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13Ibliotbeca Elnglo==:Tuoatca a BIBLIOGRAPHICAL GUIDE to ANGLO-JEWISH HISTORY magna 13ibliotbeca Elnglo==:tuoatca A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL GUIDE TO ANGLO-JEWISH HISTORY New Edition, revised and enlarged by CECIL ROTH I THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON 5698-1937 f A4 THE JEWS IN E.:-\ GLAND: .MEDIEVAL 311 ABRAHAMS (lsRAEL)-continued. 8. --The Northampton "Donum" of 1194. In J.H.S.E. Miscellanies Pt. I, pp. lix-lxxiv, 1925.* 9. --and STOKES (HENHY PAINE). I Starrs and Jewish charters preserved in the British Mu~eum A 4. IDSTORY OF THE JEWS IN ENGLAND: MEDIEVAL With additions by Herbert Loewe. (Before the expulsion of 1290) 3 vols. 4to. Cambridge, 1930, etc.* [J.H.S.E. publication.] 1. ABRAHAMS (Sir BARNETT LIONEL). 10. ADLER (MICHAEL). Condition of the Jews of EJJgland at the time of their expulsion History of the "Domus conversorum" from 1290-1891. in 1290. In J.H.S.E. Transactions, vol. iv, pp. 16-75, 1903.* In J.H.S.E. Transactions, vol. ii, pp. 76-105, 1896.* 11. --Jewish tallies of the thirteenth century. 2. --A document illustrative of early Anglo-Jewish history. [From In J.H.S.E. Miscellanies, Pt. II, pp. 8-23. 8vo .. London, 1935.* the Close Rolls of Edward I; 10 Ed. 1, m. 8. d.] 12. --Medieval Jewish MSS. in the Library of St. Paul's Cathedral,. In J.Q.R. vol. viii, pp. 360-361, 1896.* London . In J.H.S.E. Miscellanies Pt. III, pp. 15-33, 1937.* .3. --Economic and financial position of the Jews in mediaeval England. 13. --An unpublished Pipe Roll of 1285. Inventory of the property In J.H.S.E. Transactions, vol. viii, pp. 171-188, 1918.* of the condemned Jews. In J.H.S.E. Miscellanies Pt. II, pp. 56-71, 1935.* 4. --Exchequer of the Jews. Houses for converted Jews. 14. AMES (J.). In R.H.I. Palgrave's Dictionary of political economy, vol. n, Some notes concerning the stone found in London Wall, on the­ pp. 481-484.* backside of Bethlem, in their apothecary, Mr. Weaver's, apartments . .5. --The expulsion of the Jews from England in 1290. in July 1753. pp. 83. 8vo. Oxford, 1895.* In Gentleman's Magazine, vol. xxiii, p. 369. 8vo. London, 1753. * Reprinted from J.Q.R. vol. vii, 1894. 15. BLUNT (J.E.). History of the establishment and residence of the Jews in England:· 6. -- and others. with an inquiry into their civil disabilities. Proposed publication of the sources of Anglo-Jewish history from pp. xvi, 148. 8vo. London, 1830.* 1206 to 1290. Report, etc. Resume from Prynne, Madox and Tovey. In J.H.S.E. Transactions, vol. viii, pp. 189-191, 1918.* 16. BRIDGES (JOHN HENRY). '7. ABRAHAMS (ISRAEL). The Jews of Europe in the Middle Ages. "The Deacon and the Jewess." Prefatory 11-ote. In Oxford essays contributed by members of the University_ In J.H.S.E. Transactions, vol. vi, pp. 254-259, 1912.* pp. 204-238. 8vo. London, 1857.* 30 ~ 33 A4 THE JEWS IN ENGLAND: MEDIEVAL BIBLIO'l'HECA ANGLO-JUDAICA A4 ::32 DAVIS (MYER DAviD)-continued. 25. --Batch of curiosities [Mixed marriages, An exile in 1290, Curious 17. CALEY (!OHN). On the origin of the Jews· in England. names]. From Archaeologia, vol. 8, pp. 389-405. 4to. [London, 1787]. * In Jewish Chronicle, February 8, p. 18, 1889.* 26. --The Bodleian ewer. [and] Early Wilton and Colchester Jews. 18. CARO (GEORG). Sozial und Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Juden im Mittelalter und In Jewish Chronicle, August 12, 19, 26, September 2, 1887.* der Neuzeit . Band I. Das friihere und das hohe Mittelalter. 27. --.English Jews, A.D. 1250. Zweite Auflage. (Band II. Das spatere Mittelalter.) In Jewish Chronicle, October 7, p. 16, 1892.