r r

Ventura. 24. mm r Sept For San Francises 8onoma, today,! p.m. Frem Canadian Peru Next mail. 10. Oct V-- V! I J V For Canadian Port Next mall. Oct. JL

Evening Bulletin, 1M2. No. 6S37 Est 10 PAGES-HONOL- ULU, TERRITOBY OF , FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1917.-- PAGES Hawaiian Star. Vol. XXV No. 7938 10 yJtmCB FlVE CENTS VlfnWn7 nn nrn , jwuiyjui mm uu uuvi - fElfBl Mlmf.i .. v. MPTS TOWMEUS.S01QMEWOSHI VICTORY; oo oo oe oo oo o- - oo o oo oo COMPLETE SAYS MAUG

All German Counter Attacks i TRIEDTO Dissension In HARBOR BOARD U. S. Engineers ROBEK MIXED UP Meet With Failure.While the; British Artillery" Aided By Death Battalion Receive Baptism Good Visibility Anticipates; TO HALT i 1IMENCE ACTS wimmvEMCKis, Enemy Movements and Splits Amazons Of German Fire Checks Charges at Terrible

8-HO- Cost to Teutons Congress UR EXCESS FEDERAL CHARGE AMERICAN TRAINING CAMP ( AimcUU 7 V. S. JUvtf WlrtlMi ) - Tnu IN FRANCE, Sept. 21. Ameri- Sept. 21. can engineers have got their LONDON, Eng., KJi S. State Department Reveals Harbor Board to Turn Over baptism of fire, and are show- - Alleged Conspiracy Activities of Then Acting German Consul of Ger- ing heroic bravery in face of Complaints Lord counter-at- How von Bernstorff Sought Against heavy bombardment of the Hun Date Back to 1915 When "Mystery" Ship That Was to Carry man infantry units which $50,000 to Expend Through Young Company to Federal artillery. Munitions to India Put Into Hilo tacked after the British to District Attorney 4-- Day and night the engineer yesterday, and tho "Certain1" Organization" regiment which has taken over successes Pro-perm- an (fonnection complete victory gained by Conduct Propa a LLEGED violations by the Lord an important strategio French the alleged of Georg Rodiek and Heinrich Sir - THAT ganda Off War Zl Young Engineering company of railway line are engaged in haul- Schroeder with the plot to foment a rebellion Douglas Haig east of Ypres is to Sta 4- - fighting eight-hou- r day ing vast stores for the Othe in their work up 1915, when steamer Maverick shown in despatches from the (AmeUte4 y V. l.'iraval WMms.) territory upon 8, 9 and poilus close to the. front in India dates as far back as the Tin for the Piers - trenches, and are constantly sub- an 10, will be referred to District Attor visited Hilo in the pursuit of its purported pro-Germ- activi- battlefront today. ; V4 ASHINGTON, D. 0, Sept. jected to shell fire from the ney S. C. Huber by R. Hobby, Star-Bulleti- reports re- ties, is the information which has reached the n The British commsnder Tf 21. That Uount v o n chairman of the harbor board. heavy artillery of the Germans. garding the drive in Flanders sgsinst $ Chairman HObby was given author- from authoritative sources. pivot point of Roulers that in 4 Bernstorff, German . ainbassa-- the ity to place the matter in the district The information received by this every detail it was a complete sue ..' pre--; dor to the attorney's hands at a meeting of the paper throws further light on the re- cess, and later accounts from the bat- vious to the declaration of war, board this morning. The decision fol- cent arrest of Rodiek and Schroeder tlefield show the Teutons. suffered ter- lowed a number of letters to the con- and clears up several points which Single Check rible punishment when they endeavor- v 1 was endeavoring through brib- regard to Kitchener's Words . i: . t f tractors in the hours they have been neld in doubt since the ed to counter attack. ery to influence United States were working some of their men on two Honolulu Germans left the terri- Good light enabled the scouting air the territorial piers, and which the tory to face trial in San Francisco. Brings $5000 planes to keep tab on all enemy move- congressmen in a pro-Germa- n every was contractors have not answered. At Gallipoli Are The warrant of arrest was served ments, and counter move 1 Hobby by artillery, movement was . learned here Finally yesterday Chairman anticipated the British H on Rodiek his In San - after arrival To Red Cross completely uv-- i served final notice that unless some Francisco, and that he knew he would which Is reported to have today...' '.', .. regiments. information was received from the be arrested when Jhe reached that city wiped out several Teuton I The state department has just mad -- jntractors they Recalled By Anzac of the Tommies also , -- i l that would work is not now doubted. Rodiek was trans- The rifle fire public a message sent by the Geraaa ft v! i.v. des- :neir men not more than eight hours a trial be- Is prslsed in the commander's ' envoy as as January, 1917. to the ferred to San Francisco for late day, he would turn the affair over cause the' in- - patches. re-- Sergeant-Majo- r Don Urquhart a majority of defendants A visitor walked into the of- Berlin foreign office, la which he ' J j the federal authorities. The of the h' -- to letter volved in the Hindu conspiracy were morn-- . o Cross quested authority-t- pay 'the, sum of ;r to the contractors, which was read be- Third Australian Light Horse regi- fice of the Red this BRITISH HEADQUARTERS IN 1 ' residents of California, and it seemed 4- - ing wanted to do-- 150,000 for the purpose of Influencing fore the board and filed today, fol- ment, and one of the Anzacs, a name and said he FRANCE, Sept 21. A new attack was n expedient to the government to try good Congress through a certain organlza-tlo- lows: given to the first battalion to leave nate a small sum to the today launched southwest of Ghelu all defendants In San Francisco rather 4-- young lady charge In behalf of Germany. ."Referring to previous ad- Australia, passed through Honolulu on work. The in velt, which was taken yesterday In the letters than split the alleged conspiracy up 4-- Canadian-Australia- n requested the caller to. be seated. . The communication Indicated that dressed to you under dates of August the liner Niagara parte carry on of drive against Roulers. the Germans - n into and a number and she got out a book to enter money had already-bee- paid, this "or. 10th, 23d and 31st, respectively, on the on his way to Canada. ' still retsining several strong posi- ; trials. a record of the donation. t- on former occasions to per 'subject,-w- up Sergeant-Majo- tions which are necessary to complete sanitation if above have not to the , r Urquhart listened to ' against you ' form similar work for the German n present writing received acknowledg- The government's full case "How much do want to the new British line. one of the last addresses . of Lord Rodiek Schroeder withheld un- donate?" Inquired. basiaflor. and recuested a continuation ment to the same. 'Dtp and is she Consolidation of the ground gained Kitchener..' 'made to Stax-JBuUeti- a. .. -- rerlmnt at til- their : -e- checkA-jreplied- g v of financial support for prorGermau I - We now advise you that -- tGampoTCf trial, buUthe r re'a. the yesterdar-lr-goin- rsp1drr 'forwsrd ' berto florid return b ia authorized to . state 'that - their al- nronaranda. : you .comply request con-a- nj ir caller. and the attack newly launched against less with land the embarkation on the fatal leged -- ac- - AS a result of the extraordinary, die activities are concerned with The young lady in charge isolated positions to the southwest journey to Russia. . - tit serv-ic- e tha visit of the MaverJcK to Jiilo in cepted the slip, looked at the fig- closures it is believed that secret by ." the our of 1:30 o'clock p.m., should before night be accomplished. - - "I distinctly to 1915. At time Mr. Rodiek was ures gasped. agents of the United States' gov- j Thursday,- September- 20, 1917, this remember his words that and Sergeant-Majo- r consul Hawaii Mr. and; ernment have collected: and complied matter will be placed in the hands us," said Urquhart, "as German in and The check was for 13000 he stood before the regiment speaking Schroeder was his secretary. was from Charles M. Ccoke. Ltd. - a complete story of Germany's-- dupli- of the United States District Attor- city and Intrigue, and It to predicted ney." in a-sl- voice while his eyes search- "Myatery Ship" at Hilo 4--' Yesterday the R1 Cross re-- GERMANS AT LENS ed us from one end to the other. He Two years ago this month the Ma- celved a check for 13400 from additional chapters wiu be added v " that r ' In stating the stand of the contrac- - - BECOME WOBBLY story. . lt' said: verick was an unexpected arrival in 4- Castle & Cooke, and six checks 4- to the startling tors in the case, E. F. Cykler, engi- " ' Hilo harbor. Due to the secretey 4 for 1100 each. The Green Stock-4- - A reference In .the message sent by Star-Bulleti- n 'No troops in the world would have S. Vaval WlrtUis.) neer, told the today that movements, where she was brought- (Associated rrtu ly V. ' "avoiding war". done what you did. You are about her ing league in $23 this . von Bernstorff to he believes recent presidential proc- the she came CANADIAN HEADQUARTERS IN - - going and where from, the 4 morning. ; ahows.that the ambassador was cogni- - . fully- bravest thing that God ever made.' 21. position A Russian woman member, of the lamations cover the matter. - FRANCE. Sept The of xant German war lords' deter- - "That's about all he said our 4 ..- 4- dally of the "Battalion ef Death. These are in regard to public works after (Continued on page two) the German garrison at Lens is Jty mination to prosecute a ruthless sub-- during war time, he said. work on Gallipoli, and no other man 444444444 44,4 4 4 4 4 becoming more precarious. Relentless marine campaign, while at the same I (AMdcUUd Frmu by XX. 8. Hal Wirtlau.) "We are gld that the matter has could ever have paid us such 4 high pressure is being kept up by the Ca- time denying all knowledge of . any rvETROGRAD. Russia Sept. 21. been turned over to the federal at- compliment" declared the speaker. nadians on this important stronghold. : - j , Serious dissension such Intention, y .' If has broken out torney," said Mr. Cykler, for it will Sergt-Ma- j. Urquhart was wounded 'I'll Come Back Saw 1300 of His and the defenders are being gradually! in ranks of the famous d the '"Bat bring a definite ruling-an- save fur- in the leg near the close of the Gal- squeezed out- - talion of death, composed of intrepid debate on the subject. lipoli campaign and was invalided Slav women, ther Time who have on more than "At the present time we are pay- - home. He has been on the recruiting and Go TEARS FALL AS one occasion borne the brunt of the staff in the Antipodes and is now on Comrades Down : I fighting In a section of the eastern (Continued on page two) his way to visit Canada. MEDIA! ON N front.-:;-- . : Say . ... Sing' - Incensed . at some action of their At Neuve Chapelle girl commander, according to reports U. S; OFFICIALS ORDEOED TO KEEP Famous Opera Star Spends a from the . front, a riot broke out in FRISCO STRIKE the ranks, and the life of their leader Few Hours Here En Route to MM was : saved only by speedy work of Whose Regiment Was Mainland on Concert Trip infantry, who came to the rescue. CAREFUL TAD OM DEPARTING ALIENS Wiped out in Historic . Many of the girls have been re to homes as (f IVE my love to Honolulu Battle WinsXross IS DEADLOCuED turned their a result of I am the .mutiny, only 230 being permitted f. and tell them that sorry I cannot stay this - " t6 return to the front. .. , Applicants for Passports to Be Carefully survivor today of the :' Tears and thrills, music and flowers, ScrutinizedStep time and sing to the people of ONLY weeping women and enthusiastic army Irish Rifles regiment SAN FRANCISCO. Ca- Sept. 21. Taken to Prevent Information Reaching Enemy Powers these beautiful isles," said Mad- took part in the battle of l- recruits were - all strangely inter- ame Melba, famous opera singer Negotiations conducted by federal me Neuve Chapelle 1914, or was in October, :a-b- mingled into a scene that thrice morning on board the Canadian-- diators with representatives or we melancholy, FEDERAL BUYING Federal Court Clerk Albert E. Harris and Deputy Clerk William L. this nine weeks after war broke out shipbuilding employ martial, festive and when Australian Niagara. unions and Rosa have been warned by the department of state to be constantly on liner and possessors of a military cross ' ' the Niagara sailed this afternoon for the Madame Melba is on her way to ers have come to a deadlock. Vancouver, with S3 Hawaiian residents lookout for alien enemies who, under the guise of American citizens, may for his bravery in this engage- the United States for the coming Capt. Lindsay-Brown- e Air night the conferees wrestled 'who answered, .the can to the attempt to leave Hawaii for the purpose of transmitting information to ment L. of hare ; AGENCY opera season. She will sing in London arrived in Honolulu today with the pros snd cons of the dispute, 'I British colors. - ; :v . IS URGED countries now at war with America, or otherwise aiding the Central Powers. V Chicago, Boston and New York. - but this morning no settlement was in - - on the Niagara for a short visit ;r ;, The British recruits are nearly all The clerk's office has also been in- "But she added, the conference was ad leaving tell them't to the islands. He is accompan- sight and : well known in the islands and all have formed that all persons the I way I journed. ' : "that when return this ied by his wifo. , . been active members of the British United States for other countries, with . J will stay a while and sing. I Capt. Undhay-Brown- e - carry was in . club. Scores of their friends and rela- BY BUSINESSMEN the exception of Canada, shall don't know when that will be. WASHINGTON, D. C.r Sept 21. de-- excep- England when the war broke out tlves were present to see them i passports with the following If the war is over in Europe in It was announced today by federal sweet-hea- rt and while hi career In the war part, many a mother, wife, and tions: . shiDDlne board . officials that Gavin the spring I will go there, but if was short in excite- struggling against age-ol- d - wai fuu of prominent that' ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Sept 21. "Many persons find it necessary to it isn't I will come back this way ment. His regiment McNab. the San Francisco of pride and sorrow Mex- went into lawyer, '' appointed we double emotion The fixing by . the government . of make business trips to Cuba. and and sing for the folks her, for I has been - - BUBENT the battle of Neuve Chapelle experienced when bidding board's representative to take part in bo often prices for all essential products" of ico On short notice. To accommodate love the islands and I love the 1350 men strong and out jgood bye to a volunteer. - issued of that the negotiations now under way look- the nation, and the controlling of sales them the state department has people of these islands." the-onl- y -- - number he was man to -- Typical of Hawaii were the abun- pub- special It ing to a settlement of the iron work- both to the government and the a circular of instructions. During the liner's short stay n - come out alive. The battalion dance of leis worn by the departing lic was urged In a resolution adopted is, of course, applicable only to Ameri- PIER, PARK HERE port Madame Melba was taken ers', strike in San Francisco which is All were supplied with a held back the ons weeping Ger- tying ' up government's shipbuild- - Brltishera by the convention of American busi can citizens." about the city by H. B. Weller. mans for four days following the the many ; lei by British club, but were o e e : the nessmen which Is assembled here-t- As a result of these Instructions, the She was accompanied by Lady , scarcely, because the great retreat from Mons. discernible' . of discuss the methods that should pre- clerk's office is of the opinion that Susan Fitzclarence of London, were tof enwrapped about Organization of a company, capital- "We told to hold the line ! number lets them vail for the duration of the war. the state department will not approve England, whose husband was we NAME COMMITTEE TO : Each of the ized at $50,000 to to establish an and did for four days until t7 friends and relativea. A resolution ; was also adopted ad- of letters issued by the governor to start killed on the battle field in rtcrults was also presented with a the battalion was wiped out," PROBE MAN0A WORK vocating foreign lieu pier in Honolulu e. through legislation the crea- travelers to countries in amusement or park France. Lady Fitzclarence is re- said Capt. Lindsay-Brown- "We collection of photo recently msde by pur- of tion of a general .government of the passports issued out federal suggestion Promo- turning to her home hav- of-fiv- - V is the made to the after held as long as we could and Beyond naming a the British dub. . chasing power Honolulu. bearing it committee department, with the to court in This has tion Committee by W. H. Labb, man- ing paid a pleasure visit to Aus- that's why I got the cross. Tho to investigate the matter and report 'This is the second . contingent of fix prices, and control the distribu- on the case of W. H. Babbitt who re- army Co. at tralia. Germans took the point after- the meeting of the members of the volunteers for the British which tion and output of the indus- cently left for the Orient without a ager of the Dreamland Pier Ho- ' ' nation's "You won't forget to give wards but we managed to nfght I Honolulu In two months. . An-- 5 con- Manoa Improvement club laat has left in a manner which would be passport but with a letter signed by Ocean Park, Cal., which recently my ton-elude- d - tries nolulu love, will you?" straighten con- consisting of 23 men left last out the line and called to hear and discus the com Wher found most necessary to a successful the governor showing him to be an structed a million dollar amusement Madame Melba as she nect with Belgians by hold and sua anotner or o or so was the plaints against the style and methol ttfnth. conduct of. the war. American citizen. This letter stepped on the gangplank. ing -- men Is expected to go on. the next pier in that city. them back. That's all," he of work done on the Manoa district vised by the local customs officials. said. com Union liner to Vancouver. office has to Mr. La)b writes that on several oc- road, took no other action.' The The clerk's written Where he. and his wife would consiting of A. Lewis, In honor, of the departing British Washington for a ruling-o-n this pro-- casions t he has been approached to mittee Jr pres Honolulu, writing T. ONTANANS sail from here the captain could chairman; F. K. Black. Ferdinand recruits the Hawaiian band was cedure. come to and is the 225 say. sailing of the Niagara and committee for information as to the not declaring that he lisd Hons. J. A. Balch and M. Maclntyre ent the department, . in at The state this re made no plans but they had af- added to the martial air with patriotic spect says: advisability of the project he proposes. that met at the commercial club this - seen Australia and now they wrtt to survey music of both America and Great "A recent ruling of the state depart He thinks Honolulu should have an ternoon and 'decided the ' ' " going to see the Hawa't'an is- road work next Sunday morning. They Britain. ALEXIEFF SPLIT ment requires that all persons leav amusement pier or park of some kind, PROVE SLACKERS 10 lands. will furnish a report of their' Inves States, except Can-- J and estimates that at least acres ing the United for tigations to nevt meeting of KiriG OF BAVARIA SENDS ada, shau carry passports. of land would be heeded if it were to the the PETROGRADruIlaiSepiLT of department be in the nature of a park. BIG WAR CREDITS BILL club to be held Thursday at. the ten : ABROAD FOR SALE The Instructions the (AMoH&Ud Prtss ky U. a. Varl Wirnlus.) nis club headquarters and. meanwafle PEARLS - differ- regarding enemies leaving country He wants to know if he could or- BY . " Newspapers today reiwrt- that" the BUTTE, Mont, Sept. 21 Out of 460 IS ADOPTED H00SE in Command- says: ganize company, capitalized $50,-OOO.he- desire all residents that district ences have arisen between a at men -- , VxAuociatad ay TS. 8. Ksval in this city examined and certified who have complaints to make to ftw WirIm4 In Chief Kerensky state department desires that and if he could sell stock in (AMocUUd V. 8. Vavtl Wlratos.) file AMSTERDAM, Holland, Sept 21. er .and General "The as physically fit to serve in the ranks Prtts Vt their complaints in writing with F. E. Alexieff, who second command you should scrutinize carefully each Honolulu. He adds that he has con- vyASHINGTON, D. O, Sept 21. -- is in of Uncle Sam's selective army, 225 -, . ; It was" learned here today that the a passport in to equipment which he could The $11,000,000,000 war credits bill Black of the committee. as mll-"o-ll- of the Russian armies, and that the applicant for order siderable failed to appear when the unit left for ,7? Bavaria-h- sent r king of half a breach is so serious Generat prevent enemies of the United States ship to Honolulu in very short notice. was today adopted by the house of marks worth of pearls to-- neu- that training camp, and have been listed Alexieff has tendered' his resignation. from leaving the country under the as deserters. representatives and was Immediately Pedro Reyes, charged with threats, countries for sale.. . tral It is believed-th- e cause of the rup guise of American citizens for the pur- and the legitimate nature of the busi- Detectives have been put on sent to President Wilson; for signa- was sent to the JaiLIor three months. their - lx.. ture was the disposition to be made pose of transmitting information to or ness which makes it necessary for track, and are busy rounding them up. ture, : . - e . V Six hundred . troops from Texas 'ar- of army officers who are under sus otherwise aiding the enemy. Applica- them to leave the United States, m , WONG CHUNG, charged wit aa rived' at Camp Mills from Fort Worth picion of being concerned in the re--1 tions, however, of those who clearly should, of course, be facilitated with Lightning travels nearly a million Typhoid Is epidemic In western sault. and battery in Judge. Irwin's wa irantlny cant revolt of General KornUofL ' establish their American citizenship aa little delay as possible." times faster than thunder" ) Germany, court this mornings was fined 150.' Ar: thai - '.... TWO HONOLULU STAB-BULLETI- N, FRIDAY, SEPTFZfKEB 21, 1917.

