THE WATERFORD NEWS SHIPPING. SALES Published every Friday Evening at 40 King street, HAZLETON , O'DONNELL , & C 0. {U,ip»&iie the Vrovinciat Bank.] WEEKLY STEAM COMMUNICATION FINEST SEVILLE ORANGES ¦WILL TK AND FOLLOWING DAYS ATJCTION OF HOESES, SPaiNGWELDV;: COLLEGE, ENNIS, , ON- MONDAY , THE 24 INSTANT, , ^ P RICE THREE PENCE ; YEARLY ( IN ADVANCE ) 13S. Travelling ^^S'orywwM ' Ox Bondon Uuivenity by Royal Charter. TO NEW YORK DIRECT. Machmn/Fami^lap\ lane^ P. Dr. S TAMPED, 4(1.; Y EARLY, 17S. 4d. FOR PRESERVING. SHOW THEIR RINClPALS^Doeto* FITZSIMOK. A.M., Ph. PCo*w«at COLLWSWOOD POWKR, «-8cholar, T.C.D fgJT Parties residing out of the United Kingdom wishing Weekly to New York: Direct in 11 to 13 days for £0 Gs. FIRST DELIVERY OP ; NEW SPRING GOODS! TH0MA 8 WALSH'S next Auction of Hones. rpHE Liverpool, New York, MR. get T!m Xeie.t, csin have it forwarded every week >r= a«&SBi9 Travelling Vehicles, &o, &c, will take plnee to , to any Philadelphia Steam Ship IN THEIR SEVERAL DEPAR TMENTS ; Tfct-ftghtBev.Dr. Vuxmn Urd Bishop of Killaloo ; y^/mK~7iA \ \ -L an*. ON MONDAY - ^ sfldress, on the same tenns ns those liviug within the United S^ffllJS) 8^^/l\\^Company intend despatchinff their MASON , 3«p of MAR,CH, :I862. ff'S&fcy^Dr- tfAWHWt lionl Kshop of Kilmocduagh ; * «MrR3|jht B ABB Kingdom, viz., 17s. -Id. yearly. -^^l5>3y"t* *^i Fii1l powfrpil Clyde-built lion Screw FANCY DRE98ES, RIBBONS, PRINTS, At MR LAURENCE JT. Dr. K« , Lord; BisLop of Cloyne: the " DOBBYN'S VETERINARY Right Rtv, of OM Steamshi SILKS, FLOWRR3, CLOTHS, Br. O'Hr^ Lord Bisbop R ; tbe Very The law of newspapers is sucli, that nil subscribers who do ps, Ettablisltment, Beresford-4treet Wdterfora\ : Dean T> ESPECTFULLY informs the Public MANTLES BONNETS, SCOTCH vtA IRISH , ¦ ger. ^WKr, P.P., V.G, Ennis; tbe Very Rev. Dr. From QUEENSTOWN (CORK) to NEW YORK , , '¦. • ' - . ¦ ¦ not give express notica to tho contrary, nre considered as SHAWLS, CA PS, TWEEDS. ORDER OF SALE : - -'¦. » >.;. - Rr/ssxu, Prssideiit, Msroootb College; the Very Rev. Dr. as follow : that be has on hand a Fine Assort- TraTelling Vehicles cB Professor of wiahing to continue their subscriptions, and mnst pay accord, STUFFS, ' ' STAYS, Uarness, QtaniDogi;*e., at r °W*> Ttaology, College, Maynooth ,- tha CITY OF WASHINGTON. Thursday, 27th Feb Twelve o'Clook. preciafiy. i -¦:¦ .. . Very ROT. Dr. CBKOLT, 33., Catholic University ngly. No paper can be discontinued until all arrearages are ment of the above, which are now it v ; the GLASGOW , Thursday, 6th Marh 47 QUAY, WATERFORD. t&"O pposite the Market Horn,. Hunters, Riding and Family Hones, sit One o'clock. Very Rev. Dr. CBSIBX, P.P., V.G., Bjudou. paid. CITY OF BALTIMORE.... Thursday, 13th „ excellent condition. * Colts, Draught nnd Farm Horses immediatelyafter. ' cvtaacvtvu oj STCDIBS, Thursday. Hand for the Mantle and Dresi Departmenti. umler Five Masters—four And every B5F WANTED, on Experienced , B3T Persons intending property for this Sale will be resident aud one extern i BST To BUSINESS M EN, we offer a tingle copy of 1st—The ordinary broodies of au English PASSAGE IIOKBT.—Cabin, 15, 17, and 21 Guineas. required to entered at Mr. DOBBINS, or ot »lr. . Education, ottf Paper for £2 as. a year, which will entitle each W. MASON , with SpecblClasses for 3»MDerci*l Pursuits and the Citil „ „ Forward, 6 Guinea*. WA LSH'S Office , ll«> Custom-honse Quay, on or%afor« p ersonso subscribing to publish an announcement of Ms Including an unlimited supply of Cooked Provisions, service. FEAST BROTHERS , LQltDOtt, Nine o'Clock themorniog of Sale. Fee for entry, 2*04. Snd—The subjects renotre* ourrt business, not exceeding Six LINES, in every p ubli- served ont by the Company's Stewards. QUAY WATERFORD , for Ecclesiastical Colleges, tbe 1ST 40, , , Purchasers Auctioneer's Feesof FiveiperCent i Undergraduateand GradmteCcmrsesof the London cation fo rone year. For further particular apply in Belfastto JOHN McKEE, /"vBTAlNEDthe GOLD M EDAL in 1851, for their pickles, Sauces, Condiments and JellieB, Univer- ' 103 Victoria-street; in Qiutmtoum, THOMAS WALSH, Auctioneer. stfjr, vii:—Matheroatics—Arithmetic, Algebra. Geometry, Advertisements of Public Bodies, i$-c the usual at the Company s Officca, (NEARLT OPPOSITE THE MARKET HOUSE). " Warranted Purr. Sold by all respectable Grocers, Druggists, and:HalUa Warehousemen tbroaghont , to C. 4 W. D. SEYMOUR & Co. ; aud in Liverpool to . Auctions attended In any part of Country or Totrn. Lofnmthms, Trigonometry (plnne and spbeiical). Natural - Phitosopy—Mechtnics charge of Od. per line for first insertion, and 3d. per WILLIAM INMAN, 63 & 03 Tower Knildinjrs Sooth, 2 the United Kingdom. 146 LEADENHALL STREET, LONDON, and 65 MIDDLE ABBEY STREET, 100 Custom-houseQuay, Waterford, I860. tf , Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Pneu. line f or every subsequent insertion. Servants and other Water-street ) or to GEORGE FETHERSTON, CUmmel ; KT W. M's. First Class TEAS Bnd DUBLIN. Manufactory .—EARL-STREET, FINSBUKY 8QUARE (E.C.) matin, Accoostics, • Optics, Astreoomy, ami Chemistry. persons seeking emp loyment can have their advertise- ' , THE AUCTION ROOM Modem Lnngoages—French, Itatiumand Uejman. History [allo-tf.l A. JACKSON 4 Co., King-st., Waterford. GENERAL GROCERIES; recommend VS " N.B.—Sole Proprietors of the Celebrated FINSBURY SAUCE. ' [my!7- ly] , —England Greece in 101 QUAY, is now fitted up for the , , aud Koine- Ancient LunjuHgea— ment * published for Is. each insertion. Passengers enraging Waterford are conveyed to NO; reception Hebrew, Greek 83^ themselves. of Furniture, &c ibr Sale.; . , and Latiu. Animal Physiology ; Logic and TERMS : Invariably Cash- Advertisements sent for Cork at greatly reduced rates. Moral Philosophy; tho English Language ; Geography publication without specific directions in writing at to Inl6-tf.] Persons not wishing to have Property disposed of on (ancient and modtro). THE PUBLIC their own Premises will find it their interest to the number of insertions, will be continued till ordered WATERFORD AND MILFORD HAVEN make use Slnoe the Incorporation of this Collego with tho ARE RESPECTFULLY: REQUESTED TO CALL AND EXAMINE of this Establishment and charged for accordingly. ¦ ' , as tho Room is both spacious and London University in Hay, lr>50 the following young out, ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS ' ' lofty, . ST. STEPHEN'S BREWERY, . THJB EXTENSIVE 8TO0K OF and admirably adapted for Furniture Sales. gentlemen were successful candidates at tbo Matricula- "THE WATERFORD NEWS" DAILY COMMUNICATION WATERFORD. , , THOMAS WALSH, Proprietor. tion and Degree Examinations:— CHINA GLASS ,B;AETHEN WARE , MiiRiCDtiTloa.—1857—Mr. Patrick Hurley mnd Mr, GENERAL PRINTING, PUBLISHING, (Sundays Excepted,) PATRICK KE1L Y $ SONS And FOREIGN ORNAMENTS consisting of HORSES JFOR SALE. Willinm Cnlliuan. 1858—Mr. Cornelius Slolony, Mr. Johu BOOKBINDING , MACHINE-RULING , BETWEEN THE SOUTH OF IRELAND, to call attention to their SUPERIOR POR- Raleigh, Mr. Richard O'Brien, nnd Mr. Jutnes Kelly. BEG WAX AND SHELL FLOWERS AND FRUIT ; CHINA AND ALABASTER VASES "D 1869 — Mr. John Molony and STATIONERY, SOUTH WALKS AND ENGLAND TER and STRONG BEER. ; _J$VV AY G., rising 7 years, IS 3 ; a good Thomas Bldke Tomer. 1800— , ALES, fencer Mr. William E. Kell y recommend their XX ALE »nd HALL LAMPS ; PAPIER MACHEE TABLES AND TRAYS, &c; ftS^K^h J3 ; steady and quiet in bothjlou- y and Mr. Kdinund Jotepli Frost. AND ACCOUNT-BOOK MANUFACTORY, Via Waterford and Milford Haven, in connection with They particularl 1 1861—Mr. Peter Mulcahy aud Mr. Thomas Hrowiie. SUPERIOR 'f to the notice of Bottlers and tbe Of the Newest Designs, and in great variety, at nS i i *'" and single Harness. 49 & SO KING STREET. Express Trains on the Gnat Western, South Wales, iJROWN Q., TUB A.B. DXORBE Exisiixixlo.t.—.Mr.John P. Molony. Trade generall _ 7 years old, 15 2 ; quiet in double and Waterford and Limerick, Wuterford and Kilkenny, y. single By a reference to the University Calendar it will bo Their STRONG BEER continues to give universal WALPOLE'S WATERFORD CHINA HALL , harness ; would suit a timid person, or lo draw J ijL,J/ TrrE ami iMrROTED P RESSES (wind and weather permitting) in time to enable Pnssougcrs ON SALE, as nbove, or from Bonded PRINTING BENSON'S WATCHES & CLOCKS, The above Horses aro all sound, and may bo seen and , and owing chiefly to tho generous donations of HAS OV MANUFACTORIES 33 AND LUDGATE HILL a kind Patron I s?>tigws» | anr''he Extension of his Esta- to proem!b y the 8 16 a.m. Express Train to London, reach- Warehouses, Waterford , Wholesale and Retail, JT , 9* , trials allowed, on application at , the Principals are now enabled to offer AND 46 AND 47, COUNHILL LONDON Wislimpnt tont King street,— ing Paddiugton at 0 0 p.m Third Class Passengers will Superior OLD W1XES of all descriptions, iu Wood or , , K.C. R. H. DYER'S to deserving Students the Jbllowing Anuuul Prizes, aa t ^& I now equal EVERY DESCRIPTION LSTiBLISHBD 1749. rewards of merit :— I I any in the Pro- bo forwarded by tho Through 7 40 a-m. train to London.— Bottle. (ja24-tf.) Veterinary Establishment, Waterford. ^ . BENSON, as an eminent and old-established For the best English Essay, '' \inces—is prepared to execute Passengers arriving at Milford Haven on Suuday mornings Choice Brands of FRENCH BRANDIES, Old and New. TW ®- A Thorough-bred SIR12 also for Sale. a Silver Medal ; for tho best every species of will leave per the 0 15 a-m. Train. HOLLANDS OIN, JAMAICA HUM. FOR . London Watch and Clock Manufacturer, has, for Latin ProseEssay, a Silver Medal; to every Student who the guidance of intending purchasers From M ILPOBD HAVE*, from the Railway Pier D.nly, at JOHN JAMIESOM & SON'S' OLD MALT, and other , published a new Matriculates iu London University, a Silver Medul; to every LETTER-PRESS PRINTING, 715, Sundays excepted, after the arrival of the 9 30 a.m. WHISKIES. PUBLIC BODIES, Illustrated Pamphlet on Watches and Clocks (free ;or Student who obtains First Placu ut Matriculation , a Silver PLAIN AND ORNAMENTA L, Express Train from 1'iddington Station, London, reaching GINGElt WINE, in Wood and Bottle. . two stamps), which should be carefully read by all before Medal and au Exhibition of £3 per annum; to every Student PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS, HOTELS who passes to the degreo of A..i{ In a manner that will not, he feels coufident, fail to Waterford (wind aud weather permitting) so as to secure the TEAS, in Bond, or Duty Paid, Wholesale only. buying. It contains a full description of every con- ., an Ejliibitiou of £'5 per departure of the 6 a.m. Twin to Limerick, Cork, and tho Pi Ices per dozen. MERCHANTS AND struction of Watch now made, with their Prices, includ- annum; to every Student who at his Degree Examination give satisfaction, . EAGLE HOTEL, obtains First Place South of Ireland ; and tbe 1145 a.m. Train to Kilkenny and RED WINES (F IBST CLASS). ing Chronometer, Duplex, Lever, Horizontal, aud P. FITZGERALDDUNGARVAN, Proprietor. , , a Gold Mwlul and Exbibitiou, und £10 ' per nnuuui. For all Students who CHEAPLY, KXPKUITIOUS1.Y, AND ELEGANTLY. Dublin. Passengers bj the G a.m. Third Class Train from POUTS, OM nnil Crusted, over Three Wars in ButtleIc, 36 to 42 TRADERS IN EVERY WARE, Vertical escapements. It contains also numerous succeed iu passing tha All the FORMS used in WORKHOUSES mid DISPEX- IVddiujton will also be conveyed by these Steamers at Me- Twelve Months in Buttle, ... 2S 38 HOTEL Degree Examination, and who continue to study for the. „ „ 1 „ EXECUTED WITH designs for the decoration of Watches, by eminent rpniS is now fitted up with every attention duced lutes. FACES. ' Civil Service, Home or Foreign, tha Pension shull bo reduced BABIES, at Prices in The If cws Printed List, which may „ „ OH the Wood, ... 27 „ ao London Artists, made expressly for this Manufactory, X. to comfort and accommodation. Travellers sn4 1st Class and 2ml Class ... 20 27 TASTE, to £20 per unmnn. be bfld on npplicntinn. Second Class, „ and sketches and prices of various kinds of Clocks and Commercial Gentlemen will find the Eagle a central and N.U. Exhibitions) Cubin. uu. , P , ... 18 „ B ENSON B HOJUKOXTAL IVATCU.—" A good watch TO CATHOLIC CLERGY , BOOKSKLLERS, ic Check-Books and Check-Tick- tion of Printing, l'kiiu or Mr. II. DOWNBY, Quay and Adelphi Wlmrf, Waterlord. COKK , 10 „ 18 penetrating Unguent, not only from tliu superficial N.B.—Letters from the country engaging A part- kind without paying an exoxbi'.antprice.— "Daily Telegraph. ets of every ; Ornamental. UKTI'RX Tickets, nvailablo for 30 days, lit a Fare and a tiitB OLD H OLLANDS, 16 „ 18 parts, but from the iuternal tissues likewise. Any ments immediately attended to. f iu-ii-Ct On Sale al The News OJ/ire, l' Silver, a to 8 suiacis. Gold, 6 tn 20 guiucas. v/^nlera from neighboring towus attcuded to with punctu- half fo.- the Double Journey, ate Usui*l at Waterford, Lime- FKBHCH BIUSSY, in Cases, per Dozen 40 „ 60 ense, even if of -0 years standing, speedily yields to iU . (With the Recommendation BENSON 'S CLOCKS—1 to 50 Guineas. of the Bishop of Waterfonl and f"? rick, Tipperary, Kilkenny, &c „ in Quarter Ca>k, per Gallon MM „ 4V influence. CITY MANSION HOTEL, l.isinore, the llijht 1'ev. Dr.O'HitiKX,) gd accuracy. Liberal Terms to captains, merchants, shippers, and The Sea Kogtige is only Seventy Miles. BRONCHITIS , DIPTIIKIIIA , Sons THROAT, ASTHMA , 30&31 LOWER BRIDGE STREET ACCOUNT BOOKS, with or without printed head- \ratcli clubs. Old Watches tnken in Exchange, or , DUBLIN , ft. Catechism for tlie Instruction of Children, Jjj2 ^ Cattle and Live Stock of all kinds sent by these Vessels TURKISH DIVAN, &c.—ltheunialisui und erysipelas may be overcome by 1 sup1™'' manner, strongly bound. repaired. All communications' to bo addressed to the (Late Proprietor, Mr. M AC KICK COFFET). BT TUB fast Iflfor " are. at Shipper's Risk. Goods and Cattle, Parcel*, Fish, Ac., TOBACCO, CIGAK , AND FISHING TACKLE frequently fomenting Ihe otfocted purls in warm water, H Proprietor inaj* ho favored shall Steamers at Low Kates Manufactories, 33 and 31 LUDGATE HILL, or 40 und MOST Rev Dr. JAMES BUTLER , A rchbishop of leeted SI ''*'• which ihc uill .be conveyed liy the* , which can WAREHOUS E drying, und ioimedintely applying this soothing Oint- - be le.uitwlou application at any of tho Railway Stations, or to , ¦47 , COKNUILL LONDON. (jcl4-2Gt cow) CAREY having purchased the Interest in the Cashcl and Enily. were boi with the utmost N>:.vrxi:ss, Accum » , and ment The same pioordure applies equally well for , OUD ACKS 36 Caution utrcct London O'SIIAUGHNESciV WARDELI., Proprietor. P above old and well-cstulilished Hotel, most con. Printed ou good Paper, and in large clear Type. the quality Missrs. F &. J **. , , and • admissioni.,: *l prices exceedingly moderate, E • Genuino Limerick Tobacco ; Wills' Bristol curing sore thront, (liptliuriu , bronchitis, asthma, tight- ROYAL HERALLMC STUDIO. venicntly nituaU-d to the Great Southern and Western ur.coiiMEMD.vnuN. MICHAEL DOWNEY, Bird's Eye and Grasscut Tobacco ; Flat , Cut Caven ness ot tUe clicst, nnd p\\a m ihe aide, which instant forward lcousidcred, at the ' , send Name Railway, and in close proximity to the Knur Courts Hiid " I approve of this Edition of the Right Kev. Dr. ' Adelphi Wharf, md 30 Merchants Quay, Waterford anil other Foreign Tobaccos. S lendid Forei treatment alone prevents degenerating into mure serious FOR FAMILY ARMS or CREST •JSLAKE S \V, i,V(iAL. COMMERCIAL, RAILWAY, dish, p gn houses of Uurtincss iu the City, has refitted and improved J AMBS UuTLen's Catechism, and recommend it to the derivutiro nud County tn the Koynl Heraldic Studio and Genea- jUNI/UKXKRAL PRINTING , BOOK-BIXDIV'' and British Cigars ; il choice selection of Meerschaum maladies. This Ointment has llie same logical Library lor Great Britain and Ireland ; tLis and tho c entire .Establishment, for which he solicits public Faithful of these Dioceses. WATERFQRD STEAM COMPANY. and (.'lay Pipes ; real Limerick Flics and Hooka. powers over chest comp ainia as a blUicr posaesscs, MACHINE-RULIN G ESTAHLlSHtoL,V.«i. ORDER of SAILJNO—FSR 1802. College of Arm* nrcthe only places in Kiiir> >iud for authentic Patronage, feeling confident of giving tsatUfauliuu tc " D. O'UltlEN, R.C.U. AND -»- -ZSNVXD , ££}• Ageut for LAMBKIN 'S Conic S.NUFF . without caua npr paiu or debility. % 1 KING-STREET, WATKKFORD. -rfst reseiucliK. Plain sketch of Anns, 3a. BJ. ( iu colors, 0.1. j Visitors. Ordinary Daily at Five o'clock. " Walerford. June 2, ltW.3. ' "VT OTICE.—The Waterford Steamship oll-tf] aOQUAY , WATERFORD. llEMonRiiuiD)— PILKB ANOI AuscusaES.—Thousands witb Heraldic descri Fatuity Pedi- would eu ption, Motto, &c., 12s. t^*A Night Porter always in attendance, [mhlo-ly JCP Orders from any pnrt of the Diocese, sent in , \» ° . i.* •>-nany receive Good* for Shipment suffer ucverely for years from these annoy ing ooin- grees traced from tbe Heralds Couuty His* N ' Visitatioos, nnd directed to C. REDMON D, Printer and Publisher, ^t£8£3\jg%j.on i« y,-. Kin3 Terms only:—They reserve plaiuti through false delicacy Let such purchase a tones, Domesday Book, und other valuable Kecords, at tbe e WSXFORD INDEPENDENT ¦ ' by A Few Respectable District Agents " Water ford Seics Office , 41) King-street, promptly ui- d^t£i£&3fa the rigu ."