COMPUTIST Issue 51. January 1.988 USA $3.75 Canada & Mexico $7.00 All Ol:hers $8.75


Kevin Lepard's oCryptarithmetic Helper Paul Joh.l'J.son's oA.P.T. for Bard's Tale. Dungeon Mapper Revisited Matt Ownby's oA.P.T. for Ultima IV Carole Fox's oA.P.T. for Might & Magic

Ralph Augenfeld's oRAMfaetor mod for Laser 128 John Weigley's o Getting Better Sound by... Using the cassette jacks o Making AFast Boot Disk

2400 AD aAllens o Alphabet Zoo dAmnelia 08ag Of Tricks oBard's Tale I dBard's Tale JI dBattle Cruiser OBaach-head II a Below The Root 0 Black Magic dBody Awareness 0: Bridge 4.0 d Carriers At War d catalyst 3.(1) a Centipede d Championship Boxing 0 Championship Wrestling 0 Chessmaster 20(Dm a Combining The Elements d Commando d Creative Contraptions dEinstein Compiler d Fat City dFight Night OFlight Simulator v2.0 0 Fw1 with Direction. GBA 2-00-2 Championship Basketball • GraphicWriter v1.1RA CGrowing Up Small dHouse-on-a-disk QIntrigue oJet oJungle Hunt CKindercomp CKnowing Numbers d Kung-iu Master d Law Of The West d Learning Well seriell 0 Letters And Words 0 Little Computer People 0 Make Your Own Murder Party oManic Mansion 0 Master Diagnostics 0 Movie Maker OMusic Construction Set 0 Pinball Construction Set 0 Pitstop 0 Print Shop Graphics Library Holiday • Print Shop IIgs 0 Rendezvous 0 Shapes And Patterns 0 Silent Service o Sorcerer 0 Spy VB Spy I &: II 0 Stargate OStellar 7 OStickybear ABes 0 Stickybear Drawing 0 Stickybear NumbenI 0 Stickybear Printer 0 Stickybear Printer Library I &: II 0 Stickybear Townbuilder 0 Super Boulderdash 0 Temple Of Apshai Trilogy oTomahawk.Thexder 0 Walt Disney's Card And Party Shop 0 Walt Disney's Cartoon Maker 0 Wings Of Fury OWord Maze OWorld's Greatest Baseball Game OZork III OApple IIgs softkey.

BULK RATE COMPUTIST U.S. Postage PO Box 110846·T PAID Tacoma, WA 98411 Tacoma, WA Permit No. 269 You have a I~ Publisher-Editor: Cbarles R. Haight Graphics Editor: Ben R. Haight LEGAL RIGHT Circulation: Karen Fitzpatrick Advertising: (206) 474-5750 to an unlocked Publishing: SoftKey Printing: Valco Printing backup copy • Address all advertising inquiries to: COMPUTlST; Advertising Department; PO of your Box 110816; Tacoma. WA 9841 I • Mail all RDEX data-letters to: cOnlnlercial COMPUTIST RDEX PO Box 110846·K Tacoma. WA 98411 softwware • COMPUTIST does NOT purchase editorial material. Tht' f'Iltire editorial content consists of information submitted to COMPUTIST for Our editorial policy is that we do NOT condone publication in the shared interests of all COMPUTISTs. software piracy, but we do believe that users are entitled • Unsolicited material (manuscripts. k>tters to backup commercial disks they have purchased. to thl.' I.'ditor. softkeys. A.P.T.s. playing tips. In addition to the security ofa backup disk, the removal questions. etc.. are assumed to be submitted for publication with aU and exclusive rights of copy-protection gives the user the option of modifying belonging to COMPUTIST. programs to meet his or her needs. • COMPUTISTs submitting RDEX material should follow the guidelines printed on the Furthermore, the copyright laws guarantee your right inside back cover. to such a DEPROTECTED backup copy: • Entire contents copyright 1988 by SoftKey Publishing. All rights reserved. Copying done for other than personal or internal reference (without expreu written permission from the ..."It is not an infringement for the owner of a copy of publisher) is prohibited. a computer program to make or authorize the making of • The volunteer and paid editorial staff another copy or adaptation of that computer program assume no liability or responsibility for the products advertised in the magaZine. Any provided: opinions expreued by the authors are nol 1) that such a new copy or adaptation is created as an necessarily those of COMPUTIST magazine essential step in the utilization of the computer program in or SoftKey Publishing. conjunction with a machine and that it is used in no other • Apple usually refers to an Apple ]I computer and is a trademark of Apple manner, or Computers. Jnc. 2) that such new copy or adaptation is for archival SUBSCRIPTIONS: Rates (for 1:2 issues): purposes 'only and that all archival copies are destroyed in U.s.-B:! U.S. 1st Class-545 the eventthat continued possession of the computer program CanadaJMex.-$45 Other Foreign-575 should cease to be rightful. • Direct subscription inquiries to: COMPUTIST; Subscription Department; PO Any exact copies prepared in accordance with the Box I 10846·T; Tacoma, WA 9841 I provisions of this section may be leased, sold, or otherwise • DOMESTIC DEALER RATES: transferred, along with the copy from which such copies Call (06) 414·5750 for more information. were prepared, only as part of the lease. sale, or other • Change Of Address: Please allow 4 transfer of all rights in the program. Adaptations so prepared weeks for change of address to take effect. On postal fonn 3576 supply your new may be transferred only with the authorization of the address and your most recent address label. copyright owner." • Issues missed due to non.rec~pt of change of address may be acquired at the regular United State. Code /itie 17, §117 back issue rate.

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January CQMPUTIST 51 3 Editorial .

Dav~G. ~~ 31 Ralph Augenfeld 17. I7 Welc:ome to 1988 R. BmdeI H Well it's 1988 and I have some new year resolutions. Of course, like any good busybody, I've made these resolutions for you. B. Dudley Brett...... IS Stt\'t Charles 31 Et Ch.rlo 13 New Year's Resolutions Bob Colbert...... 36 Christopher Dean 7. 36 o I won't send original or copies of original disks. Ride Fabbl't'...... I8 171e origilJals I118r be lost SIll! it's illegal lOT us to bave copies. Carolt Fox 18 Dennis Gaunt: ...... •..... 37 o I will send an my letters to RDEX, on disk. Ray Grirrm 7 You'Dget/be diskbaeltalODg witJl BD advaDr:e coprolyowpiece 01tbe issue. A.l. Head...... 19 ADd it beJps speed up completioD 01tbe I118gaziDe. Sl~ Herrington 7 Jeff Hurlburt 11 o Iwill write my letters in the same format as the letters Iread in RDEX. Except Tony H. Ikeda ...... 13 for drawing the or printing my name in inverse. The Island Boy, 19

Paul A. Johnson 14 o I will always identify the computer I am writing about (Dc, De, Dgs, ele.). Dick Lavallc 13 Kevin Lepard 8

Jack Moravetz I3 o I will always includa tha pubUsbar's name along with any program name I

Jack R. NJs~I...... 33 mention.

Mati Ownby. . 11 FrallCo Paniuon.. . .. I8 o I will always send BASIC programs and Super lOB conlroUers on disk. Slanl~ P1anlon 11 Please! Scuuy Port 7

Marie G. Prestero . .37 Nicholas Siamson 36 BUGS: Sron M. Simon...... 16 Edwaro Tcach 18 COMPUTlST 1H1, page 34. "Improring Lodsmith's Fast Baclcup". It should read S«tor edit track $09. sector $07. John Thomas 30

Jerome Thelia...... 10 COMPUTIST '36, page 11. John Wrigley 14 The hex dump for LC WADER is missing the last byte. The bottom line should read: llee: 1111 21 21 llF 9B F9 F3

I• COIIPUTIST 1St ' ...uuy I COMPUTIST Table Of Contents January 1988

Editorial 4 Bugs ••••••••••••••••••••••••4

~ pogt .,_ 18 Most Wanted Softkeys 37 2400 AD 20 SJropts N:d P(J//tms 15 A/iellS .. .•.•.•...... •37 SiItIII Smic( t/9 .Feafwte3: A/pJulbt1 Zoo ...... •••...... 16 SOrcuu 35 Amnesia 26 Spy ~ Spy I & II 20, 35 The Cryplarithmetic Helper ..... Bag Of Tricks.... . tJ7 Star8att . 34 8 Kevin Lepard's program will help you solve those Ba(d'J Talt I...... 16 Stellar 7 t36 encrypted arithmetic puzzles for your AI class. Bard's Tale II... .. 15 Slickybear ABCs , 17 Battlt Cruiser.. ." ,35 Stickybear Drawing 17 IBeach-head // ,j) Stickybear Numbers 17 Using EDD IV to Below The Root . .20 Stickybear Pn'mer 17 Modify Tracks & Sectors 12 BIDet Magic 25 Stkkybeor Printer Library I &: /1 17 Stanley P1anlon's Tips and specific 'how-IO'S on Body A.1lwt'Ilt"SS /5 Stick}OOJr Townhui/dtr / 7 using the Essenlial Dala Duplicator's powers. Bn'dgt 4.0 17 Suptr &ufdtrdasJr 16 urnas Al War tJ2 Ttmpk Of Apshoi Tri1cgy 135 APT for Bard'. Tale C""lyst 3.0 t/7 TOIIllJ!ur,.i .••••.•••••.•••.••••.•••••. 32 Unliptik 34 ThePkr '/3 Dungeon Mapper Revisited ....14 ~p_g 33 walt [)im,y's Cord ANi Parry 9wp 28 Paul Johnson's A.P.T. for The Bards T~e uses OampionJlup WrtJtling 33 Wah Disr'.ry's CanooII MaUr 28 a modifICation of his Standing Slores dungeon Oltumasttr }CXXJ 33 Willgs Of FIU)' t17 ""l'P<'. Combining 1ht EkI7llllJS 30 Word Mazt ...... •...... 18 C<>mmvc MOlit Mour 7, 14 ....'s 0- 19 you bool:ing in seconds. Music Comlruction Stt...... 19 Manic Man$i01l 19 Pmooll Consl/1lcriGll Stt 17 Swnmtr Gomts 20 APr for Mighl & Magic 28 Tass TIMtS In 7011"01171 /9 PilsIOP······························34 Carole Fo)!'s tables and your sector-edilor will help Prim Shop Graphics Library Holiday 34 Thada...... /9 you reach the Inner Sanctum. Prim Shop llgs " '/3 W1lert In World is C Sonditgo? 21

January COM.un&T I'll • New COMPUTISTreaders using Apple Us sequential text files) such as Applewriter iI, usually don't pose a problem except in line are advised to readthis page carefully to avoid Magic Window II or Screenwriter II. numbers which contain REM or DATA jrnstrolion when attempting tv jollow a softlwy [B'" COPYA, FID and MUFFIN from the DOS commands. 1bere are two types of spaCC1;: thuse or entering the programs printed in this issue. that have to be keyed and those that don't. 3.3 System Mastet disk are also useful. Spaces that must be typed appear in COMPUTIST as delta characters (.). All other Whal is a .ollkey, anyway? Super lOB and Controllers spaces are there for easier reading. NOTE: If Soflkey is a tenn which we coined to describe This powerful deprotection U!iJity (in the you want your checksums (See Computing a procedure that removes. or at least COMPUTIST Starter Kit) and its various checksums) to match up. you must key circumvents, any copy-protection on a Controllers are used in many softkeys. (It is also ONLY the • spaces after OATA statements. particular disk. Once a softkey procedure has on each Super lOB Collection disk.) been perfonned, the resulting backup copy can usually be copied by the normal copy programs Keying In Hexdump. (for example: COPYA, on their DOS 3.3 Reset into the Monitor Machine language programs are printed in System Ma6'ter disk). Softkeys occasionally require the user to stop COMPUTlST as hexdumps, sometimes also as the execution ofa copy-protected program and source code. Hexdumps are the shortest and directly enter the Apple's system monitor. easiest format to type in. You must first enter Commands and conlrol key. Check the following list to see what hardware the monitor: In any article appearing in COMPUTIST, you will need to obtain this ability. CALL -151 commands which a reader is required to Apple II +, lie, compatibles: 1) Place an Key in the hexdump exactly as it appears in perform are set apart by being in boldface and Integer BASIC ROM card in one of the Apple the magazine, ignoring the four-digit checksum on a separate line. The [RETURN) key must be slots. 2) Use a non-maskable interrupt (NMI) ($ and four digits) at the end of each line. A pressed at the end of every such command card such as Replay or Wildcard. beep means you have typed something that the unless otherwise specified. Control characters Apple II +, compatibles: 1) Install an F8 monitor didn't unden;tand and must. therefore, are specially boxed. An example of both is: retype that line. . ROM with a modified reset-vector on the ,~ When finished, rcturn tu BASIC with: computer's motherboard as detailed in the Press W Next, place one finger on the ~ Modified ROM's article (COMPUTlST #6 or 3DOG key and then press Remember to enter m. Book OJ Softkeys III) or the Dual ROM's BSAW me program with the fJlename, address mis command line by pressing IRETURNI. article (COMPUTlST #19). and length parameters given in the article. Other special combination keypresses include Apple lie, lie: Install a modified CD ROM IGRESET) or IOBRESETI, In the former, on the computer's motherboard. Cutting Edgc press and hold down @5l then press IRESET I. Em. (Box 43234 Ren Cen Station-HC; Detroit, Keying in source code In the latter, press and hold down both E) M148243) sells a hardware device that will give and [Q] then press [RESETI. The source code is printed to help explain a you this important ability but it will void an program's operation. To key it in, you will need Apple lie warranty. the S-CAsscmblcror you will have to translate Special requirements pieces of the source code into something your Special prerequisites for COMPUTIST Recommended literature: assembler will understand (see table of S-C Assembler directives in COMPUTIST #17. articles, programs and soflkeys are usually [B'" Apple II Reference Manual listed at the start under ". Requirements:". [B'" DOS 3.3 manual [B"Beneath Apple DOS, by Don Worth and Computing checksums Software recommendations Pietcr Lechner. from Quality Software [B'" Assembly Language For The Applesojt Checksums are 4-digit hexadecimal numbers [B'" Applesoft program editor such as Global which tell if you keyed a program exactly as Programmer, by Roy Meyers and C.W. Finley, Program Line Editor (GPLE). it appears in COMPUTIST. from Addison Wesley There are two types of checksums: one [B'" SCctor-editor such as DiskEdit (in me created by the CHECKBIN program (for COMPUTlST Starter Kit) ur ZAP frum Bag Keying in Apple.oll programs: of Trich. machine language programs) and the other BASIC programs are printed in a format that created by the CHECKSOFT program (for [B'" Disk-search utility such as The Inspector, is designed to minimize errors for readers who BASIC programs). Both appeared in the CIA or the Core Disk Searcher (in the key in these programs. If you type: COMPUTIST #1 and The Best of Hardcore COMPUTIST Staner Kit). Computing. An update to CHECKSOFT leaOME:REMCLEAR SCREEN [B'" Assembler such as the S-CAsscmblcr from appeared in COMPUTIST #18. S-C software or Merlin/Big Mac. The LIST will look like: If the published checksums accompanying 10 HOME REM CLEAR SCREEN program listings and he;>;dumps do not match Bit-copy program such as Copy II Plus, I1t ...because Applesoft inserts spal:es into a those created by your computer, then you typed E~ntial Locksmith or Data DupliC8tor (EDD). program listing ocfore and after every command the program incorrectly. The line where the flfSt [!( Text-editor (that produces normal word or mathematical operator. These spaces checksum differs has an error. I• COMPUTIST #51 January I There is also a typo in the original softkey. CHECKSorr instructions: The lasl byte of LC LOADER is not prescnl (II is in the source code IiSiing but nol the Steve Herrmgton LO"_IRUlf CHECKSOrr hexdump), it should be an SF3. Now, the 48K version will work but the Gct the checksums wim: m and correct More praise for Clay Harrel's 64K will not. The reason for this is that version the program line where the checksums differ. 2.0 uses more of the language card data lhan Semor Prom vJ.(iJ the saftkey accounted for. It uses two extra CHECKBIN instructions: Although he receives it from just about memory pages ($FA00-$FB7B) for data. everyone, I would like to add my praise for Mr. Fonun,lIcly, there are two blank sectors on track CALL -151 Clay Harrell and his Senior Prom v3.0. He's $00 whcre the data can be kept and loaded in. BLOAD jilrlllllM fiXed all the problems with the first versions and First, lo&d the language card data into InSlall CHECKBIN at an out of the way place it's now a superb piece of hardware all yooT memory and write memory pages $6A00 and $6800 to tr ASC(LTS} sees if the NC -number of columns. beginning. T$ is a dummy string used to hold character in the problem without the RI$ -row 1. the number of spaces to add to the rows. T$ substitutions is the same as LT$. If these R2$ -row 2. is set to "" at the start of the routine and set conditions are true, then that variable value is R3$ -row 3. to "" when the routine is exited. used, and the "Take a guess" routine restarts. V$ -value to assign what is contained in Lines 550--630 do the initial display. Line Otherwise the program docs a GOTO to the LTS. 560 prints "1" over all the carries excepl the "Insert letters and carries" routine at lines X -general counter, or value from first carry for column I, which is obviously always 1310-1380. row of problem. 0, and therefore displays a 0 there. Lines 111/l)--1150 take carry substitutions. X$ ~characler from first row of problem. The problem is displayed twice. The Ifthe value is not a legitimate carry value (Le., Y -value from second row of problem. problem on the left is the problem in its start o or 1) the program asks for a different value. ~character state, which is useful for reference. It remains If the value is legitimate, it does a GOTO to Y$ from second row of unchanged during the work period. The "Insert letters and carries" at 1310-1380. problem. problem on the right displays the problem in The "Insert letters and carries routinc," Z -value from third row of problem. ils current state, with appropriate substitutions. lines 1310-1380, finds the character in LTS Z$ -character from third row of problem. All the letters are POKEd dire<.'tly onto Ihe by PEEKing the screen locations on the problem screen so that Cryplarilhmclic Helper will without substitutions and POKEing V$ into the function properly in either 40 or 80 columns. same place on the problem with substitutions. Start With These Problems Lines 670-770 arc responsible for The program then enters the "Caleulate detecting any information in the initial problem Possible Values" routine. SEND OONALD CROSS that can restrict variables. Line 670 sets the top Lines 1420-1790 calculate possible tMORE tGERALD tROADS of the text window to below the problem and values for variables that have not had a MONEY ROBERT DANGER clears it with HOME. Lines 680 and 770 are substitution made, and checks for conflicts in responsible for looping through all the columns the infonnation for which substitutions have If you really want to convince yourself that so that they are all checked for variable already been made. Line 1420 sets the text the Cryptaritlunatic Helper does help, try restrictions. Line 690 set L- for converted window below the displayed problem and clears solving one by hand first. coLumn - to the offset necessary to PEEK the it with HOME. Ifanyone discovers more initial heuristics or values in memory. In this routine, A$, B$, X$, Y$, and Z$ makes any interesting modifications to this Lines 7(fJ(/)-760 print any restrictions that contain the characters found in the carry ofthe progrdIIt, I would be interested in knowing what are found. This routine checks onJy unchanging next column, the carry of the column, the first they are. left problem, so that the initial variable row, the second row, and the third row. restrictions may be redisplayed at any time. respectively. A, B, X, Y, Z contain ASCII Lines 810-1000 take guesses and values of AS, B$, X$, Y$, and Z$, CRYl'fARITMETIC HELPER CryplilrirhmClic Helper commands. Linc 810 respectively. Lines 1540-1580 assign actual sets the text window to near the bottom of the numerical values to A, B, X, Y. and Z if they III REM ********************** screen so that no information above will be represent values and not characters. If A, B, 211REM * * destroyed. Line 820 takes the input, and lines X, Y. and Z all are numbers, then line 1590 30 REM * CRYPTARtTHIMTtC HELPER * 830-880 check to see if it is a command. checks to makc sure they add properly. Ifthey 40 REM * * Line 890 checks to see if the user wishes do. then the program pcrfonns a NEXT Cto stan 50 REM * BY KEVIN LEPARD * to assign a value to a variable or a carry of an checking the next column. Lines 1600~1660 60 REM * * existing column. If it is a carry the program check for errors in the previously substituted 711 REM ******** ************** perfonns a GOTO 1100, otherwise it continues. data. and lines 1670-1780 offer suggestions 80 REM Lines 900-940 check through the rows on possible values for variables for which no 90 REM SETNORMAL HEIGHT TEXTW!N[}(IW, SHOWHELP to make sure that the variable is in the problem. substitutions have been made if )Xlssible. Lines SCREEN Ifthe variable is not in the problem, it restarts 1590-1780 work by checking preconditions 1110 REM the "Take a guess" routine. If the variable is and then calculating possible values based upon 110 POKE 34, ll: HOME : GOSU8181l1l: POKE 34, Il: fiOME

