Vanamar^, Municipal Veteran's Bureau. April 1950 - August 1953- i inch.

}%• Proposed Bureau of Vehicles and Traffic Regulations. October 19^9- 2 i terns. \

Veterans. September 19^6 ~ September 1952. J inch.

^i Veteran's Employment. January 19^9 - August 1950. 20 items.

*W> Veteran's Hospital. July 19^7 - August 1950. 1 inch.

* •?< • Maryland Vete.ranj.s_ Housing Commission. November 19^7 - March 1950. 20 } terns'."" """"" , Ja(y mi i/j. ihik ii I Veteran's of Foreign Wars. €eutbiriber ~V$¥) - June 1953- ^ trews..

y&- Proposed colored vocational school. February 19^8. 10 items.

^ Walters Art Gallery. May 19^7 - April 1959- M inches.

"bSV, Trustees of the Walters Art Gallery, minutes of meetings. May 19^8 - April 1959-' °2iinches.

3sT, War Memorial Commission, June 19^7 " April 1959- A inch.

?$£•- Memorials to war dead. June 19^9 ~ May 1958. 20 items. 'bS? ' Board of Advisory Engineers on Future Water Supply. March 195^. 5 items, "Report to the City of Baltimore on Future Sources of Water Supply and Appurtenant Problems." December 1953. 1 item Oi inches). 2i€T Thomas J.S. Waxter. June 1950 - August 1953- 10 ite;mr s

I ]£P' Welcome Wagon, Inc. ca. mid-1950s. 5 items.

j&V. Department of Public Welfare. December 1955 - March 1959- 3 inches.

2>6*2-- Condition of West Mt. Vernon Place houses. March 1950. ,2 items.

^*?*- Western Maryland Railway Company improvements.--"-Dece'mbe f-4950 "- June1- i 1958. 5 items.

obi- Westinghouse Electric Company, including strike. November 1950 - May 1958. £ inch.

' Dr. Huntington WJlJiams. December 1952 - August 1956. £ inch.

owO. Charles E. Wijsqn, Director's Office of Defense Mobilization. March - Arpil 1952/ 5 items.

^'- Women's Civic League. June 1953 ~ November 1958. 20 items.

)6g Women's organizations. January 19^8 - March 1953- 10 items.

3&(< Proposed York^ Road relocation. February - August 19^+8. i inch.

XT0- Youth. July 1950 - March 1959- 1 inch.

^ft- Model Youth City Council. January 1955 -"February 1959- U inches.

^'i- Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals. May 1953 - December 1958. £ inch

Zoning Commission of Baltimore City. June 1956 - March 1959- h. inch.

3 fir. Citizen's Advisory Committee on Zoning. April 1951 - November 1952*- •2 inch.

^V^ Assorted D'Alesandro speeches" and statements. September 19^7 _ February 1959. 1 inch.

"57?- ?aV,^r. U.W- U^u*. 0c\.^^ *L-W. Grady/Goodman, 1959-63 (S24J Grady/Goodman Administrative Files Boxes 315~356 (One term, May 1959 - May 1963)

Note: The numbers preceeding subject titles were added during processing for purposes of reference and access.

1. -A-General. September 1959 - November 1962. i inch.

2. Afro-American Newspapers. May 1959 ~ February 1963- i inch.

3. Airport. May 1959 " April I963. 5i inches. k. Airport-Heliport. October 1959 - February 1962. 20 items.

5. Mayor's Committee on Alcoholism. September 1959 - July 1961. 2 inches.

6. "American Municipal Asj>o£{jLt,rpn.. May 1959 _ September 1962. M inches.

7. Anti-Semitism. January - February I960, k items.

8. Appointments: Bail Bond Commission. July i960 - October 1961. 20 items.

9. Appointments: Baltimore Commission on Human Relations. June 1959 ~- January I960. 10 items.

10. Appointments: Civil Defense Advisory Commission. January I960 - June 196,1. 30 items.

11. Appointments: Commissioner of Health. October 1961 - April I962. 10 items.

12. Appointments: Commission on Problems of the Aged. February - May 1961. 20 items.

13. Appointments: Committee, on Municipal Employee Relations. June 1959. 2 i terns.

14. Appointments: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. July 1958 - September 1962. i inch.

15. Appointments: Housing Advisory Committee. June 1959 - September 1962. 10 items.

16. Appointments: Human Renewal and Allied Matters. December 1962 - January 1963- 10 items.

17. Appointments: Jail Board. June 1959 - May 1961. \ inch.

18. Appointments: Mayor's Advisory Committee on City Revenue. August 1959. 1 item.

19. Appointments: Mayor's Committee for Decency. June 1959 ~ January 1961. 30 items. 20. Appointments: Port and Industrial Development Committee. February - May 1361. 10 items.

21. Appointments: School Board. March - May I960, i inch.

22. Architectural Commission. June'1959 - June 1961. J inch.

23. Armed Forces Day/Week. April 1959 - February 1962. 1 inch.

2k. Art Commiss ion. October 1959 ~ January 1963> v inch.

25. "Ask Mayor Grady" television appearances. June - July i960. % inch.

26. Department of Assessments. June 1959 ~ January 1963. 1 inch.

27- Department of Audits,- August 1959 - March I963. i inch.

28. Baltimore Association of Commerce, reports. January i960 - November 1962. 2i inches.

29. Baltimore Civic Opera. January - April 1962. 10 items.

30. -''Baltimore Convention Bureau. January 1962 - February I963. i inch.

31- Baltimore Council of Social Agencies. November 1959 - July 1962. li inches.

32. Baltimore Housing Code Enforcement report. February I96I. 1 item.

33- Baltimore Jubilee Week. August - November 1962. 30 items.

3k. Baltimore News-Post. October 1961 - September 1962. 10 items.

35- Baltimore Public Schools. September 1959 - October 1962. £ inch.

36. Baltimore Section, National Council of Jewish Women. May - November 1961. 4 inch.

37- Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. March 1959 - February 1962. i inch.

38. Baltimore Transit Company. July i960 - February 1963- i inch.

39. Baltimore Urban League. February i960 - November 1961. i inch.

kO. Baltimore Urban Renewal and Housing Agency. May 1959 - February : 1963. i inch.

41. Baseball. June 1959 - April 1962. \ inch.

kl. Free Public Bath Commission. April - October 1959. 10 items.

k3. Beautify Baltimore. January I960 - July 1961. i inch.

kk. Proposed sale of beer in Memorial Stadium. April - July i960. £ inch. . Varies. L. Benton^, Budget Director, August 1959 - June 1962.

•>••';-X,-::'' 2 inch. ';••---: >»v .••'-!:. V

46. Blue Cross & Blue Shield. January 1359 - July I960- 10 items.

47. Board of Estimates. May I960 -November 1962. 1 inch.

48. Braddish Avenue Rezoning. February 1962. 20 items.

49. 1961 Budget.'. October I960 - March 1961. 1 inch.

50. 1962 Budget. July - December 1961. 1 inch.

51. 1963 Budget. May - October 1962. 2 inches.

52. Bureau of Purchases. October 1959 - June 1962. 10 Items.

53- Bureau of Receipts. July i960 - September 1961. 2 inch.

54. American Cancer Society. May I960 - March 1961. 5 items.

55- CARE, Inc. October 1959 - October 1962. 5 items.

56. Case of Roland Park Civic League against proposed ordinance 299- February I960, £ inch.

59- I960 Census. June 1959 -"'bctober I960. £ inch.

60. Central business district, including Charles Center. April 1959 ~ September 1962. 1 inch.

.61. City Auditor audit reports. December 1961 - December 1962. 4 items.

62. City Council. June - October I960. 1? inches.

63. City Council, Civil Defense Committee Report. March 1963- 1 item.

64. City Solicitor. July 1959 - February 1963- 2 inches.

65. Civic Center. August i960 - March 1963- 1 inch.

66. Civic Design Commission. August 1959 - October 1962. -£ inch.

67. Civil Defense. October 1959 - September 1962. 1\ inches.

68. Civil Defense Advisory Committee. JUne i960 - November 1961. £ inch.

69. Civil Service Commission. August 1959 - August 1962. 1 inch.

70. Classified Municipal Employees Association (CMEA). November 1959 - <'^'r March 1962. £ inch.

71. Commerce and industry combined health appeal. March - June I960. 10 items. Community Chest - Red Cross United Appeal. May 1959 - February 1963. i inch.

Comptroller. November J959 - November 1962. I inch.

Congratulatory letters. November 1959 - January 1962. ? inch.

Consolidated Housing Code Commission. January - April 1962. 20 items.

Constellation. December 1959 - July I96I. 10 items.

Crank letters. February i960 - August 1962. £ inch.

Democratic National Committee, including i960 national convention. May 1959 - June I963. i inch.

Department and Bureau heads, ci rcular -letters. June 1959 - April 1963. i inch.

Downtown landscaping activity. July I960 - February 1961. i inch.

Desegregation of restaurants. April I96I - January 1962. 15 items.

Eastern Open golf tournament. May 1959 - May 1961. \ inch,

Eastside Community Committee. January i960 - February 1961. £ inch.

Economic development. February I96I - June 1962. 1 inch.

Commission on Governmental Efficiency and Economy. August 195^ ~. •'."'." November 1962. 14 inches. --

Engagements and speeches. June 1959 ~ January 1963- ^ inches.

Enoch Pratt Free Library. June 1959 - February 1963- i inch. ;

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. June 1959 ~ February 1963. 14 inches.

Extension Service, University of Maryland, Annual Reports for Baltimore City. 1959 - 1961. k vols., 2 inches.

Commissioners of Finance, minutes. March i960 - December 1962. 1 inch.

Fire Department. October 1959 - August 1962. 1J inches.

Football. July 1959 ~ December 1962. i Inch.

Ft. McHenry. May - July 1959- 5 items.

1 rvlng Fj^ed^man, "Mayoral Administrative Secretary. December \S(>] - „„ _ February inch.

Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. June 1959 - November 1962. £ inch. Philip H.' ggodjjjgjj,. January 1962 -March 1962. 5 items. •

Greater Baltimore Committee, Inc. October 1961 - October 1962. i inch.

Greenmount Improvement Associ3t>on, Inc. ca. I960.; 1 item.

Greetings. March 1954 - May 1962. i inch.

Health and Welfare Council. November I960 - May 1962. 1 inch.

Health Department. January 1961 - January 1963- 1 inch.

Health Department Experimental Conservation District. June I960 - April 1963. i inch.

Health Department, Weekly Morbidity and Mortality Statistical Reports. May 1959 - February I963. 5i inches.

Health Department, vital records. January 1961 - November 19&3- 15 items.

Heart disease fund raising campaign. February I960 - June 1961. £ inch.

Heart disease study committee. June 1961. 2 items.

Hospitals - Baltimore City. June i960 - March 1963- i inch. V • - Hospitals - Franklin Square. March - April 1961 - 5 items.

Hospitals - Lutheran. June 1961 - February 1962. 15 items.

Hospitals - Mercy. May 1959 - April 1961. 10 items.

Hospitals - Northwest Hospital Study Committee. February - July 1961. i inch.

Hospitals - Provident. February - March 1961. i inch.

Housing Code enforcement. October 1959 - October 1962. 1 inch.

Human relations. August 1959 - February 1962. i inch.

Human renewal. January i960 - February 1963- . i inch.

'The Role of Baltimore City Government in Industrial Development. December 1961. 2 items.

Israel. October 1959 " July 1961. 20 items.

Baltimore City JaJjL August 1959 - September 1962. £ Inch.

Jencks House (No. 1 Mt. Vernon Place). August - December 1962. 4 inch. 120. Jones Falls Valley Park Committee. June 1961 - October 1962. - 4 inch. 121. John F. Kennedy. -February I960 - March I963. 4 inch. ' " 122. "Key to the City" presentations. May 1961 - October 1962. £ inch.

123. Nikita Khrushchev. August - September 1959- 10 items.

12*t. L-General. July 1959 " August 1962. i inch. 125. League of Women Voters of Baltimore. July i960 - January 1963- 20 items. 126. Legal Aid Bureau. August 1951 - June 1961. 15 items. 127. Department of Legislative Reference. Archives and Records Management. July 1959 ~ August 1962. £ inch. 128. Legislation - City, State, and Federal. June 1959 ~ January 1963- li inches. 129. ^Letters of introduction. June 1959 - January I963. 20 items. 130. Board of Liquor License Commissioners. February - April i960. £ inch. 131- Baltimore Commission on Literacy. June 1962. 10 items. 132. Loans. February i960 - March 1962. li inches. ^ 133. William W. Mahoney, Director of Public Relations. November 1959 - March 1962.'"'*! fnch. 13^. The Martin Company, "Martin's Goal in Space." June 1961. 2 items. 135. Maryland Academy of Sciences. May 1959 - May 1962. \ inch.

136. Maryland Day. February 1960/- March 1962. 15 items. 137. Maryland Historical Society. May 1959 - September 1962. 5 items.

138. Maryland Municipal League. May 1959 ~ July 1962. £ inch.

Markets. August 1959 " September 1962. £ inch. :':•• 139- Mayor Grady's personal file. August 1959 _ September 1962. mo. 10 items. Ul. Mayor's Progress Report. October 1959 - March I960. 20 items.

: ; ":'.-• -': , \k2. Mayor's Committee on Municipal Employee Relations. May 1953 - :; January 1961. i inch. :.').'.' 143. Proposed limitation of Mayor's terms. November 1962. 3 items.; Memberships. May 1959 " November 1962. 3/k inch.

Metropolitan Area Council.May - October 1961 - 10 items.

Metropolitan Transit Authority. May I960 - October 1962. 1 inch.

Metropolitan Transit Authority strike. September - October 1962. 3 items.

Motion pictures. August 1959 - July 1961. 10 items.

"Mt. Vernon Place Urban Renewal Plan." March 1963. 1 item.

Municipal Court. September 1961 - February I963. 20 items.

-Municipal employment. June 1959 - March 1963- 2 inch.

Municipal employment - transfers. May 1959 ~ April i960, h inch.

Municipal telephone. March i960 - October 1961. h inch.

Milk centre 1 ordinance. May 1959 " June 1961. £ inch.

Multiple dwelling ordinance. October 1959 - April I960. 5 items.

Baltimore £ Ohio Transportation Museum. May - December 1961. i inch.

Baltimore Museum of Art. January i960 - March 1962. 10 items.

Narcotics. August - December 1959- 20 items.

National Civil Service League, study of Baltimore civil service charter provisions. April i960 - February 1961. 10 items.

National Rivers and Harbors Congress. March i960 - July 1962. •k inch.

Natural gas. April i960 - March 1961. 10 items.

International Navigation Congress meeting in Baltimore. October I960 - August 1961. 1 inch.

Mayor's NeJjJlb.ojtiood Conservation Committee, including Experimental Conser^atfon'otsTfict. December 19 9 - December 1962. li inches.

North Baltimore High School construction investigation. November 1961 - March 1962. £ inch.

Northwest Hospital Study Committee report. June 1961. 1 item.

Off-street parking. August 1959 - December I960. 1 inch.

"Original Grady Club." October - November 1959. 3items. .*

Peale Museum. November 1959 -May 1962. I inch. People's Court. May 1959 - December 1961. 10 items.

