MOTICC TO READER: Wheo joa llaMi raaiSiix this mvMtaa piMa • le BtUDp ao Um iMMiiaw hand aamr to any poatal amployta^ and It will '« placfd Ui (ha haoda bf our trldlen or aalkn at iha froiiL Na cJAN.12J9ie wrayplaf. Na addraaa.—A. 8. BURIXSON. Postmaatar-OancraL


I 2 X ti e Billboard JANUARY 12, 1918 AGENTS -THIS IS A — GOLD MIRE at $1: Oaiy It S«XN • Day M«ui 15.00 Otity PraOL


Grand Rapid*, Mich New York Office, 28 £L R2d 3L srsi.$1.00 —SO you can jz:et tiurty ’Lgftn OnraMnidoB In dli(>1tT cm*. P«1I (1U.75$10.75 a line on them. «»U you onlT 50*. THIVK OP ITI 11 ARTICLES IN NEW YORK, t$7.N FOR LESS THAN 8* EACH. Whan Ton ahow your ruatomcr thla torfwaia autflt, with panri* paildM Including complete outfit. Accounts ORIENTAL MFG. CO., 106 Wesleyan Ave., DepL 2, Providence, R.l. rorar, thr airaj of fln* tollat tooda (that alwara ap- collected everywhere. Call, write or paala to mlladr'a heart) will daaair her ere. and arhan at the end at rnitr aplel Tou itate the low prlca phone Suite 201, 1547 Broadway, at $1.0* for all thla. th* dollar U tout*, eran If ahe Gaiety Theatre Building. Telephone haa to hoimw, h«( or ateal It. TTiU Lurhy 'Leran rackace haa hem a "lurky And" 7745 Bryant. for all nartlea. Ooinrlele onlSt aent exT'reaa prapald AT LIBERTY AFTER JANUARY 9TH for 11.25. RPnCIAL OTFKR TO EILUlf>ARn RIjtD niS: 10 Bozea and Ram>la Caa* free for 55.00. Uit NEW DROPS, $12.50 huar o'llcfc. Only on* at our "37 Vartellaa." all Painted to order, any .Mze, up to 14x20 ft.. In either oolo rnaiara. Diamond Dye. Oil or Water roloT.v. 52.00 deposit with each oriler. SCHFaj, SCF;\IC STL’DIO. Columbus. O. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Echols E. M. DAVIS SOAP CO., IVu K: CHICAGO VELYH DROPS AND STAGE SEDING LOOK—JUST OUT-LOOK Le-I'lniaie and IM'iure Thiatrea Knnlrned. (MARIE VAN ETTEN) BEAUMONT VELVET SCENERY STUDIOS. CHARACTERS AND HEAVIES. 1007 Columbia Thea. Bldg., B’d’y & 47th St.. N. Y. C. tGood'e. TT.oroUKhly reliable. First-class licp., Ptrmaiiem Sifsk nr One Piece. Managers of recof* Kaiser's Last Will and Testament nlz^ companies only. Adilri'ss WM. ECHOLS, iacksen. MIehtgaa. On hooded paper, alth larre told acaL Hjay wiU make a horae laugh. Srillni Uka hot rake*. SI M FOR SALE, THEATRE TENT ' per 100. Sample. lOo. poatpaid. i. W. PEVIXE. 7SI 50x120, Bciuare ends: Proscenium and about 150 canraa 15ih Ft., Detroit, Mlrhlaan. boilom F'olding Seals for two people, all In pretty goc>d WANTED, PARTNER condition. 5300.00 ca.«h takes It all. Address E. H. A man with capital to take third Interest In traveling stock comrany. Must be able to travel with company JONES, 24 Glenwood St., Warren. Penaeylvanla. and lo^ after front of hrmse. Supporting well-known stock star of the Eastern territory, .kddress B. A M., 29 Mattoon St., Springfleld, Masaachiiteltt. AT LIBERTY FOQ Snitih Board. Dimmers and • ''** Theairlcal Chairs, used only three months. F. L. GOFF, 217 W. 6th St., Pueblo, f el.'raflo Piano and Drums Planl.l. .\-l l eader, good Arranger, 1* jrtara’ exp< rl WANTED QUICK erii>ire of muah'; jolier; gc.wt appear W.9NTF>D—Three Assldants for Mystic Act, one that can play piano Prefer ones that have had book¬ anre: age. 39. Drunirter kaa me of the larged and b*M selling experience. Prefer those with 36 coat measurements. Dl

WANTED—A-l Cornet, double Violin; Trombone. Trap AT LIBERTY—RUBY CARTER Drummer. Full line traps for pictures. Combination General Dualiiea*. exi ept Leaila; doohla rtanoi Cooil hou.C.I\. 1 I *-performer with abil¬ CUAS. ItCnKELL, .520 Eastern Ave., Davenport, la. FORTY OR MORE WEEKS, OPENING MARCH 2, ALBANY, QA. ity. acta and wardrobe. Straight and Coniedy. Alway> rellabir. Change for two weeks. Slate all Brat kittr ’ Ferris Wheel, Monkey Speedway and Whip, General Agent and Pro¬ O. WII.LIF. Gen. Del., I^a Croaae, Wlsniuln. moters, also strong Free Act. Can place legitimate Concessions of all WANTED TUBA AND STRING BASS AT LIBERTY ■ kinds, one of each; no joints. Address ROBERTS’ UNITED SHOWS, .\i count De Hue Ilnw.’ M iiitrela chwlng Troup< or LADY PIANO PLAYER loate. Not wubjrrt to draft. Fi. W. MI'IIPHT, care riuit can double stage or that has dramatic ability I General (Miccs, Exchange Bank Bldg., Albany, Ga. Iloltd Crlnilna. York. IVim^ylranla. and willing to learn. No ohjectlono to chiltl. Wie . ] dands under canvas. State age. height, weight. Fetid Ohoto If possible. Addtess Ild.MEIt V. OLDFIELD, AT LIBERTY FOR CIRCUS SEASON /k 1 A„glAi:.rvg I— leader. a F. at M Keretis, Texas, week Jatiuary 7. Eipcrlenicd In all kind* cf thon tiuMncv and dan. work. Flale aalary. VIOLIMHT. 2722 W. 3

C«*yrl|ht, 1917, by Th« Bllbeard Pabllsfelaf Caatpaay. OFFICIALS OF EDWARD SHAYNE NEW RULES FOR C. N. THOMPSON WHITE RATS SET PROTECTION OF UP BAD MEMORY PICTURE FILM ALIBI AT QUIZ FRUM SHIPPERS For/jetfulness Comes to Their Bureau of Explosives Submits Rescue Frequently New Specifications

Failure To Remember Traps Scarcity cf Tin and Sheet-Iron j Them Several Times Makes Changes Necessary j