I January COMPUTIST #51 •I 600 PC»tE 148S +C, ASC ( II IDS (R2S ,C,I) + 128: 950 GOTO 820 129 REII POKE 1488 +C+28, ASC ('lIDS (R2S,C,I)) + 960 PRIHTLTS: "=": 139 REIl TAXE INPUT PROBI.EII 128 970 GET V$ 149 REIl 619 POKE 1536 +C, ASC ('-' ) + 128: PC»tE 1536 + 988 IF V$ • CIfi$ (I3) lliEN COTO 1168 159 HOllE : INPUT "ENTElrTHE'F IRST'lINE'" ;RlS C+ 20, ASC ("-') + 128 998 IF V$ < '0' C»l VS > "9" THEN 978 16lHORC= I TOLEN (RU): IFMIDS (RIS,C.I) = 620 PatE 1664 t C. ASC {MIOS (FlJS.C, 1J) + 128: looe PRINT VS ••• THEN 159 POKE 1664 +Ct 28. ASC {1Il10S (R3S,C, I» + IBI0 RDl 178 IEXT C 128 1928 RIll aEC/( Fai ctwFL ICTS 188 IF RIS" "'1lfEN 159 630rEXT C 1930 REIII 1981O:E : INPUT "ENTElrTltE'SEce::wD'lINE" .R2S .., REIl 1040FORC=ITONC 200 FOO C" I TO LEN (R2S) IF II lOS (R2S.C, I) " 650 PfRRY?1/ INITIAL VARIABLE RESTRfCTI(II lase IF 0lR$ (PeEK (1280 +20 +C) - 128) .. VS A/t) ••• THEN 199 RBI .., REIl O!RS ( PEEK (1288 t C) < > liS THEN PRINT 219 NEXT C 610 f'O(E 34,7: HC¥E 0lR$ (7). GOlO 7SS 2211 IF R2S" .. TIlEN 190 680fa{C" 1 TONC 1960 IF 0iRS ( PeEK {1408+ 29 +C} - 128) =VS AND 23110lE . INPUT ·ENTEIrTlf.:'THIRD"lIlt:'· ;R3S 690L" ASS (If:> C t I) 0fRS (PEEK (1408 +C» < > lTS TIl£N PRIHT FOO 1 LEN 2411 C= TO (R3S) , IF MIDS (R3S,C.I) " 700 IF C= NC AI() 1110$ (RIS,L, I) ••,. AI() 1I1OS OI?$ (7): GaTO 780 ••• THEH 239 (R2$, l,') ...." MN PRINT 1I1OS (R3S ,L, 1) 107111 FQlR$ (PeEK (1664 +C+20) -128) • VS A/() 259 HEX1 C '"I'&'lliEOCARR'f'OF"COlUwr' He "'IS"" OI?$ (PEEK (I664 +C» < > lTS THEN PRI/fT 269 IF R3S .... TllEN 230 HB IF 1110$ {RU ,L,n" IIIOS (R2S ,L,I) ANDIiIOS DIlS (7): GOTO 788 210 RDI (RlS.l.l) =IIIDS (RlS,L, I) il£H PRIHT IIIOS 10SS NEXT C 289 RBI SET THEMJM8£R()f COLIJIINS TO THE LaiGEST (RlS,l.l); uIS"9'&'CNlRY'OF'COllAlNS"' :C: Ul911 GOTO 1288 1100 PRIHT "CARRY'OF'COllIIN" ,liS, ...... ; II(If ·'AN!)'· :C + I: "AREog" : GOTO n9 299 REM 728 1F1110$ (RlS, L, I) "IlIIDS (R3S, L, I) AND C< 1110 GET VS 1120 IF V$ • OlRS (13) nlEN GOTO 1160 300 He" LEN (FlJS) > 1 THEN PRINT IIIDS (RlS,l.l) •.,',. CARRY'OF"COLUUNS" ,C; ••&•• ;C"'I; "ARE 1l31llF V$ < '8· OR VS > '}" THEN 1118 310 REIl 'O"OR' : PRINT u"9"'CARRY'OF' COllMNS" 1140 PRINT VS 328 REIlIWffSUi'f IT ISN'TCJ3VIatSl. YUV5a VABLE :C; u,., ;C + I; "ARE'I' 1150GOT01288 3311 REIl 730 IFMIDS (R2S, L, 1) "II IDS (R3$, L, I) AND C< 1168 REM 340IFr«:> LEN (FllS)tl OONC > LEN (R2S) t > 1 THEN PRINT 1II10S (RIS,L,I) ".0'" 1170 RElI REINSERT LETTERS lOR LEN (RIS) > Nt OR LEN (R2S) > r«:: lllEN CARRY'QF'COLUIINS" ;C; """ :C+ I: "ARE' lIaa REM PRINT : PRINT 'YOU'HAVE'ENTEREO'AN' 0'OR' : PRINT "=9'&'CARRY'OF'COlUW«S" :C; 1190 IF ASC (LTS) - 48 < > VAL (LTS) THEN GOTO UNSOLVABLE'PR06LEII,' : PRINT: PRINT u,., :C+1; "ARE'I' 1220 'PRESS'ANy'KEy'Ta"RESTART" : PRINT: GET 140 IF IIIDS (AlS,L,l) "IIIOS (R3S,l.l) ANDe. 1211i'l POKE lll24 +20 + (NC + 1- VAL (lTS») , ASC ( JKS: GOTO 10 I THEN PRINT 1110$ (R2S,L,l) '=0'&'CARflY' T) + 128 OF'COLUMN'2'1 S'''' 1210 GOTO 1390 350 REM 750 IF MIDS (R2S, L,!) ,,1I10S (R3S,L,1) AND C. 1220FQRC,,1 TONe 360 REIl PAD THE STRINGS TO ALL THE SAJiE LENGTH I THEN PRINT IlIDS (RU,l,l) •..0','CARRY' 1230 IF PEEK (1280 +Cl -128 = PoSe (LT$) THEN POKE 370 REM OF'COLUMN'2'1 S'0' 1280 +C+ 20, PEEK (1280 + C) 380 IF NC.I THEN 510 7601FMIOS (RU,L,I) .1I10S (R2$,L,I) ANDC" 1240 IFPEEK (140S +e) -128" PoSe (lT$) TfiEN POKE 390T$,,"' 1THENPRINHID$ (R3S,L,I) "'IS'EVEN.' 141l8tCt20, PEEK (1408+C) 400 IF NC -LEN (RU) <.0 THEN 460 no NEXT C 12501FPEEK (1664+C) -128oOPoSe (lT$) THEN POKE 410 FOR C. I TO NC -LEN (FlU) 1664 ... C+20, PEEK (1664tC) 420TS .TS + "'" 780 RfM 791l Rflll TAKE A GUfSS 1260 NEXT C 430 NEXT C 1270 GOTO 1390 440 RU "T$ +RIS 81l1l RfM 450 TS ..." 810 POKE 34,22: HOME 1280 REM 1298 REM INSERT LETTERS ANOCARRIES 460 IF NC -LEN (R2S) < ,,0 TH£N 511 820 GET LTS 1300 REI! 47eFOR C" I TO NC - LEN (Fl2i) 830 IF LTS" CHIlS (17) THEN POKE 34,9: HOllE : END 480TS"TS+ ••• : REM eTRL -Q QUITS 1319 IF ASC (LU) - 48 < > VAl (LTS) TIiEN GOlD 1340 490 NEXT C 841l IF LT$. aiRS (9) 11£ll649: RElIl CTRL-I Rf 1328 POKE 1024 + 2il + (NC t I- VAL (LTI»), /l.SC 5lUl R2S • TS + R2S APPliES INITIAL RULES 510 TS" ., 850 IF LTS oO'?' CRLTS ="j" Tl£HGOSlIl1800: 10 (VI) + 128 SHM HELP SCREEN 1339 GOTO 1398: REIl GOTO CALClJUTE POSSIBLE 520 REII 860IFLTS.d)lRS (18) nDGOT08f: REJUTRL-R VALUES 530 REII (X) THE INI TIAL OISPLAY RESTARTS U40FOR C.. 1 TONC 549 REII 878 IF LTS" ClfiS (19) TlENGOTO 528: REII CTRL-S 1359 IFPEEK (l283tC) -128 "Is;:. (LTS) THEN POKE 558 POKE 34,8: HC*E RESTAKTS PRaJLEJI (1288 +28 t C), ASC (VS) + 128 560 IFNC> I TlEN FORC. I TO He - I: PC»tE 1824 88eIFlTS","'THEN829 1369 IF PEEK (1408 ... C) -128 "AY:. (lTI) T1£HPOKE t 211 +C, ASC ( "!' ) +128: NEXT C' POKE 1024 890 IFlTS > T AND LTS <. STRS (NC) Tl£NOOTO (1498 t 20 t C), ASC (V$) t 128 t29tHe, ASC( T)+ 128 nf0 l3J0IFPEEK (1664+C) -128,,~ (LIS) THEN POKE 5J0IFHC= IlliENPQl(E 1924 t 21, ASC ("8") + 128 900FQilC= I TONe (1664 t 20 t C), ASC {VS} t 128 588FORC" 1 TOM: 910 IF 1110$ (RU,C.1) .LTS THEN 96Q 1380h"EXT C 591il PC»tE 1280 t C, ASC ( IlI0S (RIS.C, I» + 128: 920 IF 1I1OS (R2$,C,l)" lTS nlEN 96Q 1390 RBI POKE 1280 +C+28. ASC ( IIIDS (RIS ,C, 1)) + 93i'l IF IUDS (R3S ,C, I) = LiS TllEH 960 14ile RBI CALcttATE POSSIBLE VALUES 128 940 /£Xl C 14111 REll

COMPOTlST 1'51 (,1,$) AND B= VAL (B$) THEN PRJ NTY$, 'V' - $17lB 1110 - $671,1, 142~ POKE34,7: HONE ;(It (I~ * A)) - (X t B) - $B4C4 1120 - $2F39 1430FORC" 1 TONC 1"'" 1720 IF X= VAL (X$) AND Z = VAL (Z$) AND A" VAL 180 - $EF38 1130 - $5B6F 1440,1,= PEEK (1024 t 21 t NC -C-1) - 128 (,1,$) AND B< > VAL (B$) THEN PRINT Y$, 190 - $7AD9 1I40 - $A07~ 145~ 8 = PEEK (1024 t 21 t NC - C) -128 .'",'. ; (Z t (Hl * A)) - X: ··OR" ; (Z t (10 - $ACA2 1I50 - 529CA 146~ X" PEEK (128ll t 21 t NC- C) -128 *A))-(Xtl) - $97,1,1 1I60 - $329~ 1470 y" PEEK (1408 t 21 t NC- C) -128 '"21' 1730 IFX,. VAL (X$) ANOI '" VAL (l$) ANOA < > VAL 120 - $5086 1I70 - 5Btl6A 1480 Z = PEEK (1664 t 21 t He - C) -128 (,1,$) ANDB"VAL (8$) THENPRJNTY$; ··,,'":Z 1490,1,$" a1R$ (A) 230 - $0410 1I80 - S8A0F - (X t 5), "OR'" ,Z t lll- (X t B) - $4D3D 1500 B$ "OiR$ (B) 1190 - S6C68 1740 IFX=VAL (X$) ANDI =VAL (Z$) AND A< > VAL 250 - $1EEA 12110 - $7286 1510 X$ "CHR$ (X) (AS) AND B < > VAL (5$) THEN PRINT Y$: '" 152ll Y$ = CHR$ (Y) 26' - $B537 IlHl - S3855 .',,'" ;Z-X, "DR'· ,Z-(Xtl), ··DR'" ;Zt - SCBCC 1220 - SCCEF 1530 IS = CHR$ (Z) 10 - X. "·OR·· ,Z t 10 - (X t I) 154~ IFA-48=VAL (A$) THENA=A-48 '"28' - $749B 1230 - SC377 175lliF y" VAL (Y$) AND Z" VAL (ZS) AND A" VAL - $6FIF 1240 - $1420 1550IFB-48=VAL (BS) THENB"B-48 (AS) AND B" VAL (8$) THEN PRINT XS; .',,'" 29' SO, - SAE78 1250 - S23EE 1560IFX-48"VAL (X$) THENX .. X-48 :(It (10 * A)) - (Y t B) 31' - S8049 1260 - S3757 1570 IF Y - 48" VAL (Y$) THEN y" Y - 48 1760 IF y" VAL (YS) AND Z" VAL (I$) AND A" VAL - S006A 1270 - S3944 1580 IF I - 48" VAL (IS) THEN I" Z- 48 (,1,$) AND B < > VAL (5S) THEN PRINT XS; - S5214 128ll - $2689 1590 IF X" VAL (X$) AND y" VAL (YS) AND Z" VAL ·V· :(Zt (10 * A)) - Y: ·'OR'· ,(Z t (10 '" - S5C8F 129ll - $llF6l (Z$) AND A"VAL (,1,$) AND 5 "VAL (8$) AND X * A}) - (Y t I) '" - S9B79 1300 - $770F t Yt B" (10*A) t I THEN GOTO 1790 177llIFY .. VAL (Y$) ANDZ"VAl (IS) ANDA< > VAL '"35' 13HI - $028E 1600 IF X" VAL (XS) AND y" VAL (Y$) AND Z" VAL (AS) ANDB"VAL (8$) THENPRINTX$, ...... ,Z - $5539 - $20,1,0 (Z$) ANDA" VAL (,1,$) AND B" VAL (BS) ANOX - (YtB); "OR'" ,Zt10- (YtB) '"370 - S0D76 1320 t Y t B < > Z t (10 * A) THEN PRINT - $973E 1330 - $247C 1780 IF y" VAL (Y$) ANDZ" VAL (Z$) ANDA < > VAL 'ERROR·IN'COLUMN'·:C: GOTO 1790 (,1,$) AND B< > VAL (B$) THEN PRINT X$, '" - $25F4 1340 - 5755E 1610 IF X" VAL (X$) AND y" VAL (Y$) AND Z" VAL .',,'" ,Z-Y, ··OR" ,Z-(Ytl), "OR'· ;Zt '"40' - $76,1,4 1350 - SAE3D (Z$) AND 8" VAL (8$) AND C" NC AND Xt Yt 10-Y, "OR" ,ZtHl-(Ytl) 410 - $6E94 1360 - S~B3D B" ZTHEN GeTO 1790 1790 NEXT C GOTO 780 - S4llBD 1370 - S97C7 1620 IF X'" VAL (XS) AND y" VAL (Y$) AND Z" VAL 1800 REM '" - S0050 1380 - S4A58 (Z$) ANDB",VAL (5$) ANDC"NCANDXtYt 1810 REM HELP '" - $AB511 1390 - S6AE5 5 < > Z T.HEN PRINT "ERROR'IN' COLUMN'· 44' 1820 REM 45' - SCB56 14110 - $7518 :NC' GOTO 1790 1830 POKE 34,7: HOME - 56356 1410 - $123E 1630 IF X5" ,,,. AND YS '" ."" THEN IF Z" VAL (ZS) 1840 PRINT ·HELP" 47' - $5061 1420 - $971,1, AND Z< > 1 THEN PR INT ·ERROR' IN'COlUUN·· '" 1850 PRINT PRINT "CTRl-R'RESTARTS' - 5D15B 1430 - $FF58 :NC: GOTO 1790 CRypTAR ITHMAT IC'HElPER" '"490 - SAFB6 144ll - $D69F 1640 IF X" VAL eX$) AND Y: VAL (Y$) AND Z" VAL 1860 PRINT "CTRL-S'RESTARTS'THE'ClJRRENT' 58' - SD2B4 1450 - $7258 (l$) AND A" VAL (AS) AND B < > VAL (B$) PROBLEM" m - $0F09 1460 - S5C98 THEN IFXtY< >Zt (10 * A) ANDXtYt 1870 PR INT ·CTRL-I·RE-APPLI ES'THE'I NITI AL' 520 - SC2EE 1470 - $EEA7 I < > Z + (111*A) THEN PRINT ·ERROR' RULES· 5" - SB9E0 1480 - S5192 IN'COLUMN'" ;C' GOTO 1790 1880 PR INT ·CTRL-Q·QU ITS'CRYPTAR ITHMATI C' 54' - $6F70 1490 - S7FCB 1650IFX"VAL (X$) MiOY"VAL (YS) ANDZ"VAL HELPER" 550 - $876E 15110 - S52C2 (Z$) AND A< > VAL (AS) AND 5 " VAL (5$) 1890 PR INT "/'QR')'RETURNS'YOU'TO'THE'HELP' - $EA70 1510 - S52F5 THEN IF Xt Y t 5 < > Z AND Xt Y t 5 < > I 56' SCREEN· - S6F2F 1520 - SF02D t HI THEN PRI NT "ERROR' IN'COLLJMN·· ;C: GOTO 57' 19l10 PRINT: PRINT ·PRESS'ANY'KEY'TO'CONTINUE· - SA5C8 153~ - S004A 1790 58' ' PRINT PRINT. GET JK$: HOME : POKE 34.22. 590 - $Dll9B 1540 - S22EC 1660 IF X" VAL (XS) AND Y" VAL (YS) AND Z" VAL HOME • RETURN - SA602 1550 - $1322 (Z$) AND A< > VAL (AS) AND 5 < > VAL (B$) - SBC4E 1560 - $9661 THEN IFXt Y< > Z AND Xt Yt 1 < > Z AND '" 'I' - 56F58 XtY< > Zt 10ANDXt Yt 1 < > Z t 10 Che<:ksums 62' 1570 - $FFAF THEN PRINT "ERROR'"IN' CQlll'lN'· :C. GOTO '30 - S8A3E 1580 - $E361 1790 l' - $5ADD 96' - S2E86 '40 - S2145 1590 - $0FE6 1670 IF X: VAL (X$) AND Y: VAL (Y$) AND A'" VAL - $9513 97' - $4E00 65' - SC6A5 1600 - $7499 (,1,$) AND 5: VAL (5$) THEN PRI NT ZS ...... X "30 - $4035 9S' - $004B - SE620 1610 - 56906 tYtB- (HI * A) 40 - SA092 99' - $18E8 '"'7' - $5026 1620 - SC14E 1680IFX"VAL (XS) ANDY"VAL (Y$) AND A"VAL 50 - SC899 1000 - $C6BC '80 - $7A4C 1630 - 59FC2 (,1,$) AND B< > VAL (B$) THEN PRINT Z5 "',,'" - SFF65 Hlill - S01El '90 - $4783 1640 - $1,1,98 ;Xt Y- (A * 10) ··OR·" ,X t Y t I - (A * 10) "7' - SA3BF 11120 - 52895 700 - $AE05 1650 - S214F 169ll IFX" VAL (X$) ANDY" VAL (YS) ANDA < > VAL 80 - SA90ll 1030 - Si76C 710 + $F35C 1660 - S36EF (,1,$) AND8"VAl (BS) THENPRINTZ$ "V' ,X 90 ~ S924D 1040 - 50F3A m - $5935 1670 - $F174 t Y+5 - Ill; "OR" :X t Yt B 180 - $C563 11150 - $D8E9 730 - SCCB0 1680 - $CA2E 1700 IFX" VAL (X$) AND Y: VAL (Y$) ANDA < > VAL - $4F3D 1060 - Sll5CB 740 - $35F4 1690 - $B055 (AS) AND5< > VAL (5$) THEN PRINT l$ .',,'. 11'110 - $E31C 1070 - $4103 758 - $4516 1700 - $6652 :XtY, ·'OR·" :XtYt!: ·'00'" ;XtY-lll; 130 - $CECB 1080 - mOE 758 - 57638 l7lll - $7665 ·'OR'· ,X t Yt 1 - 10 140 - $I5E7 1IJ90 - 5674F 770 - $10C4 1720 - $C42C 1710 IF X.. VAL (X$) AND Z" VAL (ZS) AND A" VAL 158 - 58526 llll0 - $1254 7" - SDllC 173ll - S7AFC I January COMPUTIST #51 11 $0950 1740 $1354 progrdm, and to give some examples of how EDD routines: you must use the spacebar 888'" $6D07 1750 SA3F4 EOD's power can be applied to problems, between MOST entries; only use the 810 $C5B2 1760 $A9EF If you haven't already rushed out to your IRETURN I following the value entered into the 13919 1770 SE9A6 favorite software vendor to buy the '4.N' 1100 instruction and thc final value. I know that '" S6DE0 1780' S67AE version ofEDD, then you might want to do so this sounds unclear, but try it. - $4F26 1790 $9C3F after reading these tips! Remember, in COMPUTIST the required '" ~is '" $,01,82'1 1800 S8eS8 Assuming that you have the program in indicated by" and IRElVRNI must '" $400F l8U $2F0F question, boot it up, and look at the main menu. be pressed after the command line. You should 87''" "DBA 1821l $8465 You will see that there are nine major options; type in the following: $289,01, 18311 $IlB29 select the second one: "CHANGE " .. 20 6 6 '" SAC82 1840 $ODE3 PARAMETERS" and prcss IRE'IVRNI. 20"31"D5" AA "96"36"04 AA "96 21"10 '"'00 $304,01, 18513 $BC5A Put a normal DOS 3.3 disk in your OK? Now go back w the main menu of $ABlA 1860 $3405 "ORlGINAL" drive (normally Drive #2 for EDD and copy the DOS 3.3 disk to the blank. 'I'92' 57,01,29 1870 sea7S EDD), and a blank. disk in the "DUPLICATE" Try to boot the copy: it shouldn't boot if the '30 $4CBF 1880 SF030 drive. The "original" disk must be above was correctly entered. Ifyou scan a few SAIC? 1890 $3E33 write-protected. tracks on the disk, you should find that every '"95' - $77E9 1900 - 569,01,0 From the "CHANGE PARAMETERS" address header is now 04AA96. Right? Now, menu, select the third option, "REPROGRAM can you change it back? PREWRITE ROUTINE", and prcss To get rid of the 04 AI; 96 pattern, just IRE'1VRNI. The screen should show a display switch the 05 and 04 values in the abovc Stanley Planton that looks something like this: instructions, tell EOO to look for all 04 AA 96 CHANGE PREWRITE BYTE \III]) = 01 headers and change them to 05 AI; 96. Note that the first number is the NUMBER The real beauty of EDD for this purpose Using EDD IV To ofthe INSTRUCTION, and the second number is that it doesn't care how a track is formatted; is the actual instruction or value. EDD will it reads byte-to-byte, so you can nonnalize very Modify Tracks & Sectors perform sequences of instructions that you type weird and wonderous tracks and sectors without in; the trick is to tell EDD what to do when. a great amount ofdifficulty. You can even skip • Requirements Ifyou arc looking at the printed EOO manual, around on the disk, if desired, as only tracks most of the following is somewhat explained that are copied with the changed parameters are o Apple II-ish computer between pages 39 and 64. altered. Oh, the instructions to,get rid of the o Essential Dara Duplicaror (EDD) 4.N or The instructions you will type in will tell D4s should look something like this: 4.N+ EOO to read each track into RAM memory, 20"31 AD4AAA 696"36"D56AA "96"21610 ODDS 3.3 disk but ALSO to check the track for sequences of o 2 blank disks bytes and to CHANGE these bytes to somcthing Now copy the copy with these instructions Are you frustrated by having to write else when it writes the track out to the entered into the "PREWRITE" routines. You complex controllers for Super lOB, or wish that "duplicate" disk. should have a normal DOS 3.3 disk again! COpyA had some sector editing capabilities There is a lot ofpower available to the user: If you're like me, this experimcnt should when you use it? Have you lUll into situations you can change almost anything into anything give you a fcw ideas about how to approach the where you KNOW thai there is a certain else, and perform sector editing automatically problem of normalizing bizarre tracks. sequence of bytes on a disk, but you can't without using a SlXtor editor, OTK'e you figure Sometimcs we want to copy a disk and to persuade your sector-editor to read the next out the instructions. automatically change unwanted instructions track? Let's start by changing all the address whenever or whcrevcr they are located. Lct's There are a few useful tricks you can headers on the disk we're copying. The standard say we want to get rid ofcalls to reboot the disk; perform with the newer versions ofEDD, both values are 05 AA 96 for DOS 3.3, so let's tell frequently written to a track as: the EDD 4.N andEDD4.N+, that may solve EDD to change thcm w some other value, say 4C 0C C6 (jump to $C60QJ, reboot). your next difficuJt-to-normalize problem for D4 AA 96 (sound familiar?). The start ofEDD's We can use the same kind of format as in you. PREWRITE instructions is byte #$00, so Jet's our previous experiment, and tell EDD to Most of us are familiar with the speed and enter an appropriate value into this location. and change each and every occurance of thcsc efficiency ofEOD as a disk-copying utility, but follow it with more instructions to tell EDD to instructions to something else, such as: may be less comfortable with using EDD to change all the 05 M 96 headcrs on thc disk to EA EA EA (do nothing, three times). scan tracks for either individual bytes or 04 AA 96 bytes. Some of the relevant The instructions for the PREWRITE complex sequences of bytes, and with using instructions are as follows: routine in this case would read EDD to change them automatically to other 1(l) Return, do next track 20"3164C"'.."'CO"36"'EA"'EA"EA"21"'1" values. 20 Start on next instruction byte A major reason for this lack of familiarity 21 Loop back until done (go to next sector, elC.) Yau can scan for even longer sequenccs of with some of EDD's more powerful routines 31 Search for.. bytes, ifyou desire; I've been using three-bytc is duc to the relative obscurity of the manual 36 Rcplace with... sequences for clarity. that comes with the program. Experienced, as The first instruction should be a #20 (start), Ifyou wam to write simple copy-protection well as novice users can be left somewhat followed by a #31 (look for), the values 05 AA schemes for disks, you can combine some of puzzled by the author's lack of clarity and detail 96 (threc bytes), a #36 (replace with), the three the techniques that appear in COMPUTIST in explaining just what can be done with EOO, bytes 04 AA 96, a #21 (look for the next 05 AA each month with EOD's power, and come up and how to do it. 96), and a #10 (go back, takc a new track and with some real challengcs. An e:o;ample of this This article is an attempt to explain onc of start over). might be to change address headers on every thc more exotic functions of this popular There is a trick to entering values into these other track of a disk.

