


* To PROFESSOR CHARLES W. LARNED This Book is respectfully dedicated by the Corps of Cadets as a token of its esteem EDITED 1904 BV THE




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LJ uu UL3 CCORDING to the long standing custom, so old that "the A of man runneth not to the contrary." a preface to a book usually takes the form of an apology for its existence. This is certainly the conclusion we have come to after carefully reading during four years the numerous "specially prepared" volumes of balderdash passing incognito as textdx>oks. For this reason we have finally decided on a new departure, in presenting a hook which would he able to stand 011 its own legs, as it were, without the support of a quibbling, apologetic preface. Still this hook has a purpose—a purpose which to many of us now is perhaps not even superficially apparent. Four years ago we mack' our appearance here on the eve of a great revolution. Everything was hanging in suspense, even the clock in the guard house stood still, waiting for a move which was sure to come. There were rumors, mutterings, vibrations, everything was a-quiver. Suddenly the storm broke—and—1<;°4 was caught in the deluge. Of those days much has keen written, more spoken, hut only [904 knows the quantity of gray matter that was expended in thought. We were the victims both before and after. We were the ones who were charged year after year by each graduating class to keep up the old spirit in the corps. Now we stand alone, our work is about finished. And you ask the question: "Have we suc­ ceeded?" Your answer is in the corps right now. The corridors of time are always open to the doubting. The comparison in some cases may he odious but surely convincing. To keep alive in our memory those days of restraint and transition is the purpose of this hook. To some of us it will bring pleasant reminiscences made mellow by the magic touch of time—to others only grim reminders of toil and labor whose sting has been softened because they are part of the past. Our future is not a cloudless sky. but even if cloudy, we have the halm in knowing that at least a few of those fleecy clouds in that chimerical azure blue beyond must have a silver lining. We leave, hoping that the good-will and friendship existing between the different classes is as ripe and sincere as it has been pleasant to us.

11 Perhaps as you turn these pages you will find many things omitted—per­ haps many have been inserted that should have been omitted. However that may he. do not attribute it to the lack of material to work with, on one side, or to the absence of the Editors' blue pencil, on the other. ( >ur one aim has been to portray every scene as it actually existed and appealed to us. If this book succeeds in this, it will not grow yellow with age in vain. In conclusion., let it be understood that this book is not the work of a few men. It would have had an untimely death but for the hearty co-operation of every member of the class of 1904, to whom all thanks are due.



Appointed by tin' President of the

I. HON­ D. B. HENDERSON (President) Dubuque, la. 2. DO \ GEORGE W. BAXTER Denver, Col. 3- COL. ASBURY COWARD Charleston. S. C. 4. HON JOSEP11 N I Secretary | Philadelphia, Pa. 5- COL. WILLIAM A. PEW, JR Gloucester, Mass. 6. REV. ERNEST M. STIRES, D.D New York, X. Y. /• HON J. G. SCHMIDLAPP . Ohio

Ippointed by the /'resident {pro tempore) of the Senate

8. HON RUSSELL A. ALGER Detroit. Mich. 9- ITox A. (). BAD >N ( Vice-President) Macon, Ga.

Appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives

IO. IIox J. A. T. HULI Des Moines, Iowa n. HON GE( ). W. STEELE Marion. Ind. 12. HON 1). A. DEARMOND Butler, Mo.

14 Superintendent BRIGADIER GENERAL ALBERT L. MILLS Cadet U. S. M. A. ICS74-1879; appointed from New Jersey; graduated 37; 2d Lieut., 1st Caw, 1879-1891; A. A. G., U. S. \ . 1898; A. A. 0., U. S. V., 1899; Lieut.-Col., 44th U. S. Infantry, 1899; Captain, 1st Cavalry, 1899; Superin­ tendent I'. S. M. A., 1898; Brigadier General, 1904.

Staff CAPTAIN FRANK \V. COE. Artillery Corps. Adjutant of the Military Academy and Post; Class '>\ the Military Academy and Post; Class '85. CAPTAIN JOHN M. JENKINS, 5th Cavalry. Commissary, and in charge Post Exchange; Class '87. CAPTAIN THOMAS FRANKLIN, Commissary. Treasurer of the Military Academy, and Quartermaster, and Commissary of Cadets. CAPTAIN EDWARD L. KING, 2d Cavalry. Assistant to Quartermaster; Class '96. LIEUTENANT VALERY 11AVARD, Deputy Surgeon General, L. S. A. Surgeon. CAPTAIN ALEXANDER X. STARK. Assistant Surgeon, L. S. A. Assistant Surgeon. WALTER D. WEBB, Assistant Surgeon, L. S. A. Assistant Surgeon. FIRST LIEUTENANT THEODORE C. LYSTER, Assistant Surgeon, C. S. A. Assistant Surgeon.





Commandant of Cadets

LIEUTENANT COLONEL CHARLES G. TREAT, Artillery-Corps. Cadet U. S. M. A. 1X7N-1X82; appointed from Wisconsin; graduated 13. Captain and A. A. G., U. S. V., 1898; Major and A. A. C... U. S. V., 1899; Captain Artillery Corps. 1H99; Commandant of Cadets, I'. S. M. A.. 1001.

Senior Instructors

CAPTAIN JAMES K. THOMPSON, 15th Infantry. Class "84. Senior Instructor of Infantry Tactics. CAPTAIN EDWIN ST. J. GREBLE, Artillery Corps. Class '81. Senior Instructor of Artillery Tactics. CAPTAIN GODFREY II. MACDONALD, 10th Cavalry. Class '83. Senior Instructor of Cavalry Tactics.

Instructors CAPTAIN FRED W. SLADEN, T4H1 Infantry. Class '90. CAPTAIN LINO >L\" C. ANDREWS. 15th Cavalry. Class '93. CAPTAIN HENRY L. XEWBOLD, Artillery Corps. Class '98. CAPTAIN ROHERT C. DAVIS, 17th Infantry. Class \^. - CAPTAIN CHARLES W. EXTOX. _>oth Infantry. Class 18. FIRST LIEUTENANT HERMAN J. KOEHLER, U. S. Army. Instructor of Military Gymnastics and Physical Culture. FIRST LIEUTENANT HERMAN GLADE, 4th Infantry. Class '00.

18 Professor LIEUTENANT COLONEL GUSTAV J. FIEBEGER. Cadet U. S. M. A.. 1X75-1879; appointed from Ohio. Graduated 5. Additional 2d Lieut, of Engineers, 1879; 2d Lieut.. [879-1882; rsl Lieut., [882-1891; Captain 1891 ; Professor of Civil and Military Engineering, C. S. M. A.. 1.896.

Assistant Professor CAPTAIN JAMES P. JERVEY, Corps of Engineers. Class 92.

Instructors FIRST LIEUTENANT WILLIAM D. CONNOR, Corps of Engineers. Class '97. FIRST LIEUTENANT FREDERICK W. ALTSTAETTER, Corps of Engineers. Class '97. FIRST LIEUTENANT ITARLEY B. FERGUSON, Corps of Engineers. Class'97. FIRST LIEUTENANT JAMES A. WOODRUFF, Corps of Engineers. Class '99-

Department of Practical Military Engineering, Military Signaling and Telegraphy

Instructor CAPTAIN MASON M. PATRICK, Corps of Engineers. Class '86.

Senior Assistant Instructor FIRST LIEUTENANT MICHAEL J. McDOXOUGH, Corps of Engineers. Class •99.

19 Professor

LIEUTENANT COLONEL WILLIAM B. GORDON. Cadet. U. S. M. A.. 1873-1877; appointed from Pennsylvania; graduated 6. Captain Ordnance. 1X01 : Inventor U. S. 12-in. mortar carriage, model 1896; Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy, U. S. M. A., toor.

Assistant Professor

CAPTAIN CORNELIS DEW. WILLCOX, Artillery Corps. Class '85.

Instructors CAPTAIN PALMER E. PIERCE, 13th Infantry. Class '91. CAPTAIN WILLIAM G. SILLS, ist Cavalry. Class "95. CAPTAIN JOHNSOX HAGOOD, Artillery Corps. Class '96. FIRST LIEUTENANT CHARLES M. WESSOX, 8th Cavalrv. Class 00. Professor


Cadet. U. S. M. A.; 1870-1874; appointed from Ohio; graduated 14. Associate Pro­ fessor of Mathematics, U. S. M. A.. [893; Professor of Mathematics, U. S. M. A , 1898.

Assistant Professory CAPTAIN CHARLES P. ECHOLS. U. S. A. Class '91. Associate Professor. CAPTAIN GEORGE BLAKELY, Artillery Corps. Class '92. Assistanl Professor.

Instructors CAPTAIN WILLIAM R. SMITH. Artillery Corps. Class '92. CAPTAIN MORTIMER 0. BIGELOW, 8th Cavalry. Class '95. CAPTAIN JOHN E. STEPHEXS. Artillery Corps. Class '98. CAPTAIN JOHN K. MOORE, 15th Infantry. Class '97. CAPTAIN CLAUDE H. MILLER, 24th Infantry. Class '97. FIRST LIEUTENANT LYTLE BROWN, Corps of Engineers. Class "


COLONEL SAMUEL E. TILLMAN. Cadet. I'. S. M. A.. [865-1869; appointed from Tennessee; graduated 3. 2d Lieut., 4th Caw, 1869-1872; transferred to Engineers, 1872; 1st Lieut., 1872; Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy and Geology, U. S. M. A., 1880. »

Assistant Professor

CAPTAIN HENRY JERVEY, Engineer Corps. Class '88.

Instructor./* CAPTAIN JOHN McA. PALMER, 15th Infantry. Class 92. CAPTAIN PAUL B. MALOXE, 27th Infantry. Class '94. CAPTAIN LOUIS M. NUTTMAN, 9th Infantry. Class 95. CAPTAIN ALBERT J. BOWLEY, Artillery Corps. Class '97. WILLIAM R. BETTISON, Artillery Corps. Class 01.

22 Professor COLONEL CHARLES W. LARXED. Cadet, U. S. M. A., 1866-1870; appointed from New York; graduated 28. 2d Lieut., 3d Caw, June to Octoher, 1870; transferred to 7th Cav.; 2d Lieut., 7th Cav., 1870-1876; 1st Lieut., 1876; Professor of Drawing, U. S. M. A., 1876.

Assistant Professor

CAPTAIN CHARLES B. HAGADORX, 23d Infantry. Class '89.

Instructors* CAPTAIN IIAR< >LD HAMMOND, 23d Infantry. Class '98. CAPTAIN CHAUNCEY B. HUMPHREY, 22d Infantry. Class '98. CAPTAIN HENRY C. SMITHER, 15th Cavalry. Class 97. FIRST LIEUTENANT GE( >RGE B. COMLV, ^\ Cavalry. Class '00.



Professor COLONEL EDWARD E. WOOD. Cadet, U. S. M. A.. [866-1870; appointed from Pennsylvania; graduated 6; 2d Lieut., 8th Cav., 1870-187^; 1st Lieut.. 1873-1886; Captain. 1886; Professor of Modern Languages, U. S. M. A.. 1892.

Assistant Professors CAPTAIN WILLIAM KELLY, \\<.. 9th Cavalry. Class '96. Associate Professor. CAPTAIN J. F. REYNOLDS LANDIS, 1st Cavalry. Class '78. Assistanl Professor of the French Language. CAPTAIN THOMAS I ',. HANSON, 19th Infantry. Class'87. Assistant Professor of the Spanish Language.

Instructors CAPTAIN PETER E. TRAUB, 5th Cavalry. Class '86. CAPTAIN WILLIAM NEWMAN, 1 st Infantry. Class '92. CAPTAIN AMERICUS MITCHELL. 5H1 Infantry. Class '95. CAPTAIN ALBERT E. SAXT( >\\ 8th Cavalry, class -(,4. CAPTAIN BERTRAM C. GILBERT, Artillery Corps. Class '.,7. CAPTAIN HARVEY W. MILLER, [3th Infantry. Class '98. FIRST LIEUTENANT CHARLES F. MARTIN, 5th Cavalry. Class '00. FIRST LIEUTENANT ROBERT I-:. Wool). 3d Cavalry. Class bo. SECOND LIEUTENANT FRANK P. LAHM. 6th Cavalry. Class '01.

24 Professor 0 COLONEL AND JUDGE ADVOCATE EDGAR S. DUDLEY. Cadet. I*. S. M. A.. 1866-1870: appointed from New York; graduated 15. Captain. Staff. iN<)_>: Lieutenant and Judge Advocate, U. S. V.. [898-1899; Major and Judge Advocate, U. S. V.. 1899; Professor of Law and History, C. S. M. A., nx)i ; Colonel and Judge Advocate, [904.

Assistant Professor CAPTAIN DANIEL G. BERRY, _>_>

Instructors CAPTAIN PIERCE A. MURPHY, 1st Cavalry. Class '97. FIRST LIEUTENANT IRVIX L. HUNT, 19th Infantry. Class '99. FIRST LIEUTENANT SAMUEL T. ANSELL, nth Infantry. Class'99. FIRST LIEUTENANT HALSEY E. YATES, 5th Infantry, class '99. FIRST LIEUTENANT EDWIN

Senior Assistant Instructor CAPTAIN JEXS Kl'CCE, 28th Infantry. Class 95.

Assistant Instructor*/- CAPTAIN GORDON G. HEINER, Artillery Corps. Class '93. CAPTAIN JOSEPH WHEELER, JR., Artillery Corps. Class 95.

LIBRARIAN DR. EDWARD S. HOLDEN, ALA., Sc.D., LL.D. Cadet, LJ. S. M. A., 1866-1870; appointed from Missouri. Graduated 3. Director Lick Observatory. Cal., until 1898; member of Board of Visitors to U. S. M. A.. [896; Knight Commander of the Ernestine Order of Saxony, 1894; decoration of the Order of Bolivar of Venezuela, 1896; Knight of the Royal Order of the Danebrog of Denmark. [896; Member of the American Philosophical Society. 1897; author of many scientific and other writings; Editor of Supplement to General Cullum's Register of Graduates, U. S. M. A., 1890-1900; address Century Club, New York City. CHAPLAIN REV. HERBERT SHIPMAN. Appointed 1896; re-appointed 1900; re-appointed 1904.



PA K A OK IN CAMP Battalion Organization June 30. 1903

THOMLINSON, Adjutant. KEAN, Sergeant-Major.' DRYSDALE, Quartermaster. T. \V. HAMMOND, Quartermaster Sergeant.

"A." "C." Ca.pta.ini.—ROBKRT,1 W. D. ANDERSON/ BLACK/1 Lieutenants.- R. M. CAMPBELL,1 COOPER,2 O'HARA,4 9 H. C. PRATT, R. C. RICHARDSON,JR.,7 Q. A. GlLLMORE,11 1 lit Sergeants— C. D. DALY, MCKAY,3 TITUS,9 2 Co. Q. M. Sergeants.—Doe, MERCHANT,4 OSBORNE/ 1 Sergeant!.—GRUBBS, BARBER/ WAUGH/ : MAGRUDKR,' ' B. H. WILLIAMS,7 GIBSON." s DONAVIN,' MILES,12 D. C. JONES,14 J. S. HAMMOND.24 KUNZIG,111 A. HOLDERNESS/1 1 10 Corporal!.—TORNEY,'2 HETRICK, STEESE, 4 A. G. GlU.ESPIE,7 J. w. RILEY, WESTOVBR." 1 1 C. K. RncKWKa," MATHEWS, * DOWNING, '" SANDS, '•"•' GATKWOOD," CHAFFEE. "A W. A. JOHNSON/7 KING," LOVING,20

"D." " E.­ "T." 1 Captaim.—G. R. ALUN, KINGMAN,fi G. V. STRONG/ Lieutenant!.—\V. V. CARTER,• SWIFT/ DANFORD/ H. J. RKILLV.10 HACKETT," XEAL,12 1 4 lit Sergea>nti. -GRAVES, J. B. GARDINER, HANFORD/ Co. Q. M. Sergeant!. -WINSTON,' BUBR/ LUND/ 2 Sergeant!.—LYMAN/ RAMSEY, KNDRESS,4 11 1 R. H. LEWIS, DALLAM," T. M. VSPAULDING/ 1 17 MADDOX, " MOON, NILES,'" A. H. CARTER," CURLEY," LOWE," Corporali.—WILDRICK/ J. A. GRKEN,4 WAINWRIGHT/ E. D. SMITH," WlLLIFORD,12 HUMPHREYS," DICKMAN," FINCH, U WARING,"' HORSHAM. ' MORROW,'1 CLAOBTT," MlNICK,2* MCFARLAND,™ BRADSHAW," The figures indicate relative rank. PARADE IN BARRACKS BdtttdJion Organization January I, IO04-

THOMLINSON, Adjutant KEAN, Sergeant -Major G. R. ALLIN, Quartermaster T. W. HAMMON D, Quartermaster Sergeant


Editor-in-Chief feDMUND LOUIS GRLT.ER

Associate Editors








3» CLASS OF 1904

1 J •\1


Co: ak! Coyak! Sis boom roar! West Point! Wesl t Point! Nineteen— -four!



34 HENRY RODNEY ADAIR (" Hank," " Mose ") Astoria, Ore. First—Comp'ny Commander Adair, A man of efficiency rare. lit signed every sort of book and report, Yes, even the sick-hook, with cue. The undefeated bruiser of "E" Company until Moody arrived on the scene. In vain did he look around for a new job and finally blossomed forth as the '"tattooed man" in the loth Div. Circus. At this, unlike the drum corps' tattoo, he cannot he heat. He has Spent much time in the tan hark ring and always wins his way into the hearts of the gallery when they see such a timid and frail elf doing stunts thai even "Nap" Riley would hesitate to attempt

CHARLES RUSSELL ALLEY (" Houly ") Clinton, Mass. Next Alley whom "Bouly" we dub. He comes from the East near the Hub. And after a ride always looks for his hide, Then savs to us. "Ave. there's the rub." An inveterate smokoid in the palmy days of yore. Will not drink coffee on Sunday morning for fear it may keep him .awake during chapel. Has often burnt the midnight oil in his struggles with the Dago language, which he wished to master in order to be able to read "Boccaccio" in its native tongue. In Byron and Willy Hearst's Journal he recognizes kindred spirits.

GBORGE R. ALLIN (" Viola ") Iowa City, la. Corp., ist Serg., Capt., Lieut, and Q. M.; Hop MgT., 1903-04. Xow ex-Captain Allin we see, So short of di merits was he The Com. was elated and had him created The chief of the tight Q. M. D. A man who exhibits both virtues and vices in a ran degree—a seeming paragon. Being chief of the "T. A." department, he is an outcast, shunned by every one, except the "tacs," who find in him a useful tool to distribute their dusty, rusty, second-hand stock. His attachment for Strong is so pitiful that even the post "femmes" have given him up as a hopeless case of unrequited love.

35 ROLLO FRED ANDERSON (" Rollicking Rollo ") Neligh, Neb. Says Rollo with words light .'ind ,iiiy, "Why should we be so military. If a fact you must know then why don't you go And u rite to the War Secretary?" A most peculiar mortal, fully understood by himself alone. Stiff in his opinion, hut always in the wrong. Hopes some day to write a book on mysticism. Wears glasses to improve his complexion and when sitting tor a photo­ graph. Reads Emerson's essays for ;i vocation, and walks the area for recreation—except when he is in the hospital on a vacation which, by a peculiar coincidence, is generally during these "hours of recreation."

WILLIAM DANDRIUGE ALEXANDER ANDERSON ("Wampus," "Wad"), Lexington, Va. Corp., Sergt. (Colors), Co. Q. M. Sergt., ist Sergt, Capt., Lieut.; Indoor meet, '02, '03, '04; Field meet, '03, '04. There is a wild Wampus named Wad. Who merits quite often a squad, So grost ire his acts we'll not relate facts, Rut certainly he is quite odd. By Grace of the Tactical Department, Captain of B Company Militiamen during cam]). Introduced reforms in applied tactics by having his company dress on their shadows. never wearing a sword to parade, and skinning even those who should have been nearest and dearest. Fob de Lawd's sake, what am a Wampus?

EUGENE VICTOR ARMSTRONG (" Fat," " vSea Cow ") Cooks Bridge, Del. Indoor meet, 'or, '02, '03, '04; all-round gymnast, '03. He's a corker at keen repartee, In the gym. he is something to see, Oil the parallel bars points his feet at the stars. While his form makes the ladies say, "Gee!" Our only matinee idol. Loves to pose for the femmes as "Flying Mercury," "Liberty Frightening the World," and other famous master-pieces. Many people think he is imperial and proud, because he affects the 6th Cavalry strut, but in justice to his many friends it must he recalled that he has won several honors at ping-pong, marbles and the great national game, called by our forefathers "The Olympics."

36 JOSEPH ALEXANDER ATKINS (" Tommy ") Atlanta, Ga. Corp., Sergt. Tommy Atkins, a clergyman grave, In reality's quite a sly knave. Though at rat obsequies he would get on his knees, 'Twas only much bracing to save. He made his greatest mistake when he came here. Tommy at this moment ought to be a Senator from Georgia. Condemn the fault and not the actor. Never talks unless he has something to say. Coming from the sun-kissed South he must necessarily be kept in an incubator to keep his "plantation dialect" from freezing in the mouth. Has perfect command over many words not found in the dic­ tionary, used principally in expressing disapprobation such as—but go around and see him.

ALBERT HOWELL BARKLEY ("Anarchy Al ") East Orange, N.J I'll bet you he still wears his grin, That smirk so insipid and thin. The smile he has worn since the day he was born. And which helped him a stay-back to win. TI is birth-place explains his cognomen. Spoons at all available times and sometimes overtime. His cast-iron patented smile is enough to stop the Guard House clock. Although his manner of approach is copied after the manual, he never fails to impress the fairies that it is strict­ ly his own personal self that makes him so pleasant.

JAY LELAND BENEDICT (" Tow-head ") Hastings, Neb. Act. 1st Sergt. (over new cadets) ; Capt. 15us. MgT HOWITZER. Queen Li/ and her royal equipage, A lady of dubious age, With her innocent art captured Benedict's heart: Now he serves in her train as a page. Next to the Cadet Store he is one of the hardest propositions to beat this side of Salt Creek. "Truth" even though covered with a mosquito netting, could not hide her blushes of shame while listening to his stories. He spurns all young maidens—finding his affinity in the ancient as well as the antique. llis soldierly appearance always reminds you of the young southern cavalier, to which he adds that alluvial smile which defies all imitations.

37 HARRY SMITH BERRY (" Kstelle," " Flabby ") Hendersonville, Tenn. Corp.. Act. Sergt.. Lieut. 'Still Berry ain't much at a hop, Bui be takes, in New York, time to shot). With a lass on each arm he creates much alarm, And citizens yell for the cop. Mere we have an impassive countenance on a coy and shy young man. Seeking to soothe his ruffled brain by music's sweet strain, he has lately attempted to play the phonograph. From his extensive repertoire he usually falls hack on "The Water Wagon." The grinds he springs on you as ones he has heard, clearly demonstrate that the day of his birth antedates the deluge. In fact, he is sus­ pected of being closely related to that notorious author of the barbaric age, C. Smith, simply because his witticisms and bon-mots are so lucid and evident.

ROGER DERBY BLACK | " Rogi ") Washington, D. C. Corp., Sergt. Maj., Capt., Hop Mgr. 'ot. '02. '03; I lowTI'ZKR. A Ridoid is K. Derby Black, At stunts little (?) form does he lack, When the Captain Bays "mount" there's a puff and a flount, But naught on the animal's back. Much ado about nothing. A great conversationalist and calamity howler. When started, has been known to do his "hundred a minute" with ease; never lacks something to say, but only something to talk about. B. J. Richardson, who sometimes grows elonuent. compares his riding to a pile-driver on an unstable foundation, llis figure is neither hand-made nor tailor-made, but has made an impression on every one, even the tan bark

WILBER ALEXANDER BLAIN ("Jim ") Butler, Pa. Fool Ball Team. 'or. '02. '03. "A" Foot Ball; Indoor Meet, 01. 'oj. '03. 04; Field Meet. '01. '02. '03. '04. You've heard how our friend Wilber Blain In camp, climbing trees, went insane. His* teeth held a sword, his nails the tree clawed, While he sought for the Greaser in vain. A man whose voice belies his size. His physical ap­ pearance might strike terror, but when he speaks all the thoughts of his ferocity are quickly dispelled. The proud possessor of a walk that is inimitable; to see him amble bt makes one think of .Ksop's tortoise. In his youth he took life easy, hut time has made a change—not for the better. Ambition sometimes comes late—but never too late to speck.

38 WINN BLAIR ("Winnie") Clayton, Ala. Hop Mgr.. 'oo. "1 will not be fooled any more," Said Winn, as he stopped short before The ('.rand Centra] Station, so without hesitation He hastily Bought the West Shore. This oracle is truly a mystery. lie does all those foolish things which greal men generally do, and never fails to save all his superfluous energy for another time. The only time he ever appears as if moving on an anti­ friction surface i> in camp, 'lien he Percally spends his time carrying parasols up to Fort "Put." When he returns he takes a holiday and does not want tc he meddled with.

CHARLES SCHOOL HI.AKI'.I.V (" Buzzard " I Philadelphia, Pa, Corp.. Sergt., Act. Sergt. When at a I >. 'I'. Iluzzard Blake, One day made an awful mistake: Along the broad pike came Swish bike— umble the-- took took the c df . This man has a most ravenous appetite—like the ostrich. Even a cadet mess hill of fare cannot satisfy it. Should he ever he compelled to subsist on half-rations, we see his finish. Mis ambling swagger and ghostly smile would betray him in any crowd. Belonging to Stilwell's "Mountain Climbers," he is really able to gel to reveille without falling down the stairs or knocking down his rear rank file.

GERALD CLARK BRANT ("Jerry "> Chariton, la. ('.. Brant, the most fickle of men, Has oft worn out pen after pen With letters the same, to each latest tlame— He'll never be tickle again. Tn him we have a man to all the country dear, espe­ cially the younger female element. lie possesses all the qualities of a courtier- gay, dashing and debonair. Sin­ cerity and expression are his two deadly weapons of Con­ quest. We have heard of some wild rumors about a trip to Europe next summer—but his wonderful ability as a story teller has completely disconcerted every one. even his trusting and frugal wife High-ball.

39 OTTO L. BRUNZELL ("Aught," "Bill ") Reynolds, Idaho I'.ach day with bis golf sticks galore, Brunzell leaves the camp crying, "Fore." Down hill he soon slinks, Flirtation's his links— That's why he can't tell us the score. A gem of purest ray serene. The college of P's have sought him as a tine specimen for the tray that rests on the shelf. But "Bill'' has always been there with his bland smile and wish-bone stare, that they have yet to catch him with the goods on. But, alas! Has he not been thrice hived acting as guidon for Nap. Riley's pla­ toon ? Oh ! tyrant love, thou can'st crumble even a diamond and "Aught" is such a gem.

WILLIAM BRYDEN (" Bill ") Chelsea, Mass. Corp., 1st Sergt., B. A., Lieut. Orator "4th July, '03." Hill Bryden a hopoid would be, lb- dragged to bis first hop with glee, P>ut the measles she had; Bill got 'em as bad As the femme who was sure an L. 1'. Let him but hear a word—yea, suspect a word, and you will be treated to the punniest, phunniest and psunniest of puns ( ?). With the special consent of Congress he uses the Scotch dialect in all his "affaires d'amour." Although not yet an instructor at Vassar—he goes there quite fre­ quently, which in itself is sufficient evidence that his jokes an- abominable as well as Vassarian in style.

ARTHUR DRVHURST BUDD (" Sipe ") Meriden, Conn. IK wished a few drills to conduct, He went there their troops to instruct. Then said old Sipe Bude, "I should be reviewed." But out of the camp he was chucked. Aii ingenious Yankee, whose system of telephony rivals Marconi's. His sense of the ludicrous is essentially Kng- lish, and he has been known to look intelligent by the hour while reading Punch. Mis energy is chiefly potential, although he once displayed some kinetic energy by regis­ tering a kick against "dead beating" drills.

40 JOHN DONALD BURNETT, JR. ("John D.") Evergreen, Ala. Act. Sergt. (colors over new cadets), Lieut. lie ualks with an eloquent swing That says. "I am just the real thing I openly boast to know all the Post, I am of 1'. S.'s the king" All ordinary human, seriously affected by a streak of sentimentality in its worst poetic form. The musical rip­ ples of Murder Creek at Evergreen are icsponsiblc for this freak of his nature. Of life he holds a cynical view. Me is so strong and persistent, that even tulips how their pretty heads in submission, lie calls Ella Wheeler Wilcox the greatest poet, and "The Duchess" the greatest writer of prose.

EDWIN BUTCHER (" Bottche: ") Helena, Mont. Sergt.. Act. Sergt. Said Butch, " "I'was so easy to pop. When 'Dearest' came up to that hop. The air of Flirtation precludes preparation; Once started I just couldn't Stop." With Xero he could exclaim (page 41.144 Dunn's Dry Rot). "What a spoonoid the world has lost!" for since he has taken upon himself the editorship and general management of a 40-page tri-weekly, which by special ar­ rangement with tin- Post-office Department is sent regu­ larly westwards. In- has sought no new worlds to conquer. By certain mathematical gymnastics he has deduced by an application of the infinitesimal calculus that two can live cheaper than one.

ROBHRT MADISON CAMPBELL (" Bob") Owings Mills, Md. Corp., 1st Sergt.. Lieut.. Asst. Mgr. Foot Ball Team. '02; Mgr. Foot Ball Team, 'oj?; 100th night, '03, '04. HOW­ ITZER. Baldy Campbell, although he won't BpOOn, Sits for hours and pipes to the moon. Now the moral is this surely no one can miss— "Keep your eye on sly Baldy in June." A tall, picturesque, bald-headed Marylander with a consuming thirst and a weak stomach. Consequently we find him constantly drinking the hair-restorer, in this re­ spect disagreeing with the surgeon as to the method of application. Never -joes t«, the hop except on certain eventful occasions. At these times his visit to Cullum is in the nature of a celebration, with sky-rockets, red lighl and all the usual campaign paraphernalia.

41 WILLIAM VAULX CARTER (" Nick," "Bill") Washington, D. C. Corp., Sergt., Lieut., Base Ball Team, '01. '02, '03. '04, "A" Base Ball. At base ball Nick Carter's quite tine. Pitching lowballs is right in his line. When he stands in the box. then everyone knocks, And says he's the worst on the nine. I lis soft dark eyes and raven locks are the inspiration of the femmes and the ingenuity of man. As a boy detec­ tive he can trace even the owmr of a small lace handker­ chief. Not having any matrimonial intentions just now, you can find him on sick report any day of the week except Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. One of his few fail ings is his ability to put a ketchup bottle to shame at the mention of pajamas. Mis one motto is. "The 6th or bust."

GORDON- RIVKS CATTS (" Kitty ") Verbena, Ala. S-rgt., Act. Sergt., Lieut., 100th Night, '03. '04. Tom Catts loves to have us refer, To a dragging he once did incur. In the street, very sore, he awoke and said, "You're Just ru'ning my comforters, sir." This kitten claims that a true sportsman should spoon only those femmes who are engaged. Naturally therefore he has been a principal in many "affaires d'honneur" over lovers' quarrels. He has been known to become so absorbed in the game that he once tried to drive a team up the railroad track—so entranced with the scenery that he had to be told to wake up. Next day he received a wedding invitation.

PAUL HEDRICK CLARK (" Paul Henry") Chicago, 111. Paul Henry, of brilliant point fame, New honors affixed to his name, I.y a speech at St. Cyr. in French he'd learned here. Now wouldn't you say he was game! In him we have one bequeathed to us by 1903, and by us retained as long as we could, and loth we are to let him go. He reached the top rung of that ladder Fame by his demonstration of the method of finding the brilliant point on an egg. We earnestly hope he will not stop there. That he may speedily follow us into the service, as sound in body as he has always been in character is the earnest wish of his classmates of 1904.

42 CHARLES FREDERICK CONRY (" Sep ") Fremont, Ohio Sharpshooter's Medal. On sick-report Corny did dare To go to the hop and while there lie lost a month's leave, but laughed in his sleeve When pardoned by Gin'ral Rrugere. A bom barrister, an astute politician, possessing an intimate acquaintance with Mark Hanna. Tom Johnson. Coxey and other constellatory lights of Ohio. Familiar with the most atrocious murders and daring train robberies for the past fifteen years. I lis one ambition is to be Warden of the Ohio State Penitentiary. Looks upon love with an enthusiastic, passionate fondness, but is balked by foresigbt- edness and commercial perspicacity.

VAUGHN WASHINGTON COOPER (" Vogney," "Nosey "), Nashyille, Tenn. Corp., Sergt.. Co. Q. M. Sergt., Lieut., Capt.. Base Ball Team, '01, '02, '03, '04; Foot Ball Team, '01, '02, '03: "A" Foot Ball and Base Ball; HowiTzER. This scorner of girls laid a plot, To call all alone at the spot, Where her mansion stood, but darned if he could Find aught but a big vacant lot. Notwithstanding his broken English, his propensity for the game of "4-11-44" and the record of lawless deeds committed on furlough, this man still possesses some good qualities. By attending divine service every Sunday and contending for supremacy with the choir, he but confines the strenuousness which fills his whole life. As a great French linguist he was detailed to attend the celebrated Gen. Count Roget Chapeau Noir on his visit. For these great services he was decorated, on departure of the Gen­ eral, with four bars of real gold lace and a Boulenge Chronograph.

ARTHUR WOOD COPP ("Artie," " Bill ") Lawrence, Mass. Football Team, '02, '03; "A" Foot Ball; Base Ball Team, '03, '04; Indoor Meet, '01, '02, '03, '04; Field Meet, '02, '03; 100th Night, '02, '03, '04; HOWITZER. The hospital echoes did wake With a speech that Bill Copp tried to make. The Doctor came in, Bill drew in his chin, They policed him next day as a fake. Behold the ravages of Time! We tell his age not by his decrepit appearance but by the amount of hair he hasn't on his bald pate. He claims that it is due entirely to the unusual demand for his bewitching curls. Is the originator of that famous sick call bon mot, "Some may come and some may go, but I remain forever." Chorus by Farnswortb, Hoyt and Meals, with bass drum accompaniment by Dr. Lyster. Grand Exit.

43 JAMES KERR CRAIN ("Jake," "Jim") Cuero, Tex. Act'g Serg.; Base Ball Team, '03, '04; "A" Base Ball. Oh, Jakey, so thin anil so spare. To report him the taes would not dare. They'd shiver and quake for if they skinned Jake. A skeleton's all there'd be there. lie's a bold, bad man from Texas, s,, had he's afraid of himself. A man of docile character until the evil influ­ ences of "Smila.x Al" obtained the ascendency over him. When a plehe hi- was noted for the purcness with which he spoke the Spanish language. But the subtle power of the Department of Modern Languages has finally reduced this to an unintelligible jargon. As president of the "A" Co. Whist Club his influence is even greater than that of "Boss" Atkins.

MATTHEW ARTHUR CROSS ("Sep") Ellis, Kan. Ah. here's to our tfoofjaly Sep, Who's earned sueli a timbery rep. When eold snow he feels, he takes to his heels, Hut in vain—he turns white like "Old Nep." An interesting specimen from the geological point of view being the last of his tribe, lie has never heen seen unaccompanied by that charming smile, which, starting un­ obtrusively in the middle of his wooden countenance, spreads like a zephyr in both directions, and then looses itself in the depths beyond. He is so precocious that he must he kept tightly packed in snow all winter to keep him from spoiling.

THOMAS LESLIE CRYSTAL ("Tommie") New York, N. V. When drivers of quilla could not shirk, When bucks of OUT class did no work. Then Tom got his make (for toil 'twas no fake) "fwas Corkey's camp company clerk. His words fairly run over each other in their efforts to escape. He has the wonderful habit of speaking by the mouthful except at recitation, when he does not talk at all. lie is also able to sing intelligibly (the only adverb appli­ cable). In telling his exploits on the Bowery he tries to intimidate, but every one knows he is harmless. He spends all his leisure hours practising elusive accomplishments such as "cherchez la femme," etc.

44 DONALD CAMERON CUBHISON ("Carrie Nation ") City, Kan. Act. Sergt. Carrie Nation said. "Boys, I declare While at Weal Point no locks will I wear." But we're forced to repeat, lie of late got cold feet. So now be is trying s pair. Strange as it nia.v seem, this man has ideas and never fails to bring all his powers of oratory to hear in order to defend them. lie rants at vice and crime not through conviction of its wickedness, but through coercion of his wife, Fenton. As a "Corps Joshcr" his witticisms travel far and wide, sparing no one. But he takes a keen delight in hitting "Sandy" McAndrew on the solar plexus with Montgomery as a motive force.

ROBERT MELI.YILLE DANFORD ("John Cod ") Joy, 111. Corj).. Sergt, Co. (J. M. Sergt.. Lieut.: 1 low TTZEB: "Base Ball Mgr., '04; Asst. Base Hall Mgr., o.}: Sharp­ shooters' Medal; Record Fence Vault. '02, 'o,^: Indoor Meet. '01, '02, '03. '04. John Danford now steps illtc> sitfht. Alas, in a horrible plight, h'or he wants to know how. without raising a row. He can drag two nice KU'ls in one night. Coming from a town blessed by the name of Joy. he is just what we would infer. Were it our duty to cite his good qualities the description "paragon" would lit to a nicety.Elo- quence, debonair manners, persuasiveness are his instru­ ments of love. Mis self-possession never deserts him, nor does he ever use the official language while golfing, though to be sure he has had plenty of inducement.

ARTHUR JAMBS DAVIS (" B. J. "Coyote ") Salmon City, Idaho Yes. him yon may call what you may, Sweet Archangel, Spoonoid, 6, .1. But if we could tell some things we know well, Then truly you'd call hitn A. j. A plunging speculator in the "femme" market, intro­ ducing his wild and woolly Idaho methods. He endeav­ ored very hard to get a corner on L. I'.'s, but other capital ists were ahead of him in the field and l'>. J. succeeded only in obtaining control of the largest and fattest I lis latest success augurs a profitable career.

45 RODERICK DEW (" Rod," " Jake "), Tecumseh, Neb. Act. Sergt.; iooth Night, '03, '04. Gay, rollicking Roderick Dew, With his boisterous fun-loving crew, Makes sleepoids despair with the noise on the stair. They wish he were doing a few. A man of many experiences, both odd and eventful, most of which are still in the embryonic stage. One of the greatest painters the 12th div. every produced. His fearless use of color in a la Pussy Cafe and New York at 3.00 A. M. is unsurpassed. But his greatest painting, "We won't go home at all," done in a sea-going cab with a dirigible rudder and one color is the one that will hand his name down to posterity.

RALPH DICKINSON (" Madame ") Marion, Va. Act. Sergt. A scboolmarm was staid Madame Dick, At yarn telling awfully slick, And now our diversion's a tale of a sturgeon— His grandfather "rode up a crick." The peacock of the corps. He began his army service strut while a plebe and intends to add a few new features to it in the great life beyond. Knows the tuneful art of b-aching, his style being both oral and vertical. He is a stout admirer of a former "tac." This friendship has ripened to such a degree that, like his ideal, he intends to make b-aches so long and wear dress coats so short, after he has cast aside cadet gray.

