April 26, 1970
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- Paee 2 - TABLE OF CONTENTS Page page Baggage lnformation See General lnformation (below) lndex to Stations. 3 Condensed Schedules of Principal Passenger Trains 5,6 l\,4ap Burlington Northern System . ...... 14, 15 Connecting Line Service 17, 18 Railroad and Sleeping Car Fares: One.way and Round Trip Ra I Fares 19 24 Deta led Train and Bus 5'13 .... Service Sleeping Car Fares. ..... 19-24 Equiprnent of Passenger Tra ins. 5,6,7 Parlor Car and Seat Fares .. 19-24 Burlington Northern Passenger and Freight Coach Seat Charges 24 Traffic Offices, Officers and Representat ves 25'27 Reference Notes............. 4 GENERAL INFORMATION Time Conditions All times shown are Skiis with Sk Poles and/or boots are ln cases of misunderstanding at time of localtimes as currently in etfect in accord- accepted rn checked baggage service at no issue or collection of ticket, passenger will ance with the llniform Time Act of the charge when properly cartoned or bound. pay the arnount requested and be given a United States. Canadian tirnes shown are Damage claim or loss rrust be fully sub- receipt- Forward receipt to: Director of those observed at indicated locaJity, either stant ated by check record wrth compensa' Passenger Services, Burlington No rth e rn Provincial Dayl ght Tirne or Canadian tior rortoer_eed lwer ly.trledo ldrsrn"/r. lnc., St. Paul, Vlinn. 5510I for correction. Standa rd Time, as applies. rrurr] unless excess value declared. lr c"sp of 'o<t articles p on'pl y advisp Tir.e from 12:O1 IMidn ght to 12:00 Tickets purchased tor use with Chicago, nearest Burlrngton Northern office or com- Noor is shown in light.fa(e type, dnd i ne Burlrngton and Quincy Railway, Great municate with Manager of Baggage Serv- from 12:01 Noon to 12:O0 lvlidnight is Northern Railway, Northern Pacific Rail- ices, St. Paul, N4inn.55101. shown in bold-lace type. way, or Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway wlll be accepted as routed via permitted points Burlington Northern lnc. Stopovers are at all Baggage Hand baggage or extra lug- where trains are regul?rly scheduled to gage yolrr enroute not required for travel Redemption of tic kets Burlington stop within date limit of ticket upon notifi purposes should be checked with baggage Nortl_err r;.kets. as well as rho(e or pr or cation to Conductor, per piece cervice. A charge of 35.cents is issue by Chicago, Burlington and for Qurncy; reqJrred dll c eckeo baggage dllow,rg Great Northern; Northern Pacific or Spo' pounds per one hundred fifty each aduli kane, Portland and Seattle Railway, wlll Cred it Cards Burlingion Northern ticket to not exceed one hundred dollars be redeerned accordrng to lewful tariff honors the following credit cards at its in declared valuatlon, and allowing 300 regulations at proper va ue whether par' ticket offices for rail and sleeping car pounds with Family Plan ticket to two tially or wholly unused. Consult local Bur' transportation, and on the tra ns for food hundred doliars valuation. lington Northern ticket office for assist- and beverages: American Express, Bank- Passengers may decla re add itiona I va lue ance or forward tickets or unused coupons Americard, Master card Plan, Seattle First with checked baggage service upon pay. to: Directcr of Passenger Services, Bur- Bank Card, and Rail Travel Credit Card. rrent of a ta riff cha rge to a llow a maxim um lington Northern lnc., 176 East Fifth of $2500.00 coverage, or pLrrchase com- Street, St. Paul, N4inn.55101. Porter mercial baggage insura nce to any amount. Pillows are available frorn Coach Children's Children under five ge use to deet na. Consult Agent for deta ils. Tickets at c_a ot trtly ce'lts fo years of age are allowed free transporta- tion. parent Doqs and other small household pets tion when accompanied by or guardiar. except for travel with California Ra ilroad Employee Passes, and red uced- nTdy be trdnsported witl_ baegage servicF Zephyr, where only one child under five rate tckets are subject to seasonal re- subject to tariff regulations, or may be years carried each parent, or strictions with certa in Burlington Northern taken rnto sleeping car accommodations free with guardian children trains. Consult Agent for details. (not coach cars) when equlpped with suit- and all other through years age charged at proper