^arrj any, not by particular pot of Holloway's Oiutment reai tbe directions which British Museum, Tower ©»' I-ondon, unil clscwbcrv, Pee, 2 THE EUROPEAN," WANTED lor a MASURBi>hich is highly recom- , ended to. The Trade supplied on moderate terms. PUELISHGDcvory WEDNESDAY k SATURDAY Vessels, witb liberty to Tow Ships and call at other Port*, accompsay it, act upon them to the letter, and they will, Guineas. This Library nroUius valunblo Printed Works FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL accountable for injuriesor losses arising from mended and sold Carriage Free Liberal terms HOTEL attK! MAIN-STREBT NORTH, YVexibrd. Yearly and , 3s. «d., Post Fiee, liy T. CULLERM, (j'-uealo - and circulates largely in the townsof fVcxford, New Proprietor was lorem Freight pcid. Goods not removed to be Stored at the WATERFORD AND KILKENNY RAILWAY be f mented in warm water, dried gently, and the pi«t, Lecturer on Heraldry nt llie Mechanic*' Institution, EVER Season better provided Enniscorlhy, Gorcy, and Tayhmon ; and in ibe (ftg* TlfBMa V2KT MoDEKiTB fallO-ljl ^J a for Bos*. risk and expeuu of tie Cousiguees. Up Trdintfrom llaUrfnni Uinlwcnt should be instantly applied. This porifyiu# 25, Cranbonru Street, corner of St. Martin 's Lnno, London. I by B. HYAM than the present. The counties of Carlow, Kildare, Kilkenny, Waterford, nnd All Goods will be ointidered as trabject to a general lien, Oinfnent may bs safel ctnfings TUDIO A D IIIRAUV TIIA1NK ON WKr.K DAYS 81'NUAT TKAINH. y uiod in till eruptions, , W.C. Tun S > L (ivus lun.r. varied stock of Gentlemen's Garments just Wicklow, and may be fairly considered amongst the first and held not only for Fieijrfit of the same, but fur all Arrears and oilier cutaneous uffectiona to which children are 1» 2r :i 4 I i 3 ADELPHI HOTEL, iulrodnced surpasses in Kxcellcnccami General advertising mediums in the kingdom. It is Liberal in of Freight, Storage, »r other charges due by tbe Importer, _ liable. fiUMILY ARMS Emblazoned for Painting on « STATIONS. l->&3 I Si i' \lt-i I2fc3ll£iic£H I'ji31i2i:3 QUAY , WATER FORD Utility all fashions hitherto displayed. The and s warm mlrocate of the literary, agricultural , Owner, or Consigned to the Company. Claai HJI J- Carriages, Needlework, or Seals. Cs., with Crest politic, Clan Clan. Clatt Cl».». Claai. Clax. CI H AD Lias, BAD I! K BASTS, OLD SORES AND ULCERS.— new styles ure adapted in material to the spe- kad commercial advancement of I reland. It has been WATEKF0RD AND MRISTCL. «.u. A .M . r.M, r.M A.M.KM. r.M I*.M. By rubbing the Ointment round the affected parts, it Motto and description, 12i., liijlily finished on A larger uncompromising fooofall secUrianand Sari and Shamrock, scale suitable for a Frame to hang in a Hull or Library, JOHN POWER begs to intimate to tbe Nobility, cial requirements of. the Season, and aro the decided and )i ni h m Ii m h m p penetrates to the tissues beneath, and excrciues a won- )IK£CT: b in m u m S Guineas. T. CunKTOif, Ilornldii: Artist and Designer ol Gentry, and tho Public generally, that bo bus mow designed and made after tbe most recent im- religious rancour, nnd the strenuous advocate for the ex- IBOE TTATMIFORD \ ...Dep < 7 4( 111 0 5 II — 4 15 derful power on all the blood flowing to and returning , Gothic uud Kntirintd MnnograuiK, for Ethiuitiuu at the coaBpfcted his Alterations and Additions to this extensive provements. ¦ The Order Department of B. tinctionof the jarring elements of party. Stars, Tuesdays ; Siamrock, IIOX BIlISIOl, Kilkei,nv...wJrrl 0 M 1 3(1 (J 30 — r, 4i from, the dim>ased part. The iiifiumra.ition diminishes liars direct: , Society of Arts, 25, Craubouru Street, corner of St. Martiu's Kstabfohmeut, and calls atteutiuu to the superior style in HYAM is stocked with NEW 1'AUHICS, such The nobility and gentry, the agricultural and com- Friilayi. Carluw (ISK)Cp' — i 33 7 35 — 7 0 the matter thicker Tuesday, Feb. 4, ... 0 Morn Friday, Feb. 7, ... 10 Morn Uiil'lin(CiSiW)^! - 4 S3 10 III — U 30 tbe pain becomesless intolerable, , LDHO, IxJiitlon. W.C. which tlitj cm! now be accommodated at the Adelphi Hotel. as cannot fail to meet witb unqualified approval, nerciel classes of the several counties through which ViUlay, " 7, ... » Mnro Krldiiy, " M, ... « Morn and a cure is soon effected. In all long stinding DISCS, For tbe iuSunnaliou of strangers coming to Wuterford, be WEXPOUD INDEPEND- ¦faf tiay, a met which is respectfully urged on the atten- t circulates, bestow upon the " II , ... 3 Aftn'n Friday, •• 81, ... 10 Morp Down Train*from Kilkenny Hollowfiy'a Pills will thoroughly expel all depraved OLID GOLD SIGNEr RING, 18 Care t, Hall wishes lo i4nte that a liuss attend* the arrival and departure tion of all Gentlemen who desire Press inade ENT a large measure of patronage . As a well-esta- Friduy, " 14 . „. 4 Attn 'n FrMiv, " 1», - « Morn of each Train aod for those travelling via Milford, Bristol, TBAlKd ON WKKK nAYfl. HRtUXPATT EAIX8. humours from tbe bod;. S Marked, for Enjjnuiuu Creit on, 42s. ; large size for , to Order in tbe First Style. family newspaper, nnd for the fulness and aecu- TutiJay, " Is, ... 8 Morn Shamrock, calling at Pern- Kuinily Ann» or Liverpool, he »onld add, thut the Hotel is immediately iltthed Fr.d«y, » SI. ... D Morn | 1« 2t I 3 I 4 112 3 G LANDULAR SWELLINGS, S TIFT JOINTS-—This class of , 76s. Tho Hall Mark is the only guarjoteo it enjoys a II broke Dock : OLI KTOX filial opponito where thft Sttainurs land their Passengers. acy of its reports of nil local ooeurences, TueicUy, '• 25, 3 Aftn Turidty, Feb. 4, .„ » Morn STATIONS. 121:0 I fcsU sc 'i'.itfcsji-2j*.fc3:! l«K31|Ifc3 complaints yield without difficulty to tbe cpoling aud apiiinst inferior Gold. T. C . , Kograver, medium for ^ CluiR. lu«j. la«i. Closs Clafi. ' . Special Booms f or Commercial Qentlemtn. Superior rijlb reputation. H is thug on excellent lilday, " 88, ... 4 Aftn'n TuMl|,j.( « „, ... JJJ Morn C 'Clu.iJOlan. Clan. auti-inflainumtory properties of this famed Ointineut. lo, Craubuurn Street, corner of St. Martin s Law, Loudon. PRESENT SEASON TOP COATS, A.M. A.M. r u. r.u. «L.X..M. A.M . r.u. occorainodutiun ou Moderate Terms for Private Families. Tb« Clyde, the Elgin, the Carlisle, and idvertising schools, philanthropic and benevoleut iusti- ,ToMi«aT, " 18, „. H Morn . It should be well rubbed over tbo nffotted parts, nflcr W.C. Tue»day, " », ... 3 Altn 'n Au OUDIXAKX each dayat Five o'Clock. Hot Joints from luveruess, 20s. to G3s. utions, life and fire assurauces, notices, shipping and h m tiralhmll ra lira hm> m h m h ra duo fomention with wurni water. It acts by stimiilat- ' fi ARMS, CHESTS, &c, Engraved according to the One to Seven. An excellent Rioting Establishment iu con- anigration business, lists of Dew books, tradesmen's Pembroke Dock to Waterford, from the South Wales Rail- Dublin(CSW)D — fi 45 14 3D — — 80 — iug the abiorbents to increued notitity, rcstruiuing SEASON SUITS ENTIRE way Terminus, as sron after arrival from Bristol u Carlow (ISEi....^ — III 39 »( Lnws of Heraldry, Crejt on Seals or Rings, 7s. ; on nection with the above. Chariotsy ikoogbams, Cubs, &. PRESENT innouncements, »ales of property, &c. pouible. lil 33 3 0 — 3 — ulcerution, and promoting a free and copious circulation Ou Early Miming Kilkenny ....Vcp 7 ii IIll 45 4 IB — —- 11 30 — .Steel Die. Gs. ; Initial Letters.. Is. 6d. each ; Fancy Gothic at tho shortest notice. Tlie Cheviot, 33d. ; the Tweed, 48s.; tho Angola, Tbe WEXFORD INDEPENDENT, which has been gar Sailings, the Cabin of the Steam- _ ers will be Open to Koeive Pawenyero arriving from Walerlord....Jrl II aO 1t 211 3 50 — — 1 ll — iu the parts affected, aud ben S speedily aud effectually Letters, 2s. Od. each ; Book Plates Kngraved with Amis, P.S.-Haring added au Kiteniito SJfOBK to the above, 63s. to 70s. stablished upwards of half a ceutury, is, early on the London by the Kubt Mail train. Goodt convryed by Train* marked * ; Mail Traini t eusuriog a cure. from IBs. Many gentlemen employ persons who are not ac- J. P. begs to stnto that tbe Public can be supplied with of publication, despatched throughout the ' ' LLSOP'S s Ales nornings Cabin F«re, 17t. 6U; Servants and Children, 10s. 6d. ; F««i§ TO DUILIK :—fllit Clam SUilo Ticket, 211. i Second G OUT, RHCUUATISX AND I'ARALTSIS.— Gout and quainted with the beauties of.Ucraldrr; it tlia Public were Ul'isXKSss JXiuble Stuut ; A nud B*ss , on PRESENT SEASON WALKING COATS, and counties above mentioned. do 13s 8d ; Tliird do 9i 3d; Uettiru-Firit CIMI 31i Cd ; tie. aware, of the nicety K lit or iu Itottlc ; best Devonshire Cider ;. \Vii>es nnd ewna Iteturndo:, 27s. ; or with liberty to return from Dublin, , , , rheumatism arise from inflammation on ihe parts as to I >* a Coat of Arms should be Drau^ For Half-dress, Undress, and General Parpose.<, Average circulation for three years, according to the Cork, or Werford, Us. rtd., Steward's fee included ; Deck. cond do, lit 0.1. affected. To effect a permanent cure, adopt a cooling delineated, they wouiil not employ any one but such as have Uraiidies of every description, either Wholesale or IWtail . at ¦JOs. to i-in. parliamentary Return, l fi-2,5t Clau, 0« i id <1;, 6. fid diet, drink plenty of water, take six of these fumoiu fallO-tf. Im|ialed, ULU TO and A LB as ^euuiu ' being Imported by himself And ICottled S() rer Its provincial contemO'Taries. Pills night and inoruing, and rub the Ointment most and Painted on Vellum. T. C : !«, Heraldic PRESENT SEA N SHOOTING COATS, WATERFOR D AND LIVERPOOL. Ensruver, by iippointment 30th April ou tho Premises. Ljt-2d-lyj Gif ty, Veita h WATERFOUD AND L1.MEIUCK 1U1LWAY. effectually twice & day iulo the luffering parts, and n , to her Mnjesty, , 1852, Iu Scotch Tweeds, Heather Mixtures, aud Deer- j PROVINCE OF LEIXSTEH , and Zep yr. and chief Die Sinker to the Hoard of Trade Somerset House 7K0U WATEKPtnl) : Mt'JM LIVEaTOOI. : cure is certain. The paralytio patient should taku , , skins, 20s. to 42s. Up Trains from Waterford. &£., 26, Cranboarn Street, corner of St. Mai tin's Lane. VICTORIA HOTEL, THE CARLOW POST. Mondays and FHibft. ifoniays and Fridays. about three I'ilb week, aud let the Ointment be ' OK WKKI DAYH If.Vl)AV« twice a W C. Livery Button Dies Engraved 2 Guineas. Monday Fob. 3, ... 1 Altn'n Tuetdar Feb. 4, ... I Altn'n raAtns : , • DEVONSHIRE SQUARE, DUNGARVAN , WATEIIFORD — Ji~ well rubbed into the paralyzed limb, which will, in a ^ PRESENT SEASON FROCK AND DRESS TO ADVERTISERS. Friday „ 7, ... 3 Aftn'n Hndav „ 7, ... J Afln'n \ 3 4 4 Cvuts, in Superfine and Extra Fine CJotlis, HI, ... 4 Afln " TO ISAJ1&2 .!*3l2fc: 1210 very little time, bo greatly benefited. Indeed many DESK SEALS, PENCIL CASES, &c.-The business—publicity; Moflduy „ n Tu<-»d«y, ,, 11, ... 8 Motu 1 fc 2l' 12*3 rpHE Public aie iuformtd that Mr. JAMES LYNCH 20s. to 70s. ' " There is but one way of obtaining Vi'iiiy, ,, U , .. 10 Mum KiiJaj H. ... 10 Mora Chui Cl>« Clan Clax Clau Ch»i Clan cures have been effected by this li eatmeat largest assortmentin England, made of Gold, Silver, . publicity—advertisements ; the uews- „ IIU ERICS. X has fitted up the above Hotel in a raost superior ne way of obtaininj: Holiday „ 17, .. 12 Noon 1'iirmlay, „ 18, .„ 12 Kuon r.M. r.M. r.M. A.M. A.M. ERUPTION ON TUB SKIN.—la this class of complaints, and Stone ; also Hrass Seals ind Steel Dies fixed with Ivory aper is the fly-wheel by which the motive power of coin- Fridny, „ 21. ... 3 Aflu'n Priday, ., 21, .„ 7 Aftn'n and Ebouy Handle* and •ooommodating style, to suit the views, wishes, >nd PRESENT SEASON ORDERED ATTIRE. no matter the age, the sex, or the place, or under what , 4a. each. Trade Cards and Bill Ueadi ' lercul enterprise insustiiined."—Btackicood 't Magazine. Mnndar, „ 24 , ._ 4 Aftn'u Tu«da/> „ '.'5, ._ 0 Aftn'n h ni ill h m Ii ra h ra h m h m 20s. per 1000, from Copper Plates. Door Plat«s Engraved comfortof the Publio and Commercial Gentlemen who Professional Suits, 57s. Cd. to lOUs.; Ladies Friday, „ 23, .- 10 ilium Kriduy 36, ._ 9 Morn Wal«rfiird...i)/7> 6 0 0 4S J 35 i 0 1) 45 10 20 — name tho disease may be classified, it may be cured if POST circulates very extensively „ in first-rate style, 13 inches by 6 16«. Officisl Dies and may tavour him with their patronage. Habits, 75s. to 105s. |^HE CARLOW Cabin Fare, lot. ; Servant* aud Children, 10s. ; Deck, 7s. C«rnck S 4u 111 Jii 3 8 S SO 7 25 11 0 — this Ointmt-nt be well rubbed into the system, and , Pust Office Stamp* M K LtNCH begs leave to state that he is personally JL in the Counties of Corlow , Kilkenny, Kildni-e, Od.; Children. 4s. Females attend the Ladies' Caliiu. Clonmel.. 7 IS 10 So 3 45 6 SO 8 SO 1140 — Hollowav j Pills taken night and morning lo purify the for Marking Cheques and Uauk Noteo, S S 8 20 — 1 311 - ' with Namo and Addiess. PRESENT SEASON ORDERED ATTIRE. laeen a Wicklow, Wexford.and Dublin; and in the prin- Goods receivedatClareuca Dock. Junction „.. 8 45 HI 24 Fi re Rrauds for Marking Wood. known to all Commercial Gentlemen who heretofore ' . l.itntilck...^fici 0 45 I 2U S 30 9 SO — 23U — the blooU. Stencil Plates for Marking Rigs True-Fitting Trousers, 10s. Cd. ; Vests tu ipal Coffee-houses and Hotels of the Metropolis. It is or Packing CV'i>tulai Sora-thrnatt Ditii, aud bos established one of his own, under tbe TRAIXX ON WrKK IIAVB. Mirynivt. Punch Maker, 4c, 26, Cranboorn Street, corner of St. PRESENT SEASON SERVANT'S LIVERIES. lharles Mitchel l and Co., Ked Lion Court, Fleet-street, most VTATEBKBD : I TBOX L05D05: — Bad Ureatti Chilblain! Uout Skindlaeiiei nbove name, he fltttcrs himself that be will give the LIMERICK I—^J- 3» Martin's Lane, London, W.C. Old GoU Seals bought or Pugu's Suit at 30s.; Fuotmmi's Suit ut (JO*. ; London ; add Messrs. W. II. Smith and Sou, 31 Lover Friday, F taken in eiclmui;?. Cuacbmsn's Suit at Cos. iackrille-Btreet, Dublin, by whom Order* for Subscrip- Friday „ , .- 14 Nonn. Wrdnexlay „ Ii. „ 8 .Morn Clui Clau him with their support. He also has fitted up u Posting Friday i. 21 , — 1* Noon. \Vcdne>d>r ,. IS, ... 8 Morn WATERFORP. ClaitjOlan Clan. Claia. Clax BiW of Hot- Csncer» l'ilo Tumour* r.M. A M. CARDS.—The best in London.-50 Establishment of it very superior order where Hornet ionsand Ad\ertiBemenis w ill bo received. Friday .. 28, w 12 Noon. Wcdnoxlajr „ 2(1, .- 6 Morn A.M. AM. r.M. cljetoct autl Coiltncteil andKlienmatlKm Ulcer* WEDDING , For CHILDHOOD, BOYHOOD, and YOUTH , 'lici StltTJoinU Scald. Woundt each, for Lady and Gentleman, 60 Euibossnl Enve- description runy be had with a "The CARLOW POUT advocates Tenant-right and the Cabin Fare, 20a. ; Deck, 10». Sand r and Vehicles of overy , Ii. HYAM'd New Garments are cut in all h ra h m h in bin Urn h m b ra Oocoa-twy Elepha«tii»ii Sore Mpplet Y«w> lnpps, with Maiden Name Piinted inside, all Complete, 13s. tier mcasuresof the Liberal Roman Catholic party in LOADIRO B BKIHI :— I/ondon—Britiihand Foreign Steam 1-2 lo — staff of B»fe Drivers. Charges Moderate. [sSO-tf.l so that the child of five years umy be as Limerick....Drp i 4s — 11 0 4 0 « 0 Sold at (he Establishment of Professor IIOLLOWAY , VisiTine CABDS—A Copper Plate Engraved in any style, size}, reUnd j and takes the same giouii d which the The Wharf, Lower Eat Sinithfield, and Weit Kent Wharf, Junction I 0 65 — li ll S M 7 20 I 3u — ¦244 Strand (near Temple Bar), London ; also, at The and 50 superfine Curds, PriiiUd for 2s., post free ; Lady's readily suited as the boy of twelve or tl.e youth Tarlow Horning I'ost formerly occupied. It devotes Southwark. Parcel receivedat 137 LeacioohtlUtraet, E.C. Clonmel S 20 I 9 40 1 31 6 50 — 3 0 — inclusive of all intermediate nges. Carrick ..._...... ! 9 0 'ill •H> 2 3 7 30 — 335 — Neuss Office , 41) King street, Wnterford, and. by all reuj Cards Is. extra. 1. Cuunox, Seal Engraver and Die £29,000 FOR £1 of sixteen, ts columnschiefl y to uews and politics, hut also attends WATERFORD AND PLYMOUTH. 1 W« ../frr/ U 43 ' ll IU 2 35 8 10 — 4 0 — pectable Druggists and Dealers iu Medicines, throughout Sinker, 25, Cranbourn street, comer of St. Martin's Lane, o the claims of literature."—Mitchell 's Netcspaper Dublin, Citizen, Ranptr, Aurora, ilahina, or other rjlULL Particulars of thrt manner in which Ihe SEASON" eligible Vessels. the oivilised world, at the following prices :—Is. I}d., London, W.C. . FOR THE PRESENT . ' rets Uirectory. ¦ Mail Traim marked lho> * V above Sum can bo reetized will be giveu on Appli- Ilult Knickerbocker, and ynoM wATnlonii : iaon PLTUODTn: F»R>» :-FlratCla>t Slnj:lt> Tlcket,l M ; ¦2s. Od., 4s. Od., Us., Ws., and 3:)a. each Pot. There Children's French, , - Published every Saturday Morning at the Office, 55 STAMP YOUR OWN PAPER, with Arms, cation to Mr. J. DiL-rnorr Uuuker, Frankrort-on-tho- 15s. 6d., 21s. Sis. Cd., 35s. Frid»r, Feb. 7, „ 14 Nnon. Thundir, Feb. 6. _. 3 Aftn'n Tliird do, Ct U ; ltrtuin—First Cl«»», 21i 3d : Hecond do., lOi. is a considerabl e laving by takiug the larger sizes. , Zjuave Dresses, 6d-, )oWin-strect, by the Proprietor, THOMAS PRICK, Friday „ 14, .. VI Noon. rliurxlaT 13, ... 3 Afln'n Crest, Initials, nr Name aud Address, by meanB of Msine _ yi , „ N.B.—Direotions for the guidance of patients in every mnual Subscription (Stamped) £1, payable in Advance Friday „ 'i\, ^ Noon. Thurxlar, „ 20, ... 3 Altn'n WATEUKORD AND TKAMORE RAILWAY. CUIXBTOX 'S PATKXT KM BOSSIXO PBESS, 16S. ; Largo Size, Letters nddro?sed to " Mr. Ch. TI AIIK , 12 Lnnghsm- FOR THE PRESENT SEASON. Friday ' „ SS, » 1J Nnon. Tliurrlny, „ 87, ... 