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-, -i........J l '--> .' \l,.;. �"... ..: ...... " .. - . :�.I,. � . ..... \" .. , .t' .....- ), . - - ... ... ... ' .... ...- I · .... '\..-:' . .,., . .. ',. :',.,-" ', . -;.-�I,,:;�:.:. .:�. .� .�:-� . �.,-, ..\�� �� .. l;.<: . ,. �c� ..�. .-�� . George Cockle was on the sp ot when this EN fre ight rolled�. �west with business car "Missouri�� River"��." trailing along';'; behind the waycar. For those who model the modern era, it might be well to add a business car to a freight dragnow and then. Photo by George Cockle. "tl :0 o -I o -I -< "tl m s: o o m r m :0 o (1) n (1) 3 tT � .... CD This scene on Chuck Hitchcock 's layout in Prairie Village, KS, is looking west from a miniature Holliday, Kansas, with a 4001 Class " " Mike heading west with a freight drag. The branch track is the First District to Lawrenca and Topeka, Ka nsas. The high line is the 1952 line rebuild fo llowing the disastrous flood of '5 1. Photo by Chuck Hitchcock. .... 2 Books for your rail library..... THE 50 BEST OF THE B&O -BOOK I .. $10.0 0 UP FEF-3 CLASS 4- 8-4 LOCOMOTIVE DRAWINGS ...• $12.50 A first portfolio of photos by Howard N.Ba rr A set of erection drawings for th is locomotive; really fine. THE 50 BEST OF THE B&O -BOOK II. .• . $10.0 0 UNION PACIFIC STEAM - NORTHWESTERN DISTRICT. $13.95 A second portfolio of photos by Herbert H. Harwood, Jr. A combining of the Canyons and Columbia "Smoke" series books. AMTRAK CAR SPOTTER .................... $4 .95 UNION PACIFIC STEAM -EASTERN DISTRICT. .. $15.95 A cross-reference work on Amtrak and Auto-Tra in ca rs. Union Pacific's steam motive power in the east. 1971BURLINGTON NORTHERN ANNUAL . • . • . $4 .95 SHERMAN HILL.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $10.95 First of the BN Annuals with complete diesel roster. A history of UP power on the "hill" plus many construction photos. 1972 BURLINGTON NORTHERN ANNUAL ..$5 .95 UP PASSENGER CARS -VOLUME I .. $18.75 A complete diesel and passenger ca r roster. Includes photos ana drawings. 1973 BURLINGTON NORTHERN ANNUAL . .. $6.95 UP PASSENGER CARS - VOLUME II.. $16.95 A lot of color photos showing va rious color schemes. Includes photos and drawings. 1974-75BURLINGTON NORTHERN ANNUAL . .. $9.95 THE STORY OF THE CALIFORNIA ZEPHYR $10.95 Continuing up-date of BN roster information and appearance. The story of this popula r passenger train. 1975-76 BURLINGTON NORTHERN ANNUAL ....... $9.95 RAILROADS OF ARIZONA - VOLUME I .. $19.50 Shows BN up-date plus Freedom Train and Amtrak. The early days of railroading through the later days of steam. PORTRAIT OF A SILVER LADY .•.•......•.•.. $3 5. 0 0 TWILIGHT OF THE NARROW GAUGE ............ $3. 95 California Zephyr covered in deta il. A photo collection of the last days on the Silverton branch. STREAMLINED STEAM . .. .. ...... $2.95 SILVERTON TRAIN.. .. .. .. .. .. $4 .95 Collection of streamlined steam engil)e photos. A fine collection of color photos of these tra ins. THE MILWAUKEE ROAD UNDER WIRE . • ••...$2 .95 DIESELS OF THE ESPEE, VOLUME I - ALCO PA'S . $12.95 Photo collection of Mi lwaukee electric power. A complete dissertation on the SP's Alco passenger power. ERIE LACKAWANNA EAST ............•......$3. 95 SANTA FE - STEEL RAILS THROUGH CALIFORNIA $13.95 A book at the scenic east end of E L from merger to present. A must for even the most casual Santa Fe fan. NORFOLK & WESTERN STEAM . • • . ... $6.95 SOUTHERN PACIFIC STEAM LOCOMOTIVES. .. .. $7.95 The last twenty five years of steam on the N&W. A fine collection of text and photos of Espee steam. STEAM ON THE ANTHRACITE ROADS.. .. ...$6.50 PACIFIC ELECTRI,C ........................ $4 .2 5 Photos of both passenger and freight tra ins on these roads. A pictorial history'of Espee's PE from it's early days to W ar II. PASSENGER TRAIN CONSISTS OF 1940........... $6.50 THE STREAMLINE ERA .................... $24.95 The book is a listing of passenger train consists in 1940. Encompases the complete streamline story with a lot of RR. RIO GRANDE CAR PLANS .............•.....$3. 95 SANTA FE'S DIESEL FLEET .. .. .. .. .. $16.95 Includes ca rs of both standard and narrow gauge operations. This book is the "Bible" of Santa Fe diesel power. SANTA FE DIESELS AND CARS .......•..•.....$7 .95 RIO GRANDE TO THE PACIFIC . .. .. $24.95 A photo book of a broad range of both passenger and freight cars. A complete history including the W P relationship. SANTA FE CAR AND LOCOMOTIVE PLANS......... $5.95 VANISHING MARKERS .................... $14.95 A reprint of the 1953 edition of the book published by the AT SF. A brakeman's look at ra ilroading from the head and rear ends. SOUTHERN PACIFIC MOTIVE POWER ANNUAL - 1973.. $8.95 CINDERS AND SMOKE. • . .. ... $2.7 5 A complete diesel roster and description of motive power. A mile-by-mile guide from Durango to Silverton. SOUTHERN PACIFIC MOTIVE POWER ANNUAL - '74/'76 $9.95 TICKET TO TOLTEC . • . .. $4 .0 0 Continuing Southern Pacific motive power coverage. A mile-by-mile guide of the Cumbres and Toltec. STEAM LOCOMOTIVES OF THE FRISCO LINE ...... $17.95 RAILROADING WEST . • . .. $7.50 An excellent book of Frisco steam. A really fine photo book on northwestern railroading. KATY NORTHWEST ...................... $2 6.95 SANTA FE'S HI-LEVEL CARS ........