Abu Sa'id, Abu'l Khair 85 Advice Literature 3 Afaq 2, 54, 63-4, 68
Index Abu Sa'id, Abu'l Khair 85 Balkhi, Ahmad 64 advice literature 3 Balkhin, Moayyad 64 Afaq 2, 54, 63-4, 68 Bandello, Mandello 17 Alaqih, Fatimah 52 Barbad 165-74 alchemy 130-1, 134 Beelaert, Anna Livia 88 Alexander the Great 5, 52, 59, 62, Berte!, Ye.E. 6, 189 129-30, 132-5, 163 Bible and biblical verse 75, 84 allusions and metaphors 47, 55, 133, Bigdili 7 145, 149, 163 Bihruz Sarvatiyan 37 Almagest 132 "Bijan and Manizheh" 68 Andrews, Walter 9, 27f Book ofAgriculture 146 animals and animality 39-40, 43 Book ofAlexander; Anis al-'ushshaq 83 see Jskandamamah Anvari, Awhad ad-Din 2-3, 142 Book of Blessings, see lqbalnameh arabesk music tradition 36 Book of Happiness 60 arboriculture 142, 147, 150-1, 156--7 Book of Honor; see Sharafnameh Archimedes 130 Book of Kings, see Shahnamah 'Arefi 73 Book ofMarvels 155, 158 Aristotle 9, 59, 130, 133-4, 136, 163 Book of Passion, see Havas Nameh Aruzi, Nizami 68, 168 Borhan-e Qat'e 147 Ascension of the Prophet see mi'raj botanical allusions 145 Asrar at-tauhid 85 Boyce, Mary 164-5 astrology 131-2 Brethren of Purity 129, 133, 135-6 Athar wa ahya 146 Brooke, Robert 17 'Attar, Farid al-Din 3, 21, 73, 86, 88, Browne, E.G. 2, 170, 189 90, 181 Bukhari, Muhammad 86 Awfi 7 Burge!, J. Christoph 6, 9, 51, 57, 59, 'Ayyuqi 16, 41 61-2, 72-3, 77f Burhan-e qati' 170 Bacher, Wilhelm 5-6 "Buy-e juy-e muliyan ayad harni" 168 Bafiqi, Vahshi 90 Baiqara, Sultan Husain 69 Chahar maqalah 168 Bakhtin 43 Christensen, A.
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