* 2 Bde. 8vo. Leipzig, 1908.* 28. --Hebrew deeds of English Jews before 1290. Edited by M. D. --Second edition. 2 Bde. 8vo. Frankfurt am Main, 1924, 1920. Davis. Die Juden in England: I. pp. 313-351. II. pp. 3-68. Publications of the Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibition. No. 2. 19. CHEW (HELENA M.). pp. :x:v, 394. 8vo. London, 1888.* A Jewish aid to marry, A.D. 1221. 29. --A writ of Edward I. In J.H.S.E. Transactions, vol. xi, pp. 92-111, 1928.* In J.Q.R. vol. v, pp. 165-166. 1893.* See also A3. 10. 20. CLARKE (Sir ERNEST). Bury chroniclers of the thirteenth century. 30. EXCERPTA EX INSTRUMENTIS PUBLICIS DE JUDAEIS. pp. 26. Ia. 8vo. [London 1], 1905.* · pp. 7. sm. 4to. [London, 1753].* Jews. pp. 17, 21, 22, 24. 31. FAWTIER (ROBERT}. Jews in the "Use of York." Reprinted from "The Bulletin of the ·21. CoHEN (SARAH). John Rylands Library" vol. 5, Nos. 3 and 4, 1919. Jews under Henry III. In Jewish Chronicle, Supplements, October, 1930; May, 1931; pp. 5. 4to. [Manchester,] 1920. * ~·~ February, 1933.* 32. FRIEDMAN (LEE MAx). "' ·Robert Grosseteste and the Jews. ·22. CoRcos (ADA). pp. 34 + 3 plates. la. 8vo. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1934.* ExtractB from the Close Rolls. In J.H.S.E. Transactions, vol. iv, pp. 202-219, 1903.* 33. GANS (DAVID} . .. ,,, n~::t [Cosmography]. 23. DAVIS (MYER DAVID). .pp. 124. Svo. Prague, 1593. An Anglo-Jewish divorce, A.D. 1242. 34. --David Gans' Chronikartige Weltgeschichte unter dem Titel: In J.Q.R. vol. v, pp. 158-165, 1893.* Zemach David, . Originaltext in's Deutsche iibertragen :24. --An Anglo-Jewish painter, A.D. 1270. [Marlibrun (Meir LeBrun} von Gutmann Klemperer. of Billingsgate.] 3 Hefte. 8vo. Prag, 1890. * In Jewish Chronicle, May 31, p. 18, 1901.* \ _,/ THE JEWS IN ENGLAND: MEDIEVAL 35 ;H BIBLIOTIIECA A~GLO-JUDAICA A4 A4 HISTORISCHE CoMMISSION FUR GESCHICHTE DER JUDEN IN 3G. Gwv1m (HALCOTT). 41. The King's Jewry: a play. DEUTSCHLAND. pp. 78. 4to. London, (1921).* Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland. Bd. 3, Das Martyrologium des niirnberger Memorbuches . Herausgegeben 3G. GoLDSCHMIDT (S.). von S. Salfeld. Geschichte der Juden in England von den iiltesten Zeiten his pp. xxxix, 520. la. 8vo. Berlin, 1898.* zu ihrer Verbannung. Erster Theil. XI. und XII. Jahrhundert. Some English entries. pp. vi, 78. 8vo. Berlin, 1886.* 43. JACOBS (JOSEPH). 37. GRAYZEL (SoLoMoN). Anglo-Jewish genealogies in the pre-expulsion period. The Church and the Jews in the 13th century. A study of their · In Jewish Chronicle, September 2, p. 12, 1887.* relations during the years 1198-1254, based on the Papal letters and Conciliar decrees of the period. 44. --Further notes on the Jews of Angevin England. pp. ix, 377. Ia. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1933.* In J.Q.R., vol. v, pp. 51-77, 1893.* 28. GROSS (CHARLES). ;~. 45. -·-.-Jewish ideals, and other essays. The exchequer of the Jews of England in the Middle Ages. pp. xviii, 242. 8vo. London, 1896. * In Publications of the AnglocJewish Historical Exhibition. No. 1. The. London Jewry, 1290, pp. 162-191; Little St. Hugh of Lincoln, pp. 170-230. 8vo. London, 1888.* pp. 192-224; "Aaron, son of the Devil," pp. 225-233. 39. GROSS (HENRI). 46. --The Jews of Angevin England. Documents and records from Gallia Judaica: dictionnaire geographique de !a France d'apres Latin and Hebrew sources . for the first time collected and les sources rabbiniques . Traduit . par Moi:se Bloch. translated by J. Jacobs, etc. pp. x, 766. 8vo. Paris, 1897. * pp. xxix, 425. 8vo. London, 1893.