3 Afto'n disorder are affixed to nch I'm. DI LKTON 21». Any person can rise thi'ra. T. C . , Die slreet, Portland Place, London, w -," will be imioe- Boys' nnd Youths' Ovcr.coats and Capes,- speci- Cnbin Fare, 20s.;Dcck. 1O«. Taking Roods for Falinoutb, Wttk Dan Trains. Sinker to the Board of Trade 26 Cranboum Street corner "THE NORTHERN PRESS," , , , dutely forwarded Post free. (d27-8i«) ally designed for present wear, 10s Od, 10s t)d, 25s. Southampton, l'orttnoutli, und placvs adjacent. » 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 I 0 PATENT MEDICINES, &c, of St. Mar tin's Lane, London, W.C. FB a Paper, intended especially for Catholic Fumilics, »«o« I " WATERJORD AND BELFAST. ___ a m a m a iu I t> m p in p in p in TO 11E HAD AT 49 KING STRUCT, WATERKO11B 1. and contains more news than any other Cntholic h la b in b nt h m A MEDICAL KSSAY OJf NEKVOUS AMD GENK- FOR THE PRESENT SEASON. Aurora, Mtlvina, or other eligible Vessels. ll in b in Ii m h in h m (Smt Free by Vast for Two Stamps ixtra.) FIBST-CLASS STATIONERY.—Holf-Ream of jornal. Although published in Liverpool, its contents WT.l '8 IS 10 i$ \i 0 «23a I 0 3 311 — UAT1VK IMSKASKS. Boys' aud Youths'- Suits, Eton, Harrow, and ri:ou WATr.Ejonn: yitou BELFAST : PARR'S CELEBRATED' LIFE PILLS, confi- Extra Thick Note Paper, 250 Best Envelopes to Catholic and Tort '0 U 11 15 la 3 IS 43J ft 0 — with miiueious Plates in a scaled envelope in tbe best designs, 16i Od, 2Us, Uu>, 36s. j re »el«ctcd so as to be acceptable to the Saturday, ich. I , Ii ^oon W'eilneiday, Feb. 5, ... 13 >!oon dently tnbmittal to the Public as the best l'ills over match, Half-Ream Invitation Small Note, and 250 Best Just published, , , ' Rugby, only such local - 12 price Is. j sold by Mi-N.i, 30 Coruhill, anilJ. A LLKX, :20 eneral reader throughout the kin^'lom, Raiurdajr „ 8, ^ Noon WcdncKlnj 12, ... 11 Mom Sunday Trains yet invented for general Family usu ; Is. ljd. per box. Envelopes, to correspnud, Stamped witb Crest or Arma, all . H'edneiday 111 _. 11 Nwn' Warwick hue Paternoster How, I-onJon ; li\- POWCLL, PRESENT SEASON tents being recorded a ra«rk«d— thu—t • — — feronloailmeut!, liver diwiue, and all inward ditordora, for Perfect Restoration to Health mid Vigour. % Dr. J. lioya aud Youths OOLLBV AHDY Ink wwhiug gnt, is uith CULISTOK 'S PATKNT Euictau. 13s Od j Vnts it 6d Os Od 8s 6d. e character advertisement or WATERFORD AND DUNCANNON. FABKK :-=Tir«t Claiu Siaela Ttckit, lod. ; Return Ticket Ii W 'S 1'BCToniL O , the most simple and L. CUKTIS, 16, Albermtirle-strci't, Kwadilly. I 55 deep black colour without blotting ; and after a VuU excepred, and those T2 Swansea — 7 So 10 50 II 13 2» 7 0 1) preparations for tho Hair. , lone * years. Chapters V. and YI on the Modem Iroatmcut ol S»lur.laj< the Establishment is closed until dosk, »• LSrerpool papers..two only HFKBT J. WABISH, theWharf, M ilbay. Belfatt—R. IUx. 39 ing, with either Potass or Soda they rtiuain noallerod. ^ journals. 114] Cardiff. - g SO 1 17 13 -49 4 30 8 49 — U ILLOTT'B Metallic l'ens, the lmt made, nibs and barrels , Uononhcoa aud Syphilis. when business is resumed until eleven o'clock, ublithed in connection with the daily DEBUGS & Soss, Donegal Quay. Other Plates which I tried decomposed the Ink and in ha» a larger VXi Nett'port....M — Iu 30 1 SO 1 30 6 13 9 13 - of various qualities and pi ices, adapted for all writers. . Tb* Book conchuks with anm«rous varied and interesting ;To AnviRTTSEiui,—The Northern Presl And at the Compuy' Office, tba MALL, WATEBFORD lil Qlouo'lei(Jp) — II40 3 .IS 145 Itt Z 12 40 — many cases burned holes m tha lineu* : 1 can teuifjr Mr. in Liverpool * A CCOUNT HOOKS anil STATIONERY, Ite cases* aud tb« Autatr's rectipt ot « preventive Lotion. B HYAM'S ONLY ESTABLISHMENTS-:••• ircuUUonthan any other paper published fje29-tf] JOSIAH WILLIAMS. •'Si Piddiorton.. — 4 SO 8 SO I V II II 193 — C'ULLETOS'S Piste* are incorrodible,, and will not hurt tbe ' ot connected with the Dail Journals. ' BKTIEWS Of inB WORK. 30 DAME S T. R E E T, D U B LIN, ¦ ¦ y WKCK DAff~DOWII TIU MJ. GAME. , finest fabric "Cirrtts on Munhood.—This is a truly valnsblo work, and ; L' - ¦- . - ¦ SCALE. ~ " (Signed) "KIIKRIDAN WUSPRATr, , 8(1 and 88 MARKET STREET, MANCHESTER: GIVEN AWAY TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS. BTATIOXS. |l , 3, 3 1,2, 3, Bxp i£t 1, 2, : Elp. I A1 undermentioned Tonnlands, in the COUNTY . should lie in the houds of young and old,"—Sunday Time*, d 1« WH TECHAHEL LIVER- j Four llurg and under 2s. 01 Icln&a. clan. t a cl«»«. cla»» I & clam THE ' College of Chemistry, Lirerpool. ¦¦ ¦¦¦ 7 LOKI) 8TKECT,>j Dr. SMITH'hat juit publiabed a Free Editiou of * KILKENNY are strictly prciervcd: « S3rd l/arfA, l«s9. .. AKaYLE STREET, GLA80OWV.^^ - ? Eierr addiUonal Line 0s. 3d Hl>. Starting I a 111 n m a in a in am p m p m , May 16tb, 1851." i ; . >. - : ; POOL ; 48 20,000 copiu oflhU valuable work, the " WARNING 1'arkstown, Atatcemure, Tinvancoaah, KillaRpy, Bnl . " Tbe author hu conferred a great boon by pablUhingr this 80 CANNON STUBET,' WEST. LONDON i .. VOICK tn YOUNG MEN," a medical work on the euro of II PmUlingtun I — 6 (I 9 15 11 0 — 4 50 8 III All Order, to bo sent to tbo Paleuta« artd Sols Miker, T. those diseases MEN. 114 Glouc'Uffdp 6 45 II IU 11 60 3 30 — 8 SO 2 U Hnamona, Ballinvobcr Cbarl cstown Ballyinouatoin little woA. in whkh U duciilxd ths source of 46 HIGH STKBET WHITEOHAPK^XONDOK.^ L WARNING VOICE TO YOUNG Nervous Di'hility. of Memory, Dimnew of Sight Laui- , , , CoiiBTOH, 26 Craiibuum Street, corner of St, Martin's .i • fo the »tudy Los* , iiSi Newport.^...! 8 411 10 2 JO 3 23 — 0 31 3 43 ' I' which nroducb cttivlln* hi youth, or more frequently, prem». L A Phytidan, who has devoted fifteenyears liteto Societ)',Uh of Kilculli- STOWB WORKS, is BXCI.V»H»M j ^1»^^J«VW«ffiMl>,*reig f KDICAL WORK, coutaininic hit highly Kuccetsful mode fcST Orders reoeWed in >/aterford at Thf iitvi BT TUB IAKI ADIHOB Tba n 0 aim Train from P^ddlnjtimUkei Third ClMt Eiien- heen, and C00NTY WATKKFOHD: ¦ ¦ ¦>¦ ' '¦ ':¦' ¦¦ ' ' ¦!¦¦¦ J O H N STO W N, WATERFORD Amtneat witii neceuarj- instrncliuus by which sulfcrcn ALJO, , office, 42 King street. . .. -. .(V,;-- - '^V- - ¦' - .&!)¦, , g«rt for tin South Wtlet lUHwty only. . 8ion, Cromwell's Rock, Christendom, Upper«nd Lower, IT'oUain a cure. A'tdms J. K. Ksn., Wilford House WOMAN AND HER DISEASES.—A Treatise dc- tVfOXj ' THAIIt. .- Nowtown and that portion of Ifcwrath be> ¦ ¦ ; COLLINS bogs to inform tho Pnblio that he fousdiie^ 2 fttOBiCrenantEuiton.wjunrc, Loudon, W.C. ( fe81-13t &cribinxf heir Symptoms, Causei, and Ticatnicnt, f rnm Paddinf too, „ „ ,„ ! 0t,n, Annemouut, , :. . PICKLES AN^ygAB[CJ|B^y ? JOHN tf^l^Tf»PM!*«TTW '^fSlnSH^" ^ ' Pown Train* ¦ . • ;¦- '' ' Head Stones and Tdrab >toin|. with Casts, Frie by I'ost on rcjeipt of Seven Stamps, Anival at New Uilford,... ; ... -i .. ~. 11 Oa. n. longing to CHAU IE*B OTD LCCKT , KM. VI .!• . ))!}» Uoiwnvuts, , r _ _10 40 , BROTHERS; 'iaKMN. ' of Cut Stone for Buildingl.;'; ;; maZUMTTtHET AX.X.IC P£N8 contains a mah of information inditpensable ib thoae Up Irom New Milford, ; «. m. All periOBS trespassing, after this Notice,, on any of FEAST < -PiattBS, rtsdy made.i Attlllnd* - l'tdd'O^loa, arrival ._ .- 1» SO p. m. thoe Lands, wtthoat permission in writing, nre liable to . 8ATJ0E, CONDIMR \JM,«;,nd , JBtLXKH. ' 0>. M od*jtt« -Prices, and Best of Workmaaibip rS BEST MADE.—l'or Sale at Watcrfuri far whom itit Vrittcn. Address, Dr. IUMIVT PMITH, 8, Watnfurd and Hilfiird Uiroa Unjt] r r Tkt 2Tnc* FAnc* :—Pnr Fare* n* egal prosecution ' uS-t| Warranted pure, Sold in Wiarfcfa'at ^9 . (j »tlend«d (9 }n th« Shortest Hotjcc.V (fl«-lf .OtettCntSLtat. fiurtun-aeiftal , Tavutbck-squ&ic, London, W.C. ftf Sttaui ttblp Adrcttliciaeul. ia aaother caluau. [a. Kin^-»irett Ordsrs \]

' ' LhJ ^?;:.-J ±*\c< 4 ¦^JJ'w " -. i <¦ ..' . i ¦ : ¦ POOR¦ LAW.AMENDMENT.^. LA TEST-MAJtKETS.^fyij " ¦ "•¦ ' '• University ¦ ¦ : • - » Catholic . . ALBS 8uboriptions for the LONDON CORN KCHAKQB^! . . ;i TO WN 11A1. 1., WATEHFOHD. SPECIAL MANURES BURTON WITHOUT. , twt small EXTENSIVE ' IN TRINITY The armajs ot Eujliah oau CMtinae to benood j On .the 23rd of last month a very itr|net and BASS ft.GO'S Celebrated of all other rrraln, EugU«b or tmripL -iTo-dar*wrt ilmi THE SISTERS MARCHISIO ! TURNIP MANURE. . GRAIN MANURE. AIXSOPP & CO^ TON- boslaai. U*vats«te «« «<1 Jtnore-Mu.' WALTER BOLTON, ¦ LADIES" RIDING HABITS , ON - ' : 1 : ' - ; tt«iB«bery, Mayor't-walk ...... 0 6 0 H..«n ^^&oTn9to «4 to 38, 04 ; VHJ, . tion. (f21-24t) Serial, entitled .; • . ,£. > ^2™; O -> Pl*B«a»lo«-C«rlo«,**^ *oM. '»t In tbe present code ' (I'rinio Tcnore of Teiitro Keale, Listen); .¦.Mas Fit»g«rald, BallybrickBU ...... 0 5 iinTfull .Drioea. CoB>U-ilm&l. many defects exist , and t Agent -LEWBLLYH FBNKELL, Cahir. Shamrock Magasliw, 6 0 ELLI The Rose and - Mr.a«worthy Cao>pbeU, T.C Graeediea... 0 ' Sohpotre, 1^)0 b«s Ben what strong grounds a claim for amendment -BaWfone-Stosun EUGEN1O COSS. ; TOE PRICE ONE SHILLING MONTHLY. ^ 0 6 0 frallr ratboir OBletT lUco Imietlr*. U b . Mr.VrancisO'Grady.LUmore J"! eJot Uke. In .HOtTOfl. lo» 1| per «nt Scottish Regent Seed Potatoes will appear the commencement ... 0 6 0 Jl? toil[ ?ir• ¦ ¦ by those who now so justly seek it. In a cou Wffiio-SicNou CIA MIT , In the First Nnmber Mr. Manric. Flynii. MayorVwalk sold «t 83a. - . . . . , - ¦ ' • ¦__ by A. Mi STBVfARt,. ' entitled ¦« » i (Of Her Majesty's Tbcatro m»l Koyal Italian Opera, Covcnt SUPPLY of those precious Seed at the STORE of Style, Fit, and Finish, of an Historical Tale, Mr. Matthew rurrelLBallybrickeu J J SMITHFIEXD CATTLE MARKET—YtatianAt. SO like ours, with still a superabundant population Germalns or the 0 6 0 belojr 3s to 3. a head undrr Ganleuli A JOHN McREDMOND, LITTLB G ROEOUV STRRET, " Florence O'Neill, the Rose of 8t. , Mr. "Patrick Maguire, da. 8*ia mmTbewy aui slow, ibeep 't: ridWBeef , .inking .be offal. whom so small measure of remunerative emp INSTIt VMENTALISTS : WATEKFOKD, direct from Scotland. J. licit, feeli it Siege of Limerick" Mr. James Kirby, Gracedieo ° 2' 2 last w»i*a ?d difficott to p TRY Yellow-road ... 0 2 6 isa to50Vto36, percwt; prime «"'»• «* I*''** i »n«"D nnuecessnfy to make any comment on the quality of this Mr. Micliael Caulfield , , 7|d do : real, 7,JJ to' "ii fci nient is provided, a grievance clearly traceab Piano-f orto—ARTHUR NAPOLEON , Mr. Patrick HyUnd, do. -.026 t« eld to 7J-I per lt» ; prim" only. per Ured, ns most people are already acquainted with them in Just Published, 0 2 0 per do t lamb*' «« t» XU «ach ; pig*. In consequence uf a oo- the want of interest of our fanning classes in 1 (Hi] First ajipi-urairce in this Country Biuce bis return from the Mr. Michael Cowy, Ballybricken to 50s par lHlbs. this locality ; he merely gives the opinions of ono or two SULLIVA N FITZGERALD, or, Scenes in Erin aud 0 2 B Saud for England, 48s to 40* .\inerici) ; r. J. , EVA , gilt, Mr. WUlum Hanrahan do. holdings, a poor law system is absolutely requ gentlemen who grew them hut year. Sister Isle. By ACNBS STKWART. Cloth 0 2 6 NARKET-Y«»nouuT. _ nVo>i-M. V1EUXTEMPS ; OP1VION8. and to be had Mr. Edward Dnggan, do. SALFORD CATTLE PRACTICAL TAILOR, 3a. Hi. London : BURNS & LAUBBRT, ... 0 2 8 At market:—Beast*. 3,M0; abeep, 6,160 ; calrea, 78. .Beat to stave off starvation , disease and famine, but " After trying many kinds of teed potatoes for the last 121-3m) Mr. Patrick Coaten, do. ... " 5d to 8d ; inferior do, 3d to W: . nolonce/lo-M . L A M O U R I , of all Booksellers. < Mr. Thomas Wal.U do. 0 2 6 betl, ?j toVjrmVddilngdo , it is essential that in the formation of fifteen years, with little (access, I sowed ten Iwrrtli of [m81 wedder», in wool, 8J4 to 8jd ; middling do. »d to7|d ; such a la (Premier Viol.inccllisiv, Solu dra Concertea de Pari») | • last Mr. Brj-an Curuingbaro, Convent-hill - ° best M to M Scotch Kc^entt year, which produced an abuudaut erop DBSIRABLS INVESTMENT „ 0 best wedderi, dipped. M «° » « '""" t. ' ¦* " ealvV' should be conceived so that while it should : Director— M B. LAND. of excellent potatoes. Serjeant-Major Keating ...... — ° ? „ 3J to 8J.i i iuleriorl eS to li per lb. Tbere was a «ood supply CLOSE 01? BOOKS FOR THE. YEAR. Smaller suras ... 0 6 0 ncurly all so;d, floud sh«ep were scarco and veiy attain its primary object, namely, the relief Reserved Seats (SinploTicket) is.'Od- " WiixrAM J OYCE, Abbey Farm, Watprford." PARLIAMENTARY TITLE. orbwf i of " I purchased,'last season, from John Mcliedmond, some dear. I distressed it would not press undul Do. do., Family Ticket to admit Four ...lfis. Od- ASSOCIATION OF SCOTLAND, BE SOLO BY PUBLIC AUCTION, oti th« lUh HARKETS*r»STMDaT. , y on those Seed PoUtuw, called Scotch Regents, which produced the LIFE TO at HgABiiB'a Hotel, in the SHETLAND LING CORK Hack Seats .. ils. Oil. OPHDSP «I»y of APRIL, 1882, H6s. ; second*, US*, t »hirds, 104i. ; fourths, are to ive it full effect, namel the brat quality 1 saw any place this year. (F 1838) o'clock, p,io., a BoT«»<-Pirats, g y, ratepayei Gallery _ ... SJ. 0.1. Tuwn of CLONMEL, at the boor of One TAMES KENT has reeeived a supply of tho Beat "J. SlMnlHMT. By Royal Charier und Act 0/ Parliament. Kiu'q; out ofthe ' ' the country. In the important document to well secured profit rent of 2217 14* 3Jd-> which he will dispose of cj "f whiV. ^ti-S.V. .. ocLd. "Jao , 17. to 20. oi: w Tickets, Programmes, nod all information to be bad uarronbeg, part of O .SHETLAND LING, "" oaU 9a lOd n> 14s au. r"pHG almost universal duty of effecting a Life Assti- LHqds of Bleanaleen, Lower aud Upper, barley, llsiOd to 16s 8d; . we refer we meet many of the abuses of the sy nt I I OWAII D'S -Music Warehouse, 93 Quny, Watcrford, EARLY SEED POTATOES also part of Garrongibbon, •jn reasonable terms. X ranca involves tbe Sacrifice of a portion of out Garrongibbou aud Glounahauna; • (f21,2t) CLONMEL MARKETS, where a Plan of tbc room may be seen and Seats secured. Watetfprd, February 18, 1863. M. ; white do 311. Od. clearl exposed, abuses bearing prime Pure present means. la order to meet the auaual payments all situate in tbe Barony of Slievtidagh and Comity of Rrd wheat (oer brl i '•£>*• Od. ta 31a. , y facie HAVE Imported a Fow Barrels Of Superior Catrick-on-8ulr and nine S"Vnrt« ft«r brl.) Ms. WL to 13s. M. black do.; o- we may even have to dispense with some uucustomed Tipperary,about five iniles from to 3'.. oat.. dence indisputably in favor of their aboli I ASH-LEAF KIDNEYS—the earliest known l' • ' do I0a lOs.Bd. : barUv . do. 15.. Od. to 18». Od. ; whole- luxury or comfort, or to withdraw tbe amount from our miles from Clonmel. ' oatm-el. (per ton) £14 S« to WANTS A SITUATION, tatoei—for immediate Planting. The Laudi oat of which the Profit Rent is derived, mral, cwt £14 10s 10 00s od ; Amongst them we find one very important mi y acquainted Business capital. Accordingly, it is an important , « iwavfeets. flWOOs ; Indisn roeal do. £9 ISsM to fo o.,; barley meal , do LAND STEWARD, who i» thoroughl Red House, Quay, Wexford, JOHN H1NT0N. contain 008 Acres. 2 Roodi, and 31 lVrchsi, Statute Mea- . How and where can this provision for our £1310* to 00s Od ; bran, {per brl.) »* Od to Os Od ; pollard, do and that is tbe necessity, morally, religiously, A with tbc most Improved System of Farming, in January 10th, 18U3. question— ' were purchased by lha \^ ondor (id . «are; sre held iu Fee Firm, Waierford , Friday, Feb. 21, 1863 5t Od to Oi 0 1; *nt*rfinB flour, (per hag) 3Ss| Od to 00a its various branches—the raising of Green and Cereal Guano al- depeudants be secured at the smallest present sacrifice in the Incumbered EstatesCourt, are of excellent quality, thirds, do 2»aUd to;OOs Od ; fiwrtbs. physically, of a proper and a strict classificati N.B.—LAWM' Superphosphate »nd Pure There haa been much rain aince the eommanoemeot till tbe 6ncs. do 3»sOd to 00a Od ; Crop3, Drainage, House-feeding, and Management of of money ? chiefly in P»sl nre, and occupied by most sulveut aud res- 26s Od to 00a Od ; coal, (per ton) 18s Od to 24» Od. ; straw, ways in Store. . [3t] with a atrqns the inmates of a w orkhouse. It is patent that Stock , &c. ; also understands Kitchen Gardening, THE ORIGINAL SHEME (Class A) of the LIFE pectable Tenauts, who. have acquired under tug Vendor a middle of tha w«k. Sinn, ixj traatlier haa aot la, per cwt. Ofld to Os. Ui; hay per ilo B* Ul » Us Od. Butier- ' consideration has plantations, Shrubberies, &o. Hus long and satisfactory TROTTING COB SIRE , ASSOCIATION OF SCOTLAND was arranged ex- valuable iuUrmt in their holdings, and pay their Runts gale of wind to-d»y. Imports suia Exporta moderate. 100s to 1H0 per owt. erto this important been too 1 NORFOLK ' Testimonials. Any reference to A. 11., 16 Cook-liine, YOUNG SIR WILtlAM, pressly witU the -view of reducing; the expense of Ufa within ons month after erioh Rale day. WHEAT.—Small BnpplleJ from farmers, and prices tendinc lost sight of in our workhouses, and that li 'Watcrfnrd , will be respectfully Rtlenilt'd to. (H*) Property of G. P. Mtf.coM- Assurance to the. lowest scalo consistent with aeuurity, For further partioulars apply to • TO CORRESPONDENTS. f^vgu.'ifflta T*HE Esq., M.D., do^owvds. the serious detriment of very many of SON Esq. and has been eminently successful in attaiuing that J. P. COGHI-AN, , anil other communications, MjL^SRi 1 , WILL STAND at , Kilmactliomas Co. Waterford OATS.