Annex C List of Documents Literature and general programme documents  Albrechtsen, R. “Udenrigsministeren: Israel svigter sit ansvar” Interview with Foreign Minister Søvndal), Development, Danida 2012;  Al-Botmeh, R., A Review of Palestinian Legislation from a Women’s Rights Perspective, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), September 2011;  Bahr, M. “Tema: EU's Bistand Til De Palæstinensiske Selvstyreområder”, Development Danida, 2012;  Bauck, P. and Mohammed, O. The Oslo Accords 1993–2013: A Critical Assessment;  Brown, N.J. Palestinian Politics After the Oslo Accords: Resuming Arab Palestine, California Press, November 2003;  Costantini, G., Atamneh, J., Ayesh, K. and Al Husseini, F., Mapping Study of Civil Society Organisations in the occupied Palestinian territory, European Commission, May 2011; ;  Council of the European Union, Council conclusions on the Peace Process, 3209th Foreign Affairs Council Meeting, Brussels, December 10, 2012;  Cronin, D. Europe's with Israel: Aiding the Occupation, 2011;  Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) Ambiguous endings: Middle East regional security in the wake of the Arab Uprisings and the Syrian civil war, 2013;  Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) Danish Foreign Affairs Year Book 2013, Edited by Nana Hvidt and Hans Mouritzen, 2013;  Danish - Palestinian Partnership Programme 2014-2015, Appraisal Report, 10 June 2014;  -Palestine Country Strategy Paper 2014-2015;  De Voir, J. and Tartir, A. (2009) Tracking external donor funding to Palestinian non-governmental organisations in the West Bank and Gaza strip 1999 -2008. Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute (MAS), Jerusalem, Israel;  Earl, S., Carden, F. and Smutylo, T. Outcome mapping, Building Learning and Reflection into Development Programs, International Development Research Centre, 2001;  ECFR, Europe and the Vanishing Two State Solution, 2013;  Ecorys, Afghanistan Programme Summative Evaluation (Fiscal Year 2004 - 2005 to Fiscal Year 2010 - 2011), Technical Proposal for the Canadian International Development Agency, May 2012 EU Foreign Affairs Council, December 2012;  Elgindy, K. The Saban Center for Middle East Policy at Brookings, The Middle-East Quartet: A Post-Mortem, Analysis Paper, February 2012;  European Commission, Evaluation of the EU cooperation with the occupied Palestinian territory and support to the Palestinian people, Final Report, Volume 1, May 2014;  European Court of Auditors, European Union Direct Financial Support to the Palestinian Authority, Special Report No. 14, 2013;  Government of Denmark, Palestinian Authority (PA) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Update of the diagnostic report for the Local Government System in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt), June 2009;  Grange, A., DanChurchAid, Comments to the Danish-Palestian Partnership 2014 -2016 by DanChurchAid Council of the European Union, Council Conclusions on the European Court of Auditors' report on EU Direct Financial Support to the PA, June 2014;  Governance and Social Development Resource Centre (GSDRC), Helpdesk Research Report, Role of aid in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, October 2010;  Haugbølle, S. "The Politics of Violence, Truth and Reconciliation in the Middle East", red. with Anders Hastrup, Routledge, 2009;  Hever, S. The Political Economy of Israel's Occupation Repression Beyond Exploitation, 2010 Humanitarian Practice Network, Humanitarian Exchange, Number 28, November 2004;  Holmboe, Rolf, Gaza: challenges and adaptation, Humanitarian Exchange Magazine, Issue 44, September 2009;  IMF, West Bank and Gaza, Report to the AHLC, September 12, 2014;  Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), Restoring Confidence and Transforming Institutions, An IEG Evaluation of World Bank Group Assistance to Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations, January 2013;  Janus, T. To end Civil War West must guarantee Safety of Minorities with Peace keeping Force, Christian Science Monitor, August, 2013;  Jones, H. and Hearn, S. ODI, Outcome Mapping, Outcome Mapping: a realistic alternative for planning, monitoring and evaluation, October 2010;  Jensen, M.I. "The Political Ideology of Hamas: A Grassroots Perspective", I.B. Tauris, 2009 "Hamas i Gazastriben", Akademisk forlag, 2002;  Karlstedt, C., Pace, J. and Ansara, K., External Evaluation of The Palestinian Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR) Final Report, May 6, 2013;  Kingdom of the Netherlands, Multi-Annual Strategic Plan 2014-2017, Palestinian Territories, December 2013;  Kjærsgaard, C.B., and Andersen, L.E., (2013) ‘Mellemøstens Nye Sikkerhedsorden’ i Mellemøstens Nye Verden, København Ræson Medier, Le More, A., International Assistance to the Palestinians after Oslo - Political Guilt Water Money;  Levine, M. and Mossberg, M. (2014) One Land, Two States; Israel and Palestine as Parallel States;  Lev Mintz, J. After Oslo: Palestinian NGOs and the Peace Process, University of London, September 2011;  Linell, J. (2006) Streger i et forvirret billed (Mohammed Cartoon Crises), Tidsskrift for internationale studier;  Malmvig, H. (2011) State Sovereignty and Intervention London & NY, Routledge, New International