Two Hearings Are Assigned for War Affects Picture Industry the Coming Week in Still Another Way Pioneer W. V. M. A. booking manager, Noted circus executive, who died at his home in Sarasota, Fla,, Friday night, who was tendered a farewell dinner by New York, Jan. 7.—The war Is to New York, Jan. 5.—Otflclala of the Chicago agents last week. January 4. White Rats Actors' Union, who took have a still further effect on the pic¬ the stand yesterday afternoon in the ture Industry. Owing to the scarcity Inquiry now belnff conducted hy Ref¬ of tin and sheet iron occasioned hy eree Louis Schuldenfrei. apparently war re<|uirements it has been found sought to make bad memory their necessary to make radical changes In alibi. At critical times, when ques¬ WANTSOUTDOOR the ypeclilcations for the shipment of C. N. THOMPSON tions of a Important nature were motion picture film and the Bureau put to them bad memory came to cf Explosives has framed a d’^aft of their rescue like a true friend and new specifications. • The new rules are snaked them out cf a most uncom- SHOWEQUIPMENT intended for the protection of film In PASSES AWAY fortah’e predicament. Pad memory, t-ansit and also to safeguard the pub¬ however, as the Inquiry progressed, lic. proved an unreliable friend. In fact, A subcommittee of the Transporta¬ once or twice when he was most re¬ OWNERSTOMEET tion Committee of the National Asso¬ SUDDENLY AT lied upon he utterly failed his constit¬ ciation of the Motion Picture Indus¬ uents and put them In a worse trap try, Inc., has been working for some that they were in before. But, all In time with the representatives of the all, giving the devil his due. bad IN KANSAS CITY I’ureau of Explosives for the purpose FLORIDA HOME memory was an Important factor and of amending the present regulations. did considerable to ease up the strain The members of this subcommittee Widely Known Showman Vic¬ which the witnesses experienced un¬ C. W. Parker Issues Call, En¬ are: A. E. S'eeel. chairman. Greater der the Interrogation. dorsed by Fred Buchanan, Vitagraph: Herb*rt S. Clark, Para¬ tim of Heart Trouble mount: Allan Rock. Paramount; W. Junie McCree. former president of ! E. Atkinson. Metro: J. C. Clark and the union and of the White Rats' William L. Sherry, Feature Film Co.; Realty Company, and W. W. Waters, For Meeting cf Owners To Was Identified With Outdoor A. E. Rousseau, Pathe Exchange, at one time secretary-treasurer of the Take Up Railroad Situation Inc.; J. H. Stllson, Paramount Pic- Shows Since Early Age union, were the witnesses of the day* ! tures Corji.; G. J. Schaefer, World who time and time again admitted Film Corp. that much which their memories Hotel Baltimore, on January Following Is a copy of a letter sent Longest Period of Service Was should have retained had escaped by Assistant Chief Inspector W. S. thru their mental transoms, leaving a 14, the Place and Date With Sells Bros. Topping of the Bureau of Explosives |Pare from which signlflcant facta had to the National Association, to which Completely been obliterated. call has been Issued hy C. W. Ls att.ached the revised draft of the Sarasota, Fla.. Jan. 6.—C. N. Thomp¬ Mr. McCree. who is a humorist and Parker, of Leavenworth. Kan., and proposed amended specification.®; son. one of the best known_show¬ author of burlesque and endorsed hy Fred Buchanan, to all Mr. F. H. Elliott, secy., men in America, died at his home material, was asked what offlce he outdoor showmen owning their rail¬ Natl. .^ssn. M. P. Industry. on Friday night of heart trouble. He held In the union In 1911 when the road equipment to meet at the Hotel Times Building, . was 61 years old. plans were first formulated. Baltimore, Kansas City. Mo., on the Hear Sir; Mr. Thompson was born December He replied that he was president. evening of Monday, January 14. to The experience of the BureaTi of Ex¬ 15, 18.66, at Marseilles, Ill., where he A.sked If he knew that the union’s take up a vital matter relative to the plosives In connection with the en¬ attended the public school. He be¬ money had been Investetl In the White railroad .situation for the cominj sc.a- forcement of the Interstate Com¬ Hats Realty Company he replied that ."■on. merce Commission regulation.-! cover¬ came identified with outdoor shows at he did not. A glimpse thru the letter which ing the transp<'>rtation of dangerous an early period of his life and re¬ To a pointed inquiry 'rom the ref¬ Colonel Parker mailed a short time articles other than explosives by ex¬ mained in that profession continu¬ eree as to whether or .ot he wa.<» an a.go to Mr.* Buchanan, in which he press. and the experience of the ously until the time of his death onU officer of the realty omnany as well suggested a meeting of this nature, express companies, indicates the ne¬ two months after the close of the rea¬ as of the union he confc.>«ed that he v ill best familiarize readers of The cessity of revising the present regu- son of 1917, which he finished with WRs president. ‘ Billboard with the object of th's Im¬ ’nt'ons covering the packing of mov¬ Rlngling Bros.’ Circus at Memphis. Mr. McCree was next • how it portant gathering. ing picture films. .\s a result of varl- Tenn., November 5, apparently in the "as that, altho he wat .I'ent of In part, the Colonel’s letter reads: otis conferences with subcommittees best of health. both the union and t*' r.. ty com- “From authentic Information that of your association I have prepared Mr. Thompson had been identified Paoy, he was ignorant of the fact that I have received I am led to believe a draft of a proposed amendment to with the following as olaitn •he funds of the one were Invested In that every corporation owning rail¬ paragraph 43 of the express regula¬ agent, adjuster or on the busines- the other, ytr. McCree sought to ex- road e (ConttnilPd on page 67) The Edition of This Issue of The Billboard is 39.500 Copies JANUARY 12, I91t

tntfether in London in the play called Madame Vernia Dead Romance. It was the late Charles MISS 1917 PASSES INTO Frohman who gave Miss Keane her Was Co-Star With .Adelina Patti first chance in The Hypocrites, and under his direction she developed Seattle, Wash., Jan. 6.—Madame HANDS OF THE RECEIVER rapidly into one of the cleverest in¬ Vernia, co-star of Adelina Patti, and genues on the American stage. a noted singer in the musical world some thirty-five years ago, died at the Friendly Action Against Show at Century, New Idea” Show in Chicago home of her daughter In Seattle Thursday night. She was known here York, Is Brought by Flore Revalles, the Dancer as Mrs. Von Kalow. Her real name was Countess Anna Pauline Von Gorst, — Corporation Said To Owe About and she was said to be a first cousin to Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany. $100,000 to Creditors *are not likely to call It inane, for the title Itself starts out with an Idea, in¬ asmuch as the play, which tells of the Herbert Receives Baton Xew York, Jan. 5.—The theatrical sensation of the week was contained failure of eugenics to overcome Victor Herbert, the famous Ameri¬ in the announcement that Mies 1917 mother love, is called The Very Idea. was to be withdrawn from the Century dinary caliber. It drew big business. Ernest Truex and Richard Dennett can composer, now guest conductor of Theater and that the theater and It could not help but do so, but, in have the principal roles in this L. the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, building had been leased to Elliott, spite of that fact, the venture was not Lawrence Weber production of Wm. received a baton from the theater mu¬ sicians of Cincinnati Monday morning, Comstock & Gest, who on January 14 a success. The receivership proceed- Le Earon’s three-act play. will move Chu Chin Chow there from (Contlnned on pipe 71* presented to him by Theodore Hahn, the Opera House. This Now Corporal Schulze leader of the Lyric Theater Orchestra. was followed by a second sensation Klaw & Erlanger He used the baton for the first time when the Century Amusement Cor¬ Monday evening, when he conducted his own comic opera, Eileen, at the poration, which was re.«ponsible for Still Negotiating for Providence Thea. Hartford Boy, AA’ho Made Good, Now Lyric. Incidentally, owing to a delay last year’s Century Girl as well as this ter, Rumors Have It a Soldier year’s Miss 1917, passed into the in the shipment of scenery, the opening of the week’s engagement of «Elleen lands of receivers. Providence, R. I., Jan. 5.—The the¬ New York, Jan. 5.—Francis Talcott at the Lyric had to be postponed from Miss 1917 will end her career to¬ atrical new year in this city starts with Schulze is now one of Uncle Sam’s Sunday evening to Monday evening. night unless it is decided to test her one new stage in immediate prospect boys and is located at Camp Jackson, Mr. Herbert made h's first appear¬ destinies on the road. In case of such for first-class productions, while there S. C., as a member of the Quarter¬ ance in Cincinnati as guest conductor a trial the production will necessarily I.^ a feeling In the wind that the new master Corps. Frank, no, pardon. of the Cincinnati Symphony Orches¬ be subjected to considerable pruning, house, the Shu- Corporal tra at Music Hall Sunday afternoon for a production on such a lavish scale bert - Majestic, Schulze, began EDA VON LUKE before a very enthusiastic audience, with such an array of talent is im¬ will not be with¬ h 1 s theatrical which crowded the vast auditorium practical for anything but a metropoli¬ out a close rival career in hi.s from pit to dome. His reception was tan showing, and, in fact, it has proved in the near fu¬ home town, a rousing one. impractical even in that respect in ture in a Klaw Hartford, Conn., the present instance. & Erlanger In Parson’s If the present up.set of Miss 1917’8 booking. Theater. H 1 s Old Theater Bums career demonstrates anything else it Wi t h the first chance is the limitation of theatrical ambi¬ newcomer sev¬ “out” was In Norfolk. Va., Jan. 5.—The old Gran¬ tions. The production has unquestion¬ eral changes are The Slim Prin¬ by Theater on Granby street was de¬ ably done big, but nothing made in which cess with Miss stroyed In a series of fires here New short of phenomenal could carry such the Emery is Elsie Janla ThLs Year’s Day, when nearly two blocks a show to success. In the first place opened up again engagement in the heart of the business district the Century Theater, a.s it has been t o vaudeville lasted for tw’o burned. run, has been a mopt expensive thea¬ and pictures seasons and ter, and the producers of Miss 1917 and the Provi¬ then Eddie Foy, put on that show with an unprece¬ dence Opera a 8 8 i 8 te d by Remain With Seven Chances dented disregard for expense. The House to stock. Frank. made show was sumptuously equipped in Some time ago ’em all laugh in every detail. It was magnificent from New York, Jan. 5.—Robert Hyman a representative Over the River. a scenic standpoint, rich from a sarto- and Virginia Mann did not go to of Klaw & Er¬ A summer en¬ langer was in gagement with Philadelphia to head a stock company as was recently reported. Both are the city for an the Lyric Play¬ Stage Women’s Appeal interview with ers in the house in the cast of David Belasco’s comedy, David Dow, in which he first ,‘?even Chances, now playing at the Pitt Theater, Pittsburg. Great Amount of AVork Dennands manager of the was an usher, More Help Modern Theater, followed by an which is equip¬ engagement Show Troupes Lose Baggage ped with a pipe with Mitzi Hajos in Her Little organ and all Perry J. Kelly will feature Mis» Von Luke In modern theat¬ a new muiUal play, called The ritrl of Jly Heart, HIghnese, found AA lien Depot r.t I,ake1antl, Fla., Rurn.s wlik-h be will produce at the Ouqueaoe Theater, Frank looking rical accoutre¬ Pittsburg. January 14. for a Job, and ments. At that The railroad depot In I-nkeland, Fla., then with the time Mr. Dow burned at ten o’clock New A'ear’s .\born Stock Company, playing and announced that there was nothing do- ^ morning, leaving only the walls stand- plying between Baltimore and Wash¬ ing so far as a lease to the Klaw A In.g. The Silas Green Company lost ington, finished that season. A sea¬ Erlanger company was concerned. all of Its bag¬ at the Stage Women’s War son with Dreams Come True, as-sistant Persistent rumors, however, have it gage, which was Relief? We need that negotiations are still on for this to Charlie Jones, stage director of the In the depot A. H, Van Buren me Segal you. Our organi- Valley Musical Slock Company, S.vra- theater, and it would not surprise the¬ baggage room, _zation stands cuse, N. Y., and then to the Hlppo- atrical men here if the K. & E. folks where the fire procured in the not distant future (CoDtioued on page 71) Is said to have same Interest in the house to put on rtarted. J. A. their productions. At the present Quarantine at Alexandria Coburn’s hill time the theater is showing pictures, trunk was also need from over and reports are that a good business Owing to the increasing number of burned. The there Is for more is being done. of spinal meningitis among the John Lawrence soldiers stationed at Camp Beaure- Stock Compan’’, Anita (I“.) Theater Bums garde, Alexandria, La., all theaters now showing In I there have been closed The quarantine t h e Lakeland The Majestic Theater in Anita, Ta., went Into effect the latter part of last Opera House, burned Saturday, January 5. The lira week. Enos and Parker and several had just re¬ started under the stage, and was not other performers on the bill at the moved Its bag¬ discovered in time to save the build¬ Rapids rhv>ter In Alexandria at the gage from the depot a few ing. The I08.S was only partly covered time made a quick getaway to Shreve¬ by insurance. This leaves Anita with port, La. The M. L. Clark & Sons liotirs before the ! triotism and only a picture show. A1 Gorrell. in Show, which closed and remained In fire. Altbo the Putting It Over, was billed for Jan- Alexandria during the holidays, es¬ origin of the fire tiary 8. This means the cancelation caped the quarantine. Is unknown It of all attractions booked at Anita, la. Is said that ex¬ plosions In the Nic-Nacs of Now January 28 baggage rot.m Doris Keane Marries were the cause, i Fifth avenue. If New York, Jan. 7.—NIc-Nacs of as one of Silas on tour write to New York. Jan. 5.—Doris Keane, Now, a revue along the lines of Odds Green’s trunks the American actress, according to and Ends of 1917, will be the opening was blown open. - h e a d q u arters word from London, was married there attraction at the new Norworth 'Thea¬ The damage Is for informa¬ Thursday to Basil Sydney, an Eng¬ In Oh, Lady, Lady, which ter in Forty-eighth Street Monday, estimated at apeni early thia week. tion.” lish actor. They have been appearing January 28. la M. M. Frar*e'a pradac. 130,000. Ilea, Tka i ayr Qaaeat.