JAMES BROWNING DILLARD (" Runt ") New Orleans, La. Runt Dillard is quite a blind spec, He's buried in tenths to his neck. At night by of our satellite bright, He gathers them in by the peck. Although he is a heinous, heartless heart breaker, he has acquired most of his reputation as a great grandstand breaker. Has bought ten dress coats since furlough—since then always sleeps with his straight front on. The bad influence he has exerted on Martin Dooley Wheeler is the scandal of the runts. Though quite small, there is a rumor abroad that there is still hope.

46 URSA MILNER DILLER ("Aunt Polly," "Orange") Double Pipe Creek, Md. "Ursa Major" may have what we seek, The "Dipper" that never does leak, But 'tis said, to a man they use just the can, Not the dipper at Double ripe Creek. Although he has ambitions to go with a circus, we have finally persuaded him to stay in the Army. Me has resigned himself to his fate and is now working on what is to be his masterpiece: "Darwin's Theory Exploded; Man Not De­ scended From Monkey, But From the Grizzly Bear." Sci­ ence will be revolutionized and the "Descent of Man" will be compelled to take a back seat.

THEODORE HARWOOD DILLON (" Teddy ") Bedford, Ind. Corp., Sergt., Act. ist Sergt.; Field Meet, '02, '03, '04. "Jj He sat there, at one of our shows, *f ~t With face most expressive of woes, What made him so sad: who sat with the lad? The Queen of Hearts—everyone knows. He can float on the crest of society's wave as easily as he can tell a truth when he sees one. In his entire course he has never been known to fail in his social duties. Me keeps a schedule of all the dinners past and to come and in conjunction with the first hop manager, arranges all the details for many spurious femmes seen on the night before large bops. Indeed, our Teddy, like his namesake, leads a very strenuous life.

WILLIAM STUART DOWD f" Wally Wastle ") Orange, N. J. Corp.; Field Meet, '03, '04. A corp'ral was Dowd till September, His specker latcs couldn't remember. So the dear little lad took a pencil and pad, To aid this incompetent member. "Oh. bell, what have we here!" A vigorous disciple of Brigham, a leader of the strenuous life who does not believe in race suicide. He bones ten minutes and then writes to her three hours. The next day he wonders why that "crazy Instructor, etc.'' He has been known to be absolutely dead to the world for two days on a stretch after receiving one of those light blue budgets.

47 WALTER SCOTT DRYSDALE (" Filipino," " Drizzle") Lawrence, Kan. Corp., ist Sergt., Lieut, and Q. M: Hop Mgr., '03. '04. In June Filipino was led. To place on a race every red. The horses went past: old llcrmis was last. This loss knocked his leave in the ltead. The only living example of this unique species. Wild at times. When in this semi-comatose condition he bursts forth in a mixture of Hindu, Spanish, English and Filipino —understood perfectly by himself. If you can guess his nationality, you can have it. He cannot remember if he was ever pirate or not, but is under the impression that he was.

JOSEPH HAYNESWORTH EARLK ("Joe") Greenville, S. C. Corp.. Sergt.. Act. Sergt. lot- Lark-, who's a comical freak. Told Freddie tin- butter could speak. This burst of satire so roused the Coin's ire, He was busted the very next week. "There is only one L. I', in this world for him." Me has quit the gayeties of the ball room, being too serious to enjoy the frivolities of this life. He believes in "tending to your own business" and wishes the tactical department to do the same. Has grown thin carrying a load of dignity. Even the veterans of the riding hall cannot tear it loose

KINZIE BATES EDMUNDS (" Shatter,*' " Fat") Yankton, S. 1) l;at Edmunds in riding clothes gay, To the visitor's scats made his way. But alas and alack. In- was skinned by a tac: "I'is the way of a spoonoid they say. The systematic regularity with which he makes his party calls has deservedly won for him the synonym "Con Stancy." His smiling rose blow 11 face beams upon everyone with the kindly interest of a "pater familias." His one ambition is to command an army in the field, reclining in a hammock hack on the reserve line, with a bottle of seltzer water by hi-- side and a wet towel to keep his savage breast cool. Hence his "110111 de plume."

48 EDWARD ELLIS FARNSWORTH (" Ike"), Lynn. Mass. Foot Ball Team, '99, '00, '01. '02. '03; Capt. Foot Ball Team, '03; "A" Foot Ball; Indoor Meet. '00. '01, '02. '03, '04: Field Meet, '00, '01, '02. '03, '04; Toasted "Foot Ball" New Year, '04. The team, "Driver Ike" took his place on. Soon showed him he had a swift race on. They tore down the hill; just dcadbcat a spill— And [key rode home on tin- caisson. A living proof that "Truth is stranger than fiction." He cultivated his voice by calling home the chickens; his strength he gained by swinging his sledge hammer on a few 'Middies." I late- water and appurtenances such as the Navy. Many a vessel of war has gone aground on his herculean frame. (With alopogies to the Police Gazette for phrases borrowed from its admirable work, entitled "Peach-blossom Ike. at Home and Abroad.")

CHAUNCEY LEE FENTON ("Chauncey") Lowellville, Ohio Corp.. Sergt., I'res. Y. M. C. A. Now surely no person can doubt, What Fenton was piping about. When he said to Altstactter. "Now isn't it better To marrj Boon after you're out?" The faithful shepherd of our tlock. whom he maketh to lie down in green pastures and leadeth beside the still waters. The Ordnance Department is now busy making a split ring halo for his saintly head, in order to suit all dimensions. Although often accused, he is not a member of the W. C. T. I . Nott need not be afraid to visit him. for he never takes up a collection.

WALTER SCOTT FULTON ("Canuck") Hartford City, Ind. You've heard of Scott Fulton perchance. The man with the coy bashful glance. W ^ The femmes cry with bliss. "He's too sweet t< kis l'ut how like a dream he can dance!" He prides himself on his calm reasonableness and looks upon the world with the seeming indifference <>f a philoso­ pher. This he must do to hold his membership in the "Bach's." lie spends mosl of his time reading temperance lectures to "Hinnpty" Hunter, but the effect does not seem to be worth the effort. Although a buck for four years. he has not yet shown any signs of abnormal swelling of the head, but many say there has been an unprecedented internal •t^X.^ development

49 FULTON QUINTUS CINCINNATUS GARDNER ("F. Q. C"), Ft. Smith, Ark. Now Pulton oft causes remark, As (hiintus of Little Rock, Ark. Since his hair is as bright as a new Wclsbach light Cincinnatus is ne'er in the dark. The ignorant minority believe him to belong to the genus homo, while the others see in him the missing link. He is said to have been born beautiful, but the sun on the steppes 6f Arkansas soon overcame his birthright and changed his golden tresses into a bunch of hay. Has committed no eiime against society except the unpardonable one of ex­ isting. Has never spoken to a woman in all his life and lives in constant fear of being abducted.

QUINCY ADAMS GILLMORK ("Quinney," "Quilly ") Trenton, N. J. Corp.. Sergt., Lieut. The ninht was so sultry and still, A camp chair did fat Quincy fill. While slumbering deep, Freddie found him asleep. But his chevrons were saved by his quill. A man of brilliant aspirations but shadowy results. Very fat and fast becoming bald, but has nevertheless labored hard for tenths and recognition of military effic­ iency. When accused of not being dignified, he began to wear glasses. Has continually charmed the ladies with his queer elephantine tricks, and in return has suffered untold agony from the depredations of many pairs of blue eyes. Consoles himself by saying, "Falstaff rode a horse, why can't I ?"

THOMAS NORTON GIMPKRLING ("Gimp ") Dayton, Ohio Tom Gimp of the mutinous clan Finds trouble wherever he can, Bui a bit of the brown takes away every frown. Prom the brow of this unlucky man. We know nothing good of him. He has travelled ex­ tensively in his own country and elsewhere. Has had a great many thrilling experiences in which he is inevitably the dashing hero and insists on relating them when not otherwise engaged in studying practical guard duty on the area. Recites with the conlidenti.il air of a man who is trying to get something for nothing. His acquaintance with the ancient masters is remarkahle. He is the only man in the class who noticed the absence of Rinnley's paintings at the Art .Museum.

5o RALPH RIGBY GLASS (" Rafe," "Orny ") Bangor, Me. There's a man selling poods green as grass Or gold bricks of unalloyed brass. From sloboon to sheet, you're sure to get beat If you dicker with old Orny Glass. A disciple of Alexander Dowie, with all the necessary appliances and accomplishments which go to make up a seller of patent medicine and cadet store Putz-pomade. A great prescriber for the famous gold brick cure, which he sells almost every afternoon to a crowd of unsuspecting yearlings. This, of course, with the help of Andrew Jackson White, whom he uses as a blind. Although he tells you be cannot play golf, do not believe hint It is only his modesty, for he just loves to "gamble on the green."

PELHAM DAVIS GLASSFORD (" Happy") Carthage, Mo. Corp., Sergt., Act. 1st Sergt., Capt. Vim may think that he walks upon stilts; lie surely is not Stuffed with quilts; But Happy is he, a captain to be. Though lie's young enough still to weai kilts. In looking at this picture do not think you have seen all, for there is more below, which the camera failed to take in. With a faint, little chuckle, strictly his own. he loves to tell harrowing tales of sentimental scenes in Morro Castle. Although delighting in walks with Cuban maidens on the Plaza, he draws the line on those wearing pink hosiery and yellow garters.

JOSKPH JAMES GRACE (" B. J."), Charleston, S. C. Fit wife to John Smith is Joe Grace, Who once wore a sick-call-wry face. The prescription he bore to the king's cadet store, But found he had got the wrong place. His first offense was to offer his name as a subject for puns. Since then he has been doing a "bumping" business. Breaks the monotony of life by turning out squads for little Willie Harris. He has a corner on and also a corner for all the "femmes" at the Kinsley House. The only serious trouble being to inveigle some unsuspecting comrade into going down with him.

5i JAMES SCOTT GREENE ("Jim," " Gloomy Gus ") Washington, I). C. iooth Night, 'OJ. 'o,^. 04. A spoonoid is Jinnnie S. Greene, The most scandalous West Point has Men. He spoons all L. P.'s 'tends live o'clock teas. And tells the girls lots he don't mean. A most precocious youth. "Alexander" had great at­ tractions for him at the tender age of live. Is a charter mem­ ber of the Bachelor's Club and incidentally also a disgrace to the same. As an admirer of the Ordnance, he realizes the value of T. and always makes good use of it. In camp was often seen wending his way toward dec's Point with his golf hay. enclosing one stick, presumably to practice "approaching."

EDMUND BRISTOL GREGORY(" Poop"), Canton, 111 Act. Sergt. At meals he tries hard with a frown His poppy-like blushes to drown. Though Growly-tints rise as high as his eyes, Poor Poop can't come up for he's down. The last of the ancient hierarchy in the corps. Aside from the effects of speaking, there is a feeling of unrest in his chesty chest, due entirely to his duties as Secretary of the "Sewed-up Club." Me has read everything from Ballis­ tic Tables down to l'>. J, Richardson's "Philosophical Dis­ cussion of the Gyroscope." Some people even say that they have seen him on the stairs leading to the second story of the Library.

EDMUND Lor IS GRUBER (" Snit/.er " ) Cincinnati, Ohio Corp.; tooth Night, '02, '03, '04; Pres. Dialectic Society; Editor-in-Chief I IOWITZER. With shuffling and sm« shambling gait, Held hack by the ponderous weight Of mammoth-sized slims, about twenty-two's, Weary Suit/ ambles out for a late. A human balloon at anchor- very light and airy on top and very heavy below. I habitually decorates his face with a luminiferous smile, which at once proclaims him a supporter of the open door policy. Invariably sings without being asked, and has composed roundelays which thrill one •ike the midnight serenade of a cannon hall in the uth Div. There is much to he said of this enigmatical individual, hut fortunately it is for the most part not printable.

52 HORATIO BALCH HACKETT, JR. (" Dumpy," " Battle Axe"), Philadelphia, Pa. Corp.. Sergt., Co. Q. M. Serg., Lieut, over new cadets; Foot Ball Team. 'oo. 'oi, '02, 'o,^; Base Ball Team. '01. '02. '03, '04. Capt. Base Ball Team, '04; Capt Basket Ball Team, '04: "A" Fool Ball and Base Ball; Athletic Representative, '01. '02. '03, '04; First Hop Mgr., '03, '04; HOWITZER. Dumpy growled as he painfully rose. With his mouth full of tan-bark and oaths. "My h'Ks .ire so short that riding's no sport," And sadly he brushed off his clothes. Short, fat, gentle, running free under the bridle, war­ ranted not to shy and fond of children. In addition to these beautiful traits, it may he well to add that his favorite pas­ time is answering matrimonial advertisements. Takes a fiendish delight in standing around at the hops in his red tape necktie and relating his escapades with L. P.'s. When in doubt what to do next always spoons out on the piazza.

ROBERT PATTISON HARBOLD <" Highball ") Dillsburg, Pa. Toasted "Corps." New Year's 04; HOWITZER. There's Highball the tile who regrets, The fact which he never forgets. Mis re]> was all made, before here he strayed As Captain of Dillsburg Cadets. The irrepressible highball, that's all. His spirits are highest on the days he receives his native journal, and will relate stories by the yard of the accomplishments of his little township hand. He came to West Point wearing the laurels of a cadet captain. This explains why he was never made. He reads nothing hut the Persian classics and is so eloquent and fluent that even the Ordnance Department relaxes and gives him 1.5 out of sheer pity. Has never been known to spoon between taps and reveille.

WILLIAM WASHINGTON HARRIS, JR. ("Willie") Columbia, S. C Will Washington Harris John Smith Would like to call this tale a myth. But he copied the model with the belli of his noddle. Which of his wooden self is the pith. His full name is William Waldorf Washington Wooden- house Woodles Woodpile Wonderbrush Harris. Bill will do well to go along with the tide of life, but the moment he tries to breast the rapid current, he will lose, for he was born under an unlucky star. Although perfectly willing at all times to buy (".old Bricks, he is by no means a fool and never fails to tell you so. He believes in travelling incognito and therefore often signs himself "John Smith."

53 HARRY HAWLEY ("Harry ") Troy, N. Y. Vis. Hawley's an excellent scout, A 7th man put him to rout. lie started to run and gave up his gun For he could go faster without. Although not a member of the "Change," he is always looking for some one to trade him a box of Cadet Store paper. The most extensive correspondent since the days of Ducrot. We have reason to suspect that he intends to start a correspondence school, "How to make love by mail." Believes in the old motto: "Two is one and three is too many." and when in doubt, always says sweet things about the Tactical Department.

RICHARD JAMES HERMAN (" Dick"), Kutztown, Pa. Hop Mgr., '01, '02, '03, '04. I lick Herman from morning till night, Hillet-doux to his sweetheart does write. Says he's not to blame, it's just a nice game, But Cupid has nailed him all right. As an infant he was a howling success. As a stripling he was the fashion plate of his native heath. As a cadet— well, we hate to say—but there are rumors afloat that he has done the remarkable feat of jumping into the meshes of Cupid and sewing himself up from the inside. The cor­ puscles of his blood are a green mixture of Mozambique English, Dutch and Vedic. the exact proportions of the ingredients not being known.

ROBERT BAILEY HEWITT (" Bill Bailey ") Kansas City, Mo. Poughkeepflie once harbored a belle, Bill Bailey soon learned this real well. He went there on leave, and can you conceive Why the girls turned spry Bill out a yell? Is becoming more bashful every year and cannot be coaxed into society even with such inducements as hash parties and after taps pink teas. His walk resembles very much the motion of an eccentric on a milling machine— minus the governor. He can live for weeks on no other nourishment than a fleeting smile, and whenever in trouble quickly hies himself to Brunzell, on whose chest he weeps glistening, briny tears of misery.

54 ROY WEBBS HOLDERNESS (" Reggie") Kenosha, Wis. Sergt., Act. Sergt. (Colors) ; Hop Mgr., '03, '04. 1 it his horsemanship Reg is quite proud. Of his polo his boasts are quite loud. Boning gall'ry one day. he was dropped by Tom K. And deep in the sod his face plowed. Until last summer this man was one of the most charita­ ble dispensers of woe and happiness to femininity the class ever knew. And everyone wonders what made the supply cease. The only conclusion we can draw is that he centered all his charity on some single person and let the other damsels die of starvation. Oh! happy death! His one am­ bition is to he stationed near some large town, so be can vibrate 'twixt the honey and the hive.

FRANCIS WEBSTER HONEYCUTT ("Honey" " Dan"; Washington, D. C Sergt., Act. Sergt., Lieut.; Intercollegiate fencing Championship. '02; "A" Fencing. Three miles down this fine river-side, On Putnam Dan went for a ride, But soon they got parted, the horse for home started— I'ond's Extract that night Dan applied. A fencer with Cupid, a rider of Montgomery and a spooner of—gender, feminine; eyes red, white, or blue; tresses, golden, auburn or sunburned. He has figured in many lively escapades, most of which have not found their way to the newspapers as yet. His arms are so long that when seen in the dark, a person generally thinks he is carrying a club in bis hand.

EDWARD LORENZO HOOPER ("Daddy" " Eliphalet") Gloucester, Mass. Corp.; Act. Sergt. Some friends with this orderly's leave. Played cards in his room New Year's Kve. Three months's what he paid; in June he was made A eorp'ral, this blow to retrieve. This man is really harassed—not by "femmes'' but by newspaper correspondents. The whole trouble arose from certain rumors coming from a small hamlet in Mass. David McKeel, who has been keeping quite a fatherly eye on Eliphalet, says the romance to be so happily ended began last summer on the moonlit Hudson. His gingery walk always reminds you of a barrel on the storm tossed sea.

55 ROBERT PHILIP HOWELL, JR. ("Bobby") Goldsboro, N. C. Corp., Sergt. Runt Howell holds tenths very clear. The way that lie bones them is queer. When at cavalry drill, his anibish he should still. Good soldiers may be in the rear. The greatest section-room orator since the days of Webster. A past grand master in the art of debate. Me first came into the light of the public by his masterly treat­ ment of "Should I have the tenth, or should I not?'' After a lotto line of unanswerable arguments, feelingly advanced, the matter is always clinched by "Yes. that is what I meant," amid the silent applause of all listeners.

CHARLES SHERMAN HOYT (" General ") Washington, I). C. Mop Mgr., 'o,?, '04; Mgr. Fencing Team. ()f hair-oils he has a large stock. Of hair he has hardly a lock. Spite of measures heroic, this bald-headed stoie Can't make the hair grow on his block. \s the result of the extra amount of shun on the menu and the increased hygrometric qualities of the milk since the recent watering of the Mess Mall stocks, he has had to have a nurse to keep him from overeating himself. Between looking up advertisements for hair renovators and anti- fat cures, he has become prematurely old; hut we hope he may succeed in finding the Fountain of Youth.

GEORGE BOWDICH HUNTER (" Humpty ") St. Louis, Mo. Sergt. At Stockbridge last summer they say, Hump Hunter on beefsteak did stray. lie grabbed it and ran; the feed then began, ()n shun the tacs feasted next day. "Me dreams of healths live fathoms deep." Said to be ' a youth of infinite receptive capacity—for math—and selt/er water. Not being enough of a musician to distinguish between calls for "reverse" and "countermarch,'' be does not enjoy hops as much as some other things. Has a fond­ ness for jewelry and loves to decorate his friends with little tokens of esteem such as lockets, earrings, etc. Call him by his first name and he'll do anything and anybody for vim

56 CHRISTOPHER JENSVOLD ("Sky "), Lacrosse, Wis. Act. Sergt.; Foot Ball Team, 'oi, '02, '03; "A" Foot Ball. Poor Sky in his practical mind, A plan for a "make" once designed. He wasted his work for just the Corn's clerk Took note of this quill-boning grind. By birth an American, by blood a Skywegian and by misfortune a buck. Although he knows the theory he always endeavors to do the practical. With l'uddin' I lead Wilson he forms the famous after reveille "Josbens." Al­ though no one ever understands his grinds without a de­ scriptive diagram, they generally laugh out of sympathy, for fear of more of his Skywegian wit.

JOHN JENNINGS KINGMAN ("Johnnie ") Chattanooga, Tenn. Sergt., Co. Q. M. Sergt., Capt., Lieut.; 100th Night, 'o.v In camp foxy Scandalous John Proceeded to run it upon His partner so sweet, for her card he'd complete. With the names of the fellows in con. Mas the strange hallucination that some one is trying to out-speck him. This gives such a symmetrical slope to his shoulders that he must fain find exercise in chasing the elusive tenth. Me has been the victim of a conspiracy. "Pis the same old story. Me adored a girl. She played with bis puerile affections and showered all her devotion on another, less worthv than he. No wonder that he is a woman-hater.

STANLEY KOCH (" Foxhall ") Bozeman, Mon. Act. Sergt. Stan. Koch boning make had bard luck, A hair with each skin did he pluck. Bui now he is bald, his bluff has been called. He's back in the ranks as a buck. This Montana product is not as bad as his snarl and mean countenance would make him appear. A horse breaker by trade and a rider by profession, he has acquired fixed habits which make him not easy to control. But underneath his subduing sound-off and bis coat of tan-bark there are many goodly qualities. At present he is fitting hiinself for the Signal Corps by daily practice with a white towel and a pillow case.

57 GEORGE CARSON LAWRASON ("Middie") St. Francisville, La. The Middy in good days of yore. Wished to fight where the wild billows roar; But he gave up the sea, and now all agree, lie's the laziest man in the Corps. The charming author of "Mow to be Happy in Con." The only way to appreciate his humor is first to hear him recite in French. Since his birth his life has been one round of pleasure and we know it will culminate happily on graduation leave if he ever gets that far. Me mentions no great relations, which must necessarily mean that be has no other kind. Me is now planning a new branch of service, known as the "Horse Marines," for which he is eminentlv fitted.

JACOB ARTHUR MACK ("Jake "), Orangeburg, S. C. Corp.. B. A. I. A. Mack used to sign himself lake. I'.ut that name he now does forsake, So we may surmise that feminine eyes. To J. Arthur more kindly must take. This man is the dear "Arthur" of many letters of love ami devotion which wind their way to and from the sunny South. Constantly wears a golden chain around bis neck and guards the locket as he would his last postage stamp. Me is famous for his books. "Mow to get skins off" and "Never let anyone run it on you." As a poet he is both sublime and entrancing—that is. he will put anyone in a trance. Such tommy-rot as this ad tilutum-— "Her limpid eyes and dainty mouth. Show well her high estate, etc."

JOSEPH ALEXANDER MCANDRKW ("Sandy") Bentonville, Ark. Foot Ball Team, 'oi, '02. '03: "A" Foot Ball: Indoor Meet, '01, '02, '03, '04. A brae lad is Sandy the Red. Wi' paunehie sae tine and weel-fed. I.ang-syne he once tried Montgom'rv to ride. Since then he can't hold np his head. The original woman-hater, visits Flirtation Walk only for the purpose of smoking, but we hear that he spooned heavily on furlough. Will not study when in good health and never is sick except when moving to and from camp. Mis knowledge of Shakespeare, his melodious tenor voice and his ready b-ache make him the admiration of his friends and the terror of his enemies.

58 LOWE ABEEL MCCLURE ("Growley ") Carson City, Nev. Afraid that he might incommode His friends at their New York abode, lie stayed out all night. Oh, what a sad plight For one who such thoughtfulness showed! Ah, what have we here? Forsooth a lady's man. He has at last attained bis star for distinction in the gentle art and science of spooning. Spends all bis available time in either specking or practicing the useful precepts in the "Elements of How to Be Bashful," written wholly by him­ self, and sold by the Cadet Store, $11.59 net: profit. His leisure hours are devoted to deodorizing the Aurora Boro Alice assortment of two (too) scented epistolary effusions which make his life worth living without her—or them perhaps.

DONALD COWAN MCDONALD ("Jennie") Grafton, N. D. Corp., Sergt., Act. 1st Sergt., Lieut., Hop Mgr. '03, '04; 100th Night '04. Little Mac is our bonnie wee Scot, The most desperate spoonoid we've got. He assails every girl with "that dear little curl." And then thinks she's his own—but she's not. So confiding that he even talks to himself while gazing dreamily into a mirror. The ladies call him cute and want him for a watch charm. The soft, iridescent twinkle of his bonny gray eyes transports them to heavens of excruciating delight. In social repartee he is equalled only by Martin Dooley Wheeler. He can tell in a wink the number of lights in the ceiling of Cullum Hall and generally uses this as an eye opener in his operations against the "femmes" from the land of L. P.

JAMES GARFIELD MCILROY (" Mac "), Irwin, Ohio Corp.; B. A. You'd hardly suspect such a rose Would venomous instincts enclose. Yet vicious, suspicious, pernicious, malicious He must be, since fights he'll propose. A great deal of dignity compressed in a small body. A man who believes that any end can be attained if the pressure is constant and strong enough. Me scorns trifles when be thinks be is noticed. Being ilist off the farm, he loves hunting and has become quite skilful in chasing the "tenths." He is so distant and cold that a girl almost freezes in bis presence. He has been known to relax, however, and assume a semblance of kindness.

59 DAVID MCCANDLESS MCKELL (".Venus") Chillicothe, Ohio "I guess, I am sure—Oh yes, well, It may he, no, yes, I can't tell. I meant to say so, Yes, sir, I don't know," Recites our plump Venus McKell. The beautiful lines and graceful undulating curves of his voluptuous figure have deservedly won for him the titles of Venus de Milo. In bis matchless form, all the graces of Greece are embodied and eclipsed. For a person of artistic temperament no pleasure could be greater than to watch David waddle across the area and an aesthetic mind may revel in the curves and sinuosities of a never- ending maze of delight.

JOHN WILLIAM MCKIE (" Mackey "), Ashland, Wis. Act. Sergt. With tenths a great war does he wage, His poop-power no one can JT'i'ge With many a fidget from tow-head to digit, He sounds off the spec by the page. The West Point Globe Almanac. Has the most phe­ nomenal memory in modern times. Knows foot ball scores for years back and base ball scores and batting averages of the early Ko's. Can talk on any subject, whether he knows anything about it or not. Thinks he is a good ridoid and will consequently take the Artillery and ride a caisson. The only case of insanity ever known in the Corps was caused by his perennial flow of B. S.

LESLIE JAMES MCNAIR ("Whitey "), Minneapolis, Minn. Pedestrian Whitey McNair. Once managed to deadbeat a fare. As he walked the last mile he said, ' h'or a while Of affairs with the fair I'll beware." Has a great ambition to be Scotch, and for this reason plays golf, speaks the dialect and collects all the labels on King William bottles. Takes to his little dish of oatmeal as a duck does to water. To test his power of observation he counted the number of railroad ties between here and New- burgh. This accounts for his antipathy to the dough boys. His frequent appearance in the mail room has led some people to believe that the place is haunted.

60 CHARLES ANDREW MEALS (" Three Square ") O'Neill, Neb. Indoor Meet, '02, '03, '04; Record Fence Vault '03. Now this caustic wit from O'Neill, Delights to enjoy a square meal, Hut he thinks it a shame that for want of a name, Any clothing should ownerless feel. Talk, did you say? Golly! but he can talk. As a youth he was wont to harangue the old well in the absence <>t anything drier. As a plebe he would explode with silver tongued oratory, even upon such subjects as "Rat Funerals." What the future holds for him is impossible to say, but certain it is that the full dinner pail wjll never fail to be expressed in flowery language as long as the R. S. goes round.

JOHN Jay MOLLER (" Plug," "J. J."), St. Louis, Mo. Act. Sergt.; Hop Mgr. '01, '02, '03; lootb Night '03. '04. J. J. so loud-mouthed and profane, Forever at something inane. When con's he can't do the air will be blue, Hut you'll always find him raising Cain. It talks, oh. goodness! how it talks. A continuous performance of varied variety. Begins talking at reveille and no one has kept awake long enough to see when he runs down. For this reason he is indispensable at the bops as he can carry on a conversation with a mummy if neces­ sary. Said to be responsible for all those excruciatingly funny remarks that O'Hara has failed to copyright. Can make an hour's recitation on any enunciation, whether in or out of the book.

LUCIAN BARCLAY MOODY (" Runt") Huron, S. I). Pray who owns that monstrous big chin, The one that is never drawn in? 'Tis Moody, the spec, who gets by the peck, The tenths which this chin helps him win. A roisterous, boisterous, blustering bully—always ready for a rough house or a fight. Even as a plebe he terrorized the upper classmen by his swaggering airs, and by the time he became a first class man he had a most unholy bluff on every one, from Tony the shoe black up to Sergt. Branni- gan. Me keeps down his weight by tenth boning, chasing them over the meandering pastures like a naturalist after butterflies.

61 CARROLL WILDER NEAL ("Wild Eye ") Rochester, N. H. Sergt., Lieut. A furlough book-agent named Xcal From bouse to house gave his smooth spiel. He sold "Little Gems," to middle-aged femmes, But now he denies the whole deal. A worthy scion of the Granite State—therefore not wooden. Me possesses all the proverbial shrewdness and acumen of a busy Yankee—always combining business with pleasure. His class ring has caused him so much worry that he has had a trunk made for it. This has led many people to believe that he has given it away, but no one has been able to find the "widder."

JAMES JOSEPH O'HARA (" Patsy ") San Francisco, Cal. Corp., Sergt., Lieut.; iooth Night, '02; Hop Mgr., '01, '02, '03. They say that though French by consent, Hi's really of Irish descent. For Erin go-brah, he'll hip-hip-hurrah, And to anything Irish assent. A direct lineal descendant of St. Patrick, who turns green with envy at the sight of a Dutchman. Although not yet naturalized, he is fast undergoing a system of evolu­ tion which will in time make him a candidate on the all- Irish-American Foot Ball Team. He professes to be a woman hater, but the "Bach's" now have conclusive evi­ dence which will place him on the proscribed list until graduation.

BERNARD PHILLIP OSWALT (" Peep-y-ty-Peep ") Tuskegee, Ala. His post was by number the third, Of tacs this poor plebe had ne'er heard. Said Andy, O. C, "What may your name be?" "I'eep-tc-peep, I'm a too-loo-loo bird." As graceful as a gargoyle, airy as a nymph, and as intoxicating as a fairy. He always reminds you of new mown hay on a summer's day. His attractions can be best expressed in his own flowery language: "I am a tu-tu bird, Sir! I am Mr. Robin Red Breast, Sir! My hair is sky-blue pink, with a heavenly border, Sir! I am the Sunshine of Paradise Alley, Sir! Ah, there!"

62 JOSEPH DODGE PARK ("Joe") Plymouth, N. H. Indoor Meet, '01, '02, '03, '04. To walk for four months is no fun, And tire arms weigh 'bout a ton. So. Joe, the old wag. discarded his Krag Ami carried a fake wooden gun. A model of physical culture and calisthenics, combining at once the imposing grandeur of the Pyramids and the graceful curves of a Doric Column. Me is constantly pursued by a strange night-mare in which he sees himself as the projection of a rolling cone on the area. Me is indeed a supernatural person. We say this with modesty, knowing that some day this biography may be used againsl him in a Court Martial.

ROBERT BCRNS PARKER (" P. R."), Robinson, 111. Sergt, B. A., Stage Mgr. 100th Night, '04. ybu've heard in our "Army Blue" tune. Of those who come down here in June. She came from V. ('. and charmed I*. R. P..; In line hour they talked honeymoon. So sentimental that he must be rocked to sleep each night to the mournful but intoxicating twang of Suit/ Gruber's guitar. One of the greatest practical jokers the Com. has never caught. His theatre of operations extends from the Tac's office on the right to Father Thayer's monu­ ment on the left; and he is the first man who has effec­ tively demonstrated the disturbing effect of the cannon ball when handled by a skilful general in the middle of the night.

CHARLES ROBERT PETTIS (" Peter") Corp.; HOWITZER ; Sharpshooter's Medal. Pete Pettis has gained much renown, By stunts he performs when "in town," Bui he'd never confess, though it's true none the less, His chief joy is chewing the brown. The lad with the shining morning face. He loves to entertain the femmes with skirt dances on the infantry plain, and maintains that the only place to spoon is up an apple tree, banging by the coat-tail with both arms free. He is the first man to apply the principles of the rolling cone and least squares to the hop-room floor. Does every body and everything with mathematical precision. Some day we expect to see him write one of those "specially pre­ pared volumes for use of cadets at the Tj. S. M. A."

63 [RVINGJOSEPH PHILLIPSON ("Wash Irving") Dowagie, Midi. With spec he felt (|uile well equipped. G Smith from his lips gliblv slipped. But "hen be got through the captain said. "You In the midst of your spec a page skipped." He wears a smile which, like a fifth tobacco "skin," will not come off. By intuition of a modest retiring dispo­ sition. This, however, does not place him on the "retired" list. For four years he has been troubled with a slight astigmatism in the "specking" line—in short, a "blind speckoid." Those who know him will tell you that this "bon enfant" is one of the most generous and least natural of men they have ever met.

RICHARD REMBERT PICKERING ("Timothy," "Pick"), Uniontown, Ala. Prom the South comes old Timothy Pick. On skates he is getting quite slick. With a gasp and a stare and his feet in the air— It's lucky the ice is so thick. In argument he delights. It offers an opportunity to leave the subject undiscussed. "Now, see here," is the regular preface to all bis recitations. The habit was acquired at Tuskegec. Mis wonderful tales of "Ole Ala­ bama" are rare examples of his imaginative genius. His friends all unite in saying that "Timothy'" was never known to exaggerate. Excite him and his actions resemble those of the pith sailors used in a lecture on Electricity.

HENRY CONGER PRATT ("Conger ") Milwaukee, Wis. Corp., Sergt., Lieut. Behold this Adonis so sleek. Oh! hark to his voice with the squeak. Although not alarming at small-talk he's charming, And fanning Czarinas unique. A worthy scion of the House of Glassford, and makes a perfect conjugate for the axis of the concern. For three years be has been the victim of a boycott and syndicate, which he finally broke by his famous corner on the femme market in Camp Shipp. Has the astounding record of never missing a hop nor the opportunity of demonstrating the advantages of a certain rock on Gee's Point.

64 LEO PAUL QUINN (" L. P.," " P. Kahn ") Spokane, Wash. Act. Sergt. A youth quite light-hearted and free. Ts Leo P. Quinn, you'll agree. But sad to relate, a deplorable fate lias doomed him to be an I.. P. His sweet nick-name will bring back fond reminis­ cences of those sweet bygone days. If to this we add his charming powers as a songster, we have the key to his successes mi six-hour leaves. Will take the opposite to any argument, from "The age of Willy Simpson" down to "Why chorus girls should not be discussed in public."

HENRY JOSEPH REII.I.V | " P. O.") Washington, D. C. Corp., Sergt., Co. Q. M. Sergt., Lieut., B. A P. O. Reilly in automobile. Through Europe next slimmer will spiel. In a motor for two that goes choo-choo-choo, He'll listen to wedding bells peal. A man of opinion in his own opinion. An authority on artillery—its uselessness and its glorious future. Me has the habit of constantly advancing chimerical theories and ideas on all questions that arise. If you are convinced and adopt his views, he will forsake his own inventions. and by his masterful mind present diametrically opposite arguments. Like a pelican, he stands on one foot in order to jump to the other when the opportunity arrives.

STEPHEN CLARK REYNOLDS (" Plebe," "Louis") St. Louis, Mo. Leader of Choir. '03; Cheermaster, '03: 100th Night, '03, '04. Plebe Reynolds' invisible choir Religious (?) emotions inspire. From cadet to I*. 'tis said, "How can v\ e From this choir some quiet acquire?" He is the leader of that little German hand who with the hell) of Prof. "Pinaud" Kssigke give us those delightful night-mares in five rounds just as we fall to sleep on a Sunday morning in chapel. Like Napoleon, however, he urges his little band on to brilliant efforts by straining his own organ pipes (open or closed) to their limit of resonance. As a plebe he bad the ambition to be the Adonis of his class. This accounts for his bracing, which is at once the ideal and laughter of the rear rank.

65 JOHN BUCHANAN RICHARDSON (" B. J.") Woodville, Miss. It. T. is a jolly tenth scraper. lie's ready for any old caper. lie loves to smoke but. Old English Curve Cut, Makes him swear he'll stick to brown paper. A true "goat" if there ever was one. Spends all bis time in boning up new rumors or hot tips on the next writs. His expert opinions and intricate demonstrations in Astronomy have so convinced the professors that he has been asked to write a book on the subject, in order to be more perfectly understood. Expounder of the famous theory, "Why is the earth green?" This famous discussion is now in the 48th volume, and when completed will be added as an appendix to Woolnough's "F.pheineiis."

ROBERT CHARLWOOD RICHARDSON, JR. (" Nell ") Charleston, S. C. A^£ Corp., Sergt., Co. Q. M. Sergt., Lieut.; Hop Mgr., 'or, '02, '03; 100th Night, '03, '04; HOWITZER. Now Xell feeling sore at the dread ( )f all of his hair getting dead, A remedy tried—Pat's lotion applied,— •li *i And the soreness came out of his head. Dainty, petite, delightful as a summer's breeze, and all those other adjectives generally employed in describing jt a nymph at the bath, would utterly fail to picture the charms of this little accident of love. Me was horn to be loved and not to love, but like many other frail persons, he »Vv£ has wandered out into the field of experiment. He is h known to play a delightful game of golf, generally imper­ sonating Cupid with a quiver for a golf-bag and bows and \ RSK\\ arrows for golf-sticks.

NAPOLEON WILLIAM RILEY (" Nap") Newstead, Ky. Indoor Meet, '01, '02, '03. '04; Foot Ball Team, '01, '02, '03; "A" Foot Ball. Fat Nap from the hind of Dan Poone, Delight! in wee lassies to spoon. lie tells with a chuckle that makes the beams buckle, His jokes to bis female platoon. A Mellin's Food product. To understand him you must hear him laugh. He laughs and grows fat. At first a gentle chuckle coming from the cavernous depths—then with a few oscillations and a few "long rolls'' it grows to a frantic scream of delight. As a tactician he is second to none and always first with his platoon. X. B.—Always follow in bis wake when dancing.

66 HENRY HARRIS ROHERT (" Hip"), Centreville, Miss. Corp., Q. M. Sergt., ist Capt.; Toast Master New Year's. '04. Here's bale hearty health and a sip. To Hilarious Hundred Hop Hip, And here's to the girl who in camp was his pearl. And may she ne'er give him the slip. Le voila! A whooping, herpolhodeian. hilarious, har­ monious hoppoid, the hero of a hundred hops. Congress has voted him a tablet in the hall which was the scene of his many triumphs. A spoonoid of the most abandoned type. Has written several works on eticpiette and repartee, in which are embodied his famous after-dinner b-aches while inspecting the Mess Mall. Mis greatest effort, how­ ever, is "The Manual of the Introduction," in three slides and one bounce.

THOMAS MATTHEWS ROBINS ("Cock") Snow Hill, Md. Sergt., Act. Serg. Maj., Lieut. Cock Kobins's a rider so bold (>n horses decrepit and old. Gives rides every day and all the girls say, "How tight Mr. Robins can hold!" Through constant association with Atkins he has de­ veloped a great dislike for grinds. He is on speaking terms with every horse in the stables, and even the "sawdust horses" in the gym have shown a great fondness for him. He is known to sleep in his riding trousers and has had frequent night-mares. No doubt will die with bis boots on.

RILEY ESTEL SCOTT (" Liz ") Montcalm, W. Va. A queer combination is Liz, "Pis hard to tell just what he is. He's wooden, poetic, wise, crazy, pathetic, And fond of a cold vermouth fizz. One of those conglomerations which are always a puzzle. When stroked the proper way, he is amiable; when startled, be is ferocious. His greatest propensities are to dance the can-can. become seasick in a heavy rain storm. and light-headed over cadet mess cider. At moments his brilliancy is unsurpassed. In the same moment you are treated to weird and uncanny sounds of a troubled mind.