Relation Series;  Malmvig, H. (2013) Power, Identity and Securitization in Middle East: Regional Order after the Arab Uprisings, Mediterranean Politics;  Minister of Foreign Affairs, S (spørgsmål/question) 1379 written reply on question re. Hamas, 25 April 2014;  Minister of Foreign Affairs, Response to Foreign Affairs Committee, Question 74, Re. Gaza January 7, 2009; Reply to Q 155 from Foreign Affairs Committee re. Gaza, March 26, 2009, Reply to Foreign Affairs Committee S 104 re. Gaza 5 February, 2009;  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida Evaluation Guidelines, January 2012;  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark Danida, Danish Arab Partnership Programme 2013-2016, Strategic Framework Document, April 2013;  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida, Danish-Palestinian Partnership 2014 – 2016, October 2013;  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida, Denmark-Palestine, Country Strategy Paper 2014- 2015, April 2014;  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida, Draft Danish - Palestinian Partnership 2014-2015, Transition Programme, May 2014;  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida Draft Transition Programme for Danish Development Support to Palestine (2014-2015), Thematic Programme: Economic Development, May 2014;  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida Draft Transition Programme for Danish Development Support to Palestine (2014-2015), Thematic Programme: State-building, May 2014;  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Evaluation department, Coffey, Evaluation of the Danish Peace and Stabilisation Fund, August 2014;  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, MENA department, Note to Min. Re. Bilateral transition aid to Gaza/WB 2006-09 annex 2, 12 June 2007;  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, MENA department, Note to Min. Re. Status for development of new country strategy for Gaza & WB, September 2009;  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, MENA department, Note to FA/DEV Ministers re. Strategic framework for aid to Gaza and West Bank, 14 October 2009;  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, DRAFT Strategy Framework for DK-Pal Development Cooperation 2010-2012, 10 November 2009;  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, MENA department, Minister's briefing to FA Party chairs re. Hamas's takeover of Danish project office, 11 August 2010;  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, MENA department, Note to Min. Re bilateral Aid to Gaza - restructuring and future Danish presence, 2010;  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, MENA staff department, Note to Min. Re strategy mission and way forward, 26 July 2012;  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, MENA department, Exchange re. DK-Pal strategy 2013- postponement of finalization, October 2013;  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, MENA department and Danish Representative Office (DRO), Background note to Min of Dev. Re. Danish-Palestinian Partnership 2014-2015, 20 January 2014;  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, MENA department and Danish Representative Office(DRO), Note to FA and Dev Min. Re. Final approval (by Ministers) of Danish-Palestinian Partnership 2014-2015 + minutes from Council on Dev Policy, 24 February 2014;  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and Danida, Guidelines for the local grant authority of Danish embassies, multilateral representations and departments in MFA, Revised version, October 2009;  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and Danida, Guidelines for the development of Policy Papers for Denmark’s relations with Priority Counties, January 2013;  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Guidelines for Country Programmes, July 2013;  0programmes%20and%20projects/Country%20Programmes/The%20Danida%20Guidelines%20fo r%20Country%20Programmes.pdf;  Mountain, R. Humanitarian aid for Palestinians shouldn't be necessary, 22 September 2011;  Møller, P.S. ”VK-Regeringen og Palæstinaspørgsmålet”, from, 2004 and 2009;  New Deal, Building Peaceful States, Peacebuilding and state-building goals,;  Newman, E., Paris, R. and Richmond, O.P. (2009) New Perspectives on Liberal Peacebuilding, United Nations University Press;  Niehaus, M. (GIZ-LGP on behalf of MoLG), Donor Mapping Report Local Governance Sector in Palestine, March 2014;  OECD-DAC, DAC Aid statistics data sets in OECD-Stat;  OECD-DAC Network on Development Evaluation and the DAC Network on Conflict and Fragility (INCAF), Evaluating Peacebuilding Activities in Settings of Conflict and Fragility, November 2012;  OECD-DAC, Guidance on evaluating conflict prevention and peacebuilding activities, 2008;  OECD, Guidance on International Support to State Building in Situations of Conflict and Fragility, August 2010;  OECD-DAC, Whole of Government approaches to fragile states, A DAC Reference document, 2006;  Office of the Quartet Representative (OQR); Report for the Meeting of the Ad-Hoc Liaison Committee on Action in Support of Palestinian State-building; 22 September 2014, New York;  Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. The Statistical Yearbook