THE REPUBLIC OF ASSEMBLY THE HANSARD Tuesday, 27th March, 2018 The House Met at 2:59 PM [Deputy Speaker (Hon. Hosea Korir) in the Chair]


(Point of Order)

Deputy Speaker (Hon. Hosea Korir): What is out Order, Honourable Ramadhan? Use the microphone, Honourable Member. QUORUM Hon Werambo: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I find that we are not in Order because the quorum is not there, Mr. Speaker. So maybe we can ring the bell for the second time. Thank you. Deputy Speaker: I kindly call upon the Sergeants-at-Arms to have the quorum bell rung for the next 10 minutes in view of the quorum. (Quorum bell was rung) Deputy Speaker: Confirm the number of Honourable Members present before we begin this session. (21 Members present in the House) Hon Ramadhan Ali (MCA Kiplombe Ward), Hon Joseph Korir (MCA Ziwa Ward) , Hon Catherine Barmao (Nominated MCA) , Hon Alice Rono (Nominated MCA), Hon Edwin Korir (MCA Simat/ Kapseret Ward), Hon Mary Goretti (Nominated MCA) , Hon Francis Muya (MCA Langas Ward), Hon Amos Kiptanui (MCA Racecourse Ward), Hon Leah Sambai (Nominated MCA), Hon Hillary Rono (MCA Kipkenyo Ward) , Hon Belinda Tirop (Nominated MCA) ,Hon Hellen Cheptoo (Nominated MCA) ,Hon Noah Kemboi (Moiben Ward), Hon Julius Songok (MCA Megun Ward), Hon David Singoei (MCA Ngenyilel Ward) , Hon Edward Yego (MCA Segero Barsombe Ward) , Hon Gilbert Tenai (MCA Cheptiret Kipchamo Ward), Hon Leah Malot (Nominated MCA), Hon Maria Kesumo (Nominated MCA), Hon Peter Chomba (MCA Huruma Ward) , Hon Jonathan Ngetich (MCA Kaptagat Ward) and Hon David Keitany (MCA Sergoit Ward). Deputy Speaker: Thank you. Honourable Members, we can proceed and transact the business of the day. Proceed, Clerk. COMMUNICATION FROM THE CHAIR RECEIPT THE UASIN GISHU INUA BIASHARA FUND BILL (BILL NO 2) 2018

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Deputy Speaker: Honourable Members, I would wish to bring to your attention that we are in receipt of the Bill, the Uasin Gishu Inua Biashara Fund Bill (Bill No 2) 2018. Honourable Members, this Bill is deemed committed to the committee on trade so that they can through it and make recommendations and finally table it in this Honourable House. Honourable Members, I would wish to remind all of us that the sessions for our plenary are still as scheduled, that is, on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 and then on Wednesday morning and afternoon and then on Thursdays the afternoon hours and I would wish to encourage all of us Honourable Members to be on time so that we do not lack quorum to transact the business of the day. otherwise I would like to remind all Chairs that this week we will be tabling reports , various reports for our sectoral committees and I want to appreciate the committee on environment; they were done with their reports and it was adopted in this Honourable House. I would wish to encourage all the Chairs to do the same particularly this week. Otherwise I wish you a nice deliberation as we begin this afternoon session. Deputy Speaker: Honourable Jonathan Ngetich.