I 12 COMPUTIST #51 January I There are a oouple of ways to approach the I scan for the bytes A9 56 85. Usually in the • Requirements problem, one involving Ielling the disk's DOS sector aboUI 64 bYles away will be the same 05% "disk seclor-editor what 10 look for and how to handle it, the other bytes 25 Fe. By changing the bytes from and o Sector editor for 5 'A ~ disk. being to leJlthe ooS to ignore some bytes. I'll including thc ,1,9 56 B5 10 the 25 Fe 10 EAs and Copier for 3'h" and 5 \4 "disks. di~ble o choose the latter, and leave the reprogramming ehanging the 25 Fe to ,1,9 FF will usually o Blank J1h"disk. of DOS itself to someone with more time. the nibble-count routine. o ProDOS-formatted 5 1.4 "disk. For Aeti... ision's Little Computer People. r 0=1 Boot up II "clean" OOS, and enter the monitor. found the bytes A9 56 85 on track $00, sector $0A beginning at byte $73. The 25 FC was [LJ Copy GraphicWriter disk to disk. CALL·151 found on track $00. sector $0A beginning at Place the original in safe place. bYle .$83. C[] a IT] Tcll the OOS in memory to ignore~ Copy PROGRAMS/GRAPHIC first byle of the address header. CLJ WRITER from the duplicale J~"disk to thc 8954: Z! ee 5 \4 "-fonnatted disk. u=I Re~nter BASIC. ~ Search the 5'.' "disk for the string 00 Tony H Ikeda !loA,I,9 AA OS SF 6,1, E003G (IJ Change DB 9,1, to EA EA. CLJ Inil a disk. ·lIgs Softie, jor.., r=t=l Copy the modified PRCXJRAMSI INlTBELLO GRAPHICWRJTER file from the 5 '.4 "disk to Now you have a disk formatted for DOS 1L. S_i:!_,e_~_d.,~_~~ 1 the 3 1h"duplicate disk. 3.3, but the DOS of which doesn't gi ...e a hoot 0=1 Copy PROGRAMS/HD./NSTALL about the first byte of thc address header. from the duplicate 3 1h" disk to the 51,4" [L] Copy your files to this disk. Copy this Here- is a quick softkey for Thexder (a Ilgs formatted disk. game with great sound and graphics!) dbk to a blank disk as follows: [TI Search the 5 1,4 "disk for the string 00 :T~' IT] Copy the first three tracks ($00-$02) '_'_"_"_'_'_'(_'_} From _ 05 A91l1J 918003 S562 $30 53 80 with NORMAL parameter settings. You don'I 0=1 Change 00 05 to EA EA. wanl 10 lotally destroy OOS, do you? SJB FO 80 S53 90 811 LiiJ Copy the modified PROGRAMS/ [I] Use the power of EDD 10 changc S75 ge 811 HD./NSTALL me from the.5'.4 "disk to the headers on the rest ofthe disk. It's fun to change --- 3'1.z" duplicate disk. every odler track, c...ery third track, etc, '0 Enjoy. and keep up the good work! something other than a value of OS M 96 for the address header; you can have 05 AA 96 swapping around wilh D4M96, 06 AA 96, B8M 96, or anything else you want. EI Chucko When you· ...e had enough fun, boot the disk Dick Lavallee you'vc produced. If you confined your creativity 10 tracks $03-$22, and didn't make ·Ilg$ Softiey for... TOO many mistakes entering paramctcl1i into "'Ilgs Softkey for... EDD, you should have II disk that will still boot, but that has a degree of copy-protection. Ifyou Print Shop ilgs REALLY want to be creative, totally destroy GraphicWriter Version UNA Broderbund DalaPak Software unused tracks and vary the drh'c speed from track 10 ITaCk, OK? Now, undo it! Not too big of a change bUllhe proteclion If you've gone through all of the above, • Requirements is found in different places on various copies r~y of the new Pn'n/ Shop. On one copy I found you'lI be 10 use EDD to soh'e the next o 3lh"disk sector-editor 'impossible' disk problem you encountcr. Go it on block S2A bytes S7F-81 while on another o Prodos sector--editor for 3'11" disks such as gct 'em! it was on block $2F bytes S7F-81. Using a BYTEZAP.PRO mod (COMPUTlST block editor, search for: FBA82961422UF67. #48) or SAND.PROlXJS. Change 28