* Includes entries on York, Lincoln, etc., as well as on various 47. --Une lettre fran9aise d'un juif anglais au XIII siecle. mediaeval Anglo-Jewish scholars. In R.E.J. vol. xviii, pp. 256-261, 1889.* 39a. H. (J.). Manuscripts of the late Mendes da Costa. [4 Starrs from the 48. --Notes on Jews from the Pipe Rolls of the twelfth century. Public Record Office.] In Archooological Review, vol. ii, p. 396. London, 1889.* In Gentleman's Magazine, October, 1812, pp. · ~9-331.* 49. --Notes on the Jews of England under the Angevin Kings. 40. H. (W.). In J.Q.R. vol. iv, pp. 628-655, 1892.* Anglo-Judaeus, or the history of the Jews, whilst here in England. Relating their manners, carriage, and usage, from their admission __ QQ, __ --Was Sir Leon ever in London? by William the Conqueror, to their Banishment. p. 7. 8vo. [London], 1889.* pp. [4], 52. sm. 4to. London, 1656.* [From the Jewish Chronicle, Jan. 25, 1889]. D '\ \ \ --: 36 BIBLIOTHECA ANGLO-JUDAICA A4 A4 THE JEWS IN ENGLAND: MEDIEVAL 37 JACOBS (JOSEPH)-continued. 60. KRAUSS (SAMUEL}. 51. --When did the Jews first ,settle in England~ L'emigration de 300 rabbins en Palestine en l'an 1211. In J.Q.R. vol. i, pp. 286-288. 1889.* In R.E.J., vol. lxxxii, pp. 333-352, 1926.* Additional note by Elkan Nathan Adler, ibid., vol.lxxxv, pp. 70-71, 52. JENKINSON (Hn.ARY). 1928.* List of Plea Rolls of the Exchequer of the Jews in the Public Record Office not yet calendared. 61. LEONARD (GEORGE HARE). In J.H.S.E. Transactions, vol. xii, p. xv, 1931.* Expulsion of the Jews by Edward I. An essay in explanation of 53. --Records of Exchequer receipts from the English Jewry. the exodus, A.D. 1290. In J.H.S.E. Transactions, vol. viii, pp. 19-54, 1918.* In Royal Historical Society Transactions, vol. v, pp. 103-146, ·'' 1891.* ~·· '•I 54. --Some medieval notes. In J.H.S.E. Transactions, vol. ix, pp. 185-187, 1922.* 62. LIEBERMANN (FELIX). ' King Alfred and Mosaic law. 55. --Tallies and receipt rolls. In J.H.S.E. Transactions, vol. vi, pp. 21-31, 1912.* In J.H.S.E. Transactions, vol. ix, pp. 188-192, 1922.* See also 63. LITTLE (H. G.). Rigg (James Macmullen). A 4. 81. Friar Henry of W odstone and the Jews. In Collectanea Franciscana, vol. ii, pp.
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    T H E J E W I S H E N C Y C L O P E D I A A GU ID E TO ITS CO NTE N TS A N A ID TO ITS U S E O S E P H A C O BS J J , Rsvxs c EDITO R FU N K WAGNALLS CO M PAN Y N E W YO R K A N D LO N D ON 1906 PR E FACE IN the followin a es I g p g have endeavored , at the s Funk Wa nalls m an reque t of the g Co p y, to give such an account of the contents of THE J E WISH E N C CLO E DIA s as Y P , publi hed by them , will indicate the n u n at re of the work in co siderable detail , and at the same time facil itate the systematic use of it in any of i i ts very varied sections . For th s purpose it has been found necessary to divide the subj ect- matter of the E N CYCLO PE DIA in a somewhat different manner from that adopted for editorial purposes in the various departments . Several sections united under the con trol of one editor have been placed in more logical order in ff e a di er nt parts of the following ccount , while , on the other hand , sections which were divided among different editors have here been brought together under one head. In justice to my colleagues it is but fair to add that they are in no sense responsible for this - redistribution of the subject matter , or indeed for any of the views which either explicitly or by implication are expressed in the following pages on some of the disputed points affecting modern Jews and Judaism .
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