STATEMENT POLICY FRAMEWORK FOR INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME (Hon Jonathan Ngetich, on behalf of Pius Kigen, chair Public Service Management Committee) Hon Ngetich: Thank you, Mr. Speaker Sir, for giving me this opportunity to read this statement on behalf of Honourable Pius Kigen, Chairperson, Public Service Management. Hon. Speaker Sir, aware that following a pledge made by His Excellency the Governor sometime in June, 2017 that his Administration would roll out internship programmes to assist graduates within the county attain experience and at the same time earn a stipend, the County Public Service Board advertised for the positions inviting qualified applicants to apply. Mr. Speaker Sir, further aware that the advertisement for the positions stated that the applicants must have graduated not earlier than 2015 and applications closed on 20th March, 2018. Hon. Speaker Sir , there has been an uproar from Members of the public as to why the County Public Service Board is discriminating graduates who graduated earlier than 2015, have not been in any form of gainful employment and have not attained the age of 35 years. Secondly, Honourable Speaker Sir, this honourable House has not received any policy framework form the department of public service management on how the internship programme will be managed. Mr. Speaker Sir, this is a programme costing the County Government of Uasin Gishu over sh100, 000, 000 every year in payment of stipends. Where is our oversight role, Mr. Speaker Sir, if we allow such a huge amount of money to be spent without a policy framework? Mr. Speaker Sir, only God knows what kind of audit queries can arise from such unregulated expenditure. Also Mr. Speaker Sir , without a policy framework, how will this Honourable House be informed on the criteria for recruitment for example at Ward /Location /Village level? How will we ensure that there is regional/gender and also that special interest groups are considered?

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Mr. Speaker Sir, who will pay for insurance for the interns? Who will manage them in instances of disciplinary cases? What areas of specialization are the interns going to concentrate on and where exactly are all these positions? Are they within the County only? Mr. Speaker, a Sir a policy framework should address all these issues and be scrutinized by this Honourable House before approval. Further, Mr. Speaker Sir, I submit that any form of short listing that could be ongoing to be immediately halted until the discrimination clause is cured and all graduates are given an equal opportunity to apply. Mr. Speaker Sir, the discrimination on the newspaper advertisement was so conspicuous on the face of the advertisement. Mr. Speaker Sir, I seek a comprehensive statement from the Chairperson on the committee on Public Service Management on the issues raised. Thank you, Mr. Speaker Sir Deputy Speaker: Thank you, Honourable Jonathan Ngetich. I want to get from you whether you are standing in for Chair person and you are asking the Chair person to answer the same . Hon Ngetich: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In this case, we want to inquire from the Chair, Public Service Board. I think there was a typographical error but in any case, Mr. Speaker, I can as well be the one who has moved the statement so that the Chair person Public Service And Management can liaise with the Chairman , Public Service Board . Deputy Speaker: Thank you for that clarification. Honourable Members, given that this is a pertinent issue, Honourable Members, it is allowed by our standing Order maybe to allow Members to deliberate and I will give you, Honourable Members, the next 10 minutes before we proceed to the other business of the day. Honourable Chief Whip. Hon Singoei: Thank you, Honourable Speaker, for giving me the opportunity to make contributions toward the statement that was read by Honourable Jonathan either on his behalf or on that of the Chairman Public Service Committee .what has been raised is very pertinent and it is important that we all discuss it at length. Honourable Speaker, there are issues that have been said because, one, we really did not know the procedure or the criteria on which these people are going to be given the positions given that Uasin Gishu is vast county, with different communities, with different backgrounds and more so is what has been addressed by the statement: the issue of discrimination based on the year in which you actually graduated. What are we telling those who graduated later or earlier than 2015, for example? We still have children who graduated in the year 2010, 2009, 2011 2012 and 2013. Why the discrimination and I think that is the issue that we must be dealt with by way of introducing a clear policy so that that the policy addresses all those issues. Honourable Speaker, I have been around some offices and you will be shocked that people are circulating names. I don’t know if Members are aware of that. People are circulating names and saying, ‘bring names from this Ward or bring names from here.’ I don’t want to mention any names but I think it is worth stopping this exercise for a while so that these issues can be actually addressed. I got somebody asking me if I could give two names from my Ward and I was shocked what is this what is going on. I thought this is going to be transparent; it is going