I JANUARY 12, 1918 Xlie Billboard

Henry Ellsworth Dies Alex. Leftwich as Producer

Was one of Ohio’s liPadlnc Theatrical will Present Some Daddy, New Com¬ MaiiaperH at One Tline edy, With Wm, Morris Featured

New York. Jan. 5.—Henry Ells- New York, Jan. 7.—Alexander Left¬ wiirth ments. In March Mr. Post will sail long friend and late manager, Harry 8 8 8 8 8 8 for Australia, Richard Walton 'Tully, H. Dean. Morris Gest is the man of the hour in theatricals. his manager, having contracted for Mr Ell.«worth was honorary life 8 8 8 8 8 8 his appearance there in The Masque¬ member of the Dayton Lodge of Elks. TYhen Churchill put a trained horse in his cabaret some months ago and rader. The remains were today sent to Day- later when he employed Tex McLeod to twirl the lariat In his revue little did The succeeding attraction at the ton and the funeral will be held at he know that he was in a fair way to revolutionize the modern cabaret. Since Booth will be Booth ’Tarklngton’s the home of his sister, Laura E. Velcht, the advent of McLeod at Churchill’s, Cuba Crutchfleld at Healy's and Frank Seventeen. ThLs is a dramatization of of that place. It will probably be un¬ Shields at Rector’s the wild and woolly loops of Broadway’s cabaret world the Tarkington short stories, and has der the charge of the Elks. have been revolving at a rapid rate. . . been played in the Middle West, with The knights of the saddle and the twirlers of the twisted twine are about Gregory Kelly in the leading role, with to forsake the beef ranges of the West to Invade the musical “Hoover” pack¬ much success. Flood Conditions ing plants and sugarless “beaneries" that line the "bored” walks of the now dimmed alley—once the Great White Way. Looking back to the partial cause No Pictures at Victoria Slightly Improved In Northwest of this near “stampede” we see the evolution of the, rope as the tool available for entertaining once the ruralltes that went to a Wild West exhibition and Seattle, Wash., Jan. 6.—Flood con¬ the city folk who attendM a vaudeville entertainment. The rope in the hands Dayton, O., Jan. 7.—Contrary to the ditions are somewhat Improved, but of an expert manipulator Is about to become and utilized exclusively as a mag persistent rumor to the contrary Val¬ will Interfere with Sunday shows here. net to draw and stimulate the i^petites of the patrons of the metropolis and entine’s 'V’ictoria 'Theater will not show The Government’s curtailment of autocrats of the modern high-brow automats and hash halls that glitter with moving pictures, but remain true to train service to the South cuts nine gold and sparkle with the glowing colors of the lobster and the wine. its first love—the legitimate. dally trains to three. The Orpheum The following are a few who may share’In the credit as expert exponents Claude Miller, the manager, made and Palace Hip. shows were hit hard responsible for the Introduction and popularizing of the mean, meandering, ap¬ a statement to this effect in response last night The night train, 10:30, and parently senseless, string, twirled, twisted, looped and loafed, bounding, but¬ to many inquiries of patrons and first morning train. 8:30, made it too terflying. always (sometimes controllable cotton or hemp cord—commonly friends. He will, however. pre.sent late to reach Portland for the matinee. known as r'.ata, lariat, lasso or rope): Tom Webb, “Texas” Billy McLeod Apollo feature films, according to his Thru the Influence of managers of the (formerly of the original Wild West), "Bicycle” Bill Creswell contract, when the regular productions .Moore. Palace Hip. and Kellie Burns Frank and Myrtlo Chamberlain, Will Rogers, Guy Weadick, Flores LaDue, are unobtainable. md Fisher agencies sleepers were Meyers and Rosa, Jack Joyce, Chester Beyers (when only a boy with a big act) added to the night train and will carry Hazel Moran. Billy Craver, Fred Bums, Shields and Paul (later Shield^ and Must Deposit Tax Daily baggage. Either train must be held Rogers), Two Lowes (formerly “Mustang Walter,” with the Pawnee Bill Wild f4>r the acts or Portland shows are West years ago). Bee Ho Gray, Tommy Klrnan, Elsie Janis, Jed and Ethel held over to play an extra matinee. Dooley, Bombay Deerfoot, Hazel Deerhammer, and others too numerous to .Amusement Proprietors Get New Order The F’antages shows’ Jump. Tacoma to mention, but not forgetting Fred Stone, around whom the Globe Theater now .About .Admissions In New Y'ork Portland, can make connection. revolves. The progressive cabaret entertainment purveyor Is constantly on the look New York. Jan. 6.—Mark Eisner, out to catch, rope and tie new stunts and new faces to bring before blase ten¬ col’ector of the Upper Manhattan dis¬ Theater Nearing Completion derfoot Gotham cliff dwellers. trict. January 4 sent out a notice to Now the wild Mavericks can rave and rant while the “why” of all this In all amiieement places and restaurants t’larksdale. Miss., Jan. 7.—^The new reference to Texas McLeod and Cuba Crutchfleld, who have so Innocently up¬ notifying proprietors that hereafter it 1100.000 theater being built in Yaxoo set the equilibrium of Broadway’s “chuck wagons.” would be necessary for all admissions avenue here Is rapidly nearing com¬ Joe Drum, press manager for Healy’s Golden Glades, may be called in collections to be deposited dally to the pletion. According to the contractors now as one of the “golngest” of the press agents, as he has taken full ad¬ credit of Eisner as the representative the hnu.*e will be ready for occupancy vantage of the advent of Cuba Crutchfield’s appearance by quoting the en¬ of the Government March 1. dorsement of a well-known actor on Broadway in reference to Crutchfield’s Mr. Eisner’s lead will probably !»<■ The theater will be equipped with ability as a whirlwind with the lariat in all advertisements from Healy’s followed by other collectors elsewhere. up-to-date rest rooms. The main au¬ Golden Glades in the newspapers of the city. To say that Crutchfleld had mor ditorium will have a seating capacity new tricks than any other twirler of the twisted twine brings Tex McLeod to Improving Cincy Theater of 1.000 people The stage will be 40x a point where he is about to show for public inspection ail of the medals and *0 feet and 75 feet high, to accommo¬ medallions he has rightfully won far removed from the Broadway range for •The Walnut Street ’Theater, Cincin¬ date the shifting of the scenery. A his exhibitions of skill “back home,” where the folk’s know more about what nati, formerly a legitimate house, and 17.000 pipe organ will be Installed. a rope is for than they do about riding down the skyscraper canons in bucking for the past few years devoted to high- Alex Utley of Memphis will man¬ taxi cabs. class motion pictures, is being im¬ age the playhouse. The argument has about reached the challenge stages The cabaret range proved in several respects. The im¬ bosses, while being proficient on the round-up of “dlnerlo” and Spanish senor- provements Include, in addition to re¬ Ita’s with clanking castanets, got clean out of their pastures when Tex and placing of the auditorium seats with Wanda Lyon’s Successor Cuba hit the big street and started the cabaret world a-going. The argument new opera chairs, the installation of a is now to the point where a referee will, no doubt, have to be called in. Some¬ great new electric sign at the front .\ew York. Jan. 5.—Ruby Norton one suggested that Will Rogers, of Wrigley fame, be corralled to settle the of the house and other alterations to has been engaged by John Cort to chewing match, but he w-as reported to be in Chicago branding greenbacks for beautify the interior. The theater is Olay Angelln.a Stokes in Flo-Flo, and the Zlegfeld Follies. About this time Joe Miller, of the famous Oklahoma 101 managed by I. Libson. oiade her flrst appearance in the com Ranch fame, stepped out of the big saddle onto the big alley, and. upon hearing 'dy with music at the Cort Theater the echoes of the cowpunchers’ pow wow, left for the West. Fred Stone was Thursday night. She has succeeded then quoted as having said that both of the boys were dam good ropers and Soprano Soloist Dies "anda Lyon, who withdrew from the good fellows with it and that if a contest is held that he hoped both would win. ‘’••t to start rehearsals with another Right off the U. B. O.- Circuit arrives Guy Weadick with his “Stampede” riders Toledo, O., Jan 6.—Mrs. .Agnes Kim¬ Piusical comedy for which she was and ropers of the cowboy and cowgirl clan, bucking bronks and all. As soon ball Affleck, former soprano soloist •ogaged prior to the opening of Flo- as it was learned that he was In camp his opinion relative to the controversy with touring orchestras and quartets, .Miss Norton was formerly was solicited. Ho not only helped It. but heated It up-to a boiling point by died here suddenly yesterday. She was nieniber of the well-known vaudeville saying that In his opinion a cowboy roping on a cake of Ice with a palm garden the wife of Edward T. Affleck, local •cam of Norton and Lee. and recently setting was about as consistent as trying to round up a herd of wild Texas manufacturer, and was married four «'*« seen in Furs and Frills. (ConUniMd on pngo Tl) years ago. I