No. 5550. REPORT OF CONDITION of the Tint National Bank of OUTLINE PLANS RODIEK UNDER ICOIRESHL Hawaii at Honolulu, to the Territory of Hawaii, at the close of business on September XI. 1917: - RESOURCES. - WE STORE EVERYTHING CITY TRANSFER COMPANY FOR BENEFIT OF CLOUD SINCE DELEGATION TO ' Loans and discounts ...... $1,207,266.23 JAMES H. LOVE PHONE 1211. Overdrafta swcd, $154.79; un- secured, $78.55 233 34 U. S. bond deposited to secure AIAVERICK Get a Hot of circulation (par value) $ 430,000.00 UMI SOLDERS CASE VISIT ISLANDS Nice Loaf U. S. bonds pledged to secure U. S. deposits (par ralue)... 35,400.00 LOVE'S CREAM BREAD U. S. Bonds .. 483.400.00 .. . . Total women ways i luocunuea rroaa cage onej i Hawaii Is to again be visited by OR Bonds other than U. S. bonds Discuss and a party of congressmen, according to pledged to secure U. S. de- Means of Holding Entertain- veesel soon earned the name of "TBe a cable which was received yesterday posits 234,000.00 ments and Socials Mystery Ship." Her parser was by Delegate Kuhio from his secre- LOVE'S PEERLESS BREAD Securities other than U. S. abundantly supplied with funds and tary, Jack Desha. The party is com- every afternoon at- - including stocks) made a trip to Honolulu and back, for ex- bonds (not plans to provide social en ing as a result of an invitation owned unpledged 113.S85.C3 Tectatlre which he offered no explanation. This tended the congressmen by the dele bonds, securities, 407.185.39 tertainment for the soldiers and fail trip and the general mystery resulted ago. Total etc... ors were presented morn- gate about two weeks The cable M. LEVY & STORE Value of banking site 39.879.73 of Oahu this in Byron Baird, then Hilo deputy col- from delegate's secretary as J. CO.'S ing meeting of the Women's War the read Other real estate owned 4,200.00 at a lector, being ordered to search the follows: Any time after 4 o'clock. Council at the Y. W. C. A. Nine dele ?$ct amount due from approved ship. This he did. but reported that "Congressional party scheduled leave agents York, gates from churches, clubs and socla she had no munitions of war aboard. reserve in New organizations together Matsonia, November 1; leave Hono At church, Septem Royal Purple degree will be Chicago, and St. Louis 238.764.26 were present, Later developments showed that Central Union The Owing to lulu. Maul. November 28. Advise if ber 19. 1917. Henry Mi?? due from approved with a number of visitors. suspicion of the ship was not without Peru and conferred on several candidates this Net amount meetings being satisfactory." Marie were Rev. I re- the majority of club foundation. She had San Fran Ruis married. J. evening special meeting ot reserve agents in other oc left Hopwood. officiating. at the held but once a month, and these gun-ru- n Delegate Kuhio expects the party to Witness trc serve cities 147,823.11 486,587.37 Cisco intending to meet the . Polynesia Encampment. No. 1, 1. O. O. week, many y 60 men, Miss Ruth A. Benedict and Thora curring around the first ner Annie Lar6en which was to sup-pl- number about although this Net amount due from other of delegates were present at definitely Tracy. F. Social and refreshments to follow. banks and bankers 134,137.88 the who her with a cargo of munitions for has not been established. same last week's meeting of the council transportation to India, so was al- He will advise Secretary Desha that Checks on banks In city opportunity it or town as reporting bank.. 20,312.18 have not yet had an of leged. The Annie Larsen still figures the arrangements so far made are hearing what their organizations have in plot case. Maverick satisfactory. There is a territorial Outside checks and other cash to say on the India The pay items.. 1.283.30 the matter. failed to meet the Annie Larsen at appropriation of $40,000 to the ex currency, At a previous meeting of the wo an agreed point off the coast of penses of the congressmen's trip to Fractional nickels and party cents 1.015.29 2.298.53 men, it was decided to organize a can Northern Mexico and she came to the islands. The is expected to Notes of other national banks.. 980.00 teen to be held Wednesdays and Sat- Hilo for supplies and to try and get arrive on November ? ana remain Federal reserve notes 870.00 urdays at the Army and Navy Y. 11. into communication with the Annie three weeks. lawful reserve in van It 594,111.20 C. A. The canteen will be presided Larsen. After two weeks in Hilo, the Since word has been received that Redemption fund with U. S. over by ladies of the various organ! Maverick cleared for Java, the Annie the congressmen are to visit Hawaii, Treasurer ; 22,500.00 rations who have sent delegates to the Larsen in the meantime being seized it is assumed by the delegate that con Other assets 547.67 Women's War Council. Home-mad- e for a violation of American neutrality gress Is planning on adjourning before foods will be placed on sale for the laws. When the Maverick reached the party starts for Honolulu. Total $3,407,209.55 men of the service. The canteen w il Eatavia. Java, she was interned by be placed in operation as soon as the the Dutch government. The Maver- LIABILITIES. formal opening of the Army "Y" is ick's captain is reported to have made DRUG Capital Stock paid In $ 500,000.00 held. his way back to Germany. He has PEDDLER Surplus fund 250,000.00 Among the reports submitted at the since been killed aboard a submarine Undivided profits S S2.059.40' meeting this morning was one from it Is said. Less current expenses, interest the Iowa Club, composed of residents and taxes paid - 15,952.98 66.106.42 or natives of the state of Iowa. The IS FINED Circulating notes outstanding... 449,997.50 club will entertain all service men WILL 800 Dividends unpaid" 300.00 from Iowa at Dr. A. G. Hodglns' resi SHIELD Demand deposits subject to re-serv- o: dence. Waikiki beach, tomorrow af ternoon. "The Christian church Police Judge Harry Irwin, who is has striving to prevent in Individual deposits subject to set aside one Sunday evening each illicit traffic 1.136,672 43 army navy CELEDRATE opium and cocaine, this morning sen check month for the and enlisted START Chinese, pay deposit doe In men. At service men wii: tenced Ah Ping, to a Certificates of this the $300 New less than 30 days 43,940.93 have charge of everything but the fine of and costs. This is said Beautiful 19,101.28 preaenmg. wm to be the "stiffest" fine that the new Certified checks The laaies also con magistrate imposed upon Cashier's checks outstanding 118.93 cuct one social each month for the OF V OR ON GiftI district has deposits subject soldiers. a defendant charged with peddling Total demand the drugs. Silks to reserve 1,199,833.63 ladies Fait The of the Methodist church Ah Ping, according police, United States deposits, Includ- plan to hold a fellowship luncheon to is not ing deposits of U. S. disbur- every Sunday night. Generally at (Special 8Ur-8vUt- m Oorr & anee.) a novice at the game. He has been The new Fall Silks arc much in demand. Silk" ii the SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, Sept. 20 before the court on several occasions. sing officers not subject to tendance is made up of soldiers. ac- 934,724.50 One of Schofield'a dreams is about and with the imposition of this fine, being used more this Fall than ever before on reserve The war council morning of and travel- this to be realized, for work has started it is believed that others who are high cost of dress goods. Cash letters credit voted to accept the Y gymnasium count of the increasing ers' checks outstanding .... 5,477.88 offer of the on the for use of the plying this trade riy discontinue it. - W. C. A. to give their pageant, "Co troops Etationed at the big post, labor Liabilities other- than those lumbia Calls," at the commencing In Crepes, Crepe de Chine, Satins and Taffetas the stated 769.63 residence and ers and artificers work NO AMERICAN GOLD ON above grounds of Mrs. Walter Frear, on the on the long sought for structure the demand will be unceasing. Novelty printed silks afternoon of October 3. plan Is $3,407,209.58 The early part of the week. No forma STEAMER TENYO MARU are Total to start a contingent fund for the ceremonies marked the laying of the are not so conventional in design but instead council. This pageant was presented Territory of Hawaii, . first sill, though quite a number of Not an ounce of American gold was made up. as artistic creations. Fancy and novelty City and County of Honolulu ss. earlier In the week for the Civic Con the boy3 were interested spectators exported on the Tenyo Maru, the linirifs will be put to many uses. Our assortments above-name- d ventlon delegates. was . I, .L. k, president, of the bank, do when work started. The site of T. K. K. liner which is passing through solemnly swear, that the above statement is true to the the new gymnasium Is on the main Honolulu today on her way, back to are, exceptionally pleasing and invite your inspec- best of tny knowledge and ie1ief. road, between Castner and Schofield the Orient. This is the first trip for tion. L. T. PECK. VIOLATORS ard the structure will be located be a long time on which the ship has not President. OF tween Companies II and K, 32nd In carried a quantity of gold for the canton Subscribed and",, sworn to before me this 21st day of fantry. When the various Orient, says Purser T. C. McCombe. September, 1917. - ments will have been completed the Exports of gold to the Orient have : J. E. O'CONNOR. "gym" will be most centrally located ceased since the President placed up- EIGHT HOUR LAW and of easy access to all the troops on this metal , an embargo. The T. SACHS' Notary Public. Correct Attest: Chaplain Fealy considered some K. K. boats passing through Hono RICHARD H. TRENT, program ahould commemorate the real lulu" formerly carried millions of 'dol Hotel near Fort St. rVi1 FRED L. WALDRON. ization of tiie gymnasium, and to that lars worth of jgold for. Japan and A. J. CAMPBELL, TO FACE COURTS end has arranged fora-big-xompl- l' other countries of the Orient on every Directors. mentary smoker to be held at the post trip. athletic park next Saturday afternoon. Ten numbers grace the program, some (Continued from page l.) of the more prominent athletes to FIRST ARREST UNDER services being "Bobble" Ing our men rate of and donate their ARMY VICE BAN MADE at the time Moore, Jusko. Hunt, Wiess, Cbavz, a half for overtime. We are allowing others, and some pretty them to work more than the eight Smith and The first arrest under that section own request, they fast work should feature the bouts of the new army law prohibiting the hours at their for The following members appear on tell us that they can get longer hours program: existence of houses of vice within on private Jobs in the city, with cor. the five miles of a military post was made respondingly greater pay. Carpenters 1. Eugene Bernath. Battery B, 1st last night when Marshal J. J. Smlddy are especially scarce at the present Field Artillery, Cy Perkins, U. S. took H. Hayes, a soldier, and Mrs. C. and are drawing good money." S. Alert Barr, both colored, into custody. They ' ' .""''''"i1!1-- i'WW""1"",!! mi .11 I time 1'"" Notice has also been served upon 2. Joey Leblanc. Headquarters Com are charged with conducting, a brothel the Lord-Youn- g Engineering company cany. 1st Field Artillery. Guy Her In KalihL The marshal announced that no resacking of cement Is to be ron. Battery F. flth Field Artillery. today that be would ask that bond be made on the territorial job without 3. Joe Chavez. TrooD F. 4th Cavalry. fixed in the sum of $1000 for each de a representative of the board on hand Emmett Smith, M. G. Coompany, fendant 1 , ; to Inspect it The notice states that 2nd Infantry. resacking is in violation of the law 'A. "Bobby" Moore. Company K. 32nd Charged with trafficking in opium, and Is not to be tolerated except un Infantry, Johnnie Tnone, Troop fc, Ah Ko, Chinese, has been turned over der conditions where it will be re 4th Cavalry. to local federal officials and a hear- moved at once. 5. Robert Wordlow. Company E, 25th ing of his case 'will be held next Tues- The cause of the harbor boards' ac Infantry, Billy Rochon, Comynny L, day afternoon. Ah' Ko was arrested tion In this regard was a letter from 25th Infantry. by Customs Inspector Gilbert Mc-- Nicoll, who claims he found Inspector William D'Esmond, assert 6. Henry Langford. Company E, 25th three ing that several sacks of cement load Richard, Company E, horns of the poppy drug in the man's r Infantry. Joe possession. ed with dirt and rice husks had been 25th Infantry. discovered during the course of the Zeno, Company E, 25th 7. Alexander A Japanese named Fuji! was given work recently, evidently the result of Infantry, Willie Johnson, Company 11 up a building permit by the building in- sweeping scattered cement from G, 25th Infantry. Qlll8ll the floors. spector's office this morning to con 8. Charlie Ferguson, Signal Corps, struct a one story residence on the Willie Fitzgerald, Company F, 1st makai side of School street near ' Infantry. Asylum road, to cost $1,000. business , is fcased . on the j ' :Our 2$$ PLANS TO SHIP 9. Morris Wiess. Battery A. 9th Field Artillery, Leo Houillon, Company "demand for Infantry. i. , '.'. .. - .'. ' G. 2nd 10. Herman Hunt, Troop F. 4th Cav CHINESE EGGS alrv. Irwin Jusko. Signal Corps. Officials: Mitchell. Medical Instant Corps; Chaplain Fealy, 1st Rleld Artil LIGHT lery. Lieut. O'Keefe, u. s. a. Aiert; Lieut. Hemenway, 1st Infantry, C. M. TO TERRITORY A. O'Brien. U. S. S. K-- 8; Sgt. Stone. Postum Good strong plerit 4th Cavalry; Mr. Andrew Farrell, R. light Goods; . T. C. of for your plant-Be- tter may placed it means Eggs from China be READY A table drink that upon the Honolulu market, according REFUND MONEY has the Oar purchases have been made to E. Block, the egg magnate of BUT FEW CALL FOR IT taken protection more production I Shanghai, who is passing through place of coffee with this ideal in view, for we Honolulu today on the T. K. K. il-- t Evidently there are a lot of resi Nowadays you need protection. No number 'of r Tenyo Maru, on his way back to his dents in Lusitana improvement dis in thousands of believe that, it may apply, to home in China. Hearing that eggs trict who are so wealthy that sums American homes. watchmen or amount of vigilance will substitute in Honolulu were selling for around of money from $2 to $124 do not ap- low cost goods as well as" the 75 cents a dozen, Mr. Block this peal to them even though they have for good light. morning decided that he would look but to call and ask to receive it. higher priced varieties. into the matter and consider making At least it so appears from the "There s a Reason" The result is far better and safer, and the real shipment to Honolulu. a small number of residents who have money cost less. "Eggs will be selling for 71 a dozen called for the money which the city is on the mainland before long." stated and county treasurer is refunding to Mr. Block this morning. "In China owners of property in that district un- For production, broad daylight is best. And the eggs are selling for about 30 cents der the provisions of Act 241 of the 1:1 approach to is good electric light. a dozen. I have shipped them to ast legislature. Arrangements were nearest that Honolulu before, but since war has made by City and County Treasurer Our Lighting Department has' it all worked. out; sent the freight rates from $15 on 17 handle the matter L. D. Conkling to you can quickly tell you the style,, kind and crates to between $50. and $60 I have for the convenience of the Interested PqsfvuTO for not sent many eggs across the persons and a notice published that WALL & V1 LLKIAMA cost to a penny. water." the money was ready for refund but to W Mr. Block smiled when asked how date only a small number of tne 40 to changes of your present system 1m- Maybe a few DOUGHERTY many eggs he bandied a year. whom money. is due have called and ft. -T W I "About 1,000,000?" he was urged. received it. would do. At any rate, put your plant in good "Oh, not quite that," he replied. Eggs . shipped from China are pre Police Judge Harry Irwin, under lighting shape right NOW. It means safety to served in the same manner as eggs authorization by the board of super- Delightful flavor your business and money in your pocket. Jewelers Opticians shipped from California. They are visors, has appointed Mis M. H. A. produced on many small farms Finke as temporary third clerk to fill through China where the same varie the position for one month until the Rich aroma Call up 3131. ties of chickens are raised as in the recovery of Mrs. E. B. Finkbornerv the t3 United States, according to Mr. Block. third clerk, who is ill with typhoid Healthful Several years ago Mr. Block fever. shipped eggs to the mainland and they Economical The Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd. Young ailed up without being sold. They Appointment of Edgar H. Wells of Alexander Bldg. e finally seized by the federal au Cleveland, Ohio, formerly dean ft LIGHTING SPECIALISTS thorities and burned, making what Harvard as deputy commissioner roi Sold by was then the biggest omelet In the Europe was announced by the Red grocers everywhere. .- world- , , Cross war council. . M 4 HOXOLULU STAB-BULLETIN- ", FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1917. 3 FOK RENT HEALTH BOARD CARRIES SHRAPNEL Japanese Will M ilto inhaitfttfPS"-". IN HIS BODY AS IVILL CARE FOR Supplant T.K.K. SOLlf-I- E SOUVENIR REJECTED White Captains TONIGHT CENTRALLY LOCATED M New Zealand Rifleman Fought At 7:40 o'clock in Egypt, at Gallipoli and Will Work in Conjunction With Liners Will Also Carry Japan- Apply WATERHOUSE TRUST in France The All-Sta- r Hawaii Draft Body to Weed ese Surgeons on Orders of ' Feature Distributors Present Out and Control Disease Rifleman Charles H. Matthews of Imperial Government the fourth battalion of tlie Nc Zea BISHOP STREET i a DOPTI.NT, a plan that ha? "orke-- land RifUs, wiio tuck pari in the bg (( CTING under orders of 'hn Im THE NE'ER DO WELL" IX out successfully on the mainland tjommc r:sli on the estem front in Apcrial Japanese government, all u irh thp pu'tin; into operation of France ar.d received unco woi:nUi the Toyo Kisen Kaisha liners. Wrapping the Fe1efivc draft, the territorial during the drive, arrived in Honohna vvhi-j- are now plying between the In Ten Acts EXTENSION TO hoard ol health will work in conjunc today from Auckland on the Niacara, ts of the Orient and Occident, v. ill ri ' tion with the district and local draft He Hill j.roceed fr;m hrre to Fanning be captained by .Japanese officers. The famous masterpiece written by Rex Beach. This board.-- Island where he i lo take t.p a posi- K. Ikegami, chief clerk ou bMrd the Paper, for the weeding out and treat all-sta- r fea- ment of diseases that may be discov- tion as operator with the Pacific Caoie Tcnyo Maru. which armed from Sari Thrilling photodrama is acted by an cast, GET UNDERWAY ered in men undergoing physical ex company. Francisco' this morning, made the turing aminations. Matthews is still sitf c'rins from afovc statement, when seen in his of-tic- o Bags, shell-shoc- Paper Dr. J. S. B. Pratt has proposed the k rerened months aso in the .tftiv the big liner docked, lie plan to Maj. F. J. Green of the district isomme pnsn. a.Ulod. however, that Captain 11. S. - Kathlyn Williams and Wheeler Oakman Improvement to Cost $10,000 exemption board, who is heartily in "Wc went to Egypt first and then to Smith of the Tcnyo Maru. and Cap- Twine favor of it. Major Green wrote at Gallipoli. Then v came back to t.un Fihr.er of the Sino Maru. in to Start in Month if Collins' once to the hoard of health accepting Alexandria and left there whom President S. Asano of the com- A production extraordinary of scenes in Panama. Advice is Heeded the offer. The system under which We went into action at Armcnticrcs pany has grciit confrlcri'c as niviga-tors- . the hoards will work in conjunc- and a little while lafv thy marched will not bo removed. Priccs10, 20, 30 Cents. Reserved Seats 50 Cents. to us 62 to pari in the Somme long-propose- tion in this is in fol- miles take Ikcgan.i s?id that all the lowest prices Work pn the d project matter t'.own the further At lowing push." big company, including J of extending and w idening Bishop letter from Kirk . Porter, liners of the PHONE 3937 EARLY FOR GOOD SEATS. '"1 was on October -- 7 in a street from Queen to Allan streets secretary of the board of healtn. to Wounded the Shinyo, Tcnyo and Korea, have Major Green : charge. I received son'o shrapnel in Japanese physi- j be commenced within a month added to their staff "Honolulu, Hamuli, the thigh, some in the head pri a bul- cians to assist the white s'ligions. , if the recommendations of City and let in chest. Tve still pot those iK"cn company Hawaiian News Cotiuty Engineer George M. Collin 'eptemncr 2", PIT. the who hav with the for K. .?. pieces lead in mc." many 'contained in his report to be submit "Major Green. of years. "Chairman. District Exemption "P.ut for all thm I'm alive and stii! Already is aboard the Tcnyo l ted to the next meeting of the board there Co., Ltd. to get 1 I'm is Beard. Honolulu. able around. think coins Maru. lr. Kanai. .Ippanesc. whose jof supervisors, are carried out. It Fanning if it is any- estimated that the cost of widening "Sir: I am dirertei by Dr. .1. S. B. to like island duty it is to assist Or. N. P. Crooks, 10 T TO Young Hotel Bldg. Pratt, president of the board of healt'.i, thing like this." and he pouted ln the regular surgeon of the liner. Or. J the street, removing a number of to write with reference to co- hand towards Honolulu. is just completing his first voy- j buildings jou the Kami Bishop St. from the path to make it or run straight from Hotel to Allan operation this board with the m age. Me has been with the company streets and throwing up a dirt road lective draft boards of this territory. ten years, aud is considered one of At 7:40 o'clock At 7:40 o'clock for the section of the extension wll "In the states many of the state COPS CAN'TTAP the best physicians iu the company's boards of health arc now assisting feervice. be In the neighborhood of 110,000. the House Peters and Louise Huff The preliminary assessment rol various selective draft boards and Dr. Whcu the Sinyo Maru and Korea prepared by Mr. Collins calls for tax Pratt feels some such procedure would Maru arrive in Honolulu the next IN atlon per front foot of all the prop be of mutual benefit here. POLICE TANK IF time, they will have aboard thc;n Jap- erty between Hotel and Allan streets "In this cooperative plan the medi- anese physicians, in addition to the but this will not bring in a large cal examiners or each draft board white surgeons, who have been ren "The LONESOME CHAP" notify the health board of all cases dering valuable services to the com-p.ai- revenue because of the fact that the s, A R6-- , ' of communicable diseases, such as These Japanese phy-ician- it Gripping Story, Thrilling Accidents, ,1 government property is not taxable THEY LACK CUPS LTU and the Young Hotel property and tuberculosis, trachoma, typhoid, diph is said, are to attend to the Japanese mance and Mining Town Intrigue Not 8 TIME TABLE ".It- is a winter plague which Bishop estate lands are also exempt theria, etc., that are discovered in the patients only. They are to be sub- Dull Moment. Pathe Weekly men being examined and which would ject to ibx orders of the regular sur- 7:40 P.M. claims thousands season. . The result will be that the city and every Incapacitate them from service. geons of ships. county will have to pay for at least Every of the police force the 5th Chapter "THE SECRET KINGDOM" Serial "Upon receiving notice of the ex member Captain H. S. Smith, when ques- two-third- s of the cost of this street iieroafter provide with 7:35 P.M. ? LMin istence of of Oiiist himself morning with regard to his PATHE WEEKLY NEWS PICTORIAL omit improvement. Will the other property such diseases the board drinking cups, if he wants tioned this Feature UUUll 0 LlilULOlUH health undertakes the treatment Individual IKsition, said that he had nothing to Prices 10, 20, 30 Cents. Reserved 50c 8:00 P.M. owners bear the rest of the burden? and to drink the water in the filters at Seats I elimination of the disease and en- say about the proposed change of the will strengthen and fortify you la submitting bis report and the l eadquartcrs. By .m order issued by PHONE 5060 deavors,, so as possible, to Im- captains. 'preliminary assessment roll for the far Rose morning, all white agsinstOrppe,andifyou prove Sheriff Charles tlr5 "1 things as they come Improvement City and County Engi the' health of those rejected so permanent drinking cups in the police have to take havehadit.Scott'swiUre- - as to ser- along." genial skipper. 1 4H neer' Collins will recommend that the render them available for abolisheu. smiled the vice at a period. station are am here to do my duty. And as long storeyourstrength faster than work be taken up as soon as possible future The reason for this regulation i "While procedure, if as I do it rightly without endanger- ' any other known medicine. Before the street can be widened, the this Instituted because of the prevclance of typhoid here, should be of to ing or company, 1 city electric shop,' the territorial car distinct value the of officials head- the interests the fever, several the at - military organization, it would prove am satisfied," concluded Captata 7- -- Blacd-Foo- penter shop and the testing laboratory. quarters having complained of feeling i 13 Alecks Just d also of material assistance to this de- Smith. ' i: mil1 1 if inn"u tI will have to be removed. ill. License Inspector W. H. Hutton I I in . Bloom figld. partment In the control of communic- III JIaA1AAJ - ScottftBtwme. N.I. question of how soon the work is now Queen's hospital suf- The able promotion ot in the I7T INI diseases and the to EXEMPTION BOARD IN m -- can actually be started will be de public fering from typhoid, believed have At2:iio'eltsk if i ; At 7;40 'dot cided when the board of supervisors the health. been contracted from drinking water lay "By this arrangement diphtheria ami Passing CHARGE 0IFREGISTRATI0N can discover where to their bands typhoid at headquarters. pedestrians on money necessary for the pro- earners could be put under have frequently made a practise of the treatment ' and up, thereby ject The matter will be taken up clearea dropping in at headquarters and tak- With the turning over this after- eliminating the chance for the spread Wong, Gen. Pershing in France School Tuesday night. ing a drink of ice w ater from the filter noon hy Clement clerk in the City and of infection from that source and the new or- sheriff's office, of all registration A picture One of greatest Another matter which person, having at the sergeant's desk. This of great interest to all America the County Engineer Collins will bring recovered normal will prevent possible contagion summaries and general statements events in hiatory of America. would again In positien der the juptwiil be a report regarding the health, be to from that source. concerning figures of regjstration. the Lunch up -- widening of Beretania street between take such branch of military, ser local exemption board, have taken vice as he might be fitted to do. full of winding) registration ' Gladys Cobiirn in "The Primitive Call blocks, one owned by Mrs. J. T. "The board of health has a number work. ness of records of tuberculosis cases which Silva of this city and the other owned H. Gooding Field, statistician, who A picture depicting a woman's power for good or evil. might be of assistance to the medical as by 'Mrs. R. Duval ,of Oakland, Cal., The Hawaiian- - bend will play at Ka- has charge of this work chairman HELEN HOLMES IN "THE GOLD RUSH." : examiners, and assistance could also project into the street. . Mr. Collins kaako mission tonight at 7:!0 o'clock. of one of the local boards, says that be rendered from our laboratories. ItlliB . LAST TWO NIGHTS. owners to have the machinery is running smoothly has arranged with the your approval t back so as to make "In event of of thb and that no trouble is anticipated in the stores moved plan. Dr. Pratt would be pleased to Lodge Le Progres, F. and A.' M., 10th CHAPTER OF "A LASS OF. THE' LUMBERLANDS." the , street straight and will report in completing the job in a short time. ' , you meets this evening for work the - 10, owners take the matter up with in de PRICES: 20' and 30 CENTS the amount asked by the in tail. third degree. "I welcome this opportunity of consideration of moving their build "Very respectfully. doing a portion of my bit, says Mr. legs back from the road. afternoon, at 3:30 o'clock at Field, who has previously served in report "K. B. PORTER, This He will also submit a of the "Secretary, Territorial Board ot the Library of Hawaii, there will be a the government in clerical work sim- project" of paving Punchbow l street Health." meeting of the Child Welfare com- ilar to this. When war was declared from Beretania to Lusitana streets, mittee. Field was one of Hie first men to of- especially with the assessment roll for the im fer his services to the government in ;;This.set isnade provement. ; - A special meeting cf Schofield this line for which he has had special ; Y.Tvl G. - by A. forhobl children; ; .Work was commenced todaj a TAKEN OFF SHIP Lodge, No. 443. F. and A. M.. will be training. the gang of road workers from the city held tonight in its ball at Lejlelnia, ;The bottle and lunch box and county engineer s office on the for work in the first degree. paving of Maklkl street to Roundtop High is of . ample, capacity for Business School road, a task which is being done by AS EMBEZZLER ON The Hawaiian band dispensed pa the average 'pupil the city and 'county under ; contract triotic airs during the hour preceding Open to a limited number of boys with 8th grade certifi- for the Oahu Loan Fund Commission the sailing of the Canadian-Australia- n '' job will com cates or equivalent. ? Keeps liquicrhot 24 hours. The real work on the; steamer Niagara this afternoon. mence next week; i the present sang j TGO LATE TO CLASSIFY 1 at. work merely, preparing, the road for MELBOURNE CALL . Keeps liquid cold 72 hours. In the case of Antonio McPherson Commercial studies, preparing for business life. Ma-cada- m the coming of . the bigger force. against the Peruvian bark Belfast, an H SITUATION WANTED. with a coat of asphalt will be With .enamel lunch box ; action, for recovery of wages, federal laid down and the street wjll be lined Acting on a request from the Aus court ordered the ship to pay the Also prepares for Highschool Sophomore year and botue; , : : with concrete gutters..., . government, through plaintiff $46.10. Violinist (white) Good orchestra man $3m:; tralian forwarded 6897 Zt the local British consulate, U. S. violinist. IV O. Box 31. MEN TEACHERS Y. M. C. A. PRIVILEGES -- ; With nickel plated box SON, LUCIUS, ARRIVES Marshal J. J. Smiddy this morning The women of Kakaako Japanese FOR RENT. - placed arrest H. R. Kenwood of church will hold a sale on the grounds SEE MR. THOMAS and bottle, $175. v AT M'CLELLAN HOME under . Melourne, who w as a passenger on the of the Mission Memorial building. FURNISHED HOUSES. Educational Secretary Sonoma and who, the British consu- King street, today and tomorrow, to Two-bedroo- bungalow, rhone 6042. Enroll Today V.W.Dimond&Co.,Ltd. 'i Lucius ; Pinkham McClellan arrived late announced, Is charged with em raise funds for the institution. 6807 tf on Wednesday, September 19, the gov- bezzlement. iThe House of Housewares" ernor's' birthday, at the home of Mr. Marshal Smiddy boarded the Sono The Woman's Guild of Epiphany NOTICE. and Mrs. W. H. McClellan. Announce ma quarantine plated Hen- - Mission, KaimukI, which is making a 53-6- oft and 5 King St.' . ment of the young son's coming was wood under arrest. After the steamer special effort to reduce the mission's The Board of Examiners in Opto- made this moraine at the close of the docked the Melbourne man was tak- debt, will hold a specialty sale and metry for the Territory of Hawaii will harbor board mectlnc bv Commission en to the marshal's office, where lie tea at the Guild hall on Tenth avenue, hold examinations at the office of the er Norman Watkins, and those in the was In conference with the federal Kaimuki, next Thursday, September Territorial Board of Health on October Clean and ish Easily meeting tendered hearty . congratula official for about an hour. 27. 4, 5 and 6, from 9 to 12 a. m., and from tions to Commissioner McClellan. "The man Is under arrest on a 1 to 4 p. m. of each day. Applications ue quickly, it-tr- and all kinds of People "Is that he is to be named charge of embezzlement." the British Twenty-fiv- e former residents ol for examination or for exemption may MostOld Lucius Pinkham r Commissioner Mc consulate told the Star-Bulleti-n. "He Iowa gathered on the lanai of the be addressed to metals, marble, cutlery, Are Constipated Clellan was asked. "Suro it is," he was arrested on an order from the Army and Navy Y. .M. C. A. last even-- , WM. II. HILL. .' smiled. ."He'came on the governor's ing reorganize Iowa club. All .' . Australian government" to the Secretary Treasurer. kitchen utensils, bath birthday and I don't see whv he This is all the information the con soldiers aud civilians from Iowa arc P. O. Box No. 226. Hilo, Hawaii. The wear of years impairs the shouldn't be named in the governor's sulate would give. It declined to csti requested to send in their name's and 6S37 r,t room floors and all action of the bowels. As people honor. mate the amount of the alleged em- addresses to Mr. Gibson, Catton, Neiii grow older they restrict their aud Company. painted wood vvorklwith actirity, neglect to take sufficient bezzlement. NIAGARA REFUSES TO exercise, and indulge a natural Rudolnh Buchlv of the First Na disposition to take things easy. WILL DISCUSS WAYS TO ACCEPT WIRES AT SEA tional Bank has ueen named by Gov. m The digestive organs oeconie. GET JAPANESE TEACHERS demands Pinkham as a member of the com- more sensitive to the . Because the vessel has given notifi HONOLULU mission on Waikiki reclamation, san- made upon them and rebel more not ENTRANCEJ0 improvement The quickly. cation that it will receive them. itation and district. CLEANSPOLSCOURS POLISHES messages for the steamer Ni appointment completes the full com - special importance to intended Feeling that their purpose will be It is of a meet- Sold the health of elderly people that agara while at sea will not be ac successful eventually, the Japanese mission and it is expected that Si everywhere ctpted at the office of the naval radio Honolulu, through ing for organization will be called the bowels be kept normally educators of their ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS CO., New York active. A mild, 'yet effective, until further notice, it was announced bpecral committee, w ill once more dis in a short time. """t,w remedy for constipation, and this morning. cuss the condition and welfare of the one that is especially suited to The naval radio office is unable to Japanese teachers, who arrived from K. Ikeda. a mining engineer wfth the the needs of old folks, women offer an explanation for this action. Japan last month, and who were ra Fujita & Co. of Osaka, Japan, arrived and children, is the combination The Star-Bulleti-n was referred to the fused landing in Honolulu by Imtni in Honolulu from Sdney on the Nt of simple laxative herbs with iccai tsriusn consulate, wnicn an- gration Inspector Richard L. Halsey. agara. He will transfer here to the pepsin sold in drug stores under nounced that it could "give no infor Tomorrow afternoon, at 2 o'clock. steamer Sonoma for San Francisco. the name of Dr. Caldwell's mation at present." Messrs, Takemura, principal of the He is on his way to inspect the min- Syrup Pepsin. It costs only Pa la ma Japanese school; Masuda, ing proporties owned by his company There's joy in every sip; it fifty cents a bottle, and should be RESERVE OFFICER IS pnucipar of Kakaako Japanese which are located in Canada. United NOTICE in every family medicine chest. school; Mashimo, principal of Makiki States and Mexico. hits and wets that dry spot A trial bottle, free .of charge, CALLED TO SERVICE Japanese school; Uzawa, principal of can be obtained by writing to Waialac school, and Ouchi, principal MURDER TRIAL CLOSES; Dr. W. B. CaldwelL 456 Wash-ingto- n to- We beg to extra- ; War department orders received of the Hongwanji school, will hold advise our patrons that owing to the St, Monticello, Illinois. : ac- ARGUMENT ON MONDAY day at army headquarters call to conference and dir.cuss the possibil ordinary Carbide, tive duty" another reserve corps of- increase in the cost of chemicals for ity of getting the new arrivals from After the prosecution had called ficer, Maj. Edward. Bellamy, of the Japan into Honolulu, where places purifying Acetylene Gas, overhead expense, salaries, etc adjutant-general'- s four witnesses in rebuttal, bcth sides department Major have been reserved for them to teach. Bellamy is assigned to Schofield Bar- rested this morning in the case of The Gcr.eral and Universal Film we have found necessary advance of Acety- I PERSONALITIES In the meantime. Attorney Wade it to the price racks, and It is possible that he will Isidoro Alario and four other Filipi- SERVICES. Warren Thayer o i is looking after the nos charged with the murder of Tsu-netar- lene Gas welding, automobile lighting and uses. t be made assistant to the adjutant at Japanese for other interests of the teachers. ' """ MISS BOSTELMAN has been : v ' X J. that post - The officer w as former- Hayashibara, a Japanese store- I Matinees (except Saturdays and ' .... private secretary Rev. V. Imamura, head of the Hong ' ippointed to Maj. keeper, - . , - ly regimental sergeant-majo- r of the who was shot and stabbed to Ko!Idav8) frora 1:00 to 4:C0 o'clock. .' wanji mission, at whose invitation Kane-oh- e f. J. Green, in cliarge of selective 1st Infantry. - death In a pineapple field near Saturday and Holiday Matireei from lraft work for the territory at the these teachers arrived from Japan, on the night of August 21. Argu- 10:00 a. ti. to :0a o'clock. building.- will leave today in the Tenyo Maru, w apltol ment of the case ill begin at 0 o'clock : -- (two Acetylene: Light & Agency Co. When Your Eyes Need Care which sails at o'clock. er'rsa shovst 6:30 and 3:4 next Monday morning before Circuit o'clock. ; of. toe. sew Austrian Eye The members Try Murine Remedy Judge' Heen.' The trial lasted nearly PICTUP-- S CH ED P. O. Box 454 Hustace St. off South. Phsas p MIS DAILY. UH oe-nr- Mr M aplBet-Jiav- e taitea oain i oince jm CoHfon. wta at Supervisors meet next Tuesday two weeks. argument may Drvrrt6niBfor mlL Writ for Fra Book The take . Prices: 10, 15 Cent. the emneror kckimk zyk xuucdt co cscxam night . ' two days. FOUR HONOLULU- STAK-BULLETI- FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. 1917.

