(J^Asasg? Now in This Handy Unit Tuesday March, 28, 1961 Well, Folks
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Page 2 THE ARIZONA SUN March 30, 1961 ADULTS ARE MIXED UP By Walter VenereW* [ THG ARIZONA SUII TELL ME .. THE PEOPLE’S NEWSPAPER VON’T THE fiSPHBLT LRKE OF JUST VfHAT 15 THE Published weekly on Thursday by the Arizona Sun Publishing Co. TWNIDPID BE EMPTIED EVENTUALLY "LAUGHING TACKA9S£ ?‘ 4014 South Central Avenue Phoenix 40, Arizona since the pitch is Telephone: BRoadway 6-6302 v ?' J[[n Subscription Rates: 1 year-$3.00; 6 months—sl.7s; 10c per copy Managing Editor Alton Thomas Associate Editor W. A. Robinson Art - Layout Vera Nash Photography Cloves Campbell "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6) MUCH ASPHALT IS REMOVED, THE XT IS AN AUSTRALIAN 81RD..... DON'T GET MAD, GET SMART! APERTURE QUICKLY FILLS UR DUE TO NOTED FOR ITS .LOUD LAUGHTER,. THE SETTLING OF THE ENTIRE MASS ! VERY MUCH LIKE fl HUMAN f To be sure that the SUN’S readers are informed about var- “anti-communism,” ious organizations which, under the cover of "TUE are determined to attack everybody and everything promoting WHO ORIGINATED LIFE* HOW DID ONION human rights, I am devoting my space in your paper this week to some information about the John Birch Society. I am sure that some people in our Phoenix Negro community have seen recently in the local dailies references to attacks on this organi- zation being made by some of the liberal groups. I hope I can : help you to understand and evaluate what will be appearing in is r-IUE , MINI. the pewspapers and news magazines on this subject. The John Birch Society draws most of its members and promoters from the upper levels of white society, so I am told. What the War Was About It has a much higher social level than the crowd that follows following appeared Evangelist Billy James Hargis. The Hargis crowd is named The editorial in THE NEW YORK HER- ALD TRIBUNE on March 11, 1961: “We the People.” The offices of the Society are at 385 Con- to is from missionary The refusal of the New Jersey Civil War Centennial Com- According historical records The word derived cord Ave., Belmont 78, Mass. It was named for a THE FIRST to INSURE THE LATIN "UNlO" WHICH in China who joined Gen. Clair Chenault’s forces and was killed mission to attend a convention of the national organization in CHINESE WERE one “A LbRQE 10 days after VJ Day. Charleston because of its members is a Negro and will not spS] PEOPLE... MORE THRN 3000 YEARS AGO? SIGNIFIES PEfiRL"! be admitted to a chosen hotel with the rest is a fitting comment Its founder and president is Robert Welch, formerly vice- on the unseemly way in which the nation is being asked to com- president of his brother’s candy manufacturing firm in Kansas. memorate the most tragic milestone in its history. In 1956 he began giving full time to fighting communism. He Indeed, the assumption that seems to lie acting PAGE behind the An Unbeatable . Opinion” magazine, SHOPPING TEAM edits “One Man’s and a “The American out of battles, the Chamber of Commerce dress-ups and all11 Ruby P. Fisher Opinion.” “Ameri- is His associate editor is J. B. Matthews whose the rest that the Civil War was a cross between a knightlyy P. O. Box 1861 can Mercury” magazine once claimed that 7,000 clergymen were tournament and a Hollywood epic. Yet the great moral crisisis THE ARIZONA SUN communist conspirators in the USA. He is also promoter of tore country apart, and which the which is still with us in a not5t The Page Mission is still op- two well known anti-Semitic pamphleteers, Joseph P. Kamp very different form, is entirely ignored—except in this shameful*l en and growing with Sunday and and Merwin K. Hart. way. It is scarcely possible people have forgotten what theie School at its best. The Rev. war was about. ITS SELECTED ADVERTIZERS In his book, “The Politician,” which he published and dis- Milbert Gibson of Phoenix is But even if that crisis is plastered over tributes privately to the elite in his organization, according to in the interest of in charge. The lesson was “unity” and “harmony” (and the tourist trade), " The Milwaukee Journal, he is said to charge that President Ei- there is a mor- r beautifully taught by Brother bid interest in the fighting itself which goes far beyond senhower was a dedicated conscientious agent of the commun- devoted*1 Bob Sutton also of Phoenix, historical enthusiasm. And what is one say pa- *' ist party, that Milton Eisenhower is the President’s superior in to about the who is working and contrib- Lowest prices in Phoenix! thetically ludicrous re-enactment the other day of the