Mass Meet Sunday to Open Chicago CP Convention
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Page Six DAILY WORKER, NEW YORK. THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1934 who went to the platform alone among a hundred opponents, was disgraceful and wholly unneces- Daily sary. He could have been escorted from the plat- t«»> MITT (SICTION COMMUNIST INTINNiTtONM) Meet To irruL COMMUNIST Mass 11.5.*. Os Sunday C.P. Convention form without violence whatever Open Chicago his motives. No “America’s Only Working Class Daily Newspaper” adequate explanation of the dsiturbance at the FOUNDED 1924 Garden can be made without reference to these factors.” PUBLISHED DAIUY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, BY THE TIME TO STRIKE! »-By Burck * * * COMPRODAILY PUBLISHING CO., INC., SO E. 13th Jews Killed Workers to THE fact of deliberate, brutal provocation at the Street, New York, N. Y. * Garden meeting on the part of the Socialist Telephone: ALgonquin 4-79 54. Party leadership is thus fully confirmed in the Cable New N. Y. In Address ‘‘Daiworlc,” York. report of the Civil Liberties Union. This confirma- Bavaria; Gather at Washington Building, Bureau: Room 954. National Press tion could not have by the Civil Lib- 14th and P St., Washington. D. C been withheld 'lidwect Bureau: 101 South Wells St., Room 705, Chicago, 111. erties Board too without making the report ob- -Telephone: Dearborn 3931. viously distorted and false. U. S. Nazis Coliseum Subscription Rates: But the Civil Liberties Union report, after By Mail: (except Manhattan and Bronx', 1 year. $6 00; giving the facts which it could not ignore because month?, $3.50; 3 months. $2.00; 1 month, 0.75 cents, lannattan, Bronx, Foreign and Canada; 1 year, $9.00; they are too well known to the thousands of work- Plan Drive Hathaway and Gebert i months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. ers who witnessed them at the Garden, delivers its ly Carrier; Weekly, 18 cents; monthly, 75 cents. slap at the Socialist Party only, it is clear, to give Will Speak at the greater force to its main blow, the blow aimed at Demonstration Called Big Opening ! THURSDAY. MARCH 29, 1934 the Communist Party. The Civil Liberties Union report gives the appearance of above-the-struggle, for Saturday at (Midwest Bureau, Daily Worker.) impartial judgments only to weight its condem- Nazi Consulate March nation of the Communist Party, the revolutionary CHICAGO, 28.—The Acts on Bills Communist Party, District 8, Roosevelt Two party of the American working class. NEW YORK—While news pic- open ONE DAY Roosevelt this week signed two bills. The facts here are definite and clear. The will its Ninth Convention deliberately planned by the So- reached New York of a Nazi INOne was the signing of the Vinson Naval Bill. ture of provocation, here on Sunday, April 1, at Party leaders in order a pogrom at in The other was the veto of the Independent Offices cialist to introduce definite Gunzenhausen, 7:30 p. m., with a mass meeting in atmosphere disruption and provocation, is fully Bill restoring some of the compensation and pay of which at least two Jews died the Coliseum, 15th St. and Wabash on the facts that can be attested to Ave., at cuts of which Roosevelt robbed the wounded war based facts, and many were seriously injured, which Clarence Hathaway, by the thousands of workers who saw the Garden editor of the Daily Worker, and veterans and Federal employees. and New York Nazis planned an events with their own eyes. anti-Jewish campaign at Bill Gebert, district organizer, will Roosevelt thus approved an authorization of a meeting In regard to this of report on the in Yorkville Casino Tuesday night, be the main speakers. $750,000,000 for the future building of 1,184 bombing section the way the meeting was han- New York Jewish workefs issued a Besides workers, who will planes and 102 war vessels. deliberately provocative coma dled by the Socialist Party leaders, it is necessary to call for support of their anti-fascist to greet the opening of the conven- But he vetoed an appropriation of $242,000,000 delegates present say that the disruption and provocation of the So- action. tion, will be from for thousands of wounded war veterans and Federal mining, railroad, pack- cialist leaders, with the conscious purpose of break- They announced a protest dem- the steel and employees struggling desperately to stay above the ing house industries of the district. ing the meeting, was not a sudden, accidental oc- onstration Saturday. March 31, at starvation line. 10 a. m., in front of the German The convention will evaluate the currence. That is the brutal, capitalist reality that lies Consulate, 17 Battery PI. The work of the district since the last The evidence of the meeting itself, as