The Road Goes Ever On: J
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FABIAN QUEVEDO DA ROCHA THE ROAD GOES EVER ON: J. R. R. Tolkien's Response to the Dark Days of the Twentieth Century, and After PORTO ALEGRE 2019 UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL INSTITUTO DE LETRAS PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM LETRAS ÁREA: ESTUDOS DE LITERATURA LINHA DE PESQUISA: SOCIEDADE, (INTER)TEXTOS LITERÁRIOS E TRADUÇÃO NAS LITERATURAS ESTRANGEIRAS MODERNAS THE ROAD GOES EVER ON: J. R. R. Tolkien's Response to the Dark Days of the Twentieth Century, and After FABIAN QUEVEDO DA ROCHA ORIENTADORA: SANDRA SIRANGELO MAGGIO Dissertação de Mestrado em Estudos de Literatura, apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do título de Mestre pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. PORTO ALEGRE, Agosto de 2019 Fabian Quevedo da Rocha THE ROAD GOES EVER ON: J. R. R. TOLKIEN’S RESPONSE TO THE DARK DAYS OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY AND AFTER Dissertação submetida ao Programa de Pós- Graduação em Letras da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul como requisito parcial para obtenção do título de Mestre em Letras. Porto Alegre, 09 de agosto de 2019 Resultado: Aprovado com louvor. BANCA EXAMINADORA: ___________________________________________________________________________ Profa. Dra. Márcia Ivana de Lima e Silva Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul ___________________________________________________________________________ Profa. Dra. Luciane de Oliveira Moreira Universidade Federal de Santa Maria ___________________________________________________________________________ Prof. Dr. Valter Henrique de Castro Fritsch Universidade Federal de Rio Grande ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First, I would like to thank J. R. R. Tolkien, for his works have taught me about the importance and value of stories and have shown me the significance and relevance of taking action upon need and of being mindful about the impact of my decisions. Without his valuable lessons, much of what I have done would not have been possible. I am also immensely indebted to my family, mainly for their constant support and for having taught and shown me that the strong-willed often achieve their goals. Special thanks to my dearly beloved Junie, for reminding me every day that I am capable of doing whatever I put my effort on. I obviously cannot forget to include my friends here: Gustavo, Alexandre, Jéssica, Mario, Yana, Carol, and Alisson: friendship with you compensates for much; it gives, indeed, value to survival. Sandra, my dear advisor and friend, thanks for aiding me through all the writing process with your precious insights and also for being such a deep source of wisdom, friendship, encouragement, and kind words. Professors Luciane, Marcia, and Valter, thanks for accepting to read, evaluate, and enhance my research with your bright comments. Thanks to UFRGS and all its Professors who have guided me and instructed me since 2011. Finally, I would also like to thank all those I have lost along the Road. I hope our paths may meet again. But while that does not happen, I go on and hope for the best, for there is no knowing where this beautiful and perilous Road that life is will take me next. Yet, no matter where I go, I will carry your memories on. “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” (J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings) RESUMO O Hobbit (1937) e O Senhor dos Anéis (1954-1955) podem ser vistos como respostas literárias a questões recorrentes nos séculos XVIII, XIX e início do XX. O ritmo crescente da industrialização e a ascensão do secularismo foram pontos centrais para o crescente sentimento de fragmentação, alienação e deslocamento que culminou no impacto devastador da Primeira Guerra Mundial. A literatura produzida na primeira metade do século XX é marcada, em grande parte, pela imagem recorrente do mundo retratado como uma terra desolada, com seus habitantes sem fé, esperança, ou crenças para lhes dar força. Em contrapartida, as obras de J. R. R. Tolkien apresentam um universo onde o poder da fé, do altruísmo, da compaixão e de outras virtudes auxiliam seu povo a restaurar o sentimento de conexão humana, a força da união e a crença em um futuro melhor. O escopo deste trabalho reside em investigar como O Hobbit e O Senhor dos Anéis abordam e respondem aos dias sombrios do tempo do autor e como essas respostas podem ser vistas como uma forma de preservar o passado, guiar o presente, e moldar o futuro. Para tal objetivo, realizo uma análise da figura, da função e do aspecto anacrônico dos hobbits, à luz da teoria de Tolkien sobre narrativas de fantasia proposta no ensaio “Sobre Histórias de Fadas”. Esta dissertação aborda, também, o conceito de estrada como uma metáfora que é relevante