December, 1909

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December, 1909 THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. There shall be published daily, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, under a contract to be made as hereinafter provided, a paper to be known as the Crry RECORD. And said Crry RICORD, and the newspapers now by law designated as corporation newspapers in the present City of Brooklyn, shall be the only papers to be included within the term corporation newspapers, as the same is used anywhere in this act ; . There shall be inserted in said CrrY %WORD nothing aside from such official matters as are expressly authorized All advertising required to be done for the City, except as in this act otherwise specially provided, and all notices required by law or ordinance to be published in corporation papers, shall be inserted at the public expense only in the CrrY Rzcouo, and the publication therein shall be a sufficient compliance with any law or ordinance requiring publication of such matters or notices The Comptroller skall cause a continuous series of the CITY MORD to be bound as completed, quarterly, and to be deposited with his certificate thereon in the office of the Register of Deeds of the County of New York, in the County Clerk's office of said County, and in the office of the City Clerk, and copies of the contents of any of the same, certified by such Register, County Clerk or City Clerk, shall be received in judicial proceedings as prima fade evidence of the.truth of the contents thereof.-0526, Greater New York Charter. DECEMBER, 1909. VOL. XXXVII. PART XII. BOARD OF CITY RECORD: GEORGE S. MeCIALkIrAri, Mayor. FRANCIS PEIT411MIBTOrl, Corporation Counsel. HERMA$ A. REITZ, Comptroller. PATRICK J. TRACY, Supervisor. M. B. BROWN CO., PRINTERS, Nos, 49.57 Park Place, NEW YORK. DECEMBER, 1909. INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII1-PART XII. ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- Advertising fund, issue of Special Revenue Bonds to replen- Davega, S. B., permit to parade man with advertising sign, Lowe, Albert E., permit to keep booth in front of No. 83 ish Comptroller's, 14335. 13851. West 115th street, Manhattan, 14941. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani• Demetrius Brothers, permit to place sign in front of No. McGowan, Hon. Patrick F., resolution of appreciation of mals, permit to erect drinking fountains for horses in 38 Washington street, Manhattan, 13521. services of, reply, 15190. front of No. 50 Madison avenue, Manhattan, 13521. District Attorney, New York County, establishing position of McEntee, Philip, permit to erect booth in front of No. 162 American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani- Telephone Operator in office of, 13517. Reade street, Manhattan, 13851. mals, permit to erect watering trough on Webster ave- Docks and Ferries, Department of, establishing position of Malcolm & Hayes, payment of bills of, for engrossing resolu- nue, near West Two Hundred and Thirty-third street, Hoisting Engineer in, 13517. tions, 14333. 14144. Dowling, Alderman Frank L., appointed Chairman of the Manhattan, office of the President of the Borough of, Andrew, Harold S., No. 48 West Ninth street, Manhattan, Committee on Finance to fill vacancy caused by death establishing various grades of positions in, 14331. appointment of, as a City Surveyor, 13517. of Alderman T. P. Sullivan, 15189. Martin B. Brown Company, payment of bill of, 13850. Army and Navy Union, issue of Special Revenue Bonds Doyle, John J., protest of, against seating of L. Barton Case Marx, Ben, permit to drive advertising wagon, 13521. to enable, to properly observe Memorial Day, 14334. as Alderman from Fifteenth District, placed on file, Messages from the Mayor, 14332, 15187. Artist, Toney, permit to erect booth in front of No. 46 14140. Mihm, Henry, No. 2004 Washington avenue, The Bronx, Mercer street, Manhattan, 14144. Driesen, Harry, permit to drive advertising wagon, 13521. appointment of, as a City Surveyor, 14942. Austin, James, permit to place booth in front of No. 910 Drivers under jurisidiction of President, Borough of Milton & Henry, permit to keep showcase in front of No. 9th avenue, Manhattan, 14504. Brooklyn, issue of Special Revenue Bonds for payment 1171 Broadway, Manhattan, 14144. Automobile suction cleaner, recommending, be tried on of wages of two, 14333. Morris, Dr. J., permit to parade man with advertising sign, streets of the Borough of Brooklyn, 14139. Dunaburger Brothers, B. A., permit to hang signs at various 13521. Avenue D, between East 40th street and Troy avenue, points, Borough of Manhattan, 14941. Mount Hope Tuberculosis Sanatorium, amending ordinance Brooklyn, recommending street lamps on, 13522. Dunn, John H., permit to erect booth in front of No. 2365 for issue of Corporate Stock for, 14139. Bailey avenue, from Albany avenue to 231st street, The 8th avenue, Manhattan, 14504. Minutes of stated meetings, 13513, 13849, 14113, 14329, Bronx, recommending laying of water and gas mains, Engrossing resolutions, payment of sundry bills for, 14333. 