THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, FACE THIRTY-SIX Ettmfng H^raUt A firag* Dally Net Preaa Run The Wsathar For tlM Week Ended Fereeeal ef O. 8. Weetfeer structkm of the apartments on Deeenber 18, 1884 The Prantdi Club of Man­ No Lower PricoB Beow developing teefgM, een- chester will meet tomorrow at MCC to Oppose the basis that they Would sub­ Teen Center Anywhere In Oeaa. A b o u t T ow n 8 p.m. at Orange Hall. There stantially change thS character­ ttoaiag avengk tomevrew, 8-4 will be entertainment and re­ Apartment Bid istics of the area. "Save With Safety** 14,151 taiciMe arcmnulntion; lew tenlght freshments. He will argue that the area, StaH D rops Member of tiie Audit iiattrteatpr lEumtug Bpralh hi teene. Ugh temoirew near 88. Til* npMT C3ub wtn hold It* ------4 althouglvin Residence AA Zone, Bureau of ClrcnlatJon ■nnual mMtini; Sunday at 8:30 Womens Auxiliary of Man­ The Manchsstar Oonserratlon ARTHUR DRUa Manehester^A City of Village Charm pm» Ther* will b# electlob and is almom completely rural, and chester Memorial Hospital will Commission (OfCC) last night, that the construction would installation of ofTicen. At the Pay Request have Its annual Midwinter Tea seriously affect the town-owned eloae of busineoa dinner will be voted formal opposition to a (DlaaeUlad AdvertlMng an Pnge M) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Monday at 1:15 p.m. In the hos­ proposal for the construction of nature preserve. VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 89 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 15,'1965 pital dining room. Dr. John P. The adult supervisors of the 116 apartments on the Calhotm The conservation commission rec department-sponsofed Teen Braat will speak on ‘‘Psyshlat- was instrumental in the desig­ Toorly parlidi meeting of ry In Memchester Today.” Ed­ Farm, adjacent to the Oak Center have dropped their re­ PENTLAND BL John’s Polleh National nation of the preserve as a per­ vard Thoms, hospital admin­ Grove Nature Preserve. petual open space area, and, last quest for a wage adjustment, THE FLORIST Catholic Church will be after istrator, will also speak. Tea the 8 a.m. Mam on Sunday In Nicholas Penchef of Man­ spring, was appointed its over­ "in the best Interests of Man­ “Bverything In FtowenT* will be served after the meet­ chester and Arthur Godbout of seer. Centrally Located At the church auditorium. A cal­ ing. chester’s teen-agers,” and have endar will be arranged for the West Hartford, will appear be­ It was revealed last night 84 BIRCH STREET fore the Boning board of ap­ decided to abide with the de­ 848-4444— 848-6847 year. The FYlendahlp Club will The Town Pension Board will that a representative of the peals on Monday night to re­ partment’s salary schedule. Open 8:30-5:80 serve an installation dinner at meet tomorrow at 4 p.m. In the Lutx Junior Museum, custodians quest a special exception to con­ As a result ot their decision, Open Thnmday Nights tU • Churchill Critically 111 11. The traditional breaking of Municipal Building Hearing of the area, will also appear struct the $1.5 million, 21-build- the Teen Center will operate the wafer (Oplatek) will be ob­ Room, to conduct regular busi­ before the ZBA to express op' with maximum activities for the Parking Across the Street served. Ing complex on 13 acres off Oak position to the apartment con­ For 100 Cars . . . ness. Grove St. remainder of the winter and struction. spring, and no further contro­ Cub Scout Pack 98 wlH mee^t Members of Sunset Rebekah The Mcc several months ago tomorrow at T:!."* p.m. at Buck- versy is in prospect. Lodge will meet tonight at 7 :30 agreed informally to discourage The supervisors said that, al­ ley School. Thera will also be a at 5ie Holmes Funeral Home, construction at that site, and to soimeH meeting. though they would welcome a 400 Main St., to pay respects to Guest Speaker take steps for town acquisition Engaged pay adjustment, they under­ Skating - Coasting The engagement of Mias Me­ the late Mrs. Rudolph Swanson, The Rev. Donald J. Clark, of the acerage, as an open stand the necessity for the Im­ EVERUREENS With Blood Clot in Brain A gat - acquainted night for who was a lodge member. apace addition to the town- lissa Doman of Chicago, Bl., to plementation of town personnel parent* of prospective -1966 dean-director of Rolling Ridge, owned nature preserve. Gordon E. Mielke of Bolton has (IS For Solo) ftariiman at Kaet Cathahc High rules, and will press for the cre­ The Covenant Women’s Guild the New England Methodist ’Hie commission has held in­ been announced by her parents, School will be held tonight at ation of a better Image within Are now in front of n 18- will meet Friday at 8 p.m. at Conference Center of North formal talks with the owner of Mr. and Mrs. Doman of CWca-, 8 at the school. The program the rec department. yr.-old $85,000 home that Doctor Says ’Trinity Covenant Church. Offi­ the farm, with representatives go. Events wUl IndKide a school profile, a Andover, Mass., will be the k to be moved. Will dig question period, a tour of the cers will be elected and in­ o t the Capitol Region Planning Her fiauvce Is a son of Mr. and stalled. Mrs. Roger Lawson and guest .speaker at a churchwide out. building and an informal meet­ stewardship supper on Satur­ Commission and with General Mrs. Raymond Mielke, Rt. 44A. Stateman’ s Mrs. Burton Johnson will serve Manager Richard Martin, all of Report on Ice skating from ing with the faculty. day at 6:30 p.m. at South Meth­ Mias Doman is a senior at In State V as hostesses. whom had expressed intereet In the park department is the same RUSSELL’S ^ AN Y OFFER odist Churcli. Loyola University, Chicago. Spniee, Comer ef Oak St. The Acoordloa Teachers As­ A native of Wllliamstown, the acquisition proposal. — no skating. Her fiance is a graduate of CONSIDERED Heart Weak sociation of Oonneotlcut will 'nte Rev. James Gill, S.J. of However, no formal plans for Also, there Is no skiing at the Manchester High School aind of Open Tues. thra Sat. in Francisco will speak Mass., he is a grraduate of Wil­ sponsor Ms seventh annual com- liams College, Wllliamstown, offers had ever been made. Mt. Nebo slope. DeVry Technical Institute, Chi­ (Closed Mondays) 125 Towns Gain pettUons on March 37 and 38 Wednesday, Jan. 30 at < p.m. TEL 649-3435 LONDON (AP) — Sir and Union ’Theological Semi­ A representative of the MCC Supervised coasting is allowed cago. at StratfMd Motor Inn, 'Mdg*- at a meeting of the Home and No date has been set for tiie Winston Churchill today Sobool Asaociation of Assump­ nary, New York. He has served will appear at Monday night’s dally in Center Springs Park Under New Aid port. Teachers or i8udcots who as associate pastor ot Mathew- wedding. darirs additioaal iafonnation tion Junior High School In the meeting to oppose the con- from 8:30 to dark. suffered a cerebral throm­ mav oontact Louis CecoorulU, church hall. His topic will be aon St. Methodist Church, For Education bosis— a blood clot in the 8987 Main BU Bridgeport. Parents and Their Ambitiona Providence, R. L; minister of First Methodist Church, Paw­ brain— and there was wide­ for n ieir Children.” Guests are spread concern that the 90- TTW Aaaflhwy wBl sponsor hwttad. Father OiB la a gitMlu- tucket, R. I.; and coordinator HARTFORD (A P )—The a card party tomorrow at 8 ate ef Marquette (Wis.) Univer- of ’Wesley Parish, Boston, State Education Depart, year-old statesman might pjn. at Ihs post hotns. attSf of Madlcln* and la on the Mass., prior to his present po­ be at the end of the road. sition. ment moved into high gear tb U t of tbs Institute of Uving, today in its fight to have A medical bulletin from hls' Mrs. SaoMsI Bchoss, bm^ aa- Hartford. Mrs. Stanley Zatkow- The Rev. Mr. Clark serves as doctors said Sir Winston also sellent chief of Kemotial Tem­ ski will head a refrertiment com- secretary of The Interboard the Legislature adopt a has developed a clrcnilatory ple. PyttdsB Bisters, was taMfsll- iniMea. Council and vice chairman of Get A Better Steak new formula for distribut­ weakness, which would appear ad Tassday as past aMef of Me- the Commission on Ecumenical ing state money to local to Indicate that hls heart is m otM T M ^ e . Mrs. Marloa De- Affairs. He is a member of the flagging or that there was a Board of Lay Activities, the school systems. Lade of WWbaafltic, distrist de­ The department .said that 125 fairly general blockage of to* puty, scndaeted Bw Installattoa. Activities Night New England Annual Confer­ arteries. ence suid the Steering Commit­ of the .state's 169 town.s would She was asrtidi fl hjr Mrs. Her­ stand to gain more money un­ The medical bulletin, issued by bert ABsy, grand senior of Man­ Slated at lUing tee of the New England Chap­ Pinehurst his personal physician Lord der the new formula, and only chester, and M as Sahra 8toufh- ter of Methodists for Church Moran,, said: Renewal. He la a member o f ; 44 would ton. asind manager of WiHiniaii- TBtag Junior High Sdiool will “ After a cold, Sir Winston has the Southern Christian Leader-1 Hungr.v for a tender steak dinner? Then Those 44 town.s which — on developed a circulatory weak­ have an AcHvtUea Night for ship Conference and has been | paper, at least — would ness and there has been a cer^ parents ef seventh, eighth and active in the civil rights move- i hurry to Pinehurst Service Meat Counter lose money, would have the bral thrombo.-fis.” option of being paid under the nkilh gisde students Monday at ment, having visited St. Augus-1 Sir Winston w m 90 last Nor. present formula rather than the POR 7:10 p.m. st Itie school. tine, Fla., In April 1964 and Save 16c to 20c on where you get sizzling .juicy steaks cut just 30. Mississippi m August 1964. new one if they .so de.sired. Btsdint woric will be on dis­ Swift’s Top Grade A thrombosis to the formatioa the thickness you want. Every steak care­ Thus, no town would have to of a blood clot in an artery. play tn the arts and crafts. Premium Bacon lb. 59c lose money if It didn't want to. MmamaUng, indiMtrial arts and Sir Winston has survived kro Cosmetics fully trimmed . . . properly aged to give it 7'he State Board of Education previous strokes. imnie olaasrooms. Medical Group Fresh Spareribs has opposed the present system The physical education elassea Lord Moran. 82, has been Sir m that different flavor . . . cut from premium of di.'tributing state aid accord­ Winston's physician for years, wIB presnit a demonstration Sponsors Dance Lean Pork ing to a graduated scale of in the gymnasium. The library, and accompanied him on his and choice beef . S-, Save 20c to 30c lb. on numbers of pupils in attendance. far-ranging travels as Britain’s guidance and audio-visual rooms It has Indorsed a plan under wlU also be opep to the parents. Mrs. Merrill B. Rubinow of prime minister during World Uggefts 08 Butternut Rd. is a member your favorite cut at these special prices. which Connecticut would reim­ War n. Refreshments will be served burse each town 30 cents for In the cafeteria by the hospital­ of the committee for the an­ The medical builetto said **A A t H m Pwkadc nual Medi-Capers dance spon­ r ’ Playing Chilly Peek-a-Boo with Jack Frost evwy dollar it spends on public further bulletin will be issued a4 ity sommtttee and the ninth sored by the Women’s Auxili­ school operaUons. British Statesman Sir Winston Churchill is shown leaving his home last July MANCHESTER grade girls. Schedules for the Sarah Miller, 9, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, 74 Florence St., peeks 10 O'clock tonight." ary of the Hartford County Dr. William J. Sanders, the evening will be sent home with out from behind cap, mittens and muffler— all welcome protection from the for a stay at his country estate’^in Chartwell. The world statesman is reported That Is 6 p.m. EST. Medical Association. education commissioner, said His son, Randolph, earlier had J the students tomorrow. critically ill today with a blood clot on the brain. (AP Photofax.) The event, for members only, morning cold. Temperatures sank to the zero mark (lower in some areas) mak­ that the present formula “ func­ said Sir Winston had a cold, hot will take place on Saturday, NEW YORK or HIP CUT ing it the coldest morning of the winter. Sarah was on her way to St. James tions to penalize towns which added that at Gburchlll’s age Jan. 23, at Silverman Hall. Mo- School when she encountered Herald Chief Photographer Sinch Ofiara. grow or which make a financial any illness must be regarded aa hegan Dr., West Hartford. effort to Improve education. ’The Rohiistelli serious. There will be a social hour greater the growth or the effort, Rusk Denies Attack In toe pcMt, he has suffered a MMCHESTER COMMUNITY GOLLECE from 8 to 9 p.m. with a buffet lb the greater the penalty.” Quits Giants number of iUnesses and had at and dancing to the music of The biggest gainers under the least two strokes. Paul Landerman’s orchestra proposed nfcw formula, the de­ Invariably, he has bounced COWIINUINO EDUCATION COURSE!^ from 9 to 1 a.m. partment said, would be large On North Vietnamese STAMFORD (AP) — Andy SIRLOIN Robustelli. 13-year veteran back, and birthday after liieth- The proceeds from the dance LBJ A^ks Extension oMea. of the National Football day for the laat five years or s n iB T E R 1945 will benefit the Memorial Double Bone and Other more, be has been atoe to totter Scholarship Fund which help* WASHINGTON (AP)—Secretary of State Dean League, said today he was Visitors Banned “ severing my ties as a play­ to the ground-floor windows of A 8CULPTURB WORKSHOP — 2 semester deserving medical and nursing SELECTED U.S. CHOICE CENTER CUT SIRLOINS ...... lb. 99e Rusk denied reports today of air strikes against Com­ Eat some . . . Freese some WATERBURY (AP)—Officials er and coach with the New his London home at Hyde Park students. Tender bit sized tiny munist North Viet Nam. ' Gate, smile and give his famous Mrs. John D. OConnell. 43 at Waterbury and St. Mary’s York Football Giants.” hoBFB. A irtudy of th« techniques of scuiptur* cubes of lean U. S. Sen. John Sparkman, D-AIa., aeked him if press reports of air V-for-vlctory sign t o well-wish- Fulton PI., West Hartford, is Of U.S. Arms Control Hospitals generally have banned “ After careful evaluation Is TBriooB media, and development of indi­ Buy “ fresher-by-far” Pinehurst Ground choice visitors since Thursday because acting chairman of the Senate strikes against' the Communists of my personal future, I ers congregated outside. handling reservations. Porterhouse In Laos and North Viet Nam On his last birthday. Lady Meats for your hamburgs and favorite meat of th* high incidence of acute Foreign Relations (Committee, have deciided to devote full­ vidual abflttfM in a studio settinir- WASHINGTON (AP)__ <^pow*r of this country, the Pre*i-#the unchecked increase of these told newsmen after a closed were correct. time to my sports promo­ Churchill. Sir Winston's Darling loaf . . . upper respiratory Infections in dent said in letters to the House weapons of mass destruction the community. briefing by Rusk that "we can “ North Viet Nam? No,” Rusk tion business,” he explained. Clementine, held her husband's Locomotives Ordered BEEF STEW President Johnson asked plainly say we are not escalat­ replied as he hurried away to arm as he moved rtowly to th# M Bim iG : Wed. 7:46-9:46 P.M. and Senate, the effort to stop can only diminish our safety in The ban is necessary, they He also said he felt that Steak Congress today to extend the spreading of nuclear weap­ the hope for peace.” ing the war.” catch a plane to Texas, where his “ future as a coach was window. He looked extremely PRETORIA — The South Afri­ said, to prevent visitors from President Johnson 1s meeting pale. GROUND CHUCK the life of the U.S. Arms ons "is esaenUal to our security, Johnson noted that four years brining to patients any of the A reporter asked Sparkman limited now whereas my RBOISTRATION JAN. 25-29 can Railways has just placed whether there is any basis for with toe Canadian prime minis­ After "be slowly made his T orders for $76 million worth of Control and Disarmament for a continued increase and ago the United States became many reeidratory infections business Is increasing rapid­ spread of modem weapons can reports that the United States ter. - ly." sign with the first two fingers equipment. The largest, order, Agency for four years to the first nation in the world to which are prevalent in Water­ C 0B090 O A co With large tenderloins actually decrease our security.” eetablish such an agency. has provided air cover for Earlier, officials had said that of his right .hand. Sir Winston totaling $19.3 million, went to or 3-In-1 Blend of bury and stUTOunding to'wns. . was gently led away by Ms “ assure the continuing An accompanying letter by He eald H had a good record Philip J. Walsh, assistant ad­ strikes in North Viet Nam. U.S. jet fighter-bombers attack­ Union Carriage A Wagon Com­ . . . eat some . . . freeze BEEF . . PORK . . VEAL lb wife. 134 E. MkMIo Tpko. — 449-5377 pany, Nigel, South Africa, for leadership of the United agency Director William C. Fos­ of achievement, biting the con­ ministrator at the Waterbury “ Some of the stories coming ing Cipmmunlst targets in South­ 8 half dozen steaks. ter said the legislation will be out in reference to the escala^ east Asia outside of South Viet I^ady CburchM win be 80 ki 100 electric locomotive units. 5 lbs. $3.65 States in the purposeful clusion in 1963 of the limited Hospital, said only families of Drug Thefts April. required to keep the agency op- tlon of the war are not accu­ Nam have limited their regular pursuit of peace.” nuclear test-ban treaty by the persons on the danger list will Sir Winston, over ike years, •1 eratUig because the present au­ United States, Soviet TJnlon and be allowed visiting privUeges, rate,” the senator replied. He (^rations to Laos so far. Oongresslonai approval of the has recoverecl from many IB- thorization does not provide Britain. The treaty, which bans and that fathers may visit new- declined to elaborate. A squadron of about two doe- On the R ise, recommendation, along with the adequate funds beyond the end en jets destroyed a stratcg;lc nessee and a tall in which b* FTesldent’s request for $65 mil­ Earlier when Rusk left the of the present fiscal year, June . (See Page Five) (See Page Bight) committee session, a reporter bridge over the Nan Mat River, SCOTT TOWELS lion for the agency’* expenses 30. near the highway junction town Solution Easy (Bee Page Mclrt) MANeHESTER'S over the next four years, ap^ Grapefruit are at their best now "Attempt* directed toward of Ban B ^ in northeastern Laos peared certain. arms control and other meas­ Wednesday. HARTFORD (AP)—The head . . . and these eeedless Indian River Johnaon told (jongreas a de­ ures to lessen the threat of war The effert was to cut the flow ONLY IfUEL OIL DEALER pinks are especially sweet and full termined effort to halt the are no longer Utopian dreams,” of supplies and reinforcements of the state narcotics _ control of healthful juice. __ JUMBO SIZE epread of nuclear weapons oyer Foster said. Spring Fashions ’ Colors from North Viet Nam over section says toe theft of drugs Bulletins the world Is essenUal to the se­ He added; "The work of the Route 7 through Laos to South ,is ihereasing but a state prose­ curity of the United States. He Arms Control and Disarmament Viet Nam. cutor adds that drug thieves Called from AP Wlrei. OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY! Save 14c on every 4 you 3L buy no litade clear that nonprolifera­ Agency hsia become an integral GRAPEFRUIT The attacking planes made are easy to catch. limit. tion is a foremost objective of part of our over-all national se­ their bombing run through a Robert C. G ^ b , the state R his disarmament policy. curity policy. Armaments alone Like Abstract Paintings 40 size curtain of antiaircraft fire, the Health Department official, said INDICTMENTS .BETUKNED can no longer Increase security; PflORIARTY BROTHERS Eiespite the vast defensive bridge being one of the most Thursday that doctors, hospi­ JACKSON, MkM. (AP)—A heavily fortified positiods on the By RHEA STEWART tals, pharmacists, and federal grand jury retumed entire route into South Viet drug outlets are being urged to (Special Herald Writer) -84 indictments today, but SERVING YOU WITH CLOROX • • • • • • Gal. 53c Nam. increase their, security because gave no Indleatton wlwther 24 24 LaBelle Backs W illiam s NEW YORK (AP) — "I any of theae luTolved tfia for wonder if hot cakes are (See Page Eight) (See Page Bight) slaying of three rtvO HgM| selling like paintings,” the workers in Misnieelppi laS HOUR HOUR In Criticism of Court Bununer. Jury foranan Dal* If your family enjoys cocoa . . . hot or owner of an art gallery is la* Cowan, Jackson insnianM FUEL on. P 5 S BURNED 9 for $1.00 cold . . . if you have one child and es­ quoted as saying. And this man, read iiM report to V.8. Di^JViRY R IE L OILS SERVICE pecially if you have several children HARTFORD (AP)—MaJ. Les-f State's Atty. John p . Labelle great fascination with Mental Hospital Fire Dist. Judge Harold Cox P ______. . . you will want to save 30c on this Ue W. Williams, Administrative of Hartford (bounty said today paintings on the part of the shortly before noon. Cox di­ officer of the ^ t e Police De­ that "what Major Williams said American public may account rected the U.S. attorney's a$> Hershey’s Instant Cocoa Mix. Hershey partment, got some support about pollqe work being made for toe sort of prints the fash­ .flee to prepare the iadtot- Save 80c on these U. S. State of has been making choco and cocoa for to d ^ in his critlciem of recent more difficult by recent constl- ion editors of the country saw Fatal to Two Patients mento. Maine Grade A a long time . . We guarantee it . . , U. 8. Supreme Court declsiona tional holdings of the Supreme during the shows of the Ameri­ affecting police work. Court is true.” S i CALL 643-5135 Hershey guarantees it . . . can Designers Series. I- EQUAL TIMK LAW Williams, in a speech at West- But U. 8. Atty. John O. New­ ST. LOUIS (AP)—A brief, but blistering, general 315 CENTER STREET MANCHESTER A print is like a painting to­ SAN FRANC8800 (AP) port Thursday night, expresaed man. Chief Federal Prosecutor day. It covers the body as if alarm fire killed two women patients Thursday night —A major oveekMd ef tha POTATOES oiqtoslllon to some of the high in Connecticut, said; HERSHEY’S INSTANT It ■were put there with a brush; vs; 1%' U; controversial equal tense eourt’s decl(dons and said that at the State Mental Hospital. More than 1,000 other pa­ "We will never get Rie to' which is to say that every shape tients were threatened but quick work by firemen and law governing polltieul sane* 2 'lb. can "the handcuffs encumbering law telligent, detailed consideration paign broadcaete was reeom- COCOA anforcement authorities today and fleck of color goes to a cer­ others prevented greater tragedy. that is needed so long as all tain :q)ot by prearrangement, mended today b j the ehatr* are becoming ludicroua.” Supreme Court decisions are tn- A6out 1,200 patients, some to<»------{ : nn i:: without repetition of motif to a man o f the Federal Oonamn- p i i i i diserimtoantly attacked as wheelchairs, were removed into and an estimate of toe damage ntoations CoroaileekiB. Cliali^. lbs. MIX ‘handcuffs' on the police.” ,; _ , stog'le dresa. In fact, things sub-freezing temperatures from were not immediately deter­ have got to the stage where naan E. WUUnm Heniy** prtt*. ‘L" PLEASE NOTE — EPFICTIVE MONDAY, JANUARY 18 |ili (Sorry - Limit I Newman did say, however, a women’s dormitory and then mined. K}i! ______^______mil Ex-Con K illed, Jerry Silverman commented poenl would: Ease the ih* to aa ordar) that "there are some rules of sheltered temporarily in a near­ Firemen at a nearby station qulretnent that so-enlMI 16th Slaying criminal procedure, that merit about his collection that "spac­ by auditorium. house have long familiarised splinter party eandidatee be careful re-examtoatlon.” ed prints" were o.n their way Most of them wot^e only night themselves with toe buildings of granted as much free iadle-< OPEN VINE Ri p e n e d t o m a t o e s Labelle said: "I don’t quarrel back, and by "spaced prints” clothes and were barefoot al­ toe sprawling South St. Louis televiBlen ttese as aeajep' Gangster Style he meant the kind we are used though some managed to drape CUKES, g r e e n b e a n s with the end result of these con­ hospital complex for such an party eandWetee; regntea to seeing, with toe same bunch blankets around them. A major­ emergency. The complex houses SUMMER SQUASH AND GAMPBELL’S MEAT SOUPS stitutional holdtoye- It means broodeaatan to graeit mejeg WILMINOTON, Masa. (AP)— thouito, that police and prosecu­ of flowers at regrular intervals. ity of toe paUents were evacu­ about 3,600 patients and covers party eandtdetee free air t|n|h 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Laat WMk w* fMtturad Chlckan Soup . . . ated within 30-mlnutcs after toe THE FINEST ICEBERG Sal* now Include* Chicken, Meat, Muahroom. The body of an ax-convict waa tion officials must ,be retrained You can tell a fashion is “to" almost nine city blocks. hi amounto equal to the tisee LETTUCE fMaid beaten and ahot in the to police methods to order to when the pendulum starts to blaze was discovered. Assistant Fire Ctoief Robert they buy: eaeur* se«e frea MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY All at back of the head today in the meet these new concepts." turn. Another woman, Sally Tur- Olsen said toe fire was so hot. akr ttni* far adteority parttaa 6 cans $1.00 16th gaiwland-atyle elaying in Newman asserted that “ broad­ A giant stalk of iris may go pen, 67, of St. Louis, died after that it held toe firemen back for mad their eaudMetos; Isuvs Greater Boeton in 10 montha. side attacks on toe U.S. Su­ from bust to hemline, the mo­ collapsing In the state hospital a few momenta, despite their untouched the pnaent Thursday— ^ to 8 P.M. cafeteria. Police said Mr*. Tur- The victim, draaeed only in preme Court only confuse toe tifs are that large. And toe masks and protective fire suits. pen, a widow, was awaiting ta- But once they caught up with HOURS undarahirt, ehorta, a necktie public and hide ^ real issue* blending o f oolors takf« on a and aox, waa Identified through involved to criminal law en- formation about friends who toe blaze in toe hallway, they MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE FREE PLASTIC MIXING BOWL dlffei*ent look, rince the shade waa being evacuated from the put it' out almost Immediately. ftngerprlnta aa Robert Raamua- forcemeiit.’* at the shoulder will be different OOBOCANmOt . een, $6, of 91 Bmmet St., Ded­ hospital, (^use of her death One firenmn suffered a minor with purchBS* of 3 pacIcagBS of DU N CAN HINES LAYER CAK E M IX Specific reference was made when H reappears on the skirt. KMINSON CITY . T M ham. by toe federal prosecutor to was not immediately learned. case of smoke inhalation. Obviously t l ^ is a triok for (AP) — OsB. Andrew W, D.H. WhtU DJI. OoooMit Burpriaa He had boon released from Williams’ statement that "toe "We were very lucky it wasn't lb * dead were identified a* S \ V I M G S blgh-pri wurdk 4>4»9aT r^saaist iwsTiraTiea >-ii! CORNER MAIN and TURNPIKE a Boston police station and Mapp case,” eald New­ natural Uwt the art'- whlrii to- 9:33 p.m. in the long, rambling, in to* wing that were not dam------" ' Ourreot Aaiiaal OPEN TILL 9 THURS. and'PRI. •riled lor protection, saying “ 1 man,. "rim ^ reaulrss atate oC- q S n s a dretm la often of the old five-story b r l » buUdlng, ■gad. Others were boused in th* wbldh Is almost 100 yean-old. gym, cafeteria, muiteans and Dividend On Op e n S A.M. FRI. and SAT. Biay be. the next one to b# fiotali to abtd* v s e*Mm)i ipuid |M(west abstract kind. IffUed." . seizure rules that have governed IN>p art la pure form hasn’t This two-piece ensemble of black ai(d white abstract Th* Uaee broke out th • Un*n corridora with cote and bhtnkete dr. PINEHURST GROCERY ithahBtlali’lal 9 A.M. OTHER DAYS The fireflghtor eald bs and federal ottlolala for decades. In ■howB < 9 yet; nO giant ham- printed Italian Bilk twill is in Samrs spring collee- eloset on the third floor toe supplied by the Ited Gross. #8taa Mumy, $8, of Oamhrldge. taot, many atates were already burfers maRs tato dreaeie, al- denaltoty and epnad imikUy Iteoui IN Btodent nunai M OBaeiBBiBaaaBB vtion. It featursa a dramatic trailing scarf ot bladt through • room wMh a la * hede u c U f fo n . IBM a haSMBF. Ohaae a t fkt t h t l v a a

a— ■■ V 8 ' «4 . - a.*- •. * * . ^v.- I I n


Further, the production was tn Andover foreign exchange broker and Bl- Heart Ailment Qaims UG)nn Series English which helped the new­ Sheinwold on Bridge E f lS T U J p O iodoro Martinez, 48, of Miami, comer immeasurably, although Spring Fashion Colors Rep. Halleck Conti Refuse Unit Counsel^ Agents Seize a Cuban national, were arrested FREE I much prefer the work In the House T ax Here Soodi tebr ^ ^ In the Queens motel only a day original Italian; but then I’m CHOOSE OPENING LEAD TO NottIhSoath y^enlto •TOPKAPI" Jeanette MacDonald Offers Opera INDICATE INTEREST NORTH after they arrived in this covm- Btaity Aivitt quit* familiar with it Seen Highest of MMlna Mareourt First into Finance Group Plans Budget Drags Worth try. Oddly enough, the printed By ALFRED SHEIWNOIJ) A K963 Maxlminian BeheQ Like Abstract Painting HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Actor By JOHN GRUBER National Men's Team Chantplon ^ KJ 8 il9 The raiding police and federal ARTHUR DRUa program did not have a synop­ 5 Area Towns 0 AK87 agents said Reguera had been <^IM lUyinoTHl make* a mourn­ For the first time, the UCoim sis of the plot but offered six­ When you lead an "o ff” suit PloB “iBYitatloa to a Goa (Conttnned from Page One) The Northeast Refuse Dlspo-AConti will be asked to draw- $4 Million against three notrump, your ♦ 7 6 3 __ a knit Dior does this mm bat­ New Offices trailed since he flew into Miami ful Journey to Hollywood today Concert Series presented opera teen different commentaries on W m BAST Fighter” with Yol Bryaaer ter with a special fabric from sal District lait night appoint If he considers It necessary- from Caracas. Katherine L. Pratt, a realtor, partner keeps returning the sil­ 6:80 - lOtlO______will fonnally endorse the dis­ last evening a* the Goldovsky Don Juan (or Don Giovanni) by * 8 4 RAI1053 though heaven knows what Japan that looks like knit wool, ed Itself an attorney and as­ NEW YORK (AP)—Alert fed­ with the body of hi* wife, Jean­ people ranging from Tirso de has made a survey of real es­ ly suit, and declarer has time we'll see on the beaches this WASHINGTON (AP) — trict, which has been organized The cocaine found in the two to romp home with nine tricks. tyl06S (7 9842 but Is really, as the commenta­ eral narcotics agents in one bags of luggage was said to be ette MacDonald, lovely *ong;blrd Opera Theateroffered Motairt'* Molina (really a Spanish monk tate taxes for 1963 and 1964 in 0 6342 0 10 FRL • SAT. Matlaeea Oaly summer. The'cloeest thing ap­ Charles A. Halleck takes the signed him two Jobs. under a general state enabling ’Then you have to explain why tor proudly explained, a woven last, long step from the office of day have balked three men worth 38 million on the under­ of a lilting; era in American famous “ Don Giovanni'” to a named Gabriel Tellez) to Sten- 63 eastern Connecticut towns. "LITTLE RED RIDINO ' pears, surprisingly, at Christian silk. A navy wool gabardine And it appointed finance law. movie* v'ho died of a heart ail­ you led the suit if you., had HOOD” aad the foaaleat, Dior in the form of a black- House Republican leader today from passing 9.7 pounds of co­ world market. house than full capacity. dahl and Kierkegaard. With daytime dress was praised be­ committee to prepare a tenta­ The bylaws were finally ap­ In the Bronx, a city detective ment In Houston Thursday. She such unluiowns as Grabbe and Of special intetWt to local peo­ nothing in it. ermsleat, sUHeet aiaaster* and-white print like a cross­ — and accomplishes what no The^/TMulU of the experiment South dealer cause it looks like 6iih. congressman has done before. tive budget for the coming fis­ proved fpr content by the dis­ caine worth 34 million on the and two federal agents found was 57. m f e of mixed value and enjoy- Frisch Included in the melange. ple are the figures for Andover $ AQ75 word puzzle, with the name There Isn’t a straight skirt at trict last night, after an item- city's illicit market. Her death brougl't an end to a North-South vulnerable "Christian Dior” filled in the Tile deposed GOP House chief cal year. 2.2 pounds of cocaine worth 31 FREE 0 9 * ” ■ment. It'is extraordinary that there and the four towns adjacent to Opening lead — Six of Dia­ Dior’s. Some are flared with a by-ttem review. The first 17 "They arrested two Florida million In the apartment of Jose I; . brilliant stafe and film career was no quotation from Lenau * K98 blanks. (Well, many women becomes the first to move into The attorney 1* Joseph Conti First off let me say that It monds panel front, some wrap around the huge, costly and unfinished articles were reviewed at a businessmen at a motel near Muniz, 35. His wife was alone and to her TTryear j.-arrlage,— whose version o f the talc in­ Soak West Norik Bsit have been wishing they could of Manchester, a former town CATALOG everyone received more than Something similar might have 1 ^ Past 1 A PU6 in the one-sided effect that goes Rayburn Office Building — thus previou.s meeting; Kennedy Airport Thursday and in the apartment. a childless one. Her last words spired Richard Strauss to write A house with a fair market wear an expensive label like full value for the price of his value of 310,000 was used as a happened In this hand If West 1 NT Pass 3 NT An Pa along with the Jacket fastening leaving the place of the mighty engineering aide and an asso­ Struck from the bylaws after seized 7.5 pounds of the illegal to Raymond came in a Houston the only other musical version that on the outside.) drug hidden in false bottoms of The three officers went to a ticket. The production ran bSLSis fort’Comparlson. The ac­ had opened the deuce of dia­ to the side, some are fan-pleat­ for the echoing halls of the ciate of Manchester's state rep­ last night’s discussion were al­ known hangout of Muniz and CMtOM efsRH I* Wwft ***lity hospital, where she had been of the story now extant. his partner could have a real Bleick and white are colors ed. A style called the "peplum resentative, Atty. Paul Groo- their luggage. smoothly, was well mounted, tual taxes paid on such a house mond*. (A club lead would ■' I.