67 WILLIAM ROSS SCOTT ("Chevre Rouge") Indianapolis, Ind. "A" Fencing; Field Meet. '03. "I'vvas William R. Scott's little game. To draw things and thereby win fame. When 011 last Hallowe'en throning rocks he was seen, He drew twenty tours just the same. This party states that there are three distinct planes of Stratification in the tan-bark of the riding-hall, having passed through all three on many occasions. Erstwhile a walking delegate of the Disturbance (Jnion, having dis­ pelled one night with a bucket of rocks that quiet in bar­ racks which is so pleasing to the tacs. From this ho degen­ erated into a spoonoid, and he can now be found any afternoon in the hounds of the whist club figuring on what beats two pair.

HARRY LINCOLN SIMPSON ("Cavalry") Jersey City, N. J. 100th Night, '02. '04. A function of time was II. L. Demerits were sounding his knell. The Doc. took him in, and kept him from sin. December the Brat made him well. The West Point Dope Sheet. Loves to talk race horses, gym horses and horse laughs. The origin of his cognomen is doubtful. Some say it is from the color of his lucks Others say he got it the day be donned bis riding trousers and did not know which end of a horse to lead to the water. Can tickle a soap box as well as a piano. Plaj - the phonograph, hectograph, heliograph and any other kind of a graft he can get onto. Transposes the most classical compositions into rhythmical rag-time and then plays them backwards.

WILLIAM FITZIIUGH LEE SIMPSON (" Wuffle") Washington, D. C. Wee Willie is one of the boys, His elothes press is plum-full of toys. He's a long-winded talker, likewise a great walker, And dancing is one of his joys. He loves to talk and does talk; never failing to get the last word in every argument. The only thing that ever got the better of him was an echo. He has the con­ ceited idea that he is the best friend of any one higher ranking than himself. Morning, noon and night you can find him eating soap and blowing bubbles. With the aid of a Cambria his age has been computed to be 3 years. This, however, is still subject to a factor of safety 50.

68 WALTER SINGLES ("Frit/.") Colwyn, Pa. Marksman, '03; Indoor Meet, '01, '02. Here's Singles whose eloquent tongue, In the section-room often has sung. We stop to admire his verbal quick-fire, And guess how his jaw-tackle's hung. Not since the days of Windy, son of B-Achayat, has there been so voluble a man in the Corps. He can make even a table of logarithms interesting by his forcible and elegant expression and masterful delivery. Always insists on using a "slohoon" as a platform. During his second class year the Phil department used bis patent hair-clipped head as a good example of a warped surface. "B. J." Richardson says it was a graphical representation of the "umbilical point."

CHARLES THOMAS SMART (" Tain " ) Hartford, Conn. Sergt., Act. 1st Sergt., Lieut. In camp sawed-off Tarn with a will, Right smartly made use of his quill. Now chevrons he wears, he's through with his cares. His rep he's endeav'ring to kill. Behold our swaggering, bullying, buccaneering ' Tain." And to think that this sudden change has come over him in the short space of one month. Oh! fatal day! No more does he run the phonograph for the bloods at Kendrick Hall. Verily, man knoweth not the outcome of a 27-hour leave. lie cannot be dragged from that clinking Glass whose hoarse and cadaverous voice beckons him on to the sea of oblivion. And worst of all. he loves French mil­ linery.

MERRILL KLLICOTT SPALDING (" Merrill") Concordia, Kan. The laundry he thought he was fleecing. And therefore he slept without ceasing ()ne u hole Bummer night on His trousers of white. Alas, lie found troubles increasing. A model young man. his every wotd a deed, possess­ ing the unheard-of distinction of never having done any­ thing particularly gross. Always as fresh and sweet as a daisy, he is idolized for his radiant cheeks, sparkling brown eyes and captivating smile. In truth, we fear for him when he leaves the protection of the Academy. His mod­ esty will no doubt prevent him from reaching the goal which otherwise would be his.

69 JOSEPH WARREN STILWELL ("Joe") Yonkers, N. V. Sergt, Act. ist Sergt., Lieut; Foot Ball Team. '03: "A" Foot Ball; Indoor Meet, '01 ,'02, '03, '04; Field Meet, '03, '04; Capt. Cross Country Team, '04; Hop Mgr., '03, '04. Engaged in most any old sort Of games which involve the true sport. Is Beet-footed Joe. who wants us to know, That managing prize-lights's his forte. "Reported sick in hospital several times, but I am still well." Such grinds as these ad infinitum will wake you up at two o'clock in the morning and tell you that the latest is not out yet. Generally gets up at reveille and runs fifteen miles for his appetite. He is one of those few men who do not hesitate to put down their ancestry as "Yankee," and yet not furnish passengers for the whole Mayflower.

GEORC.E VEAZBY STRONG (" G. A.," " Veazey ") Helena, Mon. Corp.. B. A., ist Serg., Capt.; ''A" Fencing; Intercol. fencing Championship Medal; Capt. Fencing Team, '04; Hop Mgr., '03, '04. And now for our friend Strong, G. A.. Who always has plenty to say. His lordly-like strut shows up as the butt— The butt of amusement for aye. So "tinny" that like a sieve you can almost sec through him. Banished from his native state on account of relig­ ious principles and beliefs, he sought refuge in the free and wild atmosphere of the Rockies. Since then he has reformed and now accepts even Christianity as laid down in the Blue Book, "Skin others as they skin you." Just now be is undecided whether to take a chance on life in the 6th or a tac in a tin school.

INNIS PALMER SYVIET (" P. " Painmer ") Washington, D. C. Sergt., Lieut. When Pammer got through with the horse. He loosened the wrong strap of course; The horse got entangled with the sabre that dangled. You'd have thought he'd been fed upon "Force"! Although this tattooer has no direct designs on the class cup, it is said that he has been hived secretly admiring the designs and patterns on the napkin rings. The appre­ ciation of beauty or art is never accidental. It is either the inspiration of a lofty or a crafty mind. Besides his artistic talents he is intensely musical. Ilis famous rendi­ tion uf "Beauty's Eyes'' to the tunes of the "Missouri Na­ tional'' is a "piece de resistance" that no mortal could long survive.

70 MATTHEW HENRY THOMLINSON (" Tommy," " Mathy "), North Haven, Conn. Corp., ist Sergt., Lieut, and Adj. Connecticut's timber is good. Her nutmegs arc all made of wood, And chevrons which please, all grow upon trees, Accounting for Thomlinson's pud. The old reliable of the Tactical department, whose hearts he pierced through by the dulcet tones of his fog­ horn bazoo; by the Greek lines of his figure, Hebraic grandeur of his nose and a cptill far more facile than one would suppose. In his pipe dreams come visions of Fili­ pino fair maids dancing for him 'neath the palm trees' cool shade. Although from the Nutmeg State, he is willing to convince you that he has none of the constituents in his own personality.

CHARLES FULLINGTON THOMPSON ("Tompo," " Bigelow "), Jamestown. N. D. Act. Sergt; Foot Ball Team, '02, '03; "A" Foot Ball: Indoor Meet, '01, '02, '03. '04. Said Tompo so full of ambish, "To this question an answer I wish: Now, wdty don't vou use some leveling screws. To level this mercury dish?" An Apollo in form, a Hercules in strength and a Cupid by trade is this man Tompo. Mad not playful fortune in a sportive mood placed his head on wrong side, he would have had a chest of which any Major General might have been justly proud. His military abilities have wasted their sweetness on the desert air, being eclipsed by those of his room-mate "Sky."

AUGUSTUS BISSELL VAN WORMER (" Van ") Binghampton, N. V. Van Wormer loved truly a dame, To him no one else was the same. With a sigh he would say to her picture each day, "I'd like to be changing your name." For some unknown reason (to himself alone). Van is a victim to the unfortunate habit of "piping" at various inopportune moments. He spends most of his time trying to explain how it all happened. Although always "down.'' he is never "out." His hair still shows the effects of the mental strain of mortification and explanation, in vertical and otherwise, for confusing the destination of 1 wish-iist and a billet doux.

7i RUSSELL VERNON VENABLR (" Russ ") Cincinnati, Ohio Act. Sergt. Water-melon may be very nice. When daintily served by the slice. Bold Kuss did aspire to eat one entire— He lay all next day packed in ice. Born a singer but not a songster. Although be has the ordnance walk, with all the side latches and mechanism, every one can plainly see that his future is in the Army Service Corps. A lover of Mowers, poetry, slum and River­ side femmes. He has a choice collection of grinds ( ?), which he will repeat as often as you will listen. Any one willing to break through his grouchy exterior shell will certainly not find a nuunniv inside.

CARR WILSON WALLER (" Dutch Daddy ") New Bloomfield, Mo. Cray-haired Daddy Waller—old beau— Went with us to see the Horse Show. A gay demoiselle cast o'er him a spell— lie forgot when the train ought to go. "Allow me to introduce Mr. Waller, the great water- color artist." You have probably seen some of his por­ traits of high and mighty personages in which you must have noted the predominance of brown, for that is his favorite color. Always carries a time-table on the ar­ rival and departure of all trains out of New York. These, however, are not up to date with the latest interpolations furnished by the tactical department

HUGH LAWSON WALTHALL (" Hugh ") Modesto, Cal. Indoor Meet, 'oi, '02, '03, '04. Hugh Walthall has not missed a writ. He started way back with (.'. Schmidt. From Calcule to Phil, he's been at it until We doubt if he ever will quit. The "Oom Paul'' of our class. Counts his age by the number of chaperones he has met. Has taken the "full dinner pail" course for goats. For exam, after exam, he has shifted himself so admirably on the Academic Board that they have finally given him up as one of those lucky goats that always manage to butt in.

72 RALPH TALBOT WARD (" Runt ") Denver Col. Indoor Meet. 01. '02. '03, '04; All-round gymnast, '04. RtlOt Ward in a Spirit of plav Embellished his writ for the day. The Department of Phil cared not for his skill, So he walked in the usual way. First prize for section room repartee. His remarks gen- erally contain more or less of aggressiveness and sharp corners. As one of the bottle holders in the 8th l)iv. Nursery he knows how to use A P. C blocks, rattles and other similar wooden toys. His realistic and philosophical representation of IIV has not been favorably received by every one. especially by his instructors. As editor of the comic paper "Loop-de-Loop" his humor has covered a great "area."

MERRILL DALE WHEELER (" Martin Dooley "_) Proctorsvilie, Vt. Said Martin, whom nothing will suit, "I swear that I'll never salute A prof I once had. who treated me bad." Now Dooley is reaping the fruit. The only man in the class who really looks as if he came from Vermont His P. C. S. being a "wood chopper," he readily acquired the pleasant art of "knocking." He spares neither the high nor the low. With the ladies he is reserved, and when unable to talk extinguishes their enthusiasm by original and reckless interpretations of the "Anvil Chorus." His rosy-cheeked face has often been compared with that of a cherub—with the result that "Martin Dooley" now has an all-summer engagement as a chorus girl.

SHERBURNE WHIPPLE (" Willie ") New York, N. Y. Base Ball Team, '01. '03, '04; ".V Base Ball; Hop Mgr., '01, '02, '03. His hunting talis give us the thought That a dead game sport's rep's what he sought. Going off in the woods, coming back with the goods; Rut his dead game has always been bought. A relic of the Paleozoic Time. So old that he counts his age by "light" years, and is now in his third childhood. Now and then he will cast off the cloak of Time and slide a few bases as if a stein of—lemon claret were waiting for him at the home plate. Like the lilies of the field, he toils not, neither does he spin, and when hard pressed can be as shy and retiring as a dandelion.

73 ANDREW JACKSON WHITE ("Andrew ") Chambersburg, Pa. Corp., B. A. To ileailbeat was Andrew's delight. At drills he'd keep clean out of sight. But alas, he was missed when tin- Bird checked the list. Then his ehances for sergeant were slight. One of those quiet men that always walk or. rubber heels. He is always willing to spread the cloth in order to afford some gentleman a few minutes of pleasure, provid­ ing said person has the money. Like Glass, he makes all his arrangements on "graduation terms." \t "descrip" he was a Rend, and even to this day he is haunted by shades • and shadows, brilliant spots and all such tommyrot.

ARTHUR HARRISON WILSON ("Jingle") Springfield, 111. Indoor Meet. lyoo, 'oi. '02. '03. '04: Field Meet. 1900, '01. '02. '03. '04. Quite novel is Jingle's oncer trait; lie likes nothing more than a lafe. When he hears the drum beat, he slows up his feet. Nor does the last note change his gait. This gentle youth came into this world on a bucking bronco and has been "bucking" in ranks ever since. From the way he walks one might be led to believe that he had designs on the ordnance, were it not for the fact that he is one of the star members of "Spoonoid Ridoids." As a plebe he joined the \V. C. T. U. and, although present at many a horse show hack in the woods, always sticks to the blue ribbon.

ERLE MARTIN WILSON (" Pudd'n Head." "Tub") Louisville, Ky. Corp., Sergt. (Colors), Act. Q. M. Sergt., Lieut.; 100th Night, '03, '04. In Hundredth Night plays he's a star. In nigger shows way above par. With the aid of his wife, Puddenhead with much strife, Can climb on the parallel bar. As an infant he cried for a bottle—of his native Bour­ bon. As a child he gambolled and frisked in the blue grass fields until his frolicsome mood became a habit. As a youth be studied oratory under Brother "Johnsing," of the Afri­ can Methodist. As a man be acquired his portly bearing while with the Q. M. D's. Although neither dainty nor feminine, he has made a decided hit in caricaturing Lillian Russell.

74 ALBERT COURTNEY WIMBERLY (" Buck ") JefFersonville, Ga. Here's Buck who was so overjoyed To lill his unlimited void, That at Thanksgiving feed, through his gluttonous greed, The train-time found Buck thus employed. He was here when the Hudson was still an inland sea. and intends to remain until the "Professorial Row" gives way to the "New West Point." In camp he delighted to entertain the boys with rollicking tunes of the briny deep, always accompanied by Farnsworth on the basso prof undo. He once had a desire to follow the stage, but the calcium lights went out. leaving "lhtck" holding the gate receipts.

MARTIN CHRISTIAN WISE (" Greaser") , Tex. Indoor Meet. [QjOI. Act. Sergt. One night in Camp Shipp after dark. John GreaaeT Wise went for a lark. lie climbed all the trees just to take in the breeze, And find out what made the tree bark. Our own archaeologist—bis investigations of Egyptian obelisks in Central Park and their practical application to "tenth" gathering being one of the wonders of the age. His mode of recitation is not only interesting but con­ tinuous. He takes the pointer with a hoop and a whistle. then sounds off his speck from the corner of the right- hand page down to the fly speck on the third line from the bottom.

JAMES BARTON WOOLNOUGH ("Goat") Minneapolis, Minn, Sharpshooter's Medal, '03. Goat Woolnough's a corker in dis; The bull's-eye he never does miss. But he can't shoot the stars and the orbit of Mars, He looks up in his Ephem-er-is. Sure-shot Jim is a born diplomat, which accomplish­ ment he utilizes in the section room to the utmost degree of perfection. It is said that he has a most wonderful propensity for saying nothing in an intelligent way. His sang-froid is often mistaken for indifference—but an in­ structor in Phil., Cbem. or Math, is not supposed to be a close student of human nature. His favorite study (and he has one) is Astronomy.

75 PHILIPIHENRV WORCESTER (" P."), Portland, Me. Corp., Sergt., Act. Sergt.; Field Meet, '03, '04. Well, here's to our long-legged P., A runner of fame he might be, If he could keep pace with the tongue in his face. But as no one can do that, can he? He prides himself on his shape—he should, for there is none like it; it makes him a "rara avis'" Just hear him speak, and lol the place of birth and the scenes of child­ hood are instantly revealed. A connoisseur of good "River leaf" Cigars, and an inveterate chewer—of spruce gum. His modest, unassuming manner, winsome chipmunk smile and his sweet, grating dialect will never be forgotten as long as there are chaperones alive.

CLEMENT HALE WRIGHT[(" P.,''/' Fat," "Pyrite") Talmadge, Ohio Field Meet, '03. Yes. if you can make sparks of light Fly off from a bit of pyrite, You're sure it's good stuff; so his nick-name's no bluff, l-'or at sparking fat Pyrite's all right. As a plebe this lad was an unsophisticated school miss. Since then he has changed his P. C. S. Everything has changed, in fact, except his beard and bis class standing. He received his sobriquet "Fat" as the author of a most wonderful system of taking on avoirdupois. When reciting he always takes on one of those "deep in thought" ex­ pressions. This means many tenths to him—as long as lie keeps silent.

And of those who have dropped by the way. We'll think of for many a day. Full sixty we've lost, and great's been the cost. God bless them is all we can say.

And now to our glorious class! May each of us win a true lass, Who'll share with devotion our love and promotion, As by us the years gently pass.

76 HEX Antony spoke at the bier of Caesar, he came to bury him and not to praise him. This little sketch has neither of these purposes. It is simply a brief recital of the incidents attending our passage as a class, through the Academy. As such we began our existence in June of the year nineteen hundred; but the real class existed long before, and it would indeed be interesting, if we had the time, space and facilities, to trace the individuals from the cradle until they became intrepid soldiers, with chins hidden in their collars and shoulder blades grinding together. Should we look back we would probably find "Nap" Riley, the heavy-weight pride of the country; "Jake" Dew. the reliance of the home fire department: "Bill" Copp, the noisy burden of the community; "Snitz" Gruber, playing a band organ; 1Iarbold, valiantly leading the Dillsburg brigade; "Tom"' Gimperling. inventing fair}' tales; "Reggie" Holderness, in love but with an ever changing objective; "Aunt Polly" Diller, wearing green stockings; "Tow" Benedict, faithfully "boning" royal pedigrees; "Sandy" McAndrew, breaking broncos; Glass, run­ ning a green goods shop; and so on through the long list of our variously dis­ tinguished members. 'Tis to be feared that we miss much of the shocking and the interesting. If so, it is entirely through policy. It was indeed a motley crew that entered the Academy under the sobriquet of "The Class of 1904"—June plebes. Juliets and, last but not least, one lonely "Sep," the last of his tribe. Most of us could probably have passed with credit a rigid examination on the works of Capt. Charles King. Hugh Reed

77 and the Cadet Register, but how different it was from what we anticipated. Every moment was occupied, from reveille to taps. It was a merry-go-round from morning till night, with plenty of extra rides for those who distinguished themselves sufficiently to attract attention. The "Keelev" cure, the first thing in the morning; the double timing to the intoxicating music of the metronome; and after each meal, to assist digestion, drills— soirees we learned to call them afterwards; then explanations, written and re-written for the sole purpose of re-writing them again; and then in the evening, a little social call at the office, where we were given so much atten­ tion that we decided to call oftener. And so every one looked forward with pleasure to camp. And it was well that we looked forward to it with pleasure, for there was none either in going or in having gone.

CAOKT MKSS, igco There may be events in a cadet's life at the Academy, which have been so pleasant that he can never forget them. But the things which are perhaps most indelibly traced on his memory, are the happenings of those worst of night­ mares, beast barracks and plebe camp. Can we ever forget the sort of dream we lived in, a dream broken only by sudden and rude awakenings. Can we ever forget the days when we had to get up before reveille to shave, or else go unshorn; those solemn night watches with burning tapers and crossed bayonets, over the silent body of a dead rat; and then the next day, with weeping and gnashing of teeth, performing that most touching of all ceremonies, a rat fun­ eral ? Can we ever forget that eternal sleepiness, the stolen naps in Fort Clin­ ton, or in the barber's chair, under the hot, sun-drenched tent? Always in a hurry and yet always —late; always working madly and yet seemingly never

78 accomplishing anything; always in the wrong when we would have sworn that we were in the right; smiled upon by the ladies—thus we called them in those primordial days; legislated by a kind but mistaken Congress, with the ad­ vice and consent of the W. C. T. U. Verily, we were the most puzzled and most unhappy of mortals. And yet in one sense, the only one, we were the happiest. We were "Plebes" under the old regime, and with the passing of that old regime has passed all the excitement, all the necessity for good, clear grit, all the training given by those few strenuous weeks. [n those days we looked upon a guard tour as a blessing from divine Prov­ idence. Right smartly would we walk up and down our post, generally obey­ ing orders to "watch that squirrel on the other end"; constantly on the alert, keeping a sharp lookout for all upper classmen; straining eye and ear for any indication of the enemy, imagining an Indian behind every tree, a Spaniard

STADIUM PAN AMKRICAN KXPOSITION in every shadow, and more terrible still, yearlings everywhere. The silver- tongued speeches of "Fritz" Singles, the flowery perorations of "Three-square" Meals, and the Herculean feats of the "D" Co. babies will never be forgotten. And how carefully did those of us in the runt companies avoid those little side shows on the flank, particularly "The Bowery" and "Paradise Alley." There was a slight respite when those darlings, "The Juliets," arrived on the scene. I Mily the old law in Economics can explain this change—concentration at one point necessarily produces distribution at another. And then came "Illumina­ tion." with all its trials and tribulations. Credit we received none; now and then some "femme"—so we had learned to call them now—would say sweetly to her escort, "Is that a plebe?" and "toute de suite" we would drown our sor-

79 RETURN FROM FURLOUGH, 1902 rows in a bucket of lemonade wishing the evening over that we might sleep. The trip to Peekskill was interesting—and so was the counting of the telegraph poles on the round trip. And then we were treated to a strange sight, a crowd


of "hoodlums"—so the Com called then—just returning from furlough. Well, this certainly was getting interesting.


We then moved back into barracks, the scene of our first engagement. The rapid succession of events began to tell on us now. We were hardly in condi­ tion to begin the winter's work, which we nevertheless welcomed, for the first

Si and only time. A few of us went out to bone "toast" on the foot ball team. Many answered the call, but few were chosen. At last we played the Navy. Defeat had but one comfort; our own little "Dumpy" and old "Ambrosia" Finn played admirably. Early in the winter we had a class meeting, electing Atkins. President, and Campbell, Vice-President, and they served us faithfully, until all class organizations were proscribed by the famous "Golden Bull." At first "boning" was a pleasant change from "bracing," but long before Christ­ mas the novelty had worn off. and instead of sweeping clean, it looked as if C. Smith would make a clean sweep of us. As a result of the first skirmish with the Academic Board, we lost sixteen privates, all number four, rear rank. Just about this time the Booze affair was brought to our attention by sev­ eral of the yellow journals. They were soon scattering broadcast the most blood-curdling tales and denunciations. This resulted in the appointment of an Investigating Committee. One member especially took a keen delight in apply­ ing to the witnesses the hardest names in his vocabulary. This man has since been convicted in a criminal trial for accepting bribes, and is no longer eligible to office under the United States. Under pressure we had a meeting in the mess hall, where we passed a joint resolution to quit the practice of hazing, as tar as the four classes assembled were concerned. Our pledge was incorporated in a report and presented to the Committee. From the result, this did not have a great effect. The findings of the Committee were "that we were guilty of hazing, but not of murder." In February the first class graduated and we attended our first graduation parade in the snow7. In March we finally decided to inaugurate the President. Our walk through the streets of Washington was what you might call delightful. The combination of dress hats and overcoats seemed to please the inhabitants better than it did US. The next day we took another stroll. Desiring to disguise ourselves and being quite cold, with a promise of rain, we left our overcoats behind. The promise, by the way, was well fulfilled. ( hi our return we found excitement rather low. so a coup d'etat in the form of a "demonstration" was planned and remarkably well exe­ cuted. As a result of an investigation, the area once more resounded to the pitter- patter of marching feet; and nineteen-four did not fail to get honorable mention. This was the time when Kingman and Pettis acquired their martial stride and "Humpty" Hunter developed that intense thirst which has ever since consumed him. And now we became yearlings. As a new camp was being constructed, we were domiciled in barracks. But the new "beasts" arrived shortly and chased us over to Camp "Slouchenberg," where nightly we remained awake, playing on a foot tub to the tune of "Mosquito Parade." Here it was that "Hilarious


EQUITATION Hip" Robert began his famous career as a hoppoid, engaging himself to attend one hundred successive nights unless physically disabled. We were upheld by the thought of the 1 'an-American, kept constantly before us by the band, which seemed to have forgotten everything but "Put me off at Buffalo." They played at reveille, taps, parades, concerts and even at a funeral, either out of tune or out of time. Every one enjoyed it, even the Pan-handlers on the Midway. Buffalo Bill tried to get Moody for his Rough Riders and "Tub" Wilson for the fat man from Mozambique. Both offers, however, were gracefully turned down. Was ever so much crowded into such a short time: theatres. Japanese village. Eoop-de-Loop, Streets of Cairo, Moonlight on the Niagara, 20th Cen­ tury Dance and the great Casino hop—truly a hop, as it was impossible to dance. And then the sumptuous banquets at Statlers, three times a day, to the patriotic strains of "Dolly Gray." If the temperance and Army Canteen ques­ tion had come up during our stay, most of us would have been found "on the fence." depending of course on the time of the day. After waiting three hours for "Jake" Dew and "Bill" Copp to break away from their "sweethearts." we left the Electric City with heartfelt thanks for the delightful reception and hospitality we had received. And now, once more, back to the mines, to toil and labor for 1.5 per day. Tin's year we determined never again to be beaten by the Navy, and were not disappointed. The 100th Night Entertainment reminded us that June and fur­ lough were near. Then came the Centennial Celebration, which will long be re­ membered by all who were present. And then "Furlough," preceded by the great furlough parade, led by Farnsworth, as Aphrodite. After depositing our ordnance property in a sloboon in the Sth Div.. to be drawn again with interest in the shape of four and five, we started in search of adventure. We spent a very pleasant evening with "Dolly Vardon," and at the supper forgot tacs, tours and confinements. Copp was toast master but was unable to officiate, due to various causes. The time passed rapidly and pleasantly and before we were aware of it the end was looming large in our path. The last carousal at the Murray Hill showed that class spirit was not so much bosh after all. When we stepped off the ferry boat, a bunch of tacs was awaiting us. The usual inspection for contraband articles produced nothing new. all class rings having been left in safe keeping. We reached camp in time to miss the evening parade. The "Furlough hop" that night showed how fickle man can be. "Bob" Campbell forgot all his faithful promises of the last night at home, and Conger Pratt recognized a pair of blue eyes which he thought might in time develop.

S4 It was indeed hard to buckle down to the old routine again after a taste of freedom, but this year there was a chance for Christmas leave. Philadelphia once more, with usual result—this was getting to be monotonous. Contrary to tlie usual custom, we lost four men in our second class year. After that, every one felt that it would not be his fault if he did not graduate. The class was again well represented in the iooth Night play, "The Caprices of Cupid." with "Suit/" (rruber as King Ping Pong in the title role, while Dew immortalized himself with his song, "Columbo." In the spring of 1903, we visited New York twice: the first time to do a few "stunts" at the Military Tournament, travel­ ling on the good old ship "Pegasus." and the second, under the auspices of tlie Drawing Department with the Art Museum as an object. "Aunt Polly" Diller spent all his time gazing upon a nude statue, just like some country bump­ kin, while "Tom" Gimperling discovered a new artist, who could use color better than his old friend Rumlcy. It was a relief to most of us to reach the end of our course in the school of profanity—there is no drawing in the first clas> course. In June, 1903, we saw the graduation of the last of the classes who had acted as our preceptors in the elements of braceology. Our regret was very dee]) indeed, for our relations had always been the most cordial. We had been given to understand that first class camp was somewhat in the nature of a "soiree," but we found it far otherwise. The cavalry drills de­ veloped some "rare seats," "Bouly" Alley and "Loui" Reynolds especially dis­ tinguishing themselves. "Liz" Scott came to the.conclusion that "guidon" was the only place for him, while the Captain in charge of the Artillery drill gave us some fine exhibitions of the easiest way to dismount a horse. Cold Springs seemed to have quite a call as a summer resort, while over in "F" Company the nights were made hideous by "Dutch picnics" out in the Summer Garden. "No­ sey" Cooper was caught playing golf in flirtation, paying considerable attention to the manner of approaching. Especially memorable was the ride to Peekskill, in which we lost but one carbine, after a wild charge through three feet of water. Then came the trip to Stockbridge, with its cavalry hops and midnight suppers, at which "Generals only" were permitted to attend. Target practice developed four sharpshooters and one marksman, not to mention the grand army of third class riflemen. And here is where we found our greatest hardship. As plebes, we cleaned any one's gun who was kind enough to notice us. But as first-class men, when we could have spent the entire afternoon in the arms of Morpheus, we found ourselves diligently smearing our dignified fingers with cosmic oil, pomade and all that other para­ phernalia usually the property of plebes. Our expectations were not fulfilled and it was the plebes who slept. Through the efforts of "Hip" Robert and his

*5 "spoonoid" crew, we succeeded in having another "Illumination." "D" Co. "Re­ treat" and the "I"' Co. "Labyrinth" served us in spooning the fair sex and los­ ing undesirable chaperones. And on the 28th we closed our last camp, with the usual ceremony of dragging half our wardrobe across the plain and scat­ tering the other half between camp and barracks. Shortly after our arrival in barracks, our wandering attention was called to the fact that "Cadets will not be allowed to use tobacco." From time im­ memorial had we been reminded of this fact, so no one could see the necessity of reading it again. But the next words, "except in barracks," explained the whole situation. For several days the law of supply and demand seemed to have gone out of business. The first of the trips arranged for the instruction of the class was to the Morse Show. "Ilumpty" Hunter, as usual, entertained us with classic poetry, while "Willie" Scott demonstrated the personal equation of "Liz" Scott. There was much disagreement whether to beat the Navy this year or wait until the next. But the result showed the unanimity of opinion. After Xew Year's we decided to wear our class rings. "Martin Dooley" and others had been doing this by proxy for some time. All our spare time was taken up by lectures and insurance agents. The 100th Night play was more successful than ever, owing to the artistic ability of several members of the class. Watervliet and Gettysburg both came and went, and graduation less than a hundred days off. Altogether this was the shortest year of all, and the most enjoyable, and as it drew to a close we found that the approaching separation was not unaccompanied by a tinge of sadness. Our stay at St. Louis was more than pleasant, its description we will leave for the succeeding classes. Everyone was glad to get back, however, for the eventful June 15. The graduation parade was—well what can it be called, impressive or de­ pressing? With regret we took a last long look at all those familiar scenes. What memories did they not all recall! It was indeed hard to part from all the pleasant associations and friends of those four years of never-ceasing labor. Time and again had we said, "Never again," but we experienced a very differ­ ent feeling as we thought of never again assembling as a class after that last eventful evening, when we sang for the last time as cadets, the last strain to

"Army Blue." v , .. , , , J .\ow, fellows, we must say good-bye, We've stuck our four years through; ()ur future is a cloudless sky, We'll don the Army Blue. Army Blue, Army Blue, Hurrah for the Army Blue! We'll bid farewell to Cadet gray And don the Army Blue 86 and with sorrowing hearts we went our different ways, some of us never to meet again on this world's battlefield. Whatever the future holds for us, be it fame or obscurity, our most cherished thoughts will always be of the Corps, its traditions, its glorious motto, "Duty, Honor, Country" and the good old Class of Nineteen Hundred and Four. And thus falls the curtain upon an­ other chapter in the history of the Academy.

87 CLASS OF 1905 YELL Hoo-oo-Ray-Ray, Hoo-oo-Ray-Ray, U. S. M. A., 1905 !

COLOR Old Gold


Athletic Representative CHARLES DUDLEY DALY


90 DAVIS, JOSEPH RAY Lowell, Ark. DICKEY, JAMES IK X )P Greenup, Ky. DILLMAN, GEORGE Cheyenne, Wyo. DODDS, WILLIAM HENRY Detroit, Mich. DOE, Tl [< )M.\S BARTWELL \sheville, N. C. DONAVIN, CHARLES STUART Columbus, I ). DUNF( )R\\ RUPERT ALGERNt )X Salt Lake City, Utah I >UNW< K )DV. HALSEY Washington, D. C. DUSENBURY, JAMES GAGE Port Haroldson, S. C. EARLY, CLIFFORD CABELL Lynchburg. Va. EDDY. K( >BERT COLLINS Simsburg, Conn. EHRNBECK. ART] IUR RUD( )LP11 Appleton, Wis. EM ERS( )X. Tl [< )M AS HENRY Areata, Cal. ENDRESS, WILLIAM FITZHUGH Jamestown. X. Y. FIELD. BEN WALLER Jonesboro, Ark. GARDINER, J< )HN DE BARTH WALBACH Baltimore, Md. GARDNER, CARROLL HANLEY Wakefield, R. I. GIBSON, ADELNC) Oskaloosa, Iowa GRAYES. ERNEST Chapel Hill, N. C. GRUBBS. DE WITT CLIXTON TUCKER Shelby City, Ky. GULLK )X, ALLEN WYANT Newcastle, Ky. GUTHRIE, SIDNEY H( >WLAND Irving, Kan. HAMMOND, JOHN STEVENS Chicago, 111. HAMMOND, TH< )M AS WEST Ashland. Ore. HANFORD, EDWARD CORNELIUS Seattle. Wash. HAWES. WILLIAM HENRY. JR Towando, 1 'a. HENSLEY, WILLIAM N., JR Columbus. Neb. HERRING, HARRY TELEMACH Jackson, Tenn. HODGES, JOHN NEAI Baltimore. Md. HOLDERNESS, ARTHUR W Kenosha. Wis. HOROWITZ, NATHAN New York City. N. Y. HOTZ. JOHN GEORGE Indianapolis, Ind. JONES. DE WITT CLINTON Norcross, Ga.



93 CU5511I5TI1RH305 HE morning of the loth of June. Anno {'. S. M. A. 99 (A .D. 1901), there might have been seen wending their way toward the Military Academy, a number of youths from every part of this broad land, variously attired and differently formed, but of one mind and heart as to the way in which the Nation's Nursery should be run. and before each of whose mind's eye was the banner with the strange device, "Excelsior." Ah ! Which of them then realized that for four long years he would eat that strange device for Sunday morning breakfast? It took about two minutes for an orderly and the Supt's clerk to destroy eighty per cent, of administrative acumen, and about two minutes more for the Busy Bees in the area to rid us of the remainder of our personal equation. However, we went at beast-barracks and bucked the Cadet Store, and kow-towed to the King and the Busy Bees, with rather dazed brains, but hopeful hearts. We drilled, and ran. and jumped, and smoked on the O. T., and cleaned fusils and ourselves, and secretly reviled the Busy Bees, and walked the area; but always we were sweltering in the heat. The only luminous point in our field of view was the Lynx. Who's he. you ask? A gentleman who made things seem easier by his presence and personality, and gave us the good impression of the Tac Department, so soon to be destroyed, never to return.

94 After two weeks of this harum-scarum existence we proudly hit camp, firm in the conviction that we were IT. But—Plebe cam]), that's all! There were so many, many things that were new to us: such funny fellows, such a peculiar language. There we learned to swim the stormy seas in the tank, to trip the festive toe in Cullum, to pedestrianate on guard, to dodge the Tacs, to do something while doing nothing, to police the company street without sweeping, and a multitude of other strange and wondrous things. Then on the 25th of July, the latest instalment of building material was carted onto the post in the persons oi the Juliets. Will we ever forget how we patted ourselves on the back and felt proud when we saw those funny wooden images? Buffalo!! I Ii-lii !! How well we remember the hard knocks of Biffalo and the Midway? There was the upper room of the Mexican Village with its bal­ cony, the underground railway over the fence back of camp, and Biffalo herself. It was hard to come back to the Point, but we did, after many good-byes and much tearing of heart-strings. The succeeding nine months was a dull, unending repetition of such wise sayings, and old saws as: "I am required—"; "In explanation of—": "Guard, lunge, guard": "Is that not so?" "Young gentlemen of the—" and so on. and SO on a cholera infantum. At last we emerged into another cam]) only succeed­ ing in breaking our cocoon by the effort required to win the Field Daw This camp, beginning as it did with the Centennial Celebration, promised to be a momentous one in the history of the Corps. We were yearlings now: we would show 'em a few: we would run the Corps right: we would make the Tacs buck up and acknowledge our prestige. But things went wrong somehow, and after numerous squelchings. most of us found a hole, crawled in, pulled it in after us and lapsed into innocuous desuetude until September. Most, but not all; there were Lothairios who had to flutter round a flame, and the athletes who cheerfully batted the bounding gutty up and down the plain, and romped in glee upon the tennis-courts. Back to the mines in September, for another "rastle" with C. Smith's "Comic" Sections, and the rhombohedral, hyperbolic, epilepsiloidal. parabolodrical helicoid with a brilliant point and two Boards of Directors. These, with art studies drawn by us under the direction of Him. calculating" calculations in calcule, and a stammering, whistling whirl with the P.. S. Department aroused us until it became necessary to get down to work and win the Field Day again. The monotony was varied at times by the bright and cheerful ways of those kind gentlemen, the out-fitters and tailors, who advised us to turn over our furlough pin-money to them for safe-keeping.

95 At last the millenium arrived and we could go free for ten weeks. A ten weeks' crimson sunset. Most of us wanted to see whether the sun rose in a dif­ ferent way from that used at the Point, and so stayed up to see on that first night, for fear of missing the spectacle. What those ten weeks meant to each man we cannot, of course, say: we cannot answer for all. But to some of us they were the most joyous, care-free, happy, effervescent ten weeks ever known. The only precipitate in the solution of happiness was the realization that the days were quickly flying by, and that all too soon, we must return to that place over the gateway of which might be placed a fac-simile of what Dante found written over a certain other place. "All hope abandon ye who enter here." When Anally we were back again, it was hard to settle down to work, and to keep sweet memories of fairy forms and stony steins from looping-the-loop in our think-box. Our studies were supposed to be practical. The monumental ellipsisisalloid, the rolling cone, the central forces, the explosions in the lab., some one leaving the H S faucet open: all these are old stories to those who are most likely to read this. But now. ah now. who can tell fitly of the beautiful undulatory motion in Willie's appendicitis auricularis, or explain the paradox of studying fossils of the primordial beach from living specimens of extant in­ habitants, or why is a volt? Soon now. these things will all be over, and our much-needed rest will come. This rest will be our last camj) here, our "First Class Camp." For nearly three years have we had First Class Camp dinned in our ears: its joys and sorrows, drills and plays, its beauties and L. P.'s, and so on. We cannot but look for­ ward to it with eagerness, not only because it is oitr First Class Camp, but be­ cause when September comes we can gather round the water-tank and let our sweet voices rise and quaver in the joyous, though plaintive wail of "Never again." It is too early to make prophecies; the mosquito must buzz before you can catch him. But all looks prosperous for us this ensuing year. From wdiat we can judge of that which our predecessors have told us, our hardest work will be behind us in June, and we can lay back, smoke up and through the rings we blow, see pleasant prospects in the future, all lighted up by the sun of graduation just rising above the horizon. Then here's to 1905!! You have lost many who fell by the wayside and who, perhaps, have sprung up and brought forth good fruit elsewhere; but some have come to you from other classes to take the places of those who tripped and fell in mounting the ladder made from the Academic Board. Victories have been won by you in the Field Days, and your name stands high on the honor rolls of those who have upheld the honor and prestige of West Point on the grid-

96 iron and on the diamond. And, more important in the long run, greatest has been your success in that portion of the work here for which the Academy was pri­ marily founded. Academic duties. May your name and honor be ever kept un- defiled; may the start you have made here help you to greater successes and more enduring fame in the future. And may each one of us, your sons, realize that next to our Alma Mater and the ideas embodied in the Corps motto, that which we should love and honor and uphold most stoutly and most truly is "( hir Class," 1905.