—Thongh the quanllt/ offerlnB ta not largo, Il3t week's The Mooncoin subscriptions object. Profits have been allocated at Seventeen suc- ; or to living therein, a neglect which has, to a ci TO DRAPERS, '^yj r ij ^ DTHR '8 Veterinary Establishment, ' PEIRSE KELLY Solicitor ratea are barelr obtainable. came too late for this publication j they shall appear in oar &c. fi cessive annual periods, commencing in 1845 ; an>J the , . , , . fi^SjJjfeaai Waterford* , every 'Ihumday during the " 37, North Great Georgo'e-st, Dublin, extnit, turned, in effect, the rates of the Annual Keturu of Profit made to Policy-holders of the ' TJABLEY onotiaDieil. next. _^—_^__—___ YOUNG LADY, who hns bad severalyears' expe- Season ; the remainder of the Week at Portlaw. • : • • • and Waterford. -- ' working, and, often, distressed larmer in \ rience in ouc of tlie First Houses in Dublin, Gentlemen's Mares, 42s. ; Groom, Sa. Od. First Series bos now attained to. 37| per cent, on their FLOUR.-Dull ulo, and 64. per Sack lower. METEOKOLOGICAt, TAHLB Premiums,—that is, on a Premium of ££0, the return channel for the support of the wrong-doe w ould be plml for nn engagement as ASSISTANT or Farmers' Do., 80s. ; Do. 2a. 6d. AUCTION , OF WRECK TIMBER ' INDIAN CORN.—A alow trade in this article, at a redaction FOR WEEK E.VDINC (SECOND MOXTH) FEB. )5, 1882. "WARE-KOOM KEEPER. Sho has a thorough knowg .Money to be Paid at First Service. is this year £!» 15s. ; and on a Premium of £-20, the ' stead of its legitimate object, ihe relief 0 of 1 Us. The Policy-holders are ' ON TRAM ORE STRAND. of 3d. per Barrel on tbe week. tTnennometvr led^-e tlie Millinery, Fuis, und General Drapery This Horse is the Best of his Clans In England. His return is £7 , therefore, --^~ Barom'ter culled on to payonly I'll. 6d. (instead of twenty-shil- JOHN KENNY, Cora Factor. Date. Wind, Bain. r destitute. Of late the attention of Guardrarr iitisiuess. First Class references giveu. speed iu Harness is at the rate of 20 Miles art Hour. BE SOLD by Auction, on THURSDAY Next, 87th Maz. Mean per £1 of their Premiums. Even the latest TO to be lumed more closel to this subjeel Address A.U.C., 1 Charlemont Villa, lianelnsh Road, See Cards. (ttl-tfl ling ') Inst., at TWBLVB o'Clock, (iu they will then lie) the PRICES CURRENT , begun y VCF entitled to _ Dublin. ljU-3t] Policy-holders participatein the Profits have MATERIALS saved from the Wreck of the French Bri» 1st day 0 S.E. 47 38 2» 3;cee .Smnrt, Active Younp Woman, wlio served R. II. D. Age SOS 1 11 Ag«30-8 11 31 Age4O- 8 11 I 1 Age SO-12 s 0 Waterford, Feb. SI, 1862. — giving declined Horse dealing, except on — Malting - - - is 0 18 Mne 9 OU 0 ILLUM EAU her time tn the General Pi nvKion Trade, wants a the Pbblic that he has 25-S 15 1 I 33-7 0 81 45-10 2 7 I &-W 17 6 Wattrford, Feb. 18, 1862. W B . which it so eminently merits. Out-door relief, A experience having proved that he can- OATS, perbarrd of lMlbs. | ' Situation. Advertiser hns a perfect kuowledge of the b&- Commission, his TO SECURE ENTKANCE — Black • -96 10 9 00 0 00 vexata jues/io, at so many of our board?, promin a Veterinary Surgeon and Horse-dealer WRECK AUCTION niuc^s, ami cm ci»u unexceptionable references. Address not practice as into this Year's Li«t of Policy holders (Class A), Appli ON ANNESTOWN BEACH CO. WATERFORD — White • - - oil 0 00 0100 0 0(1 0 MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL. including our . own, also received its due ca ; tho one is incompatible with the , — Grey • . - II S 12 0 00 0 C. H., at tliii Office. Lfl4-tf at the same time cations must be lodged at the Offices or Agencies on or 0"0 LowDos, TUUBSDAT KrB3i!»o.—Still r» movement in attention. ' It is sard by Guardians that this kii • (ja24 3ro) FLOUK , per Sack, of SSOlba which remain at the ptices that preroilcd for othor. before SATURDAY, the 5th APRIL next, 18(52. On BE SOLD by Auction nn MONDAY noxt, 21th Superfine! - - 43 0 41 000 0 Bo 0 the Funds, relief already exists to too great an extent, th Plain Worda about Horses," may be had by TO — with tery little business. English Hail- To Ship Carpenters , Contractors, " A Few that day the Books.will be Closed for tbe 23d Annual FEBRUARY instant, at Eleven o'Clock ptpcUfly, on — Inferior! . . . 30 0 . 35 u;»0 0 00 V several duya piwt, in fact that it should stamped envelope. Stocks experienced a further decline ; Midlands are should be curtailed, m AND OTHERS. enclosing a directed Balance and I81U Allocation of Profits. AunestoHru ifcocb, where they have been ' towed rouud for OATMEAL, per Sack, oCJSOII. 34 0 33 0 00 » no B way BRAN Her barrel or 84lua. 1 I'libliu that he English Channels assured on very moderate terras, (tf) Imp ort* and Exports fo r the Week ending Thursday National Hank 25 68 xd&bs — has X situate within four miles of Waterford. on the , HuilJeiH, aud Farmers, the Timber principally being Pitch the driving of families from their little homes, pu ~^r^~j ^ n large supply of CHIMNEY Pine removed with the greatest care the 20/A inst. Mininp; Co. of Ireland 7 17J — of bank of tlio Kiver Barrow. The House unit Offices are , all perfectly new, , them, in fact, under eviction, a»d making tha'. IV 'iP- ^vYSi VIKCES made Irish, Italian , made up in convenient lots to suit purchasers, nn"coura^;d tt JCP on tbe Sea Coast, near Dungarvan, with, tho privilege of , Week ending Friday, the 31st mat. Wntaiford and Traraore Vunctuali are the characteristics of the above Gsta ** irit of independence wft wer h y, Sen Ore, the urhulc of said Lands being upwards of 30 OFFICES in D UBLIN , -50 Lower Sackville Street. rriO BE SOLD BY AUCTION (for account of Saturday... 20 Wednesday 19 that sp jrt avej^. [iei-l-tf.l Monday i Thursday ....„ HW lithment. H.PERRIN , A gent and Secretary 10 the Local 34 often•Mini and!»•>>¦ so justl~ — ~*y put|" — forwiye •ji Ctiiieiit.niiciH ! iv Years iu Grass. Board. JL whom it may concern), on THURSDAY, 8 Friday 3 J J Mm ^T^^ t Tuesday ~— , by every mcay.dersBS Wiilerfot App ly to J OIIK HONT. F.sq., Solr., Dungarvan ; or to EXISTING ASSURANCES, KOUU-AND-A-QUARfER FEBRUARY 27th, 180i, to be continued on the Price from lllls. to 1U4. Od. per ewt., old ; now butter, ISO to 126J element to be ROOM-PAPER WAREHOUSE, &t)xtt. essenrJL.brrae(HJ|cnny disti P KIUKK K ELLI , Esq., Solr., Waterford. MILLIONS STKULING .' following day, if any remain unsold. Cine iSaatertorti people. Can such an 95, CUSTOM-HOUSE QUAY. house? We confidently SRLTCII ™ ¦Waierford , Jan 'Ja, 1«G2. (iani-tf) Accumulated Funds £850 ,000 AT BALLY11AUDKR (BANNOW , CO. WEXFORD). , ^^ "/ g t DAW3ON is now supplied with a large Assort- Corrected this AND HAR NOT " Annual Income illtlu OOO Th'i Cargo of 'I iniber landed from the Wreck of the Dn;/ f or the Waierford News. • " BE JCSI, . lenge argument to disurolie work <¦$". "4° ]„„ F rnent of lu.nrt nud Hall Papers, in great variety, • To Bacon and Provision Merchants Igj " G.23U Policies issued during (he Inst sev»n Years. Shiji C'umtoden Castle, lately stranded on her voyage PROVISIONS. giving such prominence to lOU-LAfe- which ho offers for Saie at Low Prices. BACO .V Pins, par cwt, ... „ ._ 3(U «ty. vender V . do 10s 6d „ n a 0,1 •inch service to their destitute compatriots, for executed with neatness, and nt JL and Dwelling-house in Thoms'-street , y held 21 pirn* of Oat, cOntaiuing about 1,791 cubic feet. APS thin xystem it is believed that an Assurance enn bo H»: do H. xOs od ,, 3ls (VI P/iust assume that their proceedings ' cannot 'f by Mr. \V. S. THo.Mrfcx. This concern has been oc- 3D do. Elm, ' do. 1,030 do, TALLOW do ... ._ .„ eu Od „ 61s ed effected more economically thnn in any other 1 Iflicx. f rupied up to lost June; is in ordrr Ibr immediate work , 705 do. Pine Deals. LAUD (cbandlcra) ... at Od „ 46* Od • LATEST NEWS. ?i having a beneficial effect on the Legislature ii COUNTY OP WATERFORD, Explanatory PamphleU nnd every informition may ^S; . and suitable fur a trade of 6H0 nigs a wev k There is 1-1 fathoms Lnthwood. BUTCIIKRS' MKAT. ' humane object they have in view. Another e be obtained at the Office in . Dublin , or trout (lie under- Tir.Kr, jolnfu ... .'Sd to 7d V KAL AMERICA/ ^HJ ^' GUAND JUP.Y of the County of Watcrford a Kood countin^-hcuse. with g-i», water, and lurd-housc ii Spars. J , do ... Od to 7d tial particular in ttm law , to which the mei THE signed AOENT AT WATliBFOK D : M UTTON, do ... ed to 7d | LAMB , per qr ... 5a to 0 The royal mnil atcainer Europa SC' " will enter into CONTUACTS for the following fittings, all complete ; the necessary utensils may also The above Cargo has been landed in a safe place , nrr*-^^ l draws leg islative and public attention 13, 'that 0 (ja24-3t) RICHARD HARRIS, Esq. with good roads leading thereto md is uituated about POTATOES. Queenstown on Monday evening, with 64 pasv.n- Works at the Spring Assizes, 1802 :— be hail at a valuation. , ~d present mode of assessing the rates, a mode w 12 miles from Wexford and 14 miles from Ross by land, Fernt. ... 6d to I First (pinV«) Is to Is 2d gers, and gold riust and suocic valued at 9 7S/7 ' A pply to W. S. THOMPSON , Waterford. Begonia Od to la hal ; not to exceed 450 0 0 ALSH Actiug Agent to Lloyds or to the , N.C., , and in the vicinity ' bearing 0 Years' growth. A'so, a number of wel l -grown OAK W. W , , FOWL AXD ECUS. tion of poor s rate is always found Plans nnj Specifications lor the above Works can be business for the Five Years ending 31st J ANUARY will . of ltoanoke Island on tbe 30th ult. The inference TKEES on the Lauds adjoining the Wood. Tlio latter Auctioneers. (It) FOWL, each ... Is Sd I Koon, per dozen, Bd 9d large cities and towns ot unions in contra-distin seen at the Secretary's OIKcc, Court-house, Waterford, be divided. The books will shortly close, so that in- drawn therefrom was are marked and numbered. SOAP AND CANDLES, , that an attack was made on to their rural divisions. Whilst admitting that and Tenders will be received up to the First day of the tending assurers should lose uo time in coming forward. WH I TE, per cwt ... 39a Od I MO U LD ICF" Mount Bolton . ls within 11 Miles of Watcrford. Waterford and Limerick Railway Co , per lb... 0» 8d two points by the fleet—one at Fort Macon, Beau- populations, moat hai Jlcetintj of the Orand Jury. Proposals 011 the participating cluss, entitling to one BBOW .I, do ... 28a Od J Dn-r, do ... 09 7d and toitn* having large Tbe Wood is on the l iver Suir, and adjoins the bridge ' fort, end the otfler proceeding uj> Neuse Hirer, to A. U. ROBERTS, full year s share of ihe profits, will still be receive') NOTICE IS HEREBY CIVEN, ithat the next TIMBER. tbe nature of things, a large proportion of pt at the Fiddown and I orllaw Station on Ihe Wuterford R«D Pixt, per ton ATHS make a landing of troops there. Tlie impression at (f7-3t) Secretary, Grand Jury. HEAD Ol'FICU FOll IRELAND, 31 U, COLLEGE- HALF-YRARLT G ENEKAI. MKKTINO or the Share- , 65s od I L , ... 00« od maintain, still we believe it will also be admitu and Limerick Railway. YXLLOW, do ... 60a 0d | STAVKS official quarters was that Hounoty) Island had ueen GREEN. DUBLIN. holders in the Waterford and Limerick Jlailway Com. k , ... 65s CO , the other side, that country poor have ever 1 Separate Tenders will be received up to tbe 10th COMMITTEE or MANAGEM ENT i COALS. taken, and was then occupied by the Federals. Many, will be held at the TOWN-HALL, in the City dency, in their unfortunate condition, not al ARMY CONTRACTS M ARCH , 1802, by R ALPH 8. C USACK, Ksq , J P., Bohomer, Sl.iDoulough' OAKOtrr, per ton ... ]Ja | NUWPOUT, per ton ... 15s Large bodies of Confederates had^beea transferred s, of Waterford, on THURSDAY, tha 27th day of FKB- b any means their own fault, to come into th' [f7-lf] ARTHUR U. ROBERTS, Waterford. County Dublin, and No. 3, Gardiner's Bow. FODDER AND GREE.V CROPS. from Manassas to some other point within the pre- y HUVRT next, at the hour of O NK o'Clock in the after- H.\y,per lon, SJi to 65s M AXCOLDJ , ... 18s 2O3 and thus swell tbe numtx QEALED TENDERS, in duplt Sir THOMAS D KANK , Gresham-terrace, Kingstown. ™ , or town for shelter, considering the STRAW wheaton 46s ETCHKS J ceding few days. This movement was supposed to j»s.«a»T* will be received at this noon, for the purpose of receiving and , ,, 501 V , ... OO „ OOI thoso for whose support the latter are taxed, ^3 feteS5j3|CL O cate, DESIRABLE INVESTMENT JOHN FRANCIS W ALLER , Esq., L.L.O., Ho. 4, ilerbcrt- Directors1 Report and Statement of Accounts of the Do. (oaten) ... 43s ,, 47s Sou, (12 boadls) 4d „ Od have been caused by the conviction amongst the on M NDAY Do. (barley) ... 20. „ 34s " in our opinion, the spirit of a poor law shot fcgaffiHHgt Office , until Noon , , Btreet Company, for the half-year ending the 31st December Confederates that the Federals on the Potomac fftPHrVVjypp'**'''*'>"• 3rd MARC H , from Persons desi- PHYSICIAN—J. MOORE NELICAN one of a broad and comprehensive character, rriO BE SOLD, the WTERE3r in & most , Esq., M.D., 17, last, and for the transactiou of the ordinary business of could not advance for some time in consequence of rous of «upplyiiig, during the year ending 3Ut March , Merrion-square, East. looking at tlie feet that they must 1* suppoite. L desirable HOUSE and FARM of 97 the Company 2Jirtiie, Mzwiuwt, $c the bad condition of tbe roads. Tne Confederate 18C3, lucii quantities of M IrUh Acres, in the Co. TIN- CUAM, about Five SOLICITOK .—R OBEET CASEY, Esq. The Share and Tiansfcr Books kept by the Company &**tH> not going too far in saying that the legii BAHICBRS. OT A L ANK OF R KL AMD General Price still remained at Springfield, where FUEL AND CANDLES Miles from Thurlcs, and subject to tbe Yearly reat ot —K B I . will be closed on and from Friday, die 11th, until BIRTHS. which goes to provide for toe destitute, wott as ma; be required at the several Barracks and Stations At her residence, Quay, an important battle was expected to take lace, un- £143 per annum. LIFE DEPARTMENT. Thursday, the 27 th February, both days inclusive. tbe wife of James Mosley, Esq., ot a p well ta' enact that all should contribute equa in Ireland. The POLICIES new in course of being issued by this son. less lie withdre w before the combined .divisions of A pplications for Vaiticulars to te made to JOHN Dated this 25th day of January, 1862. February 13 at Oaahel that object in fact to have a union rating, The Tenders must be made on the Printed Forms to Company secure every advantage denvuble , the wife of Henry Newport Barron, , W ALL. ESQ., Solicitor, 29 Catherine street, Waterford. from the WILLIAM MALCOMSON, Chairman. Eaq., of a daunbter. the Unitn Generals reached there. A telegraphic ' be objections to such ft propb be obtained from this Office on or after the 10th instant; system of Life Assurance. The conditions sure there may (fM-tf.) have been THOMAS AINSWORTH. Secrocnrv. la Kilkenny, tbe wife of John Murphy, Esq., Maadlla-ttnet, of despatch to the Richmond Inquirer, dated Savannah, character more than augl they must include only one article of supply, and muse liberalized iu the greatest degree consistent aeon. objections of a local with January 29lh, says " tbe city is comparatively quiet of 1 be addressed under cover to the " Conimt6tary General , BOOT safety ; and BONUSES on Participating Policies February 16, at Kllkea Castle, Lha Marchioness of Klldan, of but nothing human is perfect, and a system COLE, MAKER, are al- WATERFORD UNION. a. aon. this forenoon—there is an immediate attack amici- and marked on the outside " located on equitable princi les uud liuvo rating is well worth a fair trial, for it may be Dublin," " Tender fur Fuel, NO. 115 , QUA Y , WA TEltfOJlD p , hitherto been Guardiant of the above Union will, on WED- February 13, at 20 Hareoort-etroet, Dublin Lady Power of a of large amount. This branch of tbe THE . , pated. The object of the enemy »ems to be to cut a very efficacious means of removing a large or for " Candles,'' as the case may be. Business has been NESDAY, the 5th MARCH, entertain Tenders aon.still born. as to probable quantities required greatly extended of late years. February 8, at Ballydarld Hooae, county Tipperery, the wife off communication between the city and Fort Pu- wbieh, at the present moment, Every information have never 'witnessed a more Superior Assort- for Supplying the Workuouie from thut (late to the 2nd " of that burthen be obtained at this oilier, or at that of the Barrack- WE Intending Assurers are invited to examine of Rlcbard rower, Esq.,of a aon. laski. heavil on the urban pottio niay ment of BOOTS and SHOES than at COLE'S particulars A PRIL uext, with the'following Articles;—GO Sacks of February li, at Chilcomb lVodge, New Row the wife ot Thomas ly presses too y instated in Prospectus , Thomas Francis Meagber has been confirmed by mabtcrs at the several Stations. Establishment on the QUAY. , which may be bad free ou ap- Beit Superfine Flour, at—per sack ; 40 Sacks of Best Boyd, Esq., of a daughter. unions. The nest two important points allui plication. Feb. 10 at Haqpm-aquare the Senate as brigadier-general. ComniisfrflriiU Office. Dublin, Try his 'iehts'E'aitio Boots, at ... 