Vol. 115, No. 50 $1 THETHE NORTONNORTON TTELEGRAMELEGRAM WEBSITE: nwkansas.com 10 PAGES Wednesday Music fills the air... December 9, 2020 Briefly Last week to enter coloring contest The annual Christmas Coloring Con- test, sponsored by the Norton Telegram and area businesses, is now underway. Blank coloring contest designs may be picked up at the Norton Telegram office or the Almena Market in Almena and should be returned to either location no later than 4:30 p.m. next Wednesday, December 9. Judging will take place on The Norton Junior High band held their winter concert on Novem- band is seen here as they preform March on a Welsh Air by John Friday, December 11 and winners will ber 30 at the junior high gymnasium. Under the direction of Don Edmondson. be announced Dec. 16. Mordecai the small band played seven song selections. The entire – Telegram photo by Dana Paxton Telegram offering subscription special Making Christmas a little brighter From now until January 31, subscrib- ers to the Norton Telegram may receive By LISA HERMAN and toys to residents of Norton Coun- families during the holiday season. and Tags have been placed at the fol- $10 off the price of their existing or
[email protected] ty. The Christmas Basket Project was The Angel Tree Project, which began lowing locations: Equity Bank, First new one-year subscription if they re- Norton Lions Club President, Jim started in 1954 by Lion Dale Brunson. in Norton five years ago, allows donors State Bank, Solutions North Bank, The new during the months of December or During its history, the project has pro- to purchase clothing and gifts for spe- Bank, The Nest, Thistle, and the Unit- January.