Marion Prison We Don't Want Lobe Helpless
1HI Sheer hopelessness, llosignalinn You lead il in Ihe faces. Before the fad. hefore CATHOLIC WORKER Hie attempt lo do somcluhtg, all of modem life, at its boiling, tossing center, seems ori;an or tiif. catholic worker imovi.imi.nt hopeless. Acceded, admitted lo, Hie bent TETEn MAUniN. Founder bends, cop-otd, rclrcal. jogging heallh spas, kids' games for adults, homeinaking. DOROTHY DAY, Editor and Publisher money making . Hesislance is hopeless, DANIEl MAUK, PEGGY SCHERER, Managing Editors a wasle. 'They' are loo big. omnivorous, powerful. Our side has no one. no motley, Vol. Xl.iv. No. ? no energy, oleolorn, etcetera. The etceteras September, 1978 would fill a Kelly girl's (sic) wasle haskol with a macho sluller. Marion Prison We don't want lobe helpless. We don'l •• waul to be inarticulate. We don't ward lo be ell the slreef. We tfon'1 wnnf lo sit alone Hell In a Very Small .Space in a box, be shunted around in cuffs. We don'l want lo be losers. We don"! ward to ny DANIEL BEMUGAN. S.J.' selves, we awl the havoc we wreak We, and (he needful victims of--we. die. even a tittle. We want, maybe. In talk Wtffinn nhiwH prisoners is n lilllo like A like fear and trembling arises at (he about the poor, or prisoners, or refugees, nrilitig about the dead: the mass dead, spectacle or political prisoners. To Ihc out or Hie ghotloizod lo write about litem, or lite unknown mid unknowable, limn* killpcl commiserate, or (on occasion) leaflet al a in disasters like Managua or Nagasaki or side worlds, prison is somewhat like a can prison, or-proles! the dentil penally.
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