Ptm 197712.Pdf
-, -i........J l '--> .' \l,.;. �"... ..: ...... " .. - . :�.I,. � . ..... \" .. , .t' .....- ), . - - ... ... ... ' .... ...- I · .... '\..-:' . .,., . .. ',. :',.,-" ', . -;.-�I,,:;�:.:. .:�. .� .�:-� . �.,-, ..\�� �� .. l;.<: . ,. �c� ..�. .-�� . George Cockle was on the sp ot when this EN fre ight rolled�. �west with business car "Missouri�� River"��." trailing along';'; behind the waycar. For those who model the modern era, it might be well to add a business car to a freight dragnow and then. Photo by George Cockle. "tl :0 o -I o -I -< "tl m s: o o m r m :0 o (1) n (1) 3 tT � .... CD This scene on Chuck Hitchcock 's layout in Prairie Village, KS, is looking west from a miniature Holliday, Kansas, with a 4001 Class " " Mike heading west with a freight drag. The branch track is the First District to Lawrenca and Topeka, Ka nsas. The high line is the 1952 line rebuild fo llowing the disastrous flood of '5 1. Photo by Chuck Hitchcock. .... 2 Books for your rail library..... THE 50 BEST OF THE B&O -BOOK I .. $10.0 0 UP FEF-3 CLASS 4- 8-4 LOCOMOTIVE DRAWINGS ...• $12.50 A first portfolio of photos by Howard N.Ba rr A set of erection drawings for th is locomotive; really fine. THE 50 BEST OF THE B&O -BOOK II. .• . $10.0 0 UNION PACIFIC STEAM - NORTHWESTERN DISTRICT. $13.95 A second portfolio of photos by Herbert H. Harwood, Jr. A combining of the Canyons and Columbia "Smoke" series books. AMTRAK CAR SPOTTER .................... $4 .95 UNION PACIFIC STEAM -EASTERN DISTRICT. .. $15.95 A cross-reference work on Amtrak and Auto-Tra in ca rs. Union Pacific's steam motive power in the east.
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