MORNING ON 'CHANGE ,0QQ.000T0NS BEET SUGAR MEN PLEDGE FULL . TRUSTS Temple 7 Thirty thousand 5li per cent bonds INSURANCE SAFE DEPOSITS Masonic boards of Olaa Sugar Co. sold between STOCKS BONDS (Visitor who have not been SUPPORT TO HOOVER PROGRAM at on the street today. This was and trading, erai-- -' ust be In the OF WHEAT TIED the big feature of the day's &EAL ESTATE LOANS br fifteen). although other between board sales Teir' tnfn were fairly heavy. Olaa dropped to Calendar Contract Assuring Maximum Price of S7.25 for Beet Product iv"" today, although 40 shares were Weekly American so'.d between boards at $8,824- - One UP IN AUSTRALIA Delivered at Seaboard Refining Points is Signed were sold at pres- UE3DA hundred shares the Phone 3646 No. 1 '''. sPr Members o International Commission Are Named ent market price. Other between Bethel Street Honolulu lodgo were: "0 Waia-i';a- . rce, 7 ? P ni between board sales cUl. first t 2w Hawaiian Commercial. to U. S. to; By C. S. ALBERT ! lief Lere that tiie mxtrntmi price Antipodes Looks - o 100 WEDNESDAY - in- $4'"..23; Pioneer. Zi; Oahu c )' -- seaboard Spv:al Stir Bulletin Corif-ren-ien- ) t ir, f oS.. the rf Hawaiian No -- 1. Supply Shipping to wove ;:uar. $2'Jo. Iusc . U ASillM-TOX- . . Se; t. d'-gr- 7 V I' rial, third t WASHINGTON. fK I't Big Food Crops r.r-.'- suijar proi...eib th'Oiihout the C W : sagar Life, Fire, Marine ( f . of an international THURtOAY ' u stat:- lia. i.ed a 'man-iuious- r'ornatinn Honolulu Stock Exchanq 3 'M. ' !.! was ?.nnm;nred by the ComnmmiHy Nc. 1. ;hiM.:nff to move about to s-- r. tnv na cor.iior' Automobile. Tourists onol'.lu c: areenient administration last evening a? 21. ! wheat is the sreat need lional food .admit. istra?:eii iu mal.in feed Friday. Sept l- - ni. tons pro-- ; Bagqage nr Accident o 1 ,N You :.i;tfi. move, in control oi r,ro!- - ' in ! the the want today." aays j.iait couirf-- latest f Australia ttl:' the pro; vi'.f to 1. . e o! ' I':n-')n'.- 1 t auction, and prv th.it MERCANTILE rr.si?":ry N. nedy. whn for rtotitlis has tnanula'--ie i.re n'i sale ot iu.-ar- distribution Insurance, -- the An;eri an . ihiri-lir- i Syd- necessary commodity Five F1..(i,i:. Af. Amri':ui commercial attache in One ti nn(ire'i .er cent of thu l''t announcement as Alexander . Baldwin ...... 280 7: "'I p. ut ney. He is a pas-'Snse- aboard sugar producers, have s.rned a on-trac- ;atc named in the jg ' , of commission. The C. Brewer & Co CALL UPON a r)0irul lor xne fwus, j.re&entcd the overnn:'-nf- rrerrVters the FRIDAY Sonon - r- , ' will have control of pur ScGAH l.,' a short visit Oeiore ihi.- - comniirsion No. 371. uili make suio ort. -- a Le rro?r where he has chases and distribution of vgar for Plantation Co 32' 4 32!2 9 : e.dir.R to London to t-- o; ?;eet - r l drjr,rcr, This action ti.L part t..' fn- iul. Hiir as a:i attache to : and anicn th.e I'riited S'atcs and its Haiku Sugar Co. S been traiiflerred S"-- at a producers as;:it inaxini'im f Hawn. Agr. Co 38 vr" r. in American embassy. allies. COOKE, the price of 7.J i er l.nndred po'tiid for CASTLE & Limited i . 46 -- I Ilepresentins the rited Mates on Hawn. Com. Sugar Co. tl iookini; to Amer- . Australians are the'hr-e- t product, delivered f.o.b. lo-ton- wheat, as the the Hawaiian Sugar Co 37 38' 4 3 FRIDAY ica tu help move this T h : n , Oi- New York. 'hi lc Ne.v . . . many oT ; the food administration ha namd Honokaa Sugar Co. . . No. 44 F. govern men' has taken over lcans and S;in Ki ,"n i:,' o. the sea- Schofield Au-- t , M. Rotph of t! California ncnomu Sugar Co 1. bigger sliijts formerly in the - , Oorze & A. M . Sept. at ,:.' the board ret.nin- point.-- .vfien tin crop Pngar Refining Co. Karl I) Hutchinson Sugar Agents in pervice. Representatives of Hawaiian Plant. General Insurance P- - m. Work first tralian is available. o'clock government are no in P.apst of ihe American Sug;.r Rfin-- ' Kahuku Plantation Co. .. '19" 194 i degree. the Australian i. Kfnfo to film a ponuion The national food administration ing Co and j resident of the refine- Kekar.a Sugar Co. the trvlnir - Fort and Merchant Streets Special business at stated problem." he say I reiiarit-.L- ;( utt ni at f;..nnt; the en ries at Rrooklvn. Philadelphi?. .Jersey Koloa Sugar Co. for the shipping v meeting 'n September will bo Kennedy explains that a tire sti-a- r pi e '1.13' ion in various J rjtv rt.j Orleans: C IT. Lari. Jr.. McBryde Sugar Co., Ltd. 9! a 10 3 of ti: ai; : y. vm'11 Sugar election of officers. Luropean war tn sections co This , president of the Philadelphia Oahu Sugar Co. 29' 2 29'4 l2S Bn the becinaing of the dire- a i w ua;. s. A. Jamison, 8' Anstialian Government formea issued within RoTin'ns Co.: William Olaa Sugar Co., Ltd 8' 4 2 -ting Co. 54 34 pool and purchased all of th nartn-- of Arbuckkle Onomea Sugar Co...... wheat "With the Hnn'M.m emet 'ir-ti- . the na These five hare th' Paauhau Sugar Co r. Ot lb Mm and Williamson Plant. 1il rrrm. Mueh tnis - tional fo (i odrnini'-tratio- n uould :;ia- over industry in stored, as is the 14".'0',im bushe.s suiireme power the Prcific Sugar Mill HAWAIIAN TRUST CO., n.aieiy (ontrol sMar. the be'.iet was country and will work in inj- Pci, Co Ltd. of last years crop. This years crop this Plantation up ,mmi,'' expressed vonerally' in Honolulu that unction with th? other members of Pepeekeo Sugar Co will hring the total to wonhi give Stocks and Bonds Fellows Hall the beet s'!K:ir producers the international body. Pionser Mill Co. .... 35' 2 36 Odd tons, he thinks. sup every possible way,' no in Aus their ort in Cinal agreement with the beet S:n Carlos Milling Co Real Estate Insurance are granaries ! CALENDAR There sa) A. M. Novell. secretary of the was also announced ye- - WEEKLY as in the United States. Alter p,.ar makers Waialua Agr. Co. tralia Sugar Factors, Ltd l am pleased i along th.e linvs Safe Depcsit Vaults is cut with a header it is .rr(jav afternoon that Wailuku Sugar Co. MONDA- Y- the wheat to this support l; ;s already i,a.-- ;)PPn All have Ixdge No. 3. ueg and then stacked in sacKs. hear that nreviouslv told. MISCELLANEOUS Execu- Harmony threshed been offered, and w ould have been j agreement for a sub Authorized by law to act a3 Trustees, meeting at 7:30 p. m. The rirookivn stack at Wihiamstown, entered into the End.tu Uev. Co., Ltd. ular surpiiscd had not all of the heel of about a cent a pound 7 degree will be con- Victoria, is fully a mile long and then; suat stantial cut 1st Is. As. pc Pd.... tors, Administrators and Guardians The third producers come forward." prire agreed upon is seven and 2nd cn eleven candidates, are many other stacks as lame. the is. At. fully paid... ferred Le - a as a maximum figure. Haiku & Pack., Pfd followed by refresh- All nf last Year s crop w as pur Mr. Novvcil adds that it was the charter cents Fruit to be 'Haiku Fruit & Pack. Com ments on the roof garden. chased by the British government at approximately si. la a ousnei. Hawaii Con. Ry. 7 pc. A. I NEW YORK STOCK Hawaii Con. Ry. 6 pc B. TUExSceUior 1. KS-ula- r Heennse of the immense amount oi ANCHORAGE STYLE Lodge No. gov- Hawaii Con. Ry. Com... owned and held by the MARKET TODAY i meeting at 7:30 p. ro. wheat Co. ernment there has been complaint of Hawaiian Elect rtc ... Alexander & - Hawaiian Pineapple Co.. 441 45 fu iipr n AY the high price of living, but all dem- Yester. Branch Rebekah Lodge rmetrnttnnH neainst the government Today dav Hon. Brew. & Malt. Co.. 17& 18 Olive meeting at ELIMINATED FROM Honolulu Gas Co., Ltd.. No. 2. Regular have been vigorously dealt with. Alaska Gold 4' 2 H',8 Enlist of whist Her. R. T. & L. Co 7 30 P. i. Las night Miss Adele Pankhurst. daugmer oi American Smelter 10138 9734 spe- Inter-Islan-d Baldwin tournament. Grand prize Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst. the famous American Sugar Rfg. ,. 11233 111 S. N. Co re- Mutual Telephone prlres for even inga London suffragist, is now serving a American Tel. & Tel. . . . 11778 im2 capital in cial gar- Oahu Railway & L. 156 your surplus on the roof sentence of nine months imprison WORK ON PIER 10 Anaconda Copper 73?8 72' 2 Co...... freshments Pahang fam- Llmlttd Playins begins tt 8.15 ment for disorderly assemblage. She Atchison 96'2 96' 2 Rubber Co. .... 19K your own and your den. Selama-Dinding- s, 61 -- Ld, Pd. p. m. led a Darade of protesters againsi Baldwin Loco 62' 2 ?4 Sav- Selama-Dinding- s, welfare. Start a Sugar food prices to the Australian parlia Baltimore & Ohio 67 67'2 (70 pc.) ily's Factors FRIOA' Upon recommendation of Chairman Tanjong Olok Rubber Co. Jno. ment where she was arrested wiin Bethlehem Steel ...... at at.... Account Polynesia Encampment i. W. R. Hobby the harbor board today BUN US-B- each ings Commission Merchants 7:30 p. m. several others." says the professor. b 9634 b 97 Regular meeting at to construction of Walk Imp. follow-c- d He adds, however, that he Deneve3 voted eliminate the Calif. Petroleum ... 40 40 Dist... nd Royal purple degiee. Hamakua Ditch Co., Insurance Agents food prices are perhaps lower in Aus an anchorage system for 1''. a 10 from Canadian Pacific 14934 150' 2 6s.. by refreshments. 57', Hawaii Con. Ry. 5 pc... tralia than aywnere else in me . i " 'la v this C, M. & St. P. (St. Paul) 5734 2 the ma cu'i and k Hawaiian Irr. Co., 4 world. Colo. Fuel & Iron 45', '2 46' 4 6s.... work done separately. Haw. Ter. 4 pc "The Australians have a most cor Crucible Steel 75 74'a Refund .. Interest Paid on Savings will be ca'.'f '! Haw. Terr"i 4 I Agents NO. 1. both of This means that bids Common 21' 21 pc Puo Imp tor in II LODGE dial feeline for Americans, of firms so Erie Caw. Imp. 4 pc Deposits. Hawaiian individually. The senti for and that any number General Electric t'44 142'2 Terr. Pub. Commercial Sugar nonrR OF PHOENIX ficially and desiring may bid on the job. Haw. Terr'l Z,'z pc. Company. borne, corner, of ment towards Americans has returned General Motors, New... 96 97 at their Chairman Hobby, in answer to a - Honckaa Sugar Co every rjre-wa- r period, as all Great Northern Pfd. ... 103' 2 104' Snla and Fort streets, tn that of the question from Commissioner W H. Honolulu Gas Co., Ltd, 5s Haiku Sugar us for our deiay Inter. Harv., N. J. . X Company. evening. 7:30 o'clock. resentment towards McClellan stated that he did no., be- t Hilo Gas Co., 6 pc 97 Bank of Hawaii, Paia in enterlne th world war has now Kennecott Copper 41 34 41 '8 Plantation Company. VY. AOV lieve this would inteiire wuh the Kauai Ry. Co., 6s ...... J. Secretary. entirely vanished since we declared Lehigh R. R 61 '2 61'2 Haul Agricultural Company - .n.vv imnBJLY. - main contract. He felt also, he said, 78 77 Manoa Imp. Dist. Ltd. r war on Germany. The Australian vjv- terri- New York Central Hawaiian Sugar Company to that it would be cheaper to the Pennsylvania 52 52 McBfyde Sugar Co., 5s.. ernment and the people are anxious bids than to include Mutual Telephone 5s Merchant Kahuiui fiallroad Company .ONOLULU WDM J" us every manner tory to let out Ray Consol. 26' 26'-- Fort and cooperate with in as an extra with the regular ahu R. & L. Co., 5 McBryde Sugar possible and practical, the commer the work Reading Common . . . 82 81 78 pc. Company. on i Kin. SL. near 15 per cent allowance. Oahu Sugar Co., 6 pc. .1 Kahuliu Railroad every Friday cial attache says. Southern Pacific 92 91 Company Fort, Olaa Sugar Co, 6 pc...; t Visiting A report from the boara's diver was Studebaker t45 46 Kauai Fruit & Laud Co, evening. The annointment of American meeting. This stated that Pacific Guar. & Fer. Co. Ltd. are cor- to foreign coun- read at the Texas Oil 165 168 Honolua Ranch. brothers commercial attaches a inspection had failed to show 129 129 Pacific Sugar Mill Co, 6s Invited to at- before the be- careful Union Pacific dially tries Mas started just any undermining along the new piers, 110 San Carlos Milling Co... ginning European war. The U. S. Steel 111T8 tend. of the though a soft place in the earth had 97', 96 R. attaches are accredited by the state Utah 2 Onomea Sugar C:. dividend of Octo JAS. H. FIDDES. E been found going in about 14 inches Union 89 90 Bank of reports are made to Western ber 20, 1917, will be increased from 2 Sec- - department, but wall at one point. Where 46 3 45 H. DUNSHEE. of- - com under the Westinghouse . 8 per to 5 per cent. the department labor and toe wall was undermined cent merce, Kennedy explained the of the c. Professor the. .. SOEHNE during the dredging last winter 'Bid. fEx-dividend- JUnauoted. ; ' HERMANNS this morning. He was rormeriy a holding Latest sugar quotation: 96 deg. test. 1 concrete fill placed there is Dimico. na. IMo. of staff of the New York 6.90 cents, or $133 per ton. Honolulu member the perfectly, the diver reported. MINERAL PRODUCTS CO. (LIMITED) ; VrsaJsmlungen In K. of au university. , cMtten Moatag:f. UNLISTED SECURITIES. jaden ersten and public In NOTICE TO CREDITORS. TO BE FORMED UNDER 6 und 20. SepL 3 una 17. Oct Jules Steeg. minister of Ltd. Aug. of has taken over 8UGAR FACTORS und 15. NOI. ft una . - r- - struction' France undersigned, having been duly LAWS OF TERRITORY Friday, Sept 21. I temporarily ministry of the inter- The OIL Fort near Queen COMMISSION General versarcmiung; sr the Executrix o the estate of 8tret, MERCHANTS place of Louis J. Malvy, who appointed Bid General Banking SHIPPING - EMIIj KLEMME, Praea, ior in After considerable discussion, it was Asked Transacts a AND INSURANCE resigned. L. S. Humes, lae of Honolulu, City BOLTE. Sekr. has Honolulu, deceased, decided at the called meeting of the Honolulu Con. Oil.... 4.75 4.85 Business. AGENTS C New York policemen will wear and County ot MINING hereby gives notice to all persons hav- shareholders of the Mineral Products Invites your 'ccount and guar- wrist watches. Engels Copper Mining 6.00 6.12'a LOOSE' No. 2. K. of P. ing claims against said estate to pre- Co. yesterday to disincorporate the antees safe and efficient service. MVftTIC Nevada company and form another un- Mineral Products Co.. .02 .04 Pythian Hall, corner Fort sent the same, duly verified and with Exchange, Letters of Credit and FORT ST, HONOLULU, Meets In (if any exist) even der the laws of Hawaii. The principal fountain King Mining .16 .17 Travelers' Checks Issued on T. H. streets, every Friday proper vouchers Montana' Bingham Co. .47 .48 and Beretania' though such claim he secured by mort- fight, which developed a: the meeting principal points. evening at 7:30 o'clock. Visiting af- Madera Mining .28 .30 gage, to the undercigned at the office of the shareholders held yesterday Co.... brothers cortrauj Andrade, her r.ttomey, 44 ternoon, in the Chamber of Commerce List of : of Frank 900 M. Cable Transfers Officers and R GOSLING. C C. Street, Honolulu. T. H., rooms was as to the amount of the as- Sales: Products, .03; 600 EVP. BISHOP President 1 Kaahumanu Llngham, .43; 2000 Bingham, A, B. ANGUS. P. C, ri. R. and S. months from the first pub- sessment which may be tevied on the .49; 2350 C. H. itbih six En-gel-s, ROBERTSON. 23 Madera, .29; 30 Engels, 500 Vice-Preside- notice or they will be stock. This was finally placed at 65; nt PENCIL lication of this 2000 M. .04; 600 and Manager per coat, limited no assess- 6.12'2; Products, I it MOOSE HEADQUARTERS forever barred. but so that E. C PETERS R. VERS . Engels, Vice-Preside- v. ment in excess of five per cent can 6.12'2. nt All persons indebted to said estate 210 McCandless Bldg. and Secretary VENUS ii -- be levied without the further consent i all otified to make immedi- Magoou JBldg., 1S4 MerchanL Open are hereby of the stockholders. Honolulu, T. H. E.' ?A2TZL who want the settlement to the undersigned. 8tocka, Bonds, Securities, Loans ROSS Call froin 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Phone ate in- GEO. R. ni,.".!. A best. 17 perfect M1NNABELLE V. HUMES, When the Hawaii company is Sugar 6.90cts Negotiated, Trust Estates CARTER 10.60.. degrees, L. S. corporated the 1200 stockholders will v. n. uuuivc Director black Executrix of the Estate of Managed R. AH Visiting Brothers Invited and 2 copying Humes, deceased. be given share for share in the new J. GALT Director pos- company, 75 Henry Waterhouse Trust Co, R. A. COOKE for every Dated Honolulu, T. H.. August CO, but this stock will be only Director sible purpose- - per cent paid up as the. 25 per cent Ltd. O. G. MAY Auditor 1917. Kacp your FREE UKULELE LESSONS Aug. 31. Sept. 7, 14, 21, 28. a&sessment will have to be still paid. Members Honolulu Stock and Bond 679 It'was agreed that the present com- With any Tnstrun ent you buy from CI, Exchange Clue Band TO BONDHOLDERS. pany i3 to be disincorporated on Jan SAVINGS NOTICE Fort and Merchant Streets MORGAN uary 1, 1918. At that time the new Telephone 12CS in a safe place. Wa pay Interest J.F. CO., LTD. Ernest K. Kaai VELVET stock will be distributed to all those ' Refunding Bonds BISMOr A COMPANY. STOCK BROKERS (Get Particulars Now) PENCIL Territory of Hawaii who pay the assessment due. Those Up to April this year Great Britain Supreme ia its Class 1905. Information Furnished and Loans 1126 Union St. Phone 2028 7 of who do not nay the assessments will ha3 employed 4,000 women with th Mads rmt UUIU1US,.rtVlI0 army in France. American Lead Pencil CoMN.Vf bCl Merchant Street Star Building VI All holders of Territory of Hawaii P. H. BURNSTTE, Phone 1572 SEE Refunding Bonds of 1005. issued pur- Thunder Is the noise made by the 79 Merchant SL Phone 1846 suant to an Act of Congress of the DAILY REMINDERS concussion of the air closina after be- NOTARY PUBLIC United States of America, entitled ing parted by a lightning flash. COYNE Commissioner of Deeds THE YC 'OHAMA "An Act to Provide a Government forj For Distilled Water, Hire's I7oct SPECIE BANK. "--- California and New York FOR FURNITURE er all Popular LIMITED the Territory of Hawaii, approved and other Dr'nks WUIa, Deeds, Mortgages and 1900, to an Act Draws: , Young Boilding April 30, and pursuant Wanted Two more passengers for Why That Lame all Legal Documents Capital subscribed. .yen 48,000,000 of the Legislature of the Territory of motor patty around :3land, J4 each. Capital paid up yen 30,000,000 Hawaii, entitled "An Act for Fund- Lt-vi- s Grunge, phovie 2141. Adv. Back? Reserve funds yen 21.300,000 ing Bonded Indebtedness," approved Dr. F. Schumann, Osteopathic Phy- - S. A WOK I, Local Manager M'INERNY PARK 1905, hereby notified in t I ttt'Ja April 25, are t,ir4nri 1ft vpjira established in Hono- - Insurance witn tne option reserveu . DILLINGHAM LTD. Elegant Lots accordance j Union and Beretania streets. 31 u r U 1 II A B. F. CO, therein tnai me principal vi uunua Adv. I 4915 CHAS. DESKY, Agent numbered 151 to C30 both inclusive, lameness, PHONE sharp twinges Life, Accident, Compensation FOR RENT Merchant, near Fort amounting to One Hundred Eighty) NOTICE TO PASSENGERS. Fire, Electricity, gas, scree In accrued-interes- t when bending BONDS ts all noures Thousand Dollars and SURETY -- . j an : i A .1 ' ... : 1 1 i Maunakea St. tore 127.59 sauuj -- over, or a dull, 4. oh uimus, mil y two-bedroo- m to octooer iva. Thp 3 Mauna Kev' st ing from day back- Neat house in town; $11 upon presentation the of- ; all M paid H j j Saturday, the 22nd Inst.. furnished cottage for two. $15. v. .... ache; each is Small DEVELOPING UCB Ul llic n()t t(, a,(;e tf) take any de(,k NeaL small cottage in town; $15. ' 1 11 u cause enough PRINTING : : ENLARGING in Honoiuiu. ; -n- gers on account of all the deck Wonev Loan , to suspect Kid- o: a u, " i lb In uctooer . - - spaCe having been sold H. S Best the City on October 4. 1917, on all bonds ney trouble. INSURANCE COMPANY OF J. SCHNACK cease INTER-ISLAN- HOME I STEAM NAY. CO., Help kid- 842 Kaahumanu SL Telephone 3631 - Picture Framing & herehv railed for Davment. Get after the cause. the HAWAII. LIMITED Honolulu LTD. Supply Co. HENRY HAPAI. neys. 816 Fort Street Telephone 3529 C T. H.. Pept 1?. 1917. ENGINEERTwg Territory o.' Hawaii. Honolulu. We Americans go it too hard. We PACIFIC Acting Treasurer. 6855 Sept. l'J, :o 1. Treasurer's Office, T. II. overdo, overeat and neglect our sleep LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED Sept. 6. ir17. and exercise, and so we are fast be- Honolulu. NOTICE Plumbing Supplies, Building . Con- 6885 Sept. 7. 14. 21. coming a nation of kidney sufferers. Paints, Consulting jning and Neumann "i2r. more deaths from kidney dis- Materials. Prieee low. Houses built structing Engineers NOTICE. TO INSURANCE COMPANIES. eases than in 1890, is the story told by on Instalment plan. Choice House Bridges, Buildings. Concrete Struc the 1910 census. Lots for sale. tures. Steel Structures, Sanitary Sys- COMPANY, LTD. Reports on Pro- JAMS On account of shortage cf fuel oil, If annoyed by a had back, nervous CITY MILL tems. and Estimates Y'ou hereby ited to a . SEAL LAUNDRY. Ltd..: are in' have troubles and irregular kidney or blad- Teleptfona 2478 P. O. Box 951 jects. Phone 1045. THE WHITE representative present at a meet ing to are made from only sound frech i.as wiui ..v".. .lB der action, modify the bad habits aud pure sugar. Not ad- be held bv the Committee cn Finance Kidney fruit and doing business. ; - use Doan's Backache Pills. - d Public Expenditure, in the As- vanced in price. The Hawaiian Trust Company . Llm , , Thousands recommend them. GOODS AND CURIOS, KIMONOS - BuiIdjng, on Re- JAPANESE SILK will tako charge of all collec- ScTltpm-rn- r o- - , "When Your Back is Lame ited. 'v , . 1017- afv ., n nts K. EMBROIDERIES. . pp-mr- fli:d adjustments. member the Name." DOAN'S BACK- AND & Co. tions. j question of allot- - CQ.Yee Hop full. m.. to discuss the ACHE KIDNEY PILLS. Sold by all All tredi.crs wiil be paid in County on -- QUALITY" :ng the City and Insurance druggists at 50c a box (six boxes THE HOUSE OF WHITE SEAL LAUNDRY. LIMITED automobiles. CCiari King ttreet, near Fishmarket Ty THEODORE RICHARD?. $2.50), or mailed on receipt of price SAYEGUSA Treasurer. E. BUFFANDEAU. by the Hollister Drug Co., or Benson-Smit-h 1120 NTJUANU STREET, JUST ABOVE HOTEL ; 3451 & Co., Phone . September la', 1SU7 Deputy City and County Clerk. agents foe the Hawaiian 1897 2 6831 Sept. 14. 21 and 2L Islands. HONOLULU STAB-BULLETI- X, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. 1917. FIVE ADDITIONAL TELEGRAPH NEWS NIAGARA PASSES llacggjagjeinraeirDg furniture and Piano wvoinig) HONOLULU CONSTRUCTION & D U. S. ENGINEERS TO RUN WAR PROFITS BILL MAY RAYING CO., LTD. PHONE -1 RAILROADS IN FRANCE BE WARMLY DISCUSSED UP SYDNEY UlNb J.J. BELSER, Manager. SERVICE FIRST STORAGE 65 TO 71 SOUTH OUEEN ST. (AsorfsU4 PrtM by V. 8. Varal WlraUss.) (Associated frost br V. 8. Hstal Wtrtltss.) AMhKlCAN CAMP IN FRANCE. WASHINGTON, D. C, Sn. 21 Sept. 21. Important service has been Unexpected demands by the bouse TO LABOR STRIKE assigned to a regiment of the Ameri- conferees for large increase in the can railway engineers, it was an- sr profits schedule have complicated OceariicSteamship Co. nounced in night. orders issued last It the situation for the conferees just Jf iasspr;:ers fur Hono will over one most im- as Brincin" take of the chances of agreement began to lulu and through the 5Vt DAYS TO SAN FRANCISCO portant lines of a French strategy look ' brighter. Good progress was iasien?rrs. Canadian-Australasia- n Rrya! Mail lin railroad and there will see its first made in morning the session but it er Niagara, 10 days out from Auckland active service. halted abruptly and now passage of entirely arrived off port in the early hov.rs of DOCTORS, DENTISTS, Regular Sailings to San Francisco ami Sydney, X. S. W. The regiment will be under the measure early next week is con- the morning and docked at ihp Ala FAllTTN the French government in the work sidered doubtful in the extreme. The k shortly S Its trrr wharf alter which ft undertakes, but will have conference report on the eleven bil- o'clock. She united again for Cana own organization and remain intact lion dollar war credits bill was adopt- For further particulars apply io sup- dian iKrts at o'clock this after as a regiment. Handling of all ed in the senate without roll rail. noon. RANKS OF STEVEDORES AT SYDNEY plies and ammunitions along the line The approval of the house is expected. G. hi- - BREWER & CO., and the general conduct of the trans- Owins to th strike in Sydney LTD. General ARent. Niagara did not call at r hat 1 ort portation will be under its direct HUNGARY PEA"CE PARTY the supervision and individual labors. on her way south, but she stopped at Volunteer Help Makes Possible - T!l- has :,a bin Pawen- - KEEPS UP AGITATION Auckland. N. W.. for lo days while a sfa ISHII PLEASE? WITH general overhauling was given her ma oaumy ui ouiiuma 1 iuiii chinery. The passeucers from Aus "the steerage. Her only Honolulu RECEPTION IN U. S. (Assodaiod Proms by XX. S. Kst1 Wixoltts.) were Australian Port cargo was some coaling baskets. Her COPENHAGEN, Denmark. Sept. 21. tralia for the present trm brought from Sydney on another Un through cargo consists of 24w tous Matson Agitation for an early peace in Hun- Volunteer amateur stc edi: doi : Navigation Company (Associated FrM by XX. S Kara! Wireless.) ion Steamship Co.'s boat and trans e. of general freight. gary is not at an end. advices from tors, farmtrs and oti ei.