Disclaimer: The electronic version of the Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, with authority of the Clerk, Uasin Gishu County Assembly. to be open and it is for the children of Uasin Gishu and not just for few individuals getting names from wherever. Even the exercise, Honourable Speaker - because I am one person who believes in speaking the truth and say it the way it is - even the exercise is just for cosmetic; it is just for public to know that we have advertised and we are going to do short listing. The exercise is actually full of rot, if I may speak because the names that have applied have just applied for the sake of it but people have names from different offices, getting names from relatives, getting names from wherever which, I think, if we want to help the people of Uasin Gishu let us be very transparent; let us be fair even for once - let us be fair. So I think I want to agree with that statement that we need to have a comprehensive statement on how it is going be done. So let us do it openly so that you are not being told by somebody, ‘bring two names or bring one name or this.’ So if I am told to give one name that means I cannot go as the representative of Ngenyilel; I cannot go to Ngenyilel and say, ‘give me two names’. How will I get two names from that big area? If we say 20 people per Ward, let it be done openly because after all this is public money. So it should not be done as if it is private exercise. So I think I am in support of that statement, Honourable Speaker. Thank you. Deputy Speaker: Honourable Goretti. Hon Boroswa: Thank you, Mr. Speaker Sir. I want to appreciate the mover of the Motion and I am in support of the same. Deputy Speaker: Order! Order, Honourable Member! Hon Boroswa: I want … sorry. I want to appreciate the mover of the statement in this House because that is something that is so pertinent to all Honourable Members of this House. I think that process should be open and transparent and each and every person who is doing the process, Mr. Speaker Sir should be held accountable for the same. In fact we want to recall the Public Service Board to come back to the Committee of Public Service to explain and to give record of those applicants who applied in the entire county , so that they look into their documents whether they are relevant to the county of Uasin Gishu because we are told that, as we are speaking , there are people who have been given10 slots and most of these are not even coming from our county, Mr. Speaker Sir . so what we are saying is this: that process should be stopped for now and the Public Service Board be called to The Committee of Public Service and then from there, they should be able to give transparent applicants list . They should be able to give per Ward as well as every village. Then from there we can know that each and every Ward, Mr. Speaker Sir, has been represented. Otherwise I want to believe that this is not a very good thing to be done to the county because it is going to give a financial implication and why are we spending and using our resources in support of our students who are qualified through colleges and universities and even other diploma courses? We should be able to really give an opportunity to all of them and more specifically those who already have overstayed without employment. I think that is the criterion they should follow so that it is something that is done in a transparent way. At the end of it all after the selection I think that it should be taken for public participation in every Ward so that every village will be able to feel that they have a representation through the applicants.

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Mr. Speaker, it is so unfortunate for now that even some of the villages at the ground level there are not even aware of what has transpired in connection with internship because nobody took the information to them. As much as you do an advert, how many people are able to access the same advert? So that one, Mr. Speaker Sir, we need to go back and see that these are the Members who can actually take the information to the public since every other time they are out of this House and they are able to interact with the community where they come from and they are in position to pass the same information in case there is any advert of employment for our people. These are the people but they were not involved. So I want to feel that this is something that has taken a short-cut and we are requesting that we are in support of the statement so that it can be recalled. Thank you, Mr. Speaker Sir. Deputy Speaker: Honourable Member for Kipkenyo. I have seen you the two Honourable Members. Hon Rono: Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker, for this opportunity. I would like to thank the Honourable Member who presented the statement because this is what the people of Uasin Gishu have been telling themselves down there. This is the House of representatives and I want to state, Mr. Speaker, that whatever we are saying here we are saying representing so many many electorates of this Uasin Gishu county. So this is how they have spoken and that is the direction. Mr. Speaker in the constitution, we have what we call gross violation of the constitution. This means whenever you do something that violates this constitution gross, then you are not supposed to still continue in the system in any Government . I remember when the Public Service Board was here, we tried advising them but what they were telling us is that they were the executors and we are the policy-makers. Mr. Speaker you want to execute something that there is no policy and you are saying you are the executor! Mr. Speaker, I want to urge this Honourable House and Honourable Members that this is the mandate we were given by the people of Uasin Gishu County and we will not accept. Suppose now you tell me that you are giving Langas Ward or there so many grandaunts who applied in Langas Ward , let us say around 50 while in Kipkenyo Ward they applied around 30 in some other Wards about 100.what is the criterion? How will you make sure that we have equal distribution of these interns? How will you ensure that Kipkenyo Ward, Chepukundi – Chepukundi, Mr. Speaker, and Mlimani and also Kisor Village have got or have or tasted a single intern, Mr. Speaker. This is what that policy should have stated there and we could have told them to go on the way they want but because there is no such policy, Mr. Speaker, we are sure nothing tangible or nothing that is in line will happen. So, Mr. Speaker, let the county executive, led by the Public Service Board, stop this process, halt this process for the time being and if they will not do it, Mr. Speaker, then there is no any other thing we can do other than giving the direction and that direction is somebody somewhere has violated the constitution gross and there are things we can do, Speaker . So this is not a joke and we are very serious on this ….we cannot … Honourable Members. Thank you.