97 CLASS OF 1906 \u\uU


«"i9oi^ 4

YELL U-Rax-Rax, U-Rix-Rix, U. S. M. A., 1906!

COLOR Crimson


Athletic Representative HAROLD STARRS HETRICK



IOO FINCH, HENRY ABERCRC >MBIE Huntsville, Tex. FOX, HALLY West Point, Miss. t rAN< >E, WILLIAM ADDLEMAN Jersey Shore, Pa. GARRISON, DAVID GR< >VER CLEVELAND Centralia, 111. GATEWOOD, CHARLES BHAER Frostburg, Md. GILLESPIE, ALEXANDER GARFIELD Gaines, Mich. GREEN, JOSEPH ANDREW Cherokee, la. ] I EXDERSOX, JOHN C Newport, R. I. HETRICK, HAROLD S Norwich, Conn. HOMES, MARSHALL GOODE Boydton, Va. HORSFALL, LLOYD PATZLAFF Prairie du Chien, Wis. HOYLE, RENE EDWARD DE RUSSY Washington. D. C. HUMPHREYS, FREDERIC ERASTUS Xew York. X. Y. 111 XTLEY, HAROLD WO( )D ( meida, X. Y. JAC( >B, RICHARD HERBERT Waukesha, Wis. JOHNSON, WILLIAM ALBERT Rochester, X. Y. JONES, RALPH ALLIN Jamestown. X. Y. KIEFFER, PIERRE VICTOR Philadelphia. Pa. Kl X( i. JOSEPH CU( )ATI-. Muscatine, la. LANE, WILLIAM EDWARD, JR Peekskill, N. Y. LEWIS, CHARLES ALEXANDER Newburg, Ind. LOUGHREY, HOWARD KENDALI Monticello, Ind. LOVING, JAMES JOSEPHUS Pine Bluff, Ark. MACMILLAN, WILLIAM T( )RBERT Philadelphia. Pa. MADIGAN, MATT ENRIGHT Frankfort, Ky. MANCHESTER, PAIL REVERE Paulet, Vt. MATHEWS, PHILIP New York. X. Y. MAUL. JOHN CONRAD Buffalo. N. Y. McFARLAND, EARI Topeka, Kan. METTLER, CHARLES GEAR HART Klines Grove. Pa. MINICK, ARTHUR DEAN Wichita, Kan. M( >RROW, GE< >RGE MILBURN, JR Birmingham, Ala. • ILMSTEAD, DAWS< )X Conv, Pa. I \\ I X E, GE< >RGE 11 ARRIS Scranton, Pa. PARKER, C( )RTLAXDT Washington, D. C. PELOT, JOSEPH IIALLFY Blackburn, Mo. PENNELL, RALPH McTYERA Belton, S. C. PRATT, JOHN SEDGWICK San Francisco, Cal. QUEKEM EYER, J( )11 X GE< >R< iE Yazoo City. Miss. KI LEY, JAMES WILSON Bamberg. S. C. R( >BINS< )X. D( )XALD ALLISTER Seattle. Wash. ROCKWELL, CHARLES KELLOGG Philadelphia. Pa. R( >S I'.. WILLIAM WATTS Philadelphia. Pa. SAXDS. ALFRED L. PEARS* )X Fort Meade, S. D. SHULTZ, HUGO DANIE1 Beatrice, Neb. SCHWABE, HARRY ALBERT Charleston. W. Va. SPACER. ROBERT ARTHUR Richmond, Ind. SHUTE, MARTYN HALI Ellsworth, Me. SMITH. EDWIN DE LAND Pontiac. Mich. SNEED, BYARD McLeansboro, 111. SPURGIN, IK JRACE FLETCHER Washington. I). C. STEESE. JAMES GORDON Ilarrisburg, Pa. STURGILL, WALTER STEPHEN Sturgili, X. C. Tl l( )M PS( )X. MARCELLUS HAGANS Springfield. Mass. TORNEY, 11 EN !\ Y W San Francisco, Cal TURNER, GE< )RGE ENGELMAN St. Louis. Mo. WAINWRIGHT. JONATHAN MAYHEW Chicago, 111. W'A RING, ROY F Omaha. Neb. WEST( APR. < >SCAR West Bay City, Mick. WHITE, R< )BERT CULIN Charleston, Mo. WILDRICK. EDWARD WHITE Rlairstown. N. J. WILHELM. WALTER MARANTETTE Defiance, O. WILLI F( )\<\). F< )RREST E Hillsboro. 111. ZIMMERMAN, HARRY DALE ROSS Colorado Springs, Col AfEARLlliG CLAS

I I E Class of 1906 did not enter the Academy as many classes do. with 'l" the determination to revolutionize everybody and everything con- A nected with the institution. We were content to let things come in the same old way—needless to say they did. We. that is. the greater number of us. arrived here on the 16th of June, duly armed with credentials, high hopes and higher aspirations. We were at once turned over to the not very tender mercies of "Acting Makes" and Yearling Corporals. They say that some of the accessories of former receptions were omitted in our case. If they were, we never missed them, but found life warm enough to suit the most fiery-minded individual. "Beast Barracks" was an awful nightmare. How we survived we know not. These first experiences took some of the jauntiness and flippancy out of us. but they left a still stronger determination to see what the end was like. We had come into "Beast barracks" fifty-one Xapoleons. twenty Alexanders and a Chaf­ fee, all thirsting for glory ; we left for "plebe camp" seventy-two poor, forlorn, low-spirited "beasts." All agreed on one thing, namely, that life at West Point is not one long mid-summer's dream, but more in the nature of a nightmare. We went to our first parade: one was enough. We were given to understand that we were the worst lot that ever made an effort to disgrace the good name of the Academy. We couldn't see the underlying whys and wherefores then, so we truly grieved. We know' better now. We marched on guard the first time. (There were so many things we did for the first time that weary summer.) Duly impressed with the sacred trust of a sentry, our over-active imagination

103 saw the queerest of sprites and spirits behind every stump and in every shadow. The terrors of that night still haunt our peaceful "pipes" of Furlough. How we needed a Moses to guide us through our sea of troubles! "Father" Abraham tried his best to head us, but never succeeded in more than heading the "skin- list" every night. During the summer we took a short trip to Stony Point, to see that a tablet to "Mad" Anthony Wayne was properly dedicated. After marching some 6 or 10 miles through the dust and over the hills, imagine out great joy when we were given coupons calling for the stupendous amount of fifty cents, and were told to buy whatever we wanted. The class of 10,06 will dedicate no more tablets. ( )n the 25th of July we were reinforced by about thirty-five "Juliets." We were glad they came; they were, too—for almost five minutes. The "Acting Makes" and Yearling Corps repeated their gyrations on the poor lads, but with a greater degree of polish. W'e cannot say that the product was more polished, for "Tompo" is a Juliet. "Nuff said." They showed themselves of the right stuff and we became one. In due time that summer passed and back we went to the scene of our first rendezvous. But some how. life in barracks did not develop into the beau­ tiful dream-picture that had been ours. With the opening of fall foot-ball season came the first opportunity to show our abilities on the athletic field. And that we were not lacking in this direction, any one will testify to who saw Harry Torney play foot-ball on Franklin Field, or Charlie Rockwell knocking the ball into the river during the base-ball season. ( )n the first of September we moved forward to attack the allied Math, and B. S. Departments. We found them strongly intrenched behind breastworks of Big Green l». S., Little Green B. S. and Big Red B. S.. with Fisher's Geometry as a reserve. During the entire engagement they kept up a steady fire of C. Smith's Algebra. This became more and more concentrated on our rear and in a hand-to-hand conflict in December, the enemy withdrew with four prisoners. ( )ur Napoleonic qualities were again in the ascendency, however, and we fore­ saw that another encounter was inevitable. Meanwhile the enemy had brought up reinforcements in the form of Trig. La Langue Francaise, with batteries of Edison's modern rapid-fire French-speaking phonographs. The encounter came as expected, the enemy making use of Infantry and Artillery Tactics, as a "ruse de guerre." By March we were conducting a masterly retreat, giving a "tenth" here and a "tenth" there, but Pelot and the other "speckoids" gallantly held the center. By a sudden swift descent 011 our rear guard, the hostile forces sent two more of our number disabled to their homes, there to await further orders. Xow indeed the fray became fierce. The Opposing force moved down

104 upon us with more reinforcements, but we faced them undauntedly. By a sud­ den onslaught in June, four more of our men were made to bite the dust. But the enemy was weary and much battered, so that he was forced to agree to a truce of three months. On the nth of June, Graduation Day, we finished our Plebedom and entered into the glory | ?) of our Yearling stripe. The year just past had been a long hard initiation, but it was worth all the hardships to feel that hand-clasp and to hear that hearty greeting of welcome to the Corps. Finally we girded on our ponchos and high overshoes, and by a combination of wading and swimming arrived at Yearling Cam]). But no sooner had camp been settled than a wonderful phenomenon occurred. The sun shone brightly during drills and parades, but at all other times there was nothing but rain, rain and more rain. Woe to the luckless spootioid who tempted fate by going down: on Flirtation without a rain coat. The most pleasant days in Yearling Camp were those on which the First Class went to Stockbridge. leaving us in full charge. Perhaps we must admit that there have been better parades than we had those two days, but there never was so delightful a hop as that Yearling Hop last July. But there had to be an vu<\ to our spooning and hopping. So, after an­ other successful Cam]) Illumination, we broke cam]) on the 28th of August and returned to our trouble with the Math. Department. The conflict was more tierce than it had been before June. A steady fire of "Descrip" compelled us to send reinforcements to the rear, while "La Grammaire krancaise" kept a con­ stant drain on our stores of "tenths." Moreover, the enemy employed instru­ ments of torture, in direct violation of the laws of modern warfare. These machines of torture were "Drawing" and "Riding." French is bad. Math. infinitely worse, but Drawing is so bad that language fails in its description. And riding, well, riding is riding—that is all. Of all the wild, untamed, unmanage­ able, hard-mouthed, razor-backed, stiff-legged trotters intended to worry, harass and in general make the life of a poor Yearling miserable, from personal ex­ perience we must say that the present collectiem is the very worst ever. Between applying soothing lotions to our bruised members and boning "Descrip." we were kept busy until January, when the Math. Department made one last de­ spairing effort to "find" the entire class. The best they could do was to weaken us to the extent of five. But we have no more fears, for in "calcul" we can differentiate anything from "x" to a new suit of Furlough "cits." In a day e>r two we are going home to our mothers and sisters and chum's sister, so who cares for Math., Drawing, Spanish or even Riding?

105 CLASS OF 1907 YELL In course of preparation

COLOR Maroon

Hop Managers Plebes do not hop

Athletic Representative BENJAMIN FREDERIC CASTLE


108 DOAK. SL< )AX Taylor. Tex. DOUGHERTY, LOUIS ROBERTS Governor's Island. X. Y. DPXX. WILLIAM EUGENE Cedar Falls, la. DUSENBURY, RALPH WAYNE Mount Pleasant, Mich. EASTMAN, CLYDE LESLIE Vancouver Barracks, Wash. EVERETT, GE( >R( IP Tl K >.\l AS Laurinburg, X. C. FARIS, MELVIN GUY Barnsville, Ala. FAR WELI.. (rE< )R( iE WELLS Seattle, Wash. (rALLt )(rLY, JAM ES ARTHUR Eugene, I >re. G VRRISON, WILLIAM HENRY Brooklyn, X. Y. GEARY, WILLIAM Dl'CACHET San Francisco, Cal. GILLESPIE, HARRY STEVENS Detroit. Mich. GLASSBURN, R< >BERT PRICE Chicago, 111. GREENE, ROYAL KEMP St. Charles. Mo. GREER, LEW IS VANCE Beaumont, Tex. GUTENSOI1X. ALVIN GUSTAV Gnadhutten, O. HALL. BURKE STAN! K )PE Lincoln, Neb. HAMILTON, HAP ANDREW San Angelo, Tex. HAND, ELW( X )D STOKES West Cape May. X. J. HANSON, ARTHUR WILLIAM Forest City, la. HARRIS, CHARLES TILLMAX. JR Mexia, Tex. HARRIS< )X. ('.FORGE RICHARD Columbia City. Ind. HAYDKX. HERBERT MAM BRIDGE Washington, D. C. HENRY, WILLIAM RUDICII Rome. < ia. HILL, RAY CORSON Toledo. I >. HOLABIRD. J( )l IX AUGUR Evanston, 111. HORTON, PAUL JONES Winder. Ga. HOUSEHOLDER. EUGENE ROSS 1 telaware City, Del. HOWARD. NATHANIEL LAMSOX Fairfield, Ia. HUGHES. EVERETT STRAIT Mankato, Minn. HUMPHREY, GILBERT EDWIN El Reno, O. T. JAMES, STANLEY LIVINt rSTON Allegheny, Pa. JENKINS. J( )HN L< )GAN Morgantown, W. Va. JONES, JOHN WILLIAM Burlington. Col. KEELER, JOl IX PATRICK Maryville. Mo. KIMBALL. RICHARD HUNTINGTON Meridian, Tex. LANG, JOH X WALT< )X Pass Christian, Miss. LARNED, PAUL ALEXANDER West Point. N. Y. LAUBACH, JAMES HOWARD Northampton. Pa.

109 LEWIS, EVAN ELIAS Worthing, S. Dak. LOTT. WARREN, JR Waycross, Ga. LOUNSBURY, ROBERT LEE Weston, O. MA1S1I, ALEXANDER WILLIAM Washington, D. C. MARLEY, JAMES PRESTON Slayden, Tex. MARTIN, WILLIAM LOGAN, JR Montgomery, Ala. MATILE, GEORGE AUGUSTE Washington, D. C. McCAUGHEY, WILLIAM JACKSON Macomb, 111. MeCHORD, WILLIAM CALDWELL Lebanon, Ky. McEVEETY, JOHN AUGUSTIN New York, N. Y. McLACHLAN, DONALD JAMES Pasadena, Cal. McNEIL, EDWIN COLYER Alexandria, Minn. MILLER, FAUNTLEY MUSE Coal Valley, Pa. MILLER, HUGO F Waseca. Minn. MILL! KEN, MARTIN HORACE .Lewisville, Tex. M( )( >SE, WILLIAM LEWIS. JR Morrilton, Ark. MORRISOX. WILLIAM ERIC Brooklyn, N. Y. MORRISSEY. PATRICK JOSEPH Roston, Mass. MOSES, EARLY JOHNSON Burnet, Tex. MURRAY. MAXWELL Willets Point, N. Y. \A< ',LE. FRANK LINCOLN, JR Newtonville, Mass. NEWMAN, RICHARD DAVID New York, N. Y. O'CC )XX( )R. JAM ES ALEXANDER Seney, Mich. OSTER1K JUT, ('.E( )RGE PIOWARD. JR Gardiner, Me. PALMER, [RVING JOHN Kalamazoo, Mich. PARK, RICHARD..' Warren, N. H. 1 • VTTEN, GEORGE FRANCIS San Francisco, Cal. PEYTON, JOHN RAXDOLPH St. Francis, Fla. PFEIL, HARRY. . .. : Baltimore. Md. PIERSON, EMIL PEHR Princeton. 111. PORTER, HUNTER BALL Portsmouth, Va. POTTER, WALDO CHARLES Casseltown, N. D. PRINCE, FREDERICK ALM YRON Galesbttrg, 111. PRITCHETT, EDWIN EASTMAN Boston, Mass. RICE, CHARLES HENRY Laramie, Wyo. RICE, ELMER FRAN KLIN Fargo, N. Dak. ROBINS, AUGUSTINE WARNER Richmond, Va. ROCKWELL. LEWIS CASSIDY Glendale, O. ROESCH. THE< >!>< >KE AX Tl K >NY Brooklyn, N. Y. ROGERS, CHARLES DUNBAR Seneca Falls, X. Y. ROGERS, NATHANIEL PENDLETON, JR Plainfield, X. J. ROHRER, GUY NEWTON Elkhart, Ind. R( >SE. J( >IIX M( >URSIQU< )T Warrenton, Ya. RUTHERFORD, HARRY KENETH Waddington, X. Y. SANTSCHI, EUGENE, JR Salt Lake City. Utah SCOFIELD, SETH WILLIAM Stanford. Conn. SELBIE, WILLIAM ELK >T Deadwood, S. Dak. SEYBOLT, ARTHUR Oneonta, X. Y. SHEDD, WILLIAM EDGAR, JR Danville. 111. SNYDER, FREDERICK STORY Elmhurst, X. Y. S< )M ERS, RICHARD 11 ERBERT Monroeville, X. J. SPENCER, THOMAS CHARLES Wewahitchka, Fla. STAVER, ROY BOGGESS Chicago. 111. STEDMAN, CALVIN ATHOI Berlin, Wis. STEWART, THOMAS DUFFY College Hill. O. SULLIVAN, JOHN STEPHEN Lake Charles. La. SULTAN, DANIEL ISOM Oxford. Miss. TANDY, BLANTON WILLIS Winfield, Kan. TAYLt )R. JAM ES GILBERT Bellefonte, Pa. TEALL, EDWARD HAL] Little Falls, X. Y TIK )RI'E, TRUMAN DARBY Sacramento, Cal. VAN KEUREN, CHARLES HARDING Wheeling. W. Va. \ ( K )RI 11 ES, J EAN S< >ST1 [ENES New Iberia. La. WADSWORTH, LELAND, JR Amsterdam. X. Y. WAGXER. HAYDEN WATTE De Kalb. 111. WARDER. WALTER BAIX Cairo. 111. WATKINS, LEWIS HAYES Franklin, Tenn. WATS< )X. EDWIN MARTIN Martinsville. Va. WATSON, HENRY LEE Xew York, X. Y. WEAVER. WALTER REED Fort Monroe, Va. WHITE, CHARLES HENRY Taunton. Mass. WILDE, J( )HX WALTER Hazleton, Pa. WILDER. Til ROOP MARTIN Auburn, X. Y. \\'( )()D. ( OVER SET] I Fort Smith. Ark. WYMAX. CHARLES LLOYD Painesville. O. Y< H'XT. BARTON KYLE Troy, O. 75 ff"*' ^ of I Tomo-row (w« Ko)i.)| A the HI a. ST AS OR So' Y '07

X* June- 15th. [903, a new planet appeared upon the horizon. Almost ^\ simultaneously the class of 1907 drew in their respective chins. 'Tis ^^ the part of the romantic West Point Novel to tell the trials, the unique experiences, the hundred incidents of a Plebe's life. To un­ derstand fully the varied sensations of a Plebe, it is necessary to be one. if but for a day; or belter yet, read the history of some other Plebe class. Eor all classes, during their first years, pass through much the same experiences. An eminent critic has said that in writing biography we should ask ourselves unceasingly, these' two questions: "What and how pro­ duced was the subject's effect on society?" "What and how produced was the effect of society on him?" Since it is known that a Plebe has no effect on soci­ ety, we have only to consider the latter: and we do not purpose to answer it directly. We hope that it may appear not too vaguely, in the course e)f this un­ pretentious autobiography, that, as in former years, so in 1903, the candidates gathered at West Point about the middle of June. They were the usual hetero­ geneous mass with all the different slouches: the stiff tin slouch, the college swagger-slouch ; the fashionable slouch, and the slouch otherwise—predomi­ nantly otherwise. In this number there were me'ii who, with their friends, re­ garded themselves as Caesars in embryo. Men who, through pure kindness of heart and no particular desire to conceal their attainments, would gladly have taken Captain Machlin by the hand to point out to him the- infinite possibilities open in a West Point career. Men who had planned to listen to instructors through mere courtesy—for a few hours each day, and then to give them­ selves Up to the pleasures which the words "West Point career" conjure up. Ah! were it not for the cruel customs that prevail here, Flirtation, with all its former Masters, might have at last witnessed the crowning touch of perfection —the utmost nicety of finesse—in that gentle art. By [O.22 A. M. the first permanent class organization had birth; by 11.43 it had received striking accessions, had bled articles of incorporation and had taken permanent quarters in the Plebe Clubhouse'. During the rest of Beast Barracks the little hammers were never idle. In this avocation alone there was ne) inclination to deadbeat. Topics given precedence were in order of their relative rank, the assininity of \rearlin^ Corps, the glaring incompetency and mismanagement of the 'Tactical Department, etc. We were cadets less than ten minutes before we became Plebes: we were' Plebes less than a day before we became in succession beasts of burden, housewives and recruits—as the occa­ sion and the omnipresent Yearling Corps demanded. In the drills which fol­ lowed the sun was hotter, the guns heavier, the drills longer and the rests rarer than in any vocation in any other country on the planet. Verily, "thou shall earn thy bread by the sweat of thy brow." After ages, ii seemed, we were' precipitated into cam]), the salubrious climate of which hastens the evolution of the Plebe. There, we attended to that duty ever before us—our chins—and, as good soldiers should, cleaned our guns. 'The monotony of this existence was relieved by double-timing in the mud. Surely. if in kinds of work "variety is the spice of life." the country for miles about would be redolent as a Ceylon zephyr. As the most amusing literature of the Middle Age's is from the Vestiaries, so the most amusing records of Cam]) Shipp are of the menagerie. At the time however, we could not appreciate this: occupying, as we did. the viewpoint of the proverbial frog. ( >ur bearing was reserved, quiet and extremely digni­ fied. We felt it to be the duty of men occupying our responsible positions to bear themselves in a manner corresponding in dignity. So that, though many of us were young, our conduct was marked by an absence of levity that would have earner! for us in ancient times the title AugUSti. When the Juliets came in we graciously recognized them and incidentally, whenever possible to do so without the intervention of our masters, instructed them much as we had our­ selves been instructed. Manx were glad to return to barracks, or was it rather to leave camp? Those who had looked forward to an easy time were sorely disappointed in the nature of the truceless war waged against that awful monstrosity—C. Smith. We could not use the word monster. It has passed the age limit, having served in this connection every previous class. We rather flatter ourselves at the happy substitution. He is dangerous because enveloped in an impenetrable labyrinth-

113 ine maze and assumes forms invisible to the untrained eye. ranging from the merest speck to infinity. The only way to overcome him is te) attack both extremes or flanks at once by an infinity of spec. Neglect of this vital prin­ ciple has cost us some of the most daring of our classmates. Since returning to barracks, we have entered every field of activity. 'That we believe in self-reliance and originality is shown by our crest; for to prove us guilty of copying even the prescribed forms in our choice, would be beyond the- power of the Solon of Heralds. It was at the beginning of the foot-ball season that '07 first exhibited its athletic abilities. Christie, Xagle. W'atkins. Jenkins. 1 [ill, Prince and Davis demonstrated the fact that 1907 was to hold its own in that branch of West Point life. Throughout the entire season they worked hard— so hard that the coveted "A" was won by Hill, Prince and Davis. In conclusion, we are unanimous in feeling that nowhere else would we have spent a year richer in experience, nor more productive of lasting good. How we counted the days separating us from that coveted service stripe en­ titling us to "bring up" the next Plebe class in the "straight and narrow way." How impatiently some of us await the opportunity to demonstrate this ability. Every man in the class, as is usual in Plebe classes, hopes to be worthy of his training and the traditions of West Point. And those more fortunate who have at last attained that chiefest of earthly glories, that proud place from which one would not step (voluntarily) to mount the golden throne of Mahmud —a corporalship—will not do less. A Yearling Cor]>. by Gum! O yum! How sweetly it doth lie upon one's tongue! What needless tears poor Alexander shed at lack of future worlds to conquer. Had he but cast his lot with us, thrown his strength against our difficulties as he did against Asia; had he, in­ stead of deluging his eyes with tears, kept them "straight to the front" like a couple of hard-boiled eggs, he might have been now, ye gods! he might have become with his tremendous abilities and previous military experience, greater than the son of Jupiter—a Y'earling Corp.

114 i*ihii?ih;wi.^ifti^iiiiii^JiUa!baiaiM /'resident EDMUND L. GRUBER, '04 Secretary FRANCIS B. W ILIA'. 05

VER above the North Sally Port yon will still find the old Dialectic, O worn with age, mellow with traditions, but tilled with associations and reminiscences not. easily forgotten. Like many other institutions con­ nected with the Academy, it was in its inception quite' a different or­ ganization than it is now. Organized as a literary club, in which the most profound subjects were discussed, it soon gained a fame and a reputation which will survive even its decrepit and time-stained walls. In looking over its old rolls, what names do we not see inscribed there; names indelibly im­ pressed on the memory of every soldier. The musty pages of history are still here to tell us how gallantly and nobly they died; or how gloriously they climbed the ladder of fame to the very pinnacle thereof. The Society was then not an universal Corps club as it is now. And it is now not merely a reading room or a society to foster literature as it was per­ haps then. It is a club to promote' fellowship, good-will and a few moments of recreation and enjoyment to all. What a gladsome1 feeling of fellowship we felt when as Yearlings we were officially received within its fold. How often have we gathered in the old place to deliberate either as a Class or as a Corps upon those weighty questions which had to be solved before another reveille disturbed the sweet peace of the midnight air. Surely it has not failed in its purposes !


Y. M. C. A.

President CHAUNCEY L. FENT< >X. 04 Vice-President '. CALVIN P. TITUS, 05 Librarian AIA I X B. BARBER, '05 Recording Secretary CHARLES G. M ETTLER, '06 Corresponding Secretary , '06


HE Y. M. C. A. was organized in 1880 with a membership of four­ teen. Since then it has steadily grown, until now it embraces almost m every man in the corps, either as an active or an associate member. Prayer meetings are held twice a week, and the average attendance during the past year has been seventy-five. Since 1900, the records of the Association are complete, but previous to that date we know practically nothing about its history. However, the few facts that have been preserved are sufficient evidence that its work has been grand and successful. In 1900, Leeds. '03, founded the first Bible Class, conducted by Cadets ex­ clusively. The enrollment for this great work is now more than 2t)0 men. Some of the graduates instrumental in developing this work are Wilson, W. K., Ralston and Hinrichs, '02; Smith, F. H., Leeds, Hawkins, Shannon and Boyd, '03- ( >ur delegation to the International Student Conference at East Northfield, Mass.. has been growing ever since [900. In 11)03, this delegation numbered twelve men. General Mills has helped the Association in a great many ways and especially by his liberality in permitting so many cadets to attend this con­ ference. During the past year our association has been addressed by the following outside speakers: Messrs. John R. Mott. Robert E. Speer, Clayton S. Cooper. Arthur P. Williams, Rev. Father Huntington. Frederick H. Andrews, Walter T. Diack, Sherburne Eddy, O. G. Frantz. James Parker, F. W. Hinrichs and E. W. Hearne.




119 Organization of Quill Club

Mouthpiece STRONG, G. V.

Lord High Keeper of the Vacuum Wampus THOMLINSt >X ANDERSON, W. D. A


^E?> "H




Prince of Googoo Eyes "PEEP-Y-TY-PEEP" OSWALT

121 Organization

President TATSY" O'HARA


Black-hailed Mem hers RALPH GLASS and THE WHOLE D >RPS


123 ^tf'Jj&fc


Keeper of the Forge Swinger of the Sledge-Hammer "JOHN GREASER" WISE "LIZZIE ESTEL" SCOTT

Business Manager "PLUG" AIOLLER


124 Phi Delta, Theta, *ae VAUGHN W. COOPER Vanderbilt University PATRICK H. WINS! ON University of Texas ALLEN W. GULLION Center College ADELNO GIBSON Iowa Wesleyan GEORGE M. MORROW. JR University of Virginia JOHN G. QUEKEMEYI<:R University of Mississippi WILLIAAI A. GANOE Dickinson GEORGE L. CONVERST:. JR Ohio State University THOAIAS L. COLES University of Alabama RICHARD II. KI M BALL University of Texas FREDERICK A. PRINCE Knox College E. AI. WATS( >N Randolph Alacon College

Sigma. Alpha Epsilon, 2 A B THOMAS M. ROBINS Dickinson JOSEPH II. EARLE Furman University J AMES B. DILLARD Tulane

125 Sigma Alpha Epsilon. I A i: R( )DT:RICK DEW University of Nebraska HARRY T. HERRING University of Tennessee WARREN LOTT, JR University of Georgia THOMAS D. STEWART University of Cincinnati WALTER R. WEAVER Virginia Military Institute BART< )X K. Y< )UXT Wesleyan University

Delta, Kappa Epsilon, A K I: CHARLES R. PETTIS University of Mississippi HARRY S. BERRY \ anderbilt University RICHARD R. PICKERING University of Alabama JAMES B. WO( )LX( >UGI I University of DOUGLAS I. McKAY Xew York University JOHN S. HAM MOND University of Chicago RICHARD 1). NEWMAN Colgate University WILLIAM C. McCHORD Central University

Kappa Alpha, K A (Southern) GEORGE C. LAWRASON Louisiana State University THOMAS I). ( )SB( )RXE Davidson College OWEN S. ALBRIGHT University of Tennessee CHARLES S. CAFFERY Washington and Lee CHARLES C. BANKHEAD University of Texas

Sigma Chi, i x HERN DON SHARP Louisiana State University PERCY ALEXANDER University of Virginia ( 11ARLES T. HARRIS University of Texas ROY B. STAVER University of Wisconsin DANIEL I. SULTAN University of Alississippi

126 Beta. Theta Pi, BOD

L( )UTS I I. McKINLAY University of Minnesota LER< )Y BARTLETT Brown University MARTYN II. SHUTE University of Maine JOHN L. JENKINS University of West Virginia SETH W. SCOFIELD [

Kappa Alpha, K A ,society)

STEPHEN C. REYX< )LDS Cornell University ALFRED L. P. SANDS Lehigh University < 11ARLES I). R( )(iT'.RS Hobart University

Alpha. Tau Omega., A T<>

FELIX W. M( >TL< )W Yanderbilt University HUGO I). SHULTZ University of .Nebraska R( >BERT M. CI I EN EY University of Georgia

Sigma. Nu, i \

WINN BLAIR University of Alabama WILLIAM I). GEARY University of California

ERN EST (".RAX ES, Zeta Psi University of North Carolina IIALSEY DUX WOODY, Theta Helta Chi Columbian University CHARLES T. SMART, Alpha Chi Rho 'Trinity College ARTHUR SEYB< >LT. Chi Psi Wesleyan University BRUCE B. BUTLER, Delta Phi Lehigh University HENRY W . T< >RNEY, Delta Upsilon Cornell University GEORGE R. HARRIS* >X. Phi Comma Delta Wabash College Tl [( )M AS M. EM ERS( >X. Phi Kappa Psi University of California FAUNTLEY M. MILLER, Phi Tau Delta Washington and Jefferson WALTER B. WARDER, Phi Kappa Sigma University of Illinois

127 HENRY L. WATSON, Delta Psi Trinity College MARCELLUS H. THOMPSON, Tau Beta Delta Harvard University ROYAL K. GREENE, Delta Tau Delta DePaw University FRANCIS B. UPHAM, Theta Chi '.Lawrence College GEORGE V. STRONG, Pi Delta Michigan Military Academy

128 Army Athletic Association

President LIEUT. COL. G. J. EI EBERGER Vice-President LIEUT. COL. C. G. TREAT Treasurer CAPT. W. R. SMITH Secretary •. CUT. F. W. COE Boot Ball Representative CAPT. B. E. PIERCE Base Hall Representative LIEUT. L. B. KR< >M ER General . ithlctics Representative LIEUT. 11. J. KOEHLE;R

Cadet Athletic Council

Senior Class Representative HACKETT, 1904 ('lass Representative DALY, C. D., 1905 Class Representative IIETRICK, 1906 Class Representative CASTLE", 1907 Captain Base Ball Team HACKETT, 1904 Captain Fencing Team STR< >N( >. (i. V.. 1904 Captain Boot Ball Team FARNSW( >RTH, '04

129 ATHLETICS General Athletics

THLETICS at West Point had a very stormy beginning. Hampered by many embarrassing restrictions, haunted by a feeling that the sacred traditions e)f the Academy were being trodden upon on the foot-ball and base-ball fields, harassed by doubts as to the expediency of it all, and as to where this evolution might lead us, we were blindly groping in the dark, upheld only by the conviction that our purpose was a worthy one. Up to [890, football was comparatively unknown. 'There was a vague and indefinite idea that such a game' existed, but few men in the Corps had ever participated in the sport. 'The Cadets were exceedingly anxious to play it, but the conditions were such that the beginning was a hard struggle. At that time Cadet life was stern, harsh and almost prison-like. We were not supposed to possess the instincts and desires common to youths of our age; the only amuse­ ments accorded US we're- the dubious one's obtainable in the monotonous round of drill and study: our wildest gaieties were' limited to a strict observance of the Blue Book. It was very difficult to get the authorities to take a favorable view of the question, and only by persistent effort was permission to play finally ob­ tained. 'This year Annapolis sent a challenge which was immediately accepted, but the season had advanced so far that training was entirely out of the question. Nevertheless the game was played on November 20. [890, resulting in a victory for the Navy. Score, 24-0. 'The Army, however, was not disgraced. It real­ ized before the game that its lack of experience, practice and knowledge of the game had placed it to a great disadvantage. Restricted by the rigid discipline of the Academy and prohibited from playing with any outside team, it was com­ pelled to develop its strength wholly within itself. The Army team may be sum­ med up quickly by saying that it displayed great pluck, but little science. The team naturally felt the defeat very keenly, but with that old spirit of tenacity ever since so manifest, it determined to master the science of the game and redeem itself the following year. That first defeat was a blessing. It was the best thing that could have happened for the advancement of foot-ball at the Academy. So much enthusiasm was now aroused that base-ball was entirely neglected in order to bring foot-ball to a higher state of development. The next year it

131 began handicapped by a complete absence of coaches and an entire lack of time for practice. Nevertheless there was a very marked improvement in the playing of the team, due principally to the untiring efforts and coaching of Michie. '92. who we might say is the father of foot-ball at the Academy. 'That year five games were' played. W'e-st Point winning three, tying one' and losing one. The Navy game' was played November 28, and much to the surprise and chagrin of the Navy, who were so confident of winning that they were' betting 2 to 1 on the game. they we-re' beaten by that very ratio of 2 to 1, the actual score being 32 to [6. In 1892 there was a steady advance in athletics. Baseball became we'll es­ tablished and games were played every Saturday with College- teams. 'The foot­ ball game was played on November 26, and resulted in a victory for the Navy. Score, 12-4. 'The main cause of the delay in the- progress of athletics at West Point, was the absence of any organization to support and control the teams. Financial support was given by voluntary contribution, and control was exercised entirely by the Cadets. 'The fall of 1892 gave birth to the organization of the- Army Officers'Athletic Association and the U. S. M. A. Athletic Association. The officers'organization was for the purpose of encouraging athletics among the Cadets and throughout the Army in general; the Cadet organization for the purpe>se of controlling Academy athletics. Through the financial aid and encour­ agement given by the A. O. A. A., our athletics have been crowned with a suc­ cess almost marvelous. In 1893. field and track athletics were introduced. 'The first field day was held on April 18. the teams being composed of five men from each class. This number has since been changed, two men representing each class in every event. The first banner offered by the A. ( ). A. A. was won by the Class of '96. 'There was a decided advance in base-ball this year. Although victory did not crown their efforts, still it could be plainly seen that the teams were becoming stronger each year, due principally to the fact that the schedules contained some of the strongest college teams, from whom we were able to gather many valuable points. In foot-ball, the team made good records against A^ale, Princeton and Lehigh, a great run for a touchdown by Duncan against Princeton being the feature of this year's work. On account of the good showing against these teams. West Point was expeeted to win the final game. 'The Navy had won two of the three games played so far and there were rumors that the series was to end by e)rder of the War and Navy Departments. Our team was eager to make a winning finish and even up honors. Mr. Laurie Bliss and Mr. Harmon Graves coached us that year, the first regular coaches we ever had. The first half ended without a score, and it looked like a drawn battle. In the second half both teams scored, but

132 (.'arson faded to kick goal, and this great game- ended with the- score 0-4. A Navy victory. Immediately after, a report was sent out from Washington that this would be the last game between the academies. "As the' curricula of both in­ stitutions required the closest and most rigid application, the- risk of having the players kept from their studies even a day being too great." Secretaries Her­ bert and Lamont decided to stop the games between the two Academies. Al­ though it was not the intention to suppress foot-ball as a game, this decision kept the two Academies apart fe^r six years, until relations were- again resumed in 1899. This history is too brief to give the classes and the names of the men who by hard work and perseverance made foot-Tall and all other athletics possible. They laid a foundation upon which a structure was built, qualifying us to be classed among the very best in the country. We cannot dwell upon the years between the first and second series with Annapolis, our principal purpose being to deal with the condition which led to the present state of the various forms of athletics now en­ gaged in at the .Academy. 'These years contain accounts which were indeed a credit to West Point. 'The names of King. Kiome-r. Romeyn, Stacy. Connor and Nolan will long be remembered not only by those who have gone before us. but also by the' Corps to-day. The base-ball teams during this time were only second class. In fact we have never been able to turn out a strictly first class team. In trae'k athletics the banner was won by '96 three successive years, and then twice in succession by '97. In 1899, the efforts of Dr. White and the graduate directors of athletics for the University of Pennsylvania caused the Secretary of War. and the Secretary of the Navy to consider the bene tits of foot-ball as a recreation for the Cadets with the result that the relations between the two Academies were to be resumed at Franklin Field, Philadelphia, on November 2^. 1899. (late money was abol­ ished, the entire expense of the game being borne by the University of Bennsylva- nia. The 18.000 tickets were equally divided among the two Academies and the U. of P., and were to be issued as complimentary only. 'The presence of the President, the Cabinet and a long line of Generals. Admirals and other distinguished Army and Xavy officers, has given a distinctive atmosphere to these games. 'That year we had a green team, defeat had come more often than victory. A number of our best men were hurt, and opposed to us was a strong ever-confident Navy team—in fact the indications for victory were greatly against us and we could only hope for a small score. But that day the team fully upheld the credit of the Corps and played with such spirit and good judgment, that they went home victorious with that never-to-be forgotten score. 17 to 5 .