I Januuy COMPUTIST #51 13 1 the shape table used. The shape table wa.~ made with Apple Ma:hllni<: by Beagle Brothers. so BARD MAPPER it actually has twelve shapes instead of four. Paul A. Johnson The finl five shapes in the table are 10PfHNTOflS (4) "8lOAD'SSSS ed b a door. It is (j straight 50 DATA NQNE,CELLARS(I).SfWERS{2),SEWERS(3 Also, dOl':s anybody IlaI{e 1I progralll that line with two hash marks. llte third shape is ACO~SS(6 will map the dungeons for Wizanlry'! My ) ,SEWERS( 4) ,CATACOUBS(S) CAT a secret door. and it is :I straight line wilh one ) ,CATAC006S0) ,CASTLE (8). CASTLE (9) ,C~ llriginal was lost during a move before I started hash mark. The lust shape used is a dOl, and gelling COMPUTIST. so I didn't have a hackup ASTLE (10) . TO\VER( 11) , TOWER (12) , TOWER ( it represents any cffeets (st:lirs, messages, ele.) 13) ,TOl'iER(l4) ,TOl'IER(l5) TO'~'ER (16) and I ean't write a dungeon mapper wilhout thc on the map. game, 60 REltlllENIJ Enter the BASIC ponion of this program 70 HGIIE Doe.~ (2) #2: :mybOOy have any information and save it as BARD MAPPER. Then enter til<' 80 VTAS 21 PRINT 'O)RAW"LEVEL" SPC( 1J), about how the game is .'\aVOO on Elite? I would hexdump and save it to the same disk as "' RETURN ,oro'QUIT' li!.e to be able to wrile a ehataeter editor for SSSS.OBJ0. 90 VTAS 22 PRINT "P)RINT"LEVEl"QH'SCREEN' this game, but I have no idea how the data is PRINT 'A)lL'LEVELS"TO"PRINTER' , PRINT I~ctor The program has se\'eral options. "Draw". stored in the binary file. I've tried "M)ENij'TOGGLE" VTAB 23 HTAS 25 "Print". and "Quit" are e.....-y TO understalld. changing one thing :md saving the game, but INVERSE PRINT IlS(LVL) NORMAL meN of the file changes everytimc I loo!. lit it. bul "Menu" and "All Print" d('_'>Crv~ some tCO F'QQ' 49168,9 I would really appreciate some help. explanation. Hilling 00 ..... 111 toggle {he SCT\.'Cn from ItB X '" PHil (49152)' IF X < 128 THE't 1t0 ~ Orde~ 113: In CQMPUTIST /i-H. Dr. full-screen 10 ~plit-scrccn graphics. This IS 12C POKE 49168.9 Slaled thaI RDQS disks from 551 could be helpful bcrause the menu covers the botlom 1331FXzl41llfENPOKE43624 I POKE 47082 I copied using :m ARD. I tried doing this and I third of the map. HClIE VTAB 21 END was able 10 li"t the Applcsoft program in The ~ option \\111 send ALL of the UlIFOOAzIT04 memory. bUI I couldn't figure OUI how to le\'els 10 the prtnter. one al a lime. I .....ouldn·t 150 IF DiRS (X - 128) '" MIOS (AS A I) THEN 180 Irdosler the files 10 aoother disk. I M\'e II Baltic Iry this option unleS.\t you have M1melhing else 160 NEXT for Noml/J//d) disk that is on its last kg,~ IIlld to do for about an hotlr. (Y~. it IS slow_ hut 1711 GOTO 60 I \~ould like to be able to COP}' it before it dies the enlire map gets printed.) 180 ON AGOSUB 200 230.300.420 for good, 190 GOTO 60 This program will m/J~t likely have to 200 REIlIiENU TOGGLE A,P.T, for." mlx!ifiOO so you can get the besl usc of it. 210 POKE 49234 .11.0 II: (Il: Il) One place to notice is in Ijne 20. If you 220 RETURN di,~k Bard's Tale don'l have Iwo drives. then change DRY 230 REM SEND HI-RES SCREEN TO PRINTER to J. Then, after running the program and 240 PRINT CHRS (lJ) ~ CHRS (4) "PR#l" getting the command menu, replace the disk 250 PRINT. PRINT PRINT TAB( 28) Il${LVLj containing the program and objccl file with the 260PRINTCHRS (9)"2 3H' REIlOlJMPROVTlNEFOR dungeon disk, PKASO-U CARD Dungeon Mapper Rel'isited Another thing thaI may oced changing is 270 PRINT OiRS (l2). REHORII FEED the hi-res dumping code in line 26(1). I ha\'e II 280 PRINT OiRS (4) "PRiO' PkaSfrU card hooked up to an Ep..on FX-80 • Requirement.\> 290 RETlJRN prinler. The code I have 10 !.he pmgram dumps 301l RElIIlJIW( A LEVEL r The' Bard's Tale by Elel1.rome Ans the ,';("reen magnified 2 dot." hitriwOlal and three "LEVEL'To-~AA' U HI'rcs llCfl,.-cn dump utility dots venical for every dill on the screen. Thi~ 310 HOllE VTAB 21 INPUT 0-16) '" LVlS s\Q.....s tOe prinling process, bull gel: bigger maps 32B IF LVlS '" .. THEN RETUIlH I enjoyed George Bigelow's ankl~ III with more room for 'special' descripUOflS. This COMPUTIST lot7. I pla}w the gilIT'll: .... ithout smng can be changed to \\'-hate... er it takes 10 33t1lVL • VAL (LVLS) the aid ofromputer-gener.ned maps. so I know get your system 10 dump tho\: :>I.'recn. 340 IF LVL < 1 OR LVl > 16 Mit 319 ",h;lt It IS like to have to fight to the surf~ aftcr One !>u~gt$1JOn that I ha~'e i~ to u.'>C thi~ 350 GOSUB 640 a t...1t'pon. and not know if you're heading in program 10 gel a good looking map. and then 360IRK",15-(INT{LVLn-- 5» SEC.l5-(( !.he right direction. His program is good. but use George'!> program 10 g~·t an effects map to INT {LVL 2} * 2 : LVL) • 8) I could IIOl easily underSland Ihe map on the learn whalthe dot~ IT'II:an (That's whllt I do.) 370GOSUB550 SEC~SfC-l LO",LO--256 GOSUB sCTcen. Also. if you want .'-Ollle help. hul not too 550 LO z LO - 256. REM READ INFO I .')(,lvOO this by digging up 1I. dungoon much. Ihis program will give you the maps alld 380 GOSUB 490 REIl DRAW lEVEL Illapper Ihut I wrtl{e for Sranding Srone.~, abo the locatiuns of !>pccialthing~. but you will have 390 SEC. SEC - 1: GOSUB 550 SEC,. SEC -I LO ,.LO by Electronic Ans. to go OU! and determine what the specials arc. +256. GO$U8 550 LO", LO - 256 REu EFFECTS I had to modify lhe program It) suit the Good Luck and lllay your Bard never get 400 GOSUS 590. REU DRAW EFFECTS lOCA TlONS larger 22-by-22 dungeon Jeveb, and also change laryngitis. 410 RETURN ••------COMPUTIST #51 January 420 REM SEND All lEVELS TO PRINTER - S03BA ,,, - SlE02 \o.ritc-prOlcct all 4 ~Ides (a.\ origirl3ls), 430 PQIl,f 24999 I '" - $leEO 57. - \F966 Trk SCI Byte(s) C"...~ T, 440 LVI.. PEEIl. (24999): GOSlJS64B. GOSlJ8 360 RElI ,'".. - S2608 sse - \9221 501 SOC $00-92 4C 69 9S- 186942 READ INfO I CfWflEVH - $C529 - SaAF8 S" $6F-71 4C 69 9S- 186042 450 GOSlJ6 230 fO PRINT LE~l - SE6S6 '00 - SFI43 '" 91 IlE S5-2-54 20 1!3 AQ 186048 460 IFLVl '" 15 lHEH RETlJRti - S950F '" - 'llaxJ 91 OF 500-112 4C 69 AO 186000 470 POKE 24999 LVl •I '" - S7CC5 'I' - H4Qf '20 S6F~71 4C 69 MJ 18 6ll 00 480 Q'" FRE (0): GaIO 440 '" - \1IA9" - \6CF6 490 REII C£TERMINf ROOM fXX'IFIGlJR,4rlai '" - S72"0 ..'", - S8424 1lO - \5E05 - SF344 500 FOR 50: 8 T04B3:X: (50 - ( INT (501 22) * '" SO/Ikey for... - SallS] 22» • 7 t 10.Y: 'NT (SQ / 22) * 7 t 10 - \0453 '" 510 POKE 24576 PEElqSQ ~ LO)' REtJ.PUTfNfO INTO J"'" - \E846 '" - \00] lIElIORr FOR MACHINE CODE - saAE I '" Learning Well series 520 CALL 25000. REW. DETERMINE WHERE WALLS GO '" Mindscape 53aFORS.1 T04, ROT: 32- ((S-I). 32) t 80 SSSS.OBJ Mmdscapc, In Its educational programs ... (S> 2): IF PEEK (24576 t S) THEN DRAW 61AB "'9 01l8D 0160 SD 02 60 SIlDOF (Lc<1/'niIlB Well series) relie~ upon altered PEEIl. (24576 + S) + 5 AT X 190 - Y 61B0 SO 03 69 80 0460 A2 00 53C59 address and/or data trailers. Somclime~ the lirst 540 NEXT S: NEXT SQ' RETURN 618S. E8 6E 00 61l 90 113 FE 00 SCE47 byte of the address hcuder may alS1I be altered. 550 POKE 768.32 POKE 769,227. POKE 779.3: f'OIl.E 61aJ 60 6E 01160 90 06 FE GO \803l Most commonly, a very simple, \.'hanging 771,76: POKE 712,2l7. POKE 773,3' POKE 61CB. 60 FE 00 60 EO 04 00 ES SC071! dala trailer Oil sever-II di~h can be made 41092 ,I' REIl READ SEcret? ROUTINE 6100: 61l DC lIO 20 03 20 00 39 \C116 COPYAablc by turning offthe trailer check in 560 POI\.E 43624, DRY POKE 47082, DRY: POI\.E 6lOB: llO 43 00 47 00 63 00 6A \9470 DOS 3.3 11m) L'Opying with COPYA , The disks 47083,0, POXH7084. TRK: POKE 47885, SEC' 61E0. 00 721111 7A 110 7e 00 7E \0979 \\ hich tire backed up this way arc: POKE 47888, LO - INT (LO I TF) * TF' POKE 61E8. 0ll811llll82llllll5 00 95 532B6 47089, INT (LO/Tf): POIl.£47090 0 POKE 6IFO' B0 92 D? DB 2B 20 25 B4 584A2 47891.0 6lF8 292.( 56202090 92 02 52HBF Body Awareness 579 CAll 768 620B DB 2B 20 20 24 SE 20 20 57906 I , I 5811Ift:TlJRN 6208 \1500 92 02 DB 29 20 20 52010 590 REMEFFEcrs UX:ATlONS 621ll. 202U 20 00 8C 6E 2.(90 'WE Fun ijith Direction 600 FOR 50 z 0 TO 483. X: INT (50 - ( INT (501 22) 6218.17IJI11111.(04949 5!1F06 I I * 22)) * 7.+ 19.Y= tNT (SQI 22) * 7 t 19 6220' EI IC IC Ie IC IC IC tC 57107 610 IF PEEK (50 + LO) TIfEN llRAW9 AT X,I90 - Y 6228 IC IC 40 49 49 Fl IE 1E 5£242 letters and Words 628 NEXT 50 RETURN 623ll. IE IE 06 00 92 DB 20 20 5FF93 I I 630 REM PlOT GRID AND BORDfR 6238' 2011590 92 DB 20 14 25 59988 640 t«;R . t«::OLoo... 3 62411: liE 20 00 92 DB 20 25 ilE 5FF22 Knowing Numbers 650 FOR X.. 6 TO 169 STEP 7: FOR Y.. 29 TO 183 STEP I 6248: 2005 00 115 00 05 11005 5A9F8 I 7 HPLOTx YTOXt l.YTOX+ 1 Y+1TOX.Y 6250: 00 05 00 05 011 5HDS + I: NEXTY. NEXTX. REM PLOT GRID Shapes and Patterns 660 HPLOT6 29 TO 6,184 TO 161.184 TO 161,29 TO I I 6,29, REM BORDER Make II COPYA copy: 670 RETURN B. Dudley Brett LOAD COPYA Checksums POKE 47426,Z4 Softkey for... RUN I' - S50Cil 350 - 5506C 20 - \217£ 3" - 52392 Bard's Tale U When dtlne, make Ihc~c senor-e\lib. - \C229 - 52212 Trk ScI Byle(s) From To Electronic Ans .." - 5aF05 '" - mac SOO $93 142 ",,=--- "1''---- 50 - 5A4FE '"3" - 5AC90 - 56477 ." - 5F3A6 As revealed cXlcnsi\-c1y before (last " - \04FE '1' - 57053 rcfereoce: Ani£" Fox in COMPUTIST 1147, 50" - \059C - \07EO pilge 29). Electronic Ans contlOUt.-S to rely upon Crolling Up Small - 52A75 '" - SIEOA a tracl.. S(1)6 nibblc-wllnt. The enlr)' poinL~ to "100 - SAC" ...'" - \OCSC disk cheds stilt UM: similar addresses. though II' - \lleA - \4835 these arc located til slighlly different places on OTIC program, Gro""int up 120 - 56366 '" - \70EO the boot side of &rcJ 's Tale II. 1be ea.~y wa)· Small. has alte!\.'d addn::s.s Ir,ai!ers. with D5 AA IlO - 55538 ." - \A6FC lo produce a backup (I.e. COPYA~ablc)di"k i-.: 96 on e...en trocks and D4 AA 96 on odd tr.K:h. On sollie sce[o~ thL' addre~s trailer b .111<;0 - S8FE4 '" - SF075 c:::LJ Formal (]NIT) Ihc front side of a I" modified. Change DOS to ignore [he first I" - \E92A '" - U9A3 blank disk with DOS 3.3. - SC~48 SO, - U503 prologue byte and the epilogue bytes then run I" '" [TI Use a ftllitcopy to (..'opy all four sides - S9854 - WOB COPYA. I" 'I' onto two disks, placing the boot dIsk onto your - S8C9C ~ \9EEB CALL· lSI I" 51' formalle<.! side. Ignore Ihe errors on track 6. I" - S0062 53' - S04F7 8954:2900 '80 - S]8E9 - S~7J ~ Usin!: (lny ...eCt0f editor. make these 8989:186' 11. - SJIl7" '"55' - scm sector edits upon the copied boot side and then RUN COPYA January COMPUTlS:.:T:.:#:.:5:.:''- _ ____~'5J Softkey for... Tlk Set Byte(s) From To performance in the ROM, RAM. 80-eolumn ----- card, inlerfaee cards. disk drives, mouse, 101 $06 547-49 20 F8 A0 18 6G 40 paddles, and more. It is al>o a di,k-inlcnsive Kindercomp 101 $GC 500-02 4C 69 05 186042 program that loads code in segment., while it Spinnaker $5F-71 4C 59 05 185042 i~ executing. With this fact in mind. one carl 101 ICE $4C-4E 20 03 AO 185046 underslanJ the deadllne.'~ of the program's main Though a controller and Super lOB can be $47-49 20 F8 A0 185040 drawback: h j., eopy-proteeled. I will detail the uscd (rd: COMPUTIST #45, page 23), [prekr A~ S01 S0F $00-02 4C 69 1860 ()[) steps I went through to deprotect MDlIe, For the DEMUFFIN PLUS approach. This entails S5F-71 4C 59 A0 1860 DD lhose who want to track the disk immediately, u~ing capturing the KifJdercomp RWTS go to lhe "cookbook" instructions. XFER.BOOT. Here is the procedure: t So/Ikey Jor... The most useful cracking tool that any hacker [I] Formal a blank di~k (usc a fast DOS). ean PQssess is a defined series of steps used 10 INIT HELLO analyze a particular disk. The outcome of thi, Alphabet Zoo analysis should tletermine if a disk uses a ITJ Spinnaker popular operaling system and at leasl/: hinl of what melhod of protection is u'''''d. BLOAD KFER.BOOT [ trieiJ 10 use the Supcr lOB controller In Using my personal method of analysis, I COMPUTlST 11'24, page l! antl COMPUTIST di:;.c:ovcred Ihal \1Dlle uscs an operating system D::J In~ert original KindcrC'OllJp. 1f29, puge 9 but my original just would not similiar 10 DOS 3.3. is encrypted on dbk. ,mel P.,3 copy. Alter U.,>ing CIA. it was apparent that on has an altered data mark formal. The ran thJt several seClors lhe dJta lrailers SeCIJ1 to havc a "]" prompt appeared during booling told Ole Run Killdercomp in exlendeiJ lTI SOI11C further altemtion to th1ll indicated in lhat the DOS was fJirly normal memory. COMPUTIST. A nihh1e editor .Showed lIle lhe Jltercd CALL 768 The answer 10 this is simply to turn otfthc address and data mark fonnal. The same nibble trailer check in DOS with POKE 47426, 24 edilor (CIA files) made me >uspcct thaI the data u=J And when the prompt appears: Now perform lhe softkey as shown in was encrypted since the first fcw sector, on [RESETI COMI'UTIST #24, Don't forget the correction trad $00 would decwe, hut lh..: rc,t of thc in Cm.1PUTIST 1129. SCL'wrs would not, [L] Rcenter the monitor. There are several ways of attacking these CALL·151 problems, bUi the best way is the method which BLOAD RESTORE knocks out all of lhe protection at once. How to do thi.s? Simply finiJ a pmgrJm lhat m UJ 10 poilll 10 RESTORE Scott M. Simon can use the protected disk', Rem/-Write-Track­ 3F8:4C 00 03 Sector (RWTS) to read the protected di.,k·, seClOrs and that 'can use the normal DOS 3.3 mOI'e Rlt75 into lower memorr Softkey for... 6800 $19lIve it Make the following edits 10 the boot M,1sler Diagnos{ic.~ lie (MDlle) is a useful CiJ to dbk disk only: program that can test your Apple for proper

,. COMPUTIST #51 January ] Conlroller Ralph Augenfeld RAMlactor Mod 1000 REM $WAPCQNTROLLER fOR IIOIIE fo' the ....., 128 1010TKd. L1= 35: ST"'15: lS= 15: CD=ItR 'FAST= 1 t so/tkty addelldwR /or, .. H~20 GOSUB 360: GOSUB 490' GQSUB 6Hl 1030GOSUB361J GOSUB490: GOSUB611J IFPEEK Catalyst 3.@ As of [at.: r huve heard a [ot of talk aboUl di~ks (TRK) "LT THEN 1050 Quark ROM and battery RAM. With lhc release 10411 TK =PEEK (TRK) .51 • PEEK (SCT) : 0010 1020 uf the A/emory S:JH'r card by Checkm:lte for 1050 tfOI,lE : PRINT "COPYOOIlE" ; END I have Catalyst in 3.5'· Cannal. and euuld thc Ilgs. the Jlg!>'s o\\.'n battery RAM. amlthe 10010 PRINT CHRS (4) "BLOAD"lrrrrs IlD.ASI900· nut de-protcct it with the softkC) in Ral1lf.:h:JrKcr for the Ramfactor card (imprO\ed COMPUTIST #43 The one in eOMPL;T!ST Slinky clone) by Applied Controller Chf'Cksums #44. by Ke'in Sanorclli. however. worked hears a 10{ ahout ·'Appleworls in 15 <.e'Conds JXl""e:r-up~··. line. The onl~ trouhle I' in 1I1~ vClsion. from 1000 - $3566 lG40 - SOO4F A~ the patch toCA TALYST S)'STEM 10JUlliP to a ·lo""ly· La,a 128 o""ncr with a 110('­ 1610 - $2445 11150 - S8E08 the monitor (step 4: 2175:4C 59 IT) should be megah}te Ramfactor card In a Central Point 11120 - SC9118 101110 - SF060 dt.3) that I didn't l>prmg for a fealUred in eOMPUTIST 1122 wilh Iinc 1(l)1(}) Ram,·h"rgcr at $179. Instead. I liSt' a single ~·h:lngcd to starl copying at trad $(1)3, sector Stickybear Series (llJlc, singt<, throw (Sp~-n togl.:lc S"ileh and $(1)0, instead of at trad $0(1). sector $00, Thb two picces or "ke. is changed bccau~t we: do nOI wuot to copy Ihe Weckly Reader Software pro1ected OOS. Here's how I do it On thc Slick) fX:;Jr front. I havc combmed Luad Super lOB Vl.5 then merge lhe se\'cra[ of your <;Qftke)'s into a method thal The La\er [28 has an C\Jxm.~ion SIOl on it:. MDlle control[er. f'\ow. Super lOB will use the !\l':ems to worl on .ill m~ Stick) bear disk!>. I !>ide for one Apple compalible Cllrd, or a Laser proteClcd RWTS 10 read the original di~k and h:l\"c de'protct:ted: elip:m~ion box. whwh giH~' 1\\0 s101S. This box lhe normal RWTS to write to the cupy disl, has its o~ n 5 \'olt suppl)·. There is an outboard Type RUN and follow the instructions. Afler lhe plug-m 12 \'011 unit thaI gelS dropp..--d and copy IS dooc. the cOP) should !xxx normaJl} ABC's rcgulwed to5 ,oIL~ by a singlc Ie 00 a heal !>Ink. and it .... ill be COPYA-able If you ""ant to I I remo\ed lhe Ie and f.."Cd the box with 5 eliamlAe the files. II will perfonn all DOS \olts direetl). Thl:. ensure, cool o~mlion. commands normally. Numbers funher enhaOl.'t."t.l by a ~mall f:lII SlIlIng un tup IT] Boo! DOS 3.3 :md ('"Jear an)' AppI~lft I of the box. pmgralll. ThcM: .\le~ are 001 rc:lll) ne('e!>~r}. but Dming ~im:t 1leave my expan!>ion box un allihe time. NEW I it is re:cl)Jllll1endc-d. III Muke hello program hi nary , [11 uny ("a,c. the extra powcr supply to Ill)' Printer RAM board gO! mc thinking. why eouldn'tl POKE 40514,52 I keep my dllia 'alivc' ;fllly computer is off and CLI Insert bhmk di~k and initializc. my expansion DoX i~ 'hot.' TOlf'ubuilder ~hulling [NIT STARTUP I So. Itned my computer ufl, while keepill1! the 10 my Ramt;E(·lnr ("ani. Of CLJ Deletc thc hello program. cour:.c, the: data was trashed. It ,ually $(1)[. S0r), and wherc il i~ loadc<.J to. Obvjou,[y, monkeying with power ~upp[ic-s and Boot your disk wilh Super lOR on it [I] M:lke the sector eelit he n:commends at 6D A2 RAM (·ards h nOI ~omcthing for the k!uti;­ CLJ Save the MOlle RWTS. DD A2 00. and th\~n jump to Randy Ramirez' oricllled ol11ong us. Warrnlllie!> go down the: BSAVE RWTS,MD,A$1900,LS7FF sofikcy in eOMI'UTIST /ll7 (also in l:Iool of drain a~ can RAM chip~. RO.\1 chips, or all SollkeyJ> #3) and c\ocute both the move to chips. as In tried (not french-I. At this lillie. u=l Load Supcr lOB. S6(})(l)(i) from whcre the prolcned llCctnr is I can only recummeod thh procedure ltJr Laser LOAD SUPER lOB Vt.5 loaded 10. and lhc ~hnrl writ", routine. 12l! owncl' \O.lth a Ram(m:/lJr card and .an ~u~titUlinj! the appropnaK" trJd and ~CC1or at expansion box. After I de~cribc: the ~tcr--b~­ OJ] T}pc the eOlllrollcr and run Supcr B7EB:OO IT15. step. I will g,,~ hillls to "rcal"' Apple u""nc:I' lOB. That's II' who ";'Int to e\pcmnent "ilh lllclr S)Slems.

Januuy COMPUTlST #51 With the warnings in mind. removc ALL axe. Word Mil?e is an interesting program for po\l,'cr from the CQmptller and expansion box, creating word mazes - the puzzles with words Hold the Ramfactor board with the chips hidden is a square grid of letters. None of my towards you. and you'lI sec a 4-pin plug bit copiers would touch this program, The Franco Panizzon mounted on the left far side ofthe board. it has pn:~nce of an applesoft prompt during boot led a pair of jumpers. me to believe the swap controller ur CopyB Softkey for.. , Remove the left hand jumper (nearer to the would make a successful backup, however - no edge ofthe hoard) and rcplar:c with a miniature luck, Rendezvous Japanese style 2-pin plug with two wires A close c;.;amination of the disk with Peachtree Software attached (I salvaged one from an ancient broken Diskriew rcvealed the odd numbered tral:ks VCR) This is better than soldering. sinee it have altered address headers of D4 AA 96 instead • Rcquiremcnl.~ voids no warruntics in an obvious way. of the normal 05 M 96. The first byte of the Mount a single-pole. single-throw toggle address epilog on :Ill tracks has been changed o Rendc?:vou~ Disk switch on the back of the expansion box. and to AF. but the second byte r:hanges randomly o Blank Disk l:onneet to the two wires. One of these winos from track to track, is ground. When the switch is open, the l'an.r~ Some research into my back issues of The 50ftkeys given in COMPUTlST #28 data is protected. COMPUTlST - specifically lim Hart'sAreade and COMPUTIST #37 did not work for my Repla.::c eard lind carefully eonnfft the Boot Camp (COMPUTlST 1144). Steve and Roo version. power. Smith's Dare Holle Protection (COMPUTlST My version is COPYA-ablc and ,'an be JUSt before turning the l:omputer off, open #35). and David Alc;.;ander·s Chess 7.(1) cataloged but the copied di,k will hang after the the switch. Leave the power on in the expansion (COMPUTIST #48) - were just what r needed. first screen. This indicates a normal or at least h(lx.i.e ..the red LED should stay on, When you Anyway. here's a comroller for Super lOB 1.5 a semi-normal DOS and alii needed to do was tum the wmputer hack on. leave the switch that will produce a good COPYA version of to disable that annoying nibble count rootine. open until the di~k drives come on, and then Word Maze. I printed all the suspect files and after many close the switch and boot or al:CesS the hours found the offending code in the binary Ramfal:tor card nnrm..lly. That's all! Controller file RCO. As slated earlier, this is only for a user 128. The following is the code that I modified. a Ramfaetor card, and an expansion box. 1000 REM WORD MAZE CONTROLLER - 1 1CIA~ D0 131 BNE SlClO However. if an enterprising reader with an 1010TK=B :ST=0 :LT=35 :CD:I'IR lCIC- C1 49 CMP (S49.X) Apple lJ who doesn't mind voiding guarantees 102lJTl =TK. GDSUB490 GOSUBlll0 lC1E- A948 LOA #$48 wants to fool around. I would direct them to 1030 GOSlJB 430 GOSUB llJ0 .ST = ST ~ 1 . IF ST < lC20- 49 FE EOR #'SFE the other two pins ,'IS a place to 'injeu' power. 005 THEN 1030 lC22- C8 INY as it were, with perhaps a rectifier diode across 1040 IF SF THEN 1061J 1C23- EE 00 CA INC S0A00 1050ST=0 TK=TK~l GDSUB1110'IFTK INT (TK / 2) THEN 1C10- 49 A9 EOR ilSA9 operation. you can simply place a small POKE 47445 212 IC1F- 48 PHA inexpensive gel-cell type lead-acid battery in 1115 IFTK / 2" INT (TK/ 2) THEN POKE 47445 213 series with a eurrent limiting resistor across 1120 RETURN ~upply. ynur external Usc an ammeter to set ""1C2C- 48 PHA your ·trickle charge' to a safe 20 ma. or so. and you're protcr:tcd agaimt power company Controller Checksums In both cases. it pushcs phony data onto the stal:k. Alier tht RTS, the CPU looks to the stllck outages or hlown fuses. etc. Now you have 1000 S3566 1070 $A827 to find the location from which it came. "AppJeworks for 20 years.. 1010 S3266 1'18'1 S8EE6 However. it jumps to the wrong location and 102.13 SA7C4 1090 50080 the program hangs. Also notice the BNE to 10313 SB1C5 1J0C S610E $IC75 which reads: HJ40 S35FA 111'1 $542C 1050 $A09E lC75- A634 lOX $34 Rick Fabbre $7575 1115 1060 SA022 H2IJ 'DOll' lC77- 80 8C C0 LOA Se08C X The Il)(;ation C08C gives it away (direct Softkey for... C?) What do you suggest for a ProDOS use of the disk drive). bhx:k editor'! How about putting one in To circumvent the problem I first tric'd simply Word Maze COMPUTISTI Keep up the good work on a putting an RTS at Jotation $ICIA. The Learning Well great magazine. program ran farther but still (;rashed. I found P.S. You can ('hange line 1010to TK ~ 3, that it needed the INC S0A@0 and the INC Well another program fell to the SlOB 1.5 init a disk to boot L W. T and add a Fast DOS, $IC68 to run properly.