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Deputy Speaker: I had already said, Honourable Members, that I would allow 10 minutes. I can still add five minutes and I want us to stick to that because it was under the discretion of the Chair. Given time just highlight some few issues. Honourable Member for Kapseret. Hon Korir, E. K: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for this opportunity. I am in support of this statement and it has come at the right time when the process is still going on. I was also worried that all areas of professionalism are applying for this internship. Mr. Speaker, you find someone who has done aquatic science or marine science are struggling applying, Mr. Speaker. I was wondering where these people are going to work in this county. We need a framework to be told by the executive that in this field like social work we need a given number of interns, in maybe cooperative management, how many interns we need in that sector .it has to come through the policy, Mr. Speaker. I am in support of the statement. Deputy Speaker: Honourable Muya then, Honourable Members, allow us to conclude with Honourable Member for Ziwa, then we can proceed. I know we still have issues; I can still use my discretion. Honourable Member for Langas, proceed. Hon Muya: Thank you very, Mr. Speaker Sir. I rise in of support of the said statement. Mr. Speaker, in public field or finance Bill there is a law in the public the PMF Act. It states clearly that we should have prudent management of public resources. I want to remind this House that even when the County Assembly came with the idea of issuing bursary to the residents of Uasin Gishu, we had to use the right procedure; first we had to come up with an Act, the county Government of Uasin Gishu Bursary Act that is guiding us on the process of issuance of bursary. Having said that, Mr. Speaker, we are going to use public money in the internship programme. Tomorrow we don’t want to hear or to see our officers being taken in because of not following the PFM Act that states that we should follow or use prudent management of public resources because of failure of having policy framework guiding us and explaining what the programme are and in fact the same policy has to be passed by this Assembly. Therefore, Mr. Speaker, this statement is timely and I would like to urge Honourable colleagues that we are the leaders to lead and the rest of Uasin Gishu to follow but if we fail tomorrow, because Langas has the majority, you might hear the intended 650, you hear 300 come from Langas, but with a policy guideline, it is going to set how they are going to be identified, how they are going to be evenly distributed and more so whether we have the positions in Uasin Gishu, or outside Uasin Gishu, where possible where we are going to take them or we are going to take them; it is not just doing public relation exercise. Therefore, Mr. Speaker, this statement is timely and I am in support of it. Thank you. Deputy Speaker: Thank you. We can have the last Honourable Member, Honourable Member Ziwa. Hon Korir, J: Okay, Mr. Speaker, I also stand to support the statement that has been brought before for us. What Honourable Members have contributed here today concerning this internship