inaugura- the communist party, and that a dozen highly placed govern- uting his time to help the mis- tion of Jefferson Davis in Montgomery? Let us hope that ie ment men are either outright communists or tools of party. the sion grow. the taste for this kind of thing will have disappeared long recaps He of before‘ e Also present were Deacon even accuses Eisenhower treason. I haven’t read the the 100th anniversary of Appomattox. book so I can’t give the evidence he cites. Alverson of New Home Bap- Full New Tread _ tist Church, Phoenix. The Society also has a “Blue Book” which is available to Each Sunday these dear at members $2.00, in which he says, “The form of government Segregated Civil NUPTIALS • brothers are in service here is not nearly important as as its quality.” In another statement } when not going home. A mid- he says, “and Democracy, of course, is in government or organ- War Assembly W hitfield-Mitchell week prayer meeting is plan- Nassau Tire Company ization, as Greeks the and Romans both found out, merely a ned for strength. There are 2809 WEST BUCKEYE deceptive Wedding vows were made ROAD phrase, a weapon of demagoguery, and a perennial Protested several families living here I fraud.” Saturday, March 25, at 1:00 now with the men working on : ' —L*———^ NEW YORK —The NAACP PM in Shiloh Baptist Church ¦ I—L*———^ 1 ' the dam. According to the Chicago Daily News of July 25, 1960, the has protested plans to hold a by Miss Erma Whitfield and 1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sim- Society has members in every state and active chapters in half racially segregated annual Mr. Maurice Mitchell. states of mons from Buffalo, N. Y., who the the Union. Welch advocates that ‘we should do meeting of the national Civil, , The ceremony was per-r ’ lived with the Fishers two and everything to support and increase the number of stations used War Centennial Commission by Rev. S. T. Miller,r formed ’ a half months, have purchased and widen the audiences of such radio programs as Fulton in Charleston, S. C., April 11- pastor of Shiloh. a three bedroom trailer and Lewis Jr., Clarence Manion, and others.” Os Nelson Rocke- 12. The bride wore a semi-pink ‘ now live at 46-K Trailer Ct. feller he says, “He is definitely committed to trying to make organdy ballerina gown with In a wire to Karl S. Betts, Mr. and Mrs. Verso Harris the U. S. a part of the one-world socialist government.” flowered crest veil and executive director of the Com- elboww are both in Page Hospital. She Roy length white gloves. Thec Recently Time magazine blasted the John Birch Society mission, Wilkins, NAACP is sick and he has a back in- matron of honor was Mrs. r' and as more and more light is thrown upon executive secretary, said: Ver- jury from the job. its philosophies ma Whitfield. They are Sec.-Treas. ‘A Name You Can Trust’ President and its activities, it may burrow deeper in secrecy or just curl “Fact that Commission is from Niagara Falls, N. Y., liv- guest of South Attendants were Mrs. Joycee up and lie. As Negroes, who are targets of all of these fascist Carolina Com- ing at Church Wells Trailer VALLEY LIFE * INSURANCE Williams, Mrs. Patty > CO. movements, we should know mission does not obligate it to Thomp- 26 our enemies and know them for son, ¦ Court, miles out. what they endorse by its presence a %vio- Miss Vera Feldon, Mrs.s featuring are. Mary ‘ Mrs. Ruby Fisher is recup- lation of the basic principle for Woffard. “THE RAGSDALE PLAN” erating from a burn she re- Pays Anywhere in the World I have heard that there are chapters of the John Birch So- which war was fought. Sandra Kaye Whitfield, theIe ceived from an accident on the ALpine ciety in Phoenix. It is also rumored Billy bride’s sister was the flower 1144 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 4-5323 that James Hargis “Commission spokesman is r job. She is a practical nurse is moving his headquarters quoted girl. to Phoenix. Then we may have as saying that Commis- Page Hospital. besides “For America,” The ushers at “We People” of sion Charles — the Billy Jim. Harry has no concern beyond were: Mrs. Gailbreath is doing ~*7i—7i —Ti—Ti-xr—Q—~i— Everingham, editor of Billy’s paper Williams, “Free and Richard Evans, ’ Enterprise may ap- planning coordinating s nicely in her home on J St., pear more often in our daily morning paper. Burke Whitfield and James And for the commemorative programs. ' s recovering from a back injury elite, there will be the John Birch and Boozer. The best man IS Society. “Negro other American was received in an accident while | 1000 BUSINESS CARDS citizens cannot understand how Calvin Goode.