Louis 'N.'.'PhjjjgsV-'.October - November i960. 5 items. ..

Physical fitness. December 1962- January 1963. 5 items.

Planning Commission. July 1959 - December 1962. li inches.

Planning Commission, minutes. January i960 - October 1962. A inches.

Planning Commission, "Recommended Capital Improvement Program, 1961-1967." March - September 1961. 2 vols., l£ inches.

Police Commissioner. January I960 - January 1963- i inch.

Police Department. September 1959 - February 1963- 4 inch.

Police Department, meter maids. September 1959 - August I960. 20 items.

Maryland Port Authority. July 1959 - October 1962. 3/4 inch.

Maryland Port Authority, reports. May 1959 - June 1962. 3 inches.

Post Mortem examiner. July 1962. 20 items.

Municipal Post Office. July 1959 - December 1962. 10 items.

Presidential election. January I960 - February 1961. 2 inch.

Commission on the ^robUms of the Aged. November I960 - October 1962. •?^rjr-*j»:»- * v.» 1 inch.

Charles Center property aquisitions. May - September I960. 4 inch. J?^«iE«.-MWIfr State Department of Public Improvements, including Morgan State College Land transfer". "December i960 - May 1962. 4 inch.

Public Service Commission. January I96I - July 1962. 10 items. ~

Department of P_ubli.ic Works, Bureau of Building Construction. July 1959 March 1962. 'loTtems.

Department of Pubjic Works, Bureau of Building Inspection. June 1959 - January I963. i inch.

Department of Public Works, Director. September 1959 - May 1963- 2i inches. . '*W5*SW

Department of Pubjj^ Works, East-West Expressway. July 1959 - May 1962. -.•• li inches.'; ,

Department of Public Works, Ft. McHenry harbor crossing. August - October 1961?" TcHi terns.

Department of Eyb,J|c. Works, Jones Fal Is Expressway. December 1959 - January 1963- i inch. Department of Public Works, Bureau of Mechanical-Electrical Services. ;.June 1959 - November 1962. i inch. Department of Public Works, "Report on the Enlargements of the Baltimore SeweTage System from i960 to 1990." December 1958. 1 vol. i inch. •

Department of PjjbH^ Works, reports. May 1959 - December 1962. 1 foot, 2 inches.

Department of Public Works, Bureau of Sanitation. May 1956 - January 1962. i inch.

Department of PjJbJJjc Works, Snow and Jce Control Program. October I960 - DecembeT 19^61. h 3A inches. Department of Public Works, Bureau of Tests. November i960 - September 1962. 10 items.

Department of PjJ.bJj£ Works, Bureau of Transportation. September 1959 - March I96I. "75 Items.

Radio. July 1959 - July 1962. £ inch. Comptroller, Real Estate Division. January i960 - Ocotber 1962, 20 items.

Department of Recreation.and Parks. September 1959 - December 19^2, 1 inch. Department of Recreation and Parks, Director. June 1959 - July 1962. 20 items.

Department of Rgcre^IJi^ ancl Par! Bureau of Music. July 1959 - May I960. 20Wi1;~e~ms7*~~

Department of Recreation and Parks, Carroll Mansion. March - May . 1961. 10 items. \ Department of Recreation and Parks, forestry. May 1959 - October I960, £ inch. Department of Recreation and Parks, loans 6f potted palms. September 1959^-^May''1960. 30 items. •{•..• Department of Recreation and Parks, police. March - November i960. items.

Department of .Recreation and Parks, Memorial Stadium. September 1959_ July I960. TTnchT'"'' Department of Recreation and Parks, Wyman Park. January I960 - March 1962. i InchT^'""*""* "Report of the Special Committee to make a study of salary ranges paid to members of the Board of Estimates and City Council." January - June 1962. 2 items. 212. Employee's Jtetjhrement. System. June 1959 - March 19&3- 2 inch.

213. Employee's M£.lXSIB£Si System, notices. July 1962. i inch. -. . -_-_-•

214. The Mayor's schedule. November 1959 - May 1963- Ik inches. 215. Scholarships. February 1962 - February 1963- 10 items.

216. Schools. June 195*1 - January 1963- U inches.

217. Sheriff of Baltimore City. July 1959 " August 1962. 3 items.

218. Snow removal. January - March 1961. £ inch.

219. Space survey, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. July 1962. £ inch. 220. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. July 1959 - January 1961. 15 items.

221. State Department of Employment Security. January I960 - April 1961. 20 items. a • 222. Statements and speeches. September 1959 - April 1963- 1 inch. » 223. States Attorney for Baltimore City. June 1959 - June 19&2. £ inch.

224. Star-Spangled Banner Flag House.' February i960 - September 1962. 10 items. .•..';• ' . "\ ' " 225. Superintendant of Public Schools. March - August 1962. 20 items.

226. Board of Supervisors of Elections. October 1959 - August i960. 10 items. 227. Supreme Bench. April i960 - November 1962. 10 items.

228. Susquehanna water supply project. July 1959 - August I960. 5 items.

229. Governor J. Millard Tawes. May 1959 - February 1963- 10 items.

230. Taxes. August - November 1959- \ inch.

231. Television. July 1959 ~ August 1962. \ inch. . 232. *"Thank-you" letters. March - December I960. 20 items.

233• Timonium Fair. June 1959 ~ August i960. 10 Items.

234. Department of Transit and Traffic. March i960 - January 1961. ? inch.

235- Department of Transit and Traffic,, Commissioner. May 1959 - "July "1962". 1 inch.

236. Department of Transit and Traffic reports. May 1959 - July 1962. 5 inches. '•••••'-. '-•-'•' ;^237-, Mass t^S£ortatjaQnB. September 1959 - October 1360. J inch.

''•i38V::::Traffic safety. June 1959 - December 1961- iinch. 239- U-General. December I960 - June 1962. i inch.

2^0. City employee unions. January - June I960. 10 items.

2h\. Unions. November 1959 ~ November 1962. £ inch. 2*t2. United Nations. May I960 - March 1962. 20 items.

2h3. ^United State Conference of Mayors. July 1959 - November 1962. 1 inch.

2kk. . February 1962 - January 1963- i inch, 2^5. University of Maryland. January I960 - September 1962, 5 items,

2^6. Urban renewal. June 1959 - Janfiary 19&3- 2 inches.

247- Urban renewal, reports. September 1957 " July 1962. 1j inches.

2A8. Walters Art Gallery, including proposed expansion. August 1959 ~ February 1961. h inch. i 249.' Walters Art Gallery, minutes. December 1959 - March 1961. 1 Inch.

•H-u.fi. n-^ ' 4 /< 1 ,* nan. T2 ,, UO fceldin, 1963-67 (S25)3 McKeldin Administrative Files Boxes 357-^^6 -.;.','- (Second term, May I963 - November 1367)

Note: The numbers preceeding subject titles were added during processing for purposes of reference and access.

1. Activists For Fair Housing. August 1966 - January 1967- i inch.

2. Afro-Americari newspaper. March I965 - June 1967- 20 items.

3- Commission on Problems of the Aaina. April 1963 ~ July 1967- 2 inches.

4. Governor Spi ro T. ^\cjnew. March - September 1967- £ inch.

5- John C. Ahlers_. Mayoral Administrative Assistant. May 1963 ~ February 1965- 20 items.

6. Airport. July 1963— November 1967- 2 inches.

7- Airport Zoning Board. October 196^ - March 1965. 10 items.

8. Alcoholism. June 1963 ~ November 1967- 1 inch.

9. Mayor's Brainstorming Conference on Alcohol|sm. May 1963 " June 1965- 3/4 inch.

10. Committee on Alcoholism Programs. December 1963 ~ April 1965. £ inch.

11. Alcoholism Task Force. June I965 - March I967. i inch.

12. American Civil Liberties Union. June 1964. 2 items.

13- America-Israel Society. March - September 1964. 10 items.

14. "American Municipal Association. July 1963 - January 1965- 1 inch.

15. Richard D. Andrews, fffeyoral Administrative Assistant. December 1965 November 1966. 10 items.

16. Annapolis modern buildings opposition. May 1964 - December 1965. 20 items.

17. Appointments - Advisory Investment Committee of the Employees Retirement System. April 1965 - September 1966. 20 items.

18. Appointments - City Art Commission: January 1964- January 1965- 10 i terns.

19. Appointments - Baltimore City Hospitals Commission. February 1965 - April 1967. n inch.

20. Appointments - Community Relations Commission. November 1963 " January 1967- i inch.

1 21. Appointments - Charter Revision and Advisory Committees. January August 1963. 4 inch. 22. "Appointments - Community Action Commission. December 1964 - May 1967- 1 inch.

23- ^Appointments - Equal Opportunity Commission. May 1963 ~ February 1964. i inch.

24. Appointments - Board of Ethics.' June 1963 " March 19&7- 20 items.

25- Appointments - Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation. December 1964 - June 1967- i inch.

26. Appointments - Jail Board. January 1963 ~ June 1967. i inch.

27. Appointments - Marriage Counseling and Conciliation Court. March - November 1965- 5 items.

28. Appointments - Mayor's Citizens Advisory Committee. March - April 1965. 5 items.

29. Appointments - Mayor's Staff. May 1965 _ January 1966. 5 items.

30. -Appointments - open. May I963 ~ March I967. 5 inch.

31. Appointments - Pension Study Committee. July 1963 _ January 1964. 10 items.

32. Appointments - Planning Commission. May 1963 - September 1966.

33- Appointments - Port Advisory Committee. \July 1963 * November 1964. 20 items.

34. -Appointments - Public Works. May 1963 - August 1967- 5 inch.

35. "Appointments - Department of Recreation and Parks. June 1963 ~ September 1965. i inch.

36. Appointments - Sign Commission. November 1965 - September 1967- £ inch.

37- Appointments - Urban Renewal and Housing Commission. April 1963 ~ December 1965- 20 items.

38. Appointments - Welfare Commission. February 1963 ~ March 1967. 4 inch.

39. Appointments - Youth Commission. May I963 - January 1965. i Inch.

40. Apprenticeship Information Center. June 1964 - October 1966. 20 items.

41. Architectural Commission. May 1963 - August I967. 1? inches.

42. Armed Forces Day/Week. March 1964 - May 1967- 3/4 inch.

43. Art Commission. September I963 - March 1967- i inch.

44. Assateague Island. August I963 - November 1965. 1 inch. 45 • "Department of Assessments. December 1964 - March 1966. 3/4 inch.

46. Auctioneer appointment authority. February 1963- 1 item.

^Department of Audits. August I963 - January 1967. 2 inches.

48. Bail Bond Commission. January 1961 - April I965• 10 items.

Bait more Association of Commerce. May 1963 ~ April 1965. 1 inch.

50. Bait more Bar Association. May 1963 - April 1965- i inch.

51. Bait more City Commission on Redistricting. February - December 1965- 10 items.

52. Bait more City Hospital Commission. June 1965 _ August 1966. \ inch.

53- Bait more City Slogan Contest. April - June 1964. 20 items.

54. Bait more Civic Opera Company, Inc. October 1964 - November 1965- 5 tems.

55. Bait more Community Relations Commission. June 1964 - October I967. 2 nches.

56. Bait more Council for International Visitors. July 1964 - June 1967. , 4 nch.

57- Bait more Junior College. August 1963 ~ June 1967- i inch.

.58. Bait more Neighborhoods, Inc. October I963 - October 1965. i inch.

59. Bait more News Post. May 1963 - April 1964. 10 items.

60. Bait more S Ohio Railroad. March 1964 - October 1965- i inch.

61. Bait more Public Relations Council. March 1964 - October 1965- 1 nch.

62. Bait more Safety Council. November 1963 ~ June 1967- 10 items.

63. Bait more Symphony Orchestra. May 1963 ~ November 1967- li inches.

64. Bait more Transit Company. April 1964 - July 1965- 20 items.

65. Bait more Transit Company, Audit Committee. May 1964 - August 1966. 1 nch.

66. Bait imore Urban League. October 1963 - October 1967. 1 inch.

67. Baseball. August 1964 - September 1967. 1 inch.

68. Basketball. June - October 1964. 10 items.

69. Battle Monument. June - July 1964. 5 items.

70. Beatles. August 1964 - March 1966. i inch. 71. Charles L. Bentop. Budget Director. August 19&3 - August 1964. l£ inches.

12. Better Business Bureau. October 1964 - August 1967. JO items. 73- "The Block" - Baltimore Street. June 1964 - March I966. 10 items.

74. Blue Cross and Blue Shield. December 1964 - August I967. 3/4 inch.

75. Board of Estimates. July 1963 - November 1967. 6£ inches.

76. Robert 0. Bonne 11, mayoral administrative assistant. May ?963 - January 1964. 2? inches. 77- Budget - 1963- November 1961 - February 19&3- 2 inches.

78. Budget - 1964. May J963 - March 1964. J£ inches.

79- Budget - I965. July 1964 - May 1965. H inches.

80. Budget - I966. May I965 - February 1966. 2\ inches,

81. -Budget - I966 Schools. October 1965 - February 1967. 3/4 inch.

82. Central Bureau of Investigation. June I963 ~ August 1967. 1 inch. 83. Central Business District. May 1963 - September 1965. £ inch.

84. Central Business District, Department of Planning study. November 1965 - September I967. 1£ inches. 85. -Certificates of merit. April I960 - September I967. £ inch.

86. Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Baltimore. April 1965 ~ July 1967. £ inch. 87. ". November 1964 - December 1966. £ inch.

88. Citizen's Advisory Committee on Community Improvement. October I963 ~- May 1964. £ inch. 89- Citizens Planning and Housing Association. May I963 ~ December 1966. 3/4 inch.

90. City Council - 1963. May - December 1963- U inches.

91. City Council - 1964. January - December 1964. \\ inches.

92. City Council - 1965- January - December 1965. \ inch. 93- City Council - 1966. January -"May 1966. 1 inch.

94. City Hall Advisory Committee. July 1964 - August 1967- 3/4 inch. '•...:-_ 95. City Hall renovation. June 1962 - January 1967. £ inch.

96. City Solicitor. May 1963 - October 1967- 7 inches. 97- Civic Center. May 1963 - November 1967. 3 inches.

98. Civic Center, proposed rodeo. February - August 1964. i inch.

99. Civic Design Commission. July 1964 - November 1967. 1 inch.

100. *Civil Defense. July 1963 - November I967. 8 inches.

101. Civil rights. March 1964 - October 1967- 1\ inches.

102. Civil Service Commission. March 1962 - December 1964. 3/4 inch.

103. Classified Municipal Employees Association. May I963 - June I967. i inch.

104. celebrations. September 1963 - August 1967- 5 inch.

105. -Commendations. July 1964 - October I967. i inch.

106. Mayor's Commission on Redistricting. April I963. 2 items.

107. Community Action Commission (Anti-Poverty Program). September 1964 - November 1965. 4 inches.

108. Community Mental Health Center. June 1964 - April 1967. i inch.

109. Community Renewal Program. May 1962 - October 1964. 3/4 inch.

110. Comptroller. May 1963 - August 1967. 1 inch.

111. Concentrated Employment Program. July - November 1967- H inches.

112. Confidential file. November 1964 - September 1965- 10 items.

113« "Congratulations. May 1963 - July 1967- i inch.