Disclaimer: The electronic version of the Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, with authority of the Clerk, Uasin Gishu County Assembly. issue, I want to say I support because it does not have a framework of this exercise or even the policy to guide. Secondly, Mr. Speaker, as it has been said, let us have this internship if we are to take starting from 2010 so that some of these children or youths are not left behind. But one thing that I am concerned and have been observant is that we are here as two arms of the Government - the Assembly and the executive. You find now we are supposed to be doing other issues but now we are dragging behind because of an issue that maybe the department of education decided to do this exercise without consulting Members of this Assembly so that we can come together and agree and see the way forward and also to see the capability and the capacity of having this. This is because if you see the students, about 750 do we, as a county Government , have the capacity to sustain these students in their courses and also if some of these students are taken to other counties like Nairobi or Mombasa is this 15, 000 really sufficient to sustain them in their courses? And also somebody has talked about insurance. Some of the courses involve engineering because some of this involves technical work that is very risky and which you have to insure. Have we really Budgeted for all this? These are the issues we need to look before we say that we need a wholesale of 700. We could have started with a small number and we see the exercise. I remember the last Assembly or the first Assembly there were some students who were taken to Rift Valley Technical Training Institute and some of these technical colleges and also the Uasin Gishu Government paid the school fees as help. How far are those students? Have they been absorbed in the Government offices? Are they in the position to repay the money it was passed by the Assembly? Those are the issues we need to look into. Secondly, my concern also here is that we need that exercise to be stopped so that all of us will look into and also a very very... an issue that is not good and we need to address this one as an Assembly. How does it happen that when an exercise like this is being conducted, the 30 Members or the 47 Members of this Assembly are not aware such that up to today you will find some people saying that or telling even Honourable Members, ‘can you give me two people?’ Why is it that we are not aware and we are the people approving the money in this Assembly? We agreed on these things. How? We need to come on board such that … I don’t know - in fact I still stand to be corrected - the issues of Uasin Gishu here we should all of us, that is, the two Arms: the executive and all of us , we sit down and we agree on something. It is not good that an exercise is being conducted in our own respective Wards in the various 30 Wards without the consent of the Member .We have elected Members, we have the nominated Members and they are the Members of this Assembly. Why is it that we do not have an idea such that you find somebody why does not own anything is the one conducting the exercise? This is something that we do not agree with. So anyway we need that exercise, Mr. Speaker; we want to say that let it stop so that we get to look into it. This is public money and I wondering - I am Member of Budget and Appropriation and the other time we were tackling CSFP and you find that in that CFSP, there is a borrowing sh1, 000, 000, 000. If we can be in a position of borrowing sh1, 000, 000, 000 … (Point of order) Hon Korir, E. K: Point of Order, Mr. Speaker.

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Deputy Speaker: What is out of Order? Hon Korir, E. K: Mr. Speaker, I think the Honourable Member who is on the Floor is out of Order. We were in receipt of the statement and yet he is talking of the CFSP. I think he is out of Order. Deputy Speaker: Honourable Member for Ziwa stick to the statement. Hon Korir, J: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I withdraw that statement and I want to say let us have this exercise stopped so that all of us can come in an agreement and see the number of students we can have for this internship and also see the number of these polytechnics and colleges and what their status is. I don’t see them being mentioned and the other time it was in record. Thank you. Deputy Speaker: Honourable Members, I would have given the direction but nonetheless for the sake of Hansard , we were expecting Chair person Public Service Honourable Pius with the leadership, that is, the leader of Government Business to hasten this. It is a concern to all of us and they would have reported as earlier as Thursday and I think information, Clerk, should be given to them so that the exercise may be forthwith stopped until such issues are handled. I have already given the direction that on Thursday we expect a comprehensive statement over this through the leader of Government Business and also the Chair person on committee, Public Service Management. Thank you. Clerk! MOTION POLICY FRAMEWORK ON THE NEED TO REFURBISH OLD BUILDINGS TO ATTRACT INVESTORS (Hon. Dr. Catherine Barmao Kiptanui – Nominated MCA 22.3.2018) (Resumption of Debate interrupted 22.3.2018) Deputy Speaker: Honourable Members, this is a continuation of the Motion that we had. Honourable Barmao. Hon Barmao: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I beg to move the following Motion: Aware that town has been earmarked for elevation to a city status; Further aware that Eldoret town is the fifth largest town in Kenya after Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu and ; Concerned that there are many old buildings at the Central Business District (CBD), along Uganda Road, opposite Bandaptai and temporary structures found opposite Comfy Hotel; Noting that Eldoret town is an agricultural area and has a well-established infrastructure including roads, rail and air together with numerous financial, medical, learning institutions and nationally recognized manufacturing industries among others; Cognizant that Eldoret Town has attracted very many investors who have come to improve the financial system of the region and further provide a source of revenue to our county: This County Assembly urges the county of Uasin Gishu through the Department of Lands, Housing, Physical Planning and Urban Development to provide a policy framework on the need to refurbish old buildings in order to attract more investors and hence more revenue to our County.