JANUARY 12, 1918


panled by Wlll'.e Horowitz, left for Hippodrome Road Show Chicago th^s evening. lie will make AGENTS GIVE FAREWELL his headquarters at the Sherman Cancels North Yakima (Wash.) Stand House, and will he giad to meet old To Make Tacoma Jump friends, and make new ac

Chicago, Jan. 5.—Fifty agents and ] at all definite. He may return to the Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 7.—The open- noTToTroTiWowr nfToTinrr executives of the Western Vaudeville booking game in the East, or he may jng of the new Pantages Theater in UeHEVcIl 3 PicW Managers' Association and the Chicago drop out of sight entirely. Regard- this city, at Ninth and Broadway, on - United Booking Offices assembled at ing one thing there can be no ques- the former site of the Stratford Hotel, Wilmington. Del., Jan. 6.—Carter Hotel Sherman Wednesday evening tion—he will be missed. No charity took place today. Tho theater is pat- Dellaven has written a new vaude¬ for the saddest and gladdest hours of (Continued on page 70) temed after the Seattle house, except ville playlet entitled The Entertainer, their lives—a “Farewell Dinner” ten¬ which he will try out here this week, dered Ed Shayne, pioneer W. V. M. A. beginning tomorrow afternoon. There agent. will be two players besides himself in Plenty to eat and drink superin¬ the cast. duced many to enter the realms of philosophy via .strange routes when the speeches were reached, but, tho Bert French Will Not Act the general undercurrent was sad, it is well-nigh impossible to keep the New York, Jan. 7.—When Alice Els natural humor of half a hundred is next seen on the Orpheum Circuit huslO' men from asserting itself, as Pert French, her partner for the last was demonstrated by the tendency to right years, will not be in evidence if banish sorrow by exaggerated appeals their present plans hold good. That to mirth. Now and then an over- is to say, Mr, French will not be seen serious friend referred to the depart¬ l y the theatergoing public, altho he ing agent as if he had departed this will be behind the scenes. He is at life, resorting to the past tense in de¬ present working out an idea fcr a new scribing his virtues, but the levity al¬ dance presentation for Miss Eis. who luded to was responsible for such as¬ will have another dancing partner. sertions as “I hope, if you join the Mr. French, who has produced all of Loew bunch in New York they’ll prove the Eis and French dancing acts, in¬ as square a crew as were the boys tends to devote himself to the pro¬ around you in Chicago;” “Give my re¬ duction end of the business for the gards to Broadway—I saw it once,” next twelve months. Then he may “I hope this parting is only temporary return to the footlights. and that we’ll have you with us again when you fully recover your health,” etc., etc. The Mississippi Misses All these well-intended remarks were based on the fact that Ed New York. Jan. 6.—Ralph Dunbar, Shayne, after 33 years of consecutive who sponsored The Maryland Singers, endeavor in agents’ realms, is going The Tennessee Ten, and other favor¬ to a home in Red Bank, N. J., where ite Orpheum acts, has just produced he will comfort a beloved wife (their another culled The Mississippi Misse-**. matrimonial happiness thru many composed rf eight young women years has frequently been the .subject dancers and a male violinist. It la un¬ of enthusiastic comment) and a sister derstood that Mr. will also —made lonel.v by the fact that young¬ produce The Wooden Cabaret, a nov¬ er male member.s of the family had elty, which was written by Emily Ann been called to the colors. Shayne has Wellman, now playing in vaudeville, been off color in health for a long and Henry I, Marshall, the song time and the recent demise of George writer. Castle, who had been his chief spon¬ sor for many years, completely un¬ Slnilnc comedlmoe, whose pstrlotlr soiifs sre meednt with much fieop oeer the TJ. B. O. Clmilt. She U nerved him. His future plans are not aesUii'd by Wlllism Ctsry, Jr., at Ui« piano aud Booby Ueaihrr. Chicago May Be Cabaretless I Long Skirts Taboo that the portion of the structure de¬ Chicago, Jan. 7.—Chicago will be The Avenue for Vaudeville voted to the offices is smaller. It has cabaretless to an extent not dreamed been In the course of construction for of by the mo.«t ardent reformer, if Chicago, Jan. 7.—Tho vaudeville .some eighteen months and cost in the the so-called licewers’ ordinance and New York, Jan. 6.—^The Avenue, agents blithely declare that they an¬ neighborhood of $300,000. The ojien- several amendments are passed, when another of the Washington Square ticipate no great difficulties because of ing bill l.s headed by the George Prim¬ .awnrdeil final consideration, late this Players’ plays, seems to be scheduled the fact that the Government has rose Minstrels. Manager.-* from Spo¬ month. It provides for tho ellml- for vaudeville. It has not been defi¬ taken over the railroads and placed kane, I’ortland, Victoria, Vaiiciuiver ti iiion c'f dancing In places where liq¬ nitely settled yet, but dickering is go¬ new schedules over frequently trav¬ and the Seattle officials were piesent. uor is sobl. but permits instrumental ing on and it looks favorable. The Av¬ ersed routes no bones are made of niuxlc entertainment under a separate enue is an unusual sort of offering for the fact that acts possessing easily license, the feo for which was fixed vaudeville, both on account of its big moved wardrobe are now preferred. Bernhardt Delays Sailing at lu'iO a year. cast and also because of the nature Long skirts and many of them, in¬ of the story, which attempts to show volving the U!?e of numerous trunks, Entertainment at banquets will be New York, Jan. fi.—Mme, Sarah a sequence of events on Fifth Avenue, are no longer In the preferred class. prohlbiteil under its terms If liquor Is Bernhardt, who last night completed New York. Cynics say it will be mighty hard on served. Neither can liquor be served a wonderfully successful engagement buw-legged acts. at weddings or parties in hotels. of three weeks at the Palace Theater, Tho the license committee recom¬ Added to New Frolic has postponed her sailing to Havana mended the ordinance for tiassage, H Wolfe Gilbert in Chicago for a few weeks on advice from her Is generally believed that the provi¬ New York, Jan. 7.—Savoy and physician. She will not be Idle, how¬ sions are too strict to meet with the Prennan have been engaged by F. New York, Jan. 5.—L. Wolfe Gil¬ ever, as she has agreed to apiienr at approval of most of the aldermen. An Z=egfeld. Jr., for the new Ziegfeld bert, the well-known song writer, and the Riverside Theater this week in amendment providing for a higher li¬ -Midnight Frolic. They open atop the now president of the Gilbert & Fried- From the Theater to tho Field of cense fee, based upon seating capacity, -New Am.sterdam Theater tonight. land Music Publishing House, accom- Honor and Camille. was ignored. JANUARY 12, 1918 e B Vaudeville Reviews By Special Wire Majestic, Chicago Chicago Palace Xondky XatiaM, Jaaury 7) (Beriowed Monday Xattnee, Jajtnary 7) nil.Mirn. Jan. 7.—Thirnjo wta In throe* of B.RKEIT'M’S Chicago, Jan. 7.—A WU reduced to subatand- tiir »ur>t btUiaril that baa atmrk the rltj for ard proportions by transportation dlOcuItieii,'. It» rbllllnr UaatR froao the andleoio which led to a disappointment and an alarming »t tb4- MaJe«tlo allff. Tie bill wan a patrtw»inutM'U from the regnlar .Majoatb- offrrili*. depended abnoet solely npon this adjunct for tail ibr Talato niunlc ball feature art*, the MUlCETflraTEK making It* Impression, came to tlw Palace to¬ «b"le affair Itatlng an boor and three quarter*. day. Tbe management’s S. 0. & signals wero Mjny tralua i*ere abamlonrd ami atreet elotUea beard hy the Majestic, and some acts were • rte tlie rule. The rurtain era* llfteen minute* persuaded to work both bills. Thl* pre<-*rloa* Ute In going up. TTie orrbeatra held forth for s procedure might have panned out faaorably bad e, , minute*, rietnrre. ten minute*. (Raviewnd Monday Matin#*, January 7) It not been for tbe fact that tbe I'ombined dis¬ 1_A1 nerroan, from the Palaee Mnalc appointment and double-decking giro the entire bill a flat air of samenes.* not usually toIerateened the bill with a ilerer lot of hn- In a blg-tlme i)erformance. .Vn overdose of promptu >>liea bnrte.1 at the Uteeomer*. A New York, Jan. 7.