Sixty-First Annual Report of the Association of Graduates of The
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Australian 1.~~~~~1 I ~~i~~~p,~ r ~ -I SIXTY-FIRST ANNUAL REPORT of the Association of Graduates of the United States Military Academy at WVest Point, New York June 11, 1930 C)rinted by The Moore Printing Company, Inc. Newburgh, N: Y. CI cel r-- GONTENTS Photograph-Annual Meeting, 1930. Photograph Honorable Patrick J. Hurley, Secretary of War, Reviewing the Corps, Alumni Day, 1930. Foreword, by Brigadier General Avery D. Andrews, '86. Report of Annual Meeting. Annual Report of the Treasurer. Annual Report of the Secretary. Photograph-Review of the Corps by Alumni, June, 1930. Report of the Harmonic Division, Organ Committee. Photograph-Recognition. Officers of the Association. Board of Trustees of the Association. Photograph-Graduation Exercises, 1930. Board of Trustees of the Endowment Fund. Board of Trustees of the New Memorial Hall Fund. Photograph-The Long:gray Line, Alumni Day, 1930. Constitution and By-Laws. Photograph-Alumni Reviewing the Corps, June, 1930. Program for June Week. Photograph-Alumni Exercises, 1930. Program of Alumni Exercises. Photograph-An Airplane View of Michie Stadium and the New Polo Field. Our Finances, by Brigadier General Avery D. Andrews, '86. Photograph-Presentation of Diplomas by the Secretary of War, Hon. Patrick J. Hurley, June, 1930. Address of the Honorable Patrick J. Hurley, Secretary of War. Photograph-Architect's Drawing of New Cadet Barracks. Pictorial Plates of West Point. Miscellaneous Information. Photograph-The Corps. List of Class Representatives. Photograph-One Wing of Washington Hall, the New Cadet Mess. Visiting Alumni Officially Registered at West Point, June, 1930. Photograph-"Our Snowbound Highland Home." Graduates Who Have Died Since Last Annual Meeting. Announcement. Necrology. Cullum Biographical Register. Order and Contribution Blanks. List of Unprepared Obituaries. Photograph-Army-Ohio-W'esleyan Game, 1929. List of Unknown Addresses. Invitation to Join the Association. Index. K?p= Xo w ffi $I X =e> F H s ~(^c§ S LW: A; usU i c ¢ W O i-s ¢ 4 2a pa wo To JOREWORD HE CORDIAL reception given to our Annual Report for 1929 has encouraged your Officers and Trustees to continue their efforts to make these reports of increased interest and value to our members. The printing and distribution of this en- larged Report, as well as the Report, Bulletin, and Roll of Members distributed during the previous year, has been made possible by the generous financial support which we have received from those who, pending the organization of the Endowment Fund, have generously continued their Sustaining Memberships; to all of whom the Associa- tion owes a debt of gratitude. On June 5th, 1930, the total number of living graduates of the Military Academy, excluding the Class of 1930 about to graduate, was 5,404, and of these only 4,105 were members of this Association. It is hardly necessary to point out how much we need and how cor- dially we will welcome additional members. For sentimental reasons alone, every graduate should be a member of this Association and share in its work. But aside from this, the Association keeps an ac- curate record of all graduates of the Academy, both for its own use and for publication in Cullum's Register. Obituary Notices are pub- lished by the Association of non-members as well as members, and in all respects the Association performs a valuable service for the Academy and for all graduates whether members or not. But neces- sarily the work and expense fall entirely upon the Association and its members. An effort is now being made to increase our member- ship, and in this respect the older graduates may well follow the ex- ample of recent Graduating Classes of whom a large proportion have joined the Association immediately upon graduation. Your personal interest in securing additional members will be greatly appreciated. During the past year it has been possible, in accordance with their own request and that of the authorities of the Military Academy, to relieve Colonels Echols and Alexander from their duties as Treas- urer and Secretary respectively of the Association. Colonel Echols has served as Treasurer for twenty-nine years and Colonel Alexander as Secretary for ten years, both with great ability and unfailing de- votion to the best interests of the Association, while carrying on at the same time their onerous and important duties as members of the Academic Board. While greatly regretting the severance of these long established official relations, we are confident of their continued in- terest and valued assistance to the Association as members of the Board of Trustees. At the same time we cordially welcome to his new duties as Secretary and Treasurer, Captain William H. Donaldson, August, '17, who during the past year has served with conspicuous ability and success as Acting Secretary and Assistant Treasurer. AVERY D. ANDREWS, '86, President. Annual Report, June 11, 1930 11 AnnualReprt Jun 1] 193 Report of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association of Graduates ield at West Point, New York, June 11, 1930 1. The meeting was called to order at 2:00 P. M. by the President of the Association. 