--. arc DOSTON, Mass.. Sept. 21. In full ferred to the Niagara at the New Zea dentt3. Tl.e only Honolulu cabin passenger as- Budapest received last night assert stilt 'working' ship:; at Sydney to J confidence and with the absolute land ort. was It. Vietch, an entomologist, from Direct Service Between ; San Francisco And surance that "the true heart of Count Karoly. advices say. head of the make possible the loading ana di; Honolulu Hungarian Uincers of ship reported a 01 Fiji. America has not been reached and Independent party, an- the charging of cargo, state the liters of nounced a meeting held Wednes- smooth passage with rracticaiiy no ur Mr. and Mrs. M. Gallup and three For further particulars apply to touched by the blight which has at the Uceanic liner Sonoma, which , 1 day bad weather at all. Due to the pres 1 . .1.:- - . c oren. a r rcncii family, were the menaced both of our nations, the Jap- night, that he would agitate for un pori iius iiniruii!- - ai v i . , ence of Madame Melba, the Cheruiav- - inn uiii wet uuu ( Hum piaseusas CASTLE anese commission will soon return an early peace and that the party he o'clock. Some of the volunteer wink .... siui'iiih & COOKE, LTD., Agent, Honolulu sky brothers, M. Selinsky, Miss G. over here. He is a French soldier who Ishii at a lunch- heads would continue such agitation. ers are even mayors of small Aus- home," said Viscount Lewis and other talent, the passen is on his way to his native country. eon which has tendered to the cow tralian towns who have come to Syd- gers were entertained .with musical ney to render service to the govern One of Australia's popular actresses raibsion here yesterday noon. COPPER PRICES FIXED through is a through passenger. She is Miss we are part concerts of the higbett order ment in its fight against the strikers. "Wc are comrades and out the entire trip. Dorrthy Brunton. who. with her moth- ners. L,et us see tnat no enemy AT 23V2 CENTS 'These volunteer stevedores are Jiv Passengers who disembarked at ing in across bay from Syd er, is bound for New York City, where tongue, no hostile intrigue can divide tents the playeTs. TOYO RISEN - will poin the Morosco us." (Aarodatod Frost by V. 8. Naval Wiroltst.) this port were: Mr. and Mrs. A. Ker- ney at Uradley s Heads, which hwv KAISHA WASHINGTON. D. C, Sept. 21- - not, Mish V, Kernot, Miss K. Kernot, been erected in the zoological gardens II. .1. Champion Is connected witn HeguJar I Sailings Copper price was last evening fixed at H. T. Hall, J. Wagg, K. Ikeda, Mrs. Morning and evening they are ferried thp London office of the agent general to San Francisco and to the Orient CENSOR CLAUSE ADDED 23' cents. This was done through J. Grebin, Mr. and Mrs. R. Foreman, across to their wort and back. "If of South Australia. He is returning to home. For further TO ENEMY TRADING BILL an agreement which was reached with J. Black, Mrs. L. Parr. Mr. and Mrs. it was not for these stevedores wc from a visit his particulars apply to the copper producers by the govern It. Lindsay-Brown- e, T. Hodse, Mr. would have been unable to leave Syd- Captain Schrieber is a Belgian army ment. duty Associated Pratt y tJ. 8. JTaval WlrtUis.) It will affect not only govern and Mrs. P. Hanson, Wm. C. Brown, ney," said one of the Sonoma officers officer who saw active with the CASTLE & COOKE, WASHINGTON, D..C Sept. 21. meat purchases but private purchase Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. this morning. brave little army of his country the LTD., Agent, Honolulu Censorship provisions were yesterday as well. Cumming-Smith- , Chas. Matthews, Miss Fine weather was experienced by first two years of the war. He has - written into the trading with enemy A. M. Maloney, Miss E. W. Barrett, the Sonoma on the voyage from Syd- been iu Australia for the past yesr, 13- Mil by the confereuce committee of U. S. STEEL CO. GRANTS Miss M. McCaskill, Mr. and Mrs. ney, the vessel making nearly 4c"0 where he has been looking after the I representatives, and tne Booty and three children. miles day before yesterday. Through nickel industry in the Antipodes for CANADIAN-AUSTRALASIA- senators and N i b:!l will so be reported to both house INCREASE TO EMPLOYES out yesterday such good time was the French government. Rnvni mui mr recommendation for final pas made by the Sonoma that Captain O. H Iffla is a rrominent engineer rteffUiar sailings to BRITISH witt: way COLUMBIA FIJI NEW cage. (Associated Prost by V. 8. Kara! Wirolost.) Y. HI. Trask had to revise his estimate of from the Far East, who is on his ZEALAND and AUSTRALIA ' The censorship in the enemy trad- NEW YORK, N. Y.. Sept. 21. The C. A. TO the hour Honolulu w;ould be reached. to the states. ing bill covers control over mall, ra- United States Steel Corporation an As it was the Sonoma got in nearly The Sonoma Is to sail for San Fran- For further particular Wrmiv 13 4 ' dio, cable and all other communica- nounced yesterday that a general in two hours earlier than was expected cisco from Pier at o'clock this THEO. H DAVIES & CO., LTD., An,n,S tions between the United States and crease In wages will be granted to yesterday evening. afternoon. Uentral foreign countries, under the regula- all employes. The raise is a flat one HAVE P ER BOOTH tions which the president may deter- of 10 per cent mine. TENYO TO TAKE SYDNEY STRIKE PHONE 2295 I. W. W. HEADQUARTERS Acting upon a request from the REACHES SWEDE MINISTER DENIES WRECKED BY SOLDIERS Young Women's Christian Association, Hustace-Pec- the board of harbor commissioners In k DECORATION STORY - Co., Lid (Associated Prosi by U. 8. Naval Wirelass.) meeting today voted to reserve a space ROM HERE IS NOW WANING AL- KINDS OF ROCK AND SAND FOR CON' LOS ANGELES, CaL, Sept. 21, 6 may 24 Rett WORK. (Associated Prsst by V. 8. Kara! Wiralasa.) on Pier where the organization FIREWOOD AND COAL MEXICO CITY, Mexico, Sept 21. Several hundred soldiers last evening erect a booth similar to that already 93 QUEEN STREET min- attacked and wrecked a headquarters installed by the men's association. O. BOX 212 Baron Cronholm, the Swedish Byrne, an jour- explicitly the As- of the Industrial Workers of the In a letter to the harbor board the Bringing 151 through cabin passen Desmond Australian ister, has denied to gers who is a passenger on the So- he has ever re- World. No resistance was offered to association officers state that the pur and two for Honolulu, the Tenyo nalist, NEDERLAND ROYAL MAIL & sociated Press that noma bound for London where he is R E I Q ceived or been promised a German them, the "Wobblies" fleeing at their pose of the booth is largely for look Maru was the last of the three pas H T Ger- approach. No arrests were made. ing after young girls on their way to senger vessels to be given pratique to represent the Australian United ROTTERDAM LLOYD and decoration by von Eckhardt, the one two Australian I C K man minister, because of services ren- or from the Orient, and the Japanese early this morning. She arrived off Service, of the JOINT SERVICE FT pt Also same as So-ke- news bureaus maintained in the In forwarding German despatch JAPAN REFUSES TO AID secretary of the organization will be IP0" about the time the I (MceitjtusaJ I ny reservations dered noma, w world metropolis by the Australian Yoko point on th9S es as Swedish. In charge of the booth during bat was boarded last. She as To Batavia. Java, via PEACE PLAN OF POPE steamer days. docked on the Waiklki side of the and New Zealand newspapers, asked hama, Nagasaki, Hongkong mainland. 1 lAlakea wharf, opposite the Niagara. for strike news from Australia when See WELLS-FA- R. 1 i GO CO, NO REPLY FROM TEUTONS (Spocial Cablo to BavaU EFhiapo) Many of the passengers on the the Sonoma was boarded this morn and Singapore. Sailing dates, A 72 S. King St, Tel. 1515. ON POPE'S PEACE PLAN TOKIO, Japan, Sept. 21. The gov I MARINE INTELLIGENCE Tenyo are missionary families going ing. freight and passenger rates on eminent of Japan has forwarded Its to China, Japan and Korea to enter "The strike was waning .when we " pcfr-proposal- s -- says. govern- Associate Pross by U. ft-- ttaval Wtraltsa.) reply 'to tie dP the By Merchants' Exchange or reenter religious work among the left Sydney." he "The application. , Sept. 21. Archbishop pope responding through the British Orientals. The two Honolulu passen- ment is beating the strikers as It v. ROME. Italy, San Francisco Arrived, Sept. 19, C. Brewer & Co., Ltd., Agents Fred.LWaIdron,Ltd. totuasparn, me spoKesman tor u foreign office. - The text of the reply Str. El Segundo, hence Sept. 9. gers were Miss E. Linder and Miss must and had to do. It was simply ui Cen- E. Wallenberg. a movement to to the govern can, denies that the reply of the is that Japan does not regard this as Sydney Arrived, Sept. 19, Sp, Miss Wallenberg is dictate Shipping Commission tral Powers to the pope's peace pro- an opportune time' to discuss peace Golden Gate, hence Aug. 20. the daughter of the Swedish minister ment, and had no real merit from a 0AHU RAILWAY TIME TABLE rd Merchants. pope. to labor viewpoint. We were fortunate Fort and Queen posals has been recelTed by the terms with the Central Powers. San Francisco Sailed, Sept. 19, S. China. SU. Honolulu Honolulu. C. C. to have able men at the head of the S. Texan, Livingston is a tourist bound OUTWAhB Sept 20, Sailed, 12:30 p. m., S. S. on a tour to government who are taking effective the Far East. Waxalaa Kahuku Maui, Honolulu. A. A. Sabanleff and Mr. and Mrs. steps to curb the strikers," he adds Tor Walanae, and 20, From other sources it is learned War Station aoa, 3:20 p.m. Y. Oriental Silks Arrived San Francisco, Sept. 2:10 V. A. Shevalln are repatriated Rus- Way TAKAKUWA & CO. p. m., S. S. Nippon 14th. on way that the Australian government is en For Pearl Cltj, Ewa Mill and Maru, hence sians their to Petrograd. 9:15 a. m, Limited Dr. D. M. Bigger, forcing a strict censorship regard Stations f7:0 a.UL, and Bilk Crepes just arrived. 4 with his wife, is 2:15 3:20 p.m, going to Hongkong, where will ing any news about the strike being 11:50 ajn., pja. Nov on display store, i PORT OF HONOLULU he take 5:15 p.m.. 29:20 p.m Sanitary Cans, at our the management of the Hongkong of- sent out of Australia. Also, the fll:15 wood lined statement is made the strike s For Wanlawa and Lellehua 11:02 Nuuanu St, near King Arrived fice of the American Express Co. that p.m. St Tenyo a "friendly one" that Is that there ajn, 2:40 pa, 5:00 n).:30 ODOSHOTEN Sept. 20. 1917 The Ltd 4002 tons of freicht p.m. for Oriental Dorts, but none fo- - llo-- is no violence and no hard feeling ; Colusa from Nagasaki, a. m. Hotel St., near Nuuanu ; Str. nolulv. between striking employes and their For Lellahoa f:00 Str. Claudine from Maui, a, m. P.ni!! the cao'it lasscncer. Most Complete Line of she ha3 85. m the secouc". caoli ant employers. Chinese Departed. INWARD Goods at September 20, 1917 262 'in .tire .iU!.ic Bteerc. four passengers f'f'tr FUMIGATE BOAT from Kaauku, Ship Taisei Maru for Tokio Bay, 1 will board her her CANT ArriYs Honolulu FONG INN CO. for the voyage to the Orient. Among and Waiauae "8: 36 a.m., p. m. WITH GASOLINE CARGO WlaUa Honolulu's Leading Chinese Curl Colusa for San Francisco, 4:30 these will be H. W. Kinney, who is 3:10 n.m. Stor 1152 ! juanu Str. going to Honolulu from Iffll and St, nr. Pauahl. p. m. the Far East for a five or Because she has a cargo of gaso Arrire Iwa six weeks' trip through Japan. China Pearl City f7:5 a.m, 8:35 a.nu iioar,Din) Sch. Seafarer for Zamboanga, p. m. line It is impossible to fumigate the DR. 4:24 p.nL, WALTER I. Coolgardie for Sydney, a. m. and Korea. off 11:02 ja. l:S8 pjn, SEYMOUR, owner Str. schooner Seafarer, which arrived p.m. ; and manager 5 The Tenyo is to sail at 6 o'clock this 5:30 p.nw '7:28 of the STANDARD Str. Manna Loa for Kauai, p. m. port last Wednesday, and is bound to from Wahlawa sod OPTICAL TOTHE 4 p. m. evening. ArrlTe Honolulu CO, has returned and taken Wallele for Kauai, Zamboanga to enter the copra trade. : P-h- Lellehua 9: 15 a.nu 1:52 . l, charge. . for Hllo, 10 a. m. was s Helene Before leaving. San Francisco she 3:59 p.mv7:13 pjn. Sail Today. MAIL FROM ANTIPODES, not fumigated, and It wag reported L. Halelwa limited, a two-hu- T Dr. E. Capps is no longer con- Str. Sonoma for San Francisco, 4 yesterday she might be delayed nA FAMOUS UOLCfiKO HOUSE STATES, ORIENT KEEPS that in fcnly first-clas- s tickets honored), nected with the above company. p. m. here while her cargo was taken out etery Sunday at 8:30 Vancouver, P. FORCES leates Honolulu Str. Niagara for 2:30 0. HUSTLING of the vessel while she was given the 110121; returning m. a.m. for tiaieiwa DIEEOTLY OVEBLOOKOTG THE VOLCANO OP necessary health cleaning. rrivM in Honolulu at 10:10 p.m. Str. Kllauea for Kona and Kau ports, Receiving and despatching mail But this morning it was said by stops only at Pearl City, ; The Limited : ; JKILAUEA Boon. from three different directions to- federal autnorities that the Seafarer ana waianas. Tenyo Maru for Yokohama, p. m. day, the Honolulu postoffice Ewa Mill force would be allowed to proceed to her JSunday Str. Claudine for Maul, 5 p. m. was as busy as were the watertront destination today, if her crew is will 1 j. fEictPt Sunday. mm Due Saturday. workers as the result of the nnival ing to continue tne voyage. only. Str. Mauna Kea, from Hawaii, a. ra. of four big steamers. The Sonoma The Marian, which Is owned by the G. P. . NISON, rm - awl i n, Sail Saturday. had 10 bags of mail, Sydney and Sa- same company which owns the Sea- Superintendent. u. k. Str. Von del for San Francisco about moa, and the Niagara 17 bags from farer, the Atkins, Kroll & Co. of San 11 a. m. Auckland. The Tenyo broucht i.". Francisco, has been delayed here CHOP SUI COVERS ALL EXPENSES Str. Manna Kea, for Hrwaii, 3 p. m. bags from San Francisco. It wa3 an since the first of the week, because 93 North: King Street Due Sunday. ticipated a . this morning by postofficj the crew which brought her here see our nrana raw unuc4aa Str. Mikahala, from Maui and Molo-- people that Dutch go Call and Steamer every Wednesday and Saturday ' the steamer Vundel from San Francisco refuses to out HOUSE tveryxmng neai AMERICAN JEWELRY COMPANY kal ports, a. m. would not have anv on Philippine port. SUI mail from the her to the Fear and Clean Office at --THE MODEL" Str. Kinau, from Kauai ports, a. m. Orient, as the Colusa brought one that she is not large enough to weath- Tables rr.ay be reserved by phone 1139-114- 1 Fort Street Str. Claudine, from Maul ports, a. m. sack from Hongkong and 12 sacks er tropical storms is said to be the No. 1713 Inter Island Steam Navigation Co..Ltd Sail Monday. from Manila. cause of the refusal of the crew. A 5 Str. Clavdine, for Maui iort3, p. m. Lloyd's survey has declared the Mar-- 1 Phone 4911 Queen Street Due Tuesday ian seaworthy. Go to the 1 CASHMAN Str. Manna Kea from Hawaii, a. m. I D.J. 1 HARBOR NOTES Sail Tuesday PRICE OF GOLD GOES TENTS AND AWNINGS Str. Wilhelmina for coast, a. m. tusu Tents and Canopies for Rent Str. China for coast, p. m. The Maui is reported as havine HIGHER IN JAPAN Thirty Years' Experience Quality inn Due Wednesday. sailed from San Francisco for Hono- near Allen, upstairs lulu at 12:30 Fcrt St, Str. Mauna Loa from Kauai, a. m. yesterday afternoon. (Special Cable to Hawaii 8hinp) Phona 1457 for cooling sodas and soft Str. Maul from San Francisco, a. m. TOKIO, Japan, Sept 21. Due to Sail Wednesday. The American-Hawaiia- n steamer various causes, chief of which is the drinks. New Silk Goods Str. Mauna Kea for Lahaina and Texan sailed from San Francisco for American embargo on the export of lilo ports, 10 a. m. Honolulu Wednesday afternoon. It wa gold bullion,' the price of gold here reported that the Texan had completed is rising. Kimonos. Coats. Night Gowns Due Thursday voyage Mayflower Str. Claudine from Maui, a. m. her last to the Islands for the VIEIRA JEWELRY CO. Sail Thursday present season, but she is to make : and Chemise trip. TEUTON MUNITION Coffee 113 Hotel Street Str. Mautoa Loa for Kauai, o p. in. another Vessels in Pert FACTORY BLOWS UP Is a home Industry Jewelers and Silversmiths, Schooner Marian, from San Fran Workmen are now engaged in in- Sold Everywhere Watch and Jewe'ery Repairers stalling a large propeller in the Kinei (Associated by U. S. NsTal Wireless.) i8i 4 cisco, August 24. Press THE CHERRY Moru. Walter Macfarlane's LONDON, Eng., Sept. 21. News has Sp. Kestrel, from Fanning Island, ftaunch 1137 expedition craft. The big sampan been received of a munition explosion Tort St August 28. is , Schr. Albert Meyers from Port Lud tied up at Pier 3, where she will re- early this week in Cologne, as a re- TIDI-S- SUN AND MOON. thirty-tw- o low, sept. 9. main until alterations are made to Iier sult of which persons were Schr. Janet Carrutliers from Van deck and engine. , killed, twenty-fou- r seriously injured Mooa and a large quantity of ammunition couver, Sept. 12. Hish High Low Low Rises Wilhelmina. from San The Nichiyo Maru which is dis- destroyed. Str. Fran Tide Son Sun - and , cisco, September 18. charging 4588 tons of Oriental freight Date Tide Ft of Tide Tide for Honolulu merchants is to sail for While painting the roof of the resi- Large Tide Small Large Small RISC! Sets Sets- - Str. Nichiyo Maru from San Fran W. H. I Oriental Goods Kobe on Saturday afternoon. A few dence of Baird, Kinau and J cisco, September 19. e J J L of the articles which make up her Pensacola streets, this morning. An-ton- Arruda. aged 31, of Moiliili, slip- A M. FT. - .M. P.M. The steamer Colusa docked at Pier large cargo are: 41,840 bags rice; 4733 bags beans; 10,000 packages soy. ped and fell 18 feet to the ground. Sept. 17 4:17 1.7 4:08 10:15 10:25 5:48 5:57 s SeU Quality first and prices 17 yesterday and took on bunker oil. emergency hospital 7:23 cargo Besides these, there are numerous The ambulance - 18 4:52 1.8 4:33 10:37 11:12 6:49 5:56 She is carrying a from the Ori- was called, and the injured man was moderate. ent to San Francisco, and is of other articles such as sake, bottled P.M. the rushed to headquarters. Arruda was - 6:55 8:02 W. R. Grace line for which H. Hack-fel- d and bulk, fruits in brine, 6alted vese 19 5:30 1.8 5:00 11:01 12:04 5:49 in great pain and it is not known yet fl- c - tables, wooden clogs, curios and dried " 1.9 5:28 11:29. 1:09. 5:49. 5:54. . &:4 & Co. are agents here. The Co- 20 6:14 - 1 1 how serious his injuries are. nsa sailed for the coast at 4:30 yes vegetables. The number of packages " 21 T:06 1.9 6:02 ..... 2:39 6:49 '5:53- 9:31 total 79.135. Japanese Bazaar terday afternoon. starving owing to A.M. Serbians are the ' '1 - ' 4:30 S:t0 5:52 VSiiS Fort opp. Catholic Church ' he cause of deatli by lightning is Central Powers carrying off the har- 22 8:10 1.9 6:59 0:05 '7 Si, (Vncn Eyes n 6; 51 n Your fteeu tarr the destructi-- of the nerves by the vests of Sertia, which were very abun- - 23 ...... 9:23 . 2.0 1 , 9:18 ,0:53 5:50 IU:I1 - - . Try Murine Eye Remedy electric current. dant First Quarter of th i.ccp. Sept 21 SIX HONOLULU STAB-BULLETI- N. FBIDAY. SEPTEMBER 21M917; RUSS VIOLINIST lltUE AND r hfdf nni IT DOESN'T Ml noUUifUUU LllLi Ull RILEY H. ALLEN EDITOR HIS HONEYMOON BAD FOR WOMAN FRIDAY...... SEPTEMBER 21, 1917. - - QAdvertising doesn't jerk The LiquormeiTs Latest Among the passengers on board the When she tried" to start a fire in Canadian-Australia- n liner Niagara, ;the stove with kerosene, and had which passed through today, were lighted candle in her band when she it pulls. the ("hernia vsky Leo. can, Chi commifsiou fchould .ove btraigbt alieaJ and ahk the liceuisfes to make a record of the liquor three brothers. poured the fluid out of the a The liquor Jan and Mi6chel, famous Russian vio- nese woman, wife-o- f Chong Cho, 1424 ' sold for consumption off the premises. - on tbe line ct policy which the judgment and the linists. Emma street bad a narrow escape It begins gently at first, I roost Iu other words the liquor response to the expcricnr f it im-nibe- indicate to thfr uiu's "tVe had intended to stay in Hono- from serious injury or death this liquor trade. latest proM)Hd regulation i a scheme which they lulu but our tour of America starts morning. Quick action on the part of effective method for rontrllius the the fire department saved the woman but the pull is steady. It in their letter of June I declared to I an unneces immediately after we dock so we Certaiuly the actiuu during the hut few months must hurry along. But we will ectne and the building. sary expeuw? and "that little or nothin; could be Chern-iavsk- The woman tried to start a wood by engaged in the liquor trade demonstrates back is the spring." said Jan increases day day and of the men "My is to be fire in the store, and thought to has- is not to be trust- fii.xoinplixhrd by its adoption." brother Leo conclusively that their judgment married next spring and we will ac- ten the fire along by pouring kero by ex- All this in the fae of the fact that the sale of gene wo year year until it ed. They are not oonxiMeut. they are not loyal, company him here on his honeymoon on the blaze. Somehow the of- "blind pig Ikkzc" is iKvoming not hIoih1 a com trip. Then we wfll spend a long holi- man, the kerosene and the lighted can neem to low of the opportunities power and they siht muuity shame and disgrace but au jutual menace day in the islands and he shall play die got mixed up. A passerby turned erts an irresistible by the commission to protect their legiti in an alarm, and Chief Thurston's men fered them to our form of government on account of the inabil- and so hall we as we never played mate business and reduce the illegal sales to a mini- before." " ' arrived on the scene in time to save John Wanamaker. ity of the local administration to protect the men The marriage w ill take place in the woman and rescue her three chil mum. of the . New York City and the girl in the dien from the building. The latter Ou April 11. 1917. the liquor dealers of the city case will be Miss Mary Rogers, was not badly damaged. The owner, All this in the face of the declaration of April Kang, addressed u communication to the license coinmis daughter of the ugar king of Canada, See has insurance amountin 11. when ihe liquor men in a burst of virtue said who owns a huge plantation in the to $1500 on the property. in which they requested a regulation enforcing Paid Publicity Will Do It. sion that the dealers in lijuor iu Honolulu "are ready, Fiji Islands and a refinery in Van- closing of saloons. This communication couver, B. C. the early willing aud anxious, during th continuance of the closed with this sentence: war. to do everything to assist the United States of JAPANESE STRUG "In short, gentlemen, the deaWs in liquor in The general circulation of the dur- America." - TO GET ready, willing and anxious, Star-Bulleti- n 1 Honolulu are Where is the evident that these liquor men wish W IT for Sept. 15 was OO war. to do ever- ing the continuance of the to do but protest ? What is the proof of BY AUTO LED America." anything ything to assist the United States of their sincerity? was accepted in' good DEPUTY MARSHAL That sounded well and it What have they done to prevent the illicit sale of community. Struck by an automobile driven bj faith by the commission aud liquor? wonder is even Mr. Hoover himse'I commission in its effort E. A. Davis, one of Honolulu's oldest LETTERS 1 really means what lie has said. On May 29, the license What can they show that they have doue to call and best known chauffeurs, a Jap . proposed a regu- From a communication read before We women might give a "hen to control the illegal sale of liquor a in the pig the members of the board of trade at anese nained Hamada died from In WHAT HAVE THE MEN TO SAY? halt the debauch of soldier in blind juries at the hospita; party" and serve al Ithat. out it's lation that "Every license shall keep a recordv in a reent meeting, from the pen of .Mar quite liltely we couldn't conclude the joints? this morning. Davis was arrested by To Editor Honolulu Star-Bulleti- and as may be required shal Smiddy, there is littlre cause to the evening's program with a purse c English, in such form detail gives hon a Deputy Sheriff Julius Asch and Ser What have they done which even a shadow fnr tho flnnointmnt nf Horrntv It would be interesting to know 11000 for the Red Cross as a sop to board, sales of intoxicating liquor sold ! eant Fieldgrove, and charged with by the of all of promise that these men and Ihese interests arc marshal for Hawaii, says the Hawaii just bow much masculine backing the our consciences. off premises." Post. It had, been the oninion of i manslaughter. upon for consumption the throwing the weight of their influence on the side women of this city can depend ELEANOR S. TATTERSON. many , here that such an official Davis was taking a soldier out to It will be noted that the commission was then m their efforts at food conservation. Honolulu, September 20. 