—New York this morning was a vast skating rink, people song and dance offerings, quite likely to kill rouple of eeng* ami he warmed np the aodlem-e were slipping down on the Icy walks in all directions. The result was that the boX'Oince of the I'alace waa almost deserted until just about an hour before Tandeville Interest, wa* the net result. Tl»c b> a P*"*! ntart. lie and bla pUnt. who aang the time for the show to start—and then the crowd came all at once. The house andience bad only one thing to be thankful for, from the balcony, were mile* *|«rt. Serenteen fliled up slowly, but there were more In the audience than one would expect l. e., despite the diSlcnlties alludtsi to the minute*. In one; four l»ow« and hearty eiio>re*. on a day like this. It is solnewhat hard to mention Individual honors on this bill was only twelve minutes late In starting, ^•o, 2_The Beckleaa Kre, a tabloid, wa* com program, aa everything went over In the accepted Palace style. which seemed pretty good comparail to last pi-lled to work In atreet clothe*. Tbl* act frwe No. 1—The Palace Orchestra, under the direction of Frederick F. Daab, de- week’s thirty-nine minutes’ delay. the audience atlff. Eighteen pe«>ple. Thirty-one serN'cs special mention. Here is a real vaudeville orchestra de luxe. What a No. 1—Rouble Sims, who draw* comical and minute*, full »tage. The cnetnmes might make pleasure it is to performers to have their music handled by Mr. Daab. The in¬ serious pictures cleverly and has suffleient talent (Ilia art come np to It* billing. cidental lA>veland Walues, played while the picture was on, were particularly to resist the temptation to picture war tbemes. ^—Joe Towle wa* there with the name art pleasing. made a floe opener, bis outlandish make-np and perstatence in nslng a voice not intended for he pointed at tl*e Palace, which wa* reelewed No. 2—Hearst-Pathe 'W'eekljr Interested the early comers. singing not proving enongh of a handicap to fh-Tiiiber 10, when he w«irke»l under faeorable No. 3—Ralph Lohse and Nana Sterling, in athletic feats, opened the bill spoil tbe good impression m-vde. Nine minute*. remlltlon*. Aa It waa the Aow atopped him fast and furiously. Miss Sterling has a beautiful figure, and Mr. Lohse’s work In one. Had the audience poesesaed any way of after netenteen minute* of hard work trying to on the fiying chair waa specially clever, altho we would suggest that he elimi¬ realizing that the opening act wan mneh bet¬ warm up a ^Id crowd, lie took one bow, then nate some of the stalling wlillo doing this, as It is so obvious. This would Im¬ ter than many of those following tbe applause f, dill*I'd It with an encore, which rhwed In prove the act aa this Is a particularly clever trick and needs no artificial ac¬ probably would have reached greater propor¬ •.leoce. companiments. Nine minutes, in full stage; two bows. tions. .No. 4—Mlaa Frankie Heath. In a quartet of No. 4—Dunbar's Old-Time Darkies in Southern plantation melodies and No. 2—Horn and Ferris, endowed with ex- -mr etorlea eapeclally written for her. bad the harmonies. Four very good colored male singers. The opening seemed to drag eepUoDsUy fine voices for the higb-claae sing¬ •tage by the aheer force of her energy. Her for lack of comedy, but speeded up In the second scene. Working a little faster, ing they apeclellsed In. one of th* men re¬ lart offering broke thru aomewhat and ahe b** adding a little humor, and this will be a big go in vaudeville. Twenty minutes, maining off stage as long as posetble to eon- two N>*b after bolding the atage for aceenteen in lao special sets; three bows. flrm the UlnsioB that his soprano voice be¬ nHnntea. longed to a women, made a good Impreaslon. No. .V—Emmet Corrigan wa* billed a* .ktnerl Twelve minutes. In one; three bows. ca'a foremoat character actor. In war ballad* ami No. 5—Hobart Bosworth in The Sea Wolf, by Jack London, has the $ No. 3—The Night -Boat, a comedy la one act. ehararterUtlc Imperaonatlona In three acene*. most remarkable dramatic playlet in vaudeville. The first part of the ^ rather elaborately progranuaed. (ailed to ap¬ Tbl* wa* billed at a rather ambition* offering, story ia shown in moving picturaa and is then continued in reality by Mr. yp pear. probably because the boat, too. wax bat awing to the lack of coatnmea Mr. Corrtgail Bosworth and his excellent company. Mr. Bosworth was always good on V caught in the atona. Fraakle Heath, doing a a* compelled to glee only the third epiaode, the sersen, but his acting of Wolf Larson was a revelation. The many w sided nature of this great character of fiction was shown to the very life « senico at tbe Majestic, was prevailed npon to ' -Vlnr In one. and occupied the time far lexa by this gifted actor. The audience waa breathless until the final moment, ^ show her talents at the comps nloa bense. tbe than eight mlnnte*. and the star was rewarded with six bows. A very elaborate special set X management probably being too perturbed by y—George McKay and Ottle Aidine came showing the deck and dining room of a schooner. w eiriwmstances to realize that no properly bnllt eeer from the Palace Mnalc Hall and cloeeil bill should contain two act* as almJIar as tan *bnw after eighteen minute* of real Tande- Frankie Heath and Lillian Fitzgerald. ProbiMy T I’e p-e*eni<*l under normal condition*. The No. •—Robert Kmmet Keane, the American Englishman, sang some new becanse the andience saw her first Frankie omde fart tliat thia aet wa* equally well rnpplicd with songs and told two different stories for this his third week at the Palace. He good with her vivacloos song delineations, tho kamlaom* gowna and aometblng hcaltle* atreet grows on one each time you llst m to his very clever English characterizations. she must have blushed at the thought of bow rlothe* heltimt to put Mfe and beanty where His finish with the girl should be cut out. Sixteen minutes, In one; four bows. old some of her material was. Eighteen min¬ there had been nothing hut the effect* eeen No. 7—Elizabeth M. Murray, bubbling over with humor and personality, utes, In one; five bows. iniun I a i-ountry depot. I/)t* of pep and plenty amused and entertained the audience as only she can do. She waa in fine form No. 4—McKay and Ardlne waa one act on the af artUm won three bow*. A atrong em-ore today, and the crowd enjoyed her immensely. Twenty minutes, in one; five brought two bow*. Anotlier encore and a bow bows. bill that had oo wardrobe or tranaportailon ersonaIity, and following two supreme possessors of the latter commodity lives, and were one of the few elements that he did exceptionally well. Fifteen minutes, in one; three bows. Thair Attractions saved the bill from a Sunday night concert **- No. 9—Leroy, Talma and Bosco, The Slaves of Mystery, put over their p«M t. McKuy’s mug work regisfernl one hundred Kin*a* City, Mo., Jan. «.—A* annonneed In magical seance with good results. Madam Talma is very clever as a genuine per cent, likewise his eccentric dancing, and the la«t l**ue of The Blllhoard, Meaar*. Klaw Ultle Ardloe's splendid tue *ork. Eighteen sleight-of-Land performer, her work with coins being specially appreciated, minntes. in one, two and three, closing in one: A Erlanger are to re-e*tabll«h a K. A E. bouae whde Leroy’s illusion work was perfect, his disappearance from the stage and live bows. In kan*a* City. They haee decided to take oeer reappearance, coming down tlie auile, was sensational. Bosco. as burlesque as¬ No. 5—.41 Herman, In blackface, stack to the Gardea at Thirteenth and Mr-Gee atreeta, and sistant, added comedy. Twenty-five minutes, in one and full stage; three bows. the same laugh-getters he haa lieeu using for retirenrnlatiTe# will be In Kanau* City In a few m. iuy ussHis, even the hackneyed coufldentlal Week* to complete the lease, which la expected chatter reganling facts rom-eming other acts uo to be for a period of ten year*, with prlellcge the bill, which has provetl a Ilfcsaver for many acts playing tbe death trail route. But bis of renee-*|. prior to their break with The Mlni- *'ay of putting over material m.-nie np fur its herti Klaw A Erlaager booked their attraction No. 10—Julian Eltinge, the superman of femininity, quality to a great extent. He finished his talk *t the Wllllt Wood Theater. with a cpular song, Co. to Ramiiel DsTldaon, of Fort Worth, Tex. his feminine impersonations that he is altogether per¬ the sales of which will probably not m>>et sdth much lucreaae because of bar ministrations. B'. n. la the present lessee of the bouae. Quigley fectly charming, but the illusion is dispelled when he Evelyn wUl Jeopardize her chance uf future whirb has at least seaen bandied mere seats bookings it she makes many mure attempts to than the Wlllla Wood. comes on for his final bow minus the wig and with a do her act nans material and wanlrobe. for In street rlothe* she ts quite Impuoalble. Eleven walk that a pugilist would look upon with envy. Great minutes. In one; two bowa. No, 7—Lillian Fitzgerald followed ao many artist, Julian. Eighteen minutes, in one; five bows. acta of a similar general character that what ever art she iM>Ks»-saed was drowne*!. hanlly serv¬ ing to stem tbe tide of that portion of tbe audience which beailed for the exit*. Her Frem-h bit went best. Sixteen minute*. In one. with No. 11—Jack Clifford, assisted by Agnes Dunn and Gertrude Kerpln. In a (Tarence Senna at the piano, who, by the way. fantastic dancing Idyl. The erstwhile dancing partner of Evelyn Nesbit has entertained cleverly while she made her teveral changes. Two bows. tlONTS. UNION suits; a very pretentious dancing novelty, which held nearly all In their seats until the finale.—HILLIAR. No. 8—Miss I.ellzel, whoso rlnc snd rop*- SYMMCTtlOMJ |T work placed her at the head »>f circus entertain era for many years, tbrllle-l tbe amllence with NND THUTNICM. SUPTUES I her wonderful demonstrations uf extraopllniry Write lar CalaleiM Na. 4 LIBERTY THEATER MANAGERS W. O. Wheeler, Camp PIx. Wrlghtstown. N. J.; agility. Her rope work with one hsmi was Charles B. Barton, Camp Read*. Annapolis Jnne- eaiietially Interesting, evoking atoruis of .ip- |g Saw York. Jan. 7.—The War Pepartntent planae. Six mlnutea. In full stage.—<'.\.’alnlnc Camp Arttritlo*. on th* WALTERG.BRETZFIELDCO. H hank, L. I., N, T.; H. H. Winobell. Camp Pike. INC recommendation of Marc Klaw, bead of the Mil¬ T itary Entertainment aerrice, haa appointed th* Little Bock, Ark.; Maurice Greet, Camp PeTens, ADDITIONAL REVIEWS 1367 BROiDWiT. Il.*l following niunager* of tb* Liberty Tbeatera at Ayer, Maas.; H. M. Cook, Camp Gordon, At¬ Cor. 37th St S tbe aartnii* c*mp«: lanta, O*.; Cbarlos Bcott, Camp Taylor, Loois- ON PAGE 8 B. A, Braden, Camp Lewis, Tarama, Waok.; alUe, Kjr. I