133 In 1900 the base ball team eliel very creditable work. This was the nearest approach to a first-class team we had yet developed, winning four games out of six. The season in foot-ball was rather a disastrous one. The team at times played foot-ball, but at other times its work was far below the average. At Franklin Field on a slippery field, the Navy taking advantage of a series of mis- plays, succeeded in defeating us by a score of 11 to 7. 'This year we were the over-confident team, and it was largely if not entirely due to this unfortunate trait that we lost. 'The season of if the year.is the only team that lowered our colors and succeeded in doing this only by a long run in the last thirty seconds of play. All the critics unanimously gave us third place this year. Casper Whitney said. '"'There is no question in my mind of West Point being entitled to rank after Har­ vard and Yale among the Eastern Colleges." During the winter a series of games of base-ball was arranged between the teams representing tin* two Academies. These were to be played each year, alternately at Annapolis and West Point. The first game was played Saturday. May 18, 1901. at Annapolis, Maryland. The first class had graduated in February, so we were compelled to play the Navy with a team taken from three classes. However, after a very close and exciting game, we won by the score of 4 to 3. 'The Indoor Meet was won by i<>02. West Point in KJ02. put forth the best team in its history. There is little doubt but that it should have had second place this year. The team was devel­ oped along the lines used by the large colleges, namely, training the team with only the final game in view, taking all others throughout the season in its stride, win or lose. The schedule, though not quite as aspiring this year, contained in addition to minor engagements, games with Harvard. Yale, Syracuse and the Navy. Harvard was the only team that succeeded in winning from us. and then only after we had scored upon them, making a straight touchdown from normal formation. Yale was forced to leave the field with a tie score, 6 te> C>. Syracuse was beaten badly, and by the time we reached the Navy game,cur team was fully

i34 developed, with the men in perfect physical condition. ( >n November 2i<. tearing great, gaping hole's in the Navy line, smashing, crashing and plunging for three, four and five yards at a time, breaking down the Navy defense by a bull-like at­ tack, Boyers and his gallant band literally plowed their way to a great victory over our old opponents from Maryland, the score- being 22 to 8. It was a great da\ for the Army, for our team swept the Navy off its feet, demonstrating its superi­ ority in every department of the game. So the conditions of 1890 were reversed. 'The Army by steady, consistent and determined work had built up from the foundation laid by Michie and his fellow-cadets, a team which not only defeated the Navy decisively, but attained an unthought of position—a place among the "Big Four." We also had the pleasure of seeing Bunker, Daly and Boyers placed on the All-American of this year—truly a great record. The base-ball te'am this year played at times brilliantly, but was unfortunate in having its off days come at the wrong time. The schedule was a long one, con­ taining eighteen games, of which we won 10. lost 6, two being cancelled. The Navy defeated us on May 17. by a score of 5 to 3. Inability to hit was the prin­ cipal cause for defeat, and that is. in fact, the weak spot in all West Point teams. 'This year marks the real beginning of fencing at the Academy. It received an impulse from the fact that a team was entered in the Intercollegiate tournament. For the first time were we to test our strength against the principal colleges of the East, among them the Navy. After defeating Cornell. Harvard. Columbia. Yale and Pennsylvania during the season, we finished the year's work by winning the Intercollegiate championship with a decisive score. The Indoor Meet was won by the- class of '03 and the Field Meet by the Class of '05. 'This brings us to the season of 1904. which will be discussed separately. There is no doubt that this gradual but steady development in athletics has been a benefit not only to us now at the Academy, but also to the graduates in the Army, and to sport in general, for nowhere in the country is a purer system of athletics followed. By means of it, we have been able to bear the burdens of the curriculum with lighter hearts, while the "esprit de corps" has increased tenfold by the Opportunities now presented to measure ourselves with the students ol other institutions. When a cadet of to-day graduates into that great and honor­ able Corps beyond, he does not carry with him a feeling of bitterness toward the Academy as in the pre-athletic period. In Ins mind, he bears memories of recrea­ tions and athletic triumphs which softened the asperities of his student life. He k)oks with eagerness for news about the various athletic teams at the old place, taking a just pride in its victories and a sincere regret in its defeats. 'This interest, although primarily directed towards athletics, does not stop there-, but embraces all those things which are of importance to our welfare.

135 f I f OOT&/VH FOOTBALL, 1903

HK season of 1903, while not a brilliant one, ended in a blaze of glory. The general plan of the year was to gradually develop the team to the T Chicago game, and then to keep up that standard until the Navy game. College teams begin the season with a semad composed of men who have been away on their summer vacation : hence they need a month's hard work to get into condition. In accomplishing this, their offensive and defen­ sive play progress in the same degree, so that they are far advanced when they meet us. When we meet Harvard and A'ale our offensive is not to be compared with our defensive. We are in good physical condition. This enables us to put up a powerful defensive game, although playing against teams outweighing us fifteen pounds per man. As this condition was not acquired by playing football, our offensive work has not had a chance to be developed ; our plays have not been perfectly formed : the men are not working with that speed and precision which is acquired only by constant practice. The truth of this was shown in the game with Chicago. Here our defense was up to its usual standard, and our offense was even better. In consideration of all this we take all teams, both great and small as they come, playing the best we can but keeping constantly in mind that most important of all events—the annual defeat of the Navy,—this having become a regular feature of our Eootball calendar. The line-up against Colgate marked the opening of the season, but the be­ ginning was not very favorable. From a spectator's stand-point the day was all that could be desired—bright and clear, but not quite sharp enough to induce snappy playing. Colgate proved to be a formidable foe, and although not scoring, they prevented us from crossing their goal. Our failure to score when within easy striking distance was disappointing. However, if you take into considera­ tion that opening games are but try-outs, and that the physical condition and training of the men are not such as to permit hard, fast playing, we had every reason to feel satisfied. The next game with Tufts was in marked contrast to that against Colgate. Even if much remained to be accomplished, the improvement in both team work and individual play was a source of gratification to all. Tufts, the Wednesday before, had held down \Tale to 17 points. This day she was unable to stop the

137 TROPHY CUP fierce rushes of the Army backs, who time and again broke through for long gains. Only once did Tufts hold us for downs and that was due to a penalty of 10 yards for off-side play. In this game, Farnsworth was seen for the first time at right half-back, and did very well in this new position. Score: Arm}- 17, Tufts o. The following Saturday we played Dickinson on a wet and slippery field. Our opponents played a fine game and stubbornly contested every inch of ground, but in the end our superior strength predominated. There were no spectacular plays or sensational runs. The touchdowns made by the Army were earned by hard straight football. Score: Army 12, Dickinson o. Harvard made her appearance here on the 17th of October, and in a heavy rain which continued throughout the game defeated us by a score of 5 to o. Their single touchdown was made fifteen minutes after the game started, by a mass play on our right guard and tackle, the runner getting through for a clear field of 22 yards. Once again they placed the ball on our 5-yard line, but after repeated assaults were compelleel to give way to our powerful defense, losing the ball on downs. Harvard's known tendency for fumbling in previous contests, taken in connection with her defeat by Amherst the Saturday before, raised our hopes and gave us Farns worth, of Wort Point, Making six Yards Tln-ou^h well-grounded expectations of Chicago's Line a West Point victory. Considering the conditions under which the game was played, there was little fumbling on either side and only once did Harvard miss a punt. It was a kick­ ing game throughout, with the advantage in our opponents' favor. In rushing the ball West Point made 70 yards to Harvard's So yards, but as this includes her long run of 22 yards, the strength of the two teams was just about equal. Our line was at times impregnable, and the score is evidence of the fact that Harvard, though outweighing us from end to end, had all she could do. It was more good fortune for Harvard than poor playing on our part that enabled her to score. After three rainy Saturdays, we were finally favored with a clear, dry day for the Yale game. For three years Yale had not been able to defeat us, and although EH played a wonderful game all season, we fully expected to score. We started

139 the game with a rush that took the wearers of the Blue completely off their feet. Before they realized that the game was fully begun, we had driven them from one enel of the field to the other, scored a goal from placement, not rushing the ball once since the opening of the game. Yale had carried the ball to our io-yard line when she fumbled. Prince immediately kicked to our 40- yard line, Hammond making a beautiful tackle of the run­ ner. ATale could not make the required distance in three trials and surrendered the ball on downs. Prince punted from our 36-yard line. The punt was misjudged by a Yale back and rolled to the visitors 10-yardline. Here Yale made a poor kick and then made

West Point's Tandem Under Way In Chicago Game matters worse by interfering with Hackett, who caught the ball on the 30-yard line. We were given 15 yards for the interference, and Doe lifted the ball sejuarely between the posts. The manner in which we made this goal was very remarkable and probably no similar occurrence has happened this year. It was a beautiful example of the value of a kicking game. Yale took a very decided brace after this score and soon made a touch­ down. The first half ended with the score 6 to 5 in Yale's favor. In the second half Yale's attack was irresistible, their punting excellent. Dur­ ing this period they outplayed us in every department. The score at the end of the game was 17 to 5. Totney, West Point, Circling Right Bad for Ten-Yard Cain The next two games were in Chicago Game with Yermontand Manhattan. The scores : West Point 20, Vermont o, and West Point 58, Manhattan o. Both games were extremely easy, our team completely outclassing the visiting teams.

140 The game which was really the championship game of the year, was played against Chicago on November 14th. Special interest was attached to this game, because it was a contest between one of the great Western universities and a rep­ resentative Eastern team. Outweighed fifteen pounds per man on the line, West Point triumphed, with the relative merits of the two teams about as indicated by the score : West Point 10, Chicago 6. There was not even an approximation to roughness on either side. The courteous manner of the members of the Chicago team was a beautiful illustration of how gentlemen should play the game. We trust that Chicago will return to do battle next year, as such games are truly ben­ eficial to the sport. The Army was first to score, carrying the ball 85 yards for a touchdown without losing it once. A poor punt-out was made and a chance for a goal was thus forfeited. In the second half, after having been held for downs three times on our 10-yard line, Chicago scored and kicked the goal, making Ihe score 6 to 5 in their favor. Excitement was intense throughout, and having held the lead until near the end, it was especially trying to us to lose it by the narrow margin of one point with only a few minutes left to play. How­ ever, the Army team never said die for a moment, and get­ ting possession of the ball on a fumble by Chicago on her 35-yard line, started for a score making 5 yards at a clip. A fumble on the 10-yard line, Chicago-West Point Teams Lined tip for First Scrimmage in Game however, lost the ball and our hopes sank out of sight. A kick by Chicago, a few dashes by West Point, and an exchange of kicks with interference on a fair catch gave us our last chance. Doe arose to the occasion by kicking a beautiful goal squarely between the posts. The suspense while Chicago was objecting to the decision was something ter­ rible, and the pandemonium when Doe kicked the goal was correspondingly in­ tense. The scenes of the Yale and Princeton games here two years ago, and of the Yale game last year were re-enacted with an enthusiasm which echoed back from the hills, and gave an experience long to be remembered. The Chicago press and supporters of that team lay claim to superiority, and say that the goal from placement should not have been allowed. Stilwell signal­ ed a fair catch and was standing perfectly still. A Chicago man got so close that

141 the ball hit his head just in front of Stilwell's hands and, of course, bounded off. A foul committed by a player in no way depends upon the intent of that player. After the interference, Stilwell remained in position with hand raised claiming a foul. The rilling of the official was absolutely correct, and the foul was so evi­ dent that the merest novice could recognize it. They failed to realize that had we not kicked this goal they would have won the game on an exactly similar circumstance. Another claim to superiority is that Chicago gained more distance than the Army, but they have not considered the efforts they made in gaining the ground. The failure to cross our goal line more than once was in no way due to fumbles or penalties, but lack of offensive power at critical points, and stonewall defense by the Army, which could not be overcome when the goal line was in danger ; while our failure to cross a second time just before placement was due to a fum­ ble, for we were going 5 yards at a try in a way which could not be denied. In running back kicks by Eckersall, the Chicago team was vastly superior to ours, and in open field running Daly is the only superior to Eckersall ever seen. Eckersall also out-punted our kickers by a few yards, but no advantage occurred thereby, except in getting the ball in touch. West Point had to punt out fre­ quently and Chicago was thereby enabled to hold on to the ball an undue propor­ tion of the time. Eckersall was helpless in his attempts to drop-kick, and the only one he got off was yards wide of the posts. The following table shows the yards gained by attack against the line, efforts in making these yards, yards per effort, runs from kicks, and efforts in making these runs :

.... , Bflforta in Average per Knr.s ,,_. Kims hack \ aids by attack attack effort hack F.ffortS per effort

West Point, 152 ... 42 3-6 41 5 8.a Chicago, 230 ... 94 2-4 137 n 12.5

This game ended our season before the Navy game, and whether it was suc­ cessful or not, we shall leave others to judge. The following is a complete list of the games played : West Point o Colgate o West Point 17 Tufts o West Point o Harvard 5 West Point ...... 5 Yale 17 West Point ...... 20 Vermont o West Point 58 Manhattan o West Point 10 Chicago 6 West Point 40 Navy 5 Total, 150 Total, 33

142 It is necessary to say a few words of the men of KJ04 who played on the team. They have played their last game on the West Point gridiron, and are now ready to take their place among the rooters, with the hopes that their efforts dur­ ing the past four years have not been in vain. Farnsworth, our captain, by hard conscientious work, showed himself not only to be a player, but he set an exam­ ple for the rest of the team, which was well to follow. He made the sacrifice of his life when he left the Navy game because he felt that an injury to his leg made him less useful than a substitute in good condition. By that act he will always be remembered as a captain who sacrificed himself for the good of the team. Thompson and Riley, N. W., were a complete success at guard. Both were of the variety of men who never give up their task, no matter how hard the oppo­ nent was using them. Their strong defense helped us out of many a tight hole. Hackett, last year's half-back, was moved over to quarter. Being an old player, and having the able teaching of Daly, he was soon able to master the position. Before the end of the season he was handling the team perfectly, and especially valuable in running back punts. Jensvold and Me Andrew were both hurt early in the season, compelling us to do without their valuable services. Cooper play­ ed on the scrub all season, and finally succeeded in working his way to the first team by one of the pluckiest fights imaginable. He took Farnsworth's position in the Navy game, and ended his football career in a most brilliant manner. Stil- well began the season at (quarter, but having never played before this season it was considered necessary to fill his place with one who was more experienced in the game. His work was very good, and a lack of experience only prevented him from holding the position. Copp was unfortunate as usual, an injury keeping him from playing most of the season. The untiring efforts of Captains King and Smither, Lieutenants Kromer, Bet- tison and Connor, were greatly appreciated by everyone. We owe them out- thanks for their work in making our final football season memorable, both for the results obtained and the enjoyment we derived. Being experienceel players them­ selves, they were in a position to coach us on every point. Every man of the squad had the utmost confidence in them. In conclusion we wish the greatest success possible to the team of 1904, and our fondest wish is that they beat the Navy—now and forever.

'43 FOOTBALL TEAM, 1903 Footba.ll Teaon, 1903 NOVEMBER 28TH

Full Back T< >RNEY, i Left Half PRINCE, 1907 Right Half FARNSW* >RTH, [904 Quarter HACKETT, 1004 Center TIPT( >N, 1905 Right Guard THOMPS< >N, C. I".. [904 Left Guard RILEY, \. W., 1004 Right Tackle GRAVES, 1005 Left Tackle DOE, 1905 Right End R( >CKWELL, C. K.. 1906 Left End 11 AMAH >XI>. T. \Y.. [905

Substitutes COPP, 1904 JENSVOLD, 1904 GILLESPIE. K)o6 (!< >OPER, 1904 STILWELL, [904 HILL. 1907 METTLER, 1906 DAVIS, R. TL, 1907


Manager ROBERT M. CAMPBELL, 1904

Assistant Manager NORMAN F. RAMSEY, 1905

Scrubs BENEDICT, 1904 GARDINER. J. I!.. [905 ABRAHAM, 1905 BLAIN, 1904 VVAUGH, 1905 SHUTE, 1905 Ale ANDREW, 1904 KLEMM, 1905 MACMILLAN, 1906 BARTLETT, L. R.. [905 SEAGRAVE, 1905 JENKINS, 1907 KUNZIG, 1905

145 NLY on the football field, in progressive joint manoeuvres can the Army o and the Navy be pitted against each other. But according to Bismarck, " You cannot get up a fight between an elephant and a whale."' This may be true in war, but never on the gridiron. Both teams go in to win, and no matter how one-sided the score may seem at the end, the victory is never easily won. Because the low age limit made it impossible for the Navy to obtain old and experienced players, the middies contested that we even up this so-called handi­ cap by agreeing to a set of eligibility rules. We upheld that none were needed. The object of eligibility rules is not to equalize the chances of winning. Their one purpose is to prevent anel abolish professionalism, and surely this is unknown and impossible at both Academies. We claim that any advantage which we derive from the higher age limit is offset by the greater number of middies from which the Navy can choose. The difficulties were, however, finally amicably settled. Our season had been a fairly successful one, for we lost but one player. Tofney was hurt in the Chicago game, making it necessary to develop a new full­ back in two weeks. The team, however, was a strong combination, in perfect physical condition and well drilled in all the known football tactics. At 2.oo o'clock sharp, Captain " Ikey " and his gallant band trotted out on the field—football teams always trot. The entire south stand arose as one man, and with bared heads turned out a long corps yell for the team, finishing with a pro­ longed and vigorous " route step." The Navy, with its 900 middies, yelled as if they belonged to the " Choir Invisible." This, however, did not disconcert the team, for as one wise plebe said : " Our prime object in going to the Quaker City was to play football." Our old foe played that same plucky game she has played in times past, in

146 which the Army goes down the field every three minutes for a touchdown. For the sailors " McCarthy " generally carried the ball, but also generally failed to make the distance. One of the most pathetic incidents of the game occurred when the score was 30-5 in our favor. The north stand arose en masse, singing " Army, what makes you feel so badly ? " Of course we were taking an exceed ingly peculiar way to show our sorrow, but every one recovered in time to join in the old slogan : " We'll keep your little graves green." The following account of the game is taken from Capt. Pierce's report :

THE GAME It was a glorious ending to the present football season. While we rejoice in having won so fine a victory, still we have a feeling of the greatest respect for the team that fought so gamely in the face of certain defeat. The final result, to an impartial judge, was never in doubt, and but for a number of costly fumbles at the start it is safe to say the midshipmen would not have scored. They were out-played from start to finish, and only three times during the game did they make a first down—once in the first half and twice in the second. Their trick plays did not work and <>ti'v Fifteen Yards their end runs counted for nothing. In a word, they were nut in the same class with the cadets ; nor was their physical condition equal to that of the Army team. West Point made three substitutions while Annapolis had practically a new team in the second half. Although in poor condition owing to an injured leg, Captain Farnsworth started in the game. As soon as it was apparent that his presence was injuring the work of the eleven, he Called Cooper to replace himself. This conduct was very commendable, since rather than jeopardize the chances of his team to win, he chose to be replaced by a player in better physical condition. Praise is due to each member of the team for his share in the final outcome of the game. Everyone played hard and well. The line did exceedingly good work, both on defense and offense. The fact that the Navy made only 32 yards by line plays shows the quality of the defensive work. The offensive was appar-

147 ent to every onlooker in position to see the forwards charge, opening up great holes in their opponent's line for our backs to pass through. Probably the most spectacular play of the entire game was the 42-yd. run of Prince from scrimmage for a touchdown. Hackett and Tipton made the play- possible by their interference for, and assistance to, the runner. Three times was Prince apparently stopped and down, but each time he was helped to get clear and going again. Uavis at full-back played a surprisingly good game, considering that this is his first year at the Academy. Weighing 192 pounds and being very quick and active, he was almost irresistible in line-plunging. Hammond played a noticeably fine game at end. Graves was as usual a powerful factor in the suc­ cess of the cadet eleven. He was in every play, and his peculiar power of diag­ nosing the intentions of the opponents was apparent throughout this contest. Tipton played perfectly except for one poor pass. He is exceedingly strong, active, and quick to follow the ball. In my opinion he is one of the best centers produced this season. Riley and Thompson were so superior to their opponents that no comparison is possible. When Thompson went to tackle to replace Doe, who was taken out on account of a leg injured in the Chicago game, his play­ ing seemed better even than at guard, for time and again he broke through and nailed the The West Point Sleeper runner for a loss. Cooper played better than I have ever seen him play before, and fully justi­ fied his selection as substitute for Farnsworth. Doe had just come out of the hospital. However, he played a fine game and was only taken out when the game was safe, for fear further playing might injure him. Rockwell played a good end, being especially valuable in getting down under kicks. The substitu­ tion of Mettler and Gillespie for Doe and Rockwell did not apparently weaken the team. Taken all in all the West Point eleven which faced the Navy team on Franklin Field, November 28th, 1903, was a powerful, active combination of inelividuals, who won on their merits. The play was concentrated and fast ; the team work excellent. The game was played by us almost entirely from normal formation. It was found unnecessary to use the tandem, which had proved so effective against the University of Chicago. 148 The following are some statistics that may prove interesting :

STATISTICS OB THK WKST POINT ELEVEN : Name Weight Age Height Hammond 370 22 5 ft. to in. Doe 177 20 5 " 9 " Riley 212 22 6 " 1 " Tipton 195 21 5 " 10 " Thompson 177 21 6 " 1 " Craves 186 24 6 " o " Rockwell 157 21 5 " 11 " Substitutes: Cooper, 158; Mettler, 177; Gillespie, 169 Average weight of line, 182 lbs. -Name Weight Age Height Hackett 161 23 5 ft. 7^ in. Cooper j 158 23 5 " 9 " Farnsworth j 1.S0 23 5 " 10 " Prince 163 20 5 " 11 " Davis 192 20 6 " o " Average weight of backs. [68.5 lbs. I This is taking Cooper as R. H. since lie played all but S minutes of the game] Average age 21.5 Average weight of team . 177.1 lbs Average weight of last year's eleven : Line, 182.2; Hacks, 166.0; Entire eleven, 174.6 STATISTICS OF THK ARMY-NAVY GAME :

LINK-BUCKING Army Navy Army Navy Army Navy ist half '59 18 Punted 12 times Punted 20 times 4 2d half 160 14 Average length, Average length, Three of Total 319 32 33-5 yds. 31.1 yds. these were Army had 3 N a v v had 2 in the first Longest consec­ Navy gained her punts blocked kicks blocked 8 minutes utive gain, 85 distance only Average gain by Average gain by of play vds. 3 times. punts, 31.8 punts, 25.2 Longest consec­ yds. vds. utive gain, 7 yds.

RECORD Ol- ARMY-NAVY (.AMIS: Army Navy 1890 O 24 I89I 32 16 1892 4 12 1893 4 6 1899 J7 5 1900 7 11 1901 11 5 1902 22 8 1903 40 5

Total number points made, 137 92 (James won, 5 4


The line-up was as follows :

WEST POINT POSITION ANNAPeil.IS Hammond left end Howard Doe (Thompson i left tackle Grady (Dohertv) Riley left guard Chambers (Smith) Tipton centre Rees Thompson (Mettlen .... right guard Oak | McConnell) Graves right tackle Dohertv ( Pierson) Rockwell (Gillespie) right end Soule (Whiting) Hackett quarterback Strassburger (Wilcox) Prince left halfback Root(Dowell) Farnsworth (Cooper right half back Decker i Strassburger) Davis .... full hack Halsey

The game in detail : The Navy won the toss, and Davis for West Point kicked off at 2.13 to the mid­ dies 15-yd. line and the runner made 10 yards. Hammond stopped the next play for a loss of 5 yards and the Navy punted to Hackett at mid field where he was downed. Prince fumbled in the next play, but was tried again and made 5 yards through center. Davis and Farnsworth in four tandem plays tore off 1 1 yards, but Farns­ worth fumbled and. Annapolis secured the ball on the 45-yd. mark. Four yards to go on the third down forced Annapolis to punt, and Hackett was thrown on his 40- yd. line. In a delayed pass Farnsworth dropped the ball and it went to the middies on the Army's 45-yd. mark. Annapolis could not make the distance in three tries and punted to Hackett on his 15-yd. line. Davis in two attempts gained 10 yards and Hackett signalled a punt ; the pass was high and Prince had to reach for it; he fumbled and the middies fell on the leather 20 yards from the cadet goal.

West Point's line held firm against the CAPTAIN FARNSWORTH assaults of the Navy and a try at a field goal from placement resulted. The ball went true and Annapolis made the first score 8 minutes after the game started. Navy 5 ; Army o.

151 West Point kicked off to the Navy's 5-yard line and the runner was downed on the 25-yd. mark. A gain of one yard in three tries forced a punt and Hackett made the catch on the middle line. On the first down Prince punted across the Navy's goal line and the middies kicked out to Prince at mid-field ; he was thrown on the 50-yd. mark. Farnsworth again fumbled and it was the Navy's ball on the 47-yd. line. Farnsworth was replaced by Cooper. The Navy could not make a first down and punted to Hackett on his 30-yd line ; he made 4 yards. Prince, Davis and Cooper advanced the ball to the 50-yd. mark wdiere Prince punted to the Navy's 25-yd. line, Tipton making the tackle. Annapolis tried a fake kick on the second down and did not make a yard. The Army got the ball on a fumble on the 20-yd. line and in five plays Davis was shoved over for a touchdown at 2:45. Doe kicked goal. Army 6 ; Navy 5. Davis kicked off to the Navy's 5-yd. line and himself made the tackle on the 25-yd. mark. A third down with 2 yards to go compelled Annapolis to punt. Hackett ran the kick back 8 yards to the Army's 53-yd. line. The cadets failed to make the required distance and Davis kicked to the Navy's 35-yd. line outside. For the first time since the game started the Navy made a first down by going through center for 6 yards. However, 5 yards to go on the next third down forced a punt and Prince caught and was downed on the Army's 39-yd. line. Prince hit the line for 3 yards and then punted from a position close up behind the line. As the ball went over the head of a Navy back he touched it and Ham­ mond, tearing down the field secured it on the Navy's 8-yd. line. Davis in two tries made 4 yards and a penalty for offside by the Navy gave the Army a first down. Prince in the next play went over for a touchdown at 3 o'clock and Doe kicked goal. Army 12 ; Navy 5. Davis kicked off, and the ball sailed directly between the posts and over the cross-bar. Hackett muffed the kick-out and Hammond picked up the ball, but was downed on the Army's 47-yd. line. Davis went through left tackle for 4 yards, and Prince from a normal formation punted to the Navy's 20-yd. mark, Hammond downing the runner for no gain. The middies punted on the third down to Hackett on his 50 yd. line, and he made 10 yards. Prince was again given the ball and came through stumbling : he fell, but was lifted to his feet by Hackett, anel behind Tipton's excellent interference, and with continued assist­ ance, made a run of 40 yards to a touchdown,—certainly a most sensational run. Doe kicked goal and made the score : Army 18 ; Navy 5. Davis kicked off to the Navy's 20-yd. line and Hammond was there with the ball. The Navy punted on the third down and Prince caught the ball on the bound at mid-field ; he was downed on the Navy's 50-yd line. Prince, Cooper and Davis carried the ball to the 35-yd. mark and time was called at 3:21. SECOND HALF The second half started with no changes in the Army team. The Navy made several substitutions during the progress of the half, due apparently to lack of condition.

152 At 3:45 Annapolis kicked off to the Army's 15-yd. line where the tackle was made. Prince's punt on the first down was blocked and it was the Navy's ball on the Army's 15-yd. line. The Navy tried a field goal from placement on the third down, but the ball was blocked and Thompson fell on it for the cadets on the 20- yd. line. Prince punted to the Army's 45-yd. line and Hammond was offside, the ball hitting him in the back. Annapolis was allowed a free kick from the 25-yd. line. The ball was blocked, however, but was recovered by the Navy on the 45-yd. mark. Annapolis punted only 15 yards and Rockwell secured the ball. Prince returned the punt to mid-field and Hammond downed the runner. The Navy here made a second first down on the Army's 48-yd. line, but a third down with 5 yards to go compelled them to punt. Hackett muffed on his 20-yd. line, but fell on the ball. Prince made 3 yards and Davis was jammed through center to the 42-yd. line. Cooper placed the leather on the 50-yd. mark, and Davis and Prince took it to the Navy's 45-yd. line. Davis and Cooper in two tries added 7 yards more, and Prince skirted left end for 18 yards. With the ball on the 20-yd. mark a touch-down was in sight and in five plays Prince crossed the line at 4 minutes after 4 o'clock. Hackett punted out to Graves, but Doe failed at goal, the ball being blocked. Army 23 ; Navy 5. Davis kicked off and the runner was downed on the Navy's 22-yd. line. A fumble gave West Point the ball on the 20-yd. line and in six plays Davis made the fourth touchdown for the Army. Doe kicked goal. Army 2ej ; Navy 5. Doe was replaced by Mettler. Annapolis caught the kick off on the 5-yd. line and ran it back 35 yards. The Navy tried a fake kick on the second down, but made no gain, and were com­ pelled to punt. Hackett made the catch and was thrown on the Army's 52-yd. line. Prince's punt was blocked, but Davis recovered the ball and Prince again punted, the runner being downed on the 22-yd. line. Gillespie was substituted for Rockwell. The middies made another first down in two tries and placed the ball on their 28-yd. line. They lost 5 yards on the next play and tried a fake kick which netted only 2 yards. They punted to Hackett at mid-field and he was downed for no gain. Prince punted on the second down to the Navy's 25-yd. line and Hammond was on hand to make the tackle. A punt by the middies on the third down landeel the ball on their 45-yd. mark, from which point the cadets rushed it down the field in plunges which netted 5 and 6 yards at a time. Prince made the touchdown at 4:33 and Hackett kicked goal. Army 35 ; Navy 5. Davis's kick-off went to a Navy man on the 10-yd. line and he made 23 yards. A epiarterback run lost 2 yards and Annapolis punted to Hackett on his 45-yd. mark : he was thrown on the middle line. Prince punted to the Navy's 25-yd. line and the kick was run back 15 yards. The Navy punted on the third down to Hackett on his 30-yd. line and he ran forward 20 yards. Prince's punt was

»53 blocked, but the cadets recovered the ball on the 40-yel. line. Hackett signalled another punt and Prince lifted the oval to the Navy's 35-yd. line, the runner being downed after going 10 yards. A loss of 3 yards compelled the middies to punt and Hackett was nailed on the Army's 43-yd. line. With 2 yards to go on the third down Prince punted to the Navy's 20-yd. line. In a fake kick Annap­ olis lost 5 yards and punted to Hackett on the Navy's 45-yd. line. He yelled " fair catch " and was tackled as the ball struck his arms. For this interference West Point was given a free kick from the 25-yd. line and Davis kicked a neat goal. Army 40; Navy 5. Davis kicked off to the Navy's 15-yd. line and time was calleel at 4:54. Thus ended the Navy's Waterloo. The score might have been kept down by the use of a little judgment. At the beginning of the game the Navy tried our line but found it absolutely impassable. Instead of opening out their plays and using end runs, which might have been successful with their light, fast team, they continued to batter the wall. As a result they made but three first downs. Again, after each kick-off, they chose to receive the ball in their own territory. This forced them to kick immediately, giving us the ball within scoring distance. The Navy went down splendidly to defeat, and even when the end drew near there was that same brave, plucky fight we have seen so often and admired so much. We earnestly hope to meet them again, and that our relations shall continue in one long line of continual friendship. All you fellers, here's to the Navy. Ray ! Ray! Ray ! Oh, Navy ! Won't you listen ? Fot the- Army's got a mule With a long rat tail, And a hide as thick As a coat of mail, So keep your eye on him. He's a razor-back. He's a cracker-jack, And we've got him shod With a cast-iron shoe, And when he kicks He'll land on you, And send you sailing home.

•54 FOOTBALL SQUAD, SEASON 1903 CAPT. PALMES K. PIBRCB CAPT. EDWARD I.. KING Football Representative Head Coach


156 I.IKUT. I.KON B. KKOMKK I.IKTT. ROBERT K. BOTBEI Coach and Baseball Representative Coach—Captain 1902


157 Wl 51 roiNT THE SEASON OF 1903 HE beginning of the season of 1903 was brilliant, but in the middle of the season there suddenly came a slump which we could never quite overcome. We attribute this to the fact that about the first of May. n the weather becomes exceedingly warm, drills begin in earnest and we find that each day is completely taken up with hard work. Hereto­ fore we' have never had a training table for the base-ball team, hence there was nothing to keep a player's waist plate from becoming attached to his backbone. So we found ourselves gradually losing form until at the end of the season, we were' playing as if our feet were tied to the ground Even though the season ended so disastrously, it was not without its good points, for we defeated Harvard by the score of 6 to 4—the first time we have ever beaten any of the "Big Four" in base-ball At the beginning of the season we found ourselves without the services of Abbott, Herr and TTobson and it was therefore absolutely necessary to de­ velop an entirely new infield. We had secured an excellent coach in Stein- weinder, of Princeton, lie was with us until the middle of May. when be left to coach Princeton. We began the season by defeating Union, Williams and Dickinson, and then treating Harvard to a little surprise party, so sudden that they are still wondering up in Cambridge how it happened. This game probably caused more joy in the Corps than any vet played here. There was indeed cause for it. for Harvard had just shut out Georgetown and had beaten the middies in two games. Graham did the pitching, allowing Harvard only eight scattered hits, which accounts for their defeat. Coburn started to pitch for Harvard, but after we had scored six runs, re'tircd in favor of Clarkson. The fireworks went eiff in the third inning with

'59 time and percussion fuses. The first two men took time' and walked to first. Whipple, as usual, bunted and filled the bases. Then with two strikes and three balls called. Gardiner, J. B., shut his eyes and with a might}- swing sent the' ball to Officers' row for a home run. Stopping to tell the Harvard second baseman about the accident, he almost misse-d connections at home. The game ended 6 to 4 in our favor and this also ended our winning streak. Fordham, Lafayette and Amherst beat us in succession and then to aggravate matters Columbia and 7th Regiment elid the same. Wishing to begin well in our first game with Columbia, we were anxious to win. Carter allowed but eight hits, striking out eleven men. but West Point made seven errors, which accounts for the defeat. The 7th Regiment in a very close and exciting game defeated us by the score of 2 to o. our first shut out. This game was lost through our weakness at the bat. for there was not the slightest fault in our pitcher's work. Thus the season might be compared to a bonfire, bright and powerful at the beginning but ending in a heap of ashes—all its inert strength gone, its elarkness seeming all the darker on account of the brilliancy of its beginning. And now a few words about the individual members of the team. We had a splendid corps of pitchers in Graham, Carter and Phillips. Graham was ex­ cellent, having a large assortment of curves and drops and plenty of speed, but he lacked the proper coaching. Carter and Phillips also possessed speed and curves, but lacked the experience necessary to make them first-class pitchers. Carter will be our mainstay in the box this season and we ought to see a decided improvement in his work. (iraves, on account of his great experience played a good game behind the bat. Hackett held down first with both feet, which makes it needless to say that it was completely covered. Jack Gardiner at second picked up everything, even the grass. He has never yet decided how far that home run went. Herring covered short in a very creditable manner, his throwing to first being fine. Cooper at third was handicapped by a fever which finally compelled him to stop playing altogether. His place was credibly tilled by Crain, who up to this time had been an unknown quantity. The outfield was very fast and must be given credit for some very clever work. Whipple. Winston and Rockwell were absolutely sure on fly balls, and it was always a relief to see the ball go their way. Meals, although not playing in any of the games, immortalized himself by hard, conscientious and cheerful work in practice, where he was especially valuable' in the catching department. The outlook for the season of [904 is bright. Every man on the '03 team i> still in the corps with the exception of Graham, whose position as pitcher will be hard to fill. The plebe class does not contain much material, which compels us to

160 depend upon last year's squad for our team. The one problem to solve is that of developing a first-class pitcher and Carter will probably fill that position very nicely. Hackett, 04, has been elected captain, and Lieut. Kromer has been ap­ pointed base-ball representative by the A. A. A. With his spirit and enthusiasm instilled in the men. we ought to turn out a fast team, for never has the otttlewk been brighter. The batting and fielding averages for the season of 1903 were as follows :

BATTING PIBLDING I lae-kett, il> 401 Whipple, I. f i.ooo Carter, p 375 I tackett, il) 976 Whipple, L f 325 Craves, c uj.\ Rockwell, r. f 250 Crain, 3b., 047 Crain. 3b 250 Winston, c. f., 909 Graves, c, 212 Garber. s. s 900 Winston, c. f 205 Graham, p 869 Graham, p 157 Gardiner, J. P>., 2l> 854 Gardiner, J. 1!.. 2b 153 Herring, s. a 823 Cooper, 3b 125 Carter, p 818 Herring, s. s 105 Rockwell, r. f 800 Garber, s. s. 000 Cooper, 3b 641

Games Played r. p. Op, April 11. Union College 3 1 15. Williams College 5 2 18, Dickinson College 18 1 25, Harvard University 6 4 29, Fordham College 0 1 May 2. Trinity College 12 3 9. Lafayette College 3 7 16, Amherst College 3 9 2}. Columbia College 6 11 " 30, 7th Regimenl I \. Y. N. G.) . 0 2

Total. 4i

161 Baseball Team, 1903

GRAHAM, 03 Pitcher GRAVES, '05 Catcher I [ACKETT, '04 First Base GARDINER, J. Ik. 05 Second Base HERRING, '05 Short Stop CRAIN, '04 Third Base WHIPPLE, '04 Left Field WINST( ).\. '05 Center Field K( >CKWELL, '06 Right Field

Substitutes CARTER, W. V., '04 COPP,'04 PHILLIPS,'03 COOPER, '04 MEALS,'04 GARBER,'03 LANE, A. W., '06

Captain EPHRAM F. GRAHAM, '03


Captain for 1004 IK >RATI<) B. HACKETT, JR., '04

Manager for 1904 JOHN DANFORD, 04

162 BASEBALL TEAM, 1903 X May 17. [901, with a squad of 21 Cadets, in charge of Lieut. Kromer. O and accompanied by several officers. West Point proceeded to Annapo­ lis. Friday night was spent at Baltimore, and on Saturday morning the team took the train to Annapolis. Everyone was well taken care of during the whole stay at that place, and nowhere has a more cordial and sportsmanlike spirit been shown than was manifested by the Navy during the entire visit. The game was intensely exciting throughout. Both pitchers did excellent work and both were given gilt-edged support, but the Army was more fortunate in making its hits at opportune times. Tn the ninth inning, with a score of 4 to I against them, the Navy made two runs and had a man on second base with two out. Matters were in a precarious condition when the next man knocked a grounder to Abbot. But he fielded the ball cleanly and sent it into Jim Hobson's outstretched hands, ending the greatest game in the history of the Academies. After the game the team was given a reception by the ladies of the Navy and in the evening everyone attended an excellent hop given by our hosts, the Middies. It was Lieut. Kromer's untiring efforts and his great enthusiasm in our whole year's work that made it possible to win this game. The score: Army Navy Plavers ah r l>h sb sh po a e Players ab r t h sh sh po a e Zell, r.f 3 1 1 I O O I lamtner, il> 4 0 0 0 0 7 o I MacArthur, If 3 1 o 1 o OOO Staton, r.f 2 1 1 1 0 2 o I Hobson, il> 4 o o 008 1 O Read, l.f 5 1 1 0000 o I'Krr, s.s 4 o 1 I O 2 3 o Weaver, c 5 1 2 0071 o Abbott, 2b 4 1 2 I O I 4 o Childs, s.s 5 0 2 o o I II I Hackett, c 4 ° 2 O o 6 2 1 Long, 3b 4 0 1 0033 3 o Cooper, 3b 3 o 1 o O 1 Smith, C. ]•'.., 2h. ...402000 I o Whipple, c.f 3 1 o 0 2 Anderson, c.f 3 o 2 o o 1 o o Graham, p 00013 Raudenbush, p 4 o o o o 1 0

Total, 30 4 7 5 1 27 12 Total. 36 3 11 1 024 7

164 SCOBS BY INNINGS. 1234 5 6 j 8 9 Total. Navy o o 1 o o o o o 2 3 Army o o 3 o o 1 o o x 4 Two base hits: Read 1, Weaver i. .Strike outs: By Graham 6, by Raudenbusb 2. Double plays: Weaver and Hammer, Hackett, Hobson and Abbott Hit by pitcher, by Graham 2, by Raudenbusb 2. Wild pitches: Graham 1. Earned run-.: West Point 1, Annapolis 2. Left on bases: West Point o. Annapolis 13. Time of game: 1.30. Um­ pire: .Mr. Snyder (National League.)