14s., 16s. Seconds Flour, at—per sack ; Best Beef (rounds, , , London, Vieonnteaa Boyle, of a um. at tbe meeting, namely—the syBtetn of proxy-^ 15th February, 18UJ . (Kl-Sl) FIRE DEPARTMENT. February 13, at Hill-ttreet, London, the Hon. Mia. Lsieson In reply to inquiries from the legislature of the Try hii (ientsj Balmorals 13s., 14s., ISs. without laps, to weigh not leas than 3D lbs), at—per lb ; Gower of a daughter. and the proposition of rearing children out Risks of almost every description are undertaken , state of Try his Ladies' Elastic Boots, from 7s. 0d., 89. Cd., at Best Ox Heads, at—each; Pork Sttaks(loin or back), Feb. 16, the wife of Edward T. Gardiner, Esq., Binkof Ireland Maine, Mr. Seward stated that h» granted until the age of fifteen, we find em! the usual rates. Claims promptly settled. , workhouse Os. 0d., 10s. (1.1., Us. Ud. at—per lb One Ton of Oatmeal at—per ton ; Thlrt Tipperary, of a (on. permission for the passage of the British troops CONTRACTS Losses arising from explosion of ; , f in the bill now before Parliament, and broa Tr<- his Ladies' Ucusc Boots, 3s., Ss. 0d., 4s. Cd., gas ace paid by this Barrels Indian Corn across Maine^ to save them tbe suffering a north- FOR MILITARY PURVEYOR'S STORES Company. of , at—per barrel j Half-ton of MARRIAGES. of by tbe Irish Chief Secretary . StR R. Peei, Try his Ladies' Walking Boots, 4s. Cd., 5s. Cd. and Kite, at—per ton. The above Articles fo he delivered At the Catholic Church of Galmoy, by ihe Ber: J. Ryan, erly Canadian voyage. No foreign power inimical Transfers from other Offices free of expense. Jamea introducing this bill on Friday night, said . Cs. <;J. (free of expense) at tbe Workhouse, at such times and Talbot, Esq., Castletowu, to Agues, seventh daughter of the late to England would complain of tbt Federal govern- i T1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THOMAS MANLY Michael Hart, Esq.. Castletowa, county Kilkenny. " was found impossible to rear aud educate cl afi J&Lj **TVT ° Try his Ladies' Patent House Shoes from 2s. upwards. , in such quantities as may be ordered by the Board. ment extending this permission to England. Any ? $J«* 3pSSS i\ tofor all theparties desirous of t«n- The Boys' and '3irls ' Department ii clocked with Secretary for Ireland. Feb. 13, at the Catholic Chapel of 8L Nlobolaa. by the Lord " of tender age in workhouse; of those u»d jj | Tenders, with Samples (where practicable), will be re- Bishop of Galway, Joseph Butler SQ such quanti- AOESTS : , E ., Aaslataan5ur teoo, Tip. danger arising out of this permiuion could only mortality in workhouses ami ft5y^ry^5, at the residence oi her afia-in-law " exceed £5 a head yearly—about tbc sam»i and for the guaranteed Debenture Stock , the above-named Union will attend as follows:—For the , William exchange rising. Sterling 114}. Shsr«>5 generally from tbc 1st of A PKIL next, that Particulars und Forms per Cent., Landed Eitatei' Court Ireland. Moon. Esq., Balljnavin Hooae. Carrick-on.Sulr, Cath«rlBe. aged " which would have to be paid for them if to* b lied ion to the Pur- bearing interest at (I per l>nt. for two Years, and 5 per , Electoral Divisions of Dunkitt Rathpatrick Waterford 84, relict of the late Moses Murphy, Eaq., of Ooolbawn advnneed. Wheat, firm ; corn, caller ; pork, firm ; of Tender may be obtained y app , , , House, " brought up, at the risk of their lives> will at the Garrison Cent, in perpetuity afterwards Killotoran, kilberry, Balliuakill, and the U nion at county Wexford. sugars, more active ; coffee in betttr request. vejor to the Forcm of the District , FINAL NOTICE TO CLAIMANTS AND On Sunday, the 16th Inst., after a few hourt* " wall s. Tbe government had not altogether) The Line is worked by the Waterford and Limerick Lnrge- at No. ^Sion Row, Ferry baulc, Waterford. on illnesa, at bis N EW YORK Hospital , Limerick. 1NCUMBRANCERS. residence, the Terrace, Tramote, John O'Hallorau, Esq., for sere. , FEB. 7TH.—Seven F«deral gun boats , " to what age children ought to be allowed to be delivered at the Office of the Pur- Company, and there is a. Urge surphui after payment of Monday, 24th day of February; lt)62. For Kilmeaden, ral yean, county paymaster of constabulary. under Commodore Fuote, attacked Fort Henry on Tinders must In the Matter of the Estate. mAKE NOTICE, that " out of the workhouse. The Poor Law (? veyor, piopcrly filled up and signed (in triplicate; on wviking charges and iuterest' oft loans. ¦ Newcastle, Reisk, and Pembroke—The Sweep, Tuesday, Jauoanr S4, in New York, William, eldest son of the late John Tennessee riv er oq the 6th inst After one hour and of M OBQAN BAHSOH, JL the Schedule of Teiford, Kaq., of Ballyboughlin, io tbt King's County. sioners thought five yean the proper limit,jj or before Ihe UOtli day i.f FEBRUAKT , 1802. Applications to tic addressed to the Secretary at the 25th 1'ebraa.ry. .-For- Trtimore, Island Keane, Drum- " Owner ; inoumbrnncei . affecting Jannar/ 28, at Camp Curtln. HarrUhurgh. Pmntyltanla, a quarter's severe firing from gunboat*, Fort Henry, accompany the Tenders when sent in. Company's Offices, i: Bank Place, Mall , Waterford. cannon—Hortoa's Hotel; Matn-street, Tramore, 20th America, Arthur R. Gibbons " the select committee fixed tbc period aV-tj Samples must of Exparte, NICHOLAS M. the Estate iu Remainder 1 ' , 1st Lieutenant UOth Regiment; with tbe Confederates, Gentral Tilghmaru and sixty Liuierk-k, tbe 2Jnd d.-.^ Jan., JB62. By Order, February. . : For. Faithlegg and Woodstowu—Kill, youncest son of tua lat« Alexander Gibbons, Eao,, of Tully. On the subject of the number of yrars be** Uaied at I'OWBR ot. the raid - M ORGAN prisoners, surrendered unconditionally. k (H4-2t) WILLIAM WILLIAMS, pro. Secretory. , I Thursday, 27tfi February.. For Katiimoylan, Kilmac- K.itig'» CvQDtjr. The Fort he said, press th» borne, but would l*«Vf 'H Petitioner. 1 BARRON , expectant on the In Bo»-lftn-»tmt , Ktlkeooy, Siiun tha bolored contained twenty guns resist- Waterford, January lBt, 1802. ( ¦ leaguo, und Killf»r—Duninoreand Killea, Cross Roads, , wife of Mr. , and offered a strong settled In committee. To this propoatiofl'W ' ' Liie Estate of EDWAHD Bo port Jaercor. ance. Tbe boiler of the Federal Friday, 28th . February. For Rossiuau, Ullid, Pool- gunboat, Essex, be no objection whatever urged b any CASSELL'S COFFEES BARRON, IK All That, One Divided Fourth-part of tho pXB4rtOB > Ut4 ih y Wj MONEY ON DEPOSIT roue, Poriuuscully—Kilroacow, Alondiiy, 3rd March. goc^d°^TT. °' ' """J*"^ exploded, killing thirty persons. The Federal land ' o Lnndj of SARAHVILLE, Qtherwiso Fahigh, properly culled dividual. As regards tbe nefarious syitem. really rich and choice OOFFKES have bren For Auriqh , Ihiukitt (pitrt of), Killaue/, Furoogue. forces did not arrive till after the termination of the THESE WATEI1F0RD and LIMERICK RAILWAY tbit North Enst Wvision of Faliagh, Bituntu in tbe voting, SIR ROBERT PEEL ptopoiea takipgi most favourably kii'iwa to tho Public fgr » long THE Kilbride, and Kilbeucou— Mullinavat , Tuesday, 4th engagement. Federal cavalry reported in active COMPANY lire open to rtce ve, to s limited Barony of Deciea .Without Drum, aud County of March in the right direction, and tbat is to limit;*| years, Tlnir excellence has 'wcoiae so fully . For Kilooliumb, Ballii.orea, Kilmacavogue— purouit of the retreating Confederate forces. series of Deposit, for which the Watorford , is lodgedoijith the Clerk o>' the lteconls of Ball *lort ttTeto*—^adsagc. ings of proxies to ten years, and to ten in 1 acknowledge-) that little now requires to be said to extent , Money on temporary yrnhan, Wtdnesday, oth Maroh. Itio requested FRANCE. , , bfl allowed :— this Court, and any peison having any Claim not therein ARRIVED. Although we cannot see that this limitation , It is necessary, however, to inform following Hates of Interest will that those Persons whose Tenements require rovigion, P*»us, THURSDAY , commend them. . ineerud, or ubje<:ting,tnereto, either on account of the l«th—Manel, Jones, Poole, barley f Adroit Battln. Kllrush, .—The Mmilew says the Go- obtaining them, aa 3} per Ceut-, subject to repayment at auy time after iu the soveral Electoral Divisions above-named b , itself, work much practical good, yet, tlie vi Families, where they cs'ii ensure amount or the prioiity of uny charge therein reported , y Glouont«r, oata i aix eolllers. vernment of the Emperor has requeued information the Hrst Mautl:, on expiration ot One Week's notice. reason or alterations In Boundaries, Occopaocy, 16tb—Aurora Plnkham of the limitation is beneficial, because it sdl attempts are constantly miulo by parties not Agints for to him or any other peraou or for any other reuson or the , , Londea, fneral ; Betrelrer, Onn, at Rome respecting the pastoral letter convoking ol! per Ceut. if left for Twelvo Months and longer. , , is Value of Buildings Cardigan, Tluncaxmon, slates ; Halswsll, Taylsr. Urefpool, roek system of proxy ti; CASSK LL'S to substitute other and inferior qualities. 4J , will afJbrd suoh intbrmition as may voting, as it now exists, , taken, and tbe Prluoipal required to lodge «n objeotion thereto, slating Hie par- salt; Maude lonle, M'Culre, Barrow, Oatdls?, Iron or* file bishops of the Christian world to Rome for the canon- can be obtained in thti District, oftht Any Bum of £20 and upwards ~ be necessary. > and to require revision. It if, we bope, tbi CnueWi Coffee} Depositors. ticulars of hit demand and duly verified (vith the said oolllers, . iaation of martyrs. Cardinal Antonelli replied to :— or Interest will be paid as desired by RICHAliU GRIFFITH, Commiwionerof Valuation. Uth—Manchester Newport ninp of tbe end and we trust that 'ere -t f ollowing appointed Agents , Clerk ou or before the l-th day of M ARCH , Ariostronf,Worklngton , , pig Iront , , Further Information can be obtained from the uuder- , , ISOi, und Doted this 17lh day of February, Albion, Parry, Barrow inn Attwood Griffltha T^>wHnw the French Government that the invitation addressed 1Vaterford...\Y. M ASON , No 40 Tho Quay , 1862. (It) . , or* } , , | shall see the system utterly abolished, and to signed, and also from the following Agents:—A. fTi- to appear on the following Wednesday, »t Eleven Swansea, ballast. to the bishops was quite a friendly one and not of Cork J. LAMfiLiNDs & Co., 1) , Uridge'Strcet ' , an t o put as they ought to 'Ks' Wexford , THOUAS 6. HAH- o'Clock, before the Honorable Judge Lou oriicu>, at his PATBONISED BY 18th—Catherine. Edwards, Caraarron, Plymonth, slate*! City an obligatory d he landl rd , ACUOS Dealers. PHtNS, Diracannon, County THE FAc'UI/TY. character, and was only intended to Clonmel J & Co., Tea Court in Dublin.' when inatruoiions will be given for of Parts, Pearn. Milford, geuoral i Tay,¦ Woelao, Odessa, Boss, an erjnal footing on the poor law francbjiit? VKT , Quay, Waterford ; J OHN G RUBS, Carrick-on-Suir; malse 1 tw» collier*. . . . give weight to a purely religious ceremony.' On re- Carrick Agent Wanted. final settlement of the Schedule. Aud further .Take WOOLLEY'S PEOTORAIi OANDY elusion, we desire to express an earnest Jtf P. H BANNELD, Clonmel ; S AMOEL J KLLICO, Cher J 19th—Tuakar, Crawford, Cork, graeral ; Malakoff.-Aylward, ceiving this rei)ly,the French Government expressed Callnn Do. Notice, that any demand reported by snob HAS now for. Twenty Years stood pre eminent as a Milford, dot Gipsy, Bums, Iinrpool , is 1 Jursraa when the ouxiv U AVID GOLCUAN, Tipperary j DAVID FITZOE«AI.O & Sou, Sihedule is -f, Darta~.| awuh that the proper time arrives, to find Clonminei Do- liable to be objooted to within tbe time aforesaid. remedy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Influema, Bristol, do. . bishops.should not quit their dioceses, Limerick. I By Order), tatives in Parliament, as a body, assidooM) Vungarcan— .;. 1*0- Dated this 13th d:iy of February, 1803. • Asthmu, Loss of Voice, and all Affeoticms of tbe Chest 2Utu-Courier, Scott. MUford, dot Pearl, Walton, BuUna, and must not ask , permission to leave the empire, T. AIN SWORTH, Secretary, wheat ; Uboma, Nloolleh, OorkVballast; ing for this poor law amendment, which (Cilmaethom. t. Do. JAMES M'DONNELL or Throat, and Is strongly recommended by many emi- except in cases where , scrums dioctaan 'interests i^ Board Room. Wnierford Terminus. (uSii-tf) , Examiner. 21st-CltT of Paris, Pearn, MUford, general. ¦ justly sought for, and also to see . tnt'raUiejp) Knochtopher.... Do. . J AMES W. QOIMLAN , Solioitor, having the Carriage nent Medioal men. Hound each Box are numerous should call them to Rome. ¦*• '. • • • SAILED. the land also as a bod si t ' Jiete Ross Uo. ¦ at the proceedings, 4J York-street, Dublin. (It) Testimonials, (elected from hundreds, speaking of Iu lath-Sparkling;Waft, Fraaar, Old Calabar, general j City of It is reported that the terms , y, gning bo«r'jpM LA M 'AISON DE PARIS. of tha address on the ' Thomattovin.... Do. efficacy, both in the United Kingdom and abroad. Sold Paris, Pearn, Milford, generalt Tuakai, Crawford, GUa gow, do. »«WIM« Parli ament, thereby expressing tbtir bsng 16th—Nil. , . ¦ question do not satisfy Prface NapoUon, OHN C OOPRR . Grooer. Tailoring Establishment t>y all Medioiue Vendors in la. ljd. and 2s. 0d. Boxes convictions on this important subject, Werford J French STEAM JOINEHY WORK trth-Testa, CoaTiy, Urtrpoot, (meral ; Aurora, ana that he will move an amendment ani l Air- PfnUiaa, ¦ io more ener- j CAXHELL'S CuFrBES nre sold in Lannisters Bn" Copy of a Letterfrom Air. Oetavius Olyn, I Kirby Belfast, do ; MalakoS, Aylward, MUford, do. ' getic languag • • ¦! • " ' . i ::. . ,: ening the hands of their members to figbtj his Frleuds and Cus- ' ¦ e. . • - ¦ ¦ ¦ tight Packages, fi'cm Two Pounds to Two Ouuces, as MR, BEHM begs to inform npiIE NORTH WALL SAW MILL Company Ma Street, Poplar London : ¦:¦:*. lBth-Man, Bllnman, Bristol, do. fig ¦ ' ' *'?¦::$ D to tho House letb—Ooarlor, Scott, Milfotd do: City of PaHe PRIGHTF0LX0U,IEIlTACCIDK5T-L0S3 -—Cansell'a Coffee, No. I (l ink Wrapper), 1B. ; tomers that liebas JIKMOVS , JL uufocturc, by Patent ¦Steam¦ ¦ Maobinory— 1, Kirlwy-stroet, Poplar, London, Bcpt 80, 1861. , , Pearn, Mil- : ¦ ¦ OP- '"- $ JOIIOWB ' ¦ ' 'l' ford. doiTuakar, Craw/oitl. Clasgow. do. - ' -;: • . -Wv FOKTY-BEYBN r No. 2 (Blue Wrapper), In. 2(1. j Cm- No. 4, LITTLE UEORQE'S-STREET, where he DOORS, • SOFFi S, .DIAR SIK—I cannot apeak ton highly of tha excellence of . . LXVWT CuseU'i Coffe*, . 2otb-MalakoS, Aylward, MUford, (aural. . , ERTBU T VT 'of tbtlr kind favors. The ' - N ' ECTORAL ¦ M T 'OVII, HV«IPAT;— r ghtful ex- THE COBN TjSADK. < .J. Bell's Coffee, No. 3 (Liiac WrapperJ, 1». 4i j tasMll'a hopes for ncoulir.unuce. tfA8HK3-- BACKtf, Woomria P L'ASDT. 1 bav« luSend.Cor yean Wtnd-S.W. by W. tol B/', ' ' - ^- A f i extensive, gives him .'an op- FKAAIE8 ,. • EEBOVYS with a dreadful cough sod , difficulty of breatbir.*. Jn thii ploii»j occurred yesterday, iu Gethjng Ooal Pit -by The corn traria seems not to have improvedi CaSet, No. 4-, (Yellow H-mrpeD, Is »d. Concerns beluj n>ore . ,. . , - dislretihig at6te I wan recommended to try Wooixjrr's ¦ ¦ • ¦ • ¦ whiob - 47 Uyt»;.w«re,lost AcKNCt.—Agents wai ted for Cis»ELL'» portnnity of keeping a batter Selffltion of Goody , SHUTTER8 , HANDflAIL3; " - '" '. • •<:-'V:. -'""TBA»KH. '- - . > ' -:- ¦ -.- ' ; two;mow a» not ex- We; read tbs following in Mr. Carsw'sjcircBU YAIAKII.B ECTOHAI ANDT 1 ' '¦¦ lace whrre theiT If not one already. Gentlemen who lmve uot yet favored him with to HOT-HOU8E3, . GnEEN-HOUSEd, .MELON P .C . , tbe tirkt box of which gav« m* great Tbe Rev. J. V. Claary ben to pected to li ysvS"-;!^;.*;'^j-^^V ;-* . « Corrcu in every p . relief ] tho aecoud box completely cured mo. : I have recoui- return sinetra thaab, on y«*W LrtUrr- Trad* wry flat-'i .wfaMtJ OHM CASSKLL & Co., 80 will find 0 1 I rial, the Style aud Worknwn- FBAMES, FANOY. DOORS, G ATES. tbe part of tu«.Prewatahoa . Community, *J" For Terns, apply to J Order, , meuiled them to . luuuy- ot my frieudi'who ««• almilarly to Sir Henn o»U as faefort ; barlay. nil j flour ia.tu ^6t G. ULDBAM & Co., «4 to have beeti in the hobit We use WOOD woll-setepted und Thoroughly-seatonecl, Winston Barron, Bart., for I.J» UberaJ coolribotioa of £5 Dteoboreh Sirtet, London ; shlp Ctr superior suy^hey afflicted , wliu have all received th« greuUit reli«f from them. ¦ MACUINERY 'of tho moil Improved kind. towardi tbe fond for couiplatirgtl» Cbapel and Conrtnl y alao our own merfcet not*to -dty,; W«jttin)4 »i«et, Dublin. . • [o25-20tj of getting. • • j.. . I am Hir, your obligtd, - : ¦- :¦:' OCIAVIOS GLTS, : ¦ ¦ of. M F.m* ¦ ' , .. HuJyeniaa. ... ,. - : " . <•= •-.. S- ;Y; . 1 ', : 0- Wstarford. faw of our honut and enterpriring AJr. BKHVMy* tbit favonrnble .opportuqlty to j®- PRIdES'.A'Rii LOW. ' ; fletej-; . . -• - - ^^ t d ^Sif S ^3 ^^l, ' i»wj1jjiftft ¦ ¦ for Prepared by the preaeni Prop J..Cnrr, Dork > rector b«f» to aekpowledge £10, donattooof Sir H0KT1NG APPOmTMErTIB.> v -^: _ returnJiuW^fcanlu put•!¦«», «tjeVtrus««, : !*• lb* some loo*!, cliirfy amill ODM, by tb«'«eMa Address—THOMAS S.'tfARTlN. . [i7-3t] ing.Surrey ;«nd 8old at Tut NiiWsOfHoe, Kiaj-ttre«t, H, WiiutOB Btmm. Bart, D.t^, to tbe Crtbolie Unit tnxtj Oanuhmoi* Vox Hound*—To«iaVJ.«SSt ,I'»n» .Br««»' uirifDg "Attention-to Business, he will ¦ eo. nan of one fif.oar 1 T that b/, DUBLIN. _«forO, an b all respectable Uwltlue D»alert, • of Ireland throngb biker^.n&llBii'iWNli . > Orae* ArcbbUhocof Dublin p»rrfc* iV,.,;j:--- ..' , - J • . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦: . ..:y&-jgm ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ •¦ : : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : : . . j>5.i . v. iSSil-a^^; ^^fc ll^^i-^iiifelll^ A Mr.- 8peneer\tbt» eame.toj now bit stand raoratfcm 2nd—The Milford stoam line. H ARBOUR BOARD—TUESDAY reference to tho contract sytUm. In . , WATBRFORDBOAEDt/OffAKDUIW-WiDSjaoAV. MR. BLAKE IN HIS MASK ! that having aud in doing to laid it wtt mctto ajtcUsMblt* tad cottwry 3rd—Opening Olaves-lano. his opinion, the proper way foi them to act—th« 4th—Flagging tbs Quay, John-street, MayorVwalk, && purtue—wa* to theft act of parliament/ornembtrt of tMr.botrdto ttnd LAKE'S paper be Pursuant to adjournment from tbe previous Tues. most independent couwe for them to ; in ttndm rcVthVlfiwork. ind ite tab K ^IWditniia ir of b ~ In tbe last.number of Mr. B 6th—Lighting road, and making now footpath, beyond It bad jBtMtatV tiod ttsbttaottrtlt' i^-99 ^l*-I??