JANUARY 12, 1918

AL G. FIELD Orpheum, San Francisco I win attmrt wide attpntton mnon^horwmen.” I (E^vicwed Sunday J«ru«y 6) A..uredAssured j^yby Director-General of¬ ^ __ roads McAdMMcAdoo Hisnit Minstl^lMinstrel Showonow intention of the Klnglioj; Broo. to cut down Paul I Pauline Snn Franctaeo, Jan. 0.—The Orphetnn baa Will BeBo Enabled To Keep the size of the show, VAUDEVILLE smother Mg show, and It U hard to pick the Moving No apprebenalon of raUroad trouble Is enter- ODDITY . j.. ... - .1-. ■„» h./i . .har. - 'alned by John Rlngllng, and the ehows will go lieadlincr. It aeems that e'ery act had York Jan 7_A1 O Field the minstrel •*''* bigger and better than ever. Both Rlngllng retarding the bill, as tliere was a storm of a',-. airM.. from *'** Barnum & Bailey Sliows have a[>plauseilause thruout the entire bill. .Business, ca¬ca- “*“■ days ago direct from motorized—big trucks and tractors do away Dlrsetlont Washington, where he had an Important Inter- with some of the horses, but not all by any pacity. SAM BAERWITZ view with Director-General of the Railroads Me- means. John Singling's private car has gone v”" n fast Adoo. The ban placed on private cars, sleeping Into tlMthe discard, but that Is all that the show | ' ”u* ^ a ’ I ♦ho' wHro' or r,«.,eneerpassenger, hrby some of the railroad lines re- •«»«'*• Mr. UlngUng thinks that is - _ Fen mlnntes full . ot business. When their coach was dropped at ai—... bbasibl. PAUL PEDRINFS No. S—Alexander Kids, clever youngsters, Y, ^ jl, promptly went NEW YORK BRANCH • hanged their act from last week) and went Washington and secured bis Interview with - BABOONS over big. Their work Is clever In every way, McAdoo. As a result of that Interview Mr. qx Showmen'* Leaoue of America At- and epplanse Interrupted them freqnenUy. re- assured that his show would he on- sured_Beefeteeksured—Beefeteek Dinner To Be PASTIMES ON A BAHLESHIP I, costumed. Thirteen minutes. In one to McAdoo's stU- Held Jonue^ryJanuary 12 three; throethree encores and five bows. most reassuring.reassurtns;. Daring the coarse __ • SKIPPERS, SCHALMAN BROS. No. 4 i.McIntyre and Ileath, In the Georgia Interview Mr. McAdoo made the slgnifl- , Mlnrtrels, were a scream from start to Hnlsh cant remark: "1 do not want the people of this •irifi went hltr A model h&m tree was nsssed .. i«*i .at. i presented n petition to the Shoe men s league of and A model nam tr^ was ^.sea jn sackcloth and ashes; I ^erica for a *\ew York branch at a meeting' over tlio foDlIlghta by fhclr admirers. Fhrty- them to be happy.” At the close of the In- iu Chicago In December it has been one of the | two minutes. In one to full stage; three curtains, tervlew Mr. Field asked If It would be necessary principal topics of conversation in this city THE WILBOR No. 5—.Knna Chandler, personality personified, for him to do anything f„,,h»,further, and.«.♦ m-Mr. McAdoo among the outdoor fraternity. assisted by Sam II. Slept, pat over song after 1 replied; “No; Just go on yonr way scattering Joseph G, song to Immense applause. Twenty mlnntee, | gnnshineo..„ and happiness.”•• ■“•8011 poodles, pnt over clever clown nnmbers. ,1,^ nbowboat Cotton Bloeeom owned ji**. and charitable IncUnstlous ^ Seven minutes, full stage; three bows. Cantaln Hitnes nt Tv.rksr.hnn. w "‘Fd the outdoor showmen In New York. He Snlte S8S4, Grand Central Terminal N’O KV-Hei^t Pathe Dhotoolsv sir mlnntcs ^ Captain Otto Hitner of Parkersburg. W. offered at Christmas time to donate $.10 Telephone—.Morray Hill 538. photoplay, six mlnntes. ya., gank In the Ohio River today. The lues la towards giving a dinner for the showmen sol- TaJie elevator at Track 21. ~BOZ. $25,000. dlers then in the city. FVsnk J. Schneck and --- John M. Sheesley at the time were alsn men¬ tioned for substantial snms to this dinner fund. Omhpiim jilt HOUDINI'B LATESTLATEBT I The news about the pn^xised organization Ola AxlFUlSa ■ of an Eastern branch spread rapldlg over the V Perform., Eloph.ot Myrtory "JT.: MUSLIN BANNERS torfor Firstr iret Time opened at 8:^ p.m. by Joseph Q. Perart, who St. Lonis, Jan. 7.—Thesacts this week were made a few remarks and retd the following wire 3x12 FT. over one bonr late In arriving, and Manager New Tork, Jan. 7.—Hondlnl, oar master fr»m the president of the Showmen's League of PAINTED IN .50 Sullivan ttnnsed the audience with, showman and supreme illusionist, produced at America, bearing date of January 3: "Joseph 4 COLORS n PREPAID Georges Marck’s Jangle Players did notIt get inIn the Hippodrome for the first time this after- li-^ Mariner*» u « ^a^n Island,n n.N. ..««« ..n hi. —.1 hi 1 h . T.—We have appointed Edward F. Carrnthers, WE MAKE I SPECIALTY sf DISPLAY CARDS for the matinee performance. The Danube I noon on any sUge bis vanishing elephant mys-1 repreiw'ntarKS''f“rt^ Chlca?#. 'to 'meet' N^^ AND BANNERS FOR EVERY PURPOSE QuafTette of last week’s bill filled out the pro- I tery In which he disappeared an elephant I York members on January 12 and present full gram. George White and Emma Haig head- ■ weighing- -—- over- 10,000 pounds. It was a vertt- details regarding New York proporition. Im. SAMPLINER ADV. CO. t»c possible for him to get there on Jaonary 1. so lined, and the Misses Campbell were the hit of I sensation, 729 SEVENTH AVE., N Y. the bUl. I d.d^h‘‘' r: •:* S"‘lir.*‘*Jir^S’tVrs"‘t^‘.t SrI^Krk/r*,^.'"k7r No. 1—Orphemn Travel Weekly; fifteen min¬ did the submersible box mystery, wherein be is Hotel. New Tork on January 11, Signed. Show. ■ utes. handcuffed, nailed In a box and with 500 pounds men's League of Americs, John B. Warren, I NEW 1911 PATRIOTIC MARCHING SONG No. 2-Nelson, with his funny hats, pleased f l^^ed to same, U thrown overboard . xa. * A. _(AW 1 A WM# into tUe buxe Uink that contains half a million ThaThe roiiowingfollowing spokaspoke brieflyDnafiy as to theirthair opinkin.opinioOff from the start with very clever comedy, Fif- on how the detailsdeUlIs of a New York brsnrbhrsnrh of teen minutes, in fonr; two calls. * » ’ n f v f. ''°“4er- the Showmen's League of America sboutdsboold be No. »—D'Avlgnean's Imperial Dtw. In selec- aflernoon for Houdlnl, for he held a con- handled: A. A P^rs Joseph O. Ferarl. Harry The Boys hi Brown .1— --♦l.♦l...ll- ••* ^®®ks, and he Is to Witt, George H. Hamilton, Sydney Wire, James popular and werej^rtUtleally ^ Benson^ Lonta J. Ber^, Matthew j! Riley. (THEY’LL GET THE KAIffER’ft GOAT) rendered. Ten mlnntes. In three; two calls. nl,] uvvu u. James,-, A. Timony,-, I. J., Polack and— others... No. 4—A. Rt^ins, the walking mnslc store, r" tt Rnvn«iA. I. ♦« h. About thi8 time the foUowIng message, ad- TO LIVE PERFORMERS s scream with bis imitatioDB of all Instm- la to be congratulated upon jpessed to Milton Morris, was read; "New meets. Ten mlnntes. in one; three calls. * loudmi 8“ engagement. 1 York,Tork, Jann.ryJanuary 5. Gentlemen-IGentlemen—I took the llb-lib- If yon want an im-b>-dste numhsr to Imneove joar — erty to present the Hon. John Rlngllng for act, write fer IL Send 2c stsam. DKAIXRS write No. 5—Mrs, Gene Hughes and Company, In TRAIN! ftPRk/ICP f*IIT the first president of the Showmen's League or for priest. the comedy sketch. Gowns. Good comedy and I KMIIY o&ttviue,_____ UU I _ _ __ , _ _ . .. , _ eiqnlslte costumes. The sketch Is well written, Rnade Make SweeDina Cup4ailman4 nt ** THE GREENE MUSIC CO. and It went over nicely. Twenty-five minutes. ^^"ce ” ien ResUnrent.”* 823 Rssl EsUto Trait Btdf.. Phlladtlslila. Fa. In four; three calls. ■ After some disrnsslon by Eddie White, Joseph No. 6—The Misses OampbeH, In songs that New York, Jan. fl.—Drastic cuts are being 0- Ferarl,Fer*ri, George H. ilamlltoD,Hamilton, Irving J. Polack are originally sung by them—classy and re- made In the train service of many railroads hav- others, all present agre^ I'’”*.that the best 1 AM BURNING fned to perfection. The audience could not get IngIn.. terminals1.1 here or In JerseyTn—.- Cl.-City. OnOne of« .Vthe "*7to*ieT"me *® w7Jrt*F.\II7liVheovgsnize a social club™ of showmen enough of their splendid talenl Hit of tbe most sweeping enrtaUments Is annonneed by the to tbe city. So It was finally dei-lded that the THE MIDNIGHT OIL Mil. TYventy mlnntes. In one; fourfonr calls. Philadelphia ofiSce of the Pennsylvania road, temiiorary organization be called Ontilour Show. and every day MADISON'S BUDGET No. 17 Is getting nearer completion. This great No. 7—George White, assisted by Emma Haig, which has canceled 104 trains east of Pitfshnrg, Brefsteak DlMcr to be held at No. 834 joy-book of tbe aoth century comedy ma¬ Inin a pleasing series of dance nnmbers. White's Inclndlng the CongressionalCongressionsl Limited, In an ef- ,t 8 00^p°^’ tlcket8*to**Sr^il^'7r*Mate’ terial will be ready shortly. Price, as work In Imitation of celebrated dancers was fort to clear tbe lines for freight traffic. Tiie joeepb G.' FVrarl was elected president of the Dsual, OVE DOLLAR. Meanwhile for ll.SO cood and won big applanse. Fifteen mlnntes, change goes Into effect today. "Social Clnb'’ and Eddie White secretary, with you rsn secure now a copy of the current Issue (No. 10) and an advance copy of i in one and fonr; two calls. New Haven, Erie, New York Central, the George II. Hamilton as chAirman of the recep- No. 17 wwin as readv. JAMES MADISON, No. S—Prank Moore and Joe Whitehead put Baltimore * Ohio and the Central Railroad of {J^it'r’to'th^ U^o7A***ln erery”wo*eIT'd **** lent Thizd Avenue, New York. over a nut act that was a rlol The audience New Jersey have also greaUy curtailed their 'h was agreed to Invite ev7ry sl7owman*to liked them Immensely and never tired. TbeThe service. New York east of Pittsburg andsnd north of Rich¬Rlch- punch and cleverness of this pair were marked. mond, and tbe following committee was ap¬ pointed to look after tbe Invitation detatla: Jos. SUl E,>Ah G. Ferarl, M an approprlatr Patriotic flnng. with the words Just Walter Levini, James Heilman, James A. Tini- fitting praunt condlUnns. hut It Is a nswlng Bsn-R FRraj mp- Ira. Detlws supplied. BARRY WOLFE. Pub. Hsr- Sign the Food Saving Fledge NOW—and sturdy, well-groomed horses that have won the Socman, Ov^e P. Hamilton, Harry Witt, Ed- ’1FE*D «At t w I .. Whiflm DKI1 t « rishurg. I’winsylvsnla admiration of grown-ups and youngsters thru Poi.ek!'Sydney WbS*Wimam"oUck‘wd Wm ont the conntry, when palling tbe wagons of Judkins Hewitt. BILLY DeROSE tbe RlngUng Bros.’ (Hrens during the parades, The Committee on tickets and reception mot VAUDEVILLE AUTHOR • r.. m^r, ♦« K.. .wOw .» I.. V— w«.w 1® perfect plans for Inviting shout a• _. . . a e»

