Annex C List of Documents Literature and General Programme Documents Albrechtsen, R
Annex C List of Documents Literature and general programme documents Albrechtsen, R. “Udenrigsministeren: Israel svigter sit ansvar” Interview with Foreign Minister Søvndal), Development, Danida 2012; Al-Botmeh, R., A Review of Palestinian Legislation from a Women’s Rights Perspective, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), September 2011; Bahr, M. “Tema: EU's Bistand Til De Palæstinensiske Selvstyreområder”, Development Danida, 2012; Bauck, P. and Mohammed, O. The Oslo Accords 1993–2013: A Critical Assessment; Brown, N.J. Palestinian Politics After the Oslo Accords: Resuming Arab Palestine, California Press, November 2003; Costantini, G., Atamneh, J., Ayesh, K. and Al Husseini, F., Mapping Study of Civil Society Organisations in the occupied Palestinian territory, European Commission, May 2011;; Council of the European Union, Council conclusions on the Middle East Peace Process, 3209th Foreign Affairs Council Meeting, Brussels, December 10, 2012; Cronin, D. Europe's Alliance with Israel: Aiding the Occupation, 2011; Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) Ambiguous endings: Middle East regional security in the wake of the Arab Uprisings and the Syrian civil war, 2013; Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) Danish Foreign Affairs Year Book 2013, Edited by Nana Hvidt and Hans Mouritzen, 2013; Danish - Palestinian Partnership Programme 2014-2015, Appraisal Report, 10 June 2014; Denmark-Palestine Country Strategy Paper
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