^^?»»%?%i»^^i^^« V*^^*Mft«» tbe Bridge. day the commissioners met to-day at twelve o'clock , to have all their work dono by tontract. ; the ttndtn atterwjuds.::On • raeeat tceatioawbt a Hr. Cblr BoatoonLCktat^tisVofhpb a comes out with one of the most ill-tempered, ill- ought -fad a Uabt beton tori Doaid be ctioi Into takt a 6tl»—OreaUy improving tbo lighting of tbo large room, tbe following being the members present ;— been urged lately by a member:that they White 1 . ¦ l part isrthe proceediogm.V.V , - '. ' " ;; ' ¦ - .,; ical, and scurrilous articles we ever read In rep y Town Hall. THOMAS W. J ACOB, Esq., in tbe ohair. always to keep op tbe dignity flf. the; board, and . r ¦ log ' . MY.Whiter-No I did notT - ' r r. ; ; ¦ f^ttpeadint.Joornal of the 7th 7th—Providing a large number of ucats for publio accom- Messrs. J. Williams, P. Cox, T, C. Spencer, T. Barnes why ha (Mr/ Speneer) . £S?rfiSf* ¦*?* *?*<"* to a temperate article of ours,' which was intended , that wa* a principal'reason Mr,8p*oo«r—Yoncamt In 'itowarda tbe and of tbe «*e» frrtM^^jnoeb phi^TbTwWwritten by William modation, and rendering ventilation of room more perfect. S. Harris, W: S. Tboinp.ton, J. Penrose, J. D. Iapbaia, A. under their notlceV, He iBWowttim LAKE 'S charging brought the present motion ceeding* with Mr. Proetorand it wat ¦ veryindelicate thiflg 'BtrjiVoo tb.S8»liultimo,; to SfeBobert Fed, in Hin answer to a speech of Mr. B , 8tli—Openinj Peter't-lane, Barrack-street. White, T. Murphy. , ¦¦ ¦ o «o ' Barnes felt very .much afinoyed far yotf to do undVrtbe dreatnnttneet. ¦ ' • ¦. . .: .. th*i ttodimstioo; and rejoicettuta practical Bar project by get- 0th—Lighting Ballybricken. THE LATE DEFALCATIONS. had no doubt Mr. 'Pf**•id »U*'m liMV(«:1tf''4ip ^: ' ' Mr. R EDMOSD with ruining the at his motion. ' . , -:¦ . Aid. Cox rose to order. ¦ Tho' auctionof their act wai to . . ' b!rW'iii lii* tn«b1t4 10t1i*-Opening Lady-lane. On the minutes, as read by the secretary, was _ :- : letter wat read .wittTVwbniJnichfloajd ermg for yeer.tafceo place— itation in Us favor. To that wanton at- lltb—And the gas question now in agitation. • Mr. Barnes, rising up, appealed to the enaif for ttringtnt against mr.of tbtir mtrubert.bringcontractor* , \A rrototbwewnfliWaB^lnrorjB^ b** ting up ag noted the offer last day of meeting (when same had and »C plainly imposed a penaltythat be'did hot bow Ing th«f DtandenrurcntBbytd meo tttemptiiuto treat of tbowbjett ¦ ¦¦ " N ' ¦ ft* guardian*that tb«r;I trf TS T V EDMOND was refused a bearing, even by The gas question affects the pockets of every order* • » ^ ^ LWI"^ ifWtljr.for tW purposeof creatinirpoHtiealcapital , or those tack Mr. R become private) made to the commissioners on the " 5 any on*could act contraryto it. 8oeb>t«ingt lw am bt trUMtom!to tbrn (torn & ' man who uses light in the city ; tbe people feel tbe ChairmBn-Hear Mr. Spencer j he j* ID p?* *"'^- woDhfittMf. Ssmcer to withdraw bi» motionat nm>tott- ^. ^r,J £ti,l "*ot» fap«ritan w» a* limited** their interest* in property UKE S immediate relative. part of the late collector to take a sum of £241 I9s. l l ¦ to &e doth of Mr. D ' • ¦:• ¦ ¦:¦ - ¦ ¦^ • . ;,¦> • ¦,./ t^^ worMtffbtwWIMiry •w T%ht»;J -ftrmit me to ask one weight of every quarter's account ; they want con- Mr. Barnea—Mr. Chairman, ha'hu no rig. U° •try, , - : , , ^•¦ . i: v- ; i S ^,^ {5*J»d*rtaJ simple quea- BLAKE manufactures as a compromise to the present proceedings in the thrW ¦''imi» 0 Out of tbe last article Mr. fidence in the present concern. The Bog question say I am annoyed. I'm not annoyed, at all. : .The- ClmJrnnB)rd,*rid Kilkenny,bow many Instances ire there extant of CIHinnutl-'Tlw qoestion for.u* U^ s» wftonpboldtbe the/ hid directed tneirinspwrtori €ajpt*«»Jfamiltco , Witlrtethe | has now lost all chnrms for tion. It will benefit the landlords concerned more offer afterwards, proceeded to support bit arguments by py conforming itiictlv ta ov act of 1 «tt tay tea yatrt-^-of a tenant being disturbed* tain Police Reports, The board negatived this , and now character of tbe board to bold a »tvorn inquiry thwenvv;¦? ¦iv^l?' '' •f; -' ?•' m. lu» pnjtmiuu tatf ' than the tenants, who, we regret to hear, have no referring to certain proceedings of the pilot com- ' ¦ : -- -'>-- : ;;: .evfcttd ona NoBce to Qait, that was Abandoning his former colleague', O'Doxoa- The Chairman announced that notice of action at parliament? ' . ' • ' " A letter wai also read) from GaBtefa' Barailton not itfirretritleast ' ont fait year's rent to hw landlord ? htm. lenses ; it concerns but little the shopkeepers of the mittee in reference to taking tender* for tha repair* to the fottrlMnlb Mction which entcted , their suit had been served on the assignees of the Ur. Spencerreferred , etatiug tbat he would, ; I defyJlwprodocHoc»of6ve instances, and such alone in the BUE M AOUIRE , POPE HESSESSY and others, at this stating that cheap (o be done to one of their pilot cutler*. They bad, that any member becoming a contractor boli tie inrjiirj:.on Moivtfiy , city. We have no hesitation in late Arthur Smith, to recover from them the amount at stated before, ¦ ; * *'lora irtiniIsrij' if o{ the at £21, and they had to the board shall thereupon be duqualiGed to hold bit teat ue^t at twelve ©'dock;. , - ': I /:\- .\ '¦ t - 1 *??!, - ^V0^'0"1*for P > " period, when the Poor Laws and gas for the people is one of the greatest essentials for the work , one tender , ¦ ¦ ' •¦one>legnlat)OD it required. important of the sheriffs sale, £450, bad on the goods of their • ~ . >DMi*«io»*s' • .&¦- ¦!• •• ' '¦ ' ¦* mam* here in Waterford to wran:li\ bully, and monopolize , which allowed such a thing. . To that conclusion be tion of the city relieving otScer to tbe 7tb seeliottof f t •''•M* « jo«rt in soceewion. If not. he Mr. R EDMOND does not presume to to THE PASSAGE TELEGRAPH. The Cbairmaa, readimrthis section, which taid that this taouhli bytl tylepthtiv'f? •e Mr/KcDuosD. He who drowns his subject in all ihe credit of these and came on that day, and to remedy that system waa the 10th Vic, chap. 31, relative, Jo the personsbe enactment be placed in that position, abuse " himself, like Mr. B LAKE, On this subject a desultory conversation ensued penalty would be incurredby any " disqualified"person acting ' ¦ ¦ ' .ana prtrrmterf from deorBing for B , r ¦ . would admit to relief. ;?• i- .. - . •. ¦: .. :i< ¦ shorter terra, nnd then a maltitude of words," as Lord M ACAUL A Y says, other works. What he means to say is, wiih the that the Chamber of Com- now his object. at oommiuioner/cxpretted aa opinion thtt the section did w far at- tenantsholdrajr for 21 year*, or nny greater term, during which it appeared amount of the other tenders. not apply in thii ease. . Ihe . Chairman (Colonel Robert*) explained that we indication of a feeble and un- aid of the corporation and its able officers, suppor- merce had not come to any defined resolution on Mr. White—State the '. ... *Tenrjeveda»totbnrrwmirement*, »socli a term fully "evinces a sure in the sums he had mentioned Aid. Cox said lie WM decidedly of opinion that it did. the cause of this resolution was tho fact, tbat during Justifies- aU Mritnltortl improvement, in building, ted by his journal, he has been enabled to push the subject of the board giving up the daily return Mr. Spencer said fencing, trained intellect" One column won't satisfy the iven the board tbe highest and the lowest Mr. Spencer said he had no objection to Mr. White or Mr. tbe admission* it wa* found that the city officer bnd (training,' and reclaiming—sndi a term enabling a tenant them forward to completion. office for the use of the Electric Telegraph Company, he had g Barnes being contractors to tha board, bat then, if they were, to fnny secure have three columns to express , but it teemed to him that sent in eighty-eight provisional catet during the week, md reimburse himself for his oitflny. And member, he must Mr. BLAKE charges Mr. REDMOND with the hein- Mr Williams tenders on tbe occasion they baght to resign from thai board. [Mr. White : You therefore, now the-questionresolve* but Mr. Thompson, , Mr. Lalor and way to bare, their work and when they came to be examined by the board, itself into legislating for three ideas, viz.—the Bridge, the Bar, and the ous crime of " raising himself to comparative com- other members of tht Chamber said from what had that was not the proper bave no right to aay inch a thing.] Ho (Mr. 8.) would be teuanto holding from yew to year. If a lias of railivny bo done. When first he was on the finance committee sorry to be led by Mr. White' opinion, aud be would tell the majority of tbem were found to be able-bodied [ormiug throngh Bogi ! Th« article is made up of special pleading, fort, fcc." This, we admit, U the only genuine fact taken place at the meeting of the body, the day * a county, a mere- yearly teuaut ii ullowed hon. member in his three mortal he was asked to sign a check for a turn of £J31 2s., Mr. White more, that he (Mr. W.), iu telliog bfm that bit perton*, and, therefore, not eligible for relief/; by the government arbitrator four to five yean' purchase for mentioned by the before, on the subject they were convinced they opening np the quentiou at tbe pilot committee prevented tht land fencing, and self-laudation, at which he never tires. EDMOND 'S and that for a member of this board, which he re- Mr. Cadogan impressed on tbe board that thoy taken from him in a coiuputwry way, aud for other columns. This fact is Mr. R most pleas- would ive every assistance in their power to the him gettiug the work had a great deal of impudence (oh 1 consequential ht to pin him to his own favourite sub- g fused to do. On inquiring from^tho ' secretary , should be careful how they would fetter the action injury or damages. Why not annex a condi- We thoug tug recollection and proudest boust. Fortunately, board to attain the object they had in view. A aud • call to order from the chairman). tion to the determination of a yearl about tbe matter he (Mr. Spencer), asked for and of a relieving officer. If he refused relief to a penon y tenancy, by u Notice to ject, the Bridge and the Bar ; but he flies off to a he need not be ashamed of the means by which letter was nlso read from Mr. John Hogan, pilot Air. White—What I told to jou at your store, as I wat Quit, of .Uuderiug when demanding possession—say five their act of parliament, and tbe coming from over the water who would die - in a few hours, or a day after, we other topics which have no relation what- he has attained his present position. Can the master at Passage repl ing to a letter from the Se- obtained from him . , vtu that you were going to years' rent—at the improved condition of tha land, uni!er variety of , y the present point he open np the question of the act of parliament, awl tbnt tht what a serious position he would be in. Griffith' valuation f If member, who, like the " world's weather-cock, cretary to him in reference to the iving of the section of that act bearing on1 * a yearly tenant be a full year's rent ever to them; and in doing so he applies a number g up would read for the board (Mr. White—Order). boaid would not find it easy to coufino their work to persona Turroa's. KXTOTT. ¦;. , in arrtar, be can now be evicted without any Nutice to Quit; prepared for every wind," «ay so much? If Mr.RED- board's office there to this telegraph company, for Visited tbe bouse this day and found all tiie dormitories of vul ithets towards Mr. R EDMON D . We " he Now Mr. White could speak as long as he pleased who were not member*. and therefore, for a bad tenant, no indulgence a contemplated gar ep UOND has risen to " comparative comtort, maj which the board pays £10, showing the necessity Tlie Chairman, referring to the penal clansr, said he did very clean and well ventilated ; the buck thed* clean, and no or desired; a good tenant b pencer) was done, but be should , y the year, will possess a fixity calmly nsk all who read them is the man who can attribute it to the profession which he was taujjli t devoted to the use of the when he (Mr. S not think a member could¦ be diiquulitied until declared so by complaints from toy of tbe patients.! Women in ' tbe diy of tenure, and nn interest proportionate to hi»iinprovement denied that he hnd ever attended the board Esq., in the chair; Rev. J. Burke, J. Hovendoo, John Byrne, over their heads at tome tiifling'advauce, or for souse other in the world have adorned—a profession on THE PILOTAGE liament was, at all , , "Drnwcrini r»t—liTs bewilderment—his pruuid proceed- , Mr. White submitted to the decision of the chair, when t tender of bin was belora it. On the occiu-ionreferred Thomw Nolan, T. UrcoDnu, J. Norwood, J. Mnlcaby, and perhaps improper cause, disturb their possession by evicting* lwllml singer—bi» wings Mr. BLAKE, in the middle stage of life, Mr. Lapham said he had been informed a short to by Mr. S C. Harden, Hon. Sec It was moved by Mr. Hoveudon, Jnps—folly M,,1 malignity—drunken old 1 man, and peucer he waa upaluirs at the time; Mr. Wil- them on Notice to Quit, although not one shilling may be iu ballad— lampoon—another falsehood—Mutant tried to soar ; b'ut at which he utterly faile- for time before that that morning the pilot cutter had liams came np and in tbe coune of conversation observed seconded by Ur. Fyrne, tnd retolved, " that in cuntequence arrest-, from which have orwuiited the cri.iuy unfortunate twaddle—iiis pencer here read the 14th section, a* foi . ifliot (Mr. Blab* ¦-•tiltto inow more about idiots and mad- want of that untiring energy and practical ability come to anchor at Passage, close to Captain Bren- Mr. S that the tenders had been diipoted of. Us (Mr. White) then of Or. Leech, our medical efflcer, having no private practice agrarian outrages, which, from timu to time, hare so di^raced lows :—"And be it enacted, that if at any time, in the district, we consider hit present salary too small after tnen than Mr. Ite4mnnA)—altogether false—wilful perver- happily possessed by Mr. R EDMOND. The obscure, ane 's yacht. He would like to know how she came came down to th i- board. , thii country. I feel fully confident that if the position of of fiUseiioorl—traitorousnet—puny abil- ' subsequently to the appointment or election of Mr. Speucer—I say you came into the room just at the paying rent and servant' wages, leaving only a small balance yearly tenants was so changed, the evils complained sion of Inets—dmt and still-kinking condition of Mr. BLAKE S paper— to be anchored there, in place of being on duty ? " * of would ity—Ins paper a flwgtweM «ception—well-whipped cur— commissioner he shall] accept or continue to tenders wero being diiposed of, ,a most indelicate thing for on lmnds, insufficient for hi* support : we therefore recom- be very much at least lessened, and immense advantages to which, recording to his own statement in canvassing Mr. Williams said he did not understand why she " any , penny whistle—traitoroin net (second time)—extraordinary " bold any office ot place of trust or profit under you to do. mend that his salary be raised from £80 to £100 per aunum, both the landlords and tenants of this country would be tho important interests— for that j ournar, was got up for the two-fold purpose of came there where she had no business. It was a Mr. llarnei—You sro quite nut of order. with the approval of the board of guardians aud the poor law result, withnnt'even almost creating a conflicting uiisrtatcmonts—Veas injure nywt " this act' or be concerned iiii any contract, or par* difference, climbine mnnley—mischievous little beast—very ugly kicka sustaining himself, and with the very generous object matter requiring investigation, and as a member of , Mr. Spencer—I am as much in order as yon. commissioners. which the assessing of compeniitionlor permanent improve- " ticipate, in any manner, in any work to be none —repurliafmirhim with ilisgast—lio is beginning st last to of mining Mr. K EDHONI), and compelling him, with the pilot committee he would see that it would be Mr. Bnrnes—Ita's not true (confuiiou, somewhat typical Mr. Brennan said he opposed the proposition—be ment!, I fear, would ever keep alive. such person shall cease to be o of that at another place). ¦ ' fce known aid appreciated as lie deserves, &c, Ac. his family, to leave Waterford—clearly shows that he inquired into. " under this act, did so at tho committee and he would do so now. Yours, respectlally, PAIE PtiT. immediately and his office* ' shall thereupon Mr. Spencer—Mr. Chairman, I mnst beg you will call on Now we ask any rational man In this community was totally unfitted for that profession. Aided by con- Mr. Spencer said, In his opinion, they should, im- " commissioner, Mr. Gamble said, as guurdiun of the division, be " become vacant." The speaker concluded by Mr. Barnea to retract what ha lias said. MP. JOSEPH FISHER'S BIOGRAPHICAL this sort of writing, or rigmarole, very like tributions he established the paper, whose capital- mediately, turn their attention to the condition of pencer)—I said Mr. White was quite felt thit the doctor's present salary was too small ia not