14497, 14937, 15185. etc., 14336. Evangelical Lutheran Church, No. 833 Sterling place, 'otions, ordinances and resolutions, 13518, 13520, 13850, Baker. Jr., George L., No. 321 Jewett avenue, West New Brooklyn, recommending street lamps in front of, 14118, 14143, 14335, 14503, 14939, 15190. Brighton, Richmond, appointment of, as a City Sur- 13522. Namm & Co., A. I., permit to erect awning in front of veyor, 14141. Excelsior Theatre Company, permit to erect storm door at Nos. 205.211 Livingston street, Brooklyn, 15190. Bennet, Leo, permit to drive advertising wagon, 13522. Nos. 96 to '04 Flatbush avenue, Brooklyn, 14336. Nassau place, between Hudson avenue and Navy street, Bernstein & Bernstein, permit to erect storm door corner Fairbanks Company, permit to keep movable iron cranes in Brooklyn, requesting Borough President to asphalt, 21st street and 7th avenue, Manhattan, 14941. front of No. 460 Washington street, Manhattan, 14504. 13851, Bethany Chapel, No. 377 Hudson avenue, Brooklyn, recom- Farrell, Patrick S., permit to erect booth in front of No. Naugle, David, permit to erect booth in front of No. 72 mending street lamps in front of, 14144. 100 West 47th street, Manhattan, 13520. West Broadway, Manhattan, 14941. Bielsker, B. U. V.. Association, permit to drive advertising Fire, Committee on, matters in hands of, placed on file, Nautical School, resolution in favor of consolidating sundry wagon, 15190. 14140. Budget accounts relating to, 13516. Firemen of Marine Division of the Fire Department, rela- Neary, John H., permit to erect storm door in front of Bills introduced in the Legislature during session of 1910, tive to petition of, to be classed as per annum em- No. 575 Atlantic avenue, Brooklyn, 14144. City Clerk directed to procure copies of all, 14336. ployees, 15189. Nebeuzahl, A. Louis, permit to drive advertising wagon, Booth, W. A., permit to place sign in front of No. 41 Jay Flanagan, Thomas J., permit to drive advertising wagon. 14504. street, Manhattan, 13521. 14144. Normal College of The City of New York, establishing po- Brafstein, A., permit to drive advertising wagon, 13521. Foucks & Gerber, permit to erect showcase in front of No. sitions of Clerk and Stenographer to the Board of "Bronx Borough Record and Times" designated as one of 1387 Broadway, Brooklyn, 13520. Trustees of the, 14499. the Republican newspapers in which shall be published Fourth Avenue Bath, Brooklyn, issue of Special Revenue Numbering and renumbering buildings on West 147th street, the Session Laws and Concurrent Resolutions of the Bonds to pay for additional help at, 13518. between Broadway and Amsterdam avenue, 13850. Legislature, 14504. Gane, William, permit to parade with elephants, 14941. O'Beirne, William K., permit to erect two storm doors at Buckley-Newhall Company, permit to erect awning, corner General orders, 13518, 13850, 14141, 14938. No, 1242 2d avenue, Manhattan, 14144. 126th street and 5th avenue, Manhattan, disapproved Girard, George W., permit to pave with granite blocks the Office and office hours, 15488. by the Mayor. 14941, 15188. carriageway of Jewell street, between GreenpoitIt avenue O'Hara, William, permit to erect booth in front of No. Building Code of The City of New York. 14118. and Collier street, Brooklyn, 14504. 301 West 145th street, Manhattan, 13522. Building Code, matter of employing experts for purpose of Grass, A. W., payment of bill of, for engrossing resolutions, O'Rourke Engineering Construction Company, permit to revising the existing, report of Committee on Build- 14333. erect temporary overhead bridge on West street, Man- ings, etc., 14938. Greenpoint Park, Brooklyn, change of name of, to McCar- hattan, 15189. Buildings, Committee on, matters in hands of, placed on file, ren Park, 14334. Ordinances disapproved by the Mayor, 15187. 14498. Haimowitz Brothers, permit to keep showcase in front of Ordinance adopting the Building Code of The City of Calendar, alt matters remaining on, or in hands of various No. 1 West 114th street, Manhattan, 14144. New York, 14118. Committees, ordered on file, 15190. Health, Department of, establishing of various positions in, Ordinance to authorize the Mayor of The City of New Canarsie Gun Club, amending Firearm Ordinance in favor. 15186. York to devise and prescribe a style and form of badge of, 13850. Healy, Thomas, permit to place awning in front of Hotel for use by City Marshals, 13518. Carroll street, between Rogers and Nostrand avenues, Regent, Manhattan, 14504. Ordinance providing for an issue of Corporate Stock in Brooklyn, assigning bed of, to President, Borough of High-pressure fire service hydrants, Commissioner of Water the sum of three hundred and twenty-seven thousand Brooklyn, 13850. Supply, Gas and Electricity empowered to purchase five hundred and twenty dollars ($327,520) to provide Chief Enginekr, Department of Parks, Manhattan and 225, from the A. P. Smith Manufacturing Company, means for the acquisition of school sites, etc., 13515. Richmond, establishing grade of, 14142. vetoed by the Mayor, 14498, 15187.
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