rul.Mgo. Test’s Et* Circus Day in Toyland, as presented by Mme. Jewell, Is about the New York, Jan. 7.—Railroad conditions hav,. , .lilirstlon. which. nevertheless, coDtsine<1 last word In a marionette offering. The puppets give a whole perform¬ forced Klaw & Er'anger to a decision to clone .-D-uRb excitement to sstUfy the Inrllnsflon of ance and their antics a»e so lifelike that one wonders at times If It is the season of Ben-Hur at St. Lons, Mo., Janii (!,<•!>« who feel that aomwtbInK extraonllnary possible for wooden figures to be made to appear so human. Many laughs, ary 19. The firm made this announcement: iiuKt ai-eompany "the ls«t fling” before the much applause. Closed the show at the Palace Theater, Monday matinee. “■We close this organization for the time he i.loptton of solier resolutions, was “pulled off” Pat Rooney and Marion Bent, In their new act, presented in front of Ing very reluctantl.v. It li* a very big company for. by and with a eapaelty throng In the Gobi their uptown apartment house, have a splendid act. They are great and a great many people will be thrown out Pallroom of the Congress Hotel, under th« ans favorites at the Palace. They are both artists and work together won- j of employment, but travelln? has become too plr»-s ot the Chicago Rranch of the Stage derfully well. Rooney’s dancing and Miss Bent’s vivacity blend into a I uncertain, unit already a greet many of our Women’s War Itellef Unit of the Red Cross. It tlellphtful number. Fourteen minutes, in one, at the I’alace Theater, companies have missed oiiening performances. was called a Caburvt Supper Dance, Iwt was Monday matinee. We can not get an advance assurance that the really far more. Meud Earl and Company have one of the most novel and unique high- large equipment necessary to transport this pro¬ Many found supreme satisfaction In the con- class singing acts in vaudeville. For real class and pretentious effort this duction will be forthcoming when needed, ami leniplatlon that the enjoyment had a more offering will be hard to beat. Miss Earl and her male assistant were a projected Governmental plans for the railroads wnslhle hnckcround than other similar affairs big hit. Twenty minutes. In a special set, at Eighty-flrst Street Theater. as annonnee*! make It quite clcsir to us that It run at espial or greater cost, because the proll's rrank Pariah and Steven Peru, In a remarkable pot-pourri of ver¬ will be Imiiossihle to continue the organization accruing will 1« tiseil to strengthen our Na¬ satile vaudeville, opened the show in splendid style. They offer dancing, on Its present scale. M'e shall resume the tour tional .\rmy thru the good work of the .\merl- cychng, concertina playing, barrel Jumping (some of which is amazing), as soon as conditions are favoratile for thn caa Red Cross. This spirit perhai>s did not per¬ in quick succession, all being handled In true showmanship manner. proper fulfillment of contracts.” vade the entire assembly, as some must bare Ten minutes, in one, two bows, at the Palace Theater, Monday matinee. leen attracted sheerly by the superatlre caliber Jimmia Hussey and William Woraley, In the Fox Hunters, were a ^AUDE. WHYS AND WHEREFORES of the entertainment promised, but Inasmuch laughing riot. Here is a real comedian aniJ a real straight man, working » ns'st of tlie expenses were donated and all harmoniously together, with the result that they would have no trouble By W. J. H. of the profits ws-re pleviged to the “cause” the going over big on any bill. The laughing hit of the show. Eighteen Would like to know what .Adeline Fran<-la precise spirit In which the thning gathered mat¬ minutes. In one, at Proctor’s Fifth Avenue Theater, Tuesday. thought when Bogunny’s Lunatic Bakers tore ters little. Bernard end Meyers open with the lady, who is a very attractive out on the stage before she had taken her bow .\t but little additional cost than that of a blond, singing a ballad, which Is Interrupted by a cab driver coming thru at the Colonial. I«lr of theater tickets, and no greater charge the audience to collect his fare from the singer. Bernard is a genuine Why has magic commenced to boom in New th.m that asked at any reputable I-oop restaurant comedian and his gags and dialog with Miss Meyers are all new and Intensely funny. The act was a scream from start to finish and took York? lloudlnl at the ni|q>odrome, Leroy these who availed themselves of the unhiue op- six bows at Loew’s American, Thursday matinee Talma and Bosco at the Palace, Jarrow at the prtunlty to aid others while enjoying rheui- Frances Kennedy, in exclusive songs, with wonderful personality and American, Henry Clive at the Audubon, and -elves were favored with a superlative entertain- beautiful gowns, was the applause hit of the bill. Her cheery, cap¬ several others coming. ment far aliove that usually offered at “bene¬ tivating smile endears her to everyone before she has been on the stage Why is Tex. McLeod such a big hit at fits'.” The Entertainment Committee, com¬ a minute. She sang four songs and was rewarded with five bows at the Churchill’s? prising >resdames Mortimer H. Singer, Cleofonfe Bushwick, Monday evening. Why Is the act of Parish and Peru one of the I'aiiipaninl, OeorRe Ulxon, Norval I’lerce, Arnold beet that has opened the Palace show this sea¬ I'liapaian, M. E. Toulln, W. M. Higlit, Theodore son? Henderson. E. J. Buchan, ^wrence Wheat and IN CHICAGO In the Zone—Engene O'Neil’s sensational dra¬ the Misses Alice Gerstentwrg and Mabel Mc- (Casper’s Choice) matic playlet—opens on the Orpheom tour In • ane. which really mean the wives of men who Kansas City. ■■•■ntrol all branclies of Chicago amnscroents. Mollie King, despite the fact that she signed the lobby photos Why are so many people looking forward to fn>iD grand opera to vaudeville, “did Itself “Mollle” and the billing presented her as “Molly.” showed that there’s see beautiful Frances Kennedy at the Colonial proud,” because the women vleanlnl donated two grand the pretty little chorus so cleverly (not as chorus leaders, but as prin¬ Why has the N. V. A. nearly 10,000 member* cipals), and bad so much snap and go to it that it probably constituted • I'cra star*, wlm aroused considerable enthusi¬ and most of them working regularly? one act that the audience wouldn’t mind viewing again within a year. asm singing Tliw Marselllslse. Oml Shve the Why doee The Billboard carry vaudeville news Majestic. Tuesday matinee. King and Italian war arias, s<-veral of the nnm- farther than any other publication in the world? Tranklyn Ardell and Marjorie Sheldon have a sketch in the Wife Is-rs being re echoed by the amllcm e's thunder j Why l.s Mr. Albee working with bis whole Saver which looks better each time it comes to town—which is more eus voice, .tnna Fltilu’a Impitsslve rendition 1 heart and soul to eliminate friction between than can be said of most sketches. The lines are good and the idea— of The Star-? distinct hit In vaudeville before he entered the IN SAN FRANCISCO Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 5.—Marlon Worth, a production field) constitute*! tbo heartily re¬ member of the Holiday’s Dream Company at ceived contribution from The Passing Show of (Box’s Selectione) the Orphenm Theater this week, was shot thru I'd". Jost'pb Santley. surrounde*! by Ijiwrence the right thigh Wednesday night when Annette Wheat. Dorothy Maynard and Josephine Harrl- McIntyre and Heath, in blackface farce, The Man From Montana, still Dequesne, also a member of that comi>any. In ■nan. of the Oh. B«y, Company, got a wonder¬ keep ahead of vaudeville. The finish is not up to the balance of the act. unloading an automatic revolver accidentally ful res'eptlon. The I/we o’ Mike Company sup¬ Seventeen minutes, full stage; four bows. Orpheum Theater, Tuesday discharged it. plied Luclla Gear. Clifford Wel>b and Gloria night. Charles Withere’ travesty melodrama, held over for a second week, •csslman. Elegfeld Follies sent a belch of HAGER AGAIN WITH MULLER 3 i ■ Irver comedians and ■ bevy of pretty girls, l still one of the two best acts In the city at the Orpheum. "ther Inop productions offered willing talent. Seattle, Wash., Jan. 6.—J. W. Hager, form Enthusiastically re<-elved solos were offered erly assistant manager of the Orpheum Thea I'T Mrs. George Uix*'n Ijoho Alden Carpenter, condition* In the Copper State are very good, j JOHNNY, GET YOUR GUN, ter, S-okaue. Is the new assistant manager to accompanist), Annahelle Whltfonl, Lina .Vbarba- according to the managers Intcnrlewed by Mr. Jo8*‘ph A. Muller at the Palace Hip, Seattle. ncll Miss Von Ostlioff, and Mabel M<'Cane, sing. KcIIle. Will Continue to Coast, Reports to Con¬ Hager was assistant to Manager Muller when In< her own song. de*llcated to the 8. W. W. R. trary Nothwithstanding the latter was holding the reins over the Spo- 'Prof Sacerdole, accompanist). ksne house. ’S REVUE ' Thm Mrs. Mortimer H. Singer’s lufluence New York, Jan. 7.—John Cort’s Johnny, Get what practically constitutes a complete vaude- Yonr Gun Company, with Louis Bennison. did MUST PAY ALIMONY 'llle bill, made up from select acts appearing New York. Jan. 6.—Annette Kdlermann Is to not cloae its season in Kansas City, as reported. St the Palace Music HiiU and the Majestic Thea¬ enter the field of producer*. Her flr*t produc It Is routed to the Coast, and Is doing big busi¬ New York, Jan. 5.—Mrs. Adelaide Meinhold, ter. mnnded up what was probably the greatest lion. wliliU will be preaented In TaudcTlIIe eooa. ness In the Middle West. .\t the Sbubert Thea¬ wife of Samuel H. Meinhold, assistant general single assembly of stars Chicago had ever la an elaliorate rerue in ten scene*. Mlsa Kel ter in Kansas City New Year’s week It touched manager of the Loew theaters, has brought an '■niiwn. 1^01100 riuicelTcd and *i.iged the revue her- the ten-thousand-dollar mark. action In the Supreme Court for a legal sep¬ ■'ll present agrcesl that the p«Tson who dbln't •elf, and will be »ii|iporti"l therein by a largo aration. Justice Platzek this week grante*! Mrs. Ret ci’mpany. Meinhold, pending trial, $3S weekly alimony bia or le-r five dollars’ worth must have he<'n Have you lookeok that company In KELLIE RETURNS TO SEATTLE one-night stands owing to confllctioos with the A-1 MATERIAL, HIGH-GRADE WORKMANSHIP. wveral other c|sNlromi' Circuit. Ho was ' f-T List UH BllhiiRs. and during the ir'|i iir tinge,I Hith managers of the following ''"■Hers In play the Tour B Hip acts; Luna. WANTED—MUSICIANS, AT ONCE, Illligs; Ilex, Ilrsl I>slgi-; I’rlncess, Kallspell; FOR THE J. DOUG MORGAN STOCK CO. •••'u. Sheridan. Wy. The I’usiluie. Mi. V.-ruon, (ildcsi. hltsct Slid tan- ilir IksI nprriMrr mnipank* under riiw**. Tbri-e nal raiUiwd cars SO IVoplei lUiid and Orrlu-aira. Sh.wv playi Tfxa* In wlnier. Io«a In eunimer Salary muai b* low. and If you are •e.ilrlial manager, was itrleken with hemnrr- afraid of a Utile i»i*k don’t ansuer. Clarinet. IUm. Comet and uiher; write •vr also been added to the time. Business J. DOUG MORGAN, Greveton, Tax., wstk Ja*. S; Lbingstan. Tciu, week Jan. 13, 10 T li e Billboard JANUARY 12, 1918

