Vol. I No. 18, 11 December 1937
t .. j. ~ .! ~ .'.1 .~ .-: ; -t .~ $ .,." :., ~ Published Weekly as the Organ of .the Socialist Party of New York, Left Wing Branches • -j .. •\" ,~' Yolo I. - No. 18. a 401 • Saturday, December 11, 1937 5 Cents per Cop, ~' • • ...:.::..... ., ," oVle I omalS ~ • x se rame- S .. Corcoran Slain (j~t Minneapvli~ i~ Nvt M()~£()w! r~SavCiiiOSc Yd hyLabor'sFoes .Alive , Is PIca ~Says Cannon ITo World Labor ... The Stalinist frar 1 e-up . MINNEAPOLIS, DEC. 7. ~~·!"teJ11 j" cracking! ""No one knows yet who The gag that pre\'~nted the Rus~ian re,-olutionists Jcilled Pat Corcoran, but I . ,whenever a good militant from ,:. pt"aki ng' Ollt and teJl- ing the truth about Stalin'• \ .,..;--....Jabclr leader· like Pat is kill hidrou!ol purgt>s, i!lt being torn ed, it must be laid at the off! . • doOr of the enemies of la-, bor," James P; Cannon, edi The ~elJ~ational, tremt>nd tor of the Socialist Appeal, OU51~- ~ignificant r~PQrt comel" from Europe tha: two stated at a large mass meet- I prominent officials oi the. It ing last night, at the 7th st. I Soviets, communists of long Hall sponsored by the Min I "standing, h a v e broken neapolis Socialist Party. thr~)Ugh the burea.oora~c Vincent R. Dunne, State Or con::;piracy of silence. gamer .of the Party, pres "i'ii;::·::~'~~:::";~~~~JiMiimil.COR'ORAr1 tfl:::ii~'±:~:i i ided. :-::,,-;;:;~~.;~~::,;.t:"'L~::'::.I· MUROER Denounce Frame-Ups; (ContinuM on page 3) I ! One right on the heel!:' of the" o the r - Ali-xaruler Banrnn., / Charge d'Affaire:, of the So'riet Developments oFl' Union in Greece, and Walter Krivitsky, former Dh'e,'tor ,)f the The Week In T ne "',ar 'Industries Institute, have re8igned from Stalin';; ,;",rvice, CQrcoran Case taken refuge in Fran~'t', and writ ten stauoments denouncing the J.; Coroner's inquest sel'sions Stalini!'t frame-up;;, They make • :ran five days, examining many pel'fectly clear what the .",ppeal .t .
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