114. Consolidated Food Distribution Center. July 1965 - May 1967- 20 items.

115. Constellation. October 1963 - November 1967- i inch.

116. Constitution Task Force. March - April 1966. 10 items.

117- Constitutional Convention. February 1966 - November 1967- 2 inches.

118. Consuls - Brazilian. July 1959 - April 1964. 20 items.

119. Consuls - British. July 1959 - November 1966. 20 items.

120. Consuls - Norwegian. July 1961 - December 1964. 10 items.

121. Consultants. December 1964 - August 1966. \ inch.

122. Consultant's Evaluation Board. March - August 1967- 20 items.

123. ^Contributions. June 1964 - March 1967- i Inch. 124. Convention Bureau. May I963 - November I967. 2? inches.

125. Cooper-Hughes Legislation. June 3965 - June 1966. £ inch. :

126. C.O.R.E., Target City. Arpil 1966 - August 1967. 1 inch.

127. County Commission. June I965 - May 1966. 3/4 inch.

128. Court House: Space Problems. August 1965 - August 1967. £ inch.

129. Court. February 1964 - May 1967- £ inch.

130. Cover Letters. February 1965- £ inch.

131. Credit Union. June 1963 ~ June 1966. £ inch.

Ml. Crime Reports. January \Sd2 - November \36k. 3/4 inch.

133. Crime. April 1964 - November 1967- 3/4 inch.

13^. Crime, Mayor's Special Advisory Group. November I963 - April 1967- £ inch.

135. Criminal Justice Commission. October I963 ~ June 1967- £ inch.

136. Cultural and Historical Center, Proposal. September 1964 - January 1965- 7 items.

137. D'Alesandro, President of the City Council. June 1963 - October 19&9- £ inch. \

138. Decency Committee. October 1957 " June 1964. i inch.

139. . August 1959 - September 1966. 1 inch.

140. Demonstration Cities Program. February 1966 - November 1967- 1 inch.

141. Department and Bureau Heads. June 1963 " November 1967. 1 inch.

142. Department of Education: Proposed Administrative Headquarters. June 1964. 6 items.

143- Department of Finance. December 1964 - November 1967- 3£ inches.

144. Development Coordinator. May 1965 - January I967. £ inch.

145. Division - Gold Streets. August 1965 - August 1967- 10 items.

146. Downtown Committee. May 1963 ~ November 1965- £ inch.

147. Earnings Tax. October 1964 - April 1966. U inches. See also: License Tax.

148. Economic Development. July 1963 ~ November 1967• 4£ inches.

149. ^Educational Television. June 1964 - September 1964. 3/4 inch. 150. "Commission on Governmental Efficiency and Economy. May 1963 March 1967. i inch.

151. Elections. March 1964.- May 1967. i inch.

152. Elections, Congratulations. November 1964 - January I967. i inch.

153. Elections, Presidential. June I963 _ November 1964. 2 inches.

154. Elections, Rockefeller Reception. April 1964. 12 items.

155- Emergency Anti-Blight Committee. November 1965 - July 1966. 15 itmes.

156. Employment, "Over 60." September 1963 - August 1965. 8 items.

157. "Employment, Miscellaneous. September I963 _ August 1967- 2 inch.

158. "Employment, Summer. May 1963 ~ July 1967- i inch.

159. -Engagements. May I963 - May 1967. i inch.

160. -Enoch Pratt Free Library. July 1963 - November 1967- 1 inch.

161. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. June 1963 " March 1967- i inch.

162. Board of Ethics. advisory opinions. November 1963 ~ June 1967 i inch.

163. Expressway Design Advisory Committee. November 1963 - June 1966. i inch. See Public Works, East-West Expressway.

164. Expressway Policy Committee. December 1964 - March 1967- 1 inch. See also Planning Commission, P.C. Minutes, Planning Commission Reports.

165. Fact Finding Trips. October 1963 - March 1964. 12 items.

166. Federal Bureau of Investigation. February 1964 - May 1965- 15 items.

167. Finance Committee. May 1963 ~ September 1967- 1 inch.

168. Financial Advisory Committee. May 1963 - September 1964. 5 inch.

169. Fire Department. June 1963 " November 1967- 2 inches.

170. -First Day Cover Stamps. June I963 - November 1967- i inch.

171. . June I963 - March 1965- 15 items.

172. Food Markets Strike. April - June 1964. i inch.

173- Ford Theatre - Closing Night. January - June 1964. £ inch.

174. Fort McHenry. September 1964 - February 1967- £ Inch. 175- Richard Frank Administrative Assistant. April 1964 - September 1965. 10 items.

176- Gas Appliance Board, n.d. 1 item..

177- Frank Ga.y, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor. February 1965 - June 1967. £ inch.

178. *Get Well. June 1363 - February 1966. 4 inch.

179. David Glenn, Assistant to the Mayor. May 1965 - April I967. £ inch.

180. Hirsh Gol.dberg, Press Secretary. November 1966 - October I967. £ inch.

181. Goucher College, Roland Hayes Fund. February 1964 - April 1964. £ inch.

182. Grand Jury. February 1964 - April 1964. 16 items.

183- Greater Baltimore Committee. July 1963 - July 1967. 1 inch.

184. Greenmount Avenue. February - October I966. i inch.

185. Greetings. August I963 - March I965. i inch.

186. Grievance Committee. July 1965 _ March I966. £ inch.

186a. Guild for Infant Survival. February 1965 - February 1966. 6 items.

187. Richard Hartman, Administrative Assistant. October 1964 - July 1965- 14 iterns.

188. Health Department. June 1963 " November 1967- 3£ inches.

189. Health Department, Clean-Air Act. March - November 1965. £ inch,

190. Health Department, Reports. May 1963 - November 1967. 4j inches.

191- Health Department, Vital Records. June 1963 - June I967. £ inch.

192. Health Department, State. November 1963 - May 1967. i inch.

193- Health, Education and Welfare. June I963 - April 1966. 10 Items.

194. Health and Welfare Council. April 1966 - November 1967. ? inch.

195. Commission for H

196. Horwitz Benevolent Fund. December 1963 _ April 1967- £ Inch.

197. Advisory Committee of Baltimore City Hospitals and the Department of Welfare. October - November 1964. 3 items.

198. Baltimore City Hospitals, Federal Grant. September 1965 - June 1966. i inch. 199- Hospitals. June I963 -April 19&7- 3/4 inch.

200. Public Health Service Hospitals. January - May 1965. 4 inch.

201. Housing Study Advisory Commission. April 1964 - October 1965- 4 inch.

202. "Housing Requests. June 1963 - Janaury 1966. 2 inch.

203. Housing Law Enforcement, Mayor's Study Committee. February I963 - April 1964. 1 inch.

204. Housing Law Enforcement. May 1963 - November 1967- 1 inch.

205. Housing Code Committee. July 1963 - December 1966. \ inch.

206. Human Relations. June J963 - June J967. 1 ;nch.

207- Human Renewal Program. May I963 - March 1965. 3/4 inch.

208. Immigration. June I963 - February 1965- 4 inch.

209- -Inauguration - Congratulations. May - June 1963- i inch.

210. Independence Day. April - July 1964. 15 items.

211. Renewal Project. April 1963 - October 1967- 1 inch.

212. Inner Harbor Steering Committee. October 1964 - November 1967. 2 inches. Including effects of proposed I-83 and 1-95 on the area.

213. Insurance Commission. April - December 1965- 8 items.

214. Israel. June I963 - July 19&7- 4 inch.

215- Israel Bonds. June I963 - October 1966. i inch.

216. Italian Flood Relief. December 1966 - January 1967- 4 inch.

217. City Jai 1_ Board. August 1962 - May 1967. H inches. Including "A Report Upon Manpower Requirements. Baltimore City Jail," and opinions of City Solicitor.

218. Jail, Regional System Committee. February - August 1964. 4 inch.

219. Jail, Women's Detention Center. August 1963 - July 1966. 4 inch.

220. Job Corp. June 1966 - November 1967- 4 inch.

221. Jones Falls Valley Park Committee. November 1963 - January 1967. 1 inch.

222. Keep Baltimore Beautiful. January 1965 " March 1967- 4 inch.

223. Key to the City. November 1963 ~ November 1967- 4 inch.

224. *Druid Park Lake Drive. March 1964 - August 1965. 1/8 inch. 225- Law Enforcement Assistance Act. October 1965- 2 items,

226. League of Women Voters. June 19&3 " September 1965- i inch.

227- Leakin Park. August 1964 - February 1965. i inch.

228. Legal Aid Bureau. January 1966 - September 1967. i inch.

229. Legislation, city and state. July 19&3 " August 1967- 3 inches.

230. Legislative Council of Maryland. June 1964 - July 1967- 2 inch.

231. Legislative Council Coordinating Committee. July - August 1966. 3 items.

232. Department of Legislat?ve Reference, Archives and Records Management. May 1963 " August I967. 1 inch.

233. Legislature - Dinner. January 1964. i inch.

234. Liquor License Commission. January 1964 - July 1967. i inch.

235. Solomon Lis^s,, Assistant to the Mayor on Metro Affairs. January - July ]§bk. 3 items.

236. Lloyd Street Synagogue {phota). 1964 - April 1967. 2 items.

237- Loans. August 1964 - November 1967- 2 inch.

238. Lyric Theatre Purchase. August - Ndyember 1966. 1/8 inch.

239. Mailing Lists. 1965- i inch.

240. Markets. May I963 - May 1966. i inch.

241. Commission on Marriage Counseling and Conciliation Court. August - 0ctob"e"r"T9b5. 5 items.

242. Maryland Academy of Sciences. September 1963 ~ February 1967- i inch.

243- Maryland Commission on Interacial Problems and Relations. June 1963 " March I965. I inch.

244. Maryland Delegation. July 1963 - April 1965. I inch,

245. Maryland Historical Society. April 1963 - January 1967- i inch.

246. -Maryland Institute. June 1964 - December 1967- i inch.

247. -Maryland Municipal League. May 19&3 - August 1967- 2 inch.

248. Mayor's Traffic Safety Commission. August I963 - June 1966. 3/4 inch.

249. Maryland World's Fair Commission. July 1963 " September 1964. £ inch. See also: World's Fair Commission. 250. ^Mayor's Personal File. June 1947 " July 19&7- i inch.

251. Mayor's Task Force on Equal Rights. September 1966 - November I967. 1 inch.

252. Mayor's Inaugural Ceremonies. May 19&3- 2 items.

253. Mayor's Trip to Vietnam. August - November 1967• 3/4 inch.

254. Stanley Mazer, Assistant to the Mayor. January - March 1965- i inch.

255- Lawrence McDaniel. Press Secretary. March I966. 2 items.

256. McKim Community Building (Old Friends Meeting House). January 19^4 - May 1966. i inch.

257- Morris Mechanic. July 1964 - November 1966. 6 items.

258. Medical Care for Aged. September - December 19&3- £ inch.

259- Medical Care for Indigent Persons, Ad Hoc Committee. July 1964 " March 1965- 1 inch.

260. Medical and Chirurgical Society. July - August 1964. 3 items.

261. -Membership. June 1963 - August 1966- i inch.

262. Metropolitan Affairs. Including report on "Regional Jails" by the Regional Planning Council. December 1963 " May 19&7- 2 inch.

263. Metropolitan Area Council. August 1965 - July 1967- i inch.

264. Metropolitan Area Study Commission. May 1963 _ December 1964. i inch. See Miles Commission.

265- Metropolitan Refuse Disposal Study. May 1963 " August 1966. lj inches.

266. Metropolitan Transit Authority. May 1963 - October 1967. 2 inches.

267. Miles Commission. December - May 1965. 3 items. See Metropolitan Area Study Commission.

268. Minimum Wage Commission. November 196** - June 1967. 1 inch.

269. *Misce1laneous. October 1963 - August 1967- i inch.

270. "Municipal Court. November 1964 - November 1967- i inch.

271. Municipal Post Office. April 1964 - August 1965. 9 items.

272. Municipal Telephone Exchange. October 1963 - January 1967- 5 items.

273. Madalyn Murray. August 1964 - October 1965. i inch. See also Prayer Campaign.

274. The Municipal i_£.y and the Arts. January - February 1965- 8 items. 275- Baltimore Museujiof Art. July 1914 - March 1965- 5 iten.s.

276. Peale Museum,. June 1963 - June 1966. 3/4 inch.

277. -National League of Cities. March 1965 - November 1967. i inch.

278. -National Rivers and Harbors Congress. October 1964 - April 1967. i inch.

279. National States Right Party. June - August 1966. £ inch.

280. Natural Resources - Susquehanna River Basin. October I965 - May 1967. i inch.

281. Neighborhood Conservation. Including "Housing Quality Appraisal." October 1963 ~ November 1967- li inches.

282. New Marsh Wholesale Produce Market Authority. October 1955 - December 1966. 15 items.

283. Newspaper Strike. April - June 1965- 30 items.

284. Niles Commission. Including reports on faulty school construction. July 1964 - March 1965. li inches.

285. Off-Street Parking Commission. October 1963 " April 1967> i inch.

286. Assorted Ordinances.. September 1964 - November 1967- 3 inches.

287. Ordinance No. 1867, Ombudsman. March - September 1967. i inch.

288. Parole and Probation. November 1963 - April 1966. i inch.

289. Patent Office Location. April 1964 - January 1965. 15 items.

290. Peabody Institute. February 1964 - March 1967- i inch.

291. Pension Study Committee. July 1964 - April 1965- £ inch.

292. Performing Arts Proposal. September - October 1964. 3 items.

293. Personnel Policy and Salary Advisory Committee. June 1964 - May 1967. li inches.

294. Photographs. January 1964 - June 1967. i inch. CF,le «-

295. Physical Fitness. July 1963 - February 1966. 8 items.

296. Pigeons. April 1964 - March 1967- n inch.

297. State Planning Commission. May 1963 - April 1965- i inch.

298. Planning Commission, Reports. November 1967- 2 inches.

299. Planning Commission. July 1963 - December I966. 3 inches.

300. Planning Commission, Minutes. May 1962 - December 1964. U inches. 301. Pledge of Allegiance. April - June 1964. 13 items.

302. ^Police, New Era Bookstore. February - May I967. i inch.

303. ^Police. June I963 - December 1966. i inch.

304. Police Advisory Committee on Community Relations. August 1964 - June 1967. 3/4 inch.

305. Police Complaint Evaluation Board. April 1965 - February 1966. 3/4 inch.

306. Police Review Board. September 1964 - January 1967- i inch.

307. Pollution, Air and Water. November 1963 - November 1967. 3/4 inch.

308. Earle Poorbaugh. June I963 - February I967. \ inch.

309. Port Advisory Committee. April 1958 - December 1964. i inch.

310. Maryland Port Authority. Mayor's trip to New Orleans and Houston to inspect trade facilities. October 1966. £ inch.

311- Maryland Port Authority, including reprots on the N.S. Savannah. May 1963 - November 1967. 2 inches.

312. Maryland Port Authority, Reports. June I963 - January I966. i inch.

313- Post Office. November 1963 " August 1967-\ i inch.

