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Hardcore Computist 79 >-4 o o o o o ~1 21' 0 "'i liilt ~ ! ~ ~ ~ n ~ t D ':"- 000 o o n ... ~ B.~~ ~ Ie E I ~ (J) ~ en a::r .. 8 > n :;:.::I ~ ~ ~ ~ !!l iil I:S ::t ::r n = ~ ~ fIl n ii I o ~ OQ ~ n t ~'l; ~ '"'... '2 i fIl S' S' fIl l 1 OQOQ ~~ 79 o ... ~ ICOMPUTIST ~ D. ~ g ~~~ i 6- ::T o ~ .... a. ~ ~ ~ CI) m [ n ~ ~Df 'd I!. -e1~ () ... ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ==03. "'tJ (Q i: 'Q §ie: fIl ::t fIl a ~ fIl ... a ....l a IS. 0' Canada & Mexico $7 U.S. $3.75 B. ~ '"' fIl o < C'D ~ 1"'\~ '< )-It c: 9­ e 0......,. ... .., rD ::! ~ ~ ~ P.! ~ !3" S i ]- '-" ~. ~ l') ... el l') ...- fIl en n ::I. QC ~'< 0= 8 !2:i:g .- '-" a S' "5a --I ~ ~ nfi"~ o o· o _ (1) ~ '-" >;fIll!. i: ::t ~ (I}.... ~~fIl n (I} Editorial Notes , 22 Mickey's Crossword Puzzle Factfinder 21 SkyFox 21 ing. Most Wanted __ 23 Maker 14 Farenheit 451 21 Smooth Talker 21 ~~e [ ... ",::1 Q RDEX Contributors _ _ 23 Mind Benders 15 Feathers & Space 21 The Quest· 21 fIl :::. = en ~ ... (;'l fIl ~ unClassifieds _ 23 Missing Links 15 File 21 Think Tank 21 ;0 to-) Vol e =(I} Non-Western Cultures 15 FileMaker 21 ThinkTank 1.1 21 :go-a --I The Product Monitor n ...... RoboCOP 16 Filevision 21 ThinkTaIIk 128 21 Reviews ® Safari Search 15 Filevision alternate 21 ThinkTank 512 21 Altered Destiny 6 SATScore Improvement Series, 15 Forecast 21 Transylvania 21 Ishido 5 Special Product and Frogger 21 Triple Play 1.0 21 Mickey's ABC's: » , , Algebraic Factors 15 FunPak 21 Trivia Arcade 21 mwo A Day at the Fair .4 c Stickybear GS Talking series Gato 21 Trivia Fever 21 C Stonnovik 6 mwo • ~W ~ ~!? ~ f • Talking Alphabet 15 Grid Wars 21 Typing Intrigue 22 ::D "'0), f WIZardry: Bane ofthe m ~ ~ ~ ~ Talking Opposites 15 Griffm Tenninal 21 Ultima )[ 22 ON:::. • 8. [ .. • Cosmic Forge 5 tn Talking Shapes 15 Haba-Comrn 21 Ultimam 22 tn ~..L"'tJ .Ooi~ Fast Frames, Updates, etc. (I> .... • Task Force 16 Haba-Cornm altemate 21 VideoWorks 1.0 22 o Baneful Tales 6 Teacher's Toolkit version 3.1 13 HabaCheckMinder 21 WellTris 22 o :=.0 c Next? 7 ::D .e:o.",• ~ § 8. • The Great Knowledge Race 15 Habadex 1.1 21 Winter Games 22 ::D Note to PR Persons 6 -1 ~ The History of Europe 15 Harrier Strike Mission ~ 21 Xyphus 22 m =... ::::! ~ • Quesl for Gold 6 C'D <­ • ~ ~ tn The Three Stooges , 6 The Solar System , 15 Hayden Speller 21 Features, Notes & such: Q en The Time Tunnel 15 Hayden Speller alternate 21 I ~ == ~ • Vendors _ _ 7 COpyA-able Questron II 15 -I Thief 17 Hippo"C Levell 21 o How to make Thief Z =e= Questions 13. 14. 15 TrianGO 15 Hitchhiker's alternate 20 »C'D into a BRUNabie fIle 17 ::D • i gel • US History 15 Hitchhiker's Ouide m • N... ~~0 ~ • Answers: How to run Task Force (O:xJ Wasteland 15 to the Galaxy 21 o Boblgo :15 on your hard drive 14 e: 0)0 • m ~ ~ • Water and Weather 15 Home Accountant 21 m J.C. in NJ 14 Making Genesis into ~'. Who Am I? ~ 15 Legacy 21 m • 0 • Kris K:iJk 15 a single BRUNabie fIle 17 ~ w ~ Word Problems for Algebra 15 Lode Runner 21 NQ. • _ ii·'" 61"'t • Scott Jelsma 13 Making Hard Hat Mack into m Worksheet Generator 15 Mac Fortran 21 Steve Kalynuik 16 a single BRUNable fIle 17 c ~~ Writing Chemical Fonnulas 15 Macattack 21 ~m • CD • User 1119 13 Making PLATO soflware run Your Body 15 MacChkrslRvrsi 21 COm ~ ~ ~ on the Enhanced lie 14 Bltkeys: Your Body: Series II 15 MacCommand 21 c.ntn ·.