1917. of common decency? . should be appointed, andimore espe- Shdfield Barracks when Hamad problem of the blind ' Our brothers have not been slow to striving to meet the serious They meet a suggested regulation with cially since the new liquor law had crossed the road near Richard lane. upon Snother gone, sounded his horn and turned out impress us. through platform TRAINING Th SAILS pigs and illicit ales. into effect, a violation of which Davis press, urgent need of avoid- proposal which they have in earlier days brarded mean we to pass Japanese. The latter, how. and the would that have no one here the ing waste, and of: serving upon our To this proposed regulation the liquor men made as useless. who could directly assume control in ever, dedged directly In front of the Sailing according to her schedule, case auto was. by. the fender, it tables no more than is needed for a the imperial Japanese government they based their "objection of such .violations. and struck - a protest stating' that Why does not this show that these men and in well balanced meal. ship, Maru, Captain Aside, from the liquor question, also, is said. The injured man was picked training Taisei not onlj on the fact that the adoption of the in The editorial columns of our local .M. Kanno, which Hono- terests are practically league with the blind pigs there; had ".been a .feeling among the up and Davis rushed him to the Fort has been in hospital-Davi- paperB have requested housewife Japan, tioh would' cause' the licensees, unnecessary expense in league with the men 'and women whose blind pig businessmen of the community that Shafter s the lulu for a week, left for Toklo. or deputy has the reputation of being a to curb her culinary" ambitions to a yesterday afternoon. Friends of ths on the ground that Utile a marshal should be appointed e and labor, but further joints are established to defeat the army regulations three-cours- meal even with a com- officers and of the nautiral as the growth of the population and careful driver.; . cadets nothing could be accomplished by if adoption." and thus most seriously injure the United States of pany, in adopting these suggestions ship were at the wharf to say "aloha" importance of the island would war Several-Japantsl- - she has to consider the varied needs to Japanese e Now, the license commission proposes a regula- Ajneriea? rant'such. However, the communica- DENIES PAPER SHORTAGE the mariners. - ' of growing children, ravenous school- sampans escorted the ship nn-w ho forfiSPPB. tVtlt Sen- tion . from the" Honolulu . nnfcntW an f:ir run 7 will M a marshal 4 4Ther liquor interests, when they play a game of boys and husbands who are a3 hun- seems to im- IN AUSTRALIA out of ne harbor. automo- hold out no hopes for an EXISTS. gry in war ;as In eace. ous check on the activities of backmen and this character, are not' "playing on the square,' and mediate appointment. times bile drivers in the rent service who from place no one knows it better than they, no one senses II. E. Toole.' a .director of B. J. Ball Many of us, with a keen desire to A number of members cf "Mystic i it where help car- buying relatively small quantities of A COMPLAINT. Ltd. of Bri6bape, Australia, wholesale is needed, have been Lodge. No. 2, Knights of Pythias who to place quicker than the liquor men and the blind pig rying out this program , for some organiza- aggregate buyers of printing paper, passed have been members of the liquor and then land the assembled at keepers. (With apologies' to K. C. B. of the through Honolulu today, on the '.'an; months, and are most willing to con- tion for over twenty-fiv- e years wljl -- Hearst-Papers.) adian-Australia- tinue. But we beginning won- Bonie joint maintained for the particular purpose Under, circumstances, n liner. Niagara on hi a are to be presented with veteran jewels at a such there is nothing for. of. me.ii', . "JIRJOE LEAL way to buy paper in large quantities der after all. jt ia intended only meeting of the order held this even- of debauching the in 'uniform. the license commission to do - but go ahead with the PROBATION OFFICER from the, big paper mills of Cauada to serve si t check upon the ex- ing. This ceremony marks quite an answer of the liquor . men to this travagances of women Fythiadom, knights What is the most drastic regulations. HONOLULU T,H and United States. ; . and children. epoch in and. all AVhen our patriotic get to- cordially regulation? The proof the , FRIEND JOE Imports a great deal of brothers are invited to be present that judgment and suggestion of "Australia gether from con- WHEN THE good father ' pa per United and Canada, all the islands to liquor men from States - " They, protest . ... the are not to be depended upon is ab BACHELOTIN 1828 sider the best interests of our insu- SOME HAE MEAT ' and while yet no shortage is reported " . ? i - lar activities, and treat themselves modify plan solute. AntinnHM- , Thev uronose the commission its PLANTED THAT . v.-- mv trln ia beihe that u11A thaI1H r ,to soup and Burns.) . FIRST, ALOAROBA tree keep up present con mullet and tenderloin (With apologies to made in order to steak and roast trukey. with na public opinion.. The garbage problem buzht to be ON: FORT street ditions. We do not want to nave a all the Some liae meat and will eat What Ahont The Tenements? trimmings, not to mention introduc- i Forebye their Allies want it; met after the first of the new year when IN FRONT of the, paper shortage in the south. Ju3t the new CHURCH HE meant ! ' tory compote and a. dessert why, And dinna greet tae gls up-whe- V" .:'- , ' " my trip will be ! can " tax levied by how successful really, they very rate the last legislature will make pos- , WELL AND knew his paper have not set a good For these the Lord be thankit. -- Honolulu: improve, the conation, of the not say for I , understand the example to - How can' sible; and. was intended to col- BUSINESS. BECAUSE hevdidn't. parts of America is the weaker sex and we R. N. c. furnish free garbage : shortage in, some rjeople; who are making their homes iu the and" PLANT IT in the very' acute.'. However. I am hop;ns lection free sewage throughput the city.; , ROYAL: ' GROVE for the best." - : ,'v;3- Whatever may be accomplished will depend SOMEBODY got ments? for BUT He was accompanied by Mrs. Pool new query, nor are the deplorable its thoroughness and speed upon the constant pres FRESH AND planted ltalph This is not a MANY OF them in the and his ljttle boy, Poole. sure of public opinion, the irritation of agitation, 3Q be something to which intelli ROYAL GROVE before conditions io found ' the - the assurance that the contented and corrupt.: and .MALIHINISv cjtiieus'. have. indifferent. .gut the ses- gent ben the; self-satisfie-d and lazy. will.be kept continually SUBDIVIDED,. IT PERSONALITIES AND nas. come up iu a. mu w stirred. -- BUILT lion BUNGALOWS . AND ' LLEWLLYN G. FART1HNG. former not1 be flost to of late," and the opportunity should . In work of this character the Ad Club has scored GARAGES AND operator, at the Kahuku station of the Co., now on duty for betterment. This is always pos- its greatest community success. It has helped to . CEMENT SIDEWALKS . Marconi Wireless is NEAT COTTAGE ujake a drive AND NOW I live there aboard a British warship- - stationed at keep the community ' - - sible through arousing the' interest of a wider cirele informed and thus in many in BUT I am in trouble Port- Said. Egypt, according to 'ad- ciauces securea action. .EVERY MOBNING about . vices received here. IE - ' of. citizens. . , .v- -- '; On FIVE, O'CLOCK this topic as on other factors of communitv A x ilui.oh Mmii in llnnnln In nun.- BECAUSE CUTE little MRS. L. L. LOOFBOUROW has m bmieTalow near' Nnuanu and ilgnrv per xui ui iuc miiuitu v4vi i- welfare the best advice is to Attractive agitate, and keep ever JAPANESE WOMEN with moved from her home on Ferdinand now course Few lie schools come from tenement homes. . This state- lastingly at it. CUTE IflTTLE wooden shoes avenue, Manoa, to the new Methodist Knaklni streets, in of'construction. ' parsonage 10J0 street. before -- the AND CUTER little at Beretania hundred dollars down buys it, with easy monthly in- ment made by" Dr. Chang in his talk - for-th- e 'BABIES Rev! Loofbourow' recently left stalments which may include interest. Reference, HtMoiultiAd Club was, startling to a large number. AXP THIS WAS WRITTEN SS YEARS AGO. TROT AJLONG and make mainland on his vacation. NOISfiS LIKE a horse River Bank. Others may have heard it before and wondlered what ; YOU CANT see trotting W., E. FISHER, brother of Col. J. H. ! (Daily Financial America.) to do about it since they did not live in ON THE stage In a Fisher, former territorial auditor, who theyhad They have held out a bait to patriots and talked THEATER ' has been absent' from the islands for tPiipmentR and did not own any. of liberalism, and WHEN THE villain several years,' has returned to Hono- the - $3000. friends of liberty - Prussian heroine lulu and intends to open an s be stated r STEALS 'THE Experience cho-- that the fact must have begun to look "confidingly, towards the Linden AND THEN they set auctioneering establishment here. and restated.' time' without number and then again of Berlin, but, as for me, I have never shai-e-d their THEIR BABIES' on my Phone 3477 for particular. confidence. On the contrary, I LAWN WHICH I sprinkle MISS G. LEWIS, an English vaude- before the people will really be aroused. The agita watched with EVENING ville actress who bad spent the anxiety the EVERY rast ceasing if light is to be Prussian eagle, and while others spoke AND --THEY' gather the three years in Australia, passed tion must continue without " . ... " witn so much warmth of how this bold easle turned - FALLEN ALGAROBA beans through Honolulu today on fcer way to the standard of the home raised to that AND babies the states, where she is to go on let in, and bis eye toward tfie sun, I watched all the more care THE the litch be considered a minimum of .lights air, GET HUNGRY Orpheum circuit. She contributed to f mnr fully his claws. , I did not trust this Prussian, this AND WET, the musical concerts given on. board self-respe- de- white-gaitere- cleanliness and space to assure anc talj.and canting d hero, with his wide FROM MY grass the Niagara in the trip from Auckland AND THEY cry to this port. . , mouth and rapacious RICHARD M. TRR.XT. PBES. cency as a substitute for squalor and dirt. hn stomach and his corporaHs AND WAKE rae up ' I. H. BEADLE, SECT. CHAS. G. HEISER, JR, TRXAS. - 8, stick, w . cop-parison- which. he. first dipped in holy water before JUST WHEN I ant M. SELINSKY, famous Russian 1 If one were to , go back twenty years' for laying on. I . MORESLEEP violinist, after a tour of Australia and nt it disliked this philosophic military be could find' plenty of instances of AND I want to know bow on his way for the fall tour .in 1 ' despotism, itsjnixture of small beer, and sand. : even in Honolulutenemeut districts. lis IF YOU'can't be out United States, was a passenger on Repulsive beyond expression was to me this Prus- MY WAY earlv ever-MORNIN- the liner Niagara which' passed with port . Selln-ak'- y During that period the Palama Settlement sia, this stiff, hypocritical Prussia, this Tartuffe AND through this today. Jlr. sec- PROBATE OR DO is one of the bept known viorinist? its splendid influence and help in the crowded among the nations. Heine. SOMETHING TO step on the concert - stage, and a wonder- tion of the city has become a,permanent community THIS NUISANCE ful orchestra leader. Hia tour ' will Henry Vaterhome AND WE all would embrace tbe chief Pacific coast cities Trust Co., Ltd. fixture. . i v.'v':',...: Just three little pennies THANK YOU. winding up in Boston, and New York Xo doubt wc have to thank the workers of the For the boy, behind the gun ; FISH. in the aprtng. Three little jennies Palama Settlement for the frequency with which Won't mean so much to you. so-calle- d 'homes the people" Sub-divisio- of of n? the condition the But millions in comfort Have fyou seen our new has been brought to public attention. For our boys and Allies too. Cleanliness and right living have a tendency to For every little dollar SPRZ0KELS TRA0T, 3RD SERIES become contagious. You spend on clothes auZ fuu Makiki Street New roads, sidewalks, curbineT, water, sewer and c lieaitn ana sanitary regulations in the construc- gas. - . tion of buildings have brought about improvements That the 'Prussian smile has lost its value and that are revolutionary as compared with what ex- the Prussian frown its terror in the world seems r Home You can select isted in Chinatown twenty years ago. to be indicated by the way the remaining neutrals a lot with growing trees and build A TJie town has advanced. But it still has a long arc tumbling over each other to lodge angry pro- comfortable, well situated, four bedroom home on a home in one of the best residential sections in Ho-- - way to go. . : tests at Berlin against Prussian tricks. vMalrik street, with sleeping porerj, surrounded by valua- nolulu. ble fruit trees in bearing. Latge well kept lot of 75x350 . a larce one. Everyone is ready to declare that con Abusing prisoners of war is one way the Teutons feet. Only two blocks from Punahou or Beretania car Make an appointment to see these lots. We will be --willing and their allies are taking of - ' ditions should changed but not everyone is destroying their lines. Garage and servants' quarters. finance a house for you. give the time and effort that will be required chances of obtaining any peace terms other than to $6S50.00. " to secure, fpr instahce the passing of building regu-- ' what'may be dictated to them. .Price latioDS under which the dark, wooden, poorly ven-- ; ;iotoi tenement can be out out of existence. This Food Controller Rhondda serves notice on the liiei.as attacting irupeny mieresis ana caning a English people that if they don't stop wasting grub Guardian Trust Co. Ltd. spade' a spade when dealing with the men and the he'll put bibs on them and feed them wilh a spoon. $ Henry Waterhonse Trmt Co., Ltd. V corporations that build the shacks. ; . BAL ESTATE DEPT.- Rati Eatatt Agtnta problems of proper policing,' Perhaps possible losses ' There are, bor,; if war were fully consid- 3688 Corner Fort and Merchant Streets " ' con-- T?L SUogenwaldBldg. ;fQiAn in so far as the removal of filth is ! ered there would be less chaffering in Washington ' ' : P. 0. Box 343 B70l -- - elephcse cenied ' that ought to respond quicklr to an aroused I over taxes on war profit STAR-BULLETI- HONOLULU N, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. 1017. SEVEN Island Headquarters In San Francisco y HOTEL STEWART Owen Rates from SI. SO a day 4tm Sttc 4 CMcnit Sbcr-- S SO bim 250 CennKfing 89in4 MERRICK Mcl Fmkxm yutli !SFAST 50c j On 0nr S , frw (. Iron Vmiom So, 4 in the nitcj SUte ' i root tot hodiwjr. I I piSNER $1.00 ! Mixr Hut meets ai! the naapfclattanwra. I 4. H lO t. .Oiwi.u

BIG BASEBALL Many Punahou Boasts Candidates For Football Team Ifwilvldual n I i Summer Styles TEAMS SEEN IN HATS At MiM Pewcra Millinary Pt'lora. MAUI Boston Blig. LEAGUE GAMES Grand Hotel macro, un. POULTRY i Riley Allen Sees Prospective PRODUCE V rrrtt aaj Klavat Hotel Pennant Winners in Big MEATS urn ih lla4 Games in East Territorial Marketing Iiv'n. VaunaVe near Lean Pfione 1840 By RILEY H. ALLEN NEW YORK, N. Sept. 7 After I'rttatr llaih .,.(0 -- seeing both the major league prospec- Sallea 3.UO tive pennant winners in action, it YEE looks to mp risky business picking the CHAN & CO. Moderate prlrrd reatanraat ft la victor in the world's series next , King etmuerlioa. I with opinion and Bethel Sts. month. came Kaht the FRtI K. MarDO.NALn, that the New York Giantg would gal- lop home easily with the National ORIENTAL SILKS League pennant and then turn around and trim their American League op-none- in the blr serien. but after PLEASANT0N ! Fresh Pteurlzed HOTEL Matching the Giants in several Karnes, ( , October MILK, CREAM J i LUXURIOUS AND-- thr outcome of. the battles COMFORTABLE noes not look to be a cinch for the nd Ice Cream FIRST-CLAS- McGrawltes. TRICTLY S mm Honolulu Dairymen's Assn. mr Ratea The Giants compose a rand team I Application 1542-467- ' on rape1", and when it is going right Phone 6 this Is a grand team on the field un- - ....M...VI. ... KA crr-c- t oat in tho history of the diamond sport. The trouiric Is that the machine Is pretty BANISTER wodMv in spots, and some of the men Shoes for husineM man LADIES starring are not doing Under the direction of Coach Frank E. Mldkiff and Capt. "Dud" Pratt this group of Punahou boys is turning out regularly on Alexander field Soo our latest SUMMER who ought to be ie lot of good in Mar ufacturers' Shoe HATS just their part. for football practise. There material it and the coach it expecting to make from it one of the best teams that the school has itore arrived. hnatrl ft far a numhrr Of veari. 1051 Fort at Uncertain at Bat WONDER MILLINERY CO, LTD, This it particularly true of the bat- 1017 Nuuanu. neo King ting. The Giants are fielding, on the MAJOR LEAGUE RESULTS whole, in rattling good style, but at EXPECT HAWAIIAN DRAFT WILL BE the very point where they should YESTERDAY 5AWE D OFF The HUB now nine supreme batting in the runs Hard and Soft Woaves they are mighty uncertain. If the NATIONAL LEAGUE SHORT ; in temporary store Engllah Blue Serge, best for White Sox get good pitching next Oc- Won I)8t Pet. FELT IN LOCAL BASEBALL CIRCLES 78 So. King St., opp. Union tober., it will be anybody's battle for New York ...... SO 50 .643 at WEAR 77 60 .662 McKinley is going to find a hard . the premier honors of the diamond. Philadelphia W.,W.AHANACo. .542 time this year developing a line that Klnfl r.. The big leagues hare yet a mouth SL Louis 78 66 v Bethel will up in its games against ;to run, but It looks like a foregone 73 71 .507 V6ry bad shape. Several leagues have stand -- War Has Already Had on guards, conclusion that the Giants will cop Chicago 72 72 .500 Effect many Punahou. The latter has been forced to disband, and tackles, in aud The Independent Review the National and the Chicago White Brooklyn 63 72 .467 Island Football; Many Ath- through and ends numbers others are gamely going the among them are some strong anl Published Monthly Pnone Sox the American League pennants. Boston 63 76 .453 season at a loss to their backers. ' letes Doing heavy men. English-Japanes- e Magazlat Therefore, my comment on the com'ng Pittsburg 47 96 .329 have Leading "In the larger cities crowds Subscription Rate 1100 per year world's series will be mostly of thes't been as big as ever. But in the smal- 3445 two teams. Before this reaches AMERICAN LEAGUE That the draft of men between the Although Mills found it desirable p. O. Box 474 30 Campbell Block For quality meats letter ler cities, where recruiting i3 goinK v,V and delicate.,, Star-Bulleti- ages 21 and 31 for national to they not Honolulu n readers the two flags are Won Lost Pet. of the on, open dro; out of football, Merchant Street. METROPOLITAN army probably next month will be the local armories are at all go by MEAT MARKET almost sure to have been won. The Chicago 96 M) .058 of boys allow the season to without felt by local baseball teams is highly time, and the streets are full preparing Wi'.ii the White Sox have a lead of about six Boston 83 56 .57 in khaki the national sport has waver- for the future. probable. Although a large number of Pacific a and a half game and tonight the Cleveland 80 62 .563 ed. With war normal entrance of stars the Rvduce Ultimate Costa by Us'-- of local athletes are members of the end of the League into school, they are de- Giants thanks to breaking even in Detroit 73 71 .507 the conditions will be revived, but the the national guard, there are many at termined win intersoholastic ALLIS-CHALMER- Sport Coats tnitav'a rinnhlA.hfftrii wtth thn Phil. Washington 66 73 .tJ5 present things are rather desperate in to the S In every way qualified vv-.l- l Mandarin lies are 10 games to the good. With 66 76 .465 others who are baseball champion Yjj .and begin MACHINERY Costs New York to serve in army, especially be- many sections of the country. SILK Stockings, Etc. ;the season only a month to go, the 51 88 .367 the working towar'l this end this fa'I. Philadelphia cause of their athletic training, who "This condition is going to make it Honolulu Iron Work Company leaden are so sure of victory that al- St. Louie .... 53 92 J65 will undoubtedly be taken. very difficult to recruit the bis league If the manageuieit of the Moiiiili S. OZAKI ready they are easing up on some of 103-11- Already the war has had its effect clubs up to their full strength next park continues to stage games like 5 No. Kln8 SL the tiring stars to rest them for the YESTERDAY'S SCORES season: Scouts report a great scar- greater store. on island football. It is probable that the two last Sunday they can be as series In National League guard will have no team city of promising material in the mi- New 9, the national sured of large crowds. The .ucond White Sox Are Dangerous At Pittsburg York Pitts this year because so many of its men nors. College players have enlisted games, especially, was STEINWAY burg 9; (game called in tenth in one of the most Coming through Chicago days - in the army almost u a. man, and exoiting-see- n , a few ' A have been . enlisted in the officers' for ariong " ' i time. : ago on my way to ".'New York, I ning.)' '' training camp at Schofield. Likewise, many other "young athletes have HALL 7 ICTROLAS ' No other games played stopped off . In the Windy City long many of the men who played on the joined the forces of Uncle Sam. "Billy" Miles of Moiiiili park and Records American League the . enough to get out to Comiskey's splen-- team last year, are in war work. "Big league players, with their management believes many of the Piano Co., Ltd. Philadelphia Chicago 5, Puila- - many that Thayer Berflttrom Music did ball park on the South Side and At Concerning the effect of war on large salaries, and with of them old-tim- e ball fans are again attend- Co, .Lttf. delphia 3. 1020 -- see. the White Sox trim the SL Louis baseball on the mainland, the "Sport- with families to support, have not ing the Sunday games regularly. He Fort pnon 2J2t At New York Cleveland 6, New ing Life" says: been so eager to enlist, though a num- viewed the grandstand last Sunday Ath- - York 2. , ; have announced their in- .fact, if it had been pulled off at A "While the war has not affected ber of them with much satisfaction for this rea- rleUc or MoUiili field in Honolulu the At Boston Detroit 1,' Boston 0. to any extent in major tention of going to the front as soon son. baseball the : -- IF YOU TO' if fans. would have hooted themselves At Washington St.: Louis. 