314. Post Office, New Facility. March 1966 - August 1967- 15 items.

315. Post Mortem Examiners. May 1963 ~ February 1967- i inch.

316. Poverty. March - November 1964. i inch.

317. Prayer Campaign. April - October 1964. 7 items.

318. Preakness Promotion Committee. August 1965 - July 1966. £ inch.

319- President Lyndon B. Johnson. November I963 - June 1967. i inch.

320. President John F. Kennedy. November I963 _ December 1964. i inch.

321. Press, City Hall Reporters, n.d. 1 item.

322. ^Proclamations. June 1963 - June 1967- i Inch.

323. Public Housing Accomodation - Open Housing. June 1966 - June 1967. i inch.

324. Public Service Commission. September 1963 ~ June 1966, 12 items.

325. Public Works, Building Code. August - September 1964. 6 items. Public Works, Building Construction, August 1963 " November 1967. 2 inch.

327. Mayor's Commission to Study the Pub 1 Ic Works Department. May 1963 -•••'•:•• November 1965- i inch.

328. Public Works, Bureau of Surveys, n.d. I inch.

329. Public Works, Building Inspection - Public Relations. July I963 - July 1964. 11 items.

330. Public Works, Bureau of Building Inspection. July I963 - December 1965. 2 inches.

331- "Bernard Werner, Director of Public Works. May 1963 " November 1967- 5 inches.

332. Public Works, East-West Expressway. July 1963 - July 1967- U inches.

333- -Public Works, Bureau of Highways. July 1963 - July 1967- H inches.

334. Public Works, Incinerator Project. October 1964 - July 1967. i inch.

335- Public Works, Jones Falls Expressway. August 1963 ~ November 1967- 1 inch. See also Bernard Werner, Director of Public Works; Public Works, Bureau of Highways; Public Works, Western Connector.

336. "Public Works, Bureau of Mechanical - Electrical Services. May 1963 ~ October 1967. i inch.

337. -Public Works, Bureau of Sanitation. June 1963 - August 1967- I inch.

338. *Public Works, Bureau of Sewers. May 1963 " April 1967. 2 inch.

339- Public Works, Snow Removal. February - March 1966. 5 inch.

340. Public Works, Snow Removal Task Force. March 1966. 5 items.

341. Public Works, Space Committee. June I963 - December 1964. i inch.

342. Public Works, State Roads Commission. June 1963 - October 1967- 1 inch.

343. Public Works, Street Paving. August I963. 1 item.

344. Public Works, Bureau of Surveys. August 1963 - June 1965- 15 items.

345. Public Works, Bureau of Transportation. July 1963 " March 1967- i inch.

346. Public Works, Water Rate Study. June 1964 - October 1965. 8 items.

347. ^Public Works, Water Supply. August 1963 - May 1967- H inches.

348. Public Works, Western Connector. December 1965 - June 1966. 6 i terns. Bureau of Purchases. May 1963 - December 1966. i inch.

Raceways. August 1963 " April 1967- i inch.

Radio. May 1963 - April 1967- i inch.

Real Estate Board of Greater Baltimore. June I963 - June 1965. 15 items.

Real Estate Division of the Comptroller. July 1963 - September 1966. i inch.

Bureau of Receipts. February 1964 - October 1966. £ inch.

Charter Revision Advisory Committee. July 1963 - August 1967- 7 items.

-Recommendations. July I963 - June 1967- i inch.

Board of Recre^jcjn and Parks, including Urban Beautification report. May 1963 - August 1967- 3i inches.

Director of Recreation and Parks. November 1966 - November 1967. i inch.

Appointments, Board of Recreation and Parks. November 1964 - June 1965. 1/8 inch.

Carroll Mansion, Board of Recreation and Parks, including pre-restoration photographs. July 1963 - September 1967. 1 inch.

Cylburn Park, Board of Recreation and Parks. August - October 1963. 13 items.

Federal Funds, Board of Recreation and Parks. March 1965 - August 1966. 3 items.

"Forestry, Board of Rej^reaj^o/1 and Parks. July 1963 - November 1967- i inch.

Golf, Board of Recreat ion and Parks. June 1963 - July 1967, n inch.

Music, Board of .Recreation and Parks. May 1963 - April 1966. I inch.

Minutes, Board of jtecreati_on and Parks. April 1966 - October 1967- 3/k inch. ~~-~" '

Trolley Museum - Robert E. Lee Park, Board of Recreation and Parks. August 1963 ~ April 1967. i inch. See also Trolley Car Museum.

Memorial Stadium, Board of Recreation and Parks. August 1963 " December 1966. i inch.

Windsor Estate, Board of ^^patinn and Parks. December 1963 ~ December 1965- i inch.

Playgrounds, Board of Recreation and Parks. June 1963 - November 1967- li inches. • 371. Tax Delinquent Property, Board of Recreation and Parks. February - May 1963- 3 Items. "~~"~*

372. Park Police, Board of Recreation and Parks. January - February 1364. 3 items. ~ ~~

373- "Wyman Park, Board of Recreation and Parks. July 19&7- 13 items.

37^- Zoo, Board of R^re^f-inn and Parks. May I963 - October 1967- I inch.

375- Baltimore City Commission on Redistrictinq (Bard Commission). Janaury 1965 ~ July 1966. 4 items.

376- Regional Planning Council. April I965 " October 1967- 2 inch.

377- -^Reports. May 1963 - April 1966. 7 items.

378. Republican Convention. July - December 1964. ]j inches. See also Election, Presidential.

379- Republican National Committee. October 1963 ~ February 1967- 5: inch.

380. Retirement System, Board of Trustees of the Fire and Police Employees. August - September 1964. 6 items.

381. Retirement System, Board of Trustees of Employees. December 196^ - January 1965- 4 items.

382. ''-Retirement. July 1963 ~ November 1967- 3/4 inch.

383. Garey Reynolds^ Assistant to the Mayor. April - October 1967- 1/8 inch.

384. Riots. September 1964 - August 1965- 2 inch.

385. Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Foundation. November 1963 ~ April 1964. i inch.

386. Salary Committee, including reports "Salary Plan of the City of Baltimore." April I963 - February 1964. .1 inch.

387. Scholarship. October 1963 - May 1965. 4 inch.

388. Sesquicentennial Celebration. August 1963 - October 1964. H inches.

389. Board of SchgoJ Commissioners. June 1963 - April 1967- 3/4 inch.

390. Minutes, Board of School^ Commissioners. April 1963 " April 1965- 1 inch.

391. Schools, Transportation. August 1963 " August 1964. 1/8 inch.

392. Schools, Reports. August 1963 - May I967. 4 items.

393- ^Schools, including a Master Plan Study of School Facilities. April 1963 ~ November 1967- 2i inches. 394. School Construction Committee. July 1965 - October 1966. 4 inch.

395- Schools, Prayers. June - December 1963- 1/8 inch. See also Madalyn Murray.

396. Commission on Signs. March - August 1967- 1/8 inch.

397- Slogan Contest. May 1964. 1 item.

398. Mayor's Advisory Committee on Small Business (Mayor Grady). August 1959 ~ November 1963- 14 inches.

399- Mayor's Advisory Committee on Small Business (Mayor McKeldin). January 1963 - April 1967- i inch.

400. *S.P.C.A. Municipal Shelter. December 1964 - October 1967- i inch.

401. Star-Spangled Banner Flag House Association. July 1963 ~ January 1967- 4 inch.

402. Steuart Hill Advisory Conservation Committee. August 1963 ~ February 1965. 4 inch.

403. Strikes. December 1966 - July 1967- 4 inch.

404. Suicide Prevention. July 1964 - February 1967- i inch.

405- Supreme Bench of Baltimore. July 1963 ~ January 1967- 4 inch.

406. Board of Suipeirv|\||sp,rls. nf Elections. May I963 - June 1967- 4 inch.

407. Statements, Speeches, Releases. January - December 1967- 4? inches.

408. Statements, Speeches, Releases. January - December 1966. 3i inches.

409- Statements, Speeches, Releases. January - December 1964. 9 inches.

410. Statements, Speeches, Releases. June - December I963. 3 inches.

411. Statements, Speeches, Releases. January - December 1965. 4^ inches.

412. Task Force, including "Recommendation on Procedure for Implementation of the Wolman Committee Report Proposals for the Reorganization of the Department of Public Works." December 1963 - January 1966. i inches. , •

413. J- Millard Tawes, Governor. May 1963 - August 1965- 2 inch.

414. "Taxes. February I963 - December 1965: i inch.

415- License Tax. October 1964 - October 1965- 3/4 inch. See also Earnings Tax.

416. Tax Credit for the Elderly. September 1964 - September 1967- 4 inch.

417- Metropolitan Sales Tax. April - May 1965- 5 items. 4l8. Television, "Focal Point." June - September 1963- 14 items.

419- -Television. June I963 - August 1967- i inch.

420. -Thank-you. December 1964 - December 1965. £ inch.

421. William Townsend, City's Representative in D.C. May - December 7966. £ inch.

422. Transformation of Friendship Airport's Jurisdiction. June 1964. 1 item.

423. Transition to Peacetime Economy. December 1963 " May 1964. i inch.

424. Traffic Reports. June 1963 - December 19&5- 11 items.

425- Traffic Safety Commission (Mayor Grady). April 1963 - April 1964. i inch.

426. Traffic Safety Committee, Final Report (Mayor Grady). June I960. 1 item.

427. Traffic Safety Committee Appointments (Mayor Grady). December 1959 - July 1961. i inch.

428. Traffic Safety,"Chi Id Play Area." April - June 1964. 5 items.

429. Mayor's Committee on Traffic Safety. August 1964 - July 1965- 4 i terns.

430. -Transit and Traffic. July 1963 ~ November 1967- 2 inches.

431. Transportation and Land Use Planning. September 1965 - April 1966. i inch.

432. Treasurer. July 1962 - May 1967. 3/4 inch.

433. Trolley Car Museum. July I963 - October 1966. 3/4 inch. See also Trolley Museum - Robert E. Lee Park, Board of Recreation and Parks.

434. Unions. May 1963 - February 1967- i inch.

435. United Nations. August I963 - October 1967. U inches.

436. United World Federalists. February 1964 - April 1967. i inch.

437. University of Maryland. October 1963 - October 1967- i inch.

438. Urban America Inc. February - November 1967- 13 items.

439. Urban Beautification Program. September 1965 - January 1966. 6 items. .

440. Urban Renewal, Shot Tower. November 1965 - August 1966. 9 items. 441. Urban Renewal, Project Plans. December I960 - March. 1964, £ inch. '

442. Urban Renewal, Reports. December 1962 - June 1965. l£ inches.

443- Urban Renewal, Department of Housing and Urban Development. August 1966 - November 1967- i inch.

444. Urban Renewal. May 1963 - December 1965- 5 inches.

445. Urban Renewal and Housing Authority.Commission. January - July 1965. 6 i terns.

446. Urban Works Corps. May - September 1964. i inch.

447. United States Congress. June 1964 - October 1967- 1 inch.

448. United States Senate. September 1963 - March 1967- 3/4 inch.

449- Veterans. June 1963 - January 1966. 12 items.

450. Vista. June 1965 - April I967. 15 items.

451. Walters Art Gallery. June 1963 - May 1967- 1 inch.

452. War Memorial Commission. June 1963 ~ February 1967- i inch.

453- . July 1964 - November 1966. 4 inch.

454. Washington Monument. August 1964. 1 item.

455- Waxter Center for Senior Citizens. November 1964 - October 1967- i inch.

456. -Department of Public Welfare. September I963 - September 1965. 1 inch.

457. Department of Public Welfare, Minutes. July 1963 - March 1965. 1 inch.

458. State Department of Public Welfare. June I963 - November 1966« i inch.

459. Western Burying Ground (Westminster Cemetery). May - November 1966. 20 i terns.

460. White House Fellows. December 1966 - January 1967- 7 items.

461. Women's Civic League. December 1963 - October 1966. 22 items.

462. Workable Program for Community Improvements. October 1963 " December I965- 18 items.

463- World's Fair Commission. May - August 1964. 10 items.

464. Youth Commission. August 1962 - June 1966. 1 inch.

465. Youth Opportunity Campaign. May 1965 - July 1966. i inch. Youth Service Agency. March I965 - March 1967- ]k itejr,s.

Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals, Minutes. May 1963 - October I967. 9 InchesV™

Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals. August 19^3 - November 1967. 1 inch. P fliXuo-'s Pa 23f^v^ — ^ 4H W^* ^\1^<- m D'Alesandro III, 1967-71 (S26? D'Alesandro Administrative Files. Boxes 4it7"566. (One term,

December 1967 " November 1971)-

Note: The numbers preceding subject titles were added during processing for purposes of reference and access.

Sub-Series 1: Peter N. Marudys. Boxes A47-488 e 1. Commission on Problems of the Aging. January 1968 - May 1971. i inch.

2. Spi ro Agnew. April 1968 - August 1970. 6 items.

3- Friendship Airport. May 1967 - January 1971. 3i inches.

h. Animal Shelter. May 1969 - February 1970. 15 items.

5. Appointments. February 1968 - September 1971- h inch.

6. Architectural Commission. December 1967 ~ January 1971- i inch.

7- Art Commission. March 1968 - February 1969- 8 items.

8. Department of Assessments. March 1968 - July 197'• £ inch.

9- Department of Audits. January 1966 - December 1970. i inch.

10. Babe Ruth Memorial Fund. May 1968 - January 1971. i inch.

11. Baltimore Community Relations Commission (see also: Marguerite Campbell). January 1968 - August 1971- i inch.

12. Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. February I968 - January 1969- i inch.

13- Baltimore Urban League. November 1967 " February 1968. 6 items.

}k. -Baseball. December 1968 - May 1971- 23 items.

15. Biographies, n.d. 11 items.

16. Blue Cross and Blue Shield. December I967 - August 1969. 8 items.

17. Bonds. December 1968 - December 1970. 4 'inch.

18. Board of Estimates. February 1967 " November 1971- H inches.

19- Budget 1971. April 1970 - May 1971- i inch.

20. Budget 1970. April 1969 - May 1970. 1 inch.

21. Budget 1969- November 1967 " October 1968. i inch.

22. Business Opportunities Administration. May - November 1968. 13 items. Marguerite Campbell, Community Relations Specialist (see also: Baltimore Community Relations Commission). March 1968 - August 1971. i inch.

2k. Certificate of Merit. March 1968 - April 1971. i inch.

25. Chamber of Commerce. January 7968 - May 3969. 15 items.

26. Camp Concern. June I968 - May 1969- 5 items.

27. Charter Revision Commission. December 1967 - February 1968. 7 items.

28. Citizens Planning and Housing Association. December 1967 - June 1968. 16 items.

29. City Council. January 1968 - May 1971. i inch.

30. City Solicitor Opinion, 1971. January - September 1971. H inches.

31. City Solicitor Opinion, 1970. January - December 1970. 2 inches.

32. City Solicitor Opinion, I969. January - December 1969- 2i inches.

33. City Solicitor Opinion, I968. January - December 1968. 2i inches.

3k. City Solicitor Opinion. June i960 - November 1971- i inch.

35- Civic Center. December 1967 " June 1971- 1 inch.

36. Civil Defense. December 1967 " June 1971. i inch.

37- Civic Design Commission. May 1968 - October 1971- 13 items.