COMPUTIST #51 January'l IT] Use COPYA to copy RcndCZ~-OU.f file containing Ihc protenion_ make the u=J Wrile il back to disk. You now ha\'e memory, noo ()ntO your bllmk diskenc. necessary adjustments in write the a deprotC'ctcd eupy. thanged file boItk tv Ji~k. Here's huw it goes... CD Fix the tile ROO, I'laying Tips Jar". BLOAD RGO SQ/tkey jor... CALL -1St Tass Time5 In Tonf/own =.J lC1A:EE GO 0A EE 6& IC iG MllSic Cons/ruction Set ~-- ,DOG Elec1ronic Ans BSAVI RGO,A$lBCIO,L$04FD • Get a job with the Tonelo"'n paper. • Waferfalls aren-t walls. Icf~ Now see if I can dock this thing IT] Bool II ProOOS 8 dLsk and gel into • Follow Ennio's inslincts. without running out of fuel. BASIC (use system lllililies or equivalent. P{oying Tips for... IT] The proleclion i~ in Ihc file JIMSCODE. So,. r-= Thexder BLOAD JIMSCODE,A$2000 -- A.L. Head • NOI. all walls arc solid: and SOme things are u=J L~ap into the monitor: known to live in them. T Softk~y Addendum jor... CALL -lSI • Some mOOlS givc you energy and EnmllX points. Silent Service IT] The protection is located at memory location $2ICF. We are changing the byles at ptiJ)'ing Tips .f,o'c.c"__ MicroProsc $21 CF from 4929 to EA EA in order to change ,he disk ched.: MaJ1SJ_"o_n_~_ Since lhc Silent Service sortkey r-:::: ftfanic (COMPUTIST #50) another release of Silent 2ICF:EA EA • The purple lentacle wants some food with 5crno: h;l~ comc to my altemion. In lhi~ This code tan be viewed by typing 2100L. rc!case, Itt<: protection i~ exa"tly thc ~mt: as a waxy aftertaste. previously described except thut the files \\ CD Write tm: newly moditiedJlMSCODE • lars are meant to hold wmer. back to disk: and Pare relocutcd on the di~k. • Where would you hide a key? Backup this release by following the strp­ BSAVEJIMSCODE,AS2000,E18944 • The package is by the mailbox. • Nurse EdOll·!> room has an upsillirs. by-slep procc are worth the wail in gold. disk for Ihe 1....0 llpproprialc sirings and edit possible (pro-Bytcr from Beagle Bros will do). Ihem as shown below: Plo)'ing Tips jfJr... Find .c30924CC2 and change 1110 4C9092. Ilgs Softby for... Find 0895856860 and change it to A9 95 85 [ AutOOue! J2 60 F7 A9 18 85 02 60 F9 -- That"s all folks. GBA 1-on-1 Champ. Basketball Activision • To gCI a 101. of mol1<.-"')'_ do thi~: • Milke a really cheap car ;It Ihe assembly. GRA &sketb.31f is a reJlty good game with • Slore it in Ihc garage. outstanding s()l.lfId effects and graphics. After • Type the number for Take A Car Out Of The Island Boys trying to make sense out of the prolection. we Storage. slUmbled upon this four-byle crack. • Wait until the lisl or car... appears. • Take out the AUlOduel P!a}'cr disk. Block-edit without IT] Make a {'Opy using IIny copier (we • Insert ANY DOS 3.3 disk with somcthing a Block-editor used Copy Jl Plus). on il. IT] Whip 0111 }'our block editor (we u..'ied • Select the number of your cheap eure 10 1929 !l180 - SB0C8 19311 - $5901 1090 - S2302 play. PIo)'ing Tip jor... _ 1940 - S4EC1 1 cXpecled the proteclion to be similar to - SlCOO 200' 1045 other Origin Systems games but was mildly - SOEC1 500' - S3F7D Summer Games ] dissappointcd when my Ultima N controller did 11150 - SA6BO 5a10 - S04F5

1"--".c.0 ::C::O"M::'-'U:.:T1::::ST.:....c'::5.:' Janu8J"!..J When you're doing me pole vault event, Table 2 Types of cbaracters ID Cloth Armour 0·99 select a medium pole grip. Start running and IE Leather " when me man appears on screen, push me (7) Mage IF Chain joystick down, lnunediately after thai, push it [ Bard 20 Plate up. He should have his legs in the air ready to 2 Fighter 21 Magic Chain go over the bar. Before he even reaches !he bar, 3 Druid 22 Magic Plate press !he bURon and lei: him drop. E\'en though 4 Tinker 23 Mystic Robe: he didn't go over the bar, the game will think 5 Paladin he made il over, This let you get the 6 Ranger will 25 Staff Weapons 0-99 7 Shepherd world',!; record. 2. Daggcr 27 Sling A,P.T. for, .. 28 M"", -, Where in the World is C. Sandiego Table 3 Armor 29 Ax< (IJ None 2A Sword 2B Bow To edit the number of cases Ihat you've I Cloth 2 Leather 2C CrosSbow ~Iverl in Mere In The World Is Carmen 20 Flaming Oil &ndiego?, read track 522, sector $00 off of 3 Chain 4 Plate 2E Halberd !>ide B (a copy or the original is fine). it will 2F Magic Axe 5 Magic Chain ., list all of the detective's naIDCS. 30 Magic Sword After you've deckted which one 10 edit, go 6 Magic Plate 7 Mystic Robe 3J Magic Bow to the end of their name and move over until 32 Magic Wand you're one byte away from the next detective, 33 Mystic Sword .. That is the number ofcases that you've solved. A l1Ol:e on one of Brian Troha's anicles in Table 4 Weapons COMPUTIST #49 page 15: On my version of 3C Sulphur Ash Reagent 0-99 (7) Hands -, Tass T~' in Tonetown there is no protection. 30 Ginseng I Staff 3E Garlic 2 Dagger A,P.T, for... 3F Silk 3 Sling 40 Blood Moss Ultima IV 4 Mace 41 Black Pearl 5 Axe 42 Nightshade 6 Sword 43 Mandl1lke 7 Bow Roo< Since Danny Pollak's Ultimakcr IV in 8 Crossbow COMPUTIST 130 failed to work on my ITgs, 9 Flaming Oil I made a way to edit me characters using a A Halberd 44 Awaken Spell 0·99 sector editor instead, B Magic Axe 45 Blink Each byte is different with each character. C Magic Sword 46 Core For example, character 112 stans at byte $34 D Magic Bow 47 Dispe[ while charar.:ter #8 starts at $F4, [n that case E Magic Wand 48 Energy Field we will call the first digit ofeach byte the letter F Mystic Sword 49 Fireball z, The value of z for each character is.... 4A Gate Travel ., Character' 2 J " 5 6 7 8 4B Heal Zvalue 3579SDF 4C Ice Ball Tab~ ; Suppli.. 40 Jinx Read from track $14, sector $03 4E Kill Tab~ Read track S04. sector ~: ,- I Byte ~ Category Amount 4F Light B,1e _E_"c"'~' number possible 50 Magic Missile " 0C Torckes Guild 51 Negate item ()'99 5z4 Sex I 52 (S5C",,-Male, S7B=Fcmale) 00 Gems 53 ""',Protection $z5 Type 0-7 (Tab[e 2) 0E Keys 54 Quickness 0F $eltlants $z6 Hcalth 4 55 Resurrect (5C4=D, $C7""-G, SOO""P, SD3=S) \0 Stones (Stune) 0-FF(255) 56 Sleep Sz7 Strength 0-99 11 Runes (Rune) Tremor $;e.8 Dexterity 0-99 12 Bell, Book, & "58 Undead 5z9 Intcllij;ence 0-99 Candle (Items) 0-7 59 View $zA Magic Points 0-99 13 3·pan key SA WiD(! change $lC-zD Hit Points 0-9999 14, 15 Food 0-9999 5B x-it $zE~zF Max Hit Points 0-9999 17,18 Gold 'C y-up Note: Now add I to z... 19 Silver Horn Anifaets (/) or I SO z-down S2D-zl Eltperience 0-9999 IA HMS wheel Sz2 Weapon in usc I-F (Table 3) 1B Evil Skull of If you want to know how to edit the: e:ight $z3 Armor in usc 1-7 (Table 4) Mondain virtues, look in COMPUTIST #43. COMPUTIST #51:-.. _ 21 I called ,.Apple Preferrtd format" . While not the First, an excellent tutorial moves you most effICient of pic compressors, the laner is swiftly into praclical applications: then •.Art a great space saver. Unfonunately, you will Patu" volumes ($19.95 each) supply a bonanza Jeff Hurlburt have to look elsewhere for unpacker of clip an, bruihes, lenering sets, and-· DlOSl documentation if you plan 10 incorporate any imponant.. new ideas. Included are holiday of the packed pictures in your programs. mocifs, plants, animals, exotic paltem setS, Printout can be multi-color or monochrome ships, and fantasy figures- just for Startcrs. on lmagewritcr II, at presenl the only printer Very classy: but then, among Dgs painters, supported. Other Ourpul op:ions are Appletalk Deluxe Paint n is THE class acI. and modem. The, by now, 'standard' lOOI.s are aJl here-­ including varioosly shaped and sized brushes, sprays, line drawers, fills, and assorted shapes (filled and unfilled), plus a not-sa-standard Welcome zoomable magnify. Ratings by D. PUdge & M. Smith Text fonfS, which corne in six styles, are $79.95 Abracadata available in bold, underline, and outline variants ~~~ . SUPERB and several popular sizes. ~~~~. EXCELLENT Cut/paste and copy may be to and from a ~~. clipboard or a 'spare page', These, along with VERY GOOD flips, stretches, JOl:ations (about X, Y, and Z ReqUires: ~~ .. GOOD axes). and a super-Oexible symmetry tool are o 64K Apple 0 series (or Apple Dgs set to all accomplished via user-defined ··custom ~ ...... FAlR monochrome) brushes". Any part or aJl of a graphic ("~ be o one 5 lA·· drive @ . POOR lifted and U5Cd as the current brush for painting, o moo", @@ ...... BAD fills, etc,; and perspective routines pennit • second drive (optional) sening viewpoint for easy creation of realistic • joystick/paddle for graphics (oplional) @@@ . DEFECTIVE depth and distance effects. ·'SAVE BRUSH'· • printer (optional) and "WAD BRUSH·' move a brush (and its palC1te) to and from disk withoul affecting the current graphic- VCf)' nice for handling selected As any business manager, club leader, or picture pieces, whether or not they actually department chainnan knows. a recurring funct:ioo as "brushes'. botlleneck to achieving organizational aims is Whereas the above approach rates the much faulty within-organization communications. by D. Silva & B. Iverson coveted Computist Progranuning Brilliancy Targeting this problem, Abrncadata has created $99.95 Electronic Arts Award, a strong rival is the powerful set of We/come!, a kind of do·it·all "clectronic stencil-making commands, Basically, you can handbook" for storing and communicating ··Iock'· one or more colors to protect parts of infonnation. a graphic from painting, sprays, fills, elC. thus Linking a collection of no-frills, get,the, Require.~: creating a stencil or "frisket", Colors may be job-done text and graphics utilities, Welcome! locked or unlocked at any time: and, as with produces three types of output. Running the o 768K Apple Ilgs brushes, stencils can be saved and loaded to "Manager Disk", a person responsible for Done 3lh" drive disk. arranging and disseminating infonnation can o moo", De/uxe Paint n includes comprehensive generate displays, printouts, or "Data Disks". • second drive (oplional) palette adjustment controls but no provism for The latter may be accessed, oot 001 signirteantly • lmagewritcr n printer (oplional) linking pic frames to produce animation, You altered, by other personnel running a "User can, however, achieve simple animation and Disk" copy. In case you 'missed the movie', other inreresting effeclS via color cycling. A Text utilities guide production ofdirectories "Eleclronics Arts Strikes Back" has been re­ technique which rotates palene color positions (e.g. phone and mailing lists) besides helping released asDeluxe Paint 0, a heavy-duty, blow­ at a user-selected rate, cycling is great for organize such information as goals, the-

I 22 COMPUTIST #51 January I Solid plusses are simplicity and ready of selected graphics for a calendar can be saved ulility to the PRODOS file on a diskette in the availability ofso many dissemination functions; on a separate data diskette, One hint: since the slot and drive you specify. When booted, the and the 'Manager-User' approach promotes printout routine has to be able to reload any patched ProDOS (18 or 116 1.l~1.2) efficient, controllable sharing of database graphics, it's a good idea to notc the source automatically installs Divcrsi-Cachc. (Another access. On the other hand, We/come."s 40­ diskette for each during editing. option. incidently, permit~ removal of the coIumn-on1y TEXT is bound to disappoinl those Results are impressive-. much better, of palch.) 8CCUsromed 10 an 80<0lumn display; and !here course, !han siore-bought calendars. One are many easier to use, more powerful uLilities OOIable flaw, actually !he only one. is omission Diyt:rsi~ may also be installed via a when it comes to developing graphics. Perhaps ofaUlOmatic moon phase entry; gardeners and BRUN eACH! or Iauocbed as a ProDOS SYS file. of most significafK% to an image-ronsdous other concerned users will have 10 place these Finally, if requested, the Master STA.RTUP manager, the program's OUlputs are decidedly manually. Fun to use, with loads of room for will wrilC the neoessary routines directly inoo bland- O(l( the way to 'fire up' new employees creative expression, "Creale a Calendar" is ntelOOl)'. Di~-ersi-CadH:resides in bank U11. and or anyone else. Neat, yet lacking pizzazz, good until 9999 A.D.; whereupon you should is not deaclivaled by a 'warm start' boot. Welcome.' is a good idea, but only a mediocre requcslthe version 2.0 update. Even so. not Once inslalled, "Cache" appears as a desk implementation. a bad value. accessory along with "Control Panel", etc, when you press (OaEse I Here you may set buffer size (0-800K), drivc(s) to cache (1,2, or "both"), or even turn-off Diversi-Cachc. The "both" cache option is aClually "cithcr", Create A Calendar Dirersi-eadJe since swilChing from one drive to the other clears !he buffer. by Designer Software by Bill Basham When first activated. Di~'CI'Si-<:ach: oonnaIly $39.9S Epyx $35 Divenified Software Research defaults 10 the largesl buffer size available and selects drive I as the cache drive. Chiefly 10 permit large, memory-hungry applications to act as installers, a Master diskcnc "R,eronfigtlre Requires: Requires: Cache" option lets you set default buffer size o 64K Apple II series o 512K Apple IIgs along with default cache drive. Done 51,4" drive o one Apple Disk 3W' drive (Reeommendation: do this only on a copy of o printer o one 5\4" drive the Master.) • second drive (optional) • additional drives (optional) I tried out Diversi-Cache on several diskettts including an assDrtmenl of ProDOS/8 utililies. Deluu Painr 1/ (proDOS/16 1.1) and Hardly anything is better for getting your 'Old lime' Apple II computists will, no "ORCAlM" (a ProDOS/16 1.2-based 65816 affairs in order than a calendar, especially if doubt, recall the amazement felt upon first assembler from Byte Works). With buffer size the highlighted dates are !he ones you decide booting a Beagle Bros.lProntoDos-patched at 0K- 10 check the 'buill-in' speed baml-­ old are important. With Epyx's Create a Calendar. diskette. SuddenJy. stodgy DOS 3.3 seemed things cenainly went faster. though the x3 read birthdays. club meetings. appoinlments, 10 'come alive' with programs loading in a and xl write speed figures only obtain for holidays- whatever-- can become attention­ fraction of pre-convcrsion time. Now. thanks relatively large, reasonably contiguous files. catching calendar EVENTS. to DSR's Divcrsi-Cache, IIgs owners can (Reading a track instead of a block doesn't help Compatible with most popular printers experience much the same thrill of souped-up much if the file is one or two blocks in length (Imagewriter, Epson, Star, ...), this versatile performance. or a large file spread out all over physical utility produces calendars in five formats. Diversi.cllChe speeds up Apple Disk 3.5 di.skenc space.) Prinling a month. week. or pair of days per UO in two ways. First, whenever the current slleet. you can enter text and graphics for each openlting sySlem does a 'block read', Diversi­ Performance, however. IS hllrdly shabby. date with plenty of space left for jotting OOl:es. Cache aetualIy reads-in theenrire track; second, For example, load time for Apple....orb 2.0 Of the (dates only) annual formats, a one--sheet you can activate a buffer (or' 'cache") which dropped from 19 to 9 seconds; and access to version is handy for quick date·fmding: and the 'remembers' everything read from Ihe an A WP file wenl from 4 seconds 10 2. In an six-sheel horizontal "banner" makes an designated drive up to the limil of buffer ideal ca5C- a single. large piCiure file- load attractive wall reference. capacity. The result is super·rapid access upon lime did. indeed, go from 6 to 2 seconds. Create 8 Calendar employs Printshop­ subsequent reads of files with blocks on the compatible graphics, fonts, Ilnd borders cached tracks. According 10 on-disk (text file) As expected, the multiplier is smaller for (including those available on Epyx's own documentation, whether or not you enable the boots, especially for ProDOS!16 applications, SCrapbook diskettes)-- plus fonts, borders, and cache feature, DSR 's track-read approach .... which tend to spend alO( of time finding, holiday/event graphics supplied on side two of triples the speed of disk reads and doubles the loading, and arranging a host of set-up files. the program diskelle. Step-by·step. explicil speed of ProDOS writes". Only Apple Disk 3.5 StilI. the time saved is sure to De appreciated. prompts and an illustnued manual make entry drives are affected, nm UniDisk 3.5 or 5.25" A Iypical case is Deluxe Paint 11. where load and editing of Jeey dates a breeze. One opIion drives. time (selector + program) dropped from 134 adds standard holidays; and a "Repeat Date" Though supplied on a 5.25" seconds to 96. Booting the program as a function allows a single entry, such as a meeting ProDOS/8-format Master diskette, Diversi­ Diversi..cachc installer (as opposed to having of the Apple Users Group every second ClIChe is said to be compatible with "any Diversi-Cache aeti~-e before the bool) added no Saturday, 10 be repeated automatically over a operating system", including the mini-disk observable delay. range you specify. If requested, the program variants of DOS 3.3; so there are several routes Running with an active buffer. even a will also produce a listing ofall events entered to installation. Upon booting lhe Mastcr. a relatively small one, turns out to make a world on the current calendar. Dates, texl, and names STARTUP menu option allows appending the of difference.