||DmiClAN>flVI Im|A‘. «AIS. mighty few. ternate articles governing the waited for him. When he came fl^wn Tuesday to undergo heart and offered the rather lengthy The orchestra played well un­ interest. Since it was vital to that combine often for spring, skirt” has been designed by bert. Another 2.2 pounds were mmirsK . . . lo in Andover and the four other have given South his nipth trick Saturday morning, as soon as way the cost of the disposal out, he spotted the officers and PIWM lof Ij- •urgery. work in almost all its entirety; der Mr.’s direction grab four club trick* at ones, . I JlMMrSwiIHlli'l) Imi SlASOHlS and they are colors that lend Gaston Berthelot, who mo'.tes seized earlier in the day In a towns this past year is shown without a struggle.) How could themselves to the abstract print the Halleck staff has moved out The t'wo Jobs he was assigpied plant operation will be appor­ fired five shots at them. They cludini e«d«r ehsiri, chilitt, ‘ t love you,” she whispered. even with the. few standard and was of moderate size, in West lead a diamond wrlthout Mitchell had to lead the Jack the New York collection for bags and baggage, the new GOP are to prepare a special act tioned. Bronx apartment and a detec­ Mnch^ UW«i. . ^ " I love you, too,” he replied. keeping with Mozart’s ideas of as averaging 33 less this year SiA^Git; AsihudGisihio that creates a sort of optical tive and two agents captured a fired 15 back at him, two from nuuseoaiMS/. . . b«m t« cut* many found it too long and than in 1963. Andover, however, appearing to have a real inter­ of clubsS Dior, shortly before the show­ leader, (3erald R. Ford, will validating the formation of the ■ A coat sharing plan ■will be shotguns. Int Are*lt*ct-d»«lf*«d Is St i*r ^ e died a few minutes later. scoring. Settings were effective South would have played the Illusion. At Christian Dior’s a ing for the out-of-t: . man they called “ a major whole­ left before the end which came was about 312 higher in actual est In the suit? white silk background Is print­ move into the Capitol office of disposal district, and to review decided upon as part of the dis­ Mttkic. to »oi*o owfy Morsel th e aubum-halred sopranot about 11:30, a not unusual and costuming adequate. Alto­ When the hand was played In eight of clubs if Mitchell had ^ G e t The dresses in question seem saler” in narcotics after a fierce He was wounded by several preMom. taxes paid. ed with horizontal black lines the leader with his flies, books the proposed bylaws discussed trict’s working regulations, or of the shotgun pellets, but not h ^ left her Beverly Hills hoifie ; closing time for opera, but an gether it was a bit better than an exhibition match In FVance led a low 61ub, and'then the Y . Y o i/r s e if fl straight in front, but low at the gun battle. WrHr or Cr/t Andover with a 1964 tax of that seem to break off and re­ — and problems.' by the district members last added to the bylaws, when the seriously, "nie officers escaped In, serious but not critical Condi- ; hour for which many were un­ I expected, and probably not last year, Samuel Stayman led contract would have been safe. hem in back Is a flaring pep­ Halleck, the self-proclaimed Oscar H. Reguera Jr., S3, of ti«n as the result of a^ongtime 3306 is about 10 per cent high­ i COiLKt G 'RL appear; a wide black border night. disposal facility is nearer to prepared. up to the expectations of many the six of diamonds Instead of The lead of the Jack of clube lum. One costume with this, “ gut fighter” from Indiana, Hialeah, Fla., described as a injury. c^diovascular ailment. unfamiliar with the problems er than Hebron with 3266.50, developed four fast club tricks does the same reappearing trick The finance committee, in­ construction. In short, this was not an Coventry wifn 3263.25, and Bol­ the deuce. This kind of "top of feature is a navy rayon alpaca won’t be around for the senti­ She had been, operated upon in of operatic production. and defeated the contract. low on the bodice; and a double coat dress with g;old buttons in cluding a representative from Thei-e has as yet been no de­ ‘‘.opera workshop" production ton with 3260. Columbia, which nothing” lead can usually be border is on the skirt. Another mental journey from the office June IMS by Dr. Michael E. De- read by an alert partner. Daily Queeilon two rows down the front, worn each of the four member towns, cision by the district as to B^key. who recently performed but a fully professional endeav­ for years had a relatively ^East Windsor Illusion in black and white, this under the Capitol dome with its WOODWORKERS, INC. or scaled somewhat smaller Declarer won in dumihy, As dealer, you bold: Spades, with a plaid scarf. magnificent view of the mall will prepare a budget draft for what means of disposal should abdominal surgery on the Duke smaller increase in school pop­ K-9-6-S; Hearts, K-J: DlamMids, DRIVE-IN »ouif 5 with the effect of a brick wail submission to each member be adopted. That choice will RidzrlleM, Ceu., IVuiberr- JEANETTE MacDONALD than production* at the Met or Rockville cashed the king and Jack of At pMt Press Weeks the and the Washington Monument. >nrw*lk Rd., (1.8. Ble. 7) o f Windsor. In December, she ulation and a more favorable A-K-8-7; Club*, 7-6-8. seen through water, appears at community. probably follow an engineering at the Bushnell. The price of tax base than Andover, was hearts, and then led a low spade BONUS — Tonight Only Sarml’s in a .straight, slim two- models walked along the run­ When he arrives back in town TrI; ID S-lIM kid an operation for abdominal Horn dummy. Victor Mitchell, What do you say7 study. (Are* n>de MS) adhesion* at UCLA Medical admission wa« considerably lowest of the five towns with “PARTY GIRL” piece. dress of silk twill with way accompanied by the - in time (or the inauguration The draft will Include notice When sound came in, movie smaller, too, running about 15 Democrats Pick playing the East cards, wras Answer: Bid one diamond. Fri. * Sat. from 6:80 playing of a smiling gentlemsm next week, he’ll find himself that the district might under­ Although the study may well Cdnter. studios were seeking musical an average tax on the 310,000 The hand i* clearly worth an wrapped skirt and overblouse or 20 per cent of what you’d alert. Sunday from 8:80 that trails a long black chiffon named Sam who kept an eye on settled in a second-floor, three take an engineering study, but be undertaken during the com­ She arrived in Houston by talent, and Miss MacDonald home of 3160. The six of diamonds could be opening bid, and the only ques­ normally pay. Naturally there Slate in Election On* likely reason for the ocatY -from the throat. the clothes and would herald a i-oom suite — with a fine view of that It Intends not to ask the ing fiscal year, the district commercial airliner, Tuesday was signed by Paramount for a fourth-best only if West’s suit tion Is whether to bid diamonds scarlet dinner dress with "The the Capitol, a long walk away. members agreed last night that and was rushed hr Methodist were shortcomings but there IVn On#» W n n f fi payments in the or spades. Avoid an opening Pkullne 'Trigere has scallops town’s for funds for the study an early talkie opposite Chevali­ was certainly more than 20'T?. were headed by Q-J-9. But then Lady in Red” and an Oriental Until the subway system is they would not ask the newly Hospital by am biance. Be­ er in "The Love Parade.” V f l l C TT « U lS jfo „ r towns other than Colum- bid In a very weak four-card of black and white going their this year. of such an offering to be seen Stayman would have led the style with ‘‘Song of India.” This operating between the Rayburn appointed finance committee to cause of her wMkened oondl------I bia is that all of them have queen rather than the six. major suit when some other bid Individualistic way around a The-district was created to She achieved her greatest and heard last night. floor-length dinner dress with a season the mo<^ 1s different. building and the Capitol, the 64 include a request for funds for ticn. open-heart / surgery was fame when Louis B. Mayer All Democratic office holders built their own high schools, re- Hence Mitchell read the lead is available. EHSTUJOOD Another gentleman named Slim year-old Halleck will have to organize and operate a refuse that purpose in its report. postponed, a HolWwood spokes­ A very definite shortcoming grional or individually, in recent short black long-sleeved jacket disposal facility — an Incinera­ signed her to an MGM contract was not the fault of the com­ and one Republican alderman for what it was. who has won considerable ^ame walk through the underground Instead, the district will bor­ 1 man said. She beinjg fed years. Columbia, still on a tui­ It was clear that declarer For Sheinwold’s 86-page book­ from which a t^Iored bow lets tor or composting plant—for Its and later teamed her with a lit­ pany at all. Jorgenson Audi­ were endorsed for re-election by its streamers fall to the hem- as the player of records at walkway from his office to the row on short term notes when lift ravenously when she died. tle-known opera baritone, Nel- tion basis with Windham could take four hearts and four let, ” A Pocket Guide to House ^ chamber, not counting four member towns. torium is not the place to stage the Democratic Town Oommlt- High School, has not as yet had SATURDAY aad SUNDAY Hne. One of the most striking Shepheord’s, most “in” of the It undertakes the study. Nelson Eddy, Miss MacDon­ .son Eddy. PSom the moment of diamonds. If he got a spade Bridge,” send 00 cents to disclothcques where the young escalators and elevators. ald's partner in a series of i grand opera, to begin with. 'The is? ^ bieeting Wednesday, to solve the problem and pay MATINEES ONLY dresses of the season ha* this Member towns are Manches­ Thus, the organization will their lyric duet of “ Ah, Sweet trick also, he would rattle off Bridge Book, Manchester Eve. That may not be for long, ter, 'Vernon, South Windsor and nlelodic films from , "Naughy stage and Its facilities are in­ The Democrats, however, hope for it. same overall effect, but ironi­ things go to frug, performs on not have to ask the towns for I Mystery of Life” In “ Naughty the first nine tricks. Herald, Box 3818, Grand Central /¥ou Thf famow: Chotorftrt a turntable. His selections are however. Tile two cars (or the Bolton. melodic films from "Naughty | adequate even to a small scale scheduled for I Leave* GOP Committee Mitchell therefore roee ■with Station, New York 17, N.Y. of fht fotrf Tair W^'ild cally, Is not a print at all. Miss nearly as large an amount this Marietta,” the team was an in­ production, and the flat floor suitably muted as to volume, subway — each to carry 24 pas­ Atty. Conti passed the state ah Angel” (1M2), said he was ^ meeting of the Andover the ace of spades and switched Copyright 1966 To^ithrr for Tht f/rtf hmtf , Trigere has simply combined year as they would if the study Asdorted Milk and ternational sensation. makes viewing difficult. These A bill is presently pending in ! Republican Town Committee ' three colors diagonally in a din­ but the mechanical flavor was sengers and an operator — ore bSLT examinations in 1962, after “ ghocked and deeply dis­ to clubs, the only suit In which General Feature Corp. to be delivered and put in Jtlace were to be financed from the Dark Chocolate Lb. tressed” to learn of her death. Eight operettas later, Miss conditions would obtain no mat­ A.sMmbly to forgo j hgu ia,t week at the home of ner dress: Black at the top, apparent when a tulle-veiled working since 1967 as a senior coming year’s budged. MacDonald and Eddy went their ter what company or what bride c.ppeared. Where S" i today. The hopes are that they eng(lneerlng aide with the town Eddy once scotched the rumor •! C u v 'c Hutchinson the resig- then chartreuse, then white. The move was decided upon separate professional ways. opera was presented. One of the conceits of the would have struck up with will be zipping along by the end engineering department. He be­ that the Eddy-MacDonald team H ? 'IP' Montague White from of next month. in order not to burden the four as chilly in real life as an- They teamed with other singers "Don Giovanni” suffered couture is to use fabrics that Lohengrlnfl the turntable be­ came associated with Atty. but never achieved the success u* * ' committee was announced It’s The Biggest Entertainment Ever! It’ll be lonely In the Rayburn member towns with large, un­ for new furniture? Masterpieces oQier musical partnership, Gil­ more than some operas by the under the city s charter, and |and accepted with regret. Ells­ look like something besides gan to play "More” with a Groo(bert in 1963. they had known together. Eddy very size of the auditorium. those elected will serve until' Beatle beat. building for a while, before the expected budget requests for bert and Sullivan. worth Ctovell was elected to fill Take The Family! Laugh Together! what they are. There is a great District members said last the coming year. “ There never was a feud,” he has made night club tours in re­ Mozart operas are all intimate June 80, when the city’s govern­ fancy for woven wools in small Weil, the keynote of fashion offices for the 168 other con night they expected Atty. Con GET THE CASH YOU NEED AT LOW BANK RATES ■ ! in Miniature cent years. She has lived in the vacancy. gressmen who’ll be quartered The short term notes would declared. affairs and the vast reaches of ment will be abolished to make White stated that he would prints that have the effect of Is that it changes. ti’s engineering background and 'Miss MacDonald's career also sem li^rem ent with Raymond, auditoria seating three or four way lor a consolidated govern­ ENDS there are completed. So far Hal his pt^esslonal association with be paid off with future ap­ LESS BANK CHARGE MONTHLY REPAYMENT TERMS 1 1 whom she married June 17, ment. be in Florida and other points leek’s only neighbors will be propriations from the towns. LOAN OF .OFST'S paired with other top stars — thousand make it impossible to until April and could not there­ Atty. Groobert would both (per year) 12 months 24 months | 1937, in one of Hollywood’s most Republicans recently an­ workmen and some subcommit­ The finance committee will CSark Gable in “ San Francis­ achieve the ehanr. apparent, for fore be available for meetings prove of assistance to the dis­ $ 1 2 .5 0 1 UTTLK AMVrOeRATS elaborate weddings. nounced they would nominate TUES. Some Republicans ^Scared^ tees holding sessions there. nevertheless Include an esti­ $ 3 0 0 $ 18 $ 25 co,” Maurice Qievalier in example, in a prcKluction at and other committee business. trict. •MMATUM OHOCOLRTI4 no one for the election, even if The (Japitol architect’s office mate of the amount of the 3 6 ■ 50 __ 25 I *'tove Me, Tonight,” and “ The Offscreen as on, Mias Mac­ Munich’6 Rezlden* Theater ’The time of the committee 6:16-9:04 Atty. Conti is also a member . 6 00 where less than 500 can be seat­ it is required. Thomas G. Car- report* that some of the offices study in its tentative budget, 3 7 .5 0 1 Merry Widow," Allan Jones in Donald remained the perfect has been changed MAT. of the Manchester Democratic 9 0 0 54 75 “ The Firefly” and Lew Ayres in lady. She was cautious and po­ ed. However, since we can’t all ruther*. GOP town chairman, I *"**“ '^* To Support Ford Choice still lack furniture and carpet­ to ^ve town budget-makers from the first ’Tuesday of the SAT. 8:06 ing. Town Committee: the majority 1 ,200 72 100 50 1 “ Broadway Serenade.” lite in her statements and hence run over to Munich, we have to originally proposed the elimina­ of Manchester’s five man dele­ an idea of the eventual ex­ tion of the city election as an month to the second Tuesday. Because of the need for find­ pense. LIFE INSURANCE INCLUDED She was bom in Philadelphia. was considered a poor Interview. be satisfied the way things are Sheriff’s Ball Bet WASHINGTON (AP) —^very differently. But the South­ gation to the district is Demo­ She began singing and dancing The devotion of her fans was here. “ unnecessary expense to the erners told Ford they Just ing a place (or Halleck — and Clarence Custer, deputy sher­ Southern Republican congress­ quick — furniture for his office cratic. Members of the finance com­ at an early age, and first found extraordinary. Ihccept for a "Don Giovanni” is an azpen- taxpayers.” couldn’t afford two anti-Gold- mittee appointed laet night are THE CONNECTICUT BANK (SMdenni iff, announces that the first an­ Final selection of the coun­ success as a dancer. While ap­ brief return in two IMS films, sivs opera to produce: to be­ TTioee endorsed Wednesday men were “ scared to death” to water thing* In a row In the par­ was borrowed from others. nual ball of the Tolland County sel was up to the district’s ex­ James Perry, Manchester: AND TRUST COMPANY 941 MAIN ST.—448-6881 pearing in Brosulway revues she her movie career ended with gin with, it demands three fe- were Mayor Leo B. Flaherty support House Leader Gerald R. ty. They were scared to death.” Everett Gardner, Vernon: Ho'w- continued vocal lessons and Jr., Edwin J. Heck, treasurer. Sheriffs Association will be held ecutive board, on which all Prescription Phannaoy “ Cairo” in 1942. Tet 30 years ntale Voices of first quality. on the evening of Feb. 6. Ford's whip candidate because Ford him.self said, ’’Well, U»e four to'wn’s are represented ard FItz, South 'Windsor, and 16 N. Main St., 893 Main St., Manchester Parkade reached stardom as a linger. later, 40 of her fans came to Assessors William F. McMahon razleat - SUlleat some days you win and some Hadassah Hears Last night we got three ade­ The affair wrill take place at it might have been construed as The special act toat Atty. Edmond Morancey, Bolton. Hollywood from as far away as quate voices but nothing out­ and Watts 8. Shattuck, and al­ an anti-Goldwater move, a high­ days you lose.” dermen Frederick Bilow, Joseph the P.A.C. ballroom on Village Cook on Monday Australia to celebrate the 2Sth standing in timbre, technique, St. In Rockville. Music wrill be ly placed pro-Ford source said Arends said, " I ’m going to try anniversary of their fan ,club. artistry or understanding. Kay Konlcki, Albert W. Hager, Rich­ CHARTER OAK RESTAURANT today. to make Jerry look good.” Ar­ ard L. McCarthy, John Woron, provided by the Paul McGeary Pins COLOR CARTOONS Be modern with Marshall sang as Donna Anna: orchestra. A buffet luncheon will 120 CHARTER OAK ST.— MANCHESTER He a.scribe* to this (actor the ends served under Ford’* two Mrs. Renee Kahan of Windsor James Kelly and Republican Al­ Nancy Stokes was heard as be served. Reservations may be defeat of Ford's personal choice Immediate predecessors, and will speak and give a cooking derman Arthur Edwards. s a t t :r d a y s c h e d i ;l e WSCS to^fear Donna Elvira: Gwen Little ap- made by calling Mr. Custer, NOW YOU CAN HAVE YOUR for the assistant leader’s Job, said in advance he would be demonstration Monday at 8 peeu'ed a* Zerlina. Each had Aspinall Dr. Riding Hood - 10:80 - 12:85 Rep. Peter H. B. Frelinghuysen completely loyal to Ford if he p.m. at a meeting of Manchester points in her favor, and each Magnet in a Strip PIZZAS'OR 8RIN0ERS 2:20 - 4:10 of New Jersey. won. He insists his election was Chapter of Hattosaah at Mott’s Plans for Fair had manifest shortcomings. All .Manchester ‘ Evening Herald Cartoons 11:55 - 1:50 - 8:44 Instead of following Ford in not a repudiation of Ford by Community Hall. She will dem­ those Ford is supposed to lead. Lumrimis nw look were better than might have LOfi ANGELES — Flexible Andover oorreepondent, Law­ his as their new lead­ onstrate how to make jelly roll f jl DELIVERED Frelinghuysen told friends, “ I "Your 1965 Fair Committee been expected at the price. magnetic stripe that can be cut rence Moe, teleplione 742-6796. SUNDAY 8CHEDUI.E er, House Republicans Thurs­ and Viennese plum fllM (lump- Thomas Clerke was Don Ot­ i WITHIN 6 MH.E RADIUS day re-elected the old whip, like to think I’m glad I tried.” lings. The public is invited. Speaks and Listens” will be the with scissor* and used to hold Riding Hood 2:25 - 4:24 One of the younger ’’activ­ tavio. He was not very effec­ metai ofejects together are be­ Leslie C. Arends of Illinois, by a 'The speaker is head of the subject of the program of the tive but this is a p^uliarly in­ Cartoons 2:04 • 8:06 74-89 margin. ists” who strongly supported ing marketed by a Los Angeles TE L 643.1492 English department at Yeshivah Luxurious new room Wombn's Society of Christian Arends was an early backer Ford and Frelinghuysen, Rep. effective role, particularly for firm. in Hartford. For many years Service of South Methodist operatic tenors who usually get ON ORDERS OF $8 OR MORE of Sen'. Barry Goldwater (or the Albert Quie of Minnesota, said she has conducted olasees on what hurt Frelinghuysen the Church at its meeting Monday fat parts, and anybody who es­ CORRECTION OOP pre.-»idential nomination, Jewish (XMking and has ccim- says this character is bound to while Frelinghuysen le consid­ most was hi* membership in the plled a collection of recipes for at 8 p.m. in the reception hall suffer in it. The wording “all you can ered a liberal. Wednesday Club, a group of a Jewish Home Beautiful cook Luxurious new ride of the church. Mrs. Earl Ely Is about 20 liberal Republican JUST The UUe role was sung by eat” which appeued in Political observers credit book. Mr*. Kahan has also PUSH THI program chairman. % Goldwater’s states rights stand House members. Suggestions for the annual Ronald Holgate who was a written many newq>aper arti­ •unoN little young for an understand­ Thursday’s ad was in er­ on the civil rights issue as a "They (fellow Republicans) cles on cooking, and she now church fair will be discussed at TO ClEAN ing of the role and noticeably THE JUGGERNAUT ror and does not apply to major (actor in helping him to looked at this group as an effort operates a catering service for ( discover Uie diffimvee) the meeting. to factionallze the party,” Quie too young to lend credence to OF DESTRUCTION. . . our Seafood Platter. The IGHT Complete Shows carry five Southern states and private parties. Members of the Reynolds Cir­ Leporello’s catalogue of a couple In electing seven new Republi­ said. WILUAMS OIL SBIVICE cle will be In charge of fellow­ price is $1.39. at 6:00 a 8:40 P.M. can congressmen from Deep But Rep. John Lindsay, R- ship. Members of Storey Circle of thousand conquests (1,003 in "ATRAGON" S41 BROAD STREET Spain alone 1. Again we had an South states. N.Y., a founder of the Wednes­ PHONE 649-4M8 will be in charge of hospitality. -PIUS- ALL MANCHESTER Of the total of 16 Republicans day Club, denied the result was Refreshment* will be served. adequate voice, though not out­ DIABOLICAL TERROR restcNitant standing, quit* in keeping with IS TALKING ABOUT from Southern states, according a blow at his group, which had George N. the rest of the production. ‘THE DAY THE Ronte 6 and 44A, Bolton— 648-8848 to the Ford leadership count, all asked for more representation Leporello was personated by EARTH FROZE” mm but three voted for Arends in in the leadership. Converse Eugene Green, probably the SIRLOIN PIT No. 88 the secret ballot. "I am very happy that Jerry best pprformer of the lot, both AD In Coler 387 West Middle ’Turnpike "It was a matter of bad tim­ Ford showed his intention by PAINTING AND vocally and histrionically, while Manchester, Conn. ing.” the source said, “ coming supporting Frelinghuysoi^,” DECORATING HiKKORO SCRINCflllD URRlSSrtAi right after the announced resig Lindsay said in an interview. Luden Olivier was adequate RIS 5A H 91 Ninth — HARTFORD PHONE 648-2804 both as the Commendatore and nation of Dean Burch (as Re­ we lost, but I give Ford a Masetto. Normally whoever publican national chsdrman). lot of credit, a lot of credit. And Can Evenings — 4 to 9 sings the Conunendatore usually " It the whip election had who can be mad at Les Arends? double* as the Stone Guest, or come first it would have gone He’ll make a good whip.” Statue, or whatever you want to call him, but in this in­ Here’s Your Landmark For— stance the part was portrayed PAUL’S by Michael Tronzo who did a ' FINE DINING, COCKTAILS and wonderful Job of posing motion­ Facilities for BANQUETS and WEDDINGS ... less for many minutes but was KOFSKY'S— BASEMENT not too awe-inspiring vocally Steak House HIWKE when he had to sing. If this happened to be your ROUTE SO, VERNON— PHONiC 876-1648 first opera, it was not what can . . . PAUL YOUNG, Owner . .., WAREHOUSE BOOT SALE be seen in this field. You can (’TV’s "Mr. Novak") see far more splendid produc­ # EXTRA ADDED TREAT e tions. and you can get worse TWIN LOBSTER DINNER •FIANOS "WITH THEIR EYES COMPARABLE VALUES TO 417.9S singing wd acting on occasion, RESTAURANT ON THE STABS” all at higher prices. As an ed­ SERVED EVERY FRIDAY. WA WOMEN'S t TEENS' ucational venture at an educa­ (Pleaae Call For Roaorvatfoa). tional InsUtutlon I think it. was TOMORROW A SUN. splendid. MATINEES ONLY OVER THE SOCK BOOTS The normal high price of "ANDY WHITE COMIO^' opera tickets makes this field Every Friday and Saturday 9 to 1—-For your dining T O N m — 1st RUN of entertainment an unknown and dancing pleasure . . . quantity for many, and last >7// A^eiv/ night there must have been ’ 3 HITS IN COLOR many for whom this was a first \ ★ OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ★ A OIANT SFBOTAOUU Stethe IN eOLOR WITH * ■’oi* experience. They saw a good 5 .0 0 production even If it was not * ALL WITH FAMOUS LABELS — ALL HRST QUALITY complete with all the glamour, SIZES 4 TO 10 — NARROW AND MEDIUM pomp end circumstance usually ■'3 associated with the medium. Every Si*e Available—But Not In Every Color Or Style Child’s And Misses’ Boots Also At $5.00 Pair In Thifl Group Sporty Sivingrrt ’6S Chevrolet Jmpdl§ Sport Coupe Hr ' Hsrtfirt Shi CM CHILD’S - MISSES’ PfNMtS ^ C hevrolet YOUTHS’ and TEEHS' BOOTS Like aurprisesT We have ve the CASH SALE - NO OHAROES FOR THIS EVENT denominations from a cent to a half dollar . . , Although 15-H. IMS. I:1S fM. ! for it... Drive s(miethmg really new—discover the difference at your Chevrolet dealer't armies are said to travel on CHILD their stomachs, the U. S. Army has a member whose shoe sis* BUSHNOl MEMORIAL Chem det • G ievdle • Corvair* CarveUe Is 17D. Bach pair sets th* quar­ termaster back 3100. . . . ■ w m o «nfM L “Little Red Riding It’s a Strang* fact that moat MATS ADMHUON any woman looks her beat sit­ Hood and the FunRiest. AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET ILR Silliest Monsters" a u t h o r i z e d c h b v b o u r d e a l e r AUTHORIZBD CHEVROLET DEALER ting across from you at a din­ IN MANCHESTER, CONN. IN EAST HARTFORD, CONN. IN HARnrOHIpi, € 0 ^ ing table . . . particularly If It’s a ALSO ADDED a DWORIN CHEVROLET, INC. CAPITOL at CAVBY’S RESTAURANT, altodsMit •pMMws* Walt Dloney Oaitoone DE CARTER CHEVROLET CO., INC. 1814 MAIN 45 B. Castor St„ Manchaatar, ■ssOM** M fw eM * MANCHESTER P 1889 MAIN DTREET-S4e-68Se 47S c o s t i . BOULEVARD—8SS-S441 Coon., wrhart the food la auptrb PLUS BONUS nCATUBB AT DiM (SUN- at 6lD4) Sat. Two Show* liM • Site SALE AUTHORIZED OHBVBOUBT DBAUBB AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DBALM authorized and the aarvle* perfactlon. Can BAT MILLAND Sun. Osw n e w at 8iee P J^ WAREHOUSE DOWNST MS-14U Ur naarvsOes to bo IN NEW BRTTAIN, CONN. IN WPST MAB{nt)IU)^ COHN. *THB MAN WITH TH* X-RAT ITW T r.AT I WILCOX>RAU CHEVBOLET, ING THE GBODY (SKVROLBT C a A B tflitT U t t STANLEY ------“ H »HAM EOAIHp«4Mei IM rOQUONOCH MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN« FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1965 ; i: PAGE flV B Y AG B POUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN^ FRIDAY^ JANUARY 16, 1968 Eight Troopers Hartford County B e h r o n People LaBelle Backs W illiam s Two Railroad Departments VISIT OUR TOY C o v e n tr y BMERIOAN RLUMINUH PRODUOTS Get Promotion DISCOUNT DtFT. Rise in Building In Criticism of Court Superior Court "Free GM WrappbMr CombiMtleii Windows $10.95 — Doon $2V.V5 Despite Protest Favor Sale oi Depot Site JLocal Cooperative Nursery in The ^ •» Is Expected to An unconteated divorce has ARTHUR DRUa Door Osnopis*. (CoatiniMd from Page One) officials' have a duty to abide ■ Two New Haven Rallroad^fOrd I>y them.” HARTFORD (AP) — Eight been granted to Grace M. Ouel­ law firm which performed Re-oovered. Take Down backgroimd research on the ti­ * Slates Elections Wednesday Continue Here BOpalred or Made Hew To Yeor / ".y ogi OMtoni following the Mapp rules yea.ra Labelle said that many of the State troopers were promoted to lette of Manchester from Ro­ staff departments have recom­ ■/I Television the rank of sergeant today in tle for the parking authority, has 'Made. Grommets •— Eyelet* *** PhstsoCTa Afog e ndltlonOT News before the Supreme Court made ■controversial Supreme Court de­ land C. Ouellette of Manchester mended the sale of the old 8:00 a-lO-U-U-lB) MovU cisions "are still not clear as the face of a protest pending brought its investigations up to Hebron’a First Selectman (C)' Coven Oostom Blade for Oomamrolnl aad W ^ m y o o f- this decision. on grounds of Intolerable cruel­ North End depot site to the date tor the renewal agency. H r. and iCrs. Roland Stood-# talk on the coata o l education , 6) RUIemoB ,18) Hovla Ing Compound For Tents, Bontooven and Canvas, ■asenen* to their , full meaning." in the court* over promotional ty. Alimony was set at $1 per and. facilities tn general. Richard M. Grant, looks for­ ,90) 'foe Boot Annie i::83) Schools Mstoh Wits NEW YOR K (APr — Leon­ "The Gideon case applies to examination procedures. M anchester Redevelopmeijt Presumably the transfer will ley are dated to be elected oo- .80) SuMmian (84,84) Antiques Ing Ahnnlniini Bcraana tyne Price got out her did copy "There will be new cases be­ year. Agency. EYER8REENS The open meeting has been ward to continued building of (40) Admiral and Bwabbr OO1040) hUematioiial Show the whole nation a rule that Con­ ing decided which will clarify State Police Commissioner also have to b* approved by preatdenta of the South Cov­ houses In the town for the com­ (^ HHouatoa b u s 8: of a community song book a Leo J. Mulcahy said he is mak­ Final approval await* a the SUte Public UtlllUes (3om- arranged by the local board of ■'.W (80) rUma 8:00 necticut has long followed—the some of these mattere,” he eaid. (15 For Solff) entry Cooperative Nureery and finance. ing year. Last year saw quite ( 8) Rocky and Hia Frlanda (8 » Nak^Ol Nak couple of days ago and thumoad ing the promotions on the advice meeting of the bankrupt rail- mlssion. (SO) Cbayenne (6-fo^)■40) Th* Fanner’* Daugb- MANCHESTER AWNING CO. through its pages to "America "In Connecticut we have been Kindergarten at the annual The PTA has extended Its ap­ a boom in that line and ho tar -foie that every man is entitled of the Attorney General’s office. Public Records rood's trustees, however; no Railroad offleiale have said Are now tn front of n 12- (81) Whal'a Newt EST. 1040—106 W. CENTER STREET—040-0001 the Beautiful." applying these new principles tenUtlvely that they might ' eleetlan at 8 p.m. Wedneaday preciation to all parenta con­ thinks it is sure to keep on, and l ; « (80) Indoatry On Poirnda 8:00 ;84) Boustoa Symphony to q lawyer to defend him in a such os search and seizure rules An injunction at^Ucation is date for the meeting has been yr.-oM $86,600 home that that the result will be Increased 1:00 ( 8) News 10-3840) Bob Rope Then she sang it through. She criminal case. now pending in Hartford Super­ set. srimpllfy the trackage in the - parenta o f private claaa tributing to the success of a (34) rrm qh BU School 8-80-^) Addama Family for some time. As to right to Warrantee Deed* la to he moved. WHI dig Christmas coke sale which demand for reconstruction or was doing her homework for the "In general, effective law en­ ior C ^ rt which could, if granted The depot site has been in­ dep^ area when the town hn- on t puplla at Klngahury Houae. (10) ByeSeotro 13) On Broadway Tonight presidential inauguration cere­ counsel—a new proposition in Donald K. Anderson, William prorves the grade crossing. realised $17. improvement of town roads. He (82) Top S3 Pfua Oaa 18) SubsorlpUon TV forcement is not being impaired many states—thia has been rou­ declare invalid the examination cluded in the North End urban Other* to be nominated and Mrs. Maury Cohn, PTA li­ says the town will be faced (80) FUm 8:00 M ) AmericA's Crises monies in Washington next by insistence that constitutional which produced the present pro­ C. Anderson, Earl 8. Anderson renewal tract as part of the The project could include eli­ (40) UPI Review (13) Baileys of Balboa Wednesday. tine in Connecticut since the 19th mination of soma of the tracks ANY OFFER elected are: Mra. Frederick brary committee chairman, ad­ with the problem of either ( 8) Richard Diamond rights be observed. The recent motional list. and Samuel D. Pierson to the site for a new neighborhood 6:10 ( 3) New*. Sports, Weathar "The songbook I’ve got put it century, thanks to the state’s that now cross Main St. in the Ames, vice president; Mra Al­ vises more volunteer workers waiting to improve its roads or 6;U (33) Cub Houae 84040) Valentine * Day successful prosecution of Bridge­ public defender system. The list is being protested by Hartford Electric Light Oo., shopping center. CONSIDBIEO ton Taylor, aecretary; Mrs. *;W U048-SO) Huntley-BrinUay 8-13) (lomer Pyle. DIWC in B flat,” she explained later. 32 troopers who claim the oral property on Tolland Tpke. North End. are needed at the school's li­ of appropriating cohaiderably 8-aO-4()) FDR port gamblers shows that dili­ "Today, of course, we are be­ Approval of the proposed sale ■- George Coon, treasurer; Mrs. (84) Whal's New? "We were trying to find a key gent police work by federal and portion of the tests was unfair. Earl F. Darby and Evelyn E. brary. Those able to ssaist may larger funda to meet the de­ ( 8) Walter CronUte 10:00 ( 8-18) laUery’* Peopis ginning to be faced with other of the .site was meted out last T E L 449.3535 Robert Upton, publicity; Mrs. call her or Mrs. Dean O. Wiley, mand. (80) Sodal Security 84) Tor That’That Grew W MOTO’S FUEL CO. safe for early in the morning. So state officials can get results A temporary injunction which Darby to Robert L Sanford and right to counsel problems by month by the railroad’s real es­ ” Rot>ert P. Bowen, purchasing; Mrs. Harry H. Kirkham has 08) Newsbeal 8-9040)____ J) 18 O’clock High w* decided to move it up to D even with strict observance of prohibited ^any promotions from Ann L. Sanford, property at 80 school librarian, for infoima- Engaged (40) Superman 103840) Jack P*ar! (C flat.” requests to have lawyers tate and engineering divisions. Seminar Slated Mrs. James Breen, ways and tlon. been appointed chairman of 10:80 08 ) Subscription TV 367 MAIN STREET EAST HARTFORD all the rules. furnished for habeas corpus ac­ the last examinations was dis­ Laurel St.- The engagement of Miss ( 8) Bourbon Bt. Beat Aifotally she won’t be singing According to Atty. Thomas ^^teeans; Mrs. Thomas Small, Mrs. Cohn lists donations to Hebron’s Salvation Army drive, 08) Subacrlption TV (90)10) DDanger Han "There are scattered in­ tions, sentence review proceed­ solved earlie> this month by U I 8-8-10^8083-80-40)^ ( New*. until about noon, but that’s ear­ Attachment of Real Eetate O’Sullivan, representing the By South WSCS Siem bershlp; Mr*. Norbert St. the school library to Include 16 succeeding Mrs. Adolph PhyHle Alison Horlne o f Darien 6:46 (30) Ron Cochran :00 8 1 stances,” Newman ald, "where ings, appeals and 'violations of Judge Leo V. Gaffney. He is 7:00 03-32-80-40) Nawi Sport*. 9poi^, Weather ly for full-voiced endeavor by an 6 Manchester Memorial Hospi­ railroad, the trustees will al- r^dartln, health and safety; Mrs. books from Anita White; two Simons, who served in 1964. She to Paul Hibbard Geissler of U:18 (1040)040) TonlAt (C) TEL 289-3495 protections of the Constitution prolwtion. This poses new ques­ presently hearing the merits on GASH SAVINGS '^JJMark Spink, program, and Mr. Weather opera star. the request for a permanent in­ tal against Mary K. DuFrane, mast certainly concur with the from Linda Wilson, three from will, however, continue as a Glastonbury, formerly of Man­ OO) Have Oun Win Travel 8040) La* C m * Show make prosecution Impossible. tions in the administration of property at 74 Bigelow St., The Christian social relations - Valley Day* (O 8) Hovie There are many more Instances, justice. $1,500. •^construction. licent Sullivan; pamphlet, Nik­ chester, has been announced by cle Choir, Miss Price will be the Asst. AUy. Gen. F. Michael newal agency reports. ciety of Christian Service of Demornts to Meet (30) Mystery Buatnea* 8) Hovie only singer at the ceremonies. however, where convictions are "Hiere are real problems con­ Wyman’s Oil Co. against « Visiting Nurses Active ki Nicola; two, Girl Scout Troop her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ T:18 (SO) Sport* Camera 1 1 ;8U (8819) Tonight (C) Ahem, who was representing the The agency is also negotiating South Methodist Church will A meeting of the Tolland ( 8) Lea Crane Show ^ U . O N She said she chose "America thrown out by the courts be­ fronting law enforcement agen­ Lance Owen and Salley Owen, The Coventry Public Health 5218; one. the 4-H Five Little Coimty Democratic Association liam W. Horine, Darien. (83) Haw HIzhllsMs cause police officials themselves cies in carrying out the new commissioner and the state per­ for the purchase of s 15-foot sponsor a seminar Thursday at 7:90 ( 8-13) Rawhide l-.OO ( 8) Gale Storm the Beautiful" because "it kind sonnel department, said today property at- 26 Linder St., r^Nurslng Assoclatlon'a p u b lic Stitches Club, and a carton of Is slated to meet Jan. 22 at the Her fiance Is a son of Mr. needlessly broke the rules. constitutional principles. They strip of railroad right-of-way on 7:30 p.m. In the Reception Hall •'health visiting nurses were books, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee. SEE SATUKDAI'fi TV WEEK FOB COMPLETE IISXINO of expresses how I feel, espe­ he has advised that the promo­ $350. the east side of Main St. be­ at the church. "Concern for Hebron town office building at and Mrs. Carl A. G eissler, CA SH . cially ’and crown thy good with "Those rules protect every are not insurmountable, how- T'*‘qulte active” In many dlffer- Also, one book from George 8 p.m. citizen and all law enforcement ever.' tions be put into effect. Building Permit tween Woodbridge and N. Main Manchester’s Y()uth” is the Glastonbury, formriy o f Man­ brotherhood;’ I’m s&ong on Ahem said a two-week con­ To Manchester March of II.K ^ 'Cnt areas during December, Pletrowskl; ten, Fr^l n c 1 p a I The medical self-help course chester. St. theme. The public is invited. •Mrs. Thomas O'Brien, full-time Thomas Crane and family: ^that. The words in the song are tinuance in the case granted Dimes, temporary sign at 773 The strip would be added to Topics will be "What Are the (. M.I.ON Is being held every Thursday at Miss Horina a descendant, of all simple, but so meaningful." t nurse, ha* reported to the board magaxines, Mr. and Mra. Har­ .7:30 p.m. Those who could nOt Thursday would delay the neces­ Main St., $25. Main St. to widen the traveled Moral Standards?” "Why Are the early Dutch eettlers of New Radio sary personnel changes in the .