Where's the Proof Of Nagy's 'Guilt'? See Page 3 the MILITANT PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE Vol. XXII — No. 26 222 N E W Y O R K . N . Y ., M O N D A Y , J U N E 30. 1958 P ric e 10c War Threat Lebanon’s Civil War Debate Over In Lebanon Court» Restores Continues Socialist By Myra Tanner Weiss JUNE 25 — The civil war in Lebanon grows sharper. The Jim Crow in U. S. Sixth Fleet hovers men­ Political Action acingly nearby in the Mediter­ ranean with marines ready for By Harry Ring combat. U. S. helicopters flutter about Beirut, the capital. And One central issue dominated the United Independent- United N a t i o n s' "observers" Little Rock HS Socialist Election Conference held in New York June 13- slink around the Lebanese bor­ ders looking for Arab "infiltra­ 15. Should socialists stand in clear-cut opposition to the tors." Republicans and Democrats oi*- John Foster Dulles, June 23, Gives Legal Formula That Can should they support and work apron strings of the old parties, mainly the Democratic, by tra­ briefed a Senate committee on inside the Democratic party? the crisis in Lebanon. Accord­ The great majority of the con­ dition and through their con­ servative leaders.” ing to Senator John Sparkman Nullify Supreme Court Decision ference sponsors and delegates ID.-Ala.], the Secretary of recorded themselves in favor of This is a fa ir enough state­ State said that “almost daily JUNE 25 — On June 21 Federal District Jud^-e Harry J. Lemley ordered the expul­ militant socialist opposition to ment of the problem. The la­ for three weeks there has been the two capitalist parties. In bor movement and its allies are sion of all Negrd students from Little Rock's Central High School and the "postpone­ the fear that the spark might taking this stand the conference presently tied to the capitalist ment" of any integration moves in that city until 1961. This decision comes against the come which would ignite a collided with the policy advo­ parties. How then are socialists background of a steady slow-f——----- ---------------------- *------------ chain of events which might cated by the leadership of the to help break them away and down in school desegregation. school integration. Where Negro involve our forces." According Communist party which strong­ yvin them'to a socialist pro­ The high point of desegrega- children finally made their way to Sparkman, Dulles “obviously ly favors trying to work in­ gram? According to Hathaway, lion came in 1955 when school through the jungle of legal ob­ while popular sentiment for a hopes we will not have to in­ struction into a lilywhite school, side the Democratic Party. Rebel in Tripoli resists assault of government troops. districts covering almost 6% of break with the capitalist par­ tervene.” the racists would merely have The fact that the conference On June 7 a pitched battle raged in this section of the the Negro children affected by took a decisive stand on the ties is at its lowest ebb, there W hat w ill U. S. marines be I he Supreme Court decision to stuge riots and disturbances city, controlled by the rebels. The government of Chamoun issue by no means ends the is a new and progressive de- fighting for in Lebanon if look desegregation steps. Next within and without the schools. attacked with tanks, planes and artillery. The United Slates debate. The CP leadership is velqpmdnt now beginning to Dulles’ “hopes" are not real­ September the figure dropped This would constitute legal has been supplying weapons to the unpopular regime. continuing to. marshal argu­ take place whicK can provide ized and the U. S. goes to w ar below 3%. September 1957 saw “proof” that the normal educa­ ments against the idea of in­ the basis fo r an ultim ate mass in the Middle East, aafrher in it slum p to 1%. M oreover each tional process was being dis­ dependent socialist p o litica l *ac- break away from the capitalist its own name or under the U.N. mid-year there had been some rupted because of integration. tion and in support of its pro- parties. The “new” ingredient banner as in Korea? desegregation for the second At the end of the two-and-a- Democrafic party “coalition" presented by H athaw ay is a The Lebanese crisis was pre- lei m. But this past mid-year half years suspension, the same, policy. “growing (but still only 'grow­ cipatcd1 by President Camille U.S. M ilitary not a single school district an­ procedure would be repeated The case for “ coalition” has ing') feeling that labor must Chamoun’s announcement of his nounced second semester de­ to “prove” integration still im­ been put forward in a discus­ have more voice in formulat­ intention of changing the segregation. possible. sion article by Clarence Hath­ ing the platform and selecting Lebanese constitution so that Bases Abroad JIM-CROW WEAPON RACISTS JUBILANT away in the June 22 Worker the candidates of the Demo­ he could serve another six-year Judge Lemley’s decision, il No wonder Gov. Faubus, the and by Arnold Johnson in the cratic party.” (Emphasis in or­ term. Chamoun, however, isn’t 1 An Editorial ------------------------------ allowed to stand, will give the White Citizens Council and the June issue of Political Affairs. iginal.) that popular. He is an agent in white supremacists the legal Democratic Pa ty machine H athaw ay poses the issue as If socialists will only forget the Arab world of U. S. foreign Efforts of the U.S. military to further encircle the weapon for killing all school throughout the South are jubi­ "a real and serious" one that the idea of acting like socialists policy. On May 10 opposition Soviet Union with a world network of long-range missile desegregation attempts in the lant. Last September they suf­ "involves the question of the in the elections, he argues, and to the President expressed it­ Deep South and for possible fered defeat when nation-wide, effectiveness of the entire Left devote their energies to seeing self in street battles. Today the bases is m eeting strong popular opposition abroad. More re-segregation in the border Ernest Green, first Negro >ndeed w orld-w ide. pressure that this “ new” sentim ent “ is to graduate from Little Rock forced Eisenhower to open the in working among the broad country is torn apart with civil than 48',( of the people in six European countries and states. The Little Rock, decision masses of the people to w in developed and encouraged,” strife. simply puts into legal language High School, Ark. Unless re­ loots of Central High to nine them away from the old par­ then on the basis of the fight ATTACK EXPECTED •Japan are against having these bases in th e ir countries the racist vows that “You can’t versed, the federal district Negro students with federal ties and for a socialist solution for a greater voice in the Dem­ The Lebanese government ex­ and onlf 22G are in favor, of them, according to a re­ force integration on us,” and court decision restoring seg­ troops. Now they believe that to present day problems ; . " ocratic party, “the quicker will pects a major attack from the Eisenhower's argument that regation means the other defeat has been canceled out. cent survey by the New York Herald Tribune World Poll. The starting point of his an­ come the disillusionment of rebels tomorrow. The N. Y. “First you have to change the eight Negro students will The L ittle Rock case Was alysis is the fact that the labor. these people in the old parties Times reports today, "For four In West Germany, 54'J of those queried opposed the hearts of men.” It declares the have to return to a Jim Crow watched carefully by everyone Negro and farmers' 'movements and real foundations laid for days women and children have opponents of integration in school. — while or colored — in the “are pretty well tied to the (C o ntin ued on Page 2) been moving out of areas along bases. Seven percent were in favor of them and 29/f were Little Rock had prevented nor­ South. It became the test of Besta Street in the center of undecided. mal education' at Central High, law upheld. In this case of the Supreme Court decisiori. the city |Be;rut]. This is the therefore integration must be Negro children's rights, the Defeat of integration in Little Who Says “It Can't Happen ” area that harbors most of the In Japan, the poll ran 44' < against the bases and 9'/c ended for at least two and a court has upheld the law's op­ Rock cannot but tremendously rebels. Barricades that have in favor. In Denmark, 58'v said “no” and I8'/r “yes." In half years, ponents and ordered the law embolden all racists. The les­ Heretofore whenever oppon­ (school desegregation) suspend­ sons they have draw n from it barred the Basla area since the Sweden it was 4 6 'i against and 28'.' for. In Ita ly 39'/. revolt began have been sup­ ents had obstructed the opera­ ed. already is that it pays to riot plemented by concrete pill­ opposed the bases and 30' i favored them and in C?reat tion of a law .or Constitutional Judge Lemley’s formula and beat and kick Negroes as boxes . Hundreds of armed Britain the poll showed a 40-40 split, with 20' .
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