of Palestine, 2013;  Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, Palestine in Figures 2013, March 2014;  Palestinian National Authority, “Ending the Occupation, Establishing the State Program of the Thirteenth Government, August 2009;  Palestinian National Authority, Palestinian Reform and Development Plan 2008-2010;  Palestinian National Authority, National Development Plan 2011-2013 Establishing the State, Building our Future, April 2011;  Programme Committee, Summary Conclusions of the Meeting on 8 November on the Danish- Palestinian Partnership 2014-2016;  Saba, J. Evaluation of the European Union’s Cooperation with the occupied Palestinian territory and support to the Palestinian people, Draft Final Report, Volume 1, European Commission, April 2014;  Sartorius, R. and Carver, C. Social Impact, Fragile States and Peacebuilding Programs, Practical Tools for Improving Program Performance and Results;  Slob, A. and Theodorie, H., ECORYS Nederland BV, Evaluation of the performance of the Belgium Technical Cooperation, Country Report Palestinian Territories, December 2009;  Status of Palestine in the United Nations - Danish Explanation of Vote, 29 November 2012;  %2029%202012.pdf;  Stockmarr, L. Chapter on Palestine; The fragile , State building under occupation and prospects for local level democratisation;  Stockmarr, L., “Danmark køber politisk aflad i Palæstina”, Politiken, November 29, 2013;  United Nations, Report on Indicators for Monitoring Compliance with International Human Rights Instruments, June 2006;  United Nations Development Programme and OHCHR, Toolkit for collaboration with National Human Rights Institutions December 2010;  United Nations General Assembly resolution 67/19 on the non-observer status of Palestine, 29 November 2012;  UNRWA, Mid-term evaluation of the Medium Term Strategy, Revised report 7 January 2013;  UNRWA, Evaluation of UNRWA’s Organizational Development, Final Report 24 October 2011  Witney, N., Europe and the vanishing Two-state Solution; /ECFR78_MEPP_REPORT.pdf;  World Bank, Economic Monitoring Report to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC), September 22, 2014.

Project documents (selection)  Amnesty International, Annual Report 2013, The state of the human rights;  Dammers, C. and Madi, A. Review Of Human Rights/Good Governance Secretariat In The Occupied Palestinian Territory, January 2011;  Danish Center for Culture and Development (DCCD), Programme for culture and Development – Palestine, Annual Report 2012;  Human Rights and Good Governance (HR/GG) NGO Secretariat, Invitation to Submit Applications for Core Funding For Human Rights and Good Governance (HR/GG) NGOs Working in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt), 2010;  Human Rights and Good Governance (HR/GG) Phase II – Annual Report 2011, January 31, 2012;  Human Rights and Good Governance (HR/GG) Impact Evaluation NGO Secretariat 2011-2013;  Human Rights and Good Governance (HR/GG) Phase II – Phasing Out Period, Annual Progress Report January 1st – December 31st, 2013;  Independent Commission for Human Rights, Annual Report 2013;  Independent Commission for Human Rights, External Evaluation of The Palestinian Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR), Final Report, May 6, 2013;  Independent Commission for Human Rights, Strategic Plan 2014-2018, September 2013;  Independent Commission for Human Rights, Programme Completion Report 2008-2011, Core Funding for the Program and Activities of the Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR) as the Palestinian National Institution for Human Rights, October 13 2011;  Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), World Bank, 2010, Evaluation of the World Bank Group program in the West Bank and Gaza;  Institute of Law, Birzeit University, Building a Family Law Court Judgments Database, November 2010;  Institute of Law, Birzeit University, Project Completion Report, 2010;  Municipal Development and Lending Fund (MDLF), Semi Annual Report 2009;  Municipal Development and Lending Fund (MDLF), Semi Annual Report 2010;  Municipal Development and Lending Fund (MDLF), Annual Report 2011, March 2012;  Municipal Development and Lending Fund (MDLF), Local Development Programme Phase I & II (Completion Report), August 2012;  Municipal Development and Lending Fund (MDLF), Semi Annual Report 2013, August 2013;  Municipal Development Programme (MDP) Project Completion report and Aide Memoire 2013;  Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), Laegreid, T. Review of Norwegian support to Palestine through Norwegian NGOs, March 2009.

Internet sources  Abu Arif, N. (2014) Denmark. Retrieved on October 16, 2014 from partnership/;  Human Rights Watch. (2014). Retrieved on September 25, 2014 from;  Ma’an News Network. (2014). Retrieved on October 21, 2014 from;  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. (2014). Retrieved on September 15, 2014 from;  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. (2014). Retrieved on September 15, 2014 from;  United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). (2014). Retrieved on October 3, 2014 from;  Worldbank. (2014). Retrieved on October 20, 2014 from AZAEXTN/0, contentMDK:22641181~pagePK:141137~piPK:141127~theSitePK:294365,00.html