-iKrf directors. A total of 153 vls- old Bumpus; two books, Charles Attend the first meeting but Y<^, is a 1961 graduate of LBJ Seeks Extension portion of the rood. The grade the Standards What They •^tts were made of which 66 were (This listing Inchide* only those news broadcasts of 10 or 16 JANE ALLY80N State Police Department. crossing, now very rough, will FUEL OIL Funk EH; set of Illustrated en­ who still wish to enroll are In­ Darim High School. She re­ SUMMIT, N.J. (AP) — Ac­ Nuclear Contract A re?” "How Can We Under­ ^therapeutic nursing and 87 cyclopedia of animal life for minute length. Some stations carryc a n y other short newscasts.) Those promoted today were be Improved in the bargain. vited to attend, this week. Meet­ ceived a & in biology from tress June Allyson was hospi­ stand These Standards?” and " were health supervision vls- reference. Mrs. Deborah Wana- Paul Seaman of Farmington; The proposal has been re­ "Whan Can Be Done to Raise ings win be held In the town of­ Bucknell Unirversity. A mem­ WDBO—1868 8:06 Booienanny Road Show talized Thursday night after Of UaS* Arms Control William Pelzer of Mossup; Paul WINDSOR (AP)—A $10.5 mil­ ' Ha. g;al; books for the professional fice building. 10:06 Nightheat ferred to the railroad staff for These Standards?” Three supervisory and staff ber of Theta Alpha Phi and 8:00 Long John Wad* Buffering what was described as ------Stensland, Eklwarfl P. Leonard, lion research and development shelf, Mra. Alice Waterman; a Hebron Grange met Tuesday Pi Mu Epsilon, dramatics and 8:00 Dick Robinson 11:00 New* contract for a nuclear reactor study. Speakers for tha session are ■ oonferences were held. How- planter. Miss Marion Adams; 1:06 New* Sign Off 11:16 Sports Final a kidney stone attack in a play- (Contfoued from Page One) Charles Wilkerson, all of Strat­ evening In Gilead Community mathematics honoraries respec­ 11:80 Art Johnson Show bouse dressing room. has been awarded Combustion When the railroad trustees ap­ Dr. Robert J. Alesbury, Miss .1 ever, because o f the holidays no plants, Glen and Elaine Fergu­ WHAT—818 WPOr—1418 ford; Ml(diael Griffin of Deep oonferences were held the last Hall, with sUte deputy Regi­ tively, she is currently doing She was reported in satisfac­ all but underground tests, now River; Paul Harrington of Engineering, Inc. of Windsor prove the sale of the depot site Margaret Parker of Children’s son; books and plcuits, Alyda nald James as s special guest graduate work at the Unl'ver- 6:00 Fred Swanson Show 6:00 Lou Terri Skating - Coasting by the Atomic Energy Commis­ the renewal agency will beg;ln Services of Connecticut Chief W 1 ■ ',tw o wedw that month. - 8:80 News, Sport* and Waathar 7:00 Ken Griffin tory condition and resting com has been signed by a total of 107 Cromwell; and Robert Riemer GALLON I and Deanne WUey and book speaker. The program theme sity of Wisconsin. 18:00 Bel LaRosa sion. court action necessary to clear James M. Reardon of the Man­ o During a well child oonfer- 7:00 Edward P. Morgan another tortsbly today at Overlook Hos­ of Bristol. maricers for students and poe- was "Light Shine Bright” Mr. Geissler, a descendant of 7:16 Joe Edward* pital. natione. France and Red China The long-term program looks title to the property. chester Police Department, ie n ce with Dr. Louise O. Tobl tersv for the library, Terrance 1:30 Sign Off I ^ o n Auxiliary Cited early settlers of Manchester, WINF—1388 have not signed. They are the to the development of large- When the town’s parking au­ Robert Digan, supervisor of GOOPERATIVE « i n charge asslated by Mrs. and Timothy Murphy. The *9-year-old petite blonde Isle Named for Hills Jonea-Keefe’a American Le­ graduated from Manchester 8:00 Radio Greater Hartford was stricken with vomiting and only nations in addition to the scale sea water desalting plants thority. tried to buy the site attendance at Manchester High ' O’Brien, 16 children received Church Panel Meets o n (OIM'VNV gion Auxiliary at Its meeting schools and Bucknell University 8:00 News. Weather, Sport* pains shortly before she was to and low-coet electric power pro; some years ago, H ran afoul of School and Dr. J. Manley Shaw, T physioal examinations and Im- The constitution conunittee 8:16 Radio Greater Hariford United States, Soviet Union and last Sunday, won anhonor cita­ -with a BS in biology. He is a go on stage at the Paper Mill PORT OF SPAIN, Trlnldsd — duction. Combustion Ghiglneer- a deed limiting use of the prop pastor, and the Rev. Richarcl \ IWsi'-iiin of -•munisatlon. Mrs. Wesley Hin of the Ladies’ Aid Sbclety of 6:46 Lowell Thomas: Shorts Britain who have nuclear weap­ Columbus discovered Tnnldad tion for going over the t ^ in its member of Tau Kappa Epsilon 7:00 New* INSULATION Playhouse In nearby Millbum, a ing's contract is for 38 months. erty to uses associated with rail W. Dupee, both of South Meth­ -and Mrs. Dudley Ferguson were the Prince of Peace Lutheran Good news for ice skating in 1498 on his third voyage. He noi,\M ) OI’, ((). the volunteer assistants from 1965 membership goal by Nov. fraternity, the Ecological So­ 7:86 Silver Plsttojy suburb 20 miles southwest of ons or are building them. The reactor Is described as operations. odist (jhurch. Church vrtll meet at 7:30 p.m. 11 of 1964. The award is a na­ ciety of America, the Wildlife 8:00 ECHS v*. “ New York City. enthusiasts! named it "Trinity” -for the three heavy water-moderated, organic Thus, court action will be There will be a queetlon and ■'ivii. i!i;i.-. -the Mothers’ dub, oo-eponsors 9:90 Jerry Gon., Furthermore, Johnson said, Center Springs Annex and Tuesday at the home of Mrs. tional citation g;lven to imlts Society and the Biometric So­ 12:IS Sign OfP DWORIN hills around the harbor where cooled. It is part of the ATC's necessary to clear the transfer. answer period and refresh­ ^ o f the conference. W. H. ENGLAND the United States has estab­ Charter Oak Park will be open :u'. )ii:o.\[) .'TUKiT Harley Rowland on Rt. 44A. that exceeded their 1960 mem­ ciety. He la currently doing w n o —188# lished a direct communications he anchored. advanced converter program. Gilman and Marks, a Hart- ments after the aession. “ Mr*. O’Brien met with Mrs. BOOHEL ROBERTS lUDliC Ti I, r.n We^esday at 7:30 pm. at bership goal. graduate work at the Univer­ 6:00 Aftafaoon Edition tonight from 6 to 10 for pu D. Qubiby, supervisor of the First! LONDON (AP) — Rachel link between Washington and Supervised ice skating. Center the church, the Rev. William H. Also the president o f the aux­ sity of Connecticut. 8:00 m wa. Sports, Weathar LUMBER r'GO. Roberts said today rite is quit­ Mo.scow — popularly known as ^Maacheeteo: Piddle Health Wilkins, pcMtor, will conduct iliary, Mrs. WUllam Kowalski, Mr. Geissler is a grandson of 8:46 3 Star Extra Springs Pond remains closed. T:w Onveraathm Pleo* ting stardom to spend more the Hot Line —,has joined In s Saturday and Sunday hours v/lteatag Aaeodatlon, to obtain the first in a new series of a was awarded a “TraveUng Bell” the late Mr. and Mrs. W. E. T:80 New* of the World “ At tbs Orsea” 640-6201 time with her husband, Rex U.N. resolution against Intro­ InfonnaUan regarding the out- Pastor’s Class. This will be on behalf of the unit whkfii is Hibbard, a former Manchester 7:60 Sing Along at the Annex and Charter Oak 8:10 Pope Concert Harrison. ducing weaponf in. outer spsu:e, will b* 10 a.m. to noon and 1:30 '' patient DBcHltlea of the Man­ o ^ n to anyone interested In a presented each morlth to the merchant, and of the late Hr. "I love Rex. I have to be with and has ‘initiated cutbacks tn chester Memorial HoapHal. The subject discussion of the chief and Mrs. A. Paul Geissler, pom- to 10 p.m. auxiliary having the largest him. It’s os simple as that,” the planned production of fis­ Coasting will be allowed . Information ■wW be reported to teachings of the Lutheran number o f members at the dis- fret. Miss Horine is a gfond- said the S8-year-old actress who sionable material." the regional nuralng ataff at Church and what it stands for. daughter of Mrs. Tbpmaa A. dally In Center Spring* Park tiict meeting. was nominated for a Hollywood In addition, the President from 8:30 to dark. G O O D > ^ E / % R .. tfaia area. Mrs. George Rowland was Bedlstiictliig Plan Phrian o f S ca rsd ^ ' and the FREE LECTURE MOIL, JAN. 2S, S PJL Oscar last year for her perform­ said, the United States has put Again at Christmastime the elected director of the church’s Karl H. links, state repreeent- late Thomas A Blielan and of ance In "This Sporting Life." before the Geneva disarmament PHNA was deluged with food, Chancel Guild which will pri­ atlve, states t ^ t the General Mrs. Arthur , -B. Haswell of Miss Roberts now has the title conference — now tempoiwrily Stocks in Brief " gifts, toys and money to be glv- marily superviae the care of the Assembly, as its present plan Birmingham, and the late role In the hit musical "Maggie In recess — "a number of Im­ ~ en to deserving famflles in ^ v - church altar. Mrs. George Ober for redlatricting, provides He­ Emeat England ^rlne. May.” She said she will leave portant, concrete proposals for entry. Demattons were received Is Guild'secretary. The org;ani- bron as being part of a district the show next month. the control and reduction of ar­ NEW YORK (AP) — SUaU, . from the Salvation Anny, the zation will have its next meet­ made up of the towns of Co­ Into her role steps sultry maments on which agreement nonferroua maUla and airlines ing at 7 pm . Feb. 2 at the home lumbia, Marlborough and East Netveomerg Qub REALTY Georgia Brown, the Cockney- has not yet been achieved." rose tn a stubbornly advancing First Congregational Church, fit. Mary’s Roman Catholic of Mra. Rowland on Cedar Hampton. born Broadway star for whom Foster listed major pending stock market early this after­ i C tiun^ the Rotary Club held Bwamp Rd. ^ Meets Tuesday "Maggie May" was planned proposals as being - designed to noon. Trading was fairly aotlvs. Stock markat averages were ^ a Chriertmas auction and the Students at loe Capades Manchester Evening Hi originally. freeze production of strategic A group of Coventry High Hebron oorre^Miuleat, launching an attack on their . money received was given to Eric Hermanson 'wlii preoent nuclear delivery vehicles such School students will attend a san B. Pendleton, tqiepbone historic m 8h* of late Novem­ the PHNA for thia program. "Heubleln .Cocktail Tasting” at COURSE D E raiE REYNOLDS as rockets, to haR production of perfomumce of the Ice Capades 228-8454. / ATTENTION LICENSE APPLICANTS HOLLYWOO D (AP) — Ac­ fissionable (nuclear) materials ber. The Ladies’ .Association of the ✓ a meeting of the Miuichester in New Haven Jan. 23, leaving MEN and WOMEN, yoimg or old, regardloas of pievlona tress Debbie Reynolds is the for weapons use, to reduce the (Jains of fraoUons to a point First Congregational Church by bus from the schotfi at S Newcomers Club Tuesday at experience. If you are over 21 yoa oan boeome a real estato prevailed among key stocks. made many sweaters, mittens 7:45 p.m. In Motts Community 148th celebrity to leave her Im­ danger of surprise attack or pm . to attend the 5 p.m. pfer^ State Rn- has a big Interest. at the Church Community Mark Leone, Timothy Murphy, or injured cornea that covers sang her farewell to her naUve n^Ucut. House on Rt. 44A. Steven Dunneusk and Terrence 24 24 6778 ...... 1276 Airlines rooe fractionally on a the pupil of the aye and replac­ clty of Philadelphia Thursday The committee will meet Jon. broad front. Drugs inched high­ Eduoation Talk Set Murphy. G-E REFRIGERATOR ing K with the oomea firm a M o b iih e a f 60 FALCON 2-Door Station Wagon. Wimbledon night and received a plaque at 27 at the Hamden Town Hall to er. All members o f the Robertson donated eye. Blue. Radio, heater. Very economical. No. 6274. 790 Intermission. 'Manchester Evening Herald HOUR HOUR work with UOmn's Institute o< ,,-,Du Pont, Goodyear and Xerox School PTA are urged by Its of- The lOOF and Its sister The citation, from Mayor Public Service in the develop­ REO. $349.95 GAS DRYER ficiaJs to attend the public C o v e n tr y correspondent, F. / 61 RAMBUER 4-Door Sedan. Karmann red finish. -fose about 1 each, IBM more G-E DISHWASHER branch, the Rebekahs, manage BURNER James H. J. Tate, said the Ne­ ment of the 1965 conference than 2. meeting at 8 pm. Monday at Panline Little, telephone 742- the affairs of the eye bank, FUEL OIL Standard shift, radio. No. 6356 ...... 700 gro star- "has reflected great 6281. for the state’s city and town Prices were generally higher REG. $199.95 REG. $159.95 ,* Coventry Hlgh.BchooI. I>r. Mal- raise the funds to maintain the 62 OriEVROIiET Bel 4-D(K>r Sedan. Black. credit In her native city. But she finance personnel. . colm B. Rogers, professor of DEUVERY FUELOILS SERVICE In moderate trading on the service and when the eyes be­ Radio, whitewalls, Powerglide. No. 5216 ___ 1475 is also a gracious lady and a The conference is usually American Stock Exchange. education administration at the come a'vailable, transport them great human being.” held Ih early fall at the Uni­ University o f CotmecUcut, will 68 FORD Galaxie 2-Door Sedan. Sky blu* finish. Corporate and U.8. govtm - Emanuel Elects to their destination. Mis* Anderson replied: "Ito versity o f Connecticut. ment bonds were steady. All eyes are furnished with­ Auto., white'waU' tires, radio. No. 6680 ...... 1405 all of you here, for your kind Clementine’s a p p o 1 n tment , Officers Sunday out ooet to the recipient and no 68 OHEVROLEJT Greenbrier Sta. Wagon. 3-speed applause and prayers that made was announced by Jay M. Et- $ 1 in 12 Lulled charge is In'volved to donors. CALL 643-5135 trans., low mileage, excellent condition .... 1505 this moment possible, our sin- linger, president of the asaocl- RANGE Connecticut residents through ears thanks." atlon. The congregation qf Eman­ their ophthalmologists have pri­ 315 CENTER STRER MANCHESTER 69 PLYMOUTH 4-Door, Standard transmission, NEW YCfflK — Tranquilizers, AND nloely equipped ...... 400 Eitlinger, who is finance of­ uel lAitheran Church will meet ority for donated eyes from the Serving turkey or chicken ficer for the town of Milford, which came on the market late FUEL OIL Sunday at S pjn. m Luther Hall eye bank. 59 BUICK 2-Door Hardtop. Alpine white and gold. loaf? Pas* a mushroom sauce w a s Manchester's controlier 1*56, or* already the thlrd- 235 FAMILY SIZE V" for the election of officers. Re­ Automatic, whitewalls, radio. No. 5911 ...... 805 and a bowl of slivered toasted from Sept. 1, 1969 to Feb. 16, largest-seUing type of prescrip­ GAiSOUNE almonds. The nuts add excellent tion drug. One out of every 12 ports win also be read and pro­ CORITETTE Sting Ray Convertible. Crimsoa 1968. OlemenUho succeeded him 68 texture contrast. on July 22, 1963. BduMs tM es them regularly. COmVLETELY FROST FREE I YEAR PARTS GUARANTEE posed reeolutions and the budg­ rad, black interior. 4-apeed sUck, radio. Loaded FLOOR MODEL et will be acted upon. with extra* ...... BANTLY OIL The Rev. C. Henry Anderson, Im prove HEADQUARTERS 6A CORVETTE Ckninthlan whlta. Automatic, pastor, who serves as president FOR whltowall tires, radio. Oorgeoua ...... 1296 COMPANY, INC. o f the church council, 'will pre­ SAVE! 331 MAIN STREET side at the meeting. HerBMrt A. Your 62 FALCON 2-Door Sedan. Ice blue. Whitewall Ursa, Radio. No. 6668 ...... 976 Choose Your Deal — Satisfaetioo Gyaranteed TEL. 649-4595 Bengtson, chalrni^ of the nominating committee, will Home 82 RAMBLBJR 4-Door. Whit* and aUvar matalUo. ' • Trad* Dowh # Cosh Rock Plan • TMRhor’t PkM RockviUe 875-3271 pres«it a slate of officers. . add Comfort BUILDING Automatic, radfo. No. 8716 ...... 990 G-E STEREO SPECIALS Refreshments will be served. and Value • Trad* Up # No Moif y Down • Low Rook Tomw G-E COLOR TV 00 PONTIAC 4-Door Hardtop. Blue. Radio, haat- IRONING BOARD COVERS . .2 9 ^ ea. ar, Hydramatlc, Power ataoring and white* ’ 1943 FORD 1943 CHEVROLET 1943 Ford W o^ REG. $259.95 walls. No. 6824 ...... BUTANE GAS LIGHTERS $ 1 J|9 Ofo INSULATION MATERIALS ralriane 600 2-Dr. H.T,, Impala 2-Dr. H.T., RM., Falrlan* 600, R.H., Auto., 81 BUICK Convertible. Blue. Radio, heater, Dyha* RJl., Auto., V-8, wsw. Adto., V-8, PS., wsw. V-8, waw. SERVING PLATTERS ...... 9 S « mu. ALUMINUM COM& flow, Power steering. Power brakes, wMte* $1795 $219S S1R95 MINERAL FIBER INSULATION BATTS STORM WINDOWS walls. No. 8747 ...... 1595 SEAT B E L T S ...... $ 1 . 7 5 ea. DOUBLE 0 Dny Bpectal 9 5 1942 CHEVROLET 1941 LANCER 1942 VoEuwofM ECONOMY, ...... A t VAe sq. ft. 42 CHEV. $1295 40 FORD $1095 FREE COMB. ALUMINUM Bal Air 4-Dr., R.H., Auto., 2-Dr. H.T., R.H., Auto., 2-Dr., RK., wsw. SEMI-THICK, 2” ...... At 4!^2C nq. ft. a-Door Sadan. 8-oyl, Country Squire Wagon. V-8, PS. 8-eyl., waw. 0 Installation • Direct Factory STAMPS STORM DOORS standard shift, honey Bbony black, radios $1595 $895 $1195 Service PULL-THICK, 3” ...... A t SViC sq. ft. ♦19*95 Complete W/Hordware DOORS Fordomatic, Power • Delivery t WINDOWS balga. Nloely equipped. atoorlng. WSW. No. 3 9 9 • 90 Dasrs Is Cash No. 8704. 1589. INCLUDES 0 Payments 1940 CHEVROLET 1941 CHRYSLER 1958 CHEV. CONV. 0 Take Up To 3 INCI^UDBS INSTALLATION $ DAILY! Inmala 4-Dr. H.T„ R.H., New Yorker 4-Dr. Sedan, A s Low A s CD EEI On* (1) Otess of Your Choice With Each Tmpala, RJ9., Auto., T-0, AM-FM/FM STEREO RADIO Years 11.28 Weekly SETTING UP IN YOUR HOUSE ■ UKKi PnrebuM of Gallons or More of Gasoline... Now Back In Stock! XvSo., V-8, PS., PB., waw. RJI., Auto., V-8, PS., PB., 8 HEAT-CHEX Bxtanded Warranty A arsam puff. Mint Condition. waw. Orsan flnWi. • 7 Day Free Easy To Install—Compact, ALL OARS ARB 4-SPEAKRR SYSTEM S X ••#-T At 'Up To 12 Montha or $1295 $1595 $495 Htme Trial • Same Day RY FACTORY RM B0ITATIVI STATE SERVICE STATION Lightweight Bags. Bag 12,000 MUea on OOMFI.BTBILT p n T V Delivery '^ * 4 5 c Used Oars WTN'i'inn-mBn MiBMANENT, ROT-PROOF, HIGH EFFICIBNOY fr MANY OmBM TO OHOOfiB PK(»I ^oup Flying “A” ,t ,x vt—r At .Dealer!*^ INCOBIBUSTIBLB, VERMIN-FROOF » 62c 1 WB NBBD GOOD. OLBAN OARSt BBFORB YOU BUY THAT NEW OAR, ■■■ MB! 1 I'LL PAY MORE FOR YOUR TRADE $$$$ 770 Main Street^ Mancbeffter. . . “YOU CAN ALW AYg DO BPBPnBWI HBBIT n g o o d / 9 e a r s e r v ic e s t o r e 9 Opposite 9kite BOLTON NOTCH LUMBER & SUPPLY CO. n iea ter (FORMERLY McKlNNEY LUMBER) JUJTO TRADING POST 713 MAIN STRKT, MANCHESTER PHONR,|«|.9l»1 ROUTE 44.A, AT THE “NOTCIT — OPEN DAILY 8 AJW. to 5 PJtf., 8AT. to 1 P Jt CHEVROLET 268VBOAD BTBBBT ' MANCTOqmBB JPBONB flU-tlOT Phone 643*6860 «1 t OOMN. BLVD., M A tft OFRN RVSNlNIMi VOZi 0 OPIN 4 DAYS FRS MAIN StRRT «r REAR OR ' TELEPHONE 648*2198 CALL COLLECT ■AMCHESTEB KVBNm ftTOAIA KANCHBSTBBi CONN, HUPAY. JANUABY 15,19^ MNCSESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, 00NN„ FRIDAY. JANUARY 15. 1955 PAQB n v n r iUmd^eetpr tha Rumlans oould partlclpata. Wa did not iM b tbe fact that w a hopad this Colum bia young and old, will bo given by South Windsor M P U n it Seeks Bolton members o t the Bolton Outing Canning S^rald good axample on our part would inapira Reflections Club lomorrow morning from tha Ruaalana to offer to do the aame 12 Enlistments 10 to 11:30 behind St. Maurice MANCHESTER■ o «a thing with some of their atomic fadH- High School Town Art League Planning That Time of Year Again Church. tlae, ao that thera could be an exchange The Dying Meiabers? Capt Nathan O. AgosUnslli, The public building commis­ of peeka, and a oorreapondlng growth in sion will meet Monday at 8 p.m. h Studied Open Meeting for Mon^y unit commander of the lS4th Of Girl Scouts and Cookies In the town office conference international trust and confldenca. By PhineoM FUke Military Polles Co., Ckmnscti- room. Up to now, our touching adventure in cut Arniy Nati•«■••••••••••••• wera don’t always satisfy tbs eial notification from tbe Wind­ Colored slides of famous UNION CITY, Tenn. (AP)— like those people — yet the more Friday, macarom and cheese, place their orden. «••••••••••••••• *ti for some reason or other, have opened thirst for Information. ham board that it has voted to painting of a "choice of the tary obligation without any School have been asked to meet Turner Kirkland called In a re­ critical you become of them. salad, peach short cake. lengthy absence from borne. PRE-FINISHED none. There is certainly a definite adopt four recommendations month” selection which will be Promptly at 4 pm. Monday Tuesday at 7 ;30 p jn. at the high porter Thursday, sa3ring he cap­ You become critical construc­ Elementary Schools; Monday, Oapt, Agostinelll hopes to re­ school. Stanley zuZel, guidance N ow the issue has come down to the need for sewers in many outly­ from tho Windham space study exhibited at t h e Wapping barbecued beef on bun, buttered girls from the three Bolton tured a badger— rare in these T MiaiBCT o» . tively (you think!, rather than cruit these men within the next director, will discuss choosing n u AflaocuTED puaft arbitrarily or destructively, pre­ ing sections of town some­ eommlttea, one of which is the Branch of the East Hartford whole kernel corn, potato chips, Girl Scout troops will start parts—In a cage-ltke trap. , Th« imrtatm Pm w to «seluatT«lT a o t l^ question of whether we are going to 30 days. colleges and timetables affect­ cisely because you take an in­ thing many residents of the proposed erection a 1600- Federal Savings and Loan As­ fruit; Tuesday, spaghetti and ringing doorbells. They 'will "Looks more Uke a skunk to Ik* M * e( rnabllHtkto at all o m go through with an original promise, An invitation has been ex­ ing college placement. lit ia ex­ MAHOGANY terest in what they do and per­ Keeney St. area would be much studmt high school. The new sociation. meat sauce, cabbage or carrot take o rd en through Jan. 24. D e­ me," said the reporter. made almost a year agh, to include one quicker to admit if their pocket- school will also contain more tended to Manchester area men pected that a representative gfsfTSW sfx.'s.'Ssniiirat haps hope that they might do it Heart IBIve Chairman Named salad, wheat brecul and butter, liveries wlH be made March 15- "H e’s Just got a white spot on books were less involved. faciUUes for 600 additional stu and parents to ‘visit the com­ from the admissions office at of our plutonium production reactora better. Leonard J. Adler of 333 Grif­ fruit salad; Wednesday, soup 27. his head—not all the way down But sewers are not likely to ftents. pany at its next drill on Tues­ the University of Connecticut isJSti'.sssrssha^ “■ among the plants we will open to such But, as a reporter, you try to fin Rd. is chairman of the and crackers, egg salad or pea- Of the profit on each box of Ms back,” said Kirkland as he be constructed when reeistance Oolumbia’s contract with day evening. WO Robert 8. will also attend the meeting. temper your criticism in your South Windsor campaign for nut butter sandwich, cherry cookies, sight cents is returned jabbed the animal with a stick \ Tba inspection. is so great; a novice at such Windham, to be signed along Davies Is on duty daily at the School Menu f x ir lor qrpo- news writing in an effort at im­ the 1965 Heart Fund. The drive crisp; Thursday, baked sausage Manchester Armory and would to the girls' troop treasuries to get a better view. And what haa happened now is that a hearings can not help but won­ with WiUington, obligates these links, scalloped potatoes, but­ Monday, chipped beef on partiality, rince not everybody win be conducted in February be happy to explain the re­ for trips, crafU , service pro­ Turned out the rei>orter w as der if this is the way It has to two towns to pay part of the tered green beans, rye bread toast, cheese sticks, diced, car­ number of influential membera of Con­ sees any given event in the same throughout the 21 Greater quirements and features of Join­ jects, ooc^outs and many other right. be. building costs on a per pupil and butter, apple sauce; Friday, rots, cookies; Tuesday, baked gress have begun objecting to any auch light. • S s. Hartford oommunities served ing the 134th Military Police Girl Soout acUvitles not cover­ ellitot e( M. ^A. Bhrery so often some event al­ basis in addition to their regU' cheese pizzei, french fries, shred­ hash. Julienne beets, corn bread, gratuitoua demonstration of our own sin­ by tee Hartford Heart Associ­ Oo. ed by regular duee. Th^i'e is room for Justifiable lar tuition fees. Columbia’s ded lettuce and dressing, peanut chocolate pudding; Wednesday, $ ^ .9 S most demands of you that you kUtMwo - Row Totll CM- ation. The company recently under­ The remainder of the profit cerity in the cause of disarmament TTiey exchange temoerance for tem­ dlftorenccs of opinion as to the share would he about $200 per butter and Jelly sandwich, American chop suey, green Adler is an assistant project went general Inspection and re­ goes to the Oonnectlcut V a l­ AUDIT VniUBAO OT dRCUliA- point to the fact that Russia haa so far per however: such an event for mMns for financing a sewer pupil in addition to the $505 per cookies. beans, fruit; Thursday, sliced engineer at IPratt and Whitney ceived a rating of excellent. ley G4it Soout Council for camp LEE’S FLORIST this reporter was the hearing project pupil paid this year. Secretarial Applications turkey with gravy on rice, opened none of her plants. And they fear Dl'vieion of United Aircraft, steolarahlps, camp maintenance ’ adrartltoag eli at the Keeney St. School thla Whether differences of opinion Tuttle said that study com­ Town Manager Terry V. cranberry sauce, peas, gelatin; and GIFT SHOP that our plutonium plant might contain East Hartford. and development, and for senior — 1 P-M. week. can exist where the opposing mittee chairman Harold Nelson Sprenkel has announced that Portrait Unique Friday, tuna noodle casserole, South Windsor residents con­ Scout opp^imlties. Rt. 44A Bolton— 843-8089 toMday. something the Russians might find edu­ • • • point of view is not recognized advised him that the present the town is accepting applica­ celery nnd carrot sticks, apple­ f « r : s s ^ tributed $1,757.47 in 1964 to the Memben of Junior Troops r TMmdar — 1 p.m. cational, if we let them walk through it The hearing was on a propos­ is doubtful. plant will be used as a middle tions for the position of secre­ W A S H IN G T O N — Only one sauce raisin cake. e YES, WE DELIVER e Heart Fund. Adler said the 667 and 668 and Cadette T ro ^ Perhaps, if the Ruaalana were to open a al to construct a new trunk The Keeney St. residents grade school through yearly tary to the town manager. object is known to have been in Briefs •.tsssji-msas Heart Fund contributions help 659 will be canvassing the Flowers for ail occasions; —^ -d daadlMr. W ;n a.aa aai dav af sewer line from Hartford Rd. would seem, In their dismissetl budget expenditures. 'The position will be filled by the White House since it was The selectmen will meet to­ plutonium plant of their own, o^r Con- support local and national heart Weddings, Funerals, Cut I araapi flatnrdap — • a.m. south, to serve the Keeney St. of the town's efforts to explain Nelson said that the high competitive examination which first occupied in 1800. TTiis is town. Brownies are not allowed night at 8 in the town offices. greaaional watchdogs might relent But research programs, as well os Flowers and Corsages... f x r arto. * the sewer project and hear them school enrollment has increased will be given by the State Per­ full-length portrait of George to solicit. The monthly voter-making ses­ education and community serv­ WriOmy, JanuMry U what aeems likely, at the moment, is The subject was complicated, out on It, to have violated cer­ 55 per cent since 1060 and "it sonnel Department. Washington by Gilbert Stuart. Anyone with a yen for mint sion will be held from 6 to 8. ice programs, and that for m - l that we will renege on our own original to be sure: but almost every­ tain accepted standards of polite has become alarmingly evident Manager Sprenkel stated the It hangs In the East Room. I cookies who isn't contacted Skiing lessons for beginners, alone, Hartford research sup­ body had a hand in making the conduct. that the town of W lnAiam can startling salary will be $4,512 statement which was quite uncondi­ And they apparently had as- compllcntlons. bad enough as no longer make do with the port will amount to more than per year. Applications may be jA w t W t Don’t Know I m t o Iv m U s tional, and return to a state of affairs turned in the past little of the $50,978. they were, insurmountable. present space in its schools.” obtained either from the State responsibility for their com­ $ 4 . 4 5 in which we will do things wa consider TTiere had been little time be­ Three former tuition towns, PYF’s to Meet Personnel Department at the : wa don’t know isn't supposed to munity that could have txrought right providing others agree to do them tween the announcement of the Scotland, Hampton and (Jhaplin Sunday the Junior P Y F .w lll State Office BuUdlng in Hart­ 985 MAIN STREET - TEL. 648-5171 - OPEN 9 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. - CLOSED MONDAYS Inirt us, and if the fates are soinc to to their consciousness the rea­ too. proposed project and the date have voted to form their own have its regular meeting from ford or the Town Manager’s of­ |m yery kind to us, that pleasant escape of the hearing in which inhab­ sons for the town’s policy on 6 to 7 pjn. cqiening with a wor­ fice. TTie final day for submit­ To get back into a atjde of operation assessments for benefits. school district and build a re­ Ctgm consequences saay be extended to itants of the area— who would ship service in the chapel. The ting applications is Jan. 22. This, perhaps, 1s partially the gional junior-senior high ki which we will be .sure we are not be assessed for the project— school. senior P Y F will meet In the Youth Group at Pariey •oeer what goes on In Southeast Asia. responsibility of . the newspa­ making any oonceasions first will be oould become Informed of its Community House from 7 to 9 pers, for not having offered l a dies to Meet The youth group of Our Sav­ IM a y , keeauss H h^ipaned that two details. p.m. The Rev. Roy Hutcheon more like normalcy in foreign affairs. the material in the proper form Mrs. Peter Tambomlnl, pub­ ior Luteeran Ohuroh has been American planes of a fighting type (The town’s public works de­ It la the good old reliable formula, back­ — although it has been in the licity chairman for the St. Oo- win be the guest speaker. invited to attend a lecture-dls- partment worked overtime to F x i r - i r were shot down in the same day, there news in other form often lumba's Ladies Society, has an­ The Suburbanite young adult cuaslon on the subject "Eye'wlt- ed by natural human Instinct, which talk with as many persons as nounced the group will meet has oome from Washington an admis­ enough. wUi meet at 2:30 p.m. Sunday ness to Mississippi”, to be held holds that the other fellow must always it could the week te o re, but Monday at 8 pm . In the church for an afternoon of winter at the Cheshire Evangelical sion o f the fact that era have for some TTien again, the residents be the first to yield something, vriiich without much apparent luck.) seemed to have Judged that ball. sports. They will Join the other Lutheran Church, Cheshito, on O F MANCHESTER months been flying military missions When the residents came in­ SHELVINt hss got this good old world into its pres- the board of directors had al­ Mrs. Donald Bocaah, program members of the Greater Hart­ Sunday. pver the territory of supposedly neutral to the school gymnasium they ready decided to proceed with chairman for the month, will ford Yo\mg Aduh Council. Speaker and discussion lender snt Tsassuring and delightful sUto. have Mrs. Louise Newman, a y,ene, next door to Korth and South were already set against the the project. The hearing, they Monday, tee junior choir will be Rev. Harry Adams, pro­ project— apparently almost professional photograph­ seemed to say, was a mere for­ will meet from 6:30 to 7:30 fessor of homiletics at Yale kHetnam. Our purp ose in such infrtnge- wholly on the bXsis of the as­ er, show colored slides of the mality. ’ p.m. and the youth choir from Divinity School. The youth S M t of the tedmlcal neutrsHty af Laos sessments they expected they W orld’s Fair, the Ice Capodes The Curb Bustera This suspicion may have 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the chapel. group is asked to meet at the frustrate and destroy another vlo- would be required to pay. None played a large part in arous­ and Greater Hartford. Also on Monday the evening cir­ of them, during the course of Next Week’s Menu church at 5:45 p.m. ladon af that asutrallty, the use of Within tha last few yean than haa ing neighborhood hostility. cle of the W O e W will meet at Ladies Guild Meets $ Porter School menu next 0 .0 0 tbe hearing, seemed willing lo And this suspicion, one sus­ 8 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Tlie routes through Laos by the Commu­ developed here in Manchester, and week: Monday, corned beef St. M argaret M ary's Ladles make .*iny effort toward under­ pects, has’something to do with Rev. Roy-Hutcheon will speak nists of North VIotaam to supply the Guild will meet Monday at 8 ona preaumea in all other sidewalk com- standing what they were being the construction of ths entire hash, beets, fruit; Tuesday, on "The Ecumenical Move­ minestrone soup, sliced meat p.m. In the church hall. Guest Vletoong guerrUIas operating in South munlUee as well, a persistent assault on offered. town. ment.” Hostess for the evening sandwich, cherry cobbler; speaker 'will be M ary Jean Vietnam. eomer curbings. Nor did the residents seem in­ The vast majority of towns­ will be Mrs. Kaye Heath. Wednesday, grilled meat and Thomas of Mary Jean's Salon terested In understanding the people seem to have accepted On Tuesday, the men's club ; Vha dahats as ts wbethsr or not our cheese aandwite, cole slaw, who Is a specialist in hair col­ Kvary Manchester motorist can notica basis upon which the assess­ the view that they have little will meet In Fellowship Hall at green beans, chooolate pud­ oring. hetlOB hi SKtsndlng our activity in tha the oocaslonaJ consequences. The cor­ ment was levied — as long as Interest In town government— 8 p.m. There will be a speaker ding; Thursday, meat and Vietnamese war to the territory of Laos they saw a bill attached. until somebody tries to charge and refreshments will be sqrved. ner curbing may be chipped off and noodle csseerole, green beans, In. meat loaf and gravy, mashed versary of statehood. Aloag with today's seml-offlcia] sd- robe, sitting on a chair and understood and approved of the A single vote at a referendum are no good. my name ran off the blank. Announcement is made that piisMan that wa have been engaged in only normal way for him to get around counting the pages in the Inuendo the queries often con­ or a ballot cast on election "I'm calling the prieat,'’ my the sacrament of confirmation • dwottog w ar inside Laos for several ouch a com er is to run over the side­ The economic level of the checkbook. tained. day is fine as far os it goes. JANUARY will be administered by the R t JOHNS-MANYILLE check writer has nothing to do wife screamed from upertalra. / Even when the answers did But H is seldom possible to put psontha now, perhaps ainoe last June, walk. And this some truck driver does, "What are you doing that Rev. Walter H. Gray at St. with it. Bad personal checks for?” Later the maibnan came. I /come acroee they were not al- acroes more than the iriost ele­ Peter’s Church here on Sunday, ttiere comes another not-qulte-offldal on some street in Manchester, almost are the things that draw us “Becauss I’m afraid you clapped my hands at what he/ waye of the kind to win over mental of words or thcaights by March 14 at 3:00 p.m. Verification of another phase of the w ar every hour of the day. To avoid doing all together in this city. In found it and you stole one of left. A bill from the N ew Yortt even a leM Involved listener. INSULATION that single notion. CongregatloiiU Servicea cheap bars the sign over the the pages from near the back, Telephone Co., a Slot - edged tohich could hitherto only be guessed ■ so, he would have to have exclusive pos­ Benrices In Hebron First Con­ cash register saye, "W e don’t like you always do.” IB M card bill. Direct from the from various drcumstanoee. It now session of two whole streets for his gregational Church will be 10 cash personal checks for any­ This is a good point. Every­ New Yerk Telephone Company. START THE IVa" - 2V4” .