~;;~ . Kabul Spy 14 Multi-Column Print Utility (MCP).l0 MacDraft 1.0 21 Playing Tips: Notes on Battle Oless 14 CO'" . MacDraft 1.1 21 [[ Softkeys: • :J0 ",::I.;p I• Baneful Tales 6 Notes on Silent Service GS 14 o ABM 13 MacGammonlCribbage 21 • < 3"0 8 Elite 15 Notes on Wildcard II card 15 0"... • = MacJackIPoker II 21 ~ Algebra 1-6 14 Object Module Format (OMF) 7 • CD g Cause and Effect 15 ~ac Features: MacLabeller 21 ORCAlDisassembier Scripts 11 Olemistry: Series I 15 Mac Hard Disk Ejection Fix 22 MacMatch 21 ~ ~~ ~ ORCA/Disassembler utilities 8 MacPascal (version 1.0) 21 .fDg g Ii • Computer Generated Mac Softkeys and other Patches: Other Notes 7 ·ClOo.~ . MacPoker 21 Mathematics Vol. 2 15 • ~ • ABCBase 20 Running Teacher's Toolkit v3.1 Co) n Cribbage 15 MacType 21 Animation Toolkitl 20 (3.5") on a Laser 128 13 .rp[s= • Designer Puzzles 15 Aztec C 1.0 20 Master Type 21 ~ ~ Task Force on a hard drive and fD Master Type alternate 21 Dungeon Master Assistant Aztec C version 1.00c 20 Wings by Vitesse 14 Mouse Stsmpede 21 • '" 3.j:o. • Vol. 2 22 Olampionship Boxing 20 The Basics of Kracking (part 5): Multiplan alternate 21 ~ ~ ~ ~ Economics 15 Olalt 20 Deprotection of Modified DOS Genesis 17 Checkminder 20 Multiplan version 1.02 21 ·• '<~ "0 .• disks 11 - 0 OverVue 21 rr Gin King 15 Cutthroats 20 of __ "'t The Basics Kracking Part 6: ~ ~.,., 00 15 PageMaker 21 0) "'t 0 • <::utthroats alternate 20 Mating Zone & Nibblizing • Graphmaster 15 PageMaker 1.0 21 ·CO 0 .... Deja Vu 20 Mysteries 12 w .. ~ ttl • Hard Hat Mack 17 Desk Toppers 21 Pensate 21 • 1\)...... >I Update on theSilent Service GS Hi Res Computer Golf 15 PFS 21 -a" e:m Dollars & Sense 21 v925.01 crack 14 CD,g we: • W ~ ." • Integer Arcade 15 Dollars & Sense alternate 21 PFS FilelReport 21 0 Xternal Commands for BASIC: ~"'Or- Laser Bounce 15 Electric Checkbook 21 PFS version A.03 21 3 ~ ~ CWD (Change Working -fI)-:\IE 0" • I • Mammals Reptiles and Insects 15 Real Poker 21 -fI)::D Excel 21 Directory) 18 z- Master Grades 15 Rogue 21 0:J os» ~ Excel alternate fix 21 ONllNE 18 Sargon ill 21 ':e co~ · . Fact Finder 1.0 21 0)> CDm •, •••~ ~~ ••••••••••••I I • Software recommendations Typing Source Code files and machine language programs as normal binary files. We have programs to convert them TheStarter Kitcontainsmostoftheprograms The source code is printed to help explain a to the proper format for printing. If you are cavlPUTIST that you need to ''Get started". In addition, we program's operation. To enter it, you need an sending source code files, and you are not using recommend that you acquire the following: "Assembler". Most of the source code in older the SoC Assembler, send them as normal text Charles R. Haight Editor • Applesoft program editor such as "Global issues is in S..c Assembler format. Ifyou use a files. JeffHurlburt Reviews Program Line Editor (GPLE)". different assembler, you will have to translate Dave Goforth BBS ·Assembler such as "Merlin/Big Mac". portionJ ofthe source code into something your When to include a printed letter ·Bit-copy program such as "Copy II Plus", assembler will understand. COMPUTIST is published by SoftKey "Locksmith" or "Essential Data Duplicator". Don't include hardcopy (printout) unless: Publishing. Address all inquiries to: Computing checksums ·Word-processor (such as AppleWorks). a. You are writing about a bug or other printing COMPUTIST ·"COPYA", "FIDuand "MUFFIN" from the Checksums are4-digithexadecimalnumbers error. 