•.•........ $4 .95 A fine book on Katy's northwestern Oklahoma operations. Complete coverage of these EI Capitan cars. TURBINES WESTWARD .. .. .. .. $14.95 1975-1976 MISSOURI PACIFIC ANNUAL .•.......•. $9.95 A complete book on the UP's turbines in operation. Complete diesel roster of the Mo Pac with mediocre photos. Name To make your buying more convenient, we are now honoring Master Charge. Any purchase made through Marketing East can be made this way; it need not be limited to books. Kits, decals, detailing parts, etc. can all be purchased with your Master Charge. Be sure to include all the information listed to the right; it is not necessary to use this form, just be sure City end Sute Zip Cod .. all information is included with your order. Check Encloled D Me.ter Charge o Ship COD o Include the 4 digit number right .bove your name Marketing East, Inc. , 44 Maple Street Post Office Box 410 Danvers, MA 01923 Bank Issuing Master Charge E xpir.tion o.t. PROTOTYPE MODELER · December 1977 3 Volume 1 TABLE Number 3 OF CONTENTS COVER PHOTO Union Pacific 3399 . westboun(l on the "River EDITORIAL ................... .........................5 Top" departing the Council Bluffs, Iowa, yards on the Bridge Sub·Division. The Missour i River Robert R. Longo bridge is immediately ahead and entry to Omaha and po ints west just minutes off. UP originally bough t this unit as a standard SD 24 numbered CONVERTING THE ATLAS SD24 to the UNION PACIFIC SD24m .......6 423 in September, 19 59 . It was selected for conversion to consta nt'sp eed'engine operation Jan Podganski, Jr. and renumbered to 3100 in August, 19 68. To allow numbering of newly acquired SD4 0's. SOME D&RGW CONSOLIDATIONS ..... ........... .. .........19 Th is unit received renumberings in December, 19 70 to 3200... 3399 in March, 19 72 ... and at Con Sweet the moment is 3999, having received this num· ber on November 22, 19 76 . WESTERN PACI FIC GP-7 UPDATE .... ... ... ..... ..... .... .. 21 Robert R. Longo, Editor Peter Arnold John Longo, Assistant Ed itor Je an Ploss, Art Director TWELVE LITTLE WHEELS .... .. .......... ..... ... .. ... ....23 Road Ed itors: W G Peter Arnold, P; eorge Berisso, Ron Kuykendall SP&S; W alter Brown, MP ; eraldG Edgar, CB&Q; Norman Eubanks, CR I&P; aleG Hall, KCS; Jon G Heller, BN; Douglas Hughes, SL·SF; ordon THE FLAT CAR AND SOME OF ITS M-W USES .... ............ ...30 Mi lls, SP; Nelson Mc Cormick, PFE; W ill iam Oertly, W M; J. C. Paschall, SO U; Peter Singher, John Buffalo ATSF; Todd Sullivan, NP; and Ed Sutorik, GN Department Editors: Lynn Aldrich, Thom Anderson, ordonG Bassett, Tom Baxter, David SANTA FE SD24 MODIFICATION .......... ... ..... .... ......32 Blanchard, John Buffalo, Richard Buike, Tom Cobb, Richard Cole, Dan Crews, Charles Disch· Gordon C. Bassett inger, John Eagan, Ted Haas, Tommy Johnson, W Denn is Kogan, illiam Me ssecar, Frank Peacock, CB&Q TANK CAR .. .... .. ... .. ..... ...... .......... ....33 Richard Ryker, David Schumacher AssociateEditors: Richard Cataldi, Cyril Durren· William Glick berger, Richard Hendr ickson, Jason Mo ore, Larry Occhiello, Joseph Shine, Pat Student THE GREAT NORTHERN EMPIRE BUILDER - Part III ..... ..... ...35 Prototype Modeler is published bi·monthly by Dave Schumacher Prototype Mo deler, Inc., 171 Y, Pine Street, Post Office Box 343, Danvers, MA 01923. Subscr ip· tion price is $10.00 per year in the United States MODELING A SOUTHERN RAILWAY 40' 40-TON STEEL BOX ........44 and its possessions, $11.00 in Canada and Me xico, and $12.50 in all other countries; $19.00 per J. C. Paschall, Jr. two years in the United States and its possessions $21.00 in Canada and Me xico, and $24.00 in all SANTA FE BOOM CAR ...... .... .... ....... .. .. ...........50 other countries; $27.50 per three years in the United States and its possessions, $30.50 in Gordon C.Bassett Canada and Me xico; and $35.50 in all other countries. Allow at least six weeks for a change of address. BURLINGTON NORTHERN 748922 52' INSULATED BOX ...........56 Contributions: Articles and photographs are welcome. Contributors are advised to retain a J. Ryczkowski copy of any photographs and/or manuscr ipts submitted. All ma ter ial submitted is considered to be gratis and no payment will be made to the SOUTHERN PACI FIC SP70-49 CLASS ......... .... .......... ...57 author or his representative. J. Ryczkowski and Tom Cobb Copyright: The contents of this magazine may not be reproduced in any way without written permission of the publisher. Copyright ©1977. BOOK REVIEWS BY THE PM STAFF ...61 by Prototype Mo deler, Inc.