The Billboard 1918-01-12
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MOTICC TO READER: Wheo joa llaMi raaiSiix this mvMtaa piMa • le BtUDp ao Um iMMiiaw hand aamr to any poatal amployta^ and It will '« placfd Ui (ha haoda bf our trldlen or aalkn at iha froiiL Na cJAN.12J9ie wrayplaf. Na addraaa.—A. 8. BURIXSON. Postmaatar-OancraL IF YOU SEE IT IN BILLYBOY-BANK ON IT I 2 X ti e Billboard JANUARY 12, 1918 AGENTS -THIS IS A — GOLD MIRE at $1: Oaiy It S«XN • Day M«ui 15.00 Otity PraOL FURNITURE Grand Rapid*, Mich New York Office, 28 £L R2d 3L srsi.$1.00 —SO you can jz:et tiurty ’Lgftn OnraMnidoB In dli(>1tT cm*. P«1I (<u at boot. <zia\ tnrhM K*ch trUcU tall dri* CORPORATIONS ORGANIZED atfm ala*. lUttll raluc. tS.SS; you aall for II.M; ttlc^'dlaraonds^^pme black andnd white engraved. Gross, >1U.75$10.75 a line on them. «»U you onlT 50*. THIVK OP ITI 11 ARTICLES IN NEW YORK, t$7.N FOR LESS THAN 8* EACH. Whan Ton ahow your ruatomcr thla torfwaia autflt, with panri* paildM Including complete outfit. Accounts ORIENTAL MFG. CO., 106 Wesleyan Ave., DepL 2, Providence, R.l. rorar, thr airaj of fln* tollat tooda (that alwara ap- collected everywhere. Call, write or paala to mlladr'a heart) will daaair her ere. and arhan at the end at rnitr aplel Tou itate the low prlca phone Suite 201, 1547 Broadway, at $1.0* for all thla. th* dollar U tout*, eran If ahe Gaiety Theatre Building. Telephone haa to hoimw, h«( or ateal It. TTiU Lurhy 'Leran rackace haa hem a "lurky And" 7745 Bryant. for all nartlea. Ooinrlele onlSt aent exT'reaa prapald AT LIBERTY AFTER JANUARY 9TH for 11.25. RPnCIAL OTFKR TO EILUlf>ARn RIjtD niS: 10 Bozea and Ram>la Caa* free for 55.00. Uit NEW DROPS, $12.50 huar o'llcfc. Only on* at our "37 Vartellaa." all Painted to order, any .Mze, up to 14x20 ft.. In either oolo rnaiara. Diamond Dye. Oil or Water roloT.v. 52.00 deposit with each oriler. SCHFaj, SCF;\IC STL’DIO. Columbus. O. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Echols E. M. DAVIS SOAP CO., IVu K: CHICAGO VELYH DROPS AND STAGE SEDING LOOK—JUST OUT-LOOK Le-I'lniaie and IM'iure Thiatrea Knnlrned. (MARIE VAN ETTEN) BEAUMONT VELVET SCENERY STUDIOS. CHARACTERS AND HEAVIES. 1007 Columbia Thea. Bldg., B’d’y & 47th St.. N. Y. C. tGood'e. TT.oroUKhly reliable. First-class licp., Ptrmaiiem Sifsk nr One Piece. Managers of recof* Kaiser's Last Will and Testament nlz^ companies only. Adilri'ss WM. ECHOLS, iacksen. MIehtgaa. On hooded paper, alth larre told acaL Hjay wiU make a horae laugh. Srillni Uka hot rake*. SI M FOR SALE, THEATRE TENT ' per 100. Sample. lOo. poatpaid. i. W. PEVIXE. 7SI 50x120, Bciuare ends: Proscenium and about 150 canraa 15ih Ft., Detroit, Mlrhlaan. boilom F'olding Seals for two people, all In pretty goc>d WANTED, PARTNER condition. 5300.00 ca.«h takes It all. Address E. H. A man with capital to take third Interest In traveling stock comrany. Must be able to travel with company JONES, 24 Glenwood St., Warren. Penaeylvanla. and lo^ after front of hrmse. Supporting well-known stock star of the Eastern territory, .kddress B. A M., 29 Mattoon St., Springfleld, Masaachiiteltt. AT LIBERTY FOQ Snitih Board. Dimmers and • ''** Theairlcal Chairs, used only three months. F. L. GOFF, 217 W. 6th St., Pueblo, f el.'raflo Piano and Drums Planl.l. .