The next year, 1902, the Navy team came' to West Point, and evened matters up by beating us in a well played game. Although their first class had graduated early, they were permitted to play such members of the class as were on the team. The Middies arrived the day before the game, and practiced on our tie-Id that afternoon. This practice was exceedingly good and showed that they were well coached in all the tine' points of the game. The West Point team was poorly chosen, several of our best players being compelled to sit on the bench. This, to­ gether with our errors, directly explains our defeat. Raudenbusb and Graham again pitched excellent games, and had the latter been properly supported, there would have been no doubt as to the result. This game evened up the' series, and as no game was played in KP3 on account of the strained relations between the two Academies, the series still remains a tie. There' is every reason to believe that the game will be played as usual this year. We have a strong team, with Lieut. Kromer at the head, and we ought to break tin- tie in our favor. The score of the second game follows:

Army Navy Players ah r Ml sb sh po a e Players ab r Ml sh sh po a e Cooper, 3b 5 o T o o 1 2 2 Childs, s.s 5 o 1 o o i o 1 Zell, l.f 5 o o o o 2 1 o St.it on. if 4 1 1 o 1 3 o o MacArthur, r.f 3 1 o o o o 1 o Weaver, c 5 3 4 3 o 3 3 o t [obson, lb S 1 1 o 013 o o Smith, 2I) 4 1 o 1 o 5 5 2 llerr. s.s 3 1 1 o o o 1 1 Read, r.f 4 o o o o o o o Abbott, 2b 4 O o o o 3 3 o Anderson, c.f 3 o I o o 3 o 0 Winston, c.f 4 o 2 o 0 2 o o Bassett, 3b 4 o 1 o o 1 3 2 Hackett, c 3 o o o 1 (1 1 2 Pegram, tb 4 o 1 o o 10 2 1 Graham, p 3 o o o o o 4 0 Raudenbusb. p 4 o 1 o o I 5 0 Total 35 3 5 0 1 2j 13 s Total ,^7 5 10 4 1 27 18 6 Earned runs; Army 1. Navy 2. Two base hits: Staton 1. Weaver 1. Three base hits: Raudenbusb 1. Base on Balls: By Graham 1. by Raudenbusb 3. Hit by pitched halls: By Graham 1, by Raudenbusb 1. Struck out: By Graham 4. by Raudenbusb 2. Wild pitches: Graham 1. Time of game 2.15. Umpires, Lynch and Snyder (National League ).

165 r was the' intention to enter a team in the [nter-collegiate Tournament for [901, but the early graduation of the first class prevented it. How­ ever, a squad was organized in K)'.)-'. working daily under the able su­ pervision of Lieut. Koehler until the date se't for the tournament of [Q02. The squad consisted of: Bull (Captain), and Nichols, '03; Strong. Scott. 1 loyt and I loneycutt. '04 I'rcckenridgc and Kuu/.ig. '05; Gray, Q., '03, Manager. Several teams were fenced at the' Academy, with the following scores: Cornell 3, Armv f> I larvaiiI 9 Columbia, 3, 6 Yale 2. 4 Perm 2, " 7 The' team chosen for the tournament consisted of Nichols, '03 ; Strong. '04, and Breckenridge, '05, with I'ull and 1 loneycutt ;is substitutes. The tournament was won by a decisive score: Won Lost Percentage I. Army 40 14 .740 Columbia 35 19 .648 3- Navy 34 20 .020. 4- Cornell 32 22 •592 5- 1 larvard 25 29 • 4'>_> Yale 15 39 277 7- Pennsylvania S 46 .148

166 FENCING TEAM, 1903 Strong tied with Clarke, of Columbia, and Whittier, of the Navy for individ­ ual honors, each winning 15 bouts and loosing 3. The season of 1903 was even more successful than the preceding one. The squad consisted of Bull (Captain) and Grey, B. E., '03; Strong. Hoyt, Scott and Honeycutt,'04; Breckenridge, Barber, Hanford and Kunzig, '05. For Lieut. Koe'hler's enthusiastic support we cannot be too thankful. He winked hard for us and backed the team with all his well-known enthusiasm and was intimately as­ sociated with each and every victory. With .Mr. Richard Malchien, as coach, the team was worked into shape with the following results: Pennsylvania 2, Army 14 Cornell O, " 9 Columbia 2, 7 Yale, 3, " 6

The team for the tournament consisted of Scott and Honeycutt, '04; Breck­ enridge, '05; with Bull as substitute. Again the Army was victorious by a good SC< »re : Won. Lost. Percentage. 1. Army 35 10 .778 2. Columbia 31 14 .689 3. Yale 19 26 .422 4. Cornell 18 27 .400 5. Pennsylvania 16 29 357 6. Harvard 12 33 .2^7

For individual honors Breckenridge and Honeycutt tied with Clarke, of Co­ lumbia, each winning 13 bouts and losing 2. Strong was elected Captain for [904, and I loyt. manager. This year, we- have all the last year's squad with the exception of the gradu­ ate's and Breckenridge. In addition there arc several promising candidates. Lieut. Koehler is still with us and Mr. Malchien is again coach. So. with good luck for "our" year we can all say not only may the best team win. but also may the Army be the best team.


169 N March 21, 1903, the Tenth Annual Indoor Meet was held in the gym o nasium. There were three records broken, Danford, '04, beating his own record in the fence vault, Copp. '04, the record for the potato race and Turner, '06, the record for the rope climb. The class of 1904 won the meet. The followimr is a list of the events and the winners:

1. Standing high jump. Record, Johnson, '01, 5 ft. 1. Wilson, A. H., '04, 4 ft. 10 in. 2. Hinkle, '03. 2. Standing broad jump. Record, Nelly, '02, 10 ft. 8 in. 1. Hammond, J. S., '05, 10 ft. 4*4 in. 2. Hinkle, '03. 3. Putting 16-lb. shot. Record, Nelly, '02, 39 ft. 6 in. 1. Tbompkins, '05, 35 ft. n^4 in. 2. Bunker, '03. 4. Pole climb. Record, Wuest, '03, 5 2-5 sec. 1. Wuest, '03, 53-5 sec. 2. Park, '04. 5. Pence vault. Record, Danford, '04, 7 ft. I in. ist Class. 1. Danford, '04, 7 ft. 1 in. 2. Tbompkins, '05. 2d Class. 1. Meals, '04, Turner, '06, tie, 6 ft. 8 in. 2. Titus, '05. 6. Running high jump. Record, Munton, '98, 5 ft. 8 in. 1. Shannon, '03, 5 ft. 7 in. 2. Anderson, W. D. A., '04. 7. Twenty-yard dash. Record, Murphy, '97, Barlow, '97, Perkins, '00, 2 2-5 sec. I. Hammond, '05, Daly, '05, tie, 24-5 sec. 8. Rope climb. Record, Turner, '06, 73-5 sec. 1. Turner, '06, 7 3-5 sec. 2. Colley, '03, Gibson, '05, tie. 9. Horizontal bar. Ward, '04. 2. Armstrong, '04. 10. Side horse. 1. Grey, B. E., '03. 2. Farnttm, '03.

170 ii. Flying rings. I. Bunker, '03. 2. Wrard, '04. 12. Parallel bars. 1. Armstrong, '04 and Ward, '04 tied. 13. Long horse. 1. Farnum, '03. 2. Ward, '04. 14. Potato race. Record, Garber, '03, 354-5 sec. 1. Copp, '04. 2. Stilwell, '04. 15. Tug of zvar. 1905 vs. 1906 won by 1905. 1903 vs. 1904 won by 1904. 1904 vs. 1905 won by 1904. All round athlete. I. Bunker, '03. 2. Wilson, A. H., '04. All round gymnast (Pierce Currier Foster Memorial prize winner.) 1. Armstrong, '04. 2. Ward, '04.

171 r i z UD DAY

w oior 04

" 1 I E Annual ( Kltdoor Meet took place with great success on June <>th last. T Notwithstanding the fact that the continued dry weather had so hard­ ened the plain that training was almost impossible, two new records were made: to seconds for the ioo yd. dash and 52 seconds for the 440 yd. dash ; very creditable time indeed, considering the kind and amount of training and the condition of the track. The class of 1905 won the meet, Daly and Hammond taking four firsts, a second and a third; 1904 was a close second, with [906 and [903 third and fourth respectively. Two new eyents were run off, the half-mile' and mile run. and the track was laid out in an oval form—two great improvements over preceding years. It is earnestly to be hoped that these improvements are only the forerunners of others—such as unlimited entries and a system of points by which only three places count. In this way the Annual Field Mee't at West Point will be put on a level with others of its kind at the colleges.

SUMMARY OF EVENTS 100 yds. dash. 1. Hammond, J. S. ('05). 2. Daly ('05) and Farnum ('03) 10 s. (Re'cord). 220 yds. dash. 1. Hammond. J. S.. (05). 2. Firnum ('03). 3. Daly ('05) 22 4-5 s. 440 yds. dash. 1. I'pham ("05). 2. Wright (.04). 3. Hodges C05). 52s. ( Record). 880 yds. run. 1. Dowd ("04). 2. Spaulding. T. M., ('05). 3. Horsfall C06) 2111. 11 1-5 s. 1 mile rim. 1. Stilwell ('04). 2. Worcester ('04). 3. Dailey, G. F Coo) 5 m. 13 2-5 s. 120 hurdle. 1. Daly ('05). 2. Humphreys ('06). 3. Carrithers ('03) 17 1-5 s. Shot. 1. Thompkins ('05). 2. Hunker C03). 3. Farnsworth ('04) 36 ft. 5^2 in. Hammer. 1. Bunker (03). 2. Rockwell ('06). 3. Tbompkins (05) 88 ft. 9*4 in. Pole Vault. 1. Barber ('05). 2. Dillon ('04) and Armstrong ('04) (tie) 9ft. gin. High jump. 1. Anderson, W., ('04). 2. Carrithers ('03). 3. Hanford ('05) 5 ft. 5 in. Broad Jump. 1. Daly (05). 2. Carrithers ('03). 3. Turner ('06) 20 ft. 9 ^4 in.

172 HERE was more interest taken in tennis last summer than ever before. T The courts were in excellent condition, making some good fast playing possible. The tournament was held as usual, starting with twenty-six m entries from the Kirst and Third Classes. Wildrick, '06. won the championship, and Fulton, 04. took second. The' following diagram gives the results:

First Preliminaries. Second Prelim. Third Prelim. Semi-Finals h'nuils 1. Pratt, J. S., '06 1 Pratt, .1. S. 1 2. Crain. '04 f (...,. 6-1 1 O'Hara O'Hara 1 3. O'Hara, '04 | O'Hara ' 6-4, 6-2 "a bye" j 4. Thompson, M. II.. '06 \ <)-.i. 3-6, 6-4 J 5. Dillard, '04 1 Dillard 1 Pulton 6. Pinch, '06 1 7-5, <>-t , Madigan .' 6-.,. 6-2, 6-1 7. Hackett, '04 1 Madigan ' X-6. 5-7, 6-4 8. Madigan '06 1 6-1, 3-6. 6-1 J | Pulton 9. Whipple, '04 1 I loneycutt •J ' 6-o, 6- 1 10. Honeycutt, '04 1 6-4, 6-1 ! Pulton 1 11. Fulton, '04 \ Fulton ' 6-J, 6-0 1 12. Rockwell, '06 1 6-4, 6-2 J Wildrick 13. Anderson. W. D. A.. '04 ) Anderson, W. 1 • A 1 14. Pratt, H. C, '04 1 6-i, 0 6-4. 6-3. 6-4 ; , Anderson, W. 1'. • V' 1 15. Glassford. '04 I Double ' (by default) 16. Carter, W. V., '04 1 (default) J 1 Barkley 17. Reynolds, '04 l Barkley 1 1' 6-0, 6-2 18. Barkley, '04 1 (by default) | Barkley 19. Henderson. '06 \ Hunter ,' (by default) J1 20. Hunter, '04 1 6-4, 6-4 J Wildrick 21. Huntley, '06 \ Wildrick 1 6-2, 6-1. 6-4 2J. Wildrick, '06 1 6-3, 6-2 , Wildrick 1 23. Spurgin, '06 ) Spurgin ' (»-4. 4-6, 6-3 1 Wildrick 24. Ilarbold, '04 1 6-1, 6-1 j 25. Edmunds, '04 1 Edmunds Edmunds j 6-2, 6-J 26. Swift, '04 j (by default) "a bye"

173 FEW years ago golf was played by a very few cadets, not being consid­ ered strenuous enough for most of them. But gradually it has increased in favor, until now it is necessary to dress in armor for protection from stray hits. And it matters not whether you go to Fort "Put," Flirta­ tion or out on the links, this method of defense is absolutely neces­ sary. During Camp W. E. Shipp the interest in the game was given an added impulse by a tournament, which was held by the classes of 1904 and 1906. The A. A. A. offered two very pretty prizes which were won by Holderness, R. W., '04, and Thompson, M. II., '06. The result of the tournament was as follows:

First Round Second Round Third Round Semi Finals. Finals. 1. Holderness, R. W., '04 2. Mcllroy, '04 > Holderness 3. Torney, '06 r Ho lderncss 4. Manchester. '06 ]• Torney 5. Glassford, '04 Holderness 6. Dillard, '04 • Glassford 7. Harbold, '04 Rockwell 8. Rockwell, '06 I Rockwell 9. Danford, '04 10. Riley, J. W., '06 j Danford Holderness 11. Butcher, '04 I tan ford 12. Dowd, '04 [ r.utcher 1 Thompson 13. Blain, '04 I Blain 14. Downing, '06 Thompson 15. Sturgill, '06 ) Thompson 16. Thompson, M. H., '06 '• Thompson 17. Hackett, '04 ' Hackett 18. Turner, '06 \ Glass 19. Glass, '04 j " a l>ye " 20. Madigan, '06 j Glass 21. Brant, '04 (• Fulton (dropped out) 22. Fulton, '04 —^ OLO at the Academy dates from 1895. though at that time it hardly de- \^ served the name. ( avalry horses served in place of ponies anel even pad saddles were not available until npo. In 1900, however, about thirty Western ponies were bought and with the Class 1903 the first real in­ terest was shown. This class represented the Academy in two games with Squadron A. of X. Y. Although beaten, the showing made was very sat­ isfactory indeed. In the spring of 1903 some twelve new ponies were bought and our class was the first to take a lively interest in the game. Twenty or thirty men played dur­ ing the summer and fall of 1903. Practice was regular and considering the nature of the game, very satisfactory progress has been made. We had no out­ side games, but expect some in the spring. The material offered was very promis­ ing indeed and among such men as Robins, Wilson, A. IT., Wimberly, Swift and Koch there should be no trouble in picking a team capable of making a showing creditable to the Academy. Too much credit cannot be given Col. Treat in the development of the game at the Academy. As an excellent horseman and an enthusiastic polo player of exceptional skill, he has done everything in his power to encourage' the- game. Capt. Macdonald has also taken great interest in our work and has exerted him­ self to help us. All the progress that we have made is due to these two officers. Polo should be encouraged at the Academy, cultivating as it does, those characteristics indispensable to an officer. Owing to the lack of time, we can hardly hope to reach the standard set by some of our clubs, but we should and will be able to compete with the college teams on at least even terms. HOUGH not under organization, cross country running has been engaged T in for the last three years by many Cadets of the upper classes. The object has been individual development in strength and staying pow­ ers. With this idea in view Cadets with all physical qualifications, many with no intention of even training for running, have turned out. The longest run. held during the fall of ig02, was over eleven and one half miles. The squad consisting of from five to twenty members, was lead by Stil- well. '04. The runs have been conducted over nearly all the roads and rough paths on and adjacent to the Reservation, following Stony Lonesome, circling the neighboring hills, reaching Long Pond, and passing Limits on the Cornwall road. Two paper chases were held with very good success. During the past fall several road races were held. The run via Eagle Valley Road from the Gymnasium to the East end of Long Pond and back was made in seventy minutes, reducing the record of [902 by six minutes. Though started under opposition and discouragement, this sport has made rapid progress. In all over fifty men have been out. Among the weaker nun. the benefits have been very marked, while several runners, who have shown up best in field meets, owe their development almost entirely to this cross-countrv work.

176 I

VSKET BALL has never received its proper appreciation at West Point. Until the fall of i<)02 the gymnasium was even minus the baskets and ball necessary to play the game. Through the efforts of the class of 1904. and with the assistance of Lieut. Koehler. we finally obtained the material and proceeded to form a team. An exhibition game was first played in order to introduce the game to the residents of the Post, most of whom had never see'ii a contest of this kind. This paved the- way for a game with the Ybnkers Y. M. C. A., which was defeated by the score of 54 to 10. This was the only game played in [903, but it had the desired result of giving t< > basket ball a re-cognized place among the game's now played at the Academy. It is hoped that in the future the A. A. A. will appoint a representative for this branch of athletics, and subscribe the funds necessary for games with other large colleges. For i<^>4 we have a schedule' of five games, the first of which was placed on January 30. 11)04. and resulted in a victory for West Point.

Team I [ACKETT, n/)4. Captain. STILWELL, [904 MERCHANT, [905 DOWD. [904 HETRICK, [906 Substitutes PRATT, H. C, 1904 CASTLE, [907 Manager STILWELL, 1904 7 V E A R E R 3 O F TH E

HE privilege of wearing the initial "A" (for .Army) on the sweater, T jersey, jacket, cap or other article of athletic uniform, shall be re- ^'y^jsj stricted to those ("adds who have actually played on an Acadenn m team I first team) during one year, as follows: i. Football—Two-thirds of all games played with outside teams or a championship game. 2. Baseball—Two-thirds of all games played with outside nines or a cham­ pionship game. 3. Fencing—Three-fifths of all contests fenced with outside teams or the Intercollegiate Contest, and, 4. To those Cadets who at the outdoor "Meet" shall break an Academy record. Class of 1904 Football—Blain, Copp. Cooper, A". W., Farnsworth, Hackett. Jensvold, McAn- drew. Riley, X. \\\. Stilwell, Thompson, C. F. Baseball—Carter, Copp, Cooper, Crain, 1 fackett. \\ nipple. Fencing—Strong. G. Y., Honeycutt. . Ill-round Gymnast—Armstrong. Class of 1905 Football—Bartlett, L. R., Daly, Doe, Graves. Hammond, T. W., Tipton. Baseball—Albright, Gardiner, J. P>., Graves. Herring, Winston. Record—Hammond, J. S., Upham. Cl&ss of 1906 Football—Gillespie, Mettler, Rockwell, Torney. Baseball—Rockwell. Class of 1907 Football—Davis, R. II., Prince, Hill. 178 NE Hundred Days 'till June. Sir! No wonder, that long ago the Corps began the practice of celebrating this happy time by more adequate means than a '"long corps yell" and mutual congratula­ tions. The first 100th Night Entertainment was held in the Dialec­ tic Hall and when we consider the limited facilities which it offers we may surmise that the affair was rather unpretentious. For years the presentation of an original play was the form of enter­ tainment. For several years prior to 1903 this was departed from —a play was still the attraction, but it was not an original pro­ duction. Last year when the "Caprices of Cupid'' was put upon the Cullum stage every one was delighted with the return to the old plan. This year we went one step farther. Not only was the play the work of a first classman—Copp—but all the music was written by Gruber and the performance was a credit to every one connected with it. P>oth authors spent a great amount of thought and energy to insure the success of the play. The musical comedy, "The Elopers," was presented to the usual talented and critical audience' on the evening of .March 5th. The play had to be put off to this late date on account of some of those delightful lectures which we all enjoy so tremendously (?). The numerous local hits kept every one laughing—scarcely a humorous event of the preceding twelve months escaped attention. In barest outline, the plot was as follows: Colonel Yan Speckbard is delivering a lec­ ture in astronomy at Trophy Point. Two sons of Mars, Romulus and Remus, land there in an air-ship and while they are making an inspection of Post before continuing their journey, the Col. and his satellite, Vinkleman, enter the air-ship to examine the machinery. As luck would have it, they start it off ac­ cidentally and away they go to Mars. Romulus and Remus, since they cannot

179 escape, fall in love with Ina and Nina Gayspark anel with the help of Artesia, who claims to be a fairy, they succeed in their amours. The girls, however, are locked up by their mother, who does not approve of "cadetting" and so Cupid is foiled for a while. i The Col. and Yinkleman. upon arriving on Mars, are arrested by Michael Schlatz and condemned to death by the King unless they can make him a gown more ornate and gaudy than the one he now possesses. They get their heads to­ gether and produce a dress-coat, with the aid of Roiiiula and Rema. daughters of the King, with whom, of course they fell in love. The King dons this instru­ ment of torture and faints away in violent agony—the two prisoners escaping. They return, disguised as booksellers, to the court, where the king is making merry prior to his departure for the Earth in quest of his sons. Romula and Rema, having put a sleeping powder in the wine, the lovers steal an air-ship and elope to the earth. The King accompanied by Mercury, his Prime Minister and Michael Schlatz, his Chief of Police, pursues them. Upon arrival the King falls in love with Mrs. Gayspark. Here the fun begins. Every one tries to elope with some one else. As luck would have it again, they all choose the same ren­ dezvous and time. Naturally an exciting melee ensues. As the Tost quarter­ master supplied but one air-ship, this simultaneous eloping was impossible, but as usual, everything ends happily with everybody satisfied " 'cept poor old Mer­ cury." The parts were very well taken, some of them unusually so. Gruber, as the Dutch Professor, was a conspicuous success. To see him scratch his head with his left thumb and, with a perplexed look inquire of Remus, 'Have you any fever.* reminded one strangely of sick-call. I lis part was well conceived and admirably executed. Moller kept the crowd holding their sides throughout the play. His clever facial expressions and his inimitable gestures were one of the best features of the play. I lis scenes with ( )A inan in the first act and with Rema in the second were simply ludicrous. Copp made a king, the vainest of the vain. Mis part was difficult to handle, but as in everything he has ever attempted, he covered himself with glory—and paint. Wilson. E. M., as "Mercury," was beyond doubt as good a coon as ever trod the stage. Whether the Prime Min­ ister of Mars is a "coon" or not must remain a mystery for many years to come. Then there was Michael Schlatz. with his vengeful club, his brogue and his walk! Everyone knows what De'w's abilities are and on this occasion he passed his elastic limit and received a permanent set with the audience. And then the girls! Richardson. R. ('.. McDonald. Donahue and Seager! 'Twould be hard, indeed, to find more bewitching, entrancingly lovely maidens than these four made! Dainty, coquettish, winsome lassies they made for their difficult parts, Xeed-

180 less to say each one had a suites waiting at the stage door after the show. Mc­ Kay made a sweet little fairy, rather airy in some cases, but never quite so light that we would be compelled to turn off the calcium light. Endress and Donavin struck off their character to a nicety, while Davis. R. II.. and Xagle. handled their small parts well. Campbell, as Romulus, made an ardent lover, and spooned as only Campbell himself can. Reynolds, as Remus, diel finely and made the hit of the evening by his singing. In closing, the chorus must be mentioned. Drilled and watched by Simpson. II. L.. the musical director, they worked hard and performed their task admirably. Space does not permit a more extended enumeration of all the side- features. All did well, even the audience, with their timely applause, and therefore the whole show was an unqualified success. The cast was as follows:

The Cayt

Con. NICHOLAS VAN SPECKHARD, Professor of Philosophy i and Astronomy > Mr. Gruber, '04 ()e roi'i's BOOKWORM, a Vender of Volumes ' ORACLE VINKLEMAN, sponge pusher, and clarifier of black- . boards in the Phil. Department I Mr. Moller, '04 AUTO MOBILE, a fringe on the crest of society \ Six I I. < )A'ix.\.\. a dead-beat who has no ideas Mr. Donavin. 05 CAPTAIN BUNSEN BURNER, a shining light in the "Tac." Dep't," also an Instructor in Astronomy Mr. Endress, '05 CADET EVERTIRED, a section-marcher Mr. Catts, '04 [NNEYMAC, King of Mars, also of the Cadet store Mr. Copp, '04 r ROMULUS, ) . , ... . • , r „ . vM - Campbell, R. M.. '04 „ sons 01 the King of Mars, also of I'a s i.. _. ,, KEMUS \ /Mr. Reynolds. 04 MERCURY, Prime Minister to King Inncnymac Mr. Wilson. E. M., '04 M ECHAEL SCHLATZ, preserver of the peace Mr. Dew, '04 MRS. CAPTAIN GAYSPARK, a charming widow Mr. Xagle, '07 IxA. / , , , , , . I Mr. Donahue,'06 „. her daughters, who never go cadetting ( ,, ~ ,, NINA,j / Mr. Seager, 00 ARTESIA, a juvenile queen Mr. McKay, '05 P.uiixa'.iA MiKi'iiv. K. M Mr. Davis, R. H. '07 FLOSSIE FEWCLOTHES, an L. P Mr. (J'Donnell, '05

ROMULA, ) , , f , ... . _, C Mr. McDonald. '06 (laughters of the King ot Mars { , REMA, ) /Mr. Richardson. R. C, 04 And Cadets, policemen, femmes, naiads, villagers, court ladies, etc. 181 Chorus MR. GREENE, J. S., '04 MR. CHILTON, '07 MR. DUN WOODY, '05 MR. EASTMAN, '07 MR. KLOEBER, '05 MR. CLARKE, B. E., '07 MR. ROSE, W. W., '06 MR. BEAVERS, '07 MR. LANE, W. E., '06 MR. MATILE, '07 MR. HENDERSON, '06 MR. WYMAN, '07 MR. MANCHESTER, '06 MR. YOUNT, '07 Stage Manager MR. ROBERT B. PARKER, '04 Electrician and Property Man MR. KARL D. KLEMM, '05 Musical Director MR. HARRY L. SIMPSON, '04

Committee on Arrangements and Programme MR. ROBERT P. HARBOLD, '04 MR. ARTHUR W. COPP, '04 MR. EDMUND L. GRUBER, '04



N our life there are certain mile-stones which loom up before us. and then, as we reach them, we feel further advanced in our four years' course. Slowly but surely we pass them by. We persistent­ ly grind away and near our goal—The Army. Orders, previously published, named our First Class encamp­ ment, "Camp W. E. Shipp," and set June 13th as the date it was to be occupied. We made the usual preparations on the evening of the 12th—bundles that outrivaled those of a crowd of emigrants at Castle Garden—and waited for the morrow. Well, the morrow changed our plans. How it rained! This deluge continued for five days. On the morning of the 17th, about 10 o'clock, the sun was evidently contemplating breaking through the dark clouds, and the Commandant seized the propitious moment. We were ordered to move to camp immediately. Again the usual scenes were enacted. Yisitors derived much amusement from seeing the motley procession trail across the piain, each man trying to carry all his camp equipage and wrardrobe in a single trip. It is useless to go into detail. The reader has witnessed and experienced this same thing three or four times. Camp Shipp had now become a reality. After we were settled, heaven opened her shower-baths and proceeded to flood the earth. We trusted in our Camp and felt secure so long as it only rained. The two weeks of rest which preceded the schedule of Summer drills were spent in loosening tent cords, wad­ ing through mud and water to the mess-hall and Cullum, and grumbling about the ungrateful weather. But it could not rain all the time. When the drill season

183 began, wonderful to relate, the rain fell not. except during the afternoons and days on which no drills were scheduled. Being always optimistic, we did not consider the drills all work. Even double-timing around the muddy cavalry- plain offered some fun—we have been told. Breaking bronchos in the corral, breaking trail handspikes at artillery drill, breaking in the hospital and un­ willingly breaking out. breaking golf clubs on the links, breaking five dollar bills "to give the kid a quarter," breaking our backs pulling on a pontoon oar. breaking ladies' hearts and persistently and continuously breaking regulations made our camp a Record Breaker. Resides the time' spent in (.'amp Shipp we have fond recollections of two other camps during the Summer. The first was the 7th Regiment Camp at

Peekskill. One hundred and twenty-five strong, booted and spurred, made an early morning march down the Hudson and attacked the Xew Yorkers, 1200 in number, who were strongly intrenched in their camp. They valiantly defend­ ed their position, but the able assistance of our Catling (inns so efficiently served and a timely dash of a platoon of cavalry through a submerged road, put the enemy to flight and their camp was ours. They received us with open arms— sort of an unconditional surrender. This was so utterly without conditions that in the midst of our spoils we were unceremoniously mounted and hustled back to West Point. ( )ur commanding officer realized that we had not yet Studied Inter­ national Law and therefore feared that we might begin to pillage and plunder. This vivid experience was at the beginning of the Summer. Such a beginning

184 surely presaged the coming weeks to be likely ones, abounding with more ex­ citement and pleasure. We resumed our usual routine of camp life, along with the numerous morning drills, we chased and hunted the elusive golf-ball on the hottest after­ noon ; we thronged to the tennis courts and gave the sun's rays better opportu­ nity to place those deceiving blossoms upon our noses; not getting sufficient exercise at pontoon-drill, we would row over to Cold Springs at night; and after taps we spent many hours struggling in vain with the West Point mosquitoes in the summer garden. In the middle of the night, not a sound disturbing the re­ pose of Nature save the splash of a side-wheeler ascending the river, the sentinel walking his lonely beat, would be startled by some restless slumberer scream­ ing out, "Hi yi! Hi yi!" Far down the company street another cadet, awaking from a terrible dream, shrieks, "More rain! More rain!" Again silence ensues and the sentinel's heart is recovering its normal beat. Suddenly, there is an awful sound issuing from "A" company. A first-class man has been suffering from a horrible nightmare. He tries to rid himself of the frightful hallu­ cinations and cries out in his agony, "Double Time!" The effect is wonderful. That cry penetrates the ear of every inmate of the camp. The guard turns out in haste; the sentinels are heard challenging unseen objects and persons; the camp rises "en masse" and seeks the unfortunate mortal who gave vent to this most inopportune "shriek." Vengence is meted to him when found and the camp again becomes still and quiet. With blowing of trumpets, clanking of sabers, half suppressed sighs from the ladies and a few cadets, we again left the post. Moving up the Eagle Valley road we covered about twelve miles and bivouaccd near Stockbridge. This bivouacing was a peculiar experience and consisted mostly in grooming, feeding, watering, grooming and more grooming of horses, along with a few incidentals that we discovered. In the evening some of the men attended a "hunting" dance at a near-by summer house; uniform for cadets, riding trousers, leggings, spurs, gray shirts, black ties and campaign hats; that for ladies not prescribed. The remainder of us attended the horses on the picket line and "forage" for our­ selves. This "forage" in most cases was only obtainable after long and weari­ some tramping over the country, but nothing daunted, we obtained it. At day break next morning, we rode down into Pleasant Valley (where strangely enough, the sights were familiar to some of us) and then striking the Erie R. R., we pushed on at a rapid gait. About noon we arrived in the Park and were allowed to graze in the track enclosure and slake our thirst at the water­ ing trough. By some mistake we were not compelled to groom our horses at this halt. After refreshing ourselves in the bright sunlight (ioo degrees F. in

185 the shade) we mounted our steeds and turned our faces to the East, wdiere lav our little bivouac at Stockbridge. Stopping only about an hour to allow the men to bathe in the lake, we made good time and soon came out on the Erie R. R. Then there arose a terrific rain storm. The rain coats which we carried on our saddles were useless. Those of us who didn't bathe in the lake took a shower bath at this time. The raincoats actually prevented the water from roll­ ing off our clothes by absorbing it. By the time we arrived at Stockbridge the fickle sun was sinking behind the hills and. save the immediate camp and

beaten roads, there were no traces of the heavy rain. The night was spent in the same mud, mirth and good cheer of the preceding evening and incidentally also in the same clothes. With appropriate ceremonies we named our bivouac "Camp Mcthuse." This was the unanimous choice of the class. So many amusing incidents marked these few days that it is needless to tell them. Willie Harris, during his tour on picket guard, with his "< high! Ough ! Whoa, Whoa, there!" disturbed our sleep. The horses picketed to the ambulance, pulled said ambulance down the hill, and the

186 sole occupant awoke to find himself going to—he didn't know where. Within the wagon we heard such sounds that beggar description. We were entertained with a variety of words in many foreign tongues. The hospital steward was the man in the ambulance. Ilumpty I funtei under his nuiii tie plume of "Colonel," escorted his staff, consisting of "" Dew and Gruber. "Capt." Parker and "Orderly" Moller down to the "kitchen" and there, about 2 A. M., they enjoyed a regimental mess. This exploit has passed into song. "Hip" Robert disturbing midnight's holy hour by cutting up fence rails, received a pressing invitation from

"Delinquency" to bring the wood in his tent and there cut it. "Hi])" politely de­ clined, also subsided. Many other incidents occurred similar to these, the recol­ lection of which will always drive dull cares away and make us cheerful. The trip was enjoyable to all except the poor horses. They were' a sorry lot when we were through with them. Returning to Camp Shipp. July and August were intensely hot. but still we spooned, drilled, danced and attended concerts. As August was Hearing its close we naturally wanted to complete our encampment in a most fitting manner. We

187 decided to have a Grand Camp Illumination. "A" company had an "A" at the entrance to its street, towering about thirty feet in the air, bedecked with lan­ terns, garlands and tapestries. When the lanterns were lighted it made a daz­ zling spectacle. Their colored minstrels show and street fakir afforded amuse­

ment to the crowd and deserve great credit. At the south end of the street, a formidable bastion smiled through several field guns upon all who wandered there. In "B" company, the visitor found himself in the Far East and saw about him Chinese pagodas and Japanese tea villages. The neat waiters in the tea

188 houses were attractive in their costumes and caused quite a sensation among the ladies. There were a number of ideas carried out in "C" company. Their grotto in the south end of the street was ably constructed and when the colored lights were burning, the effect was beautiful. In the water we're turtles, snakes, frogs and several ducks—nothing could be found to destroy its naturalness. Gaily painted and decorated Indians roamed around the street. Several tepees were located by a roaring camp fire and some distance away an old prairie schooner had halted for the night; the occupants had their supper ce>oking in the pot over the fire and were not in the least disturbed by the close proximity of the Indians. "D" company, containing several men who intend to take the Engineers, con­ structed a double-lock bridge. On it was placed a roof-garden on the Anheuser- Busch style. By winding stairways you reached the top and here refreshments were given to those who relied on the ability and skill of the Engineers. A huge swing was also provided for any one desiring this form of amusement, and at the entrance to the General Parade a beautiful fountain gushed and sparkled. There were many attractive sights in "E" company. Looking at their log cabin, you were immediately on some plantation and nothing to make it realistic was lacking. The proverbial mule was tied to the door. A watch dog slept in a nearby barrel—flour barrel so they say. A coon hide was nailed on the side of the cabin and several darkies, "a la Newburg," furnished banjo music and songs the entire evening. The Grecian Arch erected at the entrance to the street was of a beautiful design and attractive appearance. "F" company had quite an array of brilliant ideas and they were all well executed. By a street parade through the camp, they drew the crowd into their street about 9 P. M. Up to this time admission had been denied to all. Passing through a guarded gate, the crowd entered a pine forest. At the north end a waterwheel about three feet in diameter was rapidly revolved by an overshot stream. Entering a cave in the side of a wooden cliff you passed into a laby­ rinth that turned and doubled in amazing fashion. The successful ones emerged into a delightful little retreat. The southern part of the street was arched throughout by means of a long and gaily festooned archway, terminating in a brilliantly lighted dome. When the street was illuminated it was unsur­ passed in point of beauty. A platform had been placed in the dome and here a "Great Variety Show" followed the street parade. All in all, 'twas a great success. The next morning, every one was up and doing for the great parade. Some say that the ladies at the hotel saw from their keep a band of half naked barbarians running and cavorting all over the camp. Naturally, one would expect such an opinion from the unsophisticated or those who cannot appreciate art on the Grecian or "Ikey" Farnsworth style.


In a few days we broke camp W. E. Ship]), surely the wettest (externally and internally), hottest and breeziest camp that ever was, with the usual crowd of "camp followers and retainers" we marched back to barracks. "Hi-Yi! Hi! Yi! Xever again !" To all of us those summer days were the sources of stories and jokes unceasing, recollections of many night-mares and strong bonds of friend­ ship. A place where we successfully mixed recreation and work, sugar and lem­ onade, seltzer water and—numerous other liquid diets, and in consequence ob­ tained and enjoyed a happy summer vacation at the very reasonable rate of fifty- three "skins" per week.

191 " Here thou shalt hear despairing shrieks, and see spirits of old tormented, who invoke a second death ; and those also view, who dwell content in fire, for that they hope to come whene'er the time may be, among the blest."