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Mr. Speaker Sir, as we speak there are very many old building along CBD and I can just give an example of Paradise. When our President comes to our county you will find that he will always make a stop-over at the last building named Paradise. That building is too old and you will find that our president is always there. The same case to Silver Line; our leaders like visiting there and the building is so old and therefore this Motion is timely because if we can refurbish these old buildings, our Members of Parliament will not be going to Mombasa or Kisumu for retreat but they also becoming to Eldoret. Let us support this Motion because if we can renovate these buildings we will have very many investors and we will have more revenue. I want to request Honourable Korir to second. Maraswa. Deputy Speaker: Honourable Member for Kapseret/Simat. Hon Korir, E. K: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for this give opportunity. I stand to second this Motion. This Motion is talking about the refurbishment of old houses. If you go round our town we have very old houses whose owners have actually refused to give back to even only by painting. Mr. Speaker, we need this town to look smart. If something is giving you, you have to give back. Mr. Speaker, that is why this Motion is talking about refurbishment. It is not talking of any structure being removed. That is why I am seconding this Motion. We need to tell these owners of these building that we need a smart town and, in a smart town, if you have building do refurbishment of your building. We need that if you come inside, it is promising and it is good; it looks nice so that when everybody visits this town he/ she will be comfortable entering, shopping or staying in the buildings situated in this town and, as we are going to transform into a city which has already been drawn, we need a smart city and we don’t need these buildings that actually if visitors come, they see a city and not a town. Some of us have already seen a city of Eldoret, which we are really dreaming for it to come and we need all the old buildings to be refurbished. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I stand to second. Deputy Speaker: Thank you, Honourable Member for Simat/ Kapseret. A Motion has been moved and seconded, Honourable Members, and I now propose a question. (Question proposed)

Deputy Speaker: ensuing debate. Honourable Keitany. Hon Keitany: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for this opportunity. I stand here to support the Motion and before that, I want to thank the mover of this Motion, Honourable Catherine Barmao. As I support this Motion, it is also my request to the executive that once they will be implementing this Motion, let them give time to those owners of those buildings. I am saying that because as we all understand what has been going on especially for the last one year or two years, it has been politics. In every corner especially here in Uasin Gishu County, there is this issue of demolition of these fake structures and, at the same time, those structures which were on the road reserve and to me, Mr. Speaker Sir , I am very sure that most of my people - and I am speaking that because I am the Chair of Trade and Industrialization - are affected since this

Disclaimer: The electronic version of the Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, with authority of the Clerk, Uasin Gishu County Assembly. thing started especially during time of politics and, at the same time, when demolition was being done here in Uasin Gishu county. (Point of order) Hon Boroswa: Point of Order, Mr. Speaker. Deputy Speaker: Point of Order, Honourable Goretti. Hon Boroswa: I think the Honourable Member on the Floor should actually be telling whether he is supporting the Motion or not and bringing the issue of demolition to refurbishment is not a connected issue. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Deputy Speaker: Honourable Member, stick to the substantive Motion. Honourable Keitany, proceed. Hon Keitany: Thank you, Mr. Speaker Sir. I thought maybe I was just building my request so that the executive, when they will be getting this report, they will know that it is true and that they have to give the owners of those building ample time so … Deputy Speaker: Proceed, Honourable Keitany. Hon Keitany: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for protecting me. In short I want to say I support the Motion; it is only that I am the Chair of trade and I have to make sure that I protect the people. Thank you, Mr. Speaker Sir. Deputy Speaker: Honourable Muya. Hon Muya: Asante Sana, Mheshimiwa Spika. Kwa utangulizi nataka niseme wazi niseme nimesimama mahali hapa kuunga mkono hoja iliyo mbele yetu na, Mheshimiwa Spika, ninafurahi vile mhandishi ama vile mwandishi ama Mheshimiwa alivyoileta alitofautisha kando na kubomoa majumba kuukuu na kuyaboresha. Kwa hivyo nataka niseme kwamba hoja hii imekuja kwa wakati ufaao na kama Mheshimiwa ili nikaweza kuchanggia kwa hoja hii, utangulizi wake ni kwamba Eldoret ni mojawapo wa miji katika nchi yetu ya Kenya ambayo imepigwa darubini, imeangaziwa na ikaonekana yaweza kusongeshwa katika kitengo cha jiji. Mheshimiwa Spika, niseme kwamba kwa kweli Eldoret ni mji nambari tano kwa ukubwa katika nchi yetu ya Kenya na ninashukuru wakati tulipokuwa katika nyakati za manispaa pia kwa sababu ya kazi nzuri ambayo manispaa ya Eldoret wakifanya, kaunti yetu ilibahatika tu kuwa kati ya kaunti chache ambazo wamekubaliwa kikatiba kuwa na bodi ya kusimamia manispaa kwa Kiingereza municipal board. Kwa nini? Ni jiji ambalo lina mpangilio na limeonekana kwamba lina nia na uwezo ya kuboreshwa hata kuwa jiji kubwa kama Nairobi Mombasa na Kisumu. Mheshimiwa Spika, nataka kuilinganisha na kujitayarisha na wakati tunatarajia mtoto katika familia. Wakati ambapo mama amekuwa mja mzito amebarikiwa, wajua kwamba baada ya miezi tisa majaliwa nitajaliwa na motto, awe mvulana ama awe ni msichana, ni kawaida watu huanza kujiandaa kama familia - nguo za joto kidogo, nguo ambazo zinaweza kuvaliwa na kijana ama msichana kwa Kiingereza unisex kutayarisha njia ya mtoto anayetarajiwa. Vivyo hivyo iwapo tunatarajia mji wetu wa Eldoret kesho ukafanyika kuwa city, ni vyema kwanza