38. Civil Disorders (see also: Civil Disorders folder #505). April 1968 - June 1970. H inches.

39- Civil Rights. January 1968 - July 1970. i inch. kQ. "Civil Service. February 1963 - November 1971. "ilk inch. k]. Columbus Day. September - October 1968. 20 items. kl. Commendations. January 1968 - July 1971. i inch. kZ- Community Action Agency. February 1965 ~ July 1971. li inches. kk. Community Organizations. April 1968 - April 1971. i inch. kS- Community Chest on Red Cross United Appeal. October 196*4 - November 1971- i inch. k6. Community College of Baltimore, Planning Report Inner Harbor Campus. March -1969- Ilk inch. kl. Community College of Baltimore, Board of Trustees. September 1968 - September 1969- H items. 48. Comptroller, Hyman Pressman. February 1968 - January 1971• i inch. ' f.

9. Concentrated Employment Program. December 1968 - February 1969. 2 items.

50. "Congratulations. December 1967 - June 1971. h inch.

51. Maryland Constitutjonaj Convent ion. December 1967 _ June 1968. 12 items.

52. Constellation. February 1968 - May 1969- 3 items.

53- Consuls. December 1961 - May 1971- 18 items.

54. Consultants Evaluation Board. December I967 - May 1971- 18 items.

55- Consumer Protection. March 1968 - June 1971- 9 items.

56. '^Contributions. February I965 - April 1971. i inch.

7. Concentrated Employment Program. February - July 1968. 3 items.

58. Convention Bureau. November 1967 " November 1971- i inch.

59- Correspondence Logs, (see also: Correspondence logs folder 277> 278). January - February 1970. i inch.

60. Court House, Facilities. November 1967 ~ June 1971. i inch.

61. Courts, including a report on "Selected Criminal Justice Problems." February 1968 - February 1971- i inch.

62. *Crime. January I968 - July 1971. 1 inch.

63. Mayor's Advisory Commission on Crime,. May 1967 ~ November 1971- i inch.

64. Cylburn Park - Cylburn Town. November I968 - June 1969- i inch.

65. Decency Rally. May - June I969. 2 items.

66. ^Democratic National Convention. July 1968 - January 1971- 3/4 inch.

67. Department and Bureau Head Memos. December 1967 - April 1971- i inch.

68. Urban Q"y.'6" Concept Team. January - November 1968. k inch.

69. Department of ^orjc^yj: Development. December 1967 " June 1971- H inches

70. Commission on Governmental |fJ^J4s£l£y s Economy Inc. January 1965- 1 i tern.

71. Elections. November 1966 - May 1970. 16 items.

72. Summer |mpj,0)«jiant (see also: Summer Employment folder #239). March T968 - April 1969. 20 items. 73- ^Employment.January i960 - November 1971- i inch.

7k. ^Engagements. December 1367 - September 1971. \ inch.

75. Enoch Pratt Library. February 1968 - November 1971. 1 inch.

76. Board of Ethics. November I967 - July 1968. 7 items.

77- Federal Office of Economic Opportunity. November 1967 ~ August 1971. i inch.

78. Commissioners of Finance. August 1968 - August 1971- 6 items.

79- Department of Finance. December 1967 ~ November 1971- H inches.

80. Fire Department. January 1968 - November 1971- li inches.

81.. Flags. April I968 - July 1971. i inch.

82. Football. January 1968 - April 1971. 13 items.

83. -Get Well. June 1969 - November 1971. 17 items.

Bh. Greetings. May 1967 - September 1971- i inch.

85. Gun Control. June - October 1968. li inches.

86. Department of Health. March I968 - November 1971. H inches.

87- Greater Baltimore Arts Inc. November - December 1967- •*» items.

88. Health Services Advisory and Planning Council. August - September 1968. 5 items.

89. Health, Education & Welfare. January 1968 - May 1971- i inch.

90. Kalman He^j^ejjiap, Mayoral Administrative Assistant. January - December I968. i inch.

91. Commission for HJj,Jg5ile&^ and Architectural Preservation. January 1968 - April 1971- 3A inch.

92. Hospitals - Baltimore City. July 1966 - March 1971. i inch.

93. hospitals - Bon Secours. April - June 1969- 2 items.

Sk. Hospitals - Franklin Square. February - May 1970. 5 items.

95. Hospitals - Provident. April - May 1969. k items.

96. Hospitals - South Baltimore General. December I967 - ttarch 1969. hi terns.

97. Hospitals - Union Memorial. September 1969 - January 1970. 3 items. 98. Baltimore Urban Renewal S Housing Agency. December 1965 ~ July 1971 - . H inches.

99- "Department of Houses and Community Development. July 1968 - November )37T\2i inches.

100. -'-Information Requested. January 1968 - June 1971- i inch.

101. Inner Harbor Renewal. January 1968 - September 1971. 3/k inch.

102. Inner Harbor Steering Committee. January - February 1968. 3 items.

103. In surance. August 1968 ~ August 1970. 16 items.

]Qk. Letters of Introduction. March 1968 - April 1971. Ik items.

105. Jail. October I967 - April 1971. i inch.

106. Jail Board. October 1967 - March 1971- h inch.

107. Job Bank. February - September 1968. 7 items.

108. Job Corps. November I967 - Arpil 1969- 5 items.

109. Keep Maryland Beautiful. January I969. 3 items.

110. Robert Kennedy. June I968 - February 1969. i inch.

111. Key to the City. December 1967 - May 1971. 4 inch.

112. Dr. Martin Luther Kina. February - March 1969- 4 items.

113- Labor Commission. August 1969 _ June 1971. 3A inch.

114. Labor Negotiations. February 1969 ~ January 1970. H inches.

115. Legal Aid Bureau. March 1968 - March 1971. i inch.

116. Legislation. November 1967 " November 1971- li inches.

117. Legislative Reference. December 1967 ~ June 1971- 26 items.

118. Legislative Dinner. December 1964 - January 1970. i inch.

119. Board of Ljquor License Commissioners. September 1967 ~ December 1970. 16 items*.

120. Loans. July - August 1968. 6 items.

121. Lottery. September 1969 - November 1970. 23 items.

122. McKim Community Center. January I968 - November 1969. 4 items.

123. Marvin Mandel, Governor. April - September 1969- 5 items. 124. Manpower. March 1968 - November 1971. i inch.

125. Markets. November 1968 - June 1971. i inch.

126. Commission on Marriage Counseling and Conciliation Court. November 1967 - March 1968. 5 items.

127. Peter Marudas. January 1968 - June 1971. 22 items.

128. Maryland Delegation.(see also: United States Senate, United States Congress). February 1968 - January 1971. i inch.

129. Maryland Institute of Art. June I968 - August 1978. 12 items.

130- Mary)and Municipal League. December 196? ~ March 1969- h inch..

131- Maryland State Bar Association. January I969. 1 item.

132. Mayor D'Alesandro III Inaugural. November - December 1967- i inch.

133- Mayor's Personal File. January 1968 - December 1971- li inches.

134. Mayor's Advisory Committee on Small Business. April - May 1968. 6 items.

135. Mayor's Citizens Advisory Committee on Community Improvements. October 1968. 2 items.

136. Mayor's Health Services Advisory and Planning Council. June - July I968. 5 items.

137. Mayor's Station. January I968 - September 1971- 1 inch.

138. Mayor's Task Force for Equal Rights. June 1967 - April 1971- i inch,

139. Mayor's Youth Council. April 1968 - January 1969- 7 items.

140. Mayor's Traffic & Safety Commission. March - September 1968. 5 items.

141. Membership. December 1967 " June 1971- 2 inch.

142. Memos, Kalman Hettleman. December 1967 - December 1968. li inches.

143. Memos. January 1968 - May 1971. i inch.

144. Memorial Stadium. August 1969 - November 1970. 6 items.

145. Metropolitan Area Council Minutes. January I968 - January 1971- i inch.

146. Metropolitan Transit Authority. December 1967 - June 1971- 3/4 inch.

147. Minimum Wage. December 1967 ~ June 1971. i inch.

148. Minimum Wage, Hearings. September 1968. i inch. ]hS. -Miscellaneous. March I968 - December 1970. l/k inch. -~\":^:: 150. Model Urban Neighborhood Demonstration (MUND) (see also: Urban Renewal, folder #257). June I968 - June 1971. •*» items. 151. Model Cities Agency. December I967 - November 1971. 2 inches.

152. Municipal Court. December I967 - July 1971- i" inch.

153- Baltimore Museum of Art. November 1967 " December 1970. 1 inch.

154. Baltimore Museum of Art, Minutes. October 1967.- July 1969- \ inch. 155. National Commission on Urban Problems. May - November 19&7- 2 items.

156. National Conference of Christians and Jews. January - September 1969. 3 items. 157- National League of Cities. December 19&7 " September 1970. i inch.

158. National Rivers and Harbors. June - October 1968. k items. 159- National Endowment for the Arts. August - November I968. 2 items.

160. Neighborhood Conservation. January 1968. 2 items.

161. Neighborhood Youth Corps. May I968 - July 1971. 9 items.

162. Off-Street Parking Commission. March 1968 - October 1971- 27 items.

163. Open Occupancy. March 1968. 1 item.

164. Operation Champ. February 1968. 3 items.

165. Ordinance #161*4. March 1971. i inch.

166. Ordinance #735, Anti-Loitering. May - June 1970. i inch.

167. Ordinance #75, Repealer Ordinance. June 1968. i inch.

168. Ordinance #185, Windsor Hills Nursing Home. May - June 1968. i inch.

169. Ordinance #114, Teacher's Pension. May 1968 - August 1970- I inch.

170. Ordinance of Estimates. June 1969- i inch. 171. Ordinance #349, Northern Parkway. June - August 1968. 15 items.

172. Assorted Ordinances, 1967-1969. December 1967 - August I969. U inches.

173. Ordinance, Education Supplement. December 1970 - January 1971- £ inch.

174. Ordinance #188, Fireman's Pension. September 1969 - May 1970. i inch.

175. Ordinance #1237, Flyer Bill. July - October 1970. h inch. 176- Assorted Ordinances, 1967"1971. November 19&9 - September 1971. H inches.

177. Parking Tax. May I968 - January I969. 1 inch.

178. Parking Meter Rates. October - November 1968. 4 inch.

179. Peale Museum. December 1967 - January 1971. 4 inch.

180. Pensions. January 1968 - May 1971. i inch.

181. Permits. September 1968 - July 1371- i inch.

182. *Photos. May I968 - July 1971. 4 inch. (rA*. re^^A ^ -vWWAe K-

183. Planning Commission (see also: Department of Planning, folder #209). October 1968 - July 1971- 10 items.

184. Planning Commission, Minutes. November 1967 ~ January I968. 4 inch.

185. Police Community Relations. December 1967 " January 1971. 9 items.

186. Police. January 1966 - July 1971- 4 inches.

187. Pollution, Air S Water. September 1968 - July 1970. 3/4 inches.

188. Pool Hall - Ordinance #478. January 1969- 1 inch.

189. Maryland Port Authority. April 1368 - January 1971. i inch.

190. Post Office. March - April I968. 3 items.

191. Post Mortem Examiners. May 1968 - January 1969. 11 items.

192. Press Release. October 1968 - May 1970. 5 items.

193- "Proclamations. September I966 - October 1971- 1 inch.

191*. Mayor's Progress Report (McKeldin). April 1964 - December 1964. 1 inch.

195. Public Service Commission. September 1969 " March 1971- 15 items.

196. Director of Public Works. March 1967 - November 1971- 3T inches.

197. Public Works, Bureau of Building Inspection. January 1968 - February 1971- 1 inch.

198. Public Works, East-West Expressway. December 1967 - May 1971. I inch.

199. Public Works, Bureau of Engineering. October 1969 '- September 1971- 4 inch.

200. Public Works, Jones-Falls Expressway. January 1968 - February 1971- 18 items. 201. Public Works, Highways. September 1965 - June 1971. i inch.

202. Public Works, Incinerator. &7 - March 1963. 2 items.

203. Public Works, Bureau of Mechanical-Electrical Services. December I967 - July 1971. 4 inch.

204. Public Works, Monthly Reports. November 1967 - November 1971- 3A inch.

205. Public Works, Division of Sanitation. January I968 - September 1971. 1 3/4 inches.

206. Public Works, Sewers. April 1968 - February 1970. 17 items.

207. Public Works, Snow Removal. March I968 - November 1970. 17 items.

208. Public Works, Water Supply. December I967 - April 1971. h. inch.

209. Department of Planning, includes "Neighborhood Services: Inventory." August 1966 - September 1971. 1 3/4 inches.

210. Bureau of Purchases. January 1963 - October 1971. i inch.

211. Radio. January - June 1968. 6 items.

212. Department of ReaJ. Estate. February I968 - August 1971. 3A inch.

213. Releases & Remarks. October 1964 - July 1969. ? inch.

214. "Recommendations. January I968 - June 1971- i inch.

215. -Retirement. December I968 - November 1971. i inch.

216. Retirement System. August 1963 - June 1971. i inch.

217. Board of Recreation and Parks. January I968 - October 1971- i inch.

218. Director of Recreation and Parks. December 19&7 " November 1971- li inches.

219- Department of B££X£Ati©n and Parks, Playgrounds. January 1968 - May 1971- 3A inch.

220. Department of Refixgaj:ion^ and Parks, Zoo. February I968 - September 1970. 4 inch.

221. Department of Re&Xgg£4&£k and Parks. February - May 1966. 10 items.

222. Department of i^J^aJ^cvo and Parks, Recreation. October 1969 " July 1971. 4 inchT

223. Department of J^cxe^tiga and Parks, Forrestry. March 1968 - December 1970. 4 inch.

224. Regional Planning Council. February 1968 - June 1971. 18 items. 225. -Reports. February 1968 - April 1971. 1 inch.

226. Board of jj&hflal Commissioners, Dr. Sheldon. January - February 1971. 1 inch.

227- Board of S.r.h.r""'1- Commissioners (see also: Baltimore Teachers Union, folder'#2^7). March 1968 - June 1971. 2 inches.

228. Board of ScJjoaL Commissioners, Michael Rose Case. April 1969- 30 items.

229- Schools, Northwest Area. November 1969 - January 1970. £ inch,

230. Schools. October 1967 - October 1971- 5 inches.

231. Schools, Teachers Salaries. October - December 1967- 2 items.

232. Second International Container Services & Equipment Exposition. January - November 1968. £ inch.

233. Small Business Administration. December I967 - October 1971. 5 inch.

234. "Social Services. September 1969 ~ October 1971. £ inch.

235. Space Utilization Committee. July 1969 " March 1970. 6 items.

236. Speeches. February I968 - May 1970. 6 items.

237. States Attorney. \February I968 - May 1971- £ inch.

238. State Insurance. March I968 - August 1970. 8 items.

239- Summer Yough Employment. March 1963 - June 1971- £ inch.

240. Summer Programs (see also: Peabody Institute, Summer Youth Project, folder #506). January 1968 - November 1971. U inches.

2k]. Board of Supervisors of Elections. August 1968 - June 1971- £ inch.

242. ^Sympathy. February 1968 - July 1971- i inch.

2^3- Taxes. January 1968 - July 1971- 1 inch.