4, Wash leagues, it has played havoc with the as the season is over, and a few have Valencia Oranges WISH ADVERTISE IN These-bi- g ington 2. . hoarse. league scorers are minor circuits, most of which are in already gone." "Larry" Larimer of the Y. M. C. A. NEWSPAPERS V CHUN HOOH lenient In the matter of putting down believp.s that some good swimmers Anywhere at Any Time, Call ' COAST LEAGUE MAY ABANDON oa o errors. The Browns made at least CHAMPIONS TO COMPETE U. OF P. are being developed among the men Kekaullke, nr. Queen Phone 3992 Write . five and were credited with but three. Won -- ost Pet. WAR of the army and navy who are posted IN ON SPORTS DURING As a game, it wasnt much, but as San Francisco 96 77 .555 MEET SEPT. 28 here. He said yesterday that one of THE DIKE ADVERTISING AQENCIJ a line on the possibilities of the Salt Lake ... 87 75 .537 Maj. the purposes of the Y. M. C. A. ser- 24 Sansome Street By AMOelaUd Prattl In a statement recently issued, San Francisco White SorMt was Interesting. The Los Angeles 91 79 .535 l manager of vice meet next month was to give the Thor Electric - SAN FRANCISCO. Cal Sept. 11. M. J. Pickering, graduate Sox field beautifully and are danger- Portland ..: 80 81 .497 University of Penn- soldiers and sailors a chance to com- ous at "Happy" Felscn, center Oakland 81 91 .471 War's inroads on the athletic talent athletics of the pete ISLAND CUEIO i bat young men selec sylvania, said that the recommenda- with men in their own class. VACUUM COMPANY fielder; Joe Jackson, the left garden- Vernon 70 102 .407 of the country's of Swimming with champion age may nor be so tions made by the National Collegiate the mermen C'eanerm. Hawaiian er, and Eddie Collins; peerless second tive draft reit rf the islands does not create the kind Curios, Stampa. Coiaa, much as was believed some time ago Athletic Association at its recent baseman, 'are hitting in a very timely YESTERDAY'S SCORES un- of competition that develops a bunch Tho Hawaiian Electric Co, Ltd. aad Post Cards. The most com- - field meeting in Washington have been ; manner these days.- .Collins Is fielding At Los Angeles Los Angeles 2, at th Far Western track and plete to in animously indorsed by the university of goodwimmers. and attractive Curio Store. like "'a fiend. ", The Sox are weak at Vernon 1. championship meet be held 28. authorities. There will be no prelimin- third and short, with "Buck Weaver At San Francisco San Francisco 4, Fresno, Cah, September Entrance There has been considerable talk on champions and ex-- ary football training and the football 170 Hotel Street ! out of. the game, but he will be back Salt 2. of a number of organizing a national guard football ADLER- - Honolnla Lake not been called coach will meet the candidates for for the October battle. McMullin, who At Portland Portland 6, Oakland 4. champions who have team, but as et nothing has develop- colors various events is ex- the team for . the first time on Sep- Is playing third, Is promising but un- to the in - ed. So much uncertainty surrounds COLLEGIAN war's drain on the tember 28, the- day -- the university steady playing by pected to offset the prospective actions of the guard Var-Tlm- and side side with TODAYS SCHEDULE opens. will be no training table Clothes finish lrst In any event For o Gardening another recruit, "Swede" Risberg, athletic field. .There that the members are wury about put- Salt Lake at San Francisco. either for football or any other sporl THE CLARION: Hotel and Fort both of them are apt to get off their Oakland at Portland. Amour others George Horine. for ting in a lot of work for a team which TOOLS tight world's record for the while the present conditions exist and might not be able to play. feet in a place. With Weaver Vernon at Los Angeles. mer holder coaching expenses will be cut to the of all kinds the fielding who been tossing hay back team's batting and high jump, has through the enlistment of LEWERS &. COOKE, will be distinctly Improved. away by quite regularly and a javelin now and minimum The following men were elected to LTD. Risberg tossed weakness at the bat So 169-17- 7 well-know- a corps of volunteer assistants. Get War Tire Photos with So. King SL n double-heade- near Winton, Cal., offices of St. Louis College is to Honolulu fans, play- The. first game of today's r then on his ranch Capt Miller will be the the the to enter tne far as known Athletic association at a meeting yes- ing there with a coast team a couple was not so much their weak- is said to be planning only veteran member of the football AUTOGRAPHIC of yean ago. He Is much improved. ness as' the great pitching of Grover Fresno meet. college terday: George Hancberg, president; Kodak team who will return to this vice-presiden- The Sox have several good pitchers Alexander for Philadelphia. Honolulu a world record holder in low hurd Frank Alameida. Abra- Protective Agency of fall. ' HONOLULU PHOTO SUPPLY Hawsli and most of them,1 axe-doin- g. welL I fans; well remember how this big les may be among the contestants, ham Keklpi. secretary; Henry Cooper, CO. saw little Eddie" Cicotte jn' action and blonde, youth can burn 'em over and Frank Foster, coach of the Olympic treasurer, and Wiimfred Aftonso, cor- 1059 Fort SL DAY AND NIGHT he gave the Browns a beautiful trim- curve em' over, for he visited Hono- Club, San Francisco, believes some COLUMBIA PLANS TO respondent. ' Patrols. Phono 1411, 5 & 6 Elite ming. Cicotte war mer good, In fact, lulu : with the big leaguers a couple of bis men are due to break several - HAVE FOOTBALL TEAM WM. that the Brown- protested thai he was of winters ago. Today Philadelphia records at Fresno. Foster is partic- - There will be two games at .Moiiiili Bldg. E. MILES. Mgr. using a doped ball, its "breaks" fool- precisely same battery larly enthusiastic over showing made park. Sunday afternoon in the Pacific HANAN'S BEST SHOES had the that Nelson Metcalf will have charge of ing them completely. game ls Day by John Norton and league series. The was showed in Honolulu for the on Labor again fall a; wrangle, for three hours Alexander Bill Maurice Kirksey. football at Columbia this and has and Killifer LOED-YOUN- O 220-yar- d team should make as fair since . become historic, Comlskey Norton, who holds the low and the Tnless a good crowd M'INERNY SHOE for while Jeff Tesreau, the New York progress expected under a attends the STORE lodged a protest with the American Giant who also visited Honolulu at hurdle world record, on Labor Day as can be games at Athletic park on Sunday, Fort, a jvo K;"t St. Co., one-ma- n of Engineering Ltd. League --against coast record for system with the majority thpre will T the tactics of the St that time, was in the box . for the established a Pacific probably be some kind of 120-yar- 3-- those really born to Engineer and -- players not the lcailsan8..and. the "sblne" ball may Alexander one d low hurdles of 0:14 a shakeup during the following week. Contractors Giants. twirled of his the game. inter- Block, Honolulu, become a.league issue.- - - games and while was Kirkesy, who has been out of the If Columbia continues The cliarges for admission might be Pantheon T. H. r. best Tesreau collegiate as expected, it will Telephone 2810 and 4587 . Sister has an off Day only fairly good Alexander was the game for some time, Bhowed all kinds football lowered, it is said. At any rate, George Sisler, said to be great- way. in the Labor Day sprint mark the third year under this mat; something will happen. the winner, all the of class no est youngster In baseball and the In the second game Eppa Rlxey, the event here and. accordins to Foster. from the West Columbia has made all-aroun- d great Metcalf, but greatest player in the game. tan Philly southpaw, pitched against is sure to be considered in the award stir under the The boat -- clubs are pretty quiet C. H. TRULLINGEB was on first for the Brownies Schupp. young ing of titles at the Fresno meet. teams have done as well as one could places these days. Outside of but he Ferdinand the left expect ma- .the had a very poor day. He got one who been with the lack of classy general repair work which is going Optician hander has the sensation In Chi- fluke hit and perpetrated one atroci- league season. was ing in local sporting circles. terial and no really high interest on on barges of the this It about say among, Morningside collegians. the there is not much Successor to A. N. Sanford ous error that allowed a run to trickle honors even but the Phils would have cago, the sports that the White the doing, says "Bob" Chilliugworth. money, ( home. However, he is undoubtedly a won game had not their Sox will be even out New For two years Columbia has not Boston Block, Fort St. the catcher. sure Chat McGraw will played full schedule, has great player and during the past Adams, uncorked a wild throw toward Yorkers feel a and this Nobody seems to know much of world's pennant The no ! month has been batting around .500. second which allowed the winning run win another checked enthusiasm, doubt There anything about the suggestion recent- Tonight's papers have despatches New York team figures up far better is prospect this year, however, of ar- - to come across. were delivering ly made that the Healani and .Myrtle that Phil Ball, owner of the SL Louis Is Strong than the Sox and if it ranging eight, or nine contests, and crews Outfilder goods now up to Its form on every senior race over the course How to Equip a Full Soles f team, charges his players with "laying In every game the New Yorkers are the that will mean action week for again. certainly come Neolin paper, would be a 2 to 1 favorite. season. It did not from ,down" in recent games to on it the entire and ber heels $2.25 for blae discredit setting men bases and leaving them Mc one of the oarsmen. --thrfr manacpr. Fielder Jm.es md a standing kind Perhaps in the next three weeks or tan, $2.50 for white. I there. That of ball get con- Company of league scandal is promised. Their won't win a world's series. They Graw can his team hitting TY COBB BEST BATTER Filipino sistently and as his pitchers are at The team is jubilant over work as I saw it was certainly very have a tremendous batting: line-u- p, but the news received con- good as of the Sox--o- n yesterday Regal Shoe Store! rotten, but it looked like pure me- about every man is failing to least as those IN AMERICAN LEAGUE cerning a trip to other paper the Giants will be logical fa their home land. Infantry chanical fumbling Instead of deliber- hit Heinle. Zimmerman and Herzog .Most of the members of the team ate erring." Jones, however, has been repeatedly. George Burns, vorites in the big series. But the Sox Ty Cobb apparently is determined fall down with have relaticves back there, and ex- This Is all toll plain' In the having a hard time with his team Bennie Kauff and Dave Robertson, will go into the series a world to capture all of the honors of the the confidence, because that's White pect to do a little visiting while out and it Is not playing the game it outfield, are doing most of the hit- of American league. of their baseball uniforms. "A" "B "C" should play. ting. Kauff a ballplayer a Sox tradition. Averages released in Chicago on is real Chicago WTiite White Sox Danaeroua chunky little chap who can run like a (The Sox cinched September 8 show the Detroit star MESSENGER The Sox look dangerous very dangerous the American league championship by leading the league in batting with a ONE-LEGGE- D ATHLETE Equipment Book in the flash, is in a pinch at game AND o 52 "world series because they have lately bat, throws like a shot and Isn't winning their yesterday from mark of .386, leading with 194 hits, HOPS BAR AT 4 FEET by Philadelphia. They J, been coming through in the pinch, afraid, to throw from the outfield to the Athletics at which indicates that he will nass the Lieut Raymond C. Bs:-- LAUNDRY P4a? - will play the New York Giants for the whereas the reverse is true of the any base, and seems to be the most 200 mark again, topping the list in , By Associated Pressl 25th Infantry, U. S. A. championship. The game two-bae- e Giants for the past Tew weeks. Some popular man on the New York team. world's first and three-bas- e hitting, sec- STOCKHOLM, Sweden. W. Back-man- , played primarily ; r volun- days ago I 6aw the Boston Nationals Jim Thorpe, the big Indian, is back will probably be on Saturday, ond in scoring and fourth in base a young student from I'mea. did Written the 6, teer of'icer; it may ba of service beat the Giants, Jess Barnes outpitch-in- g Giants and plays pretty October at Chicago. Editor.) stealing. 1.45 meter, (a more with the trifte than four to the regular officer as Al Demaree, and today I saw the often, but can't win a regular berth The Georgian made 10 hits in his feet and nine inches) in the high well. PRICE 25c . Giants break even with ffie Phillies in in this crack outfield. He saved the JfllUWHR Grtsnlaied Eyelids, last seven games, bringing his total jump at a student's meet in Orbyhus. y , double-heade- r, losing the first be-- second game today with a great run MEW Sot Eyes Inflamed by bases account up to 253, In 13 games The performance Is a retnarkaMe one at- - , m . , . Em, VckUDtJ U4 liuiuiuit. .inu. bV nil, MIUj winning ning catch but he is still inclined to Cobb has driven out 38 doubles, Z in view of the fact that the jumper 'TJ uwwu py wunne. try second on one wild throw of the swing his head off at trick curve Kin triples and five home runs. only one leg; Star-Bullet- the has the other having Honolulu in , opposing catcher,. not on clout-- ! their balls. OUR C4LJN.Wi-f.JwtEreCW.- rt beea taken off at the knee. He plays - ability - Ing la All three of these If the world's series starts in New Sheet lightning is but the reflec- football well, has won distinction as 125 Merchant St Z games, the Giants had opportunity York, the Giants will go in about 10 tion on the clouds of a flash a swimmer and a gold ty to Tab tSc Fr Btok UsE FrM. holds medal alter opporiunixjr to win wnicn they to 8 favorites, according to the figur- - At ttsrtMCrt HemeCr Ge Cblcas for marksmanship. -- EIGHT HONOLULU STAK'tf ULLhTIK. FBIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1917.

.,' - n Tl f i 'Til II H 1! I . - "n!iiiTTTiDujinn7i!n mm niiini III! "lln iMTtru-L- 1 1 1 1 1 1III; m in ill it i i u i i i BRITISHERS VHO y.1 .,r,r i . r j Y SATURDAY FOOD SPECIALS SiX, VILL FIGHT HUNS Bum ill J II lillllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllililllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll nnni'PRc wm n ' aIIBIBIIBmm mmimLM I U II ni BANQUET GUESTS U11U II LillU IIL.IIL1 UllUULiU UllUillllLiLi I II SPECIAL Ha-- : says ? Second Contingent From for Mutual benefit, valsh waii Given Rousing Send-- t Banquet isaturday! off at Maui Delegate Discusses Ques- grades of goods. Retailers often must Get Acquainted with Forty jolly Britishers, mho leave to- - charge a seemingly high price be- i tion of Marketing Produce; in day by the Niagara, bound for the cause of defective shipments order trenches, were given a rousing send-- Defends Merchant to break even on a certain number of off by the British Club at a banquet & 11 pounds or tons. S Containers of good quality 'should be held at the xoung noiei iai ium. OA By agreement of the Civic Conven- corn Mora than 80 enthusiastic Pritish tion delegates, owing to the lateness used. This is especially true of Honolulu, headed by Con- - of the yesterday afternoon, and beans, said the speaker. Beans reaidents of hour the loss, sol E. L S. Gordon. ho presided, papers of Harold Rice on hay rais- should be sacked to avoid and farewell the sacks should be of good quality. helped to make the recruits' 28c per lb. ing and curing, and by John J. an event long to be remembered. LAMB CHOP 35 REDUCED TO Walsh, on the marketing and sale at Onions should be sent in crates it George Bustard and possible. Corn should be fumigated Pork Beans Fred Harrison. reasonable price of the products of and being sent G. Winkley, officers of the Eritlsh LEG OF LAMB 35c REDUCED TO 28c per lb. the territory, were not read, to rid it of weevils before H. and also be ;'Club, assisted In managing tne iesu were laid aside to be incorporated in on to market. Beans should fumigated before being shipped. 10c Per Can 12 Oz. vities. , MUTTON CHOP 33c... REDUCED TO 25c per lb. the printed report of the convention. A toast to the "Army and Navy "Mr. Walsh's paper was replete with Good Crops Here was responded to by Teter Tosh, who TO 25c per lb. concrete statements based upon his "Under favorable conditions," he 15c Per Large Can. LEG OF MUTTON 30c, REDUCED on, "crops of excellent quality spoke in glowing terms of the Ameri- study of conditions in the i&lands. A went grown in and will br'ng can and English military services. summary of his intended remarks is can be Hawaii now united in the common cause of given below: good prices unless there is an over- Finest white Lady Washington Beans with Pork and humanity. H. A. Taylor responded to production on the coast. Grade for "The areas devoted to farming iu receive at Tomato Sauce. Buy by the case. Always good. "Our Boys." and spoke feelingly of Hawaii arc invariably small and long grade the farmer should ' about the table least the same price as similar goods the 40 men gathered distances from the market." said Mr. every Crown Hams. Wild Rose Hams and Bacon, Wild Rose would soon be facing the Hun Walsh, can be imported for and there is who "o that good transportation and bullets. Judge A6hford responded to facilities are essential; means reason to believe that wholesalers Picnics, Lard, Salad Oils, Canned Meats, Etc. this would prefer to handle f si ; the toast to "The President, ana good roads from the farming dis- retailers '' necessary stirred the gathering with his pa- - Try and Buy tricts to point of shipment by or and grown products if a few rail .with-The- : were complied y 926 ; triotic utterances. When the toast to water. requirements Call Kaunakea Street, opposite Territorial Market. George was tne enure want to be sure of getting the King proposed, Cheese Considers Small Farmer quantities, -- - company responded by singing "God Golden State Pimento "Many goods and in the right small farmers are without of the Save the King." President Harrison facilities for getting their crops to when needed, and to be assured Phone 3722 spoke for the British Club. and other flavors, only 10c market, and therefore are obliged to quality." One of the surprises of the evening, sell the produce on their place to Discusses Territorial Marktt fyhich Mr. keering who "The territorial marketing division Bustard had been others furnish containers and my up his sleeve, was the announcement transportation. There is an unneces- as at present operated is not, in GEO. A. BELAYEFF grow- rtthat Lady Sen Mei, the Chinese vau-''dAvil- le sary expense here which could be eli- opinion, of much value to either IMPORTER AND DISTRIBUTOR star, would sine for the ban minated if the farmers would form an er or consumer," continued the speak- -- to con- a queters. After a rendition, and after association of growers,' one object of er. "If the government wishes 926 Maunakea St, Opp. Territorial Market encores had been demanded this association being to take care of tinue this divfsion perhaps it is all several they and given, Lady Sen Mei made a short the hauling for such of its members as right, but it seems to me should speech. She said she wished that she are unable to do it themselves." stick to the retail and not try to do boys when they To a wholesale business in a retail way. could be with the Prevent Scramble growers march into Berlin. YEE HOP & CQLi "The farmers association already "There may be some few. Q mentioned arrange who are so located and their produce IC of should for the WE ARE WHOLESALERS Later on the set. program was laid The House Quality can be ' were 1 combining of small lots from various of such a character that it aside, and a number of singers limited quantities by the OF EVERYTHING TO EAT. called upon for impromptu recitals. King Street Phone 3451 farms and ship to reputable mer- handled in Moffat, Neil S chants who will generally pay cash on retail marketing division better than c Among them were Paddy any method. The outlet of Slattery, Wilfred Singleton, Jack Pat--, receipt or shortly after. This would by other liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii prevent the scramble to beat the other this division, however, is small and , ten, Carlos Caceres, O. U. Hyatt, A. of any of ; not compare with that Co. re- does Supply ' 1 fellow to market which generally Service Wiittnn Tommv IJshman and J. of Honolulu, i ds-liev- e Mei was ac- sults In a glut and loss." the wholesalers Thompson. Lady Sen be a good thing if a companied by Miss Pearl Johnson. Among the economic hints dropped It would iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii'i by Mr. Walsh were the following: change was made in the methods of 1 . contingent which leaves today government. The Giowers should store their crops eith- m Hpnartment of the Phone 2 will be In charge of John 819 for Canada er on the farm or at the nearest ship- Let the retail end be confinued, but R. Moffltt, a British army veteran. ana fz ping point, and as far as possible ship drop the wholesale department Honolulu Offices at the Hawaiian Fisheries " The majority of the volunteers will only on consignment. They should nut nn or more eood men in there Join the Canadian Overseas forces, grade their produce for quality and to watch the market and keep the -- " . Journeying on to Eng-- I ' ) the remainder size, rather than have the wholesaler wholesale dealers advised of where i' J S5SS5SBP land where they will enlist In the MOTIC1E do it or fall back on the alternative thov an nhtatn nroduce and keep the . British army. of getting graded produce from the various farmers' associations advised ; Following is a list of the volunteers: mainland. The farmer can use the of prospective purchasers. There is "It Costs Less" Feeds More" why- - of work "It - Arch. Chas. Hickman, Holland G. 1 Honolulu Housewives rejected grades on his farm, besides no good reason this kind j Bell, Sydney Hayhurst, John O. Roth-- j To g saving the freight rates and avoiding could not be done by the marketing well, Thomas J. Hull, Frank S. Black-- the chance of spoiling bis higher division free of charge." wopd, Wilfred J. Singleton, Richard Owen and Richard J. Blake, all of 1 YouV hardly believe the world j England. j What The Victory Or Defeat Of Robert Forrest, Peter Torrance, Wil-2'lia- m is engaged in war, tojudge from McLean, John P. M. Thomson, : ; j To Every American Andrew Gardner, Geo. M. Brown. Germany Means V;Thos. Strathalrn, Geo. F. Low, David these food prices: 'M DAVID ALO i S. Johnston, Thos. Donaldson Stewart, (Contributed by BOOTH TARKING-TO- N to be is the issue of this war. If Ger- Alfred E. . Stewart, John K. Crabbe, 50c government of the OAHU FISH MARKET W. Strictly Fresh Ranch Eggs, per doz to the National Security many wins, the Alex. G. Button, Geo. Fraser, Geo. world will be a German Kaiser; If rt MacConachle, Geo. Chalmers and J. 2 5 League's campaign of Patriotism Every egg guaranteed not more than Through Education.) America and the Allies win, the gov- j T D. Ralph, of Scotland. us. s ernment will be all the rest of ) Scully dozen to any one person. govern John Robt. Moffltt, Wm. J. A victory for Germany that is, a Those Americans who wish to ' and John Nolan, of Ireland. themselves are Tor" the war. Those - conclusive victory and a "German ! Wm. H. Battersby, Robt. L. Lean- peace" rwould mean Germany who w'.sa to be governed by a Kaiser Lamere, Just arrived, a lot of Bluhill Pimento Cheese that ; der. Joseph J. John A. Mo had defeated the world, including are against it The lukewarm and the Lklnley, Edwin B. Herkes and Lee B. .15c per lb., 2 lbs. for 25c what the world believes to be the bet- indifferent are asleep; they do no$ Pure Com Turner, Canadians. know what threatens them in this ter part of Germany itself. Prussia eipin They may wake to T J. A. Houser, born in Australia; would be cock o' the walk, and the nf theirs. Zea-Jllan- d; those : Albert Townsend. born in New Norwegian Anchovy Sprats, per kg. $1.00 United nightmares of reality worse than "The Home Brand" - world would be the walk. The Wm. W. Wright, born in Ho- would be merely part of the of sleep. Padgett Har-- ; States struggle cannot end, and can noiulu, and Henry S. and walk, and Prussia would walk upon The ry H. Lewis, born in the United States, it but temporarily abate, until either a a Tm :o: British parentage. The United States would be first a Kaiser, rules the world or the people defeated nation and then a conquered ' 10 mese Mrs. of the world rule themselves. There ij in aaaiuon volunteers, nation. It would take orders from Ger-- j Roasted Ground MacGregor and her two young chil--, is no middle ground; a defeated Mil Potsdam promptly. Eventually it many would eventually get rid of its. r dren will , leave for Vancouver en goose-ste- p. At Daily ; MacGregor, would parade at the Kaiser; a victorious Germany would: to Suit route to Scotland. Donald Metropolitan Meat Market not 1 1 j its head, on horseback, would be keep Kaiser and keep htm overt her husband, was in the first contin-- : its a Ger- 10 gent which left here last month. Mrs. an American president but US. Every American who , lines t ' Peterson, with three children also NewWhite Clean Sanitary man Kaiser. walk Potsdam has a chance of enjoy- her t some day U leaves for Vancouver, were her hus--f The ages of steam and electricity ing himself in that manner I long as is a chance of Ger- band Is located. He was one of the 3-4-- have made the world a smaller place. so there I Phone 45 grown so small, In fact, many's winning the war. WINGHINGCO. "volunteers who left on the last trip It has that 4341 of the Makura. now it must begin to live under one BOOTH TARKINGTON. Hotel Street, opp. Bethel Phone i government. What that government is Adv. iiiiiiiuiiniiiiiiiiw ! SHOW YOU HOW 60 per cent basis and not far from "I'LL $4,000,000. CORNS PEEL OFF!" BONUS RATES While the total amount disbursed in illllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllillllllllillillllllllllllllllillllllllilllllllllillll!! 