^V a" ^ turning the comer operation. a.m.; Sunday school, 11:15; Gil- •eema admitted that we have, for some body who is breathing." The body who steals blank checks This was beautiful. Frederick has had to borrow each year to sad Congregational; Sunday Mme. again measured by months, been So the great rear tires, and the great owner stands and curses and from their wife takes them W. Kappel personally was go­ Yesterdays finance operaiUons. school, 10 a.m., and Morning THICK calls them "bum maps" or wails from near the back of the book. ing to get a personal check Samuel J. Turklngton Jt., son ■sing our fleet to provide air and naval tonnage, pass over the comer sidewalk, Worship, 11:15. that "you oould play handball If you take it near the front, from Jimmy Breslin! of late Samuel J. Turklngton, hover to r South Vietnamese troops us- and begin the'crack and crumble proc- with this thing.” In hig^h class H erald H is Rav. John N . Cross, pas­ she'll find out right away. If Kappel is president of the appointed town clerk to suc­ ,toP American planea and boats in at- places, they are referred to as tor, sril preach in bote churches 16" & 24" eas which represents danger to pedes­ you take the last page, she'll whole A. T. and T. and he and ceed his father. . "personal oversights" or, "this 25 Years Ago as usual and will have as his tocks acroaa tbe border of North Vlet- trians, and'lhBurance risk fo f the town, notice that too. Take it from I don't get along. He put num­ YEAR RIGHT object suitable for court ten­ near the back and it might be sermon topie “A Mess, A Man, WIDE and which requires the town to engage bers on the telei^nea. For do­ nis.” a whole month before you’ll be Dr. Eugene A. Bartlett, A Meaning.” ing that he deserves Salmon 3 .5 0 •outheast Asia than Conununiata Not to be outdone six Republican briefcase. "Now, under no senators revealed they are hard at work circumstances is he allowed to on plans to put a medicare model of have any checks of his own,” OPEN their own into production. Fitzsimmons tidd Mr. Dowd of Choice of 11 rolls of 100% wool carpeting in This would carry accessories neither the bank. " I f you g^ve b|m a 27-inch width, Tweeds and Plains. Complete S tair Good Eunple Gets Tired of the other models offer— such as cov­ ^eck book you'll have to hire NEW 5% OISCOUNT 20 people to keep -up with the 9A.M.to4P.I {^tailed on and 12 or 18 straight stairs in­ ering some doctors' fees. ' m action.” C arpeting • One of the most fascinating prob- Atop all this comes another entry, cluding cushions and installation lay our ex­ lima of national and human behavior— this to be unveileq shortly by a OOP Mr. Dowd guaranteed that I MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY"* perts. Small additional charge beyond Man­ wouldn’t get any checks, and gan anybody really keep on providing House W ays and Means Coiruirittoe chester. com plete CASH It CARRY ^ group. w e left. Then, through the ^ good example for others regardl'esa hmUI tbe other morning, one of TTiia may not be all. Poaaible added thimdciy—6 fo 8 P.M. to.wtwtbsr or not others rociprocato— the most ooUoasal banking ar-- HOURS installed starters in this particular medicare rors in modem banking history frntimias to get a negativs answer out derby may be anticipated. was committed. A package was Ilf This, then, we think, would repre- including top naturnl instincta of the hu- delivered to the house and when Reg. $166.00 9 X 12 ft. Heavy, reversible aent »n ideal time for the U.S. public tbe wrapping was removed -A A Chenille Rug, earthtone background with to alt back, take a deep breath and do here was a cneckbook that was cushions MANCHESTER Unltod States has, under the a bit of careful reading of the fine accents of red, green and gold. Sample 1 3 9 * so big it was betwesn hard administration, been experi- print in each of these plana. covers. Inside, fdur to a page, Reg. $89.00 8 X 10 ft. Cottmi Chenille Braid AH of them, as thus fa r presented, .11 and labor rtth ^ “•Pod axample” bual- ^ were more blank checks than Rag in rust tones ...... W a kavs ksan pretandiag, and an- paint a rosy plotiwe of somethlng-foi^ I’ve ever seen in my while Ufa Bothlng, or next-to-nothlng. My wife started to cry. B eg. $99.00 10 X 10 ft. Round Braid ttet our own sinosrlty in ths frit, one may be sure, a hook will be Lumbeii “Ton’ll go to JaU with th fr” c t disarmament w as ao great that in green tones with red accents found beneath the attractive bait dan- she said. follow a program of opening , gled from each of the offered lines. "Give me a pen. I want '(e Reg. $20.95 27 x 48 in. Discontinued a f q u r own atonio facilitias to •The-tim e to find it is before beoom- writs one for Wopl-O Braid Rags, each *- ” avged on tbe barb—not after. •h e took the b ^ and rda , PACK E IG B t MANGHBSTER EVENINa HERALD. MANCHBBTER. C O N N , FRIDAT. JANUARY 15, iM k HANCHBSTRR . EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, FRIDAY. JANUARY 16. 1965 PAGE N lN l:

report to the of C oven try but secured through research Rusk Denies U.S. Attadked Imaginative Planning by Stephen Loyslm c f the ad­ visory ecnunltUs Is “pertlnaat informaUcB relattvs to future North Vietnamese Targets Controls Are Sought school needs.” Tike board was Held Cure for Blight Retired Teacher informad o f his infocmatlen during its special meatlng. (OmBwed fNoi Page One) and Amarteaa pOata would bs THE High School W orld Involved. 0 R e said, ’The gravity of th« Dies at Age 93 sltuaAtoB is further aggravated Two U.8. ^anes wbrs knCok^ m« decision to operate vot. XXIX, No. 16 Br BOB KIUPATBIOK On Teacher Salaries agatakst tha supply Unas through Friday, Jaadary 16 CompiM by Students of Manchester High School Mrs. Joyce Don, Faenlty Advisor by the Mkrwlng data obtained out and their pilots were rea- A call for oxperimentation and imagination character­ ROCKVILLE—Mis* Julia O. Laos was taken In consultation from the office of the building cued. Announeement ot the loss ised last night’s second and keystone town planning O’Keefe, 98, o f 37 Tolland Ave., The board of flnaaee Is to^ediool system md also "the inspector: with the neutraUst government forum. Th^ three panelists— a city planning instructor squaliaad 100 per cent grand *^a. There are a^proxlinataiy of the aircraft led to disclosure of Laos and based on tha Inter- Mrs. Skinner “One if by Land . . a retired school teacher who present a "control figura con­ national legal a ig ^ e n t that the Leaders Get Overconfident Marksmen with an economist’s background, regional planner, list to r each town baaed ou the 160 residential properUce that of the bombing missions. a taug^ 49 years In RodcvUle cept” to the board o t adueation. Oor>nununlsta hhad ' 'long _ sinca ' vlo- The Beanies are coming! •nd a town planner—all agreede latest figures available from have bean iq>i>roved, but not OffictaU iaid today that the schools, died at hu- boms this School board members ara now yet oompleted or occupied. PU- lated Lao neutraUty by maln- Prize Placed Student Council President that the preeent ahapa of our New England towns strike re­ the State Tax OommlasK>fter*a only attacks by U.8. aircraft orf talnlng North Vietnamese forces New Duties Downed in Rockville Match sponsive chords in everyone. morning. studying anew teacher salary Offloe, the. grand list per pu­ n Hule calls for a total of Mike Orlowski said that the towns and cities left much to be houses, soma o f which are North Vietnamese territory had there and using the UtUs coun­ Basketball fans have un- single lantern which he saw desired. In contrail, we have the well Miss O'Keefe was bom in El­ schedule presented by the pil and the per pUpU cost in r been those dlscloeed last August try’s mountainous Junglaa for known phenomenon of the "sub­ lington, Nov. 30, 1871, a daugh­ standard committee o t the Edu­ completed and occupied; Netth- In Vestibule doubtodly noticed the much- hanging in the spire of Cen­ Hie MHS sharpshooters wereAthe squad la carrying members But where do we go from ich town.” ^ President Johnson after supply lines to the Red gkMrrtl- ter Congregational Church urban sprawl.” As Oertrude ter of Patrick and Margaret cation Association of Coventry Adds on R t 44-A, calls for 80 needed addition of ushers sta­ handed their first defeat of the of which only ten may be en­ there in our attempts to make Grand L M Low units, two of which are oecu- Oommunlst torpedo boats bad las in South Viet Nam. \ ‘ *• during the past weekend Stein once said, "When you’re McDonald O’Keefe, and was a (an organization of teachers in Students on toslr way to the tioned at strategic points tered into a match. He is very the tosm a man’s home through The commRtM stated, *Th« led; the Merrow Road (Ram- attacked U.8. destroyers tn the Another effect Ot the combat .rf means that the Beanies will young season this past Tuesday lifelong resident of Rockville. the local public aehool sys­ around the gymnasium. This is pleased that seven boys are con­ town planningT there, there is no there there.” Bignlfioant fact estabUsbed by ler Homes) inroject Ims 14 Gulf of Tonkin. American Afbt- operations into Laos la to begin music wing of MHB have prob­ be arriving by land, within by a determined Rockville Our public areas should in­ She was a I860 graduate of tem). ably noticed the new addition to only one of the many new serv­ sistently getting fine scores in Ralph Tucker, city planning this otudy Is that the town of Sunits in various rtsges of ooa- ers and bombers at that time to link the two wars togsther — ices being performed by the the next few days. The dis­ Instructor at the Tale School vite participation; they should RockvlUe High School and After making a study with knocked out torpedo boat bases the fight for the security of Laos toe auditorium vestibule. Now squad. Coach Toni Allbrio said the ISO’s, Coach Alibrio com­ Coventry hes the lowest grand atruotion. In addition there are Boys’ Leaders Club this year. tinctive red-and-whlte head- mended sophomores’ Vl Clavette of Art and Architecture, sug- make mundane activities, such taught at the old Northeast the board of education, the fi­ about a dosen Individual-non- and supporting installations. and that tor the protection ot gracing the wall is the Helen that the 908-915 Io m was partl- as shopping, a pleasure. Uat per pupU of 817,800. The The u.’ihers tend to such duties gear, a vital addition to any and John Gallagher for their ested to an audience of about School during her first year of nance members 'have every in­ development houses In various Officials did not deny reports South Viet Nam. On the Com- Page Skinner Award for Ex- student wardrobe, will sell oally due to the overconfidence We should pay, more atten­ tention to state a figure for the town o f PlalnfiCId haa the high­ as collecting tickets, answering fine shooting ability and said S5 the basis and posslbiliUee for teaching. She then taught for stages of construction. Upon that South Vietnamese units munlrt side, both conflicts are eellenoe in Dramatics. Set be­ for 75c with S.A.A. and $1 the team had acquired from its tion to public architecture. The Teachers’ Salaries Account un­ est grand list per p«i^ll, 861,800, various questions, handing out that they will add a great deal the town as a man’s home. But four years in Broad Brook and completion of these units, it is have carried out occasional supported and probably directed hind a glaes panel are the tra­ without. The first order of four previous wins. The squad be shied away from recommend­ main p i^ lem is to combine ex­ returned to the Northeast der the board of education but its aobool costs are |S44 ditional maeke of tragedy and programis, keeping order, and to the team in coming years. anticipated that achod facill- missions in North Viet Nam. from North Viet Nam. Many generally assisting the staff of 240 Besmies will be sold on will take on Hamden th-is after­ ing any one solution outside of cellence with wide popular ap­ School, where she taught for 44 budget which the board of fi­ compared with the cost of 8388 U.8. officials have fsU for some comedy (done in bronse) and The following Is the remain­ per pupil in Coventry. It is also tlae will have to be provided They made a sharp distinction adult oSlci.'iIs. a first-come, first-serve basis noon at the Waddell Range for experimentation. peal. But we pay so little at­ years, until retirement She was nance will expect will be main­ for approximated 400 addition­ time that they represented a several plates on which to en­ ing schedule of the MHS rifle tention to the rtiaracter of our signlfK ^t to note that nine between that kind of activity Under the guidance of Mrs. before and after school and its sixth match of the fifteen Robert C. Young of Bolton, a member of the National and tained,” board of finance chair­ al rmlldren. Moef o t fiiese and thoee actions in which air­ single outward thrust of Com­ grave the namee of the annual during fourth period in front team: social and religious facilities man Wesley F. Lewis said. towns with larger grand lists Richard Cobh of the Physical game schedule. regional planning coordinator State Retired Teachers As­ housee are In the low to me­ craft with American markings munist power. recipients The award is given of the cafeteria. The Stu­ Jan. 15— Hamden, home. that we have little experience The board ia reportedly tak­ per pupil spend lees to educate Siducation Department, the club This year’s club is led by co­ for the Conneotlcut Develop­ sociation and the Ladies Auxil­ dium price category which in honor of Mra. Skinner, who dent Council haa designated Jan. 19—Wilcox Tech, home. in what is both beautiful and ing the stand because once ne­ each chfld. The Inequity of the has taken up a new program captains Alan Morrison '65 and ment Commission, succinctly iary of the Ancient OrdSr of means that the tax yield from was a member of too MHS fac­ Friday as Beanie day, and Jan. 22—Choate, home. appealing. Hibernians. gotiations are settled, the board present formula for dia^BiuUng ulty for 88 years and an ad­ of service to MHS with much Michael L. Jolinson '65. Former stated what was lacking and these properties will not carry enthusiasm. It is planned that any student seen on that day Jan. 29—Windham, home. Tucker gave a brief history She is survived by six nieces, of finance and the townspeople state aid to education to the the additional costs. visor to Bock and Buskin for footbsOl coach Toni Alibrio has Feb. 3—Choate, away. called for planners who are o f modem town planning. The About Town Doctor Says the ushering, which has met without a Beanie will be taken over the coaching reign.s "hard-headed idealists" to raise Mrs. Harold J. IJng of Rock­ no longer have control when the towne is also iqipsrent." Loyzim added, "It is also 33 years. Feb. 9—Wilcox Tech, away. trend favored villages of 3.000 with complete approval of the bareheaded!! from long-time rifle mentor our sights. ville, Miss Alice O'Keefe, Mias budgets are approved artmente. unanimous feeling that in­ broke his hip. Londoners have class periods and officiates at Parents* Council % and left UtUe time for a ques- The neighborhood would be pect St., with a solemn high of education budget. This was creases in salaries and fringe concerted effort to control the Welles St and Patrick J. Hum­ come to know him as Indaatruct- with money oollected from eaoh School Spirit done because It felt this phase phrey of 76 Birch Mt. Rd., have intramural sports activities A ticMi period. He devoted much more homogeneous In income Idaas of requiem at S t Ber­ benefits throughout the entire cause ot the problem. It is our Ible (JhurchiU. penson. Mrs. Skinner didn’t feel Arts G>ntest The High School Parents nard's Church at 9. Burial will of the budget represents the feeling that a ‘crash’ program been appointed as National Members are chosen for dis­ of the lecture to defining the and shared Interests. educational system should be Since his retirement from tne this was right and decided on playing qualities of leadership, Council in cooperation with basia for, and exploring the In addition to these, each be in St. Bernard’s Cemetery. biggest problem and the finance held to an absolute minimum should be Initiated by the Plan­ Aidea-de-Camp, VFW, by John House of Oimmons last July, the award, which later came Is B olstered members must have some type ning and Zoning Oommlsslon to; A. Jenkins, commander-ln-chlef sportsmanlike conduct, and The D:.:vld Hartwell Memo­ the high school administra­ framework of the residential town would have a town center Friends may call at the fu­ consistent with maintaining an Sir Winston has been out of the to be named the Helen Page tion and the Guidance De­ and non-residentisl aspects of a consisting of a college, a park, neral home Sunday from 2 to of control figure progranvnw a ” 1. subetantiaUy Increaoe the of the VFW. scholastic average. rial Prize for Literature will be adequate academic educational public eye. His appearance at Skinner Award for Bbccellence Elected to head this year’s partment will conduct a community. What be said fol­ shops, a bond shell, a 'Tivoli 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. guide and support for the board minimum houseaize; in I>ramatic8. Mr. Laurence program based on essential ele­ his window on his birthday 1s organization are President Bili awarded at the end of February meeting on Wednesday, Jan­ By Pep Rally lows. (gaidens in Copenboigen), a of education. (The 1964—65 ments only, until such time that ‘‘2. seriously consider the re­ Miss Susan Beckerman of 178 the only time Londoners teve Leonard, MHB vice principal, ia budget provides for 8584,376 of establishment of the two-acre Spruce S t will be Inducted as a Rylander, '65, vice president following consideration and eval­ uary 20, at 7:30 p.m. in A-7 The formation of friendships community service center, a li­ Vltolt Bagdanovlcs the business, commercial and seen him for months. ttie trustee of the fund. for interested parents of brary, restaurants, and a con­ a 8938,000 (^rational budget of residential lot in the outer peri­ member of Kappa Delta Pi, a Dave Brady, '66, and secretary- uation of all manuscripts sub­ A pep rally resounded In the Is one o f the most Important ELLINGTON — Vltolt Frank Industrial grand Hat is substan­ Friends said that of late he A graduate from last year, 10th and 11th graders in re­ cert hall, to name a few. the local slac- o f a house and a home and com­ tional Church will officiate. of Covenby’s educational prob­ "Our meeting with the board apparently overcome by moke Tues., Jan. 19—(3onard then opened the floor to ques­ efforts. be of significant ahd lasting your Sportsmanship.” (Conttnued from Page One) while sleeping. ‘XToUected Lyrics" by Edna St (4:00 p.m.) tions. The club greatly appre Entries for either the maga­ merit, and will be presented at faig fbont and bock doors so that pared the house to the town. Burial will be in Grove Hill lems.” o f education and the superin­ Osmphell Council, Knights of Vincent MlUay, containing Duke Hutchinson '65, ooptaht The cause of the firs was not Fri., Jan. 22—Crosby elated Dr. Pastel generously zine or the Hartwell Prize may the final awards assembly in contact between neighbors is A house should be a home; so Cemetery, Rockville. The report states several tendent was cordial and gra­ Ookimbua, wifi honor Lm Ctol- about 300 tsrrics selected by of this year’s basketb^I team, Friends may call at the fu­ meetings were held by the com­ cious, but not significantly narcoties thieves are becoming determined. Fireman fought the (7:30 p.m.) giving up his time for them. be submitted through members June. thanked the student body for Inevitable. should a town be a home, he bum, immediate past grand blaze in near zero weather. Miss Millay; “The Complete neral home tcmlght from 7 to 9. mittee to compile, research and fruitfuL An attempt to obtain more numerous and clever. On Jan. 28, the club plans to of the Department of English or Extra copies of last year’s their support and expressed op­ Similarity or faomogenlety of sold. The criteria can be applied State’s Atty. John D. LaBelle knight at a testimonial Mon­ Mrs. lacstrom was bom in PoeUcal Works of Amy Low­ ASSEMBLY analyze statistics, meeting Dec. a copy of, or information about tour the hospital in the com­ through Arts Group members. volume are still available, and timism aJ^ut the erventog game. residential areas is promoted in equally to both: Do you want said that although the number day at tike K of C Home. Dinner Manchester on Jan. 10, 1899, a ell, "Nine Modem American Tues., Jan. 19—Auditorium Biobard G. Johnson 17 with the local board of edu­ the proposals for salary and pany of four doctors. Miss Mary Lou Smith, group may be obtained by contacting The band, under the direction a variety of ways but mainly to raise your kids in it; do you of thefts is Increasing, ‘‘thefts will be served at 6:30 p.m. Lio­ daughter of William and Bertha Plays,” including some plays Sophomores—English Dept. SOUTH WINDSOR — Rich­ cation. fringe benefit increasee pre­ Barb Cocconl, '66 advisor, stated that manuscripts Miss Smith in Room 263. of Mr. Higgenbottom, added through tuilformity of housing want to show it off; do you of narcotics are the easiest to nel Lesaard la- chairman of the Weir Treat. She lived in Glas­ not commonly reprinted; and and facilitiee. ^ take pride in it? ard C. Johnsmi, 86, of Hartford, Recommendatlona Olvc|[i sen t^ to the Board of Educa­ event. Tickets nlay be obtained much to the spirit o t toe rally. The report recommends, that B O lV ^ ” tonbury for 56 years. She was a "The Plays of J. M. Barrie, " A heterogenous neighbor­ He mentioned several types father of Robert M. Johnson of tion by the EAC (Coventry member of Buckingham Con-- A t the end of the assembly, the "in the abeehce of specific stat­ "More clues are usually avail­ from Leeeard or at the K of C With twwity plays such as hood. one composed of a great of urban form and said Utat South Windsor, died yesterday Teachers Association), was not Home. gregational Church. Sophomores * basketball team received a utory guidelines, . . . the follow^ able and the patterns or meth­ "Peter Pan" and "Quality variety of typee of people is al‘ they had originated because of at his home. auccessfuL 'Ws were informed Survivors include a eon, standing ovation from the stu- - ing procedure be established for ods of thefts are usually more dent b ^ y . ao valuable but not in extreme the kind of society that built Other survtvoini include -Ms that the fsMhers did not wish easily traced," LaBelle said. Poliah Nktional Alliance. Charles J. Efitslrom Jr. of Glas­ Candy Davidson, '66 them. I he close kmt New Eng­ wife and a alerter. any. items, specifically includ­ publicity on this subject and tonbury; a brother, Merton And Juniors Hie cheerleaders, ordinarily degrees. CJonflict or coolness ing but not Uniited to new salary "Tliese narcotics thefts,' Group 1988, will meet Sunday between neighbors might result land town differs in form, gov­ Private funeral servicea will the board of education would Grieb said, "not only make at 8 p.m. at 77 North S t Treat of Glastonbury; and a responsible for the rousing of schedules and fringe benefit pro­ William Heck Judl Jackson much of the school spirit, were If there is too much dissimilar­ ernment, manners, and method be held at the Taylor and not give us this information. In cheap drugs available to young grandchild. of social Intercourse from the posals, which will materially af­ our opinion this Is regrettabla definitely responsible for the ity in areas like child rearing, Modern Funeral Home, 233 thieves, but also make their QibvScout Pack 144 will meet Funeral services will be held Girls Picked Plan Classes southern town or the western Washington St., Hartford, at fect the education budget for the The board of finance and the tomorrow at 1 p.m. at the success of Tuesday’s assembly. leisure, tastes, temperament, following fiscal year, prior to subsequent selling price much tonight at 7:30 at Keeney Bt. town. the convenience of the family, taxpaying public are most cer­ lower than those purchased from Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main ion of Honor Sophomores and juniors must Cheerleaders tryouts are held class, and race. ' "You never heard o t a show­ signing new contnu;ts: tainly entitled to know what every spring and are open to What degrees of similarity followed by cremation. professional dope pushers.” St. The Rev. Felix M. Davis, For 10-Game soon decide upon the courses in down on the village green or of "1. Joint bearings by the financial demands may be made pastor of Second Oongregatlonal any intereeted girl. The tryouta and dissimilarity should we fos. There are no calling hours. board of education and the He said the increase in nar­ Poliah Womens Alliance, In this week’s male leg;lon- 'The top of the Legion of Hon­ which they would like to en­ Marshall Dillon straightening on them. They have a proprie­ Oiurch. will officiate. Burtal will roll for next year. Sample are preceeded by two practice ter? It is an open question; we board of finance on such pro­ cotics thefts in the past three Group 246, will meet Sunday at or forni asks each candidate to out Litchfield,” he said, com­ tary interest—they foot the 3 p.m. at the Polish American be In Buckingham Cemetary. naire. one finds a citizen of sessions and are judged by a should go to neither extreme. posals. yean has been attributed to Hoop Season answer as many questions as elective cards were distributed menting on the types of towns bills. persons in the 18-24 age group. Club, Clinton S t There will be no calling hours. Manchester High School who is to. all underclassmen tiy the panel of male teachers and the We should experiment with that had grown from the types "2. If deemed advisable by possible to show the person’s F u n etv ls "As we are completely unin­ Grieb said there were 69 nar­ deserving of the highest praise Individuality. With Judl Jack- Guidance office Jan. 5. All jun­ captain of the squad from the typee of homogenlety to try to of people who had settled them. the two boards, a public hear­ formed as to any new salary The feminine basketball team previous year. This year’s squad cotics thefts in the state last Miss Safiy A. A s p in wall, j conceivable. Bill Heck is one son as the candidate, however, iors and sophomores wili be promote the opportunity for His last comment was a crit­ ing to obtain the public reac­ schedule and fringe benefit pro­ at MHS has recently been; scheduled for an appointment consists of seniors: Julie Hobin. Robert Scribner year. There were 43 in 1968 and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- Dyer Will Speak even the spelling of her name dose friendshipe with immedi­ icism of our society. He named tion. posals for the 1965-66 school ense S. Aepinwall of 8 Ander­ choeen for the '65 season. Even of those people who performs with their guidance counselor captain; Marilyn Cote, Diane COVENTRY — Funeral serv­ 35 in 1962, he said. rt-jows her personality as that of ate neighbors. two kinds of community—^pla’ce "8. Joint executive meetings year, we have been unable to son St., was recently initiated though only five of the girls his duties with a little more as soon as possible. The elec­ Hulser. Carol Puzzo, Cindy ices for Robert Scribner of of the board of education and an individual! Even though heterbgenlety and Interest. In the past a per­ consider and evaluate their ef into Delta Phi Alpha Sorority At Area Parley have the experience that is al­ precision and compfetenew, and tive cards, completed on the Steele: and Juniors: Jean Bax­ may lead to conflict, it would son’s place emnmunity, his Twin Hill Dr. were held this the board of finance for the feet on the budget for the next ways so important, the team Having been bom on Friday advice of the counselor will ter, Heidi DellaFera, Kathy of the University of Hartford requests no superfiuous com­ be a good thing sinM it may home, coincided with his afternoon at the Holmes Fu­ purpose of establishing a joint fiscal year. Hospital Notes at the home of Miss Jane C. Joseph P. Dyer, the director has a unit feeling of entousl- the 13th — "How’s that for a then be sent to the parents for Pritchard and Ramone Salcius. neral Home, 400 Main St., Man­ lead to a new sense o f com­ interest commimity, his Job and recommendation to the legisla­ Continue Same Schedule Steiner, 72 Fleming Rd. Miss of the staU Office of Economic asm which at times la an even pensations. start?!” — Judl has overcome their approval. Echoing the cheers of the chester. The Rev. Clifford O. munity—a neighborhood which friends. tive body of the town. The committee’s analysis also Aspinwan is a junior at the Opportunity, will speak at the greater element than experi­ Taking a look at Bill’s calendar that very definite obstacle by. Varsity squad are the Jayvee Simpson, pastor of Center Con­ 4. "Submission o f the joint PaUents Today: 284 Probably the most difficult Includes someone on every level, "Now, this is not true,” he showed that "the salary sched­ ADMITTED YESTERDAY: college where she is majoring fifth annual workshop of The ence. of subjects m his active senior participating in many extra- part of choosing a program is Cheerleaders, who root the ttie aged, the young, the oid- said. "Nearness has no rela­ gregational Church, Manches­ recommendation to a special ule for the 1964-66 school year in psychology. This is the third year that year and considering that Bill curriculur activities at MHS at­ MHS papoose teams to vic­ town meeting for approval for Mrs. Mae Codder, 110 Keeney New England Council next deciding on which level to take tural minded, the sports fan, tion to friendship. I don’t know ter, officiated. Burial will be at resulted in a double salary in­ toe girle* basketball club has i has won a letter of commenda­ taining the positions of presi­ tory. 'Tfifey have kept spirit up the convenience of the family. inclusion in the budget for the S t; Miss Vivian Adains. 17 Hol­ week. Dyer lives at 46 Fair- various courses. Levels one and the lawyer, the truck driver. A how planners can bring this crement for teachers and prin­ lister S t; Walter Bycholski, 130 The Executive committee of view St. been in existence. This year, a s . tion to the National Merit dent of the newly-formed Pre- two are designed primarily for at the Jayvee preliminary back. ’Ihe lack of it is one of Mr. Scribner was bom Feb. 3, following fiscal year.” cipals; the first going the nor­ Nutmeg Forest, Tall Cedars of in the peat, the club will be un­ Scholarship Program, one gets Med Club (formed by guess games, and the fine records of mixed neighborhood is an edu­ The report continues, "It is School S t; Miss Patricia Car­ Other speakers on the pro­ colleges and nursing schools the reasons for a certain break­ 1912, In Hyde Park, V t He lived mal step increase and the sec­ Lebanon, will meet Monday at der the direction of Miss Mary aomewliat of an indication of who?) and faculty editor of the while level 3 is generally good our Jayvee teams can be ac­ cation for children. in Manchester before moving to appreciated that the establish­ rier, 11 Alice Dr.; Marie and gram include s former Russian In order to offer a variety of down we’ve had in our society. ond resulting from the basic Michael Mellady, Columbia; 7:30 p.nL at the Masonic Army officer, now Soviet af­ Falgnant and also Miss Vir­ his excellent ability as a stu­ Somanhda yearbook staff this for technical schools and for credited, not only to fine coach­ It is an unfortunate aspect of Coventry 10 years ago. ment of such a procedure may schedule increase. In addition to Temple. t ginia Lind ~who handles the! dent. His schedule Includes es and players, but also to the choice and widen the kinds of present some knotty problems Mrs. Grace Nelson, East Hart­ fairs editor of a news maga­ year. National Honor Society those who will begin work right our society that in New York He was employed in the data the double increment, beginning junior varsity group. |Honors Trig and Math Analy­ has for three years given Judl after graduation. Mra. Gertrude ardent clieere of the girls and experience, available. It would processing department at Pratt but the urgency of our fiscal ford; Mn. Anna Agren, 36 Ver­ zine; and the executive secre­ be well to build a variety of City people can stand by and with the current school year, the non St.; Mn. Ruth Quagiia, 119 BMward J. Faber, son of Mr. tary of the national anti-pover­ The team practices on Mon-, sis, We-ktern Civilization, Phys­ the aspect of MHS life she likes Hltohcoc!:, guidance depart­ spectators. -a. watch murders and muggings.” and Whitney Division of United condition requires that every fuU cost of CMS and Blue Cross and Mrs. Eklward R. Faber o t ics and Latin, and Level One Chosen after stiff competi­ kinds of neighborhoods. Some effort be made to arrive at a Waddell Rd.; William and Da­ ty program. days and Weidnesdays and will I the beat — those remarkable ment director, advised students Tamsky defended his role as Aircraft Corp., East Hartford. insurance coverage is paid for 24 Niles Dr., recently complet­ play their games on Tuesdays English IV. to choose coqrses on the "high­ tion last spring, the Jayvee neighborhoods would be similar, He was a member of Center practical solution. In our opin­ vid W ert South Windsor; Mrs. Dyer and Fred Nadhemy. the NHS privileges! Sounds of others not, and still others in- a town planner by saying that by the town. In view of these Lois Dowd, 32 Lilac S t; Mrs. ed two weeks of active duty and Fridays. A 10-game sched­ In fills his senior year, Bill is MHS, International Relations est level on which they can per­ cheerleaders consist oU the fol­ Congregational Church, Man­ ion this should not be an insu­ training at the Naval Training programs' national executiva between. he had a limited control on the facts, it is our unanimous opin­ Dorothy Copeland, 85 Demlng ule, starting after Christmas serving as president of both the Club aod Sock and Buskin all form successfully.” lowing girls: Liz Campbell,’ chester. perable problem, provided that ion that the 1964-66 salary sched­ Center, Great Lakes, Hi. He will discuss the Implications of captain, Mickey BSilers, Linda’ However, in small neighbor- development of the community. St; Mn. Muguerite Ostby, Rt vacaticn, w*ll be on tap for the Latin Club and the Current A f­ consumed Judl’s leisure time Mrs. Hitchcock went on to Survivors include his wife, good will and understanding ule be continued for the 1966- has since returned to his local the War on Poverty for New say that it was better to get Vilamlre, Betsey Uttihg, Janice boods it is Important to have Tile developer and the Federal and mutual trust are. the moti­ 6, Andover; Mn. Elizabeth Rol­ girls this year. Hopes are high fairs Club and os a representa­ during her sophomore and jun­ Housing Authority are mainly Mrs. Ruth Crockett Scribner; M school year. reserve unit for regular train­ Eingland. -- • good marks on a lower level Rautenberg, Dona Kearney, reasonable homogeniety. vating factors of all parties lins, 268 Lake S t; Henry Baker, The council is devoted to fur­ for beating the record of 5 tive to Student Council. For ior years. What about outside of responsible for what we have, two sons, Robert C. Scribner "This vdll give each teacher ing sessions. wins and 5 losses which the than lower marks on s higher Joan Cunliffe, Sherie Mat- Community and privacy go and David Fiske Scribner, both concerned.” 