fare. able containers or restraints, subject to four of ages 12 years is half- company regulations. Charge for 5 to at Iate, and 72 years or more is at full fare. Responsibility The Burlington North Allbaggage should be plainly marked or Children are requ red to pay the appro- ern will not be responsible for inconven- labeled by tag with name and address of pr ate reserved coach seat charge, except ience, expenses or damage resulting from owner. Checked baggage cannot be Guar- one child under two years may occupy errors in time tables, delayed trains or anteed to travel on the same lrain when reserved seat without cha rge. failure to make connections- The sched- statiod transfers are involved, or checked uJes, fares and equipment shown in this within the half-hour of departure time. ON TRAINS WHERE COACH SEATS ARE timetable are for information only and are Note: Reference marks for stalions having RESERVED, RESERVATIONS MUST BE subject to change without notice. limited or no checked baggage service (a). ARRANGED BEFORE BOARDING TRAIN. - - Form 6017 4703ooM 7 Pase 4 - REFERENCE NOTES I Auto Ava ilable. rtf Stoos to let olf revenue passensers from .t Stops to receive or d scharee revenue pas €,-Renla receive Hastings or <en8ers or fron M Om;ha and East or to lor 'o 1ol "nd td I and lo or f-Flag slop ior reven!e pzssengers beyond when nol f ed at L ncoln. rrom SDoFane.nd weti c Conditrona SioP. Sroo. to lP pd>seage's. a d lo Slops lor revplL. prs\pnE.r s unl/ loorI u , pd .^.pFr. wl e1 rol.tied dl Mrr r eapolr\ a1d Fdsr or Billir s. drd ,t"st tr-Checked baggage not handled to or from Akron bv 9:00 pnr. where sch€d u ied to stop. this stziion. 19 .rop, rii Stops to let oii revenue passeneers froh i Trdir No. on i de shop or food vendine pds enJe oassens", \ i,oi Md.ddl cno td;t. and I Resizuranl, coffee L'ncoln dn,J tdsi ard lo te erve'ev.rue pick passe.eers mz.hinc in stalion. .enEF." o. Deaver or oeyond wl-ea aotrlrpd lo up revenue to B illines a nd :r M.c.ol bv 3 0J am. bageace carts ava ableatthisstatron '-Free ri No. 30 . Stuo. lo pl oll revp, ra pdsselAer" iro- siops on flag at Steele. Regular stop nP,i'e':nd b.pv o nJ or io DdssenPers or. n olndtaId'rwlello led 'i: ar Train connection. al Folores", e/ epi ndhPs teg,Ldr ua Bus connecls with North Coasi Llm ted, Th s "oo bus operates from BN Depot at time sh own- lr B!s Co^nection rrilt ckeis not honored ,. Bus servrce between Whilefish and KalsiDell ir Bus connection rail t ckets honored it Checked baegage not handled- pas ' F, tro r. Stops regularly but onlv to receive L !6u oosedeF is, "o only 'o' 'al .1! Stops to receive or discharge revenue pas. noven ell b6'rFcn " .l-i, cdlP:b I'4, sengers lrom Wrllrslon an.1 East and Spokane Ouincv and Kansas C ty and"so, noi io or 1.ofr and West where Empire Bullder schedu ed Stops rFRUrdrir lo er of pdssenee' . Will aor niermed iate po nts. I d.d e Dd""pngp,s lo aLly AL'ord to U rr' dgo r:ir Checked bzpEaee is carried only between . Stops'or 'pve^L" pd':.neprs 'ron Cdrr,coa a^r Checked baseaee handled to and from Chi Lh dgo dro D^r/-l dr o rol o ot fJo . : ie and East and revenue passeneers SDokafe caco, Bur ington and omaha only. ':'Stoos to let ofi revenue passensers from in Checked baEsase ls carried on y for ihrough . <,oo. fo. rF!Fnu- pd).-,gcr, to o, fio a Denver and bevond and to receive revenLe movement between Chrcago a.d Denver or Bill,.pl I r- l dl\( lo o f or Pd, l, .r.scnpers ror Lrncoln dno Fdlt rrcn nol be!o1J a-d tol lu o' rro' nrarr pJdra Coast points"n where schedu ed to stop. i ea at Foro eee, e,cenr -ahps tesu dr' roos Do -.s F/i ppr bdegrg" dn Dp i ap l ad ro ot irom al reduldr aioDs between' omaha and stoo- io pi \ up or d <Lhdrge up pds M.Cook. Cartain lickei restrictions-- See Ta scnpers orly, i'lo dad nor I rrar'cve, \bu.e, ano i; stops only 1o let ofi revenue passengers West, or Pasco and East where scheduled to ' Srops only lo ie.e:ve rav6aLe pas:ergpr\' .po I for ll roLgS cl-F ooganep drrra oary :i ltra rs w ldrscharge passengers -ov^r pir b;td"- Ch dRo dno <l PaLl A revenue ' Stops lo eLerve rev.rLA pac<e.gers 'or V rr e"po r.. Nu - r--o bdggdgp root t u r' on application to conductor or receive reve- DPnvrr 6r bcvond. M nne:.. s 6n Tra ns I and a nue passengers upon advance arra nCements wrth locil Burlington Northerf Aeent. .n, Stoos io let oif revenue passengers from for Denver and west.