25 per cent 5 the year on this account is j Ever Peel a Banana Skin? That's It! GROCERIES MEATS VEGETABLES more than last year, it will not come FISH all in the final payments, as in the "I should worry about those corns TO BE ABOUT past three months the companies, have I lust put some Gets-I- t on." been paying a larger proportion each jjcrns used to pester the world into month. Not all of the labor shares in ) a frenxy enduring pain, digging, the bonus, for it is required that in Just Received slicing toes, tinkering with plasters to participate a laborer shall 1 CENT order 70 PER have worked a specified number of days in the month,' this requirement being made to induce steadiness and from California Ranches; Plantation labor in the territory of reliability in attendance by the labor- 1 75 per Hawaii will receive more than a mil- ers. Final payments will be cent on first six months and 66 2 3 lion dollars this year in excess of what the t for the last six months, the ' balance was paid them in bonuses last year. having been paid in monthly pay- CALIFORNIA RIVER POTATOES They will be paid more than $5,000,000 ments. Per 100 lbs ...... $3.25 as againEt approximately $4,000,000 in 1916. In 1916 the payments were at 59 per cent, year HOW ANY GIRL CAN the rate of while this CALIFORNIA ONIONS according to present aversges the per- HAVEjRRETTY EYES centage will be 66 .to 70 per cent. Per 100 lbs : $2.00 ii Paragon Meat Market This is more apt to be raised rather No girl is pretty if her eyes are red, than lowered before the season ends. strained or have dark rings. ONE 1104 ; g PHONE BERETANIA near ALAKE A ST. Bonuses are determined by the pre-railin- WASH with pure Lavoptlk eye wash ORANGES Per case of 126 Grta-- It Pata Twir la Clever price of sugar and with the eyes Ftdalcfcl?. ,. will brighten the and a week's It Eaaa Cnt present price of raw sugar above or 150 $3.75 and tape, trying to fix a corn so it the use will startle with Its INCREDIBLE hurt. But now no one in the average for the season some further results. A small bottle Lavoptik is wouldn't bonus may be ex- worry.' because mo- Increase in the rate guaranteed to make eyes healthy, YOrld ."should the pected. you put "Gets-It- " on. It means sparkling and vivacious. The quick ment a price for raw su- end of a corn. There is nothing With maximum change will surprise you. Pure alumi- the gar fixed by food administrator eye like "Gets-It- " nothing the num cup FREE. The Hollister In the world SUMMER will one and certain nothing you RATES the plantation laborer be of Drc. Company. Adv. as fure that to feel it, but if a 5 cent can court on to take off a corn or the first time, and danger. OAHU RAILWAY and HALEIVA HOTEL price be made the bonuses would be STAR-BUL- L t TIN GIVES Vr'i callus 'very without same as in 1916, on a TODAV grew "Gets-It- " about the or TODAY'S NEWS Tfce orn never that Thirty-da- y between Honolulu Ha-lelw- a ' never excursion tickets and Waialua. Phone 4121 will rot get It irritates the First-clas- s, $2.1$; second-class- , your or Kahuku: $1.80. I makes toe sore. Just flesh) never Special weekly rates at Hotel daring summer months, $25.00. VGeta-It- " and presto! the Jrops of m two Splendid' bathing, golf, tennis, glass-botto- boats, rowing, pooL n Shortly you can corn-Tal- vanishes. An ideal vacation resort peel the corn right off with your fin- you are corn-fre- e and ger and there Railway-Haleiw- EVES Califorina Feed Co., Ltd. a. -- ppr with the toe as smooth and Oahn a Hotel I- I v. - palm. corn-fre-e as your Never hap- .. are organs. Don't. tamper them. pened: before, did it? Guess not. delicate with Consult m Queen and Alakea Sts. Get a bottle of "Gets-It- " today from Dr. John J. Mundorff of the H you need pay no more any drug store, EACH MONTH than 25c or sent n receipt of price Chicago. 111. IllllllllllllllllllllllllDIIIHIIllllllllUllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllM E. Lawrence & Co, bhows a steady increase in number of patients. There MUST be a reason! AMERICAN and recommended OPTICAL CO. 5nM in Honolulu Investigation welcomed. 1148 world's best.com remedy by Fort Street BlaisdeU Bid;. asbe and Smith & CorFort F. C. D. C. Honolulu, T. H. STAR-BULLei-W Drug Com-- MIGHTON. 75 CENTS PER MONTH StsV and 'liollister ?S P4-- 5 Boston BldgV (Over May's.) HONOLULU 'STAR-BULLETI- FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. 1917. .NINE

C9 nra ffi

HONOLULU STAR-BULLET- IN FOR SALE National13 AUTO ACCESSORIES. DAILY AND 8EKI-WEEKL- Y The Days of Real Sport By BRIGGS Ruhwri ntlon: Hall All makes of auto and bicycle tires College Taea- - Q Star-Bullet- in per month. Dally 75 cents and tubes; auto accessories; also da?MIa,a. Frlrta; 98 per year, & cents per cwpj. vulcanizing, retreading, rereading. Star-Bulleti-n, 2 per year -: mi Weekly etc. Taisbo Vulcanizing Co.. of Dancing ;.,;.,- ,. Arfvartialnd R. : Ltd.. - ISO Merchant Ew& Alakea street Classified anC Business Announce- Phone 3197. 6S82-6- m .cents 1 cent per vera per eat... tion. up to one week. Automobile, wagon Technical Books s carriage, supplies w-rd- ccr line. Building Machinery air Quaker, Portage tires, tubes. New in. ! w. k 30 cents Business Autos. cents Oahu Carriage Mfg. Co. Tel. 2742. it Per line, two week 6S03 6m Per line, one month ccni cent ea. mo. PATTEN'S Pe line, alx nonths. .t0 Accessories; tires. Tel. 1324 Smoot A Hotel St., opp. Union Other rates upon application. Alakea and cer- - Steiuhauser. Merchant. F or or k ...HUmnTK liauori 6803-6- Uin proprietary medicines will be ac cepted. . AUTO PAINTING. , in advertisements, ad H. Culman Co., Ltd. drci your replies exactly as stated in Pacific Auto Painting Co. Our coat- Jewelry and Souvenirs the advertisement ings guarantee durability of paint on ft .r. telenhona BUD8CrlDr fenders; first-clas- s job, fair prices phone your advertisement; we will Opp. car barns. Phone 596 L 6SU-3- REMOVED OUR PKONE 18 4911. MOTORCYCLES, ETC. To WANTED THOR motorcycles; Pierce bicycles; guarantee to supplies; painting; repairing. K. Kools to Bepaw Wo Okahlro. opp. Oahu Ry. Tel 4018. stop all leaks. See Lou Rogers or Alento Jones. We lead others T. EKI cycle motor agt. So. King. 1112 Fort St Co- S16 So. P&int - 6804-6- m IVUVni "vnrka.... King St Phone 2096. BICYCLES. Peerless Preserving Paint Co.. also Pitch and Gravel Roof Specialists, Komeyi, Bicycles, Punchbowl k King. mt itand. 65 Uueen 6076-6c- Supreme .nBWM li flw. - St i Mm U MIYAMOTO, bicycles. 182 N. King Sl The best market price will be paid for 68036m Satisfaction clean washed cottoa W ly the is what you get Honolulu Star-Bulleti-n. SATO, 330 N. King. TeL 1026 6803-6- iilw at t!ls GOOD- By the Salvation Array, clothing and Fine parlor rug 12x22 feet green color YEAR SERVICE riimitnrM lor reu.i wuta w- .- effect almost new;, also smaller STATION. U6f. 6865 lm rugs 9x12. red and green; also 40 yards velvet carpet Reply Box page. 546 So. King. The von Hamm-Youn- g Typing. 10c per 725. this office. 6833 6t 669 tf EXCHANGE. Co.. Ltd. SITUATION WANTED. FOR SALE OR U Honolulu H!'-- Second-han- d cameras and lenses oars 9 years' office experitsce 1U T or exchanged. Koda-grap- h Including bookkeeping and shipping. bought sold Automobile position open, address Shop. Hotel and Union 8ts. .ly It you hare a 6337-t- t Box 693. Star-Bulleti- n office. Repairing 6849 tf REAL ESTATE. WANTED, FRANK COOMBS HELP 27.000 square"feet In Dole street Pu-naho- u wYitJMi a rlrl for aenenl house district Apply Bishop Trust Bishop and Queen TeL 2182 6S20, or 2430 Rose St Co. 6866 tf work. Phone FOR SALE BUSINESS GUIDE BUSINESS GUIDE BUSINESS PERSONALS S92 6t i:ause and lot Kaimoki, Fifteenth ave. Experienced stenographer. IVt block mauka from Walalae road. MISCELLANEOUS. H. Monzen, builder and contractor. PLUMBERS. Mrs. S. Masaki Maunikea and Bere- Wanted 6888 12t 662 S. 3227. tania, 6814 6m American Optical Co. . own handwriting. Box 729. T. Nichols. Beretania St Phone inr.w in only 12 709 King. 5U99. 6896 3t Special sale for one week 6602 6m Masaki Bros., Tel. 1148 RtaBulletln. POULTRY. volume set of Jack London's works 6812 6m LANGUAGE AND PENMANSHIP. Fcrt SL, Honolulu Opposite Catholic Convent tA trade, 14 to 16. Com and four volumes of Stewart Edward CON TRACTORS GENERAL. Uirn era wholesale chickens, eggs; Wo Won Loui Co., Smith street. Tel. 1033. ALTERRE'S French and Penman- education. Apply super Retail, White's works. 815.00. Laniakea THE HOUSE OF SERVICE. mon school Chong, 934 Kekaullke. TeL 2867. 455. Ohio Building Co., general contractors. 6815 6m ship Lessons now opened at Room Star-Bu- r 6894 tr Book Shop, or P. O. Box etin., m intendent 6817-3- 6896 Prices low, work satisfactory. Phone 3, Elite Bldg. Age no hindrance. 3t Hoon Kee, 11 Pauahi. TeL 3553. - 2113. 1383 Emma street, near Vine- Chee 6806 tf , Telephone girl operator at once; re- 6S17 2m Eight pieces of Chinese hand-carve- d yard street Honolulu. 6866 6m FOR piy m own .wuut FOR RENT EDUCATIONAL ALL PURPOSES Bumiiiwu Ad- Ebony Teak Furniture; 4 Chairs, Paper Bags, perCence and salary expected. U. Yamamato, 8? S. Kukui St, phone SHIRTMAKERS. Miss Balls ntiae, tetcher piano and Cups, Plates, A Star-Bulleti-n Settee. Desk. 2 Tabourets, cost Napkins dress replies to Box 724, FURNISHED HOUSES. 4430; general contractor; building. voice 1366 King and Towels. Etc. 8240.00, will sell for 8100.00. all new. YAMATOYA and pajamas at Roselawn, St AM.-HA- office. ... ?92--tf Shirts 6859 PAPER CO, Ltd. P Desirable 'houses in various parts 'off "kfldreks R.flk-r-; Ewa'Mllr. ' made to order. 1305 Fort St., opp. lm Phone 1410 E a G89C 6442-ly- Boy waatea to Uke position in print- tne cxtyr-XBrnisne- ana uniurnisoea, 3t. ENGRAVING. Kukui St.. Phone 2331. r J. Ashman Beaven. Mgr. opportunity of at 40 and R ing plant Also at 815. 818. 820. 825. 830. 835, -- achooL Good pay to start up 125 our One flag locker, ne office locker Calling and business cards, mono- Akagi. 1218 Nuuanu street shirts and tending to s month. See list in Telephone SCIENTIFIC Apply Mr. Thoxnai. T. M. C. A, office. Trent Trust Co, Ltd- - Fort (koa); at K. of P. halL grams, wedding invitations and an- pajamas mcie to order. Phone 6041...... 754-l-f - street between King and Merchant 1842. 6883 tf nouncements, stationery, etc.; cor 6307 tf MEAT MARKET GROCERY rect styles. Star-Bulleti- n Printing PALMISTRY Unused Remington Typewriter, No. 10, G. Yamatoya. 1146 Niluanu er Choemajceri .wanted. Apply Hawaii WaikikL Royal Grove A new Department, 125 Merchant St shirt3. St MME. CLEO is an experienced prac-tion- Co.'s shoo shop, Hotel and completely furnish- 875.00. Easy payments. P. O. Box 6451-3- in Science of Palmistry, Shoe bungalow, 6867 the Phone 3451 ; 6886 tf 453. . lm FURNITURE. many re- Union. . ed, silverware, linen, instantaneous 348 by which she has made K. Tamane made to order. N. King C Q. YEE HOP , CO. heater, shower, Attractive and self-adjustab- markable predictions. The lines in '."Wanted-Carpenters-, En-- : etc spring upholstered 6805-C- J. L. Young One Murata 715 South St New and secon- in- .. convenient Phone 3044. 6891 tf 1842. the hand show the powerful gtoeering-Co- CxmpbeU Bldg. . Oak Morris chair. TeL d-hand furniture bought and sold. 6851 tf TYPEWRITERS. fluence of All Affairs of Life such as 6895 4t Completely furnished cottages and Chairs for rent Phone 1695. business, marriage health. 177 6812 and apartments on beach. Apply 6m En- v the All kinds of mm, vegetables and Rebuilt Underwood and Remington Beretania street cor. of Union. M'CHESNEY - W jted young lady to demonstrate Ave. COFFEE CO. - Mrs. Cressaty, ISoa Kalakaua, 1061 Aala Phone 3554. second-han- d typewriters. Hon. Typewriter Ex., trance on Union street. Have pianos. Must be able to handle type- seeds. street New and furniture bought COFFEE ROASTERS 6779 tf C7784J 184 Merchant Phone 5575. 6814-6- m MME. CLEO read for you today. wriUr. Apply Thayer Piano Co.. and sold. Phone 3998. 1281 Fort St 6453 6m Satisfaction guaranteed. Hours, 9 Dealers In Old Kcna 150 Hotel street Two-bedroo- m Coffee 14 ad furnished cottage, 871 1916 Starr piano. Perfect condition. TEA HOUSE8. to to 6. Evenings by ap- ... t.893 6t : 121 Merchant St - Younc. near Kapiolani. St Rent Phone 3102. 6884 tf Saiki. Bamboo furniture; 563 Bereta- pointment. Phone 4115. Honelulu 835.00. No children. 6878 tf Ikesu, best Japanese dinners. T. W. - stenographer nia 6078 tf Wanted Competent Victrola and records In fine condi- St Oda, prop. Telephone 3212. 6183-t- I NOTICE. willing to devote time to other cler-ica- l , for rent or for sale. Phone 6042. tion; party leaving city. Phone 7759. JUNK, Notice is hereby given that Dr. L. E. work. Give experience and ref-- 6847 tf 6895 3t VULCANIZING. -- Box 843. Capps Is no longer connected with the erenCes. Adlies L W." Junk bought and sold. Phone 4366. Standard Optical Company, Limited, PIANOS lu Old made new, prices. f Care Star-Buliet- ofHce. 6896 3t Furnished cottage in Cottage Orove. 6407 6m tires moderate BUSINESS GUIDE New Hawaii Vulcanizing, Maunakea and is not authorized to do business HONOLULU TeL 1057. tsas u any MUSIC CO. Ltd. ?. Twenty ladies and 20 gentlemen to MASSAGE. and Pauahi Sts. 6814 6m for or incur indebtedness against s instruct to dancing. No experience UNFURNISHED HOUSES. BAMBOO FURNITURE. the said company from the date 1107 Fort Street necessary. Apply Martha Howlett K. Hashimoto, massage and electro-neerin- g, WOOD AND COAL. hereof. Mondays, Tues-- Unfurnished cottage, 1436 Young St Ohtani, Fort, near KukuL TeL 3028. Nuuanu St., opp. Dated at Honolulu, this 18th day of 1 L O. O. F. building. Williams Co., 6874 tf 6800 tf undertaking office, phone 1785. Tanaba Pauahi, nr. River st, tel. Ceptember. 1917. days and rtidays. Phone U62. 2657; firewood and charcoal, whole- 6895 6400 3m STANDARD OPTICAL CO.. LTD.. tf Three-bedroo- 6297-t- Get all the light you house, Vineyard St., CARPENTERS. sale and retail. f Per (Sgd.) WALTER I. SEYMOUR, are per month: Apply 297 Vine- . OFFICES, 827.50 MONEY LOANED. 6895 paying for by using EMPLOYMENT I. &16 So. King. Tel. 2096. 3t Edison riclflc Employment Bureau Japa--; yard St 6896 tf Tahano. AUCTION BULLETIN 6858 2m Mney loaned on diamonds, over-nigh-t Mazda Lamps. ! clp, 1166 Union Tel. 4136. watches A spider web made was nese St Three-bedroo- m ' bungalow, freshly - -- and jewelry at legal rates. Federal After six months' delay we have re- found at Wilmington, Del., on which V - 6806 6c ELECTRIC painted and in good condition. Va- CAFES AND RESTAURANTS. ixan uince, o xm. King at. bJba tl cehed the necessary sellinar orders in main letters were " America SHOP 84 near cant Oct 1. Phone 3730, or call at -- liurnuoiiaitaii i i e .iwjold. an d possessors of a military cross ers ave come to a deadlock. Y. Nakanlshl, Beretsnia St, Boston Cafe Coolest place in town. Fidelityii Loan Office. 52 No. King way to -- 1718 Young 6896 3t Stiadame Melba is on her bravery engage- wrestled Kuuanu. Phone 4511. 6:33 a. m. to hotue. street Open dsy for his in this All night the conferees Att?r the show, stop in. Money loaned on diamonds, coming Lindsay-Brown- e 7096. 5246-t-f watchee United States for the ment, Capt. L. of pros and cons of the dispute, . 6 p. ta. Residence phone. ! with the FURNISHED ROOMS. and nif ' "ijou Theater, Hotel St and Jewelry at legal rates. 6769 lyipera season. She will sing in London arrived in Honolulu today morning no settlement was in 6539 tf but this .Aloha Employment Office. TeL 4889. bicago, Boston and Jew York. on the Niagara for a short visit sight and the conference was ad- opp. Rapid Large room for two gentlemen, also MERCHANT TAiLOR. tell them" she added. Alapal Transit office. -- "But to the islands. He is accompan- 6t single room, special rates by the Columbia Lunch H us; quick service 7 A . . a r journed. " All Unds of help furnished. 6101 tf open H. Y. Sang, 1131 Union. wnen 1 "turn in way i ied by his wife. month. Heinle's Tavern. Phone and cieauuness our taottc; day tailor. 6454Vinal 21. and night Hotel St, opp. Bethel. Will BUty it Willie UIIU B1U&. 1 Capt. Lindsay-Brown- e was in WASHINGTON. D. C, Sept. Japanese help of all kinds, male and 4986. 6743 tl England was announced today by federal " 5518 tf LOST wheu the war broke out H female.- Hlraoka, 1210 Emma Europe hi-- i Gavin 0. St Furnished rooms for two reduced to If the war is over In in and while' career in the war shipping board officials that :- - Phono 1420. 6054 tf DYEING. J.3 I will go but tf San Francisco $150 per week. Unfurnished rooms, CLEANING ArD uray raincoat believed lost v&f the spring there, was short in waa fu.i of excite- McNab, the prominent it isn't I will come back this way ment. His regiment went Into lawyer, has . been appointed, the ' 87.00 per month with light 546 So. B. Renovatory; rnone n. v0i FOR SALE A. C. clothes cleaned, ' 4957. and sing for the folks here, for I the battle of Neuve Chapelle board's representative to take part In King street 6S80 lm - g fved and repaired. Phone 4148. love the islands and I love the 1350 men strong and out of that the negotiations now under way look-in- AUTOMOBILES. Light housekeeping and single rooms. 6104 tf Small savings bank safe. people of these islands." number he was the only man to to a settlement of the Iron work- y money. which ; Touring Car. prop-ert- Uauzei riace. us vineyara, cr. on. Return Banlc During the liner's short stay n come out alive. The battalion ers' strike in San Francisco is a916 Studebaker t Steam cleaning. Alakea St, nr. Gas Co. shipbuild- - n. port Melba was up government's of Brig.-Ge- A. Hero, N. A 6434 tf 6234 tf Madame taken held back the onsweeping Ger tying the (4) very good tires, taxes paid, about the city by H. B. Weller. mans for four days following tho four Light housekeeping rooms; high eleva- 1 to 1917, can be COLLECTION She was accompanied by Lady great retreat from Mons. v. fire insurance Oct 1998. 6488 AGENCIES. seen st Fort Rujer, apply Head-quarter- s, tion; close in. Phone tf Susan Fitzclarence of Ixmdon, "We were told to hold the line BASEBALL RESULTS 8W0.OO Quick Returns Collecting agency. England, whose husband was and we did for four days 'best offer over Comfortable furnished room and gar- o until 6891 7t F. Nichols, 12 Brewer Bldg. TeL killed on the battle field in the battalion was wiped out," TODAY Uk.s car. age. 8X6.00. Thone 1998. 6881 tf We do not boas "ot 3540. 6829 6m J cJel France. Lady Fitzclarence is re- Capt. Lindsay-Brown- e. coinc nd said "We Saxon Roadster, electric lights and turning to her home after hav- held it as long as we could and NATIONAL LEAGUE. FOR RENT. but we tle - starter, 8250: Bulck Roadster, Bosch CUT FLOWERS AND PLANTS. te ing paid a pleasure visit to Aus- why I got At Pittsburg New York 3, Pltts- r ' and"kf.6 that's the cross. The magneto, 8200; Hudson Roadster, Six (6) warehouses for rent. Apply tralia. Germans took the point after- borg 1. ' Coconut plants tor sale, Samoan va- and that ' .shed Chi- -- 8300; forget Ho- Chicago Philadelphia 4, electric lights and starter, Waterhouse Trust, Foit and Mer- riety. Apply A. Hills, .Libue, longest. ,7oe:e "You won't to give wards but we managed to At 8650. I. my con- cago 2. , Buick. 1916. chant Sts. 6885 tf Kauai 6277 nolulu love, will you?" straighten out the line and con- nt tf Frank Coombs Auto Shop, Cor. Mer-cha- PrmtinfA, cluded Madame Melba as she nect with the Belgians by hold- At Boston Boston 9, St. Louis 6. and Bishop. 6895 4t HOTELS T. Kunikiyo, 1111 Fort; phone 1635. stepped on the gangplank. ing them back. That's all," he No other game played. 6298 tf piy 6 Atern de-- said. M. F. Touring Car. 5 pass., good J't E. THE PIERPONT time Where he and his wife would AMERICAN LEAGUE. condition, 8150.00. Inquire 3830 Pa--- "On the Beach at Walkiki" Toyoshlba, King St, opp. Vlda Villa. G. 7 Uy CsmeJohn P. At Washington Detroit 7, Washing- J Sixteenth ave. Phone 7297. 6411 Sm 7. 1225 sail from here the captain could lolo. at Furnished bungalows and rooms; ex- MOUNS not say, declaring that he had ton 1. 6W3 lm Chicago 2, Boston 1. cellent meals; splendid bathing and made no. plans but that they had At Boston 1000-fo- ot CONTRACTOR AND GUILDERS. boating; promenade pier; seen Australia and now they were (Chicago clinches the pennant) Cleveland 6, Phil- HupmOblle Touring Car for sale. Call beautiful marine "and mountain UOVfiT.TTT.TT Pl.ANIVll UTTTT. T nPT Vt, going to see the Hawai an At Philadelphia A .1 r . -- phone Crystal, view; terms reasonable, Mrs. . . II. . . f JI ... PROVE SLACKERS adelphia 3. or Captain at Fort John uonmciori ana uunaers. .Manur ? l,,s i Shatter. 6896 3t Cassidy. Tel. 708. 6202-t- f turers of doors, sashes. fra- - oVf-- 5frrvudae blinds. - molding, screens. - requires more ' BIG WAR CREDITS BILL HIL0 BANK PURCHASES A cedar tree than a Furnished cottage with sleeping porch All 1.(n4a mill 6. t. a (Associated Press by V. 8. Naval Wireless.) --century grow large enough to yield bath, to and private with board, also ing. turning. Repair works' e,Po BUTTE. Mont.. Sept 21 Out of 460 IS ADOPTED BY HOUSE $50,000 OF BONDS ', 30-fo- ot telephone pole. The eucslyp furnished double rooms with board. lobs a. antcialtv. Fort St. Afr,IttJpt ? A city examined and 3C JkS' trt men in this certified tus will attain a larger growth in Vlda Villa, So. King St 6889 lm X7. 6806 6m o-'- r physically fit to serve in the ranks (Associated Press by S. Naval Wiralesa.) According to Information reaching years, and its wood is quite as durable. A Academy as The average 6ized Alaska walrus is o'rClltaryJbllc Instruction of Uncle Sam's selectiTO army, 223 WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 21. the Star-Bulleti-n this afternoon the) G. Nomura, builder an m r a VV--i s w r appear when unit left for 111,000,000,000 war blU 'People's Bank of Hilo has subscribed ; as big as an ox and often weighs more excavating, grading, o 4tt Orient today failed to the The credits ton. O training camp, and have been listed was today adopted by the house of for 150,000 worth of territorial bonds. ; than a ing, concr . crusv expressman 03. as deserters. representatives and was immediately This is the first subscription from I'Yank McXabb, an of Moiliili, nr. Quarr necessary Adelina Patti Merlden. was killed on the North Col- Detectives have been put on their sent to President Wilson for signa- Hflo toward the funda for 856 $200,000 volcano roaa. OIOABS ony road Just north of Merlden, when V recently went track, and are busy rounding them up. ture. providing the ?ewho ' e struck by an automobile driven by M. Fujita, contractor - m BROS. 4? fa friends from Van- generate 1 mZPATRICK Morton M. Wood, a machinist of painter, paper hanger. Vancouver ne Lightning travels nearly, million Typhoid is epidemic i western Lightning does not heat fa? Walerbury. 6300 lyr ifrromar-- Germany s !