244. Commercial Lease Tax. April - May 1971- £ inch.

245. Property Tax. January I968 - July 1971. £ inch.

246. Tax Credit for the Elderly. August 1968 - June 1971- 2 inch.

247. ^Telegrams. May 1968 - March 1971. i inch.

248. Television. January - April I968. 8 items.

249. *Thank-you. December 19&7 - July 1971. \ inch.

250. Baltimore Transit Company. January I968 - August 1970. £ inch. 251. Transit Strike. June - November 1968. i inch. .->".''

252. -Department of Transit & Traffic, including Traffic Signal System Study. March 1956 - November 1971. 24 inches.

253. Department of the IrPf"iirpr March I967 - November 1971. 16 items.

254. Urban America. June 7 969. 1 item.

255. Baltimore Urban Coalition. January I967 " May 1969- 5 inch.

256. Urban Manpower. January 1968. h items.

257- Baltimore Teachers Union. January - April 1968. 4 inch. •

258. United Negro Appeal. August - September I968. 3 items.

259. United States Conference of Mayors. December I967 - March 1971- 4 inch..

260. United States Saving Bonds. June 1967 - September 1971. 13 items.

261. United States Congress. May 1968 - October 1971. ? inch.

.262. United States Senate (see also: Maryland Delegation). February I968 - October 1971• i inch.

263. University of Maryland. January I968 - January 1970. 15 items.

26^4. 'Bureau of Vjta^ Statistics. March 1969 - October 1970. 11 items.

265. Voluntary Council on Equal Opportunity Inc. February 1968. 3 items.

266. Walters Art Gallery, Minutes. December I967 ~ December 1970- 4 inch.

267. War Memorial Commission. August 1968 - December 1969- 8 items.

268. Washington^Baltimore Helicopter. February - August 1968. 10 items.

269. Waxter Center. January 1968 - March 1970. 4 inch.

270. "Department of Public Weljajg (Department of Social Services), including "Early Childhood Development Resources Center." November I967 ~ November 1971. 1£ inches.

271. National Youth Service & Training Program. November 1968. 7 items.

272. Youth Opportunity Program. December 1967 " March 1971. i inch.

273. Model Youth City Council, including Bill Book of Baltimore Model Youth City Council. February 1964 - June 1970. Ilk inch.

TJk. Daniel D. Zaccagnini. February - September 1968. 16 Items,

275. Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals. December 1967 _ November 1971- 2 inch. -12-

276. Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals, Minutes. November 1967 ~ November 1971- 3i inches.

277- Correspondence Logs. November \%J - December 1968. 1 inch.

278. Correspondence Logs. January - August 1969- i inch.

279. Star-Spangled Banner Flag House. April 1970 - August 1971. h items.

280. Activists For Fair Housing. December 1967- 8 items.


Sub-Series II: John W. Eddinger & Joseph L. Smith. Boxes 1*88-524.

282. Advisory Committee on Citizens Participation. June - July 1968. 2 items.

283. Advisory Council. October 1969 - June 1970. i inch.

284. African American Institute, n.d. 2 items.

285. Agencies & Locations. April 1970 - June 1971. 5 items.

286. Aging, including "Operation Centercare." June 1970 - November 1971- i inch.

287. "Air Pollution, including "Report for Consultation on the Metropolitan Baltimore Air duality Control Region," and "Preliminary Study of the Dulaney Valley Stream." June 1967 - August 1979- 3 inches.

288. Airport, including "Report on Ownership and Development of the Friendship International Airport." June 19&9 - August 1970. H inches.

289. American Arbitration Association. October 1969. 1 item.

290. American Institute of Architects, including "Baltimore Now." v February 1968 - January 1970. 8 items. C^ec cJir: U>Uer t^l^J)

291. ^Mayor's Annual Report. March 1969 - July 1971- i inch.

292. Archdiocesan Urban Commission. January 1968 - April 1969- 11 items.

293. Appointments - Airport Board. May - November 1969- 2 items.

294. Appointments - Auction Advisory Board. December 1967 ~ December 1968. k items.

295. Appointments - City Economic Development Commission. January 1969 - May 1971- 17 il-Pm«;ffcw«1lMlt.i.j- J _pl.nl .O

296. Appointments - Baltimore City Hospitals Commission. April - October 1969. 5 iterns. -13-

297. Appointments - Civic Center Commission. January 1968 - November 1970. 4 items.

298. Appointments - Civic Design Commission. April 1969 - March 1970. k items.

299- Appointments - Civl Service Commission. May 1970 - February 1971. k i terns.

300. Appointments - Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation. December 1968 - March 1971. 11 items.

301. Appointments - Community Action Agency. November 1968 - May 1971. i inch.

302. Appointments - Baord of Trustees Baltimore Community College. September I969 - September 1970. 3 items.

303. Appointments - Community Relations Commission. March 1969 " November 1970. 8 items.

304. Appointments - Employees Retirement System. December 1968. 1 item.

305. Appointments - Board of Ethics. April 19&9- 1 item.

306. Appointments - Fire and Police Employees Retirement System. October 1969. 1 item.

307. Appointments - Friendship International Airport Authority. January 1971- k items.

308. Appointments - Jail Board. February 1969 - May 1970. 6 items.

309. Appointments - Lexington Market Authority. April 1969 - May 1971- 6 i terns.

310. Appointments -Minimum Wage Commission. November 1968 - October 1970. 6 i terns.

311. Appointments - Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals. January - October 1970. 3 items.

312. Appointments - Off-Street Parking Commission. April 1969 - May 1970. 3 •terns.

313. Appointments - Planning Commission. March 1970. 2 items.

314. Appointments - Commission on Problems of the Aging. January 1970 - March 1971. 17 items.

315. Appointments - Board of Recreation and Parks. February 1969 - January 1970. 2 items.

316. Appointments - Board of School Commissioners. March 19&8 - October 1970- 8 items. -14-

317. Appointments - Social Services Commission. September 1969 " May 1971. 3 items.

318. Appointments - Welfare Commission. November 1968 - January 19^9- 2 iterns.

319. American Institute of Architects. December 1968 - April 1969. i inch.

320. Arts. February 1969 - February 1971. i inch.

321. Baltimore Museum of Art. November 1969 - October 1971. i inch.

322. Baltimore Neighborhood Inc. October 1965 - January 1971. i inch.

323- Baltimore Fellowship Inc. January - June 1968. £ inch.

324. ^Baltimore Jaycees. July I968 - February 1970. 8 items.

325. Baltimore Area Convention and Visitors Council (see alsor ^Tourism). December 1970 - December 1971. H inches.

326. Babe Ruth. August I968 - November 1971- 3/4 inch.

327. Baltimore Urban Coalition. May - June 1971- i inch.

328. Baltimore Urban League. April - July 1971. 10 items.

329. -Black & White (Racial Conflicts). August 1966 - April 1971- U inches.

330. Board of Estimates, including "The Implementation of Cost Reductions for City Operations." November 1968 - September 1971. 1 inch.

331 - Board of Estimates, Agendas & Minutes. June 1968 - April 1971- 3/4 inch.

332. Board of Liquor License Commissioners. January - December I968. 3 items.

333- Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals, Minutes. January 1969 ~ June 1971 - 2 3/4 inches.

334. Budget. October 19&7 - May 1971. 1 3/4 inches.

335. Budget: Built-in Increases. December 1970. 2 items.

336. Bureau of Building Inspections. January - July 1968. 8 items.

337- Camp Concern. June 1968 - May 1971- 1 inch.

338. Census Recount. October - November 1970. % inch.

,339. Charter Revision Commission. February 1969 ~ April 1971. 5 items.

340. Citizens Commission on Maryland Government. June I969. 2 Items.

341. *City Agencies & Location. April 1971. 4 items. 342. City Council. December 1965. - August 1971.- 3/4 inch. ;.: ;- "X 3^3. City Interstate System. February 1968. "1 item. 344. City Solicitor. April - July I969. 2 items- '

345. Citizens Planning and Housing Association. October 1968 - April 1970, i Inch. 346. Civic Center. April 1967 - June 1971. 8 items. 3^7- Civil Disorders. October 1968 - February 1969- 6 items. 348. "Civil Rights, including "Demographic, Economic, Social and Political Characteristics of Baltimore City & Baltimore County." January 1968 - August 1970. i inch.

3^9. Civil Service. October 1968 - June 1971- 4 items.

350. Cable Television. August 1971- i inch,, 351. "Columbia Cooperative Ministery. October 1967 - January 1969- i inch.

352. Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservat ion. ^August - ; November I967. 4 items. is-,."; . s 353- Complimentary Letters. June 1968 - April 1971. 21 items. 354. Community Action Agency, Agreements. September 1970 - July 1971 - 3i inches. 355- Community Action Agency (see also: Concentrated Employment Program). December 1966 - November 1971- H inches. v 356. Community Action Agency. August 1967 " March 1971. i inch,

357- Community Action News. April 1967 ~ June 1971- 1 inch. 358. Community Organizations and Services to Improve Family Living. July 1968 - March 1970. 3/4 inch.

359- Community Development Committee. July 1969. 1 item. 360. Community Management. August - October 1969- 3 items, 361. "Community Relations, Rumor Control. August 1968 - July 1971- 10 items. 362. Community Relations Commission. October 1967 - September 1970. li inches,

363. Community Renewal Program. February 1965 " October 1969. i inch.

364. Community Schools. January - February 1971- 2 items.

365. Consumer Service. June 1968 - March I969. 8 items,

366. Democratic National Convention. July - September 1968. 4 items.. ~. '1 367. Community Resources Committee, Minutes. January - November 1969. :;: ;: . . ^ inch; -.'-•'"" - - :."'•-

368. Concentrated Employment Program-(see also: Community Action Agency). n.d. i inch.

369. Congress of Racial Equality. June 1965 - June 1970. i inch.

370. "Correspondence, General. October 1968 - November 1971. 1 inch.

371. Official Press Correspondence (see also: Press Folder #558). March I968 - July 1971. 3/4 inch,

372. Cough Syrup Bill. June - July 1969. 5 items.

373- Mayors Advisory Commission on Crime^. March I968 - 1971. 3/4 inch. .

374. Criminal Justice. January 1970 - October 1971- 1 inch.

375- Crusade for Christ. January - August 1968. 5 items.

376. Decency Rally. May 1969. i inch.

377- Dispute Settlement Center. May - September 19&9- 3 items.

378. Committee for Downtown. December 1970 - May 1971- 9 items.

379- Task Force on Drug Abuse. December 1970 - June 1971- i inch. r

38O. East Baltimore Ministerial Alliance. December 1968 - February 1969- 2 items.

•381. East-West Expressway - Urban Design Concept Team. November 1967 ~ February 1969- i inch.

382. Echo House. November 1967 - June 1970. 11 items.

383. Department of Economic Development. April 1968 - October 1971- li inches.

384. Department of Educajjjgn, including "School Desegregation in Baltimore." January 1968 - November 1971- 4 inches.

385. Education Press Releases. February - October 1971. i inch*

386. Employment, including "Institute on the Employment Problems of Ix-Offenders." August 1968 - July 1971. i inch.

387. Employment Committee, Mayor's Task Force for Equal Rights. June 1966 - September 1967- 2 inch.

388. Equal Employment Opportunity. June 1970 - February 1971. i Inch.

389. Emergency Procedures. June 1968. 2 items.

390. "Engagements, Joseph Smith. March 1968 - December 1970. 3/4 Inch. ; " : 391. ^Engagements, Mayor: February 1969 - September 197J. 1. i'ncbv,VJ.^'V

392. Expense Account. January 1970 - July 1971. i inch.

393. Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Clothing. September - November 1970. 10 items.

394. Baltimore C i ty - fa j_r_. August 1970 - November 1971. i inch.

395- Department of Finance. December I968 - March 1971. i- inch.

396. Fire Department. March 1968 - November 1971. i inch.

397. Fiscal Affairs, July 1968- January 1969. 1 item. ;

398. Flag House. April 1970 - February 1971. i inch.

399- Flower Mart (see also: Student Disorders folder #504). May 1969 - July 1971. i inch.

400. Food Stamp Program. May 1969 - April 1971. 4 items.

401. Office of the Governor. August 1968 - June 1971. i inch.

~402; Greater Baltimore Committee. January - August 1971- 2 items.

403- Greater Homewood Community Corporation. January 1969 ~ July 19.71 - i inch. * • .

404. Greater Homewood Community, Mayor's Station. October.1968 - July 1971. i inch.

405. -Greetings. March 1969 " September 1971. \ inch. '.*•'.

406. Gun Control. April - September 1968. 4 inch.

407. Health and Welfare Council. August 1965 - June 1971. U inches.

408. Health, Education and Welfare. July 196? - June 1971. 15 items.

409. Health Department, Weekly letter, 1971. January - December 1971. i inch.

410. Health Department, Weekly Letter, 1970. January - December 1970. 1 inch.

411. Health Department, Weekly letter, 1969. January - December 1963. 1 inch.

412. Health Department, Weekly Letter, 1968. November I967 - December 1968. 1 inch.

413. Health Department, News Service. April 1970 - June 1371. I inch.

414. Health Department, News Service. May 1968 - December 1969- . i inch. 415. Health Department. February 1965 - December 1971. 6 3/4 inches,

416. Health Department, Tuberculosis Control Project. September 1969 - September 1971. 2 inches.

417. Mayor's Health Services Advisory and Planning Council. June 1968 - March T9"§9. i inch.

418. Community Health Network Planning. January - May 1971. 1 inch.

419. Baltimore City tojsjjj^gljs.Jun e 1968 - September 1971. li inches.

419A. Provident Hojj^aJ. April 1969 - March 1970. \ inch.

420. Baltimore Health News. January 1966 - September 1971. i inch.

421. Highways. March 1908 - September 1971. 9 items.

422. Historic Landmarks. January 1969 " September 1970. 5 items.

423. Home Ownership Plan Endeavor Inc. July 1966 - June 1969. 2 inch.

424. Housing and Community Development. January 1968 - June 1971. 1 3/4 inches.

425. Baltimore Urban Renewal and Housing Agency, including "Housing for Nonwhite Families in Baltimore City." May 1965 - July 1968. 3/4 inch.-

426. Human Relations Commission. May 1969 - March 1971- 16 items.

427. Inner City. February 1958 - February 1968. 4 items.

428. Inner Harbor, 0+IL1 uJiny deTial pliuLuyi aplib oT liaibut) July 1969 - November 1971. i inch.

429. Interim Assistance Program. June - August 1970. 2,itmes,

430. Jobs, including "Public Service Employment The Baltimore Concept.11 August 1967 - August 197T- 1 3/4 inches.

431. Johns Hopkins Hospital. September 1969- 2 items.

432. Labor. July 1968 - August 1971- 2 inch.

433. Law Enforcement, including "Police Cooperative Services in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area." February - November 1968. 3/4 inch.

434. League of Women Voters. October 1965 - March 1970. i inch.

435- Learning Foundations. March - July 1971. 9 items.