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THE ORDNANCE LABORATORY MISCE1IANE§VS The Downfall of William the Red and Christopher the Skywegian

{Being an idle tale of the last foray of Roderick the Reckless and Pee-Ar.) OW in the days when the great King Mclnneny sat upon the throne of the Kay-det Store and James the Jovial held sway in his vassal fief, the Mess Hall, it came to pass that there sprang up within the Castle, a strange confederation. Aye, even in the uttermost reaches of the Castle, beyond the northernmost sally port, wherein ruleth Veazey the Vain, was it born. And lo, the confederation erected unto itself two leaders, to wit, Roderick the Reckless and Pee-Ar, and in sooth they were mighty men; and for lieutenants they chose Carl the Cunning and Silas the Sly, whose wiles wrere known throughout all the region of the West Points. Now it was the custom of these young men to rise up in the midst of the second watch, and gird themselves in gaudy trimmings and trophies of the chase, and betake themselves out from their lairs into the open court, which men do call the Area, and there to make merry in the moonlight. Yea, even whilst the O. C. slumbered, and the O. D. pounded joyously his ear, would they frolic—after the manner of young goats in the spring-time—until they grew weary of the minuet and the timbrels. Then would they gently, and with great stealth enter

203 that region wherein ruled Henry the Hilarious, also surnamed the Hopoid, and the region wherein abode Vogney the Villainous; aye, even unto the domain of Roger, the Assinine, penetrated they. And, having attained unto the uppermost chambers, they would begin the game of horse-play and fill the night with hide­ ous noises, to the end that the young men who dwelt therein, being rudely awak­ ened fre)m their slumbers, would tear their hair and beat the air with their clenched fists and utter curses on the heads of Roderick the Reckless and Pee-Ar. .And men say that he who cursed most wickedly was llumpty the Drunkard; but that is as may be. Now, all this was goodly sport and for many moons did it provide the young men of \ eazey the Vain with such princely pasture, that at length they marveled whereat the other young men came not out to make merry with them. Hence, they murmured unto themselves, and said one, "Let us go straightway and bid the young men of Henry the Hilarious to join us, for, verily, they are men of goodly stature and peradventure, they may add new zest to our games." In accordance they journeyed straightway to the regions of Henry, which lie over against the House of Tenths, and arousing the young men therein, addressed them in this wise, "Get thee up. we beseech thee, and come forth from your kennels, that wre may hold carnival in the open Court." But the young men of Henry the Hilarious liked well their ease, and would fain lie abed, aye, even unto the sounding of the culverin in the morning were they wont to lie, so no man moved. Then it was that Pee-Ar taunted them, saying, "Art boning make in March that ye will not come hence or be ye bluffed of the German that ye fear to make merry?" Now this vexed the young men of Henry exceedingly anel they grew wroth and took Council together, saying. "So. we must needs put forth a delegation to join these barbarians in their tournament, lest we become humbled in the eyes of these men of Veazey the Vain, which would be a grievous thing." But when they came to determine who shouldst go forth there was much diversity of opin­ ion. "For," quoth one, "we must in sooth send out our most crafty men in order that we may keep pace with Roderick the Reckless and Pee-Ar, and be not an cll-pe in the formation." Hence they cast votes to fix the choice and when the votes were reckoned, it was found that he who had received the greatest portion was one William the Red, a man famed for his cunning, and who abode with Sandy the Circus-rider (the same who afterward journeyed at midnight to the Cathedral, with Arthur the Play-actor). And for a henchman unto William the Red, they chose Christopher the Skywegian, who dwelt with Bigelow the Bum. Then did these two, without delay, gird up their loins, and annoint their heads with dog-water, and make ready for the joust. Eftsoons. when they

204 stood ready to set out, William the Red took in his right hand a pail filled with huge stones—even with quartzite and granite was it filled—and in his left hand he bore a section of gas-pipe two cubits long and the thickness of a man's arm. And the stones he took that he, together with Christopher the Skywegian, might cast them heavenward so that, in falling, they shouldst tinkle merrily on the roof of the House wherein is the Boiler. Moreover, with the pipe did he purpose to deliver lusty blows upon the stairways, thinking by this to emulate Roderick the Reckless. As the pair thus bravely arrayed stood forth, a murmur of ad­ miration burst from the lips of the young men of Henry the Hilarious, and to their eyes came a look of triumph such as lighteth up the countenance of an L. P. when she pranceth into the room of the hop. "Of a verity," quoth each man to his neighbor, "this seemeth a goodly pair; mayhap they may e'en perform such stunts as will outstrip these border ruffians who dwell under the hill." Then softly and without more ado did the company take the road; and at their head strode Roderick the Reckless and Pee-Ar, and in their rear was Silas the Sly together with Carl the Cunning, but in the midst, aye, even in the very center, went William the Red and Christopher the Skywegian. And as they journeyed they leaped high into the air, and William shook fiercely the pail wherein were the stones, anel with the pipe he dealt blows in the air even as does the Captain of the Battery when he perceiveth a young man who tieth up the drill. And proceeding in this wise the merry-makers had but reached the cen­ ter of the open court, wherein the young men of ill repute were wont to walk on Saturday afternoon; and Pee-Ar had but begun to admire the. effect of the har­ vest moon on the hair of William the Red—which was. indeed, surpassing beautiful—when a strange thing befell. Now, it so fell out that the Quilloid of the Red-sash for this day was one Scott, known as Riley the Rude, and he was of a verity, of the most war-like nature, and a man such as young children should shun ; but of him it sufficeth to say that he did dwell of his own will, with Matthew the Sep. Now this man. having caused the tom-tom to be beaten for the second time, between the ioth and nth hour, also having witnessed that the lights of the young men hadst been placed under a bushel, had slunk to his cell and made himself ready to rest. Howbeit, ere he yet slumbered, there assailed his ears the hideous bowlings of Roderick's men as they sported in the Area! Hence was Riley the Rude con­ strained to get him up and again wind on the Red Sash, and truly his sayings as he did so were most unseemly. Then having attained unto the open court, he tried most valiantly, and with many wiles, to lay hands on the cohorts of Roderick and Pee-Ar, and his threats were most fearful. And Riley needed to take but one man, for, lo, it is a usage in the Castle that if a single one be taken whilst en-

205 gaged in horse-play, he must needs make known to the Great Man, the titles of those who sported with him. But e'en though Riley's strategy was most diabolical, yet it compared not with that of Pee-Ar and his hordes, for whilst Riley was here, Pee-Ar was yonder, and in the end did Riley the Rude pant so that his very tongue hung out, and he foamed at the mouth and blasphemed unrighteously. Now, it happened at length, that Riley, having wearied himself in bootless pursuit, did betake himself, during a lull in the pastime, within the shadows of the House of the Boiler, and there having hidden himself cunningly, did await the pleasure of Roderick's men. And even whilst Riley lay hidden, behold, from out of the first principality of Henry the Hilarious, there appeared that strange assemblage, of which there has already been mention. E'en as though guided by some ill star, the young men bore down directly on Riley the Rude, wdio stood silent on the night and moved not. Eftsoons, while there yet remained betwixt Riley and his prey but a scant margin, he uttered a weird, uncanny cry and hurled himself full at the com­ pany. Now, Roderick and Pee-Ar, being not unfamiliar with such happenings, faded away in the night, and together with all their band escaped (save in­ deed Silas the Sly, who tied up the signals most grievously and was captured). But not so with William the Red and Christopher the Skywegian. These, being accustomed to the gentle and maidenly pastimes of Henry's portion of the Castle, knew not whither to turn, and whilst they stood thus thrusting out their tongues and twirling their thumbs in terror, Riley the Rude closed with them, yard arm to yard arm, and grasping in his right hand William the Red and in his left hand Christopher the Skywegian, he led them toward their kennels, mock­ ing them the while and saying, "Get thee back, damsels, to thy needle-work and no more essay to play the parts of men. Verily, at this sport your rank is as high as a platter of slum at a furlough banquet. Get abed and rest, for ere this thing is over I ween the time will come when thou wouldst rest most wil­ lingly." And William the Red and Christopher the Skywegian lifted their voices and wept, yet went they straightway to bed, for in fact the fear of Riley the Rude was heavy upon them. The next Saturday there did appear, among the armed men who walk the open court, two new conscripts, and lo, the countenance of each bore a look of one who is caught in his neighbor's sheep-fold taking therefrom a young lamb. In the papers of the Captain of the Guard was writ: "On that post which is numbered 16 shall walk William the Red, and on that post which is numbered 17 shall walk Christopher the Skywegian; and hark ye not to their

206 murmurings, neither let any man disturb them until there remaineth but ten minutes ere the evening culverin sounds." And in this wise, whilst the Great King ruled in the Kay-det Store and James the Jovial sat high upon the throne of his vassal fief, the Mess Hall, didst terminate the midnight wanderings of Roderick the Reckless and Pee-Ar.


THE APPLICATION OF THE CAMBRIA TO THE HOP To determine the line of conduct when asked, "Oh! Say, can't you take this with a fiendish feimne?"' Assume the proportions (make a liberal estimate and multiply by two). Safety factor—16; Radius of gyration r = ]/2 hall. In case of L. P. refer to tables and calculate the extension, strain and elas­ ticity for your limbs, the allowable stress on your temper, the safe compression for your toes and coefficient of your strength. Next determine the bending mo­ ment of the goo-goo eye beams (these are used in castle construction in Spain, but are obtainable at hops). After above determinations apply Gordon's formula and solve the problem. If L. P. is not eliminated take a stiffener, bolt and lever, or brace it out. In case of danger of collapse do not fail to make a liberal allowance for shear on your coat sleeves.


An Idle Verse

Soon our class shall scattered be, To go our different ways— Some to the islands of the sea, Some to cold Alaskan bays;

Some to serve our country's cause- Perhaps to give up life! Some to serve for breaking laws, And some to serve—a wife!


'Twas Corkling and the Windy Jime Did jib and jabber o'er the lea; All brakey was the wavering line And the count went One-. Two. Three.

"Beware the Jabber Walk, my boy! The jaws that ope, the quills th.-nt scratch ! Beware the Simple Sime, and shun The furious Chevron snatch."

He took his scorpal pen in hand; Long time the Bee-lick bone he sought. So rested he, by the First div tree. And stood awhile in thought.

As in the broodling breeze he stood, The Jabber Walk with quill in hand. Came swishing up with ways of wood. And burbling came to stand.

Swish-swish ! Swish-swish ! And scratch and scratch- The scorpal pen went splicker-splack ! The Bee-lick bone had boned with vie, And round the corn' went back.

And has thou skinned O! Jabber Walk! Come to my arms, my Simple Sime! Oh, slum-gudge day! Swish-swish! Hooray! Went swiddling down the line.

'Twas Corkling and the Windy Jime Did jib and jabber o'er the lea; All brakey was the wavering line. And the count went One, Two, Three. — With Apologies to Lewis Carroll.

208 PLEBE DAYS I was raised in the hills where the Army is known Only by old soldiers' tales, And when to the state of man I hael grown, I emit my splitting rails. And into this sea of trouble was blown In a ship full set with sails. My cargo was wood, like my native rails, Unseasoned, dense, and green; And if you'll believe some of the tales, My like was never seen; So my awkward old craft was beset with gales, With never a calm between ! I strolled into camp on reporting day To take a squint around, And asked upper-classmen who came my way Where the "Com" and the "Stipe" could be found. And confided that I, too, was estray, And would soon be put in the pound. Was I in the "awkward squad"? Oh, no! I had a squad of my own ! I would drop my gun upon my toe, And then turn out a groan. And no matter, to what "soireV I'd go, Three "corp's" watched me alone! I couldn't keep step with the big bass drum.— Don't smile, it's really a fact! I saluted every sergeant, "corp", and "bum". But I never saluted a "tac"! I ate "hell-sauce" with my "sammy" and "slum". And swallowed prunes by the sack!

Did T get "eagled" and "braceel"? Well, perhaps! I was popular beyond compare; J "braced" before reveille and "eagled" after taps— No "soiree" but I was there. I meneled dress coats, white trousers, and caps, And never had a minute to spare ! They made an armory out of my tent, 1 cleaned guns by the score; I was "crawled" and "braced" wherever I went And did "wooelen-willies" galore. And I'll never forget the day 1 was sent To be "braced" by each man in the Corps.

209 Oh, my brain was tireel and my bones were sore. But I didn't have time to resign, I "braced" all day and slept on the floor, And it drew the knots from my spine; My vase of conceit was kicked through the door, And I learned other names than mine!

But those days have passed—those glorious days— We ne'er shall see them more. Gone, long gone, are the old, old ways, Like the soul of the old, old Corps! And all in all, I doubt if it pays To forget those traditions of yore!

210 The Find

HE wildest excitement prevailed in the area. Never since the day on which we beat Chicago had there been such a furor. A shout­ T ing, struggling knot of men surrounded an object which had been found by Hilarious Henry in front of the boiler-house. Men came pouring from all parts of barracks for a look at this wreird thing. From the 5th and 6th and the two angle divisions the gentle chil­ dren laid down their toys and rushed out from their nurseries. The paths leading from the nth and 12th divisions were black with the wild, unkempt men who make up that barbaric horde called "F" Co. Surmises were rife as to the nature of the object, around which the mob danced and howled. It was oval-shaped, about the size of a foot­ ball, hardness 1.3, rhombohedral crystals, conchoidal fracture and color shading through white, blue, green, red and black, though usually light brown; streak cherry red. Hilarious Henry could make nothing of it; neither could Sandy Mc- Andrew. Sandy said he had never seen anything similar in Arkansas—but re­ fused to leave as it was the same color as Montgomery. T. Gimp was unde­ cided as to whether it was lapis lapizuli or firebrick, but said he could tell if he had a bottle of acid. Willie Harris believed it to be an important historical dis­ covery, for he claimed he could see John Smith's name on it. B. J. Richardson was convinced that if any one would look at it through the coil, looking in the positive direction of the lines of force, he could see that it was calcareous tufa. Grace declared it to be a piece of stalagmite, such as the tablet which nature erected over the grave of the cave man, and swore he could lick any one that disputed it. Jim Woolnough was just as positive that it was a meteorite—said he could show it to any one in the Ephcmeris. Jody Park concluded that it was a section of a wave-front and "Nap." Riley was of the opinion that it was fossiliferous shale—a remnant of the Paleozoic. At this point Runt Moody butted into the inner circle and shrieked that it was a tenth, and it took six "A" Co. men to hold him off. At this exciting moment Tarn Smart loomed up, and when he caught sight of it, gave a glad cry of recognition. Quickly he knelt beside it while the sun beat down on his bald head, causing the brilliant points to play to and fro in a bewildering fashion. The stillness was intense. Then solemnly rising, the Pride of Hartford said: "Gentlemen, I know what this is—forsooth I see them every day. 'Tis simply a worn-out chew of the brown dropped by Rafe Glass as he went to riding." And the crestfallen crowd slunk homeward. "WHITEY'S" RECORD WALK

Gather 'round me friends, a tale I bear; 'Tis the lonesome walk of "Whitey" McNair. One Saturday about to return From a six-hour leave—he failed to discern Time's rapid flight—the coming train. The shrieking whistle called in vain. The cause of this you wish to know? Why he should be obliging so? The answer to this is always the same. "Cherchez la femme"—has passed into fame-.

Parting in sorrow, poets call blis^. McNair could import some knowledge of this; Standing at the door with the maid close by. "Whitey" looked sad and -ai

He said "Good-night," then, with rapid stride, Ran to the station for his homeward ride lust as his train was steaming away. 'Tis the way of the spoonoid so people say. Misfortune now dispelled his joy, The train had gone—but not the boy. To West Point he must go with haste. So quickly down the track he raced, Not stopping once for a parting view Of the pretty maiden he had bid adieu.

Eight miles to walk—-sad truth indeed, For railroad ties fast travel impede. But still he kept on—unhappy, weary. Night had come—dark, cold and dreary, Along the river's winding path His rapid steps betrayed his wrath. Then in the shadow of a hill. Save for the traveler all was still. No night-bird's call, no tinkling bell, Footsteps only on the silence fell.

212 Slowly the telegraph poles were passed, Nevertheless he was walking fast. Quite despondent, ill-natured and sore, Thoughts of cons and demerits galore Would not elispel his feelings tense, Would not prevent his total absence. Onward be plods with aching feet; 111 fares the man that he should meet. I.any rage was used to alleviate Mis strained condition—present state.

All things must end—the journey closed. Before the traveler West Point reposed. lie hastened on to sign his return, Mow big an absence also to learn. Fifty-six minutes he was late, The O. D. fiendishly began to state. Wearily then be trudged to his room; No reasem though for all this gloom. Throughout the Corps it was the talk Of McNair's eight mile record walk.



(WITH AI.I. DUE RESPECT TO ROHERT BURNS.) Wallie Wastle dwalt in Orange— The spot they called it Linkum Doddie. Wallie was a tentboid bold, Could bluff the Com. wi' ony bodie. She was a wife so dour and din— Her clapper tongue would deave a miller, Sic' a wife as Wallie was I wadna gie a button for her.

She's bough-houghed, she's hein-shinned, Ae limpin' leg a hand-breed shorter. She's twisted right, she's twisted left To balance fair in ilka quarter. She has no hair upon her chin, A mighty hump upon her shoulder:— Sic' a wife as Wallie was I wadna gie a button for her.

213 A SMOKE DURING CALL TO QUARTERS O. happy man! who has an hour To call his own. When e'en this thought has lost its power, "I have to bone." When he can take his only chair, And raise his feet into the air, Rejoicing while he's sitting there, That he's alone.

O, happy man who does but dare To take a smoke. Who looks at danger everywhere, As just a joke. Who sees the smoke above him rise, Form wonders there before his eyes, A sight no smoker can despise. Beloved smoke!

In smoke he sees his happy home So far away. He sees the fields he used to roam In childish play. He sees the smoke now form a frame, A face appears without a name, But then, to him it's all the same. O pretty smoke!

Forgetting all, he leaps to seize That face so fair. Mis arms have closed with greatest ease On naught but air. The picture quickly fades from sight, He smashes in his upward flight, The mantel in his Welsbach light. O cursed smoke!

214 IN COMMEMORATION SEPTEMBER 4, 1903. «.!!» P. M. THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS 'Twas the nighl before Christmas, 'twas still as a mouse, When six tacs assembled within the guard house. Each one was supplied with a lantern bull's-eye, To hive the cadets, they said they would try. The clock struck eleven as these burly nun. To begin their inspection, came out of their den. They were sure that the boys they would find out of bed, And quite likely that some would be having a spread. They proceeded with caution in mounting the stair, All rooms were inspected with greatest of care. But throughout the barracks they heard not a sound, And skins for the skin-book were hard to be found. They returned one by one all disgusted and hot, Because no fat skins for their trouble they got. The tac from "l'>" company was last to appear. With a box in his arm he proclaimed with good cheer: "I didn't get skins but, my lucky stars," "I captured this box tilled with dollar cigars.' "You know the cadets tried to hide them from me," "But I found them behind the hall-stair, you see," "They think I am wooden, but they'll find, if you please," "That I am the fox and they are the geese." "I think that this is a most practical joke," "So come all you skinoids. let's all have a smoke." They all lit cigars, they all felt immense, Because they were smoking at cadets' expense. But sad to relate, their joy was not long, For something about them did smell awful strong. And all of a sudden a noise filled the air, Swish! Bang! Swish! Bang! Oh, my what a scare. The lights all were out and over the floor, The tacs and cigars, they were lying galore. It took quite a while before they came to. For in their fright they hardly knew what to do. The cigars had been loaded with powder and salt, To the would-be sly fox they said, "It's all your fault." The Black Book and Blue Book they searched through and through, But they searched all in vain for the want of a clue. They could not find out who the culprit might be, For the box had been found in the hall, as you see. Their utter dismay you're unable to pen. They went home much sadder but much wiser men. And I think when old Christmas is coming next year, For the tacs after taps cadets need not fear. The moral of this, I'll tell if you choose: Although you're a fox, beware of the goose. MOTHER GOOSE MELODIES . I new ami revised edition of this famous work by Willy Simpson, with notes and com­ ments by Hilly Washington John Smith Harris. This book is standard and has been freely distributed throughout "(.'" and "D" Companies, giving the greatest of satisfaction. We have room here for but a few of the samples. "Let's go to bed." said Puddin'-head : "Let's wait." said Sandy Mac. "1 hear a blow on the floor below," "Methinks it be a tac."

Sing a song of twenty tours, a bucketful of rocks, Willy Scott on Hallowe'en, in nothing but his socks. When the (). 1). hived him. Bill began to sing: "Now I'll walk the area till sometime in the spring."

A nail-brush, a dollar Or a saw-toothed col ar, Or socks that are mac'e of wool, Just go to Jake Dew And he'll trade them to you For a pound of Durham Bull.

The King was in the Cadet store, counting out his money, Burnett was in the window, eating cakes and honey. The ( ). C. was on the poop-deck, laughing in his sleeve. Then he boned up the skin-book and busted Johnny's leave.

There was a young sergeant named Waugh Whose hospital record hadn't a (laugh. And—so say the subs— His work on the scrubs. Was the finest West Point ever saugh.

Hooper was a card-shark. Hooper fell from grace. Hooper walked the area. With slow and thoughtful pace. But soon the Com. relented. Hooper looked so good: When the new June makes came out, Among the "corp's" he stood.

A bold bad man i- I law ley At swiping damsels' hearts, The maiden has ne>t yet been found Who can resist his arts.

217 Johnny was a SDOOnoid, Johnny got a make, Johnny was a captain. But Johnny was a fake. In spite of all his spooning The Com. soon found him out, And when he finished Johnny Me was Up the spout- —JOHNNY KIM.MAX.

I ley! Diddle-diddle! Essigke on his fiddle, With his band played a tune at the hop. A feinine and a file Danced for a while. And then said the fennne : "Come, let's stop." Key! Diddle-diddle! Ensigke <>n his fiddle. And the bandmen played on their horns. Said he: "This won't do." "To stop ere we're through !" But she said: "Sir! You've danced on my corns;




(Tune—"The Bamboo Tree.) Darling, I adore you, And I implore you To smile upon my (lame : M\ heart's on lire, 'Tis you I admire— I'd like to change your name! Won't you say "yes." dear. Prom the clothes-press, dear? ( )h. Cupid, take good aim. And pierce her heart With your best dart. For I'd like to change her name! [NOTE—Her name will be changed on Graduation leave.—Ei>.]

218 "THAT'S ALL" At boning I had done my best, That's all. My head sank down upon my breast, That's all. I dreameel I was a king of yore, With servants round me by the score. 1 wake—a "tac" stood at my door, That's all.

Next day at math I ran a bluff. That's all. And filled my board with useless stuff. That's all. The bugler must have had the gout. At last 1 had to face about. I got five-tenths and then cussed out That's all.

At riding once I drew Crawford, That's all. The sergeant said, "Oh ! he's a bird." That's all. But soon upon the ground I sat Without my breath, without my hat, A rib kicked out, a foot mashed flat. That's all.

Next day to sick call I did go, That's all. In pleading tones I told my woe, That's all. Of course I wished to dead-beat drill. Guard mount, parade and better still Some drawing Chem. and also Phil. That's all.

The steward grinned, the Colonel wiote, That's all. I stood in front and cleared my throat. That's all. "Ciive this cadet permission to" (I held my breath—my face turned blue) "To wear a mutilated shoe, That's all."


Arcu—The quadrangle included between Barracks, the Academic Building, the Boiler House and the Guard House. A place wherein many promenaders oscillate on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. B. el.— Busted Aristocrat. ( )ne' who lias worn chevrons but has fallen from grace. B-achc—An explanation; also to talk excessively. B-ac/ioid—()ne who b-aehes. Beast—An animal: hence a ne-w cadet. B-essy—The chronic state of using flowery speech. Bill—A noiii de plume for anyone. B. J.—Bold before June—a plebe. Blue Book—Regulations for interior discipline of the Corps. Bone—To apply oneself assiduously to a task; to study. Bone gallery—To play grandstand in order to excite approbation or disapproba­ tion. Hoodie Contraband and unauthorized eatables and drinkables. Bootlick—To be partial to; to coddle; to favor specially; also used as a noun. Brace—To cause to assume a constrained and exaggerated military position, for­ merly applied to plebes but now to upper classmen only. Also used as name of position. Brozvn—A bit of the weed: a plug- of tobacco. B. S.—British Science, the English language. Bugle—To procrastinate': to strategically delay being called upon to recite before the bugle signals dismissal from class. Ball—Bull Durham Tobacco. Bust—To reduce; to deprive of rank. Cade/ Limits—The limits to which cadets are confined, usually violated by spoon- oids. Cadet Store—An e^ctopus; the trust from which cadets must buy all necessities. Cellar—A secret chamber for concealing- boodle. Cits—Civilian clothes; civilians, citizens. Com.—The Commandant of Cadets. Cons—Confinement to room; a summary punishment awarded cadets. Corp.—A cadet corporal. Crawl—To correct; to give advice in a military tone of voice. Dead-Bcat—To reserve all of one's powers for fear of premature dissolution; to avoid doing a thing. Detail—The science of astrology as practiced by cadets in determining the prob­ able subject to be drawn in recitation. Div.—A division of barracks. Drag—To escort; as drag a femme. A pull. Also to draw on a cigarette. D. T.—Double Time; the customary gait at infantry drill; a gait between a walk and a run. Ducrot—An inanimate object or a person whose name is unknown or too diffi­ cult to use. Femme—A delightful person, i. e.. a member of the fair sex. Fess—To fail miserably. Fiend—A clever person. Fiendish—Excellent; very good. File—Any masculine person. Flirtation—A place used for spooning and golfing. "Chain Battery Walk." Found—Discharged on account of deficiency in studies or discipline. Goat—The first person in a class, section or other unit, counting from the bottom. Grind—Something humorous; a joke. Gross—Clumsy ; stupid. Growley—Tomato ketchup; used as a standard comparator for blushing coun­ tenances. Haze—Meaning hazy; now used as a synonym for fondle (obsolete). Hive—To see clearly or understand; also to surprise or catch a person with the goods on. Hopoid—One who attends hops persistently. Hop—A dance. Lights Out—A signal of warning producing great commotion. L. P.—A femme who is a poor dancer; or—not exactly charming. Makings—The ingredients of a cigarette. Mathy—Versed in mathematics. Max—To make a maximum mark; to do something perfectly (obsolete). Missouri National—A whistling overture rendered to produce rain. 0. C.—Officer in Charge; the tactical officer on duty at the guard house. 0. D.—Officer of the Day, a person to be avoided. 0. G.—Officer of the Guard. Orderly—The cadet responsible for the observance of regulations in a room or tent. Plebe—A plebeian or fourth classman. Police—To throw away; to clean and put in order. Poop—To spec blind; to memorize completely. Poop Deck—A small porch on the guard house used as a point of observation by the O. C. P. S.—Post spoonoid ; a cadet in society on the post. Pipe—To have the spot habit; i. e., to have that far-away look as if intelligent. Quill—To use the pen frequently; to skin; to seek favor in any form whatever. Quilloid—One who quills. Rep—Reputation. Reverse—A prejudice against a person. Run it out—To go to some unauthorized place. Run it on—To take an unfair advantage of. Sallyport—An entrance into the area, passing through one of the enclosing buildings. Sammy—Molasses. Section—A division of a class for recitation or instruction purposes. Skag—A cigarette. Skin—To report for violation of regulations. S lei a aid—One who skins. Slop—To apply water color. Slum—Slumgudgeon; a fragrant mess hall dish resembling a stew, and whose ingredients may be changed ad infinitum.

222 Soiree—A cadet function for instruction of plebes. usually presided over by yearling corps. Sound off—To answer "tout de suite" ; also a signal to begin. Spec—To memorize. Spoon—To seek the society of the fair sex; also to improve appearance of a thing or person. Spoonoid—One who spoons. Supe—The Superintendent of the U. S. M. A. Svuish—A strange noise, often heard in "P>" Company. Tac—A tactical officer, i. e., an Army officer in charge of a cadet company. Tie up—To mix up; to do a thing improperly. Wooden—Unintelligent; dense. Yearling—A third classman.

223 HOW HIAWATHA CAME TO WEST POINT From the Hudson came the warriors. Spick and span in all their war paint. Up the hill they marched in column. Drum Major with dazzling shako Followed by the Red Coat Brass Band Playing, playing Hiawatha. Then the Burgesses in splendor. Gitche May-pole with the colors Urged them on to do their bestest On this momentous occasion. In the wake came on a plodding Little Jako, with his satchel, Filled with meeiicine relieving, So they tried to have us thinking. They were doing some deceiving, For we saw a bottle peeking. Such as people use so often When they wish their cares to soften. So it is. my little children. That we first beard Hiawatha. (With apologies to Hiawatha—Longfel low.)



It was at a hop on a summer's night; The moon had not yet risen. But the "Mary Powell" showed by her light. Some one holding what was not his'n. The container was—but why should I tell The name of a tile so soon, lie has no peer in heaven or h , In driving a "co-ed" platoon. And the thing contained—a little hand; Size, eight by four by three. And she could talk to beat the band. just like any old L. P.

But now and then, a chuckle would float On the circumambient air. Silent at first, just like a "goat." Then loud like a polar bear.

And while I listened 1 could hear Her voice with an accent hoarse, It seemed to me so very queer That she should use such "Force.'"

"Oh. Mr. Riley, you may forget me. Perhaps 'tis better that you should." "But I shall never forget thee. No, never, my dear, if I could."

Just then the moon came out of her screen. "P."' Fiebey's cow wound o'er the lea; On Trophy Point a nurse was seen Feeding milk to an "Experimental Baby."

226 Special Wire to the HOWITZER. WAR ITEM—By our special correspondent on hoard the "Pegasus." off West Point, N. Y.. Sept. 27. 1003. 11.00 P. M. Lights out

An important engagement has just taken place. "General Nap" Riley was seen about 10.15 P« ^L-- with his entire platoon, moving as if to make a frontal attack on the Hotel de Yille, a large asylum of reconcentration, towering from the rocky heights washed by the turbulent waters of the Hudson. Owing to the daring and coolness of Private P. Lug Moller, a dashing and peerless scout. who happened to be making astronomical observations near the hedge, the entire party was discovered in time to prevent any serious results. It is expected how­ ever, that the whole band will sally forth from their stronghold in the morning and attempt to harass the enemy while at Guard-Mount.

Laconic )'carting—"Why be so b-essy as to say: 'Fall out Horsfall" when you can say, 'Horsfall out!' " Ye Punoids High-ball—Say. Bill, did you ever see a board-walk ? Bill Bryden—No, but I saw a liver die. sinker swim, survivor perish. Enthusiastic Yearling—I say. Miss Steele is a very sharp girl, isn't she? First Class Buck—Well, I should howl she is. She cuts me dead every time we meet.

227 "Nap" Riley (to exceedingly small femme on Cullum P>alcony)—Couldn't you love me just a little bit? Ex. S. Femme—That's quite a large undertaking. Mr. Riley. "Dutch" Kicffcr (lamenting the cessation of drills) — I never will learn to be a soldier if we don't get a chance to drill once in a while.


In Chemistry Capt. B—y—Mr. Park, what is a base? Park, J. D.—A base is a solid foundation on which you place one element in order to superimpose another. Capt. B—y—That definition may go in Engineering, but it will not in this de­ partment. That will do. Take your seat, Mr. Park.

228 The following Saturday, Park visits the Bulletin P>oard in the Academic Building and ascertains that he succeeded in accumulating five whole tenths on that particular recitation. Park. J. D.—That old lobster. Blankety-blank.— ? ! ? x ;*!*??!! ! I'd like to have him under the water tank. The idea—5x9! ! ? No! ! ? ! ? t p

Femme—Why do they call Mr. Swift Venus de Milo? Cadet Dragg. L. P.—Why. I don't know, but I suppose it's because he gives the ladies such a stony stare. Femme (who has been to "Flirtation" with Palmer Swift all afternoon)—Oh, no. it isn't. It's because he has no arms.

Ye Rumors Quincy, What's the latest? Cillmore—Why. I don't know. It isn't out on the Post yet.

Willy Simpson (boning history, to Hackett)—I say. Dumpy, where the deuce' is Christendom? I can't find it anywhere on the map.

"What's this about 'Hip' Roberts and George "Vichy" Strong? Richardson, B. J.—Why, don't you know? "Hip" and George have decided to take the "dough-boys," having had special and practical instruction at chapel every Sunday morning for the past year.


It is rumored to the HOWITZER that the Columbia Phonograph Co. of New York and Paris has engaged the great baritone. Mr. "Humpty" Hunter, to sing several select vocal solos for their new records. Among these will be some of the old favorites, namely: "Here's to Humpty tried and true/' and "Over to the Hop old Humpty goes," rendered with the necessary accessories.

Ye Wise Goat Capt. Lynx S Mr. Richardson, why does Mars appear red to us? Richardson, B. J.—I don't know. Captain. Capt. Lynx S Well, why do you suppose? Is it on account of the supposed red foliage on the planet ? Richardson, B. J.—Well, Captain, do we look green to them?

229 Among Ye Ridoidy Thomlinson—What manual is it that gives those ''Notes on Horsemanship"? Roger Black—That's in the Blue Book. You'll find it under "Police Regula­ tions." B. /.—I Icard how Martin Dooley got his "A" ? Tim Pickering—Suppose it was for the high kick. B. J.—Xo, he went up to the Y. M. C. A. yesterday to play the phonograph, and in three minutes broke six new records. Blain (reciting in Cavalry tactics)—They then tie their horses to the skirmish line, being careful that they are secure' and fast. Echoes of &. Chem Lecture P. Swift—Professor, I don't see how Hydrogen will weigh 40 grains when it will not stay on the scales. Lyman (who has just seen a candle extinguished by electric points)—Professor, is that the principle on which air-fans are built? Willy Whipple (O. D.)—All right on your post? Who are the absentees? Plebe (sentinel)—There are none, sir! Willy—Very well, don't report them again! It is rumored that Jake Dew will take the vows for the Benedictine Monks on graduation leave. This silhouette was turned in to the editor without a clue to the identity of the artist, but we have reason to believe that it was drawn by the subject of picture him­ self. We cannot ascribe this strange action to a feeling akin to malice, nor to an intent to deceive, but rather to a desire of the person to clear himself of certain rumors in connection with a tete-a-tete which took place on the hotel porch last summer. Joe, the hotel porter, on being questioned by our private detective, states that the out­ line of the face bears a close resemblance to a certain tall, handsome Cadet Lieuten­ ant living on the third floor of the 2d Div. This, of course, we do not corroborate, on account of the well known popularity ot the gentleman with the ladies.

230 rv»n***-

THE CAl'TAIN IN THK 12TH DIV. Overheard in Yearling Firyt Section Cadet T.—Lieutenant, how do they find the value of i raised to the infinity power in this example? Lieutenant—It is indeterminate. Cadet X (volunteering information)—Last year Capt. B. told us that it was equal to I, being an infinite number of I'S multiplied together. Lieutenant (gives a short horse laugh)—Well. Mr. G., I do not believe Capt. B. ever said that. Anyhow, you had better not let him hear you say that he did. I won't tell on you this time, but you had better be more careful in the future.

Lieut. J.—Mr. Cross, how thick is a wall two bricks thick? Sep (the last of his tribe)—A brick and a half, sir!

Instructor—Mr. Wise, what was the "Golden Bull" of Pope Boniface? "Greaser" Wise—it was a little calf made out of gold that the ancients used to worship.

(In History)—Mr. Hoyt, who led the Greek forces at the battle of Marathon? "Ginral" Hoyt—Constantine the Debonair and Gallileo the Apostate.

Bill Dew—They say "Snitz" Gruber had a great time on his twelve hours' leave. P. R.—Well, I should howl. I le came back a sadder "budweiser" man.

A B-ache

WEST POINT, X'. V., Jan. i, i

Cadet Priv:., Co. "C," ist Class.

Mr. Dumguard has the mail? Plebe—Yes, sir. I am just dragging it. Well, then step out with life. Plebe—It's the Saturday Evening Post, sir!

232 The Middies in chorus (after the game) We'd like to change our name." Mr. Ducrot, do you know what an L. I'. is? Mr. Ducrot—Yes, sir! Ladv of the Post, sir! Instructor -Mr. , what's the caliber of the new 3-inch long recoil gun? Mr. 3.2 inches, sir

Ye Wi^e S&ws Plebe (reciting in Security and Information)—These patrols will in each case re­ frain from being detected. First Class Spcckoid (in Engineering)—After a very rapid fire the first line moves forward with bayonets fixed, drums beating and the men shouting. "A la bonhettr."




HEY were gathered around the skin-book, each having made his round, and each having also made a memorandum of his observations, said T memorandum to be published later on the abstract of delinquencies. iM No. i refilled his glass and prepared to speak. No. 15, however, forestalled him, saying : " These cadets are bracing up since I arrived, No. 17. Why I could get barely thirteen skins this morning, and I had my overshoes on at that. Perhaps we can fool them by writing a new Blue Book." No. 17. " You files aren't sly enough. Now I didn't get many skins, but I ran down a card game in the 4th Div." No. 1 (eagerly). " Did you skin 'em?" (Great laughter. The drinks were now on No. 1). No. ij. " Yes, as I was say­ ing, I'm going to write a new Blue Book. In the first place, I can change the broom end for end, and then put the blacking brush on the right side of the cleaning box. Might also try changing the clothes in the alcove or in the clothes press for a little while. That will mix 'em up for at least two or three weeks, and in the meantime, more -A-:v opportunities will present them­ selves." (The drinks were now on the house). No. IJ. "Ha! ha! ha! Did you hear what No. 7 did on the target range ?'' No. fj. " Why, I didn't know he was wooden." No. 1 j. You can't always tell. He divided the third class into three squads : those who had fired at 500 yards : those who had not fired at 500 yards ; and those who had done neither." Chorus. " Haw ! haw ! haw ! " (To be rendered as a horse laugh.) (No. 7 being absent on leave, this round was passed up.) No. 22. " I know one that ranks that. No. 6 was inspecting the guard last camp and skinned the first three men for having the magazine on the rifle open." No. 6 (opening his eyes). " You vant to vake up." (But he was too late : the order for the next round was in.) No. 1. " No. 13 is almost too wooden to be one of us. At A. M. inspec­ tion the other day he said to his first sergeant: ' Mr. , are you the only first sergeant in this company ? ' " (No. 13 is acknowledged wooden, so all took a repeater on this order.) At this point No. 15 accused No. 6 of giving the command, "Left face, march," and the meeting broke up in disorder. "The Corps" A TOAST DELIVERED BY CADET ROBERT P. HARBOf.n AT THE NEW YEAR'S DINNER, JANUARY I, I904

R. Toastmaster, Gentlemen o f the Corps of Cadets:—Several things confront me now and have always appalled me since I have been asked to respond to this toast. The first is my utter inability; the second is the wide range of the subject, too vast for me to begin to cover, and the third is the cynical and too critical part of the Corps. My inability is evident to all. I realize it just as fully as you do. In no single way can I attempt to do justice to the Toast. Could we hear one respond to this who possessed the eloquence of Demosthenes, the logic of Aristotle, the reasoning of Plato, com­ bined with the foresight of Webster, then we, you and I, would perceive and understand many, many questions that arise from time to time in our midst. Many past events of our lives here would then be explained. The future of our Alma Mater would be viewed in a brighter atmosphere. We could then calmly listen to those calamity-howlers who cry aloud that the Corps is going to the dogs since they have graduated; yes, we could calmly listen and then smile at their hallucinations. We could also reply to those among us whose esprit de corps seems to have been shaken by the pessimists of our Institution's future. And then, when our years are through, we could leave this place confident of its prosperity,—the re­ tention of its traditions and ideals, and the honor and integrity of its gradu­ ates. Would that those wiseacres who from time to time offer suggestions to us and criticize our methods, our actions, and our lives, could be compelled to thor­ oughly and impartially study our present conditions,—the revolution through which we have passed, and then would they still rant and rave? They have become blind to actual facts; they disregard the truths taught by all revolutions, moral or political, and unjustly condemn us. Can past institu­ tions, past methods of the Corps be suddenly wiped away and in their place put

236 new institutions and new methods without the Corps experiencing the slightest shock or tremor? Why, in this assumption we have been paid unknowingly the greatest compliment and tribute. But we can not do this. We are only human. We can't replace old ideals by untried and unknown new ones without doubting the wisdom of the change,— without hesitancy and reluctance in making the change. However, we are now working out our own salvation and we want to work it out unaided as well as unhindered by any other person, be he graduate or civilian. Gentlemen of the first class, we have seen and experienced nearly four years of the life at the Military Academy. We have personally witnessed a great revo­ lution in its history. We were, at the most, but silent observers of the active part of this revolution, but now, with the other three classes we are struggling par­ ticipants in its reaction. Oftentimes, maybe too often, we despair over this radi­ cal revolution and are unwilling to struggle any longer. With us there rests a great duty. We must make strenuous efforts to clear the dimmed horizon of the Corps' future. We must, by the assistance of all, de­ termine our course in these efforts. Success—entire, complete and thorough, will not reward our labors, but "half-free and struggling on" will be solace to us when we join the register of graduates. We want to proceed along such lines so that the men in every class can plainly see these lines delineated in our actions. If the path is plainly marked no man will go wandering away. Succeeding classes as they enter will follow in our footsteps and the consequence of this movement will be the freedom of the Corps. One thing may appear to some this afternoon, and that is that I am exag­ gerating our condition; a mere change I call a moral revolution, a few incon­ veniences I attempt to have assume shapes of monstrous proportions. But such is not so. Everyone of you frankly confess after thoughtful deliberation whether I have made a mountain out of a mole-hill, whether I have exaggerated one iota. Do this honestly and I am positive of your reply. Let us rid ourselves of all traces of pessimism we may now have. Our old ideals were good ones. We hated to lose them, but their fate is inevitably sealed. The future alone can now be consulted. If some of us bemoan the lack of class sentiment and the total absence of Corps spirit.—I reply your sources of grief are unfounded. Either you measure us all by your own standard of hypocrisy or you misjudge us entirely as a Corps. With you rests the question of the Corps' future. The enormity of your re­ sponsibility should impress you. Can men in new classes be convinced that the

237 Corps is gradually recovering from the reaction when you go around bewailing its condition, deploring its state, and end your tale of woes with the expression, "And I don't give a damn?" Can you go to any outsider and tell him your trou­ bles ;—tell him how the Corps is not what it once was, without implicating your­ self? Why, you even lack loyalty to the place, to the institution, as well as the least semblance of class and Corps spirit if you do such a thing. What can we expect from other classes when they constantly hear outbursts like I have cited? The influence of the first class should not be of this character. I am glad to say this influence is very slight, but it must be entirely eliminated. You, gentlemen of the second class, you, by nearly three years' association with various classes at the Academy, have learned well its useless struggle against fate. You see-your duty plainly marked. I only hope you may be far more suc­ cessful in the fulfillment of this duty than we have been. 1906 will succeed you. follow in your trace—do as you have done, and they in turn followed by 1907. If we, 1904, have made mistakes, you, 1905, must correct them, and you, 1906 and 1907, must not go back into the same old errors. The only changes to be made are those which institute improvements. Never must honor and sentiment retrograde. We must all consider ourselves jealous guardians of the Corps as well as members of it. In conclusion, several questions naturally present themselves. Why they should be suggested is evident to all. First—Will we in after years, when referring to the Corps of Cadets, or coming in contact with it, will we, by unjust and odious comparisons with the Corps of past years, seek to lower its then present standard, deride its spirit and forget our own birthright? Second—Will we now, for the sake' of grievances against some, sacrifice our institution's sentiment and honor? Third—Do we fully realize, now and at all times, the duty we owe to our­ selves and the Corps? The future of the Corps is assured. I am confident of its success. The name it has inspired in past years will be perpetuated in future generations.