Whatever is calculated to improve the condi- If it Is ever mv fortune to be a factoi io any m II A A V tion of the honest. utrujTRling laboring man. I proup of men. may God prant that It be a fac- v- - s m m am for that thing. Lincoln. tor of Mfety. Robert E. Hurt. innnnr a



Up-To-Daten- Sign c& Dainty Hands A Of How the inspectorr replied Mr. Cooks. Not a Single Consumer, "And we know," he continued, "that Tffx sorsEKCTTEa to-da-y who shows tratlon. No one would suspect that ever, Kicks on Rules to R( none of these dealers would knowing- through of other people's dish-bac- CHARM one, no one enamoured of hie or her the maies roughened and discolored hands is a suca Anger tip handled the k to ram personalities and if the average young ly fell booze to blind piggers. but own opinion, and determined number, and puts herself la a washing, weekly laundering, to say strict Bulk Sales we are blind put much time and dur-th- know that there By DOROTHY DIX it down the throats of others, was woman would as different class from the women ofnothmg of running the heater e lf put the thought on learning to do that as she regula pigs being run around here. How The World's Higheat Paid Woman ever a charmer. You have to times. There was. a time when tig th ioM when the head of the Declaring that the proposed they get booze, we don t exactly hard, on does in learning the newest steps in - public yester- their Writer fcoft pedal down, good and women who did all the hard house- house vm out to business. Tet this tions, presented to the know, but they are getting it from the your own ego to qualify In the fas- the fox trot she would not have to is possible to any housekeeper to-- day afternoon by the liquor license sigh for the art of the charmer. She to tne dealers somehow." YOUNG girls asks: cinator class. , iw day. commissioners are unfair, both "The wholesalers have done every- quality of the charmer, would possess the most potent art of Every housekeeper cannot have a consumer, a represen- "How can I acquire charm and The first com- dealer and the thing to assist the commissioners In to willing all, the art of being an agreeable patent- - for the liquor deal- A become an Interesting conversa- then, is unselfishness be cashing machine tation of the wholesale enforcing the military regulations re- to someone etee have the center panion. Cishes, bat there is the ten-ce- nt mop ers association registered a strong tionalist let second garding the sale of liquor to men fa r propounding of the stage and monopolize the spot- As for my correspondent's to keep tht hands from, the hot protest against the adoption and sub- -- Alas, my child, you are an in- uniform." btated Mr. Lewis. We vol- no one has ever yet light. If you can make people feel question how can she become toapy water. The vacuum cleaner is mitted a plan of their own. Attor- a riddle that you conversationalist that's yet In every home, but the unteered to close at 7 o'clock. We do been wise enough to answer. No that you appreciate them, that teresting not as neys for the wholesalers and for a regulation of board, By becoming an in- housekeeper who must sweep and Chi- not think this the one knows just exaclty in what have the discerning eye that perceives easy to answer. large number of Japanese and limiting amount liquor we can ed way will the of consists, or what are the bow good looking and Intelligent and terested listener. clean In the nese dealers were there, and each pro- a requisition charm they a saying, but a true one, keep her free from grime. If sell, and requiring strange, mysterious and magnetic generally admirable they are, It is hard inds test presented was aimed to save the signed by purchaser and o. k.'d enough of all length and breadth of she stops off every time she has individ- the qualities that draw all hearts to some will never be able to get that in the rights and privileges of the by the inspector, is fair to us." are more people our acquaintance there are not three setlsd her hands badly, and gives consumer. The ordinary citizen, one particular individual, and that your society. There we scrubbing even to ual Chairman Cooke pointed out that it every world starving for appreciation people who want to hear what then a thorough however, was there not to register a makes every ey brighten and in the real taking of the soil from under the was now possible for a purchaser to com- there are starving for bread, and have to say, or have the faintest all protest but to uphold the commis- heart leap with joy at his or her than hearing of anything Okie by some oil or cream and In- visit any number of dealers and sign ing. as long as you feed them on this they heart interest' in sioners in their efforts to suppress happened to us. except in so cludes cleansing the nails. It will pro- fictitious names on the store books. Some people are born with thl will eat out of your hand. that has the illicit selling of booze. All man pig. the as it affects them. We may have tako a few minutes only, but when persons It the resells to a blind great gift They are the darlings of Study the people with whom you far Is over the hands will be tests registered came from dealer liable to run afoul of the seen the most wonderful thing in the the work directly interested in the liquor busi- it the gods,' and the earth is theirs, and come In contact . Find out what is be- easily cleaned and show no trace of law. This proposed regulation of the one world. It pales into insignificance ness. the fullness thereof. Love and the one little thing that each they saw yes- bard werk. One housekeeper I board takes all the responsibility from preferment, in- the fore some trivial sight te lis- friendship, place and thinks that he or she does best may have been to the fenow, wish lovely, dainty hands, The board of commissioners the dealer, he said. things every man terday. We agalnsfrcoarsen-is- g suggestions and com- repre- vitations and treats, all the secret little pet vanity that The thing that takes the precaution tened to all Attorney Robert Breckons, less fortunate people toll and woman alive possesses and play ends of the earth. by cleansing them every ments on the proposed regulations, senting the wholesalers, made a strong that and to hear about is the last them 7 moil for. are thrown as a tribute at upon this as upon a harp with a thou- thrills them hour 4uring a cleaning day. Another and took the matter under advise- kick against the regulation, because he week-en- d they took. is a more potent you shall never lack trip does to pare vegetables They went into executive thought to per- their feet, for charm sand strings, and Therefore, if you want to become &?ng she is ment then it was an affront the spell to conjure with than either beau- for auditors who give you the glad stain the hands by keeping all session and decided that no definite sonal liberty of an American citizen. a perfectly fascinating talker, with a Ct point ty or brains. hand. language, ask Mrs. Kinder water. Still another is action on the matter will be taken Besides, he didn t think the board had charmer marvelous flow of cool, then cold water over the Thursday. author- But let not the girl to whom nature The second quality of the you about her difficulty to run until next any right to place one man in Be all things to all men Smith to tell hands when they have been in hot It was planned that this new regu- ity to say whether or not a citizen has been a cruel stepmother, who Is sympathy. got the g who with ner cook, and where she keeps them from get-tia- Oc- this magical endowment and women. Weep with those Mr. Per- water. This lation might be put in force on could buy booze. has withheld re- gown she has on. Entreat red. from her, mourn as one without hope. weep, and rejoice with those who you details of tober 1, but owing to the illness of Among the others who registered hypocritically, kins to relate to the suf- be- For while to be a headliner among joice. And do this not Inquire of Bllnkths Inspector W. H. Hutton, who is protest were: Farm Cornn, on his deal in corn. eruptions and Answer typhoid fever, the plan half Chinese liquor dealers; charmers one must have undoubtedly but sincerely. speed he makes in his automo- fering from of the pos- so touch what 'Ahevt erery fit moOu tht n4 of en cannot be put into action until Octo- C. F. demons on behalf of S. Kimura been born a charmer, still It is Keep your own heart in bile, and how he won the cup uvthe HHilt uo tKt nail, wiokte? of tM - . . . aroMm...... 71 .... 15. and T. Sumlda. and H. MikL who pe- sible tor any girl who has intelligence with the great throbbing heart golf tournanent at the Squeedunk a nor.J painjvi ring, i w w i ber to understudy, the you are interested in Th0 rurult it a imprftct mall en The meeting opened with a reading titioned that the Japanese be allowed) and determination humanity that club. Will om a good give such a lifelike, imi- happens to your fel- frt m :M.mm . thU Itnaer. l0m av of the regulations by Chairman Rich- to secure more sake without requisi- charmer and everything that And never retaliate by talking of tation of her that few will ever know low, creatures, and you really share to handt are at dainty at her picture hat Mhu.T( HBlAl IDt WBtt 1ST ard A. Cooke. tions. out 10 11a1.cu Anti-Saloo- n .. your own arrairs, iearu UB-ol- n4 If D. H. of Lovejoy & Co. read Q. W. Paty, secretary of the that her fascination is handmade in- their happiness and sorrows. word, mother emlled a ; tat It Lewis as if you hung on to every for i. t.. .4 i j- - . ihm nail BKooId not coma eat. Tht protest of the wholesalers, as League defended the regula- stead of being the spontaneous thing. Hympatny is , the most poweriui grap-- iv.i. the of all the people the one that we follows: tions, and declared it was, not a mat So far as charm can be defined, it the world. wi are an of steel to do all the hard work, and when aneoii a doctor about It mint.in we Die to our soul with hooks was ac-- e . "Moved wholesalers unani- ter of personal liberty, but of uphold- consists in making other people feel drawn to the individual to whom to go on they coarsened, the fact e that the is the listener who begs us cepted. wera unpleasant complexion mously protest against the adoption ing the laws of the nation, to aid the good, putting them into: a pleasant instinctively turn with the tale of our in- If they to 7 h9t0 t vont of girt our story, and who, after an om oaa lookingt ex- - glow; of satisfaction with themselves or the story of our suc- with See as well as touch, tlBy had the in my et, and I not of the proposed regulation as unfair, soldiers. misfortune terruption, can supply the thread of consolation of having done tor tnot j-- g. if board insists on some and the universe. To do this,' it is cess.- The average man and "woman relating. their eg and that the self-sufficie- nt we were Co'MPAN the narrative duty family ntt-'Blon- follow- necessary to of oneself, if one strong enough to be by their aci homes. M. change in the regulations, the FILIPINO I ES make are not becoming a y - Follow these rules for The present-da- woman sees to all xiy-sts- rt tSe colon d&ny accom- please, a neutral background - must have, an audi- ty Bartlflf ing, while still unfair, would would They charmer, and you cannot fail to win home, water, by thrao gro me!t. OF NATIONAL GUARD which brings out the high lights of somebody to whom they must of the comforts of sharks to with hot catina plish the results desired by the board, tor, out in the popularity contest. improved methods of woA, aid also XZVL' to dealers . eh with less unfairness the the perfections of other people. . bleat out their woes or boast of their out and OTor-rl- ll a oaliy WILLBE INSPECTED keeps so above the marks of gr jid bBthn(1wt by My vtTy wii- - and purchaser: No conceited person, no bumptious victories. WTieeler Syn-- . s ' (Copyright, 1917, by the that her hands, as well as Mr free, cream. Tour akin " adopted, no - totomwntti censin 'Let a regulation be Inspection Walpahu This is" why there is other Inc.) ryus! of those In e !l";-r- will clear in two weeks' of the Walalua. universally dicate, are the ti r?' tli. should the board insist on some Hawaii- rhtrmer . who charms so and Ewa companies of the 1st - tear change, requiring all dealers to make held Sunday. as she who makes of herself a Dorothy Dix's articles will appear RELATIVE OF MAUI an Infantry will be on" TO HELP weeps of. the un- daily report to the inspector of all Capt. Charles H. Bonsteel, senior insp- Jug into which the regularly in this paper every Monday, purchasers, may pour themselves without RED CROSS VOOL FAMILY LOSES LIFE sales made to other than ector-instructor; Col. W. R. Riley, happy Wednesday and Friday. licensees, shipments' outside of stint; who can listen with glowing FIGHTING IN FRANCE or commander of the regiment, and MaJ. self-mad- e either Honolulu, or Oahu, as the board at- you;:g girls and marveling eyes while Will Wayne, brigade adjutant, will they did and m BARBERS USING BAY Lieut. Donald Mackintosh, relative may wish.'" tend the inspection. men tell herttww it specific rea- sing. the sagas of their OPMTSVMYHERE of a Puunene, Maui, family has been Asked by Mr. Cooke for Officers at national guard headquar- RUM CONTAINING WOOD sons why the rules of the commission wonderful offspring. ... killed in action on the French front, ters are now awaiting from regi- A Mother WnU Her Letter quality of the charmer UNDER FIRE according to recent advices received were unfair, Mr. Lewis replied that mental commanders .the names of The third ALCOHOL a large , number of consumers who consists in keeping off the grass .of from Scotland. The Blairgowrie Ad- prospective national guardsmen who Henry F. Damon of the local heor-i- c were in the habit of calling for small , prejudices ana of the Mrs. vertiser gives this account of his may be named f by the governor for other people's little Food Inspector A. W. Hansen Red Cross workers announces that quantities of liquor, and others who ft ' wish you would pub- - feline The born charmer possesses territorial board of health Is begin- passing: West Point. These commanders will Eaton, a large consignment of Red Cross Sea telephoned In orders, would be cut in turn have to from their com- liah this letter for the benefit of young a sixth sense, that we call intuition. ning a campaign' against barber shops Lieut. Donald Mackintosh, late hear wool, known as standard gray and in- off from buying. re-po- rt. daughter suffered greatly which enables mm or ner 10 ao in may be using bay runr contain- forth Highlanders, whose name is pany commanders before filing a riris. ily be- that khaki, is expected in a few days. This "No, indeed," replied Mr. Cooke. "It trouble with cramps, and instinctively. He- - or she can tell wood alcohol. This cluded in the latest list of recipients If more than two candidates irom female ing denatured or million-poun- d pur- regulations might headache, and backache most of the said or. done whether general Investiga- is: a" part of a of the Victoria Cross, was the only is true that the apply for entrance a competitive ex- fore a thing is is in line with the made by the government earl- slightly inconvenience and del&y the time. She never fsit like working and going ;to; be agreeable, .or offen- being out by his office chase son of Col. Donald J. Mackintosh. C. amination will be held prior to the it ds ' tion carried person calling as though she was sick siltha ' V,...'.-.- ier this year. B M. V. O., medical superintendent who is at the store with entrance examinations. The prelim- U seemed sive to others. , , on bay rum as a result of the recent decided to try Lydia EL Pink-ham- 'a "The yarn is to be used for the at Glascow western division. He was a jug to be filled, but be will have to inary examinations will be from Jan- tone. I . Lacking this subtle sense 01 we of a soldier who drank some of Compound has death and put ud with that inconvenience. The 1 Vegetable and it charmer, the girl who desires to liquid. making of box, mufflers, wristlets 21 years of age and was educated at uary to 15 and the others in March. every way. in fact has bom the said Mrs. Da- academy, Nlnian's, Mof- person who frequently phones orders m m helped her in it please must substitute for. it intelli- By no means were all of the local sleeveless sweaters," Glasgow St. really cured her, for she no longer has way in mon - fat, and Fettes college. He was can sign a number of requisitions in Wslter Thlernan and his wife were headaches gence. She must feel her drug stores selling bay rum made were sent periodic pains, and no more carefully, as mariner like- hope as many ladies wounded in April of last year and was advance." arrested at Ottawa and young girts conversation as a from wood alocohl, it is said, and "We that just "Many of customers come to to Chicago on suspicion of or backache, and I want all and reef-strew- n shops are us- as will help this knitting for killed In action on April 11th of this the back does along an uncharted wise not all the barber can with hold-u- p as she did to know about -- stores in automobiles, and want participation in the of the who suffer it." must deny herself fluid, but some that there is sure to be a great call for year. ' the She cheaper -- Mrs. Alma. Mills, Eaton, III coast ing the Telling story of how the immediate delivery," protested Mr. two payroll clerks of the Winslow : Joy y of . argument and doing so have been these garments among the sofdiers the late the sacred have been found won V. seageant Lewis. "The life of a dealer depends Iron Works. -- March. lieutenant his C, a Jokes. . no . matter how warned to get rid of it immediately. during January, February and Another Girl's Experience. eschew all. ' of the regiment sa!d "Without ex- on his license and none of us would The American Red Cross unit left humorous, whose point turns either There is one bottle on exhibition at "We realize that knitting of this Xnd.'-'.f- Yom ception, Lieut. Mackintosh was knowingly sell to blind pigs." Rome for the Italian front It was 'New Castle. the tima office, labeled-ba- y sacrifice, the seven- upon race or religion. . the food inspector's sort calls for a certain for men "If a person has an automobile, it greeted at Turin by civil and military I was eleven years old until I was must take the giving the name of a local not things can be made bravest officer who ever led into suffered each month so I bad Furthermore, she rum and they are that action." will not inconvenience him to call on officers. teen I out '.about people so shop. The liquid smells much in half-hou- r, we believe the wo- to be in bed. I had headache, backache trouble to find barber a but cramp double that she may not make the mistake more like a furniture varnish than a men of Honolulu and the other islands and such pains I would infelicity Analysis the very month. I did not know what it of discussing matrimonial. face lotion, however. of will be glad to sacrifice of their time was to be easy a minute. My. health with divorcees, nor penal institutions two kinds of alcohol is said to be com- and labor for this work. The men waaall run down and the doctors did with those who have sons and broth- paratively simple to determine which in the trenches must be kept warm." not do me any good. A neirfibor told ers doing time. -- There is really no is which. -- r Mrs. Damon says that it is an easy my mother about Lydia E. Pinkham's excuse for anybody trampling our As the health officials have stated, matter to learn sox knitting and that Vegetable Compound and I took it prejudices and hobbies and opinions wood alcohol is a deadly jwison and classes will be formed to teach the and now I feel Lke a new person.; I into a pulp than there is for one to its use in bay rum has . been known standard pattern, that must be fol- don't suffer ary more and I am regular fall over, our feet in a drawing room. to lead to blindness and severe nausea lowed. very month.' Mrs. Hazel Hawn Such boors ; apd blunderers are as well as death. ton. 22 South 15th St. Newcastle, Ind of e m rightly' relegated to the outskirts UNCALLED-FO- R ' Girls who are troubled as these young young more daughter was born on SeptemberJ SECOND immediately seek society. No girl can do A Women were, should own to 18 to Mr. and Mrs. Jose Silva, of to health by taking Lydia to advance her interests than CLASS MAIL WILL GO restoration learn how to pick her way daintily Auld lane. H PHOcham's Vegetable Compound. TO HONOLULU FORTS appointed to the general staff, beco Postmaster D. H. MacAdam has re BlillUNS LtAVt He was promoted to major-gener- al age on ceived permission from the postal de- Bliss will retire for Decemb partment Washington to continue from West Point on June 16, 1875. in to distribute uncalled for second-clas- s bybbesS mall matter among the military posts VONDEL ARRIVES is the last day ot our snd hospitals of this island. This sub mm Twelve days out from Yokohama up department ject was taken with the m the first and second cabins, the Dii authorities some weeks ago when or- thrills, flowers, today shortly before 2 o'clock. She ders were received to send all such Tears and music and (Associated Press by V. S. Naval Wireless.) to enter port today. Quite weeping women and enthusiastic army 21. steamer uncalled mail to the states, for sub- ATLANTIC CITY, N. Sept. Russians, and most of the others recruits were all strangely inter- The fixing 'by the : government of sequent transmission to the American mingled into a scene that was thrice prices for all essential products of country after long residence in Ja exneditionarv forces. melancholy, Waterhouse and wife were the only martial, festive and when the nation, and the controlling of sales proper In, the past such mail has always Niagara this government pub- managing the Endow rubber 1 to the sailed afternoon for both to the and the past year. been, bundled up and sent out the Vancouver, with 38 Hawaiian residents lic was urged in a resolution adopted mflli, 1 I.Im J tuc(a frt. Via have answered the call to the by the convention American busi- The who of DRUNKEN ROW SENDS TWi benefit of soldiers, stationed here. British colors. nessmen which is assembled here to Honolulu postmaster informed the de I ' discuss pre- When they took different sides , The British recruits are nearly all the methods that should partment of this, practise, and advised well known in the islands and all have vail for the duration of the war. posed regulation of booze buying, twi that although we are a long way from offered, ask who been active members of the British A resolution was also adopted ad- into a heated argument at the come ue batUefront we have many bam If in doubt as to values anyone club. Scores of their friends and rela- vocating through' legislation the crea- ternoon and ended up in the EmergJmIc hwe tQ whom the uncaiied sec were present see them de tion of a general government pur- Boris Diesilsky, 41, were the contend ond class mail matter is of much ad- - has attended. tives to or nqyor ngnt part many a mother, wife, and sweet chasing department with the power to Tiuence wnenme sndTantage and enjoyment. . . , age-ol- d fix prices, control the distribu- ugui rma anu iminu ttiicii vug . ... - heart struggling against that and inc tut) uepirtmeni agrcea wnu ui in.- double emotion of pride and sorrow tion and output of the nation's indus- j former order in a manner CAPT. PRATT TO BE AldSff and the Many articles on sale not included in advertised jiVften experienced when bidding tries which would be i been rescinded, so far as affects found most necessary to a successful - 4,Td bye to a volunteer. Capt Henry Conger Pratt, 4th Ca Honoluln .11 o.h mail win con- conduct of the war. Maj.-Ge- n. lists. S'1 Typical of Hawaii were the abun- tailed as aide to Arthur Ntinue to 7 fh Oahu nosts and -- Francisco. Capt, dance of lets worn by the departing rtment, San Pratt hospitals to -- relieve the monotony of o, a time in a .v Britishers. All were supplied, with a and also served for sj,the enlisted xcho are servine their lei by the British club, but many were KERENSKYAND Wiep. ountry HawaiL scarcely discernible because of the number of lels enwrapped about them MATHESON HEARING POBj: LADY Will by friends and relatives. Each of the Hearing on a motion by the city arv '."'.Tl recruits was also presented with a ALEXIEFF SPLIT! its orialnal information charging Rode, SING NEXT SUNDAY Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd. copection of photos recently made by verticer, with criminal libel, has been AT CHINESE CHURCH the British club. court until 2 o'clock next Monday art " 'second been held tomorrow morning. ALL This is the contingent of PETROGRAI). nubfi.. Sept. 21, Lady Sen MeL known as the "Chi- THE REX STORE : volunteers for the BritiRh army which nese Nightingale," Newspapers today reiiort that differ BLACKMAN II has consented to has left Honolulu In two months. An- ences have rtrisen between Command CAPTAIN sing on Sundav suntember The Rexall Store Fort and Hotel Sts. other consisting of 23 men left last er In Chief Kerensky and Centura! Capt. L. G. Blackman, command! Fort H 8tret Chinese church. 1 mouth, and still another of 40 or 50 Alexieff, who is second in commfcnd and school commissioner, will act She has chosen r, ritv" for Open Evenings Until 1:13 expected go on tfext of Henry W. xii men is to the of the Russian armies, and that (the during the absence her number. William Yap Kwai Fong liner Vancouver. vacation. !J?nion ta breach is so serious that Generaf on a six weeks' ""y tnat.it is hoped a large In' honor of the departing British Alexieff has tendered his resign axion. crowd will attend to ' QU hear the talented recruits the Hawaiian band was pres- It Is believed the cause of the BALLENTYNE JOINS singer. Service am v. 11 and

sailing Niagara fd ent at the of the and tore was the disposition to be Aide Watson Ballentyne, teller at the clock. Lady Se Mei first ap-lTf- added to the martial air with patriotic of army officers who are unde to Canada to Join the expeditionary! Jo in Honolulu lastMonday night of both America and Great quar - music couver that he has joined tne i-.- Ban at the An Club enter- ." i cent of lnrnilofvU, I a' TJritaia. ravoit niArai IT will go to Winnipeg and then on to ner aearcm lani...roe """"5 n .and ability,