[.an...... COMPU"nST #51 23 I With buffering at 256K. DeluJf.e Paint n differenl story lines, oltco imo deadly peril. from secrion 10 section in the heat of combal:. unl bool time drops to 70 seconds!; and when Besides the Cxpecled C3Sl ofdaslardly no-goods, Playabilily, of course, craters. Too bad; butlfm moving back and fOrlh among several eight challenging arcade hazard sequences are is no way 10 run a ship. ProDOS/8 utililies (cache= 80C/)K). response jusl waiting 10 be sprong. (eg. Keene 'IS, the quiekly approached ramdisk speed. (Unlike robots, Keene swinging over a pool of sharks, ramdisk, Divcrsi-Csche allows drive turn-on, etc., etc.) The Spy's Adrentures in N. Amerka which adds a slight delay.) Possibly more Though you begin with five lives, it's just Penguin/Polarware's The Spy's Adventures impressive is the afftx:t on ORCA/M. Imagine. as well that a game-save option is included and inNorth Amedca ($17,95) involves 1-6 players an editor/assembler/linker system that becomes that the arcades can be practiced separately. in a race to nab the demented trouble-maker. increasingly interactive with use! Fast·moving and clever. Comics offers good Dr. X. Moving through up to 27 regions in the artwork and entenaining. multiple-replay U.S., Canada. and Mexico, you view DirersiHack adliemuring. Add humor and well-exccUled beaUlifuily done scenes (in double-hires on arcades, plus !he incentive of a High Scores 128K machines)_ read brief, lravel brochure Included free with Dil'Crsi-eache is a neal rosier maintained on-dlsk. and you have jUSllhc descrip on 3.5" media. Here you will find quickie listed below and a word processor that borders, alphabel.sels, and pattcrns along with 64K Apple n series can acccpl tXT l'iIes as ioput. o animal, school. and sports groups plus much Cone 5"''' drive more-- roughly 600 graphics in all! CALL ·151 • joystic (optional) Incidenta.lly, Pailll ....urts Plus (version 1.1) now 13M: AI III M 13 AI 1115 M acx:eplS "Apple Preferrod fonnat" packed files lI3lII: It 13 a tD De lI9 Id IA Remember all those times your favorite (as .....ell as uopacked SC I type and original 1311: t1 e3 Z8 10 13 Be lIS 21 comic book hero seemed aboul to close down version packed files). This mean:> ·I.j· useD 131': 1D 13 III It..a 13 DO the forces of evil, only 10 stumble inlo some can direcLly access masl Elcclronic A.rts "Art 13M: t2 a"A5 MCi 71" 'obvious' trap. Parts" materials. Well, now you can work orr ycaD of 13ZI:""OlIH."""BSAVE IOCR, A$3M, L$2I frustflltion guiding the moves of Steve Keene. Destroyer It replaces each line--ending CR with a thrillseeker in an honest-la-goodness comic SPACE to allow full-page. 17 cpi printoulS, book adventure complele with 'balloon' Epyx's [)cjtroyer (539.95 for 128K) is a Paragraph-ending CR's are not affecled dialogue and up to fuur annimated frames per GATO·type naval combat/slrategy arcade To usc it with Diversi-Cache hires screen. featuring beautiful double-hires graphics with documentalion just: In Accolade's Comics. the frames appear good animation and sound. Action sequences one-al-a-lime as you .select Keene's script and include searches, anli-aircraft fire. depth charge &LOAD CINST,TTlT,A$1Me CALL , .. make O!her choices which affec1. !he course of runs. and more. Unfortunately. all of this neat this pulp-grade. resctJe-lhe·kidnapped--scicntist stuffgreatly exceeds aI.l(l(ed memory space: so BSAVl CIKST,T1'XT.A$1l1l1l1,L1.... scenario. With six diskette sides. there's ample you have 10 put up with numerous annoying disk (Any TXT files larger than 48 blocks should room for branching. sometimes into vel')' access delays. moving with painful sJowness be split,)

1 24 COMPtrnST #51 Januuy I Firsl I used Copy II Plus's catalog fearure It's a bil morc difficult to retain character 10 find the load address and length of Lode values when transferring people from Wizardry Vendors Runner. These are AS800 and LS81lOO). The I or 2 to Wizardry 3. program starts at $800 and ends at $890(l) Use your Sector Editor and read Trock SIA, AbracaData (S800 + $81(0). Sector S0F. Start looking at the sectors around P.O. Box 2440 I booced a DOS 3.3 disk, inserted Lode this area unlil you find your chaniClers names Eugene, OR 97402 Runner, bloadcd the file and enlered the' flashing, lhe characters are each about 3/4 (503-342-3030) monilOr: seclOrs long. If you find one where Ihe charaCler's name is at the lOp yoo are lucky. Accolade BLOAD LODE RUNNER 20813 Ste\'en$ Creek Blvd. If you find one where il is half way down or CALL ·15t Cupertino. CA 95014 at Ihe bonom, you will have 10 look around on (408-446-5757) I then searched for the bytes that load the other sectors nearby or not so nearby for the number of men using the monitor search rest. When you find the rest of the character Activision command. In machine code, a direct load oftho look 11\ the two bytes just preceeding the ne·Xf P.O. Box 7287 A-register (accumuilltur) with five would be characler's name (or actually the byte that Mountainview, CA 94039 $A905. The monitor search command looks for denotcs length of the next character's name) and (800-227-9759 an address so we need to reverse the twu hex write down these bytes. Now if the bytes are in California call 415-940·6044) bytes for everything to work out right. Search 01 and 08. this means yoo have solved Knighr Diversified Sofh\o"are Research for $05A9 between the limits of $800 and of Diamonds and Proving Grounds. If the 34880 Bunker Hill $8900. numbers are 01 and 40, you arc a conqueror Farmington, MI48018-2728 of Proving Ground.~ and the SllIfr of Gnilda esA9<8H.I9GCIS (800-835-2246. ext. 127) holder. 11lc left number is Proving Grounds and This search resulled in three possibililies: Electronic Arts the righl is Km"ght ofDiamonds. A number one 296E- 43AA- 4496- 10 solve the left, and a number eight to solve 1820 Gateway Drive I checked each ofthese locations and found San Mateo. CA 94404 the righl. To ma1:e the character valid in that 296E and 4496 subsequenlly stored the 05 Wizardry 1JI you musl add $20 10 lhe righl (415-571-7171 ) to the same location. I changed the 05 10 Ff in number. Ep)"X bod! these numbers and it worlr::ed. IT] Transfer Wizardry J or 2 chal'DCters 600 Gah'cston Drive 1bere was one Olher minor problem. DOS to Wizardry 3. CAUTION: put a write-protect P.O. Box 8020 doesn't allow a binary save with a length value lab on lhe disk you are transferring from and Red\¥ood City. CA 94063 greater than $8000. However, a simple poke make sure there is enough room on the larget (408-745.-0700) will change that limil10 $FFFF. disk. Do NOT auempl 10 lake the Rite of (nrocom o:::J Change the binary length Iimillltion. Passage! This will make it so yoo canlIOl have 125 Cambridge Park Drive characters like your old ones. Cambridge, MA 02140 POD 433M,255 IT] Use your sector editor and rcad (8(00)-262-6868) IT] In.'iert your Lode Runner di!>k and around Irack SIA, sector $02, track SIA, type: Penguin Software sector S0F, and all of track SIB. and some of 260(,1) Keslinger Road BLOAD LODE RUNNER track SIC and maybe SID and possibly $IE to P.O. Box 311 CALL-t5t find your characters. Geneva, IL 60134 29Sr:FF [TI Add $20 to the very last byte in the (312-232-1984) 4497:rr character and enter the number you get. Spinnaker BSAVE LODE RUNNER, AS800, L$8t80 [TI Write any sectors you changed to the One Kendall Square Enjoy. disk. Cambridge, MA 02139 u:::J (617-494-1220) lIJ Do Ihis for the whole plIrty and then A.P.T. for... load them up in Gilgamesh's Tavern and have fun! WizardfJ' HI John Wiegley Sofllte, for... A.p.r. for... Lixk Runner Black Magic Transferring Characters o=ft From Wizardry I 8E n to Wizardry In Here is an update 10 my last letter Getting More Men (COMPUTIST 648) with some other • Requirements miscellaneous infortruluon. Getting additional men for Lode Runner;s o WizardI)' III Scenario Di~k and Boot • Requirements a easy tlisk. We simply locate where the o Initialized disk A sector editor program loads the number of men ($05) and Blank disk o o Senior PROM V3.0 change it to FF. o A sector-editor o

I JIIDUary COMPUTIST #51 25 I If you read my last lener you probably Softie, for... disk and when you boot it up. every sound the copied Black Magic with the parameters I gave program generates will be converted to the and found that on most backups the dcath screen Amnesia cassette OUT jack or to your earphone or tape was garbaged or you couldn't get to the High player. Electronic Arts Scores or if you did they were garbage too. I have. after much work, come up with a working This is for all the other people who tried sofikey for Black Magi!:. to run mydcproteaed version ofAmnesia found Making 1m disk LLJ Enter Senior Prom's main menu. thai you couldn't take anything! To filt this a boot Change the Prolog's to read: problem. recopy !he disk and the make the Address Prolog: 05 AA AD foUowillg differenl 5CClor Mil: • Rnfuirements Data Prolog : 05 AA 96 Yrk Sct B_,_,_,_{,_, FrOlll C'o,--- _ o Sector c:dilor Do nOl: touch the DOS crror nag option!!~ o 48K slave disk (blank) _SO, _S04 S_"_-_Af_ 00 AI 01~"A::6 _ IT] Copy tracks $01-10 and $12~22. o A favorite machine language utility that is u:::J Rcstore the prologs and then change This will defeat the checksum and install under 33-sectors long and does not require them again to read: a harmless compare function which has no DOS commands Address Prolog: D5 AA 96 effect on the program. Data Prolog : D5 AA AD Ifyou read the article in COMPUTIST #44 ct=J Clear the DOS error flag. you probably saKi "Great, but whal if my routine requires reading and wriling to the CLJ Copy track S00. Get Better Sound disk?". I have: a semi~simple answer to that LLJ Make the following sector edits: question (or not so simple to beginners). by using the caslette jacks First what you need is a disk thai will load rrk Sct Byte(sl Fr(JII CTo'---__~ the RWTS and then immediately beginning S0B S02 S45 96 AD Have you ever wondered why Apple put e"ttuting your progrdffi. ~",- To solve: you need the boot sector of 48K S00 S09 SlF AD _ cassene (X)ns on the back of the Apple when hardly anyone who has disk drive uses them? slave disk that just reads RWTS into $B600­ IT=:J Boot up the copy with Senior Prom [ have found a very useful function for these BFFF. You also need a machine language utility (that you use a lot or you wouldn't be going '". ",rt>. First of all any program which can come through this trouble) that is 32 sectors or less c::LJ If the copy boots fine lhen you are and docs not require DOS con\mands. done. The cnlire program should work. out of the cassette pon can be run through an earphone. Plug the 3.5mrn eoo of the earphone I fiTS! did Ihis with Locksmith Fasl Disk CLJ If the drive grinds and the coPy does in the pon c10SCSl to the righl side of your Copy, which I converted into a file with not worl::, Emal arxI press IDELETE) to compUler. 1lw:n just choose the cas.sette optioo, COMPUTIST 14] and it now boots in 3.5 enter the monilor. Type: such as in Wary Navy and in Music seconds. I will now begin the lengthy ".n, Construction Set, and listen in Ihrough your explanation of how to do lhis. earphone. You can also tape whal you play by Stan with a blank 48K sla\·edisk. Find oot Look at the displayed code for the Ihree plugging one end ofa a cord with a 3.5mm plug how many sectors it takes up and use the bytes 2C 50 CII. When you find them write on both ends in the OUTjack (the one closest following chart to make a simple sector edit: down the exact memory location of the 2C. to the right) and the other end the M1C jack (the If your utility is 15 sectors or less convert Oil Enter the address in SCClor zero as the larger microphone hole on the cassette player). the sectors used into the following two bytes: following sector edit: Then jusl press PLAY and RECORD while the First before I give yoo the chart, do this. Gel the number of SCClor the file takes up in the To music is playing. T.k _S,_tB_,_'_e(s) o"C"'''::--- For those who already know this I will tell catalog. ConveCl this inlo a hexadecimal number and minus one. This is lOp sector it will S.. _s.. _'C8-CC__ ..~"lc::B~__ (see note) you something you probably do not know. You me can conven any deprotected machine language NOI:e: Take the address you found. for """.Use this chan to find out what byte to PJI based program 1(1 play through the cassette jack. example SIAFF, and n;verse the digits 10 make Wonder how? I'll show you: in the catalog 10 free Ihose eUe! sectors. FF lAo Enter Ihese IWO numbers in byles SCB All sound on the Apple II (excepl for Byte 1: Sectors F E 0 C BA9 8 and sec. Mockingboards and other sound cards) toggle 9i1001111 D1J You can now enjoy a deprotected the location $C030 in ROM to produce a click. The above binary number was generated version of BIBCk Magic. When this location is toggled repeatcdly, it by a program that used sectors B and below. For those who are proficient at Senior produces a lOne. These tones are used to create The number is 15 or $0F. This chart is very PROMing. I found the bytes that store: The music. The cassette sound produclion works easy to lL~ just take the top seelor and make number of arrows in each bolt (presently exactly the same but with me location $C020. that a one and every seclor below it a one, and random), !he number of spells you have, and By changing the number SC030 or the make every sector alxwe it a zero. Sucb as this the number of arrows you have. With some bytes U0 C0 to $20 C0 all sound generated example that used sectors 9 and down simple sector editing you can easily make each runs through the cassette: OUT pon and can be Bytes 1&2: arrow bolt contain 60 arrows and stop your rccordc:d. To do this jus! use a sectOr editor with sectors: FED CB A 9 8 1 6 5 4 3 2 I II spells and arrows from decreasing, but I don'l a scan feature 10 scan for ail occurrences of 311 80811891111111111 want to spoil !he challenge of trying to gCI CO. Zahgrim's STAFF (hint, hint). Check all occurrences and if a 2C or AD And conveCl these two numbers from Hint: the byres are stored in the zero page. precedes the 39 C0 lhen change the 30 to a 29 binary to hexadecimal. This example happens and write the sector back. Do this to the whole to be the numbers $03 and $FF.

I .6 COMPU'nST #51 January I If your program is more than 16 seclOrs Senior PROM V3.0 which I have had for Teddy Bear-rels of Fun. and Create with than just make these IWO numbers SFF and do a )'ear now and is my #1 favorite piece of Garfield, Deluxe using the '·capture the boot" the same as we jusl did for track 2 but 10 find hardware (even over my lmagewriter II) and approach. To do this wi!h these and many other out the number of sectors used on lrack two, my besl utility. (you can gct the sector editor similarly protet:ted programs, boo!: !he originaJ just minus si.... lCen from the number of seclOfS up and running with ilS own RWTS in less than disk to lhe first menu. and lhen save the in the program, Enaer the two numbers you a second if you are fast). program according to the instructions for your come up with for byle I inlO mese bylC 00 lnlCk Bag ofTricks 2 with which you can reskew card. Make a self-booting copy of this menu, II disks. recover lost catalogs and flies, eumine and then copy the entire original program using lracks without having to understand all about any copy utilily to the back side of the dLsk. _T'_" _"_""_ cTo=--- _ nibble code dumps (bul il helps) and it has a Now, when you boot the disk and the firs! menu $11 500 53C P P the tlll'O nu!ltlers sector editor with a 78 COMM:AND l?! help comes....!!l!: llip the disk to the other side:. and menu .....hich has everything from macros 10 press ~ whatever program asks for to For lhe [wO bytes for track 2, if you have me labels for locations on a disk. continue. any, make Ihis seClor edit also Locksmith 6.0 with a 19 second copy _"_k SCt 8_,_,,_(,_> '_'_"_ cTo'--- _ program (with 64K au....i1iary memory and two Normalizing Polarware's 5II 51la 54\! P?, the nell hill drives), The ability to encrypt files so no one else can look at them, and file parameters to Electric CraJOD series If your program takes exactly 32 sectors aUlomatically copy f1les. These are just a few Here is a way 10 make: complelely normal then all four numbers are 5FF. of it's abilities. ProDOS copies of some other children's Now thai you have {reed the tracks to lhe Copy II Plus (whatever \'ersion is 001 /1Ow) software, namely PoIarware's EI«1ric Crayon euct size spedfieations, boot up me disk with which can do all DOS and ProDOS work and series. the program and BLOAD the program, lnsen the with a very versalile Bit Copy program. I received my Sesame Street Opposites di~, disk you have been working on and BSAVXthe Merlin Pro, a fully fearurc:d macro assembler and much to my chagrin, I cooJd Dot ealalog, program with 54 added to the address and $4 which suppons 65C02, 6502, and 65802 copy, bil-«>py, or in any way back up this M1btraaed {rom the lenglh. Type CAU.-t51 and usage and which M1pports relocatable code and ProDQS 1.1.1 release. Well, after some find oul whal the four bytes you didn'l save a program [0 derive source codc straight from raspberry yogun came close 10 destroying all were and write !hem down. SeclOr edit those machine language programs! my daugtuer's pieturt:S 00 the maSler, I realized four bytes onto the first four bytes ofthe starting lhal children's software must be backed up! scclor minus I (sector 6 if il stans on sector When I used lhe "STOP" command from the 7). Now we are going to work on the loading. pull-down mcnu, I realized that the nonnal 800t up your sector editor again and take a Ralph Augenleld ProDOS '·quit protocol" was inlaCl. as I was look at lnIck 500, sector 501. Make lhe presented with the opportunity to specify the following changes: prefix and pathname of the next program. Of To the reader who discovered the "absolute course, I chose Copy n Plus as my prefix, and Sct :,"~""-- _T'_k B_,_I_'_('_> cTO=----;-__ reset'· (Jim S. Han) on the Laser 128 Uti!.system as my pathname. and guess what'! 500 591 $15 92 nott I (COMPUTIST #49), I nominate you for a Now, apparently, since Copy II Plus was SlA 04 nott 2 "Wozzie" (a "Clancy?") award. NOI only running under II "modified" ProDOS (a llO-oo). ~ S48 84 gO note 3 does the combination of take you it eataJogcd, and copied nonnally! I fonnaned 5SE 02 note I directly from any program into the monitor on a blank disk with the name /OPPOSITES (same 563 04 note 2 ROM version 3.0, but it can bring you back as original), copied a new "Donnal" ProDOS SAC CE EE again. "----- from my CopyIIPlus, and then copied all the It also can gel you oul of "frozen" monitor files (except ProDOS. of course) from the Note I: starting track of your program states where normally only a re-boot can release original to my new disk. NOIe 2: staning sector on starting track you. Further, if you have a program which is That's it ...a perfect ProDOS copy, ready for NOle 3: starting address of your program "resetiTotected" or, in other words, pressing RAM card. hard disk, a collection of all these in low-high order (IE S2000 is 0(J) 20) ISm I does not re-boot or wipe out your games on a 3.5" disk. elc. Write protecllhe tracks 000 and two so you memory,you can go from thc monitor back to can still use this disk for data. Make these sector your program where you len off! Go from Copy And other notes.... edits; IJ Plus to the monitor and right back to where To you left off with this melhod! Also, it replaces As per my lasllener about saving data on the '" _"_"_'_"_('_> c'c'''",:,-=.,--_ c,-::=-:::-_ having to type 3D0G to get back to BASIC. Ramfactor card when the eompuler is off, $II S00 S3C-3F 0090 00 00 00 00 n?! and can be used eJlactly like an '·NMI" card Applied Engineering now has replacements for S46-43 !! n 0009 0000 00 00 10 enler the monitor from protected programs. two of ils chips on the card which draw less currenl, and therefore hopefully generate less Your program should now load in a maner heal, and run longer from a battery during a of seconds. backDps via IViJrkard jXlwer outage. The cost is S20.00. Speaking of non-maskable interrupl cards, Also. Copy lJ Plus V.8,0 with the ability 10 A DOle 10 begilUltl'S using my Wildcard JJ I have found quite a few bit copy aDd sector edit 3.5" disks. sometimes For those beginners to programming out programs mat can be backed up and made inlo righl to a hard disk, and several other new there I should give you some litles to look OUt a simple: self-running DOS (Quick-,ofcourse) features should be available in late for. Being a probably IJ'Ilermediate 10 Advane:ed disk, Some surprising single load programs J:>eoember,1987, according 10 Ccnlrai Poinl programmer myselfI have found some excellent include ~ itl the World is CMmen Software. In addition, their new dri~ controller programs out there that some of you haven'l SaOOiego(side one, and not ·'U.S.A."), EOO card is much smaller, draws less current, and bought because you don'l know if [hey are any IV, & Hardball. sccms to run bettcr. as does the new "quiet" good. Some: of these are: I also back up some DLM software, like verston of their 3.5"' drivc.