para o entendimento da ficção do autor e de suas crenças a respeito da importância das histórias. Como instrumentos para conduzir minha investigação, faço uso dos estudos de fantasia propostos por Tolkien, Tom Shippey, Theresa Freda Nicolay, Verlyn Flieger, entre outros. Ao aproximar os textos destes acadêmicos da forma como os romances foram escritos, argumento sobre a importância da proposta de Tolkien para a literatura de seu tempo e dos dias atuais. Palavras-chave: Literatura Inglesa; J. R. R. Tolkien; O Hobbit; O Senhor dos Anéis; Anacronismo. ABSTRACT The Hobbit (1937) and The Lord of the Rings (1954-1955) can be seen as literary responses to recurrent issues from the 18th, 19th, and beginning of the 20th centuries. The increasing pace of industrialization and the rise of secularism were key points to the growing feelings of fragmentation, alienation, and dislocation that culminated with the devastating impact of WWI. The literature produced in the first half of the twentieth century is marked, to a great extent, by the recurring image of the world depicted as a waste land, with its inhabitants lacking in faith, hope, and beliefs to hold on to. Contrarily to that, the works of J. R. R. Tolkien portray a universe where the power of faith, selflessness, compassion, and other virtues aid its people in restoring the sense of human connection, power of community- building, and belief in a hopeful future. The scope of this work lies in investigating how Tolkien's The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings address and respond to the dark days of their author’s time, and how these responses can be seen as a way of preserving the past, guiding the present, and shaping the future. In order to do so, I will perform an analysis of the figure of the hobbits, their function in the novels, and also their anachronistic trait under the light of Tolkien’s theory concerning fantasy narratives as proposed in the essay “On Fairy Stories”. This thesis also addresses the concept of the road as a metaphor, which is of great importance to a broader understanding of the author's fiction and his beliefs concerning the importance of stories. As tools to conduct my investigation, I rely on the studies of fantasy proposed by Tolkien, Tom Shippey, Theresa Freda Nicolay, Verlyn Flieger, and other prominent scholars of the field. By approaching the studies of these theorists to the way the novels were written, I argue about Tolkien’s relevance to the literature of his time and the present days. Keywords: English Literature; The Hobbit; The Lord of the Rings; J. R. R. Tolkien; Anachronism. AUTHOR’S NOTE Dear reader, this work was carried out strictly for academic purposes. Therefore, it does not reverse profits to me, nor to my supervisor or institution. All excerpts from Tolkien’s books cited are properly referenced according to the editions used. The images at the end of the work were scanned from physical copies of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings and are also accompanied by the necessary references. Concerning the footnotes, most of them are aimed to readers who are not fully acquainted with Tolkien’s works and they offer brief explanations concerning the characters, regions and internal history of the books. A few of these notes, however, are used to give extra information concerning specific terminology used in the research. I would also like to highlight that this thesis is concerned with a highly religious writer, who was instructed from his early childhood in the Catholic faith. Therefore, considerations concerning “good” and “evil”, “right” and “wrong”, among others, are mostly guided by Tolkien’s worldview and do not necessarily represent general beliefs. LIST OF TABLES Table 1 - The three dimensions dialoguing in Tolkien’s narratives 60 Table 2 - Further aspects of the peoples of Middle-earth 61 Table 3 - Hobbit breeds characteristics dialoguing 65 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 12 2 LITERARY RESPONSES TO THE DARK DAYS OF THE 20TH CENTURY ......... 21 2.1The Shadow Rises ............................................................................................................ 21 2.2 External and Internal Waste Lands ................................................................................. 28 3 THERE WOULD ALWAYS BE A FAIRY TALE .......................................................... 43 3.1 Approaching Fäerie ......................................................................................................... 43 3.2 Recovery, Escape, and Consolation ................................................................................ 48 3.3 Bridging the Gap: Tracking the Elusive Hobbits ............................................................ 59 4 THE ROAD GOES EVER ON ..........................................................................................