Disclaimer: The electronic version of the Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, with authority of the Clerk, Uasin Gishu County Assembly. kujiandaa. Mswahili akasema ukiona vyaelea jua vimeudwa na pia ukiona kichwa cha mwenzako kikinyolewa tia chako maji. Kesho tutakimbia ama kucheleweshwa kuwa jiji na kumbe sisi ndio hatujafanya yale ambayo yanatakikana na hoja hii ninafikiri aliyeandika - na ninamheshimu na kumuenzi - Mheshimiwa Daktari ameweza kutofautisha kubomoa na kuboresha kwa sababu gani? Huwezi kuharibu ulicho nacho ukitarajia makuu baadaye. Ni vyema kuandaa ulicho nacho ili ukakuwa na uwezo wa kuweza hata kuwa na yale majumba amabayo twayaona kama Nairobi, wengine tulipoenda kule tukiwa vijana tulikuwa tunashanga na vile jumba hili lilijengwa, lilizaliwa ama lilibebwa likaletwa hapa kwa sababu vimeundwa vikaudika. Mheshimiwa Spika, ni vyema kujiandaa na kweli majumba mengi katika mji huu wetu, wanahistoria wanatuambia kwamba mji wa Eldoret ulipotayarishwa ulitakikana kutumika na watu angaa 50, 000 lakini leo hii tuko watu wengi sana. Wengi biashara zilizoko na kwa hivyo ni vyema tukafikiria kama viongozi kando na kuboresha majumba yaliyoko; ni pande gani hapa mji wa Eldoret zatakiwa ama zaweza pia kuendeleshwa kukua kwa sababu tulichonacho kama kiwanja tayari kimetumika lakini wale walio mjini katikati hasa ukipitia barabara zingine ndani ya mji wetu wa Eldoret, utakuta kwamba mwenyewe ametengeneza jumba hili lakini kuanzia varanda yake hadi barabara ya lami ni ajabu na kushangaza ya kuwa utaona vumbi ama mchanga na tuko ndani ya mji . Haya ndiyo baadhi ya mambo ambayo natumai yalikuwa yaanaangaziwa katika hoja hii kwamba kabla hatujapelekwa katika kiwango cha jiji si kwanza tuonyeshe kwamba tuna nia. Jumba hilo kuukuu na nyumba zingine hata zinanyesha ndani. Kwa sababu tu Mheshimiwa wa Kapeseret alisema ni vyema kurejesha mkono kwa chochote kinachokusaidia na vivyo hivyo iwe ni ngombe , shirika kuna kile kwa Kiingereza wanasema corporate social responsibility or ploughing back . Pole kwa kuchangnya ndimi, lakini ni vyema tukaweza kuangazia na tupewe sheria ama mwelekeo wa kuelekeza wenye nyumba hizi kuwaeleza ni vyema kuyaweka majumba yetu ambayo tumekodesha wanabiashara ambayo kila mwisho wa mwezi tunaendea ada ya mwisho ya mwezi, lakini haiwezi kuweko ni mjini katikati. Nikimalizia ni ya kuwa Eldoret tutaweza kukua. Tutakapofika kitengo cha jiji kama vile Kisumu, Mombasa au Nairobi watu wetu wanabiashara na watu kibinafsi watafaidika sana. Kwa nini? Ili miji ukaweza kupandisha katika kitengo cha jiji , kisheria hili jina lina andamana na mapato ya nchi. Kama vile tunapewa bilioni tano nukta saba (sh5.7b) yawezekana tutafikishiwa 10 na zaidi. Kwa sababu gani? Barabara zetu zitatakikana kupanuliwa, kuboreshwa kuongezewa na kwa hivyo hili jina ‘jiji’ litakuja na mazuri sana. Mara kwa mara wakati ambao tunaenda mji wa Kisumu au Mombasa huwa naona utajiri ambao tunapeleka mahali pale. Mimi nikiwa mtu binafsi, shirika letu la kaunti Assembly na wengineo na mara nyingi wakati tunakutana katika hoteli zile na kaunti ya kutoka kwingine, kumaanisha kuna ule uzuri unaandamana na neno ili ‘jiji.’ Kwa hivyo mimi ninasema kwamba tujitayarishe hata wale wanasema wanazo wakaanza kuambiwa kwamba ni vyema kuanza kujiandaa kuwa na hoteli za kifahari , mahali watu wanaweza kukutana na kuandaa mikutanno kwa sababu tutakapo pewa jina hili, kama vile Mwenye hoja alisema tutakuta wabunge, wasimamizi wa mashirika wakija hapa kwetu Eldoret kuakikisha ya kwamba wameweza kuketi na kujadili maendeleo ya sehemu zao wanakofanyia kazi.