69 S. Hawthorne S t; Thomas thering the economy of the New over three of his high school school you ask? She ia vice band in hand. If we can pro­ he said. in the system a normal increase varsity compiled last year. level.” terilll, Cathy Miller, and Bar­ at home; a daughter, Mrs. Wil­ Board Limitations Bunoe, Coventry; Edwauxl Mil­ England Region. years. Bill has also been a president of the St. Bartho- mote privacy, paradoxically, we He disagreed with Tucker on of 8300, excepting those teachers Dr. A. Elmer Diskan will Seniors on the team are member of the varsity soccer Information on hours of bara Rivers. liam Koski of East Hartford; The report also disclosed that in U)c steps 0 to 1 in the sched­ ler, 13 Bunce Dr.; M n. Rose speak about his trip to Israel, The workshop session la set iei>k*w C.Y.O. and president of homework spent per week for The girls have been busy all may also promote community. the layers of community, and while "the board of education Leonard, 857 E. Middle Tpke.; Peggy Zikus, Dottl Cobb, Ann team. named the family and imme­ his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don­ ule who would receive increases at the Sabbath Eve Service to­ for Jan. 19 and 20 at the Stat- the Manchester Memorial Hos­ various courses of study was year with practicing and cheer­ Vimal and audial privacy is does have certain statutory (Jlaude Hendrickson, 80 Linden ler-HlIton Hotel in Boston, Meaeom, and Barbara Wohlge­ Accordingly, if Bill were able pital Junior AuxUiary and diate surroundings, the towrt,' ald Scribner of Hartford; a of 8100 as provided by the sched­ night at 8:15 at Temple Beth muth. The Juniors are Ohrls also given. With our major sub­ ing at games and participated lacking in suburban areas, not powers over contractual obliga­ St; M n. Jean Marino, 40 Max- to be one character to histpry, works In the Hospital lab on suen as Manchester oir West brother, Donald Fiske Scribner ule. These increments would re- Sholom. Christensen, Ann Pratson, Hel- jects a student could expect 14 in a Pep Rally at the beginning only in homes, but also in out­ tions, it is our feeling that the weU Dr., Vernon. he would choose a pers6h who Saturdays as well. door areas. In fCalifomia, one Hartford, and tfio region, such of Wautosa, Wis.; and a sister, suK In a budgrt increase of 817,- Sne Kiecolt, Robin Starkel, El­ was B leader in his own right, hours of homework a week and of the year. Mrs. Eklwaird E. Barclay of intent of the statute relates 900. This does not include any ADMITTED TODAY: Arthur Where's her leisure time, you would have 10 study halls a Linda Bayer, '66. community is building homes as the Capitol Region, as the to contracts in existence but Jaycee Banquet len Fred«rlckk>n, and Fran Abraham Lincoln. Bill admires valid levels of community or­ Bramford. increase for 17 teachers who Shorts, 40 E. Middle Tpke.; interrupt again? Well — Judl week in which to .start it. With Sharon Douton, '87. around a courtyard. does not g;lve them the power Warren Lavaeser, R t 6, Ando­ Andover Manning. Representiiw the Lincoln most for his ability to ganization. Hie family requests that are now In the 11th step of the sophomore class are Nancy lead a befuddled country manages to squeeze in enough five majors, 17 hours of home­ In the non-residential or public or authority to establish new ver. Set for Feb. 8 work would be received and the sections of the community, we In reply to a question from those wishing to do so may salary schedule. We feel that Chandler. Lis BIckley, Luann through a dlstresBtag portion time to go water skiing, snow contracts without the prior ap­ these teachers should be given BIRTHS YESTERDAY; A Man in Hospital, r.uml)er of study halls would be do not seek friendship as much the floor, Tamsky said that make memorial contributlins to proval of the board of finance Heck. Judy Jullano, Kathy of our history. At the present skiing and horseback riding planning can best be imple­ Center Congregational Church. 8300 increases aggregating 86,- daughter to Mr and M n . Ar­ The Manchester Jaycees* sixth ('with a Uttle more emphasis on reduced to 6. as social cohtact and participa­ and the legislative b ^ y of the thur Bouthilller, Ellington; a annual "Outstanding Young M'-*' Stoddard, Joanne Elchman, time BUI is an avid admirer Skiers Plan tion. This was amply provided in mented ‘ by setting the gross 100 which would make the total Walked a Mile of William Scranton, the noted the water skiing.) to e loves Modern History and Mathe­ town (town meeting).’’ daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Peter of the Year" banquet is set for Jtidl Snow, Mary Lynn Rivard, matics 10 are tw o. new, aca- medieval Eviropean towns With pattern for the community. He Mrs. Vivian M. Massey The report quotes the Dec. budget increase for teachers sal­ Kaye Raak, Betty Ledgard, Di­ Republican governor of Penn­ visiting Boston and riding mo­ mentioned the location of BOLTON — Funeral services aries 833,000 for all teachers now Beckwith, 111 Walker St; a Feb. 8 at 7 p.m. at WllUe’s Steak fl^mic courses being offered to their public sqtiares and chuirch- 16, 1964 issue of the Hartford oon to Mr. and M n. Floyd Kel­ Without Shoes House, 446 Center St. anne Zeppe, Joyce Austin, Jo­ sylvania. torcycles (this underlined Now recovered from the first few seconds of terror, the deposed Mr. Hunt sits placidly Outing Soon schools, playgrounds, libraries, for Mrs. Vivian Mllbum Massey in the system. Additional provi­ twice!) Beards and the ocean sophomores for the first time as providing a focUs for eco­ Times, “even the courts have ley, East Hartford. ‘ The annual award is bestowed anne D l x ^ Patn Franklin, and Leisure Urns activities for this year. Data processing is among his turncoat students. (Note the evil grins and banshee war-whoops being made nomic, reli^us, and social ac­ recreational facilities and high­ of Hebron Rd. were held been confused over how far sion should also be made for are great, but when it comes to ways as ways of establishing new teachers to be hired based BIRTHS TODAY: A son to An Andover man le in the upon a young man betwean the Bue LooUa. Bin include golfing, watching a new business course for Jun­ around him.) Always a good sport, Mr.-Hunt took eviction in stride, admitting that his An MHS Ski Club has reemt- tivity. Wednesday afternoon at Bol­ finance boards can go in limit­ Robin Starfctf, '68 dislikes, Judl calls them vehe­ a pattern. ton Congn'egational Church. The on Increased school enrollment. Mr. ,and M n. Robert Elliott, hoepital today wMh severe ages of 21 and 85 judged to have the stock market and fishing. iors .and seniors, and Jtoz band students bad effectively proved a point. The “ World” thanks Mrs. Kelson and Somaiihis edi­ ly been formed. 'The third ineet- In contrast to this, today we ing the budget requests of Tolland; a son to Mr. and M n. frostbite as the result pf a mile- contributed significantly to the His most unusual experience mently. Hates: Potatoes and will carry a 14 credit next year. tors Judy Frithsen and Connie Barrett for the use of the picture. Ing was held Jan. 6 and officers have shopping centers like the ”I am not sure that intimate Rev. J. Stanton Connover, pas­ school boards. In 1952, in "In this connection it Is in­ zoning is doing a good job. tor, officiated. James W. Mc- teresting to note that prior to Peter White, 138 Park St - long wafic wttlkout shoes abortly conkmunlty. The recipient’s iden­ stems from the latter of these conceit. Bob Whitesell, '66. “ ' ■ ■ ' ...... -flf* were elected. They are John one in Cherry Hill near Phila­ Fowler vs. the Town o f Enfield, DISCHARGED YESTER­ tity is not revealed until the activities and deals with the Give Judl a million dollars Minnlck, president; Ken Walk­ delphia. People go there not only There is no over-all planning. Ray was organist. Burial was the State Supreme Court of meeting with the board of edu­ after midnight. Tile essential decisions are In­ in Bolton Center Cemetery. cation, according to information DAY: M n. Sarah McVeigh, Hie Colchester Troop gave dinner. Ducks Open time he caught two fish -on and she’d "use it for my college er, vice-president; Jill Horton, to shop, but also to meet «lhd Errors noted; Boards of Edib 184 Mule St; Mn. Florence A, panel of five will ehooee the same hook. On being pre­ and medical education, buy a secretary; and Barry Gooding,, see other people. It is an out­ dividual and private ones, made Bearers were Max Hutchin­ furnished to ue by the superin­ thle account: cation are charged with the Smith, 68 Chestnut St. Mrs. toe winner from a list submitted sented with a million dollars, Honda and give the rest to Sock and Buskin treasurer. The advisor is Miss right failure of city planning by developers and entrepre­ son, Jefim Hutchinson, Myron duty to providing the necessary tendent of schools, increased en­ Warren Lavaaser, 89, o t R t So Much for Assumptions Marietta Kennedy, Enfield; Jen­ by toe Jaycee committee In With Splash BUI would spend the money to medical research.” Incidentally. Ruth Pratley of tha Language that we can’t do better than this. neurs,” he said. Lee and Anthony Mane|;gia.^ educational facilities. Boards rollment Indicated that six or 8, was driving oast on Rt 8 Young, criticizing the FHA nifer Clewlmr, M VlUaige St, charge of toe event. help pay for an athletic arena Judl plana to go to college and Plans Production Department. MORE MORE MORE The Watkins - West Funeral of finance are charged with the seven new teachers would be re­ when he swerved across the said, "There is only one Rad- Home, 142 E. Center 'St., Man­ quired for the 1965-66 school Rockville; ifichael Dion, 86 The judges ara Dr, Charles lioslng only two flrst places, in the greater Hartford area. medical school and pursue a The main goals of the club Some better facilities than duty eo providing the necessary Oartsr St.; Carlton Welnkan, 46 road into the westbound lane, career in surgery. Ilils hope For centuries man haa been^about the fact that they areAcomfortably ensconced are to promote safety in okl- bum (a model city in New chester, was in charge of ar­ funds and, at the some time, of year, but at the meeting with the Jatobeon. States Atty. John U - the MHB ducks opened the rag: PresenUy nearing the end of Despite a slow beginning, flopping centers should be pro­ Jersey), but there are hundreds Portland S t; Miss Blancha Or- striking a highway post. The Bells, Mayor Francis J. Mahon­ has- been boosted by the fsict contemplating the question “Do outnumbered by their students student desk at the head of the ii(| ; and to give members easy v id e . Churches and office and rangements. seeing to it that expenditures board of education justification nlar 1986 season by crushing hie high school ckreer, BUI re­ Sock and Buskin has ones again and hundreds of Levittowns.” for more than two adiuttonwi low Al, 26 Windsor A'vs., Rook- oar returned to the eaatbound ey, Herald oo-pubUaber Thomas flects upon his days a t MHS that she is now one of the four and could easily be overpowered class. Lifting him desk and all access to ski areas. Meetings ovemment buildings should be for the educational program are Maloney 72-34. In squaring begun work on a spring pro­ the e n d s justify the means?” At "Planning is nothing but teachers could not bs supported viUe; Miss Luisa Flalkoff, Hart- lane, cunning up and stopping Ferguson, and lost yaar'a vrin- and remembers the confusion seml-flnaliats for toe National by them. Afraid that the poor to shoulder level, the class are' to be held on toe first a ^ uilt close to shopping centers. Frank G. Colegrove kept within reasonable bounds their raoord at l-li Dick Solla- duction. The comedy "Roman­ long last the problem is solved, har'’ -headed idealism; you have based OB the currently anUcl- fordr Mra. Evelyn BarracUffis, on top ef an- enwonkment. ner of too dlsUngulsheil oervleo of the flnit day, finds an Honor Society acbolarship, and man would some day be hurt by promptly deposed him. third Tuesdays of each month eWe should exercise our im­ Funeral services for Frank in view of the overall financial tiek’s swimmers won all but toe off and Juliet,” by Peter Us­ As they reached the door, to have both, hsitBieadedneas George Colegrove of 27M Blue- ^ te d Increase in enrollment. 98 W . Mid TT a list of potential winners by poor state of school spirit. But Since toe night Judl drove a ing'about this philosophy. the smaller girls made them club plans to make several ’ The Rev. George F. Nostrand, to effectively implement your foot. He walked about a, mile flopped the most points for the country to central Europe, dea^s violence, the students of Mr. realize that all 20 students plus tn shopping centers than else­ rector, officiated! He was as­ can be justified by increased DISCHARGED TODAY: Uie piece of MHS that Bill will Honda is 11s ced as a memorable As soon as definite plans had trips to New England aki areas proposed ‘control figure’ con­ and whoa he finally approischM w Jaycees eommlttos, haadsd yndfaw 4irlth one first ai)d one with the problems experienced Gilbert Himt’s Advanced Place­ the Precious Burden could not where? Because people don’t sisted by the Rev. Wllliaro Be- school enrollment. M n . Carolyn Sherwin, 90 North by Robert MoGarrity, HoUlstor always carry with h l| n to the moment in her life, if you . ever been made, the ringleader asked this winter. Tentatively, to e ’ Uke to coRunit themselves. They Events cept of the education budget U S t ; Mrs. Louise L e a ^ 390 B. a hema, (be oocupants, think­ flecond for seven points. Other by these people with both ment English class recently- fit through the doorway simul­ first outing will be to Mt. Tofn, hiry of Wllllmantlc. Sydney W. "In addition to the superln* ing he vssB a b a ilo r , phoned B t mdlvidual winners for the MHS future can be best termed as should be drlvtof a Honda by America ttnd Russia atten^ting Mrs. Laveme Kelson, Somanhls Uke to meet casually and in- would be neceaearv - for tiie Middle T ^ e .; Burton Smltti, 174 iremon St., the home of Mr. achieved toe noblest of ends. taneously. They beat a hasty Mass., on Friday, Jan. 39, tha - MacAlpine was organist. Burial Uodestt and tha prlnchials, the poUee. past wtonsis besides tankers wore Lenny Wsssmer "MHB—its students, its teach­ to. win the country to their aide. advisor and candid-shot pho­ fbrmally. board of finance and the board there are nine superrtsory per- Coventry; John Aronson, 31 and Mra. Joseph Jackson— They gave their teacher the gift retreat, setting down their day after exams. This will In-^ In S^te was in East Cemstery. Trooper Howard Uneberry Atty. Banry Induds Atty. Paul ■Sb in 60-yard freeetyle; Jimmy ers, its ooschsa." The play preMnts a particular tographer, to immortalize Hie prize and sliding it out the door This is why a better organ­ of education to act jointly on sonnel on the staff, oonsistlng Madison St; Miss Carol Kamo, Future plans for BUI Include watch outi The flying streak of knowledge, teaching him one elude both afternoon and night" Bearers were Robert Sullivan, arrived and took lAvassto to M jito Melvin Itorwlta, athan ‘85 in diving, (Jhucky challenge in th%t It requires Event on film. Come 10:30 on and into the hail. Calmly isation of social facilities is any items that would materially of a vlca principal, three gidd- 9 Cross S t; Robert Chase, 87 college and aqiiratlona toward you see oomlng to g ^ you of toe facta of life. skiing. (Cofltlniied from Fags Ona) Thomas J. Woods Sr., Frederick Manchester Memmial Hospital Edward Glenney and Robert acTatughlln '66 ^ in the 100- difficult staging. Two floors of D-Day, she was standing silent­ closing the door behind them, needed in small neighborhoods. Qulsh, Thomas J. Woods Jr., affect the board of education ance, two remedial reading, one Dlsne -Dr.; M n. Hfffie O’Con­ Murdock. S becoming a lawyer. Bpt for the may be Judl:! The atory goes back to a class Hie future of the club looks Xt makes a difference in com­ budget for the following fiscal a rt one mualo and one instruc- nor, East Hartford; Edward where ha was admitted to the yard butterfly, Jetf Stuek ’68 to toe building must be visible at discussion on oiyilized life. In ly outside room 271, calmly fo­ the self-congratulating stu­ very promising. Over 70 stu­ bom infants In the hospital nurs­ John Woods and Donald Woods. A apeaker, as yet unnamert. the 1 0 0 -y i^ freeetyle, Walt psssent, BIU lives with his Abnee Patterson, '85. the same time, and the sets cusing her cflmera on the door, mitment if a perwm walks or year. New salary schadules and tionaL The last five teach part- Nielsen, Overinook Rd., Ver­ special ears sons with severs proud parents, Mr. and ^ is. commenting on the degree to dents returned to their seats dents have registered for mem-"- ■ ery through glass windows. Is also achadulad for the dinner Hudson '96 in the -yard must bs mobile. waiting for the Huitt Heist. A and sedately resumed their dis­ drives. There is more commit­ fringe benefit proposals are the tims, tha first four involve no non; Dsborsh Hill, Oovenlry: frostMte on both feat program. 100 Herman Heck, on Henry S t which sdciaty has advanced, Mr. bership, and many of them ara iMkCkstioke, and Brian Maoln- Public CoUegci Gain Casting will bs under way few teachers who had been let cussion bn college life. non-skiers since the clUb not - - ment if you have to get into BARN DESTROYED major Items to tiuestien taiss- teaching duty. In view of the O regon SsmroW, 490 HUIiaM A bfwpital spokesmsa said BUI Carney, ’86 Hunt mmtioned that we go car. Mental Hospital fact tha system has a S t; Mlaa Dorothy Quiiiby, 88 today that- Lavaaser has bean loito '66 in tha 100-yard breaat- soon—try-out datM will be an­ in on toe caper stood around In Sinter Hiuit, peacefully only givos too opportunity ta NORFOLK (AP)—Fire des­ much os tsachar oontraots for nounced.. through life making huiidreds la a new ocmmunlty businass manaifar who biu re­ Tannei St; Mrs. Edna Bdiel- rsmovsd'tbom special oars and •troka. Both o f the relays were NEW YORK — PubUo InsU- a ohister, waiting. pushing his desk before him got s slopo, but also a ehuMO H u e * troyed the Norfolk town bam the following school yssr are Unda Oox, '86 of aosumptlons shout our fellow w a ter in New Haven that Is lieved the administrative per­ bsnnfhig, 375 School S t ; Mrs. Is In satlafaotbiy oonditltio. PerMEMl NoUobs fleorsd in the MHB point total 120,000 turned Auay tuttons are taking an Increasing Ten thirty-two. Mlaa X pushcart style. “Down with aa- to tako loaoona under cartlfiad .-K . today. iFire Kills Two signed spproximaMly six Next Tuflbday tha tankers sharo of American college m 2 man. W e trust each otber, he |l walking distance of a good sonnel from most o f their non­ Barbara RMly 109 Ridgs St.; When Lavaaser leaves tbs (olasoraatea hatve promised to sumptiona!” cried 20 voices. instructors. It la hopod that The building boused town s9r- months before the fonnal budg­ trill try to improve their record TOKYO - Japan has enough university students, 1976, toe Unlese there Is extreme emer­ said, and act accordingly. We Bnmber o f people. academic duUes, U is felt that Mrs. Carolyn Wilson and daugh­ luMqpital he will be arrsstad on _ CardOfThBiiki hyde her identity) mow a shrill "Down with AMumptiona!” membership will Incrsass san. r vipe and malntenanea equip­ (Conllnoed from Page One) et hearings are held.” ' a study, should be made to de­ ter, 50 I n ^ St.; Pau­ when they take on Conard in a coUeges and un'ivsrsitias to ac­ " ‘ Industrial Oonf( gency, students ahould not re- do not arm ourselves to 'g o to blast on her Captain Midnight With a soul-rising sigh, Mr. the Season goes on. T TBs. design of public areas ment. / . The report CdiltaMed'g report ehsTgos of operating Under >the W# wish to *KmhW ^ termine the feasibility of reduc­ line Tambling and son, 78 High Mti^bort, frlonds and meet at the MHS twoL Conard, commodate 9Q p«r cent of ap­ Board eetlmates, toeoe schodia'-port to tha nurse between school or work "because we whistle, and the huatle began. Gilbert Hunt, English teacher, Anyono toterootod In jotnlngcr u bs visually strtking. There was no immediate es- Influence o f Uquor, or operating training at tha hospital had listing 84 towns in the state ing the guidance staff to two b t ; M n . Frances LaChapelTe, which ivon the CCaL title from plicants, The rush tn I96f to will .house Almost 70 . per cent [ periods but - instead- naport to know dam well toat no one U Interrtipting Mr- Hunt’fl saw toe light. It was true, you the club Is invited to attend pot* V pisatiful in Umate of the Ums, and the cause without a UoeiM, and for falling staged a praetica fire drill In tn the 6,000 to 10,000 popula­ instead o t the present three.” Phosafac Bt., Vamra: Mrs. Pat­ e Indiana last year,- will prs- entor too top-rated univefsitler; ef all students to toe nation their next class and ask for a goti% to jump up and attack sertailon on college life, toe cannot trust anyone — a Isi ' next mooUag on Jan. 19. O bdh t^ tkyO a* o f New Of the fire was iiot dstamUnsd to drive to the right His court the building emljr houn baton tion range showing the average • Data hr Loyshn ricia Oosgiim and . dsuffMsr, data le toBtattveljr sot tor nt the tankers with tough was so great that 130,000 had to working toward a Mobalor's As-1 pass from thalr teacher to re- us.” entire daoe rose and pounced not the lunatlca la hla C period jhisa o d y ^ t e n g g bmmB h j imHwdtstsiy* the blase broke out daily medbeeB* Jn each Not iheludaa tn tha latsrim £flppeeltlon. Dave Resnlok ’66. IM turned away. gree or higher, . port to the nurse’s oOloa. lisaelMn, bs said, asvar' think on toelr umniwneana, who was 44W.l^#TVis. Vsb. 8. Mna Sussa (Mgssrs aad M m Hx ■or • • llBBi . 1

MAMeHESTTO MvranNO HISlALp. MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1966 PA O B TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1965 P A G E E L E V m DA11.Y (HOSSWORD PUZZI..E UUR BOARDING HOUSE witli MAJOR HOOPLE R ockvill^V ernon LtlTLE SPORTS BY ROUHON ^*T Aniwtf t# Ex-Con K i lied, T- Presidents 16th Slaying W. G. GLENNEY ’/ j Republicans Nathe Panels Acioes go Hr. Uncola'i Your Home Deserves The Best! IWIAS PLANNIN«1DJ nkknina Gangster Style ') 1----- Doetrlix S3 Lariat ' ID fOWEA T. AMTS. H O O P te J ^ ^ J ^ * B«A»S a «T ' yrnaklla — 55ToU For Consolidation Election KOOMTClt f7 Capital of (Coatfnoed from Page One) |«U T -m s CHIBF'6 L6ANING HBAVyoN l$Alon|itda k-w BWfOWCe TOE c l e a n Erltraa 'V?) H* MSourca gOPraaidant Election oonunltteea fbr theemnde, their compoeltion and In- ELMCO BEAUTI , M.K ORDINANCE an d MOITVEf had teamed up with a third man (( ISMorinc Zachary — ooneoUdetlon------eleotlon------■in ■■Match ‘ terpretation. The I e OTTM'BuSOES-T DRIFT IMIDWIN/# MUlMntnnces aOMeilean j . ® advantages to rob a Roxbury used car parts |8E«OtE,TOATft3TTYNEIOHBOB ^ tS^^A W ITMauiirM a< were selected at a meeting Md disadvantages of such test­ place of $380 last Dec. 8. low VOURE.BAlCTER, MAS FILED ^ doth eiBadoUtkipU ixiiiin Wednesday or the Republican ing will be included in his dis­ Murray was slain with a sin­ W A L L P A IN T o r / PLOW YWXJLONIEIT UCeUtct DOWN cussion. Parents will be given gle bullet In the back of the BUGGS BUNNY lOOMPLAlNT ABOUT -TOOEE I TOE NElOHeOAMOOO o n c e " aSShtlUrad lida K rn n Oonunittea according to rCOMlCAU DISPLAYS.' IMagldan gUapaneta colna. 41B«fort tte wportunlty to question head just five days ago — the ■ IN A W H ILE/, SSCoanrait 43Jamaa — OOP town chairman 'Thomas Pope during a discussion period 0 » Z7 room will have a seating capac­ found In three suitcases In a va­ 01! RMOSAUR. and Coffee Party chairman, of Ellington, center, and Miss Alita Sadlak of Rockville await their pins. The awards were cant lot In Boston's South End. Mrs. Betty Greenwood. ity of 125 and will feature a given yesterday at a tea given by the Rockville Chapter, DAR, at the Elks' Home in Rock­ Gol. CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER W 33 34 » rathskeller type lounge-bar. One of the two men charged Social activitlee committee ville. Rockville Chapter has merged with the Manche.ster group, and Orford Parish Chap­ with Treannie's slaying is Wil­ AFTER The White Stag will be oper­ ter now has a membership of 100, it was announced at the meeting. Miss Bet.sey House, a chairman, Csirolyn Brownley; ated by Peter D. DuFresne, for­ liam Murray, 85, brother of SALE w abeentee ballot committee Manchester High School American Field Representative to France, and Miss Lily Concep­ slain John F. Murray. GALLON chairman. Miss Ruth Corbin; mer manager of the Shorcham cion of the Philippines, an exchange student now living in Manchester, spoke at the meeting. ST Motor Motel In Hartford, and Mrs. John C. Rieg, regent, officiated. (Herald photo by Satemls.) transportation committee co- Raymond Moonan of Manches­ chairman, Alfred Dreher, city, ter, formerly assistant sales w and (Christian P. Kllgusa, dis­ manager of Dovalette Paper mediation. The retferee.s have stature, and caliber of the men trict; and research committee Products and assistant estore Mediator Named continued to work junior bas­ chosen by Martin, and that he co-chairmen, Atty. Frank Mc- manager for First National ketball games at the $2.50 fee. was certain, that the result o< Q>y and Arthur'Callahan. A spokesman for the ref­ Carruthers said that present Stores. In Rec Dispute the mediation session will be ac­ MARLOWS MS Moonan and DuFresne pres­ erees said today that his group cepted in good faith by all of W 56 plane call for two campaign IS MANCHESTER’S » waw ently operate Pellln's ResOau- One mediator has been chos­ is greatly impressed by the the parties involved. headquarters In the city and the rant In Manchester. BUSINESS MACHINE ST B9 en. and another will soon be district. He noted that the site Motor Vehicle Charge HEADQUARTERS raiSCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER of the headquarters have not Gloria T. Bowler. 19, of Elling­ named, to mediate a rec de­ W BT been selected. ton, was arrested Wednesday partment dispute over fees be­ 8e« Us For A New 15 "We are considering several GETTING ON A WORSE PIRST WE PUT ONE T H E N W E evening and charged with oper­ ing paid referees, to officiate IS TRICICT BUS Focrr IN TME STIRRUP, SWING TWE LEG, BY J. R. WILLIAMS locations," he said. ating a motor vehicle while II- J E N M V U LIRE THIS... O V E R AND._ OUT OUR WAY The consolidation election la under suspension. She games in the Businessmen’s ADDINO MACHINE schedLiled for March Is required was released under 3250 bond for Ba.sketball League. HEY.'PUT [ THATS A SETUP h e SHOULD under a new, town-wide charter appearance In Circuit Qjurt 12, iTHEMRAGe \ FOR TH E BULL'S k e t c h O N -- Dr. Robert L. Stutz, member THAT BOOM approved by voters In an elec­ Rockville, Feb. 2 Sgt. Raymond of UConn's Labor-Management ROLLER 3*/2” Pure Bristle , BACK AT BENEFIT-HE Dunham made the arrest. r ' tH’BOTTOM L E TS ON H E OF HIS A1NT tion In October. In.stitute, was picked by the OFTMATDCX3R dont think; NO BIGGER Candidates elected will take AND TRAY PAINT BRUSH TH AN A three referees involved, from a WHERE THEY TH'SHOP IS office April 1. and m-111 sen-e Vernoh news Is handled by .submitted by General Man­ WAS' COLD, WITH BOOKIES The Herald's Rocks'llle Bureau, HIS V E S T O F F IC E .' jointly with existing officials 3* P a rk 8L, telephone 87S-3I36 ager Richard Martin. II OPEN.' until July 1. or 643.2711. The other mediator will be On July 1, governments of named by Robert A. Cronin, COVERALLS" the dty, the town and the fire secretary to the Board of Arbi­ district win expire, and the uni­ tration and Mediation of the fied gwvemment will begin ad- Women, Babies State of Connecticut. From Our Rental Department mlnistraCldn of the town. The mediation step Is to be New Basketball Team Recovered After conducted In accordance with To Help You With Your Repainting Needs Vernon Community Basketball ± !L CThapter X rv of the town's per­ Up (Plus Tax) Sanders and E d g e rs ...... SS JIO /D ay assistants have lormed a new Brief Freedom sonnel rules, which -specify that Disc Sander ...... S 2 J5 0 /D ay BONNIE BY JOE CAMPBELL basketball team and secured a "if the employe' la not .satisfied sponsor to outfit the team with — Choose From — 4” Belt S an d er...... S 3 ^ 0 /D a y NIANTIC (AP)—Two infant with the decision of the depart­ WITH A CUSTOM LOOK! suits. ment head, the employe may Floor Polishers ...... SI.O O /D ay ITie team, will be named the boys were taken along by their request In writing to have the • Victor McKeown All Stars, and con­ Vibrating Sander...... S2JSO/Day mothers as fottr young women complaint submitted to media­ A quolity, good-looking, well-mqde slipcover of • Burroughs sists of the assistant coaches escaped Thursday night from the tion by an Imnartial person or ^ t and referees in the midget pro­ State Farm for Women. persons, who shall make recom­ *i BuppojM It DOES k«ep Janie in off the street, but the gram. durable BARKCLOTH.■I Add a cover or two and • Remington-Rand David Vlttner le captain, and The women were stopped a mendations to the general man­ tieubla is that It puts her father on RP* others on the team Include short time later on the (5mnect- ager." see how well "COVERALLS" look on your choir • Smith .Corona 1 0 % O F F Larry Clark, Jerry Wilson, icut Turnpike in Old Saybrook On Jan. 4, the three referees David Berube, Dave Lucia, Bill but not before their stolen car were Informed by Rec Supt. or sofa. • Olivetti-Underwood Dum, Ken Coueb, Jim C^ark rammed the rear of a State Horace Murphey that he had de­ THE GIFT UNUSUAL and Eric Remklewict. Police cruiser. nied their request for an in­ Colors: Gold, Green, Brown and Colonial Prints — Also — I^S-U S OrBWILLMHS All boys playing on the team The women ran into woods be­ crease In fee.s paid for ref­ THE wwATHEB emuppiNa a ESA he tM 9is ai an eu were once members of the midg­ side the turnpike, but were ereeing games In the Business- TYPEWRITERS et program, and then they grad­ quickly remnded up by State men’i League. BEN CASEY uated Into the supervision level Police. T They had asked that the $2.50 CHAIRS niarLOW ^4«98 All Makea At One of tne babies received a per game fee be raised to $4 ef the organisation. per game, "based on the fact •ao.Kht.aft. 7 I'MSOBRY I BROUGHT IT UP, 'The team will play the Man- head bump In the collision but marLOW Prices! ANGEL OWinBtxc ■ l.t ENOUGH! THE that this league constitutes an BEN.THBirc EVBt MORETIWN SUBJECT E CtOSEO! cherier Paul Dodge Basketball otherwise they were unharmed, SOFAS marLOW ^9#98 the assistant superintendent of adult program, and not a ju­ Sales—Service I'VE TOLD VDU...IT GOES BACK AND SINCE ITS Team Sunday at the Vernon El­ venile one, and should be treat­ CHINA A IONS WAV AND... AND.. ementary School. Doors open at the farm. Mrs. Elizabeth W. OPEN 6 DAYS—THURSDAYS till 9 gHORT RIBS BY FRANK O'NEAL EARLY VET, I'D 1:30 and game time Is 2 p.m. Oouch, said. ed accordingly.” Rentals—Supplies BETTER GET Any team in the area wishing State Police said Marion Ben­ Their letter eUted, "While VWULOVQUUKe.'lb , BACK AND to play the McKeown All Stars nett, 1^ of New Haven, and the fees paid for the juvenile CLOSETS CRACK A are asked to contact David Vltt­ Brmla Jones, 20, of Bridgeport, games are low, they are satis­ So PiSlJiMS wrw Mf? arvwi ner In Vernon. Age of team look their babies from the In­ factory, and we will continue MARLOWli are sanded smooth members are 15 to 18. firmary. to work tiiese games (at the FOR EVERYTHING! ready for decorating Installation Slated Aided by Ann Duguay, 23, of $2.50 per game fee).” in a beautiful pastel An installation service will be Bridgeport and Linda Schaffer, Aa a result of Murphey's de­ "FUIST FOR EVERYTHING" MAIN ST.—MANCHESTER color or stained, to, held SiLnday at the Rockville 18, of Manchester, they over­ nial, tile three men stopped suit miladys fancy. Baptist Church. Deacons of the powered a matron and escaped, working the Businessmen's DOWNTOWN MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER Phone 640-5221 church will lead the service of State Police said. League gamea, and play has Model os shown recognition for the new pastor, The Bennett woman was driv­ been suspended, pending the the Rov. Robert L. LaCounte, ing a stolen car west on the who assumed his duties Dec. 13. turnpike about a half-mile west Reg. $59.95 Reprcnentlng the member­ of the bridge over the Connecti­ i-if ship, the deacons will lead the cut River when State Police MORTY MEEKLB BY DICK CAVAIL) worship service which will In­ caught up to them. clude a song 'service, scripture, Mrs. Oouch said one of the B l/Z SAW YER BY ROY CRANE and prayer. babies is three months old and ; f|lAm SRARR0W5 OtRTWKfR ^Helll^PCTWNIOWN I ThlNIC ^H^CMINaiXWNOUaeiBEerNCM'. Aiihur Lloyd Foster will be the other is four months. She W5e«7Sz,Bor < ^ RACES FOR HIS DOORWAY...... THE SWORD ioco6aHseHOPP\h»... speaker for the evening. He has said there are four Infants at W IN T E R ’S CHILL... CANE STICKS A«as. OUCX£V<5 HOLDON,Mm.W^^IBfZ... supplied the pulpit many Sun­ the farm at present, awaiting HOLD ON.' "N placement by welfare authori­ SAWtCR! I WAKfT'TO IN t h e POOR. NCTHsae. days in the past few months during the absence of a pas­ ties. Ten styles to choose A l i v e : tor, and he la well qualified to Brings Hot from. eiita! , 1 bring the message of challenge to the church. Hie service will be held at T p.m. and the public Police Arrests Is Invited. Used Car Values Church Officers Named 'The following officers were Phyllis M. Young, Wapplng, S NSIPE, HE WHIRLS, elected at a meeting of the Lu­ was charged with speeding and LUNGES AT BUT. was ordered to appear In Cir­ TREWAX theran (Jhurch Women of the WITH A SWORD awE, -First. Lutheran Church; Mrs. cuit 0>urt 12 In Manchester on BUT BUI PULLS THE Georgs Sumner, president; Mrs. Feb. 1. with imported ( arr.aulia DOOR BACK... T 7 T Sgt. Robert tAonan mstde George Hartmann, vice presi­ the arrest* last night on New dent; Mrs. Herman Bassett, 1961 CHEVROLET 1961 CORVAIR 1961 CHEVROLET c u t.s floor care in secretary; and Mrs. Nettle SUte Rd. near' W. Middle Tpke. Blscayne 4-Door. 6 cylinder, standard, Model "700” 4-Door 6 Passenger Impala 4-Door. V-8, auto., S 1 A Q C Smith, treasurer,. 'The new of­ TV ENGINEER DIES radio, heater, „ S 1 9 0 R Station Wagon. 6 cylinder, radio, heater, whitewalls. ^ l■ fT ^ CAPTAIN EASY ficers were installed by ' Mrs. whltewalla ” I A T 53 auto., radio, heater, S 1 A O C MK'KEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD BY LESLIE TURNEIi HARTFORD (AP)—Herman Stanley P. Campbell, past pres­ D. Taylor, 64, chief engineer of whitewalls. 1964 CHEVROLET Half! t b l l foHi n s/h epooee/ NOiJR* APTBR-nUD/MB ZeWPDUCBTWK ident. W nC Impala 4-Door Hardtop. V-8, auto., MOONTZ HB- I AW/ COWTRACr » ASSUffiP NOlV, AND ILL POUCBAUNO NBARBR D NAITATTHEniONe radio and television sta­ 1959 CHEVROLET EXTEND HIM A a THE i HEfte I ( OHBO/f Y m® IL mold \ 1 r m c m m m m , BOOTH AOWE# the aab’a Annual Meetinlg Set tions, died today at St. Francis power steering, brakes, S 9 A O E j-BUT IF HE FALTERS ' U£ W AMD HE’S I }muit aKFATM— ^ FlCiC U F \ »n W N HOIAB TOWeHT, ANY HBWB YBTTJ FINDING THB CAHiMMSt ME BBENAbupeeriN ITie Polish American Citl- Impala 4-Dbor. V-8, auto., power 1963 CHEVROLET radio, heater, whitewalla MA/ Ne«R KNOM HOW Twy, '5nnrTiaMB6BT5 sm 's Club. VUlsge St., will hold Hospital after a brief Illness. Blscayne 4iDoor. EASE UP FAST AND NOWl Hr*' PlSeum. BETMTI UPHML.T5MCMX Taylor, a resident o f West steering, radio, heater, SO O C IAM.KHIM ml WERE BAUlaaiBDOUT PEfCMPnONBOF HMIDTIIE PHONt M annual meeting Sunday at whitewalls. '^WW9 6 cylinder, 'staindard, 1963 CORVAIR II p B iivw ifr TWO MEN^^ fi:8Q pjn. Reports by the offi­ Hartford and a native of Lithu­ heater, whitewalls. ♦1795 Torty POWNBTAHCay cers and eommittees for the ania, was one of the first per­ Monza Sport Coupe. 6 cylinder, H preceding' year will be made, sons tUred by the Travelers 1963 COM ET auto., radio, heater, S I T O E followed by an election of offi­ Insurance Co, In 1924 to plan Deluxe 2-Door 6 cylinder, standard, 1962 CHEVROLET bucket seats, whitewalls. ^ I# T G Its radio station. 'The station There’s a cers, -


y n a a m i H M i a a BUILDING MATERIALS -H5 LUMBER FIT! ,

\ m m m m m THft649423f MANCMmR S86 NORTH M A tS SHOP TONIGHT TO ( ■.


