Photo: Martin Lønstrup Esquives Lønstrup Martin Photo:

DCA IS FOCUSING ON THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES: In Zimbabwe DCA focus primarily on three core activities namely;

Right to Food: The work uwithin the thematic area of right to food supports smallholder farmer households to improve production and productivity while mainstreaming resilience building, value chain development, climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Humanitarian Work: Within its humanitarian work in Zimbabwe DCA supports to individuals affected by disasters including drought and flooding and economic crisis to meet basic needs and restore their livelihoods

Active Citizenship: Finally, DCA aims to enhance active citizenship by supporting citizens in social cohesion building initiatives through church-based institutions OPERATIONAL CONTEXT: DanChurchAid is working in Zimbabwe, a country facing the serious negative FACTS: impact of climate change, protracted economic and political crisis. DCA ● Operational presence in Zimbabwe is focus on three programmatic areas namely the Humanitarian, Right to ● Initially DCA operated in Zimbabwe from the early 1980 until the late 1980s where it provided support to refugees in food and Active Citizenship. The work is implemented mainly through local the context following the war of independence. In 2014 DCA reopened its offices with the aim of responding to the partners. worsening economic and humanitarian situation in the country. ● Resilience building work is supporting 33 000 households translating to ● Offices in Country: The Country Office is located in , while a field office in placed in . approximately 165 000 individuals ● Beneficiaries in 2018: 160 000 individuals ● Climate change related disaster response including drought and cyclones ● Turnover 2018: DKK 30,139,194.00 / 4,034,403 € 5000 individuals ● Projects: 9 ● Food Insecurity interventions support 29 000 individuals through cash ● Employees: 29 transfers to improve food purchasing power in a peri-urban setting of ● Partners: Future of Hope Foundation, Pro , Institute for Rural Technologies (IRT), Organisation of Rural Epworth near Harare Associations for Progress (ORAP), Farmer Associations of Self Help Groups, Techno serve; Fambidzanai Permaculture ● DCA works with partners in supporting smallholder farmers to enhance Centre, Stimulus Africa Foundation, Christian Youth Volunteers Trust (CYVAT),Hilfswerk Austria International food and income security, reaching a total of 5 000 individuals (HWA); Bulawayo Projects Centre, Zimbabwe Council of Churches, Zimbabwe Devine Destiny, Zimbabwe Christian ● Meanwhile in 2019 DCA in coordination with other agencies will feed AllianceLilongwe and Karonga), Church of Central African Presbyterian (CCAPs Blantyre and Livingstonia Health Depts.) 5million people facing food shortages in both rural and urban settings. ● DCA is working with churches to promote social cohesion through peace CONTACT: building initiatives at local level Country Director: Mads Lindegård // Email: [email protected] // Phone: +263 (0204) 704

OCTOBER 2019 Zimbabwe





WHERE WE WORK AND WHAT WE DO: DCA works with partners in Manicaland, West, , North and South , Harare Metropolitan and Bulawayo Metropolitan . MOZAMBIQUE

SOUTH AFRICA In Manicaland DCA is supporting households affected by with early recovery and psycho-social support to church and community leaders. DCA Zimbabwe is grateful for the support from our donors: In Matabeleland North and South DCA works with Partners in Resilience building work under the auspices of the Zimbabwe Resilience Building Fund supported by the UNDP in , Lupane and Matobo . MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF In Harare metropolitan DCA is piloting urban cash transfer programming to households in Epworth Danida coupled with complementary livelihood work.

In Mashonaland West DCA is supporting small holder dairy farmers to participate in an innovative milk value chain.

The church-led peace building work covers district in Mashonaland West, Epworth District in Harare, Mzilikazi in Bulawayo, and in and and Chimanimani in Manicaland