2. Prayer by Chaplain Kinsolving of the U. S. Military Academy. 3. Upon motion, duly passed, the calling of the roll was dis- pensed with. 4. The President informed the meeting that 196 out of 241 mem- bers of the 1930 graduating class had joined the Association; men- tioned the fact that there were about 1250 eligible graduates who were not members of the Association; spoke of the purposes and advantages of the Association, and expressed the appreciation of the Association to those who had taken out Sustaining Memberships. 5. The report of the Treasurer was then read and approved, subject to audit. (Appendix 1). 6. The President informed the members that Echols, 1891, had been Treasurer of the Association continuously for twenty-nine years, with the exception of the years 1905 to 1907, and that he now re- quested that he be not re-appointed for the coming year. The Presi- dent suggested that the Association recognize Echols' long and faithful service to the Association of Graduates. Dykman, 1875, made a brief statement concerning the services of Echols, stating that the Association has had the invaluable service of Echols for many years and that it was proper that the members should express their love, affection and gratitude for the work that he had done. Dykman made a motion to that effect as suggested by the President. The motion was seconded by Tillman, and adopted unanimously by a rising vote. Echols, '91, then made a few brief but appropriate remarks in which he thanked the members of the Association for their apprecia- tion and stated that it had been a pleasure to serve the Association during the many years. 7. The Report of the Secretary was then read and approved. (Appendix 2). 8. The President then spoke of the progress of the Endowment 12 Annual Report, June 11, 1930 Fund; the numerous bequests that had been made in wills, and his be- lief that the sum of $100,000 would be raised as soon as the necessity therefore was really appreciated. 9. Carter, 1899, member of the Harmonic Division, Organ Com- mittee, made a report for that committee which was adopted and filed. (Appendix 3). 10. The Secretary read the report of the Memorial Hall Com- mittee which was adopted. (Appendix 4). 11. The President then temporarily turned over the chair to Dykman, 1875, Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Saltzman, 1896, spoke regarding the very successful work that had been done by Avery D. Andrews, 1886, as President during the past year, especially in connection with the Endowment Fund and an- nounced that the Board of Trustees re-nominated him for the coming year. There were no nominations from the floor. Dykman then stated that he had, on many occasions, been a witness to Andrews' devotion and to his activity, to his almost pas- sionate love for the Academy, and desire for its welfare, and stated that he wished to entertain a viva voce vote. This was given unani- mously, and Andrews was declared elected. 12. The President then resumed the chair, expressed his thanks for his re-election and stated that although he had hoped to relinquish the office at this time, he would be glad to "carry on" for another year. The President then called for nominations for the five vice-presidents. The following nominations of the Board of Trustees were then pre- sented by Saltzman, 1896:- Hunter Liggett, 1879 George LeRoy Irwin, 1889 Edwin B. Winans, 1891 Paul B. Malone, 1894 Robert E. Wood, 1900 There being no nominations from the floor, the nominations of the Board of Trustees were accepted and by unanimous vote were elected. The Secretary was directed to cast one ballot for their election. 13. It was moved by Echols, '91, and duly seconded and carried that telegrams of felicitation be sent to Ames and Rodgers, 1861, the two oldest living graduates. 14. The President spoke of the death of one of the Academy's most distinguished graduates, Morris Schaff, 1862. 15. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:00 P. M. WMi. H. DONALDSON, Acting Secretary. Annual Report, June 11, 1930 13 AnuaRpotJne11 1301 APPENDIX 1 Annual Report of the Treasurer For the Year Ending June, 1930 June 1, 1930. Treasurer, Association of Graduates, U. S. M. A. 1. In account with the Association: RECEIPTS: Balance brought forward June, 1929: Bonds ................................... ...$10,000.00 Cash ........................................ 12,648.73...... $22,648.73 Received, current year: Initiation Fees and Dues........ 4,800.25 Sustaining Memberships ........ 2,395.00 Interest on Bonds and De- posits and Sale of Annuals.