moving the fir»t resolution. Mr. Barnes (to Mr. S ACCURACY! like Sadlier's Bank—has l.wg since disappeared, ilotage service. Under the new regulation right in what he did. It is not true to say he was here when and he WM quite entitled to the increase he sought. TO THU SDTTOB Ot THE WATITEIOIID !fEW8. the outpourings of a " blatant idiot," or, at all their p Aid. Cox: seconded it. thus a demonstration that bis intellect they were losing at the rate of £800 a year, and the tenders ffere being diapoaed of. He had not a house to live in suited to his wants,; SIB— Happening to be present at a lectnro on Phrenology a person not quite composed in hii mind ? Mr. Harris said the motion wa3 a very excellent events, and his training were not equal to that calling. that was more than they could afford. He would Mr. Spencer—Addressyo orvlf to tliochair, sir, uot to me. the one be now teaided in belonged to the Kev. Mnr. by*. Fowler nud Wells Inst wcxV, I was somewhat one in itself but he, for one would object to tying Aid. Cox—At the llourd of Guardians or tiie Corporation surprised to bear Mr. Joseph Fisher in his remarks make We challenge him to point out one offensive epithet It is, a standing remark that Mr. BLAKE exhibit* ask, would it nut be better to adopt the voluntary , * Burke, but Mr. Burke did not remain at borne all , up the hands of the board. In some cases they we would not tbiuk of giving work in this way, aud I am allnsion to Sir Christopher Wren mid Michael An^elo, as if our article to which the above is supposed to be but small signs of animation or usefulness in tbe system, as they bad it in Cork, where it was found the season, and when he got a curate in his absence, in ' would find that it would not be desirable to do so. snre it trill uot bo done here. those eminent men had not exhibited any uf their peculiar city, except under the inflnence of the Mayor s to work very well? One thing he was certain of, Mr. Spencer—Butyou have done it. the doctor would have to leave to make room for talents until " a late period of life." he has reproduced a reply. Abuse is easy, but argument in a bad Mr. Thompson said he would be very sorry indeed A* chain. Like SAMMOS , minus his hair, Mr. BLAKE and that was they would require to revise their Chairman—One thing is certain, that the public will tay him. When the doctor was elected they thought the absurdity in hia Af ail ot the 17th iirst., where he reports eauie is difficult ; and what evoked abuse in our chain. In Parliament that the public should be placed under the impres- you have done it and to stop that impression it may be ne- they would have more hu own observation* I think it should not be allowed to be loses his strength, minus the prenent pilot system and that very soon. , private practice for him in , sion that they did not do HII their work by tender. cessary to pass this motion. I really think we should set " pnt upon" us in snch a mauner that we ore no deficient in case ! Because we told too much truth. The facts he has done but little for himself and less for his Tbe feeling of the board seemed to be that they the district than there was, (Mr. Conn : you don't , , They did so and he would ask Mr. Spencer to point ourselves right with the public on this poiut. knowledge as to swallow 'such " bosh" (a Turkish word cf lain and unvarnished, and could not be constituents, a fact which leads, us once more to the would have ut no distant day, to adopt the course give him heavy fees) and on those grounds he were p got , out one work which they did not do by contract. It Aid. Cox—Mr. White ought to resign and take the board jntst signifirance). idua of humbly advising him to withdraw from the pointed out b Mr. Spencer. locked fnr the increase. over in any other way. Mr. B LAKE , in fact, was y was well that the public should know what they did , out of an awkward dilemma. Lest there be any mistake in tho matter, the words I mean irapa ond allurements of a London life, and take 6T0RM SIGNALS. Chairman—Perhaps in this matter having been brought Mr. Christmas also supported the motion. to contradict are tho*e of Mr. Joseph Fishci-, reported in bis obliged to resort to abuse for of argument. and he would tell them. They built their hulks by his place once more at his former humble but honest A communication from Cork , from the engineer forward, and being «o fully diwiuted, that the object in view Mr. Brennan said there was neither public nor paper n' follow:—"Thus we find thnt Sir Christopher Wren, ilot-boats b tendei , and who. But, if Mr. B LAKE thinks he should be excused from calling—as vendor of small wares—which seems so of the Irish Magnetic Company, in reference to the tender ; they built their p y has been attained, and that no gentleman, bping * cominia- private practice in the district, and lie sa* no reason " "; architectural works are a triumph tu his country, that they have done for years. There were, to be tioner, will ever tend in a tender again to this hoard. 1 "did not tnrn hi* attention to this subject until H late period fair rational criticism , he being a public man, he much more suited to his ability, his traiuing, his erection on the Quay of a set of Admiral Fitzroy 't in life for tbe increase. He (Mr. Brennan ) lived in sure, some little things which they did not do by would never think of doing such a thing in any one of the " of his life. Or we have another instance in Michael Augelo, circumstances, and his habits. storm signal? which he stated would not cost over the centre of the district, and during eleven months " makes a very palpable-mistake ; and if he imagines , tender, but he would assert, fearless of contradiction , boards of which I have the honor of being a member. who completed one of the most mneninVeiit structures tu £12 or £14, was referred to the quay committee to Mr. Spencer—ir tlia motion is not piwwd now I will give ho had only four red tickets, and nine tickets for "be found in tbe ftofld , the Church of St. Poor's, mid who be can deter us from doing BO when we find it ne- that nine-tenths of their work , if not more, wa> done >( consider and report on to next board. notice of it month nftcr month until it shall be pained. medicine to send him. Formerly that district be- did not turn his attention to this gnbjoct until a period of NEXT RAILWAY MEETING contract.' He had no objection to the resolution cessarr. he makes a still greater mistake. MEMORIALS. by Mr. Willis'.is siid he wus sorry that auch n cluuso had longed to Tramore, and one doctor did the duty fur " life when most men have concluded the labor of thuir ci- itself but he had un objection to the effect, which been inserted in tbe parliament, but ho was free to " Utence." 1.—The iint question to which Mr. BLAKE refers Four memorials were next laid before the board, , act of the salary which this doctor now., wanted for half the Waterford and the passing of such a motion would have nn the confess that, in hia opinion, the statute -vt far at that cl«uio the district. ' - "^ It is almost a pity to np*et such letting eiamples of Mr. ' The next half-yearly meeting of the first being from the office messenger, Robert Knher'4 invention is a Free Bridpe, and we still maintain the truth of public mind, which would be that they did not do was concerned would be better followed in the breath than , but history must be upheld " all Limerick Railway Company will be held in the Woods, and ori inally sent into the quay committee Mr. Cadogan >aid without going into the merits of comerw.*' Wo are told by ruliable biographers. Sir Christo- what we stated, that he has never fulfilled his g their work by tender. They did their ballasting by in the observance. He bail attentively listened to Mr. ' whereat it passed unanimousl The board now , Spencer to hear him make out anme cuu> in support of his the question at all be would suggest that a notice of pher Wren hnd showed such skill and know- Town-Hall , on Thursday next, at one o clock. At y. before they got a pledge to free the Bridge from toll. It is not true ratified that recommendation. The next was from tender ; they raised their mud, motion, but he could not find that be hud advanced one motion at all events should be given of the proposi- ledge, that before he WIM 30 years nf azo he wns sent for by that meeting we hope to hear something concerning dredge-boat, by tender; they took their iron and Charles 11.'to assist the Surveyor-General of the kingdom, for him to say that during the last year of his Mrs. Baker, daughter of Matthevt Burke, pilot, satisfactory argument iu its favour. tion. In justice to the guardians and the ratepayers, lock work by tender and they took their printing Alrlarman Cox—The motion bus not been seconded, and Sir John Dcnham, and iu his 31st year, from the umeouue, a Free Bridge for Waterford. As the Great latel deceased, and for over forty-five years in the , he felt that such a motion should not be brought mayoralty, at great personal trouble, he collected y ikes and nails they required, Mr. Williams is now out of order in speaking ou it. If he was elected a Fellow of the Koyal Society, and was kuigtited Southern and Western Company are doing all they service of the board. The prayer of the memorial by tender. The few sp forward without due notice. He would appeal to at forty. all the important information which he now states. about thirty shillings worth in the year, they also persists I will second it. was for the sum of £10, including the amount of Mr. Williams—I wish you would. Mr. Christmas if he was not right? Vasari relates that at 15 years of age Michael Augelo, tin* relieve his fellow-citizens of the tolls can to cut off the traffic from our company at the took ; the flagg ing they did on the Quay was done It was oot to , pay for three mouths her father was ill, to which Alderman Cox—Then I do second It. Mr. Christmas expressed his concurrence in Mr. tnught, carved a piece of marble which he found iu it garden Limerick end of the line, it behoves our directors to and their sunken shi were blasted b into the mask ot a satyr, burrowing the desicn from an but to perpetuate his cajolery on the public, and in- he woul d have been entitled if he had been pre- by tender, ps y Mr. Williams said lie wns glad Alderman Cox had done Cadogan't suggestion, aa did also the majority of tender. They appointed their officers by calling for so as be was now in order. He (Mr. Williams) thought ' antique fragment. It wn» this circumstance which brought in that office for the pecuniary make every effurt in their power to develope traffic viously superannuated, coming to about £6, to en- the board, and the usual fortnight s notice was given jtal himself again candidates by public advertisement, and on the that Mr. Spencer woutd have made out a caae of groat delin- him under the notice of Lorenzo de Medici, w hose patr.m.i^o at this end. How is it to be done ? I By openin g and child to proceed to America to join by Doctor Mackesy. was uf material use to hint afterwards. AbumUnt caoiideration of £200, that he made the exertion ; able her fur the honor of the board and for the sake quency against the board : that he would have put forward proof* vVilliutns, Mr. Lapham and other whole, , REPORT. are extant that from h» infancy Michnel Angclo shuwed the but to the honor of the honest burgesses be it spoken a free road to the terminus, by removing all obstruc- her sisters. Mr. , ho would be sorry that the public should something to show that they had been guilty of great corrup- gentlemen gave their warm testimony to the very of justice, tion, particularly, after the recant observations of another A report was read from Mr. Rice, City Relieving greatest constructive end decorative taknt. When at school they would not suffer such a disgrace. This inipor- tions between the terminus and: the city, by getting be under the impression that they did not do all he never could be got to ntUud to bis books but WH* COU- invariably borne b Burke, and member of the board, not then present. Mr. Spencer raiiiht Officer, in the case of the man before , tattt information, which he states had been so col- of of land carriage excellent character y their work b , when they did su, including stnntly sketching, and yet Air. Fisher spoke as if it was not rid the enormous expense , and the money not to be given y tender be desirous to signalise his advent to the board (Mr. Spencer, ths board last day, and then stated to be returned on lected, and the idea of the abolition of the lo!!« the petition wis granted, ilots. With regard to the no no,) b doing something which wonld make him very until Mte in life hi* conspicuous talent* sboue forlli. the dead loss of £600 a-year to tbo bridge. We licant was on the eve of departure. the appointment of their p , y the rate book aa lessee of houses, in Ballytruckle. were both abandoned, according to his own until the app referred to by Mr. Spencer, popular outside, nnl he comes forward with thisdisrepoUble At the lectnre alluded to. I wan quite prcunrrd to hear Mr. t faith io the project of carrying the rails The third memorial was from a pilot , fourteen years repairs of the pilot-boat, Tbe report fully showed that the houses which the Fisher express regret that Messrs. Fowler nnd Wells had not admission now, ' long prior to Iiis putting have no grea lie would lay that it was well known there was but motion. The gentleman had been scarcely five months a disabled from duty owing to a fall member of the board and during that short time he hod man originally held were now all down, and thnt he been called in to examine his aput when young. If suc'.i a forward that false paragraph in his address, Mr. to a narro w point at the bridge and there to stop. in the service, in Waterford. They were pot so , which he received while nt his post whereby he one patent slip iunmtated them with notices of motion. Now, what wns the was, in reality, nothing but a pauper, and as such lucky circumstance had occurred early in Iiis life, probably BLAKE'S mayoralty having closed in 1357, whilst heavy outlay without any , Bristol and in his talent would have found veut in preparing returns such It would entail a V(ry brake his thi h and received other severe injuries, situated as they were in Liverpool, , fault of the board ? Why, that in their proceedings, in refe- eligible for the relief he was now receiving. The his addreas did not appear until April , 1859. g of a HA Mr. Donnelly, the, presents us tiuiinaUy return that we can stc. The sum that it would take for a continuance of the allowance hitherto oilier places, where they could* have a choice renceto contracts, they had beon cnilty of saving tho public report was pronounced satisfactory. 2.—Mr. BLAKE again asserts that it would be bad priiy in? nod as many dry docks ; in Waterford money and keeping employment in their city. How so p with , instead of Willing hi* pwiom time in writing vapid, dozen patent slips, FEES TO CON8ULT1NO PHYSICIANS. nj itate for the deepening cf the Bar, lest to purchase land, tnd carry a line to the bridge, given him by the board, until he would be able to they Imd but une slip where they, could safely put a vessel He would ahow them. In 1852 it wu proposed to obtain a useless lucubratations, on a subject which ha can have policy to ag A letter was read from Mr. James Power, reliev- knuwleil^o wliAtsoever would go a considerable way in constructing a new resume active service, The secretary, in reply to for repair*, nnd the pilot cominiltre, in their winlom, selected large iron stage, combining strength and dnntbility, and for of, ur sympathy witli , ,viz> Agriculture government would expect that our people would asking the board how lie wus to p»y (lie and Progress ot Ireland. bridge across the riter, right opposite the station to the board , said the accident occurred this time it fur thi» pnrpote, as the only secure place to bave the wqrlt that stage they ndvprtLstd iu the English, Jrish aud Scotch ing officer, have to contribute. We say government never papers themselves with the fee of one guinea to Dr. Cavet for his professional It was certainly refreshing to hear those two American Bilbery. An endless quantity of stone can be had twelvemonths, and since then, up to the 31s( of done. With regard to sails, the pilot comnSTttee, nnd they , having prev iously provided * , tven hinted such a thing in their reports. Mr. were quite justified in so noting,, took them from the man proper plan nnd specification. They received ninti tenders, nid iven to Dr. Williams, in the case of tha woman Rontlemen teel iu plain English how they cau bo:ist ot their at hand at either side of the river. The distance is December, he received £24. On the motion of g and how well north bnaatiiu of the said country BLAKE says one thing in his article, hut he said who, far yean, had the reputation of making the lieit in tlw winch wcru laid before tbe board in October, 1852. One Power, nt' Biillirmkill (see last Maps ). country, is. about town. To the lntter he not far. If a bridge was made here, no doubt tli e Aldbnnnn Cox it was agreed to grant the prayer of kingdom, anil there could be no objection to their doinir so. tender wns for £1,950, another for £1,750, another £1,000, I hope Mr. Fisher will, for his own sake, contradict nny another to his friends Dr. Mackesy said he believed the resolution passed quotation and tell me it was nil a delusion of mine. the corporation would assist in opening a free