33821 East Orville Road DOS 3.3 System Master disk. which tell ifyou typed a program correctly and b. You are writing to ask for help; Eatonville, WA 98328-9590 helpyou locate any errors. Thereare two types of (206) 832·3055 Super lOB and Controllers checksums: onecreated bytheCHECKBINpro- . c. You are answering another readers help re­ • COMPUTIST does NOTpurchaseeditorial gram (for machine language programs) and the quest. This powerful deprotection utility (in the material. The entire editorial contentconsists othercreatedby the CHECKSOFTprogram (for d. You are writing about your subscription or COMPUTIST Starter Kit) and its various Con­ of infonnation submitted to COMPUTIST BASIC programs). Both are onthe "Starter Kit". sending an order for back issues or software. trollers are used in many softkeys. (It also on for publication in the shared interests of all IS Ifyourchecksumsdo notmatchthepublished COMPUTISTs. each Super lOB Collection disk.) Bugs, requests for help and answers to re­ checksums then thelinewhere thefrrstchecksum quests for help are bumped to the headofthe line • Unsolicitedmaterial (manuscripts, letters to differs is incorrect. the editor, softkeys, A.P.T.s, playing tips, Reset into the Monitor and go inthe verynext issue. All otherletters are questions, etc.) are assumed to be submitted CHECKSOFTinstructions: InstallChecksoft printed in the order that we receive them. asletters-to-the-RDEX-editorforpublication Softkeys occasionallyrequire the user to stop (BRUN CHECKSOFT) then LOAD your pro­ with all and exclusive rights belonging to the execution of a copy-protected program and gram. Press & to get the checksums. Correct the Writing to get help COMPUTIST. directly entertheApple'ssystemmonitor. Check program line where the checksums first differ. the following list to see what hardware you will When writing to request help, be sure to • Entire contents copyright 1990 by SoftKey CHECKBIN instructions: Enter the monitor need to obtaip this ability. include ALL relevent information. The more Publishing. Allrightsreserved.Copyingdone (CALL-151), inStall Checkbinatsomeoutofthe for other than personal or internal reference Laser128: YourROM includesa forced jump information you include, the easier it is to find a way place (BRUN CHECKBIN, A$6000), and (withoutexpress written permission from the to the monitor. Press ctrl return reset. solution. There's an old saying that goes "A then LOADyourprogram. Getthechecksums by publisher) is prohibited. Apple II+,lle, compatibles: 1) Place anInte­ properly framed question includes 90% of the typing the Starting address, a period and the •TheSoftKeyPublishing assumesnoliability ger BASIC ROM card inone ofthe Apple slots.
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