Disclaimer: The electronic version of the Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, with authority of the Clerk, Uasin Gishu County Assembly.

Kwa hivyo, Mheshimiwa Spika, ni vyema kabla hatujapatwa hatujajitayarisha tujiandae kama vile mama hujiandaa kupata mtoto kwa kuwauliza na kuwaonmba wale ambao wamejaliwa na kuwa na angalao na ploti na majumba hapa mjini - pengine hawakuyajenga bali waliinunua kama yamejengwa - waweze kuona ni nini wanaweza kufanya kuboresha kwa Kiingereza ni kusema kuyapa mji facelift ili tukaonekana kwamba twatoka mahali ingawaje tuko mahali twatoka mahali na tuna nia ya kuenenda mahali . Kwa hivyo, Mheshimiwa Spika, pasipo kupoteza wakati mimi ninaunga mkono hoja hii na ieleweke waziwazi ya kwamba hatujawapa kibali cha kuenda kubomoa; ni waweke mikakati na sheria ya kuwauliza tungependa mkaboreshe nyumba hizi ingawaje ni kuukuu ingawaje zimezeeka lakini pia zaweza kuendelea kutumika kwa kuziboresha na kuweka katika hali ya kutamanika na inakubalika. Asante, Mheshimiwa Spika, kwa hayo machache .Thank you. Deputy Speaker: I now put the question, Honourable Members. (Question put and agreed to) Deputy Speaker: The ayes have it, Honourable Members. A communication will be done to the department of Lands, Housing and Physical Planning so that a policy framework can be formulated so that the old buildings can be refurbished.

ADJOURNMENT Deputy Speaker: Honourable Members, I want to thank you for the indulgence we have had during this session and the House stands adjourned until tomorrow at 9:00 AM. The House rose at 4:05 PM

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