MANCaifiSTlfiB e v e n i n g HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, JANUARY V t, 1966' PAGE THIRTESII THE Halfway Point in League Races Tonight Herald Angle NCAA Sends Compromise Offer to AAU By E A R L Y O S T Inj uns Play U ltor Desperation Point Home; East Seeks Co-sanctioning East Tests AFL Expansion Out T h ird Biggest in State Around Ski Centers No longer No. 1 on the list as the high school with the West Team largest male enrollment among members of Connecticut At Pulaski At Least This Year BOSTON (A P )—Six inches? Sixteen inches? Two . Of U.S. Track Events Interschola.stic Athletic Conference (ClAC) is Manches­ HOUSTON (AP)—'The American Football League will ter High. According to the latest CIAC membership list­ Ending first round com­ At Houston The snow depths required differ but the desperation remain an eight-team league in 1965 and probably for at ings, Manchester now ranks third with 1,008 male stu­ petition, East Catholic and CHICAGO (AP)—The NCAA-AAU feud over control is uniform as New Engfland ski resorts r«nMn clutehiM least two more years although it has scheduled an ex­ dents. The leader is Norwich Free Academy with 1,162 Manchester High games of amateur athletics still is a hot potato no matter HOUSTON (AP) — The in ft protracted enow famine stretching from LiftKe Cnam- pansion meeting to consider 38 applications this year. and Hlllhouse High hi New^ highlight a full schedule of whose fire it’s under. < boys American Football League's Commissioner Joe Foss sald^- Havon ia second with league contests on the ------Atlantic. The potato again was tossed AAU-sancUoned track meets referee allowed the two points, With almost one third of the to the AAU Thursday by the All-Star game, hurrldely trans­ Thursday the AFL wlU inves­ provide $500,000 for each of two boys. schoolboy courts tonight. after March 1. Walter Byers, then the opposing coach object­ season gone the dearth of snow NCAA Council which decided, at executive NCAA director, said planted to Houston from New tigate the various groups apply­ new elute in 1968 and 1960 but Hie Red and White remains ed that the scoring team had East Catholic (6-0) seeks its Orleans when 21 Negro players ing for franchises and then lesser amounts If spread over the largest school in the Cen­ Gene Littler has handed recreational skiing the close of the group’s national this revised code would subject been guilty of a backcourt vio­ third Hartford County Con­ what many consider to be its convention, to proceed 'with a claimed racial discrimination, make up its mind when and if it more than two years. tral Connecticut Interscholastic ference victory In New Brit­ schools whose athletes compete lation—which was right. The worst setback since the World truce bid. In non-federation meets to pro­ tests the pride of the Eastern wants to add any new clubs. Under the new tele-vision set­ League (OCIL1 in boy enroll­ two officials and rival coaches ain against Pulajiki. Blast leads Division against the best of the up, an attempt will be made to ment, more than doubling the Pacing San War n days of gas rationing. Dlls bolls down to co-sanc- bation or censui^ and that it Foss said nine groups from then put their heads together the four-team league with wins tlonlng of track meets at the West Saturdajr afternoon at Jep- screen most of the teams' road total figures of five of the other over Northwest Catholic and The latest reports show that "dramatized and crystallized Philadelphia, five from Atlanta, and decided to start the game a substantial snowfall in sec­ domestic level. The internation­ the issue." pesen Stadium. four each from Washington and games In the home city. Tha sight schools. from scratch, with the two South Catholic. league will operate once more Tied with three other teams Diego Field tions of Venriont a n d New al level was not included, and "Our_ people are convinced Houston Oiler officials who Chicago, three from Milwaukee Ranking In order are Man­ cluhs shooting at the right bas­ BOB NEWMARKER DON ROMANO BILL TROY Hanipshire in the past 34 hours that’s about the only thing new. that we are right on our side,” undertook the difficult Job of and two from Los Angeles have on a 15-week schedule adding an chester l.OOS, Conard of West at 6-2 for second place in the kets, The two pqints scored RookrtUe IBgfa Maacheater High East Oatholie did little to alter the dire situa­ The nub of the long power said Byers. "The whole issue promoting the game under short made Inquiries. He also had extra week by alioting open Ibrtford 883. Bristol Eastern CCIL, Manchester High (5-3) SAN DIEGO. Calif. (AP) — dates as it did last season. Milt were erased and the clock was takes on eighth place but al­ tion. struggle between the two organ- (of sanctioning track meets) is notice hopefully expected a heard from would-be owners in 724, Wethersfield 588, Meriden set back for a full eight i. in- There is a peculiar twist to the irotlons has been the AAU's going to be -vividly dramatized crowd of 20,000 if the weather Miami, New Orleans, Birm­ Woodard, assistant commission­ Maloney 497, Windham of Wll- ways dangerous Wethersfield Stowe picked up six Inches of ute period. How about that! golfing career of Oene Littler, powder—enough to warrant re­ hold on International sanction­ in the next few months and I man lives up to his forecast of ingham, Seattle, Portland, Co­ er, has the Job of making up tha Umantlc 496, Hall of West Hart- at 8:15 at the Arena. The vis­ ■Many Reasons for Considering Retirement- schedule. • * • itors have managed only a win who led the way into the second opening lift operations—but con­ ing. think public pressure will force cool dry weather. lumbus and Cincinnati. ton) 476, Meriden Platt 460 and FROM ALL SIDES— Woes seem to be piling up on Dual sanctioning long has against Windham in a e v e n rouite of the 834,500 San Diego ditions remain poor with at the AAU to re-examine its posi­ There had been talk of a Although Foss declined to Bristol Central 119. O ff the Cuff UCLA’S Gail Goodrich from all sides. He not only been the N(3AA’s ace card In tion.” starts. The Indians' league Open today. least a foot more required to in­ crowd as high as 60,000 if the name names he did reveal he All O d L schools are Included Marty Fagan, Rockville High sure good running. trying to negotiate a truce. Re­ Among the first to feel pres­ M aglie Resigns fat the Large School Division (A) showing, was marred by Malo­ Deal for Wilt Could Be Bad Littler won the San thego lost his footing, but he has to juggle the ball on his game had been played in New had spoken to Arthur Allyn, principal, reports he will re­ ney and Conard. With the exception of t h e neck. , gardless of the newest wording, sure was the venerable Cleve­ Orleans' Sugar Bowl. owner of the CJhicago White Sox, Which Is composed Of those with quest at least 500 tickets for tournament in 1954 when he was smaller resorts offering arti­ the AAU rebutted through lt.s land Knights of Cdlumbus in­ As Bosox Coach 615 and over boys, or by their Cheney Tech hoped the still an amateur. But in the -view The game will be telecast at 2 earlier this week in Chicago. Rockville -Jans when the un­ strength of its third victory ficial snow, only Vermont’s executive director, Col. Don door track meet scheduled own request, as Is the ease with of his hometown San Diego wor­ p.m., EST, by the American Allyn would like to put an AFT, beaten Rams play at East this season over Vina] Tech Sugarbush and Mount Snow are Hull that If the proposal were March 19. It draws heavily on BOSTON (AP)— The Boston Bristol Central. If .Leading Scorer Quits NBA shipers he has done little in Broadcasting Co., with the franchise in <3omlskey Park. Catholic High one Week from Wednesday will carry it past advertising fair to good run­ aimed at dual sanctioning "we collegiate stars. All league owners assured Red Sox have started a frantic East OthoUc High lists 416 their San Diego Open as a would be wasting our time talk­ Cleveland representatives told Houston area blacked out. .tonight, Jan. 22. If 3,000 seats Windham Tech this afternoon ning. The West has won all three Foss they expected to stand pat search for a pitching coach. boys and Cheney Tech, like professional. UConns Receive Rams ing to them." Byers that the March 1 boycott- were available for the battle of at 2 in Windham. SAN FRANCISCO (AP)f "I take one year at a time,"^ex-Stanford star, said he might Several of the major North previous games in the series, in their present cities at least Sal Maglie. who had been . East, an area school, has 167 the undefeated schoolboys it Win Marks on Line Of course, all Gene has done Country resorts still are closed This apparently puts the deadline, which permits all through 1965. Anaheim, Calif., hired as pitching coach at the funtime male students. —Wilt Chamberlain might Chamberlain continued. "Right wait for the Warrlora to come whole thing up in the air where pulling out a 27-24 decision last would oe no problem selling South Windsor (8-0) and El­ now, I’m not sure what I’ll be outside the county is win the including Surarloaf In Maine. Eastern AAU-supported Indoor new home of the Los Angeles end of the 1964 campaign by East. Lee Shaffer, who refused U.S. Open, the rich Las Vegas it long has been. year at San Diego in the final them. Both East Catholic and lington (4-4), sharing the N(X! retire at the en(i of this Na­ doing next season." Wildcat in New Hampshire and In Big Yankee Battle track meets to be conducted seconds. There was no All-Star Angels, has been niaking a new manager Billy Herman, to play this season for the 76ers, Tournament of Champions three The NCAA CJounclI expressed without Interference, was un­ Rockville, listed as a Class B lead with S-0 marks, take on tional Basketball Associa­ Chamberlain said there were Vermont’s Bromley. game in 1960, the league’s first strong pitch for San Diego and told the Red Sox Thur.sday he There definitely isn't in shape and straight years, m ^ y other shaiq) disappointment at "pre­ fair. Bill Weber, director of the VALUABLE — When schools in the CIAC member­ conference teams. The Bobcats many reaiKihs why he was con­ Southern New England areas, year. there are rumors that Denver will have to resign, Fellow toom Rookville who tion season, leaving the probably'won’t be around. And events and amassed a tidy nest mature AAU disdain and sum­ Cleveland meet, charged dis­ ship, could whip most Class A visit East Windsor while El­ sidering retirement, but he (Jonnie Dierking didn't appear relying heavily on machine- The University of Connecticut basketballers take Dave Stallworth is in­ Ctoach Lou Saban of the cham­ eventually might be headed to­ Maglie was sworn in as depu­ hso mot« than )ust a passing schools in the state—at least lington, winner over Granby Philadelphia 76ers holding mary dismissal" of the resolu­ crimination. didn't want to name them yet. for practice in San Francisco •gf- made 'surfaces, are reporting their “ mid-year exams” a few days ahead of their class­ jured, the hopes of pion Buffalo Bills banked heav­ ward Philadelphia. ty athletic director for the state Intereet la this season's R o ^ - this season. . .John Jay's ex­ Tuesday, meets fourth place an empty money bag. But the San Diego Open, noth- generally fair to good conditions tion. A meeting between the Byers said the March 1 date Under the terms of a new of New York. , Richman, a close friend and Thursday. . NCAA-backed U.S. Track and Wichita State in bas­ ily on his own Buffalo players Wlle High basketball team is cellent film. Persian Powder, Stafford, Ellington. JUie 76ers paid a reported 875,- lawyer of the highest paid NBA inr. with the "excellent'' sign out at mates when the Huskies will be tested by Rhode Island was incorporated Into the con­ and a big delegation from the five - year 336-million television Maglie said he had been un­ Chamberlain was given a Littler shot a nine-under-par Field Federation and the AAU vention legi.slation at the advice ketball fall. This titne BObe Milanese, the city's recre­ will be shown tonight and Sat­ Undefeated Rockville (S-OT" 1 ^ Wednesday night to the San player, took an equally short one resort—Rhode Island's Dia­ at Storrs Saturday night in a Yankee Conference battle. second-place Boston Patriots to contract with the National der the Impression he could returns a visit to Windsor In week to rest, treat his broken 82, a competitive course record was urged. of counsel and no slighting of ation dlreotor. Several standout urday night at the Bushnell in Francisco Warriors for the 7- sighted view from his Philadel­ nose and say goodby to friends mond Hill. A passing grade for the Nut-o he recovered nicely put the East in the win column. Broadcasting Co., it is reported handle both Jobs when he perfonuei's with the undefeated Hartford. John Jay will nar­ CVe action. The Rams handed foot-1 scoring machine. Phila­ phia law office. In Thursday’s first round. He Ths "January Thaw" bans of meggers entrenches them In Rhode Island comes to Btorrs Approval of a bylaw by the any particular meet was intend­ under sound treatment each team will get 3750,0(X) in agreed to return as pitching in San Francisco. So the first NCAA would in effect boycott Sid Gillman, Western coach, Rama were products of his sys­ rate the lateet in his exciting Windsor a 92-62 defeat earlier delphia threw in a reserve cen­ "Wilt told me he would only did it with a sensational putting winter resort owners, appears first place In the conference with its beat team in years. ed. will have five of his San Diego 1965, $800,000 in 1966, $850,000 in coach for Boston. But he said this season. The visitors !ost game he plays for the 76ers performance In 30-82-62 over the for a bad kne'e. tem in church leegue play. Mil-- colored ski films. . . Spring ter-forward with a recent histo­ talk about one year," said Rich­ to have ended with the sea­ standings at the midpoint of The Rams have shown amazing (Jhargers in the starting line-up 1967, $900,000 in 1968, $950,- he was told later he would be their fifth conference game in could be the Warriors. par 86-86—71 Stardust Country anese ie still close to the boys, roster of the Los Angeles An­ ry of fainting apells, one of the man. "That's all right with me. Neumann, a hot-shooting son's coldest weiither expected their schedule, accuracy in scoring of late. The highest twin double pay­ — tight end Dave Kocourek, 000 in 1969. There is an addition­ responsible for 17 counties in asrvlng as odficia] scorer at all gels lists a Jay Johnston, bom as many starts Friday to Glas­ shortest guards in the league "Let the future take care of Club course. in the next 34 hours. They shot 76 per cent in the blanker Lance Alworth, running al $2-mlllion expansion fund that New York and couldn’t possibly tonbury while Rockville made guard, averaged 11.8 last season Connecticut hopes to be at off at Florida's Pompano Park borne games. Len taicia, a fac­ in Manchester. Conn. Mac Sc- and a forward who has yet to itself, I know I have Chamber- as a part-time player. Despite the great round, it Some snow is predicted tor first half against Holy Croae back Keith Lincoln, tackle Ron probably would be split among leave the post for a lengthy is seven for seven against gave Gene only a two-strokk fuU strength for the first time Richardson Looks Forward harness track last season was ulty member, oontrols the elec­ gar noted the hometown ref­ play his first NBA minute this lain this year — definitely. Shaffer, a 8-7 forward from Saturday but the weather bu­ and 75 per cent in the second Sll.669.80 for $2. Nix and guard Walt Sweeny. new franchises. That fund could baseball season. Wilson. season. cushion over his nearest chal­ since the team reeled off eight tric timing and scoring dock.. erence to Johnston, unknown "I expect to have him for North (Carolina, averaged 13.1 reau envisions no appreciable straight wins. A crippled Husky half against Fordham, both vic­ to thia writer as having any Second place Coventry (6- Superficially, this sounds many more years. However, he lenger, Bud Holscher, with accumulation in the immediate tories; and 64 per cent in the Coach Dave Muaoo's State Pr4a- 31 takes on Cromwell at home last season and 18.6 the year club lost two in a row and then To Playing for John Keane Ideal connection. ^ .Pro bas­ worse than it actually is for the has a right to do what he thinks before. Hannum aaid Shaffer Holscher's 32-82—64. future. second half against Boston Col­ en basketball team, k>aerB~to and yet to win Rham (0-8) Three strokes back were Tony came back to start a new streak ketball, NBA style, has re­ Warriors. But if Chamberlain is best for himself. And, when could be one of the greatest TELEMARKS: Borrowing a of two victories. lege, a 107-105 loss. Rhody Manoheater’a O r e e n Manor l)osta Avon In Charter Oak plays only the three remaining Lema^ certainly a dangerotis Wedneaday night, 90-88, play turned to the teevee screens and he majtes that decision, when he players in the league but ex­ leaf from the Winter Olympics averages 78.6 points per game, NEW YORK (AP) — Bobby<»represented a "m odest"' false. it's the -same game— pushing, play. The PatHots loat a half months of the season and retires threat, and A1 Bessellnk, who Wes Blaloauknla, the 6-2 M> road games — for obvious wants to retire, we will always pressed some concern over his notebook, proprietors of t h e breaking the 100-mark against Richardson, first New York acknowledged he had given se­ shoving, holding, traveling and game to Rocky Hill Tuesday at the ripe young age of 28, it’s ' hasn't been shooting too many sophomore scoring sensation of Yankee ' to sign his 1966 con­ reasons.. Pets Wise, former remain friends,’ ’ injured knee. They talked for Sunday River area in Bethel. Fordham, New Hampshire, and rious thought to quitting base­ complaining to the referees by night being defeated by non­ a financial bath for the 76ers The Warriors play the New scores of 68 lately. Connecticut who ml-ssed three tract, said today the firing of ball at the end of the 1964 sea-1 Manchester H l^ eager, ia star­ league South Wlndeor while hours last Sunday with the Maine, spent three days haul­ Boeton College. the players. The shooting, how­ without the bubbles. York Knicks in San Francisco's Fifty-one pros out of a field of games with an Injured foot, has Checking common ri'vals, Con­ Yogi Berra as Yankee manager son. I ring with the Caaik University Cromwell fell to third place 76ers’ permission. ing 700 yards of snow from a been working out aJl week. ever, is better than ever, " I told him he made a bad O vic Auditorium tonight with­ about ISO broke par, and 17 oth­ nearby farm to thetr barren necticut has beaten both Massa­ came aa a "shock” to him but " I ’ve changed my mind,” he toedm an five thia season. The after losing to Portland. Dierking, a 6-9 graduate of Whether he retuiTis to his start­ a * « deal,” Chamberlain aaid Thurs­ out the services of two of their Cincinnati, suffered fainting ers equaled it. slopes. Thsy predict fair to good chusetts and Boston OoUege, at the same time he was looking said smilingly. "Rather, Houk local lad has been scoring toi day about Philadelphia co-own- acquisitions and, perhaps, with­ weekend skiing. . .The Mount ing role will not be decided by teams Which have taken the forward to playing under John­ changed it for me. spells this season. Medical tests Coach Fred Shahel until Sat­ double figures and bis 8-4 frame End of the Line er Ike Richman. " I ’m not out the other. failed to show anything physi­ Snow Cup giant slalom is measure of the Rams on their ny Keane. Bobby, vho won’t be 30 until urday. Bialoeuknla is the scor­ has helped hfan develop Into a Third annual Class B Bowl­ 8MKETBAU how long I’ll play. Paia Neumann, the 6-foot-l cally wrong with him. Penalty Killer scheduled Saturday at West home court. Both have toppled “ Everything I’ve heard about August, led the American GET THESE PICK YOUR toe rehounder.. All-time foot- ing Tournament is slated Sat­ Dover, Vt., and entrants Include ing leader of the team, aver­ such teams as New Hampshire, Keane has been good,” said the League in at bats last year. 676, baJI great Red Orange says urday at the Holiday Lanes SCOKES Olympian Gordon Eaton and aging 20.7 points with a vast Maine and Fordham. The Rhody American League's All-Star sec­ while hitting .267. He had the G O O D / ^ E A R afcout Joe Nameth: *T shudder with BIX shifts slated, the first Leads T o ro n to assortment of shots In nine five walloped Holy Cross a ond baseman. "He has an excel­ hits on the club' 181, and YEAR-END SIZE, YOUR his teammates from the highly- games. If Blalosuknla doesn't whan I think of all the punidi- at 12 noon. Last year there WEST SIDE MUKiETS touted Middlebury team. . .The couple of nights after the Cru­ lent knowledge of the game and set a World Series record of 13 start, his place wUl be filled by ment that boy la going to take." were 284 entries and 72 paid Moving two gamea ahead In To NHL Victory Hanover Invitational Jump i.s saders knocked off the Huskies. he ia a' fellow who commands hits although the Yankees lost it TIRE BUYS PRICE PROM TK6 ninoia great recalled that places. The entry list has al­ Wright Delighted scheduled Sunday at Dartmouth • 5-11 sophomore Tommy Penders Connecticut has a reco^ of respect — in a quiet way. in seven games to the St. Louis the standings the Herald An­ who has averaged 16 points es wtMn be turned pro, *T didn’t ready gone over the 200 mark. gels defeated Norman's. 44-30. Toronto’s Bobby Pulford is College with nordlc teams from 10-2, overall, compared to ‘I h ^ the opportunity of ob­ Cardinals. TODAY-HURRYI THESE GREAT BUYSI have trouble with my team- . . .Curt Gowdy has been sign­ • c S r i s a half-dozen eastern schools en­ his replacement. P. J. Curran Rhody’s 8-6 mark. In conference serving him on one occasion. Elsewhere, the Cincinnati In the opener last night, the dangerous Just taking his regu­ (4.7), a 6-0 sophomore, is the matea, but the other teams, ed to handle the American Hobby Shoppe defeated Pa- tered. . .Qualifying Junior races play, Connecticut is 4-0 while That was a number of years ago Reds announced the signing of PAOANI CATERERS CLASSIC lar turn for the National Hockey other backcourt starter. when I played for him in an outfielders Vada Pinson and wen, they almost killed me." Football League telecasts again ganl's Barben, 28-18. With Latfest Honor for the U.S. Eastern Amateur the Rama are 2-1. First Round Standings League's defending Stanley Cup American Association All-Star Tommy Harper and pitcher Bill Grange received 8100,000 from next season and will also han­ Brian Oishing (13) and Ski Association, scheduled for Captain Toby Kimball is the Ths Yankee Conference stand­ W. L. game. He left a lasting impres­ Henry while pitcher Milt Pap- the Chicago B ean in 1025, dle NBC's post-season grid Randy Magowan ('12) led the champions. When he's out kill­ this weekend at Bridgton, bulwark of the Connecticut for­ ings: Connecticut, 4-0; Massa­ Turnpike TV ...... 36 18 chusetts, 4-1; Rhode Island, 2-1; sion upon me.” p>as signed with Baltimore and whkh waan’t faay in those days, games. Gowdy will continue as scoring for the Hobby Shoppe DALLAS (A P)— Golfer Mickey Wright is delighted ing a penalty, he's abaolutely Maine, have been postponed to ward wall. A national rebound play-by-play announcer with Potterton's ...... 31V4 22% leader, he averages 20.2 In his Maine, 2-3; Vermont, 1-4; New Richardson, who signed for an catcher Gus Trtandos returned nr this day to" be specific. while Rich Tambllng (13) pew: to have been picked as the Female Athlete of the Year devastating. Jan. 31. . .Several New Eng­ the Boston Red Sox. a post he Brodeur'a Mustangs 30 24 specialty; and he is ecoring at Hampshire, 0-4. estimated $35,000, which Gener­ his signed contract to Philadel­ • • • ed Pagani’s. for the second straight time but she says she also is Pulford, considered by NHL land reaorts are planning alab- has held for the last' 13 years. Don Willis Garage 28 26 coaches to be the league's top orate activities next Friday to an 18.6 pace. Anothjsr sopho­ All seats in the field house al Manager Ralph Houk said phia. W rong W ay Start Newest member a t the Red Sox John Socha was high for the surprised. Whiting Oil ...... 27 27 more, 6-3 Ron Ritter, Joins the are reserved, and the game Is Angehi. In addition to scoring penalty killer, showed why usher in National Ski Week. broadcasting team will be Mel "Naturally, I am delighted ladi PGA money winner for Bolton Lake House 26 28 ranks of the sUrters. His 25 a sellout. The freshman teams Fkwd Post, Middletown sports 20 points he played an out­ 1 Thursday night when he turned Parnell, one-time Boston ace and honored. But I also wa.s sur­ the fourth straight year with Shorts’ Vets ...... 24 ^ 29% a Toronto penalty into a goal as points at New Hanip-shire ear­ engage in a 6 p.m. preliminary adltor and fine basketball offi­ standing floor game. Dave Cor- prised. I didn't think I would Nasaifl Arms ...... 24 30 and the varsity action starts at cial, reported an iwusual situa­ southpaw who twice woe 20 829,800. the Maple Leafs whipped the lier this week boosted his aver- games. Parnell's qualifications; dy (14) and Mike Landy (^l win it a second time because Team No. 10 ...... 22% 3L% 8. Radio Station WTIC, Hart' tion In a recant Claaa A game Miss Wright has surpassed Montreal Canadians 5-3. Hull Paces sge to 9.1. Joining Ritter up One day he sat in the radio- helped the Herald cause while 1964'was an Olympic year," she most of the golf records set by Variety Caterers ...20% 33% front will be 6-2 Junior Dan ford, will broadcast the play In thla part of the state. The Ekl Fitzgerald's 14 points took said Thursday night. Allan Stanley was in the pen­ teevee booth with Bob Elson in aiKither Texan, the late Babe alty box when Carl Brewer Hwford (10.8). by-play. OUR VERY BEST two teams lined up the opposite Chicago and helped out. Gowdy, scoring honors for Norman’s. The 29-year-old blonde, who Didrikson Zaharias. But the Jeff Warwick 223-203-244— NHL First way at the start of a game— 670, C y Perkins 212-203—613, broke up a Montreal rush and CLOSE Incidentally, is president of a Y MIDGETS now has won more tournaments Babe still holds the record for got the puck up to Tim Horton ftwteg the wrong badeet. Team radio station in Lawrence, and more money than any other being chosen as Female Athlete Frank Bullens 210-596, Lou USED C A R S A got the ball and got a abot Standings- Manchester Trav­ Pavan 204-215—593, Bill Brown and Pulford. ItortoB fired from Maas. He resides in Wellesley, el Service 4-0. Elks 3-1, Hilltop woman in pro golf, was the first of the Year in The Year In the the point at CanKlien goalie Half Stars Springfield Home for Pair off, at B’s basket, that miaaed Mass. . .Springfield's up and choice of 118 voters on The Asso­ AP poll. She won the honor six 214-588, Enso Pavan 246-577, but Team B rebounded, came Motors 3-1, Wyman Fhiel 2-2, Ray Bjorkman 586, Bob Min- Charlie Hodge and Pulford ’63 PONTIAC down Indians return home this Tedford's 2-2, Manchester Auto ciated Press panel of about 250 times - one for track and five steered home the rebound. ON GOODYEAR TIRES «p oourt, suddenly reaHaed nich 574, Bob Richardson 212- MONTREAL (AP) — Chica­ Catalina 4-door hardtop. Green. weekend for two American Parts 1-3, Peck Lumber 1-3, sports writers and broadcasters. times for golf. Of Weekend Hockey Contests what had happened, turned With a total of 492 points, Miss 560, Bob Rylander 568, Bert That was the only goal of the go's Bobby Hull, apparently Radio, heater, Hydramatlc, Power Hockey League gamea. The Boland Oil 0-4. Mickey, a former San Diego first period but Montreal scored back and made a goal if what Tribe entertains Quebec Satur­ Wright easily outdistanced girl, who now makes her home Sweet 204-569, Bob WlUla 211 headed for a alngle-season goal- Steering, Power Brakea 2295 three times and Toronto twice Munild iiaure been its own badeet day night and Cleveland Sun­ Olympic swimmer Donna de in Dallas, will renew her lease 558, Dick Hughes 203-556, Bill scoring record, was the only With four wins and a tie In'fcDave? Amndlo and Gary Young at the start of the game. The Idle Manchester Travel Serv­ Varona of Santa Barbara, Gallo 211, Roland Smith 210, In the middle session so it was unsmimous choice on the Na­ their last five gamea the on defense, while the forwards day night at the Coliseum ice. ice moved into undisputed first on the Frederic C. Miller ’64 FORD FALCON Calif., who had 235 points for Hank Lukowski 204, Charlie 3-3 going Into the final 20 tional Hockey League All-Star Springfield Indiana return to have been doing more back- Flitura convertible. Jet black with place as Tedford’s turned back Memorial Trophy at the annual minutes. second place In the year-end Bossldy 205, Bob LsBreux 201. team for the first half of the the Ea.xtem States Coliseum checking than before and they white top. Radio, heater. Auto- the previously unbeaten Elks, FVaternal Order of Efaigles Then Pulfotil's second goal of I . I u poll. sports banquet in Milwaukee Bob Brodeur’a Mustangs season, announced today. for a pair of home gamea this have also been sharper in front matlc. *2195 Friendly Persuasion Used 20-18. Hilltop Motors nosed out Dawn Fraser, the Australian Feb. 14. threw games of 883-785-768— the night and his 14th of the sea­ Hull, with 35 goals after 89 weekend. Saturday night at 8 of the opposition net. Peck Lumber, 30-28, to tie the swimmer who won the Female 2,436. Both the 883 first game son broke the deadlock midway .games, seems a cinch to break they meet the league ' leading 6.50x13 SIZE 7.50 X14 SIZE Elks for second place. During her 10 years on the through the third period. Eleven ’64 COMET 404 4-DOOR 6.00x13 SIZE Athlete of the Year Award in LPGA tour, Mickey has proved and the three game total, 2,436, the SO-goal record he shares Quebec Aces and Sunday at 7 Bill MUewski led Peck’s final seconds after Pulford hit, rookie with Maurice Richard and Ber- Sedan. Automatic. Power steering. 1962, placed third, followed by to be almost unbeatable. And are Parkade Lanes records. It will be the Cleveland Barons. ^ McDowell Quits V-8. White with black interior. Blackwalls Blackwalls Blackwalls Assistant G>ach’s Strategy period drive with 14 of his 18 tennis ace Billie Jean Moffitt Make up of 883 game; Jeff Pete Stemkowskl scored his nle Geoffrion. The blond left The Indiana are anxious to' points. she doesn't ahow any signs of first NHL goal to ice It for the Still imder factory warranty. *2095 and 15-year-old Olymjrfc swim­ Warwick 223, Frank Buliens wing received the maximum 00 ■ o tm is •tfassoz nQOO slowing up. Leafs. Claude Provost scored continue their winning ways S e S e Hoop Job *000 (M sound tfre o s ln g t The Elks were a surprised lot ming star Sharon Stouder. "Since the tour ended in De­ 210, Lou Pavan 204, Ehiso Pa­ points possible in voting by and they hope that the homo oa sound t in easiiigs Worked in Signing Namath when Fred Marshall (14), Bill Despite an illness that kept van 246. Make up of 2,436 S- twice for Montreal. sports writers and broadcasters ’64 TRIUMPH / cember, I have been traveling," It was Toronto's seventh Ice advantage will turn the tide Spitfire convertible, 4-speed floor Brown (7) and Dave Hassett her out of competition for a game total; Warwick 670, Bul- in the six league cities. Ne w HAVEN (AP)—Southern Mickey said. "But play will re- Mraight game without a loss tai their favor. shift. Red with black top. Show­ (5) all hit well in the third month. Miss Wright won 11 golf sume March 18 and next week I lena 596. Lou Pavan 593, Enoo Joining Hull bn the first team With the return of Gump Connecticut State College is R yln IMIuVm ■Hhattartt NBJW YORK — (NEA) — period to put the game out of Pavan 577. and moved the sur^ng Leafs forward line are Detroit Red room condition. *1895 Tubeless •13 0 0 Now qykm ipedal » | | 5 0 Chuck Knox did so well as Joe tournaments in 1964 to equal her! start my practicing at the Oak within a point of second-place Worsley to the nets for the looking for a new basketball CistM So0«r-CnMw I d l A A A their reach. Dennis Walsh (6) 1963 record and was the leading Cliff Country Club.’ Wing center Norm Ullman and econ^y bqy '64 hew car tire Namath’a baby qitter that Mrs Montreal. Aces the Indians will have their ’ coach. and Jack Grezel couldn’t match GARDEN GROVE — Ethel Montreal Canadian right wing work ,cut out for them as the Owen McDowell, basketball ’62 VOLKSWAGEN dli^imied dcsip " Knox may even use him at Tedford’s spirit. In , the only other gapie Harris 130. Terry Vaccaro 132- Clauds Provost. The defense­ flying'Frenchmen from Quebec coach at 8CSC for 17 seasons, Deluxe station wagon, radio, heat­ CastoiSspoiT'^Mia HyitoMHtoatlir home. 153—410, Jean Mathlavon 128, played, Boeton -got three goals men . are Montreal’a Jacques er, excellent condition. Beautiful * ^ 0 8 0 EA.ST SIDE JUNIORS from Murray Olivar and city have one of the best bal­ said today he’ll relinquish the '64 oew car tire >1700 Tubeless Knoa la the New Tork Jets' Wilt Has Week^s Vacation Ann Twerdy 136, Olga Colla Laperrtere and Chicago’s Pierre post at the end of the current red and white. *1545 MOMiny boy Action last night saw Songa- whipped New York 5-2. anced teams in the leegue. i (Ascontlnoed design SaMy MI-WntiMr ni offensive line coach who Inter­ 136-352, Reggie Gburskl 181, Pllote. The Canadians’ Charlie Brian Klirea has been the big campaign to devote full time-to Uo defeat Spruce Market, 37-34, Helene Dey 127-346. Hodge is the goajie. Better quiU^ 1 ^ 0 0 ested Nsunath erxajgh In the gun fot the Indians In the scor­ his position as registrar. ’63 MERCURY while L. T. Wood rolled over the Ullman, who scored the 200th-^ nylon t in Amertoan Football League so Parkade, 62-44, bi the second ing department netting a pair He said the growing demands S65 conv. Jet black, white top, Sifity JU-Wntbir CMliaiSBUsrCfsIiN MERCHANTS — Frank Pre- P rofitable Year goal of his career eariy thia of his position as registrar red vinyl bucket seats, radio, heat­ *10 0 0 '64 new car tin Bonny WarbUa and Weeb Ew- of goals in each of the last two? Better quality -00— — ae — - —. f content. 76ers in Boston Tilt year, hoa been Detroit’s clutch bsidc eould come in and give neta 136-350, Frank Larson 889, road gamea. However, Coach necessitated his decision. er, Merco., PS, PB, whitewalls. *2495 nylon t in QiSCOmlfWDQ OiSl^ Dave Reynolds (121 and Bill Mike Denhup 356, Harvey Ruo- ST. LOUIS (AP) — The St. man with 19 goals in the first him $860,000 fai shoeShine McKenney (7) paced the Son- Egan has been quick to point ■Moagr. lln 362. Louis Candinals’ drive to a Na­ half of the season. He is third tn'‘ ^65 FORD FALCON galio attack. Dan Burnett top­ Minus Prized Center tional League pennant and the the scoring race behind Hull out that it has been the over­ Knox was the only choice for ped Spruce with 14 polnU. 1964 world championship re­ all play of the whole squad that' 4-door sedan. Midnight Blue. Ra­ DUSTY—GU Ttiibodeau 311, and Chicago's Stan Mlkita. dio, heater, Fordomatlc. Exception­ the moat delicate mlaskm of the Bud Buder (10), Jay How- Jie CoUlngwdqd 316-303—680, sulted in a profit of $147,961 Provost, with 16 goals, has has led to the Indians successl RUSSELL’S ^ seaaon. Everyone Is hustling and -work­ Spruce, Corner of Oak St. ally. low mileage. Remainder v'bC ALL PRICES PLUS TAXI NO TRADE-IN REQUIREDI royd (17) and Steve Malkenson Joe Carter 206, Walt Yaworskl after taxes,. General Manager developed into a top defensive BOSTON (A P )—The Philadelphia 76ers will make ing hard and that is what we Ford Motor Co. warranty. *2295 Hia background ia aoUd Weat- (73) were in double figures for 212, Walt Phinipe 215-551, Emil Bob Howsam announced Thurs­ specidlist for the Canadians. He Open Toes, thru Sat. am Pennsylvania, just like Na- their season debut dt Boston Garden against the Celtics day night. need to gain victories. Jacques Wood's as the Parkade played Plltt 215-679, Ray Demers 200, is fourth in the scoring ra^s. (Closed M^ondays) ,Baath's. the entire last quarter with on­ tonight but they won’t show to their best advantage. A1 Borello 222-572, Neil Law­ Caron has played exceptionally ’63 CHEVROLET In fact, Knox grew up in ly four men. Kent Smith (14) The 78(Srs had only seven men>^ rence 202-673, Ed Kodes 560, well In the nets and he has. had Impale convertible. Blue, white .Bewickley, a Pittsburgh aubuib and Bill (Jtmp (10) paced the dressed Thursday night while Ray Bolduc 204, BIU Brown 210- a lot of help from Bill 'White, to^. V-8. Radio, -Heater, Power- dropping a 138-126 decision to decision to the Baltimore Bul­ Race Against'Clock Two Wjays Dale Rolfe, Barclay Plager, glide, PS, PB. and ooachad at Efilwood City, loaers. lets In -the National Basketball 550, Jeff Warwick 316-6S1, Lars Pa., High School at the aame Baltimore. Swahn 226-565, Pets Xonda ^ 1 : Association Thursday night. Los < Ihne Namath was begiiming his The big prize of the deal Phil­ Angeles downed Detroit 104-100^ 203-578, Ron Seavey 218. '61 CADILLAC schoottx^ o a x a tr In itearby CHUCK adelphia made with San Fran­ in the other game. Mills Headlipes KC. Meet, De'V^le 2-door hardtop, white with cisco, Wilt Chamberlain won’t POWDER PUFF— Irma De black Interior. Radio, heater, auto­ 8.50 X14 SIZE 8.00 X15 SIZE Beaver Falls. Sports Schedule The 76ers announced the acr OF m a n c h b s t b r | 8.00 X14 SIZE sonable fellow, the clean-cut report to Philadelphia until Jan. Simone 178-456, Norma Thomp­ I FLETCHER GLASS CO. matic, power steering and brakes. ’ 2895 Prfane Interest ' type who would appeal to any' qulsition of Chamberlain from 21. But the three men Phila­ the San Francisco Warriors ear­ son 185-436, Shirley Pierce 179- Due Honors Before Event Blackwalls Blackwalls Blackwalls Just four years later, Knox high achool or college boy." delphia traded to the Warriors 425, Lynn Hughes 492, Rena was «t Kentuedey working for Friday, Jan. 15 ly Thursday. However, Phila­ 6494521 ’64 FORD FALCON So the day before the Amer­ South Windsor at East Wlnd­ left town Thursday, leaving the delphia gave Chamberlain a Wolcott 176-461. **When You Think of Gla$$, station wogtm. Black. Radio, head­ likMto $000 *050 Blanton Collier and their prime ican Football League draft, eor. 8 76ers three men short. M sound tin casinis oa sound fin csslnti •0 * 0 ow soondtin ctsinci reortiitfaig Interest was fai Joe week off so he could settle his Mills will be nmnlng~*a race *’"**'* R»lph ■os- Think o f Fletcher** er, Standard Transmission. Knox went to the phone, spoke Wethersfield at Manchester, Oddly enough, the 76ers have affairs in San Francisco. *1895 Namath. agalnat the clock in two waya to Namath at Alabama and told 8:16 given Boston the most trouble That left the 76ers with seven Rec Volleyball Also among ths antrlM art "W satsm Petuisylvania ia my him the Jets were interested. East Catholic at Pulaski, 8 this season. Philsdslphia de­ Saturday to compete In the Ares tllvtr medal wfaussrs ’64 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX players since they 'sent three Knights of Columbus track NOW AT OUR 2-door hardtop. Dark Blue. Radio, recmlting area," Knox said, "so Namath was interested, too. RockviUe at Windsor, 8 feated the Celtics in a game at men to the Wairiors In the deal. AMERICAN LEAGUE - Toronto’s lUUfMtiwr C , , $4 naturally I was trying to get "After we drafted him,” Knox meet at Boston Garden. hOB^, Hydrunatic, Power Stear­ Tuboloss > 2 0 ^ >23®® Cromwell at Coventry, 8 New York and ia a game at W . L . Bill Crothers In ths 600, Paul NEW LOCATION Now iiytoi ipocM aconomy boy oooMNwy boy Joe. Ha was a great athlete. aaid. "I went to Tuscaloosa to Stafford at Ellington, 8 Providence. The Celtics won Mills, the Kansaa Indian now D raj^n In the dash, and Eng- i n , Power Brakes, Whitewall tires. *3095 speak with him. I told him about Herald ...... 15 8 running for the Marines, will "We had a pretty good Avon at Rham, 8 both meetings at Philadelphia. N assllT s...... 11 7 l a ^ s John Cooper In the 440. ahance for hfan Mnce his brother the advantages of the new Cheney Tech at Windham Lucious Jackson, who starred be honored by the Washington, ’64 RAMBLER league,^ the advantages an ath- Sports Viewing Jim’s Atlantic ...... 11 10 D.C., Touchdown Club at a Sat­ **°*’i* to 54 McKEE STREET Wank bad gone to Kentucky Tech. 2 for the U.S. Olympic team in Teachers ...... 0 - 0 “ attempt American Convertible. Blue. Ra­ ior tiwo yiean. But there were leth has in New York and traced Green Manor at Prison Tokyo, has been the big man urday night banquet for hit un­ to break the Indoor record of dio, heater. Power Steering, White- C iitia tBpirCisMwi $ dstoai Sspor-CaiUw a the progress the club made." U A R Construction ... 6 13 precedented feat of winning the ’Mnowcirtin '64 DOW car tin a lot o f other schools intsrested, Rifle — Hamden at Manches­ for Phllmdetphla recently as the SATURDAY Center Congo ...... 5 16 1 :09.8. He won th s l.OOO-yaid • OPEN THURS. NIRHTS TILL 9 « wall tires. One owner. *1995 '64 BOW cor tins *29®® "1 didn’t talk money. That Olympic gold medal in the 10,- 23 dtaoiitiaBad dosifi 25® ® ood bs Just wound up going to ter top rebounder (490 in S3 games) 2:00 ( 8) AFL AU-Star NATIONAL LEAGUE run in each of the last thrM discowUMitd dosifn was for Mr. Werblin and coach Wrestling — Manchester at and the third highest scorer Game 000 meters for . the United years. Ewbank." V W. L. States. fith Confldsnos from Hartford County’s Oldest "But through that I got to Central with s 16.1-point average. 4.-00 ( 8) GoU Classic Army A Navy ...... 16 2 A Wg part of ths K of O IJiiooln Conttnsntel, Mercury, Comet A Knox did talk about Beaver Sunday, Jan. 17 Tonight's game is the first of OHM) ( 8) Wide Worid of The Marlnea have arranged a meet Is made up of college in­ knoar hfan w«U and we have rails and the steal mills Na­ Liberty Mutual ...... 11 4 special plane flight to gat him AUTO GLASS INSTALLED W ll^ 4-Wheel Drive VeldclM Dealer” hesn pretty friendly since Green Manor at Plainville two straight at home for the Sports Nazarene ...... 11 7 lay racce b tutheeld mayntofi math loathed; he talked about Tuesday, Jan. 18 Celtics who now have won 12 from Waehlngton to Boston by lay racM but the field may not then.” Gua' Top Hat where Namath WatklnB ...... 6 6 10 j>.m „ the starting time of the GLASS FURNITURE TOPS INSTANT CREDITI Knox, M, ia one a t ths moat Wrestling — Manchester at in a row and 19 of their last 20. SUNDAY East S id es...... 7 11 be^as atrong as in past sea- Brothers NO MONEY OOWNI FREL^MOUNTINOI shined shoes as a kid, and hs Oheahirs Academy O'Reilly Mile. highly ragarded aaslstants in They haven’t played since last 1:00 (80) RoUei Derby Rotary ...... 6 10 SOI CENTER ST.—MANCHESTER talked about New Tork which Swimming — Conard at Man­ Saturday when they took their Running agadnst MUla in the M w y schooU held off enter- MIRRORS (Hrtploco and Door)! ’ pro m H, and whan Namath IdoUsas Horatio Alger types like chester, 4 1:80 (22) Hookey - Boston Clvltan ...... $ 0 mile will be Bill Dotson, anoth- 643-5135—OPEN EVENINGS signed with New Tocic It Joa Namath. third .straight gams on ths vs. Montfonl Travel Service...... 4 14 ^ teama until the last minute Manchester at Bristol Eastern, West Coast. tr KansAn who won the O’Reilly tecause of the equabble bo- PICTURE FRAMING CoE lypMl "didn't surpriM former Wake Ha made It sound a lot better 2K)0 ( 8) NBA . Lakers vs. Schedule—Monday, 8, Herald trophy fai 1088; Jim Irons of SERVICE As Wilt Chamberlain started a *^fat*onaf Cblleglate Forest ooscb BIU Hildebrand. than 8t. Inputs of the National Coventry at Avon, 8;lfi Hawks vs. Teachers; 8:45, Canter Con­ Toronto, the 1888 runnerup; Ck- Rontol C on ovoRobln by IIm "After Chuck left Bllwood week's vacation across the con­ 2:80 ( S) l^ r t e Speotoon- go vs. U A R; Tuesday, 8, Trav- Athletic Conference a n d the WINDOW and PLATE GLASS Football League where they Rham at Oomwell, 8 • tinent, the PhlUdclphia 78ers nadlan Olympian E m s Laps of Amateur Athletic Union. Day. Wook or Monlh. O ty ." HUdebrand aaid, "he don't get that excited about pro E. O. Smith at Ellington, 8 lar •I vs. Nazarene; 8:45, Jim’s vs. Toronto and Mike mgg, a Brit­ lost their first gams with the 7- Nsaslff's; Wednesday, 8, Clvl­ Six echooli did make 11th I CONTRACTOBSi WE HAVE IN W OC* ______| g o o d / ^ e a r STORI came to Wake Forast and im- football and where quarterback ( $ ) GoU ish Olympic performer. Bloomfield at South Windwr, 8 foot-1 ace in their employment. •"‘ *‘*** otter the n r . a a LEASING PLANS FOR rigfat away. He's CSiarley Johnson, has planned a Rifle — Wilcox Tsch at Iw - 4:00 (22-80) Bporta la Ae. tan vs. Uberty; 8:45, Watidns Sharing top billing with Mills MEDICINE CAMNETS onG SHOWER DOORS He’s alM a par- Ths 76ers, playing with only V B o a vs. UbertM Thursday, 8, East voted thia week to put off its A U 1965 MAKES R MODEU 713 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER PHONE 649-9^ h>n( future tor himself. eheater. i^vsB man, drappad a Itt-ltol wUl ba MUu I^Arrabee, t h e ban against AAU h k m Yba —winif o i fiUaaa, W itek Of llatahar va. ftotary. OIjmite 41^ ^ ^ ^ b s ISS c t s S p l t q t w s

/ 1 ” !