Meohan’p Dogs U. B. 0. Cbalfonte Sisters .Alex. A Fieltls NEW YOEK CITY INDIANAPOLIS ALHAMBRA KEITH’S CALLS NEXT WEEK Wi'.fml fUric A Co. Edwards’ Son# Rerue Kenny k Hollis ROTAL Orest Leon Dream Fantasies -See Who’s on the Bill With You- Alir^ Hanson Brown A Denny RrvWwetl * Wood (irr-at Lester Mirauo Bros. Kerslake’s Pigs Bills for the Week Beginning January 14 COLO.SIAL Clark A Lavier IteiK-e FlMrignjr Welch Minstrels LOUISVILLE MEMPHIS, TZNN. Alfred Latell A Co. Nat Nazarro k Co. KEITH’S FT. WAYNE. IND. Fields A Wells Send for New Catalog Ziegler Twins A Eva Tanguay y.T. k Mrs. J. Barry PALACE Keepers Murck’s Jungle Dave Manley Kentucky Five Morton k Glass Herman A Rhlrlky IHaycre Fuxt Half: Little Miss Up-To- A1 Sbayoe C. A. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS R1VER.S1DE Mr. A Mrs. Connelly 20th t entiiry Whirl LDi Misses Campbell Date Gene Hughes IwatrUe Uertord Albertina Rascb A Co. C76 Narth Halitsd SL. CHICAGO, ILL. Fox A Ward , I’M*Last Half: Seven Uoueyboys Leroy, Taluia k Bosco LaDora A Co. Van Campi 210 W. 44th atrtet. NtW YORK. N. V« Brendel A Bert Van Campi Robins The Duttons Roilway A Edwards ^ Took Emmy’s Pets Nip A Took . Juggling Nelson W. V, M, A. Slg. Weetonl JJ*** C«dllne Dorothy Hayes A 'Co. Mnllie King MONTREAL Fred k Bv.wcrs Revue Demareet A ColletteCollett(tte^ MILWAUKEE CHICAGO Eildy Duo ORPHEUM Rucker A \\ infred Moanaloa Sextette! MAJESTIC BIG BARGAIN In used and new Wardrobe Trunks a' AMERICAN $I5.!>0; a few Taylor Trunks and few Bal Professional BALTIMO&E Six American Dancers KALAMAZOO, MICK. First HaU: Wardrobe Trunks; a few rxira larze Property Trunk.? MARYLAND Leavitt A Lockwood .. Imhoff, Conn A Merkett A BondbJll