The Corps! Bareheaded salute it: With eyes up thanking our God That we of the Corps are treading Where they of the Corps have trod. They are here' in ghostly assemblage, The men of the Corps long dead, And our hearts are standing attention While we wait for their passing tread. We, sons of to-day, salute you— You sons of its earlier day; We follow, close order, behind you, Where you have pointed the way; The long gray line of us stretches Through the years of a century told. And the last man feels to his marrow The grip of your far-off hold.

Grip hands with us now. though we see not. Grip hands with us. strengthen our hearts, As the long line stiffens and straightens. With the thrill that your presence imparts; Grip hands—though it be from the shadows, While we swear, as you did of yore, Or living or dying to honor The Corps, and the Corps, and the Corps! —REV. SHIPMAN.

239 HE Board of Editors take this opportunity to ac­ knowledge the many valuable contributions received T during the preparation of the HOWITZER. Many, as you will see. have found their way between its covers: while many, alas, have been "policed" in the hallway, to be there gathered by Louis, the policeman. The efforts, however, were all good, and do credit to the persons who, notwithstanding their many and arduous duties, still found the opportunity to come off " specking" for a time and put their shoulders to the wheel. Editors generally reply, "that your contribution is excellent, but not quite in our line, etc." With the HOWITZER, however, want of space is the only reason for refusal. If there are any who prize their contributions so highly as to coerce their saner self into handing them down to posterity, we will be willing to return all such copies, properly blue-penciled, and endorsed with an appropriate ^ recommendation by our office boy, Jeemsy. All requests for returns must be accompanied by the necessary postage, plus a pound of Bull, much of which has been consumed in the dreary hours of the night. In conclusion, we wish to express our thanks not only to those who have so con­ sistently "bootheked" us. but also to those who have so persistently "run it all over" us.

240 Our June has come, Nineteen-Four, The June of our boyhood dreams, We must say good-bye to the dear old Corps, Good-bye to the Gray we shall don no more!

Our June has come! Our June! Our June! We've watched and waited long,— Watched the days file by in squads and platoon, Waited for the day which is here so soon. So here's good-bye, Nineteen-Four,—

For some perhaps the last! May we ever honor the Gray we wore! God bless you all and the Corps—and the Corps!

Rah! Rah! Ray! Rah! Rah! Ray! West Point! West Point! Armay ! H'Ray! H'Ray ! H'Ray ! Rah ! Rah ! Rah ! Rah ! Rah! Rah ! Rah ! West Point! Corps! Corps! Corps!


HE HOWITZER has made every endeavor to place this T annual book on a good, sound basis in order to insure its future publication. We have done our utmost and trust you will not be failing in generosity to do the remainder. On the succeeding pages will be found the advertisements of those who have gen­ erously assisted us. No matter what your wants are—from a small hot bird to a large cold bottle—they have it. By patronizing them you will be fulfilling an obligation that rests upon the How­ itzer's friends and will make the future appearance of the book a certainty, and in the words of the poet, " when writing to advertisers please mention THE HOWITZER." ADVERTISEMENTS NO EXTRA PREMIUMS ON A rmy Offiicer s Polllcie s IN PEACE OR WAR

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LIFE INSURANCE issued and paid for during 1903, including Ordinary Insurance ($IO2,.S22,64.S), over ..... 293 Millions ASSETS, end of 1903, over ..... 72 Millions INCOME during 1903, over ..... 39 Millions PAID POLICY HOLDERS during 1903, over 11 Millions SURPLUS, end of 1003, over ..... 10 Millions NUMBER OF POLICIES IN FORCE, (5,447,307), over 5 Millions INCREASE IN PAID FOR INSURANCE in Force, over . 129 Millions Making the Grand Total of Paid For Insurance in Force, over 931 Millions

Total Payments to Policy Holders in 28 Years, over 79 Millions


NEW INSURANCE POLICY As :i result of a thorough investigation recently made by the Prudential Insurance Company of America of the conditions sur­ rounding Army officers in times of peace and in war, announce­ ment has ju«t been made of a new Army policy to be hereafter issued by this company which docs away with all extra premiums in peace or war placing officers of the army in a special dividend class, and extends to Army officers all the privileges enjoyed by civilians. This provision is retroactive and all Army officers now insured in the Prudential may change their policies so as to secure the benefits of this concession. This decision will without doubt be welcomed by present Army holders of Prudential policies as well as by officers who are contemplating taking out policies, and is largely due to the efforts of Mr. A. W. McNeil, manager of the company's Army and Navy departments. Mr. McNeil convinced the officers of the Prudential Company that this concession would mean increased business among Army officers, as its liberality would be appre­ ciated. Army men who are policy holders and who have paid an extra premium in the past in cash may arrange to have same returned, the Company agreeing in case of death of the policy holder to pay his estate all extra premiums paid, and if the insured shall live until the end of the dividend period, and the policy is at .. _ .,, , ,... .. Mgr. Army and Navv Dept. that time 111 force, the Company will pay, in addition to the guar- anteed amount stated in the policy, all extra premiums paid to the Company in cash, together with the accumu­ lated dividend then apportioned. Where the premium has become a lien under the policy at five per cent, interest, the lien will be cancelled and no interest will be charged the insured while the lien was in force. Manager McNeil feels sure that officers of the Army will appreciate the liberal action of the Prudential Insurance Company, and that the Company will more than ever be looked upon as the "Army Officers' Company." —From A t my and Navy Journal, January 30, 1904. HE great house of Tiffany & Co., Union Square, New York, T is famous in every section of the world. Its fame is based on a solid foundation. Kor originality, Tiffany & Co. are unsurpassed; the skill and intelligence shown in the execution of their work are themes for continuous comment, while in artistic detail, and con­ scientious care, they are far in advance of European or American competitors. It is not, therefore, a matter for surprise that Kaiser William, of Germany, should become intensely interested in a speci­ men of Tiffany & Co.'s exquisitely beautiful work—a vase presented to the Frankfort Saengerfest, by the wealthy New Yorker, Mr. Pagenstecher. When the Kaiser saw this vase, he exclaimed: '' Wonderful ? Such work cannot be done in Germany ! '' The Kaiser's habit of bluntly telling the truth, did not please the German silversmiths, who sent a deputation to complain that his assertion was unjust. The Kaiser refused to " eat his words," as they say in Russia, replying to the deputation as follows : "I will give you one more chance! If you fail, I will order my trophies in New York in future." Could any higher compliment, or more substantial recognition, be given to the firm of Tiffany & Co. ? Americans are justly proud of this great house, and The Item predicts that " one more chance " will be sufficient to convince the mighty German Emperor that if he wants trophies that are the best in all respects—representing the highest accomplishment in originality, art and manufacture—he must give the order to Tiffany & Co. —Editorial—Philadelphia Item, j October, IQOJ SMITH & WESSON MILITARY REVOLVER AND POhlGE MODEL 1902

Points of Superiority Stop is positive in its action, aud holds the cylinder in perfect alignment with the barrel, regardless of any other part of mechanism. Cylinder notches are reinforced with hardened steel pieces, to prevent notches from becoming worn by the impact of the cylinder stop against the sides of the notches. All of the small springs are spiral, thereby preventing the danger of breaking, a defect common to all small flat springs. Lock studs are screwed into the frame, have collars raised above its surface, and, in conjunction with steel bosses milled on the side plate, hold all working parts central and prevent friction. Locking pin works in hardened collar set into frame. Hardened collar set into extractor aad raised above the ratchet teeth. This collar impinges upon the collar in frame, prevents the ratchet teeth from coming in contact with the frame, and forms a hardened surface which saves the cylinder from longitudinal wear and loosening. A positive cylinder lock, so constructed that the cvlinder cannot be thrown out when the arm is cocked, or the arm cocked when the cylinder is out, therebv making it absolutely impossible to discharge the arm when not fully locked. Strong solid extractor rod, and boss on barrel to fill space between barrel and rod when pistol is closed,to prevent bending of rod. Hammer nose so shaped that the blow will be in direct line with the cartridge, thus preventing the copper from being driven towards the bottom of primer, as by theu*ual raking blow of tne solid hammer nose Barrel screwed into place, brought to perfect alignment by multiplying gauges, and pinned into position. This is a radical improvement over the method of screwing the barrel against shoulders tight enough to draw the stock of barrel Cylinder so chambered that the ball on leaving shell fills the front end of cylinder and prevents excessive loss of gas. Stud and spring fitted in the yoke and working into a small detent in the joint, to prevent the cylinder from swinging loosely when the arm is opened. Ease with which the arm can be operated with one hand. Convenience in assembling and disassembling. The head of extractor and extractor stem are made in one piece. It is therefore impossible for the extractor head to turn on stem. Forward cvlinder locking device which holds the cylinder in perfect alignment with barrel and insures increased accuracy.

SM W WESSON, Springfield, Mass.









Base Ball, Golf, Lawn Tennis, Field Hockey, Foot Ball Basket Ball, Official Athletic Implements

Plans and Blue Prints of Gymnasium Paraphernalia Furnished Upon Request

Spalding's Catalogue of all Ath letic Sports Mailed Flee to any Address A. G. SPALDING & BROS.


Our own specially prepared dishes have defied the qualitative analysis of food specialists for years. An excellent field of research for Curiosity Dealers, Mineralogists, Bacteriologists and Epicureans.

RULES OF THE HOUSE i. No live dogs allowed in the building 2. Don't swear at the waiter, the O. I), may hear you 3. Don't kick, we have the riding hall reserved for that purpose 4. Don't drop any dishes or money on the floor 5. Don't bring an appetite, or else we will be compelled to relieve you of it 6. Do not throw potatoes at the pictures on the wall

SPECIAL DELICACIES Slum Gudgeon—our " chef do over" permutations and combinations infinite Blue Mud Franklinite Meat Balls Fish Every Friday—morning, noon and night Boiled Milk Oleomargarine Sammy Stuffed Leather Beefsteak Side dishes to order

James McCutcheon & Co.


STITCHED LINEN SHEETS, HEMSTITCHED Registered TraJe-Mark PILLOW CASES, EMBROIDERED BEDSPREADS, ()ur new sixty-four page Illustrated QUILTS AND BLANKETS, as Ivell as LACES, EM­ Catalogue of Pine Housekeeping BROIDERIES, SHIRT WAISTS, TRENCH LINGERIE Linens will be mailed free on re­ and the famous PANSY CORSET : : : : quest ::::::::

Fourteen West Twentv-Third Street, New York u








ONE PIFCE Pollar p3utton

Made in Gold, Sterling Silver, and 14-k. Rolled Plate. Is of the highest grade in Quality, Construction and Wearing Features.

The Standard American Collar Button Write for "THE STORY OF A COLLAR BUTTON" Sent free on request.

GUARANTEE KREMENTZ & CO. IF from ANY CAUSE one should be dam- IOI CHESTNUT STREET ai,red either in the hands of the dealer or container a new button will b>- given in exehange Newark, N. J., U. S. A. RICE AND DUVAL


?my Omlf ©?m Milam 0?e




Will issue to Army and Navy Officers




CIES, classified as to dividends,

without any conditions or extra

charge in times of war, or tor foreign


FOR PARTICULARS, ADDRESS T. K. McILROY Suite 1917 Park Row Building New York City

XII ^XOfaNgfr

Merchant Tailors AND Men's Furnishers

Main and Garden Streets Po'keepsie, N.Y.


Merchant Tailor —:

35 Market Street

FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC NOVELTIES Poughkeepsie, N. Y. xiii Armours

DREKA Fine Stationery and Engraving House

1121 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia


HERALDRY & GENEALOGY COATS OP ARA\S PAINTED TOR ERASING xiv COLT'S NEW ARMY AUTOMATIC PISTOL-Military Model Adopted l>y the Ordnance Department. I". 8. Army High Velocity Accuracy Rapidity Calibre .38 Kimless Smokeless Capacity ol Magazine, ei^lu shots Coil's Patent Fire flints manufacturing Go. HARTFORD. CONN.. U. S. A.



New New Ebbitt Regulation Regulation Uniforms Full Dress Dress and Service House Full Dress Equipments Dress Service Chapeaux, Caps White Helmets, Hats Epaulettes Overcoats Shoulder Knots Capes Shoulder Straps Belts, Sashes Washington, D. C. Sabres Sabre Knots Olive Drab Gloves, Spurs Mackintoshes ''Strap Puttees' Saddles, Bridles Cellars Olive Drab H. C. BIRCH, Hanager Saddle Cloths Rain Capes Etc.

Price List of Uniforms, Equipments, Trimmings and Samples of Cloths on application

Crouch & Fitzgerald The Nevius Company JEWELERS MAKERS OF SILVERSMITHS

Reliable Trunks, Bags Diamonds and Precious Stones

The thinnest American Watch made Suit Cases, &c* A modern Young Man's Watch We make a specialty of Class Rings Dinner Souvenirs and other trophies OUR GOODS HAVE BEEN USED BY OFFICERS FOR 50 YEARS Sketches and Estimates without charge Our Illustrated Catalogue of Rings, Watches and other Jewelry sent free on request 688 Broadway, below Fourth St. 161 Broadway, below Cortlandt St. Note New Address 18 W. 30TH ST. 723 Sixth Avenue, below 42d St. TfiENEVIUS ?=> COMPANY SEND FOR CATALOGUE NEW YORK IS ivi.-r ;oth STRUT, KBW YORK XVI Cbe Parker Automatic Elector THE Send for Catalogue ••OLD RELIABLE'S" LATEST ATTACHMENT New York Salesroom, 32 Warren St.


NEWARK TRUNK CO. Kotedsilk Underwear Co. 17 West Forty-second Street Near Fifth Avenue NEW YORK Mtllburv, Mass.

Manufacturers of Celebrated


Wool, Cotton and Worsted Underwear Tru r» l

Finest solid steel clamps and bindings. Slats all hard wood partitioned inside to keep everything separate. Solid Kotedsilk Inderwear has been adopted by the United States riveted. We make same quality as above only for Government for the Military Students at mule pack traveling in Phillpplnea This Trunk 12 West Point Aeademv inches high. XV11 THE WARNOCK UNIFORM CO. Caps, Clothing, Equipments



IUT S ARMY HIGHEST STANDARD IN T / ^* S^xri OVER 65 YEARS U. S. NAVY 19 and 21 W. Thirt3^ = firjst Street

Opposite Army and Navy Club NEW YORK

H Summer Resort Bull fights within two hours ride of New York and livery afternoon twenty minutes walk of Highland Kails The celebrated Mexican Matador BenOI GREEN GRASS NEW DANCING PAVILION Grisero Wise, assisted by Senor .lako Crain 1'nder the management of our expert as Cntpidor, will slay three wild Spanish bouncer, Hilarious Hip Robert, the Hulls i Carcass used by Cadet Mess) Hero of a Hundred Hop KINK MUSIC LOT8 <>K I. !"- Attest point

parades and Drills kAIN OK SHIM: Cbe Cadet JVIess The Wettest Rain The Hottest sun The Largest Mosqnltoet for Refreshments Recommended to the extremely wealthy Cbe Cadet Store for souvenirs and those possessing fastidious tastes. XV11I HATFIELD & SONS





Established l>i>

LEMCKE & BUECHNER PINCH EYEGLASSES are the steadiest for Golfers, Tennis Players, Riders and Athletes. They are not supported by the side-guards, but rest directly on tlie nose. Formerly B. Westermann k Co. FIELD GLASSES OPKRA GLASSK.s TELE8C0PES MICROSCOPES COMPA88E8 IUTO GOGGLKS PEDOMETERS THERMOMETERS KODAKS All good Cameras. The marvelously rapid /.KISS LENS EOREIGN fitted to your own Kodak. Expert Photo-Developing. Print­ ing and Enlarging at all Stores MODERATE PBIOXS AND ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE GOODS BOOKSELLERS IN Al.l. DBPABTHBNTS AND IMRORTERS Optician THESE NKW TOES BTOBES II EAST 17TH STREET 104 East 23d Street. Near ith Avenue 125 W. 42 Street. Between liroadway and nth Ave 650 Madison Avenue. Corner iKlth street



It's So Convenient Manufactured by No cup needed. Just wet your face, rub on a little soap, work up a bio;, creamy lather with your brush and you'll shave 1 he Atlas Portland Clement Co. with ease and pleasure. Nothing like it. Ii i//;,.,„.<• BBnfuj Mai HM h all inifgittt. 2Sr. 30 BROAD STREET. NEW YORK, N. Y. The J. B. Williams Co.. Glastonbury. Conn. Si nd fur Pamphlet

John MiddleTon Importer s° Mounter, 219 WALNUTST. WE CUAHANTEtD


In Air-Tight J. M. MIXTURE 65c. per 8 oz. Tin ' A Blend of Comfort For sale at Cadet Store or mailed on receipt of price American and European Plans

THE Murray Hill Hotel



Park Avenue, 40th and 41st Sts.


Baggage transferred from and One block from to Grand Central Station Grand Central Station FREE OF CHARGE

XXI ROOMS 500 SINGLE AND EN SUITE . A Lot of & ** Thought % is represented in Athletic Goods of the JyoM Walton JOHNSON & CO. MAKE

A lot of thought because we try to carry Philadelphia, Pa. out the student Athlete's idea of ''What's what" and apply the knowledge we have gained during 21 years experience.



A liquid, that dries on the leather, and produces a polish with rubbing. Excellent for patent leather, calf and all kinds of EUROPEAN PLAN RATES, FROM $2.00 UP dry black leather. Put up in 10 and 25 cent bottles, and in tin tubes suitable for mailing, at 15 and 30 cents respectively. In quantities of one gross or ORCHESTRA IN THE EVENINGS more, can be ordered through Purchasing Commis­ saries. For single package, if not for sale in your vicin­ ity, send to the Raven Gloss Mfg. Co. ROBERT STAFFORD, Proprietor HI White Street NEW YORK GEORGE W. SWETT, Manager xxil KEUFFEL & ESSER CO.


127 Fulton Street, New York

15 SCHOOL STREET BRANCHES BOSTON in Madison Street, Chicago 708 Locust Street, 5t. Louis

HENRY K. COALE MANUFACTURER OF ifficers ' mess Chests and Camp equipment FOLDING CAMP ^^^^^^^^^z^^^^ BUCKETS CHAIRS TABLES



136 WASHINGTON STREET CHICAGO win Armstrong Uniforms

Five years ago almost unknown in the Army. To-day—Armstrong Uniforms worn by Officers in every Post in the United States and Foreign ser­ vice. We are making the finest Uniforms in the country—no doubt about this. Armstrong Uniforms are made by trained Military Tailors in our own shops. No Civil work, nothing but Uniforms. Armstrong Caps, lightest and finest made. Armstrong Shoulder Straps, Belts, etc. Everything made in our own shops. Armstrong Prices—reasonable prices. Fair, courteous treatment and liberality has made friends of our cus tomers. We want the entire Class of 1904 on the roll of the E. A. A. A. (ELEGANTLY ATTIRED ARMSTRONG ARMY) The Armstrong Dress Uniform—distinctive and elegant style, set, finish and make. 6* JL Armstrong lUfg* £©• 315 to 321 WABASH AVENUE - - CHICAGO WESTERN ARMY HEADQUAFTERS



Class Pins Fraternity Pins Medals Cups, etc.

Official Jewelers of the Leading Colleges Schools and Associations

Watches Diamonds Jewelry DKSf'IUITIVK CATALOGUES FREE The JEFFREY MANUFACTURING CO. COLUMBUS, OHIO, U. S. A. 25 JOHN ST., NEW YORK Charleston. W. Va. New York Pittsburg Chicago Denver XXIV Sheets and Pillow Cases

MADE I'.V The Defender Mfg. Co.


They are made under thor­ oughly sanitary conditions in the lust equipped factory of its kind in existence, and are the highest product of 20th Century skill and achievement in this line. For Sale at the Cadet Store, West Point, and by first-class stores throughout the country.

To/te*. rau|Drd^ho€

FOR MEN AND WOMEN Proved by Service

This is the regular Cadet Shoe. As comfortahle in all the stylish models as an army shoe.

Send for New Fashion Book Crawford Shoe Makers 140 Duane Street New York City t ^ WM. H. HORSTMANN COMPANY FIFTH AND CHERRY STREETS PHILADELPHIA Army and Navy Officers Uniforms and^ Equipments Branch Offices : NEW YORK, 459 Broadway, Cor. Grand. BOSTON, 7 Temple Place ^ J

Kern BLUTI^I* Cut your gas bills more than half by using the most efficient, eco­ nomical and improved burner on the market. Novel and artistic fixture designs can be furnished for large area lighting. Write for Kern literature. TKe Kern Burner Company General Office, 21 Murray Street, New York

CHICAGO PHILADELPHIA BOSTON SAN FRANCISCO 44 Michigan Ave. 6 N. Thirteenth St. 657 Washington St. 12 Front St. XXVI John G. Haas UNIFORMS

39 East Orange Street Lancaster, Pa


Well-known to Army Officers for the ptist thirty years


Grocers and Fruiterers


44, 46, 48 and! 50 East Forty-third Street

TELEPHONE 3093-38th NEW YORK xxvii PERFECT LIGHTING RESULTS Secured by the only scientific prism Globes and Reflectors known by the trade names HOLOPHANE" "PAGODA" (Compound Prisms) (Simple Prisms)

Russian Cruiser "Variag" sunk by the Japanese. Lighted with Holophane Glass Globes. Holophane Glass Globes. Shades and Reflectors are made in many sizes and shapes for all systems of artificial lighting. Prof. William Lincoln Smith of the Boston School of Technology, says : "Herein, in my opinion, lies one of the greatest advantages of Holophane glass. The efficiency of the globes is excellent, the light can be thrown practically in any desired direction and the diffu­ sion is practically perfect. They also excel in uniformity and in the precision with which they allow the determination beforehand of the results to be obtained, such precision, of course, being an im­ portant indication of scientifically correct design and careful manufacture." Used in Cullum Memorial Hall. West Point; New Academic Building, Annapolis Government Printing Building. Washington, and numerous army posts. Special literatvire for quartermasters mailed on application. HOLOPHANE GLASS COMPANY 15 East 3 2d Street. New York City xxviii SANDFORD & SANDFORD. — M -.mi*.

Merchant Tailors and Importers

176 FIFTH AVENUE Between 22d and 2,d Streets NEW YORK

Special rates to Army and Navy Officers and Cadets

Regulation and Civilian

footwear for all occasions



Sixth Avenue and 19th Street New York

XXIX Calling Cards and GEORGE F. BROWN Wedding Cabinets


Largest and most unique line of Tally Cards made

49-63 Clymer Street Brooklyn, N- Y,

THE NEW AND ENLARGED EDITION SHOULD BK IN THE S»a^: LIBRARY OF EVERY WEST POINT CADET 25,000 NEW WORDS, ETC. NEW GAZETTEEB OF THE WORLD WEBSTER'S \ With over 25,000 entries baaed on the latest census. NEW BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY ^INTERNATIONAL^ with over 10,000 names of noted persons, birth, death, etc. Prepared under the supervision of W. T. HARRIS. Ph.D.. LL.D., Commissioner oi Education, assisted by a large corps of competent socialists. VDICTIONARY / New Plates Kich bindings 2880 < Quarto Pages 5,000 illustrations Size, L0xl2&x4£ inches TIIK [INTERNATIONAL EXCELS In the ease with which the eye finds the word sought; in accuracy of definition : in effective methods of indi­ A Dictionary of ENGLISH, Biography, cating pronunciation ; in terse and comprehensive statements of facts, Geography, Fiction, etc. and in practical use as a working dictionary. THE FAVORITE IN WEST POINT ACADEMY Col. A. L. Mills. Superintendent, says: I am greatly pleased with the International Dictionary. The entire work is an ad miracle one. Lieut. Col. George B. Davis, says: The International with its predecessors stands in the very front rank of authorities in lexicographv. Prof. Edward E. Wood. Dept. of Modern Languages, says : The International is easily the best working dictionary for use. I have always used Webster's Dictionary in my department, and the additions thereto in this new edition make it of course better than before.

We also publish WEBSTER'S COLLEGIATE DICTIONARY WITH SCOTTISH GLOSSARY It is the latest and largest abridgment It has a sizable vocabulary, complete definitions, and adequate etymologies. It has over 1100 pages and 1100 illustrations. Size. 7x10x2% inches. A Special Thin Paper Edition, just issued, is printed from the same plates as the regular edition. It has limp covers and round corners. Size, 5%x8% x \% inches. G. 6 C. MERRIAM CO., Publishers Springfield, Mass. Purity and Maturity

Unite in making the superior quality of Hunter #22& Whiskey ^UZSfr

?/U.TIMORERrt Superb Flavor, Mellow and Rich jALTIMORERtt ^ BOTTLED BY * • "MlANAHAN&SON. W eOTTLEDBV * "Ml A N AH AN & SON. BALTIMORE. Sold at all first-class cafes and by jobbers. WM. LANAHAN & SON. Baltimore. Md.


Specialties in Boots, Shoes and Hoggings Tor tb* Jtrmy and tlavy=



announces the following books in course of preparation. The authors are all masters with their particular subject and their works will be hailed with delight by thousands

1 Wild Animals I Have Known—by 2 Prehistoric Grinds—by "Three :: Willi oats I Have Sown—by Tain l'ud'n Head Wilson. Illustrated by Square" Meals. Side-splitting jokes Smart. The shady, racy, blood­ Willy Scott. Copious notes by of your ancestors, preserved by Noah curdling life of an inhabitant of MeAndrew. Tales of the life and during the rainy season and tlie I2tb Division. Kspecially rec­ habits of and harrowing experien­ brought to America by Columbus. ommended to the clergy as a ready ce! with the veterans of the riding Have l>een used by the author for reference for horrible examples. hall. The author knows his sub­ years and are guaranteed by him Yellow paper binding. Cover decor­ ject from the withers to the tan- to be well seasoned and excrucia­ ations by Glass. Sold on all trains. bark and back again. tingly funny. N. B.—A work Of Art given away with each copy.

1 Moody's Attack and Defence of the ."> How to Become Handsome — by 6 Spooning on Double-Pipe Creek— Tenth. Invaluable to Cadets. Venus McKell. Treats the develop­ in verse — by Aunt Polly Diller. Based on experience. Nothing In ment of the figure, preservation of The merry babble of the brook has the field can approach it in maater- hair and complexion. tuned the song of this gay young ful treatment. Recommended by our best testimonial is a photo­ I>oet as he tells us his furlough Bobby Howell. graph of the author found else­ tales of love and the ladies. where in these pages.



HHE representative of the Military and Naval Services of the United States. Contains complete and accu­ rate information regarding all matters of interest to the Services.


Club rate subscription price to Cadets U. S. M. A. and their relatives $3.00 per year All kinds of Jewelry, Silverware, etc., made with United States Mil­ itary Academy Crests applied thereto.

Cold Plated Catch Pins $1.00 up Cold Plated Hat Pins Si.oo up Any Class Pins, Cold Plated or Sterling Silver C1.50 up THE BEST Write for information to THAT SKILL JOHN FRICK AND MONEY JEWELER WILL MEDALIST PRODUCE 8 Liberty Place NEW YORK

Oppo*ite Gorham Silver Co. 21 Maiden Lane NEW YORK CITY


A postal card will bring you samples of our new Summer Shirtings, also self measurement blank and catalogue, describing in full our extensive line of men's furnishing goods zzzzz:






BEST AND MOST POPULAR .VJTV YORK.. IN THE WORLD Unrivaled Trend) and Italian Tee Creams KNOXS HATS Sorbets and Puddings STANDARD OF FASHION DEPOTS EVERYWHERE NEW YORK- J15 Park Row, 598 Sixth Avenue 302 Columbus Ave., 2J3 East 24th St. 142 West 125th St., HO East 125th St. 305 Fourth Avenue NONE (JENUINE WITHOUT TRADE MARK BROOKLYN-495 Fulton Street JERSEY CITY—577 Jersey Avenue

TELEPHONE CALLS 452 FIFTH AVENUE Each Depot connected by Telephone. See last Telephone Book for Numbers 194 FIETH AVENUE 212 BROADWAY XXXIV SUCCKSSOR TO o Fo McMANU PACII BROS

HIGH CLASS FIhi©tograp]hy



Instantaneous photographs of drills, manoeuvres, and all phases of Cadet life. To obtain duplicates from old negatives, address West Point branch.






XXXV lie

RACKAROCK, a new blasting powder formed by the scientific com­ bination of a solid and a liquid in­ gredient in proper proportion, is more effective and packs closer than dynamite, does not freeze and is not affected by moisture. Recent experiments with Racka- rock have demonstrated that it is most valuable in "Shooting Oil Wells." May be handled and shipped via express or as ordinary freight without danger. Rendrock Powder Company 128 Broadway NEW YORK

Drills That Drill SWIFTLY EFFICIENTLY ECONOMICALLY Rand Rock Drills have well been called the advance agents of civilization. Constructed so that easy access is obtainable for the removal of any worn or broken parts, they are the most simple in design and powerful in operation of any drills made. WRITE FOR CATALOG 12 8 BOSTON Broadway PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURG Drill NewYoii DENVER ST. LOUIS (ooxpaLixy SAN FRANCISCO

XXXVI A dainty SOROSIS kid dress shoe and a fine kid glove are made from practically the same leather, only tanned differently. Foreign-made gloves sell in this country at, higher prices than domestic. Women think the quality is worth the difference in price. In Europe the people gladly pay a premium for SOROSIS Shoes. In England the price is $4.00 per pair; in Germany $4.50; in Canada $4.50; Russia and France $5.00. Everywhere in the United States the price for nearly every style is only $3.50. Do you suppose the best judges of shoes and gloves in the world would pay a higher price for SOROSIS if they did not know it was worth it ? Nearly one-third of the immense SOROSIS product, is sold abroad. If thu women of this country only knew how good SOROSIS Shoes are, we could never supply the demand.

Something New. -SOROSIS Shoes for Boys and Cirls, scientifically constructed to properly train the growing feat.. \ J Men's Sorosis $5.00

SOROSIS SHOE CO. JAS. McCREERY & CO. Fulton and HoytSts.,

23d Street, New York Brooklyn

A. E. LITTLE & CO., Manufacturers LYNN, MASS.

xxxvu " Canadian Club7f

Diatilted and Bottled bv

Biram (Ualker & Sons Limited

ttlalkerville, Canada

London f>Jew York Chicago )VIcxico City Victoria, B. C. RICHARDSON & BOYNTON CO


r erfect" r urnaces and rvanges. rvichardson" oteam and Hot Water Doilers


These well-known goods have been used by the United States Government for the past forty years with universal satisfaction. High standard of merit.



OVER ALL OTHER CEREALS. For Uncle Sam's boys, the Government demand the best. Unsolicited, the Government's orders for WHEATLET reach us regularly, because careful test proved Wheatlet the best cereal. Here's what the U. S. Government Maine Experimental Station says unprejudiced—(they've analyzed all of 'em, too): "Wheatlet, made from choice selected wheat especially rich in the nitrogenous elements, is a well prepared food of good composition, carrying a higher per cent, of protein (13.6 per cent.) than most of the wheat preparations." Whether you lead a strenuous life or not, Wheatlet will do you more good than any breakfast food you can eat. Prove everything we say with full half pound sample mailed for grocer's name and 3 two-cent stamps. THE FRANKLIN MILLS COMPANY 11 All the Wheal that's Fit to Eat." m m\ LOCKPORT, N. Y., U. S. A. Charlottesville Woolen Mills

Charlottesville, Va.

High Grade Cadet Grays Sky Blues, Dark Blues Indigo Blues, Pure Wool

Free from all adulterations and absolutely guaranteed

Our Gray Goods only are used in the Uniforms of the Cadets of the U. S. Military Academy xli ESTABLISHED 1645 INCORPORATED 1900 W. & L. E. GURLEY TROY, N. Y. Largest Manufacturers in America of Civil Engineers' and Surveyors' Instruments

Datson Sketching Case New PATTERN (PATENTED) The engraving shows the Batso'i Sketch­ ing-Case designed for the use of Civil and Military Engineers and Surveyors in reconnoissanee and topographical survey. It was given an extensive and successful trial, in 1.S98 and 1899, in Cuba and the Philippines, as well as In the I'nited States. This instrument is a small drawing-board, having upon its upper surface a movable graduated circle, carrying a small alidade with scales, and at one end of the board a compass and a clinometer. No. 595 Price. $30.00

Electric Current=Meter With Vane and Small Lead Weight


The importance of correct hydraulic measurements has brought tlie Current-Meter into general use, and while our Current-Meter, No. IKX), has long been recognized as standard for observation on large streams, in recent years there has been a demand for a light and serviceable instrument for use in small streams and irrigation or drainage ditches. For some time, aided by the suggestions of the en­ gineers in charge of the hydrographic work of the United States Geological Survey, we have been per­ fecting the small Electric Current-Meter shown In tlie cut, and listed in our catalogue as No. 617. This Meter, while constructed practically along the lines of Current-Meter No. COO, has the advantage of extreme lightness, weighing only about two pounds.

No. 617 Price, as shown, $60.00

Our latest illustrated Catalogue and Price.List will be mailed to any address on application xlii ESTABLISHED 1818 Broadway, Cor. 22d Street Dress, Full Dress and New York Service Uniforms Olive Drab & Overcoats The materials and workmanship in our Officers' Military Uniforms, represent the most progressive ideas, in line Mackintoshes with the present enlarged field of service. and Leggings Civilian Clothing Hats The same assurance is given relative to Civilian Shoes Clothing and Furnishings — Ready Made or to Mea­ English sure. Haberdashery Shirtings SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR FURNISHING COM­ House Garments PLETE OUTFITS TO THE GRAD­ Traveling Rugs UATING CLASSES Leather and Wicker Goods Etc. Catalogue with over one hundred and fifty illus­ trations, mailed on request.


xliii PROOF OF PUBLIC CONFIDENCE SIGNIFICANT FACTS This Company's Policy-claims paid in 1903 averaged The Number of Policies in force is greater than that of any other Company in America and greater than that of all the in number one for each minute and a third of each busi­ Regular Life Insuiance Companies put together (less one land ness day of 8 hours each, and, in amount, $89.00 a minute can only be appreciated by comparison. It is agreater number the year through. than the COMBINED POPULATION ol Connecticut, THE DAILY AVERAGE OF THE COMPANY'S Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Delaware, Florida, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming, Nevada, Montana, BUSINESS DURING 1903 WAS : Idaho, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Alaska, Arizona, 359 per day in Number of Claims Paid. , District of Columbia, Indian Territory, Okla­ 6,297 per day in Number of Policies Issued. homa, Hawaii; or as to CITIES it is as many as the popu­ 91,303,559.06 per day in New Insurance Written. lation of Greater New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston $98,582.76 per day in Payments to Policy-holders and St. Louis combined. and addition to Reserve. This Company has more premium-paying business in $53,841.18 per day in Increase of Assets. force in the United States than any other Company, and for each of the last 10 years has had more New Insur­ Income in 1903 $49,887,804.11 ances accepted and issued than any other Company in the WW. Gain over 1902 6,651,620.60 World. Asset Increase in 1903 16,475,402.61 Urpsl OBkc raiiljlnt, toI k World— »«ll»n »»tnot. Foatls Areaat. JJrt Sircet ind -Mil Siren. Mt» tort City. HOME OFFICE OF THE

The Company OF the People, BY the People, FOR the People OFFICERS. Paid to Policyholders since Organization, plus Number of Policies John R. Hermann.. Haley Fuse, I DIICJ Suits. Cily ind K. R. Bonds (he Amount now Invested for (heir Security in Force . . . Kdtmt V,t*FrnUm* ! $238,295,968.84 7,523,915 George H. Gaston. andSiocls $48,175,913.27 George B. Woodward, Amount of Outstanding Amount of Insurance Frank Q. Ayres. Bonds and Monroes . . 31.814.193.06 Insurance .... Issued in 1903 . . James M. Craig, Heal [sine 14.835.140.61 $1,342,381,457.00 $398,889,074.00 Jime* S. Roberta, In its Ordinary Department policies arc issued tor from $1,0C0 to $1,000,000 on individual lives, Wmmtm John R. Hegeman, Jr., Cash 5.301,220.90 premiums payable annually, semi-annually and quarterly. In its Industrial Department J.J. Thompson T. R. Richardson, Stt Loans lo Polk) holders . . 1.850.144.14 policies are issued on all the insurable members of the family for weekly premiums. Thomas H. Villard, M.D., Premiums, deferred, and in course of THIS COMPANY'S POLICIES ARE PLAIN BUSINESS CONTRACTS WHICH TELL THEIR THOLE STORY UPON THEIR FACE; LEAVE Augustus S. Knight, MD., V. S. Manners, M. collection (Net) . . . 3.000.401.30 NOTHING TO THE IMAGINATION; BORROW NOTHING FROM HOPE; REQUIRE DEFINITE CONDITIONS AND MAKE DEFINITE PROMISES IN DOLLARS AND CENTS. Mrdical Ut'tclor Am. ««JU.-jl Accrued [merest. Rents, elc . 679.298.32 E. M. Holden, M. D . •a* Mt.tsl Dt-t ;-•- J105.656.311.60 RECORD OF GROWTH IN TEN YEAR PERIODS I. J. Cahen, ««•«•' Qutwy D***rtm**t. DIRECTORS: LIABILITIES 1883—$2,082,616.06 $2,186,622.24 $627,368.24 631,048 $63.426,107.00—1883 John R. Htpmin, Silas B. Dulcher. Reinsurance Fund and Special Thomas L. Jtmes, John M. Crane, 1893 19,343,705.06 4,109,689.92 2,940,226 353,177,217.00—1893 Edward C. Wallace, Reserves J94.008.25t. 00 Joseph P. Knapp. 1903 - 49,887,804.11 105,656,311.60 10,691.872.56 7,523.916 1,342,381,457.00—1903 iiiity Ma, George H. Gaaton, All other Liabilities 956.188.04 Slevart L. Woodford. Benjamin DeF. CuntM, Capital and Surplus 10.691.872.56 This Company will write po Frank H. Major. John A McCall, are embodied m make the politic* i Jamea M. Crai|, George B. Woodward. Philippines or foreign countries, NO KXIKA PREMIUMS i Samuel S. Beard, John R. Hegeman, Jr., SI05.656.3II.60 or place of service ; no dividend lit ssiflcation" or OtfMTVtac, * I or lurttur inlornutton, fc|Jw$$, o of Mrtk, Thomaa G. Ritch A. C. WASMHUKN*.. McliupoliUii I.ilc limiui . New Ymk City Cbe Cbas. fi. Elliott Co.

Commencement Invitations and Class Day Programs »••»•»»•••






glass Annuals and Artistic Printing

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