\-l l eader, good Arranger, 1* jrtara’ exp< rl WANTED QUICK <nre; large r.i>erii>ire of muah'; jolier; gc.wt appear W.9NTF>D—Three Assldants for Mystic Act, one that can play piano Prefer ones that have had book¬ anre: age. 39. Drunirter kaa me of the larged and b*M selling experience. Prefer those with 36 coat measurements. Dl<k Wakefield, come on. Y'oung men about 22 uutfliB money ran liuy. Has hern with Flop. Look and MINDREADER WISHES desiring experience considered. Address HENRI CLAYTON, Columbia Theatre, Detroit, week Jaa, 7; Broad* Usien Co. all eeaw n. Cue ptrturra. \ drawing card way Theatre, Columbus, 0.. week Jan. 14. _ anywhere. Cood appearance. .Vge. 19. Want to lo¬ cate. We dellrer the gooda. W 11 go anywhere. Both Good Audience Man A r of M. KOMINT A IIOMINX. General DeUren Fayrtterllle. North Caeollna. Will teach good amateur. Address WANTED IMMEDIATELY RUTH MARTIN, care Billboard, A-1 DRAMATIC PEOPLE AT LI BERTY Chicago, Illinois. Those W’ith specialties preferred. Mention all in first letter. C. A. CORBIN SHANNON STOCK CO., Maysville. Ky. Baritone, Trombone and Psu'ts. Age, 33. WANTED LULA CALLAHAN WANTER, QUICK, FOR LEO H. KING STOCK 00. Ingenues, some Leads. Age, 26. Join on wire. Address C. A. CORBIN, 5038 East Piano Player doubling hand. Comet, Baritone, Trombone and Ba.s.9 doubling stage, Leaper for Return Act 8th, Kansas City, Mo. TOM R. NELSON. Calvert Hotel, Mt. Vernon, Ill., week January 7th. P. S.—I wish to thank those who answered my last week’s ad. 18th &. Wabash Ave., Chicago. AT LIBERTY LA/AMTPD S T R I N G BASS AND CELLO. I Jlikt he mtii of '>eat experience. Permanent. ORl’llEVM TUEATHB, HuntlngtoQ, WANIED FOR JOE BAIRD’S COMEDIANS West Virginia. ARTHUR CAllAHAN Character Woman, Ingenue, Bass Player to double anything in Orchestra, Orchestra Light or Cliarartrr Cumedlan, Speclalllea. Comet la WANTED—.9n A-No. 1 Team, doing singles and dou* Leader to double an3fthing in Band. Franl^ Kassel, wire. Show runs year round. lllt.J; height, S ri.. IS: weight. 140; age. 32. Rep. blea and put on acts. Preferenre given those with pic¬ Address JOE BAIRD, Brawley, California. rw)e pl«e ViUilerlllo or Fleck. Can Join on wir*. Ad- ture machine and film. Don’t misreprternt. klust be <lrma ARTHCR CAI-UAHAN. care Callahan Dramaue sobw and reliable. Salary, 540 and transportation Co.. 5038 Fra-d 8th FI.. Kanaaa City. .Mo. after lotnlnx. COMPA.NY NO. 2, GAY’S tN’TBIi- TAIN"ERS, Farmer City, Illinois. WANTED—A-l Cornet, double Violin; Trombone. Trap AT LIBERTY—RUBY CARTER Drummer. Full line traps for pictures. Combination General Dualiiea*. exi ept Leaila; doohla rtanoi Cooil hou.<e. tabiv. and pictures; 6 nights, one mailnce. State Wanted-Soubrette <•< Comedian alnglng rolie. C.tiod aiipt-aranrr. Age. 27; bright. 5 lowest In first letter. MAJESTIC THEATRE. Stutt¬ ft., 6 In.: weight. 150. Jan. 10. 11. 