Empire Builder ., Page 2 General Information

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Empire Builder ., Page 2 General Information WESTERN STAR EMPIRE BUILDER ., PAGE 2 GENERAL INFORMATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Page Altitude of Stations .. .. ..... ... .... ........ .... 3 to 5 Passenger Train Schedules-Detailed ... .. .. 10 to 16 an d 20 to 23 Baggage H and ling In formation .. .. .... .. .... ... 2 and 2 7 Railroad and Pullman Fares: Bus Sched ules (connecting service) . .. .. .. .. ......... .. 24 One-way and Round-Trip Rail Fares ..... ... .. .. .. .. 30 an d 31 Cond ens ed Sched ules of Principal Passenger Trains . ... ... 6 an d 7 Fam il y Fares . .. .................... .. .. ... 33 Connecting Rail Lines . ... ... .. .. 17-20 an d 26 to 29 Eq uipment of Passenger Trains . .. ... .... .. .. .... 8 an d 9' Pullm an Sleeping Car Fares .... ................. .... 32 and 33 Freight Service Only........... .... .. ... ............. 2 ~ > Pa rl or Car and Pullman Seat Fares .... ...................... 32 General In fo rmat ion . ...... .. .. 2'1 Rai l-credit Pl an . • . • . 20 Great Northern Passenger and Freight Traffic Offices and Ren t-A-Car Service. • . • • . • . • . • • . • . • • • . • . 26 Representatives. ... 34 and 35 Index to All Stations .. ....... ................. .. .... 3 to 5 Trai n Sales Service. ..................................... .20 M ap-Great Northern System and Conn ections . .. ... 1 8 and 19 Ti me Zones .................. .....••.••••••.••••• . 2 M ai l Boxes at Stations .. .. .. ... ......... .. ......... ..... 15 Taxi Transfer Service in Chicago. • • • . • • . • • • .. .. • • . 27 All Great Northern trains operate o n STANDARD TIME which is one hour earlier BAGG AGE than Da ylight Savi ng Time: Hand Baggage is restricted to what c.sn con "e bc1l , s<4t or PASSENGER other accommodations purchdsed by the PdS'Sertgr.r Train Schedules shown herein have been carefully compiled from time cards currently in Passengers are urged, for the convenience •nd c ort of effect but it is sometimes necessary to devia te from them between the issues of this time table to check all of their hand baggage cl<Cept tl14t ectua )y llCulcd folder and it is not alwa ys possible to give advance notice of such changes. Information shown herein is there fore sub ject to change without notice. Also trains are at times unavoidably Marking for ldenti Rcation. Mark or tag e.och piece delayed by circum stances entirely beyond our control resulting in missed connections for which place your name and permanent address inside edch PfCCC, the Great Northern Ra ilway cannot be liable. with you o n the tra in. Purchase Tickets before boarding trains. SAVE by purchasing Reund Trip Tickets. Definition of Checked Baggage. Wearing aDD•""'· to u rl personal effects-necessary or appropriate for :.he we.sr~ USCt Children under five years of age when accompanied by parent or guardian, will be the passenger for the purpose of his journey and not tnknded·.··r~or- - · ;--- carried fr ee. Children fiv e years of age and under twelve years of age will be charged sale. Money, jew elry, silverwear, negotiable papers ttod Ia e o ne-ha lf of the adult fares. C hildren of five and under twelve years of age wi ll not be or perishable articles, radios and household goods ust not ttc ticketed when trave ling alone, unless advance arrangements are made through ticket baggage-the railroads will not be responsible for such ortido. agent in cases where child is deemed mature enough to travel al one. Children twelve years o f age and over will be charged the adult fare . Free Checking Allowance. Up to 1 50 pounds on uch .du t c ct .,d S P<>'•nds o n Adjustment of Fares. Should any misunderstand ing aris e with conductors o r agents as each half fare ticket, a small charge is mad e for weight over these .= v. on not to the proper fare or ticket privileges, p lease pay fare requested, take receipt and com· to exceed $100 on baggage checked o n each adult ticl:et.. SSO for ucb lor · cket, muni cate with E. L. Braun, Auditor Passenger Rece ipts, St. Pau l, 1, Minn. unless a greater value is d eclared in w riting by the Pc!ncngcr. Redemption of Tickets. Applications For redemption of unused portions of tickets A charge of 20c is mad e for each $100 of value declorcd obove the free • ow•ncc. In issued by th ,e ,~r-eat Northern Ra ilway should be address ed to Mr. E. l. Braun, Auditor lieu of this excess valu e charge, J)d ssenger may elect to purchase: • St. Paul F rc ttnd lv\arine Passeng er Receipts, St. Paul, 1 , Minn. Th e unused portions of tickets issued by other rail­ Insura nce Company policy for enti re valuation of bdgg.gc chtt edt these POirdn cover