COMPDnST 1'51 Softk~y /or, .. That is where I am stuck. What do I have to look for or what do I have to changc in the software that uses the font folder to get French Edward Teach Disney's Card And Party Shop Characters? Bantam Software Softkey for... for"~. This software is protected almost A.P.T. identically to the Cartoon Maker except that Walt Disney's Cartoon Maker Bantam was nice enough to not change the Might and Magic Bantam Software epilogues on track S11. But, you stiU have to change Irack $11 sector SQ)(/) byte 50l from This is a rather cute ilem that a friend 00 10 11, in order to get a catalog. purchased and then could not back up. My fiTSl Now that you have placed the catalog b3ck A1iUIe help to reach go at inspecting a disk is Locksmith fasl ropy. on the disk. copy all files cxcqJl the ones listed Even if it does not copy the disk it will sllow above. Use the same HELLO progrtlm except The INNER SANCTUM what tracks are prOlected. you must change the bron program from FUN This disk had protection Olt tracks $03 and to START. $11. Also protected wa.~ sector $0F on track • Requirements WID. Using a nibble editor showed track 503 A.P.T. /or... was seclorless and that track $11 had lIle o A sector editor (I used Copy 1/ Plus) epilogues changed 10 FF FF. Card And Party Shop C Might and Mtgie. side B Using Supcr fOB I copied track $11 to my Bantam Locbmithed copy. The disk still would not Reading ..Use your sector editor and catalog. So on track $11 scctor $QX7) change become the Ma~'ter ofShadowkeep's dilngers" byte $IDI from 00 to 11. Writing this to disk Freedom of speech for Mickey Moose did case my conscience. I had been ·visiting· will allow a catalog. Is it possible 10 have an A.P.T. on a non­ the other side of Might and Magic for some Looked good so far. the disk even had a game?? Scan through lIle Cat100n Maker time. HELLO program. Loading the HELLO program named FUN and you will find a list Che.1ting will not make you Ihe master of program showed lIlat the next file loaded wa.~ of the -dirty' words lIlat Minnie and Mickey Might and Magic bUI it sure helps. To reach SSPROmJ. should never say. In fact the program deleles the Inner Sanctum you will need your wits to TI'lis program was encrypted and rather these words from any text you have ryped. I solve some puzzles. Thai is what makes Might hard to decipher. Once run it reads track $03 changed all the words 10 nonsense words. after and Magic such a fascinating game, and verifies that the original disk is in the drive. all if we have freedom of speech in THE Then the program SSPROT$$A is called. After COMPUTIST. shouldn't the mke have the a dozen or so hours and a few reams ofpaper, What's Where same in an unprotected ropy? Jdecided to scan around the disk. Interestingly Ifyou are reaDy stuck use your SCC'tor editor Jcame across a one sector program lIlat did nOl and scan lIle disks for data. (Remember. you appear in lIle catalog. It was really nice of lIle will NOT find everything!) programmer to leave this program on the disk. Carole Fox There are four sides: Once 1placed it back in the catalog and ran it. SIDE A: The boot disk the mllin program slaned and worked perfectly, French characters and SIDE B: Characters and towns IT] Init both sides of a disk. deleting the SIDE C: Outside HEllO programs afterwards American IIGS Software SIDE 0: Castles and Caves [I] BRUN FlD. and when prompted forthe ~. How Jour Merlin or Lancelot slot K. press ® Could anyone help me? IT] Enler the monitor. I am french and I useDgs American software becomes Superman! CALL ·151 like Mulciscribc GS, DeLuxe Paint II. 816 Usc your sector editor to read track $05. _:1160 Paint... secror$OOofSideB. Yousbou1d find the name 8125;116Ct They all use the fonts from ofyour first dta:rnctcr. 1llere are approximately I03G ISYSTEMIFONT. These fonts are 2 characters in each senor. international: you can find the chal1lcters used Follow the table and strengthen your [LJ Now copy all the files except: in America and Europe. characters. Change the bits according to the SSPROT$$I The list of these languages is given when table. Don't forget to write the sector back to SSPROTSSA you choose 'Options - Display language and disk when you arc finished with your changes, HELLO keyboard layout' from the Control Panel. All numbers should be written in CREDIT.CMP Using this 'Option' will give you the hexadecimal. Do not rush for your calculator if you posess a I1gs: CALL ·151 and type: = CD Enter lIle following Hello program French Layout (you will type A instead of Q for instance) but will not give you the foreign followed by your decimal number. The and save it on side one of the copy disk. characters like ee 11 ~ ". romputer will give you the hexadecimal tl HOME: POKE :U,13 You will have { instead ofe and @instead number. 21 PIUIIT CHR$(4)"1IIAIl'ILES'" oUI. Experience points and gems are back 10 30 PIUJIT CHa${41"BllUN FUJlI" I found OUI that within the font system, each front. Eumple: Experience - 216790 points = ..... oftbese characters has a different ASCII code: $00 22 28 81 will be writlen 8] 2822 ell Side twO is copya .. enjoy.. 7C for I and SF for l.,

28 COMPU"nST 651 Januuy I Tabl~ I value...... Condillon <6F thunder barruner (the numbers in between give a combination... S70 great axe +3 Byte offset DescriptIon example: 503) S7I f1amherge +3 S00-0F N~ S00 GOOD!! on son:erer staff SI0 sex (see Table 2) $01 asleep S73 staff of magic $11-12 Alignment (oow-base) S02 blinded S74 demon'" glaivc SI3 Race (sec Table 2) S03 asleep_blinded S75 dcvi!'s glai\'c SI4 Class (see Table 2) $7. Ihe llamberge S04 silenced S77 holy f1amberge $15·16 Intellect (now-base) $08 diseased evil f1amberge Might (now-base) $7' 517-18 SI0 poisoned S'E ring mail+3 $19-IA Pcrsonnality (now-base) $20 par

COMPUTIST 1St 1 30 • ...... 1 The protection used on the disk includes. slot or drivc number. or even what kind ofdisk code, thaI is, executing the code on paper along with the dis!: check, one track thai ha~ a drive.) reveals how the code rebuilds itself. The LSR funny' fonnal to foil COPYA and bit copiers The parameler list holds such informalion instruction at $1 De5 modifies the byte and probably as the object of the disk check. as the pathname and address of a data buffer. immediately following it at $1 DCS. This byte Track $19 has one huge sync field with a For our purposes, the most imponant thing is will now contain an ROR inslruction which single string of non-sync bYles. in lhe middle the function code. a very specific indicator of further modifies another. and so on. Afler of the field thaI read: BF CF FJ FC. The bylCs what ProDOS is up to as II. program calls it for running ii, the above code now becomes: outside of this sync field are all FFs. so no me or block-level access. SIll ft OJ ts fight at Sl0C8 program data is lost by using a sector copier Nexl. I booled my ProOOS Users disk. IDeS- 4E C8 10 lSR SlOCB thai can ignore errors 10 'clean' this lrack up. Thi5 puIS ProDOS and BASiC.SYSTEM (the Rotdte 01 ts flCht dt SJDCE The rest of the disk is perfectly normal of BASIC interface) in place. IOCB- 6E CE 10 ROR SlDcr: format. Route bll5 right at SlOOS After copying the disk wilh CGJlY II Plus, ProDOS SPY IOCa- 6E 00 10 ROR SIDOO I printed its catalog with me lengths (again with I then ran a nifty utility called ProOOS SPY Set up some of the eXI t code CGJlY /i Plus). This revealed an ordinary­ by Ken Manly. 1 found it in the February 87 IOCE- 2tl C9 IF JSR SIFC9 looking set of ProDOS files. issue of Nibble (of all places.!) It works like The me ProDOS appears first, folJowed by PROSHADOW. but additionally supplies the some picture files and a file called The:o;e instructions ultimately build the way Mil function name (and filename if accessing OUt at $IE0B... MOLE-SYSTEM which, as I discovered. a file.) included the main program and the disk check. Exll hilpplly I turned on my printer and ran IEOO- 4C 84 IF JIIIP Slf8-t TIle other mes are binary and contain data MOLE.SYS71IM. I sat fascinaled as the SPY that the program uses. program If'llccd ProDOS' search for the file, And the disk checking JSR to the MLI al When I tried to boot my new copy disk. opening and reading it. and finally grinding 10 SIE24. ProDOS loaded itself in, then Ihere were a few a halt as il tried 10 "READ BLK' (read block) C6f1 JIll seconds of disk acces.~. number SC0 inlo mcmory beginning at After a split-second pause, firsl drive 1 IE24- 2900 BF JSR S8FOO $0800, first from drive I, then from drivc 2. Funct Ion code for R£A[) BLK: SeD came on. then drive 2, then the screen cleared Here was the disk check rouline, caught in the and a BASIC prompt and cursor appeared. IE27- 89 m .at Addressofpdflll/ist A qujck call 10 the Monitor showed that SI£16 Further study ofthe oulput from my printer 1£28- 16 IE ASl SIE.X RAM from the end of the lext screen ($07FF) and ProDOS SPY revealed that no other file to SBFFF had been cleared as well. On error. A-register holds error code. but MOLE-SYSTEM had been accessed. 1111 fh carry fldK set A disk check routine seemed 10 00 taking MOLE.SYSTEM (good name for the control of Ihings. IE2A- Fe il2 BNE SlE2E vannint at this point) must have been using II ProDOS·based disk check routines in my self-modifying routine to READ the BlocK. The experience have used either direct disk access ne"t step was to trace the file itself. This is the call that ProDOS SPY caught (search (he disk andlor memory for It loads in at $2000 as most ProDOS turning on my disk drives trying to read block LDA $C8C,X), or calls to ProOOS' TYPE: SYS files do. The first instruction there Se0 into page $08. With all this code in place, Machine Language Interface (search for is a IMP to $8031. I found that typing IF84G from the Monitor with ISR $BF(0). J used Copy /i Plus' sector my copy disk in the drive started up the program 8931 LSR S93F4 Scrdlllbfepolller-upoyte editor to search the disk for clues to dir«:t nicely. access first (8C CIl). 81134 J5R S893A Bui fd disk check code at The ProDOS Bootstrap Loadcr on track SJDC5 81B7 JJ.lP SlOC5 Do disk check The Softkey $0, and ProDOS itself, on track $4, directly access the disk drive controller card. Closer 893A LOX #560 Tile code f rOf/f l1ere The deprolcction of CTE involves copying inspection of Ihis code revealed nothing out of 893C BEQ S81l46 to Se959bullds tile the original, renaming MOLE.SYSTEM. and 893E LOY #SFF dISk check routine adding BASiC.SYSTEM to the copy. Here's the ordinary. In searching for calls 10 the MLI 804i1 JSR S8C48 why: This will leave you in BASIC's immediate (21l1l9 SF), again I found only the ordinary ones that ProDOS ilself makes. mode when the disk is booted. As boatable ProDOS disks boot, the Bootstrap loader loads 1he source code ofcalls 10 the MLI always 81159 RTS take the form: •The inslIUction at $8031 forces reboot upon and executes the file ProDOS. When ProDOS pressing EJIWlETI. Using code from pages is up and running, it checks the disk for the first JSR SBFOO }1Jf1IP to ML f Cill/ hilndler file in Ihe volume directory which both has OFB functIon cod~ Over 28 functions $30 through $46 as a seed, the disk cbeck code builder al $8(I3A leaves the following code al .SYSTEM as the last 7 charnclers of its DA addr parm list fdCh functlonhdS Its filename, and is a SYSICm me (type: SYS). olin pdrdlJIt!ter Jist SIDeS: Here, we want BASiC.SYSTEM to be lbat me. tDe5- 4£ C3 10 LSR SIOCB As ProDOS processes these calls. it digs notMOLE.SYSTEM. Next, boot the copy disk tOCB- De 7'1 out of the Slack the relurn from subroutine and BLOAD and executeMOLE.SYSTEM lOth!: address, then adds $03 to it in order 10 skip IDC9- CE 10 6E DEC 56£10 poinl of the disk check. Then interrupt and over the function code and parameter Iisl IDCC-- oe 10 BflE SlOES resave MOLE.SYSTEM so it begins at the address bytes so it can return 10 an executable 10CE- 49 RTI point where the phantom disk ched routine instruClioo when the call is done. The function 10Cf- C9 3£ CWP 'HE exits. WheD ifs ready. DELETE this file from code tells ProDOS which device-independenl disk and BSAVI it asa BINary me in its modified function is to be performed. This code doesn'( make much sense upon fonn. All that's needed then is to add a short ('Device-independent' means the first inspection. ICs sprinkJed with ???s and STARTUP program to the disk whicb will run programmer does not have 10 be concerned with references 10 obscure addresses. Tracing the the modified MOLE. SYSTEM.

I Januuy COMPUTIST #51 311 forced me to pul the project on hold for me: lime For example, a representative set of III Use Copy II Plus' DISK COPY 10 being. However. I thought lhat the results of copy the CTE disk. Ignore the read error on paramelcrs stored at $8A93 are 495700 0182 my analysis thus far might be ofinterest 10 other 00 which correspond 10 "read a block of lr3ck 519. COMPUTIST readers and possibly generate consecutive sectors starting allrack $02. sector eLl Usc Copy II Plus' COPY FILES 10 some feedback. S(])(]) into consecutive memory pages put a copy of BASIC.SY5TEM on the new $40-$57". copy disk. t Softkey for... The routine for copying the parameters c:::LJ Use Copy nPlus to RENAME the file from page $8A to page $00 and then jumping MOLE.SYSTEM on the new copy disk to Carriers at War to the disk access vector at $3D0 starts at MOLE.SYS so that ProDOS will run $8ADI and disassembles as f(lllow~. Strategic Studies Group 1984 BAS1C.SYSTEM upon booting. BADl LDX •.noo 8AD3 LOA $8A93,Y IT] Insen the new copy disk in your boo! The game is a simulation of World War II drive and boot il. fleet carrier opc:ralion~ in the Pacific which is 8AD6 STA SOO.X 8AD8 INY [I] BLOADthesystemf1leMOLE.SYS. played on a honeycomb shaped grid. The disk can be easily backed up using 8AD9 '" and get into the Monitor. .4'506 Copy H Plus bitcopy system or the like. """ OF' BtOAD IIOLE.51'S, TStS, $'" ,All) The protection comprises a "Cuslomized 'XDC OX CAIJ..t5t Disk Operating System" by Keating Computer lWlE JSR 50300 Services P/L. There does not appear 10 be any The obvious method for converting the disk CD You're going 10 need ElRESEtI 10 interrupt !he program after il builds the secondary protection such as a nibble count. to 16-seclor, 6-by-2 encoded formal would be necessary code. so bypass the LSR $03F4 The customiztd operating system appears to plug the alien read routioc into the DOS 3.3 instruction at $8031 with !he eommand BGl34G. to rely heavily on concepts from the stone age RTWS, disconnect the postnibble routine. and This starts the program running and which were probably rejected hy Woz at an use the resulting modified RWTS in the Super building the disk check code at $IDeS, but be early stage in the development of the Disk [J lOB swap controller. I tried that. but must have ready to hit BUSiT) a split second later as system. mis:>ed some details because the controller soon ~ the light on the disk drive come.~ on. More specifically, each tcack on thc disk would not read the disk. Timing is imponanL comprises 10 sectors. each having a data field I therefore resoned to the expedient of of SI2 bytes which is 4-by4 encoded using Ihe reading blocks of dala from disk to memory M34G EJnml same scheme as the addres.~ (lCld. using the Carriers' DOS and wriling them back The address headers are 05 AA 85, to a DOS 3.3 disk using SREADlSWRITE and [[] Get into the Monitor again and check reminiscent of OOS 3.2. an Applesoft controller. Capturing the main program and saving il to sec that the needed code is intact. "!bere does not appear to be a me structure CALL-m per st. Instead. various blocks of data which to a OOS 3.3 disk in bootab{e fonn using a copy ,_ may be considered to constitute "pseudo files" card such as Wikkard D or a manual procedure are mapped 10 specific sectors on the disk and poses no panicular problem. Howe\·er. the You should see... readlwritlen directly by specifying the track and Carriers' DOS is incapablcof reading DOS 3.3 lF84~ 20 BO lF JSR $IF8D sector numbers. because it lacks prcnibble and po5tnibblc IF87· 20 "'7 lF JSR $IFA7 A sector read routine is found on track routines. lF8A· 4C 00 21l JWP SlOIl" $00, sector $00 (the boot sector) which is There would appear to be two alternatives readable by the disk controller card find in convening Carriers to the DOS 3.3 converts each consecutive two bytcs ofdata on environment. The first would be to rewrite the IT] Get back to BASIC and use the disk to one byte in memory using the shift. Carriers· DOS so that it would read and write BAS1C.SYSTEM to delete MOLE.SYS and mask and combine technique which is to 6·by-2 encoded seclOrs. The second would save a new, modified \'ersion of the file. conventionally employed for reading address be to map the pseudo mes which are read by 3DO