12. Aron, 8. D ; gart, Arkansas. WITH SPECIALTIES. ALSO HEAVY MAN TO HANDLE STAGE Jan. 14. 15, 1C. Wagner. P. D._ FOR QUICK SAUF AT LIBERTY —BERNARD HINKLE Male Montana Wolf, including display cage: pair large HYMES BEVERLY AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISE, Hymes’ Theitre, Buekiiinnon,W.Ya. ITearlca, CharacUr* or Orneral Rurlneaa. 5 ft., •: 155 Porcupines and cage, Itaccoon and Mexican Spilogale, Ilia.; S3 years. Kxi'crlenre and aMllly. Fpeelalllea. with doublb rage; Prairie Dogs and English Hares. Join on wire ai.d ticket. Mlilatd Hotel. Oraalia. Xrti. Lot of giKd as new sidowall. Bargains. CHAS. BElt- XARU. Gtiieral Delivery. Cohimhus, Ohio. AT LIBERTY—WALT1';R L. WT:UdNGTON'. on ar- lount cf show rk»lng. A-1 Plano Player, read and fake. Also Ftralghia In acta. A-l drrsaer lioth on and Roberts’ United Shows off and aober and reliable. Eicmpt frnavdraft. Athlrfci Medicine Peopie 725 W. Kalamazoo FI., Landing, Michigan. _ Of all kinds wanted. State salary, miut be low. I Wants for Season I9I8 AT I miTDTV A USEFUL NOVELTY pay transportation. Mast be ready to join at once. Al Lill>C.I\. 1 I *-performer with abil¬ CUAS. ItCnKELL, .520 Eastern Ave., Davenport, la. FORTY OR MORE WEEKS, OPENING MARCH 2, ALBANY, QA. ity. acta and wardrobe. Straight and Coniedy. Alway> rellabir. Change for two weeks. Slate all Brat kittr ’ Ferris Wheel, Monkey Speedway and Whip, General Agent and Pro¬ O. WII.LIF. Gen. Del., I^a Croaae, Wlsniuln. moters, also strong Free Act. Can place legitimate Concessions of all WANTED TUBA AND STRING BASS AT LIBERTY ■ kinds, one of each; no joints. Address ROBERTS’ UNITED SHOWS, .\i count De Hue Ilnw.’ M iiitrela chwlng Troup< or LADY PIANO PLAYER loate. Not wubjrrt to draft. Fi. W. MI'IIPHT, care riuit can double stage or that has dramatic ability I General (Miccs, Exchange Bank Bldg., Albany, Ga. Iloltd Crlnilna. York. IVim^ylranla. and willing to learn. No ohjectlono to chiltl. Wie . ] dands under canvas. State age. height, weight. Fetid Ohoto If possible. Addtess Ild.MEIt V. OLDFIELD, AT LIBERTY FOR CIRCUS SEASON /k 1 A„glAi:.rvg I— leader. a F. at M Keretis, Texas, week Jatiuary 7. Eipcrlenicd In all kind* cf thon tiuMncv and dan. work. Flale aalary. VIOLIMHT. 2722 W. 3<l . WANTED—.Metikliie People. Plano Players, lady or Duluth. MInnmola. tentleman; Advance Man that can double atage, with VIOLET AND LEWIS ausiness ability. Must be hu.stlera. good <ire.-st'rs on MUSICIANS AT LIBERTV-lHHin IU)nF:JtTF and and off. State ago and weight. Want people that can Comedy Novelty Aerialists aud Acrobats. Gent .\-No. 1 Acrobatic Clown, original three ntrirrs. (oriiel. t larinil. Mchnihonr, Ilarlti-nc stand good treatment. If you hooze yi.ti will tn/t last comedy. Lady doubles traps and ladder. Gent comedy for any act. A feature lianil and orchealrt; nlage If prrfrrmi Capahle. with sere. A real medicine lotrpany. conducic'l the same r»)vrlcnce. What hue youT Addttn or wire D IS any first-cla.vs tornpany. Tltkcl? Y’es, on cho k o' double comedy aerial act. Have been with big ones, but don’t object to small ones.