road the ine/norinl. The fourth petition was from the With regard to gsngwuys it was always found very difficult one for £1,635, then £1,430, then £1.300, another for £1,140, confidingly said—oh ! the present government will and QSOIUMUS, into the city. This would be the right move—a widow of a pilot, praying fur a pension, but it ap- to obtain tcnderi for supplying for them the timbers of the again one for £1,040, aud the ninth from the Neptune Iron last day, that the officer was to pay the money, I never deepen the Bar, we must wait for the Tories he srtw no difficulty in that order being curried out. move that, whilst it would confer a vast boon on the pearing that she had two sons at present in the ser- proper lenzths, kiid looking at the question in every way, he Works, for £030, nnd that tender was taken. He would to come in to do that. We tell him that agitation law uo reason, whatever, for the present motion. appeal to every gentleman present were the public interests Mr. Cadogan said he had no wish to refer to tin's Cyf TlIOLIC CHURCH Tories as for the Whigs ; both city, would lift the railway to an unrivalled position. vice of the board, one as pilot, the other as an ap- b as essential for the Mr. lMNin mid hit observation! with respect to upholding in any way damaged by that tender being accepted, and be case in any way, but he desired to say that he OLLEGE We may then he asked what would be done with the prentice, both unmarried, and also that there DBITD OV M B. Jons WALSH, Mintooin C . require the spur ; and so thinks Mr. LINDSAY, the dignity of the board was, that he stated, o i it recent would also auk them if that nhize was not now as good as objected altogether to the princi le of consulting present bridge? If tbe railway erected a new was a great pressure on the pension fund, coupled p —It is with feelings of regret we announce the prernaturo M.I'., for Sunderland, now a great shipowner, but occasion, hia ojiiuion that the death of Mr. Conn ihonld uot the day it was made? In 1838 they received tenders for physicians being called in to dispensary patients, brid , the city could easily afford to buy up the with the fact of the present downward tendency of be allowed to interfere with tbe pwyment of the quarter' three hullix, me Urge and two sinnl l ones. The first tender death of this excellent and exemplar}- ecclesiastic Tho mi • once an humble youth. He has given notice of the ge * and their fee put as nn additional tax nn the rate- interest of the present bridge, which could be re- the pilotagei receipts, it was postponed for a time j.ilary,aud that they ought to anpport itt diguity, by pass, was for £3,072, the neit for £2.4oO, nnd the third, from the jaucholy event took place amid the mournings of his afflicted following motion which Mr. BLAKE, if he were the payers. He had no doubt but that Dr. Williams moved and the tinbera of it sold when the hew one until tbe board would look into the present condi- in? it. Neptune Iron Works, for £ 1,900, nnd that tender waa token. friend* on Saturday morning but, at his residence near Ki I. "right man in the right place" should have antici- Jlr. White faid bis reason for interrupting; Mr. Spencer Where waa the injury to the public in doing so, in giving did everything that was right and proper in tbe case would have been erected. If Mr. WILLIAM M AL- tion and future prospects of that department. whither he had come with'tbe hope of recruitinghis pated :— was, because he believed him out of order in referring to employment to their. oprratirct, and spending tbe money in before them, but they all knew as well as he did inacow, COMSON only took up this question, essential alike THE SECRETARY*—INCREASE OF 8ALARV. (hat lie was mainl shattered health. The lamented deceased was the eldest son HIKDOCBS OF K EPCOB.—Mr. W. S. Lindsar ''«« Riven being aikcd to sign a check, their city I lie (Air. Williams) avowed y thst there was such a thing in the world as partiality to the prosperity uf the railway and, to Waterford, Mr. Barnes (the secretary having withdrawn)' and he notice of the following for an early day:—That, in the Mr. Speucer said when dikedto sign the check, he inquired instrumental in getting this work Tor their nrtizans, and friendship, even amongst doctors (laughter). He of Mr. Edmond Walsh, of Tinlough, in the pariah of Kilma- ' he would find no difficulty in carrying it, whilst, at rote and proposed his motion, of which be bad iven for whom it WM, and he found it waa for Albert White, wns guilty of saving so much of the public money. To be opinion of this house, it is the duty of Her Majesty * Govern- g did not mean to say that the doctor in this case wns cow, and county Kilkenny, ind from an early age was des- ment to adopt, at the earliest pnurible period, the necessary the same time, it would earn for him lasting fame in due notice, for the increase of the salary of the Se- then a member of the board. Ho considered lie was quite sure if Mr. Speui-er like Sliyloclc should have the pound of referring to it. In tho account be fonnii »u entry flesh, if he insisted on the clause being to strictly adhered to, guilty of one or other, but on generul grounds he tined for the church. After receiving his preliminary educa- unsure* to carry into effect the recommendation* cf the the estimation of our fellow-citizens aud the public cretary, Mr. John Farrcll, from £160, its present in order in ' of a boom for the pilot cutter Gamut, for HI, and he would he (Mr. Williams) could have no objection to urge agninst objected to the system. If he wus a doctor and tion in hia native parish, be entered St. Kyran s College, comroUtioners appointed ia 1858, to inquire into the for- annum to take effect from the and from tbtrnce iras transferred to the Royal at large. rate, to £200 per , ask tbe board was tbtt by contract ? his motion, but, at hr anid before, the act was better followed would cal l Kilkenny, mation of barbours of refuge on the coasts of Great Britain had such a friend as Doctor Mackesy he College of Alayuootli. Mr. Walsh lud completed a consider- first of the present year, and in doing so descanted, Mr. Barnes—There would be too great a drlny in waiting in tbe breach than in the observance of that clxuie. (Aid. ud Ireland, and to carry out till) resolution of this bouse him in and give him a double fee (great laughter). able poition of his theolcwy conne, aud had received all the of tiie lOtli Jane, 1880. EMIGRATION. as he did on a former occasion, in very just terms, to obtain it by tender. Cox—You ciin'r do that; the net is quite plain.) An Aid. in getting tenders ; Cnx had observed tin's motion was not neoesury, but he Dr. Mackesy (aid Mr. Cadogan bad no right to minor orders, wben he fell a victim to a pulmonary disease. we opposed his projects in favor (PEOH 0UB OTO COKBKSPOSDKRT). on the thorough efficiency of their secretary, and 55r. Spencer—There conld te no delay , received on Monday, ' 3—He next says a very eliort lime (Mr. would let gentlemen, if they winded, adhere to the act. He mention hit name in the matter. The announcement of his death was QrcissTOWit, TIUBBDAY NIGHT, FBB. 20.—The hor- his indisputable claims to their consideration. they eoulci be called for nnd got iiriir . at Maynooth College with the most profound regret of tbe S IIEE charity. We did not oppose the agita- Williams: Oh tob!). I refused to sign tbe check for Mr. was not for duing so; if he approved of any measure which Mr. Cadogan said he would refer to any other the 17th, , war it the once glorious Uuioa of American Mr. Lalor said he felt great leasure, indeed, in both ol his superiors and fellow-students ; nnd by none nioro tion in behulf of the charity. What we opposed was rors of a civil p White, as he wu a member of tht board, and I would do would save the pnblic money arid give employment amongst doctor tlien, »ond he would contend that it was a ' States seem to have no terror for the Irian peasant, nor tbe seconding the present motion. He did not think his fellow townsmen, he was quite satisfied that ho would be than thnt truly kiud-hearted and distinguished president, any movement that would misdirect the charity and the same to-morrow under tbe same circumstances. dangerous power to give to any dispensary snrxeon to call in remains were interred on Mon- there could be found any one better qualified to Mr. Spencer following the spirit, if not the let ter, of the net of Parliament. Very Kev. Dr. ituuell. Hi* transfer the management of it into the hand' of those half-fed artisan, win have always looked across the Atlantic Mr. White said, with regard to thi* subject, , a seeoud duvtoi , and then ask the relieving officer, tho board iu the chapel-yard uf Kilmucuw. There was au oftk'O discharge the duties of a public officer than was shipping, enrae He felt lie would not be violating itt spirit, lot hU opinion to pay him. He had no day, for whom it W8S not intended ; and we wertfttold by upon that laud which from their childhood they dreamed of in his great nautical skill and knowledge uf of guardians, the ratepayers iu fact, held at hit father's residence, which was atteuded by a largo their secretary (hear, hear) ; for the past ten years forward to attempt to tie op the hand* of the board, but he was, that it never contemplated excluding members of the doubt Doctor Willixm* taw a iiecemity for what he heddoue, Ugh authority, that only the matter was taken out HI their El Dorado, where peace aud security from want this very motion was number of piiiut*.—K.I.P. be had seen Mr. Fsrrell attending strictly to his hoped he wonld not sneoeod. With regard to this boom, it board from being contractors. Besidiv, but then he (.Mr. Cadogau) objected, ou principle, to the of Mr. BLAKE'S hands so snon, that that would be the would at but rewar] their labor, il they could only get there- so happened tbnt the pilot cutter had carried awny ber boom an imputation on (he member*; implying that they wonld power being given to do to. ' duties, a fact quite clear to every member of the favour of each HARBOURS OF KEFUGE-THE MOVER. end of the charity. However, if Mr. B LAKE did nny The unparalleledw snt and sorrow which must, as a conse- and, at the time, he had a boom for the cutter which beseut violate their integrity and their honor in Dr. Mackesy said Doctor Williams hiid a perfect right lo real service in the matter, we are willing to tender board ; be had evinced close attention and sound away last week, and be handed it over to'the pilot cotter. other. do at he bad done, and explained that this woman's case was Tbe following is a biographical sketch of W. S. Lindsay, quence, DOW be foutd in many u ones happy home of tho we are |iim onr full meed of praise. It is, at the same judgment; had shown himself fully conversant with Chairman—What is the cost of thii boom t Aid. Cox—If we receive a contract from a member, a very serious one indeed, and, in all probability, if a second Esq.,M.P. for Sunderland, « ho ha* given a notice of motion, Irish emigrant in tUt now divided and distracted country, ai tuni that named b justly open to suspicion. her life would tiave been tbo time, ratber remarkable, that as the project advanced all bit duties, and he (Mr. Lnlor) did not conceive Mr. White—£7, and that is under y pbyticitn bad not been called iu, in the House of Commons, for an early day,'to carry ioto seems to hive hut little terrors for those who yet remain there could ba any objection to the motion which Mr. Spencer, aa the loweat for wbicb we shall takt contracts. Mr. tVhitt-By saving to the public the differencele - tacrtfice. He expressedregret at the irregularity of discus- ° 'awards completion, Mr. BLAKE 'S influence seems tween £950 and £1 wouldyou and particnUrly efhet tbe lecoromendations of tbe lloynl C>mm t " Harbour Act, this board will not, in future, receive ought to bt brought forwaid, for I do it hat been, chair, vocated the going back to the - view tbe great principle of We say no. Here too he is in error. In fact he cleared op yet. When ha It present it will be com- tay, if it went to a poll, aud that be could remain, iu would was pelformed by in experiencedpauper nnrac under the work , aud by keeping ever in fanning aid mechanic tloa>es, were embarked ou "tenders for any contract from any harbour commis- at all, you would be done by." imagines that those who are not praising him are of tbe petent fur any gentleman to cull npoo him for an explanation, certainly vote fur it. supervision of tbe medical officer. Mr. Conn nid he rot doiug to others a* aUam-tender Am * sioner." In moving Ibe question the proposer said ¦ thwarting him. We ttrougly and earnestly sup- board the company^ Cattle, with tbe but I think it u better to wait until then. Mr. Jacob bere Uft, and wu aocceedei) in the ebair by totally againtt makiug any new officers. Already they bad he fel t, as a member FLIGHTS OF THE METER. \ ported the measure b some of the very greatest safety and comfort at the respected agents' wharf, of that board, he had a duty Mr. White laid be would submit to that decision, and Mr. Harris. quite enough of them. The appointment cf a successornat y publishing meeting that the Neptune aaid that tbe pour Seymour ind Co., and under tb« personal super- to perform in the matter, and he was resolved to would no i come to the tender otut in by him for the sup. Mr. Thompson reminded the strongly advocated by Mr. Cadogia who The gat meter take*strange flight* ia Waterford. Like at \ best letters ever written on the subject, from the Messrs. tendering at all until the board pauper norst to attend them, discharge it. He had always, at every board of plying of a pilot cutter to tbe board, and frvqueutlyalluded Iron Works wera not for women required more than a well-fed and little-worked hone, it is bard to keep it within only man able to treat it as it deserved, namely— vision of Captain Seymour, whose energy aud activity, to, Mr. Williams forgot to mentiou that tome penon who being pnid, which he was a member, acted an independent to bj Mr. Ivory there, lud *t the corporation.- When h« forced them to ia tod tbat the public required , 'ntreet, Mr. JOHN P. L EONARD, of Paris. Mr. ALIKE takes an (bliging and gentlemanly desire to pleas* . hear from Mr. William*.) Tbe speaker cun- for the doe discharge of ber duties, bound*. For instance, Mr. Owen Power, of Georgo coupled with part ; he would do to both now and on ererf occa- tent in that tender, it wti-found (the lowett, in many ret- fact (hear, , would be retpnnsibU credit for tlii« French scheme. 'ua ' other crew had his thigi brokeu by un iron The Chairman said it , * motion Total (or frott Wiitrtoei>, '. -J" - '. - - him—always ready to join in ataiethat one ' broagbt forward now after the remark* as opealr made of declared it carried, after wbicb the meeting broke Up. Generalaverage cott ... S«- DrwaVv 'i'^'^. -^^. He never bar wbich carw£n contact with him wheu he waa at hit in reality, but one reiolution^Ko . doiijbt, the board — -~ . &J. UO WA»; P» l*-Aniv^r»aakU^ (fci|»^Sv:ar **r of foaming calumny" against him. ;«tf«itlon being .ainungat tbem at that board. Mr. Ivory Iu Infirmary...... St. Cd. »»* ¦ ¦ ' ' " ¦¦ ¦ ^^ : ;j" work. The pot fellow wu eouveyed on shore, aud auder would have an opinion to tiprttt on tht mattes, terford. ¦ . -V'1- • ; - H*^ . '*>.(-' if. - il if>'IV *ta find a word of »omm»ndatioo for Mr. R ZDMOKD, be called « poker a poker, or*) a tonft a tongs and bid ID fever botpital 7*.. Od. directiou of Caf. SeyiDoar, ieut to hutpiud. and if they desired to have them taken separate tibi , WBICK SAL* n raw Cowm Wsxrbuv-As will be QoMWtoir* V*X ia-Po ^ B«»t^-bi«J*>.6f' no hu urged and earned to completion a* •¦a there wat spoliation goinn on ainongit tbrm. Alter DigiM Hall .~ It- Od. . T forward mover would not a tera by advirtbeiaentoa Thursday next, tbt 97th instant, - hMv iiMfol projects in the city, amongst which resolutions, probably the pres* «rO it was uofortv*M«to bave the-waitertMo oabt forward. Oottot provitiooiAc received... U7 12*. Od. TBAXOM ILIXWAT.—:Tb* Tramore railway carriage* contrary view. , \ • ; , . -' :<' *TK» rttoluti«*»-wu «rt pal ia iU iutegnty with tht a very impvrtiDtwreck t *)t of, Uabtr will, takt pUct at Dtw eoQWBHd ...... *?mi7*.UaV ¦ ' . . ¦ - commenced nroing on Wtdntsday over tit* whole Hue Mr. Spencer acquiesced in this view, ' and pro- i sntniealioathat it M »o tarrwd oat vtftK.s» am of tod- Btnoow, cMDtjr Weiftrd. atwtTt,W*wa »od to* ai» Paiddaring tU week" 4)14: Ot Od. - IB . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ «• ^Jst^BsrmMtittlftnat opening,whieh Mr. R . - .-.-¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ' »* ^v^i^ijE&j^ft" * t t , will sUosched. ceeded to deal with tht fint portion of bit motion, deu •owrgency, .-^*' ' ; tinMctioown. - • , ¦; ; ' ¦ ¦' ' iUarn ta tan* tt Onto «1Q1I 1*. Od. l»ila MI atfitioa ttfeb MrTiBail bcauM mayor. Thebr e cU U aw, it i loped . . OF IHE IRISH POOR -LAW Of the ex-irffieio element, there bavo been seven Cliier Be- ond REFORM cretaries since 1817, nil of whom are Protestant*, and THE GALWAY LINK DUNGAHVAX CORllESPONDF.NCl particularly the lanes, 'such ns Davld's-streeti agriculture Obsenrations.upon the TetoWtioos'paMjsd at sf nu- , three ©ugutnl ?l?oftrr required the special attention " of them Englishmen. (From llie Dail News.) Patrlck-street. They ¦ metpui''nnd Juflqehtial^'jneedjBfe ofr clergyj"wem1a| >ers r attd Out-door Belief;— y ' ' " :; " - •• ¦•' '¦ ¦ *