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MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1966 PAGE w n rtE m rA G » FOURTEEN MANCHBSTEB EVENING HERAU). UANCHBSTER. CONN. FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1966 Apa rtments—Platan ^ BusinoBB Pnqifirtj Housfis Fdr Sal* 72 Honsea For Sala 72 Houses Pof'Sade 72 Sabarban F*or Sale 7b Subnrbao For Solo 75 Wanted—Heal Eatila TT Apartments—Fists— Tenementa 63 ______For SaJfi 70 BniliUng— Contractine 14 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW By FAGALY uid SHORTEN RoomaWlthoat Boiurd SB MANCHESTER — U kt now NINE ROOM home in Man­ NEW RAISED RANCH — 8 NORTH COVENTRY -- Im- COVENTRY—Immaculate 6% RESIDENTIAL ballding-tot to Tenements SS yrVB ROOMS and garage near TOroiSr8miE~W"3T55t 6% room ranch, 22 foot Uving cheeter, combining wholesome romhi, («e tall and two half ■ moculato oversized 6 room gt. Brldget’e Church. $100 room stone Csq>e, vacant, plus So. Windsor or W a p p & g . C o l CARPENTRY — Bathrooms n n m z s H E D r o o m s , oo^ rooms with two oOcos, ssp- room, 1% baths, bsautlfUBy country atinomhere With city baths, S or 4 bedrooms, dining Ranch, 3-cor garage, recrea­ 4% room Ranch. Both for 643-9367 after 6. tiled, recreation rooms, remod­ A ih t - it - W £ C' » Ugllt hoaaakeaoinx, teeUl 4^ ROOMS, heat hot wmtor, monthly. CMIdren welcome. «ntraaoa. sultaMa & finUhod famiW room, longa convenience, n iree fireplace#, room, family room, one c £ t tion room with bsm, 2 bath­ ■tova and ratrigwator fin^ Call anytime 649-6891. only $1,000 down. Pasek Real­ CLASSIFIED eling, garages, additions, ce­ mUTHTPiPr- C witralbr t looataJ. Mrk PnttmlaoH am. wooded lo t Hayoa Agency, two baths, country - slxed garage, 823,900. Phllbrick rooms, 3 fireplaces, built-in ty, 289-7475, 742-8243. WANTED from owners, by mid* ment work. Call Leon Clessyn- AooomuKi,Aooomano, uU AJArch St, MU- nlriiad. $138.50 p a r nunth. Pbilbriok Agonigy, 818 8464. 648-4808. - V J. kitchen. 4 bedrooms, 5 pos- Agency, 649-8464. range, plastered walls, wall to die aged oouple, 5 or<9 n o m ohoirtmr. eiS-«0«8. 848-6106. t h r e e ROOMS, modern, new Cape or Romdi. foM y not% skL 649-41CB1. refrigerator and etove, ground fitble. Garage, tool shed, dog wall oorpetlng throughout, 7 pen. 1,800 feet of gracious years old, wooded acre, cus- Porter Street area. 648-6064. A. A. DxON, INC. Roofing I ATTRAOnVE, OOMFOBT- f o u r a n d THREE room floor, private driveway and Land For Sale 71 INSIDE — YES Mancheeter Wanted— Real Eatate 77 ABUD room, private home, uortments, including hoat yard. Convenient to bus, country living. Belflore tom bulH and designed. Pasek ADVERTISING Siding, palntlim. Carpentry. Al- OUTSIDE — NO Realty, 269-7475, 742-6243. teraSons and addltlms. Ceil­ continuoua hot water, kitchen hot watar, and gaa for cook­ Stores, etc. Ideal for elderly BUILDERS, FARMERS and Agency, 643-51^. TWO FAMILY DUPLEX ings. ^brkmanshtp g\iaran- lieges if deidred. Poiklng. ing. Electric refrigerator and couple or newlyweds. Avail­ Investors. Several parcels of SPOT CASH paid for homes, a^ASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS JUST LISTED — 6 room BEAUTIFUL W oO D > D lot BOLTON-COVENTRY line — forms and acreage, 24-hour Martin Appoints teed 399 Autunui 8 t 948-4880. line. 80 Oorden Street stove furnished. Coll 649-7884 able Jan. 20. $05. 649-7310. land from one acre to 85 acres Cape. Interior Immaculate. 7 large rooms on each side. surrounds this custom built Very oohventent location. 6% room split level, garage, service. Hayes Agency, 648- 8 A. M. to 5 P.M. or 649-5779. between 6-7 pm . for sale in Bolton-Coventry Outside needs paint, but tool shed, fireplace,‘ paneled BIDWEILL HOME Improvement n i c e l y f u r n i s h e d a n d 4% ROOM apartment heat and ranch in prestige Rockiedge Zoned commercially, con 4808. Jury Committed Mca. Price range $l,500-$80,- the savings in price well section. Dream Westlnghouse den, extra large bath with Company—Roofing, siding, al­ ocntfortoble room for gentle­ BIRCH STREET—Modem fla t hot water, tfove and refriger­ 000. with excellent financing be converted psuliolly for COPY CIX)SING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. eecond floor, two ■poclous compensates. Excellent sec­ kitchen, two baths, 2-car ga­ business. Smart buyer will vanity, $16,700. Call Owner, GOING TO SELL and want ac­ terations, additions and re­ man. 372 Main. ator, washer and dryer fur­ available. Call Frederick M. tion of Manchester. Ga­ 648-4886. General Manager Rtchori MONDAX Thru FRIDAX 10:80 A.M. — SATCRDAX 0 A.M. modeling of all types. Excel­ bednxmis, furnace. 849-4498. nished. Nice location. $140 per rage. Many features. Belflore see value at $19,900. Call J. tion? ? ? Call, we buy . . . Gaal Agency, 643-2682, or 643- rage, fireplace, many fine Agency, 643-5121. cash out within a day or two. Martin has appointed three n ev lent workmanriilp. 649-6496. ROOM for woman or ^1, month. 649-0306. 0281, or A. L Rose, 649-7877. McLaughlin 649-5306. VERNON — 8 new homes on kitchen privileges, near ixis NEW FOUR ROOM apart­ custom extras. Asking Or we will sell it for you. Over members of the Jury Oommitr or T. A. Rice, 643-2601. $17,450. ’THRHTE FAMILY home one Phoenix Street. 5% rooms, 17 years selling real estate lo­ PLEASE READ YOUR AD CARPENTRY—-Rec rooms, for­ line. 649-n86. ment including heat hot wa­ full walk-out basement, large tee, to eerve one-year term^ mica, ceilings, closets, remod­ ter, olr-condiUonlng, appli­ block from Main Street. Bel­ cally. Multiple Listing mem­ CfaMsIfled or **Waiit Ada” ore taken over the phono m a CLEAN, FURNISHED ROOM Furnlshfid Apunraaita 6S-A flore Agency, 648-5121. Barrows ««^Wallace wooded lots, convenient to bers. A reliable name . . . T. J. Which expire Dec. 31, 1966. eling, hatchways, attics fin­ ances and parking. $185 Houfias For 72 Manchester and Vernon shop­ oonvenienoe. ^ le advertiser shoald read hta ad the FIRST for gentleman. Central. Call monthly. J. D. Realty, 648- J. D. Realty Co. Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. The three are Mies Eleanor ish^, concrete steps, floors, IMMACULATE 6 ROOM Cape MANCHESTER PARKADE ping centers. Price $16,200. DAX i t a p p e a r s and REPORT ERRORS In time tor the porches, garages. No job too 648-9368. a v a i l a b l e n o w — Three CONCORD RD - Beautiful 648-5129 648-8779 M. Benevento, 79 Homestead 6139. on East Side. Oompletely re, MANCHESTER 649-5306 Phone 643-0186; after 6 p.m., hext Insertion. The Herald Is responsible for only ONE Incor­ small. 649-8880. room apartment Oak Lodge, r a ^ . loige Uvtaa roan, torm- AX 5-9691. St.; Mrs. Stanley F. Jaklel, 16 rect or omitted Insertion for any advertisement and then only SINGLE ROOM for rent busi- SMALL 4 ROOM, modqm Tolland Tpke., Manchester. done inside and out. $14,000 Marble St.; and Otto F. Bonnile* neee man preferred. Call 649- w «n l^ room, cAinet Wtehen. MANCHESTER — Luxurious 8 for quick , sale. Belflore to the extent of a “ make food” Insertion. Errors which do not DION CONSTRUCTION—Roof­ apartment suitable for young $100 - $125 monthly, adults' * bedrooms, recreation room, MANCHESTER — Inexpensive BOLTON — Executive 2 bed­ Two in Custody sen. 23 Walker S t lessen the valoe of the advertisement will not be corrected by ing, (ddlng, alterations, ceil­ 2494. or middle-aged couple, $75. only. 643-9171, 875-1166. room ranch, 2 full baths, main­ Agency, 643-5l’21. 4 room house available for in­ fondecaped yard. Marfon E. tenance free redwood exterior, room ranch, 245x500 wooded They replace George W. (X “make crood” Insertion. ings, gutters Sind aluminum Coll 649-8055. Robertson, Realtor. 618-8868 vestment purposes or small lot, 14x23 living room, mahog­ Hunt, Mrs. J. Edward McKeever windows 643-4852, 648-0896. NORTH END Fumlahed TWO ROOMS, private bath, family room with fireplace, ’TREES AND BUSHES sur­ family, centrally located with In Bank Holdup SHO^N room, parking. 58 Strickland THRSai ROOM apartments, 118 scenic acre lot. A Must See for round 9 room Colonial In love­ any trim, wall-to-wall carpet­ and Thomas J. Darby. XOUR COOPERATION WILL |>IAI A A l ^ 711 free perking, business block, MANCHES’TBR — New 7 room city water and city sewers. ing, walk-in closet, 1% baths, The town jury committee to CARPENTRY — 32 years’ ex­ Street off Main. Main Street) heat hot water, Depot Square. Tel. Mr. Keith, the quality conscious. Hayes ly area. ’Two fireplaces, 4 bed­ Low cost living. Asking $8,- $ 1 ,0 0 0 F o u n d BE APPRECIATED l/IMIa I I raised ranch, 3-car garage, rooms. 2-car ^forage, jalousied vanity, built-ins, air condi­ responsible for compiling a hot perience. Ceilings and floor stove refrigerator, $100. 649- 649-8191. buUt-ins, 1% baths, % acre iot, Agency, 643-4803. 600. Call Frederick M. G«ud tiled, porches, rec rooms, ga­ 6239, 9-6. rear porch, other extras. Wall- tioned, 40 foot paneled recrea­ of nominees tor jury duty in tremendous value. Hayes Agen­ ’THREE BEDROOM ranch, 125 Agency, 643-2682, or 643-0281, tion room, patio, 2-car heated PLAINVILLE (A P)—The FBI both Circuit 12 and Superior rages. additions, attics fin­ Apartments— Flats— THREE ROOM furnished cy, 648-4808. to-wall in seversd rooms. Bel­ THREE ROOM apartment foot frontage, fireplace, full flore Agency. 643-5121. or A. L. Rose, 649-7377, or T. garage, aluminum combina­ says R now has two suspects Cotirta, ished. remodeling, concrete Tenements 68 apartment, $95 month, in­ A. Rice, 643-2601. work. No job too small. Imme­ centrally Ideated, adults. 848- cludes hot water and partial MANCHESTER — Ranch 6 cellar, aluminum storms, car­ tions, awnings. $25,900. 649- in hand and $1,000 of the $4,300 It has a deadline of April 1 Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? diate estimates. 643-2629 6016. heat. 649-1768. port. All for $13,900. Don’t BEAUTIFUL TREED and 8807. for presenting a list of 540 LOOKINO for anything in real rooms, modern kitchen, built- landscaped lot surrounds im­ stolen Monday from the Plaln- eetate rentals — apartments, in stove, dishwasher, etc Din­ wait. Hutchins Agency, 646- Lots For 9file 73 names to the cleri: of the Hart* THREE ROOMS, newly deco­ 0103. maculate 7 room ranch in VERNON—Immaculate 6 room vllle branch of the New Britain ford Superior Court. Tha clerk 24-Hour Answering Service homes, multiple dweiUngs, coil ing room, large living room Ranch, on 100x190 lot, 3 gen­ Ruoring and Cblmneys 16- A rated. heat, hot water, stove prime area. Double garage, BOLTON AND VICHNITY — Federal Savings A Loan As.- then selects the Jurors. J. D. Realty, 6484039. and refrigerator, cloee to Bastness Locatlom with fireplace, 8 bedrooms, full CAPE for $16,000 with an at­ erous bedrooms, family sized ci atlon. Free to Herald Readers basement, l-car garage. $18.- dream automatic kitchen, two Building lots, acreages, and ROOFING — Speclallxlng re­ Help Wanted— Female 35 Help Wanted— Male 36 Household Goods 51 THREE ROOM heated apart­ churches, shopping and buses. For Rent (U tached garage. 6 finished patios. 2-zone heat. Many, kitchen, 19' paneled living The latest arrest was in Mi­ 500. Phllbrick Agency, 649- rooms, new heat, fireplace, ex­ farms. Lawrence F. Flano, room, oil hot water heat, alu­ Want Information on one of onr olaaslfled advertisementaf No pairing roofs of all kinds, new ment, 456 Main Street Call Call 643-4385. 8484. many extras. Low 20's. Bel Realtor, 643-2766, Charles ami, Fla. Thursday night. FBI answer at the telephone listed 7 Simply call the roofs, gutter work, chimneys WOMAN to babysit and do TOOL MAKER or all around NOT $900, NOT $800 649-5339, 9-8. cellent residential location. Va­ flore Agency, 643-6121. minum storms and screens, agents picked up Jose Suarez light housework, Monday-Fri-1 machinist, experienced with SIX ROOM duplex compIetMy FOR LEASE—Bixoallent loca­ cant T. J. Crockett, Realtor, Nicholson, 742-6364, Dolores built 1959, $15,900. Wolverton clesmed, repaired. Aluminum NOT $700, NOT $600, tion tor dootor's office or SEVEN ROOM older home, 4 L. Merritt, 646-0424. of New Britain and about $1,000 NOTICE siding. 80 years’ experience. day. 2-6 p.m.. Cooper Hill Aircraft parts. All benefits. NO! NO! WE HAVE customera waiting redecorated, gaa furnace, con­ 643-1 sr<. TWO FAMILY, West Side, Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. in cash, said Special Agent beauty parlor. 416 Main Street. bedrooms. 3 baths, lot 72xlBL A public hearing will be held EDWARDS Free estimates. Call Howley, Apartments. 649-8771, after Dean Machine Products. 165 NOT EIVEN $550 for the rental cf your apart­ veniently located. Call 649- Oompletely renovated and am­ Marlon B. R obertni, R ^ t o r $16,000. Belflore Agency, 643- Charles Weeks. 6 p.m. Adams Street, BUT A WHOLE HOUSE ment or home. J. D. Realty, 9004. RANCH—7 rooms, 8 or 4 bed 5121. EAST HARTFORD — Colonial, by the ^kwn Planning Commit 643-5861, 644-8888. ple poncing. J. D. Realty, 4iS- 848-8968. rooms, modern kitchen, dining Snbarban For Sale 75 6 rooms, garsge, terrace and The heavily armed suspect of­ 648-6139. fered no resistance, Weeks said. Sion of Manchester, Connecti­ ANSWERINB SERVICE WOMAN WANTED for house­ 3 ROOMS LO'VELY FIVE LARGE ROOMS second 6129. room, 1% baths, 2-car garage, WEST SIDE — $17,900. S t many extras. Principals only. cut, Thursday evening, January NEW FURNITURE MANCHESTER New 8 room TOLLAND — $2,500 assumes In Bristol CIrcuH Court Thurs­ Heating and Plnmhins 17 work one day a week. Call Salesmen Wanted 36-A FOUR ROOM flat eecond floor, second floor apartment in­ FOR LEASE — Office or com­ Garrison Oolonlal, 12x34 living large private lot $22,900. Phil- James Parish. 135x145 lot, mortgage, save closing costs. $19,900. 528-6836. 21, 1965 at 8 p.m. In the Hean* 649-0500 - 875-2519 643-7531. AND APPLIANCES cludes heat, hot water, stove, brick Agency, 640-8464. trees, 2 baths, 4 bedrooms, day, Edward A. Paul, 23, of E'VERYTHING central location, heat hot mercial space in Rockville, room, family room, built-in Spotless 6% room Colonial New Britain, was charged with Ing Room of the Munlc^xd and leave yonr message. XonH hear from onr advertiser in jig PLUMBING AND heating re­ COURTEOUS and hard-work­ water, one year leaae. Call refrigerator, garage, near cen­ built 1958, spotles.s. Hutchins MUST SELL—Unbeatable val­ Building to consider the followii FOR ONLY $500.00 ample parking. Call 875-2042. kitchen, master bedroom tvitb Ranch, bullt-ins, % acre wotxl- ue. 26 minutes from Manches­ conspiracy In connection with Mmo without spending all evening at the telephone. pairs and jiew installations. RELIABLE WOMAN f ^ ing man needed with a desire 649-5048 after 6 p.m. ter of town, convenient to hos­ MANCHESTER—Spic 'N Span Agency. Realtors, 646-0103. Ing proposed zone changes: housework two days a week— to become a -salesman. $110 Which Includes dressing room, low twenties. 6 room Cape, 3 bedroonu, spa­ ed lot. Hurry! Hayes Ageney, ter, Enfield area Six year old the holdup. Paul was held under Special attention to emer­ pital. Call 649-2396 between H a^s Agency. 648-4808. 643-4803. McNALL SL, W ILBU R gencies. Tel. 649-2923. adult couple. Write giving ex­ guaranteed to start. Commis­ 1 Famous Make Refrigerator FOUR ROOM apartment heat­ 8:30-5, between 6-9 call 649- cious kitchen with formica TWO FAMILY, built 1964, high 6 room Colonial, 1% baths. $1,000 bond. Lost and Found 11 Personals perience, references and days sion and expenses after train­ Famous Make ’TV counter and stainless sink, full assumable mortgage, alumi­ Full price $14,900. Assumable State poHce said Suarez and OROes PKWY., SiLATHR ST. ed, with garage, recently re­ 6625. Houses For Rent 65 MANCHESTER 'VICINITT—A To change to industrial zone, available. Box T, Herald. ing. Home supplies, car nec­ 1 Bedroom Suite modeled, Cedar S t, Manches­ length living room-dining room num storms, nice yard, excel­ 3 bedroom ranch on a country- 4%% mortgage. No closing the other two men who staged pO S T —Dark colored, large M g-! RIDE WANTED from Bolton Radio-TV Repair essary. Experience not re­ 1 Living Room Suita ter, $125 per month. Call W. A’TTRACnVE 4 ROOM apart­ combination, oil steam heat, lent residential neighborhood cost. $112 per month includes the robbery met at Paul’s home all or part of an area o f ap­ .er cat, white chin and chest Lake to Pratt and Whitney, FOUR BEDROOM raised ranch size well shrubbed lot, huge proximately 100 acres now ia Services 18 RELIABLE, MA’TURE secre­ quired, will train. For inter­ 1 Dinette Set Harry England, 649-5201, after ment, second floor, basement completely decorated, 2-car aluminum storms and screens, A buy at $24,900. Owner 646- living room with fireplace, interest, principal, taxes and on Sunday. The .46 automatic markings. Green Manor area East Hanford, first shift tary for doctor's office four view call Manchester 644-0202 1 Sealy Mattress 6 call 742^883. and attic, steam heat, oppo­ INVESTMENT $15,500. Wolverton Agency, 0103. insurance. Second mortgage used in the holdup was also Rural Residence Zone, Resi­ Call 643-7436. garage, one year lease with family size kitchen, full cellar, dence Zone AA and Businoea vicinity Buckley School. Call j CONNIE’S ’TV and Radio Serv afternoons per week, no short­ after 6 p.m. 1 Scaly Box Spring site Center Park. No p ^ . option to renew, $195 per Realtors, 649-2813. spotless condition, $15,500. available with $500 down. there, state police ^ d . 643-0671. j ice, available all hours. Satis­ hand. Box A, Herald. 2 Throw Rugs NEW DELUXE 4H room du­ Adults preferred. 649-7529. OPPORTUNITY MANCHESTER — Immediate Principals only. Call owner State police have not named Zone n , described as follows: RIDE WANTED by young lady month. 742-7004. LAKEWOOD CmCLB — Colo­ occupancy. N e w Colonials, Wolverton Agency, Realtors, faction guaranteed. Call 849- 1 Boudoir Chair plex apartment heat hot wat­ 649-2813. 643-9850. the two men they suspect of Northerly: By South Windsor LOST—Scarab bracelet vicinity from Spruce St. to Farming- 1318. Help Wanted— 2 Vanity Lamps er, appliances, dryer, parkiim, REMODELED 4 ROOM apart­ nial. 6 large rooms, breeze­ Ranches. Capes, RiUsed Town Line and properties N /F ton Ave., Hartford. Hours 9- SIX ROOM home, stove, refrig­ We are offering for im­ helping Suarez rob the savings "Telephone Company, 806 Main 2 Pillows full cellsr, $150 monthly. J.D. ment sunporch and yard, heat way. 2-car garage, wooded lot, Ranches. Quality constructed WAPPING— Beelzebub Rd. On Xn MANSFIELD—Near Vin­ and loan Institution. They said Enes and Kupchunoe, in part by Street, Friday morning. Please 5:30. 643-2853. Help Wanted— Male 36 Male or Female 37 erator, convenient to . every­ mediate sale a real estate 1 Pair Blankets Realty, 643-5129. 643-8779. furnished, $115. 649-3212. thing, nice location. $110. A f­ investment opportunity lo­ 1% baths, excellent condition, in a fine prestige area, city acre treed lot In a beautiful ton School. Oversized 6 room Suarez has been Implicated in each; Northeasterly; 150’ south­ call 643-8654. Reward. Cape, ultra modern kitchen, Moving—^Tracking— OPENINGS for two experi­ FULL.-TIME SALES Associ­ 1 Cocktail Table ter 6 p.m., 649-3506. cated on Church Street in a beautiful neighbortiood, sewers, wooded lots, homes non - development area, 5% the Oct. 8 holdup at the same erly of Demlng St. and cutting ates wanted for expanding 2 Table Lamps ’THREE ROOM apartment FOUR ROOM tenement , 76 $26,400. Phllbrick Agency, 649- taken in trade! Travelers Real formal dining room, 3 twin thm properties of N/F Bnm- L o s t —Gray female cat with Storage 20 enced painters, steady work, i Wells Street. Available Febru­ just off Center Street. This room Ranch, $16,900. Call place. AntomobOes Pur Sale 4 Real Estate Firm. Will train i 1 9x12 Rug heat hot water, stove, refrig­ parcel of three 8464. Estate Co., Realtors, 249-8691 Owner, 644-1136. sized bedrooms, fireplace, eitfraber, Kupchunos and 1 broken leg, vicinity Bentley good pay for right men. 649- erator. $90. 247 N a Main. 649- ary 1st, $76. 649-5229, 9-5. MANCHESTER Delivery. Light 9658. but must be licensed and i 1 F^oo<• Lamp houses, 2 two families and Elvenlngs, 289-3832. large wooded lot, excellent Howes, in part by each; East­ School. Please call 649-3913. NEED CART Xour credit turn­ trucking and package delivery. 5228, 9-6. Suburban For Rent 66 MANCHESTER — Exception­ condition for $15,800. Call the ready to go to work. Elxcel-1 1 Smoker 4% ROOM apartment near a single. Rental income. Is VERNON — Beautiful 7 room erly: By McNall St.; Souther­ ed down? Short on down pay­ Refrigerators, w a fe rs and al 7 room Garrison Coital, MANCHESTER—8 room Colo Colonial home with spectacu­ R F. Dlmock Co.. 640-5245, or lent management potential. 36 Piece Dlnnerware Set ’THREE ROOMS. tUe bath, heat Main Street. $120., stove, re­ $5,580 annually. Heating, Driver Arrested ly: By Wilbur Croes Pkwy.f ment? Bankrupt? Reposses­ stoi'e moving spicialty. Folding Liberal commission arrange- ’ 24 Piece Silver Set BOL’TON CBINTER Apartments, built-in kitchen and wall-to- nlal, 2 baths, 1-car g;arage. lar setting. 8 bedrooms, family Paul Correnti, 643-5363. and hot water furnished, sec­ frigerator. heat, hot water, Corner Brandy St. and Bolton plumbing, roofs, etc. are all wall carpeting, beamed ceil­ Across from Center Park. Sourthweeterly; By property REWARD FOR sion? Don’t de4>air! See Hon­ chairs for 649-0752. SHOP MECHANIC ments and draw can be ar­ 18 Yards Floor Covering in excellent condition. room, formal dining room and On Road Charge N /F Carlyle-Jolmson Oo. and est Douglas Inquire about low­ ranged. Call Mr. Werbner, ond floor. 15% School S t parking. 643-9052. Center Rd., new 8 ronns. heat, ing, paneled rec room, garage, Large lot. Ideal for large fam­ living room with fireplace, EVERYTHING across from East Side Rec. hot water, stove, refrigerator. Properties to be sold at a and manicured fenced yard. ily, also many other possibili­ Bolton present Industrial Zone; West­ LOST DOG est down, smallest pa3rments Jarvis Realty Co., 643-1121 ONLY $500.00 3% ROOM apautment heat hot price allowing an excellent plus laundry room, 2% baths, anywhere. No small loan or fi­ Painting— Papeiii^ 21 Wanted— experienced shop $126. 649-3288. 643-4813. Only $21,900. Hayes Agency, ties. Full price $20,300. Call Bradley F. Dearington Jr. 26, erly; By Slater Street. A p ­ for an appointment to discuss Free storage until wanted. ’THREE ROOM unfurnished water, adults only. 172 Spruce return on your investment. wall-to-wall carpeting, full 8 ACRE COJLONIAL plicant: Town Planning Com­ nance company plan. Douglas this fine opportunity. 643-4803. the Ellsworth Mitten Agency, of 41 Virginia Rd., was charged PAINTING and paperhanging, mechanic, paid holidays, Free delivery anywhere in apartment second floor, Por­ S t. 649-6964. R(X:k VILLE — 8 room, heat, Inspection of properties at basement, atta'ched garage. mission. Mongrel fox hound, white Motors. 883 Main. Realtors, 643-6930. This home fully air condi­ with making an improper turn, good work, reasonable "rates, vacation pay. Must have Connecticut ter Street area, $80 monthly stove, refrigera’ or Included. your convenience. MANCHESTER — 160 x 200, 6 room Garrison, set In S WETHERELL 8TRJEE3T. To with gray and brown FEBRUARY 1 OCCUPANCY— tioned. Asking price $22,900. after he was involved In an ac­ JAGUAR HARDTOP coupe, 30 years in Manchester, your knowledge of welding. Free set-up by our own re- Includee heat hot water, elec­ Call between 0-8 p.m., 876- large trees, clean 6 room Colo­ TWO-FAMUyY, west side, 4-4 acres of trees, large living change to Industrial zone, all m a rk ii^ , answers to name Situations Wanted— tricity and gaa, no appliances Adults only. 8 large, bright Call Frederick M. Gaal room with fireplace, fam­ cident at Maple and Spruce “BambSgf.” Please call XK^20, new tires, new bat­ neighbor la my recommenda­ Hourly rate based on ex­ liabje men. Original jlrice for 0577. nial, double garage, only $16,- flat, all large rooms, oil hot Sts. yesterday afternoon. . or part of an area now in Ru­ tion. Raymond F^ke. 'o49- Female 38 furnished. Call 64S-69M fer modern rooms, heat, hot wa­ ROBERT ,T. SMITH, INC. 000. Hutchins Agency, 646- water heat, 3-car garage, good Agency, 643-2682, or 643-0281 ily style kitchen, built-in 649-3896, 649-3443 or Dog tery, ne\fr paint, $1,000. 649- perience. Call 649-3666. all this merchandise was Police say the accident oc­ ral Residence 2k>ne, described as 2979. 9237. appointment ter, stove, refrigerator, tiled ANDOVER—Four room ap»irt- 963 MAIN STREET 0103. condition throughout, $21,500. or A. L,. Rose, 649-7377, or T. oven and range, 1% baths, Warden. COLLEGE GRAD In Home Ec $825.46. Some fortunate person bath and shower, many . ctos- 649-5241 A. Rice, 643-2601. curred when Dearingtoii crossed follows: Starting at a point on can. purchase it all for only ment. Includes heat, hot wa­ R. D. Murdock, 643-6472. U A 8 extra large bedrooms, EXTERIOR and interior paint­ and Education, mother of ’TWO ROOM heated apartment ets, parking, centrally located, ter. Call 742-7676 for appoint­ NEW 2 .FAMILY, 6-4, under $20,800. Call Art Foraker, ' the center of the road while the north side of Wetherell CHEVROLET 1957 cqnvertlble, three, wishes to care for chil­ $500.00. On display at main Realty Co., Inc., 643-2692. TEN MINUTES from Man­ Street and westerly boundary of V-8, standard shift, good con­ ing. Wallpaper books. Paper­ CARPENTERS wanted, Man- and bath. 149 Oakland Street $93. 643-6396. ment. construction, two heating sys­ 640-5306. making a right turn from liOST — Pass Book Number dren in her home full, part- store. Appliances are recondi­ $65. 649-5229, 9-5. chester center, 3 years old, 6 Spruce St. Into Maple St., strik­ property N/F Patten and pres­ dition, new top, brakes, etc. hanging. Ceilings. Floors. Frilly chester-Coventry area. Call tioned and fully gusiranteed. tems, large lot, central loca­ .M3603, Savings Department of insured. Workmanship g^uar- time, or hourly. 643-0783. HOSPITAL AREA -r Deluxe ROCKVILLE— 3% room apart­ tion. Call Builder. Leon Cies- room Cape, 6 finished, stone ing an automobile operated by ent industrial zone, the line nma Best offer. Please call 649- 742-8863. NEW 4 ROOM RENT, second The Connecticut Bank and i 0987 between 5-6 p.m. anteed. Leo Pelletier, 649-6326. MONTHLY 5% room apartment, bullt-lna, ment, stove, refrigerator, MODERN, centrally located zynskl, 649-4291. 8 APPLE TREES fireplace, full tile bath, built- Barrows &^Wallace Paul Hel'wlg, 77, of Glaston­ westerly 816’, more or leee; Trust Company. Application ’TURREIT LA’THE machinists. PAYMENTS floor, $110 without heat, and dinette, appliances, tiled bath, heat. $90 monthiv. Adults Cape, 4 down, 2 tihflnished up. in appliances, walk-out base­ bury, who had stopped east- then northerly 610’, more or If no answer, 643-9043. WILL DO IRONING In my MANCHESTER PARKADE made for payment. 1958 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4- Good variety of work. Over­ ONLY $16.93 electricity. Call John Ponticelll yard, garage, basement, $125 only. 649-4824. 875-1166. near schools and .shopping, FOUR BEDROOM Ranch with ment door, excellent condition MAN(JHESTER 640-5306 bound on Maple St. for a stop less; then northeasterly 687*, INTBIPJOR and exterior point­ home. Call 643-7928. Phone For Appointment A Sons, Inc., 648-6578, after 6. monthly. Hayes Agency, 648- Immediate occupancy, Air a neat rec room. Prime loca­ 4 -BEDROOM COLONIAL throughout, wooded lot, $15,- more or lees, to present indufir door Hardtop, V-8, automatic, time. Mlco Mfg. Co., 643-1571. in good condition, new sign. The Helwig vehicle was LOST: Pass Book No. 6397, excellent condition through­ ing, wallpaper removed, tally SAMUEL ALBERT 4803. ROCKVILLE — 3 large room Real Estate, 643-9332. tion. Two fireplaces, combina­ 4(X). Minimum down to quail towed from the scene. trial zone; then southeasterly Savingfs Department of the EXPERIENCED LAYOUT m ^ TYPIST wants work to do at FOUR ROOM apartment, hea<: apartment, first floor, bath, heating unit, new wiring, CO'VBNTRY INVESTMENT — out, $425. Call after 5 p.m., Insured. Rene Belanger. 648- home. Can pick up and deliv­ Hartford 247-0358 tions, 1% baths. Needs redec­ fied buyer. R. D. Murdock, Court appearance for Dear­ 460’, more or less; thence south­ ■ Connecticut Bank A Trust 0612 or 644-0804. who has worked with layout SEE IT DAY OR NIGHT and hot water, refligerator FOUR ROOM apartment, re­ hot water, heat. Tel. 875-4220 ONE BLOCK from Mala, two orating, owner anxious for ac­ ceramic tile bath, 2-car ga­ 643-6472. U A R Realty Co.. $130 monthly Income from two 649-1003. er. Call 643-4422. and stove, garage. Very spe­ rage. nice trees and shrub's, ington is set for Jan. 26. erly 668’, more or less, along Company. Application made of aircraft tubing, experimen­ If you have no means of decorated. $85 monthly. F ^ - or 643-1203. family, 4-4 duplex, permanent tion and the price Is negotl.- Inc., 643-2692. S room homes, located in one present industrial zone, to for payment. INSIDE and outside painting. cial. AdiUts only. Call 643- nace. Adults, no pets. 649- fine location, $16,500. corner of a 300x150 business An accident occurred at 1956 MERCURY 4-door station tal and production aircraft transportation. I’ll send my siding, two recent heating sys­ able. Started in the twenties. Parker and Franklin Sts. about Wetherell Street and point a t You name your own price. parts, good salary and good 7222. 6928. NORTH COVENTRY - Com­ tems, garages, clean. Hayes VERNON — 7 room Split Level zoned corner lot next to other wagon, automatic transmis­ Dogrs— Birds— Pet auto for you. No obligation. Vacant T. J. Crockett Real­ 4:40 yesterday afternoon in beg;inning. FOUND — Male beagle t5T>e sion, power steering, power 649-7863, 875-8401. fringe benefits. All replies pletely furnished guest house, Agency. 643-4803. tor. 648-1577. and garage, outside patio, bar­ businesses. Owner will carry puppy, black, white and A—I^B —E—R—T’—S 'THREE ROOM, third floor, DELIGHTFUL 2 BEDROOM on country estate, 3 rooms, 2 becue pit, % acre lot, near which Joseph Simmons, 77, of Applicants: Manchester brakes, brand new snow tires. held confidential. Box S, Her­ WANTED— Home for 6 1 weeks heated, centrally located. Coll second mortgage. AM for only Packing Company, Inc. and ex­ brown. Call Lee Fracchla, Dog Good condition. $135. 643-6665. PAINflNG, EXTERIOR and in- ald. 43-45 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD garden apartment, heat, hot baths, all utilities, garage, PORTER STREET Area — 6 DC MANCHESTER — Spacious ]. D. REALTY school, assumable mortgagfe, $12,800. Lawrence F. Flano, 501 Vernon St., pulling across tenor, paperhanging, wall­ old black and white mongrel 643-0082, between 7-8. tended by Town Planning Com­ Warden, 643-8594. puppy. Call 643-0545. Open Nights ’n il 9 P.M. water, range, refrigerator, swimming pool, conveniently room Cape, fireplace. 2-car custom built boms in excellent $18,500. 19 Gerald Drive, Ver­ Realtor, 643-2766, Oiarlee Parker St. from Franklin St., paper removed, dry waibwork MACHINISTS for Brldgeports, parking. Ideally located. $120 located, $150 monthly. 742- residential area, ultra modem non. Owner 875-6745. smacked into a oar operated by mission. FOUND — One female pcui: Reasonable rates. FPHy in­ FOUR ROOM apartment sec­ garage, large tree shaded lot, 643-5129 643-8779 Nicholson, 742-6364, Dolores L. six required. Must be able to SIX WEEKS old dachshund REFRIGERATOR. 13 cu. f t monthly. Available February 7579. $17,900. Phllbrick Agency, kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths Michael W. Davis, 17, of 560 All interested persons mgy beagle. Call Bolton Dog Ward­ Auto Driving: School 7-A sured. F ree' estimates. 649- Frigldalre, excellent condition, ond floor, 178 Maple Street No Merritt, 646-0424. appear and be heard. Maps o f set up and work to blueprints. I pedigree puppies, champion furnace. $65. Tel. 643-4761. 1st. 643-0973. 649-8464. plus 2 lavatories, covered XIV - BOLTON — 3-bedroom Woodbridge St., who had been en, 649-7601. 9658, Joseph P. Lewis. Apply In person GTK Corpor-; strain. 649-2576. $135; also, 10" Craftsman ta­ BOLTON—Six room partly fin­ patio, Florida room, complete­ split level on 2 acre wooded COVENTRY — Lovely 4 roewn eastbound on Parker St. be­ aXMve proposed zone ohangea l e a r n t o d r i v e — Spadsi MINTZ COURT—4 room tene­ TWO FAMILY FLAT, storm atlon, 678 Tolland Street. ble saw with 1 h.p. motor, ished house, two children ac­ MANCHESTER GREEN AREA ly air-conditioned, minimum lot. Kitchen built-ins include home with fireplace on attrac­ fore entering the Intersection. and descriptions may be seen ia LOST—Wrecker dollies, reward attention to nervous and eld­ GROOMING and boarding, will $130. 649-0740. ment, first floor of 2 family ceptable. References. $120 windows, steam heat, 3-car the banning Office. This no­ offered. If found telephone 649- erly. Classroom, for teen-agers. Electrical Services 22 FIVE ROOM duplex, garage. A 6 room Ranch with 3 gener- maintenance inside and out. refrigerator, frewer, stove, tively landscaped % w re lot, Police also report a minor ac­ DRAFTSMEN—First and sec-! collect and deliver. H. C. Can 649-1946. house. Modern bathroom. Au­ monthly. 649-3401 after 6. otu bedrooms, dining room, Call the R. F. Dlmock Co., garage, good Income, $17,500. oven, dlshwasherT fireplace. available for early occupancy. cident occurred yesterday af­ tice Is on fUe In the office a t 5321. Pickup service. Day or eve­ ond shift, for die layout and MAHOGANY BEDROOM set, tomatic water heater. FYee 649-3473. FREE ESTIMATES. Prompt Chase, Harmony Hill Ken­ spacious living room with fire­ 649-6245. Trout stream on property. Home has cedeur i^ingles and ternoon on Main St. near E. Town Clerk. ning lessons. Reasonable rates. guide electronic tracer ma­ nels, Bolton, 643-5427. excellent condition, 4 pieces, parking. $40 monthly. Apply TOWN PLANNINO Manchester Driving Academy, service on all types of elec­ place, large kitchen with for­ COMFORTABLE OLDER 8 Selling for $18,900. For fur­ been reduced In price for quick Center St. The motorists in­ chine, all fringe benefits. Ap­ $60 or best offer; electric ro- FIVE ROOM apartment for 10 Depot Square, Apt. 4. SDC ROOM, modern Ranch, ther information call the R F. sale. Call Frederick M. Goal OOMMiaSJON Annonneemento 2 742-7249. trical wiring. Licensed and In­ tisserie, $10. 649-4403. Wanted To Rent 68 mica counters, oil hot water room house, sound condition, volved were Barry F. Lawton, ply Gunver Mfg., 234 Hartford rent Call 643-5838. 100x200 lot, near school, 2 Dimock Co., 649-5246. Agency. 643-2682, or 643-0281, 33, of Vernon and Leonhard G.. John B. Lomenzo, Chalrmoa sured. Wilson Electrical Co., Rd. Articles For Sale 45 PDUR ROOM apartment, sec­ heat, plaster walls, attached oil fired steam heat, fireplace, BLFX7TROLUX sales and serv­ Manchester. 