436. Legal Matters. January 1968 - July 1969. i inch. .

437. Legislation. May 1968 - November 1971• 3/4 inch. ;.

438. Legislative Dinner. January 1969 - December 1970. i inch. • •->...;:./';;:./ 439. .life.- July 1969- .2 items. •',••-... 1 '•'••'--.. c--'",. / •^•^-• 440. Emergency Lists. May 1367 - April 1969. 3/4 inch. ' "

441. Liquor License Commission. December 1967 - December 1969- £ inch. 442. Maryland Center for Public Broadcasting. September - October 1968. i inch. 443. Maryland Committee for the Day Care of Children. March I968 - June I969. i inch. 444. Maryland Public Broadcasting, Urban Affairs Advisory Council. April 1969 - January 1971. i inch. 445. Maryland Conference of Social Welfare. February 1970. 1 item. 446. "Maryland Pharmaceutical Association. July - November 19&7- i inch.

447. Mayor's Committee for Better Communication. February 19&9- 2. items. 448. Mayor's Coordinating Committee on Community Faci1ities and Services. September 1968 - February 1969- 4 items. 449. Mayor's Advisory Committee on the Civil Service Commission. February 1967- 2 i terns. 449A. Mayor's Advisory Committee on Pensions. August 1969- 1 item. 450. *John Eddinger, Mayor's Press Secretary (see also: John Eddinger's Personal File). NovemberT968 - June 1971- 1 inch. 451. Methadone Program. August 1969. 1 item. 452. Metropolitan Athletic Association. August 1968 - January 1969. 5 items. 453- Model Cities. January 1968 - February 1971. 2£ inches. 454. Model Urban Neighborhood Demonstration Program, Newsletters. July 1968 - , December 1970. i inch. . 455. Model Urban Neighborhood Demonstration Program. February 1968 - May 1971- 1 inch.

456. Multi-Purpose Centers. April 1970 - February 1971. 10 items.

457. Multi-Purpose Centers, Dunbar. March - October 1970. 4 items^

458. Multi-Purpose Centers, "Echo House. May - November 1970. .5 items.

459. Multi-Purpose Centers, Kirk. January 1970 - April 1971- 3/4 inch.

460. Multi- Purpose Centers, Norwegian Seamen's Home. September - December 1970. 5 items,

461. Proposed Multi-Service Center. February 1970. 1 item. - -20-

462. Parade of Champions. January - August 1971. i inch. '

463. Parking. March 1968 - April 1971- 6 items.

464. -John Eddinger's Personal File. April 1968 - November 1971. i inch.

465. ^Photographs. August 1970 - November 1971. £ inch.^Fvie x-^^co^Ji -Vt> tW_ ^

466. Planning. April 1968 - February 1971- i inch.

467. -Police. May 1970 - July 1971. 9 items.

468. --Politics. March 1968 - June 1970. 7 items.

469. Port of Baitimore. December J 968 - May J971. i inch,

470. Primary Elections. September 1970. 4 items,

471. Promote Baltimore (see also: Tourism). November 1969 - November 1971- 3/4 inch.

472. Department of Pub1?c.Works. February 1968 - November 1971. 1i inches,

473- Department of £ubJJ,£, Works, Monthly Reports. February 1968 - July 1970. i inch.

474. Department of Parks and Recreation. February 1966 - August 1971- 3/4 inch.

475- Referendum. April 1969 - October 1970. 3/4 inch.

476. Regional Planning Council. March 1969 ~ October 1971- 5 items.

477. *Refcirees. May 1969 - November 1971- i inch.

478. Revenue Sharing. May - June 1971. i inch.

479. Riots. March 1968 - May 1970. 1 inch.

480. -Michael Rose. April - June 1969- 1 inch.

481. San Francisco "Experience.11 January 1970 - January 1971. 4 items,

482. Sanitation. September 1968 - January 1971- 8 items,

483. Sex Education in the Schools. March - May 1969- 8 items.

484. Mayor's Advisory Committee on Small Business. October - November 1970. 5 items.

485. Department of Social Services. September 1968 - August 1971- i inch.

486. Special Awards. April 1969 - December 1970. i inch,

487. "Speech Material. September 1968 - February 1969- i inch. 488. Sports. April 1969 - October 1971. £ inch. V ' /" y

489- Summer Youth Programs. June 1968 - June 1971. i inch. v

490. Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. March 1968 - September 1971. 1 inch.

491. Mayor's Testimonial Dinner. November - December 1971. 11 items.

492. Tourism (see also: Baltimore Area Convention and Visitor's Council and Promote Baltimore). January 1968 - July 1970. li inches.

493- Traffic Safety. June I968 - May 1969- 10 items.

494. Transportation. July 1969 " May 1971. i' inch.

495- Baltimore-Urban, Corps. June - August 1971- i inch. Mam*®1*' 496. Urban Renewal. March I968 - February 1969- 6 items.

497. Citizen's V^ytj^grj Coordinating • Counci 1 . April 1968 - May I969. i inch.

498. . June 1969 - April 1971- 7 items.

499. Water Pollution. April 1967 - January 1970. i inch.

500. Waxter Center. I969 - November 1971. 5 inch.

501. "World Series. July - December 1971- li inches.

502. Zoning Ordinance. March 1968 - March 7 969- 11 items.

503. C & D.Canal Status Report. 1969- 1 item.

504. Student Disorders. May - June 1970. 5 inch.

505. Civil Disorders, including "Report of the Baltimore Committee on the Administration of Justice under Emergency Conditions" (see also: Civil Disorders folder #38). May 1968. I item.

506. Peabody Institute, Summer You^i Project. July 1968 - August 1971- 2 inch.

507. Press Releases, Mayor William Schaefer. December 1971- 4 items. .

508. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. December 1971. 2 items.

509. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. November 1971. 6 items.

510. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. October 1971. 9 items.

511. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. September 1971- 6 items.

512. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. August 1971- £ inch'.

513. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. July 1971. 7 items. „ • -22-

-514. Statements,, , Speeches,, Press Releases. June 1971. 6 i tems.

515. Statements,, Speeches,, Press Releases. May 1971. 7 ii tems.

516. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. April 1971. i j inch.

517. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. March 1971. H items.

518. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. February 1971. 2 i tems.

519. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. January 1971. i inch.

520. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. December 1970. i inch.

521. Statements, Speeches, P res s Releases. November 1970. i inch.

522. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. October 1970. i inch.

523. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. September 1970 i i n ch.

524. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. August 1970. 6 items.

525. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. July 1970. i inch.

526. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. June 1970. £ inch.

527. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases.; May 1970. i inch.

528. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. April 1970. 8 items.

529. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. March 1970. i inch.

530. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. February 1970. i inch.

531. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. January 1970. i inch.

532. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. December 1969- i inch.

533. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. November 1969. i inch.

53^. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. October 1969- i inch.

535. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. September 1969 i inch.

536. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. August 1969.

537. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. July 1969. 5 i tems.

538. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. June 1969. 1 inch.

539. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. May 1969. \ inch.

540. Statements, Speeches, Press Re I eases. April 1969. i inch.

541. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. March 1969. J inch. -23-

542. -Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. February 1969. £ inch. • : v

543. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. January 1969.: 11 items.

544. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. December 1968. 5 items.

545. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. November 1968. i inch.

546. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. October 1968. i inch.

547. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. September V968. i inch.

548. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. August I968. 8 Items.

549. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. July 1968. i inch.

550. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. June 1968. i inch.

551. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. May I968. i inch.

552. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. April 1968. i inch.

553- Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. March 1968. J inch;

554. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. February 1968. i inch.

555- Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. January 1968. i inch'.

556. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. May 1963 ~ December 1967- i inch.

557. Statements, Speeches, Press Releases. May 1969 ~ March 1971. i inch.

558. Press (see also: "Official Press Correspondence).. January 1970 - June 1971. . i inch.

559- Civil Defense Emergency Plan. September I968 - September 1970. i inch.

Sub-Series 111: Kalman R. Hettleman. Boxes 524-566.

560. American Institute of Architects. October 1968. 2 items.

561. Archdiocesan Urban Commission. May 1968. 3 items.

562. Architectural Commission. February - September 1968. J inch.

563. Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation. March - December 1970. 5 items.

564. Greater Baltimore Focus on the Arts. April 1968. 1 item.

565. Assessments.. December I969 - August 1970. 4 items. - - -;"> : May 1970. 1 item.

567. Bail Reform.Program. December 1967 " January 1968. 8 items.

568. Greater B^t^mp^re,,Committee. May 1967 - April 1969- 5 items.

569. Baltimore Neighborhood, Inc. July 1968 - February 1970. 3/4 inch.

570. Baltimore Urban Renewal and Housing Agency. September 1964 July 1968. 3A inch.

571. Business Opportunities Administration (BOA). June 1968 - July 1970. 1 inchi •

572. Business Opportunities Center (BOC). June 1967 - July 1969. 1 inch.

573- Council for Equal Business Opportunity (CEBO). April - May 7 968. i inch. :

574. Mayor's Cabinet. December 1967 - April 1968. 4 items.

575. Capital Budget. July- October 1971- • i inch. *

576. Census. February - August 1970. 2 items.

577- Central Neighborhood Improvement Association. May - July 1968. i inch.

578. Operation Champ. March I968 - January 1971. li inches.

579. Commission on Amendments to the Baltimore City Charter. July 1964 - December 1970. 2 inches.

580. Cherry Hill. March - April 1970. 9 items. ;

581. Citizens Planning and Housing Association. November 1969 ~ July 1970. 3 items. -.-"..'-•

582. City Council. November 1967 - December 1970. i inch.

583. City Solicitor. November 1967 - August 1970. M inches.

584. Baltimore City Youth Council. March - December 1968. i inch.

585. Civic Center Commission. January 1971. 2 items.

586. Civic Design Commission, Minutes. June 1968 - March 1969^ 7 items.

587. Civic Interest Group. April - June 1968. 4 items.

588. Civil Defense. July 1965 - July 1969- i inch.

589. Civil Rights. April 1966 - July 1968. i inch. .

590. Civil Service Commission. October 1967 - September 1970. 1 inch. \. :r -25-

591. Commun i ty Action Agency, Administration.; -June 196 7 - June 1970. ''.•'"'• 3,/h inch. . "..":".'' • '"-'- '.;: \_ •/.'••,-" '

592. Community Action Agency, Board. August 1968 - February 1969. i inch. "

592A. Community Action Agency, American Indian Study Center. November 1969 - June 1970. k items. . '

593- Community Action Agency, Concentrated Employment Program, including "Manpower in Baltimore." June 1967 - December 1968. 1 inch.

594. Community Action Agency, Minutes. November 1968 - June 1969- 1 item,

595. Community Action Agency, Civil Service Commission. October 1968. 6 items.

596. Community Action Agency, General. July 1966 - November 1970. li inches.

597- Community Action Agency, Legal Aid Bureau. June 1968 - June 1970. 3/4 inch.

598. Community Action Agency, Resignations. July - November 1968. 4 inch. k 599- Community Action Agency, Self-Help Housing. July 1967 - January 1971. 5 inch.

600. Community Relations Commission. March 1968 - May 1970. i inch.

601. Congressional Affairs. April- November 1969. i inch.

602. Constitutional Convention. September 1966 - March I968. 1 inch.

603. Maryland Cojnmj^^e, for Daycare. August 1966 - May 7968. k items.

604. Civil Disorders. April 1968- August 1969. 1 3/4 inches..

605. Economic Development. December 1967 - November 1970. 2-£ inches.

606. Education, Whatocat Street Center. February I968 - July 1969- M 'terns-

607. Education, Baltimore Teachers Union Negotiations. January 1969 November 1970. 1 inch.

608. Education, School Construction (see also: Finance Policy Committee folder #636). September 1968 - January 1971- 2 inches.

609. Education, Budget. June 1968 - March 1971. 1 3/4 inches. •

610. Educationj State Aid. February 1967 - January 1968. i inch.

611. .Education, General Assembly. October 1968 - March 1969- 4 inch.

612. Education, Integration. June - July 1968. i Inch.

613. Education, Parochial Schools. February 1969 - March 1970. i inch,--_ - -26-

S]k. Education, Retarded. September 1967 - September 1968. i jnchV ^ ,^^> 615. Education, Transportation. January 1966 - November 1970. £ inch.

616. Education, City Council, n.d. k items.. 617. Education, Community Schools. March 1966 - October 1969. i inch.

618. Education, Correspondence. January 1969 - January 1971. 2i inches. 619. Education, Public School Teachers Association. December 1967 - February 1971. 3/h inch. 620. Education, Mayor's Task Force on Education. January 1969 — January 1971- 1 inch. * • 621. Education, 3rd District Council of P.T.A.'s. May 1968 - September 1969- i i n ch. - 622. Education, Sex Education. July - August 1969- 3 items.

623. Education, School Bond. May - November 1968. i inch. 624. Education, Special Projects. November 1968..- June 1969- £ inch. 625. Education, Dr. Thomas Sheldon. June I968. 2 items. 626. Education, Parking for Teachers. .November 1968 - March 1969- 10 items.

627. Education, School #1^5. February - April 1970. 7 items.

628. Education, School #27. November 1968 - February 1969- £ inch,

629. Educational Television. July - October 1968. h items. 630. Employee Relation Policty. June.1967- 1 item. 631. City Emp1oyeej?. August 1968 - September 1969- £ inch. 632. Enoch Pratt Free Library, including "Library Cooperation in Metropolitan Batlimore." December 1969 - January 1970. £ inch. 633- Finance, Budget, 1971. August 1969 - December 1970. H inches, 63A. Finance, Budget, 1970., January - August 1969- £ inch. 635. Finance, Budget, 1968-1969. December 1967 - September 1968, l£ inches.

636. -Finance Policy Committee, including "Report of Baltimore City Audit." A?//) ..October 1967 - February 1970. 1 3A inches. ~ . town-- tiw^uol M^y Vdicy. ca.m-70> y^^M, 637. General Assembly (see also: General Assembly folder #829). Arpi 1 1968 - January 1971- 3i inches. 638. General Assembly Open Spaces, including "Recreation and Park Needs in the Baltimore Region, 1969-1972*,"" (see also: General Assembly, -:-.r.' Legislative Program folder #69^). September 1968 - December 1970- .'3A. Inch. 639. General Assembly, Libraries. Febraury 1968 - August 1970. ".i inch. ••';;-

640. General Assembly, Loan Authorizations. December 1969 - December 1970. •5 i n ch.

641. General Assembly, Environmental Service Agency. November 19&9 - March 1970. i inch.

642. General Assembly, Transportation. October I969 - January 1970. 1 inch.

643. General Assembly, Education. January 1968 - March 1970. 2i inches.

644. General Assembly, Hughes Commission on Financing Public Education. December .1967 - March 1971. i inch.

645. General Assembly, Highes Committee to Study Taxation and Fiscal Problems. January I966 - December 1967- £ inch.

646. Health Department. December 1967 - November 1970. £ inch.

647. Commission for H|stor[cajt and Architectural Preservation. December 1968 - November 1970^ /'Ttems.

648. City HssflifcftJs. December 1967 - July 1970. 8 items.

649. Housing and Community Development, Inner Harbor Project. October 1966 - July 1970. i inch.

650. Housing and Community Development, Baltimore City Fair. May - October 1970. 12 items.

651. Department of HO,WSJJTCI and Community Development. January 1969 - ^

652. Department of HQUS,I.JT£ and Community Development, Correspondence.

.February 1969 - April 1970. U inches.. 0 . /C-,/ // „ ' Jj

^653- Inauguration Ceremony. May 1951 _ November 1967- i inch.