roads should be sent to J)4 ssenger traffic manager of issu ing railroad. both baggage and personal effects whether ched:cd or u·rocd. ond ore ova,lable at princi­ pal ticket and baggage o ffi ces. Invalids and Infirm Passengers. Wheelchair service is availabl e at the Fo ll owing stations: Bell in gha m, Billings, Breckenridge, Butte, Duluth, Everett, Fargo, G rand Forks, Great Fal ls, Baby Carriages, Bicycles and similar articles when used in connection with journey will Havre, Minneapolis, Minot, N ew W estm inste r, B. C ., Portland, St. Pau l, Seattl e, Spokane, be checked and incl uded in weight and value of possengcr"s baggage. Tacoma, Vancouve r, B. C ., Wenatchee, W hitefish and W illiston. At other points where wheel chai rs are requi red, passenge rs must make th eir own arra ngements. Advance notice Dogs and other small household pets arc transported in baggage cars subject to tariff must be given for passengers requiring special handling and must be accompanied by regulations. Do gs, cats o r other animals (not venomous, odoriferous o r otherw ise objection­ attendant (s). able) when carried in bdskets or containers, may be taken by purchasers of Pu llman private rooms into the rooms they occupy, subject to esta blished regulations. Dogs may be on Certain Freight Trains are Permitted to Carry MALE Passengers Under the Following leash and muzzled instead of in containers. Special arrangements for Seeing Eye Dogs. Conditions: Adult male pass e n~ e rs must hold regular passage ticket. This Company is not a common carrier of passengers by Its fre ight trains and does not stop such trains at stations Forwarding. Passeng ers are urged to check baggage in advance. Every effort w ill be or station platforms except when the freight business of the road mak es it necessary to do so. made to faci litate the handling of baggage, but th e Railroad cannot guarantee to forward Persons usi ng such tra ins for passage assum e all risk of injury or loss of time while riding on on same train as ow ner no r the arrival tim e tt d estindtion. o r getting to and from said tra ins . Women and children will not be carried on freight trains. Persons desirous of having their bag!lage accompany them o n freight trai ns should d eliver Remains. C onsul t ticket or bagg~g e agent for charge fo r shipping of remains. lt at station and have it WI!IY· billed . Stock drovers, when in charge o f stock and provided with proper trl!l nsportation w ill be carried on train with such stock. Lost Articles and Responsibility. While no responsibility is assumed for unchec cd ~rticl e s left in stati ons or cars, lost articles should be inquired for through Man•9a, ;Mail Consult your ticket agent or passenger representative for any additional information 01 ond Baggage Traffic, St. Paul 1, M innesota, or District Mail, Boggage and Expr- A.-1, details on your transportation requirements. Seattle 4, Washington. Every effort will be mad e to locate ~ n d return such arhc.J .. STANDARD TIME.-A II time shown in Great Northern Ra ilway publis hed schedules of its lines east of Williston, North Dakota, is C entra l ti me, between Williston, N and Troy, Montana , is Mountain time; west of Troy, Montana, is Paci fi c time . Eastern Time Central Time Mountain Time PaciAc Time Form 6017 6-55 Printed in U.S.A . 'l PAGE INDEX TO STATIONS 3 l•bl~ Alti- r.bl~ Alti- No. t'des No. t'd~s SUGGESTIONS TO AID IN READING THIS TIME FOLDER Doon, low• . ....... 23 1276 Locate your destination in STATION INDEX contained on pages 3, 4 and 5. The numbers Dor•n, Minn . .. 1, 30 978 Dor., N.D ......... 47 1889 A shown opposite each station indicate the TIME TABLES in which the train service to each @Dorset. Minn . •.... 62 1477 A BERDEEN, S. D... 30 1303 station is shown. @Dougl•s, W•sh •.. 76 2382 Absor•k•, N. D•.. .. 31 1079 Numbers shown opposite station names in certain time tables, as, for example, "Willmar Dover, Mont ... .... 16 4111 Acme, Mont ..... .... 7 3617 Dover, ld•ho . ..... .. 9 2088 Acton, Mont. ....... 16 3792 21, 62" refer to other time tables which show connecting or additional train se rvice to such Downer, Minn ..... .. 3 968 Ad•, Minn .......... 3 910 stations. • Downs, W•sh ...... 10 1919 @Ad•ms Point, Ore. 75 4059 Doyon, N. D. .... 5 1512 Addison, N.D . .. .. 32 924 Time from 12.01 midni~ht to 12.00 noon is shown by uGHT FACE figures; tim e fro m Dresden, N. D . .. .. 36 1584 *Addy, W•sh ... 59, 70 1629 12.01 noon to 12.00 midnig t by BOLD FACE figures. Dryden, W•sh ..•.... 10 948 Adri•n, W•sh . .. .. 10 1218 •Dugd• le, Mi nn ..... 22 1139 ~A hnberg , S. D.... 65 1782 T•ble Alti· r.ble Alti-1 r.ble Alti- r.ble Altl- Du luth, Mi nn ...
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