34 COMPunST 151 1 --:.JOD=u,,"'Y=_1 [j::J Don't forget to write the sectors back A9 that you found in step 2, change all the [0 Type: to the disk. bytes to EA up to, bot not including the bytes with the value 25 flfl that you found in step 3. CALL-151 8942:11 Softkey for... eD Change the 25 00 to A9 FF. 8957:08 Manic Mansion ITJ Writc the sector back to the disk. RUN COPYA Lucasfilm Games Softkey for... [I] That's it. This title is distributed by Activision and Sorcerer Softkey for... uses the same protection as do several other Infocom recent Activision releases. Honse-on-a-disk Acrivision IT] Use any fast copy program to copy [I] Boot your DOS 3.3 system disk. both sides of the disk. o::J Typ,,, [0 Using your sector editor search side [I] Use any fast copy program to copy I for the string that begins A9 56 85. CALL-15I both sides of the disk. 8925:1861ll o=J Look ahead until you find the string [0 Using your sector editor search side B98B:1860 I for the string that begins A9 56 85. 38 2A 25 FC. 8£48:18 CLJ Starting with the byte with the value B8FB:290G CD Look ahead until you find the string A9 that you found in step 2, change all the RUN COPYA 38 2A 25 FC. bytes to EA up to, but not including the bytes CI:] Starting with the byte with the value with the value 25 FC that you found in stcp 3. o=J Make the following sector edits to the A9 that yuu found in step 2, change all the copy you just made. LLJ Change the 25 FC to AS FF. bytes to EA up to, but not including the bytes T_'_k _"_' _"_'_'_('_1 From ,T~' _ with the value 25 FC that you found in step 3. IT] Write the sector back to the disk. 500 502 550 Be AD eD Change the 25 FC to A9 FF. Softkey for... __ '_'_'-_FC_ C9 BC c":.:::,.,'--__ CD Write the sector back to the disk. Knng-fn Master LLJ Writc the sector back to the disk. Something interesting, .. , Data East Softkey for... Here is something that I found out that you might find interesting and useful. IT] Boot your DOS 3.3 system disk. On Side I, track $11, sector $01, bytes Zorkm $00-08 is where the information is stored for [0 Tell DOS to ignore checksum and Infocom the character. epilogues and run COPYA . Ifyou have not yet written to side 2, (make POD 47426,24 CLJ Boot your DOS 3.3 sy~tem disk. several copies of side 2 before you write to RUN COPYA them), changing the value of bytes $00-08 CIJ Type: will produce a different little computer person. u=J Make the following sector edits tu the CALL-151 He will look basically the same, but he will have copy you just made. 8925:1861ll a different name. he also may have different ~ s_,_t ~ FromT'0' _ 8988:1160 color hair, or some type of hat on, etc. B£48:18 You must start each byte with the number '" _"_5$_'_'-_"_ A0 00 018"',,,' _ BBFB:29 H 3, (example 31, 33, 36. etc.). RUN COPU LLJ Write the se<:tor back to the disk. t Correction to the softkey for... CLl Make the following sector edits to the Softkey for... copy you just made. Temple OfApshai Trilogy T T_'_k _"_' _,,_,,_(_,) C''c-"""--__ C,'-- _ Epyx Spy vs. Spy volume 1&2 500 502 55D Be AD Avantage 5FB-FC ~C9"',,C ''',,',,' _ My sankey in issue COMPUTIST #48 was not complete. The softkey shown will only work This title is distributed by Accloade and CD Write the sectors back to the disk. if you first copy your original disk using the uscs a protection scheme somewhat like recent Copy fl Plus v7.4 panns and then using the Activision releases. Softkey lor... copy you made as the disk you copy from using [I] Use any fast copy program to copy COPYA as shown in (he saftkey. both sides of the disk. BatUe Crniser t A problem with the softkey jor... [0 Using your sector editor search side Strategic Simulations I for the string that begins AS 56 85. I didn't do this next softkey myseJf, butI'm Crisis Mountain CD Look ahead until you find the string Microlab 38 2A 25 00. told that it wilJ work. LLJ Starting with the byte with the value r:::::I:J Boot your DOS 3.3 system disk. None of the COMPUTIST softkeys had

January COMPUTIST #51 35 I worked for my copy of Crisis Mountain. The disk format is the same, and the DOS is thc samc, the only differencC5 being that let ~ When I figured out a softkey that seemed to work, (the same softkey shown in Wizardry IV Codes docs not have-any 'language card data' (even COMPUTIST 1/50 sent in by The Hacksaw), Wizardry IV gives you three 4--

A.P.T. for... This letter is to infonn COMPUTIST Softkey for... readers thatIet by Sublogic can be deprotected Wizardry IV by using thc Flight Simulator softkey in MlJIlic Mansion Sir Tech COMPUT1ST #36 with just a few Activision modifications.

I 3. COMPUTIST #51 January I L:LJ Copy both sides of Manic Mansion 'N-T4,5edor Copy with COPYA. Sector Edit,Track 3,SectOl' 06,005 3.3,4A: EAJEAfEA IT] Use your sector-editor and make the 1"J·T22,Sector Copy MOST following changes on side I of the disk: ~ ~ CT~' The subsequent copy gives a read error on Tr _"_'_'_''_) Froo -,- _ track $fl)6 but this doesn't matter. 500 $0C $56-95 A9 ..2A all EAs WANTED ___"_'-_96_ 25 FC A,,9_'_' _ SoCt:keys

Softkey for, .. R Bendel ARM Mwu Accolade Comic. Accokulc Agent USA. S<:hola>lk Aliens t Softkey for.. , AirhcM Broderbwnd Activision AlgeNa>lcr Om'idson of" Alg~bra I Im,ligcnt TUior Wings OfFury Appl~ Sup~r Pilot Appl~ L:LJ Copy both sides of Aliens with Broderbund Ballblnur Epy< COPYA. RakJ.nce of PO"'cr Mlnd.scape BA"dils Slriws Software Wing.~ CD Use your sector-editor and make the I received a copy of ofFury and the &",k Stred fill,r Brooerowfui following changes on side one of the disk: fIrst thing I did was to check out any other wares O,.,.i" B"nk The Ob,amlOry T_'_"_'_tB_,_,_,_,,_) Froo T"''-- _ that Broderbund just put out. C"plain Goodnight Brad,round Hey, look at this; Eric Taylor's softkey for Car Builder Opliwn Rewwr<·e Clwmpion,hip Ba>eball AC/lvislon $0B 50E $5B-9A A9", 2A aII EAs Screel 3 #47. Bank Writer in CQMPUTIST Colos.... IV Flrebird __ '_9_'-_9C_ ,,25_'-,-' ',,9_',,' _ My crack is to use Locksmilh to bit--copy Creal, with GIIrfield /JIM $00-22 both sides, then boot up your Copy II Cros. Clues Sclena Research Plus v5.2 (old), DOS patch 3.3 and read track Cnmword Magie Mlnd>capc $00 sector $0B and type in Table I ofthe Bank CT)pI of Media Sir Tcch DB M",IU V4.0 Sume",,,r. Dennis Gaunt Street Writer 3 softkey. Write it back to the disk Dup SptU;e Sir Tech only on side A. Then make your drive busy EOrfh Orbiling SWtiQn (£05) Eleclrooie An Softkey for... P,S. It was made in Lacrosse and it was F"J: The Ma.hd Woman Digilech Software cmcked in Lacrosse. FaJ'1 Word lUllIJ Digltech Software Fay: Word IIu"ler Digilcch Sijhmre Bridge4.@ Fun Bunch Unicorn GtmslQnc Realer SSI Artworx (;(}/dFi"gu Mltu/scopc Goo"les lJalasQjt Bridge4.flJ, a mediocre bridge program by GnuleBu'fe", 1-1·) GraJebwlters Artworx is easily deproteetcd by using the Gwl...barg Jr. d. Sr. Mlcromatiotl LTD softkey given for Computerbridgc in Handicapping Syslem Spom Jwdge t Softkey addendum for... Rardballll (gs) Acrokuie COMPUTIST #44. [t consists of: J d: S Gnute Book J de S Software RUN COPYA Jig,o'" Microfim IEXI Bag Of Tricks u Fruncais Pur On/inalear D. C. Healh '" Co Quality Software I""gaq of Ihe Ancienl. Elt('tra"ic A.rts ,. Marble Madnes. (UgI) £leCironic Ans CALL-lSI Malhbltrsler D1U II (gs) Mkroprou PinbaD Construction Set With the help of the Locksmith Automatic Boot Snoggl, Brooerowui Tracer, I found the area which caused the StellM 7 Pengwin Software problem, made a change to send the program .~""cn' "'i/h Typi"g VI.2 Sch"laolic S<;ftworc to the correct DOS location and have had no SaJHr FlUlory Sunbwrst My version of Pinball Construction SCt Think Tank living Video problems with any of the unprotected Bag Of resisted all ofmy attempts at deproteetion, Since To ...·u of M)'raglen II (gs) PHI software Trich programs. I didn't have a $Oftkey specifically for this Type! Orodnbund The change I made should be added to step VlSibl.nd Microkl!J program in my back issues of COMPUTlST, 18 is: »1lu. in the USA i$ C. Sail Diego Bmderbund I used the Copy {f Plus v7.1 to do it. This disk Work Forcc If Core eonapt3 has 3 parameters for Pinball Construction Set 5553:81 1ne Work. Fim Srar Sop'are (Alt.). The parameteno, which are entered in Zorro Da/""oft the Create A Parameter option, are:

I January COMPUTIST #51 37 I ~OMPUTIST back issues

49 Fl!alurl!s: Eliminate some 47 FeUJures: Infocom·text Reader SO Fealures: SuJWr Bouldmi.Jsh ProOOS erroneous error messages -Oateltime Enhancement ·Color Uhimapper mod to APT -writer eSoftktYS to Adivision! MECQ withour a dock card -Sedor swgery: recom­ Ultimapper IV -Towne Mapper utility for and PFS ProOOS/ software eDouble f.8 lost files -Gmerating AppIeIoft programs 'm­ Ulima IV .Dungeon Mapper utiily lor Bard', ROM space wlo motherboard Alfgery • Are­ the·fly' -Product "'1onilor reviews ePLUS: Tale .Hardware Comer: Infnrupling Your Apple bimodal Switch eUsing Sider hard How 10 convert list Handler files into Apple .Softkey for Charlie Bro",,"', 1,2.3s drives 3\1)", sO,')( drives. & Sl4" drives in standard texi files -How to make e RDEX Softke)'s: .Guitar Wizard oos U eSojikeys:*Alitns • Alter Ego GRAPHlC.GI1.ABBERv3 run on thr Igs -lase!" .Gemstont Warrior .NoLlbie Phantom *Alternale Reality • Amazins Reading 118 'absolute' RESET eplaJ;ng Tips for: ·Micro Wine CorJvanion .Stickybear Printer M.tchines .. Amazon ..Ammcan Chatlmge Bard's Tale n, Conan, Donkey Kong, tmkrr .Note Card Makff -Starcross ·Wishbringr-r * Arcade AIbt.m *I ..Arithmetic CriUm; I, Hard Hat Mack, Orbitron, Print Shop .Dinosaur Dig -Dam Busters ·Pirate .Award Maker .Baseball DalahaH' Convarion, SptIbreaker, Spy Huller, Ukimil Adventure -Infiltrator -MKC wftware * 'trBard'5 Tak! II: Dntiny KniShl .BCli 4 eA.p. T.s for: Infiltrator, lode Runner, .Banner Catch • Turtle Tracks .PFS File Ouesl for Tires .. Bop oS Wrestle *Champ. Montezuma', Revenge. SwordthrtlSl wrif'I .Microzine '12, i 13. , 14 ·Marble Boxinll .~. Wrestling .Ciod<. Works RDEX Softkl!Ys: -Addition logician Madness .Writer Rabbit .Arcticfox ·Age Of • Commando ..Comp4Jtel' Prep fOf SAT .Animate ·Arcadt 8001 Camp ·Arctic Fox Adventure .Mghl: And Magic .Space Station * Conflict In Vietnam ..Counting Critters ·Bard', Tate II ·Cafn MotM -Counting .Ahemate Reality -Mindshadow ·Gemstone *(mis Mountain * Oal~1 50 Siaies Critters -Dam Busten t -Dt>stl'O)'ff ·Draw Warrior .Strip Poker -lucifer's Realm it (Mu~ Paint II * Dino Eggs * Disney P1usvl.O.Dr. Ruth'I~. GaI11t' 01 Good .Manuscript Manager .Bank Sllftt Writer Card oS Party Shop ..Disnty Comic Strip Sex .Echo 1.0 .E.D.O. 4 -Gamem.lkff • ·KKlsOn Keys -The !\1issiog Ring eGrapt'lc A.tlker u Draw Plus • Fldolon • Electric -Hard Ball -Infiltrator -list Handler t Solution .Empire I. II -Championship Golf Crayon ABCli * Expedition Amazon .locksmith 6.0 FaSlcopy t -Magk Sl.lte •Faet'm

38 COMPUTIST 51 January more back issues

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January COMPUTlST 51 45 technical questions to the readers and ask for their responses which will then IBM·RDEX needs: be placed in the nen issues. COMPUTIST does not purchase l. About lK of new subscribers. articles or programs... .IBM-RDEXeJ Subscriben who (on their subscription Happy New Year to all IBMusers! form - page 3) check the box marked 'I am a new IBM subscriber'.

2. Clear, concise, simple softkeys Finally, after serving the presented in a logical, step-by·step Other Words deprotection needs of the community fashion. We also need to build up our own of Apple-users for 6 yean, MOST WANTED SOFTKEYs to let our COMPunST bas opened ita pages to 3. Tutorials on copy-protection and readen know which programs to work another computer, and a whole new disk formatting. on and what softkeys to send in for audience will discover the secrets of publication. deprotection in this all-new lBMusen 4. Useful andfun programs created by Reader's Data Exchange (IBM-RDEX). COMPUTIST readers for the benefit of all. Editorial 5. Notes, opinions, reviews.... Getting a foothold in a traditionally Finally.... Apple-dedicated magazine is going to 6. A.P.T.s and Playing Tips, too. Please put out the word: be tough. It costs kilo-bucks to print COMPUTIST, and it has been going Please send only material you COMPUTI5T through financially rough times originated. Please don't just copy (or now has an recently, as most readers know. print-out) material down-loaded from Apple-user subscribers will not BBS. Send all contributions to: IBM·RDEX subsidize a non-apple column. And they shouldn't have to. IBMuser. RDEX must take care of itself. I think IBM-RDEX editor 50 IBMasel's, please that lK of new subscribers in a year's COMPUTIST subscribe. The mOl'e time would warrant expansion of PO Box IJ(/)846-T that sabscdbe, the JBMuser', RnEX to 8 or 16 more pages Tacoma, WA 98411 of important data than debuted in this mOl'e pages can be issue. Remember that your letten or added to COMPUTI5T In principle and in format, IBM­ parts of them may be used in the JBM· that will be dedicated ROEX will follow the successful lead of RDEK section even if your don't Apple-ROEX at first. Apple ROEX specifically address it to the IBM·ROEX to IBM·RDEX. succeeds as a forum because their editor. We reserve the right to publish readers respond promptly to each any correspondence we receive. And Just use the subscription form on issue, and their reponse. are i.n the what does get published. may be edited pagethreeand check the box marked: very next issue!. It'. very lively and for clarity, grammer and space "I am a new mM subscriber'" up-to-date because COMPUTIST is requirments. composed that very month and not Because of the empheral and P.S.·· If you have access to any BBS, months ahead of time like most unpredictable appearance (and leave a message about COMPUTIST magazines. disappearance) of our part-time and IBM-ROEX. Can IBM·ROEX emerge as a volunteer staff, any response to your leading forum for deprotection as has written queries will appear only inthe Apple-RDEX.? Let'. tryl IBM-ROEX so it would be more appropriate for you to present NOT THE ENO

.6 COIiPUTlST #51 JanulU')' ~ fD. 9d ~ tdtut ~ Ue COMPUTIST's...

No 'Input' or 'Readers Page.~ need nOI be stapled together. Tips for advanced uses, program o The firsl page should contain the modifications, and utilities can also be Softkey & Copy Exchange' following dala: included. Avoid 101lg print statements and The old INPUT and Ihe READERS TITLE OF WORK use TABs instead of spaces. SOFTKEY AND COPY EXCHANGE roLL NAME OF AUrHOR &~mber: A beginner should be able 10 columns have now been combined inlo the ADDRESS type the program with ease. A program will Dew Reader$ Data Exchange (or RDEX. PHONE NUMBER not accepted for publkation without an pronounced AR-DEX). accompanying article. o Each page of the manuscript and These articles, as well as articles on All softkcys. comments. articles. program listing should illClude the and bugs hardware and DOS modifications MUST questions. answers, fixes and author's name, the title of the work, almost any Olher inronnation that must be summarize the action of the main routines and the page number in the upper right printed in a timely fashion will be placed in and include II fully remarked listing. hand comer. RDEX. F. GENERAL ARTICLES may include Although we will print letters and article­ advanced tips, tutorials. and explorations of softkey submissions that are received as only A standard text me on a a particular aspect of Apple computing. printed text, we would prefer that they be G. SOFTKEYS must contain detailed Step­ submitted on disk. DOS 3.3 5'1." floppy disk by-slep procedures. Number each step The article and any accompanying For each softkey, first introduce the program should be submitted as a standard locking leChni~e used and then give precise We no longer purchase text file on a OOS J.J disk. Label the disk stepS to unlock the copy-protected program. with the title of the work and the author's articles or softkeys full name and address. That's right. The author's 'by-line' is the ON DISK. TEXT MUST BE SINGLE­ only payment offered to COMPUTIST SPACED ONLY. Please identify your Please do NOT send any wrilers who get published. Even the staff is editing program. composed of unpaid volunteers. We always uy 10 return your dish as soon original commercial disks Of course, COMPUTlST reserves the as possible. Still, 10 protect ourselves, we We accept articles which explain locking right to edit and publish ANY contribution must say that we are nO! responsible for techniques used in several programs (whether submincd as a Ictter-to-the-editor unreturned submissions. published by the same company. or anicle-softkey) in the RDEX section. H. APTs or ADVANCED PLAYING All published contributions become the TECHNIQUES can deal with alterations to property (and are copyrighted as pan) of Here's how best to 'talk' a program. deleting annoying sounds, COMPUTIST magazine. acquiring more points in play and avoiding to COMPUTIST readers hazards. A. Always assume that your reader is a Again, provide slep-by-step inSlructions How to get your name on novice and explain all buzzwords and to complete eacb APT and explain each technical jargon. Pay special attention to step's fuoction. RDEX contributors list grammar and punctuation. we require Whether you are contributing data to technical competence aIXl good, readable Please mail all leiters, !lItort ankles and RDEX or juS! asking a question, wc urgc style. softkeys m the RDEX £diJor. When aocepte:d you 10 follow these writer's guidelines. B. A list of hardware and software for publication. they will be IMMEDIATELY edited. typeset and All conlribulions and submissions Requirements should be included at the o entered into the next ROEX. should be submitted in both printed beginning of the manuscript. When Remember that we cannot purchase tMse format and on disk. published, this list will be offset from the main text. contributions. D Your printout must use only one side C. Include the manufacturer's or publisher's of the paper. name when a commercial program or RDEXed o Text sbould be double-spaced using a product is mentioned. non--eornpressed font with both upper D. When submitting your own programs, PO Box 110846-T and lower case. fir.>t introduce Ihe purpose of lhe program Tacoma, WA 98411 DA Idler quality mode is preferred, with and features of special interest. Include each page tom al the perforation only. background information describing its usc. The Hacker's Ultimate Copy' Deprotection Utility Super lOB Collection !

• Yes. please send me The Super lOB ColJedion Includes both disks with Super lOB version 1.5. N._ ,D< COMPUTISr 132. PLUS a reprint of "Disk Inspection aM Add= the Use of Super lOB", o USlCanadalMexico for $16.00 Ciry Stale Zip o Other Foreign for $20.00 Country Pho« Send 10: Super JOB CollltCtion Eo,. PO BoJl: l10846-T Tacoma, WA 98411 •• or call: (206) 474-5750 for. or • orders. Signalure CPSI ·Requires at ]ea!jl 64K of memory. uAlthough some cOlitrollcrs will completel)' deprotect the program Most orders are shipped wichin S working days. however. please allow they were designed for, some will 1lOt. and therefore require their 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. Washington residents. plea!oC add 7.8% Silks laX. corresponding issue of COMPUTIST 10 complete the deprotection procedure. US funds drawn on US banks

IW COMPUnSl !:>l J,muary