well as behind all of Roosevelt's sweetly hypocritical radio demonstration will be followed by convention, held in Milwaukee in other known facts, give indisputable indication speeches about the “welfare of the people.” Billions a march to Union Square and 1932, and basing itself on the draft that the course taken by the Socialist leaders at the Eighth for war, for deadly bombs, machine guns and gases a mass meeting there. resolution of National already been determined upon by Convention, to in to protect the foreign investments of the Morgans the Garden had The demonstration is called by be held Cleveland them well in advance of the itself. the Jewish Workers and will set itself the task of winning and Rockefellers. But wage cuts, slashed appro- meeting People's With the news of the heroic uprising of the Aus- Commitee Against Fascism and An- the majority of the working class priations for war veterans, hunger and misery for trian contrasting so terribly with the ti-Semitism, which in its call urged in the basic industries of Illinois the masses whom he pretends to love. proletariat, actions and policies of the Austrian Socialist lead- all anti-fascist workers to take part. and Indiana. Roosevelt tramples on the faces of the men who Anniversary of Pogroms. ers, it was necessary for the leaders of the American Nazi faced murderous hell and agony on the battlefields This demonstration will take Party some other than the to “make the world safe” for Morgan investments. Socialist to get issue place the day before April 1, the of Austria itself. He deliberately robs the Federal employees and bloody events first anniversary of the murderous j Lerroux Revives necessary quickly find their families of their bread—to pay for bullets and It was for them to some drive against Jews in Germany j issue upon which divert the attention of the which brought ! bankers' investments. to death, maiming, tor- Rail Workers Join Party on workers from the open class war raging in the ture and ruin to of Millions for Storm Death Penalty as But he gives $10,000,000,000 to guarantee bonds, hundreds thou- Linz, open class sands of Jewish workers, profes- mortgages, and dividends. He has already given streets of Vienna and the war that left the Socialist Party in a distinctly un- sionals and small business men, at Basis Daily Worker Sales Troopers close to $2,000,000,000 for w'arships and bombing the same time that wealthy Jewish of and War Strikes Spread favorable light. And the issue they planned was planes. He has already handed out $750,000,000 to were aided Hit- precisely the issue which their arrangements so financiers being by the clique of Wall Street bondholders who keep the ler, and giving him their support. NEW YORK.—Unit 3, Section 10, these new Party members wrote a clearly indicated wanted —a break in Water government bonds in their vaults. they the The anniversary is being marked of this District, shows an outstand- letter to the “Daily” telling of con- in German Budget Gas, Electric, united front of the workers coming together in ing example of carrying on success- ditions in the shop, especially of This is because Roosevelt and his government in Germany by intensified violence Workers Strike in the pride and enthusiasm of the Austrian up- against Jewish small ful concentration work in a rail- the filth in the “sign-out-room.” are nothing but agents of the Wall Street bil- workers and Nazi Program Reveals rising. traders, whipped up by a road yard through the Daily The letter was reprinted by the Valencia lionaires. Let Roosevelt make all the sweet virulent But they over-reached themselves. The brutal anti-Jewish campaign in all the Worker, resulting in new recruits for Unit in a pamphlet and sold to the Gigantic Increase speeches about “people.” His actions the Party. Clippings of letter in the are assault on Hathaway was a spontaneous extension newspapers. the workers. the MADRID, March 28. The Ler- actions of a Wall Street tool and agent. Every the “Daily” were posted by the in War Items of the pre-arranged plan. It had the effect of a In Gunzenhausen, Bavaria, Storm Previous to the circulation drive, roux cabinet met today to hurry Federal employee, every wounded war vet who Troopers staged a pogrom Tuesday, sales at the Pennsylvania Railroad workers in the shop. Within a week through a revive revelation to the thousands of workers who packed the company cleaned up the bill to the death now faces the misery of joblessness and wage attacking scores of Jews, two of yard in Sunnyside, Long Island, “sign- BERLIN. March 28.—Germany’s penalty in Spain, which was the Garden, who saw with astonishment and in- out-room.” abol- slashes, every C.W.A. worker w ho now faces the whom died as a result. Eleven Jews were practically at zero.