654. Interstate -Rosemont II (see also: Interstate - Rosemont I folder #663). January 1969 ~ June 1970. 2 inches.

655. Interstate - Fells Point. November 1968 - September 1970. H inches.

656. Interstate - Fort McHenry. March 1969 - December 1970. 9 items.

657. Interstate - Fish Market. July 1968 - September 1970- i inch.

658. Interstate - Fremont. March I969 - October 1970. i inch.

659. Interstate - Mulberry, Franklin. March I969 - July 1970. 5 inch.

660. Interstate - Leakin Park - Gwynns Falls Parkway. February 1969 -•'_ December 1970. i inch.

661. Interstate - Jones Falls Expressway. June 1968 - May 1969- 3 items. ;_ 662. Interstate - Orchard - Biddle Street Corridor. June 1368 - September 1970. : - •'• ''"•'::•: i inch. - ..:.•--.•• -;v-:i_;^;; -

663. Interstate Rosemont, including study of Rosemont By-Pass. February I968 - February 1971. 3i inches.

664. Interstate, Air Rights School (see also: Interstate, Linear City folder #683). April 1968 - J anuary 1969- 3/4 inch.

665. Interstate, Acquisition. January 1969 - January 1971. 1 inch.

666. Interstate, Clippings, n.d. 9 items. ,

667. Interstate, Design Concept Team, General (see also: Interstate General folder #686). September 1969 - January 1971. i inch.

668. Interstate, Design Concept Team Contract. February 1969 - January 1970. H inches.

669. Interstate - Interstate Division. March 1966 - May 1969. 3 items.

670. Interstate, Financing. December 1967 - May 1970. 2 inches.

671. -Interstate, Correspondence. July 1968 - February 1971. 1 inch.

672. Interstate, Mayor's Coordinating Committee. June I968 - September 1970. 1 inch.

673- Interstate, Community Cooperative. May I968. k items.

674. Interstate, Construction Schedule, n.d. 2 items.

675. Interstate, Conceptual Review Committee. December I968 - January 1970. i inch.

676. Interstate, Community Participation. February - May 1968. 5 items.

677. Interstate, Traffic Analysis. October 1968 - August 1970. 1 inch.

678. Interstate, Quad Avenue Industrial Park. October 1968 - September 1970. 5 inch.

679. Interstate, Public Hearings. October 1968 - May I969. £ inch.

680. Interstate, Urban Design Concept Association Progress Reports. March 1968 - April 1970. U inches.

681. Interstate, Policy Advisory Board Minutes. December 1964 - July 1970. 2 inch.

682. Interstate, Movement Against Destruction. August 1968 - January I969. 6 items.

683. Interstate, Linear City. September 1967 - October 1968. 1 inch. 684. Interstate, Historic Park. July - October 1968. 3 items. ',

685. Interstate, Housing Advisory Committee. April - June 1968. 4 items. \

686. -Interstate, General. May 1967 - January 1971. 3/4 inch.

687. Interstate, Senate Bill #365. June 1968 - May I969. 3/4 inch.

688. Interstate, 3 A Agendas. January 1968 - February 1969- 2 inch.

689. Interstate, Interim Community Recreation Council. March - September 1970. i inch.

690. Interstate, Joint Development. September 1968 - May 1970. 2 inches.

691. Baltimore City Jail. February - March I968. - items.

692. Jobs. July 1967 - March 1968. i inch.

693- Friendship Airport Legits lalj. on, including "Financial Feasibility Report on Proposed Capital Improvements." December 1969 ~ March 1970. 1 3/4 inches.

694. General Assembly, l^fll^j^.tiye Program. January I967 ~ February 1969- 3 A inch. <*-"—'••••»

695. Legislative Reference Bulletin. August 1968 - August 1969- £ inch. .

696. Citizen's Advisory Committee on Liquor Outlet Policy. October 1959 - May 1968. 3A inch. "J**^

697. Loan Referendum. September - November 1970. i inch.

698. Lottery. February 1970. 1 item.

699. -Maryland Municipal League. June - December 1970- 5 items.

700. Maryland Institute of Art. July 1968 - October 1970. i inch.

701. Mass Transit, Job Transportation Project. May 1968. 1 item.

702. Mass Transit, Baltimore Transit Company. March 1965 - November 1969- 3/4 inch.

703. Mass Transit, Coordinating Committee. October - November 1970. 3 items.

704. Mass Transit, Consultant Contract. December 1968 - May 1969- i inch.

705. Mass Transit Steering Committee. October 1968 - May 1969- 6 items.

706. Mass Transit, Mayor's Statements. May 1968 - February 1969. 3 items.

707. Mass Transit Legislation. December 1968 - March 1969- i inch.

708. Mayor's Office. November 1967 - March 1970. I inch. ^3U=

709- Metropolitan Area Council Water and Sewer Committee. December 1969 - / > '•.:• December 1970. 3 items.

710. '-Miscellaneous. November 1969 - February 1971. 3/4 inch.

711. Model Cities, Administration. June 1969 - February 1970. i inch.

712. Model Cities, Community Organization COI. January 1968 - October 1970. H inches.

713- Model Cities, Education. October I969 ~ June 1970. 3/4 inch.

714. -Model Cities, Audit. December I969 - May 1970. \ inch.

715. Model Cities, Letters to Proceed. December 1968 - July 1969- 2 inch.

716. Model Cities, Manpower. May 1969 " September 1970. 1 inch.

717- Model Cities, Mobile Unites and Minibuses, n.d. 1 item.

718. Model Cities, Code Enforcement S Housing Reports. January 1967 ~ April 1970. U inches.

719• Model Cities, Office of Program Development. November 1968 - February 1969- 2 items.

.720. Model Cities, Personnel. May 1969 - March 1970. i inch. \ 721. Model Cities, Plan Revisions, n.d. ljj inches.

722. Model Cities, Policy Steering Board. February 1970 - January 1971- \ inch.

723- Model Cities, Prison Assistance Project and Criminal Justice. May - September 1970. 2 items.

724. Model Cities, Status of Projects. June 1969 - February 1970. i inch.

725. -Model Cities, Recreation (see also: Model Cities - Recreation Program folders #747, 748). September 1969 - November 1970. 4 items.

726. Model Cities, Neighborhood Sanitation HP8. May 1969 " August 1970. 1 inch.

727. Model Cities, St. Mary's Seminary. January - June 1970. 2 items.

728. Model Cities, Summer Projects 1970. June - August 1970. 3 items.

729. Model Cities, Institutional Training Project M-l. April - May 1970. 3 items.

730. Model Cities, Lighted House Manpower Project M-2 (see also: Model Cities - Manpower folder #716). February 1970. 2 items.

731. Model Cities, Visiting Home Technicians M-3 & 4. October - December 1969. • i inch. _''::i~: . 732. Model Cities, Housing Development Corporation HP-1 - February - y December 1970. Vk inch.

733- Model Cities, Minority Contractors Assistance Program. June 1969. 3 items.

T$k. Model Cities, Health H-l-4. September 1968 - January 1970. i inch.

735. Model Cities, Neighborhood Adolescent & Young Adult Drug Program H-6. April 1970. 3 items.

736. Model Cities, Economic Development Corporation ED-1. September 1969 - February 1971- 1 inch.

737- Model Cities, Pilot School Project E-l. June I969 - November 1970. i inch. -.-.:

738. Model Cities, Community Education Center E-2. February - April 1970. 5 inch.

739- Model Cities, Criminal Justice. December 1970. 2 items.

7^0. Model Cities, Community Council C0-2. October I969 - January 1970. i inch.

741. Model Cities, Dispute Settlement Center. March 1969- k items.

742. Model Cities, Day Care Centers SS-1. July I969 - January 1971. h inch.

7^3. Model Cities, Block Day Care SS-2. February 1970. i inch.

744. Model Cities, Community Centers for the Elderly SS~3. April 1970. £ inch.

745. Model Cities, Halfway House SS-4. October - December 1970. i inch.

746. Model Cities, Emergency Parents, n.d. 1 item.

747. Model Cities, Teen Centers R-2. May 1970. i inch.

748. Model Cities, Recreation Programs R-l, 3-6, 9- November 1969 - November 1970. £ inch.

7^9. Model Cities, Lafayette Square, n.d. 1 item.

750. Multi-Purpose Council Inc. February - June 1968. 4 items.

751. Multi-Purpose Centers, Coordinating Committee. December 1968 - January 1971- i inch.

752- Multi-Purpose Centers, Community Organization Study. October 1968 - February 1969- 5 items.

753. Multi-Purpose Centers, Community Schools. February 1968 - January 1969- •_{-. 11 inches. 754. :Multi-Purpose Centers, Decentralization, including "Decentralization

>v: :^i:_fprPublic_Welfare." March - July 1968. i inch.

?----7S§-»——Dunbar Mul1i-Purpose Center. September - November 1970. 6 items.

756. Echo House Multi-Purpose Center. December 1968 - November 1970. 1 inch.

757-. Multi-Purpose Centers, General. December 1966 - April 1970. 3/4 inch.

758. Greenmount Multi-Purpose Center. August 1967 " September 1969- 1 inch.

759- Greater Homewood Multi-Purpose Center. October 1967 ~ January I968. ' inch. ..__..._.

760. Lafayette Square Mul ti-Purpose Center.' August 1968 - November 1969- 3/4 inch. «—

761. Multi-Purpose Centers, Mayor's Station. January ,1968 - August 1969- i inch.

762. Multi-Purpose Centers, M.U.N.D. November 1969. 1 item.

763- Norwegian Seaman's Home Multi-Purpose Center. September 1968 - February 1971. 4 inchr*"""*

764. «Multi-Purpose Centers, Readings. August 1967- 2 items.

765. "National League of Cities, Airports. October - November 1969- 4 teems.

766. National League of Cities, Highway Transportation. September 1969 " July 1970. i inch.

767- National League of Cities, Mass Transportation. July 1969 " January 1971. i inch. "~~"

768. Neighborhood Action Group. March 1968 - April 1970. i inch. '•'

769. Off-Street Parking. May - June 1970. 2 items.

770. Department of Planning, Administration. March 1969 " January 1970. \ inch.

771. Department of PJjjTmng, Biddle - Orchard St.. July 1968. 2 items.

772. Department of Plainr^g^^ Calvert Building. July - August 1970. 2 items.

773. Department of PJanp_mq. Central Business District 111, including "Baltimore Downtown Institutions." March 1968 - May 1970. i inch.

774. Department of ElfljUQ^jig, Capital Improvement Program, including Recommended Capital Improvement Program 1969-1974."—March -1968 •-- - November 1971- H inches. I 775- Department of Planning, Census. January - February 1970. i inch. -33-

Department of P)j*J).Qlsi£, Community Renewal Program. November 1968 - November 1970- H inches.

Department of PJarrniruj, Cylburn Village. March I967 - March 1970. £ inch.

Department of PJ^QAOS, Education (see also: Department of Planning, Capital Improvement Program). July 1968 - December 1970. 2 inch.

Department of PJLa&QJJig, Chinquapin Park. July I963 - November 1970. i inch. -.

Department of PJannJjig^, Heliport. November 1968 - August I969. £ inch.

Department of P^anjjjjig,, Fort Holabird. May 1970. 3 items.

Department of Pjanmmq, Hilton Public Housing Site. February 1970 - January 1971-7 items.

Department of PJanning, Information Systems. February 1969- 2 items.

Department of Planning, Lexington Avenue Mall. September 1967 - November 19&9- 2 inch.

Department of Planning, Morrell Park Sub-Division. August 1969 - September 1970. i Inch.

Department of Plannincj, Northern Parkway. May 1969 - February 1971. i inch.

Department of JPJanming, Old York Road. August - September 1970. 5 items.

Department of Planning, Park Land. January - May 1968. i inch.

Department of Planning, Psychiatric Institute. July 1968. 3 items.

Department of Planning, Pulaski Market. September - October 19&9- 7 1 terns.

Department of Planning, Hilton/Shirley Ave. Connector. December 1968. 4 items.

Department of fjUcjJL]nfl. State Calvert Street Site,(j.ni 1I.II.1HS pliumyi jpli...^ January 1969^ApnT 1970. \ inch.

Departmen.t of P^SftDJLflih Tranportation, including, "Center City Transportation Study" by the U.S. Department of Transportation. April,1968 - March 1970. li inches.

Department of PJLrnwiiftg. Whitaker (Municipal) Building. August - December 1970. 5 items.

Department of Planning, Windsor Estates. August - September I968. : 1 i tern. -34-

796. Port of Baltimore. August I967 - January 1970. 3/4 inch.

797- Department of Public Works. October 1963 - December 1970. U inches.

798. Department of fjjbJLLs, Works, Water System, including "Report to the Regional Planning Council on a plan for Regional Water Supply to to year 2020. May - November I969. 2 inches.

799- Department of Parks and Recreation. January 1968 - January 1971. 1 inch. '

800. Rent Escrow. February 1969 - January 1971. i inch.

801. Sanitation. September I967 - October 1970. i inch.

802. St. James Parochial School. June - July 1968. 7 items.

803. Department of Social Services. October 1966 - October 1970. 3,1k inch.

804. Social Services, Public Aid for Dependent Children. October I966 - June 1967. 5 inch.

805. Southwest Forum. April - June 1968. 7 items.

806. Department of Transit and Traffic. May 1968 - October 1970. 3/k inch.

807. "Transportation. January 1967 ~ February I968. 6 items.

808/ Unity Methodist Church Day Care Center. August 1969 " April 1970. i inch.

809- Upton Planning Committee, including "Arterial Alignment Study, Northwest Model Cities." May - August 1968. i inch.

810. Urban Looby, Pollution. April - July 1970. i inch.

811. Urban Lobby. February - May 1970. £ inch.

812. Baltimore Urban Coalition. November 1967 " January 1971• 2 inches.

813- Baltimore Urban Coalition, Task Force. August 1969 - November 1970. i inch.

8V4. Urban Youth Corps. July I968 - August 1970. i inch.

815. -United States Conference of Mayors. April 1967 - May 1969- 3A inch.

816. Mayor's Advisory Committee on Workable Program for Community Improvement, General. DecemKeTT9o5 _ July 1970. 2 3/4 inches.

817. Workable Program Citizens Advisory Committee. August 1968 - June 1970. i inch.

818. Workable Program, 1968. May - December 1968. i inch. -15-

Exhibits for Wo£j^Jft-J.e. Program Recertlf i cat ion. November 1968 - March 1970. 3 A inch.

Workable Program, Subcommittee on Employment. August - October 1968. 8 items.

Workable Program, Subcommittee on Relocation. September 1968 - December 1969. 8 items.

Workable Program, Subcommittee on Renewal and Neighborhood Development. September - October 1968. 9 items.

Workable Program, Subcommittee on Housing Construction. August 1968 - February 1970. 8 items.

Workable Program, Subcommittee on Urban Design. August - November 1968. 10 items.

Workable Program, Subcommittee on Planning. December 1969 ~ April 1970. i inch.

Workable Program, Subcommittee on Community Facilities and Services. August - September 1968. 8 items.

Workable Program, Subcommittee on Codes and Code Enforcement. September - November 1968. 6 items.

Workable Program, Edgar Ewing. July 1966 - November 1968. ? inch.

General Assembly. January - March 1968. 1 inch.