649-4817, 643- WANTED TO RENT in North arage. Owner transferring. fireplaces, full Jiasement, ga­ or A. L. Rose, 649-7377, or T. Slebert, 30, of Bolton. Clarence Welti, Secretary AVAILABLE NOW—4 rooms, ond floor, near Main Stre<^ rage, Imlnediate occupancy. large lot. beautifully land­ ice, bonded representative. Al­ 1388. IT'S inexpen.sive to clean rugs 1954 Singer console, $85. Call 643-6362. End — 2-3-or 4-stall garage f15,900 Wolverton Agency. scaped, 2-car garage and a XI VERNON — New raised A. Rice, 648-2601. lred Amell, 110 Bryan Dr., MALE HELP WANTED, days second floor, automatic hot Bel Air Real Estate. 643-9332. Business Services or evenings, part-time and and upholstery with Blue Lus­ 649-0210. suitable to store and work on Realtors, 649-2813. children’s playhouse. City wa­ ranch, 3 twin sized bedrooms, Manchester, 644-S141. water, stove, convenient to 1% baths, 2 fireplaces, built-in Offered 13 full-time. Apply in person tre. Rent electric .shampooer ’THREE R(X)MS, central, race car. Call 643-5693. COLONIAL—Huge family sized ter, sewer, gas, bus line. Ed- Floor Finishing 24 BENDDC combination washer- everything, one child, $60 stove and oven, large lot, ex­ Friendly Ice Cream Store in $1. Olcott Variety Store. monthly. 643-7094. range, refrigerator. $65. J. D. MANCHESTER — ■ Executive kitchen, dining room, living wart Street. Immediate occu­ INCOME TAXES prepared In SNOW PLOWING — You name dryer, good condition. After 6, Realty. 643-5129. neighborhood, lovely 7 room cellent residential area. Sell­ your home or by appointment, your own price. Sidewalks also FLOOR SANDING and refin- Rockville. room with fireplace, 8 bed­ pancy. Tel. 649-3566 or 649- SNOWBLOWteRS, new and 649-5448. SIX ROOM duplex, garage, Colonial, mammoth llvln„ 4342. ing for $20,600. Call the R. F. Experienced tax work. 24- cleaned. Telephone 649-7863 ishlng (specializing in older FTVE ROOMS, first floor, heat, A Wearable Costume rooms, 1% baths, screened Dlmock Co., 649-5245, or Paul Record-breaking New Ford deliveries mean CANDID WEDDING photog­ used, Ariens, Snoblrd. Toro separate oil furnace, large room, modem kitchen with porch, $20,900. Phllbrick hour service. Call 643-4723. 875-8401 floora). Waxing floors. Paint­ rapher, experienced only, top Wheelhorse, and Moto Mower. 12 CU. FT. NORGE refrigera­ ! hot water, $125 monthly. 649- bullt-lns, 2-car garage. Sacri­ MANCHESTER — Good multi­ Correnti, 643-5363. ing. Ceilings. Paperhanging. tor, very good condition, $60. yard, centrally located, adults. Agency. 649-8464. FEDERAL INCOME taxes pav for top man. Call 643- Service and parts. Capitol Tel. 649-4076. I 4697. fice at $1P.9{K'. Hayes Ag tej, ple dwelling. A three family big I^ed Car selection of^^Hdues-now priced | LAWNMOWER Aiarpening;. re­ No job too small. John Ver- Equipment, 33 Main Street, 643-4013. HARTFORD — 6 family flat, prepared with your savings in pairs, sales, rotor blades 1716. 643-4S0S. SIX ROOM Cape, large kitchen (3-3-5) with one vacancy. Cen­ faille, eiS-SI-IO. Manchester. Open daily 7-5, MANCHESTER — 3 room FTVE R(X)M apartment, cen­ excellent investment property, 5ilnd. Reasonnable ^ates. Ed­ riia/petedlent employe benefits. If interested GERT’S a gay girl — ready for AF Real Estate, 643-0332. 1963 CHEVROLET BUSSELL’S BARBER SHOP In this better - than - average GAS STOVE,'wringer washing second floor, stove, - parking living room and family’ sized construction, 4 good slz«»d 1963 MERCURY open ’Tuesday-Saturday, 8-6. day 7-4. 648-7958. service. J. D. Realty 648-5129 a whirl after cleaning carpets and full cellar storage. Impala 4-Door. 8 cylinder, au­ position, apply to the Singer with Blue Lustre. Rent elec­ machine, drophead sewing ma­ kitchen. Selllnie^ below replace­ bedrooms, 2% baths, wall Closed Mondays. Comer Qak LAWN MJ'WERS— Sharpened Company, 832 Main Street. chine, space heater, bedroom monthly. J. D. Realty, 648- ment at $18,900. Call Barbara to wall carpeting through­ tomatic transmission, power Comet 2-Door. 6 cylinder, and Spruce St. 649-9669. A FRESH START will lump tric shampooer $1. Paul’s 5129. and repaired, wii.tor storage. y A r debts into one easy pay­ Paint & Wallpaper Supply. set. Very reasonable. 643-7971. BU YS Babin, Jaryls Realty Co., out, cathedral celling in steering, radio, heater. Ex­ standard shift, radio, heater. Sales and iservico Ariens. ment. If you ifave equity jn Realtors, 643-1121, Eves. 643- step-down living room, at­ ceptionally clean. One owner. Very clean. One owner. PeroonaiB Snowbirds, also rental equip­ ! property, call Frank Burke to SALESMAN ' COINS at reasonable prices at 1686. ' tractive staircase with bal­ ment. L A M Eiquipment Corp.. For Men’s Wear Department the Hobby Shoppe. 403 Center Musical Instroments 53 cony to second floor, heat­ discuss ways and means. Con­ O F TH E BOWERS SCHOOL — 6 room STATE LICENSED rest home Route 83. Vernon, 875-7609. necticut Mortgage Exchange, Good Steady Position St., 649-7233. BOLTON W. G. GLENNEY ed glassed in sunroom with centrally located, reasonable Manchester Ebcchange—Ehiter- PLAYER PIANO, reflnished Garrison Coloniaj. Call Owner, excellent four season’s view 15 Lewis St., Hartford, 246- and mechanically rebuilt, $300. 886 N. Main S t — 640-6288 649-2104. •2195 •1395 rates, friendly atmosphere. prlse 1945. 8897. , APPLY NOTICE WEEK of the lake and its year UNDERWOOD typewrit er, 649-9788. TeL 875-1011. Davidson & Leventhal MANCHESTER — 7% room ’round recreational activi­ La n d c l e a r i n g , tree re­ good condition. Call 875-7204. CANCELLATION ties, spacious kitchen, large RIDE WANTED from Mott’s moval, and chain saw work. MANCHESTER PARKADE Colonial, 3 bedrooms $18,900 ranch, 4 bedroonu, dining Help Wanted— Female -35 Wanted—^To Boy 58 NOTICE room, 3 baths. 2-zone heat, ra- formal dining room, family 1963 CHEVROLET to South Coventry, 1 or 2 p.m. A. Michaud. 742-8096. The hearing to be held Jan­ Oolonlal, E. Hartford 33,800 room with gun cabinets, de­ 1959 T-BIRD 742-8646. WANTED—Woman to work on ’TWO MEN to work In heat Diamonds— TV atehea— rage, only $18,500. Hutchins luxe bar room, basement Bel Air 4-Door Station Wag­ YOU ARE A-X! Truck U A-1! R'B BUY, SELL or trade so* uary 18, 1966 has been canceled Saptie TaRki Agency, Realtors, 646-0103. shirts. Steady work, 6-day treating department, first and Jewelry 48 tique and used tainitiue, china, ^ the appUoont vlx State o f Colonial, E. Hartford 23,000 with theater and projectioh on. 8 cylinder, automatic, ra­ Convertible. A real buy, under RIDERS WANTED, No. Cov­ Oellan, attics, trash, small week. New System Laundry, second shift open. Liberal AND trucking done A-1 rig^t! Call glaas, stiver, plctiire - frames Connecticut. BIGHT ROOM Cape. Interlw room, heated 2-car garage dio, heater. Low mileage. One entry and Bolton Lake area, Harrison Street. - benefits. Apply In person W.iTCH AND JEWELRY re Oolonlal, Mrrifle buy 38,600 .with caretaker’s quarters wholesale, as is. to Hartford center, 8-4:80. 848-2028, Tremano Trucking and old coins, old dolls and This hearing was for a vari­ Immaculate. 3 or 4 bedrc|t>ma, Klock Company, 1272 Tolland pairing E»rompt service Op to guns, b o b ^ coLleotions, attic ance for a non-c<»formtng aet- Plsuad Sewen separated from the home by owner. 742-8816. Service. $20 on your old watch in trade. OoMemporory, fabulous 84,600 2 full baths, family room /wall ’Tpke., Manchester. contents or whole estates. bW back on property on Cider MUl to wall carpet In living'room a long, attractive breeze- LPN or RN, full or part-time, Closed Mondays F. E. Bray, Ranch, South Windsor 17,900 .way, outside stone pagoda RIDE W ANTEp to Pratt and SNOW PLOWING, small truck- 11-7. 876-2077. nlture" Repair Service Talcott- Rood at He Intersectica with MatbiseMlInaMl and dining room, fireplace, LATHE, TURRET LATHE 787 Main Street, State Tneater vllle. (fonn. Tel. 648-7449. with imuBual fireplace and •795 Whitney, East Hartford, first Ing, attics and cellars cleaned, Building. Lake Street, property of Wll- 8372 di:diwasher, disposal, alumi­ •2195 rubbish picked up. 643-}008. Uam A. Coaeo Jr. Septic ’Tanks, Dry Weils, stone patio, park - like •hlft, 676 W. Middle Tpke. APPLICATIONS are being BRIDGEPORT Sewer Lines Installed— Cel­ I3H-34M num awnings over patio, 2-car 649-4954. WANTED -ro BUT—Antiq(^ Signed grounds with large trees, taken for full-time sales girls, and good used furniture, vll- lar Waterproofing Done. E. ], Carpenter garage, aluminum storms and 5 days, including Saturdays. Must work to prints and make Garden— Farm— Dairy BOLTON ZONING screens. One block from shrubs and flowers. Be­ HousehoM Services >sge Peddler Auction Rouse, ^ popular style with fashion REALTOR cause of health reasons Company benefits. W. T. own set-ups, Openings require Products 50 BOARD OF APPEALS schools, buses and shopping. 1962 CHEVROLET VOLVO 1964 1228, exceUent Offered 13-A Grant Co., Parkade. better than average men. First Route 81, BUlngton. 87847U, Julius Strong, Chairman n a season — the slmpls yet 640-6051 640-9304 A good value at $19,900. Call owner desires quick sole. I N I CHEVROLET aondition. 628-2274. Bob Flncktger. aiwl Son. MtKINNEY BROS. m a r t dress plus a companion Asking price of only $89,- and second shifts, high pay, APPLES— Macs and Cortlands, Byron H. Sl$m, Chairman 2890.H Owner at 649-4436. RBWBAVING of BURNS, moth overtime, benefits. Dated at Bolton Sewerage Oispofia] Co. length jacket. This version is 000. Easily flaonoed. Bel Air 4-Door. 8, automatic, Corvair Pand. Excdlant e<»- No. 1 and No. 2. Bunce Farm, Wa n t e d — weathered boards 118 Pearl S t — 648-88M Rows of soft smocking on holes. Zlppen repaired. Win­ 14 Spencer St January 15,1965 sixers. JANUARY SPECIAL — Cape MANCHESTER—AA neighbor­ radio. Nicely equipped. One dition. One owner. dow shades mode to measure, GET OUT OF THOSE An Equal Opportunity from tobacco ahed or eiinUar No. 8872 with Patt-O-Rama is gingham Croats a most altno- Cod, 6 finished, 3 unflnish^ structure. Coll 649-4466, be­ hood. Vacant large 4 bedroom owner. LEGAL all sixes Venetian blinds. Keys Employer la sixes 12%, 14%, 18%, 18%, tlvs butterfly plUow! FosclnatT garage,, full oellor, nice condi­ ranch, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, LAWRENCE F. FIANO made while you wait. ’Tape ra- • 4 W A L L S ! fore 10 a.m. or after 6:80 pjn. 80%, 23%, 34%. Bust 88 to 46. Ing to make; so very nice to use-! tion, easily financed, sale price many closets, large kitchen, APPLY Household Goods 51 NOTICE cordon tor rent Moriow^. 861 •Ise 14%, 85 bust, dress, 4 yards Pattern No. 2890-H has tracing 18,500. Over 100 listings to basement rec room, city wa­ Realtor 648-2768 Main . 649-5221. TELEVISION — Handsome IF’ of 86-lnch; jacket, short sleeves, and full directions for smocking ^ oose from. Call or stop and ter, sewers and sidewalks. Im* •1095 Notice ia given o f a public Meet people, enjoy life, Rooms Without Board 59 •1445 make $ $ in spare time J. T. Slocomb Co. table model Magnavox, oiled 9% yards. and finishing. chat with us at our office at mediate occupancy. Minimum Ohofler Nleholzon T42-8S84 bearing at Room 565A, State FURNITURE RBFINISHEQ^ walnut cabinet, almost new, JUsisUnt Sales Maniger To order, send SOc In coine to; To order, send 85c In coins to: 558 E. Middle Turnpike. Open down financing available. Anx­ -near home, selling 66 MATSON HILL RD. THE THOMPSON Bouse. OM- OiBoe Building, 165 Capitol colors changed, insurance ee- excellent condition, $125 firm. tage Street, centrally ioootad, •iM' Burnett, The Manchester Anne Cabot, The Manchester evenings till 9. Saturday and ious owners asking $82,900. Dolcroa L. Merritt 848-0634 Avenue, Hartford, on Monday, ^ttmates made. Mancheeter Re- GLASTONBURY AVON Days call Mr. Flske, 643-2711. large pleosontiy turntsbad aveningEvening Herald, Het UM AVE. OF Evening Herald, 1150 AVE. OF Sunday till 5. Coll tlla EUik Reasonable offers api>reolateA VWiruory 1, 1965 at 10:30 am . flnishlng, 643-9283. rooms, parking. Q ol 649-2188 •rowiiKI IMW ear ogM cy has opM liif fer d f a^wm anaa BOBW TORX, N.Y. AMraObAB, NEW Yme<11ata tfoo. fS O ^ E. O, Murdodi, inets, bullt-uu. formica, tile. WANraD—Woman to woilt in and cbucker set-up ojperator,' 4F’ ELECTRIC STOVE; IF. NICE ROOM usKt to batb f^ m n Cwliitar 'M tioua cf'Mmte Pubbe UtlUtioe CoRuniMioo No fob too smoa WUUam OfonBoL Roattar. " Otorkuky. -66TX U * R Realty Oo, one' of our branch etoroo, 1- oxperlonoed with Alrcrafti refrigerator ‘ with fraesar; gsotlMuui . wltb rwCsrsiwM, ------Oaoc^e J. Griffln, RobUre oorpantiy aervlce. 5:80 pun. New Syetem Laun­ ports. AU bonaflts. Dean Mo- Mtchra table with 8 choirs; S S m ^ tSr,& . SamthtSSmStt SS* B oew taiy ExcoUeat lOoatloB. XI Olmroii dry, Han toon Stroot chhM ProduoU, U 6 Adams S t ' Urd cage and stand. 649-1(184. BtraM. 649-4966. «

■ -uf! m ■ . ..' »n • ••♦v.'-.-M w r'v^vn H14 11^ MMn

i . FAGE SDCTEEM FRTOAY, JANUARY 15, 1966 maturtr^at^r Sv^nittg If^raUi Avenure Daily Net Preas R ui Tito WmUlMr Fqr the Weak ISndad Wilson H. Rider, estate ana­ December 19, 1984 -!----- lyst of the Hartford National Army to Form About Town Bank, will speak Mopday at 8 p.m. at a meeting of the Grace Area Platoon 14,151 The Oouplee Club ot Talcott- Group of Center Congregation­ lew tonight near 18; arid taamr- tUIe Congregational Church Mtthber af the Aodtt al Church in the Robbins Room In Paratroopis Brnrenn of drenlatloa rew, high In taenn. will have a potluck Saturday of the church. V at S:SO p.m. at the church. ManeheUer^^A Ciiy of Villago Charm There will be a meeting and The Manchester Square Dsmee S f t Anthony E. Moaoari- program after the aupper. The Club will have a closed dance tolo, area supervlaor for the (Claeetfled Advertlataig ea Page S) , aivent is open to ail couples of '5 VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 90 (TEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SA’TURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1965 PRICE 8EVEN CKNT8 for members only tomorrow at U.S. Army Recruiting Sarvioe, NORMAN ttie church. INC. 8 p.m. at Waddell School. Earl has announced that his office Johnston of Vernon will be William Curtis, superintend­ caller. A dance committee in­ is presently forming -an AH ent M Manchester schools, cludes Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Hartford-Area Airborne Pla­ 445 HARTFORD ROAD, Near McKEE qwke and showed Aims on his Frye, door duty, add Mr. and toon for enlistment on Jan. 39. trip to Russia at a Joint meet­ Mrs. A1 Galllchant, refreshment Men enlisting under this pro­ ing Tuesday night of the Na­ chairmen, assisted by Mr. and t l ^ Hale and Bentley PTAs gram will receive eight weeks Blizzard Conditions Forecast Mrs. Gardner and Mr. and Mrs. of basic training, eight weeks of at Bentley School. Refresh­ A1 Gill. ments were served in the school advanced individual training eafeteria after the program. and four weeks of airborne Gibbons Assembly, Catholic training at Ft. Banning, Ga. WHERE SERVICE IS Ladies of Columbus, will have Manchester BaiTacks and Upon completion of jump a special meeting Tuesday at 8 School, each man will ^ Auxiliary of the Veterans of p.m. at the K of C Home. awarded the Paratrooper Badge World War I will meet Sunday There wiU be a cakewalk after For State, Mnch East and be assigned to an airborne at 2 p.m. at the VFW Home, the meeting. The cakewalk is Heads Realtors Manchester Green. Commander organization. played slmifar to musical chairs, Oarllon W. Hutchins of Co­ OUR BEST PRODUCT Albert Blanchette of the De- Individuals interested in be­ with cake* placed on chairs and^ lumbia was yesterday installed XWrtment of Connecticut plans won by the person in front of coming part of the Ail Hart­ to make his yesu-ly visit. After as president of the Manchester ford-Area Platoon should apply Viet Policeman Discovers Bomb the chair when the music stops. Board of Realtors, at a lunch­ the meeting a full-length color Members wishing information at the U.S. Army 'Recruiting Total Fall 41m will be shown, "The Ken­ eon meeting at the Manchester Station, Army and Navy Club, UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY on the meeting may contact Country Club. He succeeds Elva tuckian,” for members and Mrs. Joseph Beaulieu, 36 Gar­ 1090 Main St.; or at 63 Allyn their families. Refreshments Tyler of Manchester. Herbert St., Hartford. Servicemen, Families den at.. East Hartford, or Mrs. J. McKinney, fourtli district May Reach will be served by members of Anthony Ricclo, 82 Wilson St., the auxiliary. vice president of Connecticut GENERAL ELECTRIC 30" Hartford, co-chairmen of the Association of Real Estate meeting. Boards, presided at the instal­ Escape Death at Pool The Altar Guild of Rmanuel lation. One F oot Xaitheran Church will have its Steamers, cherrystone clams Homemade annual meeting Monday at 8 Others installed are Robert and clam chowder will be served I. Wolverton, first vice presi­ p.m. in the music room of the tonight from 7 to 9 at the SAIGON, South Viet Nam (A P )—American service­ WINDSOR LOCKS ehurch. Refreshments will be dent; Robert W. Lappen, sec­ Elks Club, Bissell St. Members, ond vice president; William RAVIOLI men, their wives and children were evacuated from a (A P )— Connecticut goj: its served after the business ses- their wives and guests are wel­ large swimming pool today when Vietnamese police dis­ first blizzard warning since alon. Rood, treasurer; EHizabeth J. FRESH OR FROZEN come. Carpenter, secretary. covered a huge bomb hidden near the pool. the early 1960s today, and Also. Herbert J. McKinney, The bomb, 40 paunds of TNT.rnr»M (APt __ Sir«>around midday Friday — saldAword waa passed to those wait- was finished. Churchill had a cold ing outside. almost to zero. to wear white gowns. Guests WinstoD Churchill, 90, fear­ The bomb could not have been “ Most peoide don’t fully from lodges in the area plan to Some three hours later came Standing in the middle of a H oldup T w o ed near death with a blood the first alarm: A medical bulle­ group of newsmen and photog­ set off unless someone had con­ understand what a blizzard attend. COMMODES nected a battery or magneto to warning entails,” said the fore­ FOR SALE or RENT WiHi Storage Drawer and Appliance Outlet dot on the brain, was in a tin said Churchill had suffered a raphers, today. Lord Moran said: "Sir Winston had a peace­ the pot. caster, "but I think the -fact ORANGE HALL Pierre Caron of 01 Dart HIU deep sleep today, suffering cerebral thrombosis — a clot on More Banks that this is the first one for the brain. He had also devel­ ful night. There is no material Casualties from an explosion Rd,, South Windsor, has been no pain, after a peaceful on a weekend afternoon proba­ Connecticut since the early ISeOg elected president of the French oped a ctrciUatoiy weaknesa. change in his condition.” . Ear-biting cold swept across much of the nation to­ Moran said he would call on bly would have exceeded those WOLCXJTT (AP) — A photo­ may be some Indication of how Club of East Hartford. The club 6 SPEAKER— ALL WOOD night under constant medi­ The old heart was flagging. day— causing this Indianapolis pedestrian to with­ At his bedslds, two doctors the former prime minister in an e]q>loslon at the American graph and a typewritten note serious it can be.’* meets the first Thursday of cal vigil. Brink Hotel here on Christmas draw (ears and all) inside his coat. More than five Despite the bad waatlur. Successive medtoal buUetinB fought for his Ufe. One was again at 4:15 or 4:30 p.m. EST, ^re among the clues as au­ each month at 8:30 p.m. at 419 and there would be no further Eve. In that explosion tw( inches of snow fell in that city and at least that State PoMca said they had n w Main St, East Hartford. indicated his life was peacefully ChurchiU's longtime friend, reports of aoetdento. Liord Moran, 82. As Churchill’s medical bulletins until then. Americans were killed am thorities seek to solve Friday 'ebbing away. The latest buUe- more than 100 persons were night’s holdups at financial in­ much is forecast today for New Englani) and the Meanwhile, akteia were re­ tln, issued at 7 a.m., EiST, by personal physician; he had President Johnson sent a mes- I eastern seaboard. (AP Photofax.) Army Pfc. Philip A, McGehan aage that "we are praying for a wounded. stitutions In Wolcott and Hart- ported to n in g aut to droves BINGO Jr., son of Mr, and Mrs. Philip Lord Moran, CburehlU's phyel- nursed him through dsmgereus terd,------despite the cold. Ulneasea b e f o r e , Including rapid and complete recovery." PoUce wwr*'alerted to patroF EVERY SAT. NIGHT — 7:30 A. McKSehan Sr. of 26 Marshall etan, said there had been no The photograi^ was taken by “We are advising svarybody Stereo materiel change in the states­ strokes which failed Churchill in Japanese Prime Minister El- ling the pool area earlier in the Rd., is participating in a four- a protective camera as a gun­ to wear one of the masks that 72 East CM ttr Streat — Manchester man's condition. 1961 and 1963. saku Sato, on his arrival In Hon­ afternoon when a woman was week field training exercise con­ olulu en route home from a spotted leaving a bicycle man robbed the Wolcott branch cover the face,” said Flank ducted by the 3rd Armored Di­ Anxiety for the fate of Brit­ The other doctor waa Lord Ellis, operator of a ski intorma.- Brain, one of tha world’s fore­ White House conference with against tiie waU of the pool of the Waterbury Savings Bank First Arrests Made vision near Grafeftwohr, Ger­ ain's wartime hero sUrred the early last night. He escaped tion canter in Torringtao. most neurokigisU. Johnson, cabled a message of grounds. PoUce became suspi­ I s ) many. He is a 1959 graduate of hearts and prayers of millions, grave concern and "hope for cious when it became apparent with 35,730. “Thera have already been re­ The doctors Friday night said ports of quite a few caaea of Manchester High School. MEDCO from ordinary folk to leaders of quick recovery on behalf of the the bicycle had been abandoned Police (3hief George Ranslow ChurchlU was “ slipplnjg into frostbite. With this wind blow­ SURGICAL Console nations. deeper sleep and Is not oona- government and people of Ja­ and started checking. said the picture was excellent. The Rev. Melvin T. Peterson 4-SPEED AUTOMA-nC CHANGER Near CTuirchiirs bedside were C)espite the picture, authori­ In Rights Murders ing, it’s about the aqidvaleiit of PREMIUM cious of pain or discomfort." pan.” American authorities said the 10 or 15 below zero on the lAPPLES $1.00 of Emanuel Lutheran Church SUPPLY C O . Lady ChurchlU and their daugh­ Moran was asked last night The last time the pubUc saw ties may have difficulty Identify­ lee Cream V? gal. 99c will conduct a service Sunday 340 MAIN STREET ters, son Randolph and grand- ChurchlU was on his 90th birth­ ing the gunman, who wore a stopee. a Bmliel (and up) about ChurchiU's chances. “ I think everybody who hoa Beg. SL18 Plastic Container at 3 p.m. at Laurel Manor con­ MANCHESTER, CONN. eon, named Winston Spencer for He replied, "All I can say is day, Nov. 80. Hundreds came to stocking over his head. MERIDIAN, Miss. (A P )— Federal marshals today be­ valescent home. his famous grandfather. the front door of the ChurchiU Bridgeport G as The typewritten note was used a pah* of skis Is .turning out, SUNBEAM—ROLLABOUT ^ that he Is seriously 111.” gan arresting persons indicted by a federal grand jury anyhow. But it’s not exacuy aa FBESH, SWEET Daughter Sarah arrived from Lights r|>umed In the (^urchlU by the bandit in the $2,819 rob­ lA N A N A S W orkers Strike bery at the Park Street branch which probed the slaying of three civil rights workers Ideal day tor siding.’* ------Rome bjr plane. Wearing a fur house throuf^ the night, but no (jSee Page Three) AH Connecticut ski areas to- CIDER gol. 59c ooat and dark glasses, she of the Hartford Savings and near Philadelphia, Miss., last summer. (Contents) 2 lbs. 29c Loan Association. The first two arrested were® ported good or excellent ixm- drove up to the Churchill reel- BRIDGEPORT (A P )—Union ditions except Mohawk Mount­ dence and rushed Inside. The note claimed that the Billy Wayne Posey, 28, a Phila- F’BI In connection wHh the tri­ MANCHESTER COMMUNITY COLLEGE workers struck today against family of a teller, Joel L^ertu, ple slaying June 21. ain, where the skiing was re­ Pi(dc From This Variety For The Weekend Outside, in the frosty streets, del^ ia service station operator, the Bridgeport Gas Co. in a dis­ was being held hostage. and Philadelphia city policeman Willis was indicted laat O oto ported to be only fair. a crowd of faithful kept their LBJ and Pearson Sign The bandit, who also carried ber by a federal grand Jury In Vacuum $ own viglL As many as 300 stood pute over a new contract. Richard Andrew Willis, 40. Fresh Strawberries, Cherries, Cantaloupes, Spanish CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSES NEW YORK (AP)-— A atorm The strike by members of a revolver, showed the note to Willis was not among the 21 connection with alleg^ed beating Melons, Emperor, Lady Finger and Riber Grapes, there during the day. About 50 branch manager, Stephen Kus- of prisoners at the Netotoba at “near blizzard” proportions bunched In thick coats through Local 12298, United Mine 'Work­ arrested in December by the Pineapples, Pomegranates, Temple and Navel Or­ SPRIN G SEMESTER 1965 Compicts mik, 27, of Avon, and warned, Ooimty Jail. — marked by blowing mow, . > the long night waiting for news. An End to Car Tariffs ers, began at midnight, when ‘T mean business.” An Informed source said 18 strong winds and bitter cold — anges, Tangerines, Chestnuts, Comice, D’Anjou and With The drama began with no hint the old pact expired. The manager handed the note were indicted by the nand Jury struck the Metropolitan New Bo m Pears. Seminar In James Joyce— 2 semester hours. Attach­ Of danger. The first word — A negotiating session was set to the teller, whom the bandit East African meeting at Jackson Friday, in­ York area today. Detailed study and discussion of Joyce’s ma­ Cleaner ments JOHNSON CI’TY, Tex. (A P )— President Johnson and for 2 p.m. today. called by name, saying: cluding 16 of the Merldian-Phll- The Weather Bureau forecast Also: Fresh Peas, Beans, Watermelons, Leeks, Supervisory personnel took jor prose work: "Finnegans Wake.” 'TOP RATED AT NORMAN’S Canada’s Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson wind up a “ Joe, you have two lovely adelphie. area. an all-day snowfall with the sit­ Spinach. Egg Plant. Romaine and Boston Lettuce, over all functions, including children. Don’t do anything Neshoba Oninty Sheriff Law­ uation reachhig blizzard condi­ U .S . E nvoys whirlwind get-together today by signing an historic service calls. Spokesman for the Leader Killed White Sweet Potatoes, Broc(»li, Cauliflower, Green harsh.” rence Rainey and his deputy, tions at times. agreement- to abolish U.S. aji(i Canadian tariffs on cars. company said there would be Temperatures — ss low as 15 and Yellow Squash. MEE'nNG: Wed. 7:45-9:45 P.M. The signing, at the 400-acre^- Police said the teller’s family Cecil Price, along with at least no disruption of service. had not been held hostage. BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) — four others arrested last De­ degrees during the night kept 12 CU. FT. FAMILY SIZE A Expelled by LBJ Ranch where the two lead­ try on 12 months’ written notice. Management said it has of­ cember gathered In the couK- the snow very fine. The Weather ers are meeting, does not by Industry Minister C. M. Drury The Hartford bandit may have Premier Pierre Ngendandumwe REGISTRATION JAN. 25-29 fered company-paid major med­ escaped on foot. The Wolcott of the East African nation of house at Philadelphia some 30 Bureau said tills eondition ae- Itself make the agreement offi­ estimated that by the end of the ical insurance for employes and minutes before tiirae U.S. mar­ "THE K IN G cial. Special legislation will 1968 model year the production holdupman used a stolen car Burundi was killed Friday night African State dependents, and an increase in which, police recovered less than shals arrived. (See Page Three) •f Produce!" CoHuge Offie* have to be passed by Oingress. of vehicles and parts in Canada life insurance benefits. A com­ outside the maternity hospital It was snowing at ^Philadel• This could prove to be more wdll have expanded by about an hour after the robbery. The PERO DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania pany spokesman said the union car had been taken from a In Bujumbura where his wife phia when - the marslMls ar­ than a formality. one third. This will jnean more 276 OAKLAND STREET • OPEN 7 DAYS • 643-6884 was a-sked for relief in what it parking lot at the Scoville Man­ had Just given birth to a baby, rived. 134 E. MMdlc Tpku. — 649-5377 (AP) — President Julius Ny- On the Canadian side Pearson Jobs In the Canadian auto indus­ Refrigerator-^ called sick leave abuses and ufacturing untry. They made no Immedi­ msricet for the automobile in­ ed today Jost isa a passenger ate comment. dustry. Brussels said- several persons The federal grand Jury at GENERAL ELECTRIC DELUXE 3-WAY WASH had been arrested in connection train passed on nn adjoining PRICES REDUCED The U.S. State Department in'f The plan, announced Friday, track. Police said at least ARE Washington categorlcaUy denied will lead to better Integration of with the slaying. (Sm Page Three) There was no Independent seven persons wme killed and Nyarere's charge. the two countries' car industries word from Bujumbura, the Bu­ 50 Injoted In a ' asrtos of ’64 Dodge Polara 4-D o(M" Hardtop. "The allegation of subvorsive OPEN and Will significantly lower rundi capital Just across the blasts. Ambolanoes, Fully equipped. C A 1 # C / jiis r activity is without any fotuida- manufacturing costa in Canada R e d A irlin er cy trains and other tton," said a State Department Congo’s eastern border. The Power steering and brakes. V C by increasing production runs capital formerly was called equipment were naked to PORTABLE spokaamaa. and efficiency. Italian Riviera town froaa U.S. Ambassador William Usumbura. Surprise Guest ‘^DOWNI^N DAYS” TONIGHT Blventually, the. retail price of Word of the premier’s death Genoa to the north and l » '6S Chrysler 4-Door Newport Sedan. * Laontaart declined oommmt aft­ cars in Canada will go dbwn but Spezln to the sooth. Hospitals er Nyerere Informed him of the reached Brussels and Washing­ At N.Y. Field Fully equipp^. 9100C till aacpulalon order F riday, the Immediate effect on prices ton through diplomatic chann­ throukhout the nren were will be negligible, officials said. mobilized. The ozplosions oe- Power steering and brakes. # # ^ S-P-E-G-l-A-L-S! A Tanzania communique els, Burundi formerly was ad- I NEW YORK (AP) — A huge onrred to the Bon aaid: Canadian car pricea are about mlnistred by Belgium. 18 per cent above thoee in the Soviet airliner WM a aurpriae way station just as n loenl "ITte president informed the An Informed Belgian’ source ’63 Chevy II 4-Door Sedan. ■ . $ 1 0 Q C PAPERBACK BOOKS ambaaaador these two men United Statee. claimed the premier had op­ visitor for more than sight train, bound to Qsaoa trsn Standard transmis8i(Mi. Low mileage. I A # 9 were now peraona non grata Bari K. Brownridge, president posed the growing (toineee in­ houre at Kennedy Interaaitlonal La Spuria, arrived. Reg. 40c - $1.25 (A the Motor Vehicles Manufac­ fluence In Burundi. THOUSANDS TO CHOOSE and asked him to ensure they Airport Friday. left the United RapubUo wltMn turers’ AMoclalion, said new The source described the po­ The plane made an amergep- BBUMuaraoT srn u n '62 Pontiac Le Mans. DISHWASHER 34 houre." and heavy capital investment litical climate in Burundi as one cy landing because it was low BBlDOKPCNn (AP)—‘ will be required to attain the of violent rivalry between old United Ante Worken atniak 4 (m the floor. Radio and heater. *1195 For The communique added that on fuel, used up In fighting Nyerara waa ‘"satlsried’’ that objeotlves of the agreement . pro-(3iinese "feudal” leaders of fierce headwinds over the the MetrepoUtan Bedy today, tha pair "were engaged in sub- Government offlciala estimat­ the Tutsi tribe and “ Young Atlantic Ocean on ita flight from ■ad plckettag began a lth o u | | i '62 Plymouth Fury 4-Door Sedan. vanave aotlvitles. ed the manufaoturere, most of Turks” of the Hutu tribe, Moscow to Havana. OMMrnl Mnanger CkMrge Fully equipped. Power steering. Black and Whlta Ckxdon, who arrived in Tan- them subsidiaries of U.8. com­ trained in Western universities After taking bn 10,000 gallons *1295 Pkg. sanla lata last year, waa the No. panies, would save about $60 and opposed to the Red Chinese of fuel, the TUH4 turboprop White Thumb THREAD 3 American dlptomat hare. Oar- million a year. There were Indi­ influence. with 06 persona aboard was riv­ ’62 Ford Falcon Deluxe Model 4-Door, f | hiooi took up hla post a year ago cations tte money would be Officials In the government of en permission by the State De­ Standard transmission. Low mileage. TACKS following a revolution on the uadd for plant expansion. . Premier Moise Tshombe in the partment to proceed to Cuba. It Reg. 36c ea. ialand of Zanzibar. The agreement does not in-, Congo claim that the rebellion departed. to the northeast Congo was tee­ Reg. 10c pkg. Both dlploRuUs are axpeii- elude tires or reiriacement The State Dapartmant is in­ ’61 Comet 4-D(x>r. anced in African affaire. Okrluc- parts. It goes into effect imme­ tered by Red (Chinese, diplomats forming the Sonet govemmant, Standard transmission. Low mileage. 3 For 57c Ot sarvad formerly In the Ocmgo diately in Canada. Preeident in Burundi. however, a spokesman said, W 5 to LatmldvlUe and Stanleyville. Johnson has to got congreasion- The Belgian source said King that permission to oontlnue the Pkg. 7c Qonfen's home was daaettad. al approval before it takes ef- Mwambutea IV of Burundi dis- flight in this case "does not ooo- AMERI04^ THREAD An Afrlean watchman, armed fact to the United Itotea. mlased pro-Ghineae Premier sUtute a precedent" fOr poaslbto MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM wMh a bow and arrow, atood Under its terms, individual Albaln Ntyamwaya and replee- future emergencies. The plane 2 Convenient Locations t RuanL A note cn toa door road Amerloana m » pundase Canar ed him with Ngendamdumwe, to could have b ^ toM to return to 1SS MISdIa " l o t to .^atrigoiator. Keys in dtan ( » n to Canada and. bi fight the Chtoeee Influence Moecow after refueling. 6N0RCHES MOTORS, INC. NO PAYMENTS TILL MARCH ’65 tbam home du ty tree, which threatened to tiqn*!* tos Russia tttd the United States t w St. BaiasUn M. _____4, a aatton of 10.S mil­ ana who buy new oars 'to the throne. do not an air agrosment. TEL. 648-2791 Dowatowa lion, waa formifd taat Ootobar United States, lMsn|99r, •would Ngendamdumwe . was less Three U.S. Air Force fUan, V art to O PEN D A IL Y 9 to 9 toom tha morgar of Thaganyika, ■till lava to pay an Bnp(sport dut||r ‘Him’ the White House heegle gets a free ride about the LBJ ranch in Stone­ than 80 yeara old. He waa re- li^. George Mhtocko, Oapt , 00 QAiCLAND 8T.-afANCHBSTER A tonhar Brltiah oolcay on toa of 17.1 par.oanf. wall, T e% with the boee (Pieeid^nt Johnson) and a friend (Canadian Prinm toaeed aix»t a year aih whan J o e ^ Etonttohek and Staff and •atutoar. ^ Tla amamant .to ailUeot to tha Tutat tootion tomporarUy Sgt J **7:6 6), - , I