Glossary of T'ien-T'ai/Tendai Terms
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Glossary of T’ien-t’ai/Tendai Terms © 2013 Paul L. Swanson [as of 25 October 2013; not final version] [This glossary is currently under construction. There are still many gaps, unfilled blanks, inconsistencies, and unanswered questions. Constant revi- sions, additions, emendations, and corrections are under way, aiming for eventual completion at an unknown date in the future. (French terminology and definitions from works by Jean-Noël Robert and Etienne Lamotte) Basic Pattern of Entries: English term *** Chn. Chinese reading (Wade-Giles; Pin-yin) Jpn. Japanese reading Frn. French translation/term Skt. Sanskrit term Def: Definition in English Def-Frn. Definition in French Ref. Major references in T’ien-t’ai-related works and canonical texts see also: Related terms A ability to receive 能契 Chn. neng ch’i; néng qì Jpn. nōkai Frn. Def: the varying capacities of sentient beings to practice and realize enlight- enment. Def-Frn. Ref. Fa-hua hsüan-i, 691a–b absolute 絶待 Chn. chü tai; jué dài Jpn. zettai Frn. absolu Def: Chih-i uses the term “relative” to refer to a sense of something (e.g., for cessation and contemplation) in contrast to or with respect to a compa- rable or opposite item. The term “absolute” is used to indicates its intrinsic meaning without regard to or in contrast to something else. Def-Frn. Ref. Fa-hua hsüan-i, 696b13–c24; Mo-ho chih-kuan 21c21–22b20 1 2 | Swanson (10_2013) see also: relative absolute subtlety 絶待妙 Chn. chü tai miao; jué dài miào Jpn. zettaimyō (zetsudaimyō) Frn. Def: that which is subtle in itself, and not in contrast to that which is crude. Def-Frn. Ref. Fa-hua hsüan-i, 696c24–97b3 see also: relative subtlety actual repentance 事懺 Chn. shih tz’an; shì chàn Jpn. jisan Frn. Def: repentance in deed, the actual performance of confession, or repentance of offenses, in contrast to “ideal repentance,” or repentance in principle. The ceremonial performance of praises, worship, chanting or sutras, and so forth involved in ritual repentance. Def-Frn. Ref. Ssu-chiao-i, 779a18, Mo-ho chih-kuan, 13c22 see also: ideal repentance acquired qualities 修徳 Chn. hsiu te; xiū dé Jpn. shutoku Frn. maintiennent les attributs Def: virtuous qualities attained through practice, in contrast to inherent qualities. Def-Frn. Ref. Mo-ho chih-kuan, 54a25–c8 see also: inherent qualities adapted (teachings) 融通 Chn. jung t’ung; róng tōng Jpn. yūzū Frn. l’intention d’intégrer Def: “adapted” or “fused” teachings, a characteristic feature of the fourth Prajñā Period, where distinctions such as “great” and “small” are removed, or fused, and the intention is to “integrate” the teachings. Def-Frn. Ref. Ssu-chiao-i, 775a23; Gishū, 268c; Mo-ho chih-kuan, 97c17–98a10 see also: adorn and purify the meditation chamber 嚴淨道場 Chn. yen ching tao ch’ang; yán jìng dào chång Jpn. gonjō dōjō Frn. orner et purifier le Lieu de pratique (d’Eveil) Def: one of the ten items involved in the practice of the Lotus Samādhi. Def-Frn. Ref. Mo-ho chih-kuan, 14a6–9; Fa-hua san-mei ch’an-i, 950a25–b7 glossary of t’ien-t’ai/tendai terms | 3 see also: Lotus Samādhi adornment of virtue 福徳道場 Chn. fu te chuang yen; fú dé zhuāng yán Jpn. fukutoku shōgon Frn. les ornements des mérites Skt. puṇya-sambhāra Def: An Abhidharma term, but Chih-i refers to its use in the Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra where it speaks of two adornments of a Bud- dha, that of wisdom and virtuous qualities (the other five perfections [pāramitā]). For Chih-i, this is the “condition” [necessary but not sufficient cause] for Buddhahood. Def-Frn. Ref. Nirvāṇa Sūtra, T 12.767b15–c2 ; Fa-hua hsüan-i, 695a9–10; Mo-ho chih- kuan, 11c13, 42a8, 53c19. see also: adornment of wisdom adornment of wisdom 智慧莊嚴 Chn. chih huei chuang yen; zhì huì zhuāng yán Jpn. chie shōgon Frn. l’ornement de la sagesse Skt. jñāna-sambhāra Def: An Abhidharma term, but Chih-i refers to its use in the Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra where it speaks of the “two adornments” of a Bud- dha, that of wisdom and that of virtuous qualities (the other five perfec- tions [pāramitā]). According to the Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra, the śrāvaka, pratyekabuddha, and bodhisattvas up to the ninth bodhisattva stage are adorned with virtue, but only the highest bodhisattvas and the Buddhas are adorned with wisdom. For Chih-i, this is the “cause” of Buddhahood. Def-Frn. Ref. Nirvāṇa Sūtra, T 12.767b15–c2; Fa-hua hsüan-i, 695a9–10; Mo-ho chih- kuan, 11c13, 42a9, 53c18. see also: adornment of virtue; perfect in the adornment of mastery adventitious afflictions 客塵 Chn. k’e ch’en; kè chén Jpn. kyakujin Frn. Skt. *āgantukakleśaprahāṇa Def: An expression for passionate afflictions (kleśa) found in the Vimalakīrti Sūtra. In Chih-i’s scheme of things, these “adventitious afflictions” refer to the surface passionate afflictions that must be severed first, before one attempts to sever the deeper afflictions such as fundamental ignorance. Def-Frn. Ref. Vimalakīrti Sūtra, T 14.545a28; Mo-ho chih-kuan 7c12; see also: fundamental ignorance 4 | Swanson (10_2013) aggregates (skandha), sense entrances (āyatana) and sense realms (dhātu), as objects (of contemplation) 陰入界境 Chn. yin ju chieh ching; yīn rù jiè jìng Jpn. on-nyū-kai-kyō Frn. Skt. skandha-āyatana-dhātu Def: The first of the ten objects of contemplation, the discussion of which takes up more than a third of the entire contents of the Mo-ho chih-kuan. Hurvitz (p. 329): “This refers to the five skandhas, the twelve āyatanas, and the eighteen dhātus … this ching is believed to be ever present, whether being contemplated or not.” Def-Frn. Ref. Mo-ho chih-kuan, 49b, 51c–101c see also: ten objects of contemplation ālaya-consciousness 阿黎耶 Chn. a-li yeh; ā lí yē Jpn. araya Frn. Skt. ālaya-vijñāna Def: the “store consciousness.” A concept of the Yogācāra school, which taught the existence of an underlying consciousness, a “pre-consciousness,” that unifies into one experiential whole all the diverse operations of con- scious activity. Def-Frn. Ref. Mo-ho chih-kuan, 54a26 all wisdom contained in a single thought 一念相應慧 Chn. i nien hsiang ying huei; yī niàn xiāng yìng huì Jpn. ichinen sōō no e Frn. la Sagesse conforme d’une seule pensée Skt. eka-[citta-]kṣana-prayukta-prajñā (samāyukta-prajñā ) Def: one thought in which all insight and wisdom are united. The wisdom of Buddhahood in the Shared Teachings. For all wisdom to be contained in a single thought. Where one’s mind or thoughts correspond to reality as emptiness. Def-Frn. cette expression signifie qu’en une seule pensée (=instant) le bodhisattva se trouve parfaitement conformé (mushō shitai) et se débar- rassé de toutes les imprégnations des passions. C’est l’ultime instant précé- dant l’Eveil pour les bodhisattva de cette doctrine, qui contraste avec les 34 pensées (sanjūshi-shin) par lesquelles doivent passer les bodhisattva de la doctrine des trois corbeilles. Ref. Ssu-chiao-i, 777c23–24; Gishū, 281b see also: analytical method 析法 Chn. hsi fa; xī få Jpn. -shakuho Frn. glossary of t’ien-t’ai/tendai terms | 5 Skt. Def: an analytical method of “breaking down” that involves only an analysis and negative breaking down of conceptualizations, passions, delusions, and so forth; Chih-i criticizes it as an inferior method of contemplation or real- izing emptiness at the level of the Tripitaka Teaching. Def-Frn. Ref. Mo-ho chih-kuan, 24a1 see also: analyze (phenomena) and realize emptiness 析空觀 Chn. hsi k’ung kuan; xī kōng guān Jpn. -shakukūkan (shakushiki nyūkū 析色入空) Frn. contemplation analytique de la vacuité Def: to analyze phenomena and conclude that they are empty; the method of realizing emptiness at the level of the Tripitaka Teaching. Def-Frn. malhabile parce qu’elle ne parvient à la vacuité que par l’analyse de la forme. Ref. Fa-hua hsüan-i, 695b29; Andō, 118; Mo-ho chih-kuan, 7a25–28; Gishū, 266a see also: essential emptiness analogy of the color of milk Def: an analogy in the Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra that illustrates the inability of non-Buddhists to understand the Dharma, just as a blind person cannot truly know the color of milk even if compared to a shell, rice, snow, or a white crane. Def-Frn. Ref. Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra, 688c15–23 see also: analogy of the three (stages of) illumination 三照喩 Chn. san chao yü; sān zhào yù Jpn. sanshōyu Frn. les trois lieux illuminés Def: an analogy from the Avataṃsaka Sūtra that the rising sun first illu- mines the highest peaks (the preaching of the sūtra) at the time of Bud- dha’s enlightenment), then illumines the dark valleys (the preaching of Hīnayāna doctrines at Benares), and finally illumines the wide plains (preaching the vast Mahāyāna teachings); a way of classifying the Bud- dha’s teaching that overlaps with the analogy of the five flavors (from the Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra). Def-Frn. d’abord les hauts sommets (kōzan 高山), puis les vallées (yūkoku 幽谷), et enfin la plaine (heichi 平地); cette dernière phase est divisée en trois afin de faire correspondre cette comparaison aux 5 périodes; a) shokuji 食事, l’heure de repas du matin; b) guchūji 禺中時, “ensoleille- 6 | Swanson (10_2013) ment”; c) shōgo 正午, midi; cette dernière heure correspondant au goût du nectar. Ref. Avataṃsaka Sūtra, T 9.611–631 see also: five flavors annihilationism 斷(滅)見 Chn. tuan (mieh) chien; duàn (miè) jiàn Jpn. dan (metsu no) ken Frn. nihilisme Skt. uccheda-dṛṣṭi Def: 1) the mistaken (materialistic) view that everything is annihilated at the